6 OMAHA DA1I/X BEE COUNCIL BLUF.KS , TUESDAY MAY 20 , 188L THE DAIIA BEE. dOUNCIL BLUFFS. Tuesday Morning , May 20 , SUBSCRIPTION KATES. : TJy Cnrtlcr - - - - - - -So 'onto ftt wctk - - - - - - - J10.00 per JCM OFFICE ! No. 7 Foarl Street , Hear Broadway , MINOR MENTION , See J. Roller's Spring Goods. Five tramps ore now working on thee o tone-pile. A mooting of St , Albans ledge K. of P. will bo held this evening. W. W. Chapman has completed the ad dition to the rear of his store. It is expected that Judge Aylosworth will give his decision in the Bochtolo- Allison case to-day or to-morrow. The three dynamos are being placed in position and prospects are good for the lighting up by Saturday evening next. Glen avenue is open to public travel , grading whore the old city building stood Laving been completed yesterday. II. L. Raymond pleaded guilty to as saulting Wm. Aglosworth and Justice Yaughan fined him five dollars and costs , Bryant street , on the south side , bo- twcen Broadway and the city building , is being curbed with Gorman Portland cement. A runaway occurod on Pierce street yesterday afternoon , but no damage was done other thatigivo the boy driver a good linking up. William Anderson was yesterday com mitted to jail for ton days by Justice Vaughan for stealing a robe from the Ilordic barn. On Friday evening the Bavarian band will play at the sociable at the Ogden house and Saturday go to Minnoola to attend a dance. Next Friday evening the ladies of the Episcopal church will give a sociable at the Ogden house , the proceeds to bo ex pended upon the rectory and lot. The Boston operatic minstrel company are negotiating for the opera house on May 27 and 28 , and George S. Knight and wife are booked for the 31st. TUB BEK will give Mr. Covalt , the policeman in Bayliss park , credit for being - ing indefatigable in his efforts to find and return to the owner any articles lost in the park. In thoj'polico court yesterday there was an unusual number of plain drunks before Judge Aylesworth , six of whom paid the nsual fine and two were sot to work upon the stone pile. Parties who have occasion to pass the corner of Third avenue and Ninth street after dark , complain that the street lamp has not boon burning for a full weak or more. Why is this thus ? The authorities wish the address of the lady who had her pocketbook stolen from her hand on Pearl street , near THE BEE office about last Christmas. They have valuable information for her. John Chapman will bo compelled to look for another job , if ho proves as val uable as a lobbyist to the M. P. road as ho was in the bridge lull , which has pass ed the house despite his efl'orts to defeat it. The pupils of the various public schools in the city are making great preparations to appropriately honor the memory of their former superintendent , S. G. Mas sic , by bedecking his grave with flowers on memorial day. "In the spring a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love , " tlio poet says , but it is very evident that his fancy does not turn to thoughts of mar riauo , for Clerk Street has notboon called on for a license for nearly n week. Among now papew recently added to the Y. M. 0. A. reading matter may bo found the Youth's companion , Detroit Free Press and Leslie's Sunday magazine. These are all valuable and interesting pa pers. Young men should read them. f * ! , - i < 108 telephones are now in use hnro and the following names will bo added to the list as soon as telephones cm bo put up. George flcaton , Union ticket olllcc , Wirt & Dugnotto , Council Bluffs Insurance Company , and Bennett & Wothcrsby. There are now over forty-five running horses at the Driving Park and Secretary Thomas Bowman is daily in receipt o : f now entries. There will bo fully sixty horses in attendance and the indications are that the coining races will bo the most spirited over had in this city , Mr. P. Wcscott , of Oskosh , Wis. , has opened his trunk factory at D04 Main Street. Mr. Westcott has had twenty years' experience , and comes well recom mended. The citizens should not fail to patronise this now industry in our city. The trial of Hong Quang , for keeping an opium don , came up before Justice Yaughan yesterday afternoon and was continued until 2 p. m. , to-day. Very positive evidence was given which prov ed the charge to bo a just one. Four 01 five Chinamen from Omaha attended the trial. Yesterday while grading up the site c the old city building , on Glen Avenue , a horse fell into the well , which was on Sat urday thought to have been filled sufficiently ficiontly but the filling sank and the horsi went in while walking over it. Ropci were procured and the animal raised with out injury. Among the aneets by th police yesterday were John King , drunk Joseph Brady , disorderly , James Dane hue , drunk ; George Toliver , colored suspicious character , John Morrii , drunfc Al. Wenaki , drunk , Win , Thompson vagant. Frank Ward , suspicious chara < tor and Billy Ayluivfortk. ' ; UNION AVENUE AND THE II. P , JL Few Pointed Remarks by One Who is Posted , Why Isn't ' the U , P , Living Up to Its Part of the Contract ? Tlio Scheme By Which the Orcllimnco WHH Ilnstlly Kun TliroiiKh Jho Mnnlclpnl Mill Alice's Sting. To the Kdltor of TUB UEE. When the old council gave to the Union Pacific , as a present , Union avenue - onuo , wh'ch had already cost Una city between § 7,000 and $8,000 , the ordin- nnco expressly specified that the com pany should run Its trains between Broadway and Omaha every half hour. That'.they would do this , and meet all other requirements of the contract , the Nonpareil , the orgon of that corporation in this city , faithfully promised , not only labored articles in that sheet , but such promises were made verbally by its late editor , Mr. Chapman , to whoso influence and shrewd work the passage of the gift ordinance is in a great measure duo. When the council was about to lay the ordnance over until a future meeting , in order to give certain members and tnx-payors generally - ally on opportunity to investigate what may bo legitimately called a corporation steal , Mr. Chapman arose in the moot ing and eloquently and cutely urged the "groat importance" of investigation , and succeeded in having the ordinance passed that very night , before many citizens know it was before that august body of municipal protectors of people's rights and property. Ho assured the council that the Union Pacific had to have the avenue in order to shut'ofF some opposi tion scheme of the Northwestern com pany , and that if the passage was delayed until another mooting. Marvin r.IIiighitt and other O.&N.W.ofliciala would be promptly informed of such ac tion and would endeavor to "block the gome. " In other words , ho was afraid the game of himself and the U. P. would bo shut off by the Northwestern and tax payers of this city In the event the scheme to got the avenue as a pres ent got out before the ordinance was finally road and the title agreed to. If the U. P. had to have the avenue , why didn't its authorized spokesman , the late editor of its mouth-piece , guarantee that the company would pay what it had cost this city ? But as to carrying out the company's part of the contract , it is a well known fact that thoy'novor put on a half hour trains , and in going to Omaha passengers were always compelled to lay at the transfer fifteen minutes. And recently the company took oil one of the dummy trains , thus bringing the thing back to its old original standpoint , and this one train loaves Omaha on the oven hours , and this side on the half-hours. It has also taken oil' the 1- noon train from both sides. Whore is tins contract , and is it not now null and void , by reason of a failure of the company to comply with its part of that agreement 1 In all busi ness transactions between men or corpo rations of honor , a contract becomes void if cither fails to comply , and can bo so declared by cither party to the samo. Tlio oflicial organ of the compa ny should endeavor to bring the company to a realization of Us duty in place ot till ing its columns with abuse of the board of trade and Congressman Pusoy because they are striving to secure bettor and cheaper facilities for communication be tween the two cities ( and thanks to Mr. Pusoy I BOO his bill has passed the house. Chapman's opposition to the contrary. ) I see by the Sunday's Nonpareil that it treats the BEE aa "tho Omaha paper whoso interests here are only to destroy Council BlulFs and all her institutions , etc. I thought the Nonpareil always claimed that the BEE had no influence for grcd or evil in this city. Its little whine Sunday does not look as though it still retains that brilliant idea. But perhaps it didn't moan the BEE. I think it got the wrong Bismarck terror by the oar , and mount itself instead of the gold- winged buzzer whoso stings sooiu to pain it so. OiisKKvr.u. Tissue Tea given by the "X.Y.H. " In the Congregational church " \pslroo. " Thursday evening , May i2nd. ! Supper from 4 to 10 p.m. Cold meat , broad and butter , plcklaa , straw borrtoH and crouin. cake , colfoo , TiHimo Ttia 1 All for ' . ' 501 BUNGLING BURGLARS , They Steal from the Sleeping. Sunday night about ono o'clock , Mr. A. W. Street , cashier of the Citizens bank , who residua at the corner of Broad way and south Eighth street , was awak ened by hearing n scream. Ho jumped up , and was informed by Miss LocUwood , a young lady who resides with the fami ly , that there was a man in her room. Just then ho hoard a crash down stairs , and shortly after n call from the street , allowed by u pistol shot. Ho hastened down and found that some ono had kicked out a largo pane of glass , and jumped through the window. Ho was met by Officer Metcalf , who had hoard the crash and saw the man running , hu ordered him to haltwhich order wua diaregardod , so the ollicur fired at him , but the man had disappeared in the darkness. Jnvoa tigation revealed the fact that the suouk < thief had ull'octed an entrance intc the hous'u by means of a ladder , throngl 0ll the window of the room occup cd bj Miss Strci't , in the second story , Ji\r \ Street returned to his room to druss p.d p.d found that his clothes were scatturuc around and his pockets rilled of u guli watch and chain , u pocket book contain ing UBS than live dollars , and a fuuc ; mutch eafo which Mr. Strnot valued mor tnan the money , Nothing uleavu misted from the house. Miss Lock\vnoi was awakened by ilio man strikm match in the doorway of her room. Sh saw him distinctly , and will bo ublu t identify him if caught. Search around the jiruuiisoa and in th street revealed the tracks of two man ono iu his stockings and the other wit boot * OH When ollicer Metcalf Hrod a the thief ho slipped and full on some ( the now dirt filled in there , and droppe the watch and chain , which were picko up and returned to Mr. Stroot. Yesterday n man was run in by the police on suspicion of being the man wanted , but Miss Lockwood , on seeing him , said ho was not the ono she saw. It ia a pity that Officer Motcalf did not succeed in so effectually maiming him with a bullet as to render identification unnec essary. nXTEUTAlSMEM. This ovonlng at 8:30 : the case of Tootlo vs. Hazoltino will , bo continued at the district court of the Y. M. 0. A. , at room No. 12 , North Main street. The suit was commenced last week and is ono of considerable interest. The dooru will boopon for both ladies and gentleman. Bushnoll soils railroad tickets cheap to all points. HOW ABOUT THE PAVING ? XIio Unheeded Wnrnln n of The Ilco. Tlio Hermit. Weeks ngo when the subject of letting the contracts for the paving of Broadway and Main street was before the common council THE 31 KB warned the public that unless more than ordinary care was taken , the U. P. road , as owner of the street railway in this city would manage to evade the paving of the streets bo- twcon the rails of the track. It now transpires that no contract has boon lot to any one for paving that portion of the streets. The contract with Reagan Bros. , reads all correct and as it was supposed to with the exception of the following " .Also exclusive of all spaces between and twelve inches outside of all street or other railroad tracks within the limits included in this contract. With a paid city attorney , a special paving committee , and an expensive common council , if such n blunder "was permitted it is about time to turn out the old , and turn in sonio now ofliccra. Perhaps it would bo well in the future to have the city attorney draw up the contracts , instead of leaving it to the attorney of the outside parties , who was at the same time attorney for the U. P. street rail way. Tlio attorney for the U. P. road drew up the contract , giving Union avenue to that corporation for certain considera tions , which considerations it is now discovered cannot be enforced. The attorney for Regan Bros. McGorrisk and for the U. P. street railway drew up the contract for paving and now it is dis- cavorod that the city has no contract with any one to pave the streets between the car tracker , within 12 inches each side of the track. PEKSOXALS. T. K. lioysoll of lioono , Is at the Ogden , Miss lloxlo Wesley ia visiting in Walnut. Henry Motcalf lius returned from the oast. G , L. Whtto , Indianapolis , la at the Ogdon. Simon laoinan ? ! ia somewhat under the weather. A. S. Warner of ChicDgo , la registered at licchtolo's. J. C. Klnstoln , of Sioux City , is a guest at the liochtolc. F. Washburn of Chicago , rested at the Ogden - don yesterday. U. liuckloy , Crostun , yontorday registered at the Ogdon. . Hall , of Burlington , took dinner at the 1'acl fi c ) yesterday. f. J. lialloy , of Mo. Valley , stopped at liochtolo'e yesterday. Mrs. , T. L. Doliovoiso , child and maid have KOIIO east on a visit Frank KoHlns , of Malvorn , was a guest at the Vacific jestorduy. II. Warrlngton of Now York city , remained at the llochtols yesterday. W. K. Switzer , Chippewa Falla , Wis. , ar rived yesterday at liechtolo'd. .T. K , McCasky and wlfo are stopping at the Ogden whllo on a trip from Omaha , W. K. Brock , the " 1 * & M. " travelling man , Lou returned from a trip and la at liochtolo'u. Judge 1'owoll , of Oinnha , was in the IMufTs all day yesterday. Ills visit vvaa ono of busi ness. ness.J. J. T. Clark , general superintendent of the C. M. and St. 1' . K , U. , waa iu the city yes terday. Mrs. Jt. J. Mantz and daughter , who boon visiting frlenda hero , have returned to Omaha. Jay J. Smyth and wlfo of Marion , are iu the city , tlio guostsof Murk Duryooot the Ogden don house , Frank E. Hall , of Kansas City , tvaa in the city yesterday , and inado hit ) headquarters at the Pacific. Thomas McGaerof DM Mulnoa , was iu the city Sunday , slinking hands with hli many friends hero. J , W. Thompson , of Santa Too , Now Mexico ice , tested fiom his travelx , jcaterday at the I'tidllo house , . 0. M. liovor. of Walnut , spout Line Mon day uway from homo and en joyed the hospital ity of the Pacific ; houeo. Imwn TonnlH , The opening of the lawn tennis club which was postponed from Saturday last to yesterday afternoon proved quite r success. A largo number of spectator ! were present to witness the games am' much interest is being manifested in tint sport , The following games were played Hyan vs. Stubbs , lirown vs. Ollicer Hurt vs. Ilaas , Thompson v . Spraguu 11 Evans > ' < 0. Haas , B. Evans vs Pusoy , Miis Dodge vs. Sackett , Mis ; Street vs , Miss Brown , Mies Cliupmai va. Miss Loomia , Mr. Stubbs and Mis ; Dodge VR II Evans and Miss Suckett Mr. B. Evans and Miss Street va. Mr Haas and Mius Brown , Mr. Ryan niu MIBS Chapman vs , Mr , Hart and Mis Loomia. . Flro d d The fire department , as reorganised b ; - Chief Walters , shows the following paii y men at the various hose houses : re Bluff City , No. 1 Charles Nicholson is driver ; llruco Huwo , foreman ; Jutsl id ida Walters and Tom Brooks , piponiun a Phuwix Hook ana LuldorCo. , No2 - 1C Samuel Mormon , driver , to Rescue , No U Pete Kyrkendall driver ; Charles Sanderson , foreman ; Wil 10 hum Brown and John Mndinon , pipemoi , II < mo Co. , No 4 0. Brown , driver kh I CUptttin HopUgeo , foreman ; Jack Cu at I and Geor H Junes , pipemon of The chief has also awued five minut id' ' men for each company. New and Beautiful Attractions -IOXT- Dry Goods HARKNES Haying just purchased in Eastern Markets a very choice stock o Spring and Summer Dress Goods , Ginghams , Table Linen , Crashes , etc , we arc prepared to offer an excellent selection of beautiful fabrics , nnd shall do so at TTMTf QTT & LyiiJL T HW BPTPTFCS UoU JbUW JrJ&lUJii3 ! These goods have just been opened from the manufacturers , and comprise Hio latest design0 and novelties of the season Note below a few of the MANY BARGAINS wo ore offering : SILIKIS , SIIEijKIS , Summer silks , 35f Summer silks , 50c ; Summer silks , 75c. These are special bargains and cannot be duplicated. Good black silk at 5c ( ) , worth 7 c Choice black Rad/.imer silk , 81.00 , usual price , § 1.30. Black Gros Grain silk , 80c. Pure Silk Ottoman at S1.75 , worth $2 25. ITeavy Cloaking Tuniscinuo at 81.75. All grades of the famous Lyons Silks J. C. Bonnet & Co , and AutoineQuincb & Co. , at , Lowest Prices. Good plaids ab 5c , worth lOc. Brocade dress goods at 8c , worth loc. Choice colored cashmeres ab 30c. Figured suitings nb 30c. Very fine all-wool suitings , double widbh ab 75c , and never sold for less than 81.00. Also beautiful combination suitings at very low prices. TABLE LINEN AND CRASHES Good all linen table at 30c , Good all linen table at 40c. Choice all 'inen ' table at 6c. ) Very fine all linen table at 81.50 , worth 82.50 Table crash 5c a yard. All linen towels at lOc each. All linen towels at 12c each. Prints 3c. Good Bleached Muslin , 5c. Good unbleached muslin , Gc. A fine assortment of beautiful spring Shawls at popular prices. Full stock of Domestic Paper Patterns. vi $ Catalogues free. Very large stock of Ingrains , Tapestry and Body Brussels , Velvets , Moquettes , Axininsters , &c. at lowest prices in the west. 401 Broadway COUMCIL BLUFFS' All kinds of / I Engineering Land - .Oi-vil . IHSDo.sizioo3r ! | i | ROOM 6 , NEW OPERA HOUSE , COIJNGIL BLUFFS , IOWA , etc. etc. \ All Orders by Mall Promptly Attended To. H. H , HORNE & CO. , WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Fine Cigars Wo make n specialty , at our EASTERN factory , of FINE HAVANA > ml YARA CIGARS. All Cigars sold by us are of our own manufacture and warranted as roprosonted. OPERA HOUSECIGAR HOUSE , 552 Broadway , II. H. IIORNE & CO. , COUNCIL BLUFFS. - - IOWA. IE. ZP.AJL.IidlEJ'R , cl. 1 sit Main Street. COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. MRS. D. A BENEDICT. MANUFACTURER OP Wafer Waves and Hair Goods No. 337 , AV BUOADWAY . COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA _ yo.Clo8lng out Notions nml Ladles' Furnishing Goods at coit.'ES IE. STOOIKIIEIRT < &c OO -MANUFAC1UIICRS 01'- CAUPUT3 , CURTAINS , WINDOW FIXTt'UES , and UUt'AIIUNa io3a. A Si .claltj NO 30 ! ) BUOADWAY COUNCIL BLUFFS FRENCH urtalns , in Lace , rile , Turcoman , Etc. Oilcloths , MattingB , Lino' > ima Etc jhoicest Stock West of Chicago. omo and bo convinced that wo are hcadqunrtora for all goods in our lino. henpoat place to buy House Furnishings in the C'ty. OUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Mail Orders Filled Promptly nnd Avirli Care We have the iVj\ The latest nov finest stock and elties for Spring all the latest designs Overcoats w e J o signs to select ? have just re from. ceived. See them ONK BUT THE LEADING HANDS EST OF EMPLOYED. SKILLED \ Merchant Tailors 7 & 9 Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS. The undersigned is paying the highest market price for Rags. S. GOLDSTEIN , " 540 Broadway , Council Bluffa Bar WHOLESALE DEALERS IN N 342 nnd 844 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA } l MAYNE & PALMER , DKALKH.S AND V/OOD , BULK AND BARREL LIMT , LOUISVILLE AND PORTLAND CEMENT , inCniOAN PLASTER , HAIR AND SEWER PIPK Ho , 039 Broadway , - - - COUNCIL BLUFFB , IOWA. LL ER ! Largest Stock in the City i And Lowest Prices Guaranteed. Window Shades , Materials , BOOM MOULDING , CORNICE POLES -AND- Painting. No. 32 Main Street and 33 Pearl Street , NEXT DOOR TO THE POSTOFPICE. I 1 - * a T""T " " " r " " 1 "TVT" A , "TT" Hi I-jPI J3 JL' Jj/L \ _ L . . . . ' f mtmaJl mmiltnr * * IMT- * UOTffnrrTr-3' JU i .uaJL Vr. 11 Wt iMgiimnia ff. PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. . M \