on OMAHA DAILY BJ2E---TU FRIDAY MAY 9A UANUFACrrDRKIl OP GALYANIZ CORNICES , ' tflNDOW CAPS , FINALS , ETC. axe NKll.UASKA -A. "V T WITH a ad your worlc is done for all time to time to coino. WE CHALLENGE $ o produce n more durable material ? for street pavement than the ' 91 Sioux Falls Granite. TOU ANY AMOUNT Otf OR- kct filled promptly. Samples sent and tno mu estimates given upon application. WM.MOBAIN&CO. . 15 Sioux Falls. and 13 13moi notl 017 St. ChnrlM Si. , St. Louis , Mo. A regular graduate of two Mcdicnl Colloqei , hm Ijceti longer rnpnrtJ In the fpcclnltrcattucDt of CRIIOMC , NEXVOLS. HUM nnil Hu > ot > HmrA ESthan any othir I'bjKlciita lu t , Louis , Co M cltj-1 kpcri i.how otiil nil old rfotdent know Nervous Prostration , Debility , Mental and CoN Physical Weakness ; Mercurial And other Affec tions of Throat , Skin or Bones , Blood Poisoning , Old SorGS and Ulcers , nro trcau-l with unparalleled N frucfc , oii laUU UnilQe i rlnelnlci. Ha'tlv , Privately. Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excess , Exposure or Indulgence , \vhieh rroduco eomo or the Jtllowing cfltcta : iitrvomnens , debility , Olmne < a of > l2bt M and dcficthc memory , jlmtitc * on the face , phyBlcal decay , aversion to the society of feiu&lei , cunfuiUo of Ideas , etc. , rendorinir Marrinco improper or unhappy , ro pcrraaneatly cured. 1'nraphltt (3(1 ( ( pagesonthc ) above , scut Jairnle4 envelope , frroto nnv Jir ) < si. Consultationatof * flcoorty m&llfrec , andlnTiteJ. W rite forqucatloni. A Positive Written Guarantee ( then in all curnbloeaici. Vcdlclnessent cvcrjKlicro. patnphletB , ncll0h or German , 04 paces , de * crlbluc above diseases , In male or female , IU1EE. MARRIAGE GUIDE ! SCO pngrs , fln plates. llluitr&te < l In cloth and jilt binding , 60cinoncy er j'OiUge ' ; eam * , | .u.rr eo\cr , 25c , TbU bolc eontalus ll tlic curloui , doubtful or lutiuUltlie vant to know. A book of grcut Ititcre&t to all. llialth , JJcautj. JIinlDCM are j'rouuUd ' tits uihlcc. Notice to Cattle Men 900 CATTLE FOE SALE. , riSO Head of Steers Three Ycara Old. f200 ' " T o " 20J " " Hcllors , Tno " 160 " ' Steers , Ono " 820 " " Heifers , Ono " Tbo above ilcscrlbod cattle are all e'l bred Iowa cattle , straight anil mnootli. Tlioio tattle will bo eold In lots to mlt purchissrs , and at roasonabla pricej. For furtlior particulars , call on or addresa M. F. I'ATTON , Wa erly , llrcuisr Co. , Iowa , n it era 11 m7-dmo-3 3y iaat Ica ; > n PRINCIPAL LIKE ruoM A toe. CHICAGO , PiOIlIA : &ST.X.GU1S , fn II V WAV OP ilin OMAHA AND LINCOLN TO DENVS3 , Oil VIA .ho KANSAS CITY AND ATCHISON to DENVER Conni'otlntT In Union Depots nt Kniih.wCliy , Omaha and Denvorwllli tliKiujjli twins lor iru Anil nil ] x > lntB In tlto ( Jieat West At Z. CSV-OIDKTGl- Coimectlntjln Onuul Union Depot nt Clileugo with tlnutiKli tialnslor NEW YOJIK , HOST ON t Ami nil Kusturn Ultlus , At ivoila with tliioimh trulua lor Indhuiiili- olln , Ulnclnniitl , Colmiibuu , itiul nil polnlH In tliu50iith.iiitt. : At .St. l.ouia with lor all polnla youth. jicK ; iit I > ny Conuhes.'j'iirlor Care , wltli Ho. rllnliiK Uliali-H ( uuiitH lieu ) , HmokliiK C.ira wltli Kovolvini , ' GhiilrM , rnllinim 1'uliiro hlueiilni ; Card ami tlio inmotm O. 11. A.Q. Dining i-'uis run dully tonnd from Chifiiuoiiml KausiiHOity , Clilcn u null Council JllullH ! CliIciiKO ml DCS Molina , UlilcuKo , hi. Joseph , Atulilsoii uiul Toi > uku wltliout change ) . Only tliioiigli I Inn iimiilnR tluilr own Ualim Ixttweeu ChlcuKo , Lincoln nml Denver , uiul Clili'iigo , Kunsus ( Jltv nml DonviT. TlnoiiKli curs betweun Inillanapolls anil Council lllnlla , via 1'eorlii AND SOUTH. I Sollil Tnilns ol Klritunt Day Couches anil I'lilliniui I'uUicoSleuiiliiL'Cais in uinii dully lo mill fioin fat. I.ouls ; via Ilumilbul , ( Jnlnc-y , jieokuk , liuillnglon , Pcdiir lEaiililn mill Alhuit Letitobt. 1'uul and MlnneapolUi 1'inUir Carn witli ItccllnlnK t'lmlis lo ami fioni wt. l.ouU uml 1'corln , Only ono chaii'i ( ) < 'f cni-s bctwren INi Ft l.otiUiiuil DrH JlolniM , loua , Lincoln , No. ihl.a.iinil Denver , Coliiniilo It lHal < i thu only Through I. luo gT. LOUIS , MINHSArOLlS and ST. PAUL. It li known us the ( treat Tllllol'iiU PAH I. is I. of America , mill In universally lulinlt. 'i'i | | ci ) O till ) linsst Eaulppsd Railroad h ths V/orfi fw Ni all classes of Trerel. NiV Thmuall TloUi-is viu tills line sur al .t * V It. it. cmiixin tlvkui oitlcca lu tuo Unltou buu > ti.nl C uiiaclu. T. J. I'OTTBII , I'KKCKVM. LOWKLI. , Vii ft * 0cn JU iftt OCB ' REAL ESTATE 15th & Dodge Streets , WILLIAM'SBLOCK No. 231 11,250 Itoiuo of 4 rooms on half lot In liar luch'i a Ulillon. 100 Good InulncM property on IStli street , j'njlnp now 1.1 Horrent on money liucdnl. This Is n ? rc t bargain. 107-$1OJ Hoixonml Imlf , llrg&ti's ftiUltlon , well mid cljtcni , halt rash ntnl two jchrs on balance. 200 $1,000 Homo and Imlf lot , Hotbach'a Addition , Kooil I citlou and cmy terms. 103 J .OCO ( lo < vl luni'o of Srooni" on full lot In Shlnn's oildltlon Rood ham , woll.cltturii , ite. , and w III lie sold on easy terms. Tour iilcn rottsgeslth south front for s.ilo on month ] ) ] > aj incuts. 02 $3,000 Takui the cottaRO wid half lotcorncrof Clmrl.'S and Saunilcn street. TliU ahould bo bought as business property. 203 Do jou want that dftcillnj ? nml full lot , "Ith hrno Inrn , south of A.I J. rotip'cton't phco ? \Vo arc solo n cnta , and lll sell cheap , Tnko It "Illicit c n bo had. 101 84.000-tx > t 4 , blocks , city and two houses for sale chrixp , for n few ilftonlv. . 100-$3DOO-tot 8. block 7 , ill Itcdldk's nddltlon and Improvements. Souio one gets the bargain. Four lots to lovio on 18th street. lllock 1 , Cjtu Ilrllllanto , on loin ? time. 32,000 , Lar o hotel In Klkhorn for cash , but If good Omalin property can bo trrUod , wo will tu < lo. Call and see us $1,000 ' Lot and a half In Shlan's addition on month ly payments 560 to $300 25 Lota In IlaiiECOm I'.aco for ea'o on casv terms. X" 1,030 ' House and lot 111 Lake's addition , For terms call at cilice. 1EO $ J,000 llouao and lot on So anl ] street with Kood Improvements , $3o cash and $ -5 per month. 10J SH.500 Cir. lot and t\\o houses , four blocks from pOFtolllcc. 133 $1,600 Housu iif fl rooms and lease mi tno lots hi Clark's Aailltlcii Lc.ve $ M per jcar , ulth option of hu InK lots , pattcish uiul on thi'c. 101 Si.COO House and barn rn half lot on comer Scward stroll , 3COOcash and SW per month. JOand40-JS,000-Uilf block on Farnam strctt , In- Mo property util a bargain. 16S-MCOU Tun lota and house , ccrner EClliand Dodjjo 173 (3,1 ! iH ( > Lirgo two story house on lot on street car line , K < > d harn nnd nc.irU. 1' . shops , and well locate 1 for all kinds of business. HAWTHORNE. Wo can sell jou In this addition better lots and for lossinonej than any other addition now on the mar- ct , anil any one wishing to hold us to this assertion mist call during the month of May , for w o w 111 raise .no prices on all lots in this addition. OMAHA VIEW. To inn wolll sell on small monthly pajmcnts , 10 or more do'Iara per month. Call aud we us mdwe uillcoimncu womcau wliatwcaa > . MASTFIELD. m the best aero property an the market for the nouoy Oil and sic plat ucil prices. Wo sell loti in ill additions to Omaha , northyof lotlco. . Have Houses to Rent. Donveyancc stands at the door to show property to buyers. . Notary Public in Office. to Honey ( investeo for Parties lii Real Estate. 8Ve ; ; SEARS & BOSARD > WILLIAMS' ULOCK. ; ; > HOISUNACQU.4TC3 WITH THC GEOGRAPHY OF THIS COUN TRY WILL ttl BY EXAMINING THIS MAP THAT THE Uu > On ) inVil Vil Vilffi ( Vil I'll IK ' ! ot ou JHICAGO , ROCK ISLANDS PACIFIC ll'V lit tlio aontrnl poeftlon of 1M line , connects the lithi nad tlio Went by tlio siiortest route , nnd cnr- hi pnsscnccra. without chnnKO of euro , bstwscn iilcnio nntl Knua.is Oily. Council HMII , Lcavon- 01 orlh , Aluhiuon , MiniKjapolla nnrt Ut. Faul. It 01r on&iicta in Union UcpoM with all the principal r ires of reid tictwocn tlio Atlantio end thu 1'nclno tr ccanti. 113 oumpDV nt in unrivaled and mncnl ! ' * trU cnt. Lflnr coinn jcrl of Mont Comlortnblu uuu ) U ica1 iful Day CnaclitB. UnKiilflccnt lloiton lu- lin.nn Chair Cars. I'nlliima'o I'rotilrst ralueo nc ilecpinc firs , nnU tha liest Line of DiulnK Ua in the World Tlirco Trains l tv/ecn Ch < cue nnd ttlnaouri llivcr 1'ointiIv.'o Trama bctwri-ii CHI. in lagoaad Mlnncapolmandm. Vaul.vla thoV&nioui .in " " "ALBERT LEiA ROUTE. Tfcw and Direct Line , xla Oencci and Kaaka * inh . li'ii. ii-cently been or"nod between jtlchiiioni ) , inni ) oifollt.MowportNcwn , Cliatta-iooua , Ai'.nnta , An- u , Kajhvllle. I.omavillo. Lcxlrnton. Clnclnnntl ni nOlitnapoli 4 and t.al i7ctte , aiul Untitii. Llmuoap- tic and ai. 1'aul ana tnterincdlnto pomtc. ticii All Through I' uujBKCiaTraiol on 1'nut zpro3 ) ii rrntntf. iiva tl'icK * ' * for ailc at nil principal Ticket OtUoeu In va United Htuttsum ! Oinada. flit Banico chcekrjj ihrounh nnd rclrs of faro al- flityi crayd na low &j compttlioid thai cntr Icua ot'van * yi tapes. Icr Tor drt.illcd Infoimatlon.cct the Uapaand I'old- of the ini GREAT ROCfC ISLAND ROUTE init your Bearcat Ticket Ontco. cr addrcwa > c R.nABLH , C. ST. JOHfl. ; -i.i Lu 'l 1'j'r. G.LlTki.M'u . * rt. hui ui uiCl Cl Clh tin in III f ' .00 wri n nil lot las iUo o\ oin inn tuthi he oo in New Woodwork ! Now Atlacuiiienls inw Warranted 5 Years. J ! ih ! SOLD ON EASY PAYMENTS. al is K. I. IXWKJOV Utb htii-tt , OumhiNbo Pcrlbctly I'nrnlyzhiff. On thft got on llio train cast of Cleveland. They were coins ' > * to soliool. Tlioy were no't silli , ignornnt , country young people , by no inanncrofinc.ina. Tlicy reiircsenlcil sem- itmry nml collcRo culture , for the young man wns on liii way luck ( o Cornell. ' They dropped into rt seat opposite the pilgrim' nml they talked , nnd the ] ia sciigcrs in tl immediate vicinity listened to this highly intcllectnrtl interohango ot pulsing thongli ami throhhing . cntinient , "Say I" cxcliimrd the impetuous youth "I heard something nbout yon. " "Oh you I" she replied ; ; 'whnl \ > ns It1' "Shan't ' toll. ' ' "That's re.il menu. "Who tolil you1 ' "Oh , I kuow1 ho nsscrleil ; "it mrlnyzw inc. inc."Well , what wns it about1 "Down there n ( Climttiuuiiin , Hint time. Oh , that paralyzed inc. Te-lie , to-hc. " "What ? " she exelamed , in tones of in tense surprise , ns though it was Iho Jlrsl time she hml heard ofsuch n place "Chan tnuinwl" "Aw , yes , you know. Out there with 1 "With whom ? To-lie. " "Oh , pshawllV-lto , tc- ho. " "I don't know what yo ' mean. " "Oh no , you don't. Well it paralyzed me.1 ' "Well , I don't rare anyhow ; it nin't so. " "Well , I got it pretty strait. It just par- aljved me. " "Who told yon ? ' ' "You'll ' never tell I told you ! " "No , indeed I won't. " "Well , I got it from Will Ulank. Itjnst laralyzod me. " "Oil , 1 know what yon mean now. Well , what of that ? Tc-he , te-hc.1 "Aw , well , a good deal of it. Tc-hc , to- " 10. "Why that was nothing. Te-he , tc-lie. ' ' "Aw , that.just paralyzed me.1' "I don't ! > cliovo yon know anything about it , nuyliow. To-lic , to-he. " "Yes I do know all about it. Just para- yzed me , 1 tell you.1' "Well , what did hosay about Iho other1 ' "Oh , ho told mo all nbout that. " "What did ho think1 "I won't tell yon" a "Oh , plenso do. " "Oh , you're too anxious. " "Jinked I think I ought to know. " "You'll get mail if 1 tell yon.1' ( Then nddeiily icmeinbcring that bo hadn't made ho remark 1'or thirty beconds ) "it just para- yzcd me. " "No , I won't get mad.1' "Yes you will. " "No , I won't.1 "Yes you will. It'll paralyze you. " "No , 1 won't get mail. Not at you.1 "Oh , pshaw ! Won't you ? " "Indeed 1 won't. 1 will ho thankful to you. I'll do Mimcthing foryou sometime. " "O dear , you paralyze me , " ho sighed. "Well , tell me , won't you V" nhe pleaded. "If you are real biiroyou wou'tKcliuad.1 "Indeed and indeed 1 won't. "What did ho pay nhout it ? " "Well , he Kiid he didn't care. It para lyzed me. ( Then with : i sudden inspira tion of genius ho udded And don't you forget it. " Are you sure lie didn't ? " "lie .said hodidn't. Oh , I was paralyzed. . i i ft Te-he-hc. , "Well , I'm glad. " "Yes 1 thought you would he. " "Why ? " ft "Oh , because. Tc-hc. " "Well , why do you think so ? " "Well , because.1' "liutwhy ? Te-he.1' . "Oh , because. " tl "Well , you must have some reason ? " in "Oh , 1 know. It ' iitbt paralyzed me , - tell you. Te-he-he. " At this interesting point in the conversa tion the passengers got out at Silver Creek o conceal their emotion. The jester was weeping. The man at the wood box was swearing under his breath. The fat passen- er was purple in the face , and the sail mssemjcr , lifted his hands to heaven , and I [ said a : "Immortal Gods , dwellers on high Olym- Hi nis ! Did I ever in all my cnllowcst days irofane the sacred quiet of the day with ueh colossal , heaven-daring , maddening , he pnl-deslroyiiig imbecility 'i No , a thousand ( o hues no , by all the voiceless gods that to nard thojiwful gates of eternal silence , no \ ! y thunder , I never did. " "Yon bet did " said la your lips you , the voman who talks base , and withoutbreak- 1C vcf the dead lock the Senate adjourned. - am Uurdcile. wnet Blood-Lclting I'lfty Years AK < > vei Tlio pharmacopoeia of fifty ycara ago veib on tained the names of 41-1 drugs and their Iri ircpaiations , whilst that of to-day contains io o fewer than 8U2. Tlio former did not bu nntain the names of quinine , morphia , or bdiiio , three of tlio most commonly used Jrngs of the prc-si-nt day. In f.ict , so frc- 'ao jucnlly are they prescribed in one form or ( ; o thcr , that one wonders bow the doctoro nc nanagi/ without the two latter. Qu.'ninc net vas in nso to : v certain extent , though not . vh Tieially hanclioncd ; but whcru ono grain ; rc Viis then used I believe a hundred aie now. rcf 'ho system of treating many disciihcs has ) f iidecd been completely icvolulioniml. ' 0.1 3pcaking generally , the practice used to bo 0.1et pull down the system ; now it is to uiid it up by a freer nso of quinine and thcr ) tonics. ] Hut in nothing in the change moie sjrik- tlian in regard to thocommon habit of to jlood-JeUing , iis it was called. I bupi > o,3 : il.IU hat in the last century it was even more IU ommon than it was at the time wo spcid : in inn , so tiiat if a person fell down in the ink trccls from exhaustion ho was suru to 1 > > lcd. Though the practice was hocoining stc nore restricted , yet it was very prc' .loia 'O fly years ago. I well rcmcmbei mj- 10UK brother suffering from rheumatic fever , UK nd seeing Mr. ( Jardom , one of the best ie urgeons in Halford , draw basin full of it lood from bis urui a thing which no sane 0v nedical man would do tit tlio present day. v ot only was the lancet used in this way , m mt cupping and' bo application of leeches m ras continually .csortcd to in cases of in o flammation , which it was supposed other- et yibo impossible to subdue. It was no won- 10 10in : if the doctors pi escribed bitch treat .md ment that the public believed in its utility. ISnc twus no uncommon thing to be told. by nc ereons : that they found it conducive to ns nsm heirheaHhtoboblcdperiodicully.andtlmt < nsm ucli treatment was nespjisary for them. J m cmcmber itelicato gentleman who would ai ilwaya attribute bin not feeling well to Jr laving neglected his periodical blood-let- vihi ing. No wonder bo died in the prime of hi lib. llcMininccnccji of Manchtiter. ng KXCITHMKNT. "What cannon the ereat nmli at Bchroter k Jocht'B Drug Store1' ' The free diatrilmtlon Bainplo bottles of Dr. liunanko'H Cough and Mng Syrup , 0io most jiopular remedy for 's , Colds , Consumption and ] 3r < mchitU ow on the market. ItegtilarsIzaCOcoiiUand inmi mi for ITALIAN ITusnANn-s.-'Anno HrewBter Jft writes of an Italian wife nndhuphiiml : illi The imin is more obedient , more exact > y bis work , but lie is nn idiot about the s nanagcment of his own affairs and if it were 01 for his wife ho would bo a beggar. Ho 01as ; two passions lottery gambling owl si ovoofwine. His wife is double his size , an at least ten yearnhjssenior , Hostands and mortal nwe of her. All the iconcy they HI make goes into her bunds. She subscribes gal much a month to n mutual aid fioeioty ; lu buys all the clothes be needs , nnd also lum ooks after iv son of I.is by a former mnr- vr inge. She cannot read or writebut bho is vrJl phrcwd and managing as if she wcro n Jl iplomat. Her husband knows her capa- ' 01 illity and in willing to have her manage luy ; uflairs. Once in a while ehu gives him dei little money for a lottery ticket , ami ee u-ry day measures out his \vine. vo | Mnrrleil IVoplo AVoulil lo llnjiplor ; / ' If liomo trials weie imcr told to the i neighbors. ! If they kissed and made up after every finarrcl. If honjfhold expenses were proportioned lo receipts. If they tried to bo as ngrceablo na il courtship days. If each would try and be a support nm comfort ( o the other. If each remembered the other wns n hu limit being , not nn angel. If women wcro as kind to their bus bands an they were to their lo\ers. If fuel and provisions were laid in dur ing the high tide of summer w otk. If both parties remembered that they married for worse ns well as better. If meii were nn thoughtful for thsir wives as they were for their sweethearts. If there were fewer silks and velvet cos tumes for the btrect nnd more plain , tidj honic-dreRScs. If there were fewer "plcnsp , darlings" ii : public , and more common manners in pri vate. If wives and husbands would take sotuo pleasure ns they go along nnd nnt degen erate into mere toiling machines. Kecre.v tiou is necessary to keep the heart in it ? place , and to gut along without it isnbif mistake. If men would remember that womcr can't always bo smiling who ha o to cook the dinner , answer the bell half a dozen tinier , mul get rid of n neighbor w ho has dropped in , tend to n dirk baby , tie up iho cut linger of n two-year-old , gather up tlio playthings of n four-year-ohl , tie up the head of u six-year-old on skull-sand get an eight-year-old ready for t-ehool , tosay noth ing of sweeping cleaning , etc. A woman with all these to contend with may claim it ; i privilege to look and feel a Jittlo tired sometimes , and a word of sympathy would not bo too much to expect Amu the man , 11(1wl who , during the honeymoon , wouldn't Icl her ' carry as much as a sunshade. ! 'articles from Uio 13yp. All engaged in mechanical pursuits run . greater or less rule of getting trouble- MJIUO or dangerous particles in their eyes , and tlio following hints may prove useful in such emergencies : Alinnte particles of dust , sand , Hull' , cinders , bran , etc. , are best icmovcd ! by means of iicaniel-liair biush or pencil , moistened but not wet , and drawn lo a line point. The brush will absorb the moistuio of the eye , nnd with it inko up the mote , provided the hitter has not been driven into the eye-ball. Wheion brush is not at baud , n thin .strip of soil paper , rolled spirally HO as to form a line point , is the best thing. liagged chips and splint ers which are separated dining thu pro cesses of chipping oil' , often Uiul their way into the eye , and are bometiines very dilH- cult to icmovo. The use of magnets has been leconnneuilcd , but even the btlongest magnet is inefllcicut , if the biiliutets bu embedded. In such a case , if the opciator IIP gifted with a fateady hand and linn nerves , the best instrument fur removing Un oU'ending paiticlo is n good hharp pen knife. In simple cases let. tlio patient stand up with his bend Ihmly against a iloor . . post ; turn back the eye-lids with the lingers , find the speck , ami by passing the knife gently but liimly over the ball , you may sweep it up. When the splinter is actually embedded in the eye , lay the pa tient on his back on a table , turn the eye lids back , and fix them by means of n ring , and then you will find yourself free to op- ; er.ite wiihoiit danger of interference from tl' o patient's winking. A biiitablu ling mil : * be found in most bundles of keys , or any mechanic can niulw one in two minutes | out of : i piece of hliu" iron wiic. ou - A Tribute to "Woman. ) The following was delivered by a reform- 1/1 man : "I should like to propose n Wast to-night although u total abstinence inim myself toast f to woman. To be drank , not in W liquor of any kind , for wo should never ch pledge a woman in that which uiay bring her husband reeling homo to abuse where let is should love and chctish , sends her soni iso a druukard't ) grave , and her daughters n life of shame. Oh , no , not in that , \nt rather in the life-giving water , pure ss ier chastity , clenr ni her intuitions , bright ' her Biuile , sparkling as the laughter of 'I iiereyes ) , cheering as her consolation , strong xnd sustaining AS her love in the crystal renter I would drink to her that uho would remain queen u-gnant in the empire ohc las already won , grounded deep as the uni- i-orso in love ; built up and exercised in the homes and hearts of the world ; I would Irink to her , the full blown flower of crea- iiou's morning , of which man was but the ind and blossom , to her who in childhood slasps our little bauds and teaches us to isp 1 the first sweet prayer lo the Gieat All- father , who comes to us in youth with oed ( counsel nnd advice , who in manhood nccts our heart yearnings with faithful lean of conjugal love ; and whose hand , .vlicn our feet go down in Uio nhadow , jreatly binooths the rough pillow of death ai none other can ; to her who is the flower aial flowers , t'no pearl of pearls , God's latest , al just and brightest gift to man woman , alhi jecrleaa , pure , sweet royal woman. " hi IlinlH to HiiNliamlR. It is unhealthy to wear yourhoots in l\ * sec louse after 1 o'clock a. m. The common iKui is to remove them in iho hallway , but ser nany ! of our most experienced liusbundu refer the front steps. Always lake n boot en each hand when going up-htairs. This lan gives you two boots at thu cat before ni itepping on her. Never say anything to your wile on these occasions except yes or vlij . Never compel your wife to get up first ml build the tire.f she doesn't do it of grc ler own uccoid , go to sleep again. An- Id itlier ! way to accomplish the same result ifl whibtle Giandfuthcr'ii Clock. A trno ' Idft voman will always get up under such cir ft , cumstances. When your dnnglitcrs get big ftj unoug ! . to have beaux , give up the parlor cr them cheerfully. It is much better to At the dog bite them as they start for lomo than to bcold the girl until oho cries * then have to buy her u sealskin fcuc < iuo a hoiivenir of your idiocy , Always ic- ncmber your wedding day , and try and nark the occasion by some little act , show- that you remember it. Coming homo mlffnll , will often Hignallzo the nnnlvcr ary in a marked and expensive wanner nn.ti ring your sous up to some occupation that .ti . vill enable them to get n living when tot hrowu upon their own resources. Noth- m makes n young man KO self-reliant as mhi luviug a trade of his own. IJuuko utcurcn vli rcqueutly muko $100 a. day. nd lo nto Don't rind Fault. tnl B ll In the first place , does it pay to bo con- II iiiually finding fault'/ His a vcrf easy IIhi natter to pick flaws in nny piece vf work , himi - no one's work is perfect. Fault-flndinr ; ften becomes chronic and grows on u mail vos lust as mi evil habit does , increasing day oil day. There ia nothing HO disagreeable nd IK to visit u homo Mhrro fanH-flnding ia tl ontinuully going on ; where , ut the break * tlai , dinner and tea table , no pleasant won ! ir spoken , but instead each one is llndlux 'oi iwlt with the other for Kometrllllnj ; error. 1C do not mean that error should not bo re- ace Hiked , but when Iho evening Iviillght la jil athcring , when t ho wet k of t ho day is over , jack > ( hen kindly call the little ones around you gently and hokmnly tell them of their vrongs , and see if yon nro not much better cpuid that if the little heads had dropped day ut the angiy glances mid frowns on or 'our face. There are many things every jf IU ' that annoy us , but don'tmako life tad- ] , , by- finding fault. The world might thin ecm much pleu.santer at all times if wo Kc' ' vould forget to fret , down and find fault , lit. The Mormon Ulmrcli , I The Mormon Cliurch ( caches that Ihcr are numerous gods , and thai Ilioso wh have hccu ftiiitilont nn taints on earth become como gods-iu heaven. .Smith in n god , am J no doubt ly this time Itrighani Young lu , ' . bcoomo something like th.it , too. The- Mor mons also bcllove that Jesus is just above Kmith , nnd that Adam , ia turn , ia superior to tlio H.ilour. . \ All thtsc gods have man > wives , and eaeli governs li n own descend ant * , su that the glory of a "saint" when 'o gets to bo a god depends largely on how many wives and children ho has , and , there fore , the hold of polygamy on the people. It is held \lial the ti-tt commandments are the ruloof life , but tlu-re liau'bccu seveisil revelations which considerably weaken the binding force of the Mos.tip l.nv. The Mor > nioiH condemn inf.int baptism , although children are cousideied old enough to be baptized when they re.u-h their Mil year. They ; pr.iclico Iho luplisiu for the dead , a living person being publicly lupliml as the representative of ono or 111010 persons who have died. Tor instance , George Washington , Ueiuamiiil-'rauklliuaml others have been hapti/ed into thu chinch in this stylo. It should bo wild that a community , Whoso ! leader * reside at 1'l.ino , 111. , reject polygamy and many other of the olVenstvo tenets of the Utah Mormon * . In regard loMi their foim of goM'inmcut , it may bo Mated that the priesthood is organized ns follows : The llrst presidency , the telvo apostles , the high council , the seventies , Iho high priests , elders , priests , teachers ind deacons. The llrst presidency consists generally of three persons , with 'President Taylor at the head , anil these persons pre side over ami direct thonmiirsof the entire church. The hierarchy is divided into Mel- chizedek and Aarouic priesthoods , the ' former being Iho higher , the hitter being the literal descendants of Aaron and des ignated by lovelatioii. The lirsl president * is elected by the whole body of the church ; lie is the jiioptiet and the seer , and alone 1ms the "right" to work miracles , and 10- ceive revelations. Tlio belief iu a contin ued divine isolation through the medium ifMi the prophet is the corucr-stoiio of the .Mormon chinch. The work douo by ina several olllcials of this sect is , ns has been indicated , all under the contiol of the lirsl presidency , that is a worse despotism than almost any now know n. \v'ftt ! l ( Tlircoficoro and ten it ) not a very green old igc , as astronomers aswei t , that the pciiod if tiiuo in which this eaith vill bo inhah- tocl is ns u ininuto to cteinity of IH ( actual uxistcncc. And yet MHUC people really for get that they > \ ere ever yonni ; . .There she ntooil , the npplo of their eyes , rembling with Hiipiiresscd weeps. Their VOWIIH deepened as the mo'heripcd ' her passes preparatory to rending " letter bund in the girl's pocket. It began , "An gel of my existence.1 "What ! " howled the male parent. "Von lon'tincan toKiy It begins likothal ? GUI hat : v child of mine should correspond vith Hut pi ay proceed , my dear.1 "Hem ! exigence opcllcd with'a'too1' ! irocecded the mother. "Why , the lunatic can't spell,1' chipped u the old man. "It is impossible for mo to desc-ribo the jo with which your presence lias tilled in . " "Then why docs ho attempt it , nt ! Hut miy , don't let mo intcirupt you. Go on ; o on ; let joy bo unconllned.1 "J have spent the whole night in think- nc 1 of you" ( that's picturesque , anyway , ) and in bitterly deriding the obstinate , x-.soltcd ' old \\liclp who will not coiibeut to our union. " "Oh ! let mo get nt him ! Whelp ! Is by bcrvant u toad that ho should thus ju' spoken ofV" "lint Thcodorns , my dear , " interrupted lis other half. "Yes , yes ; one moment. I was about to observe that thu hand that could pen such words would not licmtato to sc-Jj > the most cherished relative. " "Thcodorns. I didn't ' sco this over 'Lo leaf. " "JJh ! let mo see ; hum : "Voura with nil ho love of my heart Theodorns , May 10 , 8X > . ' Why , bless my eyes , it's ono of my ettors ! " [ iJcnsation.J "Yes , pa , " chimed in the 'Olivo Urnnch , ' found it in the closet j-csterday only yon wouldn't let mo speak.1 "Yon may go to the park , my child , fern , we've made n nieo mc.s.s of it. " "Yes , love. Next time wo will looknt tin dale lirst. " A Vollcoman Itrncod up. D.V. Collins , momborof iiolito , ovcnth wnrd , loading , J'a , , inllcH UIH ! way : " .SiifFoicd HO- oroly from rlioiiiiiatitm : noumii ; did mo miy oed till I tiicd Thomas' J.'flcctnr Uil. H in a iloamiro lo recommend It. " Curiosities of Animal Iiifo. Slinrks i usually turn on their uidrfl to cnt. In ] anlmalo the annu and legs am of the amo length. 11 Fishes have been ( aught to como vrheu ailed by their HUIIIOH. A fciunlo njildcr will fliifler death before ho will foraako her cggi. The razor ( l li , though it liven in wilt nrntcr , nceniH lo nbhor Halt. The ancients believed that the lynx could through stone walls. The tufilttt ofu full-grown male oleplmnt iomutimcH are ten feet long. The white Nhark somoUmca ntlahm the jnorinoui ( ! weight of ton uiousana pounds. Snails huvo been put in boiling water nd have mirvivcd the terrible ordeal. Kucrnpfer HHVH that ho once saw a hyena vhicJi had put to flight two lions. An elephant does not attain Mz fill ! Towth until lioiHuixtoenoreigbtconyaire Id. EloplmntH hnvo been known to live 40 'eara , anil it ia supposed whales may livr ,000 yearn. A-Bnail'a head may ho cut oft' and Ir. ; . crtnin tinio nuothrr head will ho formed. least o says Spallanzi. The clopliaul has boon known to die for riefwh * . in a Budilen fit of wndncefl , bo l'inil of AVlilst. JTenry J Clay's favorite recreation for inny years was n game of whist , to which , tone time , ho was passionately addicted ; ! for the Htakcs , hut for the distraction nd excitement of the game. Air. Win- hrop says that there is u tradition that vhilo Clay -was visiting UoHton , in 1818 , lodging ut the old Exchange Cofl'co louse , in Congress street , n servant niHhcd the parlor in which ho was at the .nblo with a few gentlemen of the old ichool , and nimounced that the hotel was /Iro. "ob , there will bo time enough , I hlnk/'cried Mr. Cluy"U > finish onrgame,1' finish it they did before the hotel was urncd to the ground. A similar tradition o current in Washington at n later pcr- that , while Mr. Clay was Hpeaker , ho his friends had passed u whole night curds , and were Htlll going on with their amo when the hour wns close at liaud the opening of the morning ficssion of Jongress. "Wait a few minutes , genllo- len , " said Mr. Clay , "and I will wash my and hands , run down to the House and John Taylor to the chair , then coue ami wo will huvo another rubber.1 A Urcnl SurprlHO , IB in ctorn for nil who two Kcmp'u llalnaia tliu tlirimt uiul IUHUH , tliu grout umiranlued eiuedy.Vcnihl you Inlluvo tlmt It IK Hold on muiiti and Ui.it uuch ilwt > t In niithotUcd I'Mefmid your iiuniuy bv tliu 1'ropiiotor of woiidnrfiil it-inedy If it fulln to euro jmi. Kclirntor k licvlit buvo abcurud the ugoavy for J'rku COo uud-1.00. NEW MKHAM HOTEL The I'afaco Tlotol of. Denver. Oor , Soyenteonth : aud Lawrence S ts Itooroj "fp to $2.00 ftr day. RpocUl lUtfg by His Month. THE FINEST TABLE IN THE WEST. Conducted on the American and European riatis. Day Hoard $7 per wook. P , S , CONDON , - - PROPBIETOB , JOBBER OP EASTERN PRICED DUPLICATED 11 FAllNAM STUKK . . OMAHA NBK Double and Single Acting Power ana Hand Engine Trimmings , Mining Machinery , * Bolting , Iloao , Brass and Iron Fitting Steam Packing . at. wholesale and rojail. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS. OllUROE AND SCHOOL BELLS. f Corner 10th Farnam St. , Omaha Neb. 0. F. GOODMAN , i ; > | | T AND DEALER IN OMAHA NEBRASKA. RICHARDS & CLARKE , W. A. CLARKE , PropriotorH. Sniierhiemlett 0. P. RAILWAY , 17TEL & 18TH STREET MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN D 1Kb HI WATER WHEELS , ROLLEK MILLS , Mill and Grain- Elevator iacliinen ? MILL FURNISHINGS OP ALL KINDS , INCLUDING THE Celebrated 'Anchor ' Brand Dufour Bolting Cloth STEAM PUMPS , STEAM' WATER AND GAS PIPE. BRASS GOODS AND FIFE FITTINGS ARCHITECTURAL AND BRIDGE IRON. P EfTi g < "Wo are prepared to i'urniflli pinna and estimates , nnd will contract i'o , lie erection oil Flouring Mills nnd Grmn Elovntors , or for chongin flouring Mills , from Stone to the Roller System. SSET'lljgpfccinl attention gi\en to furnishing Power Plnnts for any pur- mao , and eBtimntea made for mime. General machinery repairs attended promptly. Address RICHARDS & CLARKE , Onntia , Web _ J03 BRADV ST. , DAYENPOTIT , IOWA , U. 8. A. Established 1878 Catar Ji , DcafncBB , Lung and Ncrvoiw DiacaBou Speedily and l'onp.anintly ) Cured. Patients Cured ht Ilonio. Write for "Tnu MKWHUL-MJKSIONAV.Y , " for the People , OniiHiillatiou nnd Corrcni)0ndonco ) Gratia. P.O. Box SiOS. Telephone No. 20