( BIA11A .DAILY" BEE-TUESDAY MAY 20 , 1884. it' ' BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. WHAT IS IT ? A strictly vegetable preparation , com posed of a choice and skillful combina tion of Nature's best remedies. The discoverer docs not claim It n euro for nil the ills , but boldly warrants it cures every form of disease arising from n tor pid liver , impnro blood , disordered kidneys - noys , nnd where there is a broken down condition of the system , requiring a prompt nnd permanent tonic , it never fails to restore the sufferer. Such is BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Sold by all druggists , who nro authored by the manufacturers to refund the price to nny purchaser who is not benefited by their use. Price , $1.00. Imported Beer W BOTTLES , Erlanger , Bavnrin. Culmbachor , Bnvnn- , Pilsner Bohemip" Kaiser o.Bremen. DOMESTIC. Budweiser St. Louia Anhuuscr St. Louia Bests Mil'wmk'P. Schlitz-Pilsner Ilihvnuk" \ Kruc's Omnhr. Ale , Porter , Domestic and Uliim Wine. ED. MAURER , 121 Pnrimni St tV. n. HANOHETT , M. D , , HOMEOPATHIST TIIKI'IIONI : : NO. ui. Olllco Iloonn 1 and 2 Jacoli'n Blnc'f , 15th St. am Capitol Axe , llcsldenrxj , M22 Ht Jlary'sA\c. 11 MI i mini n i mn mill um 11 MM i ii i Tf U tlio children to cut out and naro the comic rdUiouttto pletiircB na they api > car from IKRUO to IBIUO , They will bo vlcascd with tbo collection. This opoco Is owned by BLAOKWELL'S BULL. Of conroa wo mean tbo funons animal ppcarlnR on the label c ; every unnuluo packttKOof Black- wcll'fl Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco. Every Sealer keeps this , tua lot Hmoklng Tobacco made. Mono b-cnulno without traao-mailr ot Uia Bull. iiflPROVED t-s SOFT ELASTIC SECTION Ia vrarrantnl to wrnr loncrcr , I ktbo form neater. aii'l irtvo heiU" 'FatlRfacUon ' than uny other Conw In the market , or lirlco paid wll bo rnfundnl Tlio Indoriu-monU u v Clilcavo'0 belt pnT0lclal r. nccurc ichConct. Vrlce , Iltst Hutrcn Jtuii , 1'CJUL I , 41 ML ARK youriiurrtiant fartliria * _ * t'r * pinny L joniTn.'F. ' L" HMA.NN & CO fi ! ' Vi ron Tirn cunn or LI. DISEASES OF HOIISI8CATTI,1 ! r.r.pnot9.noGB , mm 1 * I'Oll TWENTY YnAIW \vltliiitrfiM.iBin.rctn. _ _ . . Huiniiliri'jH' rtrrlnnry niniittnl , ( ino M > - ( lit f n u by nmll on rccvlpt of tirlee. M i I'lila i'ainplili'ti 'nt frt'i ) oiiopiilIcnUoii 'IllinYK IIOMKUPATIIIU .MKU.CO , 10'J I'liltun titrcvt. IScw Yorli. ' Vital % \Vnkiie n anil Proi trntlnn fnini utcrwork ot i 1 rmUrnll/ , . . . . .J curtdliyll. iGlfOlio.21 ful remmly jiuim i. . 111-0 9. per vial , orn vials ui4 larKt ) vial ot powder fur ( i , < nt ( xut rrro on m cfllitot rrk-c. lluiniiliri'vn' llnnipo. AIrd , < ! o , Uluit , Cauloguu Uvul 1UU ViUluu tit. . W. Vv WOODBEIDGE BROS , , OMAHA NKI ) . Solo AgonU for the World-Renowned 3TECK ) cckor & Bon , and Ilallott & Pianos. Also manufacturora and wholesale dealers in Organs and Musical Merchandise , Price Hit. JAB.H.PEABOIJX M , JJ , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON IUIJeDc , No. . HOT JoucsBt. Otfloe , No , 16 kruam Btreot Oilluo hourt 12 m. to In. m. , an om 8 to 6 p.m. TelepUooo ( or Olllco 97 " 3 SEGER & TONER MANUKAOTUUKIIS AND DEALE113 IN \VU1PS \ , ETO. V/o maVe avcry flno lUlit harnen'and hat eg wojKculunJ a lull ling of Jlorto C'lotbin , Curl Ccial * , UrultcK , ntc. Ho , 116 N , IGili St - Omafca Nc THE NORTHERN PACIFIC , Scnalor Van W Begins Wort on tto Land Grant of the company. Tlic Kiiorinoiifl llvlont of Itio Coin- llai > j'Hlotnnln I'lio Motlioels lly Wlilcli H Wan Oli'-.lnoil A Grc.it Dclmto In the Kcnato. An exciting nnd very lengthy debate ook [ place in the sonnlo last week , ovci Senator Van Wyck's resolution to with- lold patents for the forfeited land granl of the Ncrthorn Pacific railroad , on > ranchcs which are completed. Among hose who participated \voro Senators Dolph and Slater of Oregon , Morgan ol Alabama , Inugalls of Kansas , Wilson ol owa , McMillan of Minnesota , Dawca ol Maasachusaota , Conger of Michigan , larrison of Indiana llawloy of Con iccticut , nnd others. The Neb-aakii onator hold his own against this nrrnj of most talented colleagues. The fo' ' owing is the concluding portion of thi onator'a speech : Mr. Van Wyck. I wn not oo particu ar'y ' seeking light from the Senator 01 , ho subject as 1 was seeking to find ou some facts in the case. Ho seemed take < , ako exception to my remarks , and ex pressed hia turpriao nt what I s'ltcd. ' asked for light as far as the Norlhon L'acific railroad company ia concerned ot the tax question. For thousands of milci they pay not n dollar of tax into tin trcasrrics of the tctritoripa for their immense monso property , worth millions of dollars I have received no light upon tha subject. 1 asked ff in 1879 the Northern Pacifi railroad company did not encourage im migration into the country near their lin by resolving that the price for land wcs ot the Missouri should bo $2.00 an acre and I liavo received no information 01 Jrnt point. Their road waa extended and they turned mound nnd said tin ands should bo paid for at $5 or $10 ni aero. I am merely showing the charge or of this high-honed road that iron lemon think no question is to bo mode about. I regret the senator from Massachu * otts is not at this moment in hia neat , ' . stated to him that I waa about giving utterance on this floor to what n sonatoi rom Massachusetts once boldly stat J it , 870 , and if his arguments were cogent then they nro so now. Donry Wilson , when these gentlemen wore grasping out for moro land in 1870 , had an amendment mont in which ho asked that this land should bo sold at § 2 ( ! 0 an acre. They ucstioncd his loyalty to the granting of ands for building railroads , and after ho irotcstcd on that ho said : Now , filr , I cliooso lu coinmonco right hero n n rail road And this I commend to the Senator rom Massachusetts Now , sir , 1 choouo to coinmonco right hero n n railroad in whjch the people of my state itul my aoctlon of t'lo country lm\o n deeper ntcrCHt than nny other , nnd to apply this policy , as far as I am concerned , to thin road , nd then continue it to nil rands that nro hero ins f"r thn publia lands. I bollovoit to be n the Interest of tha country as nwholo , In ho interest especially ot the tolllne men ol ho country , of the landless men of tlio country ho ixctiml Hottlorn on the public lands ; and II H not ho ttlo to the roil intercuts of the roll vaya tho'imolvcH. lint , sir , that IB the 1m connidoratlonwith mo In regard to all of tliesi natt ) rn. The rallrond.s Irnvo gocrnod Icglbla , l\o boelici quite too much , It comes like a voice from the grave , . ask if the Senator from Mossachuaotti will stand where Henry Wilson stood ir 1870 ? The railroads ha\o governed legislative belies lies quite too imic.li , I liopo the day IH fiv tout when they will hmoany voice in tin congress of the United States to affect 0111 oblation , or to direct the ] policy of tint [ ovormnont. At any rate , if the nttompt Ii undo , I cheese for ono to meet It And il .hero nro nzonta in this chamber now or ni luy other time , or about the chamber , or ti .ho gallcrios , or In the capital , or In the city 'ntorestod In tlieio innttorH. I choose for oni not to bo dictated to by thorn , nor to lm < .lioni coma hero uiulortalclng to inlluouco o xi direct our notion , I chose for ono In this mutter to exorcise in ; own judgment. I hnvo nxamlnod this qura Lion. I am n member of the committee on th Pacific railroads. 1 lm\o neon Bomothing o the prrcHuro to obtain those lamia , na I IM tst yo.ir Lomothlng of the prcssurj to make i comllnatloH of Be\on great rail way Bchomos ti obt , In gunrunt.3 of JGO.000,000 of iutorcs , o railroads. I had something to do with do roatlng tliat project. Sir , I nope to Ihoto toi , ho time whim wo will grant our lands to builc rnllwiiys ; when wo will do It with cnro ; whoi wotvlllso do It that r.Iliondaill not hole great manses of the public dciunln and contro ihom , or hold them for Bpeuda'ho nvpoi- i-ralnst eottlpreor rgnlnsttho Intorcuti of tin aborin ? nion nud the loiullrss iron of th ! country. I boltmo that to bo round po'icy which bhould bo ndhorod to , whether rnllwuy n-kinc nrsiBtinco here like it or not. I cro i vast dnd moro for the interests of the coimtr ; and the iiiioroats of the tolling moil of tbi country than I do for the In * .rost or the com lUiiit'j of the nionwho nro asking for publli 'n.'oru. The position of Massachusetts in 187 ( s the position 1 am trying to uphold 5i regard to this matter. Henry Wilsoi roe above party considerations ; ho rosi above homo considerations , for then a novr Massachusotta was interested h this road to n very proat extent. Hour ; Wilson then rose above nil such conoid orations , and ho could legislate for hi country with his sympathies for th settler nnd the landless far moro thai for this corporation , nud pronoso tha the price of the lands granted to th railroad cnmpany should bo sold for § 2 ( ! ' an acre. lie bid defiance to Uio powo of the railroad company ; yet it has booi growing nnd increasing from that da ; until now. If there was occasion fo him to sound the warning then that occas ion is doubly hero now. In times gone by representative of n railroad corporatioi could go and nit down in the Intorio Department of this Government and dc mand what ho pleased of the Socretar of the Interior , nnd when ho faltered when the railroad demands wore so 02 orbitnnt that the Secretary of the Intel ior hesitated then it was loft t a very supple tool , who was general ! found in the oflico of thoattornoy-genorf of the United States , who was alwnj ready to furnish im opinion for anythln they asked , nnd to that the secretary c the interior was found ready to subscrib nnd carry it out in practice. Ilonryi \ son right then , would have boon infinite ly moro right to-day. They seized pos session of both political parties , the seued the executive departments , trio they caino up and seized both branchc of congress. They have done it. The have oven gene so far as to invade th federal courts. A short time ago thor considered in th was a question to bo city of Now York where the Union Pa cifio railroad was a party , and great diill cultywns experienced in finding a judg who could sit nnd not decide his owi case. After .t while they found ono i ono of the Now England States ; not i Beaten , but 1 think in Now Hampshire .hoy found n judge whoso pockets were lot filled with Union Pacific stock nnd jotids nnd who was competent to sit and , ry the cose. That is just what they are doing to- day. The house passes I may bo excused ? or rofori ing to so far to the House a ) ill in regard to a land prant. Not satis- led with that , they go to vrorkto prevent action horo. The power of those rail roads is b.-ought to bear. They refer it n the Ilouso to the Judiciniy Committee , Why ? The backbone road , no the Now Orleans and Pacific , to which the Sena tor from Colorado ( Mr. Uu.TO'dhju'cd ' the other day , issued bonds and put them in , heir pockets or distributed them among nonets , and never built a mile of road , The president of the road was elected a lording Democrat , Mr. Uarnum. The attempt was succescful when this same matter , although reported by the Dom- mittoo on Public Lands , was referred to the Judiciary , the object of which was apparent. The results will soon bo equally apparent. I have no unkindness 'or Mr. Barnum. 1 know ho is a Demo crat. It has boon paid in times past that 10 has used some Republican methods which nro considered reprehensible. Ifo is fond of transportation of ono kind , by "mules , " when ho was engaged in then purchrio at fabulous prices. That wa \ faster transportation than wan furnished by ( ho corporation of h's. This is the position wo are in tp-day. 1 say to my friend from Alalmna that it will not do for us to close the docu of this congress unless some legislation shall bo had on thin subject. The house can not allord , neither can wo on this side allbrd to close our doors with no legislation tion on the subject. Wo talk nbcut the national debt. Wo have been legislating for weeks and months about our national debt , and yet look for n moment on the railroad property of this country , whicl : to-day ia appraised at their own figures a ! nearly $7,000,000,000. According to Pooro'a manual the value is double the actual cost , say $ ' . 1,000,000,000. Tin figures nro almost staggering. In what minnor.lias this immense debt because it is a debt upon the people been piled up ? In the early days they had credit mobiliors , and little and distinguished statesman in this land and men mtolli < gent , prominent in the social nnd financia' world and in the politics of the count./ , were in them. I am spooking about tlu system , not about individuals ; and _ t great authority on this matter explains how these securities are sold nnd hov they are purchased. By purchase , on the same tcrirs a ! they were sold on the Boston mi'rkot tc all applicant1 ] Of course it is all right as it wai done in Boston sold to Josiah Bardtvoll , to EMaha At- nns , and to other respectable merchant' , securities , wh'ch were divided , an L isa.il in such enterprise ! , , into three finds , first morgtago bonds , second mor- [ ( ago bonds , and stock. The price , ] hink , WM three for ono ; that is , the pur chaser got first morg'ii'o bonds for Ire money , and an equal amount of second norgtago or lanu-jrrant bonds and oi lock thrown in as the basis of poss'blc ' ) roflt. This is the hiatoiy of the system. It ooplios not only to the Northern Pacifc > ut to other roads. That is the way it ii lone on tno Boston market , and that of : oiirso ia the highest typo of nobility and loncsty in all financial transactior i. Three for onol Look at it fora momon * hroo for ono. Here are § 0,000,000,000 of securities that according to the sato- nont of this man who is above reproach you know who ho is that actually cost their holders $2,000,000,000. Beyond that are $4,000,000,000 which arc hold ai mortgages on the state of Michigan , on the state of Oregon , and on the states ol Kansas and Nebraska , nnd other states $4,000,000,000 for which th'oso gentlemen have not p.iid a farthing. Wo have in this way an incumbrancn of moro than the national debt and worse than the na tional debt. The national debt wo can pay ; this debt can never bo paid. Thcj liold it forever. Tl'oy say , "Wo musl ! > ave interest on our mortgage , wo mu t liavo dividends on our stock when thoj liold thouo stocks and these bonds on the Ijasls of throe to ono. Per every dollar in actual money supplied they have $3 on which they are drawing interest. Of the more than $0,000,000,000 only $2OCO , . 000,000 have been actually expended and the § 1,000,000,000 stand to-day as c mortgage upon the prosperity , upon the wealth , upon the earnings of the people , In the face of that fact are wo to be tolel wo must now bo &o considerate lhai wo will not delay for thirty or sixty dayi this hngh corporation reaching cut iti hand upon n piece of road which at the time it was built they did not expect te bo a part of their branch or main line Whether they did or not this Conjreii is consiJoriii'j the question to-day , li 1870 thay began ; at that time Ilonrj Wilson raised his voice ; but nt that time ther.u nion nikcd that they should have moro land , and they obtained it. Inoj had a grant in 18li I of forty miles o * ooh side of the road , and ten miloa foi the selection of indemnity lands , giving a atrip of 100 miles for 5,000 miles ii lo'i th. They came in 1870 , when thoj had not built a milo of road , and wanted moro. 1 hear men talk about these whe invested their private frotuue" ! , but thpj ciuno in 1870 when they had never buili a milo of their road and never spent i dollar of their private fortunes. Thoj said they had not boon able to cell thpii bonds ; that they had not boon able to in duce other people to put in their memoj to build the road. The charter wn givoi in 1801. "Now that there may bo some quosiioi as to the full amount that was intended , ' they said" , "jjivo us ten miles moro bo youd the original one hundred miles , ' And it waa nt that time when they cami asking to make the width of their gran ono hundred and twenty miles that a senator ator from Massachusetts , in the face o the pecuniary interest in his own state was willing to stand up and declare tha ho was for justice to the nation and justice tico to the landless and to the settler 01 the lands. Notwithstanding that then as ever since , and possibly to-day it maj bo the same , congress extended then grant ton miles more on each side , giving their land grant a width of ono hundred and twenty miles through the torritoriei over which I suppose my friend fron Oregon exercises n sort of aenu-protoc tlvo caio , and withdrew from market i tract of land live hundred miles long am ono hundred and twenty miles in width And now , twenty years from the date o the original grant , nnd these btmtlomon have not yet completed their con trad with the government. Now w < merely nsk that they shall delay i few days , that they shall bo kept ii abeyance until this whole matter ii passed upon. They have able tdvocatcs they have gentlemen who are willing te rise on this tloor and ask that still man shall bo granted by refusing this delay s < as to give them an opportunity to obtaii hnd for this branch , which wo say thoj uro not entitled to. If it bo taken am conveyed to them that \\ill end it ; yoi can never got the Congress of the Unitce States to interfere. All that is uskod ty this resolution is that action shall b withhold until Consro-s shall have an op portur'ty ' to decide the question. The senate will pardon mo the length of tune I have occupied in tF quest'on. ' I h vo felt it my duly to r } th'i much , b cause it is extremely ( ] ! „ , Ctilt to got before thoScnata any eiucstion connected wi h the forfeitj-o of lan'J gianti , cstret , ely diHlcult tj get any mca'uro to r-itrain there gentlemen wilhin the limits of the law itself. > -y. W. i ; . Glfford. 1'Mtor , M , K. Clmrcn , 15otl- We'l ' , Out. , waifor two jeats a ei'lfcrer wit'i ' Dyspepsia lu Iti wont term , until M l < a tmyg , "lifo boc ro nn nct'ihl bunion. " Th'oobottles oi'iirfot. . ! . l.ltod J'i CM cured Mm , nnd he :11 us In a recent loiter that lie conslclen ! , , lie b t family mcdlcino now before tlio coun < , y for ( lyipcpsla amllher complaint. I'OSSIHILITIKS. Mr. Kellsou OVIh IVIicn Kloclilcltj Jldr Un Na\l nto ilio Air. ' 'Will electricity ever help us lo navl gate the > a'r V "Yes , when wo can get five or eij tim'i moro power per pound of wci b that wo now got f rom ho best fornno small engines. ElcctrLity has not do that yet. Hero is the problem , " tappi' liis knee atoutcly with his fib. "Wo want to got electricity from coa direct without the intervention of bo'L ' and online. A good many people are r work on it , too , I toll you. " aaid the famous inventor , Tom Edison , to-day. "You are not ? " "Ah , I won't say , yotl I won't saj oven that there is any probability abou it wo don't BOO our way nt all to it ; bu I will say it \t surely possible Kino and other metals wo can pot inti olt tiioity at once , but the trouble is tide do that with coal and carbon. If wi could , wo could got aix-horso power fron ono pound of coal , while with the boilc and steain-enpir.o we got only one-horn power from thrco pounds of coal. Wi can't transmit directly the power of car bon. If wo could the ocean stoamshi ] could have nil of her boiler-room and ; great part of her coal-bunkers for cargo while the motive power would not occup ; moro than half the room at present dc voted to the heavy engines. Enormoui sums would bo saved on construction , am the cosh of running would bo greatly re duced. " "Cannot you got power enough b ; chemical olectiicity to run electric on ginosri' "Certainly get nil wo want and utilizi it. " "Only ? ' "Only wo can't food our engines will money. In fact , it is money wo want and for that wo want power. Zinc is jus as much a combustible in the battery o : jar as coal is in the furnace. But coa dovelopes seven times as much power ai zinc , and zine costs thirty-five times a' much ai coal , a difference in cost poi pound of 245 to 1 , or 2:1,500 : per cent. " "But about the balloon ? " "Well , having lightness with power , wo should only need enough balloon foi actual lifting power , nnd wo would attair a very high velocity. You could hold a ten liorso power motor out in your hand , ant once in the air , with five pounds of coal , could the consumption bo direct , the little jigger could go anywhere. Nobodj would want to ascend to great height : where the air's renistanco to the propellei would decrease , but skim along ovoi : ! io trees and houses like a bird above the water. The rudders could all bo worked and your ballastlcss balk on could be raised or lowered , turned to tin right 01 [ eft by the ) motor itsolt , and n boy coule do the wcc k Suclmn arrangement coule scarcely do ior heavy freight , but it coule cariy paisdngors and mail matter and ex press parcels , and move readily at 80 t' 100 miles an hour. If wo can solve tin power question wo can do anything. " As A Cure for Snro Tliroat nne Coiitjlis , lirovfli'3 llTonchiul Troches" hav be 'n thoroughly tested , nnd maintain thei good reputation , Oust tlio Foreign JXintl Grabbers. Chicago lle'eld. When Senator Van Wyck introduces his bill to prevent the acquirement bi * aliens of moro than G40 ucics each o public lands in any of the territories , hi accompanied it by a statement of tin thousands upon thousands of acres foncee in by foreign capitalist1 ] for use at cattli ranges. This statement attracted mucl attention and was widely commcntce upon. But it seems that it is not foreigi cattle speculators alone who are foncini in and acquiring title to the publi' lands. Ono of the St. Paul papers ha been to some pains to got at a Hat o foreign grain growers in Iowa , Minncsoti and Dakota , and the showing is anythin ; but pleasing to these who believe tha the pubiio domain is , and ohould remain a heritage for American citizens. Thou sands of acres are yearly planted one harvested by men who do not live in tin country , have no intention of doing so but are eager to reap the profits ane thus withholds the land from actual sot tiers. The list includes Earls , lords riuht honorabloa and baronets , and ovei officers of the British army. A gooe many of these people have cecurcd thoi holdings in the states by means of tin ra'lway ' land grants , and they range ii extent from 020 to 7,000 acres , W Johnson , of Liverpool , being the fortun ate holder of the latter domain in Minno sota. Another Liverpool man , Edwari Paul , has 6,000 acrca at Cottonwood Minn. But the largest holdings by far in Da kota. and these were got mainly alon the line of the Northern Pacific. Moa of the foreign owners secured title to th land by exchanging stock of that road fo it , but others bought it out and out Richard Sykes , of Stockport , England and his partner Ilughoa , nephew o "Tom Brown of Rugby , " own 85,00' ' acres of wheat land in that territory. C M. Beach , of London , who comes to "th blarstcd country" every fear to rake ii his profits , owns 10,000 , acres , of whicl ho had 2,000 iu wheat last year. Fmla ; Dunn and partners , Englishmen , hav about 215,000 acres scattered about Dakc ta , and the Marquis do Morales , o France , has 10,000 acres. All thcs land-grabbers are aliens , not only ii birth , but in actual residence. The ; have seized upon this land nnd are drain ing it of profit , not as citizens , but as foreign speculation , and the Van 'Wye ! bill is intended to stop such proceedings The bill is a wise one , and will force foi eigners hereafter either to become citi zci's or withhold their grasp from th landed heritage of our people. Ther ought tn bo no two opinions as to th need of its prompt passage. 11. If. Douglas H Sons' ' Carulcum Coug Drop * are manufactured by themselves , an nro tha result of over forty j ears' experience I couipouiulliiK cough moilicinoj. ino-10-ot. They Looked tit Her. New York Sun , A pretty young woman , with fai banged hair , attracted considerable attention tion m lower Broadway yesterday oftei ucon. She were a silk drcia , whic chanced to n different color every way i ( vrt * looked at. tier hat waa bell shaped , and wn profusely trimmrJ with bunches of Howe's , on wh'ch ' rntrd several but terflies nnd bced'ca. ' A liirgo bronzed owl , with d'atnond eyes , fastened n bow nt her IhroaS Stichcd on her bltio s'lk ' paraaol was an enormous peacock fen the , and a handkerchief , carried in a tiny bolt , waa embroidered with birds and animals. ALONG THE LINK OK THE Chicago , $ t , Pay ) , Minneapolis and OMAHA RAILWAY. The ncn extension ot thU line from Wakeflold up tiic BEAUTIFUL VALLEY of the GAN through Concord and Coleridge lloachcs the best jwrtlon ol the ttato. Special ox. ctirslon rates ( or land icckera o\cr this Mno to Wajn < ? , Norfolk and llnrtlugton , and * ia Dialto Ml on the SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC RAILROAD Tril-is o\ct Hit C. , St. 1' . M. & 0. lUIKay to Cov tnto i. L.oux Llty , 1'onca , llartlngton , Wajno and Norfolk , doxxxxoot , t 3Sl ii- Kor Fremont , Oikdac , Ncllfh , and through to Val cntl'io. rtSTFor latcg and all Information call on F , l . WHITNEY , General > -ont. PUBLIC SALE Imported , I'uic-Urod and recistorod ANGUS and &ALLOWAYS Thi property cf LEONARD BROSMt. . Leonard Mo. , AT Omaha , Nebras a , ON Wednesday , May 21 , 1884 , The oHennjj 111 consist of joini' : bqll8 i > ( cholc : bre-dlnp , rcaov for Itnnicdhto terucc , pnd two and thriovcars old liclfcrx In C3'f or w th nlves at loot. AI' Lo'cctcd ' from the herds of tlio mott n cited hr.od- era of hcolland. Stock men " 111 Cud this a HAND faOMn AND SnilVfCnAHU : HERD of tattle , amlarc co-dial'v Imjtctl to attend i lo Sale will hcgln pnwpth at 1 o'clock p. in , find w'H t-Ko pKco at How .nau'a stables , south 11th bt.licio stock arc now ou oxabltlon. Fo.u thcr p.rtlcu'aia address O. U. DHU3E , I 'ncc ij Neb. wMj It da cio 12 mcr 1417-20 PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN SUPPLIES - PLIES AND TRANSPORTATION. OK THE INTEIUOK , Olllco ol LJ Indian Affairs , Washington , April 23 , 1884 Scalid proposals , Indorsed "Proposals / Beef" ( elds for bcif must lie submitted in separate cm elopes , ) Bacon , Flour , Clothing , or Transportation , & < . , ( as thocasomaj be. ) and directed to the Coimnlasinor 1 1 Indhn Alfalrs Noa. 05 and 07 Wooster street , New Yrrk , will bo rcceued until 1 r. M. of Tucsdaj , Jliy 27 , lb ° 4 , for furnishing for the Indian Borneo about & .0.000 pounds Eicon , 33.000.0CO pounds Beef on the 1 not , SOJ.OOO pounds Deans , 45,000 pounds Rakr ! > K Powder , 780,000 pounds Corn , 450,000 pounds Coifec , 7/00,000 pounds Flour , 70,000 pounds 1 ced , 105,000 pcuni'H Hard Bread , 43 COO pounds Hominy , 18.0CO pounds Lard. 700 barrels men nork , 180,00 pounds lllcc , 7,500 pounds TV a , COO ( pounds Tobacco , 20 1 00 launch Salt , 1 00,000 pounds boap , 0,000 pounds cla , 850,000 pounds Sugar , and 40,000 pounds Also , Blankets , Woolen nnd Cottun Goods , ( con- s.'nslnpart ' of Tlckuit ; , 20000 jards ; Stant'ard alii i , 135,000 janln ; Drilling , 0,000ards ; Dick.o i ofiom all slJnj , 80,000 yrrds ; Denims , 17,00 jords ; Gingham , 140,000 jards ; Kentucky Jeans , 28,000ard ° ; Clioiot , 4 , [ 00 jards , Brouu Shcctmi ; 175,000 jardi : Bleached Sheeting , 15,000 jards ; HIcK'ty Shi'tlng , 10000 jards ; Calico hhiitine , O.OOOjarl ? ; Vtinscy , 1,500 jnrds , ) Clothing , Gro cciitt , Notions Ilaro arc , Medical Supplies , hchool 1)0' ) tt , &c. a.ida Ion : Use cf rnl ccllimlous articles , nuili 1.4 Harnetf , rioua , Hakes. Forks , i.c. , and for sbi-iit 475 W Kona tcqulrcil for the scnico. to be ilclli lo at C'hlca o , Kansas Citj.and MouxC'ity. AUofur Buih Wa onaai maj bo required , Japted to the cliamto of the Pacific Coast , with Cirifornia Brakes , dclicml at Ean Francisco Also , tranipoitation for puch tf the articles , goods , and supplies i hat coay not bo contracted for to be delivered at the Agencies. UlD9 Ml ST 1 B JIADK OIT OS' aO\PHNSIK.\T IILAM1S fcclicdu'oi shouing the kinds ant qualities ot sjlnlstencesupidics required for each Agi.nc.tanU the kinds and quantities In cross , of all other goods nd articles , to-uthtrvuth blank proposals , conditions to bo oldened by bidders , time and place of dclUery t tmt of contract and paj ment , transportation routes and al' ' ether ntccssar ) inttriictlons IIIbo furoUhed upon oppllcat'on ' to the Indian Olllco In Washington , or Nes 05 and B7 Wooster StrcU .w York ; Wm II , L } on , No , 403 Broadwaj , New York ; the Commls- arl : of subalstance , U. S. A , at C'-ojctme Chi. r-B'o , Ica\CTiuortli , Omaha , taint Loul ) , Saint 1'aul , ban iranc'sco , and Yiukton ; the I'ostmostir at Sioux City , nn 1 to the I'obtuns'cra a * the follo lng named placis In Kaiitas ; .Arknn : n Citj , Iturllugton , e1 Idwell. Unl'oCit > , I mtoiii , l-urekn , Oreit Bend , Howaril. llutcnlmon , I < arni 1 , Mo Phcrson , Miricn , Medicine I/i gu , New tan' , Oaan'oCitN , Sedan , htcrllnir Topeka , WtlliiiBt"ir , Wichita and Wmllcld Bids will looj cnetlat the Hour and day above stated , mid biddeiuaroln\ltod to bo prt'acn the CLRT1HKD CHICKS. All bids must bo aecompanlrd b > certified checks uncn tonio United bUtcj Depository or the First National Bank at Los Angeles , Cal. , for at least llu per cent of the amount of tno projwal. II. I'ltlUE C nunl-sloncr. THE BRUNSWICK , BALKE , COL- i : DER COMPANY , ( SUCCESSORS TO TUB J. M. D. 4 , U CO ] THE MONARCH Ito tnjat extensive manufacturcra of ( l 0 IN THE WORLD. 600 S. Tenth Street , OMAHA , NED fjrl'rlces ol llllllnl anil Tool Tables and material * , lurnlnhcil on ni > -ntlnn BRUNSWICK & CO , Billiard , Ball Pool , Carom , AND ALL OTHER QAMINd TABLKS. TEN I'lK 1HU.8 , CHhCKS. tTa IS South 3d Street , St. Louis , 411 Do'auare Street , liaimi Clt ) Mo , 18.il licu las bt. , ( nnalu , t\.h , HENRY lIOJiNJJEttGEll , Agent. \Vtlto ( or Catala.'uca aril 1'rlco LI t . S , H. ATWOOD , ' Plottamouth , - - - - Neb , BaiiDsaor luonopaiiKsitD ASO man amen HEREFORD AID JERSEY ( ME I 1HD DUKOO OR JJUST KID S7IKI tftOMuy stooi lot ulo , Cotrespja ileacs Boll ARCHITECTURAL IRON WORK. Columns , Pllastora , Lintels , Fencing , Cresting , Railing , Etc. . Oast , and Wrought Iron Booms. AKCIKH for TIII : HYATT IUUHMATIC I.IOISTH. THE MURRAY IRON WORKS CO. . , Burlington , Iowa. THE LARGEST IRON WORKING. ESTABLISHMENT IN THE 8TATP. SPECIAL NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others , WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO H Is the b t anil ehotnciit loot tor sloe * ol any kind. One pound l eqnalto three pounds ot corn flock < ! with Ground Oil Cake In the Kail ana Winter , Instead of running down , will Increase In weight anil 1)0 In coou marketable cotin.tlon In the spring. Dalrjmen , M fell aa others , who uo It can tcttllj to Hamcrlta. T r U and ludcofjr > our lvef. Price $2SOUiorf.u ! no chatpo tor Backs. Address WOOnu , L'WKRTl < > " nivmj , y Omaha Neb TEE NEW HOUSE OP R A MF COLE Fine Havana , Key West and Domestic Cigars. All Standard Brands Tobaccos. Trial Orders Solicited , Satisfaction Guaranteed , { is" DEALERS IN FIRE AND BUEGLAK PEOOF 3LOI3O J. A. WAKEFIELB , WnOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN H JL9l , n FSu'AIli.H Jl. M H SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOULDINGS , LIME , CEMENT , PLASTER , &C- STATE AGENT FOR MILWAUKEE CEMENT COMPANY. Near Union Pacific Depot , - Omaha , Neb , STEELE , JOHNSONS CO. , . E. LOCKWOOD ( formerly of lookwood & Draper ) Chicacp , MaoJ ager of the Tea , Cigar and Tobacco Departments. A full line of : all grades of above ; also pipes and smokers' articles carried in stock. Prices and samples furnished on application. Open orders intrusted to us shall receive pur careful attention Satisfaction Guaranteed. AGENTS FOR BENWOOD NAILS AND LAFL1N & 'RAND POWDER f76 > / ' < > * i IB only attained by using ihT-.EW 1 i3 | = I Stoves and Eanges , HWIT IRE GAUZE OVER OOGi ! Fci sale by MILTON ROGERS & SOSIS OMAHA' ( SUCCESSOR TO FOSTER & GllAY. ) CEMENT. Office anil Yard , 6th and Douglas Sts. , PROPRIETOR 21S South 14th Street , Otmha , Nebraska. "Corrcspondcuco Solicited. " 0. M. LEIGHTON. H. T. OLA.RKE. LEIGHTOH & CLARKE , SUCCESSORS TO KEJTNAUD BROS , & CO. ) ( I DEALERS IN PaintsOils. . RFRANZ FALK ' ! NQ GO. JA ? Milwaukee , Wisconsin , GUNTHER CO , , Solo Bottlen. M , HELLMAN & CO , 1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREE1 COR. JSY/t OMyUA.