OMAHA DAILY BEE FRIDAY MAY 16 , ISS-i. MANUFACTURER OF GALVANIZE WINDOW CAPS , FINIALS , ETC , 3.3.O aiatix K5tx-oot OMAHA NKI1.NA8KA WITH year work is done for all time to time to como. Vs. WE CHALLENGE fm w ra a o produce a more durable ruaterinl for street pavement thau. the Sioux Falls Granite. S FOll ANY AMOUNT OF OR pr mpt1" . Samples sent and orf given upon appli cation. WM.MOBAIN&OO. . Sioux Falls. 617 St. Charles St. , St , Louis , Mo. A RZCiULAR. GRADUATE of two medical college ! J.Z. h-.i been en a ed longer In tin treatment ol OnROXIC , NEHVOU3 , SKIN AND BLOOD Dleoisos than other physician In St. Louts , as city papers show CjiJall ol.l rcslilonta know. Consultation free and /imltod. When It Is luconenlcnt to t Lslt the clty for ' ' treatment , moltclneg can be sent by mall or oxpreia CTcryv.licre. Curable cases ( ruarantecdwhero ; doubt exists it Is frankly etitoj. Call or write. NervousProitratlon , Debility , Mental and Phyelea Vi'cikcua , .iml other attcctlons ot Tbroit and Mouth , OU Sores nnd Ulcers , Impodl mcnts to m rrtiea , Knonavuism , 1'ifcf. Bn-jeltl at tent Ion to coses trom n\orworkcd brain. SUIUHUAL- CASKS rcciiho e ; > ocul attention. Ulacaies Irom Imprudence , Kxceaaes , Indulgences permanent ly cured. 260pagesthowhole ; ryweIlto1d.Uui7 receipts ; who may . marry.whomaynot whycauses , conso.iuoacca and cue. M lloJ for 25c ; or stiraoa. o 91-divlv Hotioe to Cattle 900 CATTLE FOR SALB.j 110 Head ol Steers Three Ycara Old. 200 ' " Two " MO " " Ilclfera , Two " 150 " ' Steers , Ono " 220 " " Heifers , One " Tbo aboro described cattle are all well bred Iowa cattle , straight and smooth. These cattle will bo eold in lota to suit purchiserc , and at reasonable irlcc9.3t"or ) further partlculara , call on nr aildrcea M. F. PATTOK , . Wa erly , Bremir Co. , Iowa. . Vlsayo unz erulo m7-dme-S PEIUCIPAL LINE FKOM CHICAGO , PEORIA & ST. LOUIS , nv WAY or OMAHA AND LINCOLN TO DENVE3 , OH VIA. SAUSAS CITY AND ATCHISON to DENVER Union Depots nt Knn-us Olty , Ouiiiliu und Denver with tluuuglitminiilur Anil nil points in tlioUientVuit CunncctliiK In ( ininil Union Dnpot : Itli thruiiKh trains I'm- jsrjj w Y o n K , no .s T o .v , And nil I'.aHtern Cities. Atl'rorln with tluoimh tmlna lor Iiullaniip. ell , Clnclntmtl , CuliimbUB , and nil iiolntH in tluihoiitli.Kiist. At Ht. Louis with tluoiigli traliiH tor ull poliim ftoiitli. KICKiint Day Coaclies , 1'arlor Cars , with Ito. clliiliiK ( Jlialrs ( scats lieu ) , Smokln-j Cnrs with Jtiivolvint' Cliuli's , 1'iillinun rnlucu Sk-cplnu Caw mul the famous 0. 11 , &Q. DlnliiK bare lllll dully toond from Clileuiro anil Kansas ( jlty , ( ihlniKounil Council llluils : Ohlcauo mid Dia ! Jloliids ) , Uhlcafjo , St. Josuph , Atulilson anil Tujiokn without change. Only tluuuKli lint iiinnlng tliolr own tmlns hctwtori Chleuo ( , Mncoln niul Denver , and Ohli-aua , Kansas IMtv nnd Diniver. Tlnonili CUM hutwuun IndlaiianolU and Council lllnlls , via 1'uorln , GOING A'OHTII AND KOIJTII. Solid Trains of Klosant Day Coauhcs nnd I'lillinan I'ulacuSlcciilim Cartiaioriin dully tc and liom St. Louis ; via Hannibal. ( Jnlncy Kcoknk , Dnillnf-ton , Cellar JtaniiUnnd Allied Li-atoht. I'ttiil nnd .MlnnraiHills } I'nilurCnrt with Ucc llnlne fliaiis to and Iroin fet. I.oul , und 1'i'om. Only ono cliango of can * botwi'ur St. I.oulaund De Mulnc * , Io u , Lincoln. No linuska. und Dunvtr , Colorado. H Is also thu only TJiioiich Mno between ST. LOUIS , UIUNEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL , Jtl ? lf < J 'n a the ( rreut TllltOntJII OAI I.l.Nh of America , and Is universally admit 1C'I til l)0 tllO Finest Ejulptsed Railroad In tha World to all classes of Travel. Thronsli Tickets via this line ior * ale otaj IM.coiiM ! | > n ticket oitlccs In tlmUiiilcdStntci I . : < ! Canada. W. J. I'OTTEK , I'EnCEVAI. LOWELL. > > ' 'rii i.ita.igr. ftr Otn p ' > 1 i Amelia Burroughs , OFFICE AND RESIDENCE' ' 617 Dodge. . St. , - Omaha , TKI.KfHONK Ko.144. BfUlORNE'S ELEOT8 BELT ZI.OOO Would Not 13U" It. DR. HORIK I xrrva afflicted with rhemnatkra ml utoil by mlnff n belt To any ono ixinictcJ with .hat illsouc , I nouM SAT , buy Homo's Kloctttc Holt , Any ona cnn confer with mo hy wrltlmr axlllDK , my store , 1120 DougUs street , Onmlin , Nob. WILLIAM LYONS. MAIN OFFICE Opposite portofflco , room 4 Fton- cr block. tJTForgileitC. F. GooJmnn'e Drugstore1 1110 ' * inam St , Omaha. Orders filled C. O D. T. 0. CARLISLE , unr.iuKR : OF , MO. VALLEY , - - - IOWA. "Send for Circulars. " lu U. r. Wnsr's Nniivr AI > HU.MN THKAT. F.NI , n Kimr.mtpoil Rppciho for lljutorin , Dizii- ' ? ? , Convulsions , r'ltn. JJenoiw Nournlitin , nnilachnNervoua Prostration caused bj'tlionpa 'alcohol ' or tobacco , Wuki-fulnci's , Jlontnl lo- opiiou , Hotonininf tlm Drain resullinuiuin nity mid londiiiR to luitcry , ticrny nnd drath , romituro Old Aun , l.i ! r > IIIICCB , Loss of pnwm cither ECX , Invuluntnrr Jiossos nixl Bpi'rmnt- rlicrn canoed bymcr-nxorlionuf thabrmnGclf- . 1-icli box containa ) Ut-o or ovor-iiidulscucc. - no iKonthB troutmi'tit. $1.X ( ) n box , or fix bozee r5r.tX'i50iitbyiiiiiil propuulon receipt uf prico. nu wis : j : xis o euro anj raso. WitU each order n > 3f ivon vyv.t , r c : bnxr r.ooc.mii.imM with t-B.O,1 , wo wiK ncl tno purclisitsor uur written tumrautco to re- ami the ui ( > ii y if the tieiitmoutiloegnotoUjol euro , ( iuttrauT/.ip > K UO 0. F , GOnnMANN , Dnuglst Acenta ( or Omahn oh. DR. FELIX LB BRUN'1 PHEVENTIVE AND CURE. FOR EITHER SEX. T.o ! remedy bolnR Injected directly' tn t'lietut o o disease , requires no change ol diet 11 CMISOOUF , crcurlal orpjUonous mcdlcino to bo taken Inter Hy. When u ul an n preventive by cither Bex , Ills irO9slble ] to co.itr.-vct Miy private disease ; but In the ne ot thoi-o ulrunly uatortunatcly allllctcil ; uar- too tluoclnxci to euro , or we ulll rotund the r.ion- ' , . rriie ! > y tm'l , pcwtrxO nMJJ2 per box or tbree \ j IXOT for ? i. WJIITTBN QUAKANTKE9 hracdby nil authorized agentr. JrEelixLeBrua&Co. SOLE PUOPUIETOnS O F. Uooduun , Druggist Sole Agent , lui eb mto wly JAMES I. CRAIG , AND FLORIST. Flans , specifications and cellmates of cost of laving ut new or remodeling old lanns , grading , soddlngr , tc. will bo furnished on application. Oroucr and ealer in all kinds of Floners , Shrubs , Ornamental md Shade Trees. Just the thing for Cemetery or iwn Decoration. Green llouao and Nursery -J3rd , reot , near Fort Omaha. Cm FIe orsaod Flower- ig Plants In pots for sale at all seasons , and any [ oral Designs or Bouquets made up on the shortest otlce. Orders by mall promptly attended to. tress I' . O. Box 635 Omaha , Neb. GEORGE J. ARMBRUST , S E orncr 22d and Cumlng St. GUTTERING , SPOUTING ETO. Orders will bo promptly attended to. IN BOTTLES. Erlanger , Bavnria , Culmbacker , Havana. Pilsner Golieiaiu'i. Kaiser Bremen. DOMESTIC. Budweiser St. Louis. ( Vnhauser St. Louis. est s Milwaukee. chlitw-Pilsner Milwaukee. Kruc's Oinahti. Ale , Porter , Domestic and Rhine Wine. ED. MAUKTSR Farnafii St MANUFACTUnEU3 AND DfiALKllS IN II WHIPS , ETO. Wo make a very fine light harness , and hare ftl- waja on hand a full line of Uoruo Clothing , Curry Combs , BrjBheu , etc. No , 116 N , 16111 St Omaiia Neb R. KAUSH . , rim TAfLOR llm just received a full line of Imported Fancy 'Suit liigi and I'Autalooni uf the latest styles Also guarantee * fine nttlngaand no trimmings. at Low tat I'rlcu. Also Cleaning lyulu and Hcpalrlnir , S. K- Corner IBth and DatennortBtreeU EDWARD KUEHL , HAOISTKR OF rAUTYSTiHlY AKD CONDITION ALIST. BOB Tenth street , bf twcen Faraaia tnd H i oey , will , wlta tno aid of guariHan iplrlU. oltaUsIng mj one guace 01 to p st nd prosinl , nd tb erwln condition In tno tutura. uv.ti an ! 'lion m J ordar. I'urfoct satUfactlO r "VKTTO TO PURCHASE Fnr Spot Casli. i.'ill on nr oddrewi Jtr , or ] IIr4 SUuhrn I. llUODf.UICK , 818 South 10th itrctt. CEO. WEBER , BAKERY r All kinds ol lircul , Fancy CaVes anj Fici tutiutlj t > u GOULD'S ' LATEST GAME , An Attempt f > lUilldo/.o Ono of "Tlio Ituo" IMItorlul Stall' . Having failed in the recent Attempt to obtain money under false pretenses , and nlso in the futile endeavor to boycott TUB BKK , the pro toni presiding genius of the Omaha Typographical Union takes n now tack in an attempt to bulldoze Mr. D. 0. O'Rognn , one of the editorial stall"of this paper. How far ho succeeded will bo seen by the correspondence below. Mr. O'llegan is a printer of twenty years' experience - porionco , has always been an authority in matters of dispute wherever ho hns boon employed , was twice n delegate to the In ternational Typographical Union nt their Washington nnd Albany sessions , and a member of the body that framed the In ternational constitution. Ho is known by printers from Now Orleans to St. I'nul , nnd from Omaha to Now Yorkj is universally liked by union and non-union printers , who uniformly speak of him ns "ono of the whitest men in the newspa per business. " Although in the editorial department of newspaper work for years ho has always taken n warm interest in "tho boys , " and boon of much service in securing thorn advances and other advan tages in olliccs in which ho has boon em ployed , While little oho is needed to show the injustice of Tin : Bin : printers' strike , yet his testimony Trill add another straw to brok the back of the camel of calumny that has been brought forward to bear the blackmailing burden intended for TiiuUiiB : Tin : coutiKsrottDBXcn. Mu. O'HEAOAN : 1 am authorized by the board of trustees to request you to como out of Tin : lira : ollicoand nlso to appear nt Union hall nt 8:110 : Sunday morning for initiation. Kiu.o : < io 0. Goui.n , President. May ! ) , 1881. Mu. K. O. GOULD Dear Sir : Your note receivedand contents duly consider ed. You will pardon mo if I beg leave to refuse acceding to the request of your self and the "board " of trmtoos , either to "como out of Tin : BEI : ollico" or to "present myself for initiation , " etc. My refusal la based on several grounds , the first mid principal ono being because your demand is absurd , nnd being absurd is only insincere on your part , and merely a preliminary stop to turning on to mo n portion of the volume of vituperation with which you have been so liberal since the ill-advised and cruel strike precipi tated in Tiu : Bii : : ollico a few weeks ago. I aay ill-advised because it was n failure before it was begun , and because it was dead before it was twenty- four hours old. 1 ray cruel bccauso it has been such a bitter blow on some of the printers who were called out from their work at a time when they could BO illy alt'oid to bo idle , and who have , with their families , since been Buttering from the lack of sufficient employment. Ano ther reason I refuse ia bccauso I fail to see by what authority you can dictate tome mo where 1 shall or shall not work. 1 Had imagined that the recent trouble was i printers' strike not n strike by the od- torial atafl of TUB Bm : . As far ns I am nformcd , there has been no complaint as p their salaries by members of the edito rial profession in Omaha , notwithstand- ng a few of them are willing to give heir services for much less than any competent printer can earn on any papier "n this city. Indeed , I am reliably in- 'ormed that n former editorial employe of ono of the morning papers who hns 'ccontly , both at the mooting in the city tall and hat Sunday in Hnscall'a park , ) eon very breezy in his championship of 'downtrodden labor , " and who is asso ciated with you in an occasional and rather questionable publication would have been perfectly willing , and so volunteered , to displace myself on TIIK BKK editorial staff at a salary § 9 per wool : leas than I have been receiving. But even if I were in tholinoof typograph ical trork , 1 think under the circumstan ces of the recent strike , I should have re- fuacd to obey the unlawful alleged action yio Omaha Typographical Union. It s rdtfrOd'and , carried on at every atop in contravention of all the rules of the International Union , which forbid n strike without being ordered by arogular- [ y called meeting of the lucal union ; which forbid the voting on this question by any member who hns not tieen a resident of the city for at least six months ; which forbid a strike calling for a change in the standard and measurement of nny typo ; and which emphatically for bid the uau of violence and epithets i n the conduct of a strike. I have no ob jection to joining nny typographical un ion , oven though for some yearn I h.ivo not been much employed in that apcclul line of work ; but I cannot in self reaped connect myself with n body cailing itsoll u typographical union that so ruthlessly trods under foot the laws of the head society from which it receives its power The violations I have cited you can easily see I am correct in , by reference to the laws and constitution o : the International Typographical Union 1 am certain of it , for 1 had the honor of being a member of the body that put that constitution and thoao laws in being There is much more that I would like to say in this matter , but the public hac already had a surfeit of it. But 1 wil nay that if it is your purpose to causeless ! ; nnd unprovokedly vilify and traduce mo or to number mo among those you have marked for assassination of character , ot account of my refusing to obey n ridicu lous mandate , 1 am prepared for il Whatever my human frailties may havi boon in the past , and whatever virtues . ' may not luvo possessed , I will claim tha I have never flinched in the lack p moral courage to do my duty either it the face of un unjust employer or a tyran nical and reputation-blackening body o men usurpingjtlio.imnio of trade-union li conclusion , 1 would say that 1 have writ ten nothing hero that I intend should in jure any person's feelings. I regret being ing compelled to push myself , a comparative tivo stranger in Omaha , into publicity nnd do so now only because what little have said and done eincu the failure o the strike boa boon misrepresented to my friends among printers and others Probably you and I look on life throng ! different views. Ot later years 1 hav come to the conclusion that the strut'I ; ! for existence is no more pio-nic ; tha "life is neither a pain nor n pleasure ; it i serious business. " And that lie wlu honorably provides for wife and littl ones is coining as near doing hia duty i this world as it ia po iblo for.poor . humu nature to accomplish. 1 remain your respectfully , D. 0. ArinyOrdor-H. llocrutt Matt Morse enlisted at Fort Omaha , Neb. , in assigned to the Fourth I infantry. . llocruit Adolf Yogcli , enlisted at Fort 1 Omaha , Neb , ia assigned to troop 1) i Fifth cavalry , nnd will bo sent to the ol lion of his troop on the first fnvorablo opportunity. The oxloniion of ton (10) ( ) days Icavo ol absence granted ild Lioutonnut J. V. S. Paddock , Fifth cavalry , in paragraph ! ! , special orders No. ! W ) , current sorioi from tnoso ho.-utqiiartor.i , is further extended 13\on dnyn. AT M I. D. AVIIIIiniiN , Snoolal I'otlociiian from Duly OnUI < | I < K Drunk , Attempt ) * to slioot MnyorMuConncll , Beatrice Express , Mny 1- . About 4 o'clock Saturday nfternoon an unsuccessful attempt to shoot Mnyor McConnell wns made by .1. 1) . Williams , The streets were crowded with people and the first report wns that Mr. McCon- neil hnd been killed. There was great excitement , but much of it died nwny when it waa learned tliat Mr. McConnell had not boon hurt nnd that Williams was under nrrest. The circumstances nro the following ; Saturday being circus dny , Mayor Me- Connell appointed ooveral extra policemen - men , nnd among them \Villinni8. Sometime - time during the afternoon the Mayor's attention wns called to the fnct that Williams was drunk. The Mayor after wards found him insldo the circus tent , in the condition stated. Ho walked up and removed the ollicor's star from Will iams' coat and told him ho wna no longer needed in thnt capacity. The mayor then passed out into the nicnngorio tout with fcMr. 0. E , Dorsoy. Meantime Williams , who wns more than indig nnnt thnt ho hnd lost his atixr , walked around the circus tout between the ring and the foot of the soata , revolver in hand , looking for McConnell nnd threat ening to shoot him. 'Williams then came into the menagerie tent nnd seeing the Mnyor wont up to him nnd insolently de manded hia star. Mr. McConuell re fused to lot him have It. Williams said ho would have it or there would bo trouble , and told the mayor tint ho "had nod n fool to deal with now. " Will iams followed McConnpll around the menngorio tent , still talking und Illicit- cuing. The circus over , the mayor and Mr. Dowcy came up town nnd went to the lattcr'a store. Williams waa nlso up tow n by this time mul had gene to the mayor's ollico. Ilo came in saying to wanted to pay 82 that he owed Mr. McConnoll. Ilo handed Ed. Sherman , of the mayor's of fice , a $5 bill. Ilo then began threaten ing Mr. McConnoll. Ilo pullcd out n revolver , nnd said , "G d d n him , I'll give him the contents ! " Just nt that mo ment , Mr. McConncll , having croosod the street from Dorsoy'a entered the door. Ilo had advanced in&ido nbout two steps , when ho found himself face to face with Williams , who wns pointing the revolver directly nt him. Quick ns n llashjEd. Sherman struck down the revolver nt the instant it was discharged. This quick movement saved Mr. McConnell's life.- The ball struck Williams ou the thigh , making n slight wound , and buried itself in the floor a few feet nwny. This oc curred in nn instant. Mr. McConnell hnd barely time to see iho weapon pointed at him when it wns fired. Without knowIng - Ing whether ho wns hurt or net , ho rnn into the back room of his ollico. Ed. Sherman kept his hold of Williams mm after n hard struggle took the revolver from him. Williams wns nrrcated at once and taken before Folico Judge * J ' " Smith. A complaint charging him with shott ing at I. N. McConnell with intent to kill was sworn out by E. B. Sherman. The witnesses examined were E. B. Sherman , Gray Wurnor , 0. N. Emery , W. E. Clark and I. N. McConnell. The testimony was substantially what is above given. Wil liams testified in his own behalf. Ilo ad mitted that ho had the weapon nnd hnd mndo threats to shoot McConnell. IJo denied , however , that at the time ho pointed the revolver in the office , ho aavf Mr. McConncll or any ono ulso approach ing. The court ordered that Williams beheld held to answer in tins sum of 82,000. Failing to furnish bail , ho wastakcn to iiil , where ho now is. A Grout lalnstora for nil who UBO Kemp's Balsam nr the throat and lunge , the great guaranteed oincdy. Would you bollovo that It it Bold on tfl merits and thnt ouch drviggUt Is authorised a refund your innnor by thd ] 'routrator of Ilia wonderful ronicdy if It falls to ctiro yon. iclirotor & Bccht hnvo secured the n onuy foi Trlco COo and $1.00. Rofrardcil an a Crnnlr. ? lnttsinouth Journal , Senator Van Wyck is no longer re garded as u crank in the senate , but ms the fnuiilty of bringing forward nucli ucasuros as look to protecting the rights of the people and attacking the grasping mpositions of moneyed corporations , llocsntly ho won a triumph over the Northern Pacific by defeating n scheme that company had well matured of got tkg possession of u round million acroo o valuable lands along what is called I'ny nllup branch of that roc.d. Senator Vnr \Vych Baid Iho company thought to bo very sharp in getting possession of the public domain. "This branch , " Baid the senator , "thirty-ono miles long waa claimed to bo entitled to n land grant na n part of the Ciscado branch , whic'i ' brand hns never been built , nnd there ia no prospect that it will be. The estimated coot uf the Puynlluj branch wns 8500,000 , and the jDinpan ; claim about a million acreu of vnluabl timber and mineral lands. This brand simply runs to coal fluids ownoqby th railroad company , nnd Iho presdont u the railroad company had in a sUtoinon to the company excused the vcr/ nice ] grndo of the road by saying that "iho cnrs would only bo loaded on thohonotilo They would all go up empty. " ? ot the company seeks to got patents o thcs lands from the necrotnry of the mterio before congress passes on the validity o the grant. The inquiry sot on f jot bj Nebraska's wide awnko Bonator yjll pu u stop to this sort of thing. I'll OB Mien mo frequently preceded by n rtnno o weight In tlio back , loiiw and luwor part of th ubdoinon.cunnInK the patlont to mii > poB ( hohiv noino alFcctlon of tha Idilnoya or iioiulbbrinf or anjt. At Union , uyiu towia of InduAtloi ! are jiruiont , OH flntuoncy , uncimtiioHH bf th tttoin.ich , etc. A inoUtcru llliq iMjinpl-btldn iirocluciiii , ' it Aery cllniitfmiriblc Itchni ) ; ptrtlcii Ittrly at iii | lit ftor ottlni { warm in Lid , It very coiiuiKJiiattoiiilunt. Intornul , Ktcrnu ontlltchliiKl'loi ) yield at once to the ujiillcu tlon of Dr. JJi)3anIco' rile Jtoinody , which uctt directly UIKIII the jiarU nlToctwl , nlwurljliK tli tumors , allayinif the iutunno Itchlnt ; , uid ul fouling a jiunnunont euro where utucr nnna dlud ha\e fulled , Do not dolny until thudra'i ' ou tlio HYKtoin iinxlucoH jionimiicnt dlxuilIUy but trv it and bo cured , Kchrotor & iioclt. Trade uuii.lled | hy 0. T. Uooilinaii. " Jlalccr'n 1'iiln I'anncun. Is ono of the boat UiilincntH put m > . t U real pain klllor , anil dmtioyu pain , wiether jntornul nr internal , whenever u < od , t linn boon u ntumlaril lomedy fur the putt tlilty or ; I folly yearu. j TOWNSLK Y'-i TOOTH AKODYN1 pw , , Iu tatitly , CIVIL SERVIOE , Hon. iJolm M. ( tirgnrj , of ilio Com < tiiliifrlott , in Oiiiultn. lion. John M , Gregory , uf tlio civil service commission , arrived in Omnlm Wednesday , nnd resiatorcdnttliol'axton. Sir. Gregory wns scon by a loporler niul ; nvo n lengthy account uf tlio aims nnd workings of tlio civil Horvico commisaion. Tlio original civil service commission wns organized in 187-1 under Gen. Grant , .ho appropriation for it amounting to $25,000. Of it G.V. . Curtis wns tlio iresidcnt. It continued thrco ycara , but congress failinr to nmko nppropriation or it , tlio commission died. The present commission cinsiMs uf ) orman H. Eaton of Now York , L. 1) . Toman of Ohio , and Mr. ,1. M. Gregory , of Illinois. Its July is to formulnto ulcs for the exaltation ot the civil EOT- ice of the country and to BOO that the aws in this respect are carried ont. It n-opnroa the blanks for all mallei B re quired in the examinations , propounds ho questions , and certifies to iho heads f dopartmonta , tlio eligible candidates r those who have successfully nndorgono lie examination required. The appointmonl of eligible applicant * ro in proportion to the population of the Uito , and this apportionment is based pen the number of congressmen of each tate who are considered roproBcntntivos f Iho pooplo. Although this nrrango- nont does not all'ect the older clerks , still t allbrds a better atalo roproaent.ition in opnrtmoatnl positions than boforo. Ho- ere its creation , the District of Columbia uid more clerkships than any two of the tntoa. It is , Mr. Gregory claims , Iho rat time in the history of the country hat there hns been mi cquitnblo distribu- ion in Iho matter of clerkship * . The commission haa jurisdiction over ho applications ot people to 0,000 clerk- hips in the dill'oront departments , and iaa been extended to poslolllce.i which inploy fifty people and upwards. It is vithin the power of the president to ox- end it to others , and it is oxpoutpd that loforo many months the executive will xtend its operations to Nebraska. The questions of the commission for ox- mination are all printed , with accompu- lying blanks , upon which the unsworn nay bo written. All applications for oxaminntion must ) o forwarded to Washington. E'l'lio nppli- nut is then notified when the commission vill oit at place nearest him for examina- ion. The clerkships range from copyists ecoiving 5700 , to othora commanding ospectivcly ? 1,200 , $ l-IOO , ? 1JOO ( ami < M ,800 per annum. When an applicant lassos examination ho is placed upon a ogistor. From the number BO placed , wording to the apportionment above- nonlioncd , the man who stoort highest in ho oxaminntion ia selected when a clerk s required for work. _ Following this ccommondation comosix months of trial n the labor before the party is accepted. Vt the end of this period the suporiiiton- lent of the work upon which the novr nnn is engaged reports upon all the feat ures of hia vork aid : character , ana if hia report bo favorable- the clerk in otttincd and promotion laid open to inn. inn.Tho commission ayfttoin ia n positive boon to congressmen. It takes hours of ungrateful labor from their Rhouldora nnd emovos some of the a opportunities of iiaking deadly enemies. ( When eomo of , ho legislators ask to havea constituent dvanccd , they are told that nothing can dvanco him , nothing can keep him back ) ut his competency or inollicienoy. Mr. jincoln nays the system saves him several lonra a day. The oystom affects ladies the aaino ns gentleman , though since its establishment ewer of thorn have been appointed than ormorly. Up to January of this year early four thousand clerks had been xnminod. Of thoao nearly < 55 per cent asscd , while but filG wore given lositions. TJio examination in this city v/ill bo ireoided over by Messrs. Ooutnnt , Voodard and Lawton. TJmy will bo mbllc and conmioncod this morning at 0 o'clock. Mr. Gregory loaves for Lincoln to narrow , where an examination will bo told Saturday. IIorsford'H Aclil I'liospliatc , in Conatipiitlon. Dr. tT. N. Rc IIINHO.V , Medina , O. , aayo : In cases of indigestion , constipation xnd nervous prostration , ita reuulta liappy. ' The I'rchDyiorlanont SAUATOOA , N. Y. May 15. The gen. oral BHSO Jibly of the Presbyterian churcl mot tliis morning und was culled to order by the ponnanont clerk , Hov. Dr. Hob urts. Two thousand poraons were in at tendance. Tlio opening sermon was delivered livered by n Syrian missionary , Kov. Dr. II. 11. JcBBUp. Tlio following olll cors were elected : Moderator , Jlov. Dr JlayoH , Denver , Col. ; stated clerk , Hov Dr. W. II. lloborlH , I'rincoton , N. J. permanent clerk , Hov. Dr. W. K. Mosro Columbus , O. ; treasurer , Huv. II. W Terrace , Now York. A committed wn appointed to niako a memorinl ininuta 01 thi ) hvto moderator. Hov. Edwin U. Hut field. The docket and rules were reni and adopted. tit Murilor flio Iiinouont , YOUNOHTOWN , O. , May 15. There i i scone of incitement at Horhnd , Ohio , where Horn nnd Gibbon will bo hung lo morrow. The Mth regiment of the Ohlc National guard und a portion of tlio 811. . regiment are there to protect the jail Crowds of excited men uro coining 01 every train. The murder was so ntroc ions the crowd insist on a lynching or a public execution. Sheriff Gutcs this after noon received two hundred muskets and ammunition for deputies. Kuimwny Mulcu Kill ) KobDoru. GJ.KNIIIVK , Montana , May 15 , U. S Paymaster NVhipplo , un roulo from For Huftjrd from Glendivo , Tuesday , was nt tucked by muil ujjents. Sergeant Oonra was killed , nnd three privates seriously wounded. The mules nttacljod to the innunlaiicu in which the ) ) nymaator nni thu treasure box wen- , ran uway , and the robbora were .foil ( id. Tlio Wuulliiir'J'u-Duy. Ndrox , May 10 For the Mississippi valley : { slightly warmer , fan weather , variable wind1 ! , shifting to oas mid couth. For the Muiouri valley Fair weather , followed by Increasing cloudiness and local rain , uouth-casterl winds , und stationary temperature. AiioMluni HI Horn ia n homohold won i M ovur tlio world , Kor o\tr & > ycaia It I i udvcrtUod lUulf by Itummlta. Jt U now j vortlseil to warn tlio ptilillo ugidiut ooimlor1 1 f Iti. Tlio iruimlno iirtlclo l Jiiaiutfttfturou < by Ir. J. (3. JJ. Wwort & Hwi'S. ' \ mmmrn HOTEL Tlio Palace Hotel of Denver. Oor , Sovonteontk and jfiwraaoo Sfcj lloomi 76o to $5.00 per < Uy. Spccltt HM t liy Ilia Month. TUB FINEST TA13LK IN ME WEST. Conducted on tlio American mid Etiropoin Plans. D.vy Hoard § 7 per week. P , S , OONDON , - - PBOPBIETOR , rag JOHBER OF Ufir EASTZRA PRICE ! * DUPLICATED 11 FAUNAM STRKK OMAHA NRB Doubfo and Single Acting Power ano Hand Kngino Trlmmliujo , Mining Machinery,1 Doltiug , lloso , Brass and Iron Fitting Steam Packing at wholesale and rojail. tlALLADAY "WIND-MILLS , FittingOH AND SCHOOL B12LLS. Corner 10th Farnam St. , Omaha NOD. 0. F. GOODMAN , AND D12ALER IN i OMAHA NEBRASKA. North Eighteenth Street , Onuihn , on Street Car Line. WlIULIiSALK ANO UKTAlb Ll Lam , , G miles and prices ixi eootl and low us nny in the city. Please try mo. _ This cut showa a sectional view of our NewPolar Air Dry Refrigerator , manufac tured in the most perfect manner of Kiln-Dry lumber Charcoal Killed , Zinc Lined Galvanized Iron Shelves Black Enameled Trim mings Handsomely canoled , and designed for the wants of a class of trade that re quires the best class of goods that can bo made. We slm sell these Ilo- frigorators at manufactur- Or's prices , with freight ad- ded. You are respectfully invited to examine them. Compare prices beforn buy ing. , Respectfully. 't { . \VRIGHT Manufacturer's Agent. 317 S13th St. , OMAHA , ; NEBRASKA. IMPORTERS OF 3t AND JOBBERS OF DOMESTIC PROPRIETORS OF THE FOLLOWING ' CELEBRATED BRANDS : . Hsina Victorias , Eapcci , Roses in 7 Sizes from 560 fco $120 per 1000. AND TOW FOLLOWING LEADING F1VK CENT CIGARS : Grapes , Thistle , Lawrence Barrett , Caramels. ITe.w Stan dard , Good AdviceNew , Brick. REND 170R PRIOE LIST AND SAMPLES. Mass. Institute of Teclmologv , DOHTON HASH. KxuuiUiaiioiiH in St. I.oulH. Hv" ' r four yt r courses In Cl > llh JUchanlcnl , Mliiliiitanu Klottrlcal KiiKliitierhu Archilcoiuru , ClioinUtry rhynle , Natural hiitury ute htndcntu tro also fulinltjud to jmrtlal IT tjieclal LiiurKM , Next ficliool > ( or liVKln * Hcjit. ' "J. 18SI. Kntrunvo oxiin . luitlonHUttliu nlllco Knjit , of I'nl.llo hUinulo , 8V. . iioriiur 7ih oinl Clicstrnit Ht . Jl.iv M an I 30. nt 10 n. in. Applv to I'Mf , \ ' W. I.OIIK , IlulldliiK , tit. 1/oiiln 1oiilnWIIIWIKH WKl.KH.Kicrftary. KHANiJH A. U'AI.IUCII , 1'rrnldint. < l iniiott a wk Un. A CAKD. TII ll who are inftvrliitf from cjrori anil linllicritbiu of joulh , norxmii wtnl.nias , early ilo uv , I'm ' of inanh'iu't , etn lull ! iicnd a rcch u tint wllliurejim , 1'IIKK OKCUAIlOi ; Tnls ureat rein- cdy MaiilUcuverud by nu.l tluncry In Koutli Ameri ca , Kuril .lf addrewicd cnvilopj to Hi V , JiMKNlT , IMUV , Htitlou I > , NIIW Vcrk , dy nuVo cod 1514 Webster St. Onwlm Nob. : . , , . , ( Huoct Jsor to the old U. I' , llaVcry.lOth St. , ) ALL KINDS OP BREAD , FAHCY CAKES AND PIES Constantly on luiU , Onlerii will lia nronintly utttn- dal to. \YAONBU IIUO'H , V(0iilvtQr9 | , A. F. GBOSS. , lllll ! ! ' & UAIIINCT WOU1C , aUOU AH COUNTERS , BARS , 10E BOXES , LIBKAHIES , and ol klnda of olHco work & atniclalty Call 'Jrfd ilrcai ISOj Jadoan btroet , Ointlia , Null H , K , BUBKliT 5'