Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 16, 1884, Image 1

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The Speculative log Lifts From
tlio Now York Markoti
Business Resumes its Normal
Condition and Prices Eise (
The Financial World Broatlios
Easier and Banks Ro-opon ,
Foreign Oash Turns the Tide
Into Healthier ! Channels ,
Jay Gould Pronounces the Scare
"Foolish and Absurd , "
Grant & Ward Swamped by Over
Fourteen Millions ,
Senator GhafFeo Practically Pen
niless by the Break ,
Kansas City Banks Pool on a
Plan for Preservation ,
Conplclo ItcportH from nil Klimncl *
WAXL SirtEKr , M ny 15 , 11:00 : a.m.
The foreign exchange market was affected
unfavorably by olForing largo amounts , as
well na by the withdrawal of money by
cnblo from London for use in this market ,
the high rates Jor money on call hero
rendering such transactions highly prof
itable. Brown Brothers reduced the
rate of sterling bllla to 31 87 long , $4 89
short , a slight decline of ono cent. The
first hour of business allowed only ono
failure announced , and this did not in
volve any other firms. Confidence is
being gradually restored , nnd among fin
anciers fewer anxious faces are mot. It
scorns generally accepted that the worst
is ever , and-many capitalists are begin
ning to discuss the question ns to whether
now it is not the time to buy for a rise.
Some few nro buying. This fact relieves
the situation of ono of its moat dangerous
elements , namely : witholding capital fro in
the market.
The stock of the bankers and mer
chants telegraph , which yesterday sold
at 110 , is now down to 65.
Receiver Davics reports the liabilities
of Grant & Ward , ni far as ho is able to
ascertain , are $14,501,531. Collaterals
hold by creaitors between § 10,000,000
and $12,000,000 , leaving unsecured in
debtedness between two nnd three mil
lions.Henry L. Facquor was elected presi
dent of the Metropolitan bank , in place
of George T. Spnoy , resigned.
A. M. Dimick says his trouble was
cased by hia inability to raise money on
securities. All customers' accounts have
boon profitable. George Putnam Smith
was appointed nssigneo. Preferences to
Russell Sago ia paying all demands on
privileges. The report that ho had " 'laid
down" on contracts wna started by some
body ignorant of the ways of the street.
The only contract ho refused to take yes
terday wcro those on which the usual ono
day's notice wai not given.
Transactions on the board so far , for
the account of Dimick , have been stocks
bought in under the rule. They were
short of the general market.
A Washington special says : "Friends
of Senator Chafl'eo , who was in Washing
ton , say Chafleo waa ono of the greatest
sufferers by the failure of Grant & Ward.
He lost every cent of his available re
sources. Last year ho considered him
self worth ? a,000,000 , of which ? 2,000-
000 were in Colorado properties , which
have si n co greatly depreciated and are
not now marketable. At the
time of the marriage of his
daughter to Buck Grant ho
had ouo million dollars in cashaecuritiea.
When hia daughter married ho gave her
$400,000 in bonds. These were all put
into the firm of Grant A Ward and every
dollar of them are lost. Chafibo himself ,
in street speculations during the past
year , loat$100,000. A month orsix weeks
ago ho had half a million in cash socur-
tiea. Just before ho made his last vis
it west ho took this money
nnd gave it to his son-in-law
to keep for him during his absence. It
was not for investment or was it for the
purpose of securing any investments. It
was simply deposited with young Grant
na n trust during his brief absence. This
money in some way reached the hands of
Ward and it was lost. Chaffee is practic
ally penniless and in a most wretched
Ktato of mind. This friend of Chalice
says it is by no means believed that Ward
could have lost the largo sums charged
up to hia failure. Ho believes $2,000COO
would cover the legitimate losses of the
firm and hmta directly at very scandal
ous developments which will result in
rigid invcstigUion of what Ward haa
done with thu monoy.
The Metropolitan Bank posted n notice
of the bank examiner having made an
investigation nnd the bank will resume
business at 12 o'clock.
A. W. Dimick it Co. , brckers , sus
Ati:45 ) : A. M. the scone on the stroat
was ono of _ unwonted activity. Since
early morning brokers oflicoa opened ant
clerks were busy getting accounts set
tied up. Many loading firms kept cm
ployes until midnight. A general over
hauling of accounts was made
so on the opening of the exchange
this morning affair * would be u
n better condition than for many montlu
pa t , a new margins had been called U
prevent a nudisucrifico of good securities
A representative of tlio associate
preaa just talked with a financier of Hi
years' experience. Ho says UK
action of the banks in declining tt
pool their Issues hai decided the eituiv
tion fnvornbly. Ho docs not anticipate
further fnilurcs cither of b.uiks or bank
ing firms ; although ho admitted the pos
sibility of sorno weak stock houses sus
pending tomporarialty. The failure of
thohtter ho does not regard ana misfortune -
tune , ns it would wood out small dealers
nnd help to ciyo a healthier lone to the
general situation , |
Kiornim's ngoncy says : Davis it Co.
received orders from London to buy both
stocks and bonds. The London market
for American securities ia ndvnncing with
a strong feeling. The stock market is
atrong nnd higher in consequence of the
resumption of the Motropolitnn bank ,
nnd the action of the Clearing Houso.
Prices rose from U to 4 per cent. The
'ailuro of Dimick ' & Co had compara
tively little ollect.
WALT , STUKET , 10:00 : a.m. The floor
of tlio exchange had moro than the usual
complement of buyers , nnd by 0:110 :
crowds of spectators gathered in knots
wniting the signal to commence the day's
Business. Just ns the clerk marked ton ,
Chairman Mitchell gnvo three r.ipa of n
gavel , nnd in nn instant the pent up _ ox-
: itcmont of the brokers gave vonl in n
howl , nnd five hundred hands were lifted
in the air , and the various pools were
formed , in which dill'oront stocks were
dealt in. Ere live minutes had elapsed
.ho gavel wna . .iin hoard mnid the din ,
nnd the announcement was made that
Dimick it Co. , of the United bank , sus
pended. Dimick is president of the
> ankcrs and merchants' telegraph.
10:15 : n. in. Dispatchea were received
his morning from London houses by
oadlng foioign bankers giving orders to
my both stocks and bonds nt market
jriccs. As it was feared , foreign orders
o sell would bo the chief factor in the
downward movement to-day , this news
was greeted with great satisfaction nnd
was regarded as another break in the
clouds that threaten the financial -world.
Jay Gould staled to the Tribune : "Tho
disturbance ia n senseless thing. It
somes from fear of each other by both
mnks and brokers , I think , rather than
mything olso. The general calling of
oans is wholly unnecessary and foolish.
. ' aupposa the banks are n little moro can-
ioun than usual on account of the loss
ncidentally suffered by the First Nn-
tional last week , but I think the
worst is over. People will regain
heir senses and there will bo or
ders hero from all ever the country , from
icrsons eager to pick up bargains. The
action of the banks is excellent. Every
one can BOO there will bo no panic wliilo
lip hanks stand together. lam sure all
his excitement is at an end. " Gould con-
inued : "I never expected to see West
ern Union soil below fifty. However ,
.ho company is certainly earning its divi-
lends and this trouble only adds to its
Misincss. I should suppose some brokers
might have realized that fact. "
WALL STKEET , 10:45. : The Bankers'
Merchants' telegraph stock , in which
Dimick & Co. were heavily interested , is
ofl'erod at 75 , against $1.19 sales yester
day. A sale at 55 , "seller 52" wus just
The Motropulitnn bank resumed pay-
ng all depositors presenting chocks.
Even before the hour named for reaump-
, ion the paying teller opened his window.
The first man in line received his monoy.
At noon the number in line was not ever
; wonty , principally boys and clerks ,
Only ono lady among them. She was
attired in widow's weeds. Her gratifica-
: ion on receiving her money was plain.
The small number drawing out funds is
regarded as promising for the future of
ho bank.
At the produce exchange there was no
excitement. It was comparatively dull.
At the petroleum exchange little w is do
ing. Prices opened higher but loat the
advance and are no v steady at yester
day's prices. There Is no
appoaranca of trouble at the
iroduco or petroleum exchanges.
WALL STUKET , 11:30.- : dispatch from
Boston reports the suspension of T. A ,
tlawloy & Co. , a firm which , although
not heavy dealers , wcro regarded as of
uood standing. Ilotchkiss & Btirnham
are balancing accounts , and expects lo
resume to-morrow. "
WALL STUEET , 11:45 : A. M. Oomparn-
: ivo quiet reigns at the stock exchange. It
's moro apparent every moment that the
crisis is past. The suspension of Hnwloy
& Co. , of Boston , was caused by n run on
, bo banking department of the house. It
a baliuvcd it will bo temporary ; Among
: ho bankers who received onlnrn from
London and the continent ' - i mor-
ican securities in this mari.ou iuo Bel-
inont , Soligman , Drexel it Morgan , Merion
ion it Bliss , L. von Hoffman , Knhn it
Loob , Luttwig , Thalman , J. II. Davis ,
and J. D. Probst.
LONDON , May 15. The agent of the
Associated Press this morning called upon
the lending London bankers having im
portant American connections with n
view of learning the opinions concerning
the panio In Wall street. The fooling
generally .expressed is ono of confidence
that the panic will bo considered merely
localbutthoy were positive it occasions no
failures in London , either inside or out
aide the stock exchange. The genera
soundness of the financial situation hero
is evidenced by the fact that thuro if
not even been rumors of large
failures. The f remarkable decline of
American securities tlio p.tst few days at
tract a now class of investors into the
market who were etimulalod also by the
cheapness of money in England , Ger
many and Franco. Prominent bankpie
said it ia amazing how little utock is hein < ,
cold here , but ho said the bear sales wore
immojisu. The market shows n strong
disposition t rcepond to anything favor
able from America.
KANSAS CITV , May 15. Tbo banker
of the city mot this morning , and agrecc
to pay 20 per cent cash to depositor * , am
givp certified checks for the balance
This agreement includes all cxcep
Armour's bank , which prefers to pay del
( ir for dollar. Balances nt the Clearing
LIouso will bo announced nt 1 o'clock ,
when n plan of settlement will bo agreed
upon. It is thoucht the plan decided
ipon in Now York will bo adopted hero ,
riioro was some excitement this morning ,
nit this had materially subsided nt noon.
IN IMllliADKIilMllA.
PHILA. , PA. , May 15 , 11 n in Buai-
less opened this morning on ! lrd Street
with n decidedly bettor fooling. Philadol-
thia stocks nil took an upward turn on
ho strength of the announcement that
ho Motropolitnn Bank would rcaunio.
Tlio Iltutlc ol KlHlc Xllaluli CiocH
J K\v Yoitit , May 15 , 3 p. in , The
Irm of Fisk it Hatch hai failed. It is
nmposcd of A. S. Hatch nnd Hnrvoy
< 'isk. Hatch was recently oleclcd pn-si-
out of the stock exchange by unanimous
oto. This firm has been the heaviest
oalors in government bonds in thu street
ml was considered a staunch , conserva-
ivo , reliable firm. U hna been recog-
rizcd na fiscal agents hero of the Chesa-
icako it Ohio railway nnd of the Kli/.a-
lethtown , Big Snndy it Lexington rail-
vay. They have sons and sons-in-law
n tho'stock business. The announce-
nont of the suspension came like n thun-
or-bolt in the exchange. Win. Lum-
nis is now acting president of the ox-
hangoowing to Hatch's disabilities. Ef-
orts to nid his sons ombarnsscd
ho firm. Hatch has been prominent in
oligious matters , philanthropical moan-
ires , nnd was frequently hoard ns n lec-
uroron religions uubjecta at the Mac nil.
oy Oroniono mission. Fisk had just ro-
urned from n tour of Europe. The im-
uodiato result of the failure on the stock
xchango was the decline of 1 to 5 points ,
'ho weakness ir. the government bond
uarkot is explained by the suspension of
; his firm. A reporter of the associated
> rcss , who called there two hours ngo for
xplanation of the failure , was inform
d there was no known cause for it.
Win. Lumnn'a , vico-prosidont of the
took exchange is now at 2 p. m. , acting
as president. This firm wont to wall
iiring the panio of 1873 , but resumed
hortly. The suspension was not an-
louncod until n few minutes before 3 ,
ho closing hours of the exchange , but
bo effect was instantaneously depressing.
On the announcement ot the fail
ure a rush of operators was made
o the oflico of the failed firm ,
ind anxious inquiries were made by the
> rokcrs as to how the firm stood. Fisk
vns seen by an associated press reporter ,
nit refused to say anything. The doors
closed and the crowd outside increased.
Fho suspension is HO unexpected its effect
u moro than double nuu the street is
again excited. Brokers are rushing
around wildly nnd the situation again as
sumes n troubled aspect.
ST. Jo.sErii , Mo. , May 14 The State
Savings bank , of this city suspended and
assigned to-day C. B. Franco , the
> rcsidunt , makes a statement to the of-
cct that the bank is intimately connect
ed with Donuoll , Lawson it Simpson , of
flow York , and lias boon for n long time
n largo depositor in the Now York na-
ioimt bank which suspended to-day ,
hereby necessitating suspension. They
lope to resume in n few days and pay all
depositors and stock holders in full nnd
cave the surplus intact.
NEW YOUK , May 15. There was n
ilight run on the Bloeckcr Street Savings
jank to-day , which subsided nt noon.
At the 2nd National there was no excite
At 245 ; p. m. Fisk it Hatch BUS-
NEW YOHK , May 15. The rush on the
2nd National bank has about stopped.
I'hero were 148 depositors up to noon.
L'ho clearing house has arranged to pay
all the Second National debts.
CHICAGO , May 15. At the opening on
change this morning there was n violent
rebound from the low prices of yesterday ,
ind for the first hnU hour it appeared as
hough the depression of yesterday had
icon completely ohaken off. Wheat ad
vanced 3A cents ever the closing prices of
yesterday in an incredibly short time.
Tlio heat and excitement in the trading
) its nuturaljy was very great , and for the
irst ten minutes thuro was n struggling
and swaying mass of
who were buying and selling largo lota
of wheat and corn nt prices varying
fully 1 to 2 cents per bushel. Aftei
the lapse of half an hour , there came
minors of bank troubles at Kansas City
and Quincy , and similar discouraging ru
mors from other points , which caused
prices to break , anil but for which , it
was contended , prices would have been
carried well beyond the least prices ol
the day. July wheat rose to DIJ , do >
cliucd to SOj , advanced to 'JO'/ / , receded
to ! )0j ) and closed on change at ! ) OJ)0 ! ) | ,
or 1 © H ever the latest figures on
change yesterday. Juno cloned at 88J { ,
On afternoon board n further decline ou <
curred , owing to the announcement ol
at Now York Juno , closing ut 87 ,
July nt 89j.
Corn waa following the course o
wheat very closely , July opening nt 5 !
bid , foil oil1 to C8J , rallied to 5HJ , closet
at 58 { . On the afternoon board declined
nnd closed nt 58.
In provisions the trading was light ,
mid prices closed nominally unchanged.
The interest in the New York situutioi
subsided in n largo measure , though tin
rooms of atockbroicors were crowdcc
dating the day by people watching th
was shown at the advance of values
The redumption of the Motropolitnn ban ]
was the signal for some chcoiing abou
the chamber of commerce , and the aunt !
ment was generally voiced that any thin :
like n general panic was impoaaiulu n
this time. Surprise and regret , however
wcro shown on the announcement of th
. 'isk it Hatch failure , owing to
ho uncertainty na to its dim on.
ions ,
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , May 15. The
light flurry of this morning has disan-
icnri'd this afternoon. A largo number
if deposits were drawn out tins morning
nit nonrly all worn small amountc , largo
lopositprs appearing confident , the sc.uo
was arlificiat. Kncoumning eastern ad-
ices brought nbout an early reaction
\ \ \ ( \ the excitement gradually subsided ,
'ho report which got nbrbnd that the
tank of Kansas City was Involved seems
o have originated in the impression that
ho bank had n largo account with Don-
loll , Luvson it Simpson. Thoirlnoks
howthoyhnd only $31,000 with the
STow York firm , comparatively n small
mount. The feeling now is that the
ccnsion for the apprehension of serious
rouble is over.
LONDON , May 15. Tlio St James G. -
ntto says : Thu Now York panic was dis-
onnted yesterday. Tlicro have been
argo purchases of American eocurtios on
lie stock oxchnnpjo today. Some jot-
) era caught short stocks. Tlicro wna a
enoral rebound in sccurtii a , Lnko Shore ,
! ontn\l Pacific. Milwnukeo it St Paul ,
ml Ills. Central advancing. The larg-
st business on the street in n single day
or years was done today. Purchases
Vmorican stocks by the small-investing
unite was enormous. The marmot is
rm throughout no cheques men rc-
urnod from the clearing houso. Advice
rein Frankfort nnd other financial Gen
res report gr oat activity in the pur-
hase of American securities. The fool-
ig of confidence vrns increased by the
rowing belief in the solvency of Ameri-
an banks. At Amsterdam American
ccurities were in great demand ; prices
vent much higher over , Now York
notations , but thn markets closed lesa
inn. _
AT Till : HUH.
BOSTON , Mnyl5. F. A. IlawloyitCo. ,
> ankors and brokers , have suspended ,
i'hoy ' cannot give a statement of Habili-
ios. They stale their suspension is duo
o n failure to ascertain just where they
tand. They have been doing business
.s . n bank of deposit. The amount duo
lopositors is unknown. They hope to
cBUtno , but it is not probnblo. T'io '
louse is rntod nt $100,000 ,
BOSTON , Mny 15. Hill , Stanwood it
! o. , brokers , correspondents of Gel ) ' ,
landnll it Co.Now York , have suspend-
d ; liabilities $10,000. The failure is of
10 significance.
It is now stated the deposit account of
Hawley it Co. , is $250,000 ; total linbili-
ics $500,000 , There nro rumors of the
km speculating.
LATEU. H. P. Manacll has boon np-
lointod assignee of all lho property , nc-
ounls nnd business of F. A. Hnwloy it
Hnwloy acknowledges
n that almost overythiii ; is gone nnd ro-
umption impossible. Affairs , ho suys ,
ire somewhat mixed ; Jidivill require
several days before auyV definite auto-
naut can'bo obtained. The liabilities hu
) oliovos will not exceed 8150,000. Yea-
: erdny acme of their cimomors refused
.o make good their margins. This , with
.ho . heavy run on deposits , led U > the
iiluro , which not only iJl'octs stock operators -
orators nnd speculators , but will ronch
nany people of small moans nil ever
Sow England.
Chicago hive StouK.
Special Dispatch to Tin : 13)1 ) ! .
CHIOAOO , May 15. Tlio cattle market
opened rather alow nnd the first sales
bowed n slight decline ofor the closing
irices of yesterday , making n decline for
ho week of 10 lo 15 o. ; iood to choice
ihipping , 1,200 to 1,5001 , 5)0to30 ! ) ( ! ;
common to medium , 1,0 0 Ibs. , 5 25 to
The hog market opono weak and dull ,
with but few regular bu rore operating.
1'ho first sales showed n i rong feeling of
to 10 o. , and nt ono time it looked ns
.hough prices would go jlowor. Later ,
lowovor , under moro fivornblo ndvicos
rrom Now York , down . iwn nnd board
of trade market , there v s n better do-
mnnd but tlio mnrkol Dally closed at
nbout 10 c lower. Both priceu nnd do
nand were uno.von froi first to last.
Whenever ono or two bi ] orn for the big
packing houses withdraw down wont
iricon. Again , when thiy resumed , up
went prices , These v ro events that
came to paea once or tafla during the
"orenoon. Hough packnM5 35 to 575 ;
lacking and shipping 5 7 to ( i 05 ; light
5 25 to 5 85 ; skips 400 t 500.
Sheep Low grades wlkj woolod in-
What. All * Governor o Iloadly.
Jlnclmmtl KiHmirnr.
If succeMful in his pin
convention hu will try to lay thu role ol
Oar field nt Chicago. Ho will bo for Til-
den or Pay no , but ho willhold his hand
on his jumping heart andiay to himself ;
' Hero is the man , " nnd ho will expect
; ho assembled multitude f democracy to
cry out and echo his inina't soul by say
ing "Thoro is the man."j This in his
dream. This is what ho un for Govern
or for. This is what ails toorgo Iloadly ,
Fatal KndoryPlro.
WOIICESTEU , Mass : , B y 15. Papn-
chonu mill , manufacturing woolen yarn ,
was burned to-day. Iting owned by
fJeorgo Compton and mauttod by Joseph
The Senate Passes Wonsc $1,000,000 , ,
Bill for New Orleans Fair ,
The House Spends the Day With
the Diplomatic Bill ,
Eeduoiug the Austrian anil Italian
Ministry to $12,000 ,
Oullom's ' Bill to Prevent Bank
Presidents from Gambling ,
The Pension Bill Finally Koport-
ed to the Senate ,
Tlio Goncrnl Swnliu Inquiry. Oilier
National anil Political Matter * ,
WASHINGTON , May 15. It wna agreed
: hxt : when it adjourned to-day It bo to
next Monday.
Thu chniriimu laid before the Hoimto
n message from thoprosidontrocommend-
ing nn appropriation to enable the gov
ernment to execute thu provisions of thu
convention between the United Status
and Mexico , relative tolhobauudiirylino
between the two countries.
Bills wore reported favorably from
committees : By Logan , from the com
mittee on appropriations and invalid
pension bill with amendments. Calen
By Allison , from the same committee ,
with amendments , n bill to aid the
World Industrial and Cotton Centennial
exposition at Now Orleans. The bill was
Immediately put upon iti passage. A
long debate followed. The bill was pass
ed substantially na it came from the
house , the amount remaining ixt n million
Mr. Morgan ( dom. , Ala. ) ollorod n
renolutlon in the senate , which under the
rule wont over ono day , directing the
committee on finance ti examine into the
cauacH of failures of such of the national
banks in the city of Now York as have
suspended business ill May 1881 , and
report whether said failure have to any ,
ind to rrhat extent resulted from any
violation of the laws regulating their con-
duet , or from giving certificates upon
drafts , or by their acceptance drafts and
olhor commercial paper drawn upon them
directly or indirectly , in the ovanion or
n the violation of laws , and whether any
national bank in Now York city baa boon
engaged since July 12th , 1882 , in violation
lation or evasion ot the laws regulating
their conduct , and that the committee
have leave to sit during the sessions of
the senate , and to visit thu city of New
York , to send for persons or papers , nnd
to examine witnesses on oath.
'Mr. Oullom ' ( ' " ' 'I'M IN' ) introduced n
bill , which was referred to the committee
on 1'manco , to prevent speculation on thu
part of ollicora of national banking asso
The chair laid before the aunnte the
nnfinlahed business , being the liouso bill
to establish n bureau of labor statistics.
After the executive session adjourned
until Monday.
The morning hour was dispensed with
and the house wont into committee of
the whole on the diplomatic and consular
appropriation bill.
Mr. Hilt ( rep , 111. ) moved to amend
by restoring to $12,000 the salaries of
ministers to Austria and Italy. The bill
reduced them to § 1,000. The amend
ment was lost 70 to 7 ! ! .
The amendments for missions to Uou-
mania , Sorvin and Greece and variouu
amendments for increasing or main
taining salaries in certain cases wore all
Mr , Camion ollored an amendment
to make an appropriation for the contin
gent oxponsoo of the consular and diplo
matic Borvico. In explanation of the
amendment Cannon stated that no pro
vision wan made in the bill for postage ,
telegrams , freight , the employment of
experts , tlio gathering of statisticote. / . ,
for which § 50,000 was appropriated for
the current year , and that the failure to
make such provision would strike a blow
at tlio whole consular Hystom.
AH ( hero was no quorum voting on the
amendment Cannon [ raised the point of
no quorum.
Tlio committee therefore rose , and the
speaker announced the following as visi
tor/I to the annual examination nt Wc t
Point ; Messrs. llosocrnns , Beach nnd
Henderson ( llln ) ; nnd the following
visitors to Annapolis : Messrs. Coo ( N.
Y. ) , Evans ( S. 0 , ) , and Coll' .
The nonato amendments to the bill for
tlio World's Centennial and Cotton exhi
bitions al New Orleans were concurred
Till' I'ENHION HIM , .
WAHIIINOTON , May 15. The pctulon
appropriation bill , ns reported to the sen
ate , reduces the amount of thu unexpend
ed balance , of tlio appropriation for the
current fhcal year to bo re-appropriated
from S8f,000,000 , to $110,000,000 , strike
out the provision fixing compensation to
pension ngonts at $10 per 100 vouchers
paid in excess of1,000 , reducing thu
number of pension agents to 12 , and n
section providing that thu fee of punaion
attorneys in all pensions , arrears of pen
sion or bounty land claims shall bo $10
except in cases where a special written
contract ia filed with the commissioner of
pensions , when the feu may amount tenet
not inoro than $25 ,
'J'hi ( department of state to-day re
ceived notification of the ratification by
the Mexican senate of the reciprocity
treaty between the United Btnlcs and
Joseph McDonald , chief clerk of the
judge-advocate general's bureau of the
war department , testified that the loUei
from thu Secretary for War culling
Hivaim's attention to Batcrunn's charges ,
was received at the judge advocate's
oflico ut neon of the 17th of April. The
draft of what wai afterwards made mi
endorsement on the nocrotary's letter wus
prepared by B. waiui early in the morning ,
before the aocrotnry's ' loiter wna received :
The endorsement on the secretary's letter ,
signed by Swaim , was nlmoat n literal
uopy of the statement prepared by
Swaim in the morning before the letter
B imo. The defense rest-xl the case , with
Iho exception of ono witness , to bo called
The following is the text of tlio bill
introduced by Senator Culloii to-day to
i > rohibit speculation by Iho officers of the
national banking nssociationa :
" Bo it enacted , etc. , That itboun.
lawlul for the president , cashier , teller ,
or other chief executive ofllcor of any
national banking association , having a
capital stock to the amount of ? l00UOO !
or more , to deal , trade , or otherwise
engage in speculation on slock , bonds , or
ether Bocuriltoe , or in grain , provision ,
produce , or oil on margins , on his own
individual account or forhis own personal
profit , either directly or indirectly , or to
have any partnership or other linancial
interest in the operations of any private
banking or brokerngo linn or business. "
Any such olllcur who
violate * the provisions -
visions of this act , or any person who
aids or nbota such ollieor in violating the
provisions of this act , will bo deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor nnd impriiumed
not less than ono year nor mnro than live
years , or lined inoro than SL.OJO.
CniOAiio , May Ifi. A mooting of dole-
; nloB to yesterday's Anti-Monopoly con
vention which nominated Butler for
iircsiduntrepresenting Now York , Mary
land and the District of Columbia , was
held to-day nnd n protest drawn up ob
jecting to that action. The grounda of
the objection are that
to name a candidate in advance of notion
by tlio other conventions was contrary to
the wishes cf Iho Into Anti-monopolists
of the country , that the convention was
not u representative one , of the 121
volca cast for the presidential nominee ,
01 wore by delegates from two states ,
Illinois and Michigan , that many of the
dolegatoB present were groonbackors on
the way to the Indinnnpollo convention ,
that the convention represented Butler's
friends ,
nnd wna called nt the instigation of the
jroonhack lenders. For those reasons ,
nid because the convention would not
iston to reason , thoaignors say they with
drew from the convention , and "hi the
name of the people of the United Stales , "
issue with n protest nmrnnothor antimonopoly
nopoly platform.
YfHlcrtlnylteeonl or HBUCH nt Vnrl-
OIIH 1'olntH Tlirco AnclduntH
at a Steeple CliitHo ,
WASHINGTON , Mny 15. Six furlongs
Conatantlnn won , Iota 2d , Quoboo 3d ;
time , 1:17 : i
Milo nnd a quarter : Wnr Eagle won ,
Tonatrido 2d , Compensation 3d ; time ,
2:15. :
Milo nnd one-eighth : Knight of El-
lorslio won , Grey Stone 2d , Wolokor 3d :
time , 2:01J. :
Milo heals. Jim NolsBii won , Hilarity
2nd , Keno 3d ; time , 1:40 : } nnd l:45j. :
Seven furlongs. Polaris won , Mnr-
daunt 2nd , Murmaduko 3d ; time , 1:31. :
Steeplechase , Ranger won , Abraham
second , Woeator 3d ; time , 4 : ! ) ! ) .
During the steeplechase Tonknwny fell ,
Shamrock throw hia rider , and G.ith , in
taking n hurdle , caught hia foot and wont
down , striking upon his head. His neck
was broken , and ho died instantly.
LEXINUTON , Mny 15. Milo nnd n
quarter Barnum and Kilmiiig , n deadbeat
boat , Athlono 3d ; time , 2:11 : | .
Throe-fourths mile 2 ycnrolds ; Favor
won ; Joe Cotton 2d ; Socks 3d : tim ,
Milo nnd nn Eighth Mnnitou won ,
Belle of Highland 2d ; Bonnie Australian
3d ; time , 1:58. :
PHILADELPHIA , Mny 15. 2:30 : class
Juliet won ; time , 2:2 : ! j.
2:10 : class Tonoy Newell won ; tinui ,
A FlrHl Family South C < in > , lnR Murderer -
doror DIcH In Ills lloorx.
GiiAHLBHTON , S , C. , May 15. A special
Lo the NOWH and Courier from Clioivuv ,
says : W. Bogrm Cash , the fugitive inur
dcrcr of MatHhall Jliclmrds , was killed
thin morning while resisting arrest by a
D03SQ in charge of Deputy Shot ill' King.
Ono of the posse was slightly wounded.
One of Cash's associates was seriously
wounded. Governor Thompson received
the following this morning from Choraw ,
signed by the deputy marshal :
"I wont with last to
n posse night ar
rest W. B. Gash ; instructed the men not
to fire unless absolutely nccoxenry ; pur-
rounded thu house nnd barn , placing two
men between the house and barn and two
between the barn and the swamp ; finding
Cash in Iho barn 1 ordered it surrounded
Cash camu out and lirod ; the fire WBO re
turned ; after Cash fired several shots , he
wan killed , being riddled with bullets
none of the posse were struck except W
II , Hilton , whoso fingers were shot off by
Cash. "
Huso Hull YcHlordny.
At Cincinnati Boston Unions , 2 ; Cin
cinnati Union * , 2.
At Terre Haute Quincy , 18 ; Toirc
Haute , 2.
At Ft. Wnyno Ft. Wayne , 11 ; Pee
riu , 3.
At Columbus Columbus , 5 ; Cincin
nati , 3.
At Now York Metropolitans , 8.Allo ;
glinny. 0.
At Washington Washington , 4 ; Athletics
lotics , 3.
At Toledo Toledo , 7j Louisville , 11 ,
At Boston Boston , 11 ; Detroit , 0.
At Providence Providence , 7 ; Chicago
cage , 0.
At Now York Now York , 7 ; Cleveland
land , 1.
At Chicago Washington Nationals , 3
Chicago , 8.
At St. Louis , St. Louis Unions , 20
Baltimore , ( t ,
At Mast Saginavr. Milwaukee , 10
Saginuw , 12 ,
At AUooim. Keystone , 0 ; AUoonn , 7
Spilt With Gladstone ,
LONDON , May 15. The split Ibolwooi
the government and the Parnullitos i
regarded as a complete one.
I'otltlosiuid I'ollilclnnBln VnlciKlno'u
DlHirlct-An Army ol Candidates
InttiKiipR and AVIro Fulling
Getting Itcndjr ( orConvcn-
Corrwpoiulonco o { The HEE
FUEMONT , Nob. , May 14 Our last
pisllo to The BKB , which was certainly
cry mild nnd homtupathic , considering
ho circumstances , created such n furor-
mong tlio natives that wo have boo'
athcr timid since about writing up U
owe from the Third district. Rum'
f suit * for libel made us tremble in
> ools. But now that the storm \ \
Lorm haa blown over , nnd wilhlj
icrmission of those high in nuthoritl
; real in their own estimation , and wiluuiit
csiring to injure any person , or of ealU
tig down upon our innocent head the
ightcous indignation of the Fremont
Saturday Evening "Fizzle , " wowill
attempt to chronicle n few of the
mportant matters pertaining to the poll-
ica of the Third district.
\Vo certainly have inoro politics to the
square inch i'i this district than in any
other district in thu state. The gontlc-
uixn from West Point who has luul the
ipportunily to misrepresent this district
n congrcRS for the last live years , has de
clared himself not n candidate for ro-
3lcclion. No 0110 beliovea , however , that
is honest in this matter. It ia only re
formed drunkards who make thcao sud
den and violent resolutions , and an uyo
will be kept single that ho does not "sot
up the pins" in the mean tin\o \ for him
Ho has served the corporations too
'althfully for them _ to allow him to ro-
ire without n very vigorous effort.
Q. W. E. Dorsoy nnd Mnnloy Rogers
if Frouiontnro bothcandidatcd for 'ValV
ihocs. Mr. Dorsoy baa n very extensive
icquniutanco over the district and will
mdoubtodly make n strong tight. Mr.
.togora ia not BO well known , but if 'Vnl. '
a out of the field in earnest , nnd pro
viding Thoron Nye does not want the
lamination himself , Mr. Rogers will got
.ho support oE Nye , Colson it Co.
Kinkaid , the gentleman from up the
country where the Texas steer llouriaboth
and the cow boy mournoth over vho loss
of n pard who haa umbelliahed thu end
of a hemp rope , is keeping n weather eye
upon the actions of the ditl'oront organi
sations and "tie ups , " and longs for an
opportunity to distinguish himself.
W. U. Michaels of Grand Island , for-
uerly n "crank1 of the Valentino organ ,
s trying bard to rniao hia bond above the
dirt nnd filth of two years ngo , in hopca
.hat lightning may strike him. His
chancoa are slim however , for lightning
never strikes dung-hills.
J , F. Burns of Ainsworth has been
mentioned aa it possible candidate , but it
is not likely that he would give up hia
profitable business for what honors arc
connected with this ollico , and last , but
not by any moans least , iti Judge A. M.
Post of Columbus. ,
Judge Post , so far na wo know fs , niak >
ing no i llbrt to sccuro the uDniiimtJoii , ' *
bub tlioiu ia no doubt ho would accept it
should it be tendered him. Ho ia by far
the ablest of nil candidates now in the
fipld , nnd na Judge of the south judicial
district , has given excellent eatisfaction ,
nnd has proven himself to oo' : i man of
ubility , honesty and integrity.
The third district is not only remarlta-
jle fur the quantity of its aspirants , but
uloo for the quality of its politicians.
We have them of nil sexes , ages , colon
mil conditions.
There is the cheeky , bold nnd unprin
cipled politician who cares fore nothing
except that which enhances hia own in-
ciits. Ho lias his little speeches pre
pared which hu deals out lo suit the
Luato of the customer. Ho in a radical
.inli-monopoliat when ho happens to
[ all in company with any of thuue gentle
men.Up is n cold-blooded , self contained ,
egotistical btnlwurt when in tlio presence
ot these lords of creation. And no one ia
quicker to assert hifl independence when
converging with liulf breed ,
Then thuro is the straggler , who tries
to serve both God and Mammon. Ho
never knows first what his position is up
on any question , ia not quito certain
whether ho it afoot or horseback , but
UwayH falls certain that ho has duped
some one and that ho will como out on
op. And then wo have the
'boBsea , " the "rule or ruin"
HiliUciaDH mou who have a certain
forced following , gained by very uncer
tain means , who uru alwnyn acokisg after
olllce , yut have not br.iius enough to fill
any pouition of honor or tinst. They got
nothing themselves , and are determined
that no ono else shall have anything.
They nro dogs in the inangur , unscrupu
lous , nnd u disgrace to thu republican
party. When "not upon" in conventions
they ring in somp of their henchmen , de
mand their proxies , and use them to de
feat the best interests of their own party.
Wo would not bo understood that wo
have no honest men in our district , for
wo luuo lots of Ihsm , of whom wo V7ill
write at some future timo.
$1iOp. Given
rtcelvwUroiu euali chemists asS. Daim Hays. II
ton ; U. Dclufontalno. of Chicago ; and UUMIV
IJodc , MlUiuiLco. Never sold In bulk.
29 SMI It