OMAHA DAIT.Y BEE-THURSDAY , MAY 15 , 1864 , The Kidneys. Tlicy nrc the most important sec retory orgnns. Into nnd through the Ividncysflow the waste lluids of the body , containing poisonous mut ter tilicti out oC the system. If the Kidneys do not net properly this mutter is icturned , the whole sys tem becomes disordered nnd the fol lowing symptoius will follow : Ilcndnche , 'wonkness , pnin in the small of luck ami loin ? , Hushes of heat , chills , with disordered stom- nch nnd bowels. You cnn tli oronqh- ly protect the Kidnnys l > v HUH- 1)00K BLOOU m'TTEKS nnd whonnny of these symptoms mani fest tlipmselues you can quickly rid yourself of thoin by this best of nil medicines for the Kidneys. BUR DOCK BLOOD I3ITTJ3SS nro sold everywhere nt § 1 per bottl'S nnd one bottle will provo their elHcncy. S ? Tfis ? 7AT ftp 7A * VA > * A * p Tlio bent otldrnco In tlio world of the purity Hid ciocllonco of lllncknell'n Hull Durham Hmnklnir Tobacco In found In the f let that the fame of thin tolnci-o IncrcnK * from year to } cur. Thin could not In the cams If It cro merely" ( rotten up to Mil , " or had any dubious or dmiRcnnin Ingre dient * In It. ArnODK million * of urcrnof all natlonnlttlM , turely noruo ono would find out If It wcro Impure , Injurious or unpalatable. ForlSjcnm thlntoLicooliM been acknowledged to la the tut In Ihi irorM. and every year Ilio Dull Durham lirand grows more i < opular , tlia ilcraand for It wider , and rmnkern mnrocnthiulmtlooterltii ( lelldoiw natural ( Uxor. Auk yonr dealer Tor It. Get ton prnnlno tradc- mark of the II nil. Therein nomlschlcfilono where Hull Durham SmoklM Tobacco la uetd. thrives on HorllcW I'ood , " write hundred * of irratcful mothers. Mother's milk contains no etarch. An artificial food for Infants should contain no starch. _ lho boot and moat nutritious food In health or ulcknf-As lor JNFANrH.nnd thn IK lit dirt for UYHl'KiniOH ilard"aiHl nTlnai"nniootiriif. lleconiinriidnl by l'l Klrlaim. lllptily licncllclnl to Niinlnv Ilpthrrs as a ilrlnk. I'rlco II ) _ . _ _ J and7r.ccnU. lljrallflruinfl't * . Ucnd lor Hook on the Treatment of Ublldnui , iroo. "Kwllr dl ilp < l nJ oulilllooi. " O.H * . lltltrf , " ' nid It ill tblleeiilJ be dcili d. " ( T.W. RiiJ , Sttlion , Aariaot. "So beilluer In pronooncloi U mp'tlor to uj. IhlDi tiunl. ' t. It. Hiiurn , U. It. n-ojr. N. T , Will bo sent hr mall on recrlptof iirlcn In stampi. IIOUI.ICK'M VOOII CO. . Ilnrlnr , Wl . * i-u * UoBUCK'a Dat KXTIUCT or SULi'fc * " THE MILD POWEB OUKES. HUMPHREYS' . ' IniuoMjoirn. r.nch number Ihn fpcclnl pro scription of nn niulnont plijulclim. 'Iho onlr OOIIES. ruicB. 1. Ki-vcri , ConfrmtlonInflnmntlonn , . . . . 2ft 2. XVornnnrmlovor. . Worm Cnlic. . . : i. Crvlnz 1'ollc , orTovthlnicofInfuuis .2.1 t. Iliarrlieaof ihlldren or Aclulln 2.1 A. Itnenlnrv. Orlplim. Dllllou" Voile , . . .33 (1. i.liolrra Alorbii , vomltlug , , . . . . . . .1 7. 4.'ousli > . Cold , llnmchltls va N. IVruralila. T otlincho. l-accachn 29 , . KI. l > v ren"l . Ulllloiis Koinnch. . . . . . . II. Hiippreiind r Painful I'rrladi 13.Vlilte , tooProfuno 1'rrlodt 1 I. firnun. COIIB .2A 11. Hnll iihrr , KryMpclai , Iriintloni , .2 15. Itheuinnti , Hneumatlol'alUK .25 Kj. Voter nun Amir , Chill , Fever , AKIICI 17. I'llri. llllnUurillerdlnK. 111. Cittnrrh. ncuto or chronic : Influr nia ; AO . WhuoiiliiK Cniiili , vlolontooughi. . . . { ill -4 1. Mnnernl OrbUltv. 27. Kldnoy Ill.itPi.r . . . . nil . rkrrrom llcbllltv . l.OU . DrlnnryVinliiiin , WrttliiKlbo boa , ftl . Dlnoninofllin Ilonrl. Paliillollon. l.OU ilruggUtii. ornDiit by the Ciuo. ' oroln - -L - - - - Vfol.TAIO BELT nnd oilier Kutcrnia . -'i ArrrlASCfc-H nro ont nn ! W Daya' Trial 1O tlEN ONLY.OUNQ OK OLT ) . who arc miffor. Ins from NKHVOOS BEIIIUTV. LOST Viriurr. wiTiiii ( VTiuicNERsra , nnd nil thono dl ran of u TKIUIOIUI. N TUUE. ntiiiUlUK from Anima nud OTUKB Ciuaicj. Hiwrdy r , 11-c nml rompli-to rMtoratlon to IlriLTii. V'nuu and HUNiiooii liututHrrrD. Hond at uuc for Illu lr lcd 1'junpnlit fnvi. Adnreu . VOI.TAIU ii.T : CO. . tllur.bnll. Mleb. | COOK'S P HANK KXCUIIBIONS loxvu Nov York ID Aj'rU , May and June , 1-S4. I'AtjMJK TIUKK ra by all ATLANTIC HIEMhltS. . Hiotlal ficllltloa for eccuilnff QOOI ) DKIVUH. TOtlltlsr'IICKETH lor tnvclfraln KUIIUPE , hi a'lrouUn , ut rrducod ratui. COOK'S KiCUKHlONIHT , with inaim and full l > ar. UcuUn , by uuill 10 runtn. A'lilruii TU03. OQOK ft tiOa , M Broadway , N. Y HEIMNhMGS IMPROVED SOFT ELASTIC SECTION CORSET i J varruitM Iu ongfr , d llin fo t > twltf . n Hi * mm kut , or i < rlru | i ld wll refund. ; . ! . . .TOHN H. F. LEHMAN M , t CO , lamss dicallnstituit i ; Chartered by thcStatecfllU- : inola for theexpicta purpose ifoluiviiiuininicdlatc fellclln Jail chronic , urinary end inl. Evate dUcaics. Qonurrhiza Eai tBiid5 phiIi ln all their complicated foritu , ul o al dii iii.eB ol the Gkln aud Uluod promptly ( clicvedund rcrmanenilycuied by reme. , -7 r'-- " , V ac J fil'ietull'ractlrr. Seminal Weakncti , Ifmhi lx > r by Dreamt , I'imnlei on itnaciH-rltiutttlni/ appropriate remedy " " " 'i ukedln eachcase. Con - - B-VWHIIB < * / ultatlon , eonaj cr by Utter , Mcredly eonndtntlal. Mid. Iclnef sent by Mall and Kxprtii , No marks no package to Indicate content * or under. Address fg.jAMEB.Ko. 204 Washlnflton St-.tlJcgBO. ! ! DOGS WITH $1,000 , COLLARS. Pets as Small as Spiders anil as Bi as Jnmlio , Tlio Monntrr Cnnlno Concert Com tinny to Oho UH Klrst Knlcr- litlnincntJoTtlio SCOHOII. Now York Journal , May 13. A belle and n blackamoor ontotcd tlio Madison Square Oardou early yesterday forenoon , whnro aovernl gontlctnon of the Westminster Kennel Club woroidlo wait * ing to receive the first entry. The col- ard lackey alippod his hand into his veal pocket nnd pulled out n moro auggcation of n dog. The littlennimnl was washed with n drop of water , combed down with n feather nnd put into n cage. Ho was so little that n glass had to bo employed to find him. The second dog to nrrivo was about na largo na ,1 utnbo. IIo cnmo in n big box which was dorrickcd off n truck with much difficulty and carried into the Garden by twenty men. Several helpers nt first rofuaod to uncage the "lion , " bul were at loncth poraundod to remove the top bara of "his box nnd n tawny nnd noble St. Bernard bounded out. IIo was given n Russian bath and his toilet was completed with n brush nnd curry-comb , after which , with n blue ribbon tied nbout hia nock , ho was led to ono of the moat desirable , llata in the Garden. President Arthur's fawn-colored mastifF - tifF , Queen , arrived next , led by ono of the most prominent colored politicians in Washington. The animal wagged its tail condescendingly to the committee of re ception. It was followed by a traveling troupe of trick dcgs , nil in now coats nnd now spring costumes. They bowed to the prca dont'a dog , which wagged its tail with frigid politeness , and , whileit did not oll'ond , repelled any approach to fa miliarity. The performing dogs , which liad boon graduated from Professor Par ker's well known school of noting In the Bowery , stood nround with n professional air until they were led into the garden , and housed comfortably there inn Kennel. They will make their debut Tuesday night in n comedy somewhat like that of the Hanlon-Loos , nnd will continue to act each night of the show , dcspito what the dramatic critics may think of them. Most of the konnola nro in blun nnd gold. Tapestry carpets nro quite ns much in mode for dog kennels this year ns Persian were nt the last bench show , though the floors of n few of the dog Hats are said to bo laid in Minton tiles. A few of the kennels for puga nnd toy dogs have lace or satin curtains. On ono side of the Gnrdon hung yes- tordny fcatooim of dog-chains nnd bou quets of dog-collars , where n manufactur ing shop had nrrnngcd samples of its wnroa for display. Some dog-collars nro mndo of gold or silver nnd ornamented with diamonds , nnd n $10,000 dog with u § 1,000 collar is ono of the luxuries of life among the rich. In nnothor part of the Garden a "dog dentist" had put out n sign , indicating that n dog's ' tooth may bo filled with gold , or that when ho gota very old and his tooth drop out ho may bo supplied with a eot of fnlso tooth. A painted pointer on a big canvas has scouted n incdicino for dogs nnd stands stock still with his noao pointed toward it. A dozen colored virgina with brooma were busy during the day swooping out the Garden , nnd they made everything na bright as n now pin. The Kennel Club employs about ono hundred night watch men , dnor-koopora nnd other workmen in ndditon to the Thompson street belles , nnd na every other dog haa a special ; room , who will bo iu constant attou- lance upon him , and aa aomo , indeed , mvo two crooms , there will bo at least Ivo hundred men in the building to take care of animals. In the center of the garden ia nn in closed running track 200 foot long nnd 2-1 foot \rido. where the doga will bo test ed nnd speeded every day , and where the dog theatre will take place. The doga nro to bo fed every morning nnd afternoon , The big doga will bo given biacuita im ported from England and compounded from Hour , meat ; the little doga will have moat' brought from the Putnam llouao , About noon yesterday the dogs in the garden got very hungry when a ragged tramp wandered in and sauntered nround the building , All the bull dogs and maatill'd licked their chops in antici pation of n meal. They tugged nt their chains nnd lot their jnws ngapo , but the tramp merely mocked them , until finally ho WHS neon by n special policomnn nnd put out. A representative of Robbina Island Kennel Club caino to the Garden with thirty. suvuu bountiful dog ) , pointura nnd aultura. L. nndV. . Htitliorfurd , of the \VfHtininator Kunnul Club , ontere.itwnlvo hiiiulaunio fnX'timuira. EIovou Sf. Her- iinrda ciimu truin the Cranmnro Farm Ivoniiol , with tliuir record of twenty. two irnoa. ; Four lusty St. Huruatd puppies wuru with tlium. Mr. Munlmll , socrc- tiiry ot HID Cleveland Bench Show , bought n largo konnd of live pointora. Dr. S. Spiur , of Brooklyn , ai-nt night line doifn iioadud by champinn St. Elmo , Mr. Thus. 11. Turry , of Uiu Wi-atmiuatfr Kunnul Club , scutum collies. The Wont miiibtor Kcniiol Club had a row of iron komiulti of impressive urchitecturo , with a dozen jiointorii , headed by Sensation , which haa boon iuovury Now York Bunch Show of thu lait eight yi'ius , und by Mr. Ooimthnn Thorno and Mr. Pcitnmll , both of Now York , show llfteuu St Barnard * in adjoining kt niiuls. A mimll boy with n Rtring of fourtuuu dogs was dragged inU the G.trdain by the animals ho pretondud' to lead , which had anintulligont uniioty tobo exhibited. Moat of the konnpla nro open , but some nro capua with wire fronts for spaniels , Italian grayhounda and other toy dotfB. Tlio ahow openoa "this mnrninu ; nt J ) o'clock. MriMill'a will bo judged lirst ; the tiruo set for their inorita to bo pnnHud on ia 11 o'clock. 1'residmit Arthur's dog la pa-iaing the ol | > ht iu unxiuty , If Mr. .Sterling ono of the judgca , gota here from St. Louis , pointora will ul.o bo judged : 1,100 dogs will bo on exhibition to-duy. A few ot the entrica have not yet arrived At 0 o'clock thia morning nil the dogn will tuko a vralk before breakfast for ux orclm , of tor which they will ait down to atoak from the Putnam IIoiiso. * The flrat dog in the Ojrdoit ypaturday tried hii voice nnd nwnko A foblo t-cho in ha bui d ng. Bnij.'ht sU tint d gt M t r jitrking in tmo grand ohoru of the IIUHIH if thu Iu turn. The toner of the black- nd tuna blend with the baritone of the jt. Bernards und the duop bass of the naatiiTa. V Madman TukrH I'ohhCnflou of n l''uruu'i' DECATUU , III , May II A BoiiaaUons' ' affair occurred went of Dccaturtliiii morn ing. In thu atwenca of thu family la t at night mi escaped lunatic , who jiivo * hinjn name as Lnm&r , ( oolj pofn'Heion of Martin * n Blonzo'a rcildencv , etlectiog an cntrancu' b by kicking in a door. Martin , on g jng ( i his hottso thia forenoon foum' . , the lunatic in full charge , nnd w'.ion tlio owner entered the lunatic fired A revolver nt him , the bullet going ' . ( trough the crown of his hat. The rm"j clinched and a desperate struggle cnsi'.ed , Blonz finally kicking the intruder out of the homo and into the road , then letting him loose and tolling him to r > o away. Blonz turned around , when the lunatic , who still re taincd the revolver , fired three shots , failing to hit his man. Lamar then ran toward the house , got inside and hold possession for an hour , though the sheriff and police and two hundred people tried to get in and capture him. IIo had bar ricaded the doors and used butcher- knives , cleavers and chairs as weapons of defense. Finally a well-aimed rock floored him , and ho was hand-cuffed nnd brought to jail. It is believed that Lamtir escaped from some county asylum , as ho wears pauper clothes. CAUTION. No. 210 GiiAND STIIKKT , JKKSBV CITV , N. J. , Fob. 28 , 1883 Two months ago I suffered with a _ bad coughwhich kept mo awake all night. I was recommended to put on my chest two Allcock's Porous Plasters. Unfor tunately my druggist persuaded mo to try some other so-called porous planter , I lost my mnnoy , for they were worthless nnd not of the slightest benefit. I then procured Allcock'a Porous Plasters , and they completely cured mo. J. F. McGINNISS. Imitation Porous Plasters nro being advertised and offered for sale. Beware of them. "Alcock's" is the only gen uine. What Alls Governor George llunilly. Cincinnati Knrjutror. If successful in his plans nt the state convention ho w ill trj to play the role of Gar Hold at Chicago. IIo will bo for Til- don or Payne , but ho will hold his hand on hia jumping heart and say to himself ; ' Hero is the man , " and ho will expect the assembled multitude of democracy to cry out and echo his inmost soul by say ing "Thoro is the man. " This is his dream. This is what ho ran for Govern or for. This is what ails George Iloadly. A Humto Story. Baltimore American. "Talkinc about snake's food , I once hoard a story told by a Spanish teacher , living in this city , which takes the cakp. IIo said that ono day , while hunting in Brazil , hia guide came rushing back and told the party to bo careful , for in front of them was a snake sixty foot in length. The snake had just finished eating a deer but had been unable to swallow1 the horns , and they were still sticking out of the snake's mouth. The gentleman said it was n common thing in South America for snakes to oat deer , nnd when the antlers refused to go down into the atom- nch , the snnko would go and Ho in the sun ; nnd lot the acid from its stomach work on the horns and dissolve them. This monster snnko wns very likely per forming this net when the hunters came on him. They advanced cautiously , and were about to lira when the snake sprang forward and struck the guldo in the breast with the stag's horns , and crushed him into a jelly. Before the snake could repent this playful pastime , a bullet from ono ot the guns of the party killed him , IIo was coiled up and carried by the par ty to the nearest town , and shipped to Rio , where ho is still on exhibition ; the an Hera are still in his mouth , so the Span ish teacher told ino. This story weakens you , does it ? Going ? Won't you take some snake food with you ? No ? Well , good day. Gall again , and I'll try to soil you n snako. " Very AVell Put. Why do wo defer till to-morrow what wo should do to-day ? Why do wo neglect a cough till it throws us into consumption , and con sumption brings us td the grave ? DK. WM. IIALL'S BALSAM is sure to euro if taken in season. It has never boon known to fall. Use it thoroughly according to directions. Persevere - voro till tlio disease is conquered , as It la cer tain to bo. even If it should require a dozen bottles. There U no better mcillclno for i > ul monary disorders. Sold everywhere. llluilmrl ) Culture. American Garden. Rhubarb , like currant bushes , will grow almost anywhere , nnd under almost any kind of treatment , and consequently receives moro ill mugo than any other "green thing growing , " But for this reason it should not bo supposed that when growing under neglect nnd abuse it will do its best and produce as abundant crops and of equally good quality ns when good treatment is given. After it is once planted , rhubard requires little cultiva tion , but it must Imve at all times deep , rich soil , thu richer thu better. In littld culture the roots are planted about four feut apart uiich Mar , and cultivated like any hoed crop. In the family garden they should bo planted two or three foot apart , in u single row , nt least four feet distant from other-plant * It may bo raised from seed , but as there is little reliance in the seedlings being of the anne variety as the parent plants , diuaion of the roots is the method of propai ation uinally mlopto.l. Any piece of toot with a bud or crown v jl | gto\v if ptnntul about two inches deep in niullnw boil firmly pressed around it. Ri'otd may bo planted in autumn or early Hpiuiy. Plantation ) ! uro ummlly renewed uviry four or tivx yonrn , yet when u liberal dressing of manure in given every fill the roots Mill produce u crop for an almoHt indefinite period. Heavy manuring , clean cultivn tinn , nnd libuinl apikio uru the requisites for ruining largo , succulent rhubarb The vnuotica beat are : Lniiiiuui , grown extensively for market ui well as homo use. It ia ourly , very productive , nnd of n brink , spicy flavor. Ita principal fiult ia that it seeds no freely thnt units * ull llowur stalks nro cut oil'na soon aa they appear theorem deteriorates rapidly. Victom ia later , haa larger leaves and stnlko , and requirea vorv rich , hou\y ground for ita beet development. Paragon This ia u now variety , originated in England , nnd now introduced hero. The atalka are bright 'red , h < nvi , nnd pnduci'd in quick mica asfon nnd grent abundance. It ia earlier , of mure delicate Ihvor , and IIHB deciJelyJi'Bn acid than nny other vor- inv * wo nro acquainted with. But ita moat rumaiktiblaand moat valuable quali- IK'HU in is it doim nut product ) flower talks , to whi h f ot it * uro it productive 1104 * is maitilya t ibutubl , all the strength . ot the plant bfiug uacd for the devel opment of ita leaves. llriker'M I'alu I'unnocft In nno of tliii Iw.t Ili ImmiU put nn. It Is n ittui | ln kitliir , ami dr Vti > jn pain , wliutlior Internal or uxtumul , wlimnvcr lined , It hat lieun n nUiiilurJ louiedy fur the | ia > t tlility err > -r In i lie Dt'inoornlio Contention. iIcoord , A inun of I tun accommodating princi- plisthun Hutlnr iniglit bo disconcerted facing hia did nesi.ciat s , but there l no danger that ho will chiuiuo counte nance. Like a lohiter , nothing short of boiling will over nmko him blush. ta ' A COMING CONVENTION , The Locomoliye Firemen of the New West to Holi a Union Meeting inDcnycronThnrsilay , An Imitation Is Kxtctuleit to Kn- YurtlmiiRlcrs nntl HiipcrlntonilontH to 1'nrtlclpntc. Denver News , May 12. An important convention of railroad men will bo hold in Denver next Thura. day , the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen throughout the now west hold ing a union mooting to consider matters important to the order and railroad mon generally. Lodges of the brotherhood in Dakota , Montana , Washington Territory , Nobraakn , Wyoming , Colorado , Califor nia , Nevada , Utah , Now Mexico , Arizo na and Texas will bo represented. There will probably bo about sixty lodges rep resented. TUB tOCOMOTIVK IlKOTllCKIIOOItS , have boon requested to extend the invi tation to divisions of railway conductor1 ! unions in their Immediate neighborhoods. Supcrintondontn of various western rnilroado have also boon invited nnd sev eral have sent replies stating thnt they would como if they could possibly make it convenient. The primary object of the gathering , ns stated in the call , is to consider the best and most effectual means of stopping , as much as possible , all unnecessary travel ing by members of the order , who with out sufficient reason , leave their situation to roam aimlessly over the country.thoro- by putting the order into disrepute by showing > t in n fnleb light nnd seriously injuring the privileges thnt nccompany the card nnd clogging the legitimate and useful mission for vrhich it was originally intended. It has boon discovered that several of these cards have been stolen or been illegitimately used and as there is always danger of drunken , worthless , or incompetent firemen imposing themselves on railroad companies. THUOUOH OIITAUUNO possession of the cards it is for the inter est of railroad companies and fireman alike to BOO that they are only used legi timately. The loading mottoes of the brotherhood are sobriety and industry , and people who do not keep sober and tend to business nro not wanted in the order and do not properly represent it , Another object for the mooting , as represented in the call , is the establishing - ing of a homo for decrepit nnd disabled firemen and engineers in Denver. This matter was considered at the Nntional convention of the brotherhood held in Denver last fall. It was decided that such n homo should bo erected and its lo cation will bo designated at the coming national convention , to bo hold in Toron to , Canada , next September. Through this union mooting next Thursday it is hoped that nn influence may bo brought to bear , supported by all the western lodges , on the convention to the end that the homo may bo located in Denver. First on account of the geographical situation , thnt every ono will admit is most central. Next for the unequalled salubrity of the climate , the sublimity of the scenery , the oxcelouco of the water , the purity of the air and the many other natural ad vantages. Another matter that will bo discussed in the meeting is the rules of the Union Pacific hospitnl na Inid down by the railroad company. THE FIHEMEN 1IELIKVE that the hospital is most excellently loca I ted nnd conviently appointed , nnd that it was nn excellent thing to put the Sisters of Chnrity in to it , but some rules as to its mantainco and the rule that help is not to bo extended to disabled employes out of the hospital is criticised. The firemen - mon will consider this matter in a friend ly spirit , and hope to submit their discus sions in n respectful manner to the consi deration of the railroad company. As A Giiro Ibr Bnro Tliro.-it 'and ounhfi , llrow'd lironchial Troches" have boon thoroughly tested , and maintain their good reputation , A Wftr Souvenir. St. LOUH ! Post Dispatch. A niultidudo of cases growing out of the la to war suggest that a { sort of ipso facto divorce law would bo a good thing for each state iu the Union. Where u husband willfully deaorts his wife uudar circumstances indicating his death , and absents himself so long that she marries again , in good faith believing him he.ul , ho certainly ought to bo dead to her in the oycs ot the law. But heio cornea a ' cnso from Georgia of Don. Thumnn King and his Wife , who have been livin ; , ' hup- pily together BO lung tliut amno ot their children ore i.bout yniwii , nnd no.v they have to usk thu cuunn to set mudu their marn.igo in order that Mm. King may sue for n divorce an the nifu ot nnothor man nnd obtain it , Lefoio oho can bo lawfully married to Mr. King , 01 take thu Kgul atrpa necots.iry to Jf ili- untie their cmlthen ull b auBC her for mer luKbnud , n confederate mildu-r , dis appeared during the war , wua mourned atidtnd oy nil hii frieud.s when ho was only n dcairtor , and now tunica up a prosperous chum of Connecticut. The war produced more or lees of such cni-tn in e\eiy state of the union , and eo many ol thorn occur unconnected with the war thnt the otatuti's should roro , > iiza ! thu wilful , nnexplaiued absence of u husband for tvo j cars ni equivalent to a divorce , where the deboriou wife , believing him dead , has married ngain. Mrn. , Anil all other UIUOUH woman have won a rep- ututliin fur fuilal beauty. A line complexion iimkui onn liiituldumo , u\en though the face Id not n perfect mniitil , Ittmlock hloxl Jlttters act dlroclly unim tljo ctrtulation , ami MI giro h thu skin u u'ouruo ' ? itud nmootlmiWH otherwise uuuituluublo. i ilio Word , rorliiiiiH. Ki'puullcan , The horizontal idea doesn't scorn to bo entirely popular wich the democrats. The party hus been in a horizontal position too long , A rollconimi llrncril up. D.F.Colliiu miMiilxirof police , not outhunrd , eailliip , I'll , , valktf thin wayi "Siilfi'ind aa- > riOv ' friiiu rhomnatuiii ! nothing did inn miy . tod'tlll I tried Ihumnf I tltctrio Oil. U U u jilo.uiiiro tureuomnuiid It , " 1'lllNIII . S. 0. , 13 , 18S1 , Yjurnioat vrtlimliliuiiedlclnii ( Swifi'tt M-r- ; inc ) hut tlono uiOB'i iniu'li L-Miul jlitt Jf 'l like MMinu tliU for tlio lu lit if tlmni who Hulfor hkd I iliil. I WUH | mi > nivl by rniiON OAK. mid raw nit B w ll day fur tix ju r , until I iiAod Suirr'ri M'ttim1. In thu \ \ I'purB IHiwl iiliinwt I'n-ry ki nl nf iiicdloliio , Jilt noun lud tlw ( lo-t | d elffct , After lining ilx bottll < 8 of SuHT'd Sl'ITinO f 111 18lor l to | M > rfm t health wi < nut a tiijit i'/ < / . < i < itir/w volun ltl Your * Truly. DAVID NKSIUTT. Treatise on Blood and Skin DLiOtt e mailed reo TUB S\UIT Si-icino Co. , Drawer 3 , Atlau- , Go , H.B. HUDSON . . , Recently oCiDottOn hin rj.cncd . an ejcgint now ItOCK Ol I THE MILLARD HOTEL. CIMPInflpilnpr WolKhta. PI IIC In Summer \\elRhls. IINnFRWFAR" y'nKlna Knl ] li U lo. UllUtn II Lrln : \ InlFmoKnRlUhnaltjrle AND HOSIERY , I In Merino and Cotton * ! NEWEST AND LATEST DESIGNS IN NECKWEAR , JEWKLRY. 1IANDKEROUIFS BRACES , ETC , Coaching , Walkinfj , Street and Evening Gloves , FINE WHITE & COLOIIED SHIRTS English , l'lquoanl ( Full Drcsa Shrlt * . SUIRTS MADE TO MEASURE. H , K , BUEKET FUNEHnL DIRECTOR UNO EMBALMEfi 11 North 18th Street Omahn A. F. GBOSS. , lor $ L CABINET WORK , SUCH AS COUNTERS , BARS , ICE BOXES , LIBRARIES , ftnJ al klnJn of olTlco v , ork a specialty Call or nil dress 1308 Jackson Street , Omihn , Neh ALONG THE LINE OF THEJ Chicago. . St , Paul , Minneapolis and OMAHA RAILWAY. The now extension ol this line from Wakcflcld up the BEAUTIFUL VALLEY of the GAN through Concord and Colcridgo TO . ' sar-A.n'onjNTGrTonxr , Roaches the best portion of the State , Spechl ex cursion rites for land tcekers o\cr thia line to Waj no , Norfolk ami Hartlngton , and \la Blair to all principal points on the SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC RAILROAD Trains o\er tht C. , St. P. jr. & 0. UaiLvay to Cov nfrton , Sioux City , 1'onc.i , HartlngtonVa > no and Norfolk , t'or Froinont , Oakda o , Ncligh , and through to Val entino. For rates nnd all Information cill on F , f. WHITNEY , General A enr , TTNITED STATES AND QEHSIAN MAIt U WEEKLY S1KAMKUS Hamhurz-Aincrlcan racket Company's Line for PLYMOUTH ( London ) Cherbourg , ( Paris ) and HAMDUUO. Saturday btcim- crs to Hamburg Olrcct LF.SSINO , April 1611OHE' J1IA , April 13 ; OELLKnT , April 24 ; WESTPHALIA , April 23 : AKTIA , May 3 ; WIELAND , May 8. Kites : First Cabin , 8C5 , 870 and ? SO. Steerage , $20. Prepaid BtceraRe tickets , $18. Exourelon rates great- V reduced. S-nd for "Tourist Qa/ette. " Henry Pundt , Mark Hanscn , F. E. Moorca , M. Toft , agents In Omaha , GroncuUr&Schoentgcn , agentsmCoun- ell Clufla. C. B : IUCUAHD & CO. , Qon. Pass. Agts. , BlBroiwlway , N. Y. OLD RELIABLE THE BRUNSWICK , BALKE , COL- LENDER COMPANY , [ SUCCKSSOIIS TO THE J. M. B , & 1) . CO. ] THE MONARCH Tbo most cxtonslre manuf tcturcrs ot IV TUK011LU K01S Tenth street , OMAHA , NHB ifi'l'rut \ nt B'lllid and Tool Tables and ui&tcrUla , 'urui'tid on np llcatlon. BRUNSWICK & 0 , Fifteen Ball Pool , Carom , AND AtL OTIIKIl U\MI.V(3 TABI.KH. 1J 1'IX 11ALLS , CIU.CKS. 18 South 3d Street , St. Louis , -111 1't ' nnivrn Street , Kanwu City Mo. , ) S2i J III XIN | M. . numljit , Ktb. HENRY HOKNIU3KGUR , A ont. Wrlto for CiUlnuuen and I'llce IJstH. Nebraska Cornice -AND- Orai GAIVANIZED IRON CORNICES FINIALS , WINDOW CAPS , TIN , IRON AND SLATE ROOFING , PATENT MKTAIIO 8KYI.I01IT , Iron Fencin I Croiltum , Ualnsumiert , Ventnda > , Oltlconid U > vk IlkllliiK' , Window and Cellar Ousnla , Kte. OO , O , AN 1) li nrUKKr , MM OLN NK1I , 0IKKK , U ( i DUFHENE& ARCHITECTS 1.TUKJ10VKU TO OUAIK .N TIO.VAI. HA 111IL , INT. . TIIISPKVrorKciroiino ti > r U Illicit exprfM , ) } for tliuiuru ol iloiaiiKvmriiti , ol the KI ni-r-'llit I'lV'im 111 tv U m lultia o fttniut tbU intrunriit. HID nui. tlniiuUK ptrvtin ol H U'- Till I ! I TV lhruu litln'iv tore 'li < iu loliekltliv ] ) o not o'til < unj Ili uith Kltrtrlo lklt lifrtl . - < l to euro H 'Hi ' from loo. It It tut the < jh K J.M > ! > . Kor i Irciilirn Khl'if lull lufurumtiou , i CliM > cr Uvclrio lldt Ca , 1U3 Wublujtua ARCHITECTURAL IRON WORK. Oolumiis , Pilasters , Llntols , Fencing , Creating1 , Railingf , Etc. . Oaat , and Wrought Iron Boams. AgciitH for TIIK HYATT IMII8MATIC LIGHTS. THE MURRAY IRON WORKS CO. , Burlington , Iowa. THE LARGEST IRON WORKING. ESTADLI8HMENT IN THE STATE. SPECIAL NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others , WK CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO Our Ground Oil Cake. It la the he > nd cheapest lood tor ( took of any kind. Cno pound latttut to three poundj ol corn Block lea with Ground Oil Cake lu the Kail and Winter , Instead of . runnlnjf down , will Incroiwo In weight and be In good marketable condition In the ipnnfr. Dalrjnwn. a. ' * ell M others , who use It can toitlty to It. merit. . Tr , | | and jud , . fur your..lvof. 1 % , $ % " TEE NEW HOUSE OP Fine Havana , Key West and Domestic Cigara. All Standard Brands Tobaccos. Trial Orders Solicited , Satisfaction Guaranteed , I DEALERS IN , 's Safe and Lock FIEE AND BDEGLAE PEOOF XOS30 tx * Wtroot. J. A , WAKEFIELD , WHOLESALE AND HETAIL DEALER IN I JL JLUAS.U , r\Jj SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOULDINGS , LIME , CEMENT , PLASTER , SC- STATE AGENT FOR MILWAUKEE CEMENT COMPANY. Near Union Pacific Depot , . Qtniha , Neb , H. B. LOCKWOOD ( formerly of Lockwood & Draper ) Chicago , fifan- ager of the Tea , Cigar and Tobacco Departments. A full line of all grades of above ; also pipes and smokers' articles carried in stock. Prices and samplps furnished on application. Open orders intrusted to us shall receive our careful attention Satisfaction Guaranteed. AGENTS FOR BENWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & * RAND POWDER CO PERFECTION Heating and Baking IB only attained by using CHARTER © AIC Stoves and Ranges , WIRE GAUZE OVER DOOB MILTON ROGrJSSS & SONS WArTA ( SUCGKSSOU T i HOSTKK & ' . U W ) R t3 UWE Office anil Yard , 6th and Douglas Sts. , 1'KOPHIETOR 218 Siutlt Illh Street , OtnUii , NcbrMkn , Corrr pninlence Sillofod. 0. M LEIQHTON. LEIOHTON & CLARKE , SUCCESSOR ! ! TO KBNNAHD llllOS. ft CO. ) i D1MLEU3 IN PaintsOi ! . FRANZ FALK BREWING CO. , Milwaukee , Wisconsin. fsr GUNTHER & CO , , Solo BolllON. M. HELLMAH & CO. , Wholesale Clothiers ! 1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREE1 CQK. OMAHA ,