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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1884)
. . . .TA .vir v m.T-AVRDNESDAY , MAY 14 OMAHA DAILY BEE-WEDNESDAY MAY 14 , 1581. ' ' MANUFACTUHEn OF GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES. /WINDOW CAPS , FINIALS , ETC. 1 Hi O lO'Clx Z'i3 ' ior > 't OWATIA NKH.RABKA your work is doiie for all time to time to come. WE CHALLENGE o produce a more durable material for street pavement than the Sioux Falls Grauite. .li'OnAKY AMOUNT OL' OR- lilled proinpLiy. Samp'e ° s nt aun estimit : s given uponap.uiealiou. WlT.MoBAJN&CO. . Sinux Falls. Dnlrotn. The use ot the term " fihor Lino" In connection with th' corporate name of o great road convej 8 au Idua ol ust what required by the tra\ellngnub lie a Ohort Line , ( Julclt Time and the best ot nucouimodt tlona all ot which nrp furt- ishod by the greatest railway In America. CHICAGO , flfJiL WAOEBE St. Paul. Ib owns nnd operates over 4,600 miles of "Northern lUlnolo , WiuconRln , Minnesota , Iowa Dakota ; aud ai ti main llnco , branches arid connoc , tloua reach all the Kreat husuiesa centres ot the Northwest and Far West , It naturally answers tbr ' description of Short Line , and Best Kouto botwooa Chicago , Milwaukee , St. Paul and Minneapolis. , > ChicagoMilwaukee , La Crease and Wlnona. | * v Chicago , Milwaukee , Aberdeen and Elloudala JJChlcago , Milwaukee , EAU Clatro and Stlllwfttcr- B\ChlcagotMil \ uukcoYaueauand Jlcnill. Chicago , Milwaukee , Icnor ! Dam and Oshkosh. Chicago , Milwaukee , Wauknsha and Oconomowoo Chicago , Milwaukee , Madison and Prairie du Chios Chicago , Milwaukee , Owatonna and Falrlbault. " ChicagoCelolt JanesvlUo and MiucralPolnt. Chicago , Elgin , Hockford and Dubuquo. § Chicago , Clinton , Rock Ulaud and Cedar Itapldi. - Chicago , Council Dluds and Omaha. K Chicago , Sioux City , Sioux Falls and Tanktoo P Chlcat'O , Milwaukee , Mitchell and Chamlierl&ui. Qltock Inland , Dubuque , St Paul and MlnneapoHo , JXtvenport , Calmar , St. Paul and Minneapolis. Pullman Sleepers anil the Finest Dining Cars In world are run on the mainlines ot the CH 1C AOfi MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RAILWAY and i > cry attention Is paid to paaaongcra by comic oils employe } of the company. A. v. Gea'l Manager. Uen' Pa . .J.C . , ft < V , QE3 tie AFFORD , t 6J7 St. Charles Si. , St , Louis , Mo. A RKOULAH OIlADUATEoI two mcdloa ! collog t _ 3L h > ! > been encacfeil longer In the treatment i > ) CHHONIO , HIillVOUS , 8KIN AND ULOOI ) Dliewe' than other physician In fit. Loins , as city papers elioi and all old roiUlents know. Consultation hot and Invited. When It Is Inconvenient \Islttho cltj'fnr treatment , muillcluon can be sent by mall or cxpro-b everywhere. Curable oases guaranteed ; where doubt exUts It It frankly stated. Call or wrlto. . iNervom Prostration , Doblllty , Mental and Phyaloi , MorouHal anil other affections ol Throat and Mouth , Old Hares anil Ulcers , Impodl mcnta to iqtrrluo , ith" nu'.lsn , I'um. 'HK.VIM M tentlont'Jc.Met ) ( rnm overworked brain HOUdKJAt rinelvu ituintlon. trom Imprudence , Inilulicenixs iieruianont. ] y cured. Gr-TCT3I'O.1IJ. mtrry.whoraayno : whyrau oi , oonuequences and cure. Mailed lor 26r ; or ntamus , un > .H | > ITotico to Cattle Men 9000A.TTLE POP. SALE. . 1 0 Head of Stc r Thrco Yuri Old. 200 ' ' " Two " 20V " " Hellers , T o ' 1M " ' Hcore , One ' 220 " " Heifers , Ono Tbe above dcsorlb d cattle are all well bred Iowa cattle , tril ht and smooth These cattle will be eold In loU to ult imrehwrj , nnd at reasonable s. For further particulars , call onoraddrcai M. P. I'ATTOW. Wa\eily , llreinir Co. , Iowa. ra7-Jmo-3 OL BELlAffiE THE BRUNSWICK , BALKE& COL- LENDER COMPANY , ( SUCCEvSOHS TO TIIK J M II , Jt U CO. ) THE MONARCH IV e mi ft tix'ei > lve nanulartnreri ol IV THE DOS S. Tenth Ktrftt , OMAHA , NED tOTrlcti ol R aivl P Tfttlri and UilliarJ material juruU ed on > ) > llratlon. t LINE rr.oM CHICAGO , VI'HHHA &ST.IOUIS , n v \\-\v or OUA1IA AND LIHCOLIT TO DSHVSB , Oil VIA KANSAS CITY AND ATOHISON to DENVSB Connecting In Vnlim Depots nt Knii n < H'liy Onmliix ivuil Denver with llmif'li > tmliiM lot And nil points In the West . . Connecting In titiuul I'tilon luM | > t nt Chicago \ > Itli tlirtmnli tmliis lor XK W YOHK , 11 O S y O A * . Ami nil Ittistuni rules. Atl'oorl'i ' with tliioimh tmltii lor Imllnnap. oils" " , Cincinnati , Columbia , mid nil points In thuSoutli.inst. : At St. Louis with tliiomcli trains lor nil points South. D.iy foiclioi , I'm lor Cars , \\ith Itc. riulis oiMti tiou ) , Smoking Cam \\lth Uuvolvtnu ; l-li.ilis , I'ullnmii I'nl.iru slcophi" Can niul the lanions r. 11. A. ( } . DlnlnjOIM ninilally lonnil n-oin cMiloaKo anil Kansas Oily , riilcuKonml Council llluiN CWeiiuo and lu-s Mollies , r ilci\Ko , St. Josopli , Atrlilsou unil 'lopokii without rlmiiKc. Only lliixnmli line tunning their own tialm Ijrtwcim Ulilcauo. Lincoln mul Denver , unit Chicago , Kansas City anil Denver. Tlnouirli cais Dcturcu liKllanapollaunil Council Mnir- > , via J'ooiia GOING NOllTII AM ) .SOUTH. Sollil Trains ol KUuatit Day Coaches mill riiltmiiii I'nlacoSleepiiifr Casual i tin dailv lo mul fiossi M. Louis ; via ; Qnliicv , Kookuk , liuilliiKtoii , Cedar linpldsiiiid Albeit Leatoht. I'aitl and Mlnnuipolls , I'm lor C.u-s vltli Hccllnlutf Chalrd to and lioni st. l.onH niul 1'eoil.i. only ono change of curs between St. I.oulsniid DCS Molncs , Iowa , Lincoln. So. liinskn , and Denver , Colorado. It IsiUso the only Through Line lit-iwcon ST. LOUIS , MIHN3APOLIS and ST. PAUL. JJ. ! ? klloxvl1 < " tl > o Kit-ill TIIHOtTUlf'oAU MM. ol America , and is unlveisally adinlt. < > ! In lie thu . Finest Equippsd Railroad in the World far all clacses of Travel. Through Tichrit via this line tor sole at jT- R. It. coupon ticket olllccs In tUoUnitcdStutcs v.ilCamula. 'I' ' . J. rOTTKIt. PrjnCKVAL LOWELL , dm llccratly ofBostoii,7.1ia3 opened an ( Jcgant new BtOC * Ct UNDKK TUB InSprlngWcIghta. ] FIHE I In Summer \\uljrhtn. * In Flno KnirlMi Lisle. _ lnFinoEngllshl3aIbrigKan | ARID liiFinolrcnchi'nbrlggan rlllLI " Merino and Cotton. NEWEST AND DESIGNS IK NECKWEAR , JEWELRY. HANDKEROHIFS BIIAOES , ETC. Coaching , Walking Street and Evening Gloves. FINE WHITE , & COLORED SHIRTS. English , Plque.and Pull Dress Shrltf. SHIRTS MADE TO MEASURE. or Wormy Veins of the N-rotum Oftm the untut- peri'd niii of Lost Mnnliooci , Debility , Ac. , milcklymnljiainlm'yrarr.i ' by the Elastic Cracllo- CompresBor , 40. olori Aituui. circultr Vtet. CIVUJZ BEHEDIiL AOE1IC7 , ICO Wtcn St. . Wiw Yctk. 11)11 11.11 KAXK.o' "lio IKQulnrc ; 04UTJ ID VtQJ UBUII iiruawonrnM ] : ! nrly hprelj f.Vou can tare hliuvBirqultklr tndlialnlM.I/ leitlmo s from * ntlnAnt tnvftlc l inen n ldrMi : JS ELEGimfi SELF V.M'l CIMC Ken oiifnfps , Itlict niali in , J'ur SJrSCTR , C BEl , iUean,0..i.t. . . \ lliiiin.llinit Kfnt'tfTifhciiSS' 'ii" , con 'i. ' ' " "e > ri'ixpii * aSSttgJ lSKJ * * tnn . n. I.iiiHlnn , Cntuiiu , rile * . Hpllt | < tt > , JiunotPncj , DnnibAvniv. I'roliii | in Uliri. v\f. enl > wltntlilpUw ii llc'ltin .MnciliM ( lint n-iuMllu'Klcthidty "ml mm ; ni-IUm IhrOMfh I lie liuil ) . niul citn be nilmiji U In an lu Or , Amelia Burroughs , OFFICE AND RESIDENCE 1617 St - Omaha Dodge. . , , , t II Wfo lit. Pioneer jwrug Store ! 8. K. COn. 13TII AND JONES ST3. DR , F. S. LEWIS , - Prop'r , AQKNl TDK Ohio Oil Go.'a West Vinrinla , Oylind and other Oilr constantly on h rud. IN BOTTLES. E danger , Bavaria , Oulmbacher , Bavaria. Pilsner Bohemian. Kaiser Bremen. DOMESTIC. nudweiser St , LOUIB. Vnhauser St. Louis. Best s _ Milwaukee 'ohlitz-Pilsner Milwaukee Urutz'fl Oinnhn Ale. Porter , Domestic and Kliiiif Wine. ED. MAUUBR 1214Farnnn St GOLD MEDAL , PARIS , 1873 BAKER'S Warranted tibioltttely jiur Cocoa , from which the cxccu o 011ha bcpnrcmo\iJ. HliaaMro ttmeitht ttrtngth of Cocoa mixed nlth fiurcj , Arrowroot or Bugar , imd l Ihcrcfvro far more ceo no ml cal. It U delicious , uourlililug trtnttliculn , eonlly dlgfuttd , one admirably adapted for luvalldt M will u for person , la LtalUi. Sold Uf ( Jroctri enrjnhf r . . BSXEB & CO. , Dorchester , Ha COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. A Long But Uiiimportaut Session Lest Snvcrnl of tlio Streets to lie Grnilci' Soon , At the regular mooting of the Citj Council Inat ovonitig inoiubers Anderson Bcchol , Ford , Kaufman , llcilllold Thrano , Worclworth nnd Murphy were present. The roll was called nnd the minutes of the previous mcotiuft readmit approved. COMMUNICATION'S AND IT.TlrlOXS. Prom the mnyoc * Stating lie hail np proved certain ordinances. Filed. From the acting mayor : Stating ho had approved cortnin ordinances , Filed. From C. Oollumbach , stating ho had made application to the city council for cense , nt tlui same tiino depositing $250 , the privilege of withdrawing his money. Referred. From Charles Burkctt asking the right to use thu sidewalk in front of his prom iacs for building purposes. Referred , From Ed _ . Jl. Sherwood protesting against paying his taxes for sidewalks laid in front of his premises on Sherman nvonuu. llcfcrred. From city treasurer Bucks stating that C. H. Furay had paid his grading tax un der protest. Filed. From city attorney Council recom mending that the city marshal bo in structed to notify all persons holding pos session. of the street lo remove the ob structions. Adopted. A number of bills were referred to the appropriation committees. The application and bond of 11. T. Shannon us drainlaycr was approved. The bond of Oco. B. Stryker to fill certain lots was approved. From James Creighton , certifying that Goo. L. Dennis was entitled to 58.110 for sen ices as sewer inspector. Referred to the Board of Public \Vorks. From the same giving final estimate of Iho grading of Farnam street between 25th and 20th streets. Referred. From Lotrilard and Williams , asking > ormission to put in scales opposite ) lot 5 in block 130. Granted. From James Creighton , presenting the contracts and bonds of Hugh Murphy it Co. , J. E. Riley & Co. , A. 11. lloll , nd J. O. Corby , and asking the action of the council upon thorn. Approved. JIKSOLUTIOXS. By Bcchcl , that the committee on lublic property and improvomemonts bo nstructod to have prepared proper seats or visitors at the council meetings. Adopted- Hid the mayor then stated to the council , hat ho had deferred making his annual ippointmcnts for the Rood of the city , ind as ho understood the resolution Mssed at a former meeting related par- icularly to the chief of the fire dopart- i cut , lie would present an appointment or that oflico. The name of John II. 3utlor was presented , and the appoint- nent confirmed. By Rcdfiold , that the board sit as a ward of equalisation on Muy llth and Loth , instead of May 13th and 14th. Adopted. By Anderson , that the old creek-bod on Nineteenth and Ixard streets bo filled ip. Referred. ji.By Benin , that the fences on Iloward ; treot between Ninth and Nineteenth streets bo removed within ton days. Adopted. By verbal motion of Mr. Furay , the imo of meeting of the city council was changed from 7.30 p. m. , to 8. p. in. By Thrano that a catch basin bo placed an the south west corner of Twolth and Jones. Reilered. By same , that city clerk bo directed to idvertizo for bids for the purchase of a lieco of real estate , belonging lo the city , low being a part of olfl Market street. \doptcd. By Murphy , " that the city council sit is a board of equalization May 22nd and 23d , to equalize the proposed levy of spo : ial rales levied to cover the one-half ; est of grading Farnam street from 25th o 2'Jth atroto , Adopted. OF COMMITTUCS. Claims , recommending the nllowanco } f certain bills. Adopted. Same , recommending that the esti- nates for curbing and guttering Eleventh ind Twolth streets bo approved nnd ul Kinnislon bo allowed $00 for services \s inspector. Adopted. Same , recominondiim that the com munication of Mary 0. Gorman bo re- urrod to the delegation of the sixth ivarl , Adopted. The plat of Pelhain place vras filled. I'ublio property and improvements : locommending the confirmation of Daniel Kmiston , 0. F , Ilaraan and Foseph J' . Gorman as inspectors. Adopt- td. Same : Recommending the appoint ment of John McConnell us keeper of Jaimccm Park. Referred. Sidewalks and bridges : Recommend- n that the contract and bond of Charles Gardner bo approved. Approved. Sowcrago : Recommending that the claim of Win. Fitch & Co , , for repairs on lie south branch of the North Omaha sewer bo laid over for the acceptance of .ho contract. Adopted. OUUINANUK.1. An ordinance granting the. Omaha & Southwestern railway the right of vray through certain streets in Soutli Omaha. lload twice. An ordinance transferring 85,000 from the general fund to the h'ro and police fund. Read three times and passed. An ordinance to amend suction 12 of chapter XV of Chaso'n compiled ordi nances. The amendment provides that it shall bo unlawful to keep inoro than three barrels of kerosene or other oils of the standard of 110 degrees. Road three times and panted. 'An ordinance regulating the excavating and refilling of treneheo in the public Htreotn , alloys and sidewalks. Read three times and passed. An ordinaiicu regulating the grade of Sixth utrt-ot frf > m Piercn to Willow street. Road twice and referred , An ordinance for establishing the grade of iM'iaiou fctruet from Cuiniiiinu north to thu center line of erection. Laid ever , An ordinance for establishing the grade of Montana atrcot. Read twico. An ordinance establishing the grade ol Hamilton Mroot from Sdundira west to the city limits. An ordinance CHtabliahing the grudo of Char'es at reel. Read twice and referred An ordinance declaring the necmity ( I changing the grade of St. Mury'a ave nuo. Road once. An ordinance designating hack fttands was pasfod. An ordinance levying n vpccinl tax am auuamunt lu cover the unu half covt o ! curbing nnd RutlcriiiK Twelfth and Four teentli atrocta , Tabled. An ordinance oatablishing the gradi of Pier street. Read twice and referred An ordinancn declaring ( ho ncce sitj ofchaiioing the gr.vdo of Ninth street Pajsacu , An ordinance declaring the necessity of ndpropriating certain private lands fi i opening California street. J'nssod. An prilinanco declaring the necessity ol changing the grade of Sixtornth street , from Farnam to Howard street and 11-ir- ney from Fiftooth andEightccnthslrcota. 1'asscd. An ordinnvco declaring the necessity of appropriating certain lands for open ing u public street west from Madison Avimuo to Uanscom Park. Pnssed An ordinance , making appropriation f < r liabilities incurred during the inontl of April. Piissrd. Resolution by Mr. Bohm , tint the cilj advorliso for bids for cleaning the pavcii strcota , and for ttioso that will bo built during the summer. Adopted. The council then adjourned. WOMEN'S ' AID ASSOCIATION , tlio Oliuritnlilo AVovU Done During tlio JMontli ot April. The Woman's Chistiau Aid association received in cash St > 0 from "K. " Wo have resolved $0.50 from poor people in part [ Uiynunit for coal. Clothing from Mrs. H. S. Rogers , M. Bolts , Mrs. Malotlo , Mrs. S. 11. II. Clark , Mrs. PorkiiiB , Mrs. Cuts Williams , Mrs. Clara Williams , Mrs. Mallio Shull , Mrs. M. Elliott , Miss Lo tus , Mrs. Fogg , Mrs. H. Stull , Mrs. Ferguson guson , Mrs. L. L. Rogers , Mrs. J. J.Me Clain , Mrs. Rumsoy , Mrs. Emory. Pota- .oca from Mrs. Clark. Fruit and grocer es from Mrs. Fleming. A largo dona- .ion from the Long street school , also rom the High , North and Dodge strcot uchools. The association is very grateful .o nil who have helped us during the nonlh. The Ireaauror reports only $20- LO remaining aflor all bills were paid. So , 'ou see without the v'onerous lift from "K" wo should have been in debt for Iho irst limo. That you may have some knowledge of nir work for the past few wuuks , 1 quote ho following from the matron's reporter or the month of April. "A woman and her lilllo boy , driven rom homo by her husband ( nho pretend- [ } d lo bo insane ) caiuo lo Iho hmuo on Ihu 5d , remained Ihroo weeks , whdn n place vas found for her and her child on a fnrm tt Ft. Calhoun. Another came on the " > th and begged to stay until aho could et work. A homo was found far her uid her child in a short time. A woman vith a child six years old came for pro- ection and caru , and soon a place for vork was found for her , and a homo for ho child. A lady robbed of her purse ras brought to the rooms by the police or auppor and rout for ono nlghc. The ommitloo sent her lo some pl.ico in Iowa vhero fihe wished lo go , Iho next motn- ng. Mr. J. , of the Y. M C. A. room- ) , cut a no to lo Iho rooms asking for a suit } f clothes for a poor deaf and dumb boy DII his way to California. What ho nced- d was furnished ( many thanks to those irho have given us clothing. ) A gentle- nan came to got some ono to take his lit- lo babe , seven days old , as ho had ust buried his wifo. , , ' 1'ho homo was found at once for' 'tho little ono. Mrs K. an old lady came nsking for shelter unlil alio could got a ilacc , and remained until she found a lonio. An insane girl , without a friend n the city , was brought to the rooms but could not bo kept during the night safely. fho matron IcK-phonod to Iho jail , where she was removed , mid remained unlil alio could bo sent to Lincoln. A German Ipctor brought a very poor man for help lis wife being very sick and ho unable to work. Ono of the ward committee al- ended to the case at onco. Mm. Dins- rnor sento a girl , a pcrfccl stranger in Iho sily , to the rooms , who pai'1 76 cents for i homo for ono night , "so thankful to bo ivhoro she felt safo. " A good homo was ecured for her. A poor man ( very sick ) nd his wife came hero from Cuba , antl hey were repotted at once to us by Mrs. 3. , and wo have helped Iho bravo and ncrgotia liltlo woman to work , so hat now she is abl to pay her wn rent and her sick husband. Vithout a lilllii help at the right time vhat would become of them ? The w ifo s a very line musician , but day and night low are spent over the wash tub and roning board and BIO has proved that ho lingers so vroll trained for the piano .in do the best of laundry work. April 'Oth the chief of police brought a ludy nd her child to the rooms unlil they ould find her husband who left her in ? ow York and was supposed to bo in Iho lly. The husband was found and look iia wife and child and it is hoped cared or thorn as ho should. Mr ? . H. sent by ho ladies of the W. C. T. U. , was cared or until a place for work wan found. 'laces hiivo been found for over twenty- our girls during the last thri.o weeks , A owing inachino and some pictures fur ho walls have been rent to tlio rooms , MllH. PUdSLBY , Matron of thoAss'n. Wo do need inoro room a house is wanted , and at present our hopes are ery bright for thu fuluro success of Iho iBsociation. At our last mooting a corn- nittco was appointed lo ECU Iho proper lorsons in regard lo obtaining a liouso \t\d lot. A petition is BOOH to bo sent to ho city council to see what it can do ibont a homo. Our work hai grown constantly einco the organisation of Iho isaociation , Of course Iho relief department - mont has boon very prominunt during the svintor , but wo liopo soon it will tikolcts jf our time and mnnoy. Whatever can jo done for Iho uplifting of humanity , condition of women and children ia our work. Sec. II , under article 1 , of our constitution roads ; "Tho object of this assoc'alion ' shall bo ho spiritual and social improvement of nil within its reach ; filial ! all'ord protec- .inn and assistance to dimtiluto women nnd children unlil permanent homos and neaiia of support can bo secured. " Our work is very comprehensive. There s not a phase of Christian work that does not como to our hands to do as u Wo man's Christian Association. Mi . KI.BNA U. HAINEH , _ Secretary. . | Altad liiirn On May , 3d , my twolvc-yoar old boy , ] Dan McNamara , had his foot badly burn. ed by stopping in eonio ashes filled with > live coaln , which had been deposited on j thooulor rdgo i < f the hide walk by Alice Russell , who livoi on Iho corner of Elovcnlh and Davenport streets. Since that tiino Iho boy has sulforod thu great- cat agony , both day and night. On Friday last Ihu little tuH'erur su rumov- od to St. Joseph hospital , where ho now is. During all this tiino heartless Alice Rusii'll has novcr inquired Low the boy woo getting along although rosd ; ng itt ( t'io * inio neighborhood. K looks as i the ashes were thrown out on purpose t bum some of the many children who nr in the habit of pln.vnij ; in tint locality , r MI-NAMAKA. TWO BARNS EU.HiNED , A Fire nt U oVIook This Morning Con Two OlliciT Uuiino , while on Twelfth atreo near Captlol avcnuo at about l'M : tli morning , was startled by the cty of fire 11 o ran to Sixteenth street and pulled tlio box and then returned to look for the lire which by that limo could bo easily found U proved to bo in the barn of Ooorge Giacomini , who liven on the corner o Cass and Fifteenth. By the limo Ibo do partmiMit arrived llio building was ii. tlainca , which had spread loan adjoining barn. Both buildings were entirely dos troycd , and their contents , of little or nt value , were also lost. The buildings were worth between $1,000 and ? lr > 00 , with no iiuurnnco. Lion- the fire originated is not ) known. Sumo suppoao it to have boon Iho act ol a tramp , while ethers say a bouliro had boon burning in thu alloy near the bain 11 day , and is the probable cause of the barns being burned. oiiu was hold by Kllim S. Mimtjjiimnrv , f Mt. Olivol , ky . puiil tliroiijli KltBt Natlonnl Bankuf iMinHvillo , Ky. : auulhur to .1.11. J Jirion , Jvtohinoiul , Viv , , pnid tliroiiRh Muwra. l.niiciiHtor & huclio. Tim upt-ntul Cnii- itil nf iJ'Jf'.lWOsns drown by Xi > , f.S.'J'.lS. ' ! il o i > ld in tilths nt SI each : ono to liuulnro I : mr , i clothing ntoro keeper In jModosto , Oul. Tim 1'hlrtl Cnpltnl I'ri/o of SU ) 100 foil to iolicl Xo lf ! > ,3w ; , mild In lifths HKO at St uncli ; nuo to ilso ntSl onchj onotolt. ( { llolmos , ono to las. I < \i\ coal ilnalor , both of Kin tWnynp , I ml , ; iiinthor to C. T. Donhlohls , Sliorinati , TOMK , LlinniRli Tlio MorchnnlH' nml 1'lnntutH1 Itnnk tlioro. ThoUr.iiul I'Xtrnoriliiriry Spiiil-Aii mnl ( the lli'.lth ' Monthly ) Dr.iwiiiR will occur mTnosilny.tho 17th day of .hum , when If MKUi vlll ho scattoroil in muus finm SlfiO.OOO to S. ' , I'lckots are § 10 ; tonthi , § 1 nnil imy further nforiuntinii cnn lie hud on application to M. \ . Dauphin , Now Orlo.ins , Ln , Capital Prize , $150,000 , , ilt > he nky certify that tte e\ij > e rvicc ths at ratiyrnentt , far all the Monthly anil Semi-Annu * Drawingi of tie Lmibtana State l > tteru Cotiipurii. . intliii ticitwi mttnane and control the Drauiti ? henurlvfs , cnrf that tnesame are coMifue.'riint > \anrrtg , Jainutt , ami inood faith toteanl all vai ill ami iff authorise the company to use thin eer ific.if , icith/ac-similc3 vf our tignalurct atttuhtf n iti adu'rl\s < inrnte. " S GlHVIRSIOIIIBR INPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION ! J Over Half a Million Mribulcil ! Lonisiaiia State lottery Conmanv , Inojrpornted In 1868 lor ! > years by the Icglototnr or vilucntlonal and oharltablo imrpceos with a cap , tal of { 1,000,000 to which a tosurvo futij of ore ) 5(0,000 hag elnco boon added. lly an ovcrwhulmlair popular vote Its francltlt \OH mrulo a p.rt of the incHont etnto comlllullci doptvU Docombcr 2.1 , A. b. 1879. Ils grand single number drawlngc will au > pmco monthly. It nocr scales or pout panes. . .oolc nt the followluf ; Distribution : 109th Cirand Montiily mid the iXtraorflinary Semi-Ainnial Drawing Ju the Acnilomy of Music , Now OrlcniiH , TUK8OAY.nJNI3 17 , IHSt Under Ihu rpuclal eupcrvlslon nnd iniuiii cincnt of JEN. G. T. UEAUREGARD. of Louis- laua , and GUN. JUBAL A. EARLY , of Virginia. CAPITAL PRIZE , 8150,000. arNotlco , Tltliots nro Ten Dollan only. Halves. 85. Fifths , M. Teiitlw , "I. 1 OAI'ITAI. I'KIXB OF 9IMI,000 . . . . flfO.OCO I ( lltANI ) I'lUXi : OF MJ.IXX ) . . . . 6UOUJ ( 1 GUAM ) I'lll/H OF SO.OIX ) . . . . HO.OflO 2 IWVUMH I'111/.I.H OK 10XK ) . . . . 110,000 4 l-AHlii'lll/.ia : OF 6.000 . . . . 20,1100 20 I'lUX-l-H OF l.OCO . . . . iO.OOO 60 " COO . . . . Sfi.OOO 100 " 800 . . . . 30,000 200 " 2011 . . . . 40t'00 ' 000 " 100 . . . . 00,000 OJO " 60 . . . ( .0,000 AI'l-HOXniATION PHIZES. 100 Approximation I'tlni ol | 2D ( ) . . . . (20,000 100 " " 100 . . . . 10,00(1 100 " " 75 . . . . 7,600 279 I'rlios Amounting to ti 2JOO ( Applloatlou fur rates to cluhs fhould l.o made enl ) > the oHco ! cf the C'liinpniiy In Now Orloaim. For furthrr Infuncitlim wrlto clearly nHlnn full d'lrcsu. Hal o P. O. Money Orders pajkUo UK JJru-se HrRl tcruil Letter * to HBW OliLKANH HATIONAI , BANK , Now Orlciin , la Postal Noton Mid ordinary Icttorn by Mull or K > rti ( M iiuiua of 83 and upward ! by Kxprrna at oui sponw ) to U A. DAUPHIN , r II. A. DAUPHIN , Nuw ftrkann , Ij. 007.S v nth Rt. , Wa hUirt n I' . C , ( jiticura POSITIVE CURE for every form of SKIN & PIMPLES to SCROFULA > 0 ( leaimethu ikln , Htalp and Illooil nt llchlnif , r Hualy , I'lmjily , Coppir Colored , Kcrofiilnuii , ln < ierlt il , and toiiUKlniiu HuinorH , Illoml' I'ulions , Ilcers , Al'HCtsneii , and Infantile Ukln rurturu , tbu Jutlciira Hcmwllu ! aru Inlalllblo , Cutlciira Ilcsohint , the new Klood I'lirlflir , ) lurttl antl Aperient , uxptU dlxtaiie Kennii nun fie lilmid and piriiilrallmi , and thui rirnonu the can u. Cutlcuru , the creat Hhln Chan. Ilnufjhtiiii , I'jui. , U ycriSState utritt , Ii < tori. rc'rt | a c u ol Hilt niiciini under hit oh ( .r > vatliiii fur ten JL.MB. which cxi > vr l thu patlcnt'i hoily and IliiilM , und to which all known mullein ot Inatinviit hail ln.en upjilltd without benefit , vthlch woa txiuipletely tun il nolily l < > the Cutluim lUmu ill < , leatlnK k clitui ami hialtiiy nklii , - - ' r Mr. ami tin. Kmott KteUilnn , IlilihirtouiiMaxii , write ; Ourllttluhoy ua tirrlhly wlllUtul with Htrul. ul , Halt jilicuin , and Kr ) lin.lna uvtr klneu I o wuilioin , anil nothing wo umlilKlio him lieliul | I in until wu tried C'utkura IlinioJici , uhlih gradun ly cured him , until hu U now an Ulr any ihlld , II. I' . Curpcnter , Huidcrnon , N , Y. , mrcd cl l'nor laubor U' | run ) , ot twtnty jearn' nUndhiK , by Cull cura lluinvdU' 'Ihu inont wuudoilul cumuu ruioid. A iliKtpun lull ( xuleii lell from him dally. I'lijul uUini and IJH Irknd * thoiiKht ho unlit die. Ci ro Horn tn before i Jiutlni ol tl.o jicacu and Ilentlcr un's inoKt promliiwit tltlztnu- Ht H K. Whl | > | i'e , liwatur. Jll.-h. , wto | < tlialnC lacu ncail and lonio jaiU ' > her b dy vturv uhuu riw lva | < | oiur < nl Aitn Hcabii ami torrs Huftfrt' fo.ilull ) uuil trinl v irilliinn 1'tirma'ii nth uirod b ' iititi nri I'oi ' isdluf'om n skin Hum r , Bold every uhero. I'rlco ; Cutlcuru , 60 cents ; lu 4jttnt. | i , Heap , U rant * , i'crnm IHVU AMD I UltUtULCO , IkjhIOX , UlU. b.iul tcr "Ho * to Dote ale u Dl The Largest Stock in Omaha and Makes the Lowest Prices ! W * il 1 "ft ® Tft 1 G3W ft fl H W ffl L u G3 'Mb ' ida * W fc DRAPERIES AND MIRRORS , Just received nn assortment far surpaoiing anything in thin market , comprising the latest and moat tasty clo lijin manufactured for thii spring's trade and covering range of prices from the Cheapest to the most Kxpcnnivo. Parlor Goods Now ready for the inspection of cus Complete stock of nil the latest tomers , I lie iitn\vt iMnvltrH in styles in Turconuin , Mmlrns nud Suits mill Odd Pieces. Lnco CurtuiiiH , Etc. , Etc. Passenger Blovator to all Floors. 15JOJ ( , 1S08 nnd 12 U ) Fan mm Street , - - - - OMAHA , NEB IT , S. DEPOSITORY. J. II. MII/LARU , President. WM.VALIiAOB Cnshior. Capital and Surplus , S45O.OOO. HA AFF flFPfiQIT VAIIIT I ifSffi CMfL Oa-s ti. jSiS vMULl M Fire and llurt'lar Proof Safns for Hont at from fB lo SnO per anniiui. THE BESTTHREAD FOR SEWING MACHINES Williniantic Spool Cotton is nulircly the product of Jlomo fiidustry , uul is proiiouiicou l > v exports to bo the oostpowiiifinuiuliino thread iuthe world. FULL AaSOllTMENT CONSTANTLY ON IIAWD , an for Mile by 1IKNLEY , 11AYNES & VAN AUSDBL , nuto Onuihn , Nol > . , . . . , i This cut shows a Fechonal view of our New Polar Air Drj'Upfrigcrntor/iunnurnc- lured iu tlio most perfect "Humor of Kiln-Dry lumber Charcoal Killed , Zinc Lined Galvanized Iron Shelves Blade Mnanielod Trim mingfl ITandsomely paneled , and designed for the wants of n class of trade that re quires the best class of goods tbat can bo made. Wo shall sell tlicso fte- frigerators at manufactur er's prices , with freight ad ded. You ar respectfully invited to examine them. Compare prices before buy ing. Respeotfullv. ' V. L. WRIGHT Manufacturer's .Agent. 317 S13th St. , OMAHA , NEBRASKA. CLA L024 North Eighteenth Street , Omaha , on Street Car Line. WHOLK8ALK AND ItKTAIti I .U14.1.U.I flnulcH nnd prices an tfooil nnd low us any in tlio city. Plonso try mo. tn tT * n .w r < r/l -ZJ M oT S H" * * r - . r -H ft < HI Tj r-4 : Ti i .LJ u * 5 bnw ' - - 1 " cfl i3 * " ' § ° g j § S P OTJMIKQS AND 20TH ST. , OMAHA , NEB , THE LEADING CARRIAGE FACTORY 1/iUflan UN DodRcSt. . QIViAHftf NE J03 IJRADV ST. , DAVENPORT , IOWA , U. S. A. Established 1878-CaUr h , Deaf iioas , Lung and Nervous Disease * Speedily and 1 onnanontly Cured. Pa Cured at Homo , Write for "Tun MKIJIOAL-MISSIONAUY , " for the People , lOotuultation and Correspondence Gratln , P.O. IJox J92. Toluphono No. HON. EDWARD RUSSELL , Poatmaster , D.ivcnncrt , eays : "Phyaicinn Juea nullity unu Jlarknd Success. " CONOUKSSMAN MDUPI1Y , Daventr. ' * < ( "All i ( inoral > ln Man. Kino Hiicwst. Woiidciful Ouroa. " Ifoiir . R HALLET AND DAVIS [ ENDORSED BY FRANX LTSXT. ] , Mirchlet , ' 18 \ I'.MKIl'.ON PIANO ( JO. OKMUKMBV Your Initriiiucntf , Oru'ul , S'iuro ' [ uud UjjiliOit , ixro rJiHy noble Instriinu nt anil uuriv llod lor beauty o ( to ia ftnl lluUh. Allow mo to oongratul&i * vou on > uur ( li'tliui ; ' ' , UUai'AVK BA'lTtU KECOMMENDS SJLE AOKNT , .A. . 1510 Dodgd Street , Ora ba , N-b