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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1884)
. . rir iruvi-\\nnNtfSnAY. ; MAY 11 , 186-1 4 FHE OMAHA DAILY BEE THIRTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , NEB. WEDNESDAY MORNING , MAY * U , 1881. NO. 2d-l- BANDITS BULLETED. Seventeen Mexican Train Rowers Ex- Dlatc Their Crime. The Entire Number Boiug Legally Shot at Queratoroi Their Leader , the Mayor of Now Laredo , Still Living , A Dozen Others Liable to bo Exe cuted for the Oriine. The Story of How They Threw a Train off the Track Ami Killed tlio KiiKlnccr ami Mitdo u Partial CiipturoofColn. MKXIOAN MUU1H3UKHS. SKVEJJTKKJf OF THEM SHOT. Special dispatch to THE BEE. CITY or MEXICO , May 151. Seventeen of the brigands who wrecked and robbed a train on the Mexican Central railroad last November , were shot at Querataro to-day. The Mayor of Now Laredo , who was implicated in the daring robbery , was not among the number executed to-day. Ho has made a stubborn fight and the probabilities arc that ho will oacapo the consequences of the daring outrage in which ho is generally believed to have boon one of the leading spirits. TIIF.IK CIUME. At 9 o'clock on the evening of No vember 15th , the express on the Mexi can Central , from Santillo to Laredo , Texas , waa waylaid by a gang of forty masked men , composed of botliMexicans and Americans , who tore up the track at Sanchz station , ten miles west of Laredo. The train reached the break in the track while going at a speed of twenty-two miles an hour , and the engine was thrown over an embankment , killing the fireman , Charles Fentor. The train re mained on the track intact , and the rob bers , who were concealed in bushes , rushed forth and captured it. The pas sengers wore not interfered with , but the robbers took charge of the express car and proceeded to break open the messenger's safe , which contained ? 20- 000 in OOLD AND SILVER COIN. The approach of the train from Laredo frightened them away , and they fled without securing the money in the safe , but they took with them § 8,000 in silver bullion , which was in b.igs on the lloor of the car. In a few hours troops were in hot pursuit of the robbers , who worn pur sued to their fastness in the mountains and captured after a dosporatc resistance. Seiroral implicated in the robbery await ' ' and the probabilities that at | L'.Mjitnal , are 5 - ] p\- \ " * * > - * * otlw will bo , condemned. ESTIMATE ; Dismal UcportH Relative to the AVln- toi Wheat licit. CHICAGO , May 13. The Farmer's Re view in to-morrow's issue will contain re ports from different points in Ohio , Indi ana , Michigan , Illinois , SViseonsin , Min nesota , Dakota , Iowa , Nebraska , Kansas , and Missouri , The winter wheat reporto from many points in Illinois , Indiana , Ohio , and Michigan are dismal and indi cate a short crop. Reports from Kansas ro almost uniformly ot a very promising character. With the exception of Kansas - , sas , the indications now are that the re mainder of the winter wheat bolt will be i more or loss spotted. There is nothing in the general situation to indicate- any larger receipts of old corn on this crop , as whatever .Kansas and Nebraska may have in roaorvo will bo needed very large ly for Ihoir own wanls. OIUTUAHY. CHICAGO , May 13. Cyrus H. McCormick - mick , hold of the great harvester man ufacturing company and supposed to bo the richest man in Chicago , died at his homo in this oity Ihis morning , aged 75 years. Ho been an invalid for a num ber of years. Mr. McOormick wss born in 1S09 , in Rookbridgo county , Virginia , and was the non of Robert 11. McCormick , a far mer , who invented the original reaper in 181C. but afterwards abandoned it , owing to its imperfections. The deceased brought the invention to a succcosful com pletion in 1850 , when 21 years old For this invention ho was elected by French institute as a member of the Academy of Sciences , and received the decoration of the cross of the Legion of Honor. In politics ho was a democrat and * haa been prominent in his party as a member of the national committee. Ho founded and 1 berally endowed the theological seminary of Iho northwest , conducted under the auspices of the Presbyterian church , and also endowed professorships in Washington and Union Theological colleges of Virginia. NANTUCHBT , May 13 , Charles O'Cpn or ditd yesterday afternoon. Ilia mind was clear to the last , when ho exclaimed , "My God" and expired. The remains Icavii to-day for Now York. ; KKW VOIIK , May 13. The remains of Charles O Conor arrived to-night and were taken to the cathedral and placed in the vault until ( ho funeral. Tlio MiMIioillhl Confrenoo. PiuuiiiariiiA , May 13 At the Moth odiat Church Oonferenco this morning , Biehnpiliiy ocupicd the chair. The committee on the book concern recomen- ded that the German hymn books bo re vised. The comitleo on mission * recom- ended that tha niUsion in Japan and Mexico bo organized into the annual con . \ * fercnces , The committee on Jay repros. cntalion reported in favor of Joy repre sentation at the annual Con 'fcrauce ' , on a ban's of one dele gate to oveiy sir pastoral 'charges in the presiding elder's district and an additional delegate for every frac- lion of Ihirdi to bo elected by the dU trict stewards. The committcp on Epls- topato recommended the election of five bishops. The order of tbo day was then taken up , viz : Memorial service- for de- leased members , Bishop Levi Scott , was * , d by Rev. J. B. Quiggof Wilmington Memorials of Bishop Jcsao T. Peck , and Bishop Haven were also road and were listened to with deep interest Dr. Uuckloy said of the Bishop who wel comed the general conference to this city twenty years ago and the only one re maining was the Ohrysotom of our church Bishop Simpson. Ho made touching - ing allusions to the love and esteem that the members of conference had for the venerable Bishop , and their solicitude for the speedy recovery of his health. TKMIM5KANOE. TlioXntlnnal Society InJ Session Pro hibition. March In Canada. NEW YOUK , May 12. The nineteenth annual meeting of the National Temper. anco society * and publication house was begun this afternoon. The receipts of the year were $71,000 ; expenses $72,000 , Over § 10,000 was expended in work among' the frecdmen of the southern states. TOUONTO , May 13. Judge Boyd , in opening the .general sessions of the peace to-day , rcfoired to the dominion and provincial liquor acts. Ho said the do- crcaso in the number of licenses this year showed the tendency of the people to prohibition. If the temperance wave kept rolling on as at present , in a few years the aoolltinn of the liquor traflic would bo the result. on DII : . The Alternative Given n Chicago Al- dorinau l > y a AVarct Volitiuliut. CHICAGO , May 13. Information has just bcon received that late to-night , in a saloon on the west side , Alderman Gaynor , of the Ninth ward , was fatally shot by James D.vvio , a ward politician. The facts are not do-finitely known , but it is Rtated the only causu was ho Al- dorman's refusal to drink with his assail ant. Base Uall Yesterday At Pcorio Minneapolis , 10 ; Peoria , 7. 7.At At Ft. Wayne The Grand Bapids-Ft. Wayne game postponed ; rain. At Washington Base ball , postponed ; rain. rain.At At Boston Boston , 5 ; Chicigo,3. AtTerro Haute Terre Haute , 13 ; Saginaw , 0. AtQuiucj , III. Quincy15St. ; Paul , 4. At Milwaukee Milwaukee , 12 ; Still- water , 7. At Now York Alleghany , 4 ; Metro politans , 14. At Buffalo Buffalo , 5 ; Now York , 20. At Providence Providence , 4 ; De troit , 1. At Now York Baltimore , 3 ; Brook lyn , 2. At Muskegon Muskegon 1 ; Bluff City 1C. At Rock Island Rock Islands , 20 ; Streators , 0. v- CINCINNATI , May 13 .MWudgo Baxter , of the United Slates court has discharged the injunction obtained Bgainst Tony Mullano by.tho St. Louis basa ball club Jfi - - Kaocs. WASHINGTON , May 13. Track heavy. Dash sis furlongs Pericles won ; Mar- maduko 2nd ; Col. Watson 3rd. Time , 12U. Analostan stakes mile Tola won ; Bluofiold 2nd ; Patapses 3rd. Time 1 51 . National handicap mile and an eighth Chanticleer won ; Bcssio 2nd ; Por- onio 3rd. Time , 2 03. Five furlongs Wandering won ; Ros- ere 2nd ; Bismarck 3rd. Time 1 OOi. Five furlongs Iota won ; Constantine 2nd ; King Tom 3rd. Time , 1 05 } . Miln dash Knight of Elloslio won ; Bailey 2nd ; Tenstriko 3rd. Tirao , 1 49i. Steeple chase Ranger won ; Glorahnn 2nd ; G.ith 3rd. Fo timo. Clnclnnatt'H Virtuous Spurt. CINCINNATI , May 13. Two additional indictments by the special grand jury were made known to-day , one against A. Shaw , foreman of the grand jury that ; ried Berncr. Shaw is charged with per- ury in swearing that ho had not formed > r expressed an opinion as to the guilt of ; ho accused. Ho gave bail in $2,000. The other was against Wm. Mack , charg ed with setting tire to the court house ; > ail , § 5,000 given by his employers , the Jtono Lake Ice company. A warrant is out for L A. Phillips , a member of the Sernor jury , but ho cannot bo found. Flro iii n AVuHhhictoit Hotel. WASHINGTON , May 12. Willard'a hotel g on tiro. It caught in the lower part of ho back building. The flames ran up ho elevator shaft , and spread under the , in toof. Halls and rooms filled with smoke , A number of men n. " 1 yemen scaped from thu upper dii , . . ly lad ders. ders.LATKU. . The fire at Willard'a is ox. .inguished. Loss is principally by emoko and water and is not heavy. A GroitndlCHH Iluport. FT. WAYJTK , Ind , , May 13 , A nensa. kional report has been sent out that a largo mob started from Decatur , Ind , , to Ft. Wayne last Anight with the avowed purpose of lynching Richards , confined in jail in thia city for the murder of Amos Bockest , It is groundless. Dry Goods , NK\V YOKK , May 13. While the dry goods market is very dull , there are many small wants to meet current re quirements and keep stocks in assort ments , ana give a very fair total of sales. _ _ _ Slaughtered hy Slnio. PiTTHiitwa , May 13. A quantity of slate fell from the roof of the junction railway tunnel this morning , and killed Antonio Dablo , and fatally Injured Seth Brown. LUXINOTON , May 13. The track was bad , Milo all aces. Barnuin woi > Bolln Highlands , 2nd ; Bennie Auatra. hon. .Irdj tlmp , 14'J. ; Milo and quarter 3 year old fillies : Ilighflight won ; Salara 2nd ; PalmotU 3rd ; time 22-L Five furlongc 2 year old C'lts and fillies Favor won ; Troubadour 2nd ; Wonderment 3rd ; time 1:08 : } , Milo and an eighth All ages : Burr Oak won ; Keene 2nd : Whiiperino 3rd time 2:05 : $ . PAUIS , May 13 The princoof Wales has airivcc' * cm Berlin incognito. FINANCIAL FOLLIES. A Rafter Inlcrcsliug aiiflEimilialiclu- Brant , How Ho Brought $57,000 , from Ghiongo and Lost it all , lis Acquaintance With Ward What Ho Thinks of Him , The Ool , Thinks Himself , Father and Brother Fools , The Continental ! National Bank Refuses Dj > ott& Go's ' Oheoks , AVIitoh Causes CoiiBtilcrnblcSciionl Ion Hi o In Trouble. KKIOI ) C.H\NT. Nmv Voiiiv , May 11. Col. Fred Grant said in an interview with a reporter : "When 1 first came to this city from Chicago I had about § 57,000. I was in troduced to Mr. Ward , and ofter a short acquaintance ho asked mo to join him in a speculative venture , which turned out successful , After that ho proposed a partnership , and eventually my brother and myself entered into the partnership agreement. It was represented that Ward and Fish wore worth § 250,000 each. Ward had charge of the books'and safe of the firm , and in fact everything was instrustod to him by the other mom bora of the firm. " Col. Grant closed with thu remark , "I admit I have been a fool ; so has my father , the general , and my brother , and * .liero is nothing too strong to say against Ward at this mo ment. " Nr.w YOHK. May 13. Win. Ward said to-night : "My brother is anxious to turn over everything to the creditors ; nothing will bo concealed ; when atl'aira are settled ho will bo penniless. It is likely that ho will then go to my grain ranch in Colorado. Ho is prostrated with nervous exhaustion. A physician is attending all day. " CHOKING 01. . ' OI1EOKS. ANOTHER HANK IN TUOUULE NEW YOUK , May 14. From the World of Wednesday : The stock commission honso of A. Dyott & Co. , yesterday drew checks on the Continental National bank to the amount of § 700,000. During thu day the bank refused to certify those checks to the amount of § 200,000. This nvolving the namea of John C. Eno and .ho Second National bank. This caused SOME KXCITUMIiNT. Eno , the president of the Second Rational is the eon of Amos R. Eno.prin- cipal owner of the Fifth Avenuu hotel , who is estimated to be several times a millionaire. It is stated Juo , Eao is , in volved in the Second National to the imaunt of § 2,000,000 and that the bank would have been obliged to suspend had not Amos Eno come to its rescue and nado up to the bank the amounts of his sons losses. The report that the bank was in trouble was denied early in the afternoon. At the oflico of Dycet & Co. , .hero waa AN ANXIOUS THHONCI Olf CIIKDITOHS all the afternoon. At first the members if the firm declined to make a statement , jut tlio firm finally said they would bo all right to-day. They said they had do- lositad § 900.000 worth of securities with .ho bank. To-day they will deposit the icccssary cash and chocks to bo paid. They declined to make any statement whatever in regard to Eno. This gentle nan was at the oflico of Dyott & Co. up M 0:30 : last evening. Ho was also in the adjoining oflico of Gofr& Randall , through whom ho is boliuved to have carried on some of his operations. Eno made a sweeping denial of all reports. ALI , UIOHC AOAI.Y. The board of director * ) of the Second National bank to-night , after a several 'lours' BOBsiuii , announcnd tha following ; "Wo take pleasure in informing the public that whatever loss has been in jurrod will bo made good , The capital a intact , The bank is prepared to moot its obligations on demand. It is learned President E.n has ro- ligned , and that Jainei A. Trowbridgo lias been appointed in his KOUKIGN NEWS. . .FOlUiTKll riKllOB. Loxnos , Miy 13. A sanaation was created in the commons this afternoon by a vehement speech from Forator , lately chief secretary for Ireland , attack ing the government's Egypfian policy Ho was frequently interrupted by vocif erous cheers on the part of the cuiisorvn lives. The houao was crowded. Tonight the censure motion was re iected IJ03 to 5275. The Parnellitos voted with the minority , and the debate previous to the vote was excessively ani mated. Rmdolpli Churchill compared Gladstone's speech with the declarations of Pont in i Pilate , publicly washing his handa with the blood of a just man. Thin fitiired the house to great merriment and was loudly applauded from thu conserve tivo benches. MI.VIHTKR WAIJMCK. May 15 ! , Wallace , United Sttitus Minister , left today on a four months' leave of abionco in A mo rica. MI.NISTKK ro Tim iiAdue , Br.iuiN , May 13 Herbert Bismarck hai bcon appointed minister to Tne Hague. THE IIY.VASIITK SI'OOK. LON/JON , May 13 A man hero has been charged with protcndii g to bo a din coverer of dynamite in Iho Strand for the purpose of ncreeniiig a robbery. HAVANA , May 13 A. St. Vincent pa * iferhaj'B the dynamite ecaro has reached English Island , The lu''g go of persona arriving is carefully examined , The sud dm departure of the war stcatncr Canada from St. Vincent is attributed to privatu information that dynamiter * were on thu track of Princa George of Wales , wh ( is on theatcamor , The Trunk Line I * 10. NEW YORK , May 13. Th-o < runk line joint executive committee passenger department partment to Bottled upon the detail of the now contract. The only import ant now feature is the establishment of ovoral now pools between i > olnt wosloC ho Mississippi river and Isow York , the mr'iculars of which are not yet ready for mblicntion , I'll 13 UAKIiKltUUttT T1UAI.S. Whoclcr'l'cllH ' linw Ho C mo to Kill JMnttUouH. , May 13. Wheeler tcsli- led to-day that "on the Wednesday before ho killing Scott told mo twice that Jlat- hews said ho intended to kill mo before ho election wns over. 1 wont to the ) ells 15 or 20 minutes before the election ; ook my gun in at the window. Mathews - hews cimo in and said 'Good morning ' ' . said * uc o.l morning , Matthotrr. Ho came up in front of mo and said 'What lo you know ? " 'I said , 'I know a lamncd night. Some things you do not .hink I know. " Ho walked luck and orth a little , thoimaid ho was challenged uid had a right to stay thoro. As soon [ vs Matthowa handed hta ticket in 1m Parted towards mo. Ho drew his pistol is ho turned ; I hadn't time to gH my gun to my shoulder ; when ho fell his listol fell at his side. " A Flro at Ijlncoln , Special dispatch to the IKK. ! LINCOLN , May 13. Between 10 and 11 > 'clock to-night a fire was discovered in ho basement of Funk's crockery store , n the Richards block , on 0 street , near ho corner of Seronth. The firemen were romptly on the aconn and prevented the lames spreading. Funk's stock , and hat of English , a grocer adjoining , were icavily damaged by water. Olvll SorvlCc. Dis : MOINKH , May 13. Hon. J. M. jroqory , of the civil sorvic'u commission , icld an examination hero to-day. Eigh- con applicants preaontedvthoinaelve8 for ixamination , two of whom were ladies. ? ho applicants ranged in ago from 18 to ' 9 years. JiulKO Urowor. DEH Momns , May 13. Hon. D. J. the newly appointed judgp of ho United Stales circuit court , arrived nd presided over the sessions of court ere to-day , for the first timo. Ho made good impression on the bar , and bids air to become very popular. Philadelphia Hutx-K. PHILADELPHIA , Mny 13. Suffolk park Hoopodar won the throe minute race ; best time 2 30& . t Class 2 28 won by Bayonne Prince ; bust time 2 27 * . ' Class 2 22 Tor pacera ( Unfinished. ) Best time 2 25j. May 13. A church extension mooting of t'Jui Methodist 3piscopaldonominatlon was hold to-night it the Academy of Mn : < io , The great juilding waa packed. § 51 000 was raised .o build churches on tha flintier. For KoUraHkrt inij kotllHtc. iULAUBLfiiiA , May 13 ' The cbmmit- ; co of misbions of the Methodist general conference- adopted oimb'inf , ' acts , making annual conferences of the West Nebuoka and Dakota mission ? . Xho AVc-atluir Td-Day. Mav 13. For the Up- : > er Mississippi Valley : Fair weather , variable winds , slightly warmer. For the Minsoiiri Valley , ditto. 'XhcNall < iir lintel Moil. Sr. Louis , May 13. J. R Bowler , of Marshalltown , Iowa , was unanimously ro-elocted secretary and traasuror of Iho Hotel Mon's Matin' Huinifit association , Sun l > i > inliiK < 'n l < 'ico Trade. HAVANA , May 13 A bill establishing TOO tradu with the United States has passed the congress of Santo Domingo. BNOIIIOI ) IAKKVlftlilTtl. . \ l > 'iiiiny Incident of Sleeping Car Travel A. Woinnn'H "One of the funniest incidents I over noticed , " said the sleeping car conductor , "was the adventure of a woman looking 'or her husband. She got on at Fort Way no late in the night , and said her uisbund had telegraphed her ho would bo aboard and nho could come to his section , told her there was no man of that name on my car , but she wouldn't believe it. About 2 o'clock in the morning I saw her et out with only a shawl around her shoulders , and tiuloo to the otlior und ol the car , where she tried to climb into a berth occupied by a man who was doing a good deal of snoring , She stuck her head in and snys , "William , n ijiu William 1" The man grabbed hold of her ind yelled 'Thieves I Conductor I Porter I There's a thief hero 1 Porter I' Of course lie roused everybody in the carand heads were popped out of all the berths. There was tha poor woman in her night dress , nnd the man in the berth holding tight to lior and yelling lo the top of his voico. 1 interfered as quick as I could , and told the man I gueesod if ho would calm him self ho would find his wife irstead of a thief. " 'It's lie 1' ho shouted a ; my wife is in San Francisco.1 " 'Madame , ' I says , 'you have un doubtedly made a bad mistake , What mudo you think that man waa your hus band r "Sho was just ready to cry , but she managed to say : ' I I didn't think thcro was anothnr man living that could snore like my William 1' " On Wednesday Jait the Union Sunday School gavea soctabln at thu school hou/e , at which all present enjoyed tht'iiuolvcs. On Saturday evening a party was giv en at the residence of Mr , Gee , McKuii- zie , in celebration of Mien Lizzio McKun- zio's birthday. Mr. 0 , Clark hoi left hero for Cheyenne - onno where ho will probably locate. Mrs. W. H. Liwtun has left Saratoga for a short period to visit friends in the country. Sickness is very prevalent among the children. Much complaint is heard hero concern ing the uneven condition ot the west ( ido of Saunders street. A water main waa laid to the Fort daring last full and the trench , wherein the pipes were plac ed , has been very improperly filled up , liencB the c ' the complaint. NEWS OF THE NATION , The Wins Business Men Moving for Arthur , A Oall for a Mooting to Endorse and Urge Him for President , Some Emphatic Testimony by General Swaiuion Yesterday , Walsh Giving Some Entertaining Talk to Springer's ' Committee , Merrill Scores His First Day's ' Absence for 29 Years , 1" ComriVHH ami llcforc Commit ti'04 YoNtorday. Y AUTI ! lilt. HUHIST.SS MKN Toll HIM. Nr.w YORK , May I a. The following will bo published Wednesday morn ing : To Messrs. John Jacob Astor , LoOrand B. Cannon , John A. Stewart , Jacob 1) . Vormilyo , Cornelius N. Bltsa , Uunj. U. llristow , Cornelius H Agnew , M 1) . Cicntlumon : The undersigned respectful ly request you to act as a committco to Jcsigimto the time and plncc at which the follow citizens of President Arthur way express their npnrovnl of his admin istration and their wish tlmtlio bo nomi- mtcd for president at the republican mi- : ional convention. It Is believed there is i wide-spread feeling among thoao who u an ago and control the great interests which centre here ana involve the proa- lority of the whole country. It is lilting .Imt such sentiments should find means of public expression , both for the welfare * of the country and in justice to a good iresidont. Very respectfully , The call is signed by II. B. Clallin & 2o. , E. S. Jam-ay & Oo.Sam Sloim.Lowis Uros. , & Co , David DOWP , Josiah M. Pisko , Chan. G. Landou & Co. , Bliss , Libyan & Co. > K. II. Perkins , ( president Importers and Traders' bank. ) Win. Jon- dns , ( president Bank of America , ) John ston Livingston , 0. T. Toft , Till'uny & 3o. , F. S. Winiiton , F. D. Tappan , John E. Parsons , Jesse Suligman , D. 15 , Uatch , J. II. Uerrick , Leonard Hazel- tine , and several hundred others. WASHINGTON NQTKS. SWAIM'H OASE. WASHINGTON , May 13. In the Swaim court of inquiry to-day , General Swaim continued his testimony. Being unable to secure a satisfactory statement of lib financial relations with Bateman , ho do terimncd to have , a settlement by moana of duo bills ; not desiring the notoriety o signing his own' name on 'duo' bills , the wimesi transferred it to Bright A , Humphrey , to whom ho was indebted for the orootion of a house ; witness diroctei that a unit bo filed the last day of the term , the idpa being to make JJatonmu come to him and compromise or rafer matters to nn arbitrator. Tlio plan suc ceeded , and Baioman agreed to Major Butterworth as an arbitrator. Then Batoimm claimed to have discov ered EOIIIO oll'aots against the bill , and withdrew the charges , expressing the bo- liaf that there was no intention on the pnrt of Swaim to defraud. Aftir nn cm phatic denial of the slightest connection with or knowledge of tho. negotiation of the fraudulent pay accounts tlio witness wns subjected to a rigorous cross examin ation by Chandler during which tlio court adjourned. JOHN A. WAI4II appeared before the Springer committee again to-day. Springer picked up thu papers that Wuiah said were evidence against Kollogg. Tlioy consisted of a small package of drafts and loiters. " 1'huso are dangerous papers , " the wit ness said ; "they are dynamite. " Van Alstyno moved the papers be submitted as eyidoncebotoro | the committee. The motion was lost. "That finishes the record with mo , " said Walsh , when the vote was announced. The committee adjourned till to-mor- low , when Walsh says ho will make "pleasant allusions" to Bliss' testimony bufoto the committco , "in other wards' ho said : "I will proceed to demolish the government counsel. " .MCUUIIJ/H 1'iiiHT IUY'H AIISHNUI : . In announcing a pair to-day uppn Fryo'a motion for a committed of confer nco , Senator Cock roll said : " 1 an paired with the dutingtilsliod sonutoi from Vorinont , who is compelled to bo absent to-day for the first time during twenty-nino years service in this congress of the United States , I refer to Bcnutor Monill. TUB I'AOiriO IIOAIIH. Mr. Post submitted to the IIOUHO this inorninu ; for ruforencu , the report of tlio minority of the committee on the Pacific , railroads on the bill amending tlio sinking - , ing fund act. Tlio minority banco its re port , and a bill which it proposes ns a substitute for the mujorily bill , on the conceded failure of the Tluirmiiu not to accomplish the purposu intended , duo U the conditions which have arisen Bilbao quont to its pasei'go ' , It was not thui foreseen that the 0 , fi and > l pur cunt , government bonds might ha called in and intended at a lower rate of interest The minority b > IUTJ Thurimiii'H at the best but a temporary makeshift , and my the adjustment of the debt must ncctM sarily bu based on thu extension of time Thu minority huliovo it wisent to devise HOIIIO scheme whereby thu whole indubt educes can bo ad j noted and the prrsoin book accounts commuted fjr bccjiiritieu having a eiipromo lion at a fixed unioun mid [ ujablo at a fixed per cent , length o time. Sumo of the Pacific roads , and tending to compel by legislation a reduction o * rates on all roads would eventually hav < to bu taken to liquidate the debt , boiiif deemed by the minority of minor import unco in comparison with the security o the ultimate ) and entire debt , with inter eat , to an absolute certainity. Owing t the effectual and pei HIS tent competition which the Pacific railrcada now 'Jmve which necessarily seriously impair the ! earnings , it is boliuved an incroaati ire' ution , aa poeod by the bill re ported by the majority , would compel the subsidized portions of roads , and M a consequence reduce trafllo on through freights , It is also believed it would re sult in an incrcnao of local freight nnd passoiiBor rales , which would impose ad ditional burduuson Iho people of ICanaar , Nebraska , Nevada , Colorado and Califor nia , as well as tee residents of the terri tories through which Iho lines are oper ated ; and that the policy of reduction rates now being pursued by Abandoned to the serious injury of local patrons , the minority doom it un wise to coerce the company by inimical legislation to resort ( o a measure which would bo detrimental to the people resid ing along thcno great thoroughfares. If no extension bo given , the probabilities are the foreclosure of the first mortgngo bonds would extinguish the debt of tlio government , unless it is prepared to pay for the Union Pacific ( including tha Kan sas Pacilio ) SIM,000,000 , , nnd for the Central Pacific nearly § 28,000,000 , to coyer the debt with interest , which has priority over the governments. The bill presented by the minority fixes a day on which the debt of the companies to the government shall bo ascertained , on tlio nann principle ns if whole debt nnd in terest , at 3 per cent per annum , and de ducting froniBiich amount all paymontn liy companies in money or transportation , or otherwise , and extending the time at interest of tun per cent per annum. Tha period of extension for the payment of the last instalment of the indubtcdncst is forty-six yoara beyond the late maturity of the subsidy bonds , an average exten sion of the whole debt of twenty-throe yearn. The minority report is signed by Messrs. Post , Cassidy , llanback and Jordan , riSllK.UMl'.N. Tha pisicultural association began its thirteenth annual meeting at the national museum to-day. Secretary Lincoln and General Sheri dan left Wanliini'ton to-night for San- "usIcy , on a fishing tour. Tin : MAUINI : HANK ur.t'F.ivi'.u. The comptroller at Iho currency has ppointcd Walter S. Johnston receiver f the Marino National bank of Now FO IIT V-E1G1 IT 11 CONGUKSS. HKNATK. iVAstUNnTON , May 13. Mr. Harrison , rom the committee on territories , ropor- od | favorably with an amendment , the jill providing for the expenses of the commission for the exploration of tlio orritory of Alaska. Mr. Logan gave notice in order , ho laid , that the pension committee might ook into tlin matter , that when the Mexican soldiers' pension bill came up or consideration , ho would move to strike out thu amendments of the sonata committee , that provided no one should iavo the benefit of the bill , unless they were unable to maka a living. This was treating thorn as paupers. Ho was opposed to such amendments. Mr. Williams gave notice that ot Tuesday next ho would call up the bil referred to. Mr. Fryo called up the shipping bill. Mr. Bock withdraw his appeal. Messrs Sherman and Bayard opposed n a dangerous innovation Fryo's motion fo a conference committee at a time what thuro wns no spccifm disagreement by th house to Iho senate amendments. Mr. Frye said thcro were 130 bills 01 the speaker's table to precede this Unless Iho privileges of a conference committee could /.o / with the bill to the liotiso the bill would bo killed , The molionfor a conference was ngroer to by a you and nay vote yeas , 28 nayo , 17. Air. Sherman was the only ropublic.ii who volod in Iho negative- . The Indian appropriation bill was [ > rocooded with , completed and passed as amended , and the senalo adjouinod. Before the adjournment thu chair lni ( before the senalo thu Utah bill , and Mr Blaine gave notice that after the morn ing business to-morrow ha would call u | the house bill to uhtnblish a bureau o labor statistics. WAHIIINOTO.V , May 13. Post "submit led the yiows of the minority eoinmittu on Pacific railroads on the bill to nmeni the That maim sinking fund act. PJacei on the houao calendar. The house wen into committee of the whole , Cox , ( demo crut ) N. Y. in the chair , on the bill prou ding a civil government for the torritor ; of Alaska. Tjio Logan committco on military uf fairs reported favorably the bill to plac General Grant on the retired list. Lo gan asked that the bill bo put at ono upon its passngo. Unnnimoui consen was givnn and the bill was at unco rcac the third time and passed without debut or remark except that Logan said ho pro sumcd there would bo no objections to it. The bill provides that in recognitioi of the distinguished services rondorcc the United Status by ( lonoral U. S Grant , late general of the army , ho b placed on the retired list with the and full pay of the general of the army After a short diecuHaloti the committci rose and the bill was passed withou amendment. As it ia a senate bill it now requires but thu approval of the prcsidcn to become a law. Tlio next measure considered wa Townshend's bill providing that horeafte no territory Hlial form aoonsiitutiono apply for admission as a state into th union until it shall contain a pprinanon p < pulation cijinl to that icquircd in congressional district in order to ontitl it to representation in the houso. x Air. Kusaou criticised the bill as nso loss and in violation of the spirit of th constitution , in that it denied to the people plo of the teiritories Iho right of putitioi in its higlimt form , Mr. Towiinhund said the object , of th bill was to inform the territories that un til they attained their majority thej could not enter into their inheritance , Air , HammctHl moved to lay the billon thu table. Agreed to 10 ! ) to 10 , Bills worn passed extending the juris diction of justices of the peace in Wyo ming , and to provide that hereafter th legislature of Dakota shall consist of 2 members of the council and 48 member of tlio houso. Adjourned , i * ICullway AVnr. DK.NVKH , Mav 111 The eastern passenger gor rate war is becoming interesting UleviMi dollars is the rate to Chicago , ? to St. LouU , 521 DO to Now York an other eastern polntu in the same proper tion , It will bo nnnouncod to-morrof that tlio tcachoiB1 trip from Denver t Chicago will bo $8 50. Before the da closes the tickets to Kansas City will b a dollar or lese , COWARDLY COMMERCE. The Chicago MarKcIs Willing at Eyery Prices Open Firinori but Break Toward the Close , "S Vhout Gains Two dents bj JL bs it all Agaiiii / 5 f ! The Visible Supply of 'Jala Notably Dooroasii "i Moss Pork Scores aud Holds a Decided Advanooi L'ho Cattle Trade l < "alr ThoHoR Mur ket Htendy. CinCAOO MAltKKTS. A MIUl MANNBUKII UAY. UI > ptch to Tim DKE. CniOAOo. Jlay 13. Prices showed a tillening tendency during the early por- ion of the session to-day , but broke off gain toward Iho close on a repetition of Vail street rumors and owing to tlio reak in stocks. WHKAT one time waa 'J to 2io over the losing prices of yesterday , and buy- ig was on a frco scale. The visible sup. ly showed a decrease of 800,000 bushels unng thn week , and about 00,000 bush- Is less than at the corresponding period car ago. Foreign advices continue un- avorablc , Receipts are small and ship- nonts moderato. The market closed on change J to lo. over yesterday , but broke gain on call and closed barely steady hero. On 'cliango Juno cloned at 89- and . On call soles were 1,870,000 uiahols , Juno closing at 88 | and July at DO ] . CO UN ruled unsettled , but the feeling waa again trong. Receipts were voyy email and ihipmonta frpo. The visible supply hews a reduction of 1,500,000 bushels. Reports of wet and cooler weather were ilao received from the west. Thu mar * tot opened io higher , advanced Jo more , "ell off Jc , and closed f o over y tstorday. Tune closed at 57 , July at 58 J. On call sales were 050.000 buahols , Juno cltming at 5 5 , July 58 } . OATS were firmer and a slmdn higher ; Juno closed at 33jj , July 33 " . On call sales wi > ro 720,000 bushels , "July closing at 33 J. rue VISIONS ruled firmor. MCES pork advanced 15 to 25c , nnd was well unstained. Juno clos ed at 1715 , July at 17 57 J. On call Dales were 2250 bbls. at unchanged prices. Lurd rulejl fi to 10 o hijdior. Juno clo'iod.at8 . 42s ; JulyAjS 57 call sale , ) were 4250 tierces , at unchang ed priccu. THI : CATTLI : TIIAWI ; was fair , and prices steady on choice light and strong medium weights , such as suit the dressed beef and shipping trades. Big cattln and exporters were slow and neglected. The British markets are reported glutted , and prices 88 to $10 per head lower than last week. JLJntoliors' stock j and stockcrs nnd feeders remain steady. In the latter , receipts are light , and also tlio demand. Dia- lillory caillo in gpod supply , and selling at high prices. Good to choice shipping , 1,200 to 150 , : ! lr.r. , 0 00 to ( MO ; common to medium , 1,000 to 1,200 Iba. , 5 50 to 000. lions were moody. Several lots of Texas pigs were sold. Assorted light , 100 to 2U9 Iba , 5 40 lo 5 87 A ; nuckurn and shippers , 205 to 315 Ibs , 5 40 to 0 75. i Honor. CiiiOAno , May 13. The Suprorao Council of the Knights of Honor of the United States met hero to-day. They will continue in session about two days. To-day way chiefly devoted to thu pre sentation and examination of credentials. This evening Iho delegates were tendered a reception by the local council. An address of welcome wau delivered by Mayor Harrison. Tlio Butler IloomcrH. CmoAiio , May 13. The Anti-monopo- liat national convention will bo hold to morrow. Many delegates are now in the city. It is generally conoi'dod that Gen eral Butler vrill be nominated for presi dent. _ Him FranalHCo Odd Fellows' Hull. SAN FUANCIHCO , May 13. Governor Stoneman has proclaimed to-morrow a legal holiday , the Oceanian being the lay ing of the corner stouo of the Odd Fol lows' now hall i ARSIIQUS TOHOLDDOV/N EARLDAKIN3 POWDER' ITAMDOUHOTQRISC PURE CREAM TARTAR , S1OOO. Given IfnltimoruiiyliiJiirloiuuiiljsUiiux'SCim Lo found ii Amlrowsi .Pearl Bakinic Powder. I