ex THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. THIRTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , NEB. MONDAY MORNING , MA12 , 1881. NO. * THE FINANCIAL FLURRY , Rumor that Jay Gonlfl was in Difficulty. gPhe Telegraph and Eailroad Mon arch Denies it Smilingly , Fooling Agaiast Ferdinand Ward Does Not Lesson Any , Eoport that Gould and Others are Moving to Eoliovo Grant , BA [ Minnesota Oar Company Ask and Keoeive a Eoceivor , $ IOD ( ) , ( ) ( ) ( ) ; Assets fi)0U , ( Othuf Troubles tlio Moneyed. ISl1 W01UUKS. IIOMOIIS AFFECTINO OOUI.l ) . NEW YOUK , Alay 10. Inquiries were directed from Chicago to this eity to-day in regard to the financial condition of Jay Gould. As nothing had boon hoard in Now York to excite much inquiries , Gould wr.s sought , and an explanation requested. Gould said : "This question is not tlio only ono of the kind asked hero to-day. A Wall street nowa agency yes terday aet afloat an entirely unfounded statement that the Union Pacific would pass the July dividend. Thia was done for the purpose of influencing Union Pa cific stock. There was not oven a moot ing of Union Pacific directors. This morning it was openly announced on the street that there would bo an attack on Western Union and Missouri Pacific. In pursuance of thia laudable purpose , the information on which your inquiry was based was telegraphed broadcast over the country , I have received numerous dis patches inquiring into the truth of the statement that I was in financial difficulty. It is needless to say that there is NOT \V01U ) OF TUUT1I in it. Tno whole purpose of the rumor was to create a demoralization in the market so purchases could bo made by heavy buyers at reduced fignrea. "I am iiiolined to think , " said Mr. Gould , with a twinkle of tho'oyo , and glancing toward the indicator , "that they were disappoint ed. Boih stocks aimed at are firm , and my information is that the buyers are strong men. " An intimate friend of Gould intormod a reporter that ho ( Gould ) had recently given substantial aid to many who where crippled by the last troubles in Wall atroot , and ho has been a large buyer to-day. Ho pro- nouncsd the atory of his financial diffi culty a ridiculous invention. GRANT AND WAIII ) . There was a slight renewal of excitement - mont about the Grant & Ward failure this morning. The feeling agAinst Ward has not lessened Up to unon no now facts have transpired. The examiner will probably finish examination of the Marino bank to-day. It h reported that Jay Gould and others have started a relief : movement for Grant. C < .nkling waa in consultation with Grant to-day. Examiner Scriba waa at work all day in the Marine bank. In the forenoon ho send for Ferdinand Ward. Ward walked down Wall street followed by two mon , said to bo detectives , and ho had three- quarters of an hour interview with .Scriba , after which ho returned to hia oflieo. Scriba said his report would not be ready until Monday , and that ho sent it to tht comptroller of currency at Wash ington , At Grant & Ward's oflieo it is said no report or statement of the condition of the firm will bo given before Tuesday or Wednesday. The receiver of the firm of Grant & Ward has been given permission by the supreme court to surrender to claimants such securities a < are in his possession and which , without dispute , are shown to havfi been pledged with the firm as security for loans , upon his receiv ing the inonoy loaned. TAILUUK. ST. PAUL , May 10. The Northwestern - orn Manufacturing and Car Company , of Stillwater , Minn. , of which Senator D M. Sabin ia president , C D. Gillillian vice-president , ] [ and C. B. Stiucnuu second end vice-president , failed to-day. Director Seymour , Iho former head of Seymour , Sabin &Co.which\roH merged into the Northwestern Cur Company , stated to-night that the liabilities of the company wcro $1,000,000 and the assets § 4,500.00 ; that the company was baing pressed by a number of creditors on obli gations which they had expected to moot on money secured from the east ; that the suspension of the Marino bank and the failure of Grant & Ward had BO shaken confidcncs in credits that they had found it impossible to secure the expected ad- vanca. To prevent attachments and the tying up of their property the company had resolved to have A I1ECEIVKU Al'l'OINTKI ) , expecting to discharge all their obliga tions , and after temporary ombraMss- ment reaiimo business as a corporation. II ia understood that A. II , Brown , of Her zog , Bean & Brown , Stillwutor , has beer selected receiver of the North western Cai company. The company litid a greai backset in the Stillwater penitentiary fire last winter. For some time past tht atock has boon offered freely in large quantities. Late reports confirm the appointment of Brown aa receiver of the Northweatort Car company. Commodore N. W , Kit son , also a director , when seen to-nighf said the company's affairs have been wol managed. The assets , ho thought , wouli moro than three times pay the liabilities that the paid-up capital wa $3,000,000 S'f. PAUL , May 11. E. S. Brown wil to morrow take charge of the Northwest ern Car Company aa receiver and tin company will go on aa usual. The ap pointinent was asked after the f.iiluro o Sabin to negotiate a loan of a million dollars lars in Now York. It is not believed th embarrassment will last long as businot pays well and the otock-lioldera are al wealthy. A 1IO.STON HUM. BOSTON , May 10 B. S. Snow it Co wholesale fiah doalori , failed , They wer embarrassed February last , but made ai rangements with their creditors withou publicity. The second payment under that arrangement is novr duo , and being unable to moot it they have assigned. The liabilities are from $100,000 to $300,000. IllK POOIi I'KUCKNTAGKS. Tlio New Agreement of tlio Northwestern - western Itonnn. A Conductor Heart. Tlio Mexican Central. CIIIOAOO , May 10. The porconUgo to bo allotted the lines in the newly formed Northwestern pool were announced to day nnd nro as follows : On east bound business , Milwaukee it St. Paul , 35 per cent. ; Chicago , St , Paul , Minneapolis it Omaha , 33 ; Minnesota it St. Louis , 32. On westbound business the Omaha road , on account of its Washburn line , will have , during the season of navigation , 10 per cent , of the total business , and the Rock Island and Peoria roads 1 per cent. Of the business remaining will bo divided as follows : Milwaukee it St. Paul , 40 ; Chicago it Northwestern , 32 ; and Jlock Island , 22 ; Burlington , 10. Tou.no , O. , May 10. Thomas C. Jones , late conductor on the Wabash , St. Louis it Pacific Il-iilwayand President of the Conductota' Life Insurance Company of the United States , died at his residence in this city to-day , aged 51. Ho loaves a wife and two children. CITY OF MEXICO , May 10. The Mexi can Central party visited the Jockey club house to-day. Thia attornoon a concert was given in the plaza in their honor. A banquet was given by the city government this evening , celebrating the completion of the railway. President Nickcrson was unable to attend. IOWA OHOl'K. A FlnttorhiK ami I'roiniBiiiR Estimate from Iuuiiuc. ( | Special Dispatch to the BEE. DUIIUQUF , May 11. It is estimated tat ton per cent , loss wheat laud 1ms oen sown in Iowa this year than usual. ? ho early sown wheat ia looking healthy , ho raina iu the later part of April bring- ng it on rapidly. Later sown ia moro novcn , but baa plenty of time to come n. Taken altogether the present out- ook for the wheat crop ia good. Moat if the fielda were sown early. There as been a fair increase iu the acreage of iats all along the line , amounting prob- .bly to ten per cent. Thojncrc.180 is bout m proportion to the increase of and under cultivation. Oats put in : arly are in excellent shape , and promise u abundant harvest. Those put in later , ro coining along fairly , though thin on " 10 ground , and corn seeding in this aec- iou ia well along. The last estimates ihow the acreage to bo considerable larger han last year. The Intcr-Stato Drill. HOUSTON , May 11. In the lista of .wards at the intor-ntato drill telegraphed ast night , it was erroneously stated that Battery A , of St. Louis , won the first irize. The official report of the artillery warda ia aa follows : First prize , $750 , .warded . to Battery B , Louisiana field ar- illery ; second prize , $250 , Battery A , St. Louis light artillery. The other .warda uro aa previously reported. A AVIiolo Family of Criminals. NEW OIILEANH , May 12 , The arrest of oorgo Bird , a day or two ago , has led , o the arrest of hia newly made wife , n Algiers , her father , Ilowoll ihoppcrd , his wife , two sons and "aughtor. In their house were found a argo lot of watches and jewelry , with a uantity of now coin , bearing dates of different years , and a full sot of burglars' lools. A Tiono "Woman lii-utally AsKaullcd. MILWAUKEE , May 11. Mrs. Blodgott , [ \ toll gate keeper on the Milwaukee and Watortown plank road , was assaulted in icr bedroom Sunday morning and beaten ver the head with an iron bar. Her njnrles are likely to prove fatal. Her isduilaut ia supposed to bo a man against whom she testified recently. A 1'rlcKt It/.blml ol' $1 : { , ( ) ( ) ( ) . FT. WOUTII , Texas , May 10. A Span- sh priest , named J. Casima , on route "rorn Chicago to California , was robbed > f $13,000 by three mon on the platform of a pawengur cur at the depot hero to night. It is believed the robbers are till on the train , and will bo captured in \ . few hours. The Wontliur To-day. WASHINGTON , May 11. Upper Missis- lippi valley : Partly cloudy , local rains , ivinda shifting tosoutheaatorly , stationary .omporaturos. Mirsourl valley : Increasing cloudiness , ocal rains , easterly winds , becoming var- iblo , and stationary temperature. Tliiu UiihDed I'rh-Hl. CHICAGO , Miy 11 , Inquiries hero in regard to the Catholic priest , Caesina , who was robbed of $13,000 on bsard a Texas Pacific train Saturday near Fort Worth , Texas , develops the fact that ho 's not of Chicago , aa stated in the dis patch announcing the robbery , The K9ll > ; loiis itmiH of St. .Johns. ST. JOHNS , N. F. , May 10 , The grant jury to-day found five true bills chains nineteen of the Catholics who participate ! in the Harbor Graoo affray in December hat , for the wilful murder of James French , Nicholas Brag and Calahan. FactorlCH Iturnud , CANTON , Mass. May 10 The factory of the Narragansott Suspender company Weob it Co.'a building and the buildin ; of 0. R. Wattles it Co. , opintiing yari importers , burned to-night. Locu , $100 , 000 ; insurance , $10 000. The Cuhun FIlllniHterH. KEY WKST , May 11. Castro Jus posit ively loft hero , probably for Nassau whcr ho will bo joined by the balance of th filibusters now here. Thia party wil include all that are at present to leave Flro nt Mulicrly. ST. Louw , May 11. A firoatMoberly late last night destroyed a hay rake fao tory and the foundry of Fort it Way land. L'BS estimated at $30,000 ; insurance anco small. A Fatal Iowa Jtiinnway , DUDUQUE , Iowa , May 11. By the run ningaway of a team last night , Mr. an Mrs. Mathias Fritz were thrown out The woman waa killed and the man fa tally hurt. OLD-WORLD WORRIES. tali Will Unite With Franco Agalost : "ioroo Fights Between the Eng lish and Native Troops , ftidhat Pasha Dies from the Ef- feet of a Oarbunolo , A Baud of Persians Plundering Towns Along the Kurd , onsul Portevin's ' Oaso Creating a Sensation iu Franco , ness "Work About 1'npiil Matters Oilier ICuropcnn XOWH. FOUH1ON NF.WS. 1'i.ox riox's SON. Prince Victor , son of Priiico Joroino "apoloon ( I'lon Plon ) loaves Paris Tuoa- ay , on a voyngo oust , to escape tlio Bo- aparlist intrigues. 1IKI.OIUM AM ) I'llANCn. The king of the Belni.ins goes to Paris 11 the 17th. The visit is associated with 10 French proposals to ahnro in the ongo untcrpriso. PAPAL MATTKUS. The Vatican is sounding America ! dio- OSes to learn whether the appointment E Monsigner O.ipol us biahop or coadju- or would bo nccoptablo. It is commlor- d doubtful whether Monsignour Cupel vould accept the American bishopric if it roro offered him. PAIUS , May 10. The Giuilois says : ieforo leaving Homo Errington had a onferenco with the pope , who expressed atiataction at the prospect of a renewal f direct relations between England and : io Vatican. Cardinal Jacobin gave Er- ington a statement of the concessions cqulrcd by the Vatican. Irish prelates are to bo summoned to Lome iu October. inn DYNAMITIHS. : DiiutiNaiiAM , May 10. E an and Xiley , after examination , worccommittod or trial at Warwick. FUNERAL Or A HOYAL MOTIIEU. VIENNA , May 10. The remains of the ate Empress Anna were to-day laid in lie imperial vault in the church of the } apuchins. The ceremonies were at- .ouclod with great pomp. The Imperial aniily and all the foreign miniators were irosont at the sorvices. An immense rowd of people witnessed the interment. ANTI-SOCIALISM. BERLIN , May 10. Thoroichstag to-day passed 18 ! ) to 157 the anti-socialist bill o a second reading. The success of the measure surpassed nil expecta'tiona. ' It will undoubtedly bo passed to a third reading on Monday. ITALY AND EOYIT. LONDON , May 11. The Italian gov- irmnent will support the demands of ranco in the Egyptian conference to the fleet that the conference shall have pew- r to discuss fully the question of inter national control. PORTEVIN'S CASE. PARIH , May 11. The decision of the oroign affairs disciplinary committee in .ho . case of Partovin , summoned before -hem - to answer charges of unpatriotic language , is unfavorable to Portovin , who will bo recalled from his oflieo of secretary of the French consulate in Now York. The committee reported to Ferry , the minister of foreign affairs , recommending ho temporary suspension of Portovin. lo will not hereafter bo permitted to ro- urn to Now York , but when allowed to csumo oflieo in the consular department will bo sent to Dantzig. The radical lapors Boizo upon thin incident to intiko in attack ontho system of official appoint ments as a legacy of the empire. Chief 'onsulato Lefooro is denounced as having > ccn consul at Munich under the empire , nd Mantreuil , who nerved under Mao- tlahon , and ianowat Now York , as being ui opportunist. PJIISIAN : PLUNDEUIIUH. ST. PfiTKiisuuiui , May 11. The schawazcrin , a band of Persian nomad ? , live plundered several villages on the ight bank of the Kurd. The department a powerless to prevent occasional raids , 1II1IHAT I'AHHA DEAD. oNtiTANTiNoi'LE , May 11. Midhat 'asha died to-day from the effects of n carbuncle. KXnLIHII VH. HKOOUINS. OAIUO , May 11. Outbreaks between ho soldiers and natives are of daily oc currence. Friday a fight took plnco out side Alexandria between forty English idier * and a number of Bedouins from ako Marostoa , in which sovural wore killed. POHTKVJN'S'PUATTLIN . PAULS , May 10. Portoyin , socrolary of .he Fionch consulate in Now York , now n this city , has bean summoned before i diQciplinary committee by the minister o ] foreign affairs , in connection with remarks - marks made by him expressive of sympa thy with the Germans in relation to the Franco-Prussian war. Prime minister Ferry will decide an to what action U take iii Iho case in accordance with the the opinion of the commitloo , AF HANOO-CHJNESB TREATY. LONDON , May 11 , Advicps from 1'ion tion say that Captain Fournior , acting 01 behalf of the French government , urn Hi Hung Chang , for China , have signet a treaty under the prorisinns of v/hicl China recognizes the French protectorati over Tonquin and Atmatn , with the exist liitf frontiers. It i * stipulated tlmt tin contracting parties shall together rcgulnti the customs nnd police on. the frontier The provinces of Qiiang Tung , Kuan , Hi and Gunnam will ho opened to general al trade. No indemnity will bo paii France. LKXISOTON , May 10.Ono mile , sell ing race , for all agea Hickory Jim won Belle of the Highlands 2nd ; Springer 3ti Time J:45J. : Ftvo furlongs , for 2-yoir-old coltB- Socka won ; Wonderment 2nd ; Bil Owensaa. Time 1:00 : ] , Onu and ono-nixtconthmiloB , handicaj orallagos John Henry won : Bruiia- ick 2nd ; Lixsio S'3tl. Time , 1:51. Throo-quarter milo. for all ajtcs Uill won ; Nellie Peyton 2nd ; Lutestring 3d. 'into , ll7. ! TI1F. TWO U It-vlco mill the V M It ml Stntni * linn- tjnotliiR Over tlio CnmrtlHlon or tlio nto.xli'iut Central. MEXICO , via Oalveaton , May 11. Lant ight n banquet was given by the city ouncil to the directors of the Mexican ontral railway , presided over by Quill- rmo Vallopresident of tlio council , who Higratulatod the country on the complo- ion of the road. President MoKorson was absent , wing to illness , but his apeoch as road in Spanish and English . member of the party from Boston , n the name of hia companions , iroposod the toast , "Porlirio Diaz , who. iko Washington , is first in the hoarta of lis countrymen. " Dins : feelingly replied , avowing his un- worthiness. Ilo raid the compliment an tlio greatest it was possible to pay iijmixtt in * any language , because a com- ) arisen wao madc _ with ono who wainot inly the moat eminent American citizen , nit taken all in all was the greatest man , 10 world over saw. Diaz also npoko of his fricndahip for 10 United States anil compared it in xtent to the compliment paid him. Ho onsidered that ono of the greatest acts F Ilia hfo was the signing of the Moxi- an Central rnilrond concession and the miplotion of the reid had vindicated lia judgmont. Ex-Govornor Rico and tlmrs spoko. _ , _ - PoHHCsMon of a f llloom- hiKton , 111 , DumiiMl nnd Holds n Crowd at Hay. BLOOMINOTON , lllJ , May 11. The PautngMph's , Docatnr , til. , special saya : The city waa greatly excited to-day by the sanguinary action" of a lunatic named ) amar , escaped from aomo as yet un- nown aasylum. Ilo reached the city nring the night and took possession of 10 temporarily vacant bouse of Martin tlenz. Blouz drove him out , when the ladman drew a revolver and shot aovor- l times at Blonz , driving him away , when ho again took possesion of the louio. A posse of nearly ono hundred ccompanied Blonz and Iho officers to the ouao , when the lunatic fired again mid gain , cnco hitting Blonz in the arm , iu- icting a oorloua wound , Ho then buyan u attack on the crowtl with knives and leavers found in thp house , Blenz being butcher. Lamar"wafc finally felkd with club by an officer who climbed to the econd story window on a ladder. Ho vaa then overpowered and pinioned and akon to jail. IjABoU. JClio StrlklnfrMolJViL ' .n * . b..rt it-iTtillco. QOINCY , May 10. The striking mold- era are responsible for two riots o-day. This morning a band of non union men vrhilo uong driven to work , voro stopped by a gang of masked men , ind the driver , Chan. Padolford , was shot n the arm , shattering the elbow , and a ion-union molder named Goo. Ilock was hot in the palm of the hand. Both men voro taken to the hospital. Others of ho party were chased several blocks , tones thrown after them and shots ired. A. party of non-union men worn attacked a they got off the train and several were cnocked down with clubs and stones and njured in various ways. A wagon mot hem at the depot to take them to a ho- ol. Several were unable to reach the wagon and were run away by Iho union men. Those who reached the wagon wore lolted with stones until beyond range. L'ho police were doubled and the non union men are forhiddon'to appear onilu otrools after night. Their hotel is guard' od by armed men and serious trouble it apprehended. There is strong talk ol appealing to the governor for aid. AN OHIO JOW.V dINlCt.Va. 1'orlionn f KiuuiHVllln SlnUlninlc / tlio GiDiiinl. XANKSVILLE , May * 11. The town ias been in an oxcitcd state to-day ovoi i supposed earthquake , near Bland > avenue , Fourth ward. At 10 this morn- ng a terrific cr.vl : wai hoird , and about three ucro of ground Rank Keveral 'cot , carrying a number of houses , which were badly damaged. The inhabitants n the vicinity were panic stricken , and o iissuro opened about 150 foot deep , Tliu only plausible theory is thut Hovoral deserted - sorted coul mines caved. No Iocs of life , W H llo liull-Ihr/.rd. NKW JILKANH , May 10. A pccinl tt lip Timus-Dumucntt from IIa//jUujrtt MiasifiHippi , p.ayn : In ( ho Wheeler u\m o-day , Ur. A. B. Pitts , called for tin ntato , declined to testify. When prrunei' 'or a reason ho said : "Owing to the ro' "atiuna which I bear in this case 1 do nol eel like testifying. This is my homo I live hero and expect to live hero. M ) nind in madu up. I ewe to my country. Myself and my family a certain duty , Therefore 1 refuse to testify in this cane. ' j'o further questionx ho % id : "I do no leliuvo I am intimidated , but under ex Uing circumstances there are rctisoin why I ought not to testify , " The cour decided him in contempt and oidercd tin liorill' to take him into custody. Tin honir allowed 1'Uto U ) go into his houai to make arr.ingeimmU fr iinpriHoninont when Pitta wont out by u buck way am oscapud. Tlio T ( ! May 11. The telegrapher hero diecluim all knowledge of a propoa od reorganization of thu Brolhurhooi and , a strike ut Chicago during the con vention. Thomaa M , Hughus , wlio wn secretary of the Brothi'rhood , says uua talk is idjo rumor , Otlnira eay thut R fur as I hid city M ocncerned there I nothing in it , Many , however , favo an organization of HO nn kind. Another dilution ut Ben. LO.MHW , May 11. The barque Georg Donloy , from Liverpool to Chili , cttni in collision with the H'lipTuskar. The lul tor sank ; thruu of her urow wei drowned , THE PRESIDENCY. Arlbnr Serene anil Confident ilia ! Ho Nominated Chairman Barnuui Pays Him n High Oompliinouti * . . . - - - - - - .1 .v.irirrr The N , Y , Times OutFlat-Footod Against Blaiuo , Claiming Ho Wouldn't ' bo a Wise or Safe President And that His Nomination Would Call Down the Godst Various Other Miiltui-N of I'ollllonl anil National linportiinuo. 1'UKSlllKNT A11T11UU. u SicplnltnUio | Cliicng" Trlbiuio. WASHIMITON , D. 0. , May 1) ) . Friendn of President Arthur nay that from this time ho may bo expected to devote him- coif oarneatly to securing delegates among the unpledged , and that ho lias already a partial organization and will noon perfect it so as to reach all tlio delegates - gates iu all tlio ntatea who are committed against hint. Ilia visit to Now York baa for its chief purpose this cud , Ho is i\v in frequent communication witli his [ lends in all parts of the country , and o is confident that his cftbrta will bo iccesaful. Ono part of his policy will o to solidify the South no that it cannot o stampeded or taken from him in any ay. "Tho President , " said a gentle- nan who is In frequent consultation with im , "is nixro confident that ho will bo ominatod than ho over has been. Ilo eels now that the delegations of every [ ate have adopted resolutions commend- ig his Administration , that ho is ondor- ed by the party , and that ho is entitled o cordial support. Ilo is not going to unt ducks rrith a brasa band , but ho news aoinothing f politics and ho will iiit hia knotrlodgo to the b at posaiblo ao. " Ono of Arthur's strongest suppor- ors in the South , and one of the olirowd- nt politicians among the delegates to "Tho that the Ar- Jliicagn , says : theory - hur iitroiigth in the Smith is to be tampuiTod from him in a great mistake. . 'he southern dolrg.itoa are more disposed o deliberation thiu year than over betoro , nd they are not to bo easily driven from , boir purpose. " TUB rilESUJENOY. rou AitTiiun. Special Dlspatcli to tlio HEC. NEW YOIIK , May l\l. \ The Times has \n intorviiw wiuh Chiiinun B rnum , oi .110 NalioiKii , I/Jiiuouriitiu uuui'mit oo , who iya : "For myself , t like Arthur ; ho islet lot a great man , but has had a clean nd- niniatration , the cleanest since Abraham incoln. Ilo has eimply let well enough iilono ; things have cured thomsolvos. " AGAINST I1LAIN1 ! . The Times sayo editorially : "Tlio upporters of Blame's candidacy are la- toring under a delusion of a peculiar : ind. They claim to believe that if once 10 Is in nomination ho will got the sup- > ort of those republican ) ! who most tronuously oppose bis nomination. They ivholly niisapprohotjd the spirit and char- net or of the opposition to him. Independ ent voters and conservative republicans jiro opposed to Blaine for reasons which attach to his character as n public man. They do not believe ho would bo in any louse a WJHK OH SAl'K rilESIDUNT. It is utterly senseless to talk about his carrying the atato of Now York , under any circumstances whatever , and it is wild desperation to claim that ho could lie elected without the vote of this state. If the republican party were to choose Hiich a candidate it would only prove that the gods had descended to destroy it , WASHINGTON NOJ-K3. A I'YUAJIIDAL TOJ % Ipoilal ilUpatch toTilK DKe , WAHHINOTON , May 11. Arrnngmenla ire being made for the task of construct- ng a pyramidal top to Washington' * ) monumont. The construction of this pyramid will bo a far from easy task at this giddy height , and ono of the greatest of engineering featb. ( JMNKKAI. HWAIM. WAHIIINOTON , May 10. In the Swaim court of inquiry to-day , Mr.Chandlor an- lounccd that , with the exception of one witness Batcman ho was ready to real the cane. The testimony of thia witness waa flucli that ho might urguo upon thu facts without calling the witncsn. P > - nmntur Carey wns called and examined by the judge advocate. So far as the witness was aware , when thu arrange ment was made to pay Colonel Morrow'n only at Washington , nothing WHB Known at the war department rcgaidini ; any duplication or triplication of the ac counts. Paymaster-General Rochester t"Ufuw ! to the Hiniio t'fl'uct. The court , ut tlio request of General Swaim'a conn- tiel , then udjounicd till Monday , when tho/mdonco for Iho defonao will bo giv- un. MAItHIIAI. KTUOIIAOK , Senator Logan Bubmiltud to the eon- ate to-day the report of the jucliciarj coininittiu ) oil Senator Morgan' ' * resolu tion of inquiry regarding the status ol Paul Strubiick , nmrahal of the iniddlt and southern district of Alabama. _ Tin committee report that in their opinioi the true construction of tlio act undei which Stroback was appointed must bi that the appointment wan to hold gnot only an lon as the legal term of suspend ud ollicers continued , and that Strobacl was not , after the 10th of April , 188 i entitled to the oflice. TJIK HrUINOKU COMMITTK. Ki-Diiputy Maishal Brovrii , of th western Peiinuylvanla district , waa examined inod before the Springer committee U day , as to the marshal B oflieo in that die trict. Ho naid no returns had bee : made by Marshal Hall lor fees in torped cases , Ho could not say just what th fees amounted to , but should judge nt leas than § : tO,000. TJIK CONOUEiiilONAL rilOUKAMMK. . Hundull expects to try to secure th pnsmgo of the appropriation bills Wed- nosduy and Thtmdny. Knlon oxpocta to ask consideration of the bills on the question of the presidential count and succession. The bill to establish a bureau of labor statistic * may bo reached before its olo.io. There are moro than ONI : nuNDuii : > AND HIXTV KKNATI : HILM no\v on the calendar iu addition to a mass of original measures wailing the action of the house , and for thia roaion the sen ate In proceeding in a very loisurly manner - nor with everything but tlio ajipropria- tion billa and other bills of the house. There is liltlo hope of action by the houao during the present session upon any now neuato bill not oi the first im portance. ANCIBNT CLAIMM. The liouso coinmltteo on judiciary to day directed a favorable report on the bill providing that the government shall settle the accounts of the states of Mary land and Virginia for inonoy advanced under acts passed by the general assem blies of those two states in 1701 to aid in the erection of public buildings at Wash ington. The amount between the two stairs isSl'0,000 ! , with interest from 1813 for Maryland and from 1850 for Virginia. HHWiTrVH noniiY. HIS TAH1IT HILL. WATIIINOTON , May 11 , Five demo cratic members of the ways and moans committee , Morrison , Blackburn , Her bert , Blount nnd Hewitt , mot at the last named gentleman's last night , upon his invitation , to consider the tariff bill which ho intends to introduce into tliv house to-morrow. What thia bill will produce ban already boon stated. ITS IMIlNOtl'Ati IT.ATUUl ! will bo n series of provisions based upon the recommendations of the secretary of treasury and upon decisions rendered by the treasury department with respect to the construction of tlio present tariff law , which are designed to remove the difll- cnltios that now occur in the administra tion of the law. llowilt is chairman of the sub-committee of the ways and moans committee , to which this matter. was re ferred early in the session , and ho has been at work on it ainco. llo has , how ever , added to those provisions others which purpose. A HKitucriON of the present tariff ratca on some arti cles and the valuation of the tax an others that will in bis opinion reduce- the revenue from custom duties about ? ( ! 0- 000 per year. In this latter portion of is bill it is understood Hewitt provides > r the enlargement of the present free 1st to the extent of putting on that list ,11 , articles enumerated on the free list of ho Morrison tariff bill as it was reported iO the house , and a low others and that oulso adoptu Till' LIMITATION OLAUKES if the Mormon bill with respect to the xtenr , to which duties shall bo collected in articles enumerated in the cotton , , vool and metal schedules of the present .ariff . law. The object oE the mooting it Hewitt's house last night was to secure the opinions of the members of the doui- crotio majority of thd ways and means committee respecting the introductionof * , ho proposed bill nt this timo. The mat ter mm informally discussed but nothing determined as to consideration by the lommittoo. flowitt will , however , intro duce it in the house to morrow. SHOT J By tlio Fat lu > r oftlio Girl AVlio Charg ed Criminal AhHiuilt , at n. I'lonlo , SAN FIIANUIKCO , Cal , May 11. At a jicnio laat Sunday , Ilonry Caaoy , a re- poctablo young man , waa acousod by fulia Swoonoy with having criminally as- aultod hor. The caao came up for pro- iminary hearing in the justicea court in ledwood City yesterday. During the iroRoodinga Sweeny , the father of the | irl , drew a revolver and fired throe ebots , t tlio accused , each ball taking oflect. Jusey died at midnight. Much aynipa- hy ia foil for the family of the voung nan as the evidence Hhowod a charge ot isjault waa ill founded , The MuihodlfetH. PiiiLADHU'iiiA , PH. , May 11. In the MoHiudibt conference , Dr J. M. Buckley illcrod a resolution which waa udoptol , hat thu opinion of the bishops bo nuked whether in their judgment the emir- goneu'H of the work re.ijuire that thcro ihould bo a resident bishop in Europe and India , and if ao will thatmodify their udgment already oxprciwod as to the lumber of bishops to bo cloHcd ? A resolution wnn uiiiinimoiialy adopted ap- irovitig the Blair education bill now be- 'ore congresa. nnd AVIlo Killed. : , May 10.Mathiatt Fralis and wife , rouiding two and one-half miles we ut of Bellevue , Jackupn county , were thrown from a wagon this evening , MIB. FratWUH instantly killed , and her lunband fatally injured. . An ICv-CoiiKi't'HHiiiun HiiloidcH. EI.MIHA , N. Y. . May 10. Butler F. { ( rung , congressman for two terms , killed limsolf to-day iu the presence of his wife ind mm , Ho wia : a long time nicK. llo waa United Statoa marshal for Dakota in 1881. _ Almcnndcdllli $7O , ( ) ( ) ( ) , MiNNUAroi.is , May 10. The Journal'a Winnijieg bjicuial says : It haa just traiiBinrecl that John JUultber , a promi nent Portage Li Prairin barrister , now in Portland , Or , hbiconded with $70- 000. Kl. BI-PAUL , Minn. . May 10. In the ab- r.eiico of Mayor O'lJrion , who was called to Wisconsin on business , Acting Mayor Alien to-day issued an order to close all uulooiis on Sunday. CAUTION. No. 21 ! ) GHANII STUKUT , JKJIHKY Crrv , N. J , , Fob. 28 , 1883. Two months ago I suffered with n very bad coughwhich kept mo awake all night. 1 was recommended to put on my cheat Uvo Allcock'u Porous Plasters. Unfor tunately my druggist persuaded mo to trj sumo other so-called porous plaster , J lost my manoy , for they were worthlesi and not of the alighteat benefit. I thoi procured Allcock a Porous Plustora , anc they completely cured mo. J. F , McGINNISS. Imitation Porous Plasters are boiiif ndvertioed nnd offered for sale. Bowari of thorn. "AkoekV is the only gen uino. THE FIELD OF ' N. Tlic EEDslisli PDEilisi Gooflo Fails lo to Knock Ont His Man. The Latter Doing a ChicagoBrako- uian of Powerful Pbysifjuoi "Parson" Davies Matches the Kailroador Against Sullivan , Baso-Ballist Tony Mullvano Gets Himself into Legal Trouhlo , r " v > The Contest at Day1ton""Algainst Base Ball on Sunday , Tlio KcHiill of Vurloii Gamrn Sntur- lny nnd Sunday on tlio Diamond. SPUING HPOHTS. A KNOCKr.K-OUT KAILH. CUIUAOO , May 10. Jamea Geode , the English pugilist , aparrod four rounds , Marquis of Quoousbury ruleswilh aoft gloves , to-night , with John Saundora , a railroad brakeman of great strength and considerable science. Geode exhibited the qualities of a hard and scion title hitter - tor w'th both fists , but' was unable to knock his antagonist out. Geode is the man . ' 11 whoao behalf "Parson" Davies accepted John L. Sullivan's challenge to spar at Cincinnati. TONY MULLANK KNJ6INEI ) . CINCINNATI , May tlO. Judge Connor to-day granted a temporary restraining order on application of tlio St. Louis Athlolio Association ( Union ) 'conjoining Tony Mullano from playHig with any other base-ball club than thatof _ the plaintifl , especially .tho Toledo"clubi I'laintill claims Mnllanaia .undeiwjontract to play with them'and4iaB' notbebj -ro- ' * * -kl * * loaaed. - , . 1IAHK 1IAI.L HATUniUY. At Now York Cleveland 2 , Now York 8 , At Quiuoy-Quinoy ! ) , | St. Paul 1. At Philadelphia Athlotica 11 , Balti more 4. At MuskogonSTuBkogon 1 , Bay City C > . At Pittaburg Allegheny 1(1 ( , Brooklyn C. > ' At St. Louis Columbus 12 , St. Louis 3 ; Union 8 , Nationals 4. At Providence Providence 0 , Chicago , At Rock Island Hock Island 15 , I'oorta Uoaorvoa4. At Chicago Chicago Uniona 13 ; Key .tones . , of Philadelphia , 0. * -f At Peoria Peoria 2 , Minneapolis G. , At Boston Detroit 2 , Boston 3. At Cincinnati Cincinnati 11 , Toledo 1 } Unions 7 , Baltimore i ) . , V At Philadelphia Buffalo 9 , Washington 3. At Louisville Louisville G , Indiana A . polis 1. At Boston Detroit 2 , Beaten 3 , At Cincinnati Cincinnati 11 ; Toledo 1. At Cincinnati Cincinnati Uniona 7 laltimoro Unions 0. ( IAMEH ON SUNDAY. " * DAYTON , May 11. The Grand Rapids : ltib , the championa of the northwestern ioaguo , defeated the Day tons to-day in the presence of 3,000 people , by a score of 3 to 2 , 13 innings. In the tenth in ning two constables of VanBuren township - ship , the ball park being located outside of the city limits , stopped upon the field , stopped the gaino and arrested the inana- aomiid ; players of the Dayton club. Such action had been anticipated and bond was at once furnished by tlio roan- ' ngemont. The constables were taken from the ground amid a storm of hisses and rrica of "Hit them with a batl" "Drivo them out ! " olo. The manage ment have determined to continue Sun day gamcn at all hnzirds and carry ! the caeo from ono coutt to another until the end of the season. At Fort Wayne St. Louis Reserves , 1 ; Fort Wayne Northwcstcrns , D. At Louisville Louisville , 8 ; Indianap olis , 1. At Chicago Chicago Uniona , 2 ; Phil adelphia Keystones , 3. At St. Louis St. Louis , C ; Columbus , At Peoria Base ball exhibition game Peoria , ! > ; Minneapolis , 8. 10 innings , At Cincinnati Cincinnati , 2 ; Toledo , 3. At Cincinntni Cinuinnati Unions , 7 ; Baltimore Unions , G. A Hnimlhlo Ulan would Uso. Komp'd Hnlimm for the Throat and Lungs. It ! H cutliiff mnru cases of Coughs , Olds , Ast- lima , lircmcliitla , Croup , and all Throat and luiiir trouble * , than nny nthor moJIcIno. 'J'liu propriiitor hoa authorized Scliroodor & liocht , to lefmid your inonoy If , after taking tlireo-fonrllia of u bottle , relief U not obtained. 1'rlcu fiO centa and 81. Per nalu by ScliooJor fi llcclit. SNOUS rfvYUICTOHCLDDOWIi EARLBAKINGPOWDE ITAItBOUKDTORI S CREAM TARTAR StQOOiven , If olnni or niiyTnjurloiu Biibiumccicuu to found In Ajidrows * jearl Baking Powder. J I10- . . . iewliHlIroin suoli chvmlsU as B' Dana Hays. Ho * . ton ; M. Delafontaliio , of Chicago ; and Uiultviu DoJe , illl uul 3. NuvcrsoM In bullc.