Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 09, 1884, Page 8, Image 8

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Friday Morning , May 9 ,
A number of good printers cnn find stand
employment at thU ollico.
Corotior Maul lias filoil his lend and ri
Is now rondy to attend tn any "otlds" thn
nwy como within hli juttiillcUon ,
Uolln Nlcholc , ftillsordorlr woman , wn
last nlglit arrested nnd placed In jail on tli
chtirgo ot rollovlng n nwn of his iM > ckot l ooJ <
During the month of April I'oslmwtc
CouUut Bold stainpn nnd ntiinpod omclopo
to the nmoutit of $ TC33.1C ns shown by lits re
port for that time.
Foil nnd Ilnnlcy , the principal In tin
comlnit "mill , " are both In excellent condltloi
nnd n rod hot battle Is looked forward to b ]
the BportlnR mon of this city nnd vicinity.
The street car company hnvo n gntifr o
inonnt work on Thirteenth atroot mnklnf
ready to lay n doubla car track upon thni
tlioroughfnro before the i > a\In ( { procasa l com <
--Jlr. Dowltt C. Miller nnd MUi .ICntlo 3 !
Ward , were married on Wednesday nftor
noon , Mny 7 , by Nov. Chariot W. SftvIdi'O , nl
the residence of the brldo'a nuithor near thi
Sacred Heart.
InKillco ! | court ycntor Jny mornltif ; , four ( lit
turbara of the peace were fined $5 nnd ccmti
each , They were nil nhoit In their cash nc
counts and were nont up to the county jail U
piny cbockorn with their noses.
The streets were filled with people nl
day yesterday , The weather wan M fine in
could bo wished for , nnd every merchant In
this city has had his face decorated with n 7x !
smllo. Trade haq boon dull BO far this apring
but now bids fair to'plck up considerably.
Struct car No. 3 , of the St. Mary'a nvonuc
line , cnino to grlof yesterday nt the corner ol
Thirteenth nnd Farnnm atrootn. A driver ol
n hoaUly lo.adod wagon clruvo the wagon polo
through the side of the car , completely demor
alizing ono panel. The owner of tbo team has
boon notified to call nnd pay for the dnmngo
Yesterday two boya , George Froey nnd
Win. > Hums , each fifteen yearH of age ,
were brought before Judge Bonoko nnd
chnrgod with being drunk. They bothplund-
od guilty nnd aald that nlot of boyg had
"cblpDod In" Wednesday nnd boutrht n keg of
boor. They wcro outsldo the jurlodiction of
the pollca judge , nnd therefore were hold to
the district court In. $100 bonds.
Mr . II. S. 3irooks , of this dty will road
an Gfisay before the teachers nnd pupils nt
Brownoll Hall on Friday evening May Oth.
The subject will bo , "Cimtrnl Asia : " Its Trndl-
tlons In rolaton to the alto of Garden of Kileu.
Jti mineral wealth nnd its political interests
will bo considered ; nnd reference nt some
length will bomndo to the travels of Marco
I'olo , the great Venocian traveler of the four
teenth century.
The contract for the erection of the Third
Congregational church , on Nineteenth street ,
in Lalco'ii addition , has bcon lot Gustavo
Schlll , who la to complete it by September.
The plans contemplate n irmlu building 07 by
30 , Boating about 350 persons , nnd an L , 80
by 20 feet , for tbo Sunday school room nnd
parlors , which opens into the main part by
folding doors. Thcro will bo a kitchen in the
basement. The design is neat and ornament
al. The material used is wood , nnd the
ittructuro will be n creditable ono. Mm
Boclmcko is the architect.
- The Ladles' Amatuer Musical society
hold its third mtiilcal nt Meyer's muslo hall
Wednesday afternoon , The profrrammo was an
excellent ono nnd well rondorod. Not the
least pleasing portion of the afternoon's enjoy
ment was the performance upon the piano by
MNi Lydln Ilnrrlg , of Chicago. The society
has established nugoclato moinborahips nnd
mnnyof the Indlca of Council UlulTs and
Omaha Imvo nvnllod thomiolvos of the oppor
tunity thus offered. A vote of thanks wan
tendered to Max Mxyor cV Uro. ( or their kind-
iiW3 in nllowing the society to nso their hall , | ,
Mr.V. . A. 1'ttxton has changed bis mind
in regard to the disposition of his building at
the corner of Filtocntli nnd Farnam streets.
Instead of remodeling the old building ns he
had at first Intended , h'j will cause that struc
ture to bo torn down entirely , and will put uj :
in ltd plaoo u magnificent five story bulldlnp
with nil modern Improvements. The plan :
are iiow well advanced , and will bo ready fet
Uia bulldore to figure on In n few days , when
tha cost , dimensions , appearance , etc. , will be
undo public , Mr , Paxton Is understood to
have said that ( ho now structure will bo In
every way worthy of the prominent location
It is to occupy , nnd of the other fine buildings
' on the street.
MIUo WnllPrB , nn Iowa Tlilof Arrest-
oil In Oinnlitv Last Nl lit.
Some wooku ngo the prisoners in the
county jail at Dea Moines broke out and
about fifteen escaped. It win thought
BOino of thorn might liavo corao to Oma
ha , and n dotcotivo was uont huro to
vratoh and accuro any fugitivoa from thu
Iowa oaplial that might como to this city.
The dotootivo for aomo time had shudow-
t cd a man , who for noina time boon
washinp ; buggies at SlcShano'o livery sta
ble , Feeling certain that ho was ono oE
the juil brcnkcra , the dotcctivo , with
Oapt. Donahue , arrested the man liut
night. Ho cave his name as Mike 'Walt-
ore , nnd ia thought to bo the man wanted
at Dos M inc3 for grand larceny. When
taken to the juil ho refused to giro any
information concerning himself.
A Mllkinuu'8 Flitlit.
fvro milkmen engaged in a little rum
pus yeetorday , at the corner of Sixteenth
toenth and Webster streets , much to UH
delight cf the paasersby.
About a week ago J , F. Iloch sold tc
George Oornieh his dairy buaiuosu together
or , with twenty cawa , for which Hod
gave a bill of sale. Iloch has sinoo pur
chased a now outfit all through and i
Belling milk as before , This makes Cor
uisli's blood to boil in genuine John L
Sullivan etylo , nnd meeting Iloch yes
terday proceeded to give him a thump
iug. It is difficult to toll how the thin )
would have tenninatod had it not buoi
tliat a policeman appeared upon the seem
nnd put an end to the impromptu "mill.1
bOLBV In thU dty May 8th , Murv , youtic
eit daughter of Mr * . 1'at. D. Vcley , pge- -
1 year uud 0 mouthi.
" * funeral will take pkco to-day at
o'clock p. jn. , from the rwldencsaouthTwclft !
A horrible accident occurod at Paxton
building , corner of Fifteenth and Farnai
streets , shortly nftor noon yoakrdaj
which coat Mol Salisbury his Hfo.
Four mon among whom was youn
Salisbury , were engaged in removing on
oi the largo plates of glass from the slid
ing doors in the front of the above mon
( ioncd building. The four men wor
standing upon a pine plank , ono foot wid
and two inches In fhickncsa , and just a
the glass was removed from the dooi
and all four were precipitated into th
basement. In the fall the glass was bro
ken in a thousand pieces and in some wa
young Salisbury foil in such n manner ate
to strike upon a picco of the glass , cut
ting a
lie scrambled out of the basement am
; ained the sidewalk , the blood Bpurtln ]
n streams from the external carotid nrter ;
and the jugular vein , both of which Imi
DCCII severed With both hands ho grab
) od hold of his nock aa if to stay the
wnich was llowing with deathly rapidity
from tlio wanna , and ran across Fnrnan
street to Saxo'n drug store , llo pausot
torn momontand exclaimed , "JlyOod
where is n doctor ! " Then , ns it remembering
boring where to uo , ho rushed dnwn 01
L'ifteoutli street tolr. Sivctinnn'n olllco
lie entered the room but no ono wa !
within , llo tried the doora , which won
' ( intoned , and the
Tore 'plainly ' visible upon the dooi
< nebs , while the fatal atrcam had spurt'
od over the walls nnd carpet.
Not being able to liiul anybody , lie
was licnrd by people in tlio next room to
say , "Oh , doctor , doctor , my God , where
are you ? "
Uo then started out of the ollico and
sank exhausted nnd fnint upun the dooi
top. Dr. Lee was pawing and at once
rent to work to envo his life if possible ,
) thor physicians wcro sent for nnd in r
ow minutes Doctors Ayers , Hubert ant
over-ill othera were present.
The first thing to bo done was to Tint
nd tip the ends of the several arteries
liy this time the injured man had bocomi
o faint from
.hat it waa thought doubtful whether 01
not his life could bo saved , oven if UK
iporation was successfully performed ,
Several inclFuctivp attempts were made tc
take up the arteries. By this time the
nan had partially revived and his cries ,
which were uttered in n low , weak voice ,
rould almost curdle a person's blood , so
ull were they of anguish nnd pain.
A largo crowd gathered , and it wae
lecossary for the police to handle some
) f them quite roughly before they could
)0 made to stand back sufficiently to al
ow the nir to got to the wounded man.
The sidewalk was covered with
rhich had flowed from the wounds and
very drop which escaped brought the
ifloror ao much nearer the grave. Still
10 skillful hands of the doctors worked
n and tha look upon their faces told
nly tqo plainly that they were painfully
onscioua that they were
nd that the life beneath their hands
iras just trembling in the balance and
no wrong move , no matter how Blight ,
vould turn the scales in the wrong diroo-
At last the work is completed nnd the
assembled crowd breathed easier for the
man is still alive and the word is given
ut that there Is still hope that ho may
ocovor although the odds are painfully
gainat him.
A wagon is called and by tender yo
troiif ; arms , the young man is picked up
ind laid within the vehicle , and slowly
s driven to his fathers house , $ To. Clti
Virginia avenue.
Mel Salisbury was a youngjmau and is n
on of John G , Salisbury , the contractor
rho had charge of the work on the Fax
on building. Ilia fatnor was present
rhen the nicidont occurred and followed
IJB son to the doctor's ofllco and was by
tis side during the operation.
Upon examination it was found that
lie plank upon which the mon
roro standing had n largo knot ox-
ending clear across it , and that a num-
> er of nails had boon driven through it
n cloao proximity to this knot , thereby
roakontng the plank and causing it to
; ivo away beneath the weight of the foui
The distance which the mon-fell wae
about twelve foot , and at the bottom wae
a largo number of broken brick and othoi
The other three mon were quito se
verely bruised , but were able to proceed
vith their work. It was u frightful acci <
lent , and it seems that there must have
icon some carelessness connected with it ,
A. Hiumway ( Which | Nonrly
Iho Death of Two I'LTHOIIH ,
A serious runaway occurred yesterday
nd it was by the merest ohanco thai
wo persons were not killed by the ncci
lent. The runaway team is owned by
jloorgo lloll'man , and wat driven by
ilathuw Grubor , The team haa beet
used for aome time for hauling Sioux
Fails granite for street paving purposes ,
and waa engaged in that business
yesterday morning. About 83 ; (
Grubor was driving'down Sixteenth atruol
vith a largo load of granite. Whun in
rent of lloodur'a drug store , the forward
end gate of the vrugon came out and the
gianito blocks began to roll oil' upon Uu
; round , This precipitated Grubor tc
, ho pavement and ho fol
n such u manner thai
joth the forward and hind whooh of the
icavily loaded wa on passed over hit
oft shoulder. Ho was picked up foi
dead and carried into Hooder'a store and
Dr , Lanyon was called. Grubor waa revived
vivod ami upon examination it waa fount
that his loft shoulder waa out of joint
U was speedily not by the doctor ant
Grubor started for his homo on Soutl
Thirteenth street.
Aa aoon aa the team found ; they wen
without a driver they broke into a rut
and dashed down Sixteenth" street , nar
rowjy missing n number of vehicles ii
thuir mad ( light. Douglas was aooi
reached and the team t'.rned down upoi
that thoroughfare. Xt the corner of Fif
I teonth they collided/with a carriage it
which waa Moated a Mrs
llinh. AB thteam cauio ii
contact with the Vehicle they roared' ii
the air and canu down upon it with i
crash. Bystanders hold their breath a
llioy saw that a collision was inevitable
The lady was thrown high in the uir , hu
strange to say was notinanyway injnroi
L'/io / liorso attached to the carriage wa
knocked to the pavement , while the cat
Hago itself was fairly around up , scarce !
Itro pieces of it being left in their origins
How the affair could liavo taken plac
without injuring or killing Mrs. Bush , i
a mystery.
The runaway team w a caugjit nt th
corner of Fifteenth and Douglas streets
and with the exception of a fowscratchc
were nil right.
A Hun OniiRCil by n
port No HnCcr Financial Insti
tution In Omaha.
Wednesday ovo. somoonctstartod n falai
nnd foolish report about the Omaha Siv
ings bank , and there was qulto a run 01
the institution. All depositors , however
who presented their books were prompth
paid. Quito n number , when they founc
the report entirely without foundation
concluded to leave their deposits. Thi
bank did not take advantage of the pro
vision which allows it to demand sixt ;
days' notice from depositors who wish U
withdraw. This provision is necessary a
the money deposited in the bank i
loaned out on real estate , and of coursi
It requires time to reconvert those loan :
into cash.
_ There is no moroaolid financial institu
Jon in Omaha than the Omaha Sav
' bank. The stockholders are all responsible
sponsiblo mon , some of them being indi
vidually worth m ro than the sum of nl
, ho doposita in the bank , and each ono ii
iablo in twice the amount of his stock
Among the stockholders are auoh men ai
I. E. Boyd , W. A. Taxton , Sonatoi
\Tandcraon \ , J. W. Gannett , T. L. Kim
jail , L. \Villiama , Max Meyer , L. M
Dennett , 0. F. Lininger , H. Pundt , E
L. Stone , 0. II. Dewey and M. C. Keith
The bank ia carefully managed
uicl the money being uafol ;
loaned on real estate canno
1)0 lost to thb depositors. It should bi
borne in mind , however , by the patron
of the institution that a savings bank a
rule docs not carry n largo amount o
ready money like a commercial bank , a
it loans it out aa rapidly as possible 01
real estate.
WOULD nnt bo without KecUlliiR'a
3ulvo , Is the verdict ot nil who use It. Pric
S cents. _ _
A Wedding nt St. Plillomcnn'tf , am
nn Evening Reception.
On Tuesday morning at 9 a , m. at St
[ 'hilomona'a cathedral , Hr. Jerry Loonej
was married to Miss Katie O'Doa , daughter
tor of Mr. John O'Doa , living fiftoot
niloa north of this city. The happy cou
> lo , accompanied by n largo number o ;
rionds , reached the residence of thi
> rido's ' parents at 1 p. m. , where the re
ception waa hold. Everything waa dente
o make the afternoon and evening a meal
enjoyable ono to all.
The presentawore numerous nnd np
> ropriato , among which were noted the
From Mrs. Thomas Nolan , sot sllyor knlva
and forks and a potof tea plates ; Mr. Thomai
Dolan. pair of ullvor butter knives ; Mra. Mi
chad McDonald , elegant silver water pitcher
Mrs. Murphy and Mrs. Dlnnoon , silver buttoi
lUli ; Mrs. S. Lynch , silver spoon holder ; Mr
T. Spelliimn , silver suear bowl ; Miss Ii. Do
vniico , sliver Imttor disti ; Mrs. M . Dee , sllvoi
nstor ; Miss M ary Looney and Miss JMaBpii
Uuagloy , silver caku basket ; Mr. J , Cmloi
uiul M. Dlnnoon , a beautiful Htnml lamp ; Mr
and Mrs. 1'holon , sot of dinner dishes ; MIsi
H. Dee , sot Rlassoa nnd water pitcher : Mrs
' . Clinton , an oleeant bed spread ; Airs. P ,
W. Lynch , set of tidies ; Mr. McA > oy , pall
of embroidered pillow shams ; Mlas lloao Lun
In , set gloss dishes ; Mr. J. T. O'Doa , sol
cloth and pair of towels ; Mrs. O'Doa , table
cloth ami napkins ; Mr. John O'Daa , tht
jrldo's father , pocket bmik nnd $100 In gold
riiroo AUnchincntH Aprnlnst nn In
solvent Chicago Firm DORUII
Three writs -in attachment , ono bj
Samuel 0. Pullman , for § 1,187.00 , ono bj
H. Swiaky for § 1,500 , nnd the third bj
Samuel Liborman for SI,400 againa
jlraflf , Abrahamson & Co. , were inatitutoc
in the district court last ovoning. It np
pears the dofondonta were doing businosi
in Chicago up to the Oth of May last
at which time they failed for about $20 ,
000. On the 5th of May notes in a largi
amount were made by the dofondonts ti
ono Moses Harris , and their goods delivered
livered over in payment thereof ti
him on thu aamo day. On tlio followinj
day they confessed judgment fo
all their indebtedness , amounting ti
moro than $15,000 , except the debt
on which writs were brought _ last nighl
and which are not duo until Auguat. Ai
ntlidnvit in attachment made , under thr
statute providing for the collection o
dobta not yet due , was filed and n w ri
issued upon it and also a garniahoi
upon A. flnrria of this city , in whose pos
iossion the goods are now supposed tc
lie , having boonromoved from Omaha tc
Qhioago umcu the failure of the defend
ants. The attachment VIM levied upoi
Iho store of goods next to the Californii
uiuso on Douglas street by Donuty Slier
ill' Crowoll last night about 0 o'clock.
Tlio.Jurylu tlio KluOnrty Catto
l\\K to AKI-OP , in
On Wednesday afternoon about throi
o'clock , the caio of McOarly , the Sarp ;
county man-killer , wai given to the jury
There were many different opinions as tc
the verdict of the twelve men to when
it had boon loft for decision. About oni
o'clock yesterday , after being out abou
twenty-two hours , word w.ta eent to Uu
court that they could not agree. It wa
then aoen that further deliberation b ;
them waa useless and they were dis
charged. Oil Iho hat ballot they atooi
nine for acquittal and three for couvic
iNEbs DIKKOTOUY to bo issued in Julr
1884 , price 84. fiO. J. M. WOLKK. pub
Usher , 120S. llth St. , Omaha.
The Brighton Ranch Case to BeCallc
Up For Argument To-Day ,
TlioPotltlt Jury lo bo Allowed to Gi
Homo Tills Morning.
In the United States circuit court yesterday
torday , Judge Dundy on the bench , tw
casca were tried and submitted to the
jury , and two verdicts rendered thereon
In the case of Ilccd against the city o
Plattamouth , the jury returned a vordic
of special findings. In the case of Kel
logg against Hilton a verdict for $2,89
for plaintiff was returned.
In the case of Hogg against Butlo
county , the Lincoln Northwestern rail
way company , and the auditor and secretary
rotary of state an important decision
allbcting municipal bonds was rondoroc
by Judge Brewer.
On the convening of court yostorda ;
morning'a demurrer . .had been filed bj
the auditor and secretary , defendants tc
the cross bill of B.unablo 13. Connnblo
who claimed to bo the holder and owne
of a largo , number of Butler count ;
bonds and prayed that ] the court di
rect the auditor and aocrotary of atato tt
certify under the constitution that the ;
were issued pursuant to law. Mr
Lambortson for the atato ollicora objcctoc
for the reason that there was no law o
the atato making said provision of tin
constitution opctatiro and until the legislature
islaturo passed an act stating what In
quirlos and | | invo3tgationa ! they sliouli
make for the | purpoao of ascortnininj
whether the provisions of the yaw hat
boon complied ( with and also declarinj
the form and character o
the certificate the auditor anc
secretary could not bo ' required tc
certify to any bonds. Judge Brewer tool *
this view of the case and hold under thi
decision of the United States supromi
court in the Di.xon county bond case thane
no county or other bonds issued in aid o
internal improvements needed a certificate
cato of the auditor and secretary of tin
state to make them valid and that tin
court could and would not make an ordoi
requiring these statoofllcers to cqrtify ti
any such bond ? .
Before Judge Brewer whc
hold court in the judges chambei
the case of Parks against Watson waa nr
gued taking up the greater part of thi
afternoon. This case was brought to ao
aside certain tax deeds , of five yean
standing , issued by the treasurer of Otoi
county on. Several other casea of importance
tanco were argued and submitted.
Yesterday Marshal Boerbowor rocoivcc
notice from Washington that the juron
fund had boon ozhauated. When thii
term of court opened there were onlj
§ 700 in this fund to its credit , but it was
hoped some proviaion would bo mode by
which the jury could bo detained for the
full term. Judge Dundy and Marshal
Bierbowor held a conference last evening
aa to the best thing to do in thoprenmea ,
and it was decided to allow the petit
jurora to go home this morning and to
dismiss the grand jury on Saturday , by
which | time its labors will be closed.
Sliouhtprovisioiis bo made the petit jurj
may be recalled. Thia will make thie
term of court practically a failure as onlj
two jury cases have boon tried-
The celebrated case of the United
States against the Brighton Ranch com
pany will come up on argument thie
morning. In this caao , being a suil
brought to enjoin the further use of , and
occupation of 52,000 acres ol goyornmenl
lands and to abate a fence surrounding
the samp fifty milealong , exceptions hav <
boon raised to the answer which in equl
ty have the same effect as in law , a general -
oral demurrer to the answer. The quea
tiona raised will be. Firat ; whether thi
United States have a right to relief it
equity by a mandatory injunction 01
whether they must proceed in a auit at
law by ejectment or troapass. Second ;
whether the answer Bets up any defence
The case will bo doubtless hoord before
both judges , Brewer and Duiidy. It is
expected the decision will terminate thi
litigation or lay down the rules and prin
ciples that will hereafter govern tin
aubacquonc proceedings in the caao
Mr. K. K. Meyers , of Detroit , Michigan
architect of the now Douglas county cnur
honso , arrived In this city yesterday , and i
now busy In Inspecting tao work BO fur ns i
has been done ,
Frod. S. Hasslcr , an old newspaper man t
Pawnee county , and a resident of that plac
for the last 15 years , U yisiting Omaha , an
wo BOO It roportad that ho Is a candidate fc
commissioner of public lands and building
this fall , before the republican convention.
Altonril of Directors Appointed mid
A Nine to ho Orgim-
I /.oil ,
At the mooting last evening , called b ;
those interested in a base ball nine fo
Oinaha the coming summer season
about ono hundred were present. Thi
mooting was presided over by Dr. II
W. Hyde , nnd F. E. Bailey actrd as sec
rotary. '
The committee on subscription re
ported that between $2,100 and $2,201
had boon raised. After aomo cliacuasioi
as to the boat plan to pursue , n motioi
was carried that n committee of three hi
appointed to saloct twonty-ouo namesou
of which nine should be chosen to seni
aa directora for the coming season
Mojsrj. John G. T.xylor , Thomas M ,
Orr and Joseph Garnoau were appointed ,
Mr. 0. Y. Gallagher then stated to thi
mooting that it would be necessary t
dutormino that evening aa to whether Oi
not a nine would bo organized as Mr
Bandlp had hnen oflorod a large sum tc
play with thoEvansvillo'a the coming sea <
sou and would have to answer lost night ,
It waa then moved and carried that it i1
the sense of tnq meeting that a nine b <
organized. The committee to select tht
names of directors thtm mtulo its ropoit ,
Out of the twenty-one iwnoa aolocteil thi
inoetiiin choau these of Dr. H. W. Hyde
Tom Houeni , I. E. Congilon , Charloi
Goodrich , F. L. Kimball , E , E. Balch ,
J , G. Garuean , J. G. Taylor and Goorgi
T. Miller.
It was then carried on motion that al
franchises and rights , arising from sub
scrintions , should bo vested in the boruc
of directors ;
The mcctrn&than adjourned.
Atioiil nun 1'orsonn Accept the In\l
tntlon .nt the O , U. Vr Q. nnd
K to the Gnrclcn City.
Fron 7 to 8 o'clock last evening the B.
& M. depot presented a lively aim active
scono. About 225 persons had assembled
there the take the excursion train foi
Chicago. Everything was hurry , bustle
and confusion. Bnt few know whal
bertha they would occupy , and those thtit
did wore in as great trouble to find the
proppr car. "Whoromuat I go to secure
a berth ? " or , "Where is the Riverton r
were questions asked by nearly every
one. At nearly half past however ovcrj
body had found his section nnd the trait
pulled out. Everybody scorned in
tout on going for a good tiuu
and the prospects bid fair that such wil
bo the case.
The train consisting of eight ologan' '
sleeping coaches furnished nioro acconi
modationa than were needful for the pas
sougora. Bcaidoa the eight Bloopers i
baggage car was provided. Burt llussoll
an old time engineer , with engine 481
will pull the trnin into Chicago , whicl
will bo conducted to its destination by 0 ,
n. Titua. an old 0. B. & Q. conductor ,
W. J. Davenport , of Burlington , divis
ion freight agent of the 0. B. AQ. . , A ,
B. Smith , assistant general freight agonl
of the B. & M. , and L. E. Sloto , of th <
0. B. & Q , , trainmaster of the west lowt
lines , will accompany the party to Chica
go. W. P. Merrill , of the 0. B. & Q ,
superintendent of the Iowa linoa will ac
company the party in special car No. GO
as far as Burlington , at which place il
will arrive at 7 this morning. Hero i
smoking car will bo attached to the train
for the accommodation and comfort ol
the excursionists.
in the BluJV-4 ,
City Marshal Guanolla , of the Bluffd
was yesterday forenoon shadowing a sua-
picioua looking individual , and was re
warded for his pains by seeing him ontoi
a pawn shop. Here the shadowed mat
pulled out a gold watch and chain f roir
his coat sleeve nnd offered thorn for sale ,
The Marshal arrested the man on auapic
ion , who gave his name as Dennis Heron
The property was taken from him and
brought by the marshal to this city whore
it was identified by the owner from whom
they were stolen on Tuesday last. Theii
value is about § 35. Hercn will be
brought from over the river to-day.
A victim of early imprudence , causing nervous
icblilty. premature decay , eta. having Inni 111
tain every known remedy , haa discovered n nlraplo
means of self-cure , which ho will Bend IOIUU to
Ul3 Icllow-flufTeren. Addrosa ,
t * . ii. UKUVKH. 43 Ubatham St _ Now York
Thl powder riover v t 01. A manel of pun
etnoeh and whoIesomeQiM , Uoro conomleal thai
th cdlnary kinds , and cutnct be sold lu comi > etUlor
w Ith the multitude of low ; . short w olgl t mum 01
| ) ho oh te powders. BaU cnijjln cans. Royal Dak-
ing Ponder Co.
xarspocmis will Fositivelynot bo inaortec
unioaa paid Jin advance.
TO lOAN-Monov.
. TO LOAN On real eftato and chattc
securities at olllco of E. S , ROOD , ] ,403 I'arnan
St. 782-lm
T\TONiv : TO LOAN 111 enns of $300 and upwards a
1VJL low rates on flrat class real estate pccurity
332-tf P01TKH&COBB.
MONEY LOANKD-On chatlejM > rep rty. DJ 3.
B ! ATTY.2l3 south 14th itrcet.776.1m ,
ONE7 TO LOAN Tliu lowest , rxtoo of inters *
Bcmls' Loan Agcooy , 16th * Dougla JJt-tf
ONEY TO LOAN In gums of ISOO. ana upward ;
1V1 O. F. Davis and Co. , Uof.l KitUo ivcd LOM
, 1506 F rnam Bt. ' BiB-lf
TTOA TEI ) \ Oermtii carpenter wants work al
T > the trido. Wage ! no object. Call at Ointhr
House , Harney St. 158-1' "
ii ) Dining room girl at the Oinaha Ifouai
between 12 ami 1U Ilkruuy St. 15M2 ! *
W ANIlID-Oirlat Iho Slaveii house , 10th Bt.
) - Yuui tf men to instruct In lioon.kccp
In ; , w ill w alt for half p y until situation an
flltliUhwl , lolODnujlisHl. J H Bill HI 160-ld
B AgirldUhwniilicrntfOl I'ii'ico street ,
corntr 6th. Good wjsre * . 140 8i |
r ANTED A first cUs < femilo pastry cook al
A read o Hestaurant , 1216 loul.i . 124 Op
"IX7ANTJDflrstrlass ! waiter ( male or female ) one
I } who prok Ooniianaud Kiijllth , ut the Kuro.
pcan hotel 022 luuth loth ktrcet 1389
un girl at 1011 California stteet.
7ANTKD Tno itood lowing glrU liiuncdlMclj at
1201 llowar.lbt. IJi-Sp
. 'ED A ilr t clan biibor , Nona other need
apply , 10 > ! . 14th street. 12S-18p
\VANTED A girl for irener lhou a ork , In the
il couutrr , during Iho tuuiuier , ? 11 North 19th
SUeet. 872-tf
A \7ANTKO AirenU to ell the Ixut thing In the
> 1 MOilJ. Call at 2317 Tierce Si. 13L10J |
\\rANTED A girl for general home work In a
M family i J three , Ooodwage * Apply at At
klnson'a niilltnory store , 16tlibt , south of 1'oet office.
\\rANTrU-Uernian l y f or general kitchen work ,
at 215 Btmlh Htli etieet. 110-Sp
\\rANTKD-10 H t elm glrU for geocnl house-
> w ork. Euip'.oyuient bureau 217 N , 10th Ht.
_ Bfl-lOp
YVANIKD-DUhwaihcrattho Einwet HOU.O. llth
II Iwt. lUiii < y iu I'arnam. tO-10p
\\7ANTEll-Four boiler maker * at once.
M No ethtr ntc.l. Apply uS MUiourl Valley Boll-
crwoikiUthaudCxi bti , , Omaha Kvb. SI w.
l' '
rcir nr T-noneev and
IlKST-Kurnl hcdrPom , Uornc'i nifck.coi
FOIt Copltolaxc. Klcpint room * Ith ga
nnil rnoilftn Improvement * , $15,00 to $22.CO a month
iiKNT Homo ol 7 rooms , 320 north 1't
' street , bet. ta\enpoiland ) Chicago. Callnnprc
mlscs. 142-ll > p
1" 7011 KENT -Two liirnMieil r ems fur llsht home
'kecilng. ' M ofhiclo moni for gtntlcnun. lie *
incr's Illock cotr.t.r Sin ind Howard. 144 tf
170111IKN1 TMiiunfuinlthicI rooliiJTHlOChltw
J" street. 123.13 ;
FOK HENT-SIx room homo 20'2 Cumlng SI
? 22M per montb , McCairue. opposite I' . O
nilNT Front pnilor and hcil room at 161
1 Chicago Ht. 132.10p
170U llKNT-N'c-o famished front room Ith twin
i.1 nt 1814 Davenport St. 119-12
UENr A largo well furnished south fron
room with dieting room suit c'oset , good loco
Ion , lultahlo for two gentlemen , No. 1013 Capltc
avo. 112-lf
KENT HOUJO south-cist ror. loth nnd I't
FOR . Ontn Whclan. 120 Sp
17011 HUNT Nicely furnlthcd front room , ill
JL1 Jackson street. 122 lp
T70H lir.NT On north toth St , the bctt arrange
a1 dairy barn In tl-ocountv. u 1th house and 1 or
acres of ground attached , would arrange the ban
lor her o < If required , largo enough for SB. Wm. T.
Monroe , Cth and Douglas , ( Ora's lumber yard. )
7011 llENT-Ncw ttoro tOl S. ISlh St.
HENT Furn'shcd ' and unfurnished rooms a
FOH nottn 18th St. 42-Op
IICNT With board , largo front mom ltl
FOll window gas and bath room. A few tabl
boarders accommodated , 1718 Dodge street. S3-8p
OH HUNT Ono furnUhed ro'in to ccntlcmai
and wife , with board 1814 Webster St 7-ln
: Furnished room. Inquire DrujrStor
1 corner llth and IJouglai. lsi-
neil KKNTlMrnlihcil room 1810 California St
1 027-tf MHS. A.CAl.TllUlWOOD.
ItENl Hrft-rlnts tarin , 10 miles from Omn
IpOK 1 largo oiclmrd , etc. UA11KEU fc ilAYNK
llth and Farntin. _ 031-11
SALT ! At a bargain , 3 lots on Park a\enuc
Inquire 1207 Farnam street 03VU
SALK-Cottago an ! half lot south of St
XIary's a > cnno , at s'2,250. } IcCagucopp. P. 0.
00 tf
HhNT In Jlcdlck's block , btoreroom 12
IpOH 1 dcon and good olllco room. Paulson J : Co ,
Ml r tnam , room. ' ) , _ 706-tf
IICNT Firfct-clasa bilck store and base
tncnt , 15th and Farnnm Ktrccta. $75.00 pc
month. BAUKKll & MAYNK.
URNT piano. Inquire at Edholm k Kilct
son's. C93-tf
TTIOH HKH1 ! - yuriilshcd rooms 2227 Dodge St.
J ? 404-lm
OH HENT Store room 1609 Farram St. , b'
F '
PAUL3KN&CO. 4f9-tf'
Tj\0 II RKNT 100 aero farm. Alsobilck yard.
JL1 03-tf
Murray. _ -
TT'OH HUNT Kooma In Nebraska Nation * Bunl
Jj Dulldlnir. Moat dcslrillo olucos In the oil
SappUe/1 with hydraulic elo-atoi aud hoatol
steam. Apply at Dank.
BKNT Vurnlshud looms on the norlhvri
oor. ISthandCapltolnvcnuo , formerly Crclgntoi
House. IPs-tf
heated 222 N. 18th.
.T _ _ BTt-tf
SALE At a bargain , a good two seated co\
FOR buggy , Bultablo fur ono lior e. May b
seen at Simpeon's carilage factory , Dodge SI.
SALH Neat ccittago of 7 ronw full lot ci
Georgia avc. , ono block tro-n St. cart , for $2 5CO
Pot'cr & Cobb , 1515 Farnam St. 152-tf
I OK S LE A four seated surrey but little- used
F Apply to Jcs. Oarnciu Cracker Co. 153 Op
FO SALK New house 7 rooms , full lot , near SI
earsa gplondll louitl"n and a g"od bargain
Trie ? ? 3,000 , jltCO cash , balance monthly , Irey am
Moiter , 3. W. 16th and Farnam. 165rtf
FOll SALE Splendid well Impnned 160 acre fart
0 mllci from I1 , O. joining the syndicate land !
12 acres of bearing fruit , and good Improvements , a
a bargain , or will exchange for Improved city proi
crty. Iicy & Hotter. 160-tf
SAIE Good cottage of & room . lot 00x13
FOH In Shlnn's add. for 8,2,1)00 ) rath. Thij la
bargain. Worth Inestimating. . Ircy i Motter.
BICYCLTC 60 iuch , nlchnled. special Celumbi :
good condition , for sale (70. Too small to
owner. C. M. WOODMAN. 1127-lOp
F 10K RALE A go'd paying grocery business Fo
particulars , adilress "A A , " Bee office. 135 tf
1011 SALE-Lotsnn sixteenth street only J60C
C U. Schaher , Mlllaid Hotel. 1C39
OK SALE Lots on California st'ect for 9vn t
C. H. Schaller , Mll'ard Hotel. 104-9
I OH SALE Elegant homo , full lot on SOth itrfcl
F $5OU ) . C ! It. Schaller , illllard Hotel. 105-9
EOK SALE Elgast 0 room c ttago full bt lOtl
near Leaxenworth , S3.0M )
Nlro now 6 room cctt.igu , lot COxOO well and el (
torn. Good bain , urj ucatjibcc. bo. Avenue
§ 3,400 , Barker and Maync. 1148
SALE A i.ood family horse and phaeton am
FOll . Inquire U10 Farnam St. 116 tf
SALE A. small horse , harries and Icathc
FOH phaeton. Address " 0. H. " this olllce.
FOR SALIS Seoond hand light top bugfy ami
gents riding taddlo. Icquirc at Tirrell am
Cook's Shou btore , 1808 Faroam St. log tf
FOH SALE Some of the chea , cst lots In city ui
street car lino. C. U. Schaller' Heal estate ogen
Mlllard Hotel loT-0
SALE--Stuck of Hardunio Implonents am
btorc bul'dhiKmrolco about S'.lK-d. - t ! 6cash , balance
anco In Nebraska land. Address W.f U Spurrier
Wlota , Io a. s10
IflOK SALU-lly Ilarker and Majno 13th and Far
' nam , elegant residence U rooms , hardwood fin
ish , tlno low Davenport St. , near loth $3.601
ca y terms ,
Neat 4 room oottige half lot Pleasant .St. , bet
ht Mary's avo. , and Harnoy , & 20CO.
Full lot , tmallhouso w/uth 12t > < St. , 81,100.
Croimcottage , corner lot Hamilton ht. , ncai
Sauudcrs , $3,1,00 , ? 760 down , ca y tcrnn on bal
No t cotlazo , 3 room ) full lot llth Et , near con.
tcr , 91.tin S16J down nnd $15per month.
0 rt-om cottage bay window , porch , well , cistern
lull lot \orynlceplacc , mile and half N. W.
cfl' 0 J1.600. $150 down and 1B per month
Mw-o lot In IlauMom plaoo one block from street
cam < CW. ? ltO duwn balinto 1 and 2 j ears
< ! " BAUKr.ll &MAYNE.
Tpcjll SALK Two of the most de-lrablo lots on
W47'li 1 > r'CO ' ? " 10 ( ) ' Mct'aKUc , oppotlto 1'ostolKi-e.
770 It 8ALE-John L HcCaguo oflerelniuo nnd i
-T lot , near car line , gl.ijo. 9j.ti
Foil oALK Corner lot in Armstrong's addition
81 , 00. ilcCague , uppo Ite poitolllcc. OJS-ll
[ 70U SALE78 feet south frontage on Forn&m ht. .
X' with good cottage 1'rlco 8 , OW. H will pay you
to examine thU curtfully. JItCa0'ue , oppo.lle po-t-
° -"cc- 098 tf
TTlori SALE-106 feet Irontago ( Including tha nent
-L1 above ) at Si.WO. Call and see thif. McOfzne ,
opo ltopostoillc .
T7' " KAtE Several 0\e aero lots 10 Houllcld , ono
a quattfr mlle neat of bjndlcate purchue. This is
propeity that ulll In thencai futurn enhanto ln al
up , owing tolls proximity to the great Imiirovcments
uf South Omoha tnat nro coiittujplatod , Wciljcue
opuotlta imstolncc. 03J tf
FOKSALE-Eavt front lets In Hanseom phcoerv
d.tlitbluat W. JlcCagu * . .ppojito l" . O. Mf
poll 8AI.B-K w ciHtage and n n anfponi
i.1 I'lico. ut f2.iuo , coat Jiont. Call scon , 19 i.tlw . la
reasonalU. MtC'ttyue , opp. I' , o , fo-tf
POH SALK-Onu of the fliitst coiners In Hanaw
I1 p' ce , inont beamUullew In tlio citi . will oflt
or & few da > s at * 1,700. llcCsgue , r ppo'.lt , , l' . o
_ 2-tf
> j 01l HALl -IIanscxjin Place Lot -
1 ? Two lots , torntr , Sj.oua
. .
ritssu.1 ' " " at lme'flns "ew > e -
S cn Uts. taH front , at from t&'J ) to t760eaeli
1 our lot , "uuxiw fw t , reautilul > lew flnt ! t
atlon w tMiaa.iltlon. . tat ! front. \u ran il
J70II SUE-S vcr l lots In HlmeMugh fhco nt a
I bargain. JlcCague , opposite I' . O. 8-tl
. ' PAT.E Two laiyo lota on lonth ISth St. , at
J.'On 1' O. 4 It
$1 ,710. MiOtftlr , tppoiite
SAI.n- goril lot en Doilno itroet , rppo Ito
Inolt ' School t $3,100. McCARUf , opposite P. O
\ \ , \\try do'lrablo hmwo and lot on
1r\OHS\JE 1 , sonlfi of Pixluo. Nine room * , good
well and cistein. 1'rlce t6,5co. McCuuo , opposlto .
r. o luo-tf . *
. tULi : HoiiM ) and lull lat' street c.ifs
1.VW 1 $1,630. XLC'uue , opp. 1' . 0. 69-tf
SAtiK-Cotlilpo of fUn tnonvi InShlim'a ml-
Foil nt ! > laoo , S200 c.i li , bahuco In monthly
payments. MiUAuUK , opp. I0. . 812 II
! , T o choice Improved fnrnu of ! 40
and 320 aero * , nil \\lthln H miles ol the Union
Stock V rJs and 0 mlka Irom tlio U 1' . depot , at n.
barirnln. I'OTTKIl&COUn ,
OSO If 161& 1'arnara.
HA1.E Lots in Hawthorne Addition ,
FOR In Dcnltc'n Addition ,
Lots InSHiin'snciMlon.
Lots In I arKcr'a Addition.
I.ota In 1'nlrlckV addition ,
tat * In IIaii c in I'lnno.
' .tits In Himonaugh 1'lnco ,
iMii In I.QUC'S addition.
Ixtslii nonfleld'iaddition.
I ota In West Cumin ? addition ,
hits on the Uclt ralhnad.
Lots on the extension of the "street railroad , " In ev
ery direction.
Loti In orpry addition , "where prominent men are
going to build. "
Iiots on "tho only direct route to Iho south Omaha
Sjndlcato purchase. "
Loti near the "new Union dopet. "
I/oto on the "llroadmty of Omaha "
Wo liavo ono or two additions through nhlch Ihn
licit railroad will not go [ In which no nro cITcrh g
lots simply on their moilta. Oil I on JkCttRllc , rpp.
I' . U. for Information on Ueal litAto. Dl-tf
TTiOHSALr.-IIoino mil full lot In Shtnn's addition ,
f1 onlyS ,20) Ianialn. JlcCugtie , opp , I1. O. M tf
IJ'OIt SALIl Grocery store in a good location ,
1 cheap rent. For jrtrtlculars address " 11. H " this
otltco. 853.1m
bALK 78 f fit I rout on Farnam strc.t nt h
, ill-hunt cottage. Call and see. A bar-
CTn McCAOUE , oil'1' . SIStt
70K SAI.i : Tobcautllul lots In I one's first ad-
] 1 illtlon for $7CU. JlcCAOUK , opp. 1' . O. 814-tt
SALI' The good will anil lliturcs of the
' Crcighton lloueonr n 111 sell any l art of the din-
In ? room or kUchou furnlturo separately. Easy term < i.
Apply on premises. "S3 tf
"I70K SALE A firtt-claia rcatatiinnt and Ice cream
J ? parlor and house of 10 rooms attached , all fur
nished , ulll bo soldi-heap. Satisfactory reasons given
for selling. Address . W. 1' . " Omaha , Neb.
" 17011 S\r.E-Fresh milk cow. Inquire at 1918 Far.
Jj nam street. 690 tf
17011 RATjE Residence on USth street , near Dodffo ,
1 at $0,600. Ono of the best houses on the hill-
nine room * , all modern Improcnu.nt3.McCnpuc ,
opposite rostofllcf. 65-tf
SALE The southwest corner lot of llth and
FOR , with tno onoctorv brick tmlMlngs atd
one framn building on It , with all modem lmpro\o-
mcnts. Inquire at i ho clothing store of Qonrgo II.
Peterson , 8u4 South K'th ' street. CSS-lin
FOU SALE House , barn and corner lot In Shlnn'a
addition at ? leoO , * < : W > cash , .balance monthly.
-McCiguc , cpp. pustolllco. 67-tt
SALR-400 cautlful lots In Walnut Hill ad
dition from 9100 to $70t. It nlll pty parties to
look at this property b forobuIng POT
TE & COBU , 1515 Farnam street 518 tf
SALE Very deairablo residence lor mal
family , one block oil St Mtry'ucnue , 10 block
from postoillco LocAtlon fine , J3.500. Easy tcrrnl
POTTER & COBD , 1615 Farnam street. GZl-tfi
F OR SALE T o lots , corner. Price $2,000. Me-
Uague , opp. 1 * . o- 48 tf
FOR SALE Bargains m impiotcd and unimprov
ed property lu 20 additions. Call and see. POT-
TEH k COBB. 1516 Farnam street. 610-tf
SALE Bargains In lots for residence or ( pec
ulation In Walnut Hill , Dcnekcn > , Krslcr'a atd
West Cuming additions. 1'OTIKK & COBB , 1615
Fornam Street 620-tt
1011 ' SALE Cottage and half lot near street car ,
F' only i $1,250 McCaguc , opp poa'.ollicc. E4 tf
SALE Two of the moat desirable lots Jn
Lowe's 1st. add. , flnoiow , price * 760. scutV
and east frontage , fenced. A bargain. McCAGUKtV
opposlto P. O. 439 tt
S'LE 12 lots in Plalnvlowat 16 to 20 ( or
cent below the price at which surrounding lots
are held. Prlco w be put up noon if not told.
8-tf POTTER & COUD , 1615 Farnam Street.
SALE 8 lots In Shlnu's 2d addition at a bar.
Two cheapest lotn In Kirk-wood for 35 days.
454-tf POTTEH & CODB , 1516 Farnam St
-70H SALE Low os Addition
X1 T o lots , corner , at S'tK ) .
Two lots , corner , fenced , $760.
One lot at 9 50.
One lot at 300 , f I ?
One lot at SOO. J
One lu : at $1 f > .
The o lots are cheap and It will par you to exam
ine tlicui Call at ollico for full particulars Jic-
"K , opposite posioillcj. 50-tf
I KKl ) CORN FOll SALK - 1000 bushels of good
O l ound old corn. Apply to Dr Chambers Voter
nary Surgeon , Omaha. _ 83 tf
FOH SALK Large corner lot and two story hou o
on Ctlfornla btitet at fl.OOO. MtCague , opr. l > ,
" Ol-tf
FOR SALE A first-class Voae & Son Piano , at a
bargain. Inquire Kdnolm & Erickson'e. 624 tf
FOR SALE Two open xecond-nand bugptej
ouo delivery wagon , chop , at 131 ? U&rnuy & { .
TJIORSALE A email Moslcr , BAhman &Co. , flre
-L proof nafr , almost now , at thla ofllco. _ tf
FOR SAfjE The gor > d will and fixtures of the
Crelghton House. Will sell the dining room and
ITiOR SAL11 One Vo-o and Smia piano at a bar-
O.1 gain. Inquire at Edholni and UrickEou's rnuaic
store , on ICth at. 230-tf
FOU SAM : House and lot on nor h 2Cth street ,
near A. J. I'op eton's , only ijl.SCO. Bargain.
MiC'aguu.opp. postotllce. c tf
FOR SALn Twenty acres of thi Grillen fn-ni , 3J
miles from tbu I'osttdilce , and only two blocks
from Pratt's bub-divitlon. Will bo sold In 2J , 6 or
10 ocro lota. Inquire Omaha Carpit Co. , 1611
Douglaa lrcet 072 tf
A Small stock of Drugs and Drujgists1 Fixt'wei
for sale in the live town of Wn'.crloo , NehraJti'
.K ? ° SVVc"lnK ' ' a phyalciau. Address J , U. bit
hit , tlkhorn btatlon , Neb. 7391 !
? ? ' , ? . : - feet frontage , on 13th Btrcxit cijiul
i'to J lots , with goo 1 house at ? 2l,03. A llargalu.
Hct'aguo , oppo. poktoillco. w tf
E > OU SALE-Nloe lots in Hanscom I'laco and
Ulinehaugh flaco , 476 to SSSO.on monthlv W
I'J ? ! ! ? ; B rktrAMajnB , N. E. Cor. Farnam auJ
IBtn bts. 0 5 tf
TTVOIl BALE Farm 8 rnlU s from rlty , near Uiilun
i block jonls. Inquire st Mrs llocr , o\et llc
ler B Urug titoro , leth aud Webster. 8JZ-
fTA.X' " ' - r-Partlcs having loisehiy In an ) iiiin ;
, nv if Va" "nd I'lfchaetri ' or those kniwii'K j
r. ' . . ' 9 recomjieiisecl \ > t "un-Miti. t arlsos
l'wtlieMSchujIcrNe ' i.
' 'r'rtj.whotuokthe iulr of shoo * by
hem ml'Ukefrom ' "I 1'anuuiHt. , plowntura
IY/TADAME / WONDF.II , the great fortune tci'er MI
, i,4.takc" , roomj at 111 BDuth 18lh fct. up Blair * our
" "ka- Deut 'au to 8he htr "
' lttYii : ) OK 8TOiEN-n ) Wodue . ) ay mornlnft
April 23.1 , nicedlum sized red cow with " (
' "Wl'JWMcId. ' Ilaiun udditio-iil teat. * * "
' 0 will l.0 | > ald if retume 1 to the Si.urs o Ua-
, St. JIarj'sa , nue.
t > AKENUP-/ltinyre8lduiico N , W. corner
and uarfc ttr t , one wrlto htlfcr , Owner wil
'i.e ' take her awiiy an l | > aythaigia. , „ ,
l Hull-state aud .Moitgoge Loaus.h e rimuud f'-1-
i No 1603 Furnam fctrtet , uii sta.r , room 13 , ° no
) or catt of their former IcAtion , whorutHynisy *
> fouml until completion ol their law bulldiBgft
\r\HK\\MU \ \ ) for iny case of l 'l'lithcil . !
UUUtlut cannot bo curiU by Dr. J' " * *
ouucU lllullipro\cntl ) > eaiid cure , hfudfcrlt.