Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 09, 1884, Page 5, Image 5

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11 North 10th Street Omaha
, .
A I.O aiatla. itstx-oot.
i ad year work is done for nil time
to time to come.
I ii (6tp'ro3uce ( a more tlnranle material
li ' fomtreet pavement than the
< J % * iMfLSioux | Falls G u te.
filled promptly. Samples sent and
estimates given upon application.
WH.MOBAJN & co. ,
Sioux Falls. Dakota.
Tno uta ot the term " Hno <
Line" In connection with thi
corporate nama ol a great road
com cya an Idea ot ust whit
required by the traveling pah
lie a Short Line , Quick Tinn
and the best ot occommoJi
. _ _ tlons all of which are lorn-
lined by the greatest railway in Amcrlcf.
And St. Paul.
It owns and operate ) over 4,500 mlk-a ol
Northern Illlnola , Wisconsin , Minnesota , Jowl
'Dnkoti ' ; nnd as U main lines , branches and coanoo
tlons reach all the great biulncss oautree ol thr
North * est and Far West , It naturally answers
.fleocrlptlon of Short Line , and Best Ilouto between
Chicago , Jlllwaukeo , St. Paul and Minneapolis
Chicago , Mllwau-eo , La Crosse and Wlnoni.
Olilogo , Milwaukee , Aberdeen and Kllendala
Chicago , Milwaukee , Eau Clalro and BtUlwater
Chicago , Milwaukee , Wausau and Merrill.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Bca\cr Dam and Oshkosh.
i n Chicago. Milwaukee , Wauk sha nnd Oconomoivoa.
! < < i , Chicago , Milwaukee , Madison and Prilrlodu Cnleo
0V ; ' Ohlo o , Mlltraukes , Owatonua anil Falrlbault.
' , ( a > lcico , Bololt JancavlUe and Mineral Point.
i , t Chicago , EljrhiUockford r.nJ Dubuque.
I f Chicago , Clinton , Hock Island oud Cedar lUplds.
< > ' Chlctgo , Council niuffa and Omaha.
' Cnic&go , Sioux City , Sioux Kails and Yankton
T Chicago , Milwaukee , Mitchell and Chamberlain.
I lock Island , Dubuqun , St. Paul and Minneapolis
Dm en port , Calnur , St. Paul and Minneapolis.
Pullman Olcepcra end the Finest DlnlngCarB in
world are run on the mainline * of the C KIC AGO
and every attention la paid to ua eagcra of courio
I , OU3 employes of the company. '
Oenl Manager , Utu' Pas ? . AgenJ
. : , .v.C , OKO II. UbAtTUHU ,
SI. Charles St. , Si , Louis , Mo.
. ? BKaUIvAU nilAnUAlKot two modloAl tollegci
fjt\ . has houn emragod lonror In tha treatment ol
J tban other physician in Bt. Louis , M city pipers show
Jandal'l ' old resldentii know , Consultation ( reaand
clnvitod. When It ii Inconvenient to vblt the city'lor
Ktroataunt , modlclnea can bo sent by mill or eznro.1
forerywhere. Ourablocaiea Kuaranteodwhore ; doubt
J ri llHs frankly elated. Call or writ ? .
mJNerTbiu Prostration , Poblllty. Kcntal and Phytlo
iWeakoMH , Mercurial and other nffactloiia of Thtof
y nd Mouth. Old Borua niiil Uloora ImpmU
in > oat ton rrlaJi ( Uhajmtium ,
Itoutlontxjcasca from overworked brain. UUKUIUAL.
8 < lABlCa rooolvo apoeiul "Mtfnilon. DurameiTHI
ttom lroprudcjio i Ezoomen , lii.uniuoti peroian
> < 3rT7XX333. m > rry , boDii > yno <
wby.ctuso ! , oonaaquenoM and cure , VUIUU ( or Mr-
pontwo or t mD .
' Notice to Cattle Men
i Uead of Steers Three Years Old.
. , t. tt TMQ ' *
" ' HeKeri , r o '
' Uten , Ono "
_ . , „ „ " llolftrn. Ono "
Tbe above described cattle are all well breJ low
cattle , straight , and unooth. Tli se oattlo will In
" allptsta tult uurchwerj , anil at reasonabh
For further particulars , call on oraildreig
' ft' " / & M- VATtoa
' fW ! . VfaverJy , WretnirCo , Iowa.
_ ' - "
AlMvi u
The undu/limfrl will on Saturday U y loth 1884 ,
at the bcuri o ( t o'dnrk In thoforcuoon.oderfor eil >
Mid i.ll it'PJ WH b Ten h Ht , a terUln U > ck lit
L'ro rlei , fljtwws , glaw , crockery , woituen ware and
otber miie ill wovn ( took ' ' hU sils U by > Irtuo ul
a perUlu na ta e given hjr Ilnnrv Chen an I C
in-itla the firm of IInry Olienanc
Oo.Vto Lorea Xirl'eu , Such > ale will to ronUnuei
from day t --y Ull all tt k It sold Lot ea Nelsen
U/Tauntma&dllaU Attotneyi. 8810
We hiivs nvsntcwr 8100,000.00 In < 1tfcn <
our rutnt to tbo Durham Hull an our tr * > lo-rn ,
Undoubtedly he In to-day the mo t > Mu ble Hull
In the world. Now It stand * to n-.von th t wo
couldnt | tITord to protwit htm no thoroughly If
unrrn , of which hn la tnn prencntatt\ot wann'l
tliu IIUHT MmoUliiR Tobacco ever made.
Thn Mien ef nitrlnrrll'ft Bnll Durham Rmotlnn
Tobacco fur eicccd thoea of anr oUicr brand lit
the world , nlmrljr bccauno It hia Iwon. Is , and will
ve , the best that cnu lx > madn. All dealers have It.
Look lot tnulo-uiirk ol the Dull oil every package.
m i Tmj n i in n run irni u 11 u 111 u i
the old sUnil 1117 turnim street. Orders by loll
8i i > h Bollcltcd and promptly' attai tctl to.
er Wormy Veins oCllio tcrutum or tin iki unni
ptrttil catue o/ Lost Mnnhood , Doblllty , Ae ,
qiilcklyRna fininltiityntrrtl by tlio Elastlo Crnalo *
ComtJrosBOr. iO. rtlore fitting. OlrcuUrftfe
T-B SSUBDIAIi AQEHC7 , ICO htton Ct. . Wow Tcti.
Wagon' , UuKRlca and Farm Implements Repaired en
oinicr 22d and Cummin/ street * , Omaha.
aplOdlm 3t _ 0. C. I'AUL.
Flans , specifications and estimates of cost of laying
out now or remodeling old Ian ns , priding , codding ,
etc. n ill bo turnltho 1 on application. Grower and
dealer in all kinds ol ? lo\ms , Sbrubs , Ornamental
iod Shade Tree : . Just the thing lor Cemetery or
Lawn Decoration. Green Ilouto and Nursery 23rd
Street , near Fort Omaha. Cii' Mowers nod Floncr-
ng Plants In pots for sale at all ncisonx , and any
t'lnral Designs or Bouquets made up on the shortest
notlco. Orders by mall promptly aUcndcdjto. Ad
dress I * . O. Box 695 Omaha , Neb
pookof nearly 3X ) pigci
JA , engrfcYlnfffl I * * *
rcftl ! iccrcH which
kthoultl know. Hundred , of
Debility , Kcmlnal Wtakran , etc. , lent accurt'y jelled ,
for 50 cent , ( money or poilaco lUnip , } Audreil Dr.
J. Hcluuble. Cor , Jlrouclwaj and Lucai AT , St. I/julfMo.
Belgian Boyal and U 3 , Brnll Htcnmcro
The Rhine , Germany , Italy , Hullaid and France
Steerage Outward , ? iO ; Irepald from Antwerp , 123 ;
Excursion , 810 , Including bodUlnp , etc , 2d Cabin , ? 50 ;
Round Trip , $00 00 ; Lxmrslun , 9100 ; Salooo from ? 50
to 800 ; Excursion * 110 to SI BO.
jt Tetor WrUbt & Sons , Gen , Agents 6S Bread-
way H.Y.
Caldwell. Hamilton & Co. , Omaha. P. K. niod-
min & Co. , 203 N. Ifltu Street , Cnmha ; D. K. Kim-
i > aU , OmaliaAconln. rn&n eod-ly
S. G. Corner 2d and Cuming St.
Orders will ba promptly attended to.
HomeopatMe Physician.
Hours-At Residence , No. 1443 S. 10th Street , till
10 . m. , and after 8 n. m. Hours At office , No. 1G3
and 1C5 S. 16th St. , Room 7. from 10 a. m. , to 0 p. m.
N.B. Too Tape Worm will be removed , w { bout
d rer.r. In time of from 2 to S hour * .
jir WAV or
Oil VU
Cmincctlntr In Union Depots nt Knnsiis Oily ,
OiniiliH und Dunvut wltli tliiHi'li ( trains lui
Anil all points In tlio Great West.
Connecting In Gitintl Union Depot nt Chicago
with tliroiigli trains tor
And nil Kastcrn ClUc * .
At Pcorla wltli tlnouKli tnilna lor Iiullanai ) .
oils , Cincinnati , Columbus , nnd rill jiolnts in
tliobonth.Knst , At St. I.oula wltli tlironcli
trolna for ull patina South.
Klcirrtnt Day Coachea , I'm lor Can ) , with He.
cllnliiifXJlinlrt ( BCIIU fi cu ) , Smoking Curs w Itli
Ituvolvlni ; Clmlis , I'ullmnn l'alue hlecnlna
Cars nnU the famous O. II. & Q. Dlniui ; Cnm
run dolly ti > uncl from Chicago and Kansas 01 1 y ,
Uliltngonnd Council UlutU : ClilcuKO und LHa
Jlolncs , Chicago , fit. Joseph , Atchlson nnd
Topcka without chuugo. Only throiiRli llnu
mnnlng tlicl.- own trains bitwccn Chicago
Lincoln and Denver , and O'hluigo , Kansas
City and Donvor. Thiouirh cars lot con
IniHanupolls and Coincll | Jilullu , via 1'uorla.
Solid Traliiu of KIcMiuit Day couchca nnd
rullmnn I'alacu Sleeping Cure 1110 run dally u
and from bt. Louis ; vlii Hannlbnl ; Onlncy
Kcokuk. Jluillngton , Cular HanldHimd
J.oatoHt. I'aul und Minneapolis ; I'urlor Guru
with Itocllnlng Chairs to mid li-oin St. LonU
and I'oorlu. Onlyonochangourcars lii'ttttei
3t. I.oulunnd Ic Jloincd , lo\\u , Lincoln , No
biusUu , and Denver. Colorado.
It la ulso the only Through Line l)6lw con
It U known aa the great TIIKOUGH OAI
LINK of America , und It un.iverbidly udnilt
id to bo tlio
Finest Equipped Railroad In th World for
all classes cf Travel.
Through TloUuts via thli line far ealo attu'
' ( . K. couK | > n ticket oltlcea Iu tlio United States
ma Canada.
> let-Pro
A Lincoln Mystery Cleared Up by llie
Finding of the Bofly.
Iho Drowning of Dr. Hlrloklnnil Kx.
plaint U-Capital Notes ,
Special to THK BKF
LINCOLN , May 0. Thn ausponso in
which the good posplo of this vicinity
mvo boon for nearly a truck as to the
'ftto of its well knoivn citizen , Dr. J. W.
Strickland , was rollovod in n manner this
morning by the Gnding of the body. It
will bo remembered that ho dissppearod
ast Tuesday night while watching n dam
at his Hour mills near Ilaymond. About
nine o'clock this morning George Mor
gan , a farmer in the vicinity , who 1ms
icon unremitting in hia search for the
body , discovered it about one hundred
rods below the dam. Ono foot was
caught on the brush and the rushing
waters kept the trunk swayed around so
hat it was hidden from view. It is
Jioupht that when a portion of
the dam broke the earth and do-
jris completely covered the unfortunate
doctors mid that ho was buried beneath a
jar that was formed across the stream
icar whore his lantern was picked up ,
The continually flowing watora since then
rashcd out nome of the bar , relieved the
} ody from where it was imprisoned and it
'loatod down last night to the point where
it was found. Coroner Boachloy wont to
Raymond as soon aa ho hoard the no\vs ,
ind the inquest und preparations for the
'unoral will follow in duo order.
Sunday a number of citizens of Lincoln
and vicinity joined in the search , and the
widow and son of the deceased wore on
the grounds all day.
The common council hold n regular
otttinc ! last night , the transacted no
justness of special importance except the
reading of the proposed revised or
Representatives of the Holly company
were in attendance to make' propositions
as to a system of waterworks for the
city. They visited the well in company
with members of the council to-day and
a special meeting will undoubtedly bo
called to take action on their proposals.
Harry Birkinbino , chief engineer of the
: lty waterworks company of Council
Bluffs , is also in the city. Ho is in con
sultation with the authorities as to
drawing plans and specifications for the
jroposed _ now works and .surveying
; ho iutbiidod water districts of the city.
The now Board of Education mot last
evening for the first time. Among the
ipticablo resolutions passed was ono pro-
libiting the making of presents by
; oachers to pupils or vice versa.
Hon David Butler had a temperance
alk at lied Ribbon Hall on Sunday
which was a regular Pawnee scalp
raiser ,
Tis wond'rous strange
How great the change
Since seine four years ago ,
When our own iJavo
Was than the slave
Of bmley corn you know ?
Reports of a terrible rain , wind and
kail storm around Aurora yesterday
readied this city this morning. The
railroad tracks are washed out in several
places and no trains reached Central City
yesterday. The railvny oflicials arc on
the scene with a Inrgo iorco of men and
everything will bo in apple pie order in a
short time.
I'Veo Liaml tlio Basis of Reform The
IU ? pub I lu of the Future-
America's Mission.
From the New York Herald.
The large hall of the Cooper Union was
crowded with working men last evening
to listen to Mr. Henry George , who had
been tendered a reception by the Central
Labor union , and who was expected to
make an address.
When the presiding oflicor of the meet
ing announced that Mr. George would
speak there was deafening applause , and
when Mr. George came forward thodem'
onstratlon broke out afresh. It was
some moments before the guest of the
evening could proceed. Mr. George said :
"I thank you for your warm greeting ,
but let rav , m beginning what I have to
say , express my dieaent from ono of the
principles enunciated by ono of the gen
tlemen who first spoke. I do not behove
that a great principle needs a great per
sonality , or any personality at all. I bo-
liuvo that a great principle is stronger
tliun any man , or than all men , and the
thing always to bo kept in mind is thq
principle and not the man. Those who
follow men will ho led hero and there ,
and will stumble when the leaders fail ;
but those who steer their courao by the
pole star .of truth can never go astray.
[ Applause. ] And lot mo , too , say ono
word in dutonsu of my friend , the alien
landlord. I rather like this thing of
alien dukes nnd earls coming over hero
and buying up our land by the equaro
mile. think these things will open the
yea of the American people to a prin pi-
pie that they might not see now. And
in what ia an alien landlord any worse
than a homo landlord ? If I have to
work for a man and give him my work for
nothing it matters very little whether ho
ia an American republican or an English
aristocrat. "
Mr. George then proceeded to develop
his theory , that the first thing to bo done
to solve the labor problem is to abolish
the private ownership of land and make
the land asfreo as air , whichho claimed ,
won the natural rightcif man , The speaker
then went on to describe , in a general
way , his recent visit to Great Britian ,
and told of the great spread of this doc
trine in England and Scotland. During
the course of his address ho said ;
"What is the difference whether you
make property of the man or of the land
by which ho lives ? What if Robinson
Crusoe on his island had said to 1'Viday ,
'You aio a free man , but this land belongs -
longs to mo.1 Now , as Friday had to live
on that island , would ho not have been
for the balance of his life the slave of
Robinson Criisootho man who owned the
land and nil it yielded ?
"The English mill owner can get labor
for just exactly what it coats the laborer
to live. 'J hero are on the other nido of
the Atlantic , ayo. even hero , what wt-
are pleased to call our free country ,
largo clauses of men who are worao fed ,
worao clothed and worse housed than
slave * . Chattel slavery had its horror * ,
but there nro horrors in industrial alavory
that you may see every day , by which
men are ground down body and soul
What is the reason that tltp men who
work the hardeat got the least ? What in
tljo reason that , the working class means
tie ) po6r' clMS ? These ro questions
which make ono atop and tnink.
"Tho fito is kindlt'd on the other aide
of the Atlantic nnd coino what nny it
never can go out. Every wind will fan
it. It is only necessary to begin the dis
cussion of Una question. 1' prop
erty in land only exists whcro it is con-
aldi-rul aa a matter of course. The ing-
mint the people begin to think ubout it ,
its absurdity , Its iniquity , becomes so ap
parent that it can no longer continue.
Wherever 1 have boonovor there or here ,
whether in the agricultural or the mining
districts , or in the great cities , all a mnn
need to do to sco the ollbots of this own
ership of land is to look around him.
As I told Itho Scottish people , it really
seemed to mo being n Bible reading
people they had road the good _ book
wrong , nnd instead of , 'In the beginning
the Lord created the heavens nnd the
earth , " it was the laird who had created
them , for not only the land , but the air ,
the birds cf the air , the fish in the
streams everything ii sight and
out of sight belongs to the laird. And even
the fishes in the sea belong to him ,
and n man may no more catch n salmon
than a trout. Our countryman , Winans ,
is doing ui n service ever there by help
ing the people to BCD the evils of this sys
tem n little quicker , for ho lifts made a
great doer forest extending to the North
Sea , in which no native Scotchman may
sot foot. It is land from which man haa
boon driven forth and which has boon
given back to wild boosts , and all to grat
ify n luxurioU3ariatocraoy. | And as for the
working classes In Scotland and England ,
it is strictly true that the laborer , after a
life of hard toil , has nothing but the
workhouse bcforo him at the end of hia
days. An Engliah gentleman whom I
reminded of thia aaid it vras not always
true that often the laborers died before
they reached the workhouso. " [ Laughter. ]
Mr. George proceeded to Bay thai the
talk about the proaont progress of the
present century having improved the con-
iition of all daises was not truo. In the
Did World it had driven the poor farmers
to poorer lands and crowded them into
smaller holdings. Ho narrated recent
instamos of oppression by an Irish land
owner , and said that the remedy suggest
ed from the other side was to have thcsn
poor tenants emigrate. "I say , " aaid
NIr. George , "lot the landlords emigrate ,
and that ia what the people are begin-
ing tosay. ) " A storm of applause greeted
this remark. Ho then continued :
"The land is the raw material , without
which labor can create nothing. Where
is it that wages are lowest ? Where land
is in the hands of the fow. Where ia it
that wages nro highest ? They are the
tiighoat in now countries , where land ia
oheapoat. The reason that wagea have
been higher here ia not duo to that
absurd tariff of ours. It is because wo
had here n great , wide , virgin continent
to overrun , and laud was cheaper. But
thcao opportunities are fast going from
UB and the conditions of the American
laboring man are rapidly assimilating
to the conditions of the European wprk-
ingmon. Wo prate of our republicanism
I do not think any man can RO on tin
other aide of the water and realize whal
monarchies or aristocracies are withoul
becoming a moro intense demo
crat than ever before without
feeling the hatred of monarchy that the
men of the Revolution did. And yet , "
don't think any thoughtful Anglican c"- ;
go over there and dare taunt those people
plo with their institutions. Aristocracy
Have wo not the same thing , in sub
stance ? Have wo not un titled citizens
hero who are just as much the lords ol
their fellow-men ? How can a man bo
proud of a republic in which men think il
a boon to got a fair chance , by the hard
est of hard work , to make a bare living i
A republic in which wo may road in
the paper every day of poor striving men
and women who leap into eternity to es
cape the pangs of direct poverty 1
This social question must be settled
hero just as much aa it muat be
aettlcd on the other aide. And I have
that much faith in our own people to believe -
lievo that hero is the place where it will
first be aottlcd. But the republic to live
for to die for , if need bo haa not yet
como. It will not bo a republic of ono
nation nor of several nations. It will bo
a republic that will link mankind togeth
er. Go on , workingmen of New York ,
and do your bnat in this noble caus'o.
Know this : All over the world you have
your allies nndricnda who have set before
fore them the same gravu duties nnd
high hopea. "
Mr. Oeoreo'a remarks were frequently
applauded , * nnd at the cloao ho was invit
ed to deliver n lecture at an early day tea
a masameoting of workingmen of every
class in Now York.
AVltli Regard to llliilne.
St. Louis Globe Democoat.
There are n few enquiries in connection
with the. cAndjdticy of Mr. Blaine which
it seems'to UB uhouid bo made and care
fully considered about thia time. These
inquiries nnvo a pernonal bearing , bul
they relate ulso and mainly to the inter
ests of the pirty and of the country. II
cannot bo considered offunaivo to cay thai
certain grave accusations stand agains !
Mr. Blaiiio'u good name , nnd that it haa
been found necessary for him to causa or
at least content in the making o ( . a ( for
mal defense in tl at regard within the lasl
ton days , notwithstanding the charges
were first brought eight years ajo and
answered by him in person nt that time.
Conceding those charges to bo entirely
false , malicious and calumnious , the fact
remaida that they have a timiliar degree
of vitality , as proved by the admission ol
Mr. Blaine nnd hia frienda that after
eight years , they are still sufficiently
troublesome to require an answer ol
a defensive and explanatory character.
And furthermore , admitting the eound-
ncss of this answer , from a legal point ol
view , it muat bo said that there is yet
room left for a renewal of such attacks at
nnv moment ,
The qu < 8tion is , can the republican
party nd'ord to go before the country with
n candidate for president whoso character
however pure and noble it may in fact be * ,
will have to bo defended against syste
matic nnd constant aspersion ? Allowing
that Mr. Blaine ia u paragon of integrity ,
a Ciusar'n wife of scrupulous virtuewhore
envy and malice have marked for defama
tion simply because he ia goqd and great
and splendid , can it properly bo claimci
that the republican party ought to put by
all other considerations and organic itio'l
into n force for its vindication ? It ia un
pleasant , of course , for n gifted and ambi
tious statesman to bo assailed in such n
persoveing and relentless way , but is hia
party under any logical or moral respon
sibility to neglect its own interests , com
plicate its legitimate work , and invite a
campaign of a strictly personal nature in
order that ho may bo made triumphant
ever those who have reviled and perse
cuted him ? Tlieio can bo no doubt thai
Air. Bluino'd nomination would at once
open up just such n campaign aa that. la
the republican party MI u condition to
risk it ? Would it bo wlsu , or prudent , or
practical , , tq do so ?
Jit ia to bo urged , wo are aware , Umt any
lublio mnn may bo assailed. "To find a
candidate nf whom no evil can bo said , "
declares The Now York Tribune , "tho
mi ty will have to rob the cradle or the
; rvo ; " but wo do nut think the case is
| Uitu AS desperate aa that. There nro a
lumber of woll-knoun gentlemen from
miong whom a candidate might bo erlec-
cd wluYSo chtirriclor wo ! dnwtlmvo to bo
nboriotifcly vouched for , nnd , whoso un-
ilrltinato knack cjf attracting mnlico nnd
ilftwlor would not place1 the party on Iho
IcfeliBiv'o nnd keep it there through > ut
'ho canviiss. Wo Invo not yet ronclud
ho sorry point whore men of aolf justify ,
ng integrity are BO scarce that wo must
ibandon the old-fashioned theory that n
lominop for President should have n
reputation which falsehood cannot hurt
lor scandal bring in question. There
mvo been numerous instances , to bo
urohcro prominent statesmen were
iod abnur , nnd the party nnd the country
lonorcd them no t\yithst Milling ; but in
uch instances the liua were refuted past
ill possibility of doubt were crushed
ut nt once , in fact , nnd did not survive
ight years of explanation nnd denial.
? ho stories about Mr. Blnino , if quite aa
also , hnvo not boon BO successfully ex-
toscd , uid overcome ; nud therefore the
mrallol fails.
The nomination of n man thus hindi
capped is not necessary. It is possible
not only , but easy , to find n candidate
ixgainst whom the enemy would hnvo ncith-
ir pretext nor disposition to wage n por-
onnl warfare. Would it not be infinitely
letter , safer nnd moro satisfactory nnd
creditable to cheese such n man than to
_ ; ivo the profornnco to ono , who , at least
uust bo defended , and npolngizud for , nnd
) olstorod up from first to last ? Wh.U has
Mr. Blaine done for the benefit of the
jooplo or the glory of the nation that the
Republic party should assume such n
vital risk , and put itself in such an equi
vocal attitude for hia advantage and hia
vindication ? Ho has been in the public
lorvico all hia life , practically , and what
: iaa ho over accomplished that entitles him
.0 such signal and unprecedented conside
ration ) The nmials of Congress will bo
searched iu vain for evidence of any great
work performed by him for the promotion
of the general progress , prosperity and
wollfaro. Hia name is not conspicuously
associated with any of the surpassing le-
jialstivo triumphs of the Inat twenty yours ,
which have redounded so wonderfully to
, ho material , political and moral advance
ment of the country. The were all devised -
vised and all achieved by other men ,
though ho stood constantly where chances
to thus distinguish himaolf were plainly
within his roanh.
Wo do not forgot that during hia brief
career aa aecrotary of atato Mr. Elaine
inaugurated what hia admirers' fondly
speak of n * "n brilliant foreign policy ; * '
nor do wo fail to remember that ho evolv
ed last summer an equally shining thing
in the way Of a scheme was easily ahown
to bo wanting both in orriginality and in
good sense. And yotou these two things
rest substantially nil of Air. Blaino'a
clnima to distinction as a statesman ,
nnd to support nnd gratitude as n party
leader. Are these sufficient to ofl'aot the
objections to him as a Presidential can
didate , and to warrant republicans in
pushing him forward far n place so im
portant , iu a struggle which will domain
ho best of devotion and of harmony to
insure success ! Would such n otop bi
intelligent , or discreet , or faithful
Those are pertinent questions and vita
ones A mistake in such a matter can
not bo corrected.PWhy not , then avoic
what B9 many people feel oonfidon
would prove to bo a decided and seriou
blunder by leaving Mr. Blaine nlou
with these literary pursuits which ho ha
found so ngrotuulu , and nominating fo
President some man with whom ni
aggressive and closely united light can bo
made in behalf of 'the principles of the
party , with no danger of being turnec
aside to battle for the vindication of the
candidate's private character ? In thai
way only can victory bo made certain
and victory ia what wo want a victory
for the party , without reference to the
fortunes of any particular individual.
The usniitls IliiBtonoil to their Graven
Relying on testimonials written fh viv-
i glowing language of some miraculous
cures made by seine largely pulled u ]
doctor or patent medicine has hastened
thousands to their , graves ; believing'in
their almost insane faith that the same
miracle will bo performed on them , nud
tbnt these testimonials make the cures ,
while the so called medicine is all the
time hastening them to thoirgraves. Wo
have avoided publiahing testimonials , ns
they do not make the euros , although wo
of them , of the most wonderful cures ,
voluntarily sent us. It la our medicine ,
Hop Bitters , that makes the cures. II
haa never failed and never can. Vy'p will
give reference to any one for any disease
sinnliar to their own if desired , orwllhe-
for to any neighbor , ns there is not i :
neighborhood in the known world bul
can show itH cures by Hop Bitters.
A pioinlncnt physician of 1'lttnlmrg paid tea
a lady patlont who wax complaining of her
continued 111 health , and of liU Inability to
cure her , jokingly Bald : "Try Hop liittonil'
The lady took it In oarnoetnnd unod tha Bit
tern , from which oho obtained penimnnul
health. She now laughs nt the doctor 01 Ills
Inko , hut ho Is not no well pleased with ft , M
It coat tain a peed imtlont
The fee of doctors is nn item that very
many persons are interested in Wo believe
liovo the schedule for visit n ? 3OC
which would tax n man i-aa d to h
bud for a year , and in ueo d ofd ally via
it , ever § 1.000 a year for modoul attendance
dance alone ! And ono single bottle ol
Hop bitters taken in time would snvo the
81.000 and nil the year's sickness.
"Oh , how I do wish my ekln was aa clour
nnd aoftaayoura , " said ft lady to her friend
"You can easily ir.nko It BO , " answered tlio
frlond. "Howt" Inquired the fint lady. "JJy
using Hop Jilttorfl that inakcn nuro , rich hlood
and blooming health. It did It for mo on you
observe. "
"Is it possible that MrAQodfroy is up
and at wort , and cured by ' elmplo a
remedy ? "
"I aenuro you it ia true that ho ia en
tirely cured , nnd with nothing but Hop
Bittere , nud only ton days ago hia doctors
gave him up and said ho muat die , from
Kidney and Liver troubles ! '
GlPdli1 ! ? Ofi rFfl'Nnl'rU
pialTfili JLUJMJcjiVj
We make * very fine Huht htrne ,
wnyaou lioiiJ a lull line ol Horse
Combi , llrjulios , etc.
Ho , 116 N , 16tb St - Omalia
ALIHT , lO'lTnutbiitrott , Lstwotn i'tiunu tad Jt *
key , vit , unn ta Bid of Kfi3Un iptrlti ,
jr. ) ona gnaixi ol en pa * and pj * tm. va'l th
vrwin oondltlou In tug iltuio. U'xu ant Uc.i
ir.t.l mder. i'eifoot vatwtctlo
The Largest Stock in Omalia and Makes the Lowest Prices'
Just received nn assortment far surpassing Anything in thU market , comprising
lie latest and most tasty doslgnn manufactured for thin apring'o trade and covering
range of pncoa from the Cheapest to the most Expensive.
Parlor Goods Draperies.
omly for the inspection of cns- Complete stock of nil thn Ulesb
tomors , tlio newest. novoHi's in styles iu Turcoman. Madras nnd
Suits nnd Odd Pieces. Lnco Curiums , Etc. , Etc.
Passenger Elovator'Jto all Floors.
1300,1808 nud 1210 Fnnmm Street , - - - - OMAHA , NEB
Boina Victorias , Eopecialos , Roses in 7 Sizes from 560
to $120 per 1000.
Grapes , Thistle , Lawrence Barrett , Caramels , New Stan
dard , Good Advice , New Brick.
. . . . , " * .iVTW-Vl > ' < ri " '
Proprietor. Superinend-Lt
maha iron Works
" .
> - * P
i m\\ \ \ Elevator Machinery
Celebrated 'Anchor ' Brand Dufour Bolting Cloth
* , ii
' 11 ill
O . > r }
i vJ
"Wo ore prepared to iurnish plmw mid eBtinuiteH , nud will contract fo
the erection of Flouring Mills mid Grain Elevators , or for cliniigm
Flouring Mills , from Stone to Hie Holler System ,
SST'EspGcial attention given to furniaiiing Power Plains for ouy i ur
pose , nnd estimates made for same. Uonyvarmiicliinory repairs attentln
to promptly. Address
EICHA.EDS & CLARKE , Omba , Neb n
103 BRADY ST. , DAVENPORT , lOWA.Uj B. A , KstablUheJ lgV8 Catarrjf ,
Deafness , Lung and Nervous DlscMriKSptodily niul PonnnumUy Citrcil. Pu , i
Cured at Home. Write for "Tas Muiuo/.L-JTis-sioNAnY , " for tha People ,
maultfttlou nnd Ooniuspondeitco Grc.iit. P , O B > r JU2 Tclephoito No ,
IION , EUWAUD RUE8ELL , PoBtm t r Davewvnrt , sayo :
uca ADtilty aua ttarkna Sucocsu. " CONGRESSMAN " "
' . > r"