Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 09, 1884, Page 2, Image 2

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For Neuralgia
For Nonrnlgm ,
For Nonrnlgin
For Rheumatism
For Rheumatism
For llhaumaiism
For Rheumatism
For a Lame Back
For * njjiune Back
For n Lnmo Bnok
For a Latno Back
Doctor Thomas' Eclcctric Oil
Doctor Thomas' "Eclectric Oil
Doctor Thomas' Edectric Oil
Doctor Thomns1 Eclcctric Oil
-FOSTER , MILBURN & CO. , Props. ,
Buffalo. N. Y
021 South ISUi , betw * JncVson and Jones Bit.
Job Woik n Uooflnp. Guttering , Etc. , promptly
Or , Amelia Burroughs ,
1617 Dodse. . St. , - Omaha ,
nan Just reorlvod a full line ol Importot F ncyl8ult-
log * il P ntaloous ol the latest tj lo J Also
guarantees flao fittings and Una trimming ) . ,
at Lowest Price. AIM Cleaning Dyeing
and Repairing. 8. E. Corner IBth
and Davenport Street *
As trfwiiiliiftoala tt tanliluflkror.novvNivTfttt
dUardcrt fifth. Dlrrtlh. Orctnl A f.w dropi Impart dallcta flATOt
U gU . f chtrapt , . , ! U 111 num. * drink * Trj II. and
. r.
6j stems ,
' HUflcrintrfrora agon
| oral uant of toneanil
Its usual ooncomit.j
ants , djipejisla and
iicrvopsncss , la eel-
\ dom derivable from
* the < use ot a nour-
X , . lshlnt ( diet andstlm-
i u I of appetite , un-
S > aided. A medlclno
i that will effect a ro-
1 moval ot tboBpoclDo
obotacloto rcnewtd
health andvlgor that
In a genuine "orroo-
f tlveUtborealnfe ,
this grand requirement
mont which makoi
Hsatettor' Stomach
V > > * Bitten so cflontlre
M an InvlJoraut. ' or sale by all Drugging and deal-
rt generally.
' Ounrib IiOBS
i OF MANLY VIGOR , Bpermatom
Jhoja.eta , whoa all other feme
Idles fall A. tvrt guaranteed.
S 1.60 ft bottle , large bottle , foui
" quantity. 5. BT ex
my addrori * . Sold b ;
alldruirglsts. EKGUSH MEDI
OAT , INSTITUTE , Proprietor * , 718 Olive Street , St
r-oula , Mo.
"I have sold Slr.Astloy Oooper'i Vital Reitorativi
OTVuars. Every ctutomer speaks highly of It. I
nbenlutuiglyoDdoraeltM romedv ot true merit'
" 0. V GOODUHr. TirnfMr1 *
e > .l 1333.
Has one of the largest and finest assortment of
Spring and Hummer Uocdi for Suitings and Trowscr *
Ings. All garment i Roaraitcod to fit and trlmmod
with th Best Trlmmlnzc. MV PllIOEl AllB LOWER
thin any Merchant Tailor la the city. 1MH farimm
"llerllck'i roo4 for Urmti l , i
ftTcduaor llrci , " wrllcl
yvTT r Mlbottr , U.U. ,
tjiCklttnlU. . Bold by
f W all dr sliti. J'rlo.
< u > D411 emu. Hent
Iff Will lor kiaount lu
nulcklrcured brthorlVJAL.UpKlUOD. AilopU'flnoil
tliollOlrJTAI-i ) OKl'IAt.OliTumpliTtuniof VIQO1C.
BlmplucJuaA.UJtogO , beTerooncN.eiituft1. rae > | > litetFn .
xiutfltft > lcitcAlaVAjrcnvr. ! JOOlulUinlit. owYork.
R. RfiSOQN' '
Fhmnlx Aaauratioo Oa , ol ix > ndon,0uh
Aweta W.8M.69LO
WMtcnwter.H.Y. , Capita ) 000,000.0
* Verchanto , o ! Nowwk. JJ. J. , Capital 1,276,000.01
rjlrardFiro , I'ldbviclitla , toltal l.MO.OW.OI
ritamen' * rand. Oat Ul , l.mne.OI
t Mention , Discovery or Design ,
Re-issuos and oitontions filed , and ap <
peals noted.
Beat reference * . Beuonahlechanres. Wrl'etoMr'io
KYDK BMITU Jr. , 018 "It. " Ht. , N. W. WaslilnKton
D a
All klsdJ ol Bread , Fane ; Cakei and Pie * mtantli
on band ,
. . , , . ,
PhyaicMfrin flsd Surgeons
"ViT et DEL t ; o cl
H r 8otOa i. Cillon or addrew He. or lira
' a } . WWPJtKlCK , CIS South lOUi ttrost.
Pass thtbutttr ecnllr , Mabol ,
Bbovoltllghtly through the air )
In the wrner of the dish , love ,
You will find ft nulbrown hair.
What fond mem'rloslt annkeni
i Ofthedays o'rewowcrowcil ,
When upon my fine coat collar
Oft was laid your Illtle hcnd. , it
InthoImppyOaysRoneby ;
Now iBtrlkothcmcvcrym'vM Unit
'Mn QIC butter or Hit r.le
ouraj'H llorfxs Jtncv.
A DUAlll *
In 1K74 , when tlm Ulcs niul Nn
wore not , wArrinK vllh r.u-h othrr or'ciu-
ployed in imofttiKntlng the finnncw with
wliicli the vhilo man's ficalp wns attached ,
llipy lcr < iloil thcnnohci to horsc-rnclug ,
l ctUng lilaiikct.s , jxinlc.s mid tliulrsqimws
even upim the result of the contents. .Now ,
nfllmugh there is no hnrsu llrsh in the
world that rail IraxsntMo ] ) ony lichintl
( then climbing rnn h anil rugged moun-
( nin trails or linldin ontlur Jonj ; journeys.
they are not , rcuwifrkulily fust runners on
level ground , tin , liowoxor inortilyiiif : the
confrssion was , after > vwk nl' daily racia
the Utca wcro obliged to acUnotvlidKi'thnt
their horscn wrre inferior to those ot' the
Kavajocs ; but by the tinio they were con
vinced of this fact. Uie whnio tribe were
nearly bankrupt Tlic NuVHJoMgiilhercil
up their spoils and di juried for their tents ,
Ythilotho Utes wrnt , lo Oiirny Avith their
tale of woe. H.ipcnaro , Khnvino and Co-
jee were all heavy lowers , uut nt tlw coun- '
ell \\hich Ouniy railed could suggest no
plan to retrieve their losses , cxeejit to fol
low the victorious Xaxajocaand liy force
deprive tlicm of their Iraoty. To this prop
osition Ouniy would notniscnt , saying that
CucV. a deed Mould slain the name of their
tribe , find dismissed the tG..iicll , tcllhu ;
the Utts to chnllcnge the Kavnjoes to an
other scries of races two montlm from that
time , Scilfiu1)cr ] , lS7)iiil ) ] ( hou > u Id attend
to the rest. Through H. P. Jtond , the
agent , Ouray having raised $1,500 , by the
sale of Homo of Ills stock , hcnt to St. Louis
and purchased a Jfcmbrino racer , n bay ,
find had him brought to his house. At
the expiration of the two months the Navn-
joes came down , bringing with them their
best racer , one who hnd won eight races in
the former contests , aud called " \Vachita by
the Natajocs. Ouray caused it to bo given
nr.t that lie had brought n pony from
Utah to contest the races , and thoNavajocs
; vero on the tip-too or expectatton as no
was brought forth. When the blnnkcta
( with which ho was covered from head to
foot ) were removed , and painted all over
to present the appearance of ft half-starved
pony , the bay appeared , n shout of deris
ion rent the air from the throats of the
Navnjoes , and they began to bet odda
( three blankets against ono and the like )
against his winning. The Utes said noth
ing , but , instructed by Ouray , took every
bet that was offered , oveu if they risked
their last blanket. The course used by
them was about three miles long , ft level
mesa. Wnchitn was ridden by his owner
and the bay by the son of Sapavanuro.
The word was given , and the horses started
amid an anticipating shout of victory from
Iho Navajocs , which quavered away into
a groan as they saw their favorite beaten
by a neck as they crossed the lino. The
close race made them think the defeat of
Wachitn was duo to the bad riding of his
owner. In the twinkling of nu cyo ho was
pulled off by a dozen bands , and Math-o-
kan , a sub-chief of the Navnjocs , put on
the back of Wnchitn. This time the bet
ting was heavier than at first , the Utea bet
ting eagerly and the Navajoes desperately.
Sapavannro's boy gave the bay his head
mid ho came across the line nearly n quar
ter of a mlle ahead ofWuchita. ThoNn-
vajocs wcro "busted" and the "Uteswere
rich. They had not only recovered what
, hpy had before lost , but their tepcca were
lllcd with blankets and buffalo robes ,
ivhilo each Navnjoo was the poorer by n
jony. So completely "broke" were they
.hat the Iltcs tell witlt glee how they rode
o their homes , some riding double and
ithers walking. This incident greatly in-
rcfscd Ouray's influence over his tribe ,
ud cati icd all of them to look up to him
as a wise man.
Iho proof it the pudding la not ( n chewing
ho string , but in hn\lnK an opportunity to
oat the article direct , Hchrotor & Bocht , the
DrureUta , have a free trial battle of Dr. Bo-
nanko a Couch mid Lung Syrup for each and
very ono who is aflllctod with Coughs , Colds ,
, Consumption or any Lung Affection.
Born of n Uonday ,
Fair efface ;
Jlorn of a Tuesday , .
FullofClod'agTACO !
Horn of a Wcdueadnj' ,
' Ucrry aud clad ;
Born ofa Thursday
Bouraudtiad ;
Horn of Friday ,
Godly given !
Boru Ola Saturday.
\VorlclorallTiiig ;
Born of a Sunday ,
> Never shall want ;
And the end ou'U
The glory ot n man is lux strength , If yoi
are weakened down through excosslvo atudy
or by early Indiscretion , A lion's Brain Tooi
will ponnanontly restore all lost vigor , one
strengthen all the miiBcloa of Brain and Body
81 i 0 for SS.-'All drni > M tn
\\liatiBlIeultliriiI Kxcrclso ?
This is a question wo propounded to one
Of our leading physicians yesterday. H (
did not answer us ( tpecifleally. "A man it
n sedentary occupation , " mild the doctor
"ought not to take \lolent exercise. Hxcr
else , like everything else that Is good shoult
bo taken in moderation , That is the oh
jection to rowiugnnd kindred amusements
They are not healthful because carried t <
excess. Horseback riding is good exercise
so is walking. But whatever the form of
excersiso do not pursue it to extremes. "
There is n deal of ncnao in what Uio doctoi
says. Nearly all the great pugilists , has ;
lull and oarsmen , pedestrians , athletes am
men who are xpccially trained for cxtrnor
dinary feats of physical endurance , brcal
down early. Tlioy exhaust their stock of
vitality prematurely. It is the nutura
development that ifi the most enduring
What men need in every pursuit in life ii
" tayiug powers , " tenacity , longevity am
avencKS of muscular growth , tiuddcu spurti
of strength impinge lightly upon cither thi
economic or moral results of life. For thi
reason wo may prudently accredit tha
rule the best witch commands to us a mod
crate amount of physical exercise , am
regular intervals us regards time aud qua !
Ity. Coasting , base bail , pcdcslrlanism nr
none of them necessarily unhealthy. Oi
the contrary they are Healthful , and n do
llghtful combination of recreation and phy
steal development But Jiow few use then
wisely as tools for this purpobe i The grca
majority indulge to excess. The excite
mcnt of the conU'ht , the fierce require
incuts of rivalry , and the potency of exam
pie , carry the enthusinm to a high pitcli
aud the physical frame is taxed to an in
jtirious degree. *
No f no pcrboii denies the \aluo of food
It is c&scutlal to1 life. It is possible to liv
without exercise ; U is not po&siblo to liv
without food. Aim yet * fn imm were t
partake offoodnrlieaomctliupartakes o
exercise bo viould bo tccoinilcd a eel ; foi
if ho fasted two or three . ; ; < . .ml ihci
gorged himtelf with nil he count cat , h
would bo n speedy patient fur the pliysi
clan. And yet , in so doing , ho would onlj
be stepping into u parallel niche with tin
man who takes rest and exercise in ubou
that poition of time and intensity.
The r.M-buildlng of physlcial ruanhooc
and womanhood ft one ot the great prlvil
* Rfr Jid ilntlwi of every human life. Tb
"ll .re not only of indltidimU but of nn-
Ul < n dcpendd in large meawro upon the
' rfiadom of the rifliuK and futur * generations
in Uils rc. ipcct. Nature bnild * up by n
slow but continnotu proecns. Tl e T fleU-
tlon that uprlngs up in a night itcorapM-
lively valucle/M. The wood of t * dy ad
nninlcrnptcd growth hwi th be t fit * *
Exercinc , nghUr tuiod , U a eltment of
bumnn physical deTeloprdtnt WroBjpritll | '
or immoderately n * d it in a tan .
'AnRORturn Hitters do not only di tln
gulsh thomcohofl by their flavor nnd ammntlc
ixlor nlxnoall others Ronornlly used , but they
are also a Hiiro pro\cntiva for nil dlncnsen orift-
Inntlng from the dlgosti\ nrgnfii. Beware if
cmmtorfcitK. Auk your grocer or dnigglnt for
the gonulno article , manufactured by lr , .T.
O. B. Sicgcrt & Bom.
Ktiqnot of Conversation.
I Do not contradict. In rr.nklng ft corree *
lion say , "I beg your pardon , but I bad a *
impression that it was so aud so. " Bo care
ful in contradicting , as you may bo wrong
Bo not , bo unduly familiar : you will
merit contempt if you arc. Neither should
you bo dogmatic in your assertions , arro
gating to yourself much consequence in
your own opinions.
Do not be too lavish in your prm o of
various members of your own family when
spcatyug to strangers ; the person to whom
you are speaking may know borne Ciults
that you do not.
Do not feel it incumbent upon yourself
locarry your point in conversation. Should
( lieperson with whom you ate coiucrsing
feel the wine , jour talk will lead into violent
lent argument.
Do not nllow yourself to use personal
abuse when speaking to another , as in so
doing you may make tliat person n life-
eng enemy. A few kind , courteous words
night ha\o made him a life-long friend.
Do not discuss politics or religion in
cncrul company. You probably would
tot convert your opponent and bo will not
convert you. To discuss those topics is to
tirouso feeling without any good result.
Do not makonparado of being acquaint
ed with distinguished or wealthy people ,
of having been to college , or of having
\isited foreign lands. All this is no evi-
leueo of auy real genuine worth on your
> art.
art.Do not use the surname alone when
speaking of your husband or wife to others.
L'o say to another that "I told Jones , " re
ferring to your husband , sounds badly.
Whereas , to say , "I told Mr. Jones , " shows
respect and good breeding.
Do not yield to bashfuluess. Do not iso-
,1(0 ( yourself sitting back in ft corner , wait-
ug for some ono to come and talk with
rou. Step out ; have something to ay.
Though you may not say it well , keep on.
fou will gain courage and improve. It is
ismncti your duty to entertain others ! t
theirs to amuse you.
Do not attempt to pry into tbo private
flairs of others by asking what their prof
it ) are , what things cost , whether Melissa
over had n beau , and why Amaretto never
ot married't All such questions are cx-
.rtmely impertinent , nnd are likely to meet
with rebuke.
Do not whisper in company ; do not en
gage in private conversation ; do not speak
foreign language which the general com-
laiiy present may not understand , unless
t is understood that the foreigner is unable
.0 speak your own language.
Do not take it upon yourself to ndmou-
sh comparative strangers on religious
epics ; thoporsons to whom yon speak may
invo decided convictions of their own in
opposition to yours , and jour o\er-zeal
may seem to them nn impertinence.
Do not aspire to bo ft great' Htory-tcllcr
an inveterate teller of long t-tories be
comes very tiresome. To tell cue or two
witty , short , new stories , appropriate to the
occasion , is about all that one person should
inflict on the company.
Do not indulge in satire ; no doubt yon
are witty , and you could say n most cutting
thing that would bring the laugh of the
company down on your opponent , but you
must not nllow it , unless to rebuke some
impertinent fellow who can be suppressed
in no other way.
Do not spend your time in talking scan
dal ; you sink your own moral nature by
so doing , and you are , perhaps , doing great
injustice to those about whom you talk.
You probably do not understand all the
circumstance * . Wcro they understood , you
would doubtless bo much more lenient.
Do not flatter ; in doing so you embar
rass those upon whom you bestow praise ,
as they may not wish to offend you by re
pelling it , and yet they realize Uiat if they
accept it they merit your contempt. You
may , however , commend thc r work when
ever it can truthfully bo dorrc ; but do not
bestow praise where it is not deserved.
Hereford's Acltl Phosphate ,
In Debility ,
Dr. W , H , Holcomo , Now Orleans ,
La. , Bays : ' 'I found it an admirable rem
edy for debilitated state of the system ,
produced by the wear and tear of the
nervous energies "
"Wit and Humor ,
A young lawyer in Arkansas , having
had n case decided against him by the
court , said : "Well , now I'll'just ' take thie
rase before another judge , and let him
tnako n guess what the law is , too. "
Mamma : "Well , Johnny , I shall forgive
you this time , and it'n very pretty of you
to write n letter tosay you'io ' borry.r
Johnny : "Yes , Mo. Don't tear it up please. "
Mamma : "Why not ? " Johnny ; "Because
it will do for the next time. "
A man told his friend that bo had joined
the army. "What regiment V his friend
asked. "Oh I I don't mean that. I menu
the array of the Lord. " "Ah ! w hat church ? '
"Tho Baptist. " "Why , " was the icply
"that's not the army. It's the navy. "
A Baptist Weekly tells the story that
while n collection was being taken up foi
tbo church debt in a Now York congrcga
tlon , the choir waa set to hinging , and thi
German tenor surprised the people will
an unexpectedly apt solo : "Und zo deb
shall be raised in 20 twinkling of an eyo.1
llcforo Fanny Fern married Janies Par
ton , she wrote in n description of Broad
way , "Hero conies Samuel 1'arton , win
doesn't believe in the devil. " George D
Prentice , of the Louiuvillb Courier Journal
copied it subsequently , and added : "All
Funny , tliat was oeforo lie was married. "
' 'Sir , " said an astonished landlady io i
traveler who hud sent his cup forward tin
seventh time , "Yon must bo fond of coffee.1
"Y , madnin , I am , " lip replied , "or I nova
should hiuo drunk so much water to get i
little. "
A gentleman who once called at hi
rooms in "Washington , waa told by hi
young negro servant ; "Massa Sumncr , b
gone to do Bcnato to make him speech :
"What speech ? " asked the gentleman ii
surprise. "Why , dut ar speech he's beci
hollering out in bed cbcry morning dcs
free weeks. "
A story is told of General Butler's eat
castle retort upon n Massachusetts jtulg
when ho was teasing for a ruling fivvornbl
to n cause ho was defending in court , Tlr
judge iot ; out of patience at last , and some
what testily exclaimed : "Mr. Uutlcr , who
do you think I sit here for ? " The Genera
iiutetly shrugged his shoulders and replied
"The Court has got mo now , "
A young woman from Springfield , Mass
teaching the Indians , at Hampton , Ya
was drilling n company of girls on th
hymn , "Yield not to Temptation. " and try
ing to explain to them the meaning of th
\\ords. Borne time after the class woe die
mifeficd a pupil catuo to her aud sold , "Mi
victory { ' 'meaning that oho had gained )
victory , lleiug asked to explain , she said
"Indian girl , she big temptation to wo ; ;
rv > yield ; I light her. "
Vormtn on Stock.
Ono of Uiemoflt serious drnwbAclca I hnrl
10 encounter on entering the bosinwa of
Arming , WAS beginning with nMock of cat-
Lie rev ml nlln vermin. To inch nn ex
tent hod the thing gone , that enough hod
Uken np their bode in Uie woodwork
about the tie-up nnd stanchion * , so that an
animal which WM introduced free from
lice would noon become badly infested , nnd
would run down in llaih nnd become poor.
To remedy Uio evil I had recourse to n
; re < \ \ariclyofcxpedienla nnd remedies ,
nith various rcflnlta. Tobacco water , pro
duced by tailing Uie stems of refuse tofx\c *
co , or by soaking it in water for nevcral
days , WM the remedy generally used about
here for the purpose. The objections I
found to Uils were , Uxvt it WM extremely
disagreeable to prepare nnd apply , nome-
Limcs made Uicanimals lck , and often did
ita work imperfectly. Sometimes when it
seemed to bo strong it failed to kill them.
011 nnd greneo put upon tbo hcnd and ,
shoulders , and well-rubbed in , would gen
erally kill them , but it was quite n job to
do it effectually , aud was liable to aorne
other objecUouB. It was never n favorite
remedy with me. Mercurial ointment WM
tffcctunl but dangerous to the nulmnls if
placed on nny part of th body thnt tbej-
wuld lick. I ouce lost n valuable calf , nnd
liavo known others to lose valuable nuimala ,
by its carclew use. Effectnnl , but it should
not bo recommended forgcnernl use. Ker
osene WAS used , but unlcsa considerably
diluted removed Uie hair , ; aud if much
weakened failed to kill them , aud will
aevcr prove A satisfactory remedy. Dust
ing with rend dust or any Mich line mate
rial being the remedy npplied by wild aui-
malt in Uie natural state , did n good buai-
new. I once made them scarceby , dusting
with flue ground plaster of Paris. All the
remedies named , with n great many others ,
were tried ; the woodwork was while-
washed c\ cry whore to kill such as were
living in the barn ; yet with all my euro
nud'remedies ' , they Mill managed to propa
gate themselves in such numbers as to se
riously interfere witli the growth of the
stock , nnd render the profits exceedingly
small. * Itseemcd , , niter a number of years
of warfare , M if it were to remain a perma
nent evil.
At ono of the agricultural convention
lield in Manchester , ! met Mr.T.'L. Goodale ,
of Maine , at that time state chemist , who
lold mehow to inako n good nrticlo of car
bolic soap , stronger and better than thnt
sold for Uie purpose , and much cheaper ,
which would bo sure death to all parasitic
neects which infest domestic animal * ,
rrhich proved to bo of great' Ujo tome , as
[ have not had any trouble from vermin of
Jie kind since.
It was mndo as follows : Put common
3or soap into a pan containing n little
water , then heat until melted down ; Uion
wld carbolic acid crystals , which may bo
lad of any wholesale druggist , at n low
irico by the pound ( I bought n bottle for
X ) cents ; ) ndd nt least ono ounce of acid to
each pound of soap used , there is no dang
er if used stronger , and it is advisable to
odd a little more than I have named. To
educe the crystals to h fluid state remove
.ho cork from the bottle , place in water
aud heat the-water , when it may be easily
loured out and mixed with the soap.
When oool , a strong suds made with this
ioap will bo mire death to nil insects whick
live on domestic animals ; will cure malign ,
barn-itch , and all cutaneous diseases , aud
makes n cheap aud effectual sheep dip.
When cattle are hide bound , or Uie hair
does not nppcar bcnlthya wash of thcmuls
will prove a decided benefit , and it is
: lcansmg and healing in % lS ? of Bores. It
is valuable in the poultry house ; with a
nnall force pump such jgomnny people
liave , the inside may bo wet down two or
tinee times n year , makjju * vcrfaiu on the
fowls an impossibility. '
A soap of this kind should find a place
on nllwell-regulftted premises. It is n good
disinfectant , is cheap , afe nud effectual ,
and will bA useful fora , great variety of
purposes , i have cotnHcmicatcd this so
that if nny o/ your rcads have domes
tic animals suffering from vermin they
may safely nnd eomly i < rtl them of theii
presence. ITon. War\fTfBrowH. \
The aggregate cost of the several bridges
that span the Mississippi River from
St Louis to St. Paul has been $20,573,000 ,
ranging from $120,000 for the one at Pjai-
rie du Chien to § 11.573,000 for that at St
Louis. The annual tolls upon the mer
chandise crossing the river upon these
bridges is officially stated to amount to
$2.803,725 , or nearly 10 } per cent , upon the
original cost.
The owner of ft palr _ of bright eyes says
the prettiest compliment she ever received
, came from n child of four years , who , after
looking intently nt her , inquired uaiveiy :
"Aro your eyes new ones ? "
Piles ore frequently preceded by a sonBo ol
Weight in the back , loins nnd lower port of the
obdoinoncauMnc the patient to suppose ho hat
Bomo affection of the kidnoya or neighboring
organs. At times , eym torna of indigestion
are present , as flatuoncy , uneasiness of the
stomach , etc. A molstcro like perspiration ,
producing a Aery disagreeable Itching particu
larly at nght ] fter getting warm in bed , ite
very common attendant. Internal , xtornal
and Itching Plod \lolit nt nnco to the a ppliciv
tion of Dr. Bosanlco'aPilo Remedy , which neb
directly upon the parts affected , nbsorblng the
tumors , allaying the intense itching , and ef
fecting a permanent euro where other rnmo
dies have foiled. Do not delay until the drafr
on the syatom produces permanent disability ,
but trv it and bo cured. Schrotor & Bccht.
"Trade supplied by 0. F. Goodman. "
A chccrAil eountcnar > to is nearly as peed
for nn invalid as healthy weather. To uiakt
n sick man think ho h dying , nil that it
ucccbsary 13 to look half dead yomsclf.
llorr JTH of Mineral Poisoning.
"I have bocn poisoned with Mercury nni
Potash ! " U the tale of thousands who writf
our physicians in regard to treatment o !
Blood aud Skin diseases , nnd It would scon
that whut they say must bo true , for it I
"with ono accord. " If you have boon poi
soiled In this way or have any blood or skb
disease or cancer , send to us for Treatise 01
Blood and Hkln diseases which will bo mallet
THE SWIIT SPECIFIC Co , , Drawer 3 , Atlanta
It Is not the promises a man makes , bu' '
HIQ number ho keeps , thai gives him. n po
si tlon among lespootable people.
" 'Tis a sot ot features , a complexion
The tincture of n skin that I admire , "
In using Pozzonl's complexion powder ,
1'alrest charms vou will mxiuiro
warrnntcd to wear longer , ll
i farm neater , ami Kraielt \ *
Iiftctlon tban iuy uilier Cotv.
tha market , or lirlco | '
rorundeU. Tbauidon.M
tVT t3ilc go' Uit pliytlclari
uchporwt. 1'rloe. lU.t riuUcn Juiu ,
a , VI Ml A k yuurnirn-banKorthrju.
uiKturcn , 1
i > t\ *
v OP TIlE INTEHIOn , Offlc * cl
JL/ Indian Affairs , Waililnclon , April 13 , 1881
Sealed propo'ils , Indorsed "l'ro | > o < uii ( or Deer' ( ol cU
for beef mmt tie suhtnltttd ( n § * | irate enrolopcs , }
Ilacon. Flour , Clothing , or Transportation , &a , ( ai
the cassmay be , ) anil directed to the Cominlsslnet
of Indian Alfilrs No * . 05 and 07 Woontcr street , N < - ,
Yrtk , will bo received until 1 p. M. of Tuesday , ' j. . .
17 , 1894 , for furnishing for the InclHn umlcn , , ] „ „ .
520,000 pounds Dacon , 83,000,01.0 poundii I f on the
hoof , 100.000 | x > und Deans , 45OiO po'4nd , juklna
Powder , 780,000 pounds Corn , 460,000 counds Ooffce.
7,100,000 pounds Hour , 70,000 rof.nus Kccdi mooo
pouni'n Hard Ilread , .COO poVjjs itomlny , 18,0t
pounds Iard. 700 Urrtls tncm vwk , 180,00 pounds
Illce , 7,600 pounds T-u , lOOftiound * Tobacco ,
220,100 pounds Salt , lWooopoutidsSoapB,000 pound *
Soda , 850,000 poum'j 8ujar ( , and 40,000 pounds
V > heat
Also , Dlanltcts , Wookn and Cotton Ooods , ( con-
rlitlng | ri part of licking , SO 000 jarili ; Standard
Calico , 135,000 jardij Drilling , 0,000 tirds ; Duck.O
free from all filing , 0,000 j tds : Denlu.s . , 17,00
jatds ; Olneham , H 0,000 jartls ; Kentucky Jeans ,
28,000 yards Cheviot. 4.COO jards ; Drown Shcctlnit
176,000 jards : llleachcd Shcctlnif , 15.000 jards ;
Hickory Shilling 10,000 jards ; Calico Shlrtlnc ,
0,000 jar Is ; Wlnscy , 1,600 janls , ) Clothlu ? , Oro-
cerlcs , Notions Ilarow are , ilcdlcal Supplies , School
Hooks , Ac. a lonir list of mlsccllanlous articles ,
such as Harness , Plows , lUkcs , Forks , ic. , and for
about 476 W | rons required for the fmlco. to bo
dcllvrrol at Chicago , Kansas City , and blouxCity.
Alw for such Warans aj may bo required , ndapted
to the dlmato of the Pacific Coast , with California
Brakes , delivered at San Francisco ,
Also , transpoitation for such of the articles , Roods ,
and supplies that may not bo contracted for to bo
delivered at the Agencies.
Schedule * khqulnjt the kinds and iiuallttcs of
subslsunco supplies required for each Agency , and
the kinds and quantities In ere % of all oihongoods
and art Iclos.tojcthcr with blank proposals , conditions
to bo obscncd by bidders , time and pluco of delivery
term * ol contract and pa } mcnt , transportation routes ,
and all other necessary Instructions will bo furnished
upon application to the Indian Ofllco In Washington ,
or Nos. 05 and 07 Wooatcr Slrect.New York ; Wui II.
LOtiNo,4B3 Ilroadnny , New York ; the Commls.
arles of , U. 8. A , nt Cboycnuo Chicago -
cage , Lcavcnnorth , Omaha , balnt Ixiuli , Saint I'aul ,
Sati Francleco , and YaMkton ; the Postmastsr at
Sioux City , and to the I'ostirnstcrs at the following
named places In Kan , as : Arkansas City , DurlliiRton ,
Oddwcll , DodgoCltv , Kinpotla , fcurcka , Urcnt
IlcnJ , Howard , Ilutchlnson , Lurncd , Mo Phcraon ,
Marlon , McditJno Lodge , Nont3ii , Osage City , Sedan !
Stcrllnir , Topeka , Wtliiiigton , Wichita anil Wlnflcld
llldi wll toorcncdat the hour and day above
stated , and blddciH are Invited to bo present t the
All bids must bo accompanied by certified checks
upon lomo United States Depository or the First
l < atlonal Bank at Los Angeles , Cal. , for at lease fl\o
per cent of tliu amount of tro proposal.
II. 1'IUCE , Commissioner.
Chicago. . St. . Paul , "Minneapolis and
The now extension ol this line from Wakefield up
through Concord and Coleridge
. ,
Ileaches the best portion of the State. Special ex
cursion rates for land icckcra over this line to
Wayne , Norfolk and Hartlngton , and \Ia Dlair to all
principal polr.ts on the
Trains over tht 0. , St. P. it. & O. Railway to Cov
ngton , Sioux City , I'onca , Haitlngton , Wavno and
Norfolk ,
or Fremont , Oakda o , Nollgh , and through to Val
fS"Soi rates and all Information call on
P. B. WHITNEY , General Acent ,
Fifteenn Ball Fool , Carom ,
18 South 3d Strcctst. Louis , Nil Delaware Street ,
Kansas City. Mo. , 1321 Douglas St. . Omaha , Neb.
or Catalogues and Price Lists.
Western Cornice-Works ,
Hit Douglas St. Omaha , Neb.
Galvanized Iron Cornices
fliTDormor Windows , Flntalf , Tin , Iton and Slate
ItuollDg , Spccht's Patent Metallic Skylight , latent
adjusted Itatchct Bar and Bracket Shelving. I am
the general agent for the above line ot goods. Iron
fencing , Greetings. Balustrade ) , Verandas , Iron Bank
Railings , Window Blinds , Cellar Guards ; alto genera
agent for Fccrson & Hill's 1'atcnt Insli'e Blind.
THIS BCLTor Itcgenra e
. tor Is made expressly for
the euro of derangements
of the generative organs
Th ro la no mlaal ( > o abou
this Instrument , the con
tlimou ? etroam of KLKC
TUIUITY permeating
through the patla must res
tore them tonealthy action
Do not confound tnl * with
Electric Belts ad > eillscd to
euro all Ills from hcadto | too. It Is for the ONE speo-
Iflc purpose. For circulars giving full Information
addrcus Choovor Eloctrla Belt Co. , 103\VaBhlngtou |
St , Chicago 111.
Nebraska Cornice
Iron Fencing !
OttJtlngs , Balustrades , Verandai , Office and B D
lUlflugs , Window aud Cellar Guards , Etc.
Solo Agents for the World-Renowned
Decker & Son , and Hallett & Ounston
Pianos , Also manufacturers and
wholesale dealers in
Organs and Musical Merchandise ,
in in
4lB North 16th Street.
Columns , Pilasters , Llntols , Fencing , Cresting , Balling , Etc. .
Cast , and Wrought Iron Beams. j
THE MURRAY IRON WORKS CO. , Burlington , Iowa.
Growers of Live Stock and OtfiSri.
Our Ground Oil Cake.
Itlstha beet nd cheapest food lor Meek ol any kind. Cno pound I ) equal to ithtoo pounds of corn
lock lea with Ground Oil Cake In the Kail and Wlntor , Instead ol running down , will Inenuo la < iRnt
nd be In good marketable com1 .lion In the Bpnnff. Dairymen. M rfoll a other * , who use It can tettlly to
ts merit , . , . " Nob.
Fine Havana , ICoy vWesUnd Domeatio Cigars. All Standard Brands Tobaccos.
Trial Driers Solicitcfl , Satisfaction Guaranteed , \
Vear- Union Pacific Omaha Neb .
- > Depot , - _ , ,
Wholesale Grocery !
H. B. LOCKWOOD ( formerly of Lockwood & Draper ) Chicasio , Man
ager of the Tea , Cigar and Tobacco Departments. A full line of
all grades of above ; also pipes and smokers' articles carried in
stock. Prices and samples furnished on application. Open
orders intrusted to us shall receive our careful attention
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
1024 North Eighteenth Street , Omaha , 'on Street Car Ia
LuiiGr Line , Latft ,
Grades and prices as good and low as any in the city. Please try me.
In the event of n stroke of The winnings
; oed fortune you can win are guaranteed by
500,000 marks Government.
LOU are invited to partidpato in the chances of winning in the grand draw
ing of prizes guaranteed by the State of Hamburg , in which
9 Millions 620,100 Marks Have to Be Won.
In the courao of these advantageous drawings , which contain according
to the prospectus only 100,000 tickets , the following prizes will bo forthcom
ng , viz :
The highest prize will be ev. 500,000 Marks.
Premium of 300,000 Marks. 253 prizes of 2,000 Marks.
1 prize of 200 000 Marks. G prizes of 1,500 Marks.
2 prizes of 100,000 Marks. 515 prizes of 1,000 Marks.
1 prize of 90,000 Marks. 103G prizes of 500 Marks.
1 prize of 80,000 Marks. CO prizes of 200 Marks.
2 prizes of 70,000 Marks. G3 prizes of 150 Marks.
1 pr.'za of 60,000 Marks. 20020 prizes of 145 Marks.
2 prizes of 50,000 Marks. 3450 prizes of 124 Marks.
1 prize of 30,000 Marks. 00 prizes of 100 Marks.
5 prizes of 20,000 Marks. 3950 prizes of 94 Marks ,
3 prizes of 15,000 Marks. 3950 prizes of 07 Marks.
20 prizes of 10,000 Marks. 3950 prizes of 40 Marks.
5G prizes of 5,000 Marks. 3950 prizes of 20 Marks.
100 prizes of 3,000 Marks. in all 50,500 prizes.
Which will be Surely won in 7 Drawings within the
space of a few Months ,
The first prize drawing is officially fixed for Iho llth and 12th of Juno of the
present year , and the prize is for
A "Whole Original Ticket only 1 Dollar 50 Ots. or 0 Marks
A Half Original Ticket only 75 Ota. or 3 Marks ,
A quarterOriginal Ticket only 88 Ots. or U Marks.
And I will forward Jhcso original tickets guaranteed by the state ( not prohib
ited promissory notes ) even to the meat distant countries , in return for the
amount forwarded prepaid. Every ticket holder will receive from
mo gratis along with the original } ticket the original prospectus provided
with the arms of the state and immediately after the drawing the oflicial list
without any charge ,
The payment and forwarding of the sums won to thoao concerned will havi
ray special and prompt attention , and the most absolute secrecy.
155 * All orders can bo sent by the medium of a Postofficu Order , or nei
registered letter with Dank Notec of the United States.
K2PPleaso address the orders before tho"1
on account of the approaching drawing of the prizes in all conGdonco directly
Banker and Exchange Agent at Hamburg. Germany.