Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 03, 1884, Page 3, Image 3

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    * I
The Nebraska National Bank
Paid Dp capital
Surplus vund , Nov. 1 , 1888 18.000
w. YATKS , President , for mivny yours
Ctwhlor of the First National Bunk of Omaha.
A. E. TOUZAUN , Vlco President , Boston.
W. V. MOUSE , of W. V. Morse & Co.
JOHN S. COLLINS , of Q. II. & J. S. Col
J. M. WOOfAVOllTH , Counsellor nnd Attor
ney nt Law.
L. S , 11KEI ) . of nyru Hood A ; Co. .
X. K. HAYDKN , AsK * nt Ciwlilor.
THIS BANK opoood\T business April 27 ,
1882. *
EUS nro nmontt the loading biulnauof OmR.
Im , und its business Is conducted wltoipacln 1
' oforonco to the bast nnd Incrtuilngh Interest
' of It ? morcnntllo ti.itrous ,
* COLLECTIONS rocolvo tmoclnl nttontlon
'nnd chnnros lowest obtainable hcio or else
' I' ' INTEREST allowed on Hmo deposits upon
. ' favorable terms nnd iipou accounts of banks
" bankers.
, . , i Jionda and County and Clt ysocurltlos bought
nnd old.
IS'EW YOBK , May 2.
Goornmonta Firm.
Stocks Northern Pacific and Oregon Trans
mental \vcro characterized by prcnt
Btron th. Doforo the first call , Northern Pa
cific advanced from-19 to fil § , Othur nctho
sharM rote Jo in sympathy. After 1 p. m. ,
Union Pacifc wai haavily proaaod for sale and
brokj to t > 7j , and 171,000 shares changed
hands. The drop is duo to the announcement
of the strike of employes.1 * Central Pacific
dropped from 504 to ' 1G1- These sharp changes
brought about a decline of ic to Jc on the gen
eral Hat. When prices were nt their lowest it
was rumored that a loading firm wai in trou
ble ; this was not confirmed1 and a sharp rally
took place , the market closing strong ns com
pared with last night higher for Northern
Piwlfie preferred , and Union Pacific Jc lower.
8' ' i 1COJ
4 Vs Coupons ' . Hiti
U. S. now , 4'i ? . 123 $
Pftdfio 6 * o ' 95 129
American Eiprcsa 97
Bur 1. , Ce Jar Kapidfl & Northern (58 (
Central Pacific 48Jt
Chicago & Alton 138j
do do pfd 149
Ohl. , Burl. & Qulncy 1
Erla. . ? . . . . .
60 pfd. , . . .
Fort \Vayna& ! Chicago 129 ]
Hannibal & St. Joseph
do do do pfd *
Illinois Control 1
Ijd. , Bloom. & Western
ICansas & Texas. . . . . . . . .
Lake Shore & Michigan So
Michigan Central
Minneapolis & St. Lonia
do do do pfd
Missouri Pacific
Northern Pacific
do do pfd
N irthwcatani 1
do pfd 1
Nsw York Ctratral 1
OWe & Mississippi
/ do do pfd
'eorin , Decatur k Evr.usvillo
1 lock Inland 1
r . Ohlcago , Milwaukee & St. Paul
Jo Jo do pfd 1
, St. Paul Minn. & Manitoba
St. Paul & Omaha
do do pfd
Taxai Pacific
Union Pacific
\VabMh , St. li& Pacific
do do do pfd
Western Union Telegraph
Asked , t-Ez. Div.
CHICAGO , May 2 , The markets closed with
lower prices.
Wheat Closed Jtay.OOJc ; Juno , 02ic ; July ,
Corn 52 Jo for May ; 53io for June ; CGJo for
Oats 31Jc for May ; S2Jo for June ; 32Jo for
Rye Glc.
Barley 72@73c. .
Floxseed-l C8@l 70.
Whisky-Si 12.
Pork 31716 for May ; 517 30 for June ;
$17 40 for. Julr.
Lard-S8 87i for May ; S8 50 for Juno ; S8 60
for July.
NKW YonK , M y 2. Wheat Opened i@8c
higher , but afterwards declineil { } ® lc ; dull
tradings No. 2 rod for Juno , SI 09jf@l,10J ;
July. 81 06i@l 074 : August , 81 03g@l 0-1J.
Corn Opened J@Jc lower ; mixed western ,
spt , 57G2iio ; future , Gli@G4c.
Oats Jic lower ; mixed western , S7@4G.
Pork Quiet ; spot moss , 318 FO ; old , S17 00
Lord Dull and lower ; steam rendered ,
$8 70.
BT. LOUIS ruonucE.
Rye slow , 61 1 bid.
Barley dull , dOc to SOc.
Butter tmchanpod.
Eggs better , 10 Jo.
Klaxseed nominal , SLGO.
Har firm , prairie 312.50 , 0. B. TimothylSIB
firm. 83a at mill.
Corn mel steady , S2.80.
Whiskey 4teadyt 11.
CiNciNNAn , May 2. Wheat Dull ; No. 2
n > iil07.
Corn T > roopinKj No. 2 mixed , BOJ.
OatH Hearr mixed 35j to 3G.
Rye-Dull. No. 2. 05 to CO.
Barley Firm and unchanged.
Pork Steady ; mess , 1Z 2o.
Lard Fair demand ; 81.
"Bulk Meats Steady ; shoulders , GJ ;
short ribs 838.
Whisky Kisier ; 1 10 to 1 11.
PZORIA , May S. Corn Active end higher ;
now mixed , 51@52o , new rejected , 50 ®
50o.Data Active and Orm ; No , 2 wldto , 3G@
Rye Dull and irregular ; No. 2 new GOJ@
Whisky Firm nt 61 12.
BAUIMOHB , May 2. Wheat western.
easier except spot No2 , wlntor rod spot 1 Oll@
104 } .
Corn Firm. Western mixed spot B7J
Oats Steady , t western white 4243
Hye-Quiet , G8@70.
Kwji-JJuH IS.
WhlikySteidy 110.
NBW OwfANS , M y2. Corn fair 'demand :
mixed 6-1. white G8@70.
k Oata-Dull ; 4445.
k''ornmcil Ooud demand 3 00@3 05.
I'ork-Searoe.Jl BO
J < \nl HiRliar : tlerca refined 8Jkeg ; 9 } .
, unchanged.
MILWAUKEF , JUy 2. Wliaat-WoaVer , 91J
c h and May , 03J June , 93 ? July.
Corn Dull , nominal.
0 -Steady , 311.
Rye-Inactive 05J. *
Barley-Steady , 7U.
Toutoo , May 2 Wheat Dull ; lowar ; ( Jo.
3 xed , 974 < $99c.
Com Kair demand at lower rataj ; bleb * ,
mixed Be r , 50 } | No. 2 , WJ. I [
0 U-Ka ler } No. 2 , 8 0.
Mar 2 Wheat Dull ; winter , ]
7 jepi.
Corn-Eaaler ;
CALL EOAUD. , 1.13@1 13 ] May ; 1 10J Juno ; 97J
July } 02J year.
Corn easier , 191 May , 458-S Juno,41j July ,
13 August.
Oats quiet , 33 5-8 May , SIJ , Juno.
KANSAS CITT , May ' _ > . Wheat Lower ,
81 * cash , 83f Juno , 81 naked July.
Corn Higher , - 3 3-8 toI3i cash , 431 Juno ,
85 July.
Oftts nominal , higher , 31 5-8 bid ,
K srocic ,
KANSAS CITT , May 2.-Tho Hvo Stosk
Indicator reports :
Cattlo-Stovly ; iinU\os,6 00@f > GOjiitockora
and feeders , 4 40@5 00 ; cows , 3 75 ® I 50.
Hogs-Stnidy ! at 5 205 55.
Sheep- Steady ; for Rood natives , 350 ®
ST. Louis , May 2. Cattle Steady ,
firm ; good Memandj exports 03530 G5 ; common -
mon to choice Milpplng , fi 00@0 25 ; Corn fed
Texans , 5 L > 5@5 75.
Sheep Scarce ; firm ! cllpnod chlolly wanted
at 3 50(3)3 ( ) 25 for Rood to choice ; inferior to
good wool , 3 75@5 50 ; cholco to extra , 5 70 ®
G 25. ICB
Hogs Active , higher ; packing , .5 40@580 ! ,
light to heavy , 5 40@G 00. * " * " " '
CHICAOO , May 2. Hogs Receipts , 11,000
head ; prices advanced lOu early , but rocodo'l
ngnln ; light , § 5 00@5 76 ; rough packiiifr , $5 25
fo)5 ) GO ; heavy paclung and shipping , ? 5 75 ®
COO.Cattle Receipts , 5,000 hond ; market strong
er and brisk ; exports , § G50@G 75 ; Rood to
cholco , S5 JO@G ' 15 ; common to fair , § 5 20
( fcfi 80 ; butchers' , ? 3 25@5 00 ; stockers , S3 75
@ 5 40.
OniOAQO , May 2. Receipts and ehip-
monts of flour and grain for the past 21 hours
have bcon as followa :
Rocelpts. Bhlp'ta.
Flour , bhls . . ' . 12,000 12,000
\Vhoat , buihols . 21,000 1G7.000
Com , bushels . 103,000 174,000
Oats , bushels . 130,000 108,000
Rye , bushoh . n.OOC" * " Q I.OCO
Barley , bushola . 19,000 13,000
In. y Receipts and
shipments of flour and grain for the post 24 hours
have boon as follows :
Receipts Shlp'ts.
Wheat , bushels . . . . .
Corn , bushels . 49,000 8iOO (
Onto , bushels . 58,000 . . . .
. CHICAGO , May 2 Receipts and chip
monta oE live stock for the post 24 honra have
boon an followa :
Receipts. Bhip'ts.
Oattlo . 14.000 . . . .
Hogs . 4,400 . . . .
Bhoop . 1,800
KANSAS CITY , May 2. Receipts and
shipments of live stock for the past 21 hours
have been as follows !
Receipts. Shlp'ts.
Cattle .
Hogs . 5,000
Sheep . 1,007 - . . . .
ST. Louis , May 2. Raceipta and ship
ments of live stock for the naat 24 hours have
boon as followa :
Receipts. Shlp'te.
Cattle . 1.G004
Hoga . 5,000
Sheep . 300 . . . .
Wholesale irlcen.
Friday Evening , May 4. J
The following pricoa are charged rotalloro
by Jobbers , wholesalers and eommisslou mer
chants , with the exception of strain , which IE
quoted at the prices furnished by the elevators
and other local uyors :
' Uram.
WHEAT No. 1 , 71 } @ 721c.
BAULEV No. 2 , 50$6r ( c.
RYE No. 3. 45o.
COBN No. 2 , 37i@38.
OATS No. 2,2028c.
liivo Stock.
STEERS 4 255 00.
WIT Cows 3 60@4 25.
Hoas 5 00@5 25.
SHEEP 3 50@4 50.
CALVES 6 50@7 00.
Flour and MUlstafls.
WINTEU WHEAT Best quality , patent , at
8 2r.3 SO.
BrniNO WHEAT Beat quality , patent ,
8 25@3 30.
BBAN C5o par cwt.
OnorPED FEED Per 100 Ibs. OOo ,
CORN MEAL 100@110 per owt.
SCREENING 6575o per cwt
General Produce.
APPLES Very few in market. Gonltans ,
8 75 ; Bon Davis , 35 50 ; Willowtwigs , ? 5 00 ;
Winosaps , 4 75.
I'FAVS Receipts light and demand good ,
E/u.d picked navy , per bu , 82 50 ; medium ,
2 00@2 25.
BEESWAX In good demand. Cholco blight
per Ib , 26@28c ; common to good dark per Ib ,
UuTTEn Market quiet but gtoadv. Tub
ehipmentH preferred nnw. Fancy creamory,83u ;
Sftcj cholco roll , 17@18c ; choice solid packed ,
14lfic ; fair to good , 12@15c ; inferior grades ,
ClDER-"Ohio" per bbl , 87.00 ; "York State"
per bbl , $8 00 ; per } bbl , $4 75 ; condensed per
gal , 85a. Crab apple , per gal. SOc.
CHEESE Full cream , western , 13 } ; Wiscon
sin. @ 14c { .
GOOOANIJTB Per 100. $4 75@5 00.
Eaos Have been quite but steady for the
tat two days at 13c ,
FOREIGN FBUITS Meuina oranges , par
box , $5 00. Messina lemons , per box , 83 75
@ 400. Bananas , per bunch , 9300 ®
400. Figs , Ib. , IGo. Datea , in Jrolls , 7Jc ;
oatoa , ford , in boxes , 14u ,
FRUIT BuTrEKS Apple butter , In 30 Ib
pails , per Ib , 7o. Plum buttar , 74o.
Of AMU Ducks , Mallard , per doz , 2 00 ; teal ,
$1 50 ; mixed , 31501 75 ; geese , 83.00@3 GO ;
gnine , $1.25.
Hay Baled , § 10SS12. ( )
JELLY lu 20 and 30 Ib paiie , 89o ; In 2 Ib
tins , per doz , 91 50 ; assorted tumblers , per
doz. 81 20 : achoonore , per dozen , 93 00.
MAPLK SUGAR Pure , in brirks , per Ib , IGc ;
Ohio , 13c ; small cakts , I' ic ,
OAT MEAL Steel cut , per bbl , 50 25 ,
Onlonu. Quiet and Bales small. Bermudas
ore getting cheaper , and old unions
will only sell if strictly choice. Cholos
rod selling at $2 002 50 per barrel ; vollow
Danverfrt at $2 DO ; green onions , 20o per
dozen ; Bermuda. 2 25 per crate.
ONION SETS Bottom per bu , $3 60 ; tops ,
$2 50.
PorcoaN- good demand at 2@2 o per Ib.
POULTRY Scarce and high. Dressed Tur
keys , per Ib. , 17@18o. Geeao , 13o. Chickens ,
14@i5o. Ducks , 14c. Chickens , live per
doz , 81 50 , Ducks , live per doz , 4 50 ; spring
chickens , per doz. , $4 00@5 00 , accordIng -
Ing to size ,
POTATO is rheroli come local demand
ro all sacked lots. Karly Roue per bu. 35
@ 40c ; Peachblow , 45c ; Bulk receipts ore
hard to dispose of and have to bo sacked here ,
PBESEBVXS { In 20-lb palls ) Strawberry ,
raspberry , blackberry , parlb , J8c ; pennhes ,
cherries , pluuu , aprlcota , figs , pcrlb , 12o ;
cranberry sauce , per Ib , 80.
PlioVISIONS Ham , 13o ; b. bacon , lljo ;
, c. a. bacon , life ; d. B , tides lOJo ; short rib
sides , 10c ; nhoulders , Sic : mess porK. per
bbl. $18.60. Dried beef , ISjo. Lard , lOjc.
VEOUTAIILKS Spinach , tier bbl , $4 50 ; new
cabbage , California perlb,4c ; lettuce , per
doz. , GOo ; rodlshoa , \ > er doz , , COc ; awuet pota
toes , per Ib , Go , turnip * , per 1m , fiOo , bents ,
per bu , 75c ; cucumber * , per doz. , 8150 ; Pie
plant per Ib. 4@5a. cauliflower , per doz.3 00 ;
asparagus , per Ib. lOc. new carrota. per
lb. , So. California celery , 91 50. Tomatoes ,
Jbu. bor , S160@$1 75.
STUAWOEIIBIEB Conilgnments more liberal
nnd prices getting lower , Haleu to-day 25o
Pia FEW , ruin. Bro. Pigi feet , 15 Ib
klU. 81 25 ; nigs 40 Ib'qr bbl. $2 60 : pig * foot ,
80 Ib half bbl , 3500 ; tripe , is Ib fdU , fl 25
trlpo , 40 Ib qr bbl , $2 50 ; tripe , 80 Ib half bbl ,
$5 00 ; pigs tongue * , 15 Ib kltfl , 82 M ; pigs
tongues , 40 Ib qr bbl , $0 00. Lambs' tonpuoa ,
15 Ib kits , $3 00 ; 40 [ b qr bb ) , f 0 00.
Grocer a
OANNMI GOODS Oystora ( Btandardpor ) ciuio ,
3 70@3 60 ; itrawborrics , 2 u > , i > or cone , 2 50 ®
2 10 ; rospborrios , 2 Ib , per case , 2 90 ; Uortlott
pears , per case , 2 40 ; whortloborrlM , per cane ,
3 10 ; egg plurcu , 2 Ib. i > or cane , 2 W ) ; green
gages , 2 Ib , i > er case , 2 90 ; pine apples , 2 Ib
per CASO. 4 805 60.
Rore Sl al 6 inch and larger , 9&o & , g Inch ,
lOcj 1 inch , lOje.
OANPLES Ikixos , 40 Iba , IGs , 15c ; Rs , 15c ;
boiofl 40 Ibn , 10 oz. , Ga , 15o ,
AtATOiiEa Per caddlo , JWc ; round , CMOS ,
2 55 ; square c.-woi , 1 70.
Suaxns Powdered , 8o ! ( ! ml oaf , 8 0 !
granulated , 7 e ; .confoctlonors' A,73J : Stand
ard oxtn 0 , Ojo : extra 0 , Gj&c & ; medium yol-
) ow , GJc ! dark yellow , o.
CorcKES Ordinary gradoa , 12@12ic5 fair 13
@ 13kc ; good , 14c ; prime , 1515Jo ; choice.
lC@17c ; fancy green ndyollow.lli@lG4cold ;
govommont Java , 20@2Co ; Lovoring's roasted.
l7cj Arbucklo's roabtod , IGJc ; McLaughlinV
XXXX roasted , IG o : mltatlon Javo , Ifl
Q18 t ; Clark's Aurora , ICJc.
RICH lx > uislauu pnmo to choice , 7o ; fair
GJc ! Patina , Gfc.
FISH No. 1 mackerel , half brie. , 8 50 ; No.
1 mackerel , xlta , 1 15 ; family maokorol , half
brls. , 7 00 ; family mnckarol , kits , 9."c ; No. 1
Whlto fish , half brls. , 8 75 ; No. 1 Hts , 1 16.
SniUP Standard Coin , , SOc , buls ; Standard
do , 4 J gallon kega 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 gallon
kors 1 37.
SODA In Ib paporu , 3 30 per uuse ; keg per Ib ,
PICKLES Medium. In barrels , 8 25 ; do
In half barrels , 4 75 ; smnll , In barrels , 9 2.1) ; do
in li.Mf barrels , 5 25 ; ghorkinsilu barrels , 10 25 ;
do in half barrels. f > V6.
TRAB Gunpowder , good , 45@55c ; cholco GO
@ 76c ; good Iinporfal , 40@1.1c ! choice , GO@G5c ;
Young Ilvson , good , 8G50c ; choice ,
G5c@l 00 ; Japan , natural loaf , 35c ; Ja ) > an ,
choice , G0@75c ; Oolong , good , 85@40c ; Oolong ,
choice , 40@55c ; Souchong , good , 35@40c ;
choice , 3545c.
WOODENWAIIS Two hoop palla , 1 85 ;
thrco hoop noils. 2 10. Tuba , No. 1 , 9 00 ; Pioneer
neer wnsliboRrds , 1 85 ; Double Crown 2 90 ;
WollbuckoU. 3 85.
SOAPS Kirk'a Savon Imperial , 3 45 ; Kirk's
satinet , 3 GO ; ICirk'n standard , 3 75 ; Kirk's
whtto Russian , 5 25 ; Kirk's outoco , 2 15 ;
Kirk's Pralrlo Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) 40c ; ICIrk'a
mairnolia , doz.
POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 cane , In case ,
8 35 ; Babbltt.8 ball 2 doz. in case , 1 90 ; Anchor
ball , 2 doz. in case , 1 50.
OANIJY Mixed , 12@13c ; fstlck , lie ; twist
stick , lOJc.
VINEOAB Now York apple IGc ; Ohio op-
plo , ISo.
SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 1 70 ; Ashton , In
sacks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy GO , 5a , 3 39.
STABOH Pearl , 4Jc ; Silver Gloss , 9c ; Com
St-vrdi , 9c ; Kxcolsior Gloss. 7c ; Com , 7&0.
SPICES Pepper , 17c ; allspice , 15o ; doves ,
23o ; cassia 15c.
LYJC American , 3 40 ; Greenwich , 8 40 ;
Wt atern , 2 76 ; North Star , 2 00 ; Lewis' lye ,
4 65 ; Jowoll lye , 2 75.
Dry Good * .
BROWN SHEETINGS Atlantic A , 74o ; Atlan
tic P , Go ; Atlantic LL ; 5c ; Bnmswick , 7Jc ;
Beaver Dam LL. Glc ; JjawTonco LL , 5 Jc ; Paci
fic H , 7c ; Royal Standard , 8c ; Indian Head
A,8c ; AVauchusott A , 7Jc.
poroll R , G c ; Salisbury R , 5ic.
BLEACHED COTTONS Ballon 4-4 , CJc ; Bal-
Ion 7-8 , r.Jc ; Cumberland 4-4. 8c ; Davoll DD ,
; Falrmount , He ; Fmit of the Loom 4-1 ,
fc ; Glory of the West , 8Jc ; Golden Gate , 8c ;
ill 7-8. 8c ; Hill 4-4. 9c ; Lonsdalo , 8Jc ; Now
York Mills , lljc ; Wnmsutta , lOc. ,
DUCKS ( Colored ) Boston , 8 oz. , llic ; Bos
ton , 10 oz. , 14Jc ; Boston , 9 oz. , 14c ; Fall
River , 8Jc.
DUCKS ( Gray ) West Point , 8 oz. , lie ;
West Point , 10 oz. , 14c ; Boston Boar , 8 or. ,
TICKINGS Amoskeaj ? , 14c ; Continental
Fancy , 9c ; Cordia , lOJc ; Pearl River , 14c ;
York , 12 Jc ; Homleton Awnings , 12 Jc.
DENIMS Amoskoag , 14c ; Beaver Creek
AA. 12c ; Beaver Crook BB , lie ;
Beaver Creek CO. 10 ; Havrnakers
8c ; Jnffroy D & T , 12c ; Jaffroy XXX , 12jc ;
Pearl River , 13c ; Warren AXA ( brown ) ,
12c ; Warren BB ( brown ) , lie ; Warren CO
( brown ) , lOc.
CAMBRICS Fifth avomio glove finishx 5c ;
KeyHtouo glove finish , 6Jc.
CongET JEANS Arnory , 7jo ; Hancock , 8c ;
Koarsayor , 8jc ; Rockport , 7c.
PRINTS Allens,5lc ; American,5o ; Arnolds ,
Gc ; Cocheco , Gc ; Harmony , 4c ; Indigo , 8c ;
Indigo 7-8 , HJc ; Indigo 4-4 , 12Jc ; cheap sole
4Jc ; Charter Oak , 4Jc.
PRINTS SHIRTINGS American , 6c ; Cochoco ,
5c ; Glouceater,5cSouthbridgo ; , 4Ic ; Waverlye ,
4Jc ; Rosedalo , 4Jc.
GINGHAMS Amoakoag staples , 8c : Bates
staples , 8 c ; Lancaster staplea , 8c ; PInnkot
plaids , 9c ; iJEIudson chocks , 8Jc ; Amoskoog
Persians , 9Jc.
DRBSS GOODS Atlantic alpacca , 9Jc ; Per-
siano cashmor , 28jc ; Hamleton cashmere ,
151c ; Hamloton Fancus , HJc ; Hamleton bro
cades , 15c ; Arlington brocade , 18c.
We quota lumber , lath and BhlnglOBi on Don
at Omann at the following pricoa :
JOIST AND SOASTLINO 16 ft. and tinder
22 00 ; 18 ft , 23 CO.
TIMBERS 10 f oet and under , 22 00.
TIMBER AND JOIST 18 ft , 23 60 ; 20 ft , 23 50 ;
22 ft , 2G 50 ; 24 ft , 26 50.
FENCING No. 1 , 4 and G In. , 24 00 ; No. 2 ,
SHEETING No. 1 (2d ( common' boards ) , 20 00 ;
No. 2 , 18 00.
STOCK BOARDS A , 45 00 ; B,40 00 ; C , 35 00.
FLOORING No. 1 , 40 00 ; No. 2 , 35 00 ; No.
SIDING , clear 27 00 ; No. 2 , 25 00 ; No. S ,
CEILING -J , 87 00 ; 9. 2500.
SHINGLES , best 4 50 ; standard , 3 50 ,
LATH 3 25 per M.
LIME Per barrel , 1 25 ; bulk per bushel , 85c ;
cement , bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa plaster , bbl , 2 60 ; hair
per bu. 50c ; Terrod felt , 100 its , 8 50 ; straw
toard , 8 50 ,
_ r
I'ainta.Olls and Varnlsho * .
OILS 110 carbon , per gallon , ISJo ; 150 °
headlight , per gallon , 14 Jc ; 175 6 headlight ,
per gallon , 18c ; 150 ° water white , 17c ; lln
good , raw , ; pr gallon.59c ; linseed , boiled , per
gallon , G2oLard , winter str'd , nor gallon , 85c :
No. 1 , 75cNo. ; 2 , 65o ; castor , XX.X , per Rol-
Ion , 1 GO : No. 3 , 1 40 ; sweet , per gallon 100
sperm W.B. , per gallon , ICO ; ffih , W. B. ,
pergnllon. 65c : neatafootoxtra , per gallon , OOo ;
No. 1 , 75c ; lubricating , zero , per gallon , SOo ;
summer , 15c ; golden machine , No. 1 , per gal
lon , 35c ; No. 2 , 28c ; sperm , signal , per gallon
SOc ; turpentine , 'per gallon , 48c ; naptha 74 ° ,
per callon , IGc.
PAINTS IN OIL Whlto load , Omaha P , P. '
6c ; white load. St. Louis , pure , Gto ; Mareeilloa
green 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20c ; French zinc , green
aoal , 12c ; French zlno , rod seal , He ; French
zinc , In varnish osst , 20c ; French zlno. In oil
osst , 15o ; raw and burnt umber , 1 Ib cans , lOc ;
raw and burnt Sienna , lOo ; vandvke brown ,
13c ; roiined lampblack , 12c ; coach black , and
Ivory black , IGc ; drop block , lOo ; Prussian
blue , 40c ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrome green
L. M , ft D , . IGc ; blind and shutter green , L
M. &D. , IGc ; Paris green , 18c ; Indian rod ,
15c ; Venetian rod. 9 Tuscan red , 22o ; Ameri
can Vormllllon , L ft P. , 18o ; chrome yellow
L. M. , O. & D. O. , 18c ; yellow ochre , 9o ;
golden ochre , IGo , patent dryer , 80 ; graining
colors , light oak , dork oak , walnut , oh < ntnnt
and ash 16c.
Dry Falnu.
White lead , 80 ; French rino , lOc ; Paria
whiting , ! ijo ; whiting gilder * , Ijfc ; wldtlng
ooml lie ; lampblack , Gcnnantown , 14c ;
lampblack , ordlubry , lOc ; Prussian blue , C5o ;
ultramarine , 18o ; Vandyke , brown , 8c ; umber
burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4c ; sienna , burnt , 4c ;
sienna , run4c ; Pwis green , genuine. 25c ;
ParUj green , common , 20c ; cliromogreen , N.Y. ,
20c ; chrome groon. K. , 12c ; vermllliou , Bug. ,
70c ; verrailllon , American , 18c ; Indian rod ,
ng lOcj f rose T _ pink i _ , 14c _ -i ; Venetian _ _ .t red u , Cookson'B * ,
7ic' '
low , k. , A uiuuuru , ruuiiouudo ] ucjire , i' roucn ,
2c ) ochre , American , 2o ; Wiuter'a mineral ,
2jc ; lohlgh brown , 2Jo ; Bpnulah brown , 2io ;
Prlnco'B mineral , Sc.
VABNIBHEH Barrel * , pe * golloni Fnrnl
tnre , extra , f 1 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , 81 ; coach ,
extra , 81 40 ; coach , No. 1 , 81 20 ; Damar
extra , 81 76 ; Japan , 70c ; Mnbaltum , extra , 85c ;
ehellao , 83 60 ; hard oil Cninh , 81 CO. )
Jloavr Hardware LiHt.
Iron , rates , 2 60 ; plow Btcal Bpedal cast , Co.
crucible , 7c ; Bpedal or German , fa : cut too ;
do , 16@20 : wagon spoke * , Bet , 2 253 00 ; hub
per Bet , 1 25 ; feJJoea Bawed dry , 1 40 ; tonguofl ,
each , 70@85o ; OZIM each , 75c ; vqoare nuta per
Ib , 7@llc ; wridlioM OT In , 8@18c ; rivet * , pc *
Ib , lie ; coil chain , V r IbG12cmalloablo ; , 8c
Iron wotlgM , Gci crowbars , Gci harrow teeth
Ic ; siiring tool , 7Sc ; Burden'shoraohoos , 4 Ti >
Bunion's mulnshocfl G 70 ,
BAIIDRU WIRE In car loto , 60 per lOi ,
NAILS-Raten , 10 to GO , 2 90 ,
SHOT Shot , 1 85 ; buck nhot , 2 10j oriental
powder , kegs , G 40 ; do. , half knga , 3 48 ; do. ,
qnartor krgs , 188 ; blasting , kegs , 3 35 ; two ,
per 100 foot 50c. _
LEAD Bar , 1 G5.
COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 10 00 ; Mor
ris run Bloisburg , 10 00 ; Whltohroost lump ;
5 00 } Whllobroast nut , 5 00 ; Jowa lump , 5 00
lown nut ' 6 00 ; Rock Spring , 7 00 ; An thru
cite , 1125 ® 11 50 ; Canon City , 7" , per ton
Oak Hold , R3c42c ; hemlock Rolo28c@3. ' > c :
hoiilock ; kin , SOo to 1 00 ; runner i55o to ROe ;
hemlock calf , 85c to 1 00) ) hemlock upper , 22c
Kjp , JL i\J vo JL uii : r ruiiuu umi , A ; * IAI M vu ; rcn-
nets , 6 CO to 7 50 ; linings , 0 00 to 8 CO ; top.
pings , 0 00 to 10 CO ; 1) . U Morocco , SOo to 35c ;
pebble 0. D. Morocco , IUc ; slmon,2 60 to 8 00.
IlAHNESl No. 1 star oik , S7c ; No 2 iloj
35c ; No. 1 Ohio oak , 3Gc ; No. 2 do , ! 13c ; No ,
1 AUhvftiikno 8i > 0 ! No 2 do 33o ,
No. 1 Pitta oak bar , 37c ; No. Dj PitlsJSoak
har , 35o.
Tel ) nco .
I'LCO TonACOO Climax , 50c ! Bullion COej
Horacshoo , fiOa : Stnr. COo ; Kuddy , 45c ; Her-
soy'g , 40c : Block , : > S40c.
FINK Cor Common , 20@IWc ; good , 45@
COc ; Rose hoaf , 70c ; Premium , Ofw ; Diamond
Crown , 55c ; Sweet Slxtonn , 50c.
SMOKIKQ O. S. , 22c ; Meerschaum , 30c ; Dur
ham , 8 oz. , 55c ; Durham , 4 or. . J > 7o ; Durhair
2 02. , 6oc ; Seal of North Carolina , 8 oz. , Coc
Seal of North Carolina , 4 oz. , C'c ; Sent o
North Carolina , 2 oz. , COc ; O. K Durham , 4
oz. , 28c ; 0. K Pniham , 2 oz. , SOc ; Uncle
Nod , j's 2uc ; Tom and Jerry , 83c ,
ALCOHOL 188 proof alcohol , 221 per wine
gallon extra California spirits , 1S8 proof ,
117 per proof gallon ; triple refined spirlln
187 proof , 1 20 per proof gallon ; ro-distlllod
wliislclofl 100@1 CO ; fine blended , 1 50@2 iiOj
Kentucky bourbons , 200700 ; Kentucky
and Pennsylvania ryea , 2 007 00.
13liA.vmES Imported. 6 00@1000 ; domcetio
140 ® JOO.
GINS Imported , 4 50@0 00 ; domestic , 1JP
@ 300.
ROJIO Imported , 4 B00 00 ; NowKngl.ind ,
2 00 ® J 00 ; domestic , 1 50@3 60.
PEACH AND APPLE BiUNnr 17o@4 00.
OllAMPAONKa Imjiorted per case , 2800@
34 00 ; AmoTicaupor case , 12 00@1C 00 ,
Steady ; trroon butchers , C@CJc ; grenn
salted 8@81cJ ; dry flint , 12@13c : dry sail ,
10(5)llc ( ) ; damaged hides , two-thirds price ,
SlIKKP PtLT3 ] 25ctai 00.
FLODH 100 Ib' , 175@2 50 ; patent , lOp In ,
2 75@3 00 ; Graham , 100 Ibs , 190@2 00 : rye ,
100 IBs , 235@2 50 ; buckwheat , 100 Iba , 8 00 ®
OiiAlN Wheat , 100 Iba , 135@1 45 ; corn , In
sacks of 100 Iba , 1 12@114 : oats , 100 Ibs , 1 CO
@ 1 52 ; barley. 100 Ibs , 1 30140.
HAY-Balod , 20IOO@2t 00 ; straw , 1000 ®
BUTTER Fancy , 35@3Cc ; dairy choice , 25 ®
2fc : common , 8@12c.
EGOS Fresh , 18@19e ; ranch , doz , fresh
CHEESE Full cream , 15QlCo ; Limburger ,
18c : Swiss , Imported , 32c ,
POULTIIY Live chickens , doz , 3 C07 00 ;
turkeys , Ib , 20@22c ; dressed geese , Ib , 1C@-
17c. "
POTATOES Eastern , 100 Ibs , 40@45c ; Groo-
ley , 100 Ibs , 00c@l 00.
VKGETAULBH Onions , 100 Ibs , 2 502 75 ;
cabbage. 100 Ibs , 2 50@2 75 : boots , 100 Ibs ,
100@1 23 ; celery , per doz. 1 30.
FnuiTS-Oranges , Messina , box , 5 00G 00 ;
lemons , choice Mestina. 3 75@4 CO ; apples ,
eastern , bbl , G 50@7 50 ; grapes , Malaga , regu
lar , 7 00@7 50 ; bananas , bunch , 3 00@G 00.
MKATB Hams , Ib , 14@Hic ; bacon , ? break-
fast,12J@13c ; lord , in tierces. Ib , ll s ; Jried
beef , lic ( ; dry salt bides , 9 @ 101o.
FIBH Mackerel , No.l , 1 60 , kit. 1 7/i@2 / 2. . :
California salmon , half bbl , 10 CO ; Holland
herring , kesr , 1 C0@l 7o ; trout , per Ib. 17@18c.
- 51 ,
C .
llll Douglas St. Omaha , Neb.
Galvamzea Iron Cornices
jHTDormcr Windows , Fintala , Tin , Iron and Slate
KoollDB , Specht'a Patent Metallic 8k } light , latent
adjusted Ratchet Bar and Bracket bliclvtne. I am
the general agent ( or the above line of Roods. Iron
fencing , Crrbtlnffs. Balustrades , YVranilna , Iron Bank
ruillnza. Window Bliudi , Cellar Guards ; alto L'cnoral
agent for Pecrson & IIIll's Patent Insli'o Blind.
tor Is made oxprcualy ( or
the cure of derangements
of the generative organe ,
Th ro \ no mistake about
this Instrument , the con-
tlnuoua stream of ELKC-
TIIIOITY pormeatliiff
through the parts must roa
tore them to nnalthy action
Do not confound this with
Klcctrlc Belts advertised to
euro all Ills ( rom Iicodto [ toe , It la ( or the ONE spec
ific purpose. For circulars giving full Information ,
adJrosa Cheevor Eleetrlo Bolt Co. , 1031 Washington
at , Chicago III.
la the season la ulilcb bad or | iol oncd blood In most
pt to show ItielJ. Nature at thU jancture , needs
8ouiethln ( ( to aetltt it In throwing oil the Impurities
which Imo collected by the elugglth circulation ol
blood during the cold winter nrontha. Bulll't BJICL ! .
fie Is nature's great helper , an It ll a purely vo otablo
alicrathoaiia tonic.
Ilov. L. II. Falno , Mason , Oa. , wrlte > : "Wo have
been UBlng Hwllt'i firieclfio at the ortiluiis' homo a ]
a remedy for blood complaints , ana M a general
hualth tonic , and have had rtmirkable rctulu train
lUusoon tiiu children anjcindojes c [ thu Imtltu.
tlon. It U nucli an excellent tonic and keera thu
blood BO pure , that the system U lt > a nblo to din
case , It nan curcJ gomo ot our children ol Kcroluli. "
W , U. Gilbert , drugtfiat , Albany da. , writei : "We
are Boiling largo ijittntl lea ol HwUt'n Bpoclflo for a
tprlngaliirMltu and general health tonls , and with
tlio uietroiulti. It It now largely uied aaapru\eii-
the mid euro lor lUUtlx Ttiorearo m ny remark.
aUoeudencta ol IU tnotlt In thin Bootlon. "
OurtreatUa on IJlood and Skin Dtceatog mailed
freeti Miiuuuia.
Drawer S , Atlanta , do.
N y. offloo , uow.sad BL.
Nebraska Cornice
AND fiib
Iron.Fencing !
Oreetlnei , Balm trade * , Veranda * , Offlo and Bavk
lulling * , Window and Cellar duardi , Eta
noil. 0 , AKDttd BTUKB' , LINCOLN NEU.
Krlmiger , * Cnvnrin.
Ciilmbachnr , Hnvnnit.
Pjl'nor Bohominn ,
Kuisor v .Bromon.
Bmlwoiser St , Louis ,
Anlinusor St. Louis.
s a Mil < rniiker > .
Sclilitz-Pilsncr Mihvnukoo.
Knic'a Onmlm ,
Ale , Porter. Domestic nnd llhine
Wine. ED. MAUltEU
. . . . Holt lu AiMrrUnilmt MI | the Kh-rirliltv ami
nrthut llii'oiicli Micbotly. niul ran l > o KcharKi'd lu an lit *
ttMilliy tlu'imtlcnl ,
51.COO Would Not Du u.
Diu HORN * Im I nllllctcd nlth ihcmrmtlsm
Mired by uelng n belt To any onu mulcted lth
[ hat disease , I nould pn'i ) buy llnrno'n Klcctrla Holt ,
Any ono can conlorwlth 1110 by rltlntf calling
at uiy etore , UCu Douglas utrcot , Omaha , Nob.
MAIN OKF1CK Opposltd pojtolllpe , room 4 Krcn-
vr Mock.
tJTForralontO. F. Goodman'a Drugstore 1109
: ' innin St. , Uinihit.
Ordura filled 0. 0 U.
Science of Life , Only $1,00 ,
Eihausttxl Vitality , Nervous and Phjolml nobllltr ,
Crcmaturo Dccllno In Man , Errors ol Youth , an the
untoMinlscrlcfl resulting from liiillfcrctlonn or i *
cosfcs. A book ( or every man , younR , mlJillo rgod ,
tnd did. It contains 125 jircacrlptlons ( or nil acute
and chronic diseases c.ichono ol nhlch la linaliinh'o
Sooundbytho Author , whoso experience ( or ! ! 3
years la such as probably never before ( oil to the K t
of any phjslcan BOO pages , bound In bcautltu
French mualln m loosed covers , fulltrilt.RUArantccd
to bo a Qnof wor n oicry tense , mcclianlcnl , lit
erary and professional , than any other work nod ! In
thle country for 52.60 , or the money will bo refunded
In every Instance. 1'rlco only 81.00 by mall , poit-
paid , illuatratlvo sample E cents. Bend now. Go d
medal awarded the author by the National Uedlc 1
Aflaoclatlon , to the officers oi which ho refers.
The Sclcnso of Life should bo readhr the young
lor Instruction , and by the afflicted ( or relief. It
will bonofli all London Lancet.
There la no member ol eoclcty to whom The Sci
ence of Life will not bo useful , whether youth , par
ent , truardlan , Instructor or clergyman. Argonaut.
Address the Peabody Medical Institute , or Dr. W.
H. Parker , No. 4 Dulflnch Street , Boeton Mass. , who
may no consulted on all dlaeuea requiring skill and
axpeilanoe. Uhronlo andobstlnatodUoaseathat have
baffled the skill of all other phjs-UCAl clanB
ei > oolaliy : Uucb treated LnL ( ully
without an Initano allnre ,
Residence , No. . 1407 Jonoa St. Oluoo , No. 150
Farnnm street Otnoohaura 12m. to 1 p. m. , an
rom 2 to G p. m. Telephone ( or olllce 07 H ° Hcao
Chartered by thcStatcof Illl-
'nols ' for thccxpresspurpoce
of Elvingimmcdlatc relielln
all chronic , urinary and private -
; vate diseases. Gonorrhoea ,
GleetandSyphills In all their
complicated forms , also cl'
diseases of the Skin and
Blood promptly relieved and
permancntlycured by reme
diestcsudln afortt/Vcar *
, _ _ _ _ - bpcclall'raetlee. Seminal
Weakness. NiKlit Losses by Dreams , Pimples on
the FaceLost Manhood , iivaltirely eitretl. Tlicrc
< jio i-eri < nciliu ; . The appropriate remedy
13 ot once used In each case. Consultations , per-
.tonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med
icines sent by Mail and Express. No marks on
package to indicate contents or Bender. Address
OR. JAIVlES.Ho. 204WashInplon Gl-.C
. , , - - .
"Send ( or Circulars. "
Plattsmouth Neb.
, - - - - .
tWYonng stock ( or aale. Oorreapondenoo sollclte L
A victim of ctrlr Iroprudonco , causing ncrroua
fjeblllty , preroaturo deray. etc. . liavlnir irimj m
ala every known rornfdy , lia > dlicororrd a lmplo
( noaniof solf-cure , which bo will tend , I'Klili to
Ullelln - urTenir > . Addrou.
, , JU. HUH VEB. U Chatham Bt _ Now Vorlt
Tne remedy being Injected directly tothgaw.t ol
the dUcjmo , require * nn change ol diet or nauseous ,
mercurial or poisonous mcdlolne * to bo taken Inter-
ntlly , When utod as a prcventlto by cither BOX , Itla
rjpoaelblo to contract any private 0 ( cease ; but In the
case ot thoto already unfortuiiatoly alMlctod we guar >
tntee thrco boxca to euro , or we will refund the mon
ey , I'rlce by mail , poatago p&Idt2. per box or three
boxot lor (6.
louucd liy allauthorlrcd agents.
DrFelixLeBrun&Co ( ,
O P. Goodman , Druggiit Sole Agent , lur Omaha
eh Biio wly „
is Wealth' '
UEN7 , H euanuitood ticilio fur Jljstorin , Jizzl.
ucse , Convulsions , 1'ita , Korroun Neuralgia ,
IlwulaclioNervous ProBtrutlon caU6C < i Ijytlmuse
of iilqoliol ortoiiacoo , Wakofulneeg , Mentul Do-
iiroteion , Boftoning uf the llriiiu rctultinif in in-
KViity nnd leauiuii to ruocry , decay and death ,
I'rcmnturo 01 < IA n , llni rcnnoeH , IMK of powei
tn oitliur box , Involuntary Jjoeaos und bpermnt-
frrluca COUKOU byovor-oiortlcii ot the bruin , self-
obiiBoor ovor-lnclulgence. Uuch box contmui
ono inonth'a treatment , f l.OU n boxer nix | K'IH (
( ur(3XXJ , ontbymuil i > rei > aidim receipt of pric
I'o cure nny ana. With each order recoivoa tijrut
fur E : = fcoxou. Drcompaniea with fbJuQ , we wtl' '
Mndtho putchOHurour written guarantee to re
fund the tuouvy if tha trtnUnoutduoacotolfoct
ttcuro , Ouurunt < xM ifrnuoaouurt/
0. r , OOODMANN , DruggUt AgcnU ( or Omxha
lyndicnto Hill Addition , lots $100 , $10 cash , nnd
$10 per month. BEDFORD & SOUEtt , Agonta.
Oilman Place , lots $150 to $300. , BEDFOUD & SOUEIl , Agonta.
Clark Plftoo , lota $300 to $000. * BEDFORD & SOUER , Agents.
Tukoy & Koysot's Sub-Division , lota $125 to $150. BEDFORD , t SOUER , Agents.
Hawthorn Addition , lots $350 to $050. BEDFORD & SOUER , Agonta.
IC-'rkwood Addition , lots StOOIto $450. BEDFORD & SOUER , Agent * .
Hnnscoin'n Addition , lota $500 to $050. BEDFORD & SOUEH , Agonta.
For a choice lot in Syndicate Hill Addition. Ting addition joins tlio
Hio Syndicate lands in south Omnhii , mid will rapidly bu'ld up with com
Cortaole homes. These lots are boautiCul and are uear fclio stock yards
mill packing houses , and will bo occupied u homes by the employes of
these works , and are undoubtedly the uest value for the price of any lota
in the market. Several have been sold and the price will soon be ad
vanced. Wo have the oxclu ° ive agoacy on this addition. Terms easy.
This is a now addition on Leavonworth streeb in Wcst Omahu. A
low price has bton pufcon tliom to start them. $150 to 8300 , On easy
terms , Tne grading and m rovomeiits to bo made ou JLeavemvorth St. .
this spriugwilljraako ry valuablojproperty.
This is a sub-division of the jMcgenth property" ! facing Hancom'
Park on the south. Qjod location , near street car , fine view and has
° : oed growth of native timber. This is one of the finest additions in
Omaha , und will soli rapidly. Price $300 toG50. One fourth-'aih
balance on good time. First come , first sorvsd. Thia is a splendid op
portunity for i > ersons who intend building for a home. * T
Is a beautiful piece of ground lying one block south of Griinum place ,
West Omaha. The first of these lots will bo sold at S12 5 to 8150 , uud
are a bargain. A nice sightly location , beau ! iful place for a home and
splendid investment for u rich man or a poor man.
This addition lies botweon"Capitol avenue nnd Cnss street , teu blocks
from the High School , one mile from the postofiice , and is what is known
as inside property. The city is built up far beyond thia addition and the
finest residences in the city are in this locality. The grade oa Davenport
street has been established and work commenced , aud will bo completed
as soon as the weather permit. The contract 1ms been let for buildup
largo brick school house on Douglas Htreet , three blocks from this nidi
tiou. We predict that these lots will more than double in value before
August , as it is the most desirable part o Omaha and would have been
built up yeara ago had it been placed on the market. Prices
S35O'TO seso
Adjoining lots are being sold at doul le the price we ask for these.
Wo'have six'lots left in this addition' which we offer at a bargain.
We have some improved and unimproved farn s , . ncar 0maha'and
some well improved farms in burpy county. _ .
Residence and Residence Lois in all parts ofjtho city , ' nnd
' *
On all the best streets in the business center.
Wo have for nalo lota in Shlnu'a Addition , Parkor'a Addition , Nolson'a Add
lion , Armstrong's Addition , Lowo'n ' Addition , Park Flaco Addition. Isaacs & Sol-
don's Addition , McCoruiick's Addition , Danccom Place , Eedick's Addition , Burr
Oak Addition , Johnson's Addition , Ilood'tt Addition , Kountzo's Addition , Syndicate
Hill , Oilman Place , Clark Place , Tukoy & ICeyaor'a aub-divinion , llawthorno Addi
tion . ' .Kirkwood Addition , Boya'a Addition , Yatea & Rccd'a Addition , etc. , oto.f
Q213 Souih 14th Street , botweeD Farnam and Dn/ijjlas /