Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 01, 1884, Page 5, Image 5

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    > *
Fiftoenn Ball Pool , Carom ,
AND AM. oinnu s T.WW . 1Ht m
11UN11Y IlOUNliBllQKU ,
nr PutilnaiKH nml 1'rlro T.Uts.
BUG'S & CO , ,
nntoestnMuho.1 tho-moh ci in Omaha to tinnsact
OiBenenlt > r > torv.reiiiMl > iune ! . Wo will huy all
IVSCT of Ki > il < at w ! > ole < aloor rctftll.nml Buamntto
patrcoi hati Hctlou l prlcw , nsvo ran buy choapcr
thin jrtur .l M. You ran Hej thu n-ha-itajro of 1m.
n JMK KOKN honht by 0113 who will \\ork for
out Inteioxtauliinttriutto morchint who liai
odiolhln , ' holi fti\lns ! tiiljorMof.Vo ll | n'io
pro-unit " 'tcntloti lo BjJIhiB ttiijthlnp entrusted
o no , atvl KOO consuneJ to ut will bo oarolullv
okcd tj , Uorrcmnnloiuj sollUtflil.
caj-Onilii Natlu < ii > l Bini ,
Aillrou 111 S. Uth St.
( It'litlltv. uMiiiiiMlou and , . , „ , . , „ , „ , „
< lc 'ii vri-npuaeillij esotiapd , rrrcr of } outli , ute .
crc nrfocUy rpjiorpd In t < > 1 i t lii-ntili nnd
- iimiliiMMl hy THE MARSTGN
"islmunch driiir'tir. TniitrMitmonS
" yimlfliji.l4- c < - y > <
uniintinlr hpcivnro imrcti on m-noel
I illrort > >
> . tc.-.l.'il'Irontlin Iron
IT i\iQhiif \ "
in I DUItuj 1
Chicago , Si , Paul , Minneapolis and
The no\v extension ot tola line from WakofleU ur
through Concord and Coleridge
llcachcfl the best portion of the Stito. Special ox.
cursion ra'na ' for Und leckora o\er thin line tc
, Norfolk and Htrtlngton , nndlu Bl.ilr to ul
'ntHon ' the
Trilns o\cr tht O , St. V. M. & O , Railway to Cov
ngton. sloux city , 1'onca , Hurtlngtoni Wn > no anc
Norfolk ,
Ooaa.aa.oo1 ; , * SSlctiar
or Fremont , Oakih o , Ki-lUh , and throush to Vul
Vet ratfsind all Information call on
T n. WHITNEY , dcntrnl Apont ,
Rtri-i ; f Buildlfj ! ; , Ojr. 10th and Parnani St .
; OmahV ! , H
met ( AH csiocunl asf-lopot. coiner
* ( Sticu )
| feV'
A. ' . * WITH
| J
' J *
' " * v .
. / ,
l > * ' 1 -
? A * * '
i . ' V
"it ii'
zii ycKir work is done for all timi
to time to come.
to produce u more durable materir
for street pavement thau tlie
Sioux Falls Granite.
filled promptly. Samples sent an
estimates given upon application.
Sioux Falls. D kote > .
Tno ute ut the Uim " Hh
tine" In connection nitlit !
I convoys aa Idea of ust M bat
required by the traM.llng pu
lie a Snort Llu , Quick 'lie
and the bout of occomnioO
E . _ - nH tloua all of wlilch are fui
Ubod by the ( rreatebt railway la
And St. Paul.
It own and oncrales ofer 4.MIO rallis of
Korthern IllluoU , Wbicooiln , Mmnosota , low *
Uikota ; and Ma main lineJ , brauthea and oonni
tlona rtoch all tlio creat ) uslnos centres ol I
Northwest and ForWoat , It naturally an wers t
description of Hhort Line , nnd lcJt llout bet < c.
Chicozo , Jlllwnukeo , at. I'auUnd liliincapolia
OulcKO.Hllivauhoe , L Crouso and Wlnona. , JiUn-auVee , Aberdeen and Olnndals
Ohlca/o , llUwaulice , KMI Claim and Btlllwiter
Ciiloaxo. MU auliixi , Wausau and Mfrrlli
Cliicaso , JIil , Iie ( cr Dam ami OuhUoth ,
Chlcazo , JlllwauUce , Waukneha nd Ooonommvo
Chlcsso , Milwaukco , llodlson and I'ralrledu Co' (
Chloago , Milwaukee 0 atonnaud Kulrlbault.
ClilcaSo , JJololt JaiusvMo and Mineral I'oiut.
Chlcaito , Kl'ln , Itockfunl and Dubimue.
CblcaRd , Clinton , Kock Island mid Cedar lUpiiU
Chlcan'U , Council lltuflt ami nin ha
Cnlcaco Sioux City , H'oux ' Fa\H \ tud YanUoa
Clucsgo MIlw uloc , Jlitchell and Ohiiubtrlnln
Itook Wand , Diibuquo , Kt. Paul and MlniicapolJi
port , C lm r , St. Paul and Mluucanoli * .
mllman Hlocrwti and the ri'iwt pliMnir lUj ( la
world ro run on the milnlluos of tin OHICACJ
, ad ovVTAttcntTon IVl i < ! to , , u , ng . by wur
uu < cm | > loyen uf the u/impAuy.
8. i. a. Y ,
Urn' P M. &
Q BO H. Ue/UTOKD / i
trnlum nrmiy Injurious snb'tnm cicun l.o fouml
InAiitlrowa'PcarmakltiBl'owdor. It l *
tluMyPURli. Hcliiicciulorbdl , n ilte llmoiilnl <
rocohitl irom EUch clicniI tiiR. ( iuin
Inn ) M. Delurontttliio , of Chlriio ; : n nl Giutavu ;
lloilo , JIIlnKce. . NKVcrsdlrt in bulk.
. . C. E. ANDREWS & ; OC-
SSUiko" ' . - ivi.'ii < ) i r wnra | a ,
ffiS JWKKW nWJ30R7OTW JK ' 4iWl
nv WAV oi'
CoiiiHcMn ; ; tn Union Dopnls nt Kn
Oni.ili.iniul Douvci' with tluough trains lor
And nil points In tlmGiciit West.
Connecting In linind Union Dojiot : il (
i\IUi through tmlnt lur
And till K iituru Cities.
AtPcoili with tlnoutrh tmlnslur Iiitll.innj
ills , Cincinnati , Columbus , nml nil luiints 1
heSouth.lI'ist. At St. T.uulsltll tlliouu
mlns lur nil pulius South.
Klcsnnt Day Coiuhfs , I'niloi" Curs , with Ki
lnl. . Chairs ( scuts liciSinoklii ) ; ; Cnrs wit
ituvolviujj ClmliN , riilac'o blecpln
Jars nnd tlio liinious C. II. & 0. DlnliiK Cm
run dally tonndfroniCliicngo mid Kuusiw Olf
hicago nnd Council Ululls : Clilcn o mid lli
_ ilolnes , Uhlcngo , St. Josupli , Atohison tin
Topckn without change. Only tluouKh Hi
unnlns thuir own trains uctwoon Clilcsi'j
Lincoln niul Denver , nnd Chicago , Kanst
Jlty nnd Denver. Tln-ouptli C.H-S het\vcc
Indianapolis nnd Council DUill's , via 1'corltt.
Solid Trains ot Elegant Day Co.iclic9 nr
I'ulhnaii 1'alticeSlcopiiiK Cars tuo inn dally '
nnd frani St. Louis ; vm Hannibal ; cjnliic
Keokuk , BurlliiKton , Cedar Hnplds nnd Allic
Lea teSt , 1'iiiU und Mtnncnpolls ; Parlor Ca
with Reclining Chairs to nnd Horn St. Lou
nnd Peorin. OnlyonochanRoof cnrsbotnvc
St. LoulHand DCS Molues , loua , Lincoln , N
braskn.nnd Denver , Coloi-ndo.
It Is also the only Tlnough Line buiweon
It Is known ns the Krcnt THKOITUK CA
INi : of America , and Is universally udnil
MI to bo the
Finest Equipped Eallrcad In the World f
all classes cf Travel.
Through Tickets via this line ror snlo nt.
It. It. coupon ticket olllces tu the Unitca stilt
und Canada.
> Icc-I'-ci. IGt ifr Cien"t Ci ) " <
617 St. Charles St. , St , Louis , Me
A REOOLAH OllADUATKol two medloal collegi
jtL has been cnffiKOd longer In the treatment <
than other phjslclin In St. Louis , a9 city papers aho
and all old retldcnta know. OanRultatlon free an
Invited. When it U Inconvenient to > Islt the clty'.fi
treatment , modlclncd cc.ii bo cant by mall or oxjirei
) vcrywlirro. Curableo\ iruiirantcadwbeie Joul
: xlsts it ii Jranlsly statod. Call or write.
Nervous Prostration , Debility , Mental and Physio.
cjj , Mercurial anil other aUcctlona ot Thro *
and Mouth , Old Sorcn and Ulocm , Impad
mcutj to m , Ithoumatlsm , 1'lioa. bpeolal n
lujtkuto c.i < c9 from overworked brain. HUltOlOAl
13 AH I : < rugolvu apoclal attention. Diseases arlaln
iatn Imprudence , Knfomer , Indulgcncoa perinanea
y cured.
rcoflptu ; wlio M.
G -"tnriC3J3E5 ! ! niairy.whomayn
why , cautM , coniequonrM nd cure. H IU > i for 2'
.toaca o or Rtamns- ' > Q91nv
it-1 esnlril poiilion of Us lin , connects the
IT J Uio WtJl l-y tlio hoi lent roulc , and c r-
/ u
it . iV" ' ' . wit'ioul cliHOfco of cms. botwcuo
"n t U K An i > Ciiy. Council EluUj. Lcovon.
i . aimicapgli nn.l Bt. Wil. I
rct'f. Mn Bo' " 01 and Kanka
. i. . .i. . . . .
T u" 'ia i .l.iiiii , hcilivllleJ-i.siiiBl ) < in.Clnelnnntl .
a .r.ipoV"iiiiraj/ tio.1ii.rtUwatia.Atmag . p.
u , j"i. . Paul aurt imi'rnt'iJii'i ? l'0i"ta.
All PJ.rj i ! i-un r.cors Travel oa * itlSrpreia
i' ? ' ft f lo n nil principal TlcUctOinowli
' ntj4fiul i. . . tta.
inci . -u/id tfiit'iKh an * men of fire !
* 4io.iUM.uioM lliat clijr lc. . lv4Ui.
m.uruii.ltonjet Iba Maps md I'oliJ. .
ai VuiK',1 Oa t.oranilr
t' . r. or. JOH .
t ! * " ! , " juimi.4Hri-M.Ai *
he Cliicap Martct Taxes a S
Downward Tnm ,
! ho Doolino in Whoi\t Attributei
to Very Liberal Selling.
While Anticipated Largo Deliver-
lea Also Influence It ,
Joru Makes a Drop of 2o , Oati
Lively but Lower ,
ftoss Pork Fairly Aotivo am
Generally Higher ,
Vtmv IioiulHof Nolirnnkn Slicopi Avar
tOWl ll I'lUOKH.
CHICAGO , April HO. Tlio tide turnci
very ntrongly toward the bear uido of th
narkut to-tiny , and prices were material
y lower. Trading on wheat was active
accompanied by a sharp decline in price ;
; ho weakness being attributed to voi
ibcral selling , intlucnccd in a mc.tauro b
; ho line weather in Iho west and pounibl
duo somewhat to anticipated largo doli\
erica on May contracts , llccuipts coi
; iuuo small and shipments moderate !
opened 1 to c lower , followed by a fui
thor decline of A , rallied A to jj , agai
became weak , declining Jo , ruled otoad
advanced go to | o , declined and close
l\o \ to Ijjo under yesterday. May close
at Olgo , Juno DDgs , July 02/o. / , On ca
sales wore 2HJ5,000 ; bu. May decline
ic , Juno declined { c , July declined $
A weaker fooling was developed in coi
nndpricosrulod lowor. The market opcnc
1 to 2jc lower , declined Jo more , rallic
[ Jo again , declined c , iluctuatnd an
closed at 1 to 2c under yesterday. Mil
closed at Me , Juno at 64jc , July 50 ;
to 5C5c. On call Bales 030,000 bu. Mo
declined J , Juno declined g , July d
clinod .Jc.
'J hero was a good speculative trade :
oata tut prices woto again lower , ranyii :
1J ; c lower , May J lower for Juno ar
J uly. May cloaca 31io , Juno 03 to 33
July 331 c. On cal1 s les woru 515,00
May declined Jc , Juno and July dtcliui
ona- fourth cent.
Was fairly active and generally highc
May clostil lit 10 97 * to 17.00. Juno
17.174 to 17.20 , July"l.30 to 1.32ic. C
call salon wore 4,000 , May and July a
rancing 2Jc.
Was fairly active and steady ; Mi
closed at 8.40 , June at 8 50 ; July at 8.C
On call sales were C250. May advanci
Catclo alow , prices steady ; good
choice shipping 1200 to 1350 5.70
G.OO common -medium , 1000 to 120
5.10 to 5.00.' .
Among the sales wcro four loads
Nobraakas , average about 110 , at $6.25.
Never Give Up.
If you ore suffering with low and depress
spiritl ) , loss of appetite , general debility , d
ordered blood , weak constitution , headache ,
any diseiibe of n bilious natuio , by all mea
procure a bottle of Electric Bitten * . Y
will bo surprised to sco the rapid improvome
that will follow ; you will bo inspired with n <
life ; strength and activity will return ; pa
and misery will cease , and henceforth you w
rejoice in the in the praise of Electric Bitto :
Sola t fifty cents a bottle by O. 1" . Goo
Interest In a Oncn Tfoipil Geor/jin
Revived by a Ijawtmit ,
GAINESVILLE , Ga. April 2 ! ) . A curio
story has just been brought out by tl
trial of a case in the White county s
[ lurior court , concerning what was knor
land lot No. 10. Bonjomin Reynold
more than fifty years ago , was a typic
young South Carolinian , who lived in tl
Abbeyvilb District. Ho opont $10,0' '
of patrimony in throe years. At last 1
got BO low that ho had only two negro
and § 500 left. About that time tl
Dahloncga gold fovcr broke out. lie
nolds and his two uluvcs plunged in
the Kino Ktdc'o. und rambled in tl
neighborhood of White county , until 01
y , when tlioy got into u , ravine , 1
( Reynolds ) said : "Let's atop here , Oi
place is as good as another. "
The tliroa men dug it holu and struck
vein which has bineo become famous
Reynold's vein. They took out the me
at in considerable quantities. Thin
went along very nicely until ono day 01
of Reynold's nrgroca gevo him some it
pudonce. Ho itruck him ; the blow w
too snvero. and the negro died. Roy
olds was tried and acquitted. When tl
panic of 1835 came alongRoynolds coun
od hia gold , which had been coined
Dahlonoga , and his pile amounted to ju
8:55,000. : A number of rich men in A
bavillo failed , and Reynolds took hia en
and went down to th sheriffs aulo. I
bought seventy-five able-bodied ncgroc
arid marched them on foot into Nucooch
Valley , and then commenced work
earnest. With those men ho proaacd I
busineiis , forgetting the follies of 1
youth , and became thoroughly ongroEsi
in the search of yellow dust.
In a fnw years Reynolds had takrn o
$500,000 , and , after living many yean ; i
hundred und rctpectrd citizen , die
leaving an estate of $250,000. Aloi
with the property that the old man hi
owned und worked was the famouu I
No. 10 , in which there was much gel
( Jo told his children never to bo ininei
hut never to cell lot No. 10 , as it w
rich , exceedingly rich. lie said th
someday improved machinery for wnr
ing gold would bu invented , and tin
they could put the lot in as stock in nor
company. For fifty years the lot has i
nutined untouched. In the division of tl
estate this lot fell to the old man's BO
fj. P. Reynolds , now of Floyd count
who hna owned it aincn. When the wo
known Goldsmith tax attachments
187570 worn issued the old No. 10 1
eft no in and was hold.
Mr. Reynolds began proceeding *
recover the property , and on Tuesd
last tlio caoo went to trial in the Whi
county tuperior court , The mines
ot being worked at the limo the rale
ra mndo , i > nd , consequently , the prop-
ity broiight only a small amount I' in
, tld that , the nnncy was tendered to ! > o
urchvoi1 by Roynolda within the litre
rcacribtd by law , bu wm refused.
Jro.U interest wnshown in the CMC , in t
nly on recount , of tU amount iuvoh od ,
ut by ronaon ( if iho ( piestions of law to
o ( loci.led. On Wedtictday night the
ury relumed u verdict ROttint ; futile tin1
as nUi , mid restoring tha propmty to
oung Uoynolda. This young man is L'fl
oari or no ( , POIBOCRCS a Ming fcrtunc ,
ml spends most ot his time tlehing and
unting. Ho owns ono of the finest
odies of land in Floyd county.
IVxixs Mcllttt''H ol AOJiiHtltiK Pol It lua
Mlsumloi fit until ii .
louston I'ost.
Two active politicians and workers
Vhoclor and CJoodinan , in the late muni
ipal election , came to hot words oni
ntorchangcd nisuUa yc&torday luornii )
ibout aoiuo work done down in the sec
jnd ward , and _ were moving to blow
vhcn friends interfered and proyontui
> loodshod on the spot. But this did no
ippcoso the nngor that had boon aroused
ind consequently Wheeler challenged hi
bo to fight.
Seoiii ; ; that a desperate and pcrhap
'atal light would r , oult , friends punuadm
ho challenged party to light with glove
intil both woio s-ilislinl. When tin
was made known to the other aide , th
ulovcscro procured , seconds cliosui
ind the bulligerunta repaired to a law
ind.ouitable hall , or in technical phrase
olopj'i to the field of honor. Two sut
; eona cro engaged and ull the Btimu
lanta necessary on sndi an occasioi
were placed at hand for immediate usr
The fight , it was mutually agreed
should bo according to the Marquis a
3utcnsbury ! luloi of the prizp rin j
When thu angry warriors came in sign
of each other their ire grow to immons
{ iroportious , and nothing less than gor
would satiify cither. A loforoe wn
chosen and the men stripped to the !
"Time , " cried the referee , and th
madmen flew at cnch other with tliui
ponderous lists.
The first onset was something terrific
Sparks flow from the very chcnks of th
men. Goodman crowded his nntogonii
with unrelenting fuiy , and in fifteen set
ends stretched him upon the floor. In
few momenta the downed man regainc
his feet only to ily at his foo. Aiiotlu
fierce struggle onsned. Wheeler was BOO
crowded out of the ring , but not unt
both had received hefty blows upon the
noses tmd eyea. This WUB done in tc
Things looked equally for Wheplorbu
hia pluck did not falter. When liberate
they mot again furiously. In thiity sci
onda Wheeler was crowded to the wall b
a wild onslaught of Goodman , who lai
on the blows rapidly. Whoelur attempi
cd to return the fighting , but tspcwo
his side under the punishment , and we
prostrated by Goodman. ' Time , " sun
out the reforon , and the ( seconds led tl )
men to the refreshment stands , v.'hci
their shirts were pinned together an
they were sponged olF. Fans and \n
towels were used vigorously.
The mutual friends took advantage <
this rest to breath easy and quiet the
anxiety and norves. The referee , watt
in hand , walked to and fro with measure
tread as ho oycd Iho minute hand in i
revolutions. "Time , " he roared ou
The men and seconds stopped into tl
ring , the former looking considerab
winded * , r/The set-to was swift , jhobrai
ny fiats whirled about in the air regai
loss of direction , but Goodman got in
few licks' . Wheeler's were badly aimi
and bringing his hands back their an
would become interlocked andthosocon
had to interfere.
In the next struggle Wheeler made
bettor showing. The crowding to tl
wall was fit at ono way and then the otho
One man sttuck at his man , miescd ar
came near failing. As ho passed tl
other man streak at him , grazed him ar
came near dislocating his own am
Goodman's sallies were not so fierce aa i
first and wore further apart.
In the third round both clinched ar
were separated.
While in the hands of their sccom
\Vhooler \ cried out "time" and struggle
to got to his manbut the referee declare
that time won not up , and Wheeler wall
up and down the field , chafing for tl
fray. "Timo" was called and Wheel
stepped upon tlio bloody sands of tl
arena , thirsting for goro. Goodman wall
cd quietly out , looking a little pale an
evidently moving more in obedience 1
pride than eagerness to fight. But the
iot ; at it , mid Wheeler forced the figh
ing. Unfortunately for Goodman tl
seconds walked oil'to have a little elm
anh the fight became very hot. The re
oreo seemed nlow to speak , but ho Imdi
call "timo. " Wheeler , however , got i
to quick with his glove that the word wi
not moio than half pronounced , and rene
ono hoard it. But on the removal of tl
aforesaid ylovo "timo" came out with
ilnar ling , and the spectators took it u ]
The Ecconds came back v.iping the
mouths a id parted the men. Goodmn
was laid on tbo eofa , and Wheeler wnlkt
up and down the floor , eager for time '
bu called. Soon it cune , but the eocor
of Goodman came alone , and announce
that his principal wassatisfiodwhorpupc
Wheeler announced himself eatislict
walked ever , shook hands with his la
antagonist and offered to HOIVO him
any way. The curgeons took churgo
the diacomfittud combatant , and the t > pe
tators , with the victor and the sccon
walked to the nearest drug store and tote <
to no a soda water.
Whenler bore a slight abrasion of tl
akin upon his face , but Goodman , thou ;
vanquished , was carlces. Wheeler BO
ho fought in vindication of his friends.
. April 30. Among the buil
ings burned in Englewood , by the fi
this morning was the Sherwood IIoui
a frame structure , through which t
flames spread ao rapidly that the guei
had to leap from the upper story in tin
night clolhos. No lota of lifo howovi
The buildings destroyed were all fran
and the loss will not exceed § 15,000.
KAtAMAX.oo , Mich. , April 30. T
poorhoueo cf Van Burcn county , 1
cutod near Hartfoid , Mich. , burnud It
night , and fifteen or sixteen inmatoR h
their lives in thb frami-a. Loss on buil
ing 910,000 , insured. Particulars hti
The greatest , a'nountof cold over kiiov
to bo endured by while men , ovcrtoi
Lieutenant Bchwatka'H party in fccarch <
information about Sir John Franklli
party. They wcro over cloven months
sleds , and journeyed about thrcn thousai
milcfl. On Jan. It , 1880 , the thcrmoiuct
sunk l < r > 0 degrees below the freezing pou
The highettt temperature that day was' '
dcg. below free/ing point. For twent
soveu days the average temperature W
02 deg. below the freezing jnoiuft
Tlio IiA < liliit } Flock Oj or tr t nnil I\T
llir- OvinciI'licciniibi loVI1 > '
Wall Htrrrt A JUOO.ODO (
.SitOO.OOl ) Deal DOCK Mini
1'ft McfAl Millions
In n
Nr.w YOUK , April " > 3. The announce
mcnt nl ! t o'clock this afternoon of th
failure of J.ii. H. Kcono , the woll-knowi
Wall street opcrfttor , WAS received b ,
any with incredulity. It created a
rst tremendous excitement lunong th
mailer dcaluraand opcratois who had a )
' .irontly not anticipated such a result
ho efi'oct on the nxukot wa not appn
iablo this aftirnoon , it came so Into ,
The failureis duo to the fuel thr
Aeenu has for some time past confine
is stock opcrntiona to tr.Mmctioim i
livilegcn and Gelling ] iuU and mils ,
.vrgo number of thcao contracts fell di
o-day , and it is naid after paying 01
iver $100,000 on n falling market , lie rn
ihort and was obliged to refuse stock pie
o him.
The now * spread rapidly , and Keene
) fiico w.\s noon bcnicgod with creditor !
Mr. Wells coiiflrmcd the report , of tl
: ailnro. but said Ivcuno would make i :
tatcmentatpreaontbut woulddoso atn
atly date to these entitled to know. T <
light , however , ho gave the following I
lie associated press :
' 'After paying n million dollars
n the last few months in my cllurta i
rotecl my privilogen on a falling murke
finally determined to-diiy to rail a hn
n the interest of those with whom
iavo business.
MAS. H. Kr.KNi : . "
It is uiulornlood hin chiif loasta are i
ccuritics of the various Pacific roai
nd Erie. Shortly nflor the failure wi
announced friends olluycd him $ 100,00
nit he refused it , eaying ho didn't pr
lese to make a bad matter worse.
Kecno was not a member of the stoi
xchango and hin failure doen not afl'o
t except aa to individuals with whom 1
md dealings. It is estimated that 1
outstanding privileges amount to 200,0
or 300,000 , aharos. It is not believed
known just how many ho has out tiimso
Many of his puts within the pant ft
weeks have boon extravagantly nbo
ho market prices. It is thought tl
wan done to tempt purchase or p
money for immediate use , realizing 1
position as hopeless. _
Friends in a position to know say h
paid out two or three millions within t
[ mat few montliB , Tlio moat of his pri
gps are hold by curbstone oporatoi
but it is thought thatnono , of them r
"nvohcd so heavily aa to cause failure.
Th\v ( Invnilo u Knnsaa Town In tl
Uroiul Day , Attempt to Hub a
Dank OIT-IInnd , and Kill the
' * J'rcBldjjnt nhrt ijnsliler ,
o'clock ' this morning cloven man hriu
with Winchester lilies and revolv ern rn
up to ; i bank at Medicine Lodge ,
miles west of here. Two remained wi
the horsct ; the others entered the bui
ing and demanded the money.
0. W. Payne , president , and G (
Gepport , chushior , wcro in the bank a
refused to comply. The cashier -TI
killed and the president fatally woundc
The city marshal just then appeared o :
opened fire on the men , and outside t
citizens gathered rapidly.
The robbers galloped away without bi
ty. Within tenmiuutca thirty men wore
hot pursuit. There is no clue to t
robbers' identity. Gepport was a proi
innnt business man. Payne WOH the ei
tor of the Jlndex , and a wealthy a
influential stock man ,
Several Killed.
CAPETOWN , April 30. In suppress !
the striking laborora in the diamo
fields , the police killed and wounded LI
LrrnitARy GixoEnnitEAn Wor.rc.-
oed deal of what pauses for literature
these days , is a very poorquality of ging
bread work. The average modem novel
mild enough and fiihsy enough to Batlt
the l > cart of a Miss Nancy of the longi
standing and rcHpcctahility. Evcrytbi
is "delicate" or "refined , " the humor
"subtile , ' ' the plot is "dextrous,1' thocln
actera "exquisitely delineated , " the mor
ity "wwcct or "tender , " and the love
well , tbo love w something BO iiltogctl :
fearful and wonderful , that on the who
it It more taxing to n sound stomach th
Bco/sickncss. With hero and theio an c
ception , the whole brood of "tho you
novelists'1 shown a decided aversion
strong , clear thinking and to bodlyattae
ing difficult social proclems. Their boo
am app.ircuUy addressed not to Jiuusculi
men and womanly women , but to "prett
men and simpering girls. At n time wh
scientific and philosophical literature
characterized ns never before 1) ) ' vlr
thought and strength of style , it ia u ci
ions phenomenon that btllcc-lettrcn shor
bo BO soli.
Sanford's Kadical Cure ,
Hud < 3old * , Watiry Dta-bargei from the No o
Kje , HlnKlng NolBot In the lloiul , Kcrvoun lit
ache end rcvtrlmtantb relived.
Choking inucumllslwUuJ , membrnno cleansed
hoolud , breath ei lent * ! , until , ttuta and lieai
( touglie , IJronUiUln. Uroj < i-lnK Into the Thr
l'aln m the Client , B ) iff pala , Wasting ot Btrcn
ar.j Floeli , ljuai of Elei > , tta , curad.
One liottla lUllaU Curt ) , ono liux Citirrlml
Vuut and 0110 Dr. Sintord'rf Inhaler , lu un paclxi
ot all druiTL-ItU , tor tl. A k fur HiKronu' 1UM
Ctl ii.tti'urodltll ! U'in of Witch Htuel , Am. I'
Ca. I'lr , llart oldi Clover Illuwoou. da. I'oi
IJiiuo AI.D CIIIMWAI.OO. , Itodton.
i'H fft * ColUni'VcltM Kleclrto i'lt
Al'K JW . lunteiitly iiffecU tint .Vorv
4irf t-r jjitm tndbaiilihet I'uin
nsjncrfoct lilcctrlo llutVirv t
" . , . , Wu * l l li Vnriiu Uwt < ; i
o .r > i
13 THE Cttli 95 oiiitt It
" ' - Ut.Ailui Wtuk and v.'oi-fi
. .Wtt'iD CE8V8 J'a'U. itrencthtin TinU S
Its , iirovfrnt fXA > , find iictu ninro In 4 > nu
ini < tluui - " nUior ( JM r In thu worl.l.
aJJiVKD SrEAUKLK IfiiuburicArnci
1'wket Cuiriiany'4) ) Unu for I'M MOD III ( Lon
Clierboui'K , O'ariijanJ HAUnUUG , Haturday xti
em to llauibui il.rett. I.IWINd , Ainll lf > : Illi
JUA. April IB ; ( IKMiCUT , April 24 ; WCHTI'IIAI
April 33 : ARTIA , May 3 ; WJEUANP , Ma
Ihtoi ! Fliet/Caliln , s ) 6 , ( r/OaiidSW. / rtcuntuv ,
1'rvpulJ itoL i : < tlckitv , 8 H Kio'irtburatvii ' K
ly tnlcrixi. U nd for "Tourist a ult > < " II
Vundt , llar't Hautcn , K. K. Jlonroi , U , Toft.
1111011111 % " QronfwiitBcliofntL'en , tcentainC
J dl IllulJC 0,11:1UUUAUI : ) & CO. , Ocn. l'a j. A
; 01Uroidvii.yN. V.
s&K&as W
j x ii jjsoi 13 JI
Roma Victorias , Espeeialss , Hoses in 7 Sizes from § 60
to § 120 per 1000.
Glrapes , Thistle , Lawrence Barrett , Caramels , Kew Stan
dard , Greed Advice , New Brick.
, * * * iit
. . M
xl tlv. l'
fc '
* *
1B1B Mid ISSO llarnoy Htrcot ftuil < OII B. U h Rtra , ' , tf\ , . _ _ _ IU L P\B _ . I- .
, r tcd Catnloiruo fiirulAhod free upon 0iptlcRt'nu | ' \jjf \ § Yl C81113 H 0 S3
* . ' .I
< ;
The levers o ijood clohiugu < whowsh tbfpurobaso zbvua mH.u iut
equal , it not better , then 'thofbest gohuents made by nnj merchant
tiiloring houseu in the United States. , * " , , -
Blgutter'ei estctblislnnoub Ima loiig ono of the load1
ing houses of the kind in the west , ' . ,
From the first to Iho third floor , in every department , Iho block ia coin : *
pleto. nnd comprises t ho latest styles of seasonable goods , Customers -
will find
[ ,
* y
In great abundance. This house keeps the best
Tlr'b work is always done in a eatififnctorj1 manner , and without oztra
KE HOUSE , ' f
1001 Furnnm St. Cor. 10th. '
" * " * & *
Made of Sheet Metal with Pressed Ornamchti. l o Leaking , No CrooljinK or J < W'rl
ing oil' . Fire Troof , Oliojip and Durabki. 'J ho Moat Oxnamonial Roof Modo.i
Practinally Tested for Nearly Ten YearWitliihe , Most Giatifying Resnllsf
Fip. 2 View rep fsonUttg A numb !
of 'L'ileE as ftrrnjigcd upon a roof.f ?
Fig. 'J Detail scitional view < cfth
same. J ! -
Fig. .1 One ( if iho Roof Tilea.
JfiB ; Wnll Tift , the , white
winch ia covorcjl Ly the oiiq alJov
it , nnd requires no
Breccliiugs ancl
Guttering and Ge ra ! JoKf
m ' . Satisfaction Guaraut"
u- .
IF All ' " ' . H. WOOD & CO ,
215 Noith lOtli Street , bet. Capitol Avo. and
Dainvott Street. Telephone No , 405.