OMAHA DAILY BKF.-TIIURSDAY , MAY 1 , ISSL v Nebraska National Bank OP OMAHA , NEB. l.v'r * Capital 9280,000 fir * M Fnnu , HOT. 1,1888 10 BOO DIRECTORS. < xATE3 , President , for many years ' of the Pint National Bnnk ot Omaha. > rOUZALIN , Vies President , Boston , ' MOH3B , of W. V. Morse & Co. 3. COLLINS , of G. II. & J. S. Col- WOOLWOUin , Counsellor and Attor- > IllJED. of Byron Ueod A Co. / ' IIAYD12N , Assistant Cashier. ) 113 BANK opoiwd for business April 27 , us niHECTons AND sTooKnoi.D /I'S / are atnoug the loading bualnosaof Omn- V And 1U buslnoia is conducted wit ojpooin 1 it to the boit and incroa-stngh Interest If 1U mercantile patrons. ' 'OLLKOTIONS rocolvo Hpocial attention nil chargoa loweat obtainable here or olso- i born. 1NTRUEST allowtid on tlmo dopoeltn upon favorable terms end upon nciouuta of baulw bankers. . OKKIQN EXOlIANaE Government | ltc < ida and County and Clt ysocnritioa bought luid sold. , FINANCE AMD COMMERCE. FINANCIAL NEW Yon * , April 30. f Governments lower. JUIlways stronger this aftornoon. Tliorn fia a general a Ivanco at the opening , rang- from i to IJ.tho latter for Jersey Central f hit was succeeded by a reaction of i to 1 Jior | cent and drop of 2 per cent in Jersey 'Central. After midday , a strong buying | movement to cover shorts. The high figures reached occasioned enino tolling to realize , and n reaction of i to 5 occurred. In the nf teiaoon Vanderbllt broken bought heavily and there WM another general improvement. At the close i to 1 of this advance was lost. Michigan Central broke to 81J. Th decline duo to the announcement of the embarrass ment of Jas. K. Koeno. Compared with last night , prices uro 1 to KJ hljher , except for Michigan Central , which is li lower. "Union I'actlic , INow York Central nnd Canada Southern ate unchanged. \ 101 113 , . new , IV. . . 123 , t adlicfesof'J5. 129 nrooica BOSDS. .nerlcon B orl. , Cedar , 4 Northern Padllo. klnigo & Alton I do do pfd. . , GblL , Bnrl. & Quincy. Eio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Way * j > & Chicago. . . mibal&St , Joseph . Ida do do pfd . ois Control . [ , Bloom , & Western . state Texia . j Shore & Michigan So . fnigan Central . Inoapolis & St. Louis . | do do do pfd . { Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'ernFadlio ' . . do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . orn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PIQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ir' : Central . .Mississippi . . . . . . do pfd . i . . , Dccator 4 Evana villo . Inland . . o , Hllwaukoo -I : BCPaol . Ido Jo do aul& Omaha. flo pfd. . . . . . Facifia Unlqn Pacifia \V arJaah , St. L. & Pacieo do do do pfd ? estorn Union Tolagraph Dir. AMU j CHICAGO I'BODUCK. j , -April 39 , 10 a. m. The market are genor/illy / weaker this morning. Jun * wheat opened at 94c , gold down to 93Jc , am and la now 93Jc. June corn has fallen off to oSgc. Juuo pork Is 917 05. Juno lard , $8 45 July oats are 33Jc. Weather worm. The ro- ceipta in reheat yesterday were 11,000 bushels shipments , 124,000. , 1:10 : p. -Markets closed generally easier Wheat Cloaed llay.Olic ; Juno , 92io ; July . Corn 53Jc for May ; 55c for June ; OOJc fo I July. Oats-Sl&c & for May ; S3 o for June ; 33Jc fo I July. July.RyoGOic. . 35arley-72ffl73c. riaxBeod-l 68@1 70. WWsky-81 12. l > ork-17 00 for May ; 17 17i for June [ 517 30 for July. Lard-88 40 for May ; 88 524 for Juno ; $8 02 ( or July. , April 30. Corn Active and higher miied , C2@Dlilc , new rejected , 50 } © -Activa and flrm ; No. 2 white , 3G@ ull nnd irregular ; No. 2 new , W@U ( Firm at 81 12. BT. LOUIH rnonucK. , April 30. Wheat Lower bderate trading ; No. 2 red $1 ] JJ1 ; OJi May ; $1 07g@l 07 " clMlng 908 July ; U3@93J 3 , August ; 923@92J , closing 028 , the I Lswer ; slow ; 49J@49J . .cash } 49 , [ ® , fXl@01 ) June , tefablb July , M * 45 the year : closing at inside figures. [ -Lower ; 3 i@34i cosh ; 33J@ May , .ha year , Vyo Nominal , Jl rley- Quiet j C0@80. lltutter " Unchanged. "Julet : 10@10i. Irlwssed Nominal. lI y and Bran- Unchanged , - , ru Me l Quiet ; a 80. . .blsky Steady : 111. 3itL UOAKD whoftt Lower : ? 1.074 June ; Muly ; 02J@92J Aug. } O.'J the year. Join-Lgwcr ; 49@l3i lluy , 601 Juno 615 111 Ml August. " ' -Lower ; 333 ll y. KANHAH cirr. I Juna. | aU-Nomlnl301 ! bid. UILWAOKKX. . April 29. Wheat Strong ukee. 95c ; April , 05c ; May , Olio Im and unchanged , Itdy and firm ; No. 2 S3Jc ; AVhlte . b.l ore. ng and quiet ; No. 2 Spring 71 ® 'MEW TORK ruonocE. | ) BKApnI 29. iVheat Cash , quiet ; klfned 40 to Jo at tae outset ; after- 1 and advanced 4 ® § ; closing 03J ; uDgradea . lower ; option" openai lower , ciwlng firmer ; ungraded , 50 ® tovrer ; mixed western , 3739 _ -\\Twtern froju dull and easier , 14j@ * ' " ' woderato demand. prlraa. stonn , 8 C5@8 70. Ug ; to 29. BAI/HMOU. ewer : No. . f yd , Oato Quiet } western white , 4243cj mixed , 941c. llye Quiet ; fiS@70c KgRS-Quiet ; 13@iajo. Whisky -Steady | 1.13. NKW OHLKAN8. New ORLKANB. April 30. Corn Hood do- land ; mixed , CSJf.Glc. white. 70c. Oats-Dull at 4 > 5c. Corn Moal-1'lrm ; S3.10. 1'orK Scarce ; 17 W. Lard-Stealyi tierce refined , 8jc ; keg , OJ. Whiskey Steady nnd unchanged. CINHNNATI. CINCINNATI , April 30. Wheat Irregular nd lower ; No. 2 rod ; 1 O.T l 08. Corn Weaker ; No. 2 mixed , 5Ci@57. Oat Steady , with n fair demand ; No. 2 mixed , SfVa 38 } . Uyo Firm nnd unchanged. llarloy-Kinn ; extra No. 3 fall , 80@81. I'Tk Quint ; moss , 17@17V. Lard Light demand ; 8 } , IJnlk Moats -1'irm ; sliotildon , CJ ; short Whlsky-Stoadyj 116. I iVKiiroou Livinroor. , April 30. Wheat Steady ; winter , "IK Od@8s 3d : spring , 7a 7d@4sUd. Corn-Quiet ; old , Cs Sid. TOl.KDO. TOLBDO , April 30 Wheat Dull ; No. 2 rod , Jc. Jc.Corn Corn In good demand ; nt lower rate , \'o. 2 , f > 5o asked. Oata Steady ; No. 2 spot May , 35c. NEW TOIIK FRODCCE. Nw YOKK , April 30. Whoat-lOlJo low. jr ; No. 2 rod for May. 81 Ot'j@l ' 10J ; Juno , ? 112J@l 133 ; .luly , 81 O8'@l 083 ! August , SI 07J bid , SI 08 asked. Corn 113 < J lower ; mixed vontorn , spot , i5C31c ; future ; G2i@G'2Bo. Oatai@ o lower ; western , 37@40. Pork Dull and weak , spot moss , § 10 75. Lard Dull nnd lower ; steam rendered , $850. TOLEDO. TOLIIIO , April 39. Wheat-Dull ; No. 2 , rod , S8jc. Corn In good demand at lower rates ; No. Oata Steady ; No. 2 , spot nnd May , 35c. HILWAUKRH F110DCCE. MILWAUKEE , April 30. Wheat Weaker and unsottlad ; 92a for cash nnd April ; 'J for May ; IHJc for June ; 9Gc for July. Corn Stronger ; 5Gc. Oata-DullatSJJc. Kyo Strong ; C7c. Uarloy Quiet and easy at 711o. IA\'K SIOOK , KANSAS CITY LIVB BTOOK. KADBAB Cirr , April 30. The Live Stod Indicator reports : Cattle Natives. 5 00@5 Oi ; etockors ant f coders , 4 40@4 45 ; cown , 3 75@4 CO. Hogs Slow and lower nt 5 15@5 50. Sheep Quiet ; natives , clipped , 3 75. BT. LODJ8 LIVE STOCK. ST. Louis , April 30. Cattle Actlv and very strong ; export ? G 35 gG G5 ; comma' ' to ] choice , G 00@G 25 ; corn fed Texan ; 5 i5@5 ! 75. Sheep Firm : inferlorfto good,13.75@5 60 choice to extra , 5 75@6 25. Hogs Active and lower : light to heavy 5 35@5 00 ; packing , 5 50@5 75. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO , April 30. Hogs Receipts , 22,000 head ; market fairly active and nbout 5c lower or ; light , $ i 00@5 70 ; rough packing , 85 25@ 5 SO ; heavy packing and shipping , $5 C 000. f Cattle Receipts , 4,700hoadrrur ; ! < et stfopg or and brisk ; exports , S625@0 JO : pxfik to choice , $5 75@G 20 ; common to Jaif , i . ? .5 (25 75 ; butchers' , 83 005' 00 ; stockera , 84'00 ( Slfi'JS"J . XERAFFIO. noun AND OUAIK. April 30 , Receipts and ehlp- mltita'ot'flonr and grain for the peat 24 hours hnvo\Hecn aa follows : * . ' * iA .r Kooelpta. Bhlp'ts. Flour , bbla 25,000 11,000 Wheat , bushels 111,000 124,000 Corn , bnshala 130.000 290,000 Oata , bushels 170.000 118,000 Ryebushel 7,000 20,000 Barley , bushels 22,000 15,000 Nsw YORK , April 30. Receipts and shipments of flour and grain forthepast24honra have boon aa follows : Receipts Bhlp'ts. Wheat , bushed 60,000 108,000 Corn , bushola 74,000 29,000 Oata , bushela 19,000 . . . . ) LIVB STOCK. CHICAGO , April SO. Receipts and ehip- menta of live stock for the post 24 houra have been a * follows ; Receipts. Bhip'ts. - Cattle 47.000 Hogs 35,000 Sheep 1,000 KAHIAS CITT , April 30. Receipts and shipments of hvo Gtock for the past 21 honra have been aa follows : Recelpta. Bhlp'ta. Cattle 1,000 Hogs 00 Sheep 680 ST. LOUIB , April 30. Receipts and ship- monta of live stock for the past 24 houra have been aa follows ; Rocelpta Ship'ta. Cattle 2,930 Hogs 8,510 Sheep . . . 350 OMAHA MARKETS. Wholesale i'rlooa , OPTIOK or THE OMAHA BKK , I Wednesday Evening , April 80. f Tha lollowiug pricoa ore charged retailers hy jobbers , wholesalers and commlealon mor- ohanta , with the exception of < prain , which is iuoted { at the pricoa f urnialied by the elevators and other local uycrs : Orain. WHEAT-NO. ? , 71 J@72c. BAUtuv-No. 2 , 50@55c. Rye-No. 3. 45c. COEN-No. 2 , 371 ® . OATS-NO. 2 , 2C ( § 28io. Flonr mnd Mlllstaflni WJNTKB WHEAT IJoat quality , patent , at 82r.330. SECOND QDALITT 2 T5'3 25. Hniiwa WHEAT Best quality , patent. 8 2'5@3 39. SSOOND QOALITT 2 50@3 25i BBAN 70o per cwt. OnorPBD FJSKD Per IM Iba. 90s. Cons MEAL 1 00@1 10 per cwt. SCBEENINQ 35 > 75o per cwt Invo Stock. a-3 60ft 425. Hoaa 5 00@5 2b. SHEKP 8 60fts4 50. OALVBS 0 UX.7 00. Oonornl I'rodnce. Applica Very lew In market. Genltans , S 75 ; Ben Davis , 85 50 ; Wlllowtwigs , < 5 W ) ; Wlnenapa , 4 75. I'FAVS Rocelpta light and demand good. Ijtl ( picked navy , per bu , $250 ; mouium , BEESWAX In good demand. Choice blight per Ib. 26@26c ; common to good dark per 11) , l 0(3)25o ( ) UrnTJtn Market quiet but steady. Choice country roll wanted. Fancy creamery , 83taj 4t > o } choice roll , 18@20c ; choice unlld packed , 14 1 5o ; fair to good , 12@15c ; inferior grades , 9@12o. CinKB-01uo" per bbl , 87.00) ) "York State" per bbl , 88 00 ; p rj bbl , 54 75 ; condensed per gal , 85c , Crftb apple , per gal , 35c. CHEKSB Full cream , wentern , 13J ; Wisoon- sin. @ 14c. CocoANnrs Per 100. 84 76c55 ( 00. EKaoH Receipts heavier and market weak- enlng. Baled aW at 13 ceuta , and eoma off. oring at 12 } nlroadyt FOIIEION FituiTB Menlna oranges , per box , (5 00. Measina lemons , per DOT , S3 75 @ 400. lianwiaB , per bunch , $300 ® 4 00. Figs , Ib. , 16o. Datoa , in Irtils , 7Jo ; aates , ford , In boxes , 14u. * i FBUIT BoirEKU Apple butttff , In 80 Ib polls , per Ib , 7c. Plum buttflr , 70. CrAiUi-Dack * , Mallard , per do * , 2 00 ; teal , , St M ; mtsod , $1 50@1 75 } gow.0 . , 83.00@3 50 ; snipe , $1.25. H y-H loil , $10 * ? 18. JKLLT In 20 and SO 11) Dills , 89e ; In 2 lb tine , tier doz , $1 50 ; assorted tumblers , p > ilot. 1 20 ; ochooncrs , per dozen , 83IX ) . MAPLE SCCIAH Pure , In brlrks , per lb , IGc ; Ohio , ; small cakts , 12Je. OAT MKAL-Stool cut , i > cr bM. SO 25. Onion * . -Qulot and salon small. Dermudas nrn getting chonpnr , and old onion * will only soil if utrlctly choico. Clioios red selling nt S200@260 per barrel ; yellow ) anvom * at 82 50 ; green onions , SOo ] > or o/onj Bermuda. 2 25 per crate , ONION SETS Bottom per bu , $3 60 ; tops , 2 60. Porconx- good demand at 2@2\opor \ lb. PouLTlit Scarce nnd high. Dressed TUT- oys. par Ik , 17@18o. Goose , 13o. Chlckons , 4@16c. Ducks , 14o. Chlckons , live per ot , $1 50. Ducks , Iho , per doz , 4 50 ; spring ilckotiB , l > or doz. , 8400@500 , accord- ig to size. PoTATOts rhorois some local demand 1 allsacked lots. Early Hose per bu. 35 @ 40c ; Poachblow , 45c ; Bulk receipts are ard to dispose of and have to bo sacked horo. PJIKSKRVES ( In 20-lb palls ) Strawberry , ospborry , blackberry , per lb , 18c ; poaohos , liorrios , plums , nprlcotn , figs , per lb , 12a ; cranberry sauce , per lb , He. PROVISIONS Ham , 13Jc : b. bacon , llc ; . R. bacnn , llSc ; d , s. fides 10Jo ; short rib ides , lOJc ; sliouldors , Sic ; moM pnrk , per bl. 520.00. Drlfd beef , 15c. Lard , lOjc. VKaRTAHlKS Spinach , per bbl. St 60 ; now abbago , California porlb.,4c ; lettuce , per ,07. . , GOc ; rodishes , per doz. , GOc ; sweet pota- oca , per lb , Go , turnips , per bu , GOc , boots , lorbu , 75c ; cucumbers , per doz. , $160 ; Pie ilant per lb , 80 , cauliflower , per doz. , 33 00 ; hsparngus , per lb. lOc , now carrota , per b. , So , California celery , 51 50. Tomatoes , bu. box , SI 50@51 75. STKAWIIKKIUKS. Are just commencing to jomo forward. Selling at 'Ma per qt. Uocolpts will increase dally and prices Vi ill bo lower onn. Pies FEFT , TmrE. ETC. Pigs feet , 15 lb kits , 8125 : pigs 40 lb qr bbl , 82 60 : pigs foot , 60 lb half bbl , 85 00 ; tripe , 15 lb kits , 81 25 ; tripe , 40 lb qr bbl , 82 50 ; tripe , 80 lb half bbl , 85 00 ; pigs tongues , 15 lb kits , 82 60 ; pigs tongues , 40 lb qr bbl. 80 00. Lambs' tonpuoa , 5 lb kits , 83 00 ; 40 lb qr bbl , 86 00. Grocers LilBt. CANNED GOODS Oysters ( Utandardper ) cose , 170@3 89 ; strawberries , 2 lb , per COBO , 2 60 ® 210 ; raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 00 ; Bartloti lears , par case , 2 40 ; whortleberries , per case , 110 ; egg plums , 2 lb , per case , 2 90 ; green i gages , 2 lb , per case , 2 90 ; pine apples , 2 lb icr caso. 4 805 60. ROPE Sisal j inch and larger , 9Jo , i Inch lOc ; i inch , 10c. CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs , IGs , 15c ; 8s , 15o ; ioxos 40 Ibs , 16 oz. , Ce , 15o , MATCHES Per caddie , 85o ; round , CMOS , 2 55 ; square coses , 170. BDOABS Powdered , 8Jc ; cut oaf , 840 ; jranulatod , 7e ; confectioners' A , 7i Stand urd extra C , Gjc ; extra O , Ggo ; medium yel low , GJc ; dark yellow , o. Cor VEES Ordinary grades , 12@12Jc ; fair 13 @ 13Jc ; good , 14c ; prime , 15@15io ; choice. 16@17c ; fancy proem andyollowlu@16icold ; government Java , 20@2Gc ; Levering * * roaatad. 17o ; Arbncklo's roosted , 15Jcj MoLanghlinV XXXX roasted , lejo : mltatlon Java , 1GJ © 18k ; Clark's Aurora , 15Jc. RIOB Louisiana prune to choice , 7c ; fair GJc ; Fatma , Cfc. FISH No. 1 mackerel , half brhi. , 8 60 ; Iso. 1 mackerel , < dts , 115 ; family mackerel , half brls. , 7 00 ; family mackerel , kits , 95c ; No. 1 white fish , half brls. , 8 76 ; No. 1 kits , 115. SYBUP Standard Com. , SOc , bols ; Standard do , 4i gallon kegs 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 gallon kops 137. SoDX = In tt papers , 8 80 per case ; keg per lb 2Jc. ' - PiOKtco Medium. In barreb , 8 25 ; do In half barrels , 4 75 ; email. In barrels , 0 l&j Oo in hiilf barrak , G 25 ; gherldr ln barreLj , 10 23 do tn half barrels. 5 76. TEAS Gunpowder , good , 45@55c ; choice 60 f75c ; good Imperial , 40@43c ; choice , GOG5c sung Hyson , good , S6@50c ; choice 65c@l00 ; Japan , natural leaf , 35c ; Japan choice , 60@75c ; Oolong , good , S5@40c ; Oolong choice , 40@55c ; Souchong , good , 35@40c choice , 36@45c. WOODZNWAOE Two hoop polls , 185 three hoop pails. 210. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; Pioneer neer washboards , 185 ; Double Crown 290 Wollbueketa , S 85. SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , 3 45 ; Kirli'j satinet , 3 GO ; Kirk's standard , S 75 ; Klrk'p white Russian , 625 ; Kirk's entoca , 215 Kirk's Prairie Qneen , (100 ( cakes , ) 40o ; Kirk'a magnolia , doz. POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 case , In cose 3 35 ; Babbltt.8 ball 2 doz. in case , 1 90 ; Anchor boll , 2 doz. in case , 1 50. * CANDY Mired , 12@13c ; [ stick , lie ; twist stick , 11 jc. VIHEOAB Now York opplex16c ; Ohio ap ple , ISc. SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 170 ; Ajhton , hi sacks , S 50 ; bbla dairy 60 , 6s , 3 SO. STABOH Pearl , 4&c ; Silver Gloss , 9c : Com Starch , 9c ; Excolalor Gloos. 7c ; Corn , 740. SI-ICES Popper , 17c ; allBplco , 15c ; clovw 25o ; cassia loo. LTE American. 8 40 ; Greenwfch , 8 40 Western , 2 76 ; North Star , 2 00 ; Lewis' lye 4 65 ; Jewell lye , 2 75. Dry Goods. BROWN SJIBETIKOS Atlantic A , 7c ; Atlnn- tie P , Go : Atlantic LL ; CJc ; Brunswick , 7Jc Beaver Dam LL. GJcj Lawrence LL. 6 Jo ; Puci- fie H , 7fc ; Royal Standard , 8c ; Indian Head A , 8c ; Wauchuaott A , 7c. TINE BKOWN SHEETINGS Argyle , 7ic ; Pop- peroll R , Gic ; Salisbury R , 6 0. BujACHEn COTTONS -Ballon 4-4 , GJc : Bal lon 7-8 , ( c ; Cumberland 4-4. 80 ; Davoll DD , 8c ; ICalrmount , 4ic ; Fruit of the Loom 4-4 , 8c ; Glory of the West , 8c ; Golden Gate , 8Jc : Hill 7 . 8c ; Hill 4-4 , 9c ; Lonsdalo , SJc ; New York Mills , lljc ; Wamsutto , lOc. DccKfl ( Colored ) Boston , 8 oz. , lljc ; Bos ton , 10 oz. , lljc ; Boston , 9 oz. , 14c ; Fall River , 8Jc. DUCKS ( Gray ) West Point , 8 oz. , lie ; Wcat Point , 10 oz. , 14o ; Boston Bear , 8 oz. , lie. lie.TICKINGS TICKINGS Amoskoa ? , 14c ; Continental Fancy , 9 c ; Cordis , lUc ; Pearl River , 14c ; York , l'Jc ! ; Hamleton Awnings , 12io. DENIHS Amoskeag , 14e ; Beavur Creek AA , 12c ; Beaver Creek Bl ) , lie ; Beaver Creek CO. 10 ; Havraakors 8c ; Jatfroy D & T , me ; Jaffrey XXX. 12Jc ; Pearl Rfver , 13c ; Warren AXA ( brown ) , 12c ; Warren BB ( brown ) , lie ; Warren CO ( brown ) , lOc. OAMUiiica Fifth avenue glove finish , 6c ; Keystone glove finish , f io. COMET JBANS Arnory , 7icj Hancock , 8c ; Kearsayer , 8 c ; Rockport , 7c , PniNTS Aliens jcAmorican,6o ; ; Arnolds , Gc ; Cocheco , Go ; Harmony , 4c ; Indigo , 80 ; Indigo 7-8 , lljc ; Indigo 4-4,12Jc ; ohoap sale 4c ; Charter Oak , 4Jo. PIIINTS SHIIITINOS American , 5c ; Cochoco , 5c ; Glouco ter,5cSoutbbrIdgo ; , 4Ic ; Wavorlyi , 4jc ; Rosodalo , 4jfc. GlNailAMS-Anioekeagstaploi , 8Jc ; Bates stanleA , H ci Lancaster staploa , 8c ; Plnukot plaids , be ; Iludcon checks , 8Jc ; Amoskcag Persians , lija DUKHS OOODH Atlantic alpacca , OJc ; Per. ulane cagluner , 2J c ; Hamleton cashmere , 15jc ; Hamluton FaDcui , llic ; llomloton bro. cades , 16c ; Arlington brocade , IRc. Lumber. WIIOr.SHALI. Wo qnoto lumber , lath and shlngleijon can at Omaha at the following prices : JOIST AND SOANTLINO 10 ft. and nndnr 22 00 ; 18 ft , 23 60. TIMBKBH 10 feet and under , 22 09. TIIIBKK AND JOIST 18 ft , 23 50 ; 20 ft , 23 50 ; 22 ft , 20 50 ; 24 ft , 20 CO. FENCING Po. 1 , 4 and 6 lu , , 24 00 : No. 2 2200. SHEWING No. 1 (2d'cotrunon ( boards ) , 20 00 ; No 2,1800. STOCK BOAIIDH A , 45 00 ; li.40 00 ; 0 , 35 00. FLOOIII.VO-NO. 1 , 40 00 ; No. 2 , 35 00 ; No. 3,2500 SmiNO , clear 27 00 ; No. 2 , 25 00 ; No. a , " OEILINO - ? , 37 00 ; 8. 25 00. SHINGLES , best t 60 ; standard , 3 50. LATH-3 25 per II. LlMS Per barrel , 125 ; bulk ] r bushel , 85c ; cement , bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa plaster , bbl , 2 50 ; hair per bu. 50c ; Tsrrod felt , 100 Up , 8 50 ; itraw ioard,860 ; , mints.OliH And \ arnlahea. OILS 110 cartx > n , par gillon. IBtc ; 150 ° headlight , per gallon , 14&c & ; 176 ° headlight , per gallon , 18c ; 150 ° water white , 17c ; lln seed , raw , } nr Kallon.67e ; linaeed , boiled , per gallon , GOalinrd. winter str'd , per gallon , 85c ; No. 1 , 75cNo. ; 2 , 65c ; costur , XXX , per gal. Ion , 1 COi No. 8,1 40 : woet , rw jollon ? 1 00 gporm W.B. , per gallon , 1 GO ; Uah. W. B. , pergaUon. 65o : neatefoot extra , per gallon , OOcj No. 1 , 75c ; lubricating , zero , per gallon , SOo ; ! emmer , 15c ; golden inadilne , No. 1 , l > cr gal- \ Ion , 35cj No. 2 , 28e ; sperm , signal , per gallon , < 0c ; turpentine , per gallon , 4Scj naptha 74 ° , pet rallon , lOc. PAINTS jv OIL White loail Omaha P. P. - > lo ; while lend. St. Louis , pure , OScjMarocilloj rocn 1 to 5 lli cans , 20c ; French zinc , green > oal , 12c , French zinc , rod sool. lie ) French 'Inc , In varnUh nut , 20c : French tlno. In oil < M t , Inc ; raw and burnt umber , 1 It ) c n , lOc ; raw and burnt Slnmift , lOc ; vandvko brown , 18c ; rorlnod lampblnck , 12c ; couch blicV , anil Ivory black , lOc ; drop black , IGoj Pm-wlnn lluo , 40c ! ultramarine blue , IBc : cliromo moon t. . M. > V 1) , . IGr ; blind nnd huttor grnoti , L M. fc D. , ICc ; 1'iirh grenn , 18c ; Indian rod , I5c : Venetian roil. 0 Tuscan red , l2c ! ; Amori. can Vormllhon. I. A ; P. , 18c ; chroran yellow L. M. , O. & t ) . O. , ISc ; yellow ochrci , PC ; golden ochre , IGc , patent dryer , 8c ; gr.ilnlng colors , light oak , dark uivk , walnut , chrx nut and iwh UK. Dry I'nlixt * . Whlto load , 8cj French zinc , 10c ; Paris whiting , 'Jjc ; whiting gildow , IJc : whltiiig com'l lie ; Umpblack , Gormnntown , 14c ; lampblack , ordinary , Klcj Pruulan blue , f > 5c ; nltramnrino , ISo ; vandyke , brown , 8c ; umber burnt , 4c ; umber , rnwIc ; stonnn , burnt , 4c ; ftianna , Tk'v , 4c ) Paris green , gtmulno. 25a ; Paris green , common , COc : cliromo green , N.Y. , ! Mc ; chrome green. It. , 12cj vermllllon , Eng , , 70c ; vonnilllon , American , 18c ; Indian rod , lOc ; rene pink , lie ; Venetian rod , Cookaon'g , 2Jc ; Venetian red , American , IJc : rod load , ? icj chrome yellow , genuine , 20oj cliromo jol- low , K. , 12cochre : , rochollo.Scjoclu-e , Fruncli , 2c ; ochre , American , Vc : Winter's mineral 2c | ; lehigh brown. 2 o ; Spanish brown , 2 c ; Prince's mineral , So. VAiiNiBUEa Darrols , per gallon : Furnl hire , extra , 8110 ; furniture , No. 1 , 81 : onach , extra , 81 40 : coach , No. 1 , 81 20Damar ; extra , 81 75 ; Japan , 70cnsphalt\im ; , oxtrn , 8Hc ; shellac , 83 60 ; hard oil fml-n , 81 50. | HOATT Hnrdwkro Jjlst. Iron , rates , 2 60 ; plow stool special cast , Cc. crucible , 7cj spectator Gorman , * cj cast too ; do , 1520 ; wagon spokes , cot , 2 25@3 00 ; hubs per sot , 1 25 ; fo'loai sawed dry , 140 ; tonguntt , each , 7085c ; hxlas each , 75c ; Hquaro nut-i per lb , 7@llc ; washers or lb , 8@18c ; rivoU , per lb , lie ; cell chah > . per It ) , G@l''c ; malleable , 80 iron wedges , 6c : crowbars , Gc ; harrow teeth I 4c ; spring tool , 7@So ; Burden's horaohocs , 1 70 Burden's mulcahoos 5 70 BAUDED WIP.E In car loto , Co per 100. NAILB Kotos , 10 to 60 , 2 90. SHOT Shot , 185 ; buck shot , 210 ; oriental powder , kegs , G 40 ; do. , half kegs , 8 48 ; do. , quarter kegs , 188 ; blasting , kegs , 8 So ; fiiao , per 100 feet 50c. LEAD Bar , 1 65. COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 10 00 ; Mor ris run Bloiaburg , 10 0 > j ; Whltohroast lump 5 00 ; Whitobroast nut , 5 00 ; Town lump , 5 00 Iowa uut , 5 00 ; Rock Spring , 7 00 ; Anthra cite , 1125@ll 50 ; Canon City , 7 00 , per ton Leather. , Oak oln , 38c@42o ; hemlock : solo 28c@85o huu lock kin , SOo to 1 00 ; runner 65o to 80c hemlock calf , 85c to 100 ; hemlock upper , 22o toMe ; oak upper , 24c ; alligator , 4 00 to 5 60 . calf kid , 32@35 ; Groison kid , 2 60 to 2 75 ; oak kip , 800 to 100 ; oak calf , 120 to 130 : French . kip , 110 to 1 65 ; French calf , 125 to 2 00 ; r sots , 5 50 to 7 60 ; linings , G 00 to 8 50 ; top. pings , 9 00 to 10 50 ; B. L. Morocco , SOo to 85c pebble 0. D. Morocco , 35o ; Bimon,2 60 to S 00 HARNESS No. 1 star oak , 37c ; No 2 do ; 35c : No. 1 Ohio oak , 36c ; No. 2 do , 3o ; N - . 1 Milwaukee Sfic : No 2 do 83c . / No. 1 Pitts oak har , 37c ; No. Bj Pitts ] oak her , 35c. Tonaccoi PLCO TOBACCO--Cllm i , 50c,3lnllli ? , Crown , 55c ; Bwoct 3btefn , 50c. ; O.'o O.S. , ham , 8 oz. , 65crU 2 oz. , B5c : Seal of < N ril > ; Seal of North Cutollna , 4 , North Carolina , 2 oz. , COcs OuCfPA' , oz. , 28c } O. K Pniham , 8 PM COtj , Ned , i'a 25ci Tom nnd Jerry , VAs,1 * * ; ' \ . ; rf. . ALCOHOL 18S proof alcohol/ 24 per wine ; gallon extra California Bph-iti , 188 proof 117 per proof gallon ; triple refined epirits- 187 proof , 120 per proof eallon ; ro-dlstillod whiskies 100@150 ; fine blended , 1 50@2 50 ; Kentucky bourbons , 200@700 ; Kentucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 00@7 00. BRANDlE3-ImportodGOO@1600 ; domotlo , 140@4 00. GINS Imixirtod , 4 50@G 00 ; domestic , 140 @SOO. Rniifl Imported , 4 50@i ( 00 ; Now England 2 00@4 00 ; domestic , 150@3 50. PKAOII AND APPLE BBANDT 175@4 00. CHAMPAONES Imported per CMO , 28 00 ® & 00 ; American/por cose , 12 W@16 00 , Hldca. , Steady ; Rroon bntchen , 6@GJc ; green salted 8. 8o ; ; dry flint , 12@13o : dry aalt , ; lOfflllc ; damaged bides , two-thirds price , , TAttow BJ@Co SHSEP Pxi.ia 25c@l 00. 0ENVEU MAltKET. - ; FLOun-100 ib , 1 75@2 50 ; patint , 100 Iba , - 75@3 00 : Qralmin , 100 Ibs , 1 90@2 OOi rye , 10-J Ibj , 235@2 50 ; buckwheat , 100 Ibs , 8 00 ® 850. Wheat , 100 Ihi , I 35@1 45 ; corn , In aackB of 100 Ibs , 1 12@1 14 ; oata , 100 Ibs , 1 50 @ 1 52 ; barley , 100 Jb , 1 301 40. HAY -Baled , 20 00@LM 00ntraw ; , 1000 ® 12 00. BUTTKU Fancy , 35@3Gc ; dairy choice , 25 ® 27c : common , 8i l2c. KOOH Fresh , 1818e ; ranch , doz , fresh CJIEKHK Full cream , ICf lCo ; Llmburger , IBc : Swlefl , Imported , S'2c. POCLTUY Live chickens , doz , 3 607 00 ; tnrkeyo , lb , 2022c ; dressed geese , lb , 10@- 17c. 17c.I'OTATOES I'OTATOES Eantrn , 100 Ibs , 40@-i5c ; Qreu-- lev.lOOlba , 90c@l 00. VEOErAliUH Onions , 100 Jim , 2 502 75 ; cabbvgo. 100 11 , 2 60@2 75 : beets , 100 Iba , 1 00(2(1 ( ( 25 ; celery , per doz. 1 30. FllUtTS-OrnngeH , Mcstlna , box , 5 000,6 00 ; leman * , choice Mosdua. 3 75@1 50 ; apples , oaHtorn.bbl , C 507 50 ; grapes , Alalaea , re u. lar , 7 00@7 50 ! bananas , bunch , 3 00@0 00. MKATH--Hninn , lb , HCaJUJc ; bacon , break- fi tK'i'(5)13c ( ) ; lurd , in tierces , lb , llo ; dried beef , IGcj dry aalt sides , W@101c. FlHll-aiackorel , No.l , 1 to , kit 1 76(32,25 ( : Callfurula salmon , half bbl , 1050 : Holland herring , koor , 1 C0@l 7fi ; trout , per lb. 1718c. ITotioe to Cattle Mon 9000ATTLEFORSALK. IPO IIoul nt Stcrrt Three Yean Old. 200 ' " Two " 20 Htllore , Two " IM " htccra , Ono " 120 " Helftri. Ono " Tlio aburo donotlbeil cattla Uf all well liroJ Iowa cattle , atrjiK'ht ami tmooth. Tlicao cuttlo will be told In lot1 * to mil iiurchiacra , nnd at rouon&ble nrlcoi. Kor further nartlculart , call ouora'Micm ' M. v. i-Arrow. Waverly , Ilrciuir Oo , loua. . Alia youiir Krailecl liulla. 'Il7ImoStvr DUFltENE & MENDELSOHN. 0-llKUOVKD TO OMAHA NATIONAL JU DKILUINO. OMAHA SAVINGS BANK ! Cor. 18th and Douglas Sts. Cajritnl Stock. - - - $150.000 Liuhilityof Stockholders , 300,000 Five Per Cent Merest Paid on Deposits LOANS MADE ONItEAL ESTATE MUESK. IIOYI ) . 1'fMHent L.1J. UKNNKTT . Vice I'ro-ldent. W. A. IMXrON . Uonoulnsr Director JOHN K WILUUIt , . Cotbler OHAS Y MANDEIiaON , THOS. L. KI1IUALL , | j. W. OANNETT , MAX MKXBK , , \ uu-Mty I'UNirr , B , L STMK. Imported Beer IN MOTTLES. Oulmbiichor , . Hnxnrin. I'ilBiior" . Bohemian. Kaiser . > . .Bremen. DOMESTIC. Undwoisor . . .St , Louis Anhnuser . St. Loins. Be * : . a . Mil'vaukcf. Schlitz-l'ilaner . Milwnukoo ICrue'ft . Omnlm Ale , Fortor. Domestic mid Rhine Wine. ED. MAIWEU DR.KCK'S EIEUTRIG BELT t \\lll . < 'cr , i , 1'nr Ml In , MninlRl. . , tlfn \\vr \ in Knilptlftn , Onturth , . . . tpttiiwvi linjmlfncy , Du " ltrilit ( * Onlv i ctititlHoKlix > rr"J"i | VtTiVAii Vlc iii t ii ml/tlir Vlwirlrliy n l nu > x- lictlom ll\rOll hllirlioilJ.WHlinl\WtTcllMm- ulll- [ Uvnt l/y Uio tmllrnt. SI.QOO Would Not BU" It. I \tlth rhtumAtlim i uml by tiib . "k belt. To nny ono mict l with hot > Unoi ? , l.VfoulJ mf , buy lUrno's Klvctrlo licit , Any ono Mn , confer with m by writing ulllue tn. ulcre , UrO DoiifiUs direct , Om hNeh. . \X WIU,1AM I.VONS. UAlr omcRi6ppo lt po toffl , room 4 Frcn- cr block , < VFomi atO. P. aooJmn'i Drue Store 11CD r intin St. , Ctftth * . t Onlora flllod C O D. Science o Lite , ? nly $1.00 , BY MAIU' lW KNOW THYSELF , A G11KA.T MBDIOAIjVOIIK ON MANHOOD Exh ut ted \ ttoltyN ! rrous and Physical Dobllltr Pictn&tureDtcIlnoinUim , Eirora ol Youth , n the untold tnUerlM r ciulUn& from Indlscretlnn ) era a aio . A biKik tor orory man , younfr , mlilJIo aged tndold. It'contnlns IS6 proorlptlon8 lor Ml aculc tnd cbronlo dlgoiuoi eichono ol which 1 Invamau'o So fo nd by tha Author , whtwa experience tot ycnn U inch n probably never before loll to the f < ol ny uhydc nn BOO pages , boum ) In bo&utlo Frentima lo ! c bo8tedoo > en , lull ( rnt.ruar ( nt < Mul tabaaOiierwor n every en c , nuchuilcol , lit t ry ond1 ! rolforionul , than any other work Bold IMi country tot f2.60 , or the money will bo rehindci in o very In , Un oo. Prlooonly 91.00 by nuU , pott l Jd. IllOhtraUr * Mmnlo B cent . Bend now. Got niCHl , wfU4tho atfior by the Nutlonal Uedlo &inod U' . ' % ( o the officers of w hlch he refers. Ufoihoald bo road by the ynnni nnd'bT tha ffllot d ( or rellol. trIC London Lancet. oo jtitr-bcr ol * ocloty to whom The Bel encocl tlto ntll not bo njefi1' ' * whether youth , i eat , cuMdlan , ImtrnctororclcrmmuL Argontut. A JdroM the Peibody Uedloal InntJ'uU , or Or. W < ? . i'irkor , No. 4 Dulflnch Street , flottob M e. . whi j'ji/Mi oontulted on all dlgeuei reqnlrlnK iwlll npolienoe. OhronloandobgtlnatodUoaseithnt tivn biffled the skill ol nil other phye-HP * I artpeclkltyi Buoh treated eucc.o3s-ni.Hl. loll without an Inituo allure , TUVC' n : JAS.H.PEABODX M , D. SICIA3 & SURGEON ODM , K0..1W7 Jones St. Offlcs. No. IS i street Olfioo houra 12m. to 1 p. m. . an ronjJtoG p.m. Tolophoaotorotllo07 R il'en lamesHedisallnstitui , CharteredbytheStateofllll - ; nols fop theexprcHpurpoG of glvlnclmmcdlatc relielli all chronic , urinary and prl ; | vato diseases. Oonorrhcu 'Qlect ' andSyphilli In all thel complicated formi , also al diseases of the Skin am Blood promptly relieved am rermanentlycured by rcme diestcitedla aforfuVean Bpetiall'ractlce , Bcmlna , Weakness. HTglrt Losses by Dreami , Pimples 01 the Pace.Lost Manhood , t > oilHctly cured. 37 > r is no experimenting. The appropriate rcmed S3Btonce used In each case. Consultations , per tonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med 'fines sent by Mall and Express. No marks 01 Vackage to Indicate contents or sender. Addresi jR.JAMESNo.204WashInnlonSI.Chlcagol ) T. 0. CARLiaLE , DHEEPEROr MO. VALLEY IOWA . , - - - "Send for Circulars.- S. H ATWOOD , PJattsmouth , - - - - Neb BKUDsnor nnKODanBBiD AMD man QUIDS HEREFORD AHO JERSEY CATTLE AHD BCTIOO OB J1RSST BSD 8W1HS lor ute. Oorrespoodenoo unllclre MANHOOD RESTORED. A victim ol eirly Impruaonco. caa > me oeryotu cblilly , premature docny , etc. . liuTin Irinu m Mlti every known remedy , h&s dyrcoverpu a simple means of wlf-cnre , vrlilcn lie will nontl 1'JIUU to f ellowuffereri * . Addreu , "A. . UUK VU8. * 3 ClmtbBm BL. New York DR. FELIX L BRUN' i PREVENTIVE AND CURB. FOR EITHER BEX The remedy belnif Injected directly tothos i.t c the dltcoee , rcxjulrca no change ol diet or naunooui mercurial or pulsonous nicdlclno to be taken Intel nally. When ui J as a preventive by either rex , III rjK)8 ) lble tu contract ny private dhcatc ; but In tb cue ot thono already unfortunately afflicted we guai tutee tbrco boxes to cure , or we will refund the mac y. 1'rlco by mall , postage paid , 82. per box or thre boxua ( or 61. WllITTEN OUAIIANTEKJI Icsuedjy \ all authorized agonta. Dr Felix feBrun&Co SOLK F. Goodman , Pruggfct Sole Agent , for Omab m&o wly IJn li 0. WKSf's NEUVBN JUiAJN Tnw K.NI , ii gunrnnUxxl eiwcitlofor Jljutcria , IJizz cNi. Convuluions , Vit , Nervoua NouralKi Houdaclio , Nor\nuB Prontrntion cuuuxl by tlio ui otnlcohol or tobacco , WitlccfulnoM , Mentul IJi proBoiou , Hoftoninii of ttm Drain reeulllnB in ii f "oiity nnd JoiulniR to mit > cry , dorny und deut. 1'rematuro Old AKO , llarrcnncss , IX > K of powi in either vex , Involuntary Lassos undHnonnu t-rrtiuMi cautou byuvor-oiertum ot tlio bruin , bul fcbuboor ovor-lndulnoiice. IJidi box contaii ono month'B troutmont. ( IMln boioriib"x prcpuidoit receipt oJ \VK .IJAItANTiU : KIX " I'o cure any naso. Witli each or ier rocelvrf ( cr ciz boxon , acooinpaiiiufl wttu fcoju 1 tend tlierurcmiMruur written K tund thu niunoy if tlio trminion Uuuniutoai iwuou on " I Syiulicato Hill Andition , lota $100 , $10 canli , nnd $10 per month. BKDFOHD X SOUER , Agonta. Oihnnii Plnco , lota SIHO to $300. BEDFORD fc SOUEH , Agonta. Clark Plnoo , lota $300 to $000. BEDFORD & SOUEH , Agents. Tukcy & Koysor'a Sub-Division , loU $125 to J150. BEDFORD & SOUEU , Agents. Ilnwthorn Atldition , lota $350 to $050. BKDF'UID & SOUER , Agonta. Kirkwood Addition , lot * $ 100to $ 50. BEDFORD & SOUER , Agents. llnnscom'a Addition , lota $500 to $050. BEDFORD & SOUEU , Agents. Indicate Hill Addition One Hundred Dollars For n choice lot in Syndicate Hill Addition. This addition joins the the Syndicate land * in south Omaha , nnd will rapidly birld up with com fortnblo homes. These lots i\ro beautiful and are near the stock yards nnd packing houses , and will bo occupied an homos by the employes o iheso works , and are undoubtpdly the uost valno for the price o any lofa in the market. Several have been sold and the price will soon be nl- vanced. Wo have the exclusive ngorxcy on this addition. Terms easy. , ts 1 , OILMAN Ir This is a now addition ou Loavonworth street jn\JWeat OmnlkU. A low price has been put on them to start thorn. $150 to 8300 , On easy terms , Tno grading and loveuionts to b made on JLeavenworth St I this spring , will make ry valuable property. u . CLARK PLAGE. ni > 1 . . r- I ? ) is a sub-division of Uio ) Megeath property' facjns ; Hnncom' Parkvon the south. Qjod _ location , near street car , fine view and has growth o native timber. This is ono of the finest .additions in Sjod maha , on3 : nll sell rapidly. Price $800 to ? ( > 50. One fourth i balance en gooil time. First comp , first sorted , "Thi ! portunity f or yr $ < * IH wLintona Building for a home ' < : in ill- ice In Is a beautiful piece of ground lying one block south of Oilman place , rl- West Omaha. The firstof these iotajjrill bo sold at 8125 to $150 , and are a bargain. A nice sightly locationyjjbeantifnl place for a home and BIT ad splendid investment for a rich man 'dr' ' Boor man. ad e- dan T- iy lal TO an en ; < HAWTH This addition lies between Capitol avenue nnd Casa straot , ten blocka from the High School , one mile from the postofilco , nnd is what is known as inside property. The city i ? buity up fnr beyond thig addition nnd the finest residence ? ! in the city nre in tins locnlity. The Rrade oa Davenport street hns been established nnd work commenced , and wiU h ? cUHjlet ; i ns soon ns the-weather permits. The contract hns been let for building- ? ojge brick school house on Douglna street , three blocks from this addf tion. We predict thnt these lots will more thnn double iu value bafore August , ns it is the lllOSt desirable part of Omaha and would have been built up years npo had it been placed on the mnrkot. Prices S35O TO seso b. Adjoining lots are beir g Fold f t double the price we ask for these. I We-hnve sixrlots left in this addition which we ofier at a bargain. Wo hnvo sonic Vmprovrd nnd unimproved farms nenr/Omuhn , end * some well improved i ui IDS in Snrpy county. , ' LtOl , sr- til Resmcuce and Residence Lots in nil parts of.tlio city , nnd be On all the test streets in the business center. Wu liuro for calo lots in Shlnn'a Addition , Parker's Addition , Nolson's Addi- .hi Jlill , Oilman Place , Clark Place , Tukoy & Keyeur's Bub-division. Hawthonio Addi tionJKirkwood Addition , Bojcl'a Addition , Yntes & Ilccd'a Addition , etc. , ota. 213 South 14th Street , between Farnain and ; in- , ei . nit. tf. Ini > "IIAHU4W f- t. . . .