Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 30, 1884, Page 8, Image 8

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    ff m
Wednesday Morning , Atmi 30 ,
NiimustcA STATU GAZBTraim & Bun-
1KF.S4 DlllROTOIlY to bo i SUOd ill July ,
1884 , pridi 8L 50. J. M NVou-n , pub
lisher , 1208. Hth St. . Omaha.
Tha worlonnn nro now digging the sewer
trench between Ninth nnil Tenth ( trootft.
The Kot ( glove sot-to between Smith and
Hnrjlcy nt the Theater comltiuo lait night end
ed in n draw ,
The plans now b lng drawn by lha Union
Pao'Co onjrineora for tha proposed Tenth street
viaduct , will ba ready for inspection to-day.
PI * In police court yesterday three disturb-
oia of tbo tHHco were fined $3 nnd costs
each. Ooo paid nnd the other two were sent
A fntr nn J festival will bo given by the
ladles of the English Lnthoran church , In the
church parlors , nomoUmo about the middle or
latter part of May.
The resignation of IT. O. Harding , assist-
nnt chief mail clerk under Mr. Stacy , wns re-
ciivod yesterday , by postmaster CouUnt , Mr-
Harding will go Intrt bnilnesa for lilmnoll
eomomlioro in tha Wood lllvor country ,
Suit wan begun in the DUtrlct court you-
tcrday by Whlnnory & Co. against the Hum-
burg'Uroman lfira Insurnnso company , ol
HamburgGermany. . Tliis action was
brought t > recover S9J3 losa mutninoil l > y Iho
ISrovrn building flro nnd nllcgod to hitvo boon
covered by a policy of the defendant.
On next Thursday night Hov. A. A , Lnm-
bert , S. .T. , vice-president of Crdghtun college -
lego , will dcllvyr a lecture on the "Micros-
ooro , " iii the bill of.Crolghton college. Tills
will e the tfilrd In the iwpiilnr scientific
8crM in the delivery of which thU guntlomnn
I/uow engagei ( . TIckota have boon l sutd ,
"liut nro not fayf sale , the Intention being in
this way to limit the audience to the accomo-
datlonof th hall.
-Kato/williams Is the name of a girl whn
resideslit , tlio corner of Tenth nnd Douglas
etrootg , Wednesday a noise was hoard ontslilo
the bouso and it was supposed by tha landlady
to bo made by men nnd nho told Kato to go
6ut nnd order thorn away. Kato went out nnd
found two police ofllcorn pookinp through the
blinds , Upon seeing Kato they arroatod her
and took her to the city jail. Shawandli-
ohargol yoiterday by Judjo Bonoko ,
Mr. L. M. Androjon , formerly of the firm
of Willis & Audreson , of thi city , died on
tha 17th of this month nt Davenport , where
his brother , H. H. Andrcson , resides. The
deceased waa formerly a well-known citizen
of Omaha , nad hn ! many friends hero will
regret to learn of his death. Ho WM ono of
the organizers of the Ooncordia society , and
w&a A member of Capitol lodge , A. P. & A.
1 In 1874 ho WAS partially paralyzed , and
went to Dnropo for his hqiltli. l > 'or the Innt
five years ho waa a roildont of Davenport.
Never Glvo Up.
IAUU1UU U1WV1 , urtX wunbllruhluu , UU4MII.UUU , UI
1 any dlnoimo of n billow nature , by nil moans
procure a bottle of Eloctrio Bittora. You
will bo surprised to BCO the rapid Improvement
that will follow ; you will bo hmplrod with now
life : strength and activity will return ; pain
ana uusory will cuaso , and liouooforth you will
rajoioo Iu the in tuajinxlKo of ICIoctrla lilttari.
Sold t fifty cents a bottle by 0. F. Good-
rr f - ; <
Sr'V (
v u H. II. Lcokwcod , Lluoo n , in at the Metro
i *
Joseph Johnson , of Davonpcri , In. , la stri > * the Metropolitan.
Thomas Armatago , of Nullgh , la at the
< Metropolitan.
mf . . . * : G. O. Coot , of Fremont , is at the Metro-
J. E. McQuarrlo and wife , of Blair , are
stopping at the Metropolitan *
3. N. Worcester ; of Lyons , la at the Metro
L. A. Puffer , of Valley , Is at the Motro-
LouIaJ. Meyer , of Nobrtulca City , Urcfiis-
torod at the Metropolitan.
K. A. packman , of Fort Madison , la. , Is at
Uio Metropolitan.
Bori Walaon , an old Omaha boy , U ro-
utiwing his acquaintance * In this'oity.
Ooo. II. McCain , proprietor of the Ameri
k can houae at South Band , waa tn the city yea-
ti > f * i torday.
Johnson Brtgham , 'editor of the Cedar Hup-
Ide , ( In. ) Daily Republican , and wife were Iu
Omaha yesterday.
ilr , K. L. Crowoll , father of the Crewel !
boyu la this city , Is In Omaha on a visit to Ida
, sons and old acquaintances.
Mr. J. O. Troccott left yesterday for
Buffalo , N , Y , , to take the pissongor agoucy
of the Union 1'aclu'c railroad nt tlut place ,
W , II. Moran has been appointed Maistant
clerk of the utatrltt court , nnd will till the
place finely. Ho nuccebda Joseph Jlcgoatli ,
vho has resigned , aud ( 'ono to Knnaia to look
after hla ranch.
The boats of frlondi of Oharllo Lamphoor
will te rejoiced to learn that be has returned
to Omaha after an absence of several woukahas
returned his position at the Milltrd hotel , and
will make Omaha bin future homo. Chntlio
has been east to Ohio , to settle up his father's
eutato , and when ho left thU city he was uoino
what of the opinion that ba would remain In
Ohio , but ho says ha could not stand it , It was
' too dull and quiet after having lived In the
, . W * -J. - ' * ' . ' * * * t live and enterprising state of Nebraska , ant
M.V * lie waa forced to return. AU his friend * unite
tn giving him a Jieany welcome back to thla
dty , and einceraly hopu that lie will never
again have any dv lro to ronm ouMdo'Uio
ALIIANY , April 13 , 1883. /
Daring my temporary residence ) herd
tlio past winter , ! contracted a severe cold ,
which for a tirao confined mo to my room
pud roudorod mo unfit to attend to my
duties. 1 not only eull'urcd all the incon
veniences which usually uttond a heavy
cold , but was afilicted with a tightness in
tVb clioit. Rcconipanied with a sovoto
pain , which inado broathicg diflicult , and
rest impotsiblo. I triad thu usual roniu-
, dies cough drops , cou h cordials , ito. ,
but received no substuntjol relirf until 1
ftppliod AttCOCK'tf PoUODBjPLAbTKlia , Oil
my back nnd chest.
These I put on when rctlrinjr , and wna
eli hted to Und myself much bettor thu
next mornlnj. ' ? In two days I wna well.
* 'l ' ° cxncrience I bavo had wj h
Plwitere in ruy family , lias con-
in that for coughs , " cold a , spraina ,
> i. nheumotUin uurl local pains , All-
florou * Plasters are tlio nnlckiat
" * tffeotivo xemedy ex Bnt.
The Report of ilic Faroam Slrcet Ap
praisers Aflopleil tor the Conncll ,
Eogulating the Sale of Liquo/B in
Oonformity with the Slooumb
Law ,
Al HlRWixrt ItGnppoltKccl Upon the
At the regular meeting of the city
council last evening , all members were
present. The roll vras called and the
minutes of the previous meeting read.
From the ranyor : Giving notice that
ho had approved certain ordnances.
Filed. From same ; Appointing Al.
Soigwartopocial policeman for thirty days ,
confirmed. From same : Appointinct
John G rover , Charles E. Squires and
Daniel Konniston appraisers to assess the
damage arising from extending seven
loonth street northward. Confirmed.
From Oharlea E. Ilodfiold , Fred
Ilerx.'to ' and E. A. McClure , making return
turn of damages assumed arising from the
chnngo of grade of Capitol aveuuo near
mhatroot. lloferred.
From city engineer : Calling attention
to the need of nn additional transit ant
level for his office. Referred.
From N. B , Filoonor and others : Hoc
ommotiding Uio nppoititmcnt of Charles
W. Finn as keeper of Ilanscon park
From J. til. Oounsman : Asking tha
the penalty fonnon-p ymont of his grad
ing tax bo ainujlod. Granted.
From Peter Smith and others : Asking
thnt the summit of Wheaten street bu
cul nix foot. Referred.
From F. Bai oy and others : Asking
that the grade of California street west o
22d street to city limits bo brought to
grado. Referred.
From A. D. Jones : Requesting the
scales of wcighmaster Golzochmann bo
removed to front of lot 1 in block 1G8
From John Matthioson ; rcquestinj
that A quit claim deed , upon a aufllaou
consideration , bo made and delivered to
the Danish Association , of a part of olc
Market street. Referred.
From William J. Ilohn , Dennis Gun
ninghan and Edward Aiiinrovr ; making
return of appraismont of damages arising
from extending and opening Phil Sheri
dan street. Approved.
From diaries Splitt ; uniting thnt t
place bo located for dumping offal aw
garbage. Referred. ,
From Ohaa. Biondorf and seventy-live
others ; asking that B. Hnss ba rotainoc
as kcopor of Hnmson park. Referred
From Amandus Gotraohman ; asking
permission to romoAo city scales from
their present location to the front of lo
1 in block ICO.Rofomd. .
The bond of Oharloa Gardner , signal
by Fred W. Gra'y Mwaa referred to the
committee on sidewalks and bridges.
The bonds of Hugh Murphy & Co. fo
curbing Farnam street , of J. E. Riley t' '
06. for paving St , Mary's avenue , p
J. E , Rlloy & Co. for repairing alleys ii
alloy paving districts 0 and 10 , of Hugl
Murphy & Co , for constructing sewers in
Bower district 13 , were approved.
.From W. J. Council ; presenting qui
claim dooda for opening 17th street
Placed on record ,
5 From A. D. Jones and othorn ; request
ng that the grade of Harnoy street , a
Sixteenth , bo lowered eight foot. Re
From Wra. Lyons and others ; oskin
that peanut stands be removed froir
Farnham and Douglas streets. Roforr
The official bonds of nine policomor
were approved.
From James Oraighton ; presenting fiua
estimate of curbing and guttering Cum
ming street. Rufurri d.
By Murphy , that the city engineer b
instructed to make such profiles a
may enable the council to establish th
tirade of utroeta running through Bogg
6 Hill's additions. Referred.
By Furay , that the city engineer be
instrnctcd to report to the city councl
an estimate of expense for bringing certain
tain parts of Iziru , 21st and 23d street
to grado. Adopted.
By Bohn , that the city engineer bo authorized
thorizod to hire two horses and wagon
for the USD of the department. Adopt
od.By , that the city marshal bo in
sfructod to make complaint against nl
saloon konpora selling llquois after 2i
days from date ' , without having paid firs
$1000. Laid'on the table.
Streets and grades , recommending the
prayer of Jno.Cosgrovo and Ford. Streits
to take dirt from Grace street , bo no
granted. Adopted.
Same , recommending tha adoptioi
of the report of the Farnham street ap
praisers. A debate ensued upon the mo
tion to adopt , in which nearly every
member of the council took part. Those
in favor of it argued that sooner or Inter
tin's change must bo made , and now i
the time to make it when real estate i
cheap. Those who opposed it said the
abutting property owners did not wan
it. Tno legal question of whether or na
this repor , should bo adopted ueforo the
tender of damages assessed , vrns rniaed
City Attorney Gunnel ) , who was present
was .called to give his opinion on the
premises. Ho stated it was only uoco ;
sary to make the tender before the ordinance
nanco changing the grade was adopted
The vote by uj'ca and noes waa thoi
called and resulted as follows :
Yeas Bechel , Bahm , Ford , Furay
Ilascall , Kaufman , Kedlield , Ttirnno am
Murphy 1 > .
Nnys Andoruon , Leodor and Wood
worth 3
Fiuanco and claims , recommending the
taxes anaiiikt the German-English school
asMtciutiion bu canceled. Adopted.
Police , recommending the street com
missioner with the city engineer report
to the council the cost of auuitable Jump.
Referred back to the committee.
Iluicall introduced n resolution thai
thu meetings of thp councilconimittoosbo
hula Monday evenings at 7:30 : iu the
council clumber. .Adopted ,
From the committee on publio prop
erty and iinproveuieuts ; referring br.cL
ibo ordinance known as the "buildini ;
ordinance" nmouded as directed by tLu
council , Adopted ,
Sidewalks and bridges , rccommsn u
10 phBwgo of nn prdinnnca to levy the
ix nnd appropriate the money to p y for
do walks lakldchvn by Charles Gatdnor
p to April 28th , 1883 Adopied.
Same , recommending that $100 bo
llowc'l the U. P. R R. for construct-
ng n bridge across the water ditch from
North Omaha sower. Adopted.
A communication from Kitchen Bro's
, nd Others , asking that two hack stands
> o so located ni to remove all nuch rchi-
clc ( i from the front of the hotels was road
and filed.
By Rodfiold , establishing the grade ol
Dapitol Avenue from Eleventh to Thir
teenth street. Read throe times ntu
An ordinance establishing the curb
lines of certain atrcots in North Omaha ,
[ lend three timoi and paisod.
_ By Bochol , designating hack stand *
within the city of Omaha. Read twio c
and referred.
An ordinance regulating the construe
tion and use of scales ia the city , lloni
twice and referred.
An ordinance , subtitut d for ono reai
nt last moating erecting n board for tin
the intpoction of building. Rend throt
times and passed.
An ordinance amending ordinance No
483 regulating the license nnd sale o
liquors in the city. This ordinanc
nmonds sec. 8 , of ordinance 483 ! to ro (
us follows : The applicant for such HCOIIDI
oluill upon filing this application , potitiot
nnd bond'pay tcj the city treasurer tin
amount of onu thousand dollars , etc
Laid over.
The council then adjourned.
AWallc Arcniitl the Oily nnil AVhn
wari SUOH by a Reporter.
Sunday wua a beautiful day , om
tempted by the warm ounahino and th
fresh tiir , n BKK reporter ntnrtod out fen
n quiet utroll around the city. Bear ii
mind that rcportoro always walk. No
bucauso they can not afford to ride , no
not by any moans , but they always prefer
for to walk because well , bccauao i
inalioo their foot Bore to rido. That i
about the only reason that can bo givei
for a reporter's desire to walk.
The firnt thing noticed was the Inrg
number of people upon the stroota. Pee
pic walking , people riding in carriages
on horseback , on byoyclos , in tlio strco
car and in almost every conceivable man
nor. Everybody noomoa to have bol
ono object in view and that wat enjoy
Strolling up Davenport until Eigh
teenth street was reached a stencil
greeted the reporter's nose , which made
him grasp that organ with both hands ,
while his stomach gave evidence thnt a
war was taking place within. Upon look
ing around , the cause of this foul smell
was soon. In the ditch lay the carcass
of a largo tom-cat , which must have lair
there for at least throe divyn , for it wat
bloated to nearly twice its natural size ,
On the corner of Eighteenth nnd CADE
lay two moro dcccosod members of the
feline tribe. Throe dead csta withit
tvro blonks and the reporter was not oul
looking for cata either.
In the western portion of the city
largo heaps of mauuro and oiiall wai
dumped * upon the commons nnd then
loft to give forth its sickening odors am
brood diaoaso and death. Many of tin
alloys wore also noticed to bo filled witl
the filth and garbage which had aecumu
latod during the winter , and under tin
softening influence of the warm sun gavi
forth anything but a healthy po'fumo
Many of the principal streets were ob
served to bo half filled with old wagoni
nnd clap traps of all kinds , presenting t
decidedly slouchy and untidy appearance
But notwithstanding all thoao bad ant
and obnoxious things , muny gcod thiugi
vrero noticeable. In hundreds of yards
housoplanta had been imbedded in motho
earth , and the blossoms gave forth a ricl
perfume pleasing to the nostrils. Tin
lawns about the city are being fixed up
and have put on their beautiful coat o
green , and the poor man can walk up am
down the streets of our beautiful city am
enjoy , in a measure , at least , the bountio
and blessings of the rich.
Upon every hand the march of im
provumont in noticeable as never before
and the present season will mark such i
stride in Oninlia as waa never before BOOI
in any one year.
Younpr Mon.MIddlo Aged Men and All Moi
who suffer from enrly indlxcretioiui will fmi
Allen's limla Focd , the most powerful InviK
orant over introduced ; once rcntoroil by i
there is no relapse. Try it ; It never fulls. $1
0 for $5. AtdniRglsU.
Abrllllant Pcrformanco nttlio Acna
ciny ot'Muslu
Evans , Bryant and Hooy's "Meteors'
closed1 a two nights engagement in tin
Academy of Music last night. Tho'n
trao a largo audience in attondanci
and it waa , by all odds the best attractiot
which lias boon played in the Acadom ;
in many a month.
The programme was opened by UK
Wornors , El , and Maud , in operatic ami
character iuterviowa. They are both ox
ceptionahy fine , and scored a big hit
The French twin aisters , captivated tin
audience with their dancing. They are
not only excellent dancora but are ele
gant dresses , their change * being verj
rapid , and each costume soeuiod more
rich mid beautiful tliun the ono prccd'
Gomoyand Dempsey , in their nnwieal
specialty , "Life's Pictures , " were prime
favorites and wore loudly encored.
BryantandQooy followedin their latest
effusion , "Tho Country Nig. " Of these
two gentlemen it is not noicsa.iry to
apeak. They are too well known to need
any particular msntion. Sullico it to Bay ,
that they are oven bettor than ever bo-
fore. '
Ilallon and Hart , in their first prize
ideal entertainment , proved thomsolvfs to
be nrtints >
Mis * Klla Werner , in her swell imper
sonation * was applauded to the echo und
was greatlv in favor with her auditors.
The poi formauce concluded nith that
most comical after-piece , "The Book
Agent. " Mr. Cliaa. Evans , the irriprus-
uiblo , appeared as n fair sample of the
modest and truthful book agent. 'Ihe
audience was convulsed with laughtoi
until tlioy could laugh no moro and
I unream after ecrcatn niudo the old Academy -
omy echo and re-echo. It is the funniest
| piece ooon upon an Oaiaha ttngo in a
[ long timo.
Qoncral RfiflnBlion of f ages liy ihc
UBionPaciflo ,
, - _ _ _ *
Evcrr Kinployo llciluccil from Ten to
The Union Pacific ha from time to
time been reducing iti working force in
Omaha nnd elsewhere on the ground of
economy nnd the necessity of cutting
down expenses , owing to decreased earn
ings. A reduction was anticipated , but
no ono expected for a moment that the
cut would bo anywhere near so heavy as
that announced in a general order which
was issued from headquarters in this cily
yesterday. The circular on this account
created considerable surprise , the reduc
tion ranging from ten to fifteen per cent.
The order is as follows :
MANAOKR , OMAHA , May 1 , 1884. f
To all Employes of the Union Pacific Kail-
road nnil Operated l.tues : i
In pursuance of an order by the di
rectory of the company , wages of nil iti
employes will bo reduced , on and af tai
the above date , na follows : /
On salaries of § 3,000 and upwards jjlei
year , fifteen (15) ( ) per cent ; $1OCO ant
leas than thirty-six hundred , twelve rtiu
a half (12 ( J ) per cent. , nnd nil below fain
thousand , ton (10) ( ) per cent. _ / ,
The wages of locomotive engineers lam !
firemen have already boon scaled to 'con '
form to the bash an other lines , ' thi :
order will not apply to them. ,
S. n. II. CIIARK ,
General Manager.
In the blood will nearly nlw.tya show itself ii
the Spring. If It dora not como Iu tlio ahnpi
of blotcho. ' , pimploH , eruptions , etc. , It cause
n dull and heavy fueling , Indisposition to ox
ortlon , Iocs of appetite , olid a general lottli f of the ryatom. Nuturo at tills junctun
requlrns nome assistance to help throw elf thi
, ] > otson nnd clean up tlio organism for the try
ini < Ri iicior woathor. For this there In uotb
IBR better than Snirr'a Svncino.
Lntttrd from twouty-throo (23) ( ) of the lead
inj/ntjll dniKRlsta o { Atlanta Bay. under d t
March 2t , 188 : "Wo eell moro of Swift'
Specific limn any other ono remedy , nndthre
tii tou Union M much as any other blood mod !
cino. Wo Bull it to all classes , and many o
the boat families uqo It as a general hoaltl
Trcatlso ou Blood and Skin Diseases mallei
freo.Tho SWIMSFKCIKIC Co. , Drawer , 3 , Atlon
ta , Ga.
A Tramp Uouiulur.
For some time past there has boon i
great deal of complaint from all parts o
the city in regard to the tramp nuisances
Tramps have boon hanging around thi
outskirts of the city stealing whatovci
they could lay their hands upon. Yes
terday a number of policemen starlet
out and made a raid of the entire city ,
Fifteen tramps were run into the cit }
jail and Judge Boneko will try and fine
out how they get a living.
Bncblon'a Arnica SrUvc.
Ths proatrjst medical wonder of the woild
Warranted to speedily cure Uunu , Cata , UI
COTB , Malt Rheum , Fever Soros. Cancan ) , 1'ilori
UbiJlblalnn , Conm , Totter , Chnppod bands
cad all itkln- eruption , garautoed to euro ii
every trataucc , or tnonoy rofundod. 25 ; cent
per box. _ _ _
A Denial.
To the Editor of Tun HEB.
Please publish the following , vrhlch
trust will bo a full denial of the article ii
this morning's Herald , in which it statei
that there had been a great change in th
bppoaranco in nnd around Ruatnusson1
milk dairy. It states first , the cows hav
boon removed , which ia true , but becaua
they could no longer trade through th
yard on account of the great depth o
manure. Next that there had boon ai :
inches of dirt spread over the yard , whil
the truth is there is not over two inche
and some parts not even hidden , am
the north half , which is nearly as foul a
Uio xouth , has not'beon covered at all
Next about the whitewashed buildings
Lot mo Bay M ono living the nearest tc
the yard that I , have yet to see whore
whitewash brush haa been applied to any
thing. Truitincr that Ibis may bo th
means of calling the attention of th
marshal to what we believe to bo hi
duty I remain respectfully ,
Omaha , April 29 , 1884. F. EwEita.
Connubial Bliss.
Tuesday morning at 0:30 : , David Doyl
nnd Miss Kato Ilogan wcro united i
marriage by.tho Jit. Rev. Father O'Cor
nor , < it St. Philomena'a cathedral. Mi
Price and Midi llosi Donahue supporto
the young couple. A reception we
given last evening at the homo of th
young couple , on Twelfth street , botwee
Ca and California streets.
The II. .t M. Wreck.
A collision occurred upon B < & M
road at Cedar Creek , at an early , hou
yesterday , , full particulars of whic
will bo found in our special dispatcho :
The through train of the D. & M. roa
wont out yesterday on the U. I
road by way of Valley and Louisville.
Absolutely Pure.
Thli powder B T I r r ci. A mirrcl of put
riMuhwidiiholMomeaMi Vera ronomlcU ibi
; u din try klod , nd c * * oi b told Ui comootltlo
multltuilo of low | i t. thoit welel t MUHI o
upbit powdciB.Bol3 coly la cunt lloytllUk
* ! (
" " *
J rf ( , > j ( jS ,
, - / * .
T" * * * * iAif linn iuro *
a. aged six jews.
| o bad been nick forsomotlmo.but
niched with loving eye1 , c.ved
hfjnda and prayed for with
Irso'crflowingwlthlovo nnd ton-
lit WM ot no nv II , for death had
Jupon her young brow nnd clMmod
Lwn. 8ho w a a bright , flweot | lt-
fnd WM dearly beloved by all who
[ oral will take pUce to-day at 4
om St. Barnnbr * church.
fe-In'this city , April 29th , 1881.
. I. oldest daughter of llrynnt and
I'holps. Rod 0 years and 4 month * ,
nl to-day at 2 o'clock p. m. from
dcnce , 1110 North 18th direct.
Ii are froquontlrprccedod by a sense of
It in the back , loins nnd lower part of < the
noncnuslng the patient to nupposo hohaa
seine affection oj the kidneys or nolghboring
orRawa. Attlmca , yin toms of Indlgoillon
are present , na llatucncy , unonalnou of the
stomach , etc. A rnolstcro llko perspiration ,
| > roduclng n Aery dinigroonblo Itching particu
larly nt nght | fter netting warm In bed , its
very common attendant. Internal , E sternal
nnd Itching Plos ylolil nt once to the n ppllcn-
tlon of Dr. Uosanko'aPllo Remedy , which acts
directly upon the parts affected , absorbing the
tumors , nllnying the intouao Itching , aud of-
Footing n permanent euro where other reme
dies have failed. Do not delay until the dnvtu
3ii the system produces permanent dtsnblllty ,
jut trv It and bo cured. Schrotcr & Bceltt.
"Trndo ( supplied by 0. F. Uoodman. "
llrnsa Bund Xuurnnmcnont.
The question of a brim baml tournament -
mont , to bo hold in Una city sometime
in Juno , ia biing agitated. If the pl.ins
nro consummated nil the bands iu Iowa
and ! Nabraakn will bo invited to partici
pate. The purse * will bo quito largo ,
and in aso the tournament is decided
upon , a grand time may bo oxpoctoJ.
The contest will take place in the roller
skating rink , and in , the evening a grand
ball would bo given.
A. Cure tl i'ncumonla
Mr. D. II. I5amaby , of Ouogo , N. Y. , says
that his daughter wus taken with \lolent
cold which terminated with pneumonia , and
nil the best ptiyctcians gave the case up and
nnid she could not llvo but n few hours at most.
She was In this condition when n friend rec
ommended DU. WM. HALL'S BALSAM
FOR THK LUNGS , nnd ndvlaed her to try
tt. She accepted it as a latt resort , and waa
surprised to tind that It produced & marked
chiinga for the better , and by persevering In
IU usu n permanent euro was effected.
DYNE cures instantly.
Mothers , Attention !
Chns. Jones , of'Elizabetb , Spencer Co , luU.
enys , I have dealt In tnediclno a number of
years nnd will say that DU. ROGER'S VEG
ETABLE WORil SYRUP is the most valu
able medicine I ever sold. My customers were
so pleased with Its effects that they purchuaod
a number of bottleR to have It < m Laud. It is
All that It is recommended to tie
tzrspcclatn will Posltlvolynot be Inserted
uuiosa paid in advance.
ONlSoAN : nroal iSito'and'ciitt'ol
accur'tlej nt olllco ol C. H UOOU , 1,403 1'arnam
Ht. 78 Mm.
TlyfOSEV TO LOAN In suua ot 300 and upwirds at
1VJL low rates on tint clou * real < Btato uccurlty
MONKY LOANED On chattel probtrt ) t > ) } ,
IilATlY.213 uoullj Hth street. )
TUTOHK7 TO WAN-Tho lowest latos 'ct Intmtt
1YJL Bomla'.Loan Agency , IDth & Dong'a ' S31-L !
TV/TONET / TO LOAH In euma ot { SCO. and nnwsrd.
1VL O. V. D&vh and Co. , Ueul Kctato ami' Loaa
Acente. 1E06 Faruam 2t. ZlS-tl
MOKEY l.oauej on chattel property , by S. T.
I'tiUriOQ , 8. E. corner 12th and Douglas.103lm
\B7ANTBU luiiBedutuly , a girl at tlio Omalia.
T V S ( am Lnundry , Ibt aud laud. J , S Dennett.
03 SJ
. - glil atgll uou'h 17th street.
\X7"ANTliI > A. boy 10 yearn old , $7.00 a month and
VV board. II , y. Muitui/lOU Clark dtrrct , nmr
coiner Suth and Clark. 950 29p
YTTANrKD Enpoilonccdi glrlj to work oa o\er
VV ol'i , Harney .ttreot SH11KVE , JAKVIS i.
CO. 908-S9P
irr utnKRlrl < ,4t3 south 10th St , ,
V bit. llarnay acd Howard. 9i-SOp
for lioustHork. X'rs. W. W.
Biogkatu , S10 S. 10tb mrtit. FJ3 3'p
WANTED A oompeteot girl. Good w ge , 1823
t'aruam street , cor. lOtU. 801-K
VXfANTED-A youn ? girl to nuro , returning
Tt homo at night. API ly to Un. ulllspauga , Bt.
Mary' * aveuue and 20th btreot. 1/80-20 /
Ladlus and gentlemen to cell books
and alDuau on monthly ptymontB. U. II. 1' .
Lowry , 1'ub 117 N. 10th striuf , UroumoVi Clock.
WANTCU good aoojnd gnl.noith-
wnt cor. Ilaiulltou nna Har etnotn , north
Omaha. WO SOp
WASTUD-Kltchou girl at 311 Uodiro ttrect
Apply at ticket olflco o ( HODUIU IIUU'H. 1413
Faroa nblrt'ct. V73.f :
WANTUD Two' girls for general oauuework'"Ti
the tuuntry , uurlug the tuuimor. 714 Ni rtli
lOtlietiejt. 072-
VX7ANIKO ( lirHor general h uruwurk In small
Vi jaraliy. guo < l oiok and Ironor. Oood wuir S12
South ISih at. noir Liavenwurth. V2b-'M
VXrANTKU Good gill at I'Adflc Houao. 10th and
W Dave' ' pert. fc8l-V9p
\I7ANTKD-A conrpstont glil ( n1 ( cenural houto-
V ? work. ihutboK'CKl oi uk , wabhtr andlrcucr.
Liberal wageii , llti. C'rary , i2d and Ht. Uary'ii au-
WAN1EU-A taw day bovdort , fli H. 16cn
stieet , corner of Ilarovy , 007-SOp
ITjT'ANTED Olrl for general housework In family
V > ot ( our. llt. 1)AUHU\V , 8JO noutli Idth St.
UTAN'llIU f.lrl fur gcuoial housework , On south
VY ISthetrtet. 0292)
\17ANT1'.D T"O act he , eneigillo men. Sttady
> > euijloynioMt. C ll 421 So. > Utli Bt. 8,4 y ,
AMKD Elilrt liaudii tt 1207 Fcrnani Itroct.
030 tf
\XMNTKD-A glil for general hous work om
WuagOH vlll iu paid. ( H1AH. FLECK , Knslu
House , MUthKtnelrcft. 937-lp
| /ANTBO-Laun < iK8J , dining room gill , chara-
Vberinald. . Ocrlduutul UuttL fflltt
1\rANIE' ' > For hourcwork. Oood wageu vlll ho
TT iiald to a uoCKl cuinpeteut till. Mrs. W. M
IWiuun , 1012 IIaw rJ Direct , " 3 SO
1 'ANlfcU Olil ( orgenoral houtonorL. S. K , car
V > F.rinin 2 < th. ViO-20
\irANTED-Olilln lamll fomly ; o-o h. can
\1 conk , wuh .nd Irun. CM kt 231 itrcct , 4tl >
houto from Funam Mil-SJ
-A gond troi.g wcman to iln pattrj
ork. Mu t understand baklui ; lllo < and
at the ttitjn Uottl. b--J > p
\I7AKTFDAn experienced bl Good w
/puly atcutlieo t our , : ttli ) and Fumauu
, > . , . . . - . . , v .rl. Waji-8 84 i r
rr ucck. tfflii \ IU Juhntou , cor , * SJ ' "J
Dcdgu. Call < oVl A or &fUr , U1f
) - 5flr IaiiKltI fi > r ueneul houw-
WAN1UI5flr dee. Old li llo emJoyuiont
bureau , JIJ N lUth ktiMt.
ANTBIalri lur uout rk , 016 B. I'1' ' ' "
\w \
Infants and Children
Without Morphine or NnrooUno.
JVhftt Rlvrs oiir Children ronr chwkn ,
Wlint cures Uielr fcrc-rs , uinkra them sloop !
"Tl CnKtorlnV
\Vlicn BablM fret , nnd err by turn * ,
What cures Uielr colic , kflla their wornw.
lint Cn < torla
What milcklr curr * Conrtlpntlon ,
Hour Stomach , Colds , ludltffKtlon ;
Hut CnKtorliv ,
rnrcwell Uicn to Itorphlno Srnips ,
Castor OU and 1'arccorlc , ana
Contour Lnlmont.--AnOD- !
loluto euro for Rhoninntlnnx ,
Bpraias , XSarni , Galln , &o. , and an
instantaneous PnLa-rellovor.
\\/AN I'KD l.adlo or gentleman In City rcuuntiy
V tt Ukn nlre , lliht ; > nd pUasnnt ork tt tht r
ownlionuf ; ? 2totSnilay ramlj and < | Uletly inaJot
\\ork lent by nail ; no canva > sln ( ; ; no etnmu fir
ro , ly. 1'lcivu Rddresl Reliable llanutae'.utiu ? Co. ,
1'nlladclphla , I'ft.
, ( man ) ni who
hit Imiluotfl , at Daibauui'a Ile taiirant , 1G1S
niclgattreit. 710-H
A CtNT * WANn3I > -At'Uiilon"ficwln | : Miehlno
/V cHl'co.'JJO norlli 10 Ii n'rcit. ' 0 H'.B
Siluallo.i by a practlco book keeper ,
cither whohraleor reiall LunUiers auy kind nt
cilice uork. Ilcbt of rcfcieucca Addresa "I ) . A. "
1713 Iliinoy ( tiett , Omaha , Nib. KS-lt
WANTKD-Slluallonby n g\tl \ to clerk In ( lore
Wn uo object. Cull at 1437 couth Uttt SM
\\7ANTED Tno unfuruljhed roomi , ( tloivard
\ > street preferred , AddreSt "H. B. " Bee ulfiro.
oa sop
"VT7ANTED A joUDfjIady , utrnnger In the city ,
I > would like to corrttpoud with a Rentlemau of
means Object bUilncM. AddruB and til.ndsblp ,
"II. C. n " city. C3v-lp
\\/'ANTEI > Ry a jfeiitleniau and wife , n flr sin-
V > glcunfurnlihcdioom , ccnttally located. Ad-
drees'C. . 0' F. , ' c illl'S > l Council BlaOs. Iowa.
W'ANTEU A young man about to ttart In busl-
IKEB In thin c't vtduld llku a pattncr with
tlroo or moro. Young nun preferred , onu ho
knows uo IniDOfaltiillt ) . Buelneiu l-gltlmatt , pays
from SCO to 400xr c-ut proflt. Aclilnva "O. 1) . F. '
I' . O. Box 2 , Omiha. M4-30p
WANTED B.COO yard ? of dht , at or n < > ar onu
block tt dot cf tto Convent on Bt. Slajj'o ava-
uuo. 8. R. JOHNSON ,
681-t ot Sto'le. Johnson fcUn.
RSDT-uuuscjj nna iotfi ,
RENT Suits tf rooinn furnished 1011 Call
lornla St. _ 883 Up
RENT A furnished howc for the tumo er In
Clorkion 1'Iaoe , cor. 20th ttrcit aud lit. Mary'e
avenue tS ) SO
F IfR RENT A laiye , comfot table TOOT ,
board , for tno gentlemen , 822 B. 11th Sc
RENT Furniehed room 1010 California St.
FOK KENT Flrst-cJafS latin , 10 mllei from Oma
ha , large orcluid , etc. liAKKLU & JJAY.NL' ,
JJth und Farnam. 031-it
TOU UENT-Sina'l house Mid btrn , No 410 H
J1 Mill ttrcet. Wm , L. Uonrcn , Gthand liuuilu St.
FOH KENT-F..rnl . hcd ruuici with board , 81S
south Ittli Btruet. 017-SUu
OinTEVT nrst cU k ftib'c ' , fojr utalle. SCO
fuming St 017-S9p
ITIOn UENT Furnl > hcd trout room for one or two
JD Ctt4 , at 6-11 goutli IBth btrcet.
UENT A farnl hcd t/oat ronm lultahla for
two gentlcmeu , JtOSC'apliul u'cnua. CyD i8p ?
FOK RENT fcult ot roocm unfurnULoj , tioutli
tiont , EeoondUoor , with bay window , 14K Chicago
cage street.
[ 7MU ) KENT t-urulbbcd room , 1313 Jookeon St.
D f B5 gp
E > OK HUNT Slpglo furiilibcd room 1817 Chicago
ntreet. a u-tt
RENT-With board , UrRu front room with
. bay window , gag and l&th rooai. A few tallc
bcunlurs accommodated , 1718 Dodge ttrcet. 85D SCp
KENT C'uit ( je In Hh'UD'fl uddlttoa at 3M
imr montn UcUAGUB oiniQBlto l > . O. 811 tf
FOR RENT A nicely tujnWioi ! room ( or ono or
two , at 2301 Dodge strict. Bojt cummer location
In the city 706 H
T , OU RtNT In UedUk'd block. Storeroom IM
_ L feet deon aud Rood olDcu room. PuuUcn St Co ,
) Furnun , room 3 ,
rvO ItENT A lurnlsh-d front room. Apply at
* S , W , car. i Oth aud Farnam St 761-tf
RENT First clasa brick Btore and base-
mcnt , ItJtb aod Tarnam etrccU. Sfl&.tO per
month. BAUKEH & U&YNK.
OR RENT. nuIUI'K < OxCO , on Ifurncy utrcet ,
I 1 betwccu Htli and 16th. DAUKIUlt UftYNK.
727 tf
FOR RENT piano. Inquire at Eilholm & Frlck-
bon'o. C13-tf
KENT two lurnuhtd rooms , 2117Veb8tcr
IpOR 1 64J-tf
[ 71011 UKN'T-Furulshcd rooms 2227 Bodco Ht.
P 401-lm
I7IOH RENT Store room 1509 Kur m Sc. , by
P IMUMIIN&OO. < 0-tf
TMJK JtENT.Thud Hour f building Wo. 1211 Kar-
F namt. . 2 7-tf
t RKNT ! ( W fajm. Alsubilck yard.
Uurrav. 69-tf
RKHT Kounu Ui Kubroitu Altioua 15 uk
Buildup. Host denlrallo ottlcoa In the clt )
l with hydraulic cla-atoi oad hotted b
Apply at llm k.
, HUNT Curuithiu tooui on the
EDO . ISfhmdCtpltoUvcDUu , formerly
IUItNISHED loom bcatod 222 K. IBth.
IpOfl J , Houila , of Bchujlcr , Neb ,
1 olfora lita moat market for ailo , a he It going
Into thost oil butlnets. He ha * au oicillcut good
trade Cell on ur kddresi
051-1 J. 1IOUSK A , Scbu > li r , Neb.
FOR 8 UV : Frosti milch cowd ftt Military Brldgf ,
on CunjuxliiKB utrscfc
7lOltS4LK Nlcolot COxHO with small Iii.usn S.
? 12th , $1,000. 11.11 ca h , balmce at 2 or
Ti Ii It a bargain and in oi > en for just one
Barker Ii Majne. VOM
FOIl hAI.ii-NIro cottige aod lot COxKO , nouth
12th str.lct , tl,0/C , K'.O down and 116 let month
Bukir &Mayne. 1C3-1
No. 1 Iload'ter , > i > londld drlierinl fait Will
A tiadofor niuill team. U. I ! . M.jne , jSth iid
Farnaui. ufll-tf
KAI.i : Torce rut Una acre on 11 ran be
found , on La i\viiwoith itrttt , iJ ! alle * from pout'
to , rrko 8i,2oo , niivvMunvit. : : uj-tt
Ij'Olt jirtLw-cctta.unf 4 i joim aod lo'a , cvr
J' on Oed oa rcct , 7 Mjtlm vitat it high vcabul
1'rlco , Il.'M. on > ery cany Urnu IhU m a u. 1
tanaiu. ; 1IKY i : MOTl'tll H > V oor , Kill and Far
iia u 033 if
l. oil "AM1. Ato.Ur.-alu , Slots on I'&rk aicnue
JL1 Iu < | ulrel2 > 7 Fkrniui ttrti-t. OJ-tf
1T"OUU\I.B Theau for ca h , a c'od wtavlnj ; loou
J1 forwcatiiiirrai ; on | t > , oouiiUU lurilruo |
Has lltrginaun , 1'axton Hold UirU r clioy , Oir.kbu.
" HAI.B-0 une ruidcnM otnlnJ I. JU.'J1-V - <
> 1ftddltloiijU oj , IKBV4 , WOlThll uu tr
ITl-'K H.\tr Housra and lots Ii nil put * ot the
-I1 cl'.y i"j t'ie f is cut tufijiB joxablj llousei bud
lots on mojitbly p.iiccHtti A ii.tailly. IHKY J.
MOP til , loth ui d Farnom. S.Mft
f Oil HAlfK-Oo-Hlljt , 6 tlooVii weit h'p ' rchoil
1 on U'lU'U ttrttt I'll'-e , , tnUuc
6 liar | uyinwit . BixcUl Urui * to ono h < > vlll
bull J. JULY & .M .rrKR. _ 9K-U
friOlt H Un T o hoturt and corner lot 681 110 o )
ou ISUi and OrM ; . Inquire on I'rtmliej. m
KVJll AkkiJTwi ( \ 14
JL1 nn Hinorcft Ani dt > fJiru
_ M8-lMp \
- itaafaaat - - „ - .
1poasaB-A /lro ji r ' ,
JOHN AHLIM.Wr/Ilrcl ay , Council lllu
I Apr
T > niCKS-oOOfOO hard butnod. hand moutdrd
IJZS.worrewl bilcks for tale by WICKII/J
DUOS. , Ocuncll nluffit. Apr JO Cf
8ALK-Cottao of the I > oim In Shlnn'a j
FOH at 81,000 jsoo oath , baluioo In monk _
pajmcnts. McUAQUK , opp. P. 0. 81 ! tf
Ipotl SAI.K Furniture , Stnt" , Conr , Itmenfl
1 Uuwyind barn.nt t40 U'tvicw ' , or f4th tticct
one DOCK north of til. Mdry'i vnue. 818 U
] ? OR BAI.K-Orocrr ; store in a gooA locution ,
1 cheap rent. Kor mrticuUrf midton "ILS " thlt
17(011 ( SAI.K-78 feet front on Karnum stro t w ! l"9
1 ( food , well-built ooitiRe. Call and g o ,
( ruin HcCAUUi : . PI p. IP. .
| 7tOll BALK Two beiuitllul Inti In lowo'a firtt V
UdlihnforSftU. UoUAUUB , opo. 1' . O. 8H-U
FOR SM.K-Tlio g od ll MII Uktuus e (
CrtlnMon llo na , or will mil any part of tire
inn room orkl rhen turultuio eop&ratt.y ,
Apply ou pi cmUoj.
IOH 8ALK 2 IftrRO houios on Capitol Hill , vrlti *
J.1 all uiudoni limiruvcuicnU. Full lots. IV , *
90,000 , and W.DOO each. IHKYialOrrKlU <
IT'Oll SALE A firtt clasj rottau nt and lee irc > .
J1 jnilor and kousu ol 10 rnotns altachoil , rjl
iilalioj.ulll ba Hold chain S * Wjiotury nasous KIT
foi sellinR. AddtCM 'J. W. I1. " OuikUa , Neb.
F 1011S VLU-frwih inUi cow , Inqulru at 1B10 fat.
iiaui sLrott. 033 U
FOftSALK Thosouthwrat corner lot of llth and
r > dHe , with tno one story brloV buldlnK ? aid
ouo fram i bul dliiff on It , itli all modern Improvi
monts Iiifulre | at ihn tlotlilpg itorj of OeorLO r
Ptttrpon , 8 4 SouUi lutu trcut. 63-lt.y
r01t H LE 4fl ciutltul loti In Walnut Hill I 'i
E dlilon txunSliio to WL. It w'll iiir pirtlcpl I
I"k ; nt Ihln pruiwrty b fuioluiNluuwhir ; ! 1'0\ /
TUK 4 COt\U , 1M6 Karuimi ituVt -id U t \
Tr < ( lll HAl.KVtry d'nlubli roelduncu for nil ,
i' faulty , o-iob i q < oft SI JI uy'ncuiio , igbloo
from j-oatciilloo Lco-tliii fine , $3t , W liaay tern
I'OIT Kit & COnU , UlDnrnainstrctt. 6il-t ,
1iOK SALK BnrKalnn In Impiotid ei-i1 unlmptc
cd prnpirty In ! .u oxldltlom Call el i.e. I'j
IKIl fcCOlin. IMS Faruaw street. 610
FOK HAI.K lljr.'filnn la lots fur residence or ptyx ) .
uhtlun In Walnut 1III1 , U i.c',1'11 , K flcreiard
Wesc Cuinlnt ; tdaltlouj. POTlKK * COBI ) , 1S16
Urnam atrett 5VO-U
IpOil 9ALU T\\a ol tbo rnoit dculrablo lota la
LOAOS 1st. nJl.jfinu viti * , prlro sVM ) . ecntn 1
aud oust froutajo , fenced. A bargain. ilcCAOUE ]
opposite I1. O. 4S9 U
IOIlSAllK-60-acre ijiproved laud , all within It
JL1 uillea of the Union Stock yards. Lauds at a bar
gain. TOITUK Si COBU , 1516 Famaui itroet.
FOIlt ) LE ' 2 loti in PJalnrlewatlK to 28 ftT
cent below the pdco at nhich vurroundlng lot *
are held. 1'rlcv will bo put up pw-n It not told.
8-U POrrtlt { t U01ID , lOlD Faruain StrevU
Fi OH HALE-fl lota In Shlnn'b 2d addition at a boi-
Twu cboipert lot > In Klrkwood fnr Si days.
< tl'nit & iSOBB. 1616 K rnau Bt.
CEKDCOIlNl'O.tigALE 1000 bushtls of „
Oi ( , und old coin. Apply to Dr Chambera Vetor
nary SurReou , Urraha. 03 tf
1i 3ALtV-Ola nevnwpor ? tn lar " t bad * tmall
or > ntlHB > ! > -SJ. HA
17011 SALE A mat-class * on Piano , a4\V
J b-ugaui. Inquire Edllohn t KrloksonV. I5U-U *
FOIi SALE Ti-1 open fooond-nuiil boggtoa ca
one dellrury w OD , cheip , at 1319 Qaruey St.
39 tf
F 'OH ' SALE A small Moilor , Diliman tCo. , 2t
; proof fseSi , almoal new , tt tills o31y. tf
F10U SALE One Vo'o and Sons piano at a bar
gain. Inquire at KJnolui aui hrlakson'i musl *
store , on 1Cth.-t tSff-tt
TTiORStLE-lJy Tnellln ? , No. S M Doiiela" . Fin * j
X1 neighborhood , ? rooms uud largo oome-teJ cellar. I
city w Uf , 200 barrel i U'ern , larn , cUlt .a hoiuj , (
clc. W. J. WcLSIIAl > J , CUv UlUa 099-U
FOU SAljE Ten Rn > d wl 1 and fixtures of the
Crelgbton House. Will tell the dining room and
ilrrbeu furul uro tepa-citcly or nny prt't ot cither.
Will exchaniie ( or lands , luts or any Mloibla com
modity , or wilt take mcuroJ uotcuou long tlao. la-
at CrtUhton llou-o. t85-tf
F OK 8 < LK 'l intj AC-MO ! the Urifftn farm , si
miles Irora the 1'OitiilUr * and only two blockv
'rcm Pratt'n eub-dliUon. Will be > ) ld In i'i , 6 or
La arra lots lunuiro Ouuba O.triA'i Co. , '
tin-all utock ot Drugs ud Dr
( or n.\o \ In the Iho town u { W
good ouanlng for a physician.
Kit. ElkLorn Station ; lab.
10K \LC-Mo lols in Hauucom Place
F Illuiebaugh fltc , ? )75 to S3(9nn moutbly p.
raonts. Burkur i MUTIIO , N. K. Cor. F&rnam i
13tb atu.
FOK HALE2SOO.for full lot OD Itth ai.S
KountzB'i 3d addition. I'OTTEK Ii COBB. 16fk-
Farnam Rt. eio-tf
I7IOK 8AI.K Farm S mlloa from city , near Unloa
X ; Stock jords. Inquire at Mrs llojtr , oiar Hot
dor'e LruK ) otorc. Uth and Webster. 872-
STilAVnD Oil STOLEN On Wlne ay mornlnir ,
April 23d , a medium ulzed red cow with calf ,
about 9 jeirii old. lias an addltiouU teat. Kuwara
ct $10 111 to paid If returned toibo SUturao Mer
ry U ) m tiit , Ht. llary'a uymue. OM-tf
* - la Wllcox',1 adAv.
ACCriONALE-OfloU ' to cuiumencoS f *
m , at the corner of 20th street and the Beuttirt
road Mo t dt-elra'Jo yr-ucrty mill bint opp rtudl'j
veroffired. W. B OI'.IXO , Au-.tlo.eer.
62J Sp
1 OST OR 8TKATED-A light roan cow , wrlRh
JLjab lit ISO , r'gu oir baulj tuin and an undtr
I Ite In tlio left i eviard w U ue paid If icturncd to
the Military Bridge , Cumlng bticot. Penny & Ail.
lianip. D0j-2p
C.N. . NMVCOMD. the Unas Car ] > ct Weater , IBth
. nnd C'umlr ) { ttrfef ,
1AQE for Iioreea and Cattle. Honeg at
SUM per head a month , and oouu at 7 o per
head per month at Ctltlu UTCM'U pasture , on Bellevue -
vue road , about 7 miles from Omaha. B63-lp (
CAN get flrst-cliBa pnvnto Imnrd aa < l neatly fur-
nl h.d room * , K. W. cor. 12th and Hovtaid.
17-25 }
rpAKENUr < troy rcelilocw N. W. corner VOth
L and i.'lark Krjct , one wlto bo'f r. Owner will
i > ' " so take her away an I pay charges.
: i9-lt K6viv OnRISr IJULI IIEIMEK.
Real K tntu and Molt ujco Loa ahave rciuattd
to No , 1W3 K > rnamitrcet , up > ta > r < , room It ) , iwa
dourca tof their form- locution , uhero they may
bo found until tf their now building.
ffiliAIIF.\VARD | will bo pud for ( my case ct
W IDUDiphthurla that c.uinot bo cur.a by Dr.
Jtflilc * ' ( Council Dluriirineuthcnua ( ) cure. Send
tcrit B9-
AL18T , BOS Ttmtli BtrtxiJ. bolwaen Farnam ted liar.
ucy , MCI. : viiu tno aid cf piurdlao. iplrlts. obtalalOK
anj nut Ri&ace 01 to pant and pretent , ud tb < <
condition In 5o intar * . Uvit and > ) iocf ,
In thi Clr-uH. Court of the Called States for UicC'
Dinttictof MebratLo. "
John Hoi d , Truitee , )
Frano-'i Hogg , et aL , )
rotli-el ) h'icby given , tint l ( unmuico
ind bylrtuonf aderreain on < l In the bovu cauco.
nlho7lhdayof nbruary , 1831. I , Kllld llltr-
bowtr , Dfotlal ma < tcr In clum-oiy n aid court , lll
an thi 2th of JUy 1-81 , at the hnuruf 10 o'clock
In fie foronoo i of the tai' < < inv , at Iho n'i 111 door ot
the Ui lied Suun C < uri Hniso and roilofllru build-
lui , in thu rltvof Omaha , DotuUi county , itat tnd
district of Ntbr la , at I at auc Ion the tuUawuiK d <
torlhed piojxrty. tnult :
Tho'cim | uiKlilJcd <'rd ( ' cart of tha < n.nal
unulvidid onO'half ( f tl o ro < thncit fi'iarier ol B0" '
tlou et\eu ( ) ) In U > * mhlp tlftciu (16) ( ) , ri'HUt lr-
teen , ( i J ) . Sild t , if divided , utiiitf SOJ acrw.V
tlfjjtu in Dtuglos coubtNfcbm la ,
Sprolal Motitcr In ciiancory. , ,
W. J. 0 WJKr.T , . R Hcitor for Complslnuitfc- '
ajirSO.roayfl , J3.2J , a , * -
Uattvrfl Appllratlon ot J. If. Phtlpifor Itrmlt
co Uhtrebvirlrdi that J. II. I'ljrlni < llil up
'h day of Jl r h A. U. l S i l h * I'I ' .
u themaynrand tlty council of Omalia , foil
' nell limit , ( j.lrltuoiu m.d > laoun llqunra tf
, tu. , ( ur , mschiiiloal and thvinlc&ll
, H ci ! only ftt oor. Cuinlui and Hiiindcr * hU. Ctb *
) nuha , N b. , from tb Uth d y of April , ,
. the llth tly ol April , | 88 > . Jm
there bo no objection , ren > uo Uanco or protuitl
within twtmitkifroruilwcliZTUi , A. l.i 18S1 ,
tail rmlt - . .
Ut-raj.tod.pjiKti > ; |
tu-it-iewk J. J. L. c. ieweet , I
" fa .tn