OMAHA WEDNESDAY APKIL 30 , H.H , HORNE < & CO , , WHOLESALE DEALERS IN S Wo make < * specially , at our EASTERN factory , of FINE HAVANA and _ .RA 010 AllS. All Cigars sold by us are of our own manufacture and warranted i represented. OPERA HOUSE CIGAR HOUSE , I 552 Broadway , H. U. HORNE & CO. , | COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - IOWA. PADY , ORCUTT rtalns , In .Lace , Ilk , Turcoman , Ete. Oil cloths , Mattings , Linoleums Et Ihoicest Stock West of Chicago B Jomo and bo convinced that wo are headquarters for all goods in our line vhcapoat place to buy Houao Furnishings in the C > tr. rOUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA Mail Orders Filled Promptly nnd with Cnro. The only Hotel in this City on the European plan of t > PAY ONLY FOR WHAT Y9TJ GET. " Hew Building New furnishings. L MODERN IMPKOVEMENTS-CENTKALLY LOCATED. Fine Sample Rooms Elegant Restaurant. PETER BECHTELE , PROPRIETOR , fas. 336 and 338 Broadway , - - - Council B . 14 Haiti COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. NEUHAYER'S HOTEL ON THE Furniture nnd appointments all now. Noa. 208 and 210 Broadway , Council Blufla. Wo eua-antco the euro ot the follow Ing named dls- Bcascs , or no paj : Rheumatism , Scrofula , Ulcers , Catarrh , ft 1 Blood and ildniliseatca , Dvtpopsln.Lhcr Complaint , Kidney and Bladder Diseases. Gout , Neu ralgia and Asthma' , Thcsj Springs are the favorite resort of the tired an.l dobllltatad , and are the FEEBLE LADIKS BEST FRIEND. Oood hotel , livery and bathing nccomodatlon both winter and summer. Locality highly picturesque and healthy. Accessible by Wabish railway , i Evonaor 0. , B. & O. , at Albany. Corrc pondono solicited , UEY. M. II. THOMPSON. Manager. Albany , Slloam Springs , ,0cntry Co. , Mo. ANALYSIS. iGravlty l.WB Neutra SO In. per gallon , 85,021 Grains . Iron 7,041 thato Magnesia S , " 9 hate CaTcl'im ' 1H8 ride Sodium 7,260 Lea 1.668 pmlna . . . .0,018 .nloand Volatile matter and loss . . . .1,459 Iscllda per gallon 07,17 * Will ( JUT & MKKUILI , Chemists AUCTION SALE of LOTS in TOWN of PERSIA ! aoicc Lots will bo offered at Public Sale on WEDNESDAY , April 30th , 188-1 , at 10:30 : A. M. Persia Is InciteJ In lUrrlaon Cauntr , Iowa , on the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Ha Iw ay , thirty miles north of Council Bluffii and Omaha. 1'crsla Is not yet two yean old , but already hundreds of people have made now homos and cttabl Bhe.1 prospcrom buklnesj within her berdcrs , and there ii still roomer ( or many morn. ror l * . In addition to being the contemplated pjlat at whicl-thoprojtctcd short ) ln from Sloiu City to Chicago \UH intercept the main line , Is In the uildst of R most proJiictUo agricultural region , and with such manliest advantages cannot fail to dorrlop Into a city of surprising proportion * at no distant day. The lots ore distributed in each and every blocK In the town , and are therefore both business und roil * dence lots. The business lots are local' d ontlicjlevcl plateau near the dtput , and ore fullyas ileeirahle as any of those now built upon ; they are of a uniform mze of MxH'2 It. The residence lots uro located on the beautifully elevated portion of the town more re mote from the depot , and are fiOx42 ft In blre. Uuslneaslotswlll lo sold and designated as the east and went half of lota and klockt. In all other re- upects lots will be sold a jwr plat ol town as It ap pears on the County records. Title perfect. All lots lo be sold to the hlghott responsible bMder on the following t rm > , vie. : Ono-tnlH ot purchase mice to be paid when lot Is Hold. A contract for deed will ' bo ghen , conditioned that the balance of purchase price be paid In six , twoho and eighteen months . Itb Interest at 8 per cent per annum. A discount > ot 6 per rent on deferred payment ) will he made for cavb. An agent will bo on the premises with a map , to thow property to all visitors prior to sale. Address 0. BALDWIN , Council DluiTa , Ia. L. A. CASPER . , . , ORIST -AMD- He Largest and Most Complete Green House In Western Iowa. Over 24,900 Feet of Glass in Use. rb Greatest variety and the Choicest plant * . My collection of Plants and Flowers Is uovr complete In ( . very reipcct , and the public re 1m ItJd to call and i upect the satne. I was awtrded the First Premium at the Council Bluffs District fair In September , 188.4 , river all competitors - [ potitors : and ; have bin o added many new and choice vvletlw.andam prepared to furnish o Dew i class of plant * that have herotof or > been unattainable I la thU market , for which I make no extra charge. , CBTflowrn and floral designs furnished f romptly , m on Snort notice. 1 have Juit tamed a new cat- Ipjruufor 1831 , which will be tent free on application. Croon Vegetable * * the Year Itou < l. .lores Ridlsh In bottles. t3 Pierce St. Council Bluffs lovvii. l [ , Amelia Burrougli OFFICE AND BE3IDBNOK L617 Dodge , St , - Omaba TfXEl'QOKE No Ui. I I Nebraska Cornice AND ' MANUFACTTOEUS OF GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES FINIALS , WINDOW GAPS , TIN , IRON AND SLATE ROOFING , PATENT METALIO SKYLIOI1T , iron Fencing ! Crestlnes , Balustrades , Vorandaa , OlOco and Back Railings , Window and Cellar Quards , Eto. COU. O. AKDetb STKKET , LINCOLN NEB. OAJSER. II CI POISON n the blood Is apt to show Itself In the spring , ant aturo should by all means bo assisted In throwing II iff. Swift's Specific does this effectively. It Is a inrelyojetablo , non-poisonous remedywhlch helps atuio to force all the pson ! or taint out tbrougn he pores of the skin , Mr. Robert A. Easloy , of Dli-kson , Tenn. , writes , under date March 10 IBS I : "I had ch Ha and 'ever followed by rhematlsm , for throe jears , HO that I was not able to attend to my business : had tried al most otiryklni of medicine , and found no relief. A friend .ecommended Swift's Specific. Itrl"d one bottle ind my health began tel > npro\o. 1 continued until I had taken tlx bottles , and It has set mo on my feet , aa sound and n ell as ever. I recommend it ' o all similarly allllctcd. " Letters from twenty three (23) ( ) of the leading retail ruzglsta o' Atlanta , say , under date of March 24th , 884 : "Wo sell moro of Swift's Specific than any ithcrono remedy , and three to ten times as much as ny other blood medicine. We sell It to all clasacs , ml many of the best families use It as a general lealth tonic. Our treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed ! roe Mpput uc0. uc0.THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. Drawr 3 , Atlanta , Qa. T. Ofllfto , 150W.2SJ St. between Oth and 7th Ave MXbia UN ACQUAINT ! 9 WUH TNI Q I OGIAFHr Of 1 Ml. COUN * CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R'Y 11) ' the central position of Its line , connect , ths Eun and tlia Weal by Iho aliorte.t route , and car ries r > a cni < ors. wltrout ohaneo of can , botwien Chicago and Xan.iu City. Council Blurt. , Iaven- warlb. Atuhtion. Minneapolis and tit. 1'iul. It connects in Union Depot , with all the prlnclpa * lice , of road between tha Atlantlo and the raolflt Oceau. . It. equipment is unrivaled and rnicnln * cent , bolnof oompo.ed of Uoit Comfortable and llenutlful u.y Coauuc. , Munificent llorton llc- cllnlUE Chair Car. . I'ullinan' * ITtttlest Palace fllecploe Car. , nnil th. IJe.t L"n of DlnlDE Car. ) n thr World , Thrro Train , between ChloaKo and Allwourt Hiver 1'oinlf. Two Train , between Chl > ( ddud Ulnneapolln and Ht , Tautvia that'aiaou. "ALBERT LEA ROUTE. " A JJew and Direct Line , via Seneca and Kanka. keu , ha. rtceully Ueen opened botwoeu llloltmond , NorfolkNewport Newt , Chat tinoozn. Atlanta , Au- uina , Ifailwjlle.Lounvillo.Lcilnclou.Cincinnati : ndlanupolu and LifJyette. and Oinahi , Uluueap * oh. and St. Xaaul aud lutorniedlato point. . All 1 lirough I'awocgcri Travel on i' c Eipren Train. . Tioitcu for oale at all principal Ticket Offices ia the United UUiciund ( ; tnada. llacffice chrcltcd tlirnuah and rales of Uro * U way u * Uw on couipctllun tbat otler lex advau- laKes. for detailed information , get the Maps and Fold. n < > r the GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE 4ht yourretreiit Tiokat 0 Coe.or address . - . R. oAULC , E. OT. JOHN , ri.i.U ota'l'r , UinlTki.4traia.ltia. Matter of Application of Hmltli & Bpnfard for permit.'o eoll Liquor aa a druggist. NOTIOK. ( Notice U hereby ( then that KmlthSnafarddld. tt > on thu Z7lh day of March A. D. lSS4flli > th < lrppll. aitlon to the Uayor and City Council of Omaha , ( or locnue to sell malt , sjilrltuous and Unouijjcuori | , a a druggist , lor medicinal , mechanic it and Uimlcal purposes on'jat & 02 Boutli 13th St. , teiAnil ward , lmaha Keb , from the i5th day vl April , 1831 , to the lltn day of April , 1885. It there Ui no objection r mon > tranee or I > rute t filed wltbln tun weeks Irom Uaivh a , A. l > . list the aaldperml Hill be craiited. aiinil & HI'AKAUn , ApiJlcanU. 831-Jt ou | J. J. L. C. J KWKTT , Ut ) Clerk. G dUHEOI' ' ADDITIONAL LOO/ OXJK OKU.MAN V. "i'nklo" Appears Agnln lighted Autllon "Yaldo , Our Gorman given again yrstorday nftorn evening in Dohanoy'a opera ho' ' both performances gave great sa Many who attended Monday ni ; availed tlioinaolvca of the oppoil sco it again , and many who had it wcro led by its prniso by oth tend. The nmtinco waa as tended as the evening porforman Wyman na "Yakio" maloa much incut nnd the company ia ovonl , ancod. Tlio audiences kept in roara of laughter , and ovorybod wont nway with n happy smile to' ' sound the praisoa of thu Wymans. The orchestra conaiatod , as uaual , of little rattling on n superannuated piano. Ono of the greatest drawbacks now to thu enjoyment of entertainments ia the scanty nnd poor music furnished. With an elegant and commodious opera house Jioro should bo some music in keeping with atich n place of nmuaomont and the character of the ontertainmonta given. There is much complaint about thia nnd nany plajs are spoiled on account of thia ack of orchoatrnl effect. Bargains in furniture , cooking stoves and household goods. A. J. Mandel , 025 Broadway. ANEW A Trunk Factory to boAcltlctl loOoun ell Blairs Interests. Mr. i < ' . Wcstcott , of Oskosh , Wis. , has decided to locate in this city , and open , next week , a manufactory of trunks' of all sorts. IIo intends to occupy Mr. Wood's building on Main street , now oc cupied by Scott , the hardware dealer. MrWoscott has boon engaged in the ) usiuosa for twenty years , and ia thor oughly experienced , and ho has a well- earned reputation for his goods. Thia ontorpriac is one which will bo heartily welcomed hero , and the prospect ia ex cellent for establishing hero a largo and jrosporous business. J. F. Stewart's proposition to settle lis claimed damages for change of grade on Main street in front of his store , did not seem to strike the council aa liberal as it did the gentleman who made the iropoaition. Ho wants his floor raised , vault , doors , iron pillars , etc. , etc. , changed so aa to conform with now grade , and says that the city may do it under the supervision of certain Omaha architects and in accordance with their ) lnns , or ho will do the work himself for § 1,340. Accompaniug the proposition s the estimate of the workmen as to what it will cost. Mr. Stewart proposes n any event to move hia goods at his own expense , to charge nothing for intorrup ioiijio business and annoyance. The aldermen seem to think the amount too ligh and the conditions too rigid for the city to do the work itself. The council ias concluded to investigate the matter a ittlo further. It is intimated that Mr. Stewart will enjoin the paving unless he s settled with. Iii this event he could ( enjoin only in front of his own property , and some seem to favor letting him enjoin and leaving a spot unpaved there if ho in ista. To-laj ! To-Piij ! ! James & Haverstock's , corner Pearl utreot and Willow avenue , is the place to ; et strawberry short-cakes free. Call and see Hereford's baker and got a piece. Strawberry 8hort > Ciiko frco. To-day , at Samoa & Havoratock's , cor- aor of Pearl street and Willow avenue. 3oo Horsford's baker and got a piece. Attend the May day opening to-morrow t W. S. Homer & Go's , 23 , Main street. hlpmcnt of StooK I'ruin the Stock YarclB. The following were the shipments of ; ock yesterday from the Union stock 'aids at the Transfer : S. Samuels , 2 cars cattle , 09 head , ,16 jinccln via U. P. J. D. Downer , 2 cars cattle , 80 head , o Plum Crook via U , P. Ed. Edwards , 1 car horaos , to Laramie ia U. P. Columbus Packing Co. , 2 cars cattle , 0 head , to Chicago via N. W. Stoddard & S. , 4 cars cattle , 70 head , o Chicago via R. I. Ileul Kitato Transient , The following transfers wore filed in ounty clerk's oflico , April 29 , reported y P. J. McMahon , real estate agent , Council Bluffs : Brigham Graybill to A. Klopplng , lot , block 8 , Underwood. 91.00. L. S. Axtoll to I. M. Axtell , part aw > nei 19-77-43. $120.00. * Neils Hanson to L. 8. Axtell. part ef wi , 30-77-43. 880.00. Joseph Graaon to J , 0. Groaon , part ot 4 , block 13 , Orimes1 add. , 8150.00. George W. Conaroo to Joshua Clulow , part scf so } 11.74-44. 8575.00. AdolnliVunkor to Thomas Grunan , ot 10 , block 8 , Mindon. $3,000.00. Thomas Grunan to Adolph Wunder eJr nwj nnd sw nwj 11-77-41. 83,000.100. William Doud to Claus Mellor , sei-1.70.38. 81080.00. William Doud to William Boye nwj 1-70-38. 82.120.00. William Doud to Henry KollA nwl 170-38. 82,120.00 , * Total sales , 813,417.00 , TCtal sales for the week , $33,522.00. B. Eice M , D. or other tumor/removed without thi kulfe or drawing ol blood. CHRONIC DISEASES- * * ' * ' Over thirty y * n | practical xp rUnoo OffiM Mo t 1'earl u t , Council blufls. A Bait Water Bath at Home. In order lo supply tlio continent from oca shore to renter , from the metropolis to the frontier , with sea-water , It is not necrs- snrytobnrrpl or liottlo itlior to build a nllio-llne , Tlio most excellent wny is to reduce its hulk by evaporation , mid when old Ocean is dry nnd clean , park i lawny in boxes weighing from onoto llfty pounds. Then scmlitby express or freight toils destination. All the saline properties of the sea nro Intact , nnd by adding tlio proj cr quantity of water to marine sail a bat is obtained which contains , besides sn ( chloride of sodium ) , the sulphate and chlo ride of magnesia , the sulphates of lime an and traces of the chloride of potna nnd iodine. lint while wo summon modern skill an enterprise to our service wo must rcnicn ber that the beneficial effect of sc.vbathln is not n modern or nn individual di.icoverj The salutary results of n plunge Into th surf is universally rccogni/edaud its practice tico instinctive where nnd when the al mosplicrio conditions ndmit of it. Jlanv persons find its intlucnco over the physi cal nnd nervous system so healthful tlia they consider it essential to spend a fe weeks or n few days at the sea shore , ovei nt great oxpcnso or grcnl inconvenience , fo they thus hope to lay np n store of hcaltl nnd strength that will lasl for month * ! The record of the seaside resorts of ou coasts for the past few years shows the great and growing popularity of oca hath . Modern chemistry analyzing tin iropcrtlcs of sea water declare it tonic n id TomcOlal , n corrective of dlscaso and a cosiscrvntor of health. ILITKRAKV GixcinnnunAn AVonrr. A RoAxl deal of what passes for literature in theio days , It n very poorriunlity of ginger bread work. The average modern novel ia rnihl enough hnd fttssy enough to satisfy thollKart of a Miss Nancy of the longest standing nnd rcspcclahflitr. l erythlug Is "delicate" or "rcllnod'tho humor ia "subtile,1'tho plot is "dextrous , " thoclmr- nctcre "exquisitely delineated , " the moral ity "sweet" or "tender , " and the love- well , tlia love is something so altogether fearful and wonderful , that on the whole , It is more taxing to n sound .stomach thnu sea-sickness. "With hero nnd there nn ex ception , the whole brood of "tho young novelists" shows a decided aversion to strong , clear thinking and to bodly attack ing difllcull social proclcms. Tlieir .books are apparently addressed not to masculine men and womanly women , but to "pretty1' men and simpering girls. At n time when scientific and philosophical literature is Eharactcrii'cd as never before 1 f virile bought and strength of style , it is a cur ious phenomenon that belles-lettres shoulf uo so soft. SOFT ] ) r.i > < 3. Some peraons insist that soft beds uru hurtful : others argue to tlia contrary. There nro differences of opinion on tills point that the C < iunry ( Gcnttcinan disposes ot" thus : "Tlio dUVcri'iico between Uiem is that the weight of n liody on a soft bed presses on i larger thnu upon a hard bed , and roiisciju/uitly moro comfort is enjoyed. Hard beds should ue\cr be given to llttlo children , and parents who suppose that mch bedtf contribute to licalth by harden- tig anil developing the constitution nro lurely in error. Eminent physicians both icro nwl in England , concur in this opin- ou , nnd hard beds ha\o often iroved injurioiia to the shape of infants , liirds and animals cover their offspring , vith the softest matciials they in obtain , uul also make solt beds for them ; and tlio softness of a bed is not evidence of its bc- ug unwholesome. ] 5ut if it is not kept iwcet and clean by daily airings and fru- juent beatings , whether it is hard or soft , it is surely injurious to health. " HOLLER CORNER PEARL ST , AND FIFTH AVE , Open 10:00 : a. m. , 2.CO p. m and 7SOp. ; m. , dTliuslo on Holiday , Wednesday and Friday cio lings. ADMISSION K CENTS. No objectionable o aractcraulll be admitted. H. II MARTENS PROPIUKTOIl. W. R. VAUCHAN. Justice of the Peace. Omaha and Oonnoll Jilulf > . Real estate collco Ion agcuo 011 l'i\b \ N. SCHURZ. ee ofl Peace. OFKICK OVEH AMERICAN KXl'KESS. 30UNCIL BLUFFS. - IOWA. Hllla. R. P. CAUWKLI * SIMS& CADWELL , Attorneys-af-Law , COUNCIIj BLUFFS , IOWA Office , Main Street , Rooms 1 and Bhugart St Mc- I hon'i Block. Will practlco In State and edenl ANP Loan Brokers ! ( WEN/nil'S BLOCK , XPI' . POSTOKKICK. ) Loans Negotiated. Houses Rented , Titles Perfected Vnd Special attention given to donvoy ancint ; and all legal instruments. REAL ESTATE LIST : Irall h's Addition , 00 lots Prlco I MO to (500 'ark Place , . | 161oU. I'rico WJ5 to BW ) luhoina4'lao , 19 lot * I'rloo $200 ta (100 ) wlffht & I-Iican's add 13 lots I'rlce | U6 to fSVU xiwo's Addition 10 lots Price ? 1W to (350 Ihinu'eaddition , Slots Trice reasonable / HANSOOM I'LAOK IIIIUKUAUOU 1'I.ACK. loti In < 1'LAINVIKW All ) > . i KIUKWOOD " U'EUIGK'IJ ' "audSuther /FAUHAJf , lUOUOE. t t Ut"m , .CUJIINO , > * * * \And almoi t every Bt. In city. 100 ACRE LOTS for sale CHEAP. KASY TEIIUS ON AI.Ii 1'IIOI'BHTV. S40OOO To Loan on Real Estate. J. E. R1LEY & CO. , CORNFIELD 50J ) North 10th Street. Win Gentleman's Block. CholoeCuts ol Muats t ipecla'ty. tOrdsu will U r - ovlreJby t kphoae , No. ira. WM , It. UIIIB30N , PropUetor , REAL ESTATE , Williams' Blook,15th&Dodg.o No. lSl-lSCO-Hoit o amllo n Credit Ponder ilill troii , lot tdxIS'J , liottia of 3 room * Uomt home , Hoar ilcjwl. 1781,700 Howe nml hilt lot on I'lmlos direct cooil well ninl cistern , hill cush ntu tlmo onbaUnro. 43-3,000 llotno Mid full lot on llamll'on troet , jf o 1 litrn , ( enrol ml In tlrnt cl.v < s f ) l > alr , ( or silo ilioap anil on i.nv term 61 fl.OOO-HoiKo and livn on lot ( routine on Micrmati a\cmie and 17th direct. Uoo , frontage u ( 09 ( cot on t o ulrccts. 17D-J-2.CO-CA < li takri ft otory nn.l a lull ho o ni dill lot , on street car , Rind olli\nO cittern , just oI ( ol ( Uumlors street. < H SJ.OOO-Stcro ImtlilliiK and ilwo'llnp on ( nil lot , two Mock doni green car line In north Omaln , on easy tf ruin. 1I-SOO ! Homo on I'omiloton avcnno. loutl front , | iloiiilU llttlo homo uiul cheap , tjo. 1 ,600-IIomo anil ( till lot on Rincrott street . lO-Sl.SOO-IIouno ot 7 roimn In UtdflrM'i sub-ill \l lon , Sl-JI.&OO-Storo building anil half lot on ! IUncroft Btn-eL Ifll-JIROO T o ntor IIOUKI ) on half lot nil liUli St Out ! block from or Uno. llmil lnr.i peed fences ami all In peed repair ID In lia bargain. 17T $4,700 New rioiino on ( nil lot on Charles itroet , mar cor lino. .02 f.1,800 Home ami ( ml lot In Lake' * addition ono block Irom car line ami on vasy tornu. .83 ? l,700 Oooil homo of 10 roonw on ( nil lot , cool barn it , ami tuo blocks ( torn Utullluo FifcHonscs POP Sale Monthly Payments , .63 t,000 House of fl\o roomn anil inn lotn on DiHl o 131.good bargain ( orlnililoproi ) ' crty. .HO ii.OOC Clooil cottftRfl on lot ( rontlnR on two81 * . IStli anil luth , ( ronta on cir line , anil In the taut part ol thu city. Sold cin.iv ( or cosh. We cansoll jou lot In Ha thornc , clicJper anil letter terms than any other addition as near the Ity , 8353 to $ (100 ( a lot. Denises' addition In north part ol city Is belli ; sold' iy U9soo\ery ono canha\oa home. Call anil let mallow jou the lots , only ten inlnutci drho from urulllcc. KlrknooJ. Wo Imoonly afcw lots kit In tlni ad Itlon anil the first comes , get them on uwy terms , Uonockcn's aililltlon. Tor Cunitnj ; etreot nrOicrty | , OKcIIIn thltaililltlon aa ono will know tthen they nil only a third of the lots Ictt Jllllnrd anilCalituo'Is ' aililltlon. Wo MM ery cheap cliiKnear bherman a o , , ami tliu lot ) alto all on rail i ) . WohaNoaloton Wheaton ntrcot , In Armstrong's Mltltm ciwtlront. Wo "ill tell cheap * anil on easy : rni3. UnjHelil | g nest o ( the rlty , Ciuninn ami Cast Sts. in throtuh \VopollinlnoQcru tracts on easy : rms , anil no \ \ 111 Rho lonj- terms to those contctn. latlng hnlhllng. Unlj 'JJ miles from the city. We ha\o bamalns In all parts ol the city Improved nil unlmpnncil vropoity , homes ami lntHloti , to sell ml lease. HOIIHOS lniirineiiioiitn ] , houses torrent , lotary public In the olllcoatall times , mid conicy ncea to show projicrt ) , H. PHILLIPS , Ilaa ono ot the largest nnd finest assortment of iprlug and Bummer Uoods for Suitings and Trowncr- 'igs ' All garments gaatantcod to fit and trimmed .Ith the lloat Triinminga. MY IMUCKS AUU LOWKIl han any Merchant Tailor In the city. 1601 Karnam trect. trect.E. E. A. KELLEY , M. D. AKD G. A. WILSON M. D. . . , . . , ? hysicians and Surgeons OFFICES TIOVD'S OPRttA HOIlnK. mi t © cl TO PURCHASE rand Hand Clothing For Hiiot C.i'li. Oall cm or address Jlr. or Urn. tophcn J. HHOIiHlCK : , 018 South 10th ktrcet. SCUMBLING & BELSCUNER , DKALKRSIN 021 South IStli , between Jackdon and Jones Bts. Job Woik In Itoonni ; , Gutterlnf , Etc. , promptly uonu. iVhoho Outilllly. uxlunmllmi anil | irumatura Ivcny nracauMud lij ntciwioH , iirrora nf youth , eta. .rs pi-rloctly rustorcd ( n riilm-t lifiillli find I'lKocon * miinhniiil liy THE MAHBTCN SOLUS , < < llllnml cll driipclni ; . Thliilroatmoqi ( nc'i-vuui lU-lilltly nnil lliy l' > i' ' JlcciiK luifnrmly guoocMfnl bernn o imrrn on i > rfeot iiiiKiii line\vnnd cllrt-rt mr ( hods and S > D > frro. 'AUSTON nEUP'4Y C0. . ALONG TIIK. LINK OF Till ! lilcago , St , Paul , Minneapolis and OMAHA RAILWAY. The now extension of this line from Wakeflold up 10 IEAUTIFUL VALLEY ; of the OAN through Concord and Coleridge vo aocua.rt.TXixrca-T'ODKr , aches the best portion of the State , Special ox. urslon rates for Und. teekers over this line to fayno , Norfolk and Hartlnnton , and t la Blair to all rlnclpal on the IIOUX CITY & PACIFIC RAILROAD Trtlns over tlit 0. , Bt. I * . U. t O. lUllway tn Coy iKton , Bloux City , 1'onca , llartlnton | , Wayne and 'orfolk , Ooxa.xt.oot nt Blatlx- 'or Fremont , Oakdae , Ncllgh , and through to V' l- entlnr. tfVat rates and all Information call on ' / . a WJIITNKY. Oenoral Aeent , Utranc t Uulldletf. Oor. 10th and harnam bti > _ : HilBIH.V.o"i : n . el > . VTing ( can o itecured aj < jep9t , corner nth SEARS & BOSARD OMAHA Btove Repair Works , FurnUh Impairs for al Bo > es made In tbo UNITED STATUS AND CANADA. Btovei repaired and remounted e < | al to new. Telethon then * No. 48. ! KftTO.V , rroi. Pioneer wrug Store ! B. K. COR. 18TII AND JONK8 BTS. DE , P. S , LEWIS , - Prop'r , AO.KN1 ! " ) Ohio Oil CO.'B West Virpinla , Oyliudor and other Oilr wmiUntlv on hand. j ; s. uiLly & oo. , PROPRIETOR IC untl 103 South Hth Street , Omitm , Nobrwltft. "Oatrcupondenoo Solicited. " EASTER * PMCEb DUPLICATED 11 FAUNAM RTUKR OMATTA Heating and Baking In only attained by Stoves and Ranges , gj& & mt 'IK GMllt OVER DOOR MILTON ROGrEKS & SON3 DEALERS IN Hall's Safe and Look FIEE AND BUEGLAK PROOF jaa Otxroot THE CHEAPEST PLACE IN OMAHA TO BUT DEWEY & STOKE'S , One of the Best and largest Stocks in the United States to select from. NO STAIRS TO CLIMB. ELEGANT'PASSENGER ELEVATOE , BALLET AND DAVIS CD'S PIANOS [ ENDORSED BY FRANZ LISZT. ] BOSTON , March 1st , 1891. PIANO CO. OKMLI-MIIV Tour Instruments , Grand , Rijuaro and Upright , are really noble nstrumtnts . and unrivalled for beauty of tone and finish. Allow mo to congratulate YOU on your sterling roitross. OUhTAVE 8ATTKH , RECOMMENDS ITSELF. TUT"'bQTID' Lj I SOLE AGENT , * - -JHL V _ > iCD JZT JLLJ n ISl'J Podgo Street , Omaha , Neb OMAHA NATIONAL BANK U. S. DEPOSITORY. f. II. MILLARD , President. WM. WALLACE Coahiei Capital and Surplus , S45O.OOO. I ' ] OMAHA SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS ! Fire nnd Burglar Proof Safes for Rent at from $5 to § 50 per annum. Elsutter'S I CLOTHING HOUSE The levers of aood clothing who wish to Tpurchoso goods that are equal , it not hotter , than the best garments made by iiDy.nierchaiit isiloring liounes in the United States. Elguttor's establishment has long been recogni/ed as ono of the lead- nghoubcs of the kind in the west. From the first to the third floor , in every department , the stock is com- > lcto. and comprises the latest styles of seasonable good ? , Cubtomera will Und Und'I 'I ' In great abundance. This house keeps tlio best TAILORS TO ALTER , FIT AND PRESS. Tins work is always clone in a BotiBfuctory uioimer , end with * ut extra MAMMOTH OLOTH1NO GUTTERS HOUSE , EL 1001 Farnara St. Oor. 10th , OMAHA , NEB to BapMltM U ntuUr Oiled wltn k Mltcijttoak Office and Factory S , W Cor. 18th and Uapiiol Anntu ,