, k t VY ir " < * > V \ t * OMAHA DAILY BEE --OOWOIL BLUFFS WEDNESDAY , APUIL 30 , 1884 ; THE DAIIA BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Wednesday Morning , April 30 , SUUSOniPTlON HATES. - - - - - - - JO its per week - - - - - - liooopirjear OFnCEt No. 7 Pearl Btrcot , Near Broadway. MINOK MENTION , See J. lloitor's , npring goods. Additional local on seventh pago. Seed corn , J. Hanthorn , 700 B'wny. Buck beer on draught nt Bcchtolr'a isfl-V eamplo rooms. Much fun is promised nt the polo gntno nt the skating rink to-night. Madison street bridge is now ready for bussinoss except the approaches. The matrimonial market is not very lively. No license for n week past , There lias boon 203 caaos in the police court uinco tbo first of January. Mrs. J. E. Metcnlfo ia preparing lo inovo her establishment to 218 Broadwuy. f-wr Why pay forcing prices for household goods when Mamlol is offering such bar gains. Anyone having n cotnot loft in their possession will please inform A. A. Co- valtAttend Attend the auction nalo of lots nt Per sia to-day. Trains leave Milwaukee depot - pot at 9:40. : . All railroad tickets bpught of D. W. Bushnoll nro guaranteed , ' nlao nil. rebate . tf { orders given by him. Over $10,000 has already boon pledged toward the building of the now Prosby- .toriab church. How lot the other $30- GOO coma to the front. Some onb on upper Broad way Booms to bo scattering poison pretty frooly. Mr. Grotc/han lost a dog by this sort of a death , ondMr. Potrich two pigs. Toddy White for , getting drunk nnd lying down in Justice Abbott's hallway , was yesterday assessed $3 and costs. A hotel bed would have boon cheaper. To-morrow evening there is to bo n May-day carnival at the skating rink. This will bo a novelty and will draw a * crowd of white dresses and fancy cos I ffifr tumes. * Mulrow nnd Thorpe , the two mon no badly injured by the Wabash smash up Saturday night , and s lll at Mr. Smiths' on Eighth street , ana arc both in n very ' low condition. What the final result of the inquirieswfill bo cannot easily bo ' determined. Oscar Sprink , a boy who no sooner gets out of ono scrape than into another , is now hanging on the ragged edge for hav ing unmercifully pounded another boy named Bowles. It is time Oscar was was brought to a realization of the error of his ways. There ia talk of there being a protest entered against the Vaughan hose team entering the races at the Dos Moinoa tournament. There is a little timidity felt lest the team shall take the biggest plums , nnd hence the desire to bar thorn ou ? . The sidewalk in front of the Masonic temple is to bo widened thirteen foot. Aa Bancroft street is getting to bo a good deal of n business street aomo want the entire sidewalk from Broadway to First avenue widened , but others object , claiming the street is too narrow to allow I , , t"ft [ * the change. fe Jfr ? All saloon licenses expire to-day , and 1 1vH' the aaloonists must now file now bonds . < § and applications. , It has long since boon conceded that without any regard to the state prohibitory lawUio city government will lioon'so saloons as usual , though per haps taking a little pains to dodge tno direct violation of state law by some technical evasions. A slight collision occurred in the Mil- wauko & St. Paul yard Jioro. The trian was backing into the yard it is said at a peed of full 30 miles aa hour , when it struck a caboose standing upon the track. Tha caboose was smashed into k'indling wood , and the collision shopk up tho' passengers , killing ono of thorn , Mr. H. 0. Murphy , of Undorwood recoil ing a sprain and several bruises. to. Hoary Westlako who has juit served a term of thirty days for stealing it part of a harness , insisted on hanging about the outside of the jail , and talking to ' the prisoners within , and when warned away by jailer Schoufz , ho showed fight. SchonU stoo'd it as long as ho could and then took him inside again , and turning the bolta wont before Justice Schurz and filed complaint , charging him with vagrancy. A short time ago a-man getting frightened enod at aa attachment being got out against his team of horses , himself trans ferred the horses to a friend , giving him a bill of sale , BO as to avoid having them gobbled up. Having settled the claim on which the attachment was issued , ho now weat to his friend to give up the torsos/but the Utter declined to do BO , , and " interesting law suit b prom ised , Peter Johnson was found by Officer jtfetoalf in an outhouse in a horrible and fiUby condition , apparently he'd boon Ajgfetiag prohibition too enthusiastically. v He wa taken to the atatiou in a wagon , 'fcut jr aterday in court , iuibtod that he will not drank but only a little ill , Ho Admitted that'he liad taken tame pop- Mrtatat MM ! bitters to relieve piin , but tlwt waiVlI. The in u' condition when ta&gbt la vartoo much against fclin , bill. He propow * ThoY.M. 0 A. hnd nnotbor enjoy- nblo social and literary entertainment last evening , When Regan Bros , got fairly started on In paving , they will employ about HOO men and finish up about n block ft week. Fairmount park is having many visitors. Council Bluffs shall fool proud of its parks , and expend more money in beautifying them. Bayloss Park begins to put on beauty again , and the benches , thirteen in num ber , have boon put on the turf for the ac commodation of visitors. John Nolaon , n tailor , denied that 'ho was drunk , but only looping bocauno ho otlockod out of his bo arding house the night before , and had to wander about the streets. It cost him S7.GO all the samo. There scorns to bo no question about the liability of the city for damages of some sort where the grndo has been changed after a man has built up to the grado. It is to bo hoped that a settle ment will bo reached so as not to cause any interruption in the work. In the practice polo games at the rink Monday night , Ooorgo Brown lost n skate , fell on his chin , breaking it. liort Evans got ono thumb badly sprained , and Stod- man got hit on the wrist. If thcso polo trainers keep up , n dispensary shall bo established in ono of the side issues. . The nldormoa and city engineer were yesterday in consultation with Mr. B. Williams , of Chicago , who has been at work devising some system of sewerage for this city , and a mooting was hold last evening to still further connidor tho'mat- tor , and gain from him what suggestions were possible. The sewerage of Glen avenue has al ways proved unsatisfactory aa when it roaches Broadway it makes a short turn and has to run along that street to Bry ant , turn again and nicer for the crook. With the widening of Olon avenue nt Broadway comes the suggestion that the street bo opened direct totho , crook. II is also proposed to open Oakland avenue to the crook. It is thought by some that the expense of opening up would bo loss than any other syatom of getting an outlet - lot for the wator. The city woighmastor besides having the scales at the city building pcrposos maintaining another acalo on the lot on which the Biggs house used to stand. The work of putting in the scales will bo- in to-day , and the lot will bo devoted to : ho standing room of teams and loads. The scale nt the juncture of Main and Pearl streets ia owned by private parties , and whether it will bo maintained under a license remains to bo seen. Aa the city woighmastor cannot take control ol ihoao , and as there is much business for a woighmastor in that part of the city ho : ias as available a location as possible. Mrs. Davy , tbo old lady living on low er Broadway , who a month ago foil , breaking ) her thigh , died Sunday night. 3ho had reached the ago of 83 years , and had lived hero many years. She led a quint industrious life , and had many womanly qualities which led her to ba [ uglily esteemed by hnr frionds. Her brother Mr , Wcgg , and her Niece Mrs Kendall , of Illinois , arrived yester day to attend to the funeral and neces sary arrangements. The funeral will bo hold this afternoon at the St. Pauls Episcopal church. Mr. E. L. Shugart , Mr. Oadwell and others'nro proposing to curb nnd park in Front of their property on First avouno , and it is expected that the move will extend - tend ao that all of the nvonuo between Pearl street and Union avenue will bo ordered parked and curbed. The next move will bo the paving of the avenue , and some predict that it will bo ordered [ > aved within sixty days. The parking will out down the cost of paving , by narrowing the street and will at the Bam a time beautify the avonuo. , The curbing they put in costs only noout fiffy cents ji foot when sot in place. Intensely This ia of intense interest to every body , road it. Dr. Samuel Jackson , late professor of the institutot of medicine - cine in the University' of Pennsylvania , whoso opinion as a physician and physiologist elegist is hold in such high esteem in this and other countries , said : "Prof. Horsford'a preparation for raising broad ia a decided improvement. The acid of cream tartar ia not a constituent of the grains from which flour ia made , it is not a nutritive principle , and often disagrees with the alimentary organs. Your prepa ration , while it makes a light , sweet and palatable bread , restores to it the phoipato of limo which had boon sopa ; rated from the Hour , and thus adapts il as an aliment for the maintenance of a hoalty state of the organization. " Call atJiunos > t Havoratock'a and see a'practical demonstration. FKUBONAU Jolmnlo Dekony , after a little roat at home , 110w returns to his studios at Atchtuson , Kan BM. Itev. J. Viik loft Council UlufI * yesterday , to take charge ot a church , by request of the presiding elder. S. Stuvong , of the Hock Island , ia back from ii , Jnccompanted by hta wlfo and Iiti , Ml u Noally Btevoim. Mm. Wheeler , wlfo o ( A. Wheeler , IIUIIUOM snannger of tha Herald , loft yesterday with hur children for an oaatorn trip , expecting to ba absent uovcral mouth * . Dr. If art left yeUer Jay for tbo eait expect ing to bo abnont several weeks , During lilt nbionco ho will attend the national medical Msodatloa In Washington , * Mr. M. A. Wolr who a abort time PRO , en- terad upon tha duties of manager of tha board of underwriter ! of this ctty , hoi now boon join ed by hli family , and they hiva taken up a avenue K. , near Oakland arenuft , SPECIAL NOTIGjgC NOTICE. Special advertisements , tHcJI ai Lost , Found , To loan , For Bale , To U nt , Wants , Board- ag , tin. , will be Inictted In this column at tha loir rate o ( TK.N CENTS VF.R LINE ( or the drat Imertlon and F1VK CKNT81'EIl LINK lot eiich lutjeoquent n- Bertlon. Leave tulvcrtliemcnta at our office , No. curl Street , near Ilroidwav WANTB. WANTED A IU boy with T'ony to carry rout ( or Km. Oil at Council Dliitfs Din olllcc. Every body in Council Dludito take WANTED . Delivered by carrier at only twenty cant * week. . ) I'AI'KKM For Mlo at Him otllco , at 25 ccnM Ol.l hundred , - Rid room by a dlnglo centto * WANTKU-Hoard reference * . I'rlrulo laii lly | ir - lined. Addrcn II. I'ct cHlco , Council llluffa. T-odlwi and gentlemen can make Drat AGENTS by nellltiR the "Champion noitom Btreclher and Ironing Board. " Itettlli at II00. Any lady can do up a line shirt without a rln l ixl Klrx' I as nlcelyMthoticstlaundriescan. Address lor paillculars 0. D , B. & I. Co. , Inn ofllco , lor one month. \H7ANTKI ) Situation by a "Ingle man , a clerk. > > Can talk Swedish , Dunlin , French , Herman anil Knpl sh. Addto or Cell P. V , at Y II. 0 , A. , 12 Mull' Ht Council Hlnffii , / HAlih Uencrit stock of Merchandise. Hurt- 1 ness entablbhnl Ion yearp. ( loixl rca on * fui Fclllnc. I'trt iiauncnt , iiart time. Addrcai 1 * . 0 , I1OX Wll. Nonln , Iowa. PERSIA PKOPERTY , Tlio Snlc of Ijots to Tnko I'lnco There Today. Aa will bo scon by the Advertisomonl In another column , to-day is the time fixed for the sale of some valuable lots in Persia , the s lo to bo conducted bj Auction. These who want to invesi money where it do the most good , shoulc bo on hand promptly. The train leavci the Milwaukee depot at 0:40 : a. m. COMMEUOIA.TJ. COUNCIL DLCrrS MAT1KET. Whnat-No. 1 milling , 80o.No. ; 2 milling 70c ; No. 3 nnd rijoclod. fiOc. Corn Local demand for feed 40@40 ; deal ro out of market. Onto hootl demand 30cg33c. liny 10 00 nor ton ; 1 ( Wo per balo. Hyo-40@15o. Corn Mool 1 25 per 100 pounds. Wood Good supply ; pricoa at yards , 0 00(2 ( 700. , Coal Delivered , hard , 1150 per ton ; soft 5 00 per ton Lard Falrbank's , wholesaling nt OJo. Flour City Hour , 100@3 30 , Brooms 2 Oo@3 00 par doz. LIVE STOCK. Cattle 3 50@1 00 ; cahos , 5 fiO@7 60. Hogs Local packers nro buying now nnt there la a good demand for all grades ; choice packing , G 25 ; mixed , 5 25. PRODUCE AND HKCIT8. Quotations by J. M. St. John & Co. , com' mission merchants , 538 Broadway. Butter Cnmmory , 28 @ 30c ; chrlco country roll , in good demand. IStjjJ'JOc. Kggs 12Jo per dozon. 1'oultry Uoady salojchlckons.drossed , 12jc live , 9c : turkoyg. droaaod , 15c ; llvo , 12c Ducks , droanod , 12c ; llvo , 8c. Oranges 1 00@4 f > 0 per box. Lemons 3 50@4 00 per box. IJnnanas 2 fifl@3 BO per bunch Vegetables Potatoes , 3i40 ! ; onions , 75c cahb&RO , 4 centu per pound ; apples , rend ; ale at 'IJOOgD 00 for prlmo stock ; Beans , 151 @ 2 25 per bushel. Railway Time Table , COUNCIL BLUFFS. The following arc the tlmoi ol the arrival n J do nurture ol trains by central standard time , at the iocul depots. Tralne Ic.ivti transfer depot tun mln earlier and arrive ton lulnutus later. CHICAGO , BURUNOrON AND QUIKCT. LRAVI. ARRIVE t:36 : pm Chicago Express 0:00 : a u 0:40 : a in Kast Hall. 7:00 p n KASSU CITY , ST. J0 AND COUNCIL IU.OTM. 10:01 : a m Mall and Kxprend , 7C5 : p n 8:00 : p m 1'aclflc Cxpreen , Eto : p n CWCAOO , MII.WAIIKRII AND HT. rACL. 6:45 : a m Mall and Express , 7:10 : p n 65 : p m Exprttm , 0iO : a c 9:46 : a m Express , 6:55 : p n CUICAOO , SOCK ISLAUD AKD rACIFIC. 5:30 p m AtUnttc Kzprena , 0:10 : a n 9:50 : am Iny Express , 0:50 : pn 7:15 a m "Dc Molnei Aoouinmodatlon , 4:40 : p it At local depot only. 'WABAgU , ST. LOUIS AXD'rACIPIO. 0f : 6 a m lull , 4:45 : p ir 4:60pm : Cannon Ball , 11:16an : "At Transfer only , cmcAoo and KomuwHTUim. 6:30 : m Expreex , 0:50 prt 5:45 : a m raclflla Express , 0:15 : a a gioox cirr AND rAcmo. m Bt. Paul Kxprcsa , 0:00 : a n m Accommodation , 0:50 p n OHION rAcinc. 17:60 p m Western Kxprem , 6:39 : a n 1:44 : a m I'aclna Kiprcm , 4:34 : p n 7:49 : a m Local Expreiii , 6.M a n 12:14 : a m Lincoln Exprem , "At Iran , for ouly. DVUMT TRAIN ! TO OMAHA. Leave 8:24-0:24-10-21-11:24 : : : a. 111. 1:21-2:21-3:31- : : : 4:21-6:2t-fl:24-7il : : : : and 11W1 p , m Ba day , 8:24- : 10:24 : a. in. l:24-3 : : < 4-S:24-7OI : : and ll:0t : p. in. At llvo 80 mlnntei bcloro loavlnsr time. BOOGE'S SIOUX CITY HA.MS. ' J , Y. FULLER , Commission Merchanl No. 33 Pearl Street Ctuncll Dluffi , lowk rnos. orrici * . u. u. ruiirr , OFFICER & PUSE BANKERS. Council BlaDi U. Establisneo - - 185t Dealer * la Korolii > nJ otnuitlo Ktch n o n CASH TALKS ! At the well-known Establishing OF J. P. FILBERT , 209 Upper Broaaway , the PIONEER. GASH Ot Council liludi , Notloo our reduced 1'rlce Uat * We give 15 ponndtKiUftO Sugar ( or . , . ! } l 0 11 poumli ( Itaiiuhtod auitnr . . . . . 1 0 2S i > ouiil-ChuIooOitmcal. . . . . . . . . . . . . , , , 1 0 24 pounds Navy Ihuni.M. . 1 0 V ) l > ounJ JJ et lluU Htarch . 1 a 1 ! I'OUiuU C rolln llloe . . . . . . . 1 0 II jioumi * Choice irunii . , . . . . - . . . . , 1 0 25 Un JIiilTalo 8o jt . . . . . . . . 1 D Kxtrft Lake Trout , jxir ] wund . m . , . L ! Choloa Uluct Uc t jitr [ WuuJ . . . H 1 dozen MuJ < ore ) . , . i . II Colorado Klour , Winter , | ier cwt. . , . 2 & 10iound0lnier8uipj , . ( . , . . . . . . . 1 d 40 po mdi li lulof . , , . . , . , . . . . . . . . . . 1 U 1 gallon keg Siiuj . , . , . . . 1 7i White Ki.li , per Ml . . . . . . . . . . . M Mackerel , per Ut . . . . . . . 8 T. T. T , AM cradet , according to quality , 15o to Boo | p i pouuj Wo alia carry full line of Vtn't , tadtoi' am Ca'ldrou't ' flue feliotjanj ou' Kiuo Ilooti aten low price * . ilo Iull lluo 01 Tiuwaro and genrral tuerchacdlee. Call on 11 * and ba convinced tt.ix' > on ciuuivcuioiicy ky deallne with u . Uoodt delheruJ free la any { > art of th cu/ . Iu word , wa am bound to icll and ctiallongo a ! ; Uudaule oouiputltlon In tbli count v. J. 1' . Kl S0 < i u In.H.J.HlltOl.I.L . . . . . PHTSIOIAN & SUEGEON , 323 MldiUt Bro 1y , ConacU Blnfi * . LADIES ! WE ARE RECEIVING SOME VERY PINE I Gentlemen OUR FINE For Sprin Wear are arriving daily. Please call and see our New Stock. Z. T. LINDSEY < & CO. . 412 Council Bluffs ) Brondwny , , T/YTO- \ West i1O WA > Sitlo Squnro , Olanndn PALMER , DKALERS IN WOOD , HULK AND BAimcr. LTME , LOUISV1LLB AND PORTLVND CEMENT , MtCmaAN rLASTEn , HAHl Ha , B39 Rrnadwav. . . AND SEWEH . PIPE. - OOHNCII. BLOFPB. All kinds of / JT. 33CC. Land Bur-1 Ki jj _ " & 7" 14. jL sSSSfi ROOM 6 , NEW OPERA HOUSE , COUSCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , etc. , etc. \ All Orders by Mall Promptly Attended To. GALVANIZED IRON OGRNIGES , Fine Mantels and Grates , LYMAN'S GASOLINE STOV'ES. Call and see them before buying elsewhere. Stores and Tinware. JOHN EPENETEB , roracn"KTm , v ; .o , . 220 South Main Street , Countil Bluffs , Iowa. Wo outiranteo our work na firat-clau in over manner and style at low pricos. Wo make a specialty of Groupes , Families , and especially children , which wo take quicker than a wink. COME AND SEE US. SOHMIDT & RILEY. Propriotora. WHY DON'T YOU OETSDMEOP FITGH BUOTHEBS' CUSTOM SHIRTS ? Perfect Fitting , Bat and Chcapetc. Pine Unen Collars nnd CuCs. No. 715 Fourth Street Council Bluffs , Iowa. B Metalic Caskets and Woodin Coffins of all Kinds. ELEGRAPH ORDERS PROMTLY ATTENDED TO. OPENDAY AND NIGH 3NTo. 1 < I > 3XT. 3VT , iio. ! 3t. . Ooi3.aa.oil I" ( Tb T * ifa AB 11 A DI R RESTON HOUSE. EVKRYTIHNO KIIISTCLASS. a. 2 W and 219 S. Main St. . - - COUNCIL BLUFFS WUOLE3ALK DEALEUS IN * 3 342 nnd 344 Broadway. COUNOn. BLUFFS , IOWA " " LIVKTO KAT. EATTOLIVET" REETAUR&NT AMD CAFE , Tto to Ed. O.lloon Broadway , Ifoiln at all Iloure. Chef d'cuUlne Council Bluff * . 1'attltn & Specialty SIGN , SCENERY AND FRESCO PAINTING A SPECIALTY , 17 North MninSK , COUNOIL T3LUFFS Merchant Tailoring , &V REPAIRING NEATLY AND PROMPTLY DONE. 805 South Main Stront , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS. OOTJNOTL BLUFFS. TOWA. al ntlcntlon tn crilcr tnv Mall. . Fig loaves nro out of atylo , so nro goat anil sheep skin ; shawls jmd blankets have gone by. Thin ia not intended for poetry , but if you want a suit of clothui to look both neat and dressy , call on HORENE & LANDSTROM , 1ML © 27 o Ix & * > 3Q. "t "a ? o , i 1 o ar ssi Their f rices are Truly Reasonable { MRS. S. J. NORRIS , ompl te Assortment of the Latest Novelties in 1 05 S. Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS. Mixed Eags The undersigned is paying the highest market price for Rags. S. GOLDSTEIN , ' - - - - C-iO Bmndway , Council Blnffa " KELLEY , S4 IT. MAIN ST. , OOUNOIL BLTTFFS. o-tear O. I EilIo3r DEALER IN ALL THE LATEST DESIGNS OP IALL PA ! interior Decorations. 13 S. Pearl Street and 20 N. Main Street , - COUNCIL BLUFFS. 4 Beard - / < L L sargest Window Shades , Stock ijct the City Material < , r'i -AND- - - BOOM MOULDING , , * v : Lowest CO CE POLE Prices * Guaranteed. Painting. No. 32 Main Street and 33 Pearl Street , OOTJlsrCIIli BLTJIF'IF'S , - - . IO"W-A _ : . NEXT DOOR TO THE -POSTOFFICE. PEOMPTLY ATTENDED TO.