Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 30, 1884, Image 4

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    J3EE-- WEDNESDAY APJKI1 , 30. 1884.
Omaha Ofllce , No. Old FArrmm St.
Council Bluff * onico , No. 7 Tom
Street , Near Uroiulwny.
o. Hoora 05 TrJbui
r-iMlnhod emiry D-omuiR , eiccpl SundAy Tl
enl ) Monday raornlDR dMly.
On Teat . f 10.00 I Throe Month. ! . W e
8UMomn . R030nn | Month . 1.1
Per Week , 25 Cent * .
Onoteur . tZOO I Three Months . t J
BUKonlhs. . l.e | OnoMonth. . S
American Nont Oomimuy , Bole Agent * Newidoa
n la Iho Uolted SUtcj.
A Communication * rolntlnff to N w and Rdltojrla
mitten ihouhl bo oddrosaod to the KDITOH or Tn
OTnnxM Mrrina. ! )
AJIBmlnwi titttora and Roralttanacs thonld'b
Artdrosiod ta Tnx B rcsLisiino Oourxnr , nuuit
Drilti , Chexskn and Poatoinoe ordori to bo mad * paj
abla to the ordoi ol the company.
B. R03EWATBR. Editor.
A. H. Fitch. Manage * Dally dresuUUon , P. 0. Uoi
J > I" 483 Omaha Neb. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
FIVB-HIXTHS of the students of liar.
vard college are republicans. Wo won
der the democrats are opposed to the
spread of education. _
SAM. Tir.DEtf has gone back on the Un
h If ion Pacific. Having lost faith in that
corporation , ho ! s soiling out his stock.
Will not Dr. Miller now lese faith in
Tildon ?
PKESIDENT ABTHUH no doubt 'will fool
greatly relieved when ho Icarni that the
Omaha Jlcpublioan has aotuolly said thai
it is ready to support him if ho email b (
Mu. DonsKY is in Washington will
the intention , of relieving hia bosom o
the star route nocrota with which i
looms. The world is holding its broatl
until the great man speaks.
Tun Iowa republican convention moot
at Dca Moino3today. . There will bo i
determined effort made to defeat an ;
instructiAi' for Blaine , and it wiil hi
strange if aomo delegates are not selectee
who will vote against [ the hero of Puci
and tho'Omaha Republican.
IT is reported in nome quarters tha
Mr. Edmunds' boom has taken to itsol.
now legs in consequence of a rumor tha
the eminent Vermonter is given to thi
habit of taking occasional "snifters" o ;
brandy. There Booms to bo some dcrl <
and impenetrable mystery about thii
matter. Brandy wo have heard of , bul
what is a "snifter ? "
TUB Union Pacific han adopted stan
dard time , to RO into oifuct the first _ ol
May. All iho other railroads centering
in Qmaha have been running on standard
time for over two months. The lending
Jnwolora will follow suit on the 1st of
May1 , and the city council ouqht to imme
diately adopt the now standard , so as ta
have uniform system in the city.
M. TUB 'Herald mournfully admits that
"Democrats who will represent Nebraska
in the coming Chicago convention cannot
promise electoral votes to the domoratic
candidate for president. " Alas , good
doctor , they cannot. And they could
not if they should live a thousand years.
But there is one thing they can at all
timers promise. They can furnish as fine
a lot of rare old political mossbacks na
run at largo in any state in the union.
LA.TKU developments tend to show
that it was very lucky that the people of
Audubon , Iowa , did not follow BO many
examples recently sot in their state , and
lynch the murderers of old man Jcllor-
Bon. It seams now that about all the
lynching that ought ta have boon done
was when the old man wai strung up. | If
these who performed that piece of work-
can make their ntory good , there are no
toara to b : nhed ever 'Jollorson'u fate.
i Hanging is not any too severe a punish
ment for the indescribable fiend who
debauchee hia own child.
! colored man ia rapidly approaching
the ataadard of the white man , and it is
only a question of time when ho .will bo
in every roapoot the white man's equal.
Already the negroes of the south , following -
ing the example of the high-tonod and
hot-blooded whites of that auction of the
country , are resorting to the duel to settle -
tlo their differences of opinion. Two
colored gentlemen while discussing the
merits of the different presidential can
didates became encaged in an angry
controversy , and a challenge to fight a
duel was the roault. They were arrested
just aa they were about to spill each
others flood , and ono of them was found
to have on two- overcoats and a sheet-
iron.plato fifteen inches square as a chest
TUB statement of Mr. Nemrao , the
chief of the bureau of statisticsthat the
total reduction of duties effected by the
Urifl of Match , 1883 , amounU to only C
per cent , is worth remomboripg. The
contrAst between this result and the con
ildent assertion of the advocates of the
tariff tliat a reduction of at leatt 3D pei
cent , would ba brought about by it , ii
striking. It shows that these person !
dtd not know nearly as much about the
tariff question as they assumed to. II
also shows that aa apparent reduction ir
the rat of duty does pot always moan on
actual decrease of taxation , Borne foa
tutM of Mr , Nemtno'a statement , whicl
k aooompinied by statistics , are of pur
tieular interest. For iutUnce , It eeeuii
* th t tha reduction of duty .on woollen
KuiiufActurea WAI only _ 2 per cant. ; that
oa'jnm and ttcel but G , ID per cunt ; thai
on sugsr 9 32 per cent. , whllo tlio reduo <
U n on wait llqunrn is 59,01 per pent.
, , TiiU * liowila Uadenoy'to reduce in pro <
uy the wrong direction , Thi * country
ftt along vary well with dear malt
\ if ifc M kays'silwrnpew : necmariM.
TllH V. 1"S. HhUVCTWN OF TIV1C7/.9.
The Union Pftolfio han madova oncra
reduction of wages ranging from 10 to II
per cent , to take effect on May 1st. I
certainly is n big reduction , and wil
bo severely felt by the employes general
ly , and particularly thoao in Omaha
where ronto nnd the necessaries of life an
jiohigh. Many of the workingmen wh <
had purchased lots on the monthly installment
mont plan will necessarily have to live
more economically , if possible , In ordei
to moot their payments , which they woult
have no trouble to do with the old rate
of wages. It will bo soon that the rcduo
tion will have a material effect on thii
class of employes , as well na on outside
real estate. It cannot bo denied tha
Omaha will bo n aufforor to a considora
bio extent. If there is any real ncccssi
ty for this big cut it ii indeed to ho regret
grot ted , hut if it is to reimburse the com
> ny for lassos sustained through bat
nanagomont , the BEI : unhesitatingly pronounces
nouncos it nn ill advised step.
The reduction has boon ordered by th
qenoral directory of the 'company , not
withstanding the protest of General Manager
agor Olark , who has always boon opposci
to reduction of { wages. The order affect
not only the main line but all lines operated
ated by the Union Pacific.
The Union Pacific , it must bo admit
ted , has undoubtedly boon affected b ;
competition and the various complica
lions that have arisen within the pas
roar. Ita stock has rapidly declined ant
all efforts to boost it up again have fniiod
Hen who have had the utmost conQdonci
n its stock nro now parting with it at thi
reduced figures. Shrewd Sam Tildoi
yesterday throw on the market 12,50
shares nt GO and liG cents , being a hoav ;
loser by the transaction. The roductioi
of wages just at the present time look
very much like [ an attempt on the par
of the directory to make the employes o
the company contribute to assist in mak
ing up its decreased earnings and ti
bohtor'up its stock. The stock jobber
are in a great measure responsible for tin
levy that has boon made upon the om
Whatever may bo real cause for the
unparalleled cutting down of wages b ;
the Union Pacific directory , the reduc
tiou comes with poor graoo from moi
who have boon enriched by the govern
and stolen millions from the people
Whatever the losses may bo they havi
no right to call on the employes , whe
earn every cent paid them , to help then
out by contributing from their salaries
which are barely enough , with the great
majority , to cover living expenses. Thoj
should at least have spared the men whc
earn leea than ono thousand dollars t
THE JtepubUoan , in a very persona
and blackguard article , auks why'tho ' BEI
ms deserted the anti-monopolists at thi :
critical juncture in favor of a republican ,
The blackguard of the Republican knowi
Vory'vpll ' that the BEB has not dosortoc
ho anti-monopoly cause , and that it ii
as much an anti-monopoly paper to-daj
aa it over was. The BKE has within the
post three months given its reasons in do
ail why it proposes to support the presidential
dontial nominee of the republican party ,
and it is unnecessary to repeat to out
oadors these reasons. The anti-monopo-
iats are not as yet sufficiently organized
hroughout the country to carry on a nn-
ional campaign as an independent party ,
mt the day is not far distant when the
anti-monopolists will bo the dominant
party of the United States. So far aa lo-
al nflaira .in Nebraska are concerned the
JKK proposes to wage an unceasing war-
are upon monopoly , and when the time
omca for electing the next state and log-
slativo tickets , the Republican will bo
onvincod of this fact. It is through
ur legislatures that the people
f the ditforont states must seek relief
rom the oppressive rule of monopoly.
The principles of anti-monopoly ore bo
oming moro and moro popular every day.
'ho republican party which ia largely
ompoaod of anti-monopoliuti , is aware of
hia fact , and It is disposed to recognize
nti-monopoly principles an identical with
IIOBO of republicanism. The republican
> arty so far has been the party of pro-
rroas , and has availed itself of all popu-
aridens which would advance the into-
oats f the pooplo.
Wo believe that the national republican
onvention , in recognition of the populat
.onuuid , will adopt a strong antimonopoly
ely plank.
Tun BEK , in supporting anti-monopoly
lootrines , haa never coisod to bo a ro-
mblican paper , aa anti-monopoly and
rue republicanism are synonymous , bat
? ur. BE h'aa never failed to fight abusoa
within the republican party , and it pro
poses to ooutinuo to do so.
IT la generally supposed that a railroad
> aas , because the recipient aigna the con-
ditlona on the back , exempts a railroad
company from paying damages foi
ujurlea. This is , however , a mistake.
A paaa ia given for rbmo consideration ,
and the company giving it la juat aH liable
'or damages aa it ia upon a regular ticket.
This matter haa boon decided in the
courts several times , . The latest CMC
of this character ia the caao of Mary 'A.
Soyboltagainat the New York , Lake Eri
t Western railroad. Daniel H. Sdybolt
msbaud of the plaintiff in this case , was
tilled in an accident on the defendant's
railroad at Tioga in. 1881. Ho was n
lostal clerk running on the road. Hia
wjdoweUimod 5,000 damages fo * his
death , and in a suit brought -by ) > or
igiinst the company the trial court awur-
led her $1,500 , The company's defense
m that the deceased clerk was at the
imo of his death traveling on the road
by virtue of a free pass , and , according
( i the conditions of that pass , lie was
not pntitled o recover damages , On an
appeal io the general term by the com.
piny the award WAS tuitalned , and the
Court of Appeals has justinfilnfltl Ihi
The houio of representatives has a
length taken a practical step towards th
revival of American commerce. It ha
passed a bill abolishing thu wretched BJS
tern of restriction which lias hitherto prevented
vented American citizens from ownin
Any nhips except such as might bo buil
in American waters. This indofonsibl
law has been the death cf the America :
carrying trade , and io a great measure o
the fillip building industry as well. It
repeal has boon almost constantly ngitat
od for nearly twenty years but it
fcpito of strong arguments , a powcrfti
lobby , usually manipulated b
John Hoach , han hitherto succccdc
in keeping it upon the statute books
Ita disastrous effect upon Amorican'com
inorco is shown that while in 1800 , 7
per cont. of all the ships engaged in ou
carrying trade wcro owned by American !
the proportion had flunk to 20 per conl
in 1880 , and to about 15 per cent , at th
present timo. As a result , about $150 ,
000,000 have boon paid by America
shippers each year to foreign veesol owners
ors for freight. The manner in whic
thin decadence of American vessel owr
ing wns brought about was the uimplca
theory in the world , By moans of improve
machinery and cheaper materials , th
aliip-buildoro of the Clyde and else
wharo .abroad were enabled to buil
ships at a lower cost than they coul
ho built in America. American buil
ships could not therefore ) compote wit
the foreign vessel on the ocoan. En
the pernicious law now sought to bo re
pealed , prevented the citizens of thi
country from owning any other the :
an American ship. Consequently th
ocean trade rapidly fell into the hands c
It is confidently assorted that the Ml
will certainly pass the senate at the pros
out Hcssion. There is a strong oppositio :
to it on the part of the lobby and of thos
who are fishing for subsidies , but it i
said that the western senators are large
ly for it , and will secure its enactment
If this proves BO it will bo greatly to th
credit of . the western senators. Th
plan is not only the best ono for th
renewal of American commerce that ha
ever boon devised , but it ia the only on
that can over bo effective. The difference
once between it and granting subsidies t
these who will operate American ships i
exactly the difference between romovin ]
the restrictions that makes a busincs
unprofitable , and hiring men at a hcav ;
o xpcnse to carry on an unprofitable husi
To the Editor of Tim Hrr.
In your issue of this data you stati
"That the Iowa democrats refused tc
adopt oven the mildest kind of a dcnunci
ntionpf the prohibitory law , and that tin
surprising news fo'lliko a wet b'lankotor
the Germans who had looked forward t (
a ringing plank of opposition right on thi
heels of adoption of the law. " Thii
statement is incorrect , the domocratu
state convention of Iowa did adopt a resolution
elution n trhut the late prohibition legislation
lation , the convention only refused i
more emphatic resolution against prohi
bition , whioh was the proper way as sait
resolution was undoubtedly the offspring
of a fanatic mind on this question. Th (
democrats of Iowa are firm in the fighl
they made last year against prohibition
and will continue to do so hereafter.
Youra Truly.
Omaha , April 28th , 1881.
If Mr. Hauck will carefully examine
the printed reports of the convention
lie will BOO that iho Ben was notall incorrect
roct in its statomentu. On the contrary il
stated the exact facts. It is true that r
plan was adopted which might bo consicl
crod as having some remote reference tc
prohibition , but it was not in the least
denunciatory in its expressions. It road
as follows :
Resolved , That in view of the roconl
action of the Iowa legislature , wo reiterate
ate the declaration of the national demo
cratio party in 1870 in favor of porsoua
This "declaration" was dimply an ox
Cession in favor of the "liberty of inai
vidual conduct , unvoxod by sumptuary
lawn.1 Now if our friend can manage
by any ingenuity to piece these things to
Author so that they can make any denunciation
ciation , however mild , of the prohibitory
law lately passed by the Iowa legislature
wo shall bo pleased to see him do it.
The incidents of the convention won
perhaps oren inoro significant than UK
watery resolution on "personal liberty.1
It is known that there- are two element i
in the democratic party of Iowa , whicl
liava long contended far control. On <
represents the newer counties , whore
moat of the German voters live ,
and the other the interior regions , whore
the prohibition clement is strongest now ,
The Gruel plank'on personal liberty wn ;
supported by the interior or "alougli
water" district. Its adoption was op
posed by the , river counties , Tieadod bj
Mayor Claussen , of Davenport , who is u
well-known Gorman. , He presented t
sulstituto for the objectionable plank ,
which denounced in the moat unmistak
able language , the now prohibitory law ,
and promised' ' the utmost legal opposition
to it. This wsa.dofeated by a very close
vote , all iho river nnd German countiei
voting for it. Then M. Gannon , of Scotl
county , presented another aubstltutt
which might bo called a mild denunciation
tion of the law. This was also defoatoc
by a majority of twenty votes , tin
Knos being drawn as before. Thesi
Scott county delegates represent thi
German olouu'nt of the etato. Their efforts <
forts to got the prohibitory Jaw dxnouno
od were defeated amid the jeers and
lonta and hisses of the convention. The
result has thrown a wet blanket on the
enthusiasm of the Germans , exactly at
Tun BEB declared.
It occurs to a good many intelligent
observers , that if the democrats o ! lorrn
had only been 'firm enough in the fight' '
to support a real high llcunxo inoaaun
they might have laid prohibition ou
stiff and cold long ago. But in this cose
in so many others , the wisdom of tin
democrats came too late. When tin
fight was ever nnd prohibition had woi
the democrats wore just getting ready t <
THE Congressional Jlcoord has it
good utes oven if it is n common ] ;
abused piece of congressional machinery
Sixty of the 110 members of the housi
who wanted to case their minds 'on tin
Morrison bill will ask leave to have the !
remarks printed in the Record. Thi
expeditious way of getting rid of such ni
immense amount of superfluous oloqucnci
is altogether admirable , It BAVCH time
allows business to bo expedited , and ha
fully as much effect upon the constit
ucnts among whom the Jlccord circu
latcs free of charge as though tin
speeches were actually dplivorod. Tin
question still remains , however , why tin
government should distribute free o
charge those devices of members to secure
cure tlitir own ijo-olcction.
IK the assurances of the director genera
are well founded the coming Now Orlean
exposition will bo a great affair. Hi
says that applications for space have nl
ready boon received from more exhibitor
than appeared at the centennial oxposi
tiin ; that thirty acres will bo covered b ;
exhibitors , and in the whole it will bo th
biggest exposition of the kind ever hoh
in the world. Thirteen foreign nation
will bo represented , r.nd these from fin
United States will occupy 800,000 squar
feet of room , The exposition is hailed a
a great factor in the social nnd industria
rogonera.ion of the south.
THE Denver JVava say a that Edmund
is an " .inti-Bilvor maniac. " Out in Ool
orado they call any man n maniac whi
has wit enough to see that piling up use
leas nnd fradulont silver dollars , yea
after year , is a very poor proceeding
Colorado sadly needs enlightenment 01
what constitutes insanity.
A Vast Fortune TliatAroHO innFov
Yearn anil UB Speedily Dwin
dled Away.
New Yetk Sun.
Samuel J. Walker , who recently diet
in Chicago , was a celebrated character
At one tunoho was counted the wculthics
man in Chicago. Ho came to this citi
from Kentucky many years agoand afte :
looking over the ground came to the con
elusion that a great city would bo buil
on this shore , and that real estate woult
bo a good thing to havo. He was a care
less and oven reckless financier , but s <
long an the boom continued ho appeared
to make money , and continued to acquire
property at n rapjd.rato. Ho lom , heavilj
by the great fire , but , nothing daunted
continued his iuvcstmenta until just be
fore the panic of 1873 ho held .title u
more than 1500 acres of land within the
city limita , and was supposed to bo wort !
all the way from § 15,000,000 to § 20,000 ,
000. Ho did business largely on paper
and the period of depression following the
panic saw him stripped of his property
almost to the last foot , and nil his great
money-making schemes rendered futile ,
One of his moat extensive enterprises vra ;
the purchase of all the property abutting
on what is now Ashland avenue , in thi
west division , the widening and paving ol
that street , and the setting out of rows ol
elms , now beautiful trees , at a cost foi
this one item alone of more than $30-
000. Ho owned this street for moro than
a railo on both sides , but lost it as well as
well as hia other property. It is now
lined with handsome residences , and is
ono of the ploasantest drives in the city ,
but somebody else reaped the benefit of
bis labors. '
After the panic , \rhon Sam , as every
body called him , was considerably run
iown at the heels , ho became a sort of
butt for the thoughtless and irreverent.
Even in his poverty Walker was always
engaged in big enterprises , and ho fre
quently interested men of wealth in them
until they discovered that they were
talking with Sam Walker , when the > o-
Totiations came to a cloao speedily. His
paper was in vorybody'n hands , and for
yeara it has been a standing joke of the
town. Ho made a manly effort to hold
his vast interests after the panic , but it
would have taken millions in cash to
have saved him , and these ho could not
Hia taxes amounted to a fortune a year ,
and his interest payments to twice as
much. With his property continually de
creasing in value , and nobody disposed in
the then uncertain atuto of affairs tq ad
vance money on real estate , ho was oblig
ed to suspend all his great schemes , and
eventually his property was wrested from
him picco by piece. Of late years ho has
been a familiar figure here only to the
comparatively small percentage of the
people of Chicago who wcro hero fifteen
or twenty years sgo. Carelessly dreesed
and driving n clumsy old horse , ho occa
sionally made his appearance on thu
streets , but there were low who knew
liim. Ho received'his discharge in bank
ruptcy only two days before ho died. Mr.
Walker was highly esteemed personally ,
though generally regarded by sagacious
business men as an unsafe counsellor. II
bo could have hold his property until to >
day ho would hove boon worth not lost
than one hundred millions of dollars.
Women H Clerks. _
There was three women among the p
plic.ints for a clerkship at the first muni-
} ipal civil-service examination in Buffalo.
One of thorn wasThmong the first to finish
answering the wrjttcn questions. Exam
inations of this sort are a great advantage
to women , whether they get the clerkship -
ship they are after or not. To have
pawed cither municipal or United State *
civil-servico examination will roako it
ewier to get positions elsewhere. It is
t diploma certifying to knowledge , and
rank. Women
uivos n certain standing and -
men awdmitcB in a thorough collegUo
COUMO , or those who have p s t-d the
Harvard annex owmwauons , can obtain
bituatious as teacher * more readily than
others. It is the earno w Great Britain.
Oil In who liavu university examination
advantage in OD-
ei-rlifiwriia Imvo a great
tttmuiu cUrkauipi or other positions.
Suth certificates are ev idenco of monUl
training. They provo besides capacity
for Btoady effort , which invhat the eex
most lack.
The finest Moyounifo dressing for all
kinds of salads , cold meat * , raw toimv
tm- , pickled salmon , cabbage , oto. , i
DarkeVs Salad Dressing It IB , bendes ,
more economical tbuu home-made.
SIOpo. Qiven
Iffitmn , or miy Injurious substances am bo fonne' '
mAndrew tfonrlBalclne Powder. Is pos
( vclyPURE. UoliiKvmloricilmidlisllraonlal :
rcerlvwl irom ncch clicinlMinsS. Uium llnys , HOT
torn Jl. Dclafotitalno , of Chicago ; nnd Gustavo :
llouu , JIll\\nnltco. Nc\ ( Fold Inbullc.
- , , . - - - _ _
- " " 78 fe20lK
Ca.Tielects only $5. Shares in rrox | > rtlouTE3
Louisiana Slate Lottery Coija
" We do fiertby certify that ut lupernit the 0.1
rx-vjemtnti for all the Monthly and Stmi-Atmut\ \
Dratringa o/ the Louisiana State Lottery Conpar. ; ,
in 1 inpenon ntanaut and control the Drairinyi
Pitmitfoet , and thai the same are conducted uitt
hinttiy , fairness , and in good faith toward all j/rt
tieiand we authortie the company ( o usa thiieet
tlH-ate , \sithfae-tim\let pour tignalurti attacka *
intt aitstrtlstminte. "
iocorpora'-cd In ISK > tot 25 yean by the l-plsbiaji
(3t ediioatlonr.1 and cb rltabla purpoaos with a cap
Itatof tl.COO.OOO to which a iajne fund ot o\ci
( r/COUCK > bia olnco boon ajc'.oil. ,
Uy nu ovcrwbolmlns ; popul&r veto Ita fnnchl *
m mtdo a part of the iircBcut atato oonstltut'oi
tdoptcd Dccombor 2J , A. D. 1878.
The only Lottery ever voted on and en
dorsed by the people of nuy State.
' It never eaaloa or postpones.
Its grand single number drawings takr
place monthly ,
A splendid opportunity to win a Fortune ,
Fifth Grnnel Drawing Class E , In the Acad
emy of Music , New Orleans , Tuesday , May
13th , 1884 168th Monthly drawing.
CAPITAL PRIZE , § 75,000.
100,000 Tickets nt Five Dollars Each. Frao-
tioiu. in Fifthn in proportion.
1 da do . 25,001
1a do do . lo.tKK
1G OF ? 0000 . . - . K.OCX
G do 2000. 1 . lo.tXX
10 do 1000 . 10,001
SO do 600 . 10,001
100 do 200 . 20.0CC
800 do * 100 . EO.OOC
500 do fO . 25000
ItXW do 25 . 25.000
J.Apptoilroatlou of $760 . G,7Cl
Q. do da COO . 4.6CC
9 do do JIO . 2,2r
1587 Prized , ftD.oantln ; ; to . 216,601
Application for r&tts to oluba should ! tcado ooh
at tha office t } the Company In No Orlcann.
Per further Information wrlto clearly giving full
id il roes. Make F. 0. Money Ordera p y&bla tar
tddrcua ncfiUterciil Letters to
Now Orleans , I .
Foetal Kotci mid nr llniry letters by Mall or El
prcnIl ( iurau uf 5 arid upward ! by Express at oui
exii-j * > ) to
u A. DAcrmn ,
or ir. A. DAUPHIN , New Orleans , La.
_ 607 gnxpfirh Rr. . Waablnytop TI Q
Indian Affairs , Washington , J > | > rll 21 , 1884 _
Sealed propneile , liUarucd "riopowls for Beef" ( tidy
'or ' beef mutt bo eubmlttcd in eaparate cm elopes , )
Uaconi Kluur , Cluthln . or Tranapor'atlnn. &r. , ( IB
thu ciaa m y be , ) and rlroclcd to the Commltslner
of IndUn Aifilrs t on. 05 nnd a' Wooator street , Jso *
Ycrk , will be received until 1 r. i of Tuo d y , May
! 7 , 18'1 , for furnishing for the Indian tcnlcn naout
i20,000 I'ounds Ilaron , 33,000 OiO pounds Ilccl on the
oof , . O'J.OOO pounds Deans , 45neO pounds Hiking
' .miler , 7WuuO pounds C .rn , 4(0,00' ) i.ounds CoQce ,
703,000 pound * Hour , 70,0 JO I ouud Feed , 10S.CCO
)0im n Tfard Bread , HceX ) pi.uiKi8 Hominy , 18,010
iiiiinOt ) Jjird. 700 barn Is mess lork , 13' ' ) , 00 pounds
Ucc , 7,600 pounds Toi , 100 pound * Tobacco ,
2JO e 03 pounds f olt , ISO.OOO pounds Heap , O.OOJ pounds
Snda , 8suiOJ pound i nupir , and -411,050 pounds
rt ht at.
Also , IllankcU , Woolen and Cnttun Oooili , ( con-
Wlnit I ) pan of 'Jlckloir , 20000 virds ; Mtandard
alim , 136,0)0 jaidj ; brllllrK. OfW > < ards ; Iuct,0
rt from nil lz n 80.COO y < run ; Dinlu I , 17.00
\n'ds ; Olricham , I OOOJard ; Krntucky Jeans ,
MOOOtatd' ; Clintlet , 4,100 } &rd ; lln.wa Sheeting
17f.noo yaMr Bleaoied tjheetloir , 1S.OO ) lards ;
Ulclinry Hhiitlnir , 10000 yards ; Calico Hlilrtliik' ,
0,000 jarJc.loeey , l.Con j&rds , ) Clothliif. | Oro.
cerk's , Notions Haniwara , llejdlcal Su .pilot , School
Books , &c. a.ida Innu Ib : of ralecellanlous arllcKs ,
suchai IlarncBB , Plows , Ilaltcs Forks , Ac. , and for
bo t 476WKOIIS ieulmj ( for the sm.ce to bo
delU-iolat ClilciRO , Kausis City , and blouxCity.
Alto for ml h Wngon * ai may be required , a lapted
o the climate of the Pacific Coast , wllb
Drakts , delivered at an Francisco.
Aluj , traunpirtation for men i f tha article , goods ,
and eupplUs i hat nay not be contracted for to bo
Itllvireil at the Aencle .
bcnudiilot uhouluK the kinds an > l ( | uailtle * ol
BUb.Uituco ttuppllei required for each AKcncy , and
he kltds and quantities in crots , of all o her eoads
and articles , totetner with blink proposals , condition *
o be observed by bidders , tlom and plico of delivery ,
to'int c.fponl.rii-tandpajintnt , tr n9i > ortatl"ii routes ,
mil all ither necessary in > trrctbns will bs fun Ished
upon sppllcat on tiithe Indian Oftlcj In WnshlnKton ,
or Na. . 05 and 07 W.-otur btreet.Ne York ; Win If.
Lijo'n , No , 4il lrod ) uv , It ew York ; toe ejotnmm.
varies of suhslttaccu , U. S. < A , at C tjcnnc Clil.
go , Lea > ennorthl Onuilu , talut L-.ul < , tialnt Pau1 ,
run i'rancltco , and Ynjktuii ; tlu Po tuiutr ki
Sloujf C'lty , and to the Post r as'ers a * > the fo'lanlng
nmod | > luinlnKaniu ; ArkawaiCliy , I'urllnpttiu ,
3iia el. ! IXdgoLlty , Empoilt , llnrekt , ureat
[ lend , Jlonaid , llutcnlnton , Larnexl , Mo Phuison ,
llarlon , ilodiclue I/fclico , Newton , eJsiKti City. Nedan ,
merlin * T"ek , WillhiRtcn , Wicblt nd Winfleld ,
Uid wl I isojeneu at the njur and day above
stated , iind bidden art Incited ta bo proient t the
o ponln < .
All bids tuoit ba accompanied by rcrtllta ! checks
upon i omo Unite , ! Stalof leputory ur the V'lrst
.Satlonal JUnk af fK ) Aunet' ! ( , Oat. , ( or at least the
per cent of the amount of ire proposal.
_ H. I'UICU , Ciimmhtloncr ,
WKKKLY UTEAMKliH Haiuburir-Amuilcan
I'ackot Couipaur's 1'ne ' for PLVJjeiUl II ( London )
Cherbourg , ( l'irUand ) HAHUUHU. Batmday ttearn.
< rs to Hamburg direct. LKaSINU , April IK : liUIIK'
JIIA. April 10 , OELLKRT , April 24 ; WBSTI'lULIA ,
Aprti SJ : ArTIA. Vti ) 3 ; WIEUANU , May 8.
Idles : C bln.570andS30. cteeraKe.SW.
'rrpalJl tf cerate tlckuti8. . Exaunlonratvs uruit-
r reduced. H-nd lor "Tour'st ' Oaiott * " Henry
'undt , Mark Hansun , P. 1 ; . lloirix , M. Toft , Ken Is
n Oniihi , UronuvilK & Schomteeu , axcnUinCouU'
ell IJuR < . C. U : IUCU1AUI ) _ CO. , Uen. Pass Agts. ,
Dl llroid a > , N. Y.
lU\oeit UisheJ tbomsehesln Oiuxhtt to t'tmsiet
s > K i > iralbrikern ! eftU'l ) ' busiues * . Wu will buy oil
oof wi > uaeor ret , niuat niu
ci witl'Iaaloii Ui ( nice * , ai s can Imy chfapor
[ aiiy uncl\u \ . Von mil noi tiio uliiutu o of U v-
U ) uu > goxU lio'iht | by cno Vho Mill \.urk ( if
pur Intcieit ami ait triutta b murih&nt ho li
ui.tttiluif hols uxli > m to ) rlUot.V will a1 v >
imimiit"eiitlu'i tei wUmif aiijttilnttmtiuitod
u u . uu.t ino consigued t j u will M crclullv
.Sutlml Biu > ,
The Largest Stock in Omaha * ant ) Makes the Lowest Prices
Just received an ojsorlmont far surpassing anything in this market , comprising
Iho latest end moat tasty designs manufactured for this npring's trade and covering
range of prices from the Cheapest lo the most Expensive.
Parlor Goods Draperies.
Now ready for the inspect inn ofcua- Complete stock of nil the latest
toraerfl , the newest nnvelli'S in. styles in Turcomuu. Madras mid
Suits nnd Odd Pic-ccs. Lncu Curtains , Etc. , Etc.
. Passenger Elevator to all Floors.
* * t
18 < IO. 1208 nnd 1210 garimm Street , - - - - OMAHA , NEB
succrcssons TO RENKARD BROS. & co. )
PaintsGil * * ,
U. B. LOOKWOOD ( formerly of Lockwood & Draper ) Chicnco , Mnn-
ngcr of the Tea , Cigar and Tobacco Departments. A full line of
all grades o above ; also pipes and smokers' articles carried in
stock. Prices and samples furnished on application. Open
orders intrusted to us shall receive our careful attention
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
- -
Double and Single Acting Power and Hand
Lngme Trimmings , Mining Machinery,1 Bolting , Hose , BKIM and Iron Fitting
Steam Packing S.T. wholesale and retail. HALLADAY WLND-MILLS , OHUROB
Corner 10th Farnam St. . Omaha Heb.
* R at
Milwaukee , Wisconsin.
, GUNTHER & CO , , Sole Bottlers-
1301 AND 1303 FARNAM S77 COR. izr
Eeina Victorias , Especiales , ROSOB in 7 Siaes from $ f 0 * " $
to $120 per 1000.
Grapes , Thistle , Lav/rence BarrettCaramels. / . New Stan-
ard , Good Advice , New Brick.
SASH , DOORS , BLIHDS , , , , ,
Union Pacific Depot , -
Tha Pnlupi Hotel o Denver.
Oor. Seventeenth and Lawrflnce Sfc .
llooins e to 8' 00 per day. Bixcla.1 Ilatfs by lha Month.
Conducted on the Amurieim end European Plant. Day
Itoaid 87 per week.