Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 30, 1884, Page 3, Image 3

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The Nebraska National Bank
P : < t UP Capital $ sr > , ooo
Burping Fun A , NOT. 1,1883 16.000
II. W. YATK9 , Trosldcnt , for many
Cashlor of the Klrst NntlonM Bank of Omaha.
A. E. TOUXA.UN , Vice ProsUont , Uoston.
W. V. MOllSi : , of W. V. Morse & Co.
JOHN S. COLLINS , of O. II. & J. S. Col
J. M. WOOLWOimi.CounnollornmlAttor.
noy nt Law.
U S , KKKI ) . of Byron Uooil Co.
1C , 1C HAYliN : , AsiIsUnt Cishlor.
THIS DANK opened for bustnoss April 27 ,
KKS nro among the loading buslnossof Omi .
ha , and Its biumcHS la couuuctod wltoipaclt 1
oforonco to tlio bo-it and Increasing ! ) tntorost
of its mcrcnntlla patrons.
COLLKOTIONS rocclvo upoclal nttontlon
and charges lovvewt obtainable here or olso-
INTl'RHST allowed on time deposits upon
favorable terms and upon ncoouuU of bunks
and bankers.
JwMiils and County and Cit ynocurHloa bought
anil Bold
NEW YOBK. April 29.
Money Hotter demand. Call loans ad
vanced to 3 , closed at 2J.
Piimo paper l@5l.
BterllnR oxchanRo bllh Steady ; 1373 ; de
mand , 189J.
Governments Lower for 4 la.
Kail wa ] R Irregular.
Stocks Active nnd weak nt the hrst calls
prices milled A@j. Lake Shore waajconspic-
uoualy on the rcporti nuii loaned Htock will
bo called in. Nearly nil the leading shares
were Inactive. There was n borrowing do-
manil , Bhowlng an oversold condition of the
market Meantime Denver was very weak ,
foiling down to 10i , the lowest yet reached.
Near ono o'clock Central Pacific broke to DO
arainst fili at the opening. No special roa -
son was assigned for the break. The others
yieldad i to li on sympathy. Central Pacific
subsequently rallied Ij. During the after
noon Jersey & Reading were the feature * of
inoculation , the former rising Sj and the lat
ter 2 | . Tha strength of the two stocks men -
tioned had a favorable influence on other ac
tive shares , until near the cloao , when there
were great pressures on Western Union , Un
ion Pacific , and Missouri Pacific. Vandor-
bilts were noticeably firm. The market
closed heavy. Out of 110 stocks traded in , 20
closed lower than last night , 11 higher , and G
r itoj
44V ' Dinons llHi
IT. S. niw , ' 1234
Padfio 6'i of " 95 129
Atnerlcau Eiproai 07
Hurl. , Cedar Haplds & Northern. UJ
Central PaolDo 505
Chicago & Alton. 130 ?
do do pfd. 140
CM. , Bnrl. &Qnincy.- . 1203
do pfd . -l"i
Fort Woyno A ; Chicago . 129
Hinnibalft St. Joseph . 3HJ
do do do pfd . * S8
Illinois Central . 125i
Ind. , Bloom. & Wosteru lfIt
ICansos & Teraa It
Laio Shore & Michigan So 9DJ 824
Mianoaoolia & St. Louis
do do do pfd 27
Missouri Pftcifio 79 |
Narthtrn Padlic 21
do do pfd 47
Northwoatora 111 ?
do pfd 141
Now York Central 113g
Ohio & Mississippi 18
do do pfd 'DO
Poorla , Decatur SsEvansvillo
Bock Inland
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul 81v
ti. , Jo do pfd 112
Bt. Paul Minn. & Manitoba 91
St. Paulfc Omaha
do do pfd
Texas Pacific 14
Union Pacific 63J
W abash , St. L. & Pacific 8S
do do do pfd
Wuatorn Uolon Telegraph 01
Asked. tKx. Div.
NEW YOBK , April 29. Much interest wan
taken in the Htock exchange in report * that nu
merous deliveries were btlng made of Union
Pacific railroad stock in the name of Samuel
J. Tilden. Sometime ago the report that
Mr. Tildon WHB parting withhln Uulou Pacific
holdings was mot by thafieml-odicial statement
that the 12,000 or 13,000 shares of that stock
which stood in his name on the bookH , was not
transferred. Bald stock was placed in his
name in 1881. It is stated to- jay that Tildbn
has nold 1.2,500 shires of Union I'.itifio at be
tween CO and t > l ic. Tha delivery of 5,000
shares was alleged to have boon made dialog
the day in lildou's name , and bearing data of
immediate transfer. Tha transaction , it wan
said by some of the Wall street brokers , indi
cated "Uncle SIIII'H" lack of confidence in the
ctock , and nl > o showed that ho had.lost connld-
erably ou hi * hoi lings.
ClIICAOO , April 3D. 10 a. tn. News of the
Fruloy fullurci had no effect on 'change this
morning. IIU deals hero were \ ory largo , but
the bupp'nsitlon has been conveyed here that
the greater portion of his short wheat and corn
WRB covered yesterday by his brokers. The
markets opened this mornln * with a show of
woakuons , Juno wheat selling down to 91 Jc ,
but rallledto 05ie , and is now quoted at U.rHc.
Juno corn opened at G7 c , fell olT to S7o and is
now&7c. Juno o.its ura quotable at 3Jc. Juno
pork. § 17 10. June lard , $8 621. Wheat in
store hero has been decreased the post week
ono mlllimi thlrtvs'x thousand bushel/ / ) . Kn
eel pt a yesterday were 13'JOO bushels ; ship
ments , l 7 ,000.
1:10 p in. After 10 o'clock prices fell again
nnd trtdn drair od until 12:30 : , when the week
ly statement of visibly supply was posted
which shotted a decrease in wheat of 2,155,000
bushels during the past week. Juno wheat
hid sold down tn 9lc , but on this showing ad
vanced Ijj ) frim InwBit point of the day.
Wheat Closed May,93ioj Juno , 95gc ; July ,
9Jo.Corn 65Jo for Mny ; C7Jo for June ; fi'Jc for
Oftt32jc for May ; 33 3 for June ; 33 0 for
July.KyoC2Jc. .
Jlarley-72 73o.
Kluxseod81 fi8@l 70.
Pork-31095 f. r May ; ? 17 Ifi for Juno ;
517 25 for July.
Lard -$845 for May ; $3 55 for June ; 88 Cr
for July ,
ricwiA ruonccB.
Pionu , April 29 Corn Aeth a and higher ;
nowniliod , 0. i@53c , now rejected , BICftWo.
Oita-Actlva and firm ; No , 2 wlilte , 30 } @
Hre-Firm and steady. No. 2 new , 01J@0 ? .
Whlsky-FJrm at 8112.
BT. J'l.OulB , April 29. Wh at Unsettled
and lower : moderate trading : No. 2 r d tl 10
fai.12 * cash ; il 10l 10J May ; 81 08J June ;
97@97 } . closing at 979 June ; 931 975 , cloilng
071 the year ; No. 3 red , nominal ,
Corn Lower wduwotued ; W@51 cub )
491@50J , closing 472Juno ; MJ@nif , cloislng
51i .Inly.
Oftts-I wor ; MowjSIJ cash3li@341.Mfty ; ) ;
274 the yoar.
Ilyo Slow ; fijo bid ,
Harley UnchanRod ; 00@80c.
lluttor lxwcr : crcntnory
Kggs Ix > wor ; lOJc.
lClaxscod-Qulctjl CO ,
Hay Virm and unchanged ,
Bran-Firm ! 80@82c.
Corn Meal -Quiet ; ? 2 80.
Whisky Unchanged at ? 1 11.
CALL ] UoAiii ) Whoit-Lowor ; 51.09J bid
Mny.Sl.07i bid Juno , 97 July ,
Corn-lxjwor ; Hg May , 6U Juno WJ July.
Oats Nominal.
MILWAOKKB. April III Wheat Strong ,
No. 2 Milwaukee , Hie ; April , 95c ; May , Oljc !
Juno Siiii'oi.luly SiSJc.
Corn Firm and unchanged.
Oati-Stoidy and firm ; No. 2 33Jc ; White ,
37 @ 38c.
Ilyo-Strongor ; No. 1 0"o.
Barley Strong and iiulot ; No , i ! Spring 71 ©
lULTlnonK , April 29 Wheat-Dull ; No. 2
rod winter npnt , l,0r > j
Corn - Quiet and lower.
Oats-Steady ; western white , 42l3c ;
mixed 38CO)40o. )
Kgga-Lowor ; 13131o.
WlilskyQulot at 1.10.
TOLEDO. April firm ; No. 2 rod ,
1 OOJ@1 20.
Corn In good demand ; high mixed 67 } (
No. 2 , BC1.
Oati steady ; May , 33 .
Nhw YOUK riionuoE.
NKW Yor.K.Aprll 29. Wheat Cash , ciulctj
options doclitiDil e to Jc nt tae o\tt et ; nftnr-
wards rococrcd and nd > aucod 6 ; closing
firm , No. 2 Chicago ; 1 U-Ratl OJJ ; ungraded
rod , OG@1 10 ; No. 2 ml 1 13.
Corn Spot , li@2c } loiver ; ontionn opened
i to 11 lower , closing lirmor ; n igradcd , 50 ®
03J ; No , 2 03J.
Oat ? JOlc loner ; mixed western , 374@39 ;
whltnwostom 421@1 J.
llggs Western froan didl anil easier , 14 @
IGo.Pork Firm , with moderate demand.
Lard Lower ; prime , sto im , 8 C5@8.70.
Butter Drooping ; 8 to 29.
KANSAS PITT , April 2' ) . Wheat Lower ;
cash , 85J@85Jc. May ; 8.1J bid Juno.
Corn Lower : l.H4Ulc. cash ; 4i May ;
43c bid Juno ; -15J July.
Oats Lower ;
r , April 29 , Wheat -Weak ;
No. 2 , re 1 , 1.07@1.03.
Corn Heavy ; No. 2 , mixed , T.7.
Oats-Drooping ; No. 2 , mixed , 3G@3GJc.
llyo-Stoady ; No. 2 GG@G7c.
Barley Hold higher.
Pork Nominal ;
Lard-i.uier : ; $8 23.
Bulk MoaU Dull ; Shoulders , CJ ; short
rib . 83
Whisky-Steady , at 1.11.
MV13 StOOK ,
KANSAS Cltr , April 29. The Ll\o Stok
Indicator reports :
Cattle Steady , nati\cs,5 10@G _ lfi ; st/ockers
and feodera , unc.haniodcows ; , 3 7 < * > © l GO.
Hos Hocoipts TOOL' ' , weaker ; Cc lower at
85.00 to SG.OO.
Sheep-Quiet ; natives , clipped , 33.23.
ST. Louis , April 29. Cattle Heavy
grades rather weak : butchers' steora
and medium to good shipping , lirm ; experts -
ports (5 ( 25 < rG 60 : common to choice ship
ping , 5 00@G 20 ; corn fed Texans , 5 25a ( )
fi 75.
Sheep Clipped sheep wanted but none
offered ; inferior to fair , woolod , 370@4 25 ;
medium to good , \ " ' > < ar CO ; choice to extra ,
5 00@(5 ( 00 : spring Iambi , 3 50@4 00.
Hogs Weak ; light to heavy , 4 10@4 90 ;
packing , 4 OD@4 70.
NEW YORK , April -Experts of domestic
cottons the pant week 3510 packages , making
the total export for the expired portion of the
year 58,090 packages , iigntnst 51,001 the 811110
time lost yoar,51,790 in 1852 and 50,399 in 1881.
There lias been fair bunlnosx in come classes
of woolens , but otherwise the demand and
mmomont were dull and uninteresting.
UHIOAUO , April 29. Receipts and ship
ments of flour and grain for the past 24 hours
have been aa follows :
. Reoelptg. Shlp'ts. '
Flour , bbls 9.1,000 111,000
Wheat , bushels 180,000 828,000
Corn , bushels 5H6.000 711,000
Oats , bushels 713,000 820,000
nyobuBhol 29,000 Gl.OOO
Barley , bushofo 1315.000 93,000
NBW YonK , April 29. Hocolpta and
ihlpmonta of floor and groin for the post 24 hours
bavM boon na follows ;
Kncolpta Shlp'ts.
Whojt , bushela 46,0 0 55,000
Curn , bushels . . . .
Data , bushel * 3,000 1,930
OHIOAQO , April 29. Eocaipta and shlp-
monta of llvo stock for the past 21 hour * ham
been as follows :
Receipt * . Bhip'ta.
Oattlo C.OOO
Hogs 22,000
Sheep 2,500
KANSAS CITT , Apiil 29. Ueoolpts and
shipments of live stock for the past 21 hunrs
have boon OR follow. ! ;
ItaoelptM , Hhlp'tH ,
Oattlo ll.OOD
Hogs 7,000
Shcop 2,000 . . . .
BT , LouiB , April 29 , Receipts and ship-
monb ) of llvo stock for the post 24 hours hnvo
been as follows :
Receipts. Bhlp'U
Oattlo 900
Hogs 4,900
Bhoop 400
Wholesale 1'rtcm ,
Orrinu or TUB OMAHA Brx , I
Tueoday livening , April 29. I
The following prices are charged retailers
W Jobbers , wholowalers and commission mer
chants , with the exception of trraln , which Is
Huotod at the prlco.ifurnishodby thu elevators
Mid other local buyers :
WHEAT-NO. 1 , 72S)73Je. ( )
lUiaur-No. 2 , 50@55\
U > K-No. 3. 4Gc.
Couv-No. 2 , SB ® * * ! ) * .
OATH-NO , 2 , 2030c.
Ijivo Block.
STSKUS 4 505 2f > .
VAT Oowa-3 rXri44 ) 25.
HooH-5 00 ( 5 'l\
BUEEP 3 50 4 W.
OALVCH-fi Wfo7 00.
General Frndaoe.
APFLKS Very law In market. GenUAnv ,
81 75 ; Ben Davis , $5 60 ; Willowtwigs , ? fi 00 ;
Winonaps , 4 75.
I' B KocelpU light nnd demand good.
E .d picked navy , per bu , (250 ; niKllum ,
2 0002 25.
BKKSWAX In good demand , Choice blight
| - > or Ib , 2C < 32 c ; couiinou to good dark per 111 ,
liorrxa Market quiet but etoadv. Cholco
country roll wanted. Fancy creamery , KUf
J6o ; cbolca roll , lK@20c ; choice solid packed ,
14 15c ; fair to good , 12@15c ; inferior grades ,
9@12e ,
CiiEit-"Ohio" per bbl , 87.00 ; "YorkState"
p r bbl,98 00 ; perj ljbl , 8J 76 ; condensed per
5ttl , 85c. Crab apple , per gal. 35c ,
CHKEHI Full cream , western , 131 ; Wiscon
sin. @ 14c.
OoooAKtiTB Per 100 , W 75 6 00.
ir/jod Receipts heavier and market weak
ening. Bale * H'OW ' ut 13 ceutt , ud some off
ering at 12 } already.
Fanis Mewlna orangw , ppr
box , P5 00. Messina lemons , per box , M 7S
@ 4W ) . Bananas , per bunch , $ .1 OOfii
00. Fig * , lb. , l(5o ( , Dates , In Irntlo , 7io ,
Oatpd , fard , In botos , 14c ,
FliUlT Bomns Apple Imttnr , In 30 lb
palls , per Hi , 7e. I'luin Imttflr , 74c.
- AMK-Dncks , Mallard , pordoz. 2 00 ; tel l ,
81 M ) ; mUml , Cl 50 1 75 ; goose , ? 3.00@3 50 ;
inlpo , $1.25.
Ji y-lilod , SIO ® ? ! ? . . ,
JKU.T In 2d nud 30 II ) P 1N , 89o ; In 2 lb
tins , ] > or dor , SI GO ; assorted tumblers , per
dai , tl 0 | f choonrrs , per dozen , 83 00.
MAM.K StoAn-ruro , In brirk , per lb , IGo ;
Ohio , 13r ; small raktR , 12c. ? ,
OAT MKAL-Stcol cut , per bhl. S < > 25.
Onion * . -Quiet and sides dinall. Bermudas
wo getting cheaper , and olil onions
will only sell If otilrtly choice. Cholos
red Rolling at $200@250 i sr barrel ; > cllow
DanVors at S2 50 ; preen onions , 20o per
doron ; Bermuda 2 ' - ' . " > per crnto.
ONION SKW-Bottjiu IKT bu , $3 60 ; topi ,
& 2 W ) '
I'or'cons- good demand at 2@2fa per lb.
1'oULTlvr Scflrco and high. Droned Tur
keys , porlb. , 17@18o. Omwo , 13c. Chickens ,
14@ir > c. Ducks , 14c , Chickens , ) l\o per
doz , $150. Ducks. Iho , per doz , J 50 ; uprlng
chlckoiiR , per dor. , $100@SOO , nccartl *
Ing to MIO.
1'oTATOtB I'licrols some locil demand
for small Hacked lots. 1'arly Koso per bu , 35
( iJlOc ; 1'oathblow , 45c ; Bulk recclnlnaro
hnnl to dl ixjso of nnd lmo to bo Backed here.
rmtSKltvkH ( In 20-lb patlsj Stiawberry ,
r pborry , blixckborry , jwrlb , ISc ; poaclms ,
cherries , plums , n ] > iicotH , ligs , per lb , 12o ;
cranberry .i\ico , nor lb , So.
I'liovisio.VH lliiin , 13Jc ; It. bicon , lljc ;
p. B. bacon , Ih'c ; d. n. fldos lOJc ; short rib
sides , lOJc ; shoulders , Sic : ine s pork , per
bbl. $21 HO. Drifd beef , 151C. Lard , lOjc. , per bbl. SI 60 ; new
cabbigo , California per lb. , 4c ; lettuce , per
doz. , COc ; rodldhes , per doGOc ; sweet pota
toes , per lb , fie , turnips , per bu , Me. bcpts ,
per bu , 75c ; cucumbom , per doz. , SI 50 ; 1'le
plant per lb. 8c. caulillowor , per do ? 33 00 ;
aaparngiiB , iior lb. lOc. now carrots , per
lb. , 3c. Cilllornla calory , $1 50. Touiatues ,
1 bu. box , SI f 0@S1 75.
ST AliKllHIES. . Art ) jimt commencing to
come forward Selling nt 3Ja | > er lit. Rctolpts
will incroa a dally nnd prices will bo loner
soon.riasFEFT , rntrn , ITO. : Pigs foot , 15 lb
Mts , SI 25 : jilgs10 lb qr bbl. 82 50 : pigs foot ,
80 lb half bbl , S5 00 ; tripe , 15 lb kite , 812j ;
tripe , 40 lb qr bbl , 82 50 ; tripe , 80 lb half bbl ,
3500 ; pigs touguoa , 15 lb kits , $260 ; plgj
tongues , 40 lb qr bbl. 50 00. Lambs' tonjnioo ,
15 lb kits , S3 0010 ; lb qr bbl , ? rt 00.
Grncors List.
CANNED Uooi > 3 Oysters ( Utandardpor ) ctwo ,
3 70@3 80 ; strawborriof , 2 lb , per ease , 2 60 ©
2 10 ; rospbcrriot ) , 2 lb , per C.IHO , 2 90 ; Bartlett
pears , per cose , 2 40 ; whortleberries , per case ,
310 ; egg pluccs , 2 Hi , per case , 2 DO ; green
gages , 2 lb , per c.tso , 2 90 ; pine npplos , 2 H >
per cose. 4 60@5 50.
Rons Sisil i inch and larger , 9jc , 9 Inch ,
lOc ; J Inch , lOjc ,
OANDLFS Boxes , 40 Ita , 16g , IBc ; 8s , 15c ;
boxoK 40 Ibs , 1R oz , . Gs , 15c.
MATonca Per caddlo , 85c ; round , cases ,
2 55 ; square ca."os , 1 70.
SUOAM r < iwdorod , 8 c ; cut oaf , 8Jc ;
granulated , 7j'c : confectioners' A , 7jc : Stand
ard extra O , ( Jjc ; extra C , Gjc ( ; modlnm yol-
'ow ' , Gjc ; dark yellow , c.
CoFFKrs Ordinary grades , 12@12Jo ; fair 13
@ 13ic ; good , He ; prime , 15@151c ; choice.
lG@17c ; fancy green andyellow.ld@lGic ; ( > Ia
government Java , 20@2Gc ; liovoring'ii roostod.
17c ; Arbucklo's roihtod , 15Jc ; McLaughlinV
XXXX ronntod , 15Jo : tnUatlon Java , 16J
© 18lt ; Clark'H Aiu-onx , 15/c. /
RICH Ijouistanu pniuu to choice , 7c ; fair
GJc ; Patina , GJc.
FIBII No. 1 mackerel , half brls. , 8 50 ; No.
1 mackerel , fits , 115 ; family mackerel , half
brls. , 7 00 ; family mackerel , kits , 93c ; No. 1
white fish , half brls. , 8 75 ; No. 1 kits , 115.
Smnr Standard Com. , 30c , bols ; Standard
do , 4J gallon kp S 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 gallon
kops 137.
SODA In lb papers , 3 SO per cose ; keg per lb ,
PICKLES Medium , lu barrels , 8 25 ; do
In half barrels , 4 75 ; Bmnll , _ in barrels , 9 2" > ; do
In half barrels , 5 25 ; gherkins , in barrels , 10 25 ;
do In half barrels. 6 75.
TEAS Gunpow dor , good , 45@55c ; choice GO
( o)75c ) ; good Imperial , 40@13c ; choice , 00@G5c ;
Young Hyson , good , 3G@50c ; choice ,
G5c@l 00 ; .lapan , natural loaf , 35c ; Japan ,
choice , 60@75c ; Oolong , good , S5@40c ; Oolnng ,
choice , 40@55c ; Souchong , good , 35@10c ;
choice , 35a)45c. (
WooDENT AnE Two hoop palls , 185 ;
three hoop pnils. 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; Pioneer
neer washboards , 1 85 ; Double Crown 2 90 ;
Wollbucketo. 3 85.
SOAPB Kirk's Savon Imperial , 3 45 ; Kirk's
satinet , 3 GO ; Kirk's standard , 3 75 ; Kirk's
white Russian , C25 ; Kirk's outoca , 215 ;
Kirk's Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) 40o ; Klrk'o
magnolia , doz.
POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 case , In cone ,
3 35 ; Babbitt.R ball 2doz. incase , 1 SO ; Anchor
ball , 2 doz. in COBO , 1 50
CANDY Mixed , 12@13c ; Tstlck , lie ; twist
stick , 11 Jc.
VINEOAB Now York apple 16c ; Ohio ap
ple , ISc.
SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 170 ; Afihton , In
socks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy CO , 5a , 8 80.
STAKOH Pearl , 4ic ; Slhcr Gloss , 9c : Corn
Starch , 9c ; Excelsior Gloss. 7c ; Corn , TJo.
SPICES Pepper , 17o ; allspice , 15c ; cloves ,
25o ; cassia 16c.
LTE American. 8 40 ; Greenwich , 8 40 ;
Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 CO ; Lewis' lye ,
465 ; Jewell lye , 2 75.
Dry Goods.
BnoWN SltKimxoB Atlantic A , 7ic ; Atlan
tic P , Cc ; Atlantic LL ; 5c ; Brunswick , 74c ;
Beaver Dam LL , Gr ; Lnwrence LL , 5Jc ; Paci
fic II , 7Vc ; Royal Stindard , t'c ; Indian Head
A , 80 ; Wnuchnsott A , 7 c.
FINE BUO\N ? SHEETINQS Argyle , 7ic ; Pop-
porell R , OJc ; Salisbury R. Sic.
lli.KACHHi OOTTOKHBallon Bui-
) - 4-4. CJc ; -
Ion 7-8 , r o ; Cumberland 4-4. 80 ; Davoll DU ,
8ifc ; Falrmount , 4Jc ; Fruit of the Loom 4-4 ,
8c ; Glory of the West. 81cj Golden Gate , 84c ;
Hill 7-8 , 8c ; Hill 4-4 , 9c ; Ix > nsdalo , SJc ; Now
York Mills , lljc : Wamsutta , lOo.
DUCKH ( Colored ) Boston , 8 oz. , lljc ; Bos
ton , 10 oz. , lljc ; Boston , 9 oz , , lie ; Fall
River , 84c.
DUCKH ( Gray ) West Point , 8 oz , , lie ;
West Point , 10 oz. , 14c ; Boston Boar , 8 or. ,
TICKINOH Amoskeng , 14c ; Continental
Khacy , 9c ; Cordis , lOJc ; Pearl Ri\or , 14c ;
York , 124c ; Hamleton Awnings , 124c.
DENIMH Amoskaog , 14c ; Beaver Crook
AA. 12c ; Beaver Creek BB , lie ;
Beaver Crook CC. 10 ; Havmakors
8c ; Jaffrey D & T , 12Jo ; Jnfrrqy XXX. 12c ;
Pearl River , 13o ; Wnrrsn AXA ( browiO ,
12c ; Warren BB ( brown ) , lie ; Warren CO
( brown ) , lOc.
OAHUHIOH Fifth u\onuo glove finish , 6c ;
Keystone glove finish , 54o.
COIISKT JEANS Amory , 7ic ; Haicock , 8c ;
Koarsayer , 8jc ; Rockport , 7c.
PKINTH AllenB,5Jc ; American,5Je ; Arnolds ,
EJc ; Cochoco , Gc ; Harmony , 4o ; Indigo , 8c ;
Indigo 7-8 , HJc ; Indigo 4-1 , li-'Je ; cheap sale
4Jc ; Charter Oak , 44c.
PlllNTHSillBTlNOS American , 5c ; Cochoco ,
So ; Glouco8tor,5cSouthbridgo ; , 4Ic ; Wa > orlys ,
4c : ] losedalo , 4c.
GINQHAMHAmoskoag staples , 8jc ; Bates
staples , H c : Lancaster staples , ijc ; Plnnkot
rilalds , 9c ; Hudson checks , 8Jc ; Amonkoag
Pertlans , U4c-
DitKSH GOODS Atlantic alpaoca , DJc ; Per-
alano cAshmer , 2.u4c ; Hamletnn cashmere ,
ICjc ; Hamleton Faiiciui , HJc ; Hamloton bro-
caden , 16c ; Arlington brocndo. Ific.
I/uni her.
Wo quota lumber , lath and shlnp.I on oars
at Omaha at the following priccni
JOIBT Ann SCANTUSU 10 ft. and under
2200 ; 18 ft , 23 60.
TISIDIBH 10 foot and under. 22 00.
Tinner. AND JOMT 18 ft , 23 60 ; 20 ft , 23 60 ;
2 ft , 20150 ; 2 Ht , 20 CO.
FJCNOILQ- . 1 , 4 nd 0 In. , 21 00 ; No. 2 ,
2200 ,
HIIEETINQ No. l(2d ( common boards ) , 20 00 ;
No. 2,18 00.
HTOCK BoAiiim-A , 45 00 ; B,40 00 ; 0. 35 00.
FLOoniNa-No. 1,4000 ; No. 2 , 3500 ; No.
SIDINO , cloor-2700 ; No , 2. 2500 ; No. S ,
20 00. '
GEILINO-i , 37 00 ; B , 25 00.
HHIKOLKH , best t 50 ; standard , 3 CO ,
LATH-3 25 per M.
LIMB Per barrel , 1 25bulk ftae buthel , 85c ;
cement , bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa plaster , bbl , 2 60 ; hair
n r tm. KOc ; T rrod felt , 100 itj , 8 M ) ; straw
"oazd,8 CO.
PuInU.OiU and \ ' rnlsho .
Oiia-110 carbon , per gall&n , 13io ; ltO °
headlight , per gallon , 14Jc ; 176 ° beiullifht ,
per gallon , ISc ; 150 ° wuter white , 17c ; Hn
toed , raw , ; pr gallon.67c ; Unseed , boiled , rer
gallon , CO ? Lard , winter ttr'd , per gallon , gfo ;
No. 1 , 7r cN0. ; 2 , 65cj castor , XXX , per ( fid
Ion , 1 GO ; No. S , 1 40 ; ewoot , per gallon 1 00
I > orm W.B. , no' BH"n. 1 CO ; finh. W. B. ,
jiorgallon , C5c : neaUfoot extra , per gallon , 90c ;
No. 1 , 75c ; lubricating , zero , per gallon , 80c ;
snmmor , 15c ; Roldon machlno , No. 1 , ixw gl-
Ion , 35c ; No. 2 , 28c ; sperm , signal , per gallon ,
80c ; tnrpontino , per gallon , 48c > naptha 74 ° ,
per rnllon , IGo.
PAINTS IS Oitr-Whlto load Omaha P. P.
G c ; white load , St. Ixrals , pure , GJc ; Mamoilloi
green 1 to 6 lb cnnii , 20c ; IVonch line , green
eeal , 12c' , Frondi tine , rod seal. He ; Trench
zlno , In varnish nnt , 20c : French zinc. In oil
nsst , 15c ; rnw and burnt nmlxir , 1 lb cans , lOc ;
raw \nd Inu-nt Slonnn , lOc ; vnndvko brown ,
I3c ; rotinod lampblack , 12c ; coach black , and
Ivory black , IGc ; drop black , IGc ; Prussian
blue , 40c ; ultramarine blno , ISc ; chrome grocn
T , . M. it D. , IGc : blind nnd shutter green , L
M. ti 13. , IGc ; Paris gropn , 18c ; Indian roil ,
l" c ; Vonotlnn rod , 9 Tuscan ro l , 2c ; Am < ti-
can VunnUlum , LA P. , 18c ; chrome julloiv
L. M. , O. As p. O. , ISc ; yellow oclire , 'to ;
golden ochre , IGo , patent dryer , 80 ; rr.iltiinR
colors , light oak , dark oak , walnut , chf f.nut
and nsh ISc.
llrr I'nlntB.
Whllo lead , 8c ; French zinc , lOc ; Paris
whiting , 2Jc ; whiting gilders , H'c : whiting
com'l lc ; limpblnck , Gcrm'xuhiwn , 14c ;
lampblack , ordiin.rj' , lOc ; Pruiwhu blue , Wio ;
iiltramntlno , 18c ; vandyl.o , br iwn , lc ! ; uinl > or
burnt , 4c ; umbor. rwlc ; Monim , burnt , le ;
slonu. ) , r u' , 4s ; Purls croon , gonulno V''c ;
lOc ; rose pink , 14c ; Venetian rod , CooltfniiV ,
2i'c ; Venetian rod , Amcrluin , Ijc : rod load ,
7jc ; chroma yellow , gonulno , 20c ; cliromo jol-
low , 1C , , 12cochre ; , rochollo,3cochro ; , French ,
2Jc ; ochre , American , 2c : Winter's mineral ,
Jc ; lohlgli brovMi , 24c ; Spanish brown , L'ic ;
1'rlnco'H mlnornl , 3c ,
VAHN18HI.S Barruls. per gallon : Furnl
biro , cxtr.t , SI 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , SI ; coach ,
extra , St 40 ; coich , No. 1 , SI 0 ; Datnar
extra , 31 75.Tapin ; , 70cai'phaltuin ; , extra , 85c ;
sholl&r , $3 50 ; hard oil fhiL'b , $1 5U , |
HOATT Hrirdwnro List.
Iron , rates , 2 50 ; plow stool special cant , Gc.
cntclblo , 7c ; epoclnlor German , * > c ; cant too ;
do , 150 ; wagon pokes , sot , 2 25C < i3 00 ; hubs
per sot , 1 25 ; fo'loas nawod dry , 1 10 ; tonguoj ,
each , 70@S5c ; rales each , 75c ; vquaro imU per
Ib , 7@Hc ; washers cr lb , h@lbe ; ri\ot , per
lb , lie ; cell chnli' . per Hi , U@12c ; mnlloitblc , So
Iron wedges , fie ; crowbars , fie ; harrow troth
4o ; spring tori , 78c ; Burden'shorsohoos , I TO
Burden's muloahoofl 5 70 ,
BAUIIED Wins In cor 1 iU , Co per 100.
NAILS Rates , 10 to GO , 2 90.
SHOT Shot , 1 85 ; buck shot , 2 10 ; crlenUil
powder , kegs , G 40 ; do. , half kegs , 3 18 ; do ,
quarter kfgH , 1 GS ; bloating , kegs , 3 35 ; fuao ,
per 100 feat 50c.
LEAD Bar , 1 65.
COAI/ Cumberland blacksmith , 10 00lor ; ! -
rU ntn Blosiburg , 10 00 ; Whitobroast lump :
5 00 ; Whltobroist nut , 5 00 ; Iowa lump , 5 00
lown nut , 5 00 ; Rock Spring , 7 00 ; Anthra
oito , 11 2 ! > @il 50 ; Canon City , 7 00 , per ton
Oa'kiolo , 3Sc@42o ; hemlock oolo28c@35c ;
huu lock kip , 80o to 1 00 ; ruunor G5o to 80c ;
hemlock call , 85c to 100 ; hemlock upper , 22o
to 2ic ; oak upper , 21c ; alligator , 4 00 to 5 50 ;
calf kid , 3235 ; Grolsen kid , 2 50 to 2 75 ; onk
kip , 80o to 1 00 ; oak calf , 120 to 1 30 ; French
kip , 110 to 155 ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; res-
sots , 5 50 to 7 50 ; linings , G 00 to 8 50 ; toppings -
pings , 9 00 to 10 50 ; B. L. Morocco , SOo to 35c ;
pebble O. D. Morocco , 35c ; simon.2 50 to 3 00.
HAHNEBI No. 1 star oak , 37c ; No 2 do !
35c ; No. 1 Ohio oak , SGc ; No. 2 do , 83c ; No.
1 Milwaukee 35c : No 2 do 33o.
No. 1 Pitta oak bar , S7c ; No. BJ PItUj oak
ha" , 35C.
Ptuo ToBAOMClimax ( , 50c ; Bullion 50c ;
Horseshoe , 60c : Star , 50c ; Rnddy , 45c ; Her-
soy's , 40c ; Black , 3840c.
FINE CDT Common , 20@SOc ; good , 46 ©
Me ; Rose Leaf , 70c ; Premium , C5c ; Diamond
Crown , 55c ; Sweet Sixteen , 50c. .
SMOMNQ O. S. , 22c ; Moorhchaum , 30o ; Dur
liain , 8 oz. , 55c ; Durliiin , 4 oz. , 57c ; Dnrharr
2 oz. , 55c ; Seal of North Carolina , 8 oz , , 55c
Soul of North Carolina , 1 os. . 67c ; Seal o
North Carolina , 2 or. . COc ; 0. K Durham , 4
or. , 23c ; O. K Dutham , 2 oz. , KOc ; Undo
Nod , i'a 2" > c ; Tom and Jerry , k- .
ALOOHOI188 proof alcohol , 2 Cl per wii.ij
tnllou o\tra California spirits , 188 proof ,
L17 pe- proof gallon ; triple refined spirit * '
187 proof , 1 20 per proof rallon ; ro-distlllet
whiskies 100@1 50 ; fine blended , 1 ro < S2 50 ,
Kentucky bourbons , 200700 ; Kentucky
and Ponnsyhonla ryoa , 2 00@7 00.
BnANDica Imported , GOO@1C 00 ; domestic
140 ® 100.
GINS Imported , JfXXgCOO ; domoatlo , 1-W
© 300.
RCJIS Imported , 4 50@6 00 ; Now England ,
2 00 ® J 00 ; domestic , 1 5C@3 50.
CHAHPAONEH Imported per case , 28 Ofl@
3-1 00 ; Amoricaiiti > or ca o , 12 PO@1G 00 ,
eay ; green ucers , c ; green
silted 8 84c ; i dry flint , 1213c : dry salt ,
LOWllc ; damnrnd hides , two-thirds pried.
HIIKEP PJLTS 25cl 00 ,
FLOUII 100 Ibs , 1 75@2 50 ; patwt , 100 Ibs ,
275@300 : Graham , 100 HIH , 1 90@200 : r > o ,
101 Ibs , 235@2 50 ; buckwheat , 100 Ibs , 8 00 ®
8 50.
OHAIN Wheat , 100 lh , 1 31(0)1 ( ) 15 ; corn , In
sacks of 100 Ibu , 1 12@11 i : oats , 100 Ibs , 1 50
© 1 fp5 ; barley , 100 lb , 1 30(31 ( 40.
HAY-Baled , 1C 00@19 < > 0 ; straw , 7 00 ©
8 00.
BUTTER Fancy , 37@39c ; dairy choice , 25 ©
2Gc : cooking , 5Kc.
Jlc.ob Fresh , 10@18c ; ranch , dor , 22 ©
23o.CJIKKHK Full cream , 15(3jlGc ( ; LIraburgor ,
18c : SwisH , iinpurtod. 32o.
POCI.TIU Ll\o chlckonn , doz , 000@G25 ;
diickn , G OOlaC 5 ; turkeys , lb , 13lie ; dro sod -
od KPCHO , lb , ! IVzil7c ! ,
PoTATotH-KaHtfrn , 100 Ibs , 40@45o ; Gr o-
lev. 100 Ibs. G0@7"o.
VliETAlii.KB-OnIon . 100 Ibs , 1 752 25 ;
cabb-go. 100 UK , 1 602 00 : beets , 100 Ibx ,
155(5)150 ( ) ; celery , per clnz , G0@75c.
FliunsOraugHH , Mtwiria , box , 4 50(36 ( 00 ;
Valencia , case , 10 009/11 00 , lemon * , choicn
McHfclno. 5 00@r M ; pears , ixix , 3 UWM 50 ;
npplen , nastorn , li'il ' , U UO@G 50 ; grnpen , Mnla-
Kit , regular , 7 00@7 50 : bananas , bunch , 5 00
( a.8 00 ; cranberries , B. & B , , bbl , 15 00 ®
1GO > .
MKATH Hams. Hi , HJcj bacon , broakfmt ,
l.Wil.'flo ; lard , in tierces , II ) , lOJu ; dried beef ,
ladiy ( ! ; HMtsldos , 10c ,
FISH-Mackerel , moss , kit 1 752 25 : Cul-
forulit Halmon , half bbl , 10 601 Holland her-
riug , keg , 1 GO1 75 ; trout , per lb , 1718o.
A Good Article sold onDug- ,
inoss Pi iuciples.
Til use upon the liouaoa of ttie
beat men in Omnlia , who unhem.
tatingly rocoininoiid it. Endorsed
D by reliable ecicntilio mon in other
tilacoa. Munufacturod from the
beat copper thu metal lias eight
timoa the conductive power of iron
having n double scroll BO ar
ranged that it convoys water from
thu roof to a rceervoir placed in
the ground below the reach of
froat. It ia pronounced by good
before the public. Thu Adams rod
ia manufactured and for sale by
I'Ai uu'l Jaoktion bts.
| OMAHA , - - - NEB.
B Send for eight page circular ,
B giving dcacrlptum of rod and roo-
Commendation * by iho be t men in
the country ,
Imported Beer
ri"uKcri . Bavaria.
Calinbnoher , . Bavaria.
nlnior . Bohemian.
r . Bremen.
St , Louis.
Anhamer . - . St. Louis.
[ ) t > < i . . . . .Mil'vauhep.
lit/'l'ilsncr. . . . Milwaukee.
. . . . .Omnhn
Ale , Port-cr. Domestic uml Rhine
1UJ * Fnrimm
fiitf NfrTnimn n
rn Ulifinimllvni , 1 nr
- PSjSj ? .SiuMlKl. . . Iv i Irti
nn < l I Iv
" ' Splnr " ' ' ' i
tn. ltc iyc nUI V-i1"1' ' * ' 11'1'1" ' " ! "
X ron ' -iWffBt111' ' " < < U'M I- ' * . e i M
aiiwiji t SAiifinil n Vn filn | , rnmrili
/V liii irM'i'M. imixitci \
On > tl V iu riuinn * ! ! . lt < % Hrt' * Only rUiiliilnl I ,
li Mmu ni i niM'tiil HII Intln-KNoiiliUv nml in'-
ihi neli Mil liuily ami luiilwmhnrKitlliiiuf In
Ittatly t > imllnit
SI.OOO Would Not Dux It.
DK. Ilcr.NK Ittiis * llllctcil with rhoinnathni n
iirfil liv tiilnR n holt. 1o mi ) ono alflletml uitl
thbtiltacatv , I oiilJ ( ) , lmy llnrno' * Klrctrlc Holt
Any ono tnn ooulcr with mo by riling cMllnfi
it my utoro , H"0 Douqluj n'.ri't. Oinnlii , Ntli.
MMN OFF1CK 0ipoilt | postofflrc , room 4 Krou
cr block ,
Xjrrcrrdlentf. K. Ooodman'a Drugstore 11CC
ni nSt. , Omtltn.
Onion Illlcd C. O D.
Science of Life , Only $1,00.
MutM MUHty.NLHOus nd I'hxeleftl Debility ,
I'rcnmtnro Decline In Man , Krrorso ! Youtli , an the
antoltl tclMrUetieultlnR ( torn Iiidltcretlnna or 01-
< x * c . A booh for c\ory man , jouiif , middle nget" ,
mil old. It contains 1A proaorlitl | iis for Ml nrr.o
Mid cliionlo dlscMca each ono ot nhlchls Imalunli'o '
do fojud by the Author , whoio cjpcrlcnro for L'l
yours Is euch niprobahly r.cncrlctoro foil to the I tel
ol tiny phjslcan 800 panes , bound In bciutltu
Ftfiiclirr.Ufllln m Jjmedixnora , full Kllt.KU&rnntood
to bo flnir won n oviry eonnc , incchnnlcnl , lit
ertrj and proloMlon&l , than any other wotlc coM In
this country for (2 60 , or the money will bo rcluni'td
lu oiery Imtrvnco. Prlcaonly $1.00 by null , pott-
pMd. IlluatrathontmiiloEoontB. Rcudnow. Cod
modal nwardod the outhor by the National Media 1
Awoclntlon , to the olllcora of which ho refers.
ThaSclcnoot Life should bo readbr the young
tor Inatrucilon , and by the allllotod for relief. It
will tionefl' all. London Lancet.
There In no mcmliot ul aooioty to whum The Bel-
pnco of Llfo ttlll not bo useful , whether > outb , par-
ant. iriiardlan , Inatnutoror clorRyman. Argonaut.
Addreea the 1'eabcxJy Modlcnl Institute , or Dr. W.
a. I'arkcr , No 4 BulDnch Street , Hoeton JIaB . , wlio
may no oongultod on all dlaorwcn roqulrlnitnklll and
. ClironloandobBtlnatodlnoasoithat have
mUled the tkll ) of ill other phys-UC AI Cl4nl
i Bpoolaliy. Macn trcnteil eucoos nCHL ( ally
without an Indiana tlluro. TUVl'CI C
ni .h * . noCLr ;
Ilraldonco , No. . 1407 Joios St. Ortlco , No. IGO
'urimiii Btrcct Olllca li mra 12 m. to 1 p. m. , nn
om 2135 v. m. Toloutnna lor oilUo 07 K-ilJono
Chartered by IheStatcof till-
Jnols for thccxprcsapurpcre
rofglvlnciinmcdiatc rellclln
; all chronicurinary and pri-
Vf.vato diseases. Gonorrhcca ,
iQlcetnndSyphills In nil their
complicated forms , also nl'
dlscacca of the bkln and
Blood promptly relieved and
permancntlycured by remc-
, dleBtestedinnl'oi [ r
.J. < > i tcliJJ'nir . Seminal
Weakness , Nicht Losses by Dreams , Pimples on
the PaceLost Manhood , poafiCir/j/ Kf.T7.cro
lanoexieri > ninlitnit The appropriate remedy
13 Rt once used In each case. Consultations , per
sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med
icines sent by Mall and Express. No marks on
package to Indicate contents or sender. Addreea
On.JAMESNo.204WashnnonGI.ChicnQ01lil. ! !
Bill' Class Pofiltry ,
. , - - - .
"Send lor Circular ! "
Plattsmouth , - . . . Neb.
BauDiiRor TiiOROuaiiBRKD AMP man QUADS
im > UUROO on ; sa iT
lor ule. OarroipiiuclrDro nollollol
A victim ot early Irnpruainco , ciuBinc norroi
flenilltr. prcmaturo deray. ole , liovInK irim
rlu every knowa rorard > . lias ditcnvpr u rv sltnpl lo
cnctns of self-euro , which hn will Mud 1'u'iijj'to
.1,11. TotrYurL-
The remedy bclntf Injccln ! directly tathexi t o |
the dltotuo , refulri | ; im clxnKi ) ct diet or nuu cou ,
[ ncrcurlal or polimiouv rnedldntu to be taken Inter
nally , Wliou u > cd luii | irtniritUt > liy cltlitr rex , Itli
mjiOEulblo t > > contract miy prhftlc illrcnic ; but lu the
uue ol those already unlortunttoly atulrtcd wo Kiiitr
luteo tti I eo Ijoxcs to ( lire , or wo will iclund tlm inun.
ay , 1'rlct by rntUI , pctUge | inld(2. per box i > r tlirut
boxo for ib. i
Itmiid by all Authorluxl Bgonta.
Or Felix LeBrun&Co.
0 F. Qoodmaii , Drngirtit Bolo ARent , fur Om h
eb m& wly
H. ( \Vrsr'n NriivnND Ilif.ix
UBN7 , n Buniwit'xxl ticcjtio ftir JlyttoriB , Uutl
Dues. Convulsions , 1'iU. Noryovm
nf ultoliol urtolmcm. Wftkj-fulnobs , Mciitul .
iwnuinu , HoftoiiiiiB nf tlin liriim rtnillinsJn in-
r-Jitty und ImduiR t i'iiHorjdc- nml diatlt
'renmturo Old AKO. Jtmrcnncwi , I.CMUI of imwt-i
in oittur tor. Jnvohmlury J KHPII iiiifl Bporniat.
frrliuu cuuhod byiivcr-oxurtuni < if tlmuruin.eolf.
i.buMor nver-ntlulionco. ( Jiicli tux coijUun *
uaomorith'MinMtmPiit. tl ( u box.iirmx Ix'XM
for t5.U , w > nt Ijyiniul prnrmiduu receipt of lines
I'd curu liny cio * . With uicb orU-r roowvoa oy ru
for cs > .ox , flocompumMl vnth Ito JC , we wm
Miiuttiaiianniucrour writlon guiininwe to r
[ untiUio mimry if tba troatineDtuoe iioti > aeol
ucaru. Uuumntwia buneauiiurpy
0. F , gOODMAMN , Iru Ut AgenU toi
Syndicate Hill Addition , lota $100 , $10 cash , mid
§ 10 per month. BEDFORD & SOUER , Agcnta.
Ollinin rinco , lota Slf > 0 to 8300. BKDPOIin & SOUER , Agents ,
Clntk 1'lftco , lota ? 'IOO to SGOO. BEDFORD it SOUER , Agonla.
Tnkoy , fc Koysor'a Sub-Divlaion , lota S125 to $150. BEDFORD t SOUER , Agents ,
jlnwihorn Addition , lotn ? ,150 to 8050. BKDF HID it SOUEtl , Agontfl.
yrknood Addition , lots 8100 > 8450. BEDFORD & SOUED , AgonU.
llanscoin'a Addition , lota $500 to $ G50. BI2DFOIID & SOUER , Agontfl.
For a choice lot in Syndioato Hill AcHttion. Tlu3 addition joins the
the bymlicfito huiils in south Omtuux , auil will rapidly birld un with com'
fortublu homos. Tlieso lots arc hsnutiCul and arc nosir the stock yards
nnd pjiolciiifj houses , a\ul will bo occupied n * homes by tin employes 6f
Ihcso worlcs , and uro nndoubtt-dly the best vnluo for the price o any lots
( n the iiinrkot. Several have been soU and the pricsj will soon bo \ ? \ *
vaiiced. Wo linya the exclii'ive aconcy on this addition. Terms eaav
This is n new addition oil Loavenworth street infl West Ouiahc. A
ow price has bt on put on them to start them. $150 to 8300 , On easy
: erms , Tiio grading and rovcments to bs made on JLoavemvorth St.
this springwill.muko ry valuable ° propsrty.
Th's is a sub-division of the [ Megeath 'property facing ; Ilnucom *
'ark on the south. Q jed location , near street car , line view and has
r'ood growth ui ! native timber. This is ono of the finest { additions in
3muhu , and will soh rapdly. Price $800 to $ ( > 5l > . Ouo-fourtli rmh
Hihincu rn good time. First come , first sorvsd. This is a splendid op-
> ortunity for persons who intend building for a home. '
s a beautiful piece of ground lying ono block south of Oilman place ,
West Omaha. The iirstof these lots will bo spld nt $125 to 3150 , : int |
are a bargain. A nice sightly location , bcautiful phico 'for nhotno and
plendid investment for a rich mrni or a poor man.
This addition lies between Capitol avenue and Cass street , ten blocks .1
'rom ihe LI igli School , one mile from the poatoflice , and is whntisknuwu
na inside property. The city is built up far beyond this addition and the'
Incst residences in the city are in this locality. The grade ou Davenport
street has been established , and work commenced , and will bu completed
is soon as the weather perraite. The contract has been let for building
aigo brick fecliool house ou Douglas street , three blocks from this ndai >
; ion. We predict that these lots will uioro than double in value before
Augut-t , as it is the most desirable part of Omaha and would have baen
milt up years ago had it been placed on the market. Prices
835O TO
Adjoining lots ore being sold hi double the price w'c ask4ior thjse. (
Wo'liave sixrlols Icit in this addition wliicli wtf otlor at u bargain.
Wo have Homo iniprovfd nnd unimproved Jnrins near rOranhn , and
Bonio well improu d farniB iu fcnrpy county.
Residence and Residence Loin in all parts of the city and
On nil the best streets in the business center.
\Vo have for sale lota iu Shlnn'a Addition , Parker's Addition. ( Nelson's Ad4I- „
( ion , Armstrong'n Addition , Lowo's Addition , Park Flaco Addition , Isaacs & Sd-
don'H Addition , McConuick'a Addition , DanBcotn Plnco , Rcdick'a Addition , Barr "
Oak Addition , Johnuo'n'a Addition , Rood's Addition , Kountco'n Addition , Syndicate
Hill , Oilman Place , Clark Place , Tukoy & Keynor'a Bub-dhmon , Hawtliorno Addl-
tiouKirkwood [ Addition , Boyd'n Addition , Yntce it Reed's Addition , etc. , eto.
] 213 South 14th Street , between.Faruam and Doviglai
* * * * *