V. , . „ . . . JMAHADAJLt J3EE-WEDNESDA Y. APRIL 3o. I&4. " "usiuula Jl 8tcnc lunlieir Onivon Relying on testimonials written in vlr- d glowing language ot some miraculous cures in.ido by some largely pulled up dontor or patent modieino lifts haatoncd thousands to their graves j believing in their almost insnno faith that the name miracle will bo performed on thorn , nnd that thcso testimonials make the euros , while the BO called medicine is nil the time hastening them to thoirgravos.Vo have avoided publishing testimonials , ns they do ngt make the cures , although wo have THOUSANDS "I'ON THOUSANDS of thorn , of the most wonderful cures , voluntarily sent us. It is our medicine , Hop Bitters , that makes the cures. It has never failed and never can. Wo will give reference to any ono for any disease Bimilinr to their own if desired , or will re fer to any neighbor , as thcro is not a neighborhood in the known world but cnn show its cures by IIop Bitters. A tosmo JOKE. A prominent physician of Flttsburg enlcl to * a lady pntlont who was complaining of her continued 111 health , nnd of his Innlilllty to euro her , jokingly said : "Try Hop LittorsI" Tbo lady took it In oarnoetnnd usocl the nit- tort ) , from which fiho obtained portnaront - health. She now laughs at the doctor 01 his ' loko , but ho is not BO well pleased with It , na ft cost htm n good tmtlont FKES or ) OUTOIl.S. The fee of doctors is an item that very many parsons are interested in. Wo bo- Hove the sohodulo for visits in 93.00 , "which would tax n man confined to his bed for n year , and in need of n daily vis it , over $1.000 a year for medical atten dance alone 1 And ono single bottle of Hop bitters taken in time would save the $ l.t > 00 and all the year's sickness. A IADV'S WISH. "Oh , how I do wish my i > n.in was as clear and softas yours , " sail a lady to her friend "You can easily make It BO , answered the friond. "How7" Inquired tlio first lady. "Iy using Hop Blttors that makes nuro , rich blood nnd blooming health. It did it for mo as you observe. " GIVEN III' BY THE DOOTOHS. "Is it possible that Mr. Godfrey is up and at work , and cured by no simple a remedy ? " "I afl3uro you it is true that ho is entirely - tiroly cured , nnd with nothing but Hop Bitters , aud only ton days ago his doctors gayo him up and said ho must die , from Kidney and Liver troubles I' Tliokldncja act * puriflors of tno hloo Mid when their fono tlons are latcrlcrrcd with throuRh wialt no89 , tliov need ton- Inp. They become healtlifully active by thcuio of Host otter , Stomach Ulttors. when falling thortol rollof from other sources. Tula superb stimulating tonlo also iiroicnts and rriists fovcr and iiKuo , constipation Ilvor complaint , ilys popali , rheumatism anil other aliments. Usoltnlth regular. Ity. For sale ny ! ! Druggists and Deal- cm KM'orally. f DR. lD ES | , . , ( amen. ) , .UX.CT110-VOLTAIO DELT and other Eticrnia M Am t ANCKS nro sent on U ) Days' Trial TO HUII ONLY. YOUNQ OK OUwho nro Buffer- Jni from NERVOUS DKBIUTT. LOST VITALITY. WASTINO Wr tuiissKS , end all these disease * of n PERSONAL NATDIUC , rtsultlnif from ADDSKSI nnd Omen CACUUJ. Speedy roller and complete tawtoratlon to TIRALTII , Vioon and MANHOOD uUAruNTKrp. Send nt once tor Uliutntod Pamphlet free. Aaorcsi VOLTAIC nEI.T ; 0. . Mamhnll. Mich. ron THE CUHK op ALI. DISEASES oj ? 1REP.I * LT11V . FOll TWENTY YEAI13 Ilnmphrcya' Homeo- pnlhlo Vclcrlnnrv Hprclllcn have been usml 1) ) * I'nrmcrd , Hloc-k llrreili-n , Llvrry Ktnblonud Tiirrmrn , Inr | o Hnllriindi. niniiiifnrliircriii t.'onl Allno C'ompnnlrs , Trorir Illpnodronu-s nd Mrnnacrlr . and others liaudUng Block , with perfect sucpetd. llninulirnvo' ViUcrlnnry Mananl , fSO PP. I % nt free by nmll ou receipt of price , Ml ci > nt niiiphleti sent frco onnppllcaUon 109 Fulton Street. New YorU. M * " m w Vital Weakness nnd Proa' mwm tratlon from over work or Indiscretion. l rndlcallr nnd promptly cured byJV Been In UKO SO years , It the inont TOC . 1 ul remedy Known. Irlco81 perTlal.ornvIalsaiti powder for 8.1. unnt post rrroonra c \lttt of price. If iiinplifryii * llniuro. Bird.jo , iut , Cataluzuo lruu.11011 ! ullun tit. , rt. Vw EED STAR LINE JJolftlnn Boyal and U.S. M IIHto mcr8 SAILING EVERY SATURDAY , . BETWEEN NEW YORK AND ANTWERP , Tht Wiine , Germany , Italy , Holland and France Stoirajs Outward)20 ; Prepaid trom Antwerp21 ; Kio > ir ! on , 4tfl , InoluJlnjboildlnir , etc.2d Cabin , J40 ; Itnund Trip , * D3 00 ; Kxouralon , f 100 ; Saloon from $20 to 490 ; Excursion # 110 to 8100. rJTPotor Wrlu'it ' & Sou , Goal Agents. 65 Dig&d- tray N. Y. CaldwelL Hamilton b Co. , Omalia. P. K. Olixl. miu & Co. , 203 N. 10th Street , Omaha ; D. K. Kin : , ball , OroahaAKBnU. * in& * exMy I - ; BITTERS. j.v. . wurrzmKir , . if. r. CHEAT KNQLISH REMEDY. OP MANLY YlQOn.Spormatorr bce , eta. when Ul ptbor rein- dle fall. Ji curt utmrantetd ! . bottle , largs botl . toui time * the quantity , M. J n preH to any add rota. Bold t > ) aUdrugglit * t OUr , Bt i , Ko. , ! ' ! bare cold 81' AtUey Cooper1 ! Vital Ilattorttiv. Every customer ipeaVs highly ot IL I lflyondcufM H M a remedf ol tru * merit " . > aoopir DuUt. rl .nl4 .P BAKERY . . , , ! 5U WeMorSt. , Omaha , Nob. , ( SiwetMon to the old U. F. B VeryWh 6b , ) > ALL KINDS OK BRFID , FANCY CAKES AND PIES Uy on t-aui Oriler * will b prom ; atteu to. . WAONEH jjuvo. 1'ropilctori LESSON IN TELKOBAPHY. A * AdotftndilaahliA , , D . . . A < ln.ih nnd Direction , D. C. . . Two dots , n pnce , nnd nnudM.C , I-- A dwli nnd tno dots , D. P. , For F , ndct , dMli deL 0 . Tnodaslipiandndotrnra , II . It , fburdoU you nllot. L. Tno dotnlll stnnd for T. I . . Ada < hilO ( , ( UMi.dotJ. 1C- . For K , n dull , del , dash , you try , L AloncdasliLimay. jt TwodAalicsMdcmnnd . ' , AdMlinnddot forN. O. . A dot , nnd ipnco , nnd dot , O stands P. . . . . Five doUi for 1' , not ten. U , , . Tno dots , dull , dot , nroQ. It. . . A dot , pncc , l o dow , It. S.M For B , tlirro dots will nhvays do , T Ono dasli Is T , Ilius far. UM Two dots ndwli , for V. V-- Three dots , n dosti , for V. \V. - Dot , two OMtm , W. X. . , Hot , dash , two dols , XBCC. V , . . . Two dots , splice , Iw o doUi , Y. f. , . . TlircodoW.npaco.dol , am X. i. A ilot , space , throe dots , A dcocrv crloil.- M A period Is U 1) THE REVISED t < lW ! TESTA3IEN1. iiRroni ; ITS . i"--jAoia FIIOJI THI : NKW KDITIO. % XwKJCCTUBiai , KTC. Tlio copyright of the Kovlscd Now Tea- Inincnt liclonga to Ilio Universities of Ox ford nnd Cambridge. England , although tlio work wns undertaken by n committee consisting of English ami American Bibli cal scholars , mul was conducted through out with n constant Interchange and com- onrtson of tlio results of etudy nnd re search on both aides of the Atlantic. The Revision wni talked about for years. but the first iiiLcting of tlio coinmitteo did not take place till Juno 22,1870 , and then some two years wcro spent In preparation , so that it uas not till 1872 that the real work was begun. It was finished in 1880 , 4nd the flunl meeting of the eommitlco mw hold on the llth of November of that year. Why tbo revised work has not been jjivcu to tl'o world before thli isuncxplaiii- wl ; it lias been printed and bound for n .oug time , but it is kept under lock and key , nud not n single copy will bo allowed to como under the inspection of anyone not connected with the Itcvision coinmitteo until the day appointed for thogo'ieral distribution of the book. The Itcvision committee had in hand , nt the outset , tlio work of revising the Old aa well aa the Now Testament , and for con venience sake , the members of the English rtomniittco divided into two companies of about twenty-five each , and the American iito two of fifteen each , one of which com panies devoted itself exclusively to the Nbvr Testament revision , now completed , .Vhilo the other took up the Old Testa ment , nnd na that is n larger field of labor ( n inoro senses than ono , it is not possible Jo predict the time when its work will bo finished. This fact , however , docs not seem lo 60 regarded as of much consequence by Biblical students of the clergy , for the rea son , probably , that the Now Testament is looked upon ns the basis of the Christian religion , and as' absolute "authority on all questions on which there , appears to bo n llflcrcucc between them. Therefore w hat- Jvcr controversy or disputation the new version may give rise to , it is certain to -enter on the now tud old translations ot tiUc Now Testament and the interpretations given to the passages therein , which in Comiy instances have como to bo almost household words in the language -as fbr instance , whether the sentence in the Lord's Prayer , "Deliver us from evil , " should bo that , or "Deliver us fiom the evil one , " as in the uuw translation , or "Deliver us from the evil , " as some Creole scholars , not of the Committee of liovisiou , assert. Tlio Old Testament committee sat flva times a year , each session being one of eight days , so that forty days n year wcro occupied with the consultations and com parisons of the results of the study given to the subject by the members during tbo rcsfc of the year. The New Testament committee also sat for forty days each year , dividing its sessions into monthly ones ( ex cept during August and September ) of four days each. As nmatter of fact , its sittings during the ten years of the woik occupied n total of 407 days. The propriety , not to say necessity , of the revision , 'was conceded by Biblical icliolnra long before it was undertaken ; mainly , it would appear , on the ground that the change of meaning which many words 1 have undergone since the King Jamca' version was given to the world , rendered many Scriptural , ' passages and forms of expression in the church sen ice cloudy , or oven 'unmeaning ; as , for in stance , the supplication : "PreventusO Lord , in nil our doings" which is in the Dook of Common Prayer ; and the state ment : "For wo can do nothing unless the Lord prevent us. " The original meaning of the word prevent , which is from the Latin " " and " \enin " " "pno" \ , was "logobo- ft > ro to help. " In the present day it means " to go before to hinder,1' ' or , in brief , to "hinder " -'thwart. " this , to . Hut islpcr- 'Aaps , n stronger illustration than common , .ind is given by these who do not care to dcntlfy themselves openly with any other reason. There is , however , another reason riven by nome which is of more impor tance than n mere change of language , because - cause it appears to bo apprehended in BOIUO quarters that the clmugcs made by the re vision might possibly tend to n change of belief. Thc&o maintain that the Now Tcs- taiucnC contains errors of moment , some of which have for centuries been accepted aa the basis of Christian doctrine , or as illus trations of the truth. One of these latter is the famous case of the woman taken in adultery , with its ' terrible rebuke , " Let him that is without' among you cast the first etono" ; and ono of the former is the bassago upokcn as the three witnesses * * There nro three that bear record in heaven1 , the Father , the "Word , and the Holy Ghost ; and thcso three are ono. Aud there nro three that bear witness in earth : the spirit , ind the water , and thoblood , ; nud these a.'jreo in one. " There are ! auy who find it liard'to ' part with these texta of Christian loctriuo ; but others contend that they Wcro incro interpolations , and must , there fore , como out ; and though the result of tht revision will , not bo positively known until the Convocation of Kevisers unlocks the room where the now addl ion is piled , it is given out that thcso and many other well known passages have been eliminated. Meantime it'will bo even by tlio utteranw ) of prominent preachers of the city , given below , that among churchmen no appre hension is felt that thty basic doctrines of the church will bo In anyway affected by these expurgations of matter which never belonged there , since the doctrines thciu- xslves are founded upon texts nt least as explicit as these , and which will remain" . In addition to what has been stated r.bovo , some further fucta and information . /era gathered from the following couyer- filMi told with a member of THIS AMEHICAN BEVIEION COMMITTEE. Q. In what way were the members of the English and American Kevislon com- niltteo. appointed ? A. By the Convoca tion of Canterbury , In 1870 : that Is the chief body of the. Church of Unglimd. It started there ; but the commlsalou they appointed was authorized to invlto schol ars of other denominations and of other countries. It did BO , and many accepted. ' vn i'lvitcd it Komtui Catholic , Cardinal Ne'.rman , but he declined. The American .oiuuttteo wni appointed by imitation frori England ; Dr. Phillip ScbalT was ask- e \ name certain number of American i i'L- } , nud ho'did so. j Q. Did Cardinal Newman give any particular - ! ticular reason for dcclldlug ? A. lie did I Q. Was it probably/because tiiej'omnn ftiUmlto church ilorV not rccopnj/i \onlonof the IHblo ? A. Itmaj liavc been. . J What micicnt "niamiFcw > M has the lltco bad access to ? A. Tlicro nro Bcventeca hnndrcjj manuscript * io ' ' "t Hie committee < lm not make we fnll , In Fact only a small part of them. It was not necessary. Tlnro is no InnniMcrlpl In existence snotrn or nuppmcd to have been written Ilio npostlcs themselves ? A. No1 iri nro tlic Vallcnn manuscripts nnd the .lualUo Conlcx. The latter la kept nt St. Vntsrsburg , Kimliu ; . Neither ono of those wcro used in 'j ; translation nindo by order of King , -\cs ? A. Neither one. They nro of ilmnt the name age , that of Kt , Constntlns , the emperor and founder of Constantinople ple , in the fourIh century. Q. "Was there nn effort made by the American CommitUu to Hccuro duplicate plates from thoKn Hsh unUcnitypresses ? A. No. sir : we let it go free ; the t > amo ns tlio Kim ; James' version. Q. Will the new work he endorsed by thnAmorlrnnUlblo Society ? A. By its con- BtituUuu the American IHblo Society can circulate only , thn authorized English ver sion. This ii n roison , and cannot bo pub lished without an alteration of the consti tution. That will probobly bo made ns soon us tlio churches and public opinlonnnnomico their verdict. Tlio fate of the now book depends not upon the committee , but upon the verdict of the Christian public. Q. Meanwhile individual publishers propose to issue reprints of it ? A. Yes , because the public interest in it is HO great that it will Hell anyhow , no matter whether the churches adopt It or not. There arc- more pcoplo interested in the IHblo than in any other book in existence , and I mippos there will bo hundreds of thousands of copies sold in n short time , but its public use in churches and schools depends upon tlio Christian public. nisv. nu. sTonus' VIF.WS. An interesting interview on the nubjcct , vAs had with llev. Dn 1J. S. Storrs , of the church of the Pilgrims , the conversation being ns follows ? Q. Dr. Storrs , what do you think of the New Testament revision ? A. I have not < ccii it yet , but it Is quite time that there wits it revision of the translation in use. Q. Why do you think that ? _ A.ltecauso many of the early manuscripts of the Scriptures , which were not known at the time when the King James' version. BO- called , was made , have since como to light and have been carefully examined ; and because a great many forms of expression which wcro current and entirely intelli gible nt that time , with the general progress in the English language , ha\e acquired now meanings or have become obscure. Q. Do you think then that the revision will bo received as authoritative ? A. Yes ; the arrangement for this revision has seemed to mo to have been very intelligent and catholic in its spirit , nnd I look for ward with n great deal of hope and quite confident expectation to the result of it. Q. Will it give rise to any disputation ? A. Undoubtedly there will bo a great deal of controversy about particular passages which may ho omitted , or difl'crcntly inter preted from what they have been ; but the Christian pcoplo have only one desire in the matter to get what was the Scrip ture , given by inspiration of God in its original form , most pccfcctly reproduced in the present common English language. Q. iVell. if there should bo any contra vcrsy , will it be of a nature to strike n\ tlio root of Christian doctrine ? A. Oh , not in the least. Q. For instance , it is said that what 11 known as the Three Witnesses will bo left out ? A. It ought to bo. Q. Arc there many who have built theif belief itftho Trinity ou that passage ? A. There may be , but there was no reason for including a passage that was inserted by n gcriba , first in the margin as explanatory , and then afterward in the text , ns if it Were n part of the Divine work ; and'it' ' ought to bo expelled. Q. How did the King James' transla tors como to include itunder such circum stances ? A. It is said that Erasmus , in makins up his Testament , declared himself willing to insert that text if it could be found in any important Greek manuscript It vas found in one , and therefore was irr rrtcd by him. Q. "Was tiat ! nn ancient manuscript ! A. No , nol very ancient ; it was companv lively recent , but I do not remember its date. date.Q. In making this revision , the com mittee takes the printed version King James' as the basis of its operations ? A. Yes , nnd they used whatever manuscripts wcro accessible to them. Q. How far back do these manuscripts go ? A , They go back to the fourth ami fifth centuries. The earlfer manuscripts are the inoro trustworthy , of course. The liability to insertion of wcrls not belong ing to the Scripture , or , the dropping of what properly belonged j/i the script of the text , inercjso contiiiwf//y as the mauu- ecripls are mnUipliw1. , to that the nearer wo get back to the original , the more nu- thoritivo the manuscript becomes. They now go back to the fifth century ; probably to the fourth , nnd possibly to n very early time in the fourth century. The Siuatic cordox , BO called , is supposed to bo ono of these made by order of Constatino for the churches in nnd near Uyyanlium. The translation of AVyckliue , 500 years ago , was made tvom the Vulgate , that is from n translation into Latin by Jerome.Vyck - 'iflo ' knovr very little , if anything , of Greek. Tlio subsequent versions -of Tyndalo , Cov- crdalo Itodgcm , the Bishop's Bible , BO call- ; d , and the Geneva version , wcro made by men who understood Greek ns well ns Lat in. King Jnuicit' version is based upon thcso preceding translations ; nud our ten viscrs made King James' \eraiou the basis of them , and only depart from it , as I un derstand , in cases where more recently dis covered manuscripts gho better light ns to tlio original ; or where tlio Riguification of ' .rortls has changed in thwo 270 years. TEXTS FOU COMPARISON. The following extracts from the revised work nro said to nflbrd a good opportunity for comparison between the old nud new version : Matthew six. , 17. Why askest then me concerning that which Ugood ? Ono there is who { 5 good : but if then wouldst enter into life , keep the commandments. Mark viil , 30.37. For what doth it prof it a man , to aln the whole world ami for feit his lifo ? For what shall n man gain in exchange for his life ? * Luke x. , 15,10. And then Capcrnavm , slmlt thou bo exulted unto Heaven ? then ehalt ho brought down into Hades. Ho that hearcth you hcareth me ; and ho that rejcctcth you rejeetethni6 ; and lie that rejectelh me rcjrctcth Him thatecntule. Luke xvi. , ti , 0. For the bon's of this world are for their own generation wiser than the sons' of light. And I Buy unto you , Make to yourschctt friends by means of the mammon of righteousness ; that , > \hcu \ it shall full , they may receive you into the eternal tabernacles. LukoxU. , 23. And in Hades ho lifted up his eyes , being in torment Acts il. , 47. And the Lord added to them day by day these that wcro beinc saved. Acts xvlil. , 23. To nn Unknown God. What therefore ye worship in ignorance , this declare I unto you. Acts xxvi. , 21 , 29. And as he thus made Ms defense , Festus said with a loud voice , | Paul , thqu.ntt mad ; thy much learning doth turn thco to madness. But Paul Bald , I am not mad , most excellent Festus ; but speak forth words of truth nnd Bobcrnc&s. For the king kuowcth of thcao Uiipg8uuto h ra nlw > 1 upcnk freely ; Ibr I - i per nr led that none of these things is bidder 'rom him ; for this hath not been done in c orncr. King Agripp.j , talicvcsl thou tht prophets ? I know that tboii bclievest A.iUl Agrippa said unto Paul , With but Hl > lie persuasion then wonldst fain ninko nn a Christian. And Paul said , I would to God , that whether with little or will much , not thou only , but also all that heat mo this day , might become such , us I am , except these I. Corinthians xU. , 22. If any man lovcth not the Lord , let him bo anathema. Marnnathn. il. Corinthians i. , lit , 10 , 20. But ns Qed is faithful , our word toward you is not yea nnd nay. For the son of God , Jc- BUS Christ , who was preached nmonjryoi' lo us , oven br mo nnd Bihnmis and Time thy , was not yea. anil nay , but In him U yea. For how many soever be the promisee of God , in hint is the yea ; wherefore nl. o through him is the Amen , unto tha glee of God through us. II. Corinthians II. , 15. In them , that nro being fused , and in them that are per ishing. jt. Corinthians lx.G. Seeing it isGod , < hat said , light shall Rhino out of darknesi , who shincd in our hearts. Epneslans v . , 21. Gi-aco bo with nil them that love our Lord Jesus Christ in incorruplncss. Philip III. , SO-ai.-Wo wait for n Savior , Ji : Loid Jesus Christ ; who shall iashlon tnew the body of our humiliation , that ii rnav bo lonlormed to the body of his > " * ' 1 I ! ! Ill Sensible Advice. Tlicro is nothing like their own Homo for married people , nnd especially for young married people , oven if the wife shall have to cook nnd sweep the lloor nnd clean the windows. If she bo a healthy girl the exercise will do her good and no young man who lina to labor for his living fihoiild marry n girl that is not healthy , strong , nnd willing to do her own work while they nrc too poor to hire n servant. This thing of marrying n girl that you have to biro another girl to take care ot is not n wise thing for n poor young man to do. Ho should look out for a girl that is broad- shouldered , strong in muscle , having of course the other virtues. The ideal girl , the consumptive , tight-lnccd , party-going , piano-playing , French-talking , fashionable gill , in bo no proper wife for him. This language tlio girls may think unkind , but it ia not. It is better for girls that nro not fitted to bo a poor man's wife to remain with their parents than to become such. ' It will'bo better for their lovers , too , nnd better for society. A girl then that does not know how to cook i'.iirly. or who would not At hen necessary cheerfully cook for her husband , ought not to marry any but a rich man and ro poor man should marry her. If , then , girls without a dowry are content to marry young men who Imyo only their fond hearts , their good name , their btrong arms , their ambition to make their wives happy , and their hope to work up to a competence through frugality and industry , these girls should know how to took and they ought to bo ashamed to marry any mich man until they hav o learn ed the art of cooking. For such n girl to marry such n man would bo neither more nor less than n social fraud , unless she shall before engagement inform him fully of her ignorance ou this subject. It is well , then , to have these schools of cookery to which girls whose mothers have not taught them the art can go and learn and wo hope the ( Lay is near at hand when girls that nro candidates for matrimony will pride them selves more on their ability to cook a good dinner than on their ability to dance , slug , play , or fool away precious time on less useful things. Then the world will bo better nnd the pcoplo in it will bo happier than they are now , nud the youth that shall bo born in the land will bo of great er bone , tougher sinew , and yi'er Wood. REPRESENTS ! Fhanlx Assurance Co. , ol jxmdon , Otsfi Aunts . 16,804,6(4.0 rostouestor , M. Y. , U plul . .oon.ooo 0 i Merch nta , at newt * . H. } . , Capital , l,276COO.Gr Olrard Fire , rhtl&c eh tu , ipltal. . . . l,200OCO.Of Firemen1 * Kun-I.Caj tal . I.139.J15.M To these i snfTerlnff from tbo eiUw-tsof youthful errors , nnmlnal weakness , early do- i'ay , lost manhood , otat I vlHflondyou particulars of a simpleand certain moans of self euro , irno of cli Bend jour address to f. UFunu.u , ilooous , COXY. o'lue'leneuv oOlVlAI.tJIb'illOl' . Ailopt ilnal. " wi'.rA.'r'r.r t ic ct. j'roirni.ur \ iooii - COOK'S OHAND EXCUIISIONS leave New York In April. May and Juno , 1KS4. PASSAGE TICKITI'S by ad ATLANTIC BTKAJIEHS. Si cclal facllltlis for nocurlnu GOOD IJEimiH. TOUltlsr TICKClb lot traveltraln KUROPR , by a1 ! routes , at reduced rates COOK'S K.XCUHSIONIST , with n ajw and lull par ticulars , by mall 10 cult * . A' < iiiu a iTIIOS. 010K fc HON. ' .1 "headway , K. Y. IMPROVED SOFT ELASTIC SECTION ila warranted to wear longer , U Vtha form ncattr , awl jrbo Ut- ( r so tu fact Ion than uny oilier Con * . 111 the market , or pilco puM wll IK refunded. Tlioln < toi > tmeut u Chicafro'u l > ft phyelctai i , " * Tire , Jirnt M ait fin Jouiit , . 4 mumnrii0 * UtJ t * } ta .TOHN H. F. LEHMA.NN & CO. WOODBR1DGE BROS. , 215 OPERA HOUSE , OMAHA , MED. Solo Agents for the World-Renowned STECK , Decker & Son , and Hallett & Ounatoii Pianos , Also manufacturers and wholesale dealers in Organs and Musical Merchandise. . TSend foj Price * . m& OPIUM 1MORPK.NE HABIT DIL H , JI KAKB c Hi * ta no * * cor * Llkuiif iul l | r < ! | l lr * lr y r UiUmo- B H ! i tB irit. " i.iii ! iooTSUM * ! Jrv * j\ h t DUFHENE & MENDELSOHN. ARCHITECTS /ITItF.UOVKD TO OUAUA NATIONAL IIA I1IULD1NO. CURE FZTSJ nTeur i urn i w 111 im n u ri j to tnp u > < iu lei r to < uro tbi vurit VH < . DtCAUtft olhtri bat * i u U119 roon for ixit uu * rd Ulit cur futt > lor tnuitlM nj t Krfe Uoltlt of nr lu' iii it HIM/ ! B | > r ami J'wl Oilci ( . II " * w tt lr UQ BOOT IRON AlfD HLATK ROOFINO. 1111 DonfflM St. Oman * , Neb. MANUFACTUIIKU OP Galvanized Iron Cornices jtiTDorincr Window * , FlnUtf , Tin , Iron nd Slalo lUollrjr , 8cr-ht'M | r Unt HcUlllo Hlijl'uht ' , Intent xljnatcil llntclut U r anil Draclct Mich lip. I am the f cnctal npmt lor the aboio line bl good * . Iron ( cnrliiB , rrntlnira. Jlaluitrtdcs.Wranilan.lron It-ink llnlllnn ( , Wli.tlcjw Illlmli , Collar ( limnls ; ( .ho general ntteiit 'or I'menn & Hill's Patent In l < < o Itllml THIS lintTor ncRon tor If made cxprcusly for the euro ol < lcrnngcmcnU ol the pcnoratho orc n . Tli'ro IB nu inUlako about this Instrument , the con tinuous nUfatn of KLKO- THIOITY r > o'mctlng through the part * must rca toro them to healthy action Do not cnnfouml tnls with Elcctrln lolt ! ft > Ucrtlncil to euro all Ills from liciuljto toe. It U for the ONB epcc- Iflo fiurpofco. 1'or circulars [ riving full Information , otlilrcKi Cheovor Klcctrlo Belt Co. , 1031 Washington ft rhloiirolll. IB hon'lfitmttera ( or Fresh Butter and I'gip. SPO thonnClmmbcrnnd Tea Sola nt Win. GHNTMiMAN'S Croclcery Store. 10th St FALCONER'S HALLS. Contain * a H-ipper Hoom capable of suiting three limi'lied , and n Vinclng Hall , ono of Ilio largest In thecltv. Tlicro Is lso a kitchen with splendid cook ing range and table waru for f no hundred persons. Thrro Id also Ladles' and Gontlcmon'a IJicsflng Itocnia with ctery convenience. Iteut for both halls $25. Single hall , $ lf . Apply to MR FALCONE ! ! , 10th and Douglas. N. .6 FALCONER. otf HOCOiBSS' X We Will sell Silks The Silks wo will sell on Monday will bo the greatest Bargain that has boon of- forcd in this country in the last fivo-and- twenty years. Particulars later , in this column. N. B. FALCUJNER. N. B. FALCONER or Wormy Veins oftlit berotum Ofltn the unnu- jmtea count of Lost Manhood. Debility. Ac. nulclttjr tndjafnl < ii/vcvrm by tlie Elaatlo Cradle" ComprOBBOr. * 0. Illort HUma. Circular PIM. VUI B ll CIAIi AQEilOT , 160 Jriltea St. . Hew Tort NEBRASKA LWO AGENCY ( SUCCESSORS TO DAVIS * 8NYDKK. ) Oeoeral Dealer * lu 1BOS FARNAM ST. OMAHA. H T8 for sala 00,000 aorca oaielullT ( elected la Eutern Nebraska , at Ion price and on ouy tarmo. improvea urms for sala In Douglas , Dodge , CoUti l liut. , burt , UiunluK , tturiiy , Wtnouigton , iferlok Blunders , and Butler Counties. Taxes paid In all parts of tbo State. l nn v laauwl on improved firms. Notary I'ubho alwats In offlco. Corrcsiwndenca ollclteil. R. KALISH , Hai juit received a full line ol Imported Fancy'Suit- liifc-8 and I'autaloons ol the latent styles , Alto guarantees flue llltlninand Cue trimmings. at Low est Price. Also Cleaning I ) > tlng and Repairing. 8. E. Corner ICth and ia > enport Street * NewWoodwort ! New Altactoenls Warranted 5 Years. SOLD ON EASY PAYMENTS. V K. U LOVEIOV 1H a lilh Htrtct OuiahaNeli G-TTX3O33. in > rty.hoin > ynu bfcauan , noowgucuui uiil curt , U ll i 'it S6 < ; ot lUrapu > * p ARCHITECTURAL IRON WORK. Columns , Pilasters , Lintels , Fencing1 , Creating- , Rolling , Etc. . Cast , and Wrought Iron Beams. AirciltH for THH IIVATT IMUBillATIC I.IGIITH. THE MURRAY IRON WORKS CO. , Burlington , Iowa. THE L/VnQEST IRON WORKING ESTABLISHMENT IN THE STATE. ( SUCCESSOR TO FOSTER & QUAY. ) UWE AND CEMENT. Office and Yard , Gth and Douglas Sis. , 0(113 ( ! l9 'J'O Growers of Live Stock and Others. WK CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO Our Ground It Istho heat and cheapo * ! food lor stoax ft any UnJ. Ono pound la equal to thtoo pounds ol corn rtock tea with around Oil Cakolu the Fall ana winter , Instead ofrannlnR down , will Increase In weight and bo In good marketable noix .tloa In tlio apring. Dnlrymen , if rfoll on others , who use It can toftlty to Its merits. Trr II nd JurliJjr yonr lvo * , Prlca 826 Mimr Kit : nochtna for sacks. Addrcen wonnw . < Li SK > : n mr VUI ? > JJY omnlia v0h THE NEW HOUSE OF 7 COLE Fine Ilavana , Key West and Domestic Cigars. All Standard Brands Tobaccos. Trial Orders Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed -f " FARNAM ST. , OMAHA. CO. Stovca ; Furniture , Crocknry , &c. Agents for the celebrated economy Cooking and Hosting Sloven and the BEST RANGE. K 115 NORTH SIXTEENTH ST. OMAHA. NEB . . irANUFAOTTJUKn OF O SSTRJOTIi7FIB8T.OIiAe8 i JJ , TWO WHEEL CARTS. 1119 and 1SSO llarnsy Street and 403 S. 12th Street , ) llnstrkted Oit lo ue fiiral hml frc unon apptlrat'nn. ' Garry the Largest Stock , offer the Lowest Prices and Easiest Terms ot any Dealer here on and ORGANS Besides Many other Well-known Makes , we sell the World Eenowned AND ARION PIANOS. Clough and Warren , SHOMINGER 1BELL'rORGlNS ' Instruments Rented and rent allowed if purchased. Pianos on installments , $10 Monthly. Organs , $5. Call or send for Catalogue and terms. WABEROOMS , - - OOR , 11TH AND FARNAM STS. Would call particular attention to their new stock Q : RICH JEWELRY ! FINE WATOHES , CLOCKS , SILVERWARE , AND AN UNSURPASSED ASSORTMENT OF Diamonds and Precious Stones , FULL LINE OF HOWABIT WALTHAM AND ELGIN WATCHES. WARBROOMS - - COR. 1TH AUD FAHNAMSTS < * . H. WOOD & CO , Bt'CCKSSOUa TO WKSTEIIN BTKAM 1IEATINO CO. , STEAM AND GAS FITTERS , 215 North 10th Street , bet. Capitol Ave. and " * ( Wi A H A hi PR Darcpport Street , Telephone No. 495 , v ! V tTl f\t | C. D