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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1884)
5ST5 OMAHA 0AM/- BE"TUESDAY APftIL 29 , 1684. \ THE DAILY BEE * Tuesday Morning , April 29. KRIIIUSKA STATE OAZKTTBKII & Boa- INXSS DniKCTonv to bo issued in July , 1884. price $4. DO. J. M WoLVB , publisher - lishor , 120 S. Uth St. . Omaha. * * * LOCAL BREVITIES , --Tho Woman's- Christian Temperance wrno Gallon will moot In Uiotr. room * tht afternoon at half pant two o'clock. The family of John Lmsoy Sunday re cctyod an inoroaso. In the nnapo ot two brlpht boys. They nro the protlloat twins of tliol r co which have ever appeared In Omaha , Tbo circus posters have all been put np , i nd the advertising CAT hns cone , nnd now the smnll boy anxiously uwnlts thn arrivnl of the whlto elephant and the bg ! tents. Where nro the street sprlnktersl If they were over needed In thl city tiicy voroyoster- dny. The dtut was lifted in clou Jn by the con trary winds nud played havoc with podes- -trlans. The Bixr/lccs in the niw Irathoran church Sunday -WOTO Inrply att ndod both tnornliifr land'ovoning , nnd two excellent Harmons were 'doltvcroi'by the now pastor , Kov. .T. S. Dot- wilor. Ths JJolt railway , through iti nfjont , Mr. Kddy , paid Into tUo.C9tinty court $4,930 yea- lisrday , the appraised valtto of tha oist } j nf ot f In block 8 , owned by John Larson , nnd condemned for tk light cf way tor bo 15o't road. 'The Sarpy connty tllftrlct court convened yoatorday with Judge Novlllo on tha bonch. Quit ? a largo number c-f Omaha nttornoya wont down to 1'aplllon yentordny morning and returned last orculnt- J. 11. Manckoator , nssisiant claim and stock ' ji ontof thoU. 1' . , loft for Uoatrlco yesterday - day on railroad busIntHii , . A party of east ern friends accompanied him as far an Cort- land , the now town between Lincoln and BoaUlco , whore they will probably locate In the near futnro. Dr. uOInsmoor returned yesterday from an extended trip In the est , where ho has been to Invoettffatd now nnd Improved math- ods of Sanitarium treatment. The Doctor's business In tbrt line has become HO largo as to nooossltato o enlargement of bis place. lie if will socAfAvo a Sanitarium equal to anything of the kind In the oast. The Barbar Asphiot Company began its first work of thta goaion laying pavements yesterday. The first block paved with as- phaltum will be the ono on which the post-of fice building Is. The two unpaved aides of this block will bo pared aa soon as it can be dono. The work of paving Fourteenth will begin this morning. The suit of Uraraa Washhurno , otherwise known In this dty as Neoskellta against A. B Huberman was tried In the county court yes- torday. ThlaciMO was an action in replevin to recover the possession of a diamond ring , alleged to bo the property of the plantlff. The suit default and Judgment was rendered for plaintiff for the possession of the property , or in case this could not bo had the recovery of Its value which WIH placed nt $125. A Warrant lor JamoM , ST. Lorns. Mo. , April 25. A Versailles , Mo. special sayi it U reported that Rhoriff KoRern of Cooper county , Is now In Htmti- vlllo , Ala. , armed with a requisition from ( rev , Crlttondott { ' < r the arrest of Prank James an tha charge uf participating in the Ottovlllo , train robbery. SUBTTBBAlT VILLAS , AllesldonooPartc tobo Jjaia Otitv'Jn' WcsfrOmahniby vM.r. Tunzalla and Otlioru. A. B. Touzilin , vioo 'president of the Atchison , Topeka & > anU To railway , who has boon in the o ity for some time past loft , yesterday for Kansas Oi ty. While here ho with several other gen tlemen whoso name cannot , for the pres ent , mentioned formed themselves ir > to a company for the purpose of laying out'and keeping a residence park in West Omaha. This park will consist of twenty-six acres and is a part of Mr. Touzalin's property on west Gumming street noartho acidomy of the Sacred Heart. It isintendod by the gentlemen who have nndortakon this project that this sp it ofground shall bo a beautiful aa art andnature can make it ? Already gardeners aud laborers have been employed tto go at work upon the grounds. In this park its- owners will build their rositlenoos and not least in si o and beauty will bp that .of Mr. Touz lin'a who in the nour future vrill again buoomo .ono of Omaha's leading uitizans. THE BOAItD OF PUBWO WOK1CB A lions Sce ton vrltto but Llttlo Musi- neH Done , At the special mooting of the Board of Psiblio Work * last evening , all the mom- b ri vrero proient. The contract of Hugh Murphy & Co. , for paving St. Mnry' Avenue , was called up for signa ture ! , there being somo.dofccts in origin ally signing it. A communication from the street rail way company asking permission to-pavo its track on fifteenth street on a sand foundation was read by the secretary. PonaUsion wu granted to pave ouo block on this foundation , A coinmunipaUon from J , E , Riley & Co , offering to lay the gutters on Ninth treat wltn the aaroo matorialas the pave ment of that atreot , the guttcting to be of regular paving blocks on broken stone an4 aand , making the gutter * of tho.earaa form aa under the original contract with- put extra charge. The curbinc and gut. Uring.waa ordered done according to prig. ina ] plan and specifications. The bid * for filling lot * 1 , 2 , 7 and 8 in block 04 were net opened. The con. tract waa awarded to Qeo. D. Stryker at 90 ot'a p r tquara yard. The ordinance 'of tUu oity couucll relating to the ; p- pointmwit * ol innifcctoni waa read. D u iHlJCwiniaton waa appointed an inipectur abbot to Vne cnnformation of the city Tke board than adjourned. K r Kick l Dr. JT. " . Raid , " OWoago , wy : 'I think it if jr a dy * the highwt value iaMwr fowM < * wnUl.and 1 neirous . ' WHAT THEY THINK. The Views of tto Mechanics , Job Print ers and Merchants , A. Oil at WUUSoYcrnl of the Above uml Their Vlowd In llCBfti 1 to tlio Ko- ccnt Btrllco nnd tlio Sabso fiuont MOTCB of the Hlrlkcm onilTliclr Frlontl . A reporter happened to. the Mouldcr'n Union , who ; was proaont at the "pawl mass mcoOng" OR Saturday night , and asked hirj what ho thought oi > HI "Well , " sai'ho , "it was the most disgraceful thitjg 1 ever witaoasod in mooting called ty workuigmon. There was no chance for a fair expression ol views. That man Gould , who presided in the chair , is n regular bulldozer and blackguard. I am always in for fair play and if they had let Kosewator talk , and show his aide of the question , instead of brow-boating and choking him off , they would have had a good deal more of my sympathy. Ilis proposition to submit to the arbitration of the president of the In ternational Printer's Unionwas certainly fair , and the jeering and sneering of the printers looked as if they Imd a bad case. " "What do you think of it now ? " asked a reporter of a bricklayer who wns n , at tendance at the 'citizens" mooting. "Well , I must say it looks altogether different from what I thought it did. The way the mooting wns conducted by the printers looks as though they were afraid to face the truth. I never saw such blackguardism in any mooting , and when they called Ed. Walsh to champion their cause it was disgusting to all rospcctablo union mechanics. Why.that man Walsh is a whitewashed scab. Ho violated his obligation to the Bricklayer's Union , and worked below wages , was kicked oat of the Union , and was blackballed a dozen times when ho tried to got back. Ho came or or here from Council Bluffs with the reputation of n bilk and political shyster , and since ho has boon in Omaha ho has shown himself to bo a contemptible - blo scamp and roncgado. When Ed. Walsh and John Qainn have to bo called up to blackguard Roaowatcr to got up sympathy for the printers , they intist bo hard up for material. That follow Quinn is a sort of a U. P. informer down in the shops , and does all the sneaking , spying and scheming for that company among the working pooplo. When there's any trouble ontoido the U. P. shopo among the working people , ho is always on dock with his oily tongue and sympathy. But when the U. P. outs down wages or the time of the men , do you hoar from Quinu ? Why , sure , you must remember how John Quinn and Ed Walsh tried to bamboozle the working people of the town and sell thorn out with a bogus workingman's ticket , upon which they put every candi date for the legislature tliat was favorable to tho.U , P. and the monopolies , and those political workingmen shysters man aged to roll up about 10u votes in the county out of nearly GOCO. , Why I remember how Ed Walsh got a gold-headed cano presented to him at Turner hall by John Quinn , with a fine speech , and the money to buy this cano was taken from contribution * to the relief of starving workingmen , who were on a strike at the dump. Give us a rest on John Quinn and Ed Walsh among labor ing men , . " Mooting Mr. Sam Rocso , ono of the loading job printers , upon the street , a reporter said : "Mr. Reese you was pre i- sent at the mooting Saturaay night , what , did you think of ill" " 105,1 was there from bcRinning to end. It wasn't very creditable to the printcra who tried to bully and browbeat Rosewater when ho tried to make a fair statement. In my opinion the printers ovoroached themselves when they struck , Some of them say it < is not a strike but a walkout but it is all the samp. I claim to know as much about printers' usage and printers' rights as any man in Omaha. I learned my trade and was a member of typographical unions for years. Worked as a "comp" on some ol the leading papers in the country , in cluding the Chicago Tribune. The prin ters struck" before they had called a meeting of the union and their whole proceedings are irregular. They can't "rat" TUB Bun oflico and Imyo no right to keep Union printers from working thoro. As to the typo , I will put up $100 to $10 that the bourgeois of Tun BEK is above" standard , and will leave it to competent and disinterested authorities for a decision. Tni'.JJiiK typo may bo leaner than The Rapublican'sbut it la bourgeois and above standard , and should bo measured as bourgeois , J have taken pains to measure and compare it myself , and know what I am talking about. " The next man the reporter mot was f merchant who happened into the city hall as he was goino ; homo Saturday night. "What do you. think of the proceedings and resolutions to boycott Tin : Bun ? " "I haven't much interest , personally , fn this matter , btit the printers'cotaliuy could have got my sympathy much quicker by fair dealing than by slinging mud at their employers , for whom they expect to work again. The whole thing looked aa if they hod gathered the most foul-mouthed black guards in town to lliua mud at Rosowutcr. I notice that thn workitiff people in Omaha always call upon Tim BKB when they got into trouble anywhere and the paper has always stood by thum , oven whun the merchants , who patronize Tint BEK have felt that the workininncn were wrong. As A fact , TUB BKB has been thu only paper in Omaha which has taken the working-men's side , whether they worked in the smelting works , the U. P. shops , on the dump or in the streets. As to boycotting Tun BKB , it amounts to nothing. Wo advertise where it does us the mntt good and we will have to patronize TUB BEE oren whore wo don't agree with it. " IT Is a fact that no medical work bus ever had tliu nale equalled liy 'TlieSdonco of Life , or , Solf-l'reiervatlon , " nor any book of any kind slnca the publication of Uncle Torn i pabln , thirty yean two. Krerybody has It ; tt u n necessity. Sea Mlvj > rti _ prnenfc , Polloo Court. In police court yesterday two dis turber * of the peace were fined $ & and costs each , and both were sent to jail in default of payment. Two plain Blooumb * were each fined ( 'flO and costs , and both were jailed. Mrrjbg eonceiUd weaponi , one fined $1 and cost * man was , j , ho paid. paid.Ono auspicious character jvn&j ever and ono Was discharged. Chfts. WhUn. jy was for Btcol- ing$20 from -jno Gllddndgo . Jloplcadcd | not guilty , and the caao r as continued , Goer onna ClarJt , ( co.orod ) ) , for robbing ono rouglan of 8105 Voa hold. A. lamp lighter ; T/C.S arrested yesterday for putting out the street lamps , a business fox ivhich ho is hired. Ho was promptly discharged by Judge Bonoko , Tha case against John Shannon for fighV-ing was continued. Harry Casaidy , a boy , was arrested and charged with burglary. The coso was con- f tinucd. it a KxtrfltimTircil Fccllnf ; . A lady lolla us "tho first bottle has done my daughter n great deal of good , her food docs not distress her now , nor docs nlio aufier from that extreme tired feeling which she did before taking Uood Sarsaparilla. " A second bottle effected a cure. No otlior preparation contains such n concentration of vitalizing , enriching , purifying and invigorating properties as Hood's Saraaparilla. DAN , ALLEN'S ' BURIAL , Ills Funeral attended by n l/nr o Con course ol JIIn AKHocIntrv In Mfo. The funeral of the late Daniel B. Allen , whoso death occurred at six o'clock Sat- nrday morning , took place , at two p. in , yesterday , from his late residence on lower Douglas street. There was a very largo attendance , for .tho circle of hisa.quaintanccaand Iriouds was extremely largo and all were anxious to pny a last tribute of respect to his memory , The body , which had boon embalmed , was encased in a magnilicont casket , on the top of which was a richly engraved silver plate , boating the name and ago of the deceased. The lloral emblems , sent in by friends , wcro simply exquisite and included some very elaboratu designs , the number and beauty of which were never excelled in the city. HOY , A. F. Shorrill preached the funeral oral discourse at the house and it was al once appropriate and eloquent. Tlio funeral cortege was formed and in cluded a line of vehicles extending near ly half a milo in length. At the grave Rev. Sherrill recited the usual burial service and all that remained mortal of Dan Allen was committed to earth. NoKxporlmont. WHh ft majority of pooulo It IB no exnori- mont that Dr. Bosankos Cough and Lung Syrup Is a cure for Coughs , Colds , Pains in the Lungs , Soreness in the Cheat , etc. , but for these who doubt , oak your neighbors who have used it or got a free sample bottla ol Schrotor tc Becht , the druggist * . Regular slzo CO cents and 91.00. Bold to the trndo by O. F. Goodman IIAX&Li KlllICH. A Hare Dramntlo Brent at Boyd's Last The "cromo do la crome" of Omaha society greeted the Madison Square in "Hazel Kirko" ' company at Boyd's opera house last night. The fact that the veteran aotor 0. W. Couldook was to assumn the role of "Dunstan Kirko" and that "Hurol Kirko" trials and joys were to bo in the keeping cf that talented young lady , Miss Annie Russell , wa : isuflicient to draw a liberal patronage from the elite of the city. 0. W. Coul- dock'u "Dunstan Kirko" has become a household fact , his magnificent rendition of the iron-willed father needs no words of praise from country critics. Miss Rusioll , as thnwinsomo , loving and pa thetic "Hazel , " won every heart in the theatre. Outside of the character ol "Arthur Carrington , " as put on by Mr. J. O. Grahamo , the cast is a noble ono. Mr. Orahamo is decidedly out nf place in the role of "Lord Travers. " Ho has not the slightest conception of the linos. The sooner the management fills bis place with a man who has an idea of the bearing of a gentleman , oven much less that of a poor , the bettor for the reputa tion of their company. Watches , Diamonds , and Silver ware , everything way down in price at Huber mans , and all first class. 20,21. OAKUU11ST. Oakhurst haa boon placed on sale agait and is mooting favor among all classes o : investors. The location is beautiful , it is within three blocks of the Park Avenue cnrs lies high and dry , with oxcellmv drainage , and on each lot from thrco to six excellent shade trees of natura" growth add to the beauty of the addition , Lots on nil sides of Oakhurst sell at from $800 to 91,000 , but until further notice wo oflor Oakhurst lots at $400 to $000 , one-quarter down. Sales of those lots will bo rapid , and now is the time to look ever the addition and cheese your lots. You can bo snro these present prices will upon advance , and now is the tiuio to in * vuat in ono of tlio handsomest' locations in Omaha. AUKS , 1507 Farnam Street , if Solo Agenti. Homo famishing goods largest , assort , mont and low prices at 11)15 ) Douglas street. J , BO.NNEH. \rod,8at& PATTHKN MAKIMI , by Oohrlo & Davis , in Omaha safe works. . ap21-m 8t Baby's PatJUon. I.lfo li roitteM , il ; are ( looting , ChlUron bloom , but die h IMthing ; Wainlni take , all frloudt n < ) tuothorf , WaUhtUflproclouj girls ail brollienj He J tilt homo lifa of Victoria , OhlMren ulne. all bad OAHfUUI \ \ Ho topics mgbti , by babjr iiUtlllnK | , Llko Utkn ttov rim In turlv mornliiK. For bargains in tint-class delivery wngons and bugftles , call at L. T. LOKO- ritKY'a , 10th and Cots streets. aS-lra DKTWILKR8 AH13 BELLINO OAR PEIS LOWER THAN EVER. n8-tf > i I'lettiro FroiuuH Lsrgfat variety , lowest pricei , ftt A. Hospo , Jr. 1510 Dodge St. A24 4t. " \VWDOW CLASH At J , A. Fur-Lim A Go , , 1403 Douglas street. " \Tlnao\T Pole * . "Walnut cornice poles , fl.CO. Kbooy I cornice polw , brats trimniinga , for rfl.50 , t A. Hosp , 1D19 Dodgt itxett. Ati 4t. THE MAIL SERVICE. Ward Time to be Used in the Post Office After May 1st , Tltc Pftst Mail Trnln to Hun Dltcct Into Omnlin. In tlio near future aomo important changes will takn place about the post- ofllco and in the mail service in this city , The partial failure of the fast mail nnd the now time card to bo adopted BOOH by the Union Pacific railroad have brought th m about. STAHIIAHD TIME. On Thursday next the now time card of the Union Pacific railway goes into of. feet. In addition to the change of the time of arrivals nnd departures of certain trains from this city standard time , recently cently adopted at the mooting of the di vision superintendents ot the Union Pact fie railway in this city , will also KO into uso. When the result of this meeting wi mrulo known to the public through the columns of the BEI : it was divined that the city would bo forced into adopting it , as all the roads leading out of Omaha would bo using it. An important step in that direction was mode yesterday. Postmaster Coutant , after deliberating over the matter , has concluded to adopt standard time also. On next Wednesday night at twelve o'clock the hands of the poatoflico clock will bo turned ahead twenty-four minutes , tl.Ui making it * time correspond withthat , cf the railroads. This will bo done to aavo the annoyance and trouble of continually adding the twenty-four minutes to the sun time which is now used in the city by every one ozcopt the railroads. When this or dorcd change shall go into effect it will bo only n question of time * * a to how long can hold out against its adoption IUE FAST MAILTHAIN. Postmaster Coutant yesterday received a letter from Senator Mandoraon in which also was a communication from F. B. Thompson , superintendent of the railway mail sorvico. Mr. Thompson states his attention has been called by , the newspa pers of this city to the imprractical work ings of the fast mail trains so far as re gards Omaha. Ho continues that as this fast train costs the government nothing additional it will bo kept in the service. A.t no distant date , Mr. Thompson says , upon the authority of a prominent 0. , B. & Q official , that this train will run di rect into Omaha by way of Pacific Junc tion. Its arrival hero will bo in time probably for the distribution of the mail in the evening , as the running time be tween Omaha and Ottumwa will bo shortened materially and the delay of transfer at tne Bluffs will bo avoided. Horrors of Mineral Poisoning. VI have been poisoned with Mercury and 1'otashl" la the tale of thousands who write our physicians la regard to treatment ol Blood and Skin diseases , and it would eecm thut what they say must bo true , for It la "with ono accord. " If you have boon poi soned In this way or have any blood or skin ( lincaso or cancer , Bond to na for Treatise on Blood and Skin diseases which will bo mailed froo. TUB SWIFT SPECIFIC Co. , Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Ga. ICB AMD COAL atJJcMon &Hro D-lmt STOVES Stored with Omaha Stove Repair Works , 109 S. 14th St. , repaired and insured. Care i ivon nickel plating. Telephone No. 43. a7-lm Cliolco Property. Polhara Place , recently platted , offers superior advantages for people of mode rate means. It is only four blocks west of Sounders street , slopes gently to the east , and is for sale on easy terms by Bell & Shriver , at from $300 to $ GCO per lot. 26-2t Loots Honest. A clour , bright open face somehow looks honest. A , horse thief or burglar seldom car ries fluch a face , llurtlock lllood Jlitttrt give the akin a peculiarly tine toxtura and clear1 ness. 1 hey strengthen and enrich the clrcu latlon and no eradicate nil eruption or blemish , Clocks yet at half price at Huborman's. 2G,2t. HunnybUlo , Located on West California street , is bound to moot * with rapid sale owing to its nearness to the city , the fmo view it affords , and cheapness. Hell ft Shrivor nro selling these lota at from $050 to 3750. 2G-2t Special Sale at McDONALD'S Fmpor- iitm of fashion. Spring Wraps , Spring Suit * , Suits on special sale for , ton days at MoDONALD'S EMPORIUM of Fashion 1408 Farnam st. op p. Paxton. The Colorado uoai sold by Jeff W. Bedford is as free from soot and as clean as Rock Spring. j22-tf Aek your Grocer forIlAMiiuiioiiH soap. a2-tf Notice. The journeyman tailors will hold special meeting at Turner hall , April 20. All members are requested to bo present. By order of II. JKNHEN , President. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thl < powdr o T r TM M , A marrtl of pur * fcrtarh and i > holaai B t4. Wort ocomlaal than 1th tdUary kind * , and ot < tt b Kid t comt tltiai wlU ( b * mttltltni * oi low Mt. tborl ! * > I * Jnm o . pnvdm. Bald cuy la eta * . UoyaJ Jlak leg rowdw Oa , IjOST A IjKO. , Christopher Iiawn Fnlla Itcncnth n MovlnR OArana lioses n Sunday morning , about 0:30 : as Christopher Lawn , a switchman in the mploy of the Union Pacific company , was ongngod in coupling can a few foot 'fiat ' of the depot , ho caught his foot bo- , wccn i. guido rail and the rail proper , in such a manner as to bo unable to cxlrj. cato it. A moving car ran him down and msaod ever his log just above the an- do. Doctors Galbraith , Ileflfman anil Llortzman were called and amputated the njurod member. Ho waa taken to the St. Joseph hospital and is Dotting along as nicely as could bo expected , lie is a married man. Never Olvo Up. If you nro nulTorinRltli low nnil ilojircwiiod spirits , loss of nppotito , Rcuoral doblllty , dls. ordered bluotl , vroak canstittttlon , hoatlaclio , or any Jlaoajie of n bilious nature , by nil nioana [ irocuro n bottle of Blcctrlo Bittern. You ivill bo Riirprisod to sro the rapid iintirovctncnt lhatlll follow ; you will beinsiiirod with now ife ; Rtrongth niul activity will return ; pain and misery will ccaso , nnd honcefortli you \ \ ill rntnlco In the In the prnho of Kloctric lUttoni. ld t fifty conta a bottle by 0. F. Good- naatl. IiATHUOP In this city April 27ti ! , at 2:30 : ) ) . in. , of rhmnnntlRin of the heart , MIH. Annie , wlfo of li. C , Lntlirop. The romntna will bo taken from tlio resilience IGOG 1'iurmtn street , this morning , and shipped to Gloawood , Iowa , for inter : nent. SPECIAL NOTICES. rirspoclala will Posltlvelynot bo Inserted unless paid in advance , TO LOAN-Monov. , M Bicurltlcs nt olllco of I ! . B. UOOU , 1,403 Farnnm St. 78lin. . VfONEY TO LOAN In suus of $300 and upwards at lYJL low rates ou tint cla a real estate security 332-tf VOTTEll i. CODI ) . M ONEY LOANED On chattel property L ) J. BrATTY213 south 14th street. 776.1m I"ONEY TO LOAN The lowest rtos ot Interest L Bemls * Loan Agonoy , ISth & Dongla 2Sl-tl MONKY TO LOAN In sums of 1300. and upward. 0. F. Davis and Co. , Real EaUto and Loan Agents , 1506 Farnam Et. 893-tf M ONEY toaned on chattel property , by 8. T. Peterson , 8. E. corner 15th and Uouglai.lC3lm lC3-lm SITUATIONS WAHTBD. ITt ANTED-Sltuatlon by a ( { irl to clerk In store. M Wages no object. Call at 1437 south Utti St * OU-SOp A > Iron ; and healthy mairled Swedish ng rrl/ ( wl > h a 10 months old bahy desires the situ n of t.king good care of and nursin ) ; small clilldren In aprliatofunlly. Call or address Mrs II Ij.S.nith- ern Hotel 82t.23p TXT'ANTED By a jounu lady , position as bcok- Tl keep r , outlier , cop } 1st nr clerk In olDco or store W stirii town preferred Ootd references furnlfhed. Addrewllox 167 Wjmoie , Neb o j KISOELLAKEODB " \17ANTED-Ajounglady , stranger In vho city , II would like tu correspond with Kcntlcmau Of means Object buainuss. Address and frluidiblp , "II , C. B " city. BS .lp WANTED A boarillng house of from 12 to 20 rooms , furnlshuu f > r unturcl hcd. Parties h v. Ingsuch todlspono of , address with terms , etc. "J. A. W."llea offlc * . 016 2S0 2 WANTKD Bjr a gentleman and wife , a fUr in- ' glo unfurnlsbod room , centially located. Ad- drcB,0. . O' F. , ' BcertUoe , Council BluH . lown. V\7AN7KD A young man about to start In IT n < ss In this tfit wuuld like a partner with I1.COO or more. Young nun preferred , ono who knows no Iraro-slMllty. Jlualnoai legitimate , pa > s Irom JCO to 400 per cnt pront. Address "O. D. IV I' . O. Box 62 , Oimha. 004-30p WANTED Two unfurnished rooms In a private residence by a lidy who would ho Killing tea aiat the family In 1'ght work or sewing In payment of rent. Best ref reucts given aud requlrotl. Apply at O. F. Davis & Co'tf lisa ] Kuatt otUoa , H03 Farnam aire t. 8 > 320 WANTED-3,000 yards of dirt , at or nr r oa block west cf the Convent on St. Mary'a ave nue , s. R. JOHNSON , 681-t of Stetle , Johnson &io. J FOR sjas"Uou > d juut toti. F 10K 11ENT Fumlahod room 1618 California St. D27-tf lllia. A , CALDEUWOOD. FOIl HENT First-dais tarni , JCroiloi from Oma ha , laigo oichard , tc. UAIIKEH & . MAYNli , 15th and Karnam. 831-lf I > OR KENT Small house .nd barn , No 410 H Win itrcet. Wui , L. Uouroe , ethand Uouglia .St FiOH KENT Fuinl.hed room ) with bnard , 8I& south i Ktlj street. D17-3dp [ ? OR HKNT-Flrbt duo Mib'o , four stalls , MO L1 fuming St 017-JOp H KENT Furnlrhed front room for ono or two ut * , at 041 south ISth street. K35-29p FOR RENT-A furnl-hed front room sultalilo for two-gsntlcmeo , 1M5 Capitol aenue. . COQ-SCp jipK KhNT A lurnlkhod iront roviu at7U7 Dou . 'In tr - t. 003-SSp P'R ' UKNT House , barns , fruit orchard , rta , ol agil eardei property , Si mile * from iiostofllco. Prlco $ :060 per } ear. Apply at T. C. Urunncr's 'tore. S&I23 FOR KENT Suit of rooms unfurnUho.l , south front , second floor , with bay window , 14U Chi ] cage street. f21-tf ) ll HKNT Kurnlshcd room , 1318 Jackson HI. F85p UKNT tingle furnished room 1017 Ctilcajo ' iitrett. o , Q.t ( FOR HUNT 9 room hou-o , modem Imp e\iment , on south S5th etr. et , bttwcvn Dodxe and Doug. Ua 889-SSp j KENT-With board , lento front room with Ir. JP lay window , gas aud hath toon. A few taHu A bcardera accommodated , 1713 ledge street , 859 SOp - FOR ilENT The finest summer - ' ort In this city known as Victor's I'ark on 24th Iroet , routh of St. llar/aa\o. laqulre on preinltoa terma. 801-231 $ FOR RENT-Furnished rcomi , 1821 Farnam St. SfflMp FOIl llENT-Cott go In Hh nn'a addition at H | < er inontti ilcCAQUB oiipoalta P. O. 811 tt FOR RKNT-A nicely fujnUho.1 room for one ' * too , at 830) ) Dodge street. Ileit summer location In the city 7B8tf 1l 0ll Rr.NT In ; iodl.-k' Mock. 8torero"m 140 1 fettdeoa aid Rood olllc rooii. faulsen i Co. , b t r.inam , room 3. 788-tf I/O KENT A lurolih-d fruol rvom. Apply at JP 8. W cor. Oth and Farnam Bt 761-tf KENT Firtt-claas brick store and liasa- -I _ 1 meat , Uth acd t'arnain utieoU. month. BAIlKKll ti 1UYNI ! . _ _ 7 mi HENT. llulldl c 401 eg , on Ilarnejr tr i , FOIl ' Hth aud Uth. IJAIlKKll JIAYNE. 72TM TTtOU nENT piano. Inquire at KJholm & Erlck- T\OR [ RENT Two fariiUh d r * > mi , 3117 Wubiter I & 44-tf RENT Furnished rooms SJJf Dodge Bt. -Wl-lm " 17011 UKNT SIT * room 1609 yart am 8k , bjr J I'AUI-SENaiCO " F "uENT rhlfd lloor uf building No. Kll Far- nara t. 147-tl vH BKNT-JW acre ( arm. AUobilck yard. ItuntT. Sil'l ' : RKUT Roomi in KebrMia Nation * Bank FOR . Mont deilratU offices ID the alt/ SappU d nlth brdranlla tU-atct and b atJ b J lUitm. ApplT at Bank < tMt TpOa fLJCMT rnrnlah < M roomi oo th * notlliwt 'I ' X ? eor. Uth ud Oapltolareaa * , lonnerly Onlffitaa I UOUM. " * " I . , PUttMIflJUH ) room beaUd Ml H , Wtt ITI-U for Infants and Children. CnRtnrlapromofcHPIgoflrirtn What gives otif Chlldrcll row check * , \Vhat Uiolr fevers , makes them steep t and overcomes J/luuilunuy ( - , Joiiailpa- 'Tin CtiMorln. tion , Sour Stomach , Diarrhooa , nnd MTlicn batilrs fret nntl cry hy turns. Fovorishnoss. It insures health nnd What cures Uu-lr colic , klllg their worms , natural sleep , without morphine. Hut Ca torlrW What quickly cures Constipation , Botir Stomach , Colds , Indigestion , " CnRtorla It no well ndnptod to Children that Ihit Cnntorlav. I recommend Itns superior to nny proscription known to me. " II. A. AMCIIEU , SL1) . , Farewell then to SlorpJilne Syrups , ' Castor Oil and I'arreorlC , and 8J fortJand Avo. , Brooklyn , H. Y. andUnit Castor ) nl CENTAUR LINIMENT nu nbsoluto euro for Rheuma Sprains , Burns , Galls , &c. The most Powerful nnd Pono- trnting Palii-relioving ami Healing Itcmcdy known to man. FOR HALE. IJ10K HALE Tnrco IXB ttno aero < > t as can bo ' found , on Lcnoriwortli street4 nllc Irani pent- ollleo , 1'tlco 41,200. IKKV&.M01TKK. 63 Mf I/Oll bAI.h Uotta o nt 4 rooim auil two lens , dr. Jl1 mi Italia street , 7 llocks west < A high Kchoul. I'rlco , J2uu. on Aorj caty terms Tlilt n n Mi 1 barxuln. 1115 Vk SY car. loth ami Far- nam 8.W I f l/'Ml 'ALE At a liarrnln H loin on l'ork atemte. lW Fiitiami-trcct. U3t ( " [ TOllS * ! . ! ! C'hcip fur ca h , n fo > \ weaving loom JC1 \\ca\lnir rux o > rcts | , comiKtj luq i of Max Herrmann , I uUou Hold Harbor hhon , Oir-al : 140-11) F OUSAI.K-C line mnloiicu OIK In J I. lledlrk'a addition , chtap. IKEY4. MOlTfcll DIO-tf Foil H VLi : llousrs and lota la nil parts bt the city on tl > p eai cat terlLU jjOss.Mo. HoUhCJ and lots on monthly iia ) inuiita a specialty. IIU'.Y k MOT IKK , 15tu nnd 1'artum. Oil-tf OK SALE Ooodlot , 6 blocks wcjt h'pti ' schoul F t.u D nlfro i ttcct. l'rlc , ? 3"5 , SMu ca h , balance 5 jiar iivvuonto. Bptclal term ? to ouo lie will build. IllEV A.MGTTUK. 4Mf TT\OIl 3 iLC To bouses ard corner lot KQi.HO on Jl1 on 18th and Uraoj. Inquire on " * ii WO-SOji FOIl SAlih SOi 0 will buy cor. lot off Shliley nd Vl'frinli axe-juc , 100 147 , ullh house , mil , slmdo trees , II fenced. S5.SCO for full lot ou Jaoijson , but. lth and 18th , with y houses , etc. Kcntlny for STO pcrmoiith $2 000 fora lot 60ilf,0 on Center , utur 18th titrcot. nlth Kooil , sltnost u.w homo and ROuJ sUble. all [ cnced. JJ.SOOon ea j Ic'ms for a erypleuantlioinc , onlv 4 BHU&US from lied ttrtet car line. 8,1,000 cath for 2 } ucroa In Ukalioma , cor of 13tU and Vallsy str-ot. with hou.e , b rn , will , orcharj , all fencxxl. 12,500 , Sl,0 0 cnOi , lialinco on monthly pajinentj , will secure splendid crmibla.o houio , aiili lull lot on H. 1U h ttrc t. * 3,000 , at easy terms , lll buy 2 acre for of Wiley and , 15th street , with brick houue , sUblu well All ft need. 84,000 for 4 acre blo k In W st Oniaha.wlth h u , ham , orchard , etc. All fenced ' - = 8 60 o ly for lot 33x1 3. with house , well , ull fenced on Uorcaa , bet. 10th aud 20th 9 2,100 for two full lots and a fmitlon , o-ly two squares from new couit house , with 3 almost now bouses $ lii 000 for two fu'l lot-Twitti six houses , only four squares fiom 1'aiton hotel , rented for $110 per month. C'h ap for Csh , full lot on Hurt , near IblU street , with largo house an 1 store room. SlS.OiO for 6B tin front bj 132 feat deep , on alley jctw\en Jac eon and Jon , B it'tct , with three 2 story store building , Unjo s ab'e'oti Cor of 15th aud Hartley St eets , 06x60 , 011 be sold for ? MOCO , If fol within a few daTB.3 $12,000 for N. W. Car. of UoJge and 10th street , with Improvement , or bare l.t , (11,000. I8cou willbuy 22 feet fioi.t on Iiciulas , bet , llth and 12th street. $3 buo only , for a splendid located lot , 7Cxl42cast Irnnt on Convent etrect , onehal1 I Kick fioin Bt. Marjaaveuue. This IH < lth ut'doubt oae of the cheapest and oi s. properties hi the cliy. ' ! 3uOofur I jttixl42o C.imoiit&troet , Ith bro tOfy iiouso , one hilf I lack from Et , llaij 's au'uue. Wortn Imesiigatlnif. 'tKOfo-three lots on 17tli , near oil mill , with 2 Urtrt dwelling- , renting tor 40 pi r month. 27ft Ur in doxluo , ou ilarlha tjttcet between IHh andlSth. > ? 30Jtj 375 will buy lotsln Uascill'i addition to ° kahomaf at cv > terms Chi Ice lo s I Burr Oak , llanncom P'aco , Denlfe s Addition , itcdlck'ii Addition , tUrk 1 lao , Okahoma , t th lowest pueslblj ) . PAUI5E.H 4 CO. . .010-23 Room 3 , Crouton Clock. FOR BALK Two (2) ( ) o im and 700 jarda crivu ] , on li iDcrof t and ( JtU streiU. N. J. SUITH. F I ( > R SALE Brick at yard on 15th street , south of Bellevue road , or 608 N. litb s rrot. 0072p FORSvLE-A KOO pound 'iiglit year old found woik-hoi o. 4\io \ a 0 y r ( Id flue dilvcr. JOHN ( AIIL.K3 , t.20 . Bioadoay , Council Illufff. Apr 28-St B KICKS 600.C 00 hard liurnod , hand moulded ami 25.WO preened bricks for fulo by WICKIIAU DUOS. , Council niuffd. AjiriOUt 21 O/cro lots In Bell lr , billy 8250 , Look at J. + J this lioautt'ul addl lee If \ ou want aero property. Barker Maj ne. FOlt BALE-Cot'acc ' of flvn rooms In Shlnn's ad dition at < 1,6CX ) 210 ca.h , baUnco fn monthly paimrnts. UuCAUUK , ojip. 1' . O. 812 tf FOH SALE Furniture , Btnc , Hone , Hart esc , DuKny and barn , at CIO Ka'rvluw ' , or ? atli etrect , ouo block north of tit. Mary's av.nue. 810 tf 2 -O I cro I0' * ' " Bellalr , cnly $ J60 , Look at tlila beiut'fut ' aildlttop , If jou want aero property. Ilatker & Uajne. 21O Acre lota In Ilcllalr , only | ! 60. Look at t this beautiful addition , If vott uant aero property. Barker &ilayo . 87 to H.'H at FOR SALE-Groccry storu in a good location , cheap rent. For prtlcuUr address " 11. S " this ofllro 853-1 m 21 _ O , cro loti In llelltlr , only 9.60. Look at JL thli btautl'ul addition , If you want aero property. Baiker itlUyno. BALi : -78 feet front on I'arnam ttrc-1 wl'h ' Rood , well built ooittge. Call and sue. A bar- yuln McCMHUE , 0p. ( t' . P. BIS tf FOH BALK Two beautiful MB In i one's Brit ad dition for $710. UoOAOUC , opp. 1 > . 0. 8I4-tf leiutlful , hUlitly lots In ThoinVu if flace , only > t8S ! to 1200. Barker A. ilayno FOR KALK The ( rood will and flituies of the Crduhton Ho so , or will sell any part of the din- loir ruom or 1 chcn furniture eeparat y.Easy toiini. Apply on premises. 783 tf B etutful , tlnhtly lots In Thornbure Place , only $185 to iOJ. Barker It Mayne. FOR SALK-Zlarxohoims on Capltut Hill , lth all miidem linpro > emvnt . 1'ull lot . Price , $0,000 and &J.DOO cadi. I11EY& JIOITEIU 771-tt O 1 . ' ) Acre Iot" I" Dtl'alr ' only U50. look at ii \ L thli btaiitilul addl Ion , It property , Darker & Maruo. B .eautlful , sightly lots In Thoinburi ; 1'lace , only . Iliito6i00. Barker & Uane , , * ) Acre lots In Bellalr 'lily 1250. Lcok at 21 this beautiful adulllon , if you want aciv property. Barker d. Ma ) nt. I B vautlful , sightly lots In Thoinbufu I'lice , ou y 8185 to J < V > . Barker Jt Mayne. > < aullul ( , iljjhtlv lots In Thornhurt ; I'lace , only > S185tn ltu. ) Barker &Uajne. T7IOR SALE A flitt clait re t&n ant and los crcim JP pailur and house of 10 rooms attached , all fur. ijlihod.will bosoldchflip Ka Itfactory nasnuighvu for selling , Addteas ' 'J. W. I' . " Omaha , Nob. 711 tl _ _ _ B eautlfut , rightly l"ts In Thornburg 1'lico , oi I ; SlSJtJ 9101. Barkir & Mayno. FOR SALE Ilounts and loU ou monthly day- rueuts. Nlc 5rxiroocttaE , D'W , large lot , prod stable. Kterit Ing nice anil cwtj Zmlleifrotn 1' . 0 , near Saundvrs tit. , II WOflM down and 116 p r nvnth. Srcomc tUgo Ij ii.lciN W cf I' . O , full lor , nice lightly location , Sl&OO. t 00 down and 115 pir munth. i 4 room home , half acre lot , s > aM * , elo , rn Call * I forola , 1 Nook * et of Academy of Hatred Heir , | 1,7M > , ( too down and f 16 per month. i in ootn hoiue , lot lOuillO , M > uth 15lh itreel , sight. I If and detlublo location , ri.iCio , i.O down and20 , pirtuontb. I 6 room hour * , lot TxlM on ISth itiwt , near Pierce. IJ.TW. 1 J ard IIS rr month. 4-rrcm uonie , lot SoxlM , 00 18th stictt , near Wll- Ham , Sl.eoo , $160 and t6 ! per month. II a f lot and two cottaza * Sid ttrttt , near lurd , 'I1/-00 , MWdo naBd * 6 t r nontn. ' New houM , S room * and btMmenl , lot euilitou ltUttrellSOO , lM > ncvi-ii and ( to p r mtntB. ; And rtht , . U I 1 Utb FOR S LK-Frcsh milk cow. Inquire at 101 Put. nam street. 808 U FORSALK Thosouth fst corner lot of lllh anil l'cllc ! , nlth tno ono story brick Iml'dlngs and ono framu bul'dlntc ' on It , with all modern Improve ments Itupilro at thn clothlog utorj of Qe rgo IL Peterson , 81 South UHll street 8SS-lm FOH S Li ; 100 cautlfiil lots In Walnut Hill ad dition from $100 to * 70t. It n 111 pay partlfs to look at tbl ptnpcrt\ foio liujln clecwliero. POT- TKIl .VCOnil , IMS 1'arnaui stn ct. MS U FOR HALE-Very d 9lrabl tut smal fumlly , tmo blcc.'J off St XUrj's avenue , 10 block from j postollloo Location fine , WMW. Uaay terml I'OTI EU A COnil. UlSI'arnaui street. BZl-.tfJ FOU SALE Bai-jolns I" Imptoicd nnd inilmrrOT- d property In iUadilltlom Call ami so. r.T- A COBB , 1B15 Tarnam street. 619 tl IT\OR S ALK Bargains In lota for rcsld i or fpoo- ulatlon In Wilnut Hill , 1) titkcnV , K flora aa West Ciimlng adullloDS. PflJ'iUH & COOU , 151S K. mam Street C20-tf SA E-Two ot the mojt di-Alr.ible lots lu 1 Loae's 1st. adl.flno Tlew , price f6l } . s'utn and fronlftj-j , fenced. A bargain. JIcOAOULl oppoalto P O. " 439 tt FOR SALU-seoacros laiproied land , all within 10 ' miles of thoUnlou .Stock iard * . Lands at n bar gain. POTTER & COBB , IBIS Farnam street , 452-t FOR 8 I.E-12 lot-i m Plaint lew at IS to 20 per ccntbelowtho pilce at which surrounding lots arc held. 1'ilco will be put up ro > n If not told. 8-tf POlTiK i. IXI13,1615 Faroam Street. f ) 1 _ O Aero lot ] In Dellalr , only $259. Lcok at L t this hoaut fill addition If } uu want acre property , barker A Ma.vne. FOR SALE-0 lota ID 8hlnn' < , 2d addition at a tar- Rain. Two cheapest lot la Klrkwood fnr 3' days. 4S4 tf POlTBR & COBB. IBIS Farnam St. * > I0 Acre Iot8 ' " Belhlr , only S250 Look at I l tl.ln beautiful addition if you wast sore property. Barker < ! t JIa.Miu QISKD CORN FOR 84Lt 1000 bushels of good O i nund old corn. Apply to Dr Chambers Vetet uary Surgeon. Omaha. 63 U FOU tJAIiE Ola .luwipapirt 13 larg * ai t rnaall qnantltles at this ciSco. U 1f m ) Acre lota In Bolla'r ' , ouly $2(0. Ixiok at L Li i his beautiful addition , If jou want acre piopcrty. Barker & Mayne , F OR SALE-A first-doss Vose 4 Won Piano , at u bargain. Inquire Edbolm & Erlckson't. 2ltf FOIl b L Bargains > a tiivl > 'u aero and half aoru pieces ell rnl by Barver 4 Kijno. One acre In GUx'a adclllon , $ , ! ( ! , One acre on 13th street , just south of Haskell's , One and a tht'd ac cs In west Omaha , < 1MO , ] Ono aero In Hawc's addition , ono half block of I FHuudora strict , facing KSfoct U the street , 31,200. fi Th's ' liabokutlful plrcoof Kruuuil , nlceilyhtlr loca- ' \ tlun , south front , and can be cut Into lob without I/ , . , ) thu waste of an I neb ! O'ie acre near Raunde'S street , Sl.OCO , will dlrlde * half acrnuear Saund'rs street , $ } 0. 21 acres beautiful iound &t corner of JeanttteanJ ' Stuio streets. 31.5W , Wo will ixj'J any of the above plscen on very reasonable enable terms. BAKKC'l&MAYIiE , 8d9-28 SJ'.h aud Farnam. T7VR SALE Two open itecond-aaud bu jlcs to JD ona d : lroiT watron , ohe p , kl 1819 Harney 81. 133 tf O Aero lots In Bcllair , only 42tO. Look at 31 tLU beautiful addltluii , If you want acM property Barker &Ua > no. FOlt 8ALK-A muall Uooler , Bkhiuan 4 Co. , flre proot aa > . almost new , at this ofllfyi. tf 7IOH SALE < ) no Vo'o and Suns piaau at a bar- _ 7 gain. Inquire at E4nolin and Krlckson' < must * store , on 10th at MO-tf ) dutiful , tightly lots In ThAiuburg Place on/ > f 135 to giOJ , Barker t. ifa > ne. FOR SALE-My dwelling , No S'OS Douglas Fine neighborhood , ? roouis aud largo cuinentod cellar , city water , 800 barrel i Utern , barn , chicken house , elo W. J. W LSIIANS , Clt ) Mills. 639 tf 170K SALE Ten god wi'l and fixtures of the J1 Crelghton Uouae. Will edl thoUItilnK ro m and kitchen turn ! ure supa'ately or * any pait of cither. Will oxchaUKo for lands , l U or any sale > bl < cra- motlIty , or will take secured notes ou loii tlj.o. Inquire - quire at Cril btou Hon e. IC6-U loautlful sightly lots In Thornburi ; Place , cnlj > * 1M5 to S203. Barker It U > no. F OH \LG-Twenty acres of tlio Gr'itlen farm , BJ miles from the PoslolH > v > and only two blocks from Pratt'dtub-dlvl.ion. Will bo sold In 2i , G or 10 ocro loU Inquire Omaha Carpet Co. , 1511 Douglas * treet 072 tf A Small stook of Drugs and Uru insts' FUtuica for sale In the lire tnwn of Waterloo , Nebraska * cooil opening fiir a pbynlclan. Addrecs JB. 8IL- KU , Wkhorn Station , Neb. 730-tf ) rautlaul i'u'litly lots la Thornhun ; place , only > $1S5 to $281) . UlllKKK&MAYNE. H ALK N l-o lots in Ha'i scorn Plica and FOR Hluiebauxh flu-o , 4476 to S310.un monthly pay * montK. H.rlior & llayne , N. E. Cor. I'araam nnd 13th Sts CM tf FOR HALK-S7.300 for full lot on ISth Bt. , In Kountio'B 3J addition. POTTKH & CollB. 1516 J ft , BlOtf u i , Hli/htlv Irts in Ihurnburc I'ltca , only JD8 1SUJUJ. : BAKKEIl&MAYNK 870-878-St TTOU HALK Farm B mle ! from city , near Union Jt ? Stock } ards. Inquire at Sirs. Meyer , oier lloo Ain't Viuy store , 16th anil Weblter. 872- Y1I08LVAN20UB. STRAYED OR STOLEN On Wednesday mornlnar , . April f3J , a medium slieil red row with calf , abouf > > otMold. Hai an additional toil. Ivenard < f 810 will l.e pild It rcturneJ to the HMcrs o ller- oy Uonvoi t , tft. llarj'n u uuo. B28-tf rCTION * ALK-Of loti In Wllcox'a aJdltion ou MunJay , Mat Mh. Halo to commence at 2 D. in , at the ooroer ot ZOth struct and the Bellcvuo road Mo'tdentrable or petty and best opnirtuul j offitud. W. U ORINO , Au.tloiecr. I 8T Oa 8TRAYED-A light roan cow , wrlgh ; ah lit ) , SO , ilgn e r badly torn and n under .lite In the ( etc i enard will Di pilil II returned tu th Jlllltiry llrlJge , CuuiliJL'i.treo * , Penny it Wil. 0 N , NKWCOHB. the llms Carpet Weaier , Ifllh , Mid Cumltg ttnol , 0 l-8tp IA3IUH (1E for horwi and Ciltlo. Hones at Jl.M ) perhtul a month , and cows at 7f > o per head ) ' month at Chln llngg's nuture , on llelle- vuu ruad , about 7 nillu * from Omaha. SOfl-lp CAN got Urt-clie private bond and neatly fur- iillid ioonu , N. W , cor , 12th aud HoiMud. 8 47-20J rpUJEN 01' * t my residence N. W. corner JOth L aud CJarn * tr t , on * wllto lioll-r. Owner will plew > take her awsy an' pay chargi . 719-ltcwlw , . CHRIST llllLLNHF.IMCR. r. DAVI9&CO. , DRAI.ERK U JLV Real Estate and U > rtg > ge Loaisha\o removed to No. IMS Farnam street , up tUtrt , room 13 , ono door out of their form'r location , uhero they may be found until completion their Dew bulMlcgj Cfc I liftHEWABD will ho pud for any CAM rf nP 1 UVJniphlheila that uouot be curia by Dr. Jcffrlcn' ( Council lllull ) | irev utlvu and ctiiu Bend. Krlt r-8-4t EDWARD UiOiaTKB or PALMY8TE1T AtfD OOMDltlOV ALL1.T. Kt Taitli str t. U WMB Varaam and Bat n r , wUl. wtva tn aid of guardlaoi qilrtu. olUloUitf/ anj one ( laoo * oi u put and piMtmk , Md tt oruia coivUUoo IntM tatoi * . vv > u Mi t ul * OJiIsi , ftttact ( aUitactlo