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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1884)
f } * ' V OMAHA DAILY 33EE-TUESDAY , APR1&20 , tg H. H. HORNE & CO. , WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FBme ars Wo make ft specialty , * nt our EASTERN factory , of FINE HAVANA and YARA 010 ARS. AH Oigara aold by us are of our own manufacture and warranted M represented. OPERA HOUSE CIGAR HOUSE , I C52 Brondwav , 11. II. HORNEvtCO. , I COUNCIL BLUFFS , ' IOWA. , ORGUTT & FRENCH umius , In taco , file , Turcoman , Etc. Oil cloths , Mattings , Linoleums Eto ihoicest Stock West of Chicago. [ omo and bo convinced that wo are headquarters for all goods in our line , hcapest plnco to buy Ilouao Furniahinga in the G'ly. OUNOIL BLUFFS , - - - - - - IOWA. Mail Orders Filled Promptly nnd with Care. The only Hotel in this City on the Eurcpoan plan of "PAY ONLY FOR WHAT Y9U GET. " New Building New Furnishings. ALL MODERN IMPROVEMENTS-CBNTltALLY LOCATED. Fine Sample Rooms Elegant Restaurant. PETER BEGHTELE , PROPRIETOR , Nos. 336 and 338 Broadway , - - - Council B 1 14 Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA NEUMAYER'S HOTEL ON THE I * . B Furiiituro nnd appointments al ) . now. Nua. 208 and 210 Broadway , Council Blufla. SILOAM SH1IKERAL SPRINCS. Wo cpivantco the euro of the follonlng named dls- eca.v.3 , or no m } : Rheumatism , Scrofula , Ulcers , Catarrh , a 1 Blood and -Mil discarcs , DvepetMia , Liver Complaint , Kidney anil Bladder Diseases. Gout , Neu ralgia and Asthma , Thesj Springs are the favorite resort of the tired and dobllltatad , and are the FEEULK LADIKS BEST FRIEND , Good hotel , Ihory and bathing nccomodatlon both \rintor and summer. Locality highly plcturesqur and healthy. Accessible by Wabash railway , r Evona , orC. , B. & O. , at Albany. Corrcxpondcno eolicltod , REV. M. M. THOMPSON. - Manager. Albany , BUoam Springs , ( Gentry Co. , Mo. * ANALYSIS. Specific Gravity 1.002 Reaction Noutra Carbonio Acid Oia 20 In. per gallon Carbonate Calcium 35,021 Graing Carbonate Iron , 7,041 Sulphate Magnesia 3.SS8 Sulphate Calclnm 1,148 Chlorldc-Sodlum 7,260 SlUIca ' . 1,509 Alumina . . . .0,018 Orjranlcand Volatile matter and loss . . . .1,469 Total acllda per gallon 67,174 WBIOUT& MERRILL , Chemists AUCTION SALE of LOTS in TOWN of PERSIA ! 80 Choice Lots will be offered at Public Sale on WEDNESDAY , April 30th , 1881 , at 10:30 : A. M. Portia Is located In HurUon County , loua , on the Crdcagn , Milwaukee it St.Taul Ila'luay , thirty milts north of Council Bluff i and Omaha. I'crtla li not yet two year ) old , but alrtady hundreds of people Imomado now homes and eataMencJ prosperous ( ratine * < within her bsrdors , and there Is still room for many morn. Perrla , In addition to being the contemplated p tut at ulilcr tin projected short lint from Sioux City to Chicago u 111 Intercept the mainline , Is In tbo mldat of a moat productlt o agricultural region , and with fiuchmanlleit ad\autages cannot fall to dovtlop Into a o'ty of surprising proportion" at no dhtnnt day. The loU are distributed in each and c\cry block In the town , and are therefore both bunlncsu and resi dence lots. The business lots are locat'd on thojlevtl plateau near the depotf and are fully as desirable a.i any of those now built upon ; they are of a uniform IZ9 of ! 6xl42 ft. The residence lots are looatul on the beautifully elevated portion of tha town more re mote from Iho depot , arid are f > 0ill2 ft in size. Uuslnculotsulll ho eod ! and designated as the cast and west half of lota and blocks. In all other ro- epccte lots will bo sold aa | r plat of town as It an- iieara on th County records. 11tlo perfect All lots to be sold to thehlgboit reiponslbla bidder on the following terms , viz. : One-thirl of purchase mica to be paid when lot Is iiold. A contract for deed Hill be Riven , conditioned that the ba'ance of purchase price bo paid In six , twelve and eighteen months with Interest at 8 per cent per annum. A discount of 6 per cent on deferred pa ] menta will bo made ( or catK An agent will bo on the premises with a imp ' to ehow properly to all \ Isitora prior to Halo. Address L. 0. BALDWIN , Council Bluffa , la. L , A , CASPER , FLORIST -AND- The Largest and Most Complete Green Ilouto In Western IOH a. Over 24,900 Feet of Gloss in Use. The Greatest variety and the Choicest plant * . My collection ot Plants and i lowers Isnovr comrlete In ereryroipect , and the publlo aroint Ited to call and uipoct the BJ.IIO. I waa awarded the tint Premium at the Council Bluffs District Fair In September. 1883 , > er all oorn. petltors : andStave eln o add d many new and choice wle'lM , and am prepared to furnish * now class of plant ! that hate heretofore been unattainable la tbl * market , for which I mate no extra charge. Cut flowers and floral designs lurnltbed irouipUy , and on snort notice. 1 have Jmt Issued a uew cat * alojue for 1831 , which will be edit free ou application. Green Vegetables tjio Ycur Hound , Horse Jlvliih In bottles. 33 Ploroo St. Council Bluffs Iowa , ' ! Dr. . Amelia Burrougtis , OFJflOB AND KE3IDENOE 1617 Dbdgoj St , - Omaha TELEPHONE No. HJ. Nebraska Cornice AND- HANUFACTUnEIlS OP GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES FINIALS , WINDOW CAPS , TIN , IRON AND SLATE ROOFING , PATENT METALIO SKYLIQIIT , iron Fencing ! Cicstlnes , Balustrades , Verandas , Office and Baok llalllngs , Window and Collar Guards , Eta. COtt O. ANDOtti STnEET , LINCOLN NED. OAISEK. II ct POISON n the blood la apt to show Itself In the spring , and aturo should by all meansbc assisted in throwing It OCT. Snllt'a Specific does thl.i cffcctUcly. It Is a pnrelyegctablo , non-poisonous rcmodyhlch helps cntuioto forcoall the pMsou or taint out through ho pore of the skin. Mr. Robert A. Easley , of DHfsan , Tcnn. , writes , under date March 10 1S34 : "I had ell Us and 'over followed by rhenmtlsm , lor three jcara , so that I a not ab'o to attend to my business : had tried al most otcry klnl of medicine , and found no relief. A friend recommended Swllt'n Speclflo. Itrl'd onu bottle find my health began to luprcno. 1 continued until I bad taken tlx bottles , aim It has set mo on my feet , ns sound and v , ell as e\cr. I recommend It to all similarly aillicted. " Letters from tn cnty three (23) ( ) of the leading retail drusrglsts o' Atlanta , Bay , under date of Murcli 24th , 1884 : "Wo eell moro of Shift's Specific than any other ono icmody , and three to ten times as much as any other blood medicine. Wo sell It to all classes , and many of tha best familioj use It as a general health tonic. Our treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed frco M Miiimioiiia. THE SWIFT SPECIFiq CO. Drawer 3 , Atlanta , On. N T. OfTlne , 159W.23d St. between Oth and 7th Ave , WHOIfl UNACQU4INTI3 WITH 1HC OrOORAPriY OFTTHI8 COUH * IRV wivt sir nr f xf/iwiNO THIS M P THAT THI CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R'Y Iiy the contra ! position of Its line , connect ! the fci3l and the Went by the ehortoot route , nurt car ries pawenizeri. without ohanze of cat a. between Chicago and Kauaai City , Council IMufta. Leavon- worlti. Atoliliou , Minneapolis and Ut. Paul. K connect * in Uiilou Depot * wltb all the principal lines of reid between the Atlantto and the Pacific Oceans. Its equipment la unrivaled nd raagnlQ. cent , twine complied or tloit Comfortable and Beautiful u y Coachei , Magnificent llorton Ite- cltnlUK Choir Can , 1'ullman'i Prettiest Palace BlerpuiR Cirs , and the Ueit Line of Dining Can In ll.o World. Three Trains between ClilooEO and II ourl Illver I'olnlr. IwoTralni telweeitChl- ; to aud Mlnueapoho and tit , Paul , via the ramoui "ALBERT LEA ROUTE. " A New and Direct Line , via Sencoa and Kanka * kce. li" recently been opened between lllchmond , ItorlolkNewport Newt.Chattanooca. AtlantaAU > fUBta , Naihvllle , Iioulivllle , Lexington. Cincinnati , ndianapolli and Lafayette , and Omaha. Uluuoip- cli > and til. Paul and Intermediate points. All llirouuli Passengers Travel ou i'o t Bipreu Trains. Tickets for sale at all principal Ticket Offloei In the United mate * and Canada. checked through ind rates of far * al. wayt A low ui compeiltorn that oiler IMS adran * tauts. Tor detailed information , cot tbe Maps and Fold. GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE , * t your pearot Ticket OHoe. or addreis -.H.-AULE , E. ST. JOHN , ' 'J flatter of Application of Smith & Bpafard fur par ml t to eell Liquor an a druggist. NOTIOB. Notice U I.erUiy . uuen that Smith k Bpafard did UwnthuZ7thda.v | of March A. Il,18S4nlo thelrappll * cation to the Ma > or and City Council of Omaha , for license to sell malt , uplrituous and tinous l.lquom , at a drul ( t , for medicinal , niethanlcil and chrmlcal | mr | > onniilat 602 South 13tu St. , econd ward , Omaha Nib. , from the SMh day uf April , 13IJI , to the lltn day of April , lEbS. Htherobo no objection rumonstranco or protest filed within two ueiki from March 17 , A. D , 1M the saldpcrml ullllu ) irratiUul. SMITH A HI'AFAUn , Appllcanti. SSKt cow ) J. J , L. U. JKWK1T , Citj Ckrk GDUNCIl LUFf ADDITIONAL LOOAT , NKWS. A NARROW ESCAPE , The Floor of St , IVuil'a K Church Gives Way. At the Sunday night service nt St. Paul's Episcopal church , there vrna nl * moat n crush. The church was packed to its utmost capacity , ovoiy available bit of sitting nnd standing room being taken , nud fully n hundred people were unnblo to got in , oven the vestibule being - ing Tilled. The cniiso of nil this rush was the desire to hoar Bishop Perry nnd wit ness the coniirmntion of the class , which numbered ! ! 0 the largest class over con- Irmcd in the history of the church in this city. Shortly before the close of f ho service n stone pillar in the bascinont supporting ; ho center of the lloor gave wny , causing ho lloor to Bottle with n crack , which caused some ) , but fortunately no such panic occurred na would probably lave occurred had these present realized heir dangur. The congregation moved out slowly and deliberately and the lloor ; ave wny no further. An examination made afterwards showed the floor to bo in a very tottering nnd weak condition , nnd yesterday work men were employed in strengthening it BO that there will bo no possible danger of any repetition of the occutrenco. This accident is but n forcible remind er of the oft-repeated remark that Coun cil Blull's needs better church buildings , there not being a single church in the city which is ronlly n credit to n city of 25,000 inhabitants. IjKTTEK PIIOM ASSKMBlWaiAN HOAO. r , April 13 , 1883. During my temporary residence hero , ho past winter , I cuntractcd a severe cold , which for a timu conGned mo to my room and rendered mo unfit to attend to my duties. I not only suffered nil the incon veniences which usually attend n heavy cold , but was aillicted with n tightness in ho chest , accompanied with a sovcro win , which made breathing difficult' , and cat impossible. I tried the usual reme dies cough drops , cough cordials , < fcc. , ) ut received no substantial relief until I ppliod ALLCOCK'S PououslPLAsrints , on iiy back and chest. These I put on when retiring , and was delighted to iind myself much bettor the loxt morninrr. In two days I was well. Chis , and the experience I have had with Allcock's Piasters in my family , has con vinced mo that for coughs , colds , sprains , ) ruises , rheumatism and local pains , All- cock's Porous Plasters nro the quickest and most effective remedy extant. JOHN HOAG. lilpmcnt of Stock from the Stock YnrdH. The followi ng wcro the shipments of stock yesterday from the Union stock fards : F. Sidonbendcr , " ono car horses , 19 lead , to Denver , via U. P. J C. Abbott , five cars cattle , 150 load , to Denver , via U. P. H. Lacy , ono car horses , 19 head , to North Platte , via U. P. C. Daniels , ono car horses , 20 head , to Council Bluffs. J. P Duncan , ono car cattle , 4 ! ) head , ; o Hastings , via U. P. J. L. Oaks , six cars cattle , 180 head , ; o Hatchery , Colo. , via U. P. Stokes & Kusaoll , five cars of cattle , 120 head , to Hatchery , Colo. , via U. P. D. Khali or , ono car horses , 17 head , to Council Bluffs. J. McFnddon , thirteen cars cattle , 411 iiead , to Pine Bluffs via U. P. D. Boor , twenty ono cars cattle , G25 iioad , to North Platte via U. P. S. W. Allison , three cars cattle , 90 iioad , to Ogallala via U. P. J. Smith , two cars hogs , 120 head to Chicago via N. W. G. G. May , thirteen cars cattle , 220 iead , to Chicago via Milwaukee. D.Anderson , , one car hogs , 71 head , to Chicago via 11. I. l\ Cure , i jt'iietuiionia' Mr , D. II. Barnaby , of Owcgo , N. Y. , nays , lmt lila daughter was taken with a violent cold which terminated with pneumonia , and all the best physicians gave the case up and iald aba could not llvo but a four hours at most. 3ho was In thin condition when a frloml roo- ommended JJll. WAI. HALL'S BALSAM FOR THK LUNGS , nnd advised her to try t. She accepted It as a last resort , and was surprised to find that It produced n marked ihaiifre for the better , and by persevering in ta use a permanent cure was effected. TOWNSLKY'3 TOOTHAOIIK AND- DYNK cures Instantly. MotliorH , Attention ! Chan. Jones , of ElizabethSpencer Co , lnd , aavs , I have ilealt In uioHlclno a number of roars and will Bay that 1)11. ROGKH'S VEG- STABLK WOim SY11U1' Is the most valu- iblo inedlclno I over sold. My customers were o pleased with its effects that they purchased a number of bottles to lune It on band. It Is all that It is recommended to bo COMMEHCIAI , . COUNCIL DLVrrS MABKKT. Wheat No. 1 milling , 80c ; Ko , 2 nllllng 'Oc : No. 3 and rejected , 50o. jj Corn Local demand ( or feed 40@45 ; deal- rs out of market. Oats Looil demand 30c@35c , Hay 4 00@G 00 per ton ; 50o per bale. Hye 10@45o. Corn Meal 125 per 100 pounds. Wood Good supply ; prices at yards , 0 00 ® 00. Coal Delivered , hard , 11 60 per ton ; soft , 5 00 per ton Lard Pftlrbank'B , wholesaling ot ( Wo. Vloui City flour , 1 G0@3 30. Brooms 2 ! )5@3 ) 00 per doz. LIVK STOCK. Cattle 3 50@4 OOj calvon , 5 C07 BO. Ilofra Local packers are baying now and there la a good demand for nil grades ; choice ickinK , 0 25 : mixed , 0 25. I'BODirOE AND KHUITH. Quotations by J , M. St. John & Co , , com mission merchants , C38 Broadway , Butter Creamery , 28cu)30o ( ) ; ck-Jco country rolls , In good demand , 18o)20o. ( ) Kffgs 12jo per dozen. 1'qultry Jtoady salochIckensdroB8od ; , 12Jo ; live , 'Jc ; turlcoya , dressed , IDc ; live , I'-'c ; JJucks , dreHbcd , 12ic : live , Co. Oranges 4 00@4 f < 0 per box. Lemons 3 &OC < $4 00 per box , Bananas 2 f % 60 per bunch Vegetables Potatoes , 4060 ; onions , 75c ; cabbage , 4 centii per jiouud ; apjilon , ready sale nt 3 2 (34 ( 00 tor prlmo stock ; Beans , 1 50 @ 2 25 per bushel. Him "I have uued Jlinilock JIlouJ Jlittcri , and am hippy to Ray they have done me more Rood than anything yet Send a further ijuantlty at once " Thu man was a milfcror from Ut enty vnarj. Hla name Is AleX amler Loujjli , and he livea at Alpona , Mich. OUAY'B 81'KOlKtnMKDICIN'KS. T.'IADS r/lAnx / nnuiinAr . > nniC MARK - . . UMI HRVXDT. An iX'S X inf llliu cure for 5-imln l Wo k. tuns , Spcrnutotr * hrra , Imnotoncy , Mul nil Dl oo thM follow ni i ociiucnco o ! Sf\l \ Alni > c ; Atlm o OBP- . . . . Mcnmrr , Unhtr vis * i " . * < UntTAriliQ. ( ' . lI.iwltuclol' ln AFTER TAK1ND In the luck , Dlmnoxot VWon , I'remJuirn tfi.l A . mi Ji ny oilierillwvKd th t lc il tolntanlty orCon- sunintlon Anil it I'reinAturo Urato. isnwARRol Mtcrtlsointnti to tvlitml mnnoy , nhcn driirK ( trom \thoniotll nol tiotiKlit i/o not refund , but refer ) ou to the tinimUcturcru , and tli rociulrcraciitii ro vich that they ro trhtotn , if ewr , complied with. Srotholrwrlttrniriikrnntre. AtrlM of ono ( InRlo j-nckoRO nf On > > ' Siwclfio will oonMnoo ho mo t skeptical of Its rcivl mertt . On Recount of eountoi/eltcn / , wo hMoadcnitcd the \ cllow W r&ppcr ; the only Romilno. jWKull ruitlcuhn In out Jxunplilct , which wed . f" to tcml frco Iiy mull to t cry one.HTVho / Siw Mo Mcillolno li nold by Ml druntl ( t at 1 Mr imck- BO , or elx jv\ok so for $ S , or Mil bo Rout frcu b } tn ll on the rtcthit of the money , by addrcwlnjr T11K aKAYMKDlClNKCO.lluO lo , N. Y. SoIJ nOnmhkl > - % ] y Iflmt REAL ESTATE , Williams' Block,15th&Dodge No. 181 Jl.SOO llonsn and lot In Croillt Konclor addl troti , lot 06x132 , homo ol 3 rooms. Uoi l homo , mar ilqwt. 17S-l,700-Hou o ami hill lot on Cliuloi street , cooil well nml cistern , halt cash nml tlino on balance. 49-3,000-Houio wul full lot on Hamilton direct , goo 1 liirn , fauces and In tlrtt claw r j- pair , lor stlo cheap and on c is t terms 02 $4,000 llo\i o and barn on lot ( nmtliifr on Hicrmati a > cmio nnd ITlli street. ( IcoJ ( rontngc ul 03 ( cot on tno Btrccts. 175 $2,600 CixMi takes n story and ti hall homo on full lot , on Htrcol car , i3ixl well and cistern , just olio ! Saundcrsstreet. 01 JJ.OOO Stcro building and iluo'lliift on lull lot , two block lium green car line In north Omaha , on easy terms. 11 S2axHoiiro > on Voniileton a\ciuio , south front , splendid llttlo homo and clump , tjO. 1 , [ .03 . House and lull lot on Bancroft strict . 20 ? 1SOO IIoiwo ol 7 rooms In llodflcld's sub-ill \li > lon , 24-l,600 Store building a = d half lot on Bancroft street 1BI 32.CCO T o storr liouso on half lot on 19th St One block from oir I'lic. ' Good Inr.i peed fences and all In good repair i'bli Is a bargain. 177 $4,700 Now homo on full lot on Charles street , near car line. 162-J3.000 IIouso and lull lot In Lake's addition1 one block from car line and on easy terms. 103 $4,700 Good homo of 10 rooms on fnll lot , rood barn S.e , and two Hocks from Uod line Fiye Houses For Sale Monthly Payments , 163 $1,000 HOURO of fho rooms and two lots on Dodge St. , good bargain fortnaldo prop. ert } . 158 ? 2COC Good cottage on lot fronting on two St . 18th and 1'Jth , fronts on car line , nnd In the best part of tbo city. Sold cheap for cash. Wo can ecll jou lot In Hawthorne , cheaper and on letter terms than any other addition as near the city , $350 to $000 a lot. Denises' addition In north part nf city li bclngsold ) ) us so o\ cry ono can hao a home. Call anil let us show jou the lota , only ten minutes drhe. from our olllco. Ktrknood. Wohmo only ofowlotf loft In this ad dltlon and tbo first comes , get them on easy terms , Doncckcn's addition. 1'or Cumlng street property , wo sell In thin addition as \Ullkno\vwhen ( hey Ond only a third of the lots left Millard and Caldu o'ls addition. Wo soli \ cry cheap icingnoar Sherman ato. , and the lots also all on ; rado. Wo have a lot on Wheaten direct , In Armstrong's addition cast Iront. Wo will sell cheap' and on easy mine. llaj field la west nf the city , Cum en g and Casn Stf. mi through it. We sell in luo aero tracts on easy orms , and w e w III glvo long tornu to these content- dating building. Only 2 } mlles from the city. We have bargains In all parts ol the city , Imororrd and unlmpro\cd property , houses and lotslots to sell and lease. HOIIBCH Improvement , houses torrent , Notary public In the olllco at all times , and con icy anccs to show property. SEARS & BOSARD OMAHA Stove Repair Works , Furnish Itepilrs for al Stoves inado In the UNITED STATES AND CANADA. Stoves repaired and rcnlountcd equal to new. Telephone - phone No. 43. C. M. EATON , Prop. Pioneer urug Store i B. E. COR. 13TJI AND JONUS 8TS. DE. F. S , LEWIS , - Prop'r , AOEN7n Ohio Oil Co.'s West Virpinio , Cylinder and other Oilp conntintlv nn hniul. Jf E. EILEY & CO. , AND Loan Brokers ! ( I'llENZEIVS BLOCK , Ol'l' . POSTOFriCK. ) Loans Negotiated. . Houses Rented , Titles Perfected And Special attention given to convoy- ancini ; and all legal inotruraents. REAL ESTATE LIST : Smith's Addition , CD loti . 1'rlco 8)00 to 1500 Park I'laoo , 1 16 lota . , i'rico < 325 to J8X ) Ok.lionn I'laco , 1) wight & I.y Iran's add IS lota . Price 81'6 to 1300 Lowe'a Addition 10 lots. . Price $160 to 3iO Blunn'a addition , 8 lot . I'rico reasonable. /HANROOM I'UiOK ( imiEUAumi ri.ACK. Lota In < I'LAIMVJKW ADD. JKIHICWOOD " UtEDICK'S "and Bother /KAUVAir , -SCUMINO , VAndalinoite\cry St. In city , 100 ACRE LOTS for snlo CHEAP. BaSy TEIISW ON AM < PHOI'KRTY. S40OOO To Loan on Heal Estate. J. E. RILEY & CO. , 0 | < t > OHlti < d Ttuolll.jH CORNFIELD 50'J North IGth Street. Gontioinan'B Block. CholccCut < of Heats a poclaty. ; ( Ordoia will bo re ochvdby tclciiliouc , No. tl0. ! \VM. 11. UIIIKSOM , I'roprlctQr , > 'S HALLS. roninlnin Supper IldVnopVilo i > | , nnlf three Hin-itril.nii.l ft laliclnr ( 1U1I , one ot the hodtr. Thcro Is al o ft kitchen mJh splendid MR MIIRO ami table ware for cue Imnlrid litre li ntc Lsdlot' nnd flonllcmon'n tocnn with otcry romonlcncc. Kent for both h lls f2 < . Slndo liall , $15. Apply to Mil. FAt.CONnt , 10th mill bought N. ! ! FALCONER , We Will sell Silks The Silks wo will sell on Monday will ID the greatest Bargain that 1ms boon of- orod in this country in the laat fivc-niid- .wonty yonra. * > Particulars later , in thia column. , * N. B. FALCUJNER. N , B. FALCONER TARRANT'S * Seltzer Aperient TKEN IN HOT WATER . CORES Dyspepsia , B hcadqunrterj for 1'rosh Butter and Sno thonn Chnmbor and Tea Sets at Wm. CENTLKMAN'S Crockery Store , IGth St. HAIR ! HAIR ! HAIR 4LMA E.I KEBTH'S I'AXTON nOTEti Vlillineiy and Hair Dressing Failois ! 3f , - a3L4Wxi. ( EJtroot. ' Hair i Hair I Hair i Cheap I Orclnrn DISSOLUTION NOTICE. 7ho partnership heretofore exi tlrt ; between loehme ft Reico In this day dissolved hy mutual oiiBent All inonny duo the Arm mutt hereafter bo > ald to Choi , lioclnne , and all blllt will bo paid by aine. HAS. r.OHIK , J. W. RKKIJE. Omaha , Neb. April 29 , 1834. 2J Ut , E. A.KELLEY , M.D. -AND C. A. WILSON , M. D , , Physicians and Surgeons OFFICES HO VH'R OPERA TIOUSi : . t o ci TO PUltOUASE For BpotCaMi. Oillonor aildrcM Mr. or Mr . Itephoii J. lIllODr.UIL'K. 018 Boutli IQtU iitroct. SCmiELING & BELSGI1NER , DKALIJltf , IN E 021 South 13th , botuoen Jackcon and Jones Bts. AllJob Woik In Roofliig , Guttorliu , Etc. , promptly done. H. PHILLIPS , rn Has one of the lanreit and finest acsortment of iprlug nnd Summer Uoods for SultlnRs and Trowsu UL-t. All KarmnjU cuarantred to lit and trlrnmod wllh the Doit TrlmmliiKS. MVl'UICl AKKLOWKK Inn any llercliaut Tailor In tto city. 1611 Faruam Struct. Struct.WeakHervousMen \YtiOMj iliililllty. cxlmnillim unit iirernituro decay AracaumJ lijuicemon. orroruof yuutn , etc. , cr > perfuctly reitorocl to rulni't liriilth * nd viiiiurmiy euoconitiiii MACAUM narrn n > > vl > vT uluirnii lillewiiiicl dlrvcl nielhoiUnim AD ' " ' " " ' ' " * " " " "USTON'nEUP'tyco. . < ALONO THE LINE OK TJIE Chicago. . St. . Paol , Minneapolis and OMAHA RAILWAY. The new extension of thli line from Wakofleld up the BEAUTIFUL VALLEY of the OAN through Concoid and Coleridgo TO a3CJa.3jt SCiaCKrC3-T03Sr , Uoaches the best portion of the State. Hieoal | ! ox * ouraton ra'ei for mekors over this line to Wayns , Norfolk and Hartlugton , and \la IJlalr to all principal po'i.U ' on the SIOUX 01TV & PACIFIC RAILROAD Tr lniover tht 0. . Bt. P , M. i 0. Hallway to Cov nirton. Bloux city , I'onra , Ilartlngtou , Wayne aud Norfolk , CJoxtixoot nt Elljalx- For Fiemont , Oakda . Nisllgn , and thioujh to Val- eutlm. tfgot ratv * ami all Information call on K H WlinNBY , General Armt , tttran ; HulldlOk'Uor 10th md rarnam bti , , ' = ailH.V. ' > raUNcb. in e - iuria a ; ucpat , corner Htn THE CHEAPEST PLA.OE IN OMAHA TO BtTT . . . . . . One of the Best and largest Stocks in the United States to select from. NO STAIRS TO OLIMB. ELEGANT PASSENGEE ELEVATOR , THOPRIETOR 1C6 And 103 South mi. Street , Onuha , ebwVv , , Corrc,1)0ndell03 solicited. " HENRY LEHfflANN JOBBER OF EASTERN PRICED DUPLICATED > 11 FARNAM RTBBE OMATIA KB \ MANDFAOTTJRKU OF O7STlUCntT r0tST-Orjl8S ' 5 AND TWO WHEEL CARTS , 1SIBand 1820 Harnoy Btrcot and 403 B. UHT.BIieel , > tfH , _ _ . . Ilustratod Oalaloiruo furulab d free upon application. > ( L/IIl in i DEALERS IN Stores , Furniture , Crockery , &o. Agents for the celebrated economy Cooking and Heating StovoB nnd the BEST RANGE. N 115 NORTH SIXTEENTH ST. OMAHA , NEB UANOTAOTUliKIl 07 FINE M Bipoiltor la onitantljr Blleil nltb a teleollitook , BM * Wortmanihlp gnanntcod. Office and Factory S , W. Cor. 16th and Capitol Avenue , OmahaNeb. If you want a lot for a homo or an investment , Ihprnburg Place offers the greatest inducements. Situated in the west part of the city , commanding a mag nificent view of the whole surrounding country , and sloping in such a way that very little grading will bo necessary. Tlioi nliiii g Is only C bloolfa further from the pootollico than Unnseom Park. It is on Leaven- worth Htreot , which is to-day , and bound io bo in the fu.uro , the best end leading thoroughfare out of Omaia. ] Wo have about 45 lota in thia beautiful addition left , > which wo oiler nt $185 to $200 each , on monthly payments. Lota in adjoining ad joining aditions are soiling at $500 to $800 each. Call at our oflice and take a ride to Thornbmg. BARKER & MAYNE , 13th and Far n am. 'PERFECTION Heating and Baking In only attained by nsinfl CHARTER OAK Stoves and Ranges , JITli WIRE GtlIZE OVER DOOR Fci solo by MILTON ROGERS & SOW8 1WAHA DEALERS IN Hall's Safe and Lock Comp'y FIEE AUDBFBQLARPllOOF ' '