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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1884)
: > 4- , , , , , , , , . , - 6 OMAHA DAILY BSIJE-OOUNOIL BLUFFS TUESDAY APKIL 29 , 1834. THE DAILY BEE. BLUFFS. Tuesday Morning , Anril 29 , suuscntrrioN RATES. Hy Canlcr . XO 'ents per week UyMaU - - - 110 OU p r year 'OFFICE ! No. 7 Pearl Street , Hear1 Broadway. MINOK MENTION. 600 J. Roller's , spring goods. Ynklo this afternoon nnd evening. Additional local on seventh pago. Seed corn , J. Hanthorn , 700 B'way. Workinpmon'a mooling this evening at the courthouse. A little more work was done on the dog pound yostorday. Croon Edwards was before the bar yes terday for being drunk. Jacob Noumayor was yesterday busy letting his now hotel to rights. Officer Hurley and Towns are now on day duty. The force change about. M. T. Rohror'a liouao was entered by enoaks Sunday night , but nothing of Taluo taken. The brekoa stone for the foundation of the paving is being put down on Main street. All railroad tickets bought of D.V. . Bujhnoll are guaranteed , also all rebate orders given by him. The YnWo company ga\o ft delightful on > tertalnment last ovonlnor. They appear afnn ! thia afternoon and ovoning. The Y. M. 0. A. will give a free entertainment tortainmont for young men at room 12 North Main street , this evening at elan o'clock. There will bo a polo gam o at the rink Wednesday night , between the two Oouncil Bluffs clubs , and a lively contest is promised. OnS turday , "BuffaloBill , " ( William P. Cody ) , eont five cars of stock , wild an- imivlo , etc. , over the Wabash to St. Louis frpflkho stockyards. * ' 3McDonald and E. T. Trovitt were arrested for disturbing the peace of the St. Joe house , nnd are to have A hearing this morning. By agreement of attorneys the cases against Huffman and Bcunott , growing out of their neighborhood quarrels , have boon dismissed. The entertainment last evening at the opera houao no dollglitod thoao who were pros , ont that by special requcut it will bo repeated this afternoon and evening. The Council Bluffs Iron Works compa ny has about moved all its machinery in to their now building , and expect to start up inside of two weeks. If the Episcopal church only had as aound "sloopera" as are visible sometimes in church services , the floor wouldn't have given away , perhaps. The settling of the floor of the Episco pal church has boon repaired so stoutly that it will not servo as an excuse , after all , for folks not to go to church. Officer O'Brien found another O'Brien , whose first name was James , and the of- floor regarding him as a vagrant and sus picious character , ono O'Brien ran the other O'Brien in. There ia talk of having concrete walks put down in the park instead of the bare place * now called walks. Gocd walks would nave much loss of religion and much of the wear and tear on sod in the wet weather. To'ldy White wo * very considerate , fo when drunk yesterday ho laid himself down at Justice Abbotta oflico door , 10 that hU case could bo tried right away. Teddy now languishes in a crack of the old county jail. The Emerson Chronicle hat changed ita form so as to doroto a whole page to ita Henderson department with display beadingand all. The Henderson folk evidently appreciate the enterprise ahown and are supporting it liberally. * Probably the handsomest caikot over aeeniu Council Bluffa was that furnished by D , M , Connell fur Mrs. Davy. The co-kot fa of Lebanon cedar covered with black broadcloth with satin facings and f drapings , and silver trimmings. Col. Sapp did much toward stopping a the Episcopal church Sunday evenlnK.Jwhon the floor gave away ; it waa amusing Chough to see his towering fo'rm going out gently on tiptoe. Heavy weights at such time * feel their responsi bility. The Presbyterian * arc waking up to the need of a new church , and are plan aing this aeaien a fSO'OOOor'a 140,000 churchIt is to bo hoped that they will push the planning in to actual starting ana get the building iUolf under way , Coun cil Rlufla needs some aulUblo church building. If Omaha will put up a boy to ikato against Johnnie Eponoter , H. H. Mar tens Vill put up a (10 price to bo skated for at the Council Bluff * rink , the dis tance to be two mile * , or 45 times around 'the rink , aud the one getting there first , n > v > Kit , to take the prize. Now let Omaha akater * apeak up. Alex. Graham was righteously indig nat ywtwrday when he found that some , . ' | hi * b * t elm trcoa had been so ruth 1 Uly tripped of. > air bark that they were in.dijijger of dying. The trees are loeateiion an open lot through which the . hildrea pat * to the high school , and wbtoh h * not only been left open for the publio convenience , but which Mr. Ora 'luM ban cartfuUy cleared up and trimmed It ahem that aoma of the public , at Mr , Graham WM indignant wonga . , .i if : Ai - * * / " shut up this convenient road. Money cannot Troll ntono for Bucli a needless , ruthless net. It reminds ono of the old judgewho had ft tree gnawed by nniRh- bora horso. "Pny mo for it , " quoth the old judge angrily , "why' you puny , in significant mortal , with all your wealth pay why , you double blasted fool , it took God Almighty twenty ytnn to make that tree. " A mooting of the workingrnon is called for to-night , at the court house , the po- cial role of business being the receiving of the report of the committee appointed to present the city council the working- mon'a protest against the proposed Ir&m. way for dirt carrying. The project la evidently - idontly killed , but the council hw the matter tossing about from ono committee to another without mooting Uio question fairly and voting upon it. . A street peddler yesterday stood rlcht under the mayor's windows , inducing the crowd to nmko purchases of him "by the promise of throwing in a picture whicli ho intimated could bo BO folded , ns to show up very obscenely. The publicity of such an offer , started in the middle of Main street , ought to liovo led the police who vroro looking on , to have led the fol low in and lot .him cool oft behind the bars. bars.Tho The exhibition of the excellencies and superiority of Prof. Ilorsford'a. baking powder that has boon so largely attend ed the last few days will bo found lo cated at Jamoa & Haverstcak'H , corner of Pearl street and Willow ayonuo , to-dny and to-morrow. Wo hope every Indy who has not nlroady attended the exhibition tion will call at the above place. You can all learn something to your advant ago. Como. Smith te Teller , yesterday afternoon arranged their financial troubles so that they are to resume business at once , an announcement which will bo glnily received coivod by their many patrons who have been hoping that such would bo the out come. They have boon furnishing most excellent made and fashionable garments , and thoao who delight in being Troll dressed have appreciated their enterprise and nkill. It is hoped that now they may continue to servo the public without further interruption or disaster. A movement ia on foot for the organi zation hero of a ledge of the Knights and Ladies of Honor , which ia a bonoGciary order with great attention paid also to the social side of life. Omaha has edge of thia order , which thougli only established six weeks already numbers seventy-five members with the list rap dly increasing. The rapid growth and popularity of thia order , together with ; ho many social and financial advantages offered will doubtless cause the move ment here to result in the speedy estab lishment of a strong and prosperous ledge hero. Mr. Qoorgo H. BacLui , of Omaha , was hero yeatcrday aiding In the preliminary arrangements , and bia loft the matter in Mr. W. W , Chapman's lands to complete them. Thoao desir ing to bacomo charter members ibould ntorviow Mr. Chapman at onco. A healthful and delectable free lunch will bo served for ladies at James & Hav- orstack'a , comer of Pearl street and Wil- ow Avenue , to-day and to-morrow , La dies , you are cordially invited. W. H. Foster , the Hanson street flor- ! it , baa 20,000 foot of space under glass , and the largest stock west of the QHuisa- ippi. Send for catalogue. PEIUJONAb. II. Ji.DavIi , of Trenton , N.J , , It at ilia Ogdon. . 0. Sprague , of Clnrlnda , WAS afe the IV clfio yesterday. V , V. MoAteo Is expected home tocUjr from St. Churlo * , Mo. O. 15. Button , of Manning , Town , t lioghtolo' * yesterday. M. J. D-rllnff , of Kmporls , Kan , , torsd at tba Pacific yesterday. J. W. llhodn and 0. S. Klnney , of Cola , Iowa , were at the Bluff * yeiterday. Dan McGregor , of the U. 1' . freight udl tor'i office , wai on tlili aid * of the muddy yes terday. U. W. Thompson , of VanBrunt , Ttompaon & Co. , ii off for * butlnet trip through No- bra k . Mr. L.V. . St. John left yoiterday mora ing tot Oakland U rlilt hit ion S. S. , vho la quite tick. Qeorgo N. Backus , of Omaha , WM oa this alda yesterday trying to organlio a branch ol the Knlghti and Ladloi of Honor. County Superintendent Matthew * nd hi wife left yeaterday on a recreation trip to Nuw Mexico nxpectlng to bo absent lateral weeks , Housekeepers and Heads of Faiiilllci The following is worth your attention and careful consideration. Dr. Francis H. Atkins , acting assistant , sur geon , U. 8. A. , says to'tho ' editor If. Y. Evening Post : "while you are doing so admirable work in exposing the genera use of alum in manufacturing taking powders , I wish you would allow me to direct the attention of your manroadera to ono point of the culinary adjunctsUia would bo widely used wore it onlj bettor known. I refer to the bread raising powder of Professor E. N , POM ford , at ono time professor o chemistry in Harvard University and ono of our most ingenious and du tingulihed chemists. In his powder an acid phosphate of lime takes tno jleco o cream tartar or alum and while , the whitest , lightest and most delectable biscuits can bo made with it that I have ever sqen or tasted , it furniahea a foot rich in phoaphato so much needed in thi animal economy and so largely discardoc in our family sifted white ilour. Prof Hereford' * high reputation U adequate security for the absence of alum or an ] other deliterious or make weight Ingrc dlont in this powder , and the jrictlca teat will be given of iti excellence am superiority at James & Hararataok'i corner of Pearl street and Willor Ave y and ; to-morrow. Son are cordially iuviUd to witness the xhlbl tion. NOTICE. Special t Tertl etnent8 , rtchajLott , Found , To loan , For Bala , To Ilent , Want * , Board' ngeta.tIU 1 InMrtcd In Mi oolnmn at the tow t of TEN CENTS 1T.H LINK for the nrtt Insertion and FIVK CKNT3 PER LIKE tor each nibmquent n- ( ertlon. teave adTertltomentu al our office , No. rl fltreet. near Broodwav WANTEU-AH\n boy with pony to carry rout for mi. C ll at Council nlurfs nm ofllce. WANTEU-rvcry bortym Council Bluffs to Uke Tn n m. Delltcred by carrierat only twenty onU a week. M ) PAPKIIS For mile at ll i offlco , at 26 cent * a hundred. ANTtf D-lloaril anil room by a tingle penile- mm with good references. I'rltato ( amly ) | ite- orrcil. AddrcM II , "cc oUlce , Council lllutTi. tAdlcii and icentlemcn can make flirt claw waijei by Mlllnj ; the "Champion Bosom Htrtcther aud tronlnj Board. " Ketalli at 1.00. Any lady can do up a One hlft without a wrinkle and Blow U M nlcnly antho Bcetlaundrlctcan. Address orpaillcularsO. B. 8. &J. Co. , Ii offlco , ( or one month. YirANTKIl Bllti&llon byanlnitle man , an clerk. V Can talk Swedish , Danish , rrtnch , German and Kt a\M\ \ . Address or Call I1. V. , at Y. M. 0 , A. , 12 N Main 8t Council HlufTs. HAl.K-Ucnetol stock of Merchandise , llusl. J1JU established ( en jeatf. Good reasons for mil" " . I'trt pa\meritart ) tlmo. Address I' . O. BOX204. NenU , lovta. _ Railway Time Table. COUNCIL BLUFFS. The tolloirtnir ro the times ol tbo arrival n < l departure - parturo of trains by central tonilarJ tlmo , t ttio oc l depot * . Trains leave transfer depot ten mln- eirllcr and irrho ten ntnutca later. CIUCAOO , BURUKoroa ANDQUIKCT. MAVB. AMIVH. 8:35 : um Chicago KiprcM 0.00 in 9.U m f ant Hall. 7:00 : ptr KANSAS CITT , RT. 101 AND COUNCIL M.UTM. 10.01 m Mall and KxprcoJ , 7:05 : p m 3:05 : ] > in I'aclflo Exprons , C:6upm : CII1CAOO , MltWAItmil AND HT. TAOb. C:4S : a in Mail and Express , 7:10 : p m 6M : p m Exprnu , 0 : o a m 8:45 : a m Exprou , 0:15 : p m C1MCAOO , ROCK ISLAND AND rACITIC , f.SO p m Atltntlc xpre a , 0:40 : n m n.SO n m Iay Kiprem , CW : p m 7:15 : a m 'Dos Ifolno Actvmmoditlon , 4:40 : p in At local depot only. > * WADASlt , ST. LODIS AN rAClrlO. 0:55 : a m Hall , 4:45 : p m 4:60 : pm Cannon Boll , 11:15 : urn * AI Trantferonly. CIIICAOO and itonniwMTXRa. t:30 : m ExprcB * . 0:50 pm 0:45 : a m Pactfllo Uxprogs , 0:45 : a m BIOBX CITT AND PAClflO. m St. Paul Express , , O.CO a m m Accommodation , 0:50 p m intioK rAcirio. 17:59 pm Weatcrn Express , 8.39am 1:44 : a m Pacific Express , 4:34 p ru 7:49 : am Local Exprcaa , 0.64 urn 12:14 : a m Lincoln Express , At Tram for only. DUlllir TRAMS TO OMAHA. TJeaYO-S:24-9.24-10-24-ll:24 : a. rn. l:24-24-8S4- 4:24-6:24-8.24-7:24 : : and 11:04 : p , m Hut day , 8:21- 10:21 : a. m. 1:24-3:14-5:24-7:01 : : : and 11:04 : p. m. At' ' lve SO minutes befuro leavtnK tlmo. Grain & PMsiois , BOOGE'S SIOUX CITY HAMS. J. Y. FULLER , Commission Merchant No , 33 Pearl Street Council Blufls , Iowa ROLLER SKATING CORNER PEARL ST , AND FIFTH AVK , Open 10:00 : a. ro. , 2:00 : p. m and7SOp. ; m. , CVUualo on Monday , Weduoaday and Friday ore nlngs. ADUC8SIOK S5 CENTS. Mo objoctlonaule o aracterswlll be admitted. It. If. MAUTENS , . . . . PUOPRIKTOU W. R. VAUGHAN. Justice of the Peace. OmfctiA and Oonncll BluH > . Real enati eolleo Ion ageai 01Feti * vcr urlnci bank. Mrs-H-J-HUIoa. ! . D. , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , war. Council Blnfli. R. Rice M. D. I or other tnmorf removed without the I knife or drawing ol blood. CHRONIC DISEASES * Orcr thirty yearilpractlcalexperlcBCt Offlos No I I'aarl itreot. Oouncil IlluOi tarConoulUtlon Ire * TOOB. OITIOU , OFFICER & PUSEY BANKERS. OoaneU DluOi > Ia. Established - - 1856 Daleriln Foreign and omMtlo Xxohaag * aa GASH TALKS ! A.t the woll-kiiown Establishment 07 J. P. FILBERT , 209 Upper Broaaway , the PIONEER GASH csm.oo3Un.Tir Ot OoaneU BluOt. Notlco our reduced I'rioe List VT < giro IBpouodiBitraOBuear for $1 00 11 pounds Granulated Bugar. . . 1 00 24 pound * Choice Oatmeal , . . ,100 M pounds Navy li ) ni. _ . . 1 OC 10 poundi l > . Dullc Starch. . , , . 1 OC 11 pound ! Carolina Ilto * . 4 . 1 OC 11 poundi Choioo t-runii , . , . , . , , , . . 1 m U ban Buffalo Boap . 1 00 Estra Lake Trout , per pound. . . , . . . . , . , , 0 ! Cholcw Ulnc * Moat ptr pound . It 1 doieo Mackerel . , , . , . , , . , 1 Colorado Flour , Winter , per ewl . S PO 10 poundi QlnKOrHtapi. , . 1 CO 40 pounds h uiloy , . . . . . . . 1 Ol ft gallon k z Uyiup. . . . . . 1 7i WWteJ'Uh.perkU. . , . . . . M Mackerel , perklt. , , . . . , . , . 65 p r pound , , , . 10 T. T. T. All grade * , according to quality , ISo to BOolper pound Wo alia carry a lull line ol Men'i , Lodlet' and Ch'ldren'i ' fine Bhoca and If en' Pine llooU at ver ] low price * . Alio a full line 01 Tinware and ginrral tnerchaDdlie , Call on u and be ooavlnced tb ' > nu can lave money fcr dealing with ui. Uoodi d U > er d Iree Inanv futol the tllr. Ia 6ra. wi art bound to tell and challenge at ! liujaul. competition la talt oountr. ' . J. V. KJLHEIIT1 # nrllro dwaT N. SQHURZ. Justice tftlB Peace. omen ovun AUKRIOAH COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA JACOB BlilH. E. f. OADWKU. 8IM8ACADWELI- , Attorneys -at-Law , " - - UalaBUert.Boomilaad .OOOKOlt BLOT W IOWA 69 art * LADIES ! WE ARE EEOEiVING SOME VERY FINE Shoes and Slippers. Gentlemen OUR FINE BOOTS AND SHOES . For Sprin Wear are arriving daily. Please call and see our New Stock , Z. T. LINDSEY & CO. . 412 Broadway , Council Bluffs , ) THWA . .West Side Saunro , Olnrmda fIOWA' MAYNE & PALMER , DKAIKRS IK Hard and Soft Goal , AND WOOD , BULK AND EAIWEL LlilK , LOUISVILLE AND POHTLAND'CEUENT , MIOtUQAH PLASTER , HAITI * > ' . AND BEWER P1PK. Ho , 839 Broadway , - COONOtL BtPTF8. All kinds i of ROOM 6 , m OPERA HOUSE , COUCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , . . etc. , etc. v All Orders by Mall Promptly Attontlod To. GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES , Pine Mantels and Grates , LYMAN'S GASOLINE STOVES. Call and sco thorn before buying olsowhoro. Stoves and Tinware. JOHN EPENETEB , com . MST" ? " : WA. KNICKERBOCKER PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY ! 220 South Main Street , Countil Bluffs , Towa. Wo Buarantooi work as first-claia In over manner and style at low prices. Wo make a specialty of Groupes , Families , nnd especially children , which ( ro take quicker than a wink. COME AND SEE US. SCHMIDT it RILEY , Proprietors. WHY DON'T YOU QETSDME OP FITCH BROTHERS' CUSTOM SHIRTS ? Perfect Fitting , Boat and Cheapest. Fine Unen Collar * a/jd CuCa. No. 715 Fourth Street Council Bluffs , Iowa. UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER ! Metalic Caskets and Woodin Coffins of all Kinds. , ELEQRAPH ORDERS PROMTLY ATTENDED TO. OPEN DAY AND NIGH TSTo. l-Oi INT. nVCcvlxx St. . Oo-uxxoil Klxx Tei. 3VIO3HC3ST. GRESTON HOUSE. - EVERYTHING /m3TCLAS3. - Noo. 2'7 and 210 S. Main St. , - - COUNCIL RLUFFS WUOLE3ALK DBALKUS IN 342 and 344 Broadway. . . . . . COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA LIVE TO KAT. ' KAT TO LIVlt. RESTAURANT AND CAFE , Ontox-ox * to Tlao Kd. Ollson ) 40 < Broadway , f Moils at all Hour * . Chef il'cnl lno [ Oouncil Bluffs. I I'nrtlcs a Specialty 5 SIGN , SCENERY AND FRESCO PAINTING A SPECIALTY , 17 North MninSr. , . . . . COUNCIL BLUFFS .J Merchant Tailoring , REPAIRING NEATLY AND PROMPTLY DONE. 805 Soiitli Main Street , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS. WHOLESALE , Cieiy , Timer's Stock ; Etc , flTSpcclal attention to rrdcra mr Mall. nOTJNGIIj BllTIriFSj IOWA * Fig Icarca nro out of style , so are goat and sheep skin ; shawls nud blanVats have cone by. This is not intended for poetry , but if you want a suit of clotlioi to look both neat nnd dressy , call on NORENE & LANDSTROM , IMC O IT O 3bt t 3OL "t Their Prices are Truly Reasonable { . MRS. S. J. NORRIS , ompl-te : Assortment of the Latest Novelties in MILLINERY AND NOTIONS I OSS 'Main Street , . COUNCIL BLUFFS. Mixed Bags Wanted. The undersigned is paying the highest market price for Rags. S. GOLDSTEIN. ! - - - - 640 Broadway , Oouncil Bluffa HARMAN KELLEY , 34 N , MAIN ST. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , DEALER IN ALL THE LATEST DESIGNS OF FALL PIPER MDI110I' SHADES ! Interior Decorations. 13 S. Pearl Street and 20 N. Main Street , - COUN OIL BLUFFS. Geo. R. Beard ! WALL PAPER Largest % Window Shades. Stock * ia the City Materials , -AND- And EOOM MOULDING , ' i Lowest # CORNICE POLES X Prices N : Guaranteed. Painting. No. 32 Main Street and 33 Pearl Street , - IO W _ _ _ - . . . . NEXT DOOR TO .THE POSTOFFICE. t ' < * " PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO.