Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 29, 1884, Page 5, Image 5
P W OMAHA DAILY R WITH- m id yojtwork is demo for nil time to tinio to coiuo. WE CHALLENGE to produce fi more duraule material for street pavement than the Sioux Falls Granite. | FOU ANY AMOUNTtOK OR filled promptly. Samples sent nnd * , estimates given upon application. y WM.MOBAIN&CO. , * Sioux Falls. Dnlcoto. ' 617 St. Charles St. , Si , Louis , Mo. A HEOULAR OKADUATSoJ t-1 modlcat colleje XI. has boon engaged lonicr Iu tUo treatment < ! CnilONIC , NERVOUS , SKIN AND BLOOD Diseasae than other phj diolan in 8t Louis , as city papers show And all old residents lnow. Consultation free and Invited. > Vhon It Is Inconvenient to \ Islt the cltj for treatment , medicines can be sent by mall or oxprets ovorywhoru. Curublo cases guaranteed ; here doubt exists it Is frankly stated. Call or write. Nervous Prostration , Debility , Mental nnd Thyslca \YeakDM'i , Mercurial and other aflcctlona ot Throat nnil Moiitb , Old Sores and Ulcers , Imnodl mcnti to marriage , Uhouinatlsui , I'llee. aueclal at ton tion to cases from overworked bra'n. ' HUltOlCAL- CASKS receive special Attention. Diseases arming from Imprudence , Exceaaeg , Indulgcnoea permanent ly curod. GrTJDErODEJ. inarry.whomaynot why , causes , consequences and curt , lulled for zoc ; pOftacro nr MANUFACTURER OF GALVANIZED IRON , CORNICES. YINDOW CAPS , FINIALSJJETC. HAHA. . NKB.RA8KA. DISEASES OF THE EYE & EAR J , T. ARMSTRONG , M. D. , 'nxxd. Until offices are repaired ( rom result ot fire , ofll with Dr. Parker. Room 6 , Crcighton Block 15th via DOIUIIIU , Ktreou. BEUNS WICK & CO. Fifteenn Ball Pool , Carom , AND ALL OTHER OASIING TABLKS. TEN PIN HALLS , CHECKS. ETC. 18 South 3J Strect St. Louis , T411 Do'awaro Street , Kwiuai City , Mo. , 1321 Douglas St. . Omaha , Neb. HE NRY HORNBERGER , Agent. jtarScnJ { or Catalogue * and Price tlstn. JAMES Y. CRAIG , AND FLORIST. Flam , specifications and estimates ot cost of Uylnji out new or remodeling old Uwni , fitting , ioddlnj. otc. will bo lurnUliel on pllcatloD. Urowtt ana dealer mall kinds ot flowers , Shrubs , Ornamental and Shade Treri. Juit the thing tor Cemetery or LAWH Decoratlnn. Green Dou < o uud liumrr 23rd Street , near Fort Omaha. Cu < Mowers and Flower * lagPUnU Inpots'orial4 ut kit eeasoni , and any Flnral Designs or Bou < rn > mad up on the shortest notice. Orders by cut ! promptly attended to. Ad < drcsj.1' . O. or MS Omaha , Neb. t * f Rnmiios flouieslic ! NewIooflworK ! New Attachments Warranted S Years , SOLD ON EASY PAYMENTS. E. L IOVEJOY 2 ] B. 15th Street. OmsbaNtb _ . , orpuiu lVULiMtrrilOII. Aiioptpflnall -.t i-n-r VlGOtt The mo of the tetra ' Hhoi tine" In connection vtththc corixrale name df a jrr atro l , contf } nn Idea of u t whut required b ) the tra\tllnif pub lie a Short l.Uie , vjnlck lln. anil the beet of accowniod * B tloni all of which are tarn- Uhcil bj the grcatnt talhray in America. And Si Paul. H owtil aid enerUrs over i , ' > 00 mui of Northern llllooli , WIscoiiMn. Klunowta , Iowa Dilota ; ndM ts main lines , brnnci : * ! and conneC HOLS reach all the ( treat business centre * of th Far West , It naturallr Atuwers tb dcJorlptlon of Short Line , anil Best Itoot * between j. ( "hlrairo , Mllw.xukco , St. I'aul and Jllnnwj.- ) ! ! * , ChlcaKOJIII Hi\ce , IA Croggoand Wlntm * . Cliloago , Mlln-Anld.0 , Aberdeen and nUcuil-J * Chicago , MllwmiXoo , Ran Clilrc and Stlllnater * Clilcago , MlhimiVN , Waimu and > tcrrlll. ChlcaKOi illlH-aukco , Hearer Dam and Oihkosh. Chicago , Milwaukee , Wauknsha nnd Ooonomowos. Chicago , Mllunukco , Jlmllson and Tralrledu Chtei Chicago , MIhul < cc , Oiratonnaand Falrlbault. Chicago , llololt Jancsviita and Mineral Point. Chicago , Klein , llnckfonl and Dubuquo. Chicago , Clinton , Itock Island and Cedar lUplda. Chicago , Council Itluffs and Omaha. Chicago , Slout City , Sioux Falls anil Tankton Chlcobo , Milwaukee , Mitchell and Chamberlain. llook Island , Dubuquc , St. I'aul and Minneapolis Da\onport , Calmar , St. Paul and Minneapolis. Pullman Sleepers and the Finest Dining Cars In world are run on the mainlines oftho CHICAGO MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RAILWAY and o\ery attention Is paid to passengers by courts cms employes of the company. 8. A UKItRKu , A. V. H. OAllPEnKI , Qrn'l Manager Den Pan ] . Aceut , .J.r. .tttlC , OEO U. IlfcAKFOUD , li * IMPORTANT TO- GANNON BED'S & CO. , Iio ojtabluhcil tlioUMclfta In Omihi tea a general hr.ikerago nnd liu'lnttj.Vo will buy all lirecsof iroaiNae n hnltsnlo or ratal ) , and guarantca wrtcct EatlffaUlon In [ ulcej , as wo ran buy chrnior ) hail } oiirscHcs. You can BOO the whantaRO ot Imv- u jour Roods bought by ono who will work foi our Interest ami lint trust to a merchant who lirn ooiCthliiK liola anxious toborltlot.Vo will also prompt s' ontlon to Bulling antlilnJ ( cntrustoik o us , anil gooka consiRnca to tu will be carcfullv okcil tn. Oorrcipondcuoa Hnllcltcd fSTitcforoncoi Omiln Natloaal Bant , McCagua ro'd Hank. AdlrosslllH 16th St. H , K , BUEKET F01EBHL DIRECTOR AHO EMBtLHER 11 North leth Street Omaha or Wormy Volns of the t-crotum Ofltn the unrui- jvrted mute at Lost Manhood , Debility , Ac , quickly and painlestty cured b/tuaElQBtlO CrodlO" bompressor , b6. Glotc fitting. Circular Free. CI7UIE EEUEDIAk AQEUC7 , ICO WtcaCt..Howrctlc. HHARLES EIEWE , UNDERTAKER , AND DEALVU IN Meialic Cases , Coffln& & , Gaskets , Shronils , ETC. , ETC , 1000 Far-nam St. , - OMAHA , MSB 'clcgraphlc orders iiromjitly attended to. Coroner office. Telephone No 821. - SEQER & TONER SIANUFAOTURERS AND DnALEUS IN H ITITITTin j WHIPS , ETC. Wo make nvorv flno lluht harness , and ha\oal- ways on hand a full line ol Horse Clothing , Curry Combs , Bruahea , etc. . . 16th SL - Omaha Neb No , 116 N , - , TO INVENTuBS ! PATENTS OBTAINED FOB ORIGINAL Invention , Discovery or Design , OA.VEATS , DISCLAIMERS , [ lo-iasuoa and oxtontions filed , and ap peals noted. ALL PATENT BUSINESS PROMPTLY ATTENDED 10. Bent references Rcisonahlo charrcs. WritotoWm RYDE HMITU Jr. , 018 "U. " St. , N. W. WasbJnuUm D. C. HKPRKSKNT8I Phcsnlx Aemuanoe Co. , ol tiondon , Cash t5BM.oOi.C witchestor. N. T. , Capitol 000,000.0 idotferahanta , of Nev t. N. 1. , Capital 1,876,000.00 OlrariHro , PMlncoljUa , * pltal. . t. . 1,200,000.06 riremen'a Fnnd. Car tsl l.S3 . ! I5.0 To those suffering from the 11100 , " ? ' * M ° r ° . amnai | weaknoas. o ly de , , . , ill urndyou particulars of a Bimploand certain means of self curd , free of charge bend your addrets to t. C. ronuiu , Jjoopoa. C'ONC. NEBRASKA LHHD AGENCY 0. F. DAVIS & CO. , ( BTJOOESSOBS TO DAVIS * SNYDKK.J General Dealen ID REALESTATE ESTATE 1WSTAKNAMST , . . OMAHA. llare tor aalo 200,000 acre * carefully selected landl lo Eastern NebruLa , at low prior and on eny tenns. improvea ( arms lor sale In Douglas , Dodge , Ooltax Ptatte , Ilurl , Onmlnir , Barpy , Wasaington , l nok gannden , and Butler Oountle * . Taxes paid In all parts of the StaU. Unner loaned onlraprored farms. Notary I'ubho always la offloo. Corresnondeno * ollclttd. R. KALISH , lias Jurt recflrcd a dill Una ol Imported Fancy'Suit Ings and 1'autoloous of the latest styles Also guarantees floe Ottlnirsand tne trimmings. at Lowest Price. Also Cleaning Dyeing and Ilepalrlnjr. 8 , E. Corner leth and i avenport HtreeU McOABTHY & BUEKK UNDERTAKERS ! 218 HTH STREET , BET. FARNAW AND DOUGLAS. DREXEL & MAUL , ( soccEasoiw TO JOHN a. JACOBa ) OTDEETAKERS ! t tht old rtond 1117 raroam street. Orderi by Id lispb solicited and promptlr atti ted to. HENRY GEORGUT HOME , Diultt nnil 1'nrncll , lto Homo llulc Iicnilcra DildliiR Apntt , Jlenry uooigo , who in How lii this ellj fresh from his gront lectur/M / tour 1 England rind Scotland , undur the nus picca of the Lind Reform Union , is ver > sanguine of the ultimnto triumph of hf doctrines. Duriiur. his tour he uind forty speeches , only ono of which was ii Ireland , kllundrcds of thousands o copies of his books Invo boon soid. QO said yostordny : "A thoroughly orgnu zed land restoration league 1ms boot jatabliahcd in Scotland , having branches 11 nil the principal cities' , Liiul lloator ition Longuos are nlso being formed in [ Tngland. In both countries the doc- -riiic promulgated has boon upon adical lines that the hnc > f n country belongs to the > ooplo of that country , and that it must ) o restored to tluim , without any coin- > onsation to existing land ownora , The nauifcsto of the English League nmkoa lo-objoction to any componaatioa which ho governing classes- may chose to innko ut of their own pockets to these of their lumber who are deprived , of existing ighis in lands , but ii emphatically do- lares that the classes which have Biillbrod rom being deprived of their natural ighta should not bo called upon to payer or the resumption of their own , The icotch manifesto declared that comnoii- ation is rightfully duo from thoao who avo'beon unjustly deprived of it , but dds that they will bo satisfied with the estoration of the land to the people. "In both countries the motliod propoa- d by the Restoration Leagues for the ro- umption of the popular rights in the soil j tbo substitution of a tux upon land val es for the various taxes now imposed up- 11 labor'capital and improvements , and : io raising of this tax as rapidly as may o , until all lands is taken by the com- muity for common oxponaes and com- ion benefits. In both countries the lie- toration Leagues urge as a practical bo- inning the roimposition of the tax of our shillings on the pound upon the ren al of land , which was agreed to in the oign of William III , but which 10 land-holders have gradually got rid f. " "Your'bookn ' are widely road in those ountriea ] " " Oh ! yea ; but my trip through Great Iritain has in some Trays accomplished nero than could have boon accomplished y any books. j < My loctuie > .werefuly | [ oported by the local papers. So tlieo i no ono on the island , who can read at 11 , who does not know that there are oino men who contend that all mon ave equal rights to the soil of their ountry , and whoao attention has uot eon in some degree ralled'to the glaring njustico of the present system. I know f no instances of oppression or greed n Ireland that cannot bo paralleled on ho other side of the Irish sea , and it is mpossiblo for ( thorn to travel through England and Scotland without feeling hat the Irish are entitled to some respecter or their great readiness to resent the op- > rcssions of landlords. The most hopo- ul signs as to the situation on the other ido of the water is that the landlords ire at last forced to attempt to justify heir ownership of the noil. " "Did you make any speeches in Iro- andJ" ' I madoono speech ; that was in Dub- in. Michael Davitt was present , and novod a vote of thanks to mo. " "Is ho in accord with your ideas ? " "Substantially. Davitt is the ono oading Irishman who has boon consistent ind having started for the purpose of gaining the land tor the people , is still triving to that end. Ho and his viovs ire steadily gaining in popularity in Iro- and. The settlement of the land quos- lon advocated by the Irish Parliaments- y party , headed by Parnoll , would moro- y reduce the rents of the tenant farmers ir make proprietors of them. It would lo nothing whatever for the laborers or ho artisans , and there is a wide , nnd I joliovo a rapidly growing , fooling in Iro- and againsc any such partial measures. Parnell's wing of the party has endeavor- : d to excite prejudice against any scheme 'or the nationalization of the land , do- : laring that it would hand over the land .o the English government ; but the ab surdity of this notion is soon soon. "Tho Land League movement derived its vast strength from the belief prevalent imong the workingclaases , and especially imong agricultural laborers , that the ro- brins aimed at , would in eomo way ben- jfit them. The Irish National League , which has taken the place of the Land League , does not moot this deeiro nor utilize this strength ; but my opinion is hat the time has gene by when anything iko a peasant proprietary on a largo scale could bo established in Ireland , and radical ideas are surely' if slowly , making : heir way thoro. This movement will betided tided by the agitation in England and Scotland , whore the movement from the beginning started from the radical basis of equal rights for the whole people. " "Have you mot with much enthusiasm in Great Britian ? " "Tho utmost. I had , of course , to contend against prpjudico , 'misrepresen tation and tbo hostility of all organized parties , from that of the liberal associa tions , who are afraid that the introd no tion of the land question will break up their party , to the socialists , who are afraid that the nationalization of th < land will prevent the nationalization ol capital. " "You are not then in favor of the na tionalization of capital ? " "I think there is in reality no conflict between labor and capital. The conillcl of labor is with monopoly ; and of all monopolies the monopoly of laud thi element on which man roust live , am from which all wealth Is drown is the greatest , and , while I believe that all business which in their nature are mo nopolies are properly functions of tha state , I do not believe it wise or just t < put any limit upon the acquisition o wealth by honest means , or any restrlc tion upon any use of wealth which is no directly injurious to others. " "You have boon called a socialist. " "Yes , I have been called pretty much every thing which might excite prejudice against me. I am a socialist in the sense of desiring social reform , and M considering it a essential not merely to the further progress but to the mainte nance of our present civilization. But am not a socialist in the sense in whicl the word is applied to the followers o Carl Marx and other continental social isU. " "You are a free trader , I believel" "I am , I believe in absolute froi trade. I believe that nil custom homo * are relics of barbarism iml I would sweep nwny nil tariffs , giving the same freedom to roinmorco between all nations ns isyiven by our Union to the commuico betwonn the states. "WhM 1 propose the abolition of all taxes grtyn thono which fall upon land values -Is rti'.ly nothing more than car rying the principle of Ireo trade to lU tlltlmftto exclusion.Vto ° "W * 4n. ° l but . . " * only means frco exchange freedom of production nnd the menus o protection ; the frcdnm ol energy and on tcrprlto and thrift , " "Do you consider England a frco trade country ? " "No ; if it irero thcw [ would not bo panperum , nor starvation , nor low wages thoro. They have only none a little wnj on the road to frco trade. The same stupid system obtains there as hero ! nnd if n man builds n house , or erects ft fac tory or in any .other way adds to the wealth ho is lined for having done so , whilp the dotbo ; ' . manger , who has obtained possession of land , nnd who will not UBO it himself nor allow any ono else to tiso it , is permitted to go scot free , "I am glad to SOD the H'ccord making such a good tight in the free trade direc tion. Nothing cm bo more abort-sight ed than the idea , which prevails so gen- ornlty in i'onsylvania , that protection jonoliU American manufactures or keens i | > the wages of labor. If any oho will think tor half a minutn ho will begin to ooo that what is miscalh'd protection islet lot n protection of labor , but the pro- octbn of monopoly ; and , instead of ) cnoflting our manufacturers our sftipid Ariff proionts them from taking the irst place in all the markets of the world. Were it not for our tariff there would bo nero ship-building on the Delaware than on the Clyde. " A Great iMscinory. TImt ! H daily bringing joy to the lumica of hniutamlH by n.x > ing innuv of their tlonr ones rom nn esirljr K.1 0- Truly ia Dr. Kiii 'n > Jew Dincovery for Consumption. Coughs , yolilR , AHthmn , ItronuliiUx. liny .lo\or , I.os8 f Voiue , Tickling in the Throat , I'alu m Sitla mil Client , or nny di-nuvso of tha Throat nnil , (11159 , n jKMttho ciin > . GunrniitPod. Trinl Jottioi frco at 0. V. Goodnmu'n Drug Store. MTPO fiizo SI. 00 "Will the comluermnn unoUoas ivt- tlcd by 1'rof. risk lu UB cliaruitiiK t < uu- phlct IIoiiayBinorco > crUiatUioratloiial v&Y to line tobacco IB Uirougli the I'll-o All agree tbat only llio licet tobacco ulioulil bo nsoJ.lildi Is Uio Imtr Tliat to which Nature bascoutrlbutctl the moEt ex- qnlslto flavors. Blackwcll'H Bull Durham Hmoklnp Tobacco lllla the bill completely. Nearly two-thlrda of all Uia tobacco Kronti on tha Golden Tobacco belt of North Garo. Una gooa Into the manufactory of Black- well , at Durham. They buy the i > tch of the entire ecctlou. Itonco BlackwcU'B Hull Durham Biuokluir Tobacco is the best of that tobacco. Don't bo deceit cd when 3 on buy. Tha Durham Bull trade mark Is on over } ' pcnuUio package. Si. Blackwll'H Genuine null Durham lil the clinlco at n Buioklutf Tobacco. DOME'S RealEstate Estate AGENCY. S. W. Corner 15th and Douglas. SAMPLE BARGAIS , No. 4. 1G acres choice land , good house , utablo , young fruit and shade trees , 4 miles from T. O. § 2,800. 20. ICO acres fine form land , adjoining the City of Columbus , Nob. § 4,000. 13. Gilt edge business IIOUBO on Far- nam , near lUth. § 25,000. 24 Magnificent residence on California street. $15,000. 34. Two splendid business lota , corner 12th and Harnoy. § 10,500. 58. 700-acro farm in Hurt county , highly improved and cultivated. $21,000. CD. Farm , 210 acres in Durt county , highly improved , worth ? 0,000will ; onchaugp for Omaha city property. 70. 132 foot square on beat residence corner in the city , with good brick house. $25,000 80. House , 10 rooms mid store , corner lot on Capital avenue. ? 0,000. 02. Nice house , 10 rooms , all convcni onces , on Barney street. § 0COO. 08. House and corner lot on Chicago , fine location. 0,000. 101. Large , beautiful house , a most desirable sirablo location , ono block from Park avenue car lino. $0,500. 153. 100 acres , sightly and healthful lo cation , near now stock yards. A rare opportunity for a profitable in vestment. ? 0,500. 212. Beautiful acre lot in Qiao's addition - tion , near Saunders street. $1.250. Beautiful lots on Harnoy , near 20th , Houth front , desirable location , $1,500 to $2,500. Select lota ID all additions at bottom prices and on easiest terms. Build houses to order in Patrick's ad dition , and sell on monthly payments. CEO. WEBER , All kinds of Ilread , Fancy Cakes and Plot constant ! on hand. A. F. GRObJi. , r& OAUINET WOUK , BUCIt AS COUNTERS , BARB , IOE BOXE8 LIBRARIES , i and al kinds of offloo wi/rk a si > eoUUy Cat ) or a UrMi ISOa JockiJU Street , Omaha , Kcb. lii Uenutiful llc3ulcnco'Lots1 ( ; jus off Sh Mnry's Avenue , north of Woolworlli's nad Connoll's' residences , § 2,000 to $2,500 each. EasjTerms. . 10 Lots on 31st , 33d , U rd nnd Srtiinders , near Grace Street , $000 each. Eiwy terms. Vill buy n lot in Lowo'a addition only 1J miles i'rom the iK > stoflico J of a mile west from the end of Red Street Car Liiie. Any Terms to suit buyers. jots in "Sunny Side" on California and Cuss streets , near 517th St. , § 050 to § 750 each. Einy payments. jots in "Grand View" and "Credit Foncier" Additions- only 3 or 4 blocks southeast of the U. P. and 13. & M. Railway depots , $500toS2,0JOeach. ( Any terms to- suit archasers. jotsin Henry & Shelton's , Smith's , Horbach's , Shinn'a , McCormick's , Lowe's , second addition , etc. , etc. , at all prices and on easiest terms. COLLEGE PUCE On Gumings , Ixard , Nicholas , Caldwell - well , Paul nnd Hamilton streets , and on S2d , 38d , 34th , 35th and 3Cth Streets , half mile west of Military Bridge and Sauuders Street , S375 TO SI 000. Vny terms that purchasers may desire. eveuty Houses and Lots $700 to $18,000 each. lliree acres with 300 feet south irontago , on St. Mary's avenue , with large brick building , only one-half mile from Postofli.'o $29,000. Ea-y Terms. teautiful Acre site on Cuming St. , one block east of the Academy of the Sacred Heart. $3,500. Any terms will cut it up. Very Choice thrco-quartoM of an acrecornor diagonally across from S. E. corner of Sacred Heart grounds , 189 ft. north frontage - ago on California St. , and 150 ft. west frontage on Kennedy St. Price , $2,500. Terms to suit purchasers. PROSPECT PLACE , ) nly a few lots left in thi addition , six blocks west of end of Red St. car line , ono and one-half miles fror" the post office , and ono * mile from the U. P. shops. 8300 and upwards. Any terms desired. Call and Get Plats. Prices , Etc , BEMIS' NEW MAP Of Omaha , $10 Each. Money Loaned on improved real estate at lowest rates of interest. Lota for-Halo iu every part of the city , North , South , East , or West. [ louses , Lots , Farms , Lands , Stores , Oflices , llooms , etc. , for Kent. Deeds , Mortnges , Leases and all kinds of Conveyance promptly attended to , BusinesH and Warehouse Lots foi fiule , BEMIS I j FIFTEENTH AND DOUGLAS ' RICHARDS ft CLARKE , W , A. CLARKE , Propriotora. erin ondon Iron Works U.1\RA1L\7AY \ J7TH & 18TH STREETS MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN WATER WHEELS , ROLLER MILLS , Mill and Grain Elevator Machinery MILL FURNISHINGS OP ALL KINDS , INCLUDING THE * Celebrated Anchor Brand Dufour Bolting Olotb STEAM PUMPS , STEAM WATER AND QAS'PIPE BRASS GOODS AHD PIPS FITTINGS ; . 9 ARCHITECTURAL AND UR1DRV. tTrnxr i O i "Wo are prepared to i'urnifih plans and estimates , and will contract for ; ho erection of Flouring Mills and Grain Elevators , or for changing flouring Mills , from Stone to the Roller System. 53S8pecial attention given to furnismng Power Plants for nny pur- iose , and estimates made for same. General machinerv repairs attended ; o promptly. Ad'lross ' EIGHA.RDS & CLARKE , Omilia , Keb- This cut shows a sectiona view of our New Polar M.V Dry Eefrigerator , manufac tured in the most perfect manner of Kiln-Dry lumber Charcoal Filled , Zinc Lined , Galvanized Iron Shelves , Black Enameled Trim mings Handsomely paneled ? and designed for the wants of a class of trade tbat re quires the bKst class of goods that can no made. We shall sell these Re frigerators at manufactur er's prices , with freight ad ded. You are respectfully invited to examine them. Compare prices\ before buy- Respectfully , W L. WRIGHT , Manufacturer's Agent. . 317 S , 13th St. , OMAHA , NEBRASKA. , \ \ Dr.CONNAUCHTON. . . 103 BRADY ST. , DAVENPORT , IOWA , U. S. A. Established 1878 Catarrh , Deafness , Lung and Nervous Diseases Speedily and Permanently Cured. Patient * Ourod at Home. Write for "TuK MEDIOAL-MISSIONAHY , " for tha People , JFVee. Oonaultation nnd Correspondence Gratia , P. O. Box 202. Telephone No. 226. HON. ED WARD RUSSELL , Postmaster , Davenport , says : "Physician ol nca Ability aim Marked Success. " CONGRESSMAN MURPHY , Davenport , ifn : "An nonorahln Man. Kino HUCCOHB. Wonderful Ourea. " Hoiirn. B tn fi MAX MEYER IMPORTERS OF HAVANA CIGARS 1 AND JOBBERS OF DOMESTIC C UMSJOBACGUESs SMOKERS' ' ARTICLES PROPRIETORS OF THK FOLLOWING CELEBRATED BRANDS : Beina Victorias. Espociales , Roses in 7 Sizes from $ ( 0 to $120 per 1000. . ( AND fHB FOLLOWING LEADING FIVE CENT CIGARS : Grapes , Thistle , Lawrence Barrett/Caramels , New Stan dard , Good Advice , New Brick , WE DUPLICATE EASTERN PRICES BEND FOR PRICE LIST AND SAMPIiSS , * Tnf