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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1884)
OMAHA DAILY BEE Tholyebraska National Bank OP OMAHA , NED. Part p Capital , NOT. i , 188J . 10 coo DiKEorons. H.1. . YATKS , President , for many years Cashier of the Klrst National Bank of Omaha. A. E. TOUBAUN , Vice President , Boston. W. V. MOR3K , of W. V. Mono k Co. JOHN S. COLLINS , of G. II. k J. S. Col lins. J. M. WOOLWOimi.ComwollorandAttor- noy nt Law. L. 8 , Uini : ) . of Byron lleotl k Co. K. K. HAYDHN , Assistant Cishlor. THIS BANK opouod for business April 27 , ITS DIRECTORS AND STOCKHOLD KllS nro muong the loading businessof Oma ha , nnd Us business IB conducted wltospocin 1 oforonco to the boat and increasing } ! Interest of Its mercantile natrons. COLLKCTIONS rocolvo special attention nndcharRoa lowest obtainable hero or else- whore. INTintUST allowed on tlmo deports upon favorabla terms and upon uc-.ounU of ba.iks and binkora. FORHIGN EXCHANGE Government luT'nU and County and Git ysccurltloa bought ami old. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. FINANCIAL N W YoilK , April 28 Governments firm ; Hallways wcnk and low er , 1) . & II. G. Western first broke G points to 45. Texas Pacific fell off to 05 and in comes of the same to 45g , Denver Consols irero offered at Gl { . Stocks Woik and doprossod. At the opening thcro was an advance of J to j. Grangers w , > ro the \\eiko3t of the other active shares. Near the close there WAS a rally of i to 4' ' In the general list. There was a brisk demand for borrowing purposes and the Northern Pacific was lent at 1-GI for use. The St. Paul nnd Northwesterns were flat. Compared with Saturday's closing prlc.cs nro down j toj per cent. Among the inac tive share's , the ID. Central declined i to 1201. Indiana , Bloomiugton & Western 1 to 15. The Post says : "Tho day's trading developed no now features whatever , In the general situ ation and the decline in prices wai duo en tirely to the nfforta of the bears , whoso attacks Unto been concerted anr \ - largely , W. qocrcma ft'i KO TJ. S. now , IV 1238 Vacilio b s of 'y < 5 Ii9 STOCKS AMU BONDS. American Express 97 Burl , Cedar Rapids & Northern GO Oeutral Pauho 62 Chicago & Alton 136 } do do pfd 140 Chi. , Burl. & Quincy 1201 Erie.- 18i do pfd 48 Fort Wnynofc Chicago 129 Hannibal k St. Joseph 3Si do do do pfd * SSt Illinois Central 128 } lad , , Bloom , k Western 15 Kansas k Texan 14j ) Lake Shore & Michigan So 95 } Michigan Central 83J Minnoauolia k St. Louis 13j do do do pfd 28 Missouri Pacific 802 Northern Pacihc 21g do do pfd 47 Northwestern 111 } do pfd 140J New York Control 113 } Ohio & Mississippi 18J do do pfd 90 Peoria. De&itur k Evansville 144 Rock toland . * 117J Chicago , Milwaukee V 3t. Paul 81 } do Jo do pfd -112 St. Paul Minn. & Manitoba 90 } St. Paul k Omaha 3 | do do pfd 93 aexas Pacific 14 * Union Pacifio C53 \V bosh , St. L. & Pacific 8 ? do do do pfd 15 } Western Union Telegraph 0-1 i Asked , ffir. Dlv. ORA.INANI * PUOV1HIONB. CHICAGO FROI1CCB. CHICAGO , April 28. 10 a. m. The markets opened txctted and unsettled this morning. The starting sales of Juno whett were made at 96Jc and quickly ro > e to 9Cc. Prices then fell off rapidly , Qlc ) , Juno telling down to 95J\c \ , but recovered and showed some steadi ness at OCc for June , July selling at } c pre mium. June corn opened at 58c , and declin < ed to 674c , but Jias again advanced to 6ic , June eaU are S5c J une pork , 817 42J. June lird , 98.75. Receipts in wheat the past two days ore 18,000 bushels ; shipment ; , 238,000. i Weather clear and chilly. 11a.m. Great excitement pre\ails In olJ the markets. This morning fluctuations In wheat and corn ha > e been very rapid and severe , but the tendency has been toward higher prices After 10 o' < lock Juno wheat rose to 97c , then broke off again to 95 c , andle now quoted nt that figure. June corn advanced to 68Jc , but baa fallen back to 68c. It was rumored thh morning that a large bear bouse hod fallen , but as near as can bo ascertained the firm in question have slmoly been trans , ferriog their deals and not suspending , aa had been announced. 150 p. ra. A decline In prices occurred after 12 o'clock , June wheat selling' down to 94Jc , but rallied ogiin and closed about 4c un der the closing of SaturJa ? . Wheat-93c for May ; 95go for June ; 95Jo for July. Corn 65Jc for May ; 67c for June ; 68Jo for July. Oats 32jjo for May ; 33go for June ; 8 ! for July. Rye-72c. Barley-72@73. Flax Seed-81 G8. \Vhisky Finn nt 51 17. Pork-$17 00 for May ; (17 20 for June ; f 17 35 for July. Lard-88 45 for May ; $8 65 for June ; 98.65 for July. I'SORIA I'EOUUCE. PpOIUA , 111. , April 28.-Corn-Flrm nnd higher ; new mixej , 3@53o ; new rejected , 60@52c. OaU Active and strong ; No. 2 white , SGj j 37c. Rye-Steady ; new No. 2 , G2@021c , Whisky-Firm , 8112. MILWAUKEE PUODUCE. MILWAUKEE , April 28. Wheat Feverish and unsettled ; 95o for coxh and April ; 9Sc for May ; 97jc fur June ; 99o for July. Corn Stronger : 6Gc. OaU Dull at Mho. Rye Otrong ; CCic. Barley Quiet aud easy at 71c , MII/WAUKU. MlLWA/'tf ; April 28Wbe t-8teidy N < . 2 , 9J/W" J5 ; Juno 99 } ; July 99 Corn flfLn 60 Unti-Mv / 83i ; Whita87@ < 8. Ryo-W .er ; No. 1 GGJ Barley1Jull ; No. Spring 71. TOI KI)0. April 28. Wheat Active and a > r : o. 2 red spot , 1,04 } @ 1,05 , Hj Dull and A shide lower ; No. 2 cash . iid. iat- quiet ; No,23G. HT. couia riionnci. Bf. Louis , Aoril 28.Wheat Higher but quiet and unsettled till near the close when It declined , but was still above Saturday ; No. 9108&108 } for July ; No. I red , nominal , , , Cora Opened higher and unsettled ; closed : rbore Saturday ; COfftSlio for oub ; &OdSlc closing ] WftWJo fcrMP2Jo } eloilngt 01 J skod for Junr ; C3J@C 3Jto closing ; 5313 for Oats Kaslfr ; 84i@34obd ! for cash ) 3410 $ 3T > o for May ; S.tjc for Juno. Ryo-69Jc. Barleyl.O(3SOo. ( . Butter Unchnngod , Kggs Lower nt lie. Flax Seed INomlnallv SI GO. Hny-Strong nnd higher ; pintrlo , $9 00 ® 2 CO ; timothy , 513 00@17 00. Brnn-80e. Corn Meal-Higher nt $3 80. Whisky -8110. UAITIUORC. BALTJMOBK , AptH 28. Wheat Ewlor , closing dull ; No. 2 rod winter spot , 1.0G@l.Ji . Corn Higher , closed dull ; mixed spot , GOo Onto-QuIit nnd easy ; western whlto , 42 ® :3c : ; mixed 30ii,40c. ( Uyo8@70c. ( > Eggs 13@llo Whisky -ljulot nt 1.1G. KANSAS CITY. KANSAS CiTr , April \Vhflnt-HlRhor Corn-Hlghor ; 43l@43/c " ; 41 * ® Ulc May ; 4 IJc bid Juno. OaU Higher , nt 32JO. I lfr > NNATI. oiK < iiMM T , April 28. Wheat Quiet No. 2 , re 1.08@1.10. Corn E ier. No 2 , mixed , fi9. Onts-Fnlr dcnnnd ; No. 2 , mixed , 3G@ ' 3GJo. Ryo-Flrin ; nt GG@0"o. Barley -Sir > ng : oxtrn No. 3 fnll 803. Pork-Dull ; S1700@172J. Lird-Ouiot nt 88 30. Bulk Meats Firm Shoulders , $ G 75 ; short rib . S8 61) ) Buttor-Qulot. Vinu'and uncl Whisky Stoiuly , nt 1.11. UVKlirooL. Livsnroor , April 28. Wheat Firm ; winter 7 8J@8s 3d ; pting 7s rKl@8 'JJ. Corn rirni ; old , 5s 4iil ; now , 5j 3d. srooic , OHIOAUO LIVE STOCK. CniOAao , April 28. Drorcri Journal TO- | iort : EHops-Slow , lOc Wcr : rough packing , 535 3580 ; na-'king nnd shipping , f SO@G 1C ; light , § 5 ! > MgG 80. O. ttlo l\ilrly , nctlNo firm ; exports , SO 10 tG 70 ; coiniuon to choice xhppliig$5 ! 255 GO ; uferlur to good c > wa 3 00T > UO ; stockcra nnd feeders , 37 r > ( sri 10. Sheep Strong ; lOc higher ; Inferior to good , 4 C0@5 50 ; cholco to extra , 0 50@7 00. Aspociul ditpntch from Liverpool Indicates a heavy supply of American nud Cnnadlan : attlo nt Liverpool. Ucat American 4 cent : ewer , t IIi@15i cents par pound ; dressed sheep 17@1H cents. BT. I.ODI8 LIVK STOCK. ST. Louia , April 2G. Cattle Firm ; ox- ; ) oitsO 30 a 0 50 ; common to choice shipping , dipping , C 00@0 25 ; corn fed Toxntta , 0 25(0 ( i)5. ) Sheep Steady ; inferior to good , 3 75 to G 50 ; cholco to extra , 5 00@G00. ; llogs Opened strong but weakened ; light , 5 50@S CO ; packing , 6 60@5 75 ; heavy , & 75 @G 00. K Ah 3 AH CITT LIVE HTOCK. KANSAS CUT , April 28. Live Stock / f * cater reports : Cattle Kecelpts , 10.000 ; steers. 610@5 80 ; iUro , 405 @ 5 00 ; cows , 3 CO-14 25. HOBS Actlvo _ , and llc lower , ranging from 535@5GO. Sheep Qutatand unchanged. TRAFFIC. ILODB AND OBAIN. OniOAQO , April 28. Rocelpta and ship ments of flour and grain for the past 24 hours bavo been as follows : Receipts. Bhlp'ta Flour , bbls 8,000 12,000 Wheat , bushels 19,000 239,000 Corn , buahols 43,000 207,000 Oats , buahols 168 000 liG.OOO Rye , bushels 3,000 6G 000 Barley , bushels 13,000 8,000 New YOBS , April 28. Receipts and shipments of flour and grain for the past 24 hours bavo been as follows : Rocolpta BbJp'ts. Wheat , bushels . . . . Corn , buahols . . . . OatR , bushels . . . . LIVE BTOCK. GHIOAOO , April 28. Receipts ud ship meats of llvo stock for the past 24 hours have been as followst Kecelpts. Bhlp'ta. Cattle 5.800 Hogs 15,000 Bhoep 5,600 KASHAS Ctrr , April 28. Rooelpts and ehlpments of live stock for the post 24 hours have been as follows : Receipts. Bhlp'to. Cattle 1,009 Hogs 0.000 Sheep 225 ST. Louis , April 28. Receipts nd ship , ments of live stock for the past 24 huurx have teen as follow * : Receipts , Bhlp'ti. Cattle 2,700 Hogs 6,100 Sheep -400 OMA11A MAltKEXB. WbolosBlo Prices , Or not or Toi OUAUA Uu. i "Wednesday Evening , A.pril.28. / The tollawing prices * ro cfaargod retailers by Jobbers , wholesalers and couunlneiou merchants chants , with the exception of rraln , which ia qooted t the price * fornlihodby -elevators and other local buyers : WlltAT-No. 2 , 72i BABLKT-NO. 2. RTB-NO. 3. 4Gc. OouH-No.2,8S OATB No , 2t2G@30c. tiivo Btoclc. SrtEJta 4 WX315 25. Vt.TUo ra-3 006(425. Hoas 5 00 ( 5 2b. Bnrip-3 we 50.oo. oo. nd MUlitufla. WINTKB WHIAT Best quality , SBOOND OnAMrr 2 75@S 25. HruNO WHKIT liest quality. 82fl@330. SECOND QUALITT 2 60@3 25 BBAK 70o per uwt OaorPW ) Fuo Per 100 Ibs. POa COBS MIAL 1 00@1 10 per cwt. BCBEKMINO 65@76o per cwt General Produce , APPC.K8 Very lew la market. Qenltans , y76) ) Ben Davis , 55 CO ; Willowtwigs , (5 00 ; Winotaps , 4 75. PrAva Receipts light and demand good. Istt.,1 picked navy , per bu , 1260 ; modlum , 2000225. BEESWAX In good demand. Choice blight per Ib , 20@28c ; common to good dark nor lb 20@25c BcTTJtB Mm Lot quiet but atoady. Choice country roll wanted. Fancy creamery , iWe a-So ; choice roll , IB@20c ; cholco solid packed , 14(3t1 ( 6cj fair to good. 12@16c : Inferior gradoa. CmE"Ohio" per hhl , 5r.OO"Vork ; State' per bill , $8 00 ; per 4 bbl , 81 75 ; condensed per gal. 85o. OiiKrFB Foil cream , western , 131 ; Wiscon sin. @ 14e. OofOANurs Per 100. 84 76@fi 00. I'/gs , Market unchanged. Occasional sales were made at 14c tan last few d ya , hut with better weather heavier receipts and a decline ore looked fur. Balea to-day 1 ? ) , FoiiKlQN FUDITH Meuliu oriuige * , par box , 95 00. Mesuina lemons , per bor , W 76 ( i$400. Banana * , per bunch , 8300 ® 4 00. Figa , Ib. , 16o. Dates , In frails , 7ioj dates , ford , in boxes , 14u. FRUIT BUTI Kits Apple butter , In SO Ib palls , per Ib , To. Plum buttnr , 7Jc. 8GAIU Dndw , Mallard , perdoz , 3 00 ; teal , f 1 60 ; mixed , 1 60@1 76 ; geese , W.CKKg3 60 ; snipe , 11.25. ll y-B ld. | 1S U. JBUT-IB Vt and M Jb Plls. S 9oi In 2 Ib , fft do * . U 6(1 ; Mwrted luablvf , 1 > W ll SO ; taka Bj JtAriK SfflAn Pure , In hrirVj , per 11. , ICc ; Ohio , l.Sc ; rmnll cnktu , 1' Jc. OAT MKAI. Steel cut , t > cr hhl. ? G 23. Onion * . QuIet nnd lw smnll. Uermmln * nro getting choixper , nnd old onlonn will only soil If ottictly cholco. Choirs rod ( tolling nt $2 00@2 M per barrel ; yellow [ ) mcra at $250 ; grcon onions , ibj per , lo7cnj Bermuda 250 percrnto , ONION SKTB Bottcui per bu , $350 ; tops , $2 50. PorcoiiV- gooil demand nt 2@2J cppr Ih. POULTHT Scarce nnd high. Pressed Tur. coys , per Ib. , 1718a GOMB , 13o. Chickens , 14@ir > c. Iuck % I4o. Chtckoun , ll\o trar dor , SS 00. Duckn , Iho , per iloz , 4 50 ; rprini ; chickens , per dor. . , $400@AOO , nccord * 'UK to mro. I'OTATOKa Domntid for choice , well assort ed utock only : mixed itml fronted loU not wanted nt any jirlcc. 1'nrly lime , per hu , 3" > WtOc ; I'onUiblow , 4 cs Bulk roceinUnro liard to ( lI'iHiio of nnd hiuo to bo sucked horo. PnKSKUVJts ( In VO-lb pnlls ) Strnwbonry , raspberry , blackberry , t > cr Ib , 15c ; ponohos , cherries , plums , nprlcoti , figs , per Ib , I'-'c ; cranberry auco , iior Ib , 8c , Pitovisioss linm , 13Jc ; b. bicon , lUc ; p. B. b.tcon , llc ; d. s. fldoi lOJc ; short lib Bides , lOJc ; Munildcrs , Sic : niois pirK per bbl. SJtU ) . Dried beef , l.trd , lOJc. VKHrTAliIE-i Splnnch , per bbl , S4 fiO ; now cabbage , Crtllfornin porlb.-c ) ; lettuce , per doz. , OOo ; rodlshas , per doz. , Cdo ; nuoot jutii- toes , per Ib , Co , turnips , per hu , fiOc. boots , [ > erbu , 75c ; cucumbers , per doz. , 5159 ; 1'ici [ ihnt per Ib. 8c. ciullllowcr , per doz , ? 3 00 ; vipnrngun , per Ib. lOc. now cnrrots. per Ib , 3c. C > lllornlncelnry , SI 50. TomttoC' , bu. box , SI 0Jl 7f > . STIIAVMIKHIUVS. Are just commencing to forward Selling nt 3 o per qt. Receipts will increase dnlly nnd prices \\lll bo loner soon , 1'ias FEFT , 1'nire , ETC. i'igs feet , In Ib klU , 81 25 : pigs 40 Ib qr bbl , 82 50 : pigs foot , 80 Ib hnlf bbl , 5 00 ; tripe , 15 Ib ktta , SI 2Bj tripe , 40 Ib qr bbl , 32 50 ; trlpo , 80 Ib half bbl , $5 00 ; pigs touguoa , 15 Ib kits , $2 50 ; plgu tongues , 40 Ib qr bbl , 50 00. Lambs' tongues , 15 Ib kita , $3 00 ; 10 Ib qr bbl , $ G 00. Grocora bint. CANNED GOODS Oysters ( ijtandardpor ) caea , a 70@3 80 ; stranborrios , 2 Ib , per ciwo. 2 IX ) @ 2 10 ; raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 00 ; Bnrtlott pears , per caxo , 2 40 ; whortleberries , per c.tso , 5 10 ; egg pluifl , 2 Ib , per case , 2 90 ; green gages , 2 Ib , per CMC , 2 00 ; pine apples , 2 Ib per caso. 4 80@5 50. ROPE Sisal i inch and larger , 9&o & , 3 Inch , lOc ; i inch , lOjc. CANDLES Boxen , 40 Ibs , 1C , 15c ; 8s , 15c ; boxes 40 Ibs , 10 oz. , Ce , 15c. AlATaiiES Per cnddlo , 85c ; ro-ind , cases , 2 55 ; square cases , 1 70. SCOAWJ Powdered , 8Jc ; cnt oaf , 8Jc ; jrnnulatod , 7Jo ; confectioners' A , 7jc ; Stand' ' M-d extra 0 , G c ; oxtrn C , ' Ggc ; medliun yellow low , GJc ; dark yellow , c. COFKEES Ordinary grades , 12@121c ; fair 13 © 13ic ; good , lie ; prime , 1515 c ; cholco. lG@17c ; fancy green nndyollowllj@lGJcjold oovornmont ; Jara , 20@26c ; Lovoring's roaatod , 17c ; Arbucklo's roasted , ITi 'c ' ; McLmigWlnV XXXX mnntod , 157c : mltntlon Javn , IGi © 18 c ; Clark's Aurora , 15Jc. RICB l oulKiana prime to cholco , 7o ; fair GJc ; Patma , Ga Fisn No. 1 mnckerel , half brls. , 8 50 ; No. 1 mackerel , .cits , 1 15 ; family mackerel , half brls. , 7 00 ; family mackerel , kits , ! ) uc ; No. 1 wliito fish , half brls. , 8 75 ; No. 1 kits , 1 15. Svnnr Standard Com. , SOc , hols ; Standard do , 4J gallon kegs 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 gallon kefs 137. SOD A In tt > papers , S SO per case ; keg per Ib , 2tc.PICKLES PICKLES Medium. In barrels , 8 25 ; do In half barrels , 4 75 ; small. In barrels , 9 2 % ; do in half barrels , 5 25 ; gherkins in barrels , 10 25 ; do in half barrels. 5 75. TEAS Gunpowder , good , 4555c ; cholco 60 ® 75c ; good Imperial , 40@43c ; cholco , GO@G5c ; Young Hyson , good , SG50c ; choice , 65c@l 00 ; Japan , natural loaf , 35c ; Japan , choice , bO@75c ; Oolong , good , 35@40c ; Oolong , choice , 40@55o ; Souchong , good , 85@40c ; choice , 35@45c. WooDE.NWAnE Two hoop palls , 1 85 ; three hoop nails , 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; Pioneer - noor washboards , 1 85 ; Double Crown 2 90 ; WeUbuckets. 3 85. SOAFS Kirk's Savon Imperial , 8 45 ; Kirk'a satinet , 3 GO ; Kirk's standard , 3 75 ; Kirk's white Russian , 525 ; Kirk's outoca , 215 ; Kirk's Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) 40c ; Kirk's magnolia , doz. POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 case , In case , 3 35 ; Babbltts ball 2 doz. m case , 1 90 ; Anchor boll , 2 doz. In case , 1 50 CANDT Hired , 12@13e ; stick , lie ; twist Etkk , llic. VINEOAB Now "Sort apple 16c ; Ohio ap ple , 13c. SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 170 ; Ashton , 111 sacks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy 60 , 5s , 8 30. STABCH Pearl , 4c ; Silver Gloss , 9c : Com Starch , 9c ; Excelsior Gloss , 7o ; Corn , 7JC. SPIOES Pepper , 17c ; nllsplco , 15o ; doves , 25c ; cassia IDC. LYE American , 8 40 ; Greenwich , 8 40 ; Western , 2 7fl ; North Stur , 3 00 ; Lewis' lye , 4 65 ; Jewell lye , 2 75. D FT Goods. Bno VN .SnKiniNos Atlantic A , 7ic ; Atlan tic P , Co ; Atlantic LL ; 5)c ) ; Brunswick , 7jc ; Beaver Dam LL , GJc ; Lawrence LL , CJc ; Paci fic H , 7c ; Royal Standard , 8c : Indian Head A , 8cs Wauchusett A , 7Jc. FINEBEOWN SHEETINGS Argyle , 71c ; Pep- perell R. CJc ; Salisbury R , 8c ; Glory of the West , 8Se ; Golden Gate. 81c , Hill 7-8 , 8c ; Hill 4-4. 9c ; Lonsdalo. 8Jc ; New York Mills , HJc ; Wnmsutta , lOc. DOCKS ( Colored ) Boston , 8 oz. , llic ; Bos ton , 10 ot. , 14Jc ; Boston , 9 oz. , He ; Falr River , Si-c , DDCKB ( Gray ) West Point , 8 or. , He : Weat Point , 10 oz. , 14c ; Cotton Bear , 8 or. lie. lie.TICKINGS TICKINGS Amoskong , Ho ; CoutinenU Fnacy,9c ; ordis , lOJc ; Pearl Ri\or , I4c York , 12l ; Hamloton Awnlnga. 12Jc. DKNIIW Amoskeaft , 14c ; Bonvor Creek AA. I'-'c ; Beaver Crook BB , He Beaver Creek CO. 10 ; Haymakers 8c ; Joffrcy I * & T , 12Sc ; Jaffrey XXX KJc Pearl lUvor , H3c ; Warren AXA ( brown ) 12c ; Warren BB ' ( brown ) , He ; Warren OO ( brown ) , lOc. CAKDUIOS Fifth avenue glove finish , Cc , Key stone glova-finifih , 6 c. CORSET JEAWS Amory , Tic ; Hwioock , fie Ko&rsayer , 81c ; Kockjwrt , 7c. PltlNra AliensMe , ; American,5Kc ; Arnolds , 6c ; Cochooo , Gc ; Harmony , 4c ; Indigo , 8c ; Indigo 7-6 , llc ; Indigo 4.4,12Jc ; cheap cole 4c ; Charter Oak , 4c. Pin NTH BucBxiNaa American. 5c ; Cucbeoo 5c ; GloaceHter,5c8outhbridgo ; , 4Ic ; Waverly * , 4Jc ; Rosodale , 4Jc. GiNQlIAUAmoskeag staples , 8c ; Bates staples , Bjc ; Lancaster staples , 8c ; Plnnket plaids , 9c ; Hudson chocks , 8Jc ; Amoslteag Perelans , HJc. DIIKH.I Goorw Atlantic alpacca , OJc ; Yet * slane coshmer , 2.-4c ; Hamletou cashmere 15c ; Hamleton Fancuj , lljo ; Hamleton bro cades , 16c ; Arilofrtou luocade , 18c. WHOLMA.LB. We quote lumber , lath and shingle * ! , on oar at Omaha at the following prices : JOIST AND BOANTUNO 16 ft and nmdor 22 00 ; 18 ft , 23 60. TiitBiE * 10 feet and under , 22 00 , TlUBZB AND Joisr IB ft , 33 60t 20 ft , 28 60 ; 22 ft , 26 50 ; 24 ft , 20 GO. FZWOINO Jo. I , 4 imil 0 In , , 24 00 ; No , 2 , 2200. Bnarmo No , l(2d"conunon ( boards ) , 20 00 ; No.2,1800. . STOCK BoAitns A , 45 00 ; ft,40 00:0 , 35 00. Ftoouwo No. 1,40 00 : No. 2 , 35 00 ; No , 3.2600 SIDING , cloar-27 00 ; No. 2 , 2500 ; No. a , CEILING-3 , 87 00 ; 8 , 25 00. Smtiai.KS , beat I 60 ; standard , 8 60. LATll-325perM. LIUK Per barrel , 126 ; bulk per bushel , S5c ; cement , bbl. 2 25 ; Iowa pluter , bbl , 2 60 ; hair per bu. fiOe ; T rrod felt , 100 ft * , 350ctrnw ; board , 3 60. Pf.lnt8.OllB and > arnlilies. OILS 110 wurbou , per gallon , 1 % ; 160 ° headlight , per gallon. 14lc ; 175 ° headlight , per gallon , 18cj 160 ° water white , 17c ; lin seed , raw , ; pr KalU > n.67c ; Unseed , boiled , per gallon , COoLard , winter str'd , per gallon , 860 : No. 1 , 76oNo. ; 2 , C50 | castor. XX3C. i > er gal- Ion , 1 CO : No. 8 , 1 40 ; iwoet , rer gallon 100 ipcrm W.B , , perg lton , 160 ; fi h. W. B. , pergaUon , 65c : neatsfootextra , per gallon , OOc ; No , 1 , 75o ; lubricating , zero , per gallon , SOc ; rammer , 16c ; golden machine , No , 1 , per gal. Ion , S5o ; No 2 , 28c ; spenn , signal , par gallon , 80c ; turpentine , p r gallon , 48cj naptha , 74 ° , per gallon , IfSo. PAINTB IK Oiir-WnlU Ud , Omaha , P. P. 6o | wUU lead , Bt. Lfc , pore , 64c ; MamUlM greea 1 to 6n > eaiu , aOeiFrtB Ji dnegrMB 12 < n French ( tocr d * Jt llej jri eati * eI * vU t , 15c ; raw nnd burnt timber , 1 Ib cons , lOi aw anil burnt Slennn , lOc ; vnndvko brown. 3c ; relined Inmpblack , 12c ; conch black , and very blnck , IGcs ih-op black , 16cj Pniwinn > lno , 40tj nltrnmarino bine , 18c ; chrome ( rroon i. M. ft D. . lOcj blind and shutter green , Ii ii. k D. , lOc ; Pnrla green , 18o ; Indian rod , ici Vonotlan rod. 9 Tuscan TIM , 22c ; Amorl. inn Vorrnllllon. I , k P. . 18c ; chrome yellow L. M. , O. k D. O. , ISO ) yellow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , IGc , patent dryer , 8c ; grnlnlng colors , light oik , dark oak , walnut , chm.tnut aud Mh l5o. Drr P lnt . Vhlt load , 8c ; French nine , lOcj Paris whiting. ' 2c ; whiting gliders , lci whiting xim'l Ik ; lampblack , Gormnnlown , llo ; nmpblack , ordinary , lOc ; Pninslnn blue , 65c ; ultramarine , 18c ; vandyke , brown , 8c ; umber jurnt , 4c ; umlwr. raw , 4c ; oionnn , burnt , 4c ; ilonna , ru'tr , 4c ; Pnrls green , gonuluo , Si-Vs ; [ 'nils trroon , common , 20c ; chrome green , N.Y. , 20c ' ; chrome groon. K. , 12ccrtnilllon ; , Kng. , 'Occrmlllion ; , Amorlcnn , ISc ; Indian rod , lOc ; rose pink , lies Venetian rod , Cooksou'e , 2Jc ; Venotinn rod , American. Ijjc ; rod lend , ' { c ; chromo yellow , genuine , 20c ; ciiromo yol- ow , K , , 12cochro , rochoHoflcocliroFroncli ! ! | c ; ochre , Amorlcnn , 2e ; Wlutor'a mluornl , ! Sc ; lohlgh brown. 2Jc ; Spanish brown , 21o ; I'rlnco's minornl , Sc. VAUNIBHES Bnrrols. per gallons Furnl hire , oxtrn , ? 110 ; furniture , No. 1 , 81 : conch , oxtrn , ? l 40 ; conch , No. 1 , $1 20 ; Pi\wnr extra , $1 7f > : Japan , 70cnsphaltum. ; niti. . . S5c ; shellac , S3 CO ; hnril ollfmlsh , 8UXM llonvr llanlwnro Iilst. Iron , rntos , 2 50 ; plow stool special cant , Gc. crucible , 7c ; special or Gorman , "c ; cost too ; do , 15@20 ; wagon sp jkott , sot , 2 25 )3 ) 00 ; huhr per sot , 1 25 ; fo'loon sawed dry , 1 40 ; tonguoi , inch , 70@85c ; nxlos onch , 75c ; nqttnro nuUm \ b , 7@llc ; wnshon or Ib. 8lt-c ; rivotnm \ b , He ; cell chain , for tb , G@12c ; mnllonblo , 8c ron wedges , Gc ; ctowbnra , Cc ; harrow tooth Ic ; spring tool , 7Occ ; HurdonVhorsohoos- ! Surdon's muloshooa 5 70 , BAitrKi ) Wins In cor lot * , 5o per 100. NAILH Rntos. 10 to W ) , 2 90. SHOT Shot , 1 85 ; buck shot , 2 10 ; oriental powder , hogs , G 40 ; do. , hnlf kegc , 318 ; do. , quarter kcgn , 1 83 ; blasting , kegs , 3 35 ; fuse , per 100 foot DOc. LKAI > Bar , 1 G5. COAL Cumberland MicbmlUi , 10 00 ; Mor ris run Blowburg , 1000 ; Whitobrcast lump ; 5 00 ; Whltobrrtnst nut , 5 00 ; Iowa lump , 5 CO Iowa nut , BOO ; Rock Spring , 700 ; Anthrn clto , 1125 ® ll DO ; Canou City , 7 CO , psr ton ticntlicr. Oak solo , 38c@42c ; hemlock solo28c@35c ; lieu lock kip , 80o to 1 00 ; runner G5o to SOc ; hemlock call , 85c to 100 ; hemlock upper , 22o to 21c : oak upper , 2lc ; alligator , 4 00 to 5 60 ; calf kid , 82@3f > : Grolsen kid , 2 50 to 2 76 ; onk kip , 80o to 1 00 ; onk calf , 120 to 1 SO ; French Idp , 110 to 155 ; French calf , 125 to 2 00 ; roi- sots , 5 CO to 7 50 ; linings , 0 00 to 8 50 ; top- pinga , 9 00 to 10 60 ; B. L. Morocco , SOo to 35c ; pebble 0. D. Morocco , 35c ; slmon , 2 60 to S 00. HAnNEss No. 1 star oik , 37c ; No 2 do ! 3.rc : No. 1 Ohio onk , SOo ; No. 2 do , 33c ; No. 1 Milwaukee 35o : No 2 do S3c . No. I Pitts oak bar , 37c ; No. Bj Pltti | onk har , 35c. ToDaccon PLUG TOBAOOO--Climax , 60c : Bullion COc ; Horseshoe , 60c : Star , SOc ; Ruddy , 45c ; Her- soy's , 40c ; Blnck , 38@40a FINE Cor Common , 20@30o : good , 45@ GOc ; Rose Leaf , 70c ; Premium , 65c ; Diamond Crown , 55c ; Sweet Sixteen , 60a. SMOKINQ O. S. , 22cMocn ; > chaum , SOc ; Dnr ham , 8 oz. , 55c ; Durham , 4 oz. , 67c ; Durban : 2 oz. , C6c : Seal of North Carolina , 8 oz. , 65c Seal of North Carolina , 4 oz. . 67c ; Seal o North Carolina , 2 oz. , GOc ; O. K Durham , 4 oz. , 28c ; O. K Putnam , 2 oz. , SOc ; Uncle Nod , J's 25c ; Tom and Jerry , 3c. Iilqnora. ALOOHO& 188 proof alcohol , 2 24 per wine gallon extra California spirits , 188 proof , 1 IT per proof gallon ; triple refined spirit 187 proof , 120 per proof gallon ; re-distilled whiskies 100@1 60 ; fane blended , 1 r,0@2 60 ; Kentucky bourbons , 200@700 ; Kentucky and PonnsyUanla ryes , 2 00@7 00. BBANDIEB Imported , 6 001G 00 ; domestic 140@4 00. GlN Imported , 4 50@6 00 ; domestic , 140 @ 300. RUMS Imported , 4 60@G 00 ; Now England , 2 00@4 CO ; domestic , 1 50@8 60. PEAOH AND AITLE BHANDT 176@4 00. CHAMPAGNES Imported per case , 2800 © 34 00 ; Amodcan.'por r.aao. 12 < @ 16 00. DENVEIl MAJtKKT. FLOCR 100 Ibs , 17fi@2 50 ; patent , 100 Ibs , 2 75@3 00 ; Graham , 100 Ibs , 1 90@2 00 : rye , 100 Ibs , 235@2 50 ; buckwhe&t , 100 Ibs , 8 00 ® 850. 850.OKAIN OKAIN Wheat , 100 Ibn , 1 35@1 45 ; corn , in sacks of 100 IbB , 1 12114 : oats , 100 Ibs , 160 @ 1 55 ; barler , 100 lb , 1 S0@l 40. llAT-Balod , 1C 00@19 00 ; straw , 7 09@ 8 00. 00.Bunun Bunun Fancy , 3739c ( ; dairy choice , 25 ® 2Gc : cooking , 5&8c. KOOH Fresh , 16@18c ; ranch , doz , 23c. 23c.CIIEIHB CIIEIHB Full cream , l. > (31Co ; LImburger , 18c ; Swiss , imported , 3Jo. POCLTIIY IJve chickens , doz , G 00@C 25 ; ducks , G 00@G 25 ; turkeys , Ib , 1314c ; drees ed Reese , Ib , IG Uc. POTATDKH-Eastern , 100 Ibs , 40@45cGree ; ley. 100 Ibs , 60@70c. . VKOBTAliUB-OnlonH , 100 Ibs , 175(2225 ( ; cabbogo , 100 It's , 1 50@2 00 : beets , 100 Ibs , 12fil 60 ; celery , per doz. 00@75c. Flaunt -Oranges , Messina , box , 4 50(3)5 ( ) 00 ; Valencia , cane , 10 00011 00 ; lemons , choice Mefslna. 6 00&5 60 ; peers , box , S 25@S 60 ; apples'pastern , bbl , G 00@G 50 ; grapes , Mala- fa. regular , 7 00@7 60 ; banansi , bunch , 5 00 ( 8 00 ; cranberries , B. & B. , bbl , 15 OOfe 1600. 1600.MKATS MKATS Hams , Ib , Hie ; bacon , broakfut , lS@lXic ; lord , in tierces , Ib , lOJo ; dried be f , IGc ; dry salt aides , lOfc. FIBII Mackerel , mess , kit. 1 75 2 25 ; Cal ifornia solmna , half bbl , 10 50 : Holland bor- ring , kur , 1601 76 ; trout , par Ib. 17@18o. MORPHINE HABIT Ult II H XAKI , / it. IXQuIitr. Uvtu.B w flbtl kUu ( ty vrhtr.k > < > > l lM Ir. Vor l.itlu J. WILLEBOORSE , J OIIMBULY I'llOPUUTOlt OF Temperance Hall Saloon Has now opened hli saloon atih Corner of 14th and Douglas Sts Where he will sell the best kind of Llquori , Wlooi and Lager Veer. EREE LUNCH EVERY DAY. /IZrUy irlenes are n'l Invited. ap 16 Iw ADAMS' LIGHTHIIIG CONDUCTOR C01II1INKDW1T1I BESCBVOIIt. A Good Article dold on But iuess Piinoiplea. In use upon the houses of the best mon ia Omaha , who unites ! utingly recommend it. Kadoraet by reliable ecientilio tnoh in otho places. Manufactured from th boat copper this metal liaa eigh times the conductive power of iron -having a double scroll BO .r J ranged that it convoys water from [ the roof to a reservoir placed it I the ground below the reach o I frost. It is pronounced by gocx lautiioritieathobostrodovorbrough N before the public. The Adams roc I ia manufactured nnd for sale by | j , H. BALDWIN & MILLER , J.iokaon bts. IOMAIIA NEB , - - - I Send for eight page circnUr Iglrlug deMrlptlon of roduid reo 'oaamaadaUoo * by tbo b * t IBM in th country , Beer IN BOTTLES. Brliiugor , Bnvnrin. Culmlmcher , Bnvnnn. Pjlwor Boheramu. Kmser Bremen. DOMESTIC. Btulwei'ier St. Louis ( Viihnusor St. Louis. i * s Miln'nuk ( > i > C rue's Ale , Portor. Domestic mid UhitK Viuo. ED. MAUHBH Da.HGRNE'S ' ELESTUIG BELT XIII nil * * NerYou nrM. lumlnpi UhrniuntlMi' 1 ur ftllfi * . NMIinlRlH , hvtltlrA Ktdnrr , Nnlmrnl l.ttr ( llfrn'iF.Ooiil AMIiinn llnrt illM-firr , | itMi | la. IVln'l I < n1l II I l , f | < In * . Cnlnlin , 111 . . I l'llM \ \ \ > . Impo | ! ! CI . ' umli lentVmlnpoiii Ulrrl.rli1 enl ) wlintllif 1 1 HI II. Itln AinrrUii Mint n n \ * tl f l i Irli lt nnil ni ( ! > dlnni tlmmph tint'oilj. . Mill roil lie iivl lg l III nil I i SI.OOO Would NotBU" It. DR. HoR-o I wa illllctcil with rheumatism ml iroil by mliiR a belt. To m > unti fttillciul mil nt illtowe , I would tuv/ ( buy llumo'i Klcctrlo Drlt , Any ono can confer with mo by urltlnir c luy store , 14 JO Douglas street , Omaha , Nob. WILLIAM LYO MAIN OKK1CK 0ii > o lto r tolllrtf , room 4 Kroo r block. t7forraloAtU. F. ( looilmaii'i UIUK Store 11CO ' .iium St. i Oinuli * . Onlcrs fillcil C. 0 I ) . cience of Ofe , Only $1,00 , BY MAIL POSTPAID. A GKEA.T JtEDICATjVORlt ON EihwstcJ Vitality , Net vui and rhyelcal Dobl lt\ , romntuto Doclltio In Uui , Kironof Voutli , u the ntolil inlsctlcurcnultlnR from Indiscretion * or > isnce A book ( or every man , } ounft , ml Jilla f ct1 , nil pi J. It contilni 1S5 urCBOrlptlona lor all aiLlo ml chronic discuses cachonool which li luvnluah o o fouail by thfl Author , whoit csperlenct for 21 oars l < Buch n probably never liclore foil to the > t t any phjslcnn 800 pivgoi , bound In bcau''l' 'rcuchmmlln mJiwoduovori , full gilt jiwtuntcco o bo & Oner worn ovtry conic , nn.-hnjilc ! , lit- rary and profession * ! , than any other work told In il country lor 12.60 , or the money will bo refunded n every Instance. I'rlooonly SI. 00 by mall , pot- aid. Illustrative umtile 6 cents. Ecnduoir. Qo d modal awarded the author by the National Media 1 nooUtlon , to the olHron nl which ho retort , Tbo Bclcnto of Life ahould bo read bv the youncr orlnitruotloD , and by the affllotod for relief. It will benefll klL London Lancet. There I * no member ul eocioty to whom The Bel- nee of Llla n 111 not be uaeful , whether youth , par * lit , miirdlan , Instructor or clergyman. Argonaut. Aildrces the Peabody Medical Institute , ui Ur. iv D. Parker , No. i BulHnch Street , Doston Mass , who may no ooniulted on all dtieuoi requiring skill and ipotlonco. CnrnaloandobstlnatocltsoaeoKthat ha > t btfflod the ( kill of aU other ph } iII r A I clant specialty. Much treated sucocns IICHL full' without an IniUno allure. TUV FJC JAS.H.PEABODX M , u. PHYSICIAN & BURGEON , KcBldonco. No. . 1407 Jones St. nmcc. No. ICO arnam street Ollloo hours 12 m. to lp in . an om2to6 ii. m. Tolcohono for oillwOT U > l4ono James Mefoal Instill Chartered by tlieStateoflllU nols for theexpresspurpo-e ofclvlncImmediate rellclln all chronic , urinary and prl- vato diseases. Gonorrhoea , Qleet andSyphilia in oil their complicated forms , also nl' diseases of the Skin and Blood promptly rcllevcdand permanentlycured by remc- Uica.testedlnnFor/ylYnj-j Speeiall'rarHrc , Bcmlnnl Weakness. Night Losses by Dreami. Pimples qu hcKoce.Lott Manhoodjj/osKltf/yctM etl.n.iro a tut xpcHtneit\intl > The appropriate remedy sat once uudln each case. ConnultatlonB.per- lonal or by Utter , sacredly confldentlal. Wcd- jdnes cent by Mail and Kxpreia. No marks on uckaice to indicate contents or sender. Address ) B.JAME8.No.20 WashlnglonOt.Chlcoooma T. 0. CARLlbLE , 1IIIEEDKH OF MO. VALLEY IOWA. . , - - - . "Send for Circulars' thrive * on llorllck'a Food , " rlto liundrcda ( if trrateful inothan Uothcnt' milk coutaluv nu tareh. JIOHLICKB' FOOD I'Oll INTANTIllfM-o from itarcli ) requires no cookluir ' \ he but footl In health or ( Icknow for INFANTH The U t dltt for DVHI'EPTICB and INVALIDS HlKlilybuirOclal torjurxluKniotheniaiadrlnk. I'riccWtiidVU ; All Uookonilic tmtrumtofchlldrtu frui. "I t ll t U U ! > luntUr In uilLlBir ! Ibo la < r.r .blldnn " It. timanu U.ll , V. " furk "L'nblllttUlif tr K4D u fl It Ihit K.t - Itt Mukct Ir.M. Jltrrill. U ll , failioi "Om of tti t > tt Mi > tliiiivB for n"tl vr wllk " U. a. frlU . U , D , Brt Ujn , A' , r , Will Im Hnt by null ou n l ( t of rrlr * 111 i IIOUMCK'H I'OCMI CO. . Undue , \ \ \ * . * * -U * UOBUCK'K JJ V ElTBACT OF . " DR. FEUX Lt BRUITS G I'EEVKNTIVK AND OUKK. FOB EITHER SEX The remedy being Injected directly'to tlie s..t c > the dlieuo , reqnlrmi on cliange of diet or nauieoui mercurial or poltoaou * medicines to ba taken lutci oally When mtd M a preventive by cither lex _ Itl nipoulblo to contract any private dlieaic ; but In th cue of tbota aJrcody unfoiiuiiaUly afflicted we guir intte tlnee boxes to cure , or we will refund the mon > y , Trice by mall , portage paid , | 2. per box or thr boxes for 16 , WRITTEN OUA1UNTKE3 Iwaed by all authorUed agents. DrFelixieBrun&Co BOLE riKII'UIKTCUfl O f. Ooodman , Bol * Afteal , fur Omaha b m&a wly Health is Wealth' Uu 12. ( ; . Wrif'H NEHTK AND In.u ) TUKAX UIM1 , n ( roarnntotxi epocilio for Jlystonn , Dizz nosfl. Conruleionn , Vila , Nerrous h'tiurulgio , Kucd. Nervous Prostrntlun cauowl Ijy the UM of alcohol or i/bacco , Wnki f ulnoeg , Mental Do- lirowiou , B < ifteiiiuR of the Drain wmlliniMn in f "Jilty and liwiitiK to intKiry , dorny anil drutu , I'reraaluro OM AB , liAircnnnK , Ixw of powe to elUiiT MIX , Involuntary Ixjeies and Bporraat- crrlxca cauted byufer jivrtion of thebrain , * cu abuboor orer.inidu ! once. Kacli box contain ono mouth's treatment. fl/Un box.orsiz b ie for t5.UJi > ent by mail prepaid on receipt of prii e WK UIIAKANTEE HIX JIOXEH I'oourouiyraM. WiUioochorilorrBoelTCaijyQ. tor cs ' lhUo tooucy if tie treatment a J-.OOOPiUJIK , PruffW * SMt to * yndlcftlo Hill Addition , lots $100 , $10 caah , and $10 per month BEDFORD & SOUER , Agente. , , mn Place , lotn $1CO to $300. BEDFORD & " ' * liuk Plncr , lots SJ100 to $ GOO. BEDFOHD * & SOUER i Hundred Dollars f 'if ' * . Jor a choice lot in Syndicate Hill Ad.VUon. . , This addition joins fee * ho Syutlicate lauds in south Omaha , niw\ \ will rnpidly'buttd with forlublo homes. These lots bountiful up com nro nmftw ncnr the stock yards MM ! packing houses , and will bo oaoupiodiM homes by the employes hcpo works , and nro undoubtedly the boat yaluo for , nricnofiinv lota o n the innrkot. Sovornl Imvo been sold nnd the price will any ba nd- soon - \\'o have the exclupivo tigoncy on this addition. Terms easy. PLACE This is n now addition on Leavenworth street in _ ow price has been put on them , to start them. $150 to 830 ( onus , TLO grading nnd . rovoinentg to be made on JI ; his spring-will.ninke ry vhlunble"property. CLARK PLAGE. v . This is a subdivision o the 'Megenth property facing Hau'eom' * jrk on the south. Ghod location , 11 ear street car , fine view and has "A ; oed growth u native timb r. This it ) ono of the finest additions ia ) mahu , and will soli rapidly. Price $300nU50. . One xourth < > ash balnnco i n good time. First come , first served. This'.is a splendid' ' op- for persons who intend building for a hd _ . } . TUKEYMEYSOR'SSOB-QIViSJOl lvi vi R n beautiful piece of ground lying one block south of Oilman plac , r - West Omnhn. The lirstof these lots willbesold at 8125 to 8150 , aa ire a bargain. A nice sightly location , beautiful place for a home and plendid investment for u or n poor man. : & ' HAWTH This addition lies between Capitol aveuuo uiid Casd htreet , ten blocks irom the High School , ono milo from the po toilicc , and is what is knows IB inside property. Iho city is built up far beyond this addition and the inest residences in the city are in this locality. The grade on Davenport street hnsbcen established and work commenced , nnd will be completed us soon as the wrntrer permits. The com ) act has been let for building largo brick school howe on Douglas sheet , three blocks from this adoi tion. We predict that these lots will more than double m value before August , cait is the most desirable part of Omaha nnd would have been inult up years aao hud it been placed on the market. Prices j S35O TO $ e5O Adjoining lot * are bth.g . soldi t doulle the j rue we iibk for tluw. Jf , Wo have sixrlotB left in this addition \nhiih we oiler nt a bargain. Wo have some improved and nnimprov < d iarms near' Omaha , and aonio well improved iorms in ISarpy county. Resmence nnd Residence Lota in all parts of the cityJand On all the best streets in the business center. Wo have for sale lota in Shlnn'a ' Addition , Porker'a Addition. Noleon'a * . , ; , tion , Arroitrong'ir Addition , LOWO'B Addition , Park Place Addition , Jaaacs A W- . , don's Addition , McOormick'a Addition , Hartcom Place , Ilidick'a Addition , Bwr $ & Oak Addition , .lolinuon'o Addition , Reed's Addition , Kountze's Addition , Sjndkat * Hill , Oilman Place , Clark Place. Tukey & Ktyaor'a tub-divifion , Hawthorne A < M - , tiouKiikwood [ Addition , Boyd'a Addition , Yatca & Rced'a Addition , etc. , etc. ' BEDFORD & SOUER. Q213 South 14th Street , between Farusm and P y * ' ' 4 * fr , y. iL - * f * r" ' hr- -A , , l V. < tofti wl