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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1884)
M-- --Tnfc " > * ' OMAHA DAILY BEE -TUESDAY , APRIL 29 , 1884i Iliotisnnd llnstonod to tlicir Grnrcs Rnlyiug on tcstimonlnls written in vir- i glowing language of some inirnculous cures inado by some largely puffed up dontor or patent medicine has hastened thousands to their graves ; bolioviug in their almost insane faith that the same miraolo will bo performed on them , and that thcso testimonials make the cures , while the so called medicine is all the time hastening them to thoirgravcs. Wo liavo avoided publishing testimonials , ns tlioy do not make the cures , although wo have THOUSANDS tH'OK THOUSANDS of them , of the most wonderful cures , voluntarily sent us. It is our medicine , Hop Bitters , that makes the cures. It liaa novcr failed and never can , Wp will give reference to any ono for any dincnso suniliar to their own if desired , or will re fer to any neighbor , ns there is not a neighborhood in the known world but can ahow its cures by Hop Bitters. A LO.HINO JOKE. A prominent physician of 1'ittabttrg naltl to n Inily patlont who wan coniplainlnR of her oontlnuod 111 health. * and of his Inability to care her , jokingly naiil : "Try IJop Blttoral" The lady took It In oarnoet nnd used the Bit ten , from which slio obtained pormannnt health. She now laughs itt the doctor foi his iolco , btit'lio is not BO well plonaod with it , it coat ham a good patient. FKES OF DOCTOIIS. The f oo of doctors is au item that very many persons are interested in. Wo bo. liovo the schedule for visits in $3.00 , which would tax n man confined to his bed for a year , and in need of a daily vis it , oror $1.009 a year for medical atten dance alonol And ono single bottle of Hop bitters taken in time would save the § 1.000 and all the year's sickness. A LADY'S WISH. "Oh. how I do wish my--la was OR clonr nnd soft a * yours , " said a lady to her frlond "You can onslly make it BO , " answered the frlond. "How " the first " ? inquired lady. "By using Hop Bittern tUat makoa imro , rich blood nnd blooming hoalth. It did It for mo oa yeti obaorvo. " , GIVEN UP ii/nin DOCTOIIH. "Is it possible that'Mr. Godfrey is up and at work , and cured by so simple n romouy ? " " 1 aesuro you it is true thakho 'in oil' ' tiroly cured , and with nothing but Hop Bitters , and only tor ) days ago his doctors gayo him up and said ho must die , from JCidnoy and Liver troubles ! ' The kldnejs act a purifiers ol the Moo * nd when their ( uno tloni are Intcrforrcc with through utak ness , ilior need ton- ing. Tlioy become healthfully actively theme of Hosteller > Htorrmch I ] It tors , when falling thort of roll of from otlior sources. Tnlssuperu sUnm'&tlnK ' ton I o also pro * outs and irrosts ( ovtr and ague , constipation liver ) a popsla , rheumatism nnd other allnionta Usoltwlt'i regular- Ity. For lalo ay nil Uiugghts and Deal ers RcnerXlly. ( VKFOItie.1 ( APTC1U ) T7I.ECTUO-VOI.TVtO IJELT end other KLKumio III ArriUNn-K nro sent on SO Days' Trial TO f'.ai ; ONL.V. VOONQ Oil OLD , who am suffrr- Ins from KEHVOUS DEniurr , LOST Vmurr , iViSTiso WKAiCRESSEfi , nnd all these dlscafcs of n ' * pEiifloiur , NATUIIE , rrsultlnic from ABUSES aud ( - Oruzn CACBEB. Speedy relict and complete ro4toratlon to IIEALTII , V'oon nnd MANUOOD I ? UUUIAKTEKO. Bend at once ( or uliutratod Pamphlet free. Atmresi VOLTAIC r.I.T GO. , htumhrill. Mich. UMPHRE-fS FOB THE CURB OP AT-Ti DISEABE8 OF POlt TWENTY YEARS IlnmDhrev * * Ilomeo. Con ! Minn Compnnlr . Trny'tt. Illpnodro. . . . . nnd Mcnmrcrlri. and oilicra Tianailus itock , With perfect memo. . . , Iliiniiilirovi * Voterlnnry Mnnnnl. tSO pp. Int f n-o by mall on receipt of price. Ml cint ; ( jrrainphleu cnl frco onnppUcaUou ucaipiinnvs IIOMEOPATIIIU MISD.CO , 100 Fulton Street , New Yorlt. NERVOUS DEBILITY lllinSntinrVP1 Vital WenVnc ami rro - IlUlllrnilt IQ trntlon from over-work of Indiscretion , UflMFflPATMIP l § "JW/ nndpromptlrnUlllLUrH I Ulu cured by It. lccnIn ! 1110 90 yean , CPEPILIP Un On/ lj the mint RUCCQU. OrtUiriU ltU lUl fill remedy Irnow n. 1'rico l per rial , or S vfaU uifl JarEB lal of. Jiowder for 81.1'-nt iiosl-f rue on r C.M lit of prlro. lliiiiiplirryn' lluninn , Alnl. ( fa Uiut , Cauuo uo ( rue. ) 1UU Vultou bt. . M. . ? RED STAR LINK , tt < > Belgian Boynl nndlT.S. Mall Stomnors > / ? SAILING EVERY SATURDAY , A ' BETWEEN 4k , NEW YORK AND ANTWERP , TheRh < ne , Germany , Italy , Rutland and Franct titoerage Outtr rJ(820 ; Prepaid Irom Antwerp , 21 ; Exounlup , 9(0 , IncludlnifbedJIiiif , etc , 2d Cabin , (50 ; Ilound Trip , 00.00 ; Kxcuralon , S100B4loon ; ( rom 950 to 00 ; Excursion * l\Q to 8100. XSTPeter Wright & Sons , Gen Agents. K Broad' ' way N. Y. Caldwell. Hamilton & Co. , Omaha. P. E. Olod man & Co. , 203 N. 10th Street , .Omaha ; D. K Kin : ball , OmabaAKeoU. mi" ood-ly BITTERS. [ ar4 * * T tb * I > MUi Or- . U. UM t L. IMWM * * f BtfUkW MtlOl Bt tlUlMtt 3. W , at n. GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. PUYHICAL tUVOUS & Debllitj Of MANLY VIOOn , flnermatorr lies * , etc. , when Ml other reme dial fill. A. curt avaraiUctd , ei.W bottle. larx * bottle , foul Umea the quantity , (5. lr rx > prow to " > r adJrcu. Sold bj illdruwuiU. ENOUHH UEDI Btrtxt , at * "l llaveisold filr Attley Cooper' * Vital RottoratiT' M \r i . Kvery customer opeaki blulily ol Ik I t u a ropiedy of true merit. " 0 , Y axieius.Drugclst , U P. BAKERY , . , . Webster St , , Omaha , Noh. , BREAD , FANCr CAKES AND PIES j ' l'rorlttori. | ( From fnnn lifo nnd the workshop have risen to the presidential chair , Lincoln , Johncon nnd Garfield arid to high places in the national legislature , Edmunds , Stephens nnd others of equal note. In ancient timoa , Horace , celebrating the heroes of his country , recognized poverty and the farm aa the principal factors in their greatness. In Granger township , Allegheny coun ty , Now York , a locality then on the bor ders of civilization , Henry M. Teller , the subject of our sketch , wa born in May , 1830. The place afforded but few advan tages for mcntnl improvement ; thcro wns a school , but it was open only a part of the year , and the instruction was of n moagro character. But the training of n well ordered and refined homo supple mented what was lacking in the school. Young Toller's father wns a man of great natural ability nnd extensive reading , and his mother distinguished for intelligence , energy and sweetness of disposition. As Henry grow older ho assisted on the farm in summer , but attended school in the winter , nnd made considerable progress in his elementary studies. His father in the moan time training his mind to cor rect habits of thought nnd imbuing hia heart with rightjrinoipal tf notion , con tributed to the formation of the sound judgement nnd integrity that in after lifo has distinguished his son. In his lith ) year young Teller entered Rushford Academy of Allegheny county ; hero the ordinary difficulties of study gave way before his strong analytical mind and indomitable that in two years ho completed the Academic course , nnn loft the institution. After tub ho opanod n school nnd taught in winter but contin ued to prosecute his studios in summer. At the end of two years , with the mind of fitting himself for a higher position ns a teacher , ho entered Alfred Academy , N. Y. , but after n time the profession of law seemed to open a wide field ior his rising ambition , nnd ho entered the law oflicoofHon. Martin Grove , who after wards became ono of the judges of the court of nppoals of Now York. Young Toller's experience in schools and teaching was the foundation of that intuitive perception of character and lucid arrangement of argument for which ho is remarkable. Daniel Webster , Judge Ghaso and President Arthur.und a host of other great men derived great advantage from having taught school in early lifo. Pur suing his legal studies with indefatigable zeal and good success , Mr , Teller passed the necessary examination , and was ad mitted to the bar in his 28th year. Hn wisely concluded that the rise of a youn j barrister in the midst of old and estab lished members of the profession , must necessarily bo slow , and ho turned hit face to the great west. Ho first establish ed himself in Morrison , Illinois , but in 1801 , attracted by the advantages Colorado rado hold out , ho left Illinois and attlod n Central Oity , Colorado. Hero ho soon 3stablislied the character of n wise mnu and safe counsellor , an energetic and fuo- ccssful advocate , and an excellent citfcen. Besides attending to au extensive prac tice Mr. Toiler devoted considerable time to the local interest of the territory , from "lie arrival in 1801 , to the year of the cen tennial. When Colorado was admitted as n state into the union , the people who appreciated his moral worth , professional ability and btuinocs toot , us well as the valuable service ho had rendered the ter ritory , elected him to the United Status sonata , This distinguished honor was thu greater as it wasunsolicltedand conferred on ono who had never hold n political of fice before. According to the law hi * term of tifilco as determined by the ballot expired March 3d , 1877. But the legis lature of Colorado , on the llth day of December , 187U , ro-olcctod him to the U. 8. senate for _ six years from March 4th , 1877. Entering that august body of dis tinguished men , Senator Teller bore him self with quiet dignity , during his nevi ciate in parliamentary duties , and was noted for his dovotiou to business , and especially to the various .measures before congress in the interest of his own state 'and that of the country. By his persevering industryjand influence au important law was passed _ in relation to the Ute Indiana and their reservation. His other labors in the senate were concerning - corning funds duo the Utos and their removal from thu state , the establishment of federal courts , th'o geographical and geological survey of Colorado , aud the selection of government lands for agri cultural colleges in the statethe introduc tion and passage of the following bills are duo to Senator Teller , energy and indus try , the educational bill thu silver bill nnd various bills , in relation to the Iiu diatn. In the arrangements of the committees in the nenata on account of his known ability and industry , Senator Teller was placed on several of the moat important , EIo was chairman of tbo pension com mittee at that timetho principal working committee of the senate. Ho was also tuado member of the judiciary committee in place of Senator Oonkling , also mem ber of the claims committee committee on railroads and of the committee on epidemic diseases in all pf which ho took au active part in their work. But the j chief cummittoo on which Senator Teller ( served and of which ho was chairman ; was thu comnuttou of nine sonatnre\op- | pointed by the senate to visit Now Or- I leans , and taVo testimony in the alleged ( fraudulent oloctign cases of 1878 , The commitcu reached Now Orleans January ; i , 1870 , nrid entered upon an exhausted investigation. Witnesses from the state nt largo were called before the committee , inuny of whom were democrats , yet the result in each case as ombodcd in a re- report of 1400 was favomblo to the gov ernment ami n credit to the committee und its chairman. President Arthur having tendered him n sent in his cabinet as secretary of the interior , Mr. Teller resigned his seat in thu noimto , and was succeeded by Hon. Oeo. M. Chillcot , who presented rrodon- dontials and vras admitted April 17,18812 Mr. Teller's last vuto was cast in the son- atoagainst giving tha right ofray through the Uhoctnw country to the St. Louis & San 1'Vanciscu railroad without the con sent of the general councils of the Choctaw - taw and Clnckasaw nations. Justice and humanity have always influenced Ins ac tions towards the Indians. Ho'ontor- tains the damp views as Catltn , who spent many yours visiting tho/clilFeront Indian tribes-that upon cofidition of their dis solving their ruliiliuns with their respec tive _ tribes , rind adopting the habits of civilization , 'tho government should grant the Indians the right of citizenship , and extend to them necessary assistance until they learn to nupport themselves by agri culture and other industries of the civil ized state. As a speaker , Mr. Teller is logical , ani mated and forcible. His best speeches in the senate , wore , ono delivered on the bill for the sale of the reservation of the Utcs , nnd that in reply to Senator Brown on the Burlingamo treaty. Ho took part as ono pf the speakers in the opening ceremonies of the Northern Pacific rail road. Still , though a good poakor , hois moro distinguished for prompt , energetic acthn and business tact , than for eloquence quenceof speech. It was for those qual ities and his incorruptible integrity and independence of character that President Arthur selected him as a cabinet adviser , though n short time before ho had voted to paaa the Chinese bill over the presi dent's veto. This position in the cabinet like his election to the senate came to him an unsolicited honor. Ho is proud of the distinction , however , ns a testimo nial to recognized ability , industiy and integrity , and renewed eUbrts in his pub lic duties. In thu department of the interior a great variety of subjects demand the attention of the secretary , Indian affairs geological survey , public lands , patents , pension , educational , statistic. The census and railroad accounts , a long re sidence in the west , and n study of the Indian problem fitted Secretary Teller for the superintendence of Indian affairs. His oxporioncoas chairman of the pension CDininittoo of the sonatemado him familiar withjthis branch ofsorvico.andhisaquain- tonco with the geological survey of Colorado rado enabled him to form a correct judg ment in relation 10 the duties and ex penses of surveys. While experience prepared him for the most important duties of his department , his sound judgment , indefatigable industry and incorruptible honesty fitted him for an able discharge of nil his decisions in nomplioatod cases involving largo tracts pf land. In pension cases nnd mining interests they havonotonly been wisebut prompt nnd have been acquiesced in by nil just and reasonable claimants. Like the Corliss engine , that greatest wonder of our great centennial , which calmly nndnoisolessly started and kept in motion nil the machinery of the exhibi tion , Secretary Teller , calm ana secure inhis conscious strengthimpollsrogulatcs and controls the varied nnd complicated activities of the interior department and is honored and respected by all who come in contact with him. His character is n pure typo of the true American. Ho is calm , eool and penetrating ; conscious of power yet unostentatious ; dignified , yet uscosaiblo and courteous ; preferring the quiet of homo to the noise of the club ; and the Hociety of his family and friends to the payety of the fashionable drawing- room , nnd seeking pleasure in reading and meditation in his studio without n desire to participate in sports of a fash- inniblo yet questionable character. Such is Henry M. Teller , a true patriot , an earnest republican , an honest man , that has filled with dignity every station to which ho has been called , with ability to fill any position to which his countrymen may elevate him. True and sincere in his loynlty to his chief ho is a man of whoso friendship any man can bo proud. A SPECIF ! ! ) r. ; Epllopiv. & ; xunu , Convul sions , gcrofula , JUnyt UBly Blood Diseases , Dytptp. tta , Nurvousness , "RboumntlBm , tfervatu Wtaknia , liraln Worry ( Jllocd 5 s , UIUougncsB , Costltfiieu , NervouB rrostratloD , Ktiintu Troubles anil Jmyutaritta. * l.W ) . tiamplp TcitUiioulnlM. "Samaritan Ncrvino In doing wonder * . " Dr. J. O. McLomoln. Aloxsnaer City , A1& . "I feel It > ny duty to recommend it. " Mr. 1) . K , Laugblln , Clyde , E n . 'It cured where pliyeldaiia fullca , " Jlcr.J. A. Kdle , nearer , P * . JU-onrc r > nviilenco freely miawcreu.-1 i or teetluionhU ana circular * cna itainn. Tha fir. S. A. Richmond McU. Co , St Joieph , Mo , " Lord , Btoutenbuv , and Co. Agent * , Oolcago , III. HUGH MoMAMS & CO , , 418 North 10th Street. WALL PAPERS , I'AINTINQ IN AU. ITS DUANOI1E3. CONSTIPATION. There is no medium through which disease so 'oftcii attacks the system as by Constipation , nnd there is on other ill ttesh is heir to mor apt to ho jric'gl'Otpd , from the fnc mitlfMml incouvenienco may be im mediately felt from irregulnr notion o the bowels. When there i * not regular nclion the reten tion of decayed and effete mat ter , with its poisonous gases , soon poisons the whole system by being absorbed into it , causing piles , fistala hcndnchc , impure blood am ) mnny other sfriousnflections. BUR DOCK BLOOD BITTERS will im- mediaiely relieve , and one bottle positively cure or relieve any case of Constipation. ' \Vn9 troubled for a year with torpid liver and indigestion , and nf- ter trying everything imaginable used UUltDOCK BLOOD BIT TERS. The first bottle revived me and the second cured JIB entirely. " J. S. 'Williamson , Rochester , N. JL C , R. SCEALLER , AGENT. ESTABLISHED AT OMA1IAH18G9. Ofl'ers n larga list of Real Esttito for Sale , including the following described property. OR. Schaller Ims ( or oalo ono lot onfftQ Cf\f\ Casa etrcct , west 22J. ij ) j , 0 U U . SchallT will sell ono bloc * la 1 Uoyl'u addition , 1 , Oil. Scliallor ottdra uuoa resiuciicu . an1 . Sihallcr will sell three two T n . story homos , 10th street , 1U , Oil. Schiller liaa for tale 20 acres Aff \ . near city. 4,11UU Oil. Schaller will sell frame house Q C\r\ .with lot ChlrauoDirect. QiOUU H liallcr u aun a line uuaiiitam C1U . nt . Sohalicr will ( toll a block ou CK. m 18th Btrcnt , ft part nl . Schaller , a highly improved OR. , farm , cajy dbtancoof city , l.OOJ ocrot , Oil Schnlier will HOII iz.isu ucreo I iitr l\ii\ . in a body stock farm 1/40 , UUU CH Schaller , offers food rcsidonco , Q Qn/l . barn lot75xM . ' O.oUU . Schaller las Instructions to sell Q nn ( \ Oil. In Armstrong's add. house and lot 1) ) / UU . Scballor For sale 18th street , A f\C\C\ . brick house , lot 01x26) . 'i , U UU OH. Bchftllor-llarnoy street , lot 47 C r\f\\ x20 , Olio resldonco , 10 rooms. 0UUU CU. Ho'iallcrhan for silo on eomli avcniio , i lot and residence Schallor hai ( or sale ( ull lot 60x OKA CIt , near U. 1' . depot , sma'l bou'e OOU . r will sell ffV. | > o acres , 2 Rood houses , 2 largo barns , windmills - , mills , scales , etc. . Schallor Dodge Co. farm , 2MO CC nnn On. * , homos , barns and \aluablo J < JjUUU Iiuprorcinents / 1 n. Solialler odors some of the greatest bargains / . In Uoal Kitato anvwhorn. PARTIES WISHING TO Sell or Purchase LOTS AND LANDS ARE INVITED TO CALL , Has had 35 yo&n * experience In dealing hi RK\.L EaTATE and may safely bo con sulted aa to treatments and on contom- pUted Improvements to the city. Has extensive. Eastern and Kuropoin con. nectlons * I'ampblots and Mps o City Issued free. Call at the lllllard Ilotoi and cot THE OMAHA c i S. II , IIOWEUi , 1'resldent. C. II SCIIALLEIt , Vlce-Vrcsldcnt. Tlio GKNUINi : IlOULDKIl and Colorado coil , An thracite , Iowa , Missouri , Illinois , Kaiisu. Coal Yards Drldgo Block Yard * . OFFICES HT 8. lit Street and Mlllard Hotel , Omaha. IMPROVED SOFT ELASTIC SECTION If watrantrd to wear longer , ill jtha form nentrr , and KT | belt * faaflifullon than nny oilier Cor lu tha market , or rrlcu paid wl , IHIIIKV te.ivfunilKd , The InJoruuuunts u U * * Clilc p ) ' ln'nt pbjtlcUl' ; unyeach Oorwit. Price. Jlf.t Ni > tea Jean , l. ! AO- Auk Tutirvieri'hon "i-'rt'SOIIIUf , TONKI'I JOHN H. F. LEHMANN & CO. - * PLEULER&HINZ. rilACTIOAIi Carpenters and Builders Address 111 South Uth Btroct WOODBRIDGE BROS , , 215 OPEBA OMAUA , NCI ) . Solo Agents for Uie World-Renowned STICK , Decker $ Sou , and Hallott & Ounuton Piunos. Also manufacturers aud wholesale dealers in Dips and Musical Meictiantilse. _ * iT8 < 1Jor > l ur rl ) ' . ' HJp r.n h vusn > lu { ire * icciili wUlclt .l.ouU know. lluuditUi ot | tmlpti.l 'wlorutvNcr vui r rMlMliUiiliii ( | V IT | ii-aM lUliipil tiU , Cur UroeJuw tl \ Lucn Ar SUOOIS PAPER TOEEOUSE , G-raham Paper Co. , 117 and 219 North Main St , St. Louis. WHOLHSALE DKALKIIS IN HOOK , \ r"ja irfe * c ? C9 C ? / WRITING NEWS , ; 2 .Arcln ia .twHArpiNo , CARD BOARD AUD WINTER'S STOOK ITGaih ptld ( or Kan o ( al n i IHON AND 8t < ATK HOOFING. SPUOTT , PROP , 1111 DouglM St. Omaha , Neb. MANUFACTURER OP Galvanizea Iron Cornices .tiTDormcr Windows , I'lntaV , Tin , Iron and Slata Uoollnp , Hpecht'H I'atont Xtitalllo Skjllfjht , latent tdjustcil Hatchet liar and llrackct bfichlne. lam the ( icccrul njrrut for the nbnvolino of goods. Iron Kciirliin , Crettinu * . ltaluitrailesV randas.Iron Dank Hailing , Window Illlmle , Ccllir Guards ; ftho ijciieral agent ( or I'ocrson & Hill's Patent Insli'o ' lillnd. THIS BEMorUcffcnrn-o tor Is nude expressly for the euro o ( derangements oftho gcncratUo orRins. Th ro Is no mMako about this Instrument , tlia con tinuous ftroam ot F.LKC- Till CITY pctmcAtlnu through the part * must restore toro them to Withy action Do not confound tMs with Kloctrla Belts admtlscd to euro all ( Hi from liciK'Jto too. It Is for the ON 1C spec- Iflo purpose. For circulars Riving full Information , addrcH Chcorcr Ulcctrio Dolt Co. , 1031 Wakhlngton St. . Chlraun III. PRINCIPAL LIFE FROM CHICAGO , PEORLi & ST. LOUIS , IJV WAV OF OMAHA AND LINCOLN TO DENVER , OH VIA KANSAS CITY AND ATOHISOH to DENVER Ccmnrctin&ln Union Depots nt Knn ns Oily , Oinaliunml Denver with tlnougli twins lor Anil all jiolnts hi the Gicnt West. Connecting in Grnml Union Depot at Chicago with tlnougli trains for NJ2W YORK , JSOSTON , Ami nil Kustorn Citls. ! At I'cot la with tlnoiidi tmlns lor IniUaniip. oils , Cincinnati , Columbus , and all points in thoSonth.Kait. At St. I.ouls with tlironuli tiulns lor nil points South. KIcgnnt Day Coaches , Parlor Curs , with Ito. clInlnK Chairs ( seats Iroo ) , Smoking Cars with Itovolvliifr Chairs , 1'tilliniin 1'nluco Slucplng Curs and the luinous U. I ! . A. Q. Dining Ciu nin dully tonnd from ChlcaKO and Kansas City , Chicago mill Council lllnlta : Clilcniro and DCS Sloint'S , Chicago , St. Joseph , Atchlson ami Topoku without change. Only through line i mining their own tmlns between Chicago , Lincoln and Denver , and Chicago , Kansas City and Denver. Through can between Indianapolis and Council Ulnlb , via Pcorla. (10ING NOItTII AND SOUTH. oon. iunutou , Cedar Itaplds and Albeit J.i-atoSt. Paul and Minneapolis ; Parlor Cars with Uecllnlns Chairs to and lioni St. Louis and Peorlu. Onlyono clmnsoorcnrs between St. Louis and DCS Moincs , 'Iowa , Lincoln , Ne braska , and Denver , Colorado. It Is also the only Through Line lit-t ween ST. LOUIS , MINNEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL. It Is known as the urnit THUOUtlH OAR LIN'i : of America , and is universally admit- < -d to ho the Finest Equipped Eallrcad In ths Wcrld for all classes of Travel. Tlironli ; Tickets via this kino ior sale at ci- 1C. tlcUt'iotllcu.sintlioUuiieaStatcs and Caimdu. T. J. I'OTTnit , PEUUEVAL LOWELL. VIco.V-w X. On. Iti. i"T Ofn " ' * "M M Notice to Cattle Men 900 CATTLE FOR SALE. TO Head nf Steers Three Years Old. 200 < " Two , " Ui " " Heifers , Two " 160 " ' Bteera , Ono 9jo ; " " Heifers , Ono ' Tbo al ) vo described cattle are all well lirod Iowa cattle , straight and emooth , Tlicso cattle will bo told hi lots to mlt purchaser * , and at rpasonable nrlces. For further particulars , call ou or addicss M , F. I'ATTON. Woverly , ItrenmCo. , Iowa , i . lso younc eradod liiiils. ni7.dnio-3tr DR. STRONG'S TAMPICO CORSET , arroBDa * PERFECT SUPPORT IS ABSOIOTCIY UNBREAKABLE A REWARD OF $20 U ottered for over ? pair of lit. aTUlirntJ'S TAJll'ICO in which a Tamplco stay brcakl. It * Patent Trlplo lluck prevent * Unck-acbeipnulfrrllutlo > i and allied dlsoasei ! leoarca o uniform temperature around tno body , protecting lunai and piue , BO noow iry to health lu all clunatcj. KirFaloty P. MORSE & CO. , Omaha. Matter of Application of J , H. 1'htlps For Permit to tell Liquor M a Druggist , NOTICE. Nolloo l hcre' ' > VUon tint J , H. I'licluj did ujxni the ' - ' th day of March A. 1) . 1834 , fife hU appli cation to t lie mo } or and city council of Omaha , for penult to tell malt , | ilrltuous and > lnouj liquors u UniKpUt , for modlcinil , iiicchanloal and thomloal iiuriwtcs only at cor. Cuinlnir and Sauuden ht . , Otb ward , Omaha , Nub. , from the llth ilay of April , IBS I , to the llth day of April , ISSt. If theru bo no objection , rvuionitranco or protect Mod within two tek from March 27tb , A. U. , 1B8I the said permit 1 granted. J. H. HIE'.l'H , Appllca-t OU-St-lcw k J. J. U a JKWnT , Uty Clerk. DUFHENE& MENDELSOHN. ARCHITECTS firUEUOVBD TO OMAIFA NATIONAL BA. I CUKE FITS ! Wbeu t Buy ur i w ! ' iu * n uiruiy to utop luutn lui Miloiaaudincn btvo tiiuiu rt'iurn Hgaln. I IUUMU arwi. . c l euro , i h > ra lu J tb illi io i.f FITS. KflLKKT 6D.eilr to cura the wont ciu < . l cauto utbcr * bar * ; illeJ U na rciun r r m > t n w reMl ring a cnr . wi lor a i ulM and l' o ! . of my inoin.-i ar OITO EiproH and I'wt umc . It no * * * 1 - - - - * .rlU , nuil I " 111 rut r I ) IU.O. OOT , ARCHITECTURAL IRON WORK. Columns , Pilasters , Lintels , Fencing , Cresting , Railing , Etc. . Cast , and Wrought Iron Boams. AjjolllH for Tim HYATT IMIIHSIATXC B.IGIXTH. THE MURRAY IRON WORKS CO. , Burlington , Iowa. THC LARGEST IRON WORKING ESTABLISHMENT IN THE STATE. ( SUCCKSSOll TO FOSTER & GRAY. ) LB&VIE & AMD CEMENT. Office and Yard , Gtli and Douglas Sis. , Offlflllfl Neb , SPECIAL WOTIUU , TO Growers of Live Stock and Others. WK GALL YOUR ATTENTION TO Ground _ . . His the best and cheapest food lor Mock II any knu. ! Gn pound It eeual , to three pounds of corn stock lea with Ground Oil Cake li the Fall r-tm Winter , instead of running down , will Increase In weight and bo In good marketable roi.iMlon In tha spring. Dairymen , ! rfoll m others , who Ut > o It can toitlly to Us merits. Trr It and lufl" fjr j onr nlve * . Trlco 9-6.00 | wr hitt DO charge lor sacks. Address wnn v * , , i, f1r rtwNY fniAhi ) * Neb TtB NEW HOUSE OF V Fine Havana , Key West and Doraeatio Cigars. All Standard Brands Tobaccos. Trial Orders Soiiciled. Salissfactirn Bnaranleeil. 113 ° 7 rARNAM ST-bMAnA- J. A. ' { WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN I a iJ rlittj I -UgJLUU j | SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOULDINGS , LIME , CEMENT , PLASTER , &C- ' STATE AGENT FOU MILWAUKEE CEMENT COMPANY. Union Pacific Depot , IN ROOFING AND COVERING WALLS. VAN PAPTELENDAM PAPTELENDAMTILE , Made o Sheet Metal with Pressed Ornamenta. j.o Leaking , No Cracking or Blow ing oil' Fire Proof , Cheap and Durable. The 51 cut Ornamental Hoof Made : Practically Tested for Nearly Ten Years , With the Most Gratifying Results , SULLIVAH BBOTHE. Fig. 2 View representing a number of Tiles 0.3 arranged upon a roof. Fig. 3 Detail sectional view of the same. Fig. 4 One of the Roof Tiles. Fig. 5 Wall Tile , t.ho white port of which is covered by the ono above it , nnd requires no description. SULLIVAN BROTEEKS , JIANUl'ATURERS OF TIN ROOFING ! SMOKE STACKS , Breeching * anfl General Iron Wort , TIN , IRON & SLATE ROOFING , Guttering and General Jobbing TEUMS UEASONABLE , Satisfaction Guaranteed , 109411 SOUTH SIXTEENTH ST. , OMAHA , - NEBRASKA. | EAD CLA1 102 * North Eighteenth Street , Omaha , on Street Car Lino. WHOLESALE AHD HBTAIT , Lmiier Liie , Lath , Doors , lute Etc ; ninl priitm n * " ( mi nni\ \ low as any in the city. Plpaaa rv n' * * . THE LEADING CARRIAGE FACTORY UOHand 1411 DodRcSt. . < 1 OMAHA. NEB LUMBER MERCHANT ! in -3 .9 . - o > u rbn CQ O ert O S S M to n pq o , w o UUMi\GS AND 20TH ST. , OMAHA , NEB.