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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1884)
2 OMAHA DAILY --SATURDAY , APRIL 26 , 1884 WHAT IS DYSPEPSIA ? Among the many symptoms oi Dyspepsia or indigestion the mosl prominent nre : Variable nppelito : faint , gnawing feeling nt pit o the Btomnch , with unsatisfied craving for oodheartburnfeolinR ; of weigh ! nnd wind in the stomach , bad brcatl bad taste m the n.outh. low spirits general prostration , hcadncho and constipation. llicro is no form ol disease more prevalent than dyspep sia , nnd none so peculiar to the high' living mid rapid-eating American people. Alchohol and tobacco pro duce Dysocpsia ; also , bad air , rnpic eating , etc. BURDOCK BLOOE BITTERS will euro I ho worst cose by regulating the bowels and toning up the digestive organs. Sold every' where. Analyst * br Dr. A. Voclekcr. P. R. 8 , , Con- milling Chemist lioral Agricultural Boclcty , England , snows only a trnco of nltratca in niockweil's Hull Durham Tobatca The Boll of the Golden licit of North Carolina , In which this tobacco la grown , don't supply nttrntcato the leaf. That la the secret of Its delicious mildness. Kothlnc BO pure nnd luxurious lor smoking. Don't forcct the brand. None gen- ulno without the trodo-maric ot tnc 1JUU. AU dealers linvo It. It.When When Wlna concert * clrivo w yiilccp > Tour boat nolaco U f ouud In Jltacluitri Hull Vur. Ann Smoking Talacco. BLACKWELL'8 BULL DURHAM SMOKING TOBACCO IMPROVED SOFT ELASTIC SECTION Ts warranted to wear longer , n the form neater , wl inro bolt * fatllfactlon than anyotbercon. In thn nmrket , or price paid wl [ 14 rvfundru. TIIO Inuortttcnonta c Wnjr rach Comet. . --co ilctfru'n , lint bet Hitren phjjlclu'aouur Jta , XC U ( KW - ld , AiVraurrocrciiatitrortbBu. ISTUSOllIln , JlMKI'll dl Otr. . . IvT uiutunn , 310 a il2 UwideliiU Bt UUcaOOi JOHN H. F. LEHM\NN ; & oo. CEO. WEBER , r All klndj of Broad , Ftvej Cakei and Fie * conttantl on hand. y J. WILLEBOORSE , * > FoiiMEiiLY rnorniEiou OF Temperance Hall Saloon Has now opened hla raloon at the Corner of 14th and Douglas Sts Where ha will sell the bait kind ol Liquors , Wine em ! Lager Boor. ERBE LUNOH EVERY DAY. 29Uy frlonci nro all Invited. ap 10-lv TO INVEKTuESI PATENTS OBTAINED FOR ORIGINAL c Inyentioii , Discovery or Desigt CAVEATS , DISCLAIMERS , Ro-issuos and oxtontions filed , and nj peals noted. ALL PATENT BUSINESS PllOMPTLY ATTENDE 10. Bert retereneoi. Rexaonahlochanrea. Write to Wt HYDE BMITU Jr. , 919 "H. " St. , N. W. 1 D. C. A. F. GROSS. , 3 ilder & V 1ABINET WOKE , UUCII AS COUNTERS , BARS , ICE BOXE { LIBRAIUES , and al klndi ot olBce wurk a cpecUlty Call or : flreat 1S58 Jaukaon Street , Omaha , Neb. PLEULER & HINZ , I'KACTIOAL Carpenters and Builder Address Uli South 13th Street M. R. RISDON. PtoaUAataranoeOo. , tit ixindon , Cub . . WMtflDctUr.K. T. , OaplUI. . . ,000,000. * Mercli nU , ol Ne-.iV. N. } . , Otpllal lS7eOOO.i OlrarUKUe. rblWelilla , plbj. . . . l.SOO.c * ) . r' lti n' I'nnHtXt tO . . . . . . . H. PHILLIPS , II is one ol the Unreal and Bnut iuorlinent H | > riig M d Suuiuier Uoods lor Sultliigs ' d Trnust lig AH cami-LtiRUaia'itred to nt nrt trlmmi with the ISeit Trimmings. MY I'MCKi AUK I.UWK thin an ) iltrr luut T&llor in the city. Itui rarna * Atiett. U. P. BAKERY , 151-I- Webster St. , Omaha , Nol (8uorwcr ( * In tl ld M I1 , tryUth St , ) AM , icmnaop BREAD , FANCY CAKES AND PIE OO'ttantly u > I aul Onion wilt I * promptly atti U d lo- WAONKIl I1UOU pr-SJ ! m Proprlttors , It , EMILY I'AQELSEN , ANNA L. BKNSO ; ORS. PAGELSEN & BENSON , * n TTT ' AND CHILDREN. Hw * W Xortli UMh Mmt IJoun 9 'to 11 a. a tg f. n. KMMtaet 8ouUi Ittt ) , BOW Oat BprliiR Hns Oonio1 Now the oj-stcr noon will IORTO us , And vanish llko A dronm ; Yet lu absence will not prlovo in , For tlioti wo'll liavo tea cream , Though ot oath it wilt rollovo us , Twill mnko the glrl'a oycs gleam. Ilonso OlcnnlnR Time. The smell of Ronp-sudii In the nlr , Tbo ( loon and walla entirely bare , The pile * of debris everywhere , Tha housewife with a vacant itaro And handkerchief tied o'er her hair , Are signs which all men fear. They know that when they stumble o'er The pots and kettles on tha floor , They'll clutch A freshly-painted door , And vainly , wildly thirst for gore , Because , u In the days ot yore , Ilouse-cleanlnir time la hero. OONNUUIALmiSS. A Capo Cod bridegroom adopted his wife' amlly natno of Ahtngton the day of his mar rl RO. There Is no question AS to who weari the trousers in that family. In Armenia the girls are married whet olvo years old. They don't have mud chance to make laces and gather candy fron .ho fostlro youths In that region , Mlsa Nellie Hunt , daughter of the lati American Minister to Ilunsln , Is ropartodtobi engaged to a lluselan nobleman , who ii ono o the household ofllclals in the Imperial 1'alaco A. J. Wothorby wan marncd at Wolser , Ida lie , last week to MM. A , , T. Woatherhy , hi former wlfo , from whom ho had boon dlvorcci for twenty years. They had a non nnd twi daughters by their former union. llobcrt K. Gruhnm and Helen Lowell , o the "Wanted , A Partner , " Company , wor married on the stage of the St. 1'aul Grand April 10th , after the close of the performance A Hungarian woman curries off the chiin pionthlp of the much marilol of her BOX Mrs. Amelia Probnld ( ominous name that , Iti literal meaning boatig "try it" ) , of SanctJobb hna ju t boonunited , In wedlock to her eight ! husband. According to the old ryhmo , a brldo , tohav luck , must wear whin married "Something old tnd nomothlnc ; nnw , Something borrowed and something blue , " but othbrtvlsoBho may dress to suit her ow : taste. The older' the ' 'something" nnd th newer the now article , the bettor the luck i said to bo. A young woman arrived in Baltimore th other day from Switzerland on route to Urn juay , South America , to meet nnd marry ho lovor. It might bo supposed that n youni man who had got that fur away might hnv escaped entirely , but only the aooct ! few BOOH to hare any luck In this world , Laura Johnson , a Milwaukee girl , becam Bo'indignant on reading a letter from her be Lrothod In which ho expressed the desire t break off their ongngo mout. that she tried t snatch tbo engagement ring from her fingoi but it was so firmly fixed that she could nu remove It , Booing n hitchot near by , she dc llberatoly chopped the finger off nnd sent I with the rins ; attached , to the falthlo'a lovoi Social Milwaukee is prostrated by the nn nounccment that A widower named Burt ha married again , llo Is worth $000,000 , has fine now house on ono of the best streeti , Is I all respects a desirable sort of n man , and nc a word is laid against his wlfo , but she wo bis servant girl , And the whole civilized fabrl would bo endangered If the wives of other mo recognize her. SAU Francisco is deeply interested In the n xnorod approaching marriage of Senator Pal nud bla divorced wlfo. The couple separate some tlrao ago. Subsequently Mrs. Fa ! brought a suit for divorce upon the ground ' ' infidelity. Pair declined to defend the can nnd the dorco was granted with alimon amounting to S 1,000,000. In'ordor to propoE to remarry the wife ho had paid BO muc money to get rid of , It must bavo been nocoi sary for Fair to undergo ono of the most pow crfu ( revulsions of feeling on record. HONEY FOIl TUB LADIES. Irridescent pauamontatlos trim black satli There is A rich dark blue and gold brocadi Widow * ' caps are email nud they da nc conceal the hair. Table cloths nnd napkins are much orni monted with fringes. Yellow butterflies may bo nmoner the trln mtngs of a black dress with nn old gold bodlct Ono of the latest Uncles In tea tables Is c plain wood , tnu&ro , and painted n brilllac red. Among novelties for holding photograpli are ncrcona of p'uth aud ollvo wood , contali ing three or four loaves. The widow's veil , which does not cover th face , but is worn hanging back from the boc not , readies below the waitt. A black velvet brocade has a flame coloro satin ground over n flame colored sitlu petti coat , ( no fluuucas boiup of black Brussels lac : Ugly stripes and thotkn nra the Londo ttylu for ladles' drcasoi and fur gentltmiau' ' tics , ona combination , for InsUuoii , being blui magenta , crroon and prango. A dark greeu cloth costume worn by a youn lady residing on Fifth nvenue , has a uov < Jacket with un open front over nu alllgittc iklu vest , with cull's to match. A delicate workjbaslcot Is made by taklnz fancy straw hat and lining it with pink satli embroider with c.-owoli. around the crnwnpjj pies , wheat and Hold flowora , No circus Is uow considered first class ui less It has three rlcgsj but the majority c unmarried women are satisfied with nu rln If It signifies an onpagomont. The Bolton cloth , which Ii dellclnusly sol and lllmy. forms n lovely groundwork for cui tains , which may bo embroidered with graci ful patterns of flowers and vines , "Will the youngest girl In the room pleai rite } said tchool superintendent lu a run district. Every female stood up , Includin the toucher , [ Burlington Free 1'ioss. A Michigan girl , at one sitting , ata tw iwiinds of liuiburgor chceio. Her pa doosn huro to wear hi * neavy boots nn Sunday tilgl any more. { LouUvlllo Courier-Journal , Miss Ida Kurtz , the girl deputy sheriff < Franklin county , < ik her second prUoni to the penitentiary nt Philadelphia , Sstiuda A burly ruffian named Cunningham nn landed him safely. "Do birds thlnkt" asked n writer In onouln n current nrticle. If ihry do , wo should ) th to know what a canary bird thinks of the w < mnn who stands up iu a chair and "toll baby" through the brus wires of the cage. "I love her still , " sang the sercnador. An then a married man pasin < along on thoopju ulttttldouf tliottroatsollliMiulzodi ' 'Vcs.ynu'i right. I'd love my wile htlll , tooj but tli won't be Btlll. " [ Kentucky Btatuxnuu A pretty iKinnot with u full cr wu nf gel net Is bordertd withnoftfrillHuf K 'd ' liu-o MI with narrow fuldn uf volvtt iu inu linwn brpwu. A ctMitr ( if natural luullng umi-l rrumsi tilun the top and trii g < ofihtitc uuihrooiu brown lung I rum thd bide. Carved surfucea nt r Ui ir ly into the etheui of denuration iw nppliud to InUrlur wiHidwnr aud domestlo fumitumi brtMH is nlao lurtfi'l einplojod , and Its apiwrcut ilihnepu n'ld ' greatly tothegoneral etfect , providing tt < nurroundln s corrtipou I * Iu tivury Uivre The announcement that it woman had bee bugged by a bear in MonUnu , ouused A bl crowd "f Manuchusetts uiaidont to start fc the west. It is perhupa need lets to ITBUK * that the bear * have taton to tha woiMh. Th prcxpoct was paat bearinjr. r\VM \ Itlver Ai vaace. MouolioU- and glove cuts are made of Sato ( Ufc , The uwrnUig glofy dctklfn in grnciful for n ] iwk'Bhfij > od sofa pillow ot royn > lu ( . plush. 1 ho part that falls open shouh )0 lined with pink or cirn colored tlk nm nsti nod about eight Inihos from the top witl n ribbon bow to match , ' These girl * who powder nnd paint the ! RCCH may think stith is attractive , but wo at mid enough to tell them , plainly nnd bluntly ; h t while they may look well t n WrdVoy view , when n follow geti nnrdglng up ngatns ona uf thoto kind of faces In a blind-down pai os It distrust * him. It Is well to be posted In the French name > t acme of the brand now iliados which fnshlo : is * introduced : "OrIs" Is astcol y drabshnde "Shnuvetto. " n shodo of drnb bdpo. "Ai mat de , " A dellcato salmon yellow. "Isard , \n H hos of roia or pinkish beige shade "Clnmptgnon" Is a yellowish feoft drab , or , a U n tmu tuggesta , A mushroom shade. TI.O Waterloo Observer hoaM of n man wh Actu illy kissed his wile AS she was doscendln Lho back sUlrn tlia other nttrht , being wrong [ ull > Impressed that the pretty cook WM dror [ > Ing down into his yoarn'ng arms. Serves hi wlfo right. She'd no buslnets stoallcg dow the bock stairs without giving timely warnln and publishing her Intentions. Some wive arei n ways so Indiscreet. [ Chicago Sun. Tlio dally pinning or tacking of pillow sham ; ausc4 much trouble and Inconvenience : n nro ! tton has lately boon Introduced whloh ol Viatel nil this difficulty ; It Is called the stand nrd n'tjtutablo pillow sham holder ; It Is vor simp o and can bo put on by the use of an ot tension rod , and drawn out the desired longt to fit any bed ; there nro no catches , springs c l > and , no that it cannot possibly got out c order. A rprlng hat Is mndo of fine straw In crcsso nhad > 'ii ; the high crown Is surrounded by Lwlst of dark green velvet , and finished at th side by a cliutnr o ( tip * Binding from the pal ? reoii of the straw to darkgroou of tha velve UUt. A golden * hophoraa crook , set wit Hliliiii stones , is thrust throueh the straw r the side , and n lacing of dark green velve edged with uolden cord , adds to the pretty o feet of the hat. Cli Ian conlu.1 has broken open a now wa to bio td-winning by women. Young wome wcio .dvortlsod for some months ngo by tli ( nun < uors of n horse railroad company m Vn mraU-i , nnd from among the applicant * a nu ncicni. number of the f lroit and most vlgorov were -floctod nnd placed In the conductor poslli'iuB un the cnri. They provo hono4t nu nccurto , nnd "rpottcrs" nro unknown , tine their upnrta nro sn exact M to sllonco any BU : plclou of false returns. PEPl'KUMINT DUOP8. No , Laura ; no. They do not open the can palgii .vlth n can opener. They do it with com n ow. How little , ala > , do women kno about , iiolltics [ Baltimore l.vy. AN < w York chnmbcrmnld poured korosor oil on n cat mid fet It on fire. Oh well , tl might , have done much wnno than that , til might n tvo put the cat into ono of her beds. A p1' ' who elopoa with a in an named Piskli iiliu illy expect n sweet hanoymoon unlsi fho un "iratandfl thn much-co\uti > d art of o : true Ui i ; sunbeams from cucumbers [ Chlcao Sun. Sun.Tbo Tbo I Hawing advertisement appears in Wlsco ui paper : "Wanted Amodlum-sizo houau ur man and wife an nenr now i po8sibl " This U n delicivto way of iuformln the pu'.ll ' i that this couple bnvan't boeu nm : tied long. A wettorn circus advertises "tho onlvcoa black sacred elephant over aeon in captivity , If wouterii lamp black Is as cheap as JJaator whitewash thotto enterprising showmen wl make money. The lutntt spring poem U entitled , "Sho Mo Not the Plumber's BUI. " The writer poiscssed of considerable ironius. The bi shouldn't bo placed nu exhibition until a hot zoutal reduction of 20 per cent lu made. No man ever truly appreciates the uscn i adversity until ho has been pelted " 1th rl composed rggt , Then and only thfin can 1 truly feel that his voko is not so easy as a thought it was. Now York Commsr Jal Ai vortUor. "That's the trouble in this part of the con try , " remarked n Texas editor , aa a bull crashed throngh the window and took n pic of his oar off. "You make a paper Interest ! ) and newsy , and you bavo got to dodge nroui to keep it up. " ' The old firm appear to bo still brighl burning , A Minnesota paper refers toanjt position candidate ai "a smooth shorn , ni sided , halr-combad-behind-hls-cars , meek an ally gammon kind of statesman , ofthotri puritan stamp. " By order of Bob Lincoln , nil clubs formed ! his bolmlf will disband at nnco and the mui bora will proceed quietly to their homes. Ai member found nt largo uf tor 7 p in. , who cu not gUo a satisfactory account of himself , vl bo siiovod into the calaboose. That'll businm : llobortl The Sultan of Morocco has just hold a cil < bratlim In honor of his mnriia n with hi 1,000th wli ! > . If Morocco hadu't bie such a dickens of away off , wo should cortiii Iy have attended , just to HCQ what sort o | looking cltlzan a mnn is who CAU mmngo .0 women end tnon hanker for ono more. Bn Iingtou Free 1'ioJs. There Is no moaner thief than the lead plr ell thief. Ho taken rank below the umbrcll enatchor. Ho never has a pencil in sight , II asks for yours "just n minute , " to sign n tue graph book , address n card , and then with buulnoss air Hticki it In hU pocket , know.n that nlno times out of ton you will never tl u of the pencil until you want to ua It your and then he will be far away playing hU gitn on someone olso. BINGULAKlTIEa. Joseph Fisher , of Craig County , nluoty four j ear J old , weighs but fifty pou : is four foot and a half blgl ) , and wears b boot . , A deer was lassoed near Amador , Cat , few days ego , which had iu addition totw large nnd well-dovolnpoil nutlets , nboijt ( U/en or inoro small hums protruding tjoi ditloront parts of thi head. A vary remarlcnhta freak of nature is horned in are of Wilson oountv. Tonne > . . owned by a colored mau named llandnll Hn ; ton , Ic U n sorrel , about G years old. mare has A distinct horn about two iu long comingout ofjho buir of thn left our A 2 year-old child of Conrad Wll on c Jolwtown , I'A. , toaiod A neighbor's game c ic recently by throwing atones nt It The i raged fowl flew nt the buy. threw htm do n picked nbout tils oyoa , and laid the lad s s u open with Its spurs. The injuriea nio con id oi od fatal. N Lost summer the clock In the old Dii church in Heading stopped nnd refused t tick again , nn matter Imw many pounda i or added to the weights or the quantity of ol poured on the gudgeons. Whoa It wus omnt < tha other t'ay ' U was found to bo filled Ivit the nest * of mud swallows. ' Tin worshipers at a church in Solano , ( ol , wont on Sunday night na usual to senLc. but found that the bats had tuken po M08ilo ot tha house and went BO tlilalc and aggra Iv that tlioaorvices were nocctsarily poetXilud | On Tuesday the deacons Inaugurated n , b hunt , and behind ono ot the window caliiin found and killed 211 of them. A 'pollpnrrot died in Dubuque , lo. , on d ylo > twoek that was known to be 7.1 year old. It was brought from South Americanni ecld to a gentleman In New Yorir , who ruv it to Ills ( laughter , from whom It d < - eojil i unttllltwafl owned by hi-r KranddaUjiVei when it died , Ona i > f UH lnvurUa Hiprdmiiiin was ; "I'muoiiprlugihitktiu , kud dou't , yui " ' IKMoy ir. It U now uudleputod Uiut Wr-l Do > ) , . % oi-'u ( nliirrh I lint Is tlo only trHutm ii Uiut will ulno utoly uuio Oaturh f , , , ) , lironlu "Very elliwtdnu" , Haui'l , ( } unld Wo | .iiir Water , N b. " "Olio INIX curtxl me Mm , Mury Kxnynu , HUinurck , i > .ikiiU' ' ' > > | r ti > itxl mo Ui Ilia pulpit , K v , ( Jixi K. llil , Uublevlllo , N , Y. " "On Uix rwl vnlly , ; , me , Hev O II. Tuylor , 140 Ni > bla tni Itnmklyn. " "A | K > rft < U cure nftorSil ye , tUfftMlw , ' D MolloMuld , 71U hiiudwai , J , V.&a&u. ThuiMkiuU of teHtiliionlals ei ifceUtid fmm 11 iMrts of tbo wuild , Ii , , 1 IX ) , Dr. Wei Do Meyer' * littl Trfaliii * . wixli htnWniPiitM by iho cui mulled free. 1) , li , Duuey & O.i. , 18- ! Full , , treat , N. Y. tu - A womou'a tumv nro usuully inor powerful than her words. Wiml iu in w ] > owerful un eleiuent ua vutur , tliotig very ei&outial iu rundurhiK lu A JtASSAOlin IJY NAVA.IOK9 , A Humbor of "Wlilto Pcrnnns Slnutrlit oicd in Hoittlicra Gulorndo , , April 21 , A. Johnson , wh < vrcn present at the recent battle botwcci thi Nnvnjocs and whiten nt Mitchell * pUce , lower San Juan river , Souther Colorado , arrived at Dunxngo to-day Jjhnson toys ; "Myself , William Yoono nnd Vieto IfofT arrived at Mitchol'a store the oven tig of the ICth a party of a dozen Nava 'oca Indiana came to the storo. On Irow n gun on Edward Mitchell. Whil iho quarrel was in progress , a Navajoi named Bye-Lily , commenced romovinj Lho buckskin from his ride , and othe Indians ran for their guns that wcr standing against the store. Both , In dlans and whiles began Gring , and of to ibout 25 shots troro exchanged , the In liani retreated across the river , loavin , > no dead on the ground. None of th thitcH worp hurt. The whites then proceeded to thro ; ip fortifications. Whlto Tromon showei jroat nerve , carrying tubs of water t supply them in cixso of soigo. Johnso : then started for Ft. Lewis. The com manding cflicor immediately started squad of mounted cavalry to the relief c SlitchoH's. When they rpachod Bowon1 Ferry a Nnvajo came on and reported tha the Utcs had killed all the whites a Mitchell's place. So far nu other word has boon rccoivei and Johnson fears all the whites har been massacred. It is not probable the the Utos wont to the nceno to nvongo tin death of the Navajn Indians. It is com man that "no tribu lays its crimes to an other. The district commander has 01 derod Captain Kitcham's company t leave Ft , Lewis early to-morrowmorning Troops are also being brought up tror Ft. Wingato , N. M. It may bo several days before any thin definite can bo learned. The followin is a list of the whites when Johnson lei Mitchell's place : Old man Mitchell an wife , Edgar Mitchell , wife nnd thre children ; Henry Mitchell and wife I Joseph Dougherty and wife , Pete Christ man , Wm. Poland , Wm. Tron and Victor Neflf. A "Warrant lur James , Sr. Louis. Mo. , April 25. A Versiillnf Mo , ppochil sny < It U reported thit ' 'horif llogem of Cooper county , in now In Hunts vllln , AIn. , nrmcd with n requisition froi Gov. Crittfliidon f-r the nrrest of Frnn Tamo1 ; nn the chinio uf participating in thi Ottovillo train rubbary. Andrew's Unznrsnysttathcrcct 7r : st are very much worn. If the meiouli catlier the waists carefnlly and not eqneez so like the blnzcs , they would not be wor sc much. Some men go to work gatbei \v n waist just ns they would go to worl /nshiut ; sheep , or raking and binding Chey ought to gather a waist ns though i was eggs , done up in n funnel-shape' ' irown paper at a grocery. PccL't Sun. A SPECIFIC FS ! Epilopsv. Spasms , C'onvui Eions , Dance , Mcohol km , Opium Eat I Ing , Syphtllit Scrofula , King } In c n v B I va' Ugly Bl001 F - ' Diseases , Dytpef tit , Nervousness Nervous Wcabusi , Brain Worry , Jilooci Sirs Biliousness , Costliness , Nervous 1'rostratloE VZdtuy Troubles mid Jrrtifltlarittcs. $1.00. hnmplo TcstlnionlnlH. "Samaritan Nervine Is UolnR wonclcrc. " Dr. J. O. JIcLemoIn , Alexnndcr City , Ale "I feel it my duty to recommend It. " Dr. D. 1' , Langlilln. Clyao , Kansai "Itcnrcawhcro i > li ) lclans failed. " Itev. .1. A. Edle , Bcnvcr. ft jfjf OorrednrMrtrnco lcclT answered. " * I DrtcntlmanlalSBca circulira send stiuim. Tha Ik. S. A. Richmond r ed. Co. , St. Joseph , Ma , Snlil l > i .ill In nirtrliitx. l'.1\ Lord , Stoutcnlmrp , and Co. Au'ont' nn-iirn | , III J. E. KILEY & CO. , l ! Loan Brokers ( FllENZER'S BLOCK , OPP. POSIOFFICK. ) Loans Negotiated. Houses Rented , Titles Perfecte And Special attention given to convo ; anoint ; and all legal instruments. REAL ESIATE LIST : Sral' h's A ddltlon , 0 1 lot * . , . . . Prlcu $ tOQ to 35 rsrkriioo. . ' 16 lots . I'rlue * 3 5 to $8 Ok.lionn Place , l l > t .t. . ,1'ilco I200to 81 UAlglit l-Iican'swld 13 loti . Prlcoft 5lo83 lx.wi ) ' Addition in lot ) . 1'rlco $150 to ? 3 Shinn'e addition , Slot ) . 1'rlco rcasonabl /HANRCOM I'LACK tx > t In J PLAIMVIUW Ai'U. 1 KlUKWOOD " "andSotbe , UOIKJB. CUMINO , VAud alinoi t erery St. In dl 100 ACRE LOTS for sale CHE A ! EASY TKIIMS ON Alt. rnorKimr. 340:000 : To Loan on Real Estate J. E. RILEY & 00. . THE : OMAHA rn a. H. HOWKLL , 1'ro.Mert 0. 11 tiOKALiKH , Vlcc-1'reslJei The GKS'lIINi : mULUKH and Colorado co I. A thra Itr , lo * . Sls | juilHliuc. Ymil * . OKKK'IHlira lit Mroctand MllU'd Hot" Omaha. _ IL L . _ tlt R. KALISH , Han Ju > t re eed a ( u'l ' HIIU ot Imporlo 1 Fancy 'Bui lm. and I'AI lal H it t the latuU sile Alia juiiuiifi'u II e'ir * wl > ne trlmmlii s. lit Ixiwmt I DIXJ Alno DiiluK and llt ) | aliinir. H , K. 0 < irn r Kth Hid tunH > rt StrteU islVIORPKNEHAB1 ! ! - - - - - ii .ii. u lluniK.tii li.IUI l MARRIAGE ST , LOUIS POT WAREHOUSE , Graham Paper Co.3 ! 17 and 219 North Mixln St. , St. Louis. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN NEWS' ' , } PAPERS , ! wiurrmo WR1T1KO JCHVKLOPE. ' . CAtiD BOA11D At ) ! ) PRINTER'S STOCK Western Cornice-Works , IRON AND SLATE ROOFING. 0. SPECHT , PROP , 1111 DcrajU * St. Omaha , H b. Galvanized Iron Cornices tVDotmer Windows , Flnl l , Tin , Iron and Slat Itoollnc , Specht's Patent Metallic Skylight , laten adjusted lUtchct Bir and Bracket Sshehlnir. I at the ( tcncnl agent tor the abnro line ol Roods. Ire Fencing , Crrttlngs. Halci trnlesV.r nJas , Iron Ban Railings , Window Illliiilf , Cellar Guards ; Ho genort agent lor Prcrson & Hill's Patent Insli'o Ullnd. tor Is made expressly Ic the euro of dciangcmcnl ot the generative organi Hi TO li. nu ml'labo abou this Imtrutrent , the coi tlnunua Ftrenm of KLE ( TUI01TY lOimcatln through the imrts must re tore them to nnalthy actlo Do not contuunil tulswit ElectrU Delta luhcrtlsod I euro all Ills from too. U Is for the ONK * ) > e Iflo purp o. For chcuUrs gUIng full Infurmatloi adJrcfca Ohccnor Electrlo Bolt Co. , 103J Waehlngto St. Chlcaunlil. PRINCIPAL LIHE FKOU CHICAGO , PEORIA & ST. LCUI5 JT WAY OP OMAHA AND LINCOLN TO DENVES , OR VIA KANSAS 01T7 AND ATCHiSON to DENVE ! Connecting In Union Depots nt h'linpivs Cll' Unmliii and Dcnvei witli through trulns lor And nil points In Urn dent West. T = 1 A.ST * Coiincctlni ; In Umnd Union DojKit tit C'lilcng with through tnilns for NEW YORK , BOSTON , And ull Eustern Cities. Atl'eorl'i with thiouuh tnilns for Indlnim ] oils , Cincinnati , Coliunhns , mul nil ixilntH i tlioSoutli.Kast. At St. Louis with till out trains tor ull points South. Elegant Day Cotchcs , I'm lor Curs , with Iti dining Chairs ( sentx ticc ) , Smoking Curs wll Itnvolvlnir , Chairs , I'ullinnn 1'iiliicu Slveplr C'urs nnd thu fiunouH O. ] > . & Q. Dining Ca ninUiilly toniul from Chicago mul Knnsns Clt ClituigoniKl Council lllulls : Chicago nnd U MoinRH , UhloiiKO , St. Joseph , AtchUnn in ; Topeka without change. Only tlnxiiiKh Hi running thulr c > n trains between Clilcng Lincoln ami Denver , and Chicago , KIUISI pity and Denver. Thranzli cars hetwoo IiKlianapolis and Council lllufld , via 1'uoiia. GOING AOUT1I AND SOUTH. Solid Trains of Klc.0iiit IJay Couches at riillnmn 1'alacoSIceplnjj Uara mo tun dully i and from St. Louis ; via Hannibal ; Qiilnc Kcokrtlc , Ituillngton , Cedar Itaplds and Allie LoatoSt. 1'aul mid illnnvapolls ; 1'niloi Ca with lircllnlng Cliah-s to mul limn St. Lou and I'corlu. Only onocliungo of cars hi-twec St. LoHlsamlDesMolncs , Io a , Lincoln , N bnmkn , and Denver , Colorado. It IsuUo the only ThtoughLlno btlwccn ST. LOUIS , MINNEAPOLIS and ST. PATJ ! It Is known as the great TIIKOUOH OA LI.Nh of America , uii * U unlvci-s-Uly ndml 'oil to lm tliu Finest E uiptiea Railroad la the World f all classes cf Tvavol. Through TicSrcts via this line rap Kilo at ; n. U. coupon titlics offices lu tlio United Slat and Canada. T. J. POTTEU , PEKCEVA1. LOWBLL , Vla-fru. fcO n Mai tr't Of n 4- ri\-v \ ITotioo to Cattle Men 900 CATTLE FOB SALE. 10 Hood ol Steers Three Years Old. 200 ' ' Two " SOI " " Heifers , Two " 150 " l-teors , Ono " 20 " " Hellers , One " Tbo above tl crib d cattle are all well broil lov cattle , stra'eht ' and smooth. These cattle will I cold In lota to mlt uurchuuri , and at rcMonili prlcoo. Fcr further putlculan , call on or address M. V. I'AlTOIi. Waverly , Bremir Co , Iowa. , Also youog Rradul Hullo. ni7Imostw NBWWoolwork ! HevAttachments Warranted 5 Years SOLD ON EASY PAYMENTS. B. ULOVEIOV fit < II'A Si-oit OmihtNeli Wf. ' I' . . * K. . fi. liovrrooin M.entafti i &UIII.MI CM f Ar- " r , 1 * f v iiio- ! ! void OHAHLES RIEWE , UNDERTAKER AND BKAIEK IN Me'alic ' Cases , CofflD. , Ce KTO , E10 , 1000 rrtriuiiu St. , . OMAHA , Icltwraphlo trdi rs j > riuni.ty ) atttuce I to. Coiocc ottco. 1 " DEEXEL < Sc MAUL ( SOOCESSOUaTOJOUNQ. JAOOC3) UNDERTAKERS ! 4b olil Uod HIT anikm itiwL Orders by tel li ph o lt l and prompt ! r all * . t J to. . HELLMAN & CO , 1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREE1 COR. 13Th ( SUCCESSOR TO FOSTER & GRAY. ) LIME AND CEMENT. Office and Yard , 6th and Douglas Sts. , 01113113 BVKUlAli JXOT10K TO Growers of Live Stock and Others. WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO Our Ground Oil Cake. His the host and cheapest food lor ( took cl nv kind. One pound It cqaM to three poundi ol com stock tea with Ground Oil Cake In the Fill nd firintor , instead of running down , will Increase In weight nd bo m good tntrkeUbla rwnc\tlon In tbe ( pring. DMrymen , M rfoll as others , who u It can tatlly to tsmorlta. Try U and \\iin for yourMlTer. Frloo 82S.OO mr > : u : nochwga for sacks. Address won v > , LtuRKr.n " untNY om b Neb. R A TTT TEE NEW HOUSE OP GARRABRANT i COLE Fine Havana , Key West and Domestic Cigars. All Standard Brands Tobaccos. Trial Orte Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed , 11307 FARNAM ST. , OMAHA. J. A. WAKEF1ELD , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN J JJ LJUij ( V/MJLUglUU | SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOULDINGS , LIME , CEMENT , PLASTER , &C- STATE AGENT FOR MILWAUKEE CEMENT COMPANY. Union Pacific Depot , DEALERS IN Hall's Safe and Lock Comp'y FIEE AND BUBGLABPKOOF XXXA.ll OVERFLOWING WITH Our'irameDfe stock for the spring : oE 1884 is now compete. By a , visit to our store we can show you the largest stock of nicely fitting ) ready-made CLOTHING AT THE- Jfcg Our stock of Furnishing Goods consists of the latest novelties in Gents' Neckwear , Gents' Fine Hosiery , Gents' Fine Suspenders , j Gents' Underwear in ali Grades. / Collars and Cuffs in all new shapes , ' I Hemstitched Hdk'fs , Plain & Colored Borders. Latindried and Unlaundried Shirts , ! Colored Shirts , Cheviot , Pecale and Penang. Shiftman Bros , & Go's 1308 Farnani St. , between 13th and 14th Sts. , Omaha , Neb PERFECTION IN Heating and Baking In only attained by using CHARTER OAK Stoves and Ranges , ITH WIRE GAUZE OVER DOOR Fci sale by HILTON EOGEE3 & SONS i WATT A DO LUMBER 'MERCHANT ! m - * - s H3 'r-l . -i H 1 i8 1 a OUMUSGS AND 20TH ST. , OMAHA , NEB.