TT i TV * , G OMAHA DAILY BEE-COUNCIL BLUFFS FRIDAY AP.KIL 25 , 1684. fHE DAILY-VBEE > COUNCIL BLUFFS. Friday Morning , April 26 , SUBSCRIPTION RATES , Curler JOnenU per week By . . BylUil - - - - - (10.00 prr year OFFICE : } No. 7 P arl Btroot , Near Broadway. TnB Council Blufls printers' union mot lost night and passed resolutions a/lvU ing Council Bluffs citizens , to "boycott" TUB BKE. Like moat advice , it will lo listened to , but not necessarily acted upon. THE BEE does not fear losing ita Council Bluff * patronage for a day or i- two yet , anyway. If any body wanted to punish THE BEE it wouldn't puniah it very sorioualy by "boycotting" ita Council BlufTi department , as that is Inaacd , and the entire business on this , * side is under control of Council Blufla tnon , who have never lived a day in Omaha , and who had nothing to do ono way or the other with the strike. The other papers hero , which fool hurt about THE BEE'B rapid growth and prosperity in this city are the only ones who really fool disposedIto yell "boycott. " Their motive ia too apparent. MINOB MENTION , See J. Roller's , opring goods. Dick Weber , for being drunk and as saulting his wife , was fined yesterday. All railroad tickets bought of D. W. . Bushnoll are guaranteed , also all rebate orders given by him. ThreoTflga wore yesterday , { lot out 'of { ail on condition of .leaving the city. They will do so when they get a good toady. ' v John Eponotor , who took the modal as jrt'ao fastest mile skater at the rink hero , is mow to contest in a two milo race at the .rOmaha rink. The Virmillion Broa. 'gavo another of "their exhibitions at the rink last evening. . They arc very fmo in the double acts and ozclto much enthusiasm. This afternoon there is to bo a compet itive exorcise in tapid ( computation bo- itween the pupils of two of the rooms in R. * * \thfl Bloomer building. ' Xne of tha American oxprosa com- pany'a teams took a run on Madison street yesterday , and threw out the driver , W.SB. . Slytor , dislocating his knee. , J. T. Barko , the photographer , haa juat finished aomo of the pictures of the police force as they appeared on parade day in their now unitorms. There ore seventeen figures in the group , and con sidering this number and the awkward attitudes of some of the men the picture is a good one. There is a project on foot for special arrangements by which the music lovers a * ' of the city can attend the piano , recitals to bo given by Miaa Lydia Harris , in Omaha , May Oth , 8th , and Oth , and if enough names can bo secured a late dam- Ur my train will be put on , and reduced rates secured. Officer Morse had 'quito a time ar resting Dennis Gilmore , who was drunk , and in getting him in struck Gilmore over the head with his billy , blacking ono eye nnd cutting his ccalp. Gilmore ia 55 years.old . , and those who know him criticise Morse severely for thus pound ing the old man. The Druids have elected aa their ofli core : J. A. Harold , N. A. ; Nunds , V A. ; Taffingor , secretary ; Dr. Solbert corresponding secretary and physician 0. Barghauson , treas. ; B. Bertram , I G.jJ.D. Nicholson. They will be in etalled next Wednesday evening , Then , ' * ' have been in the last six months fou ' \ new Groves started in this state , wit ] 107 charter members. It waa almost impostiblo to got int Parka & Flatner'a store yesterday , fc the crowd of ladies who wore there wi < noosing the practical domonatratinn < the superiority of Prof. Horsford PhosphaticBaking Potrdet which hai tl unequalled approval of the highesttmo < io&l and chemical authorities in the worl < The exhibition will bo continued at tl Boiton Tea store to-day and to-morro\ Every housekeeper can learn aomethii to their advantage. The cooking ochool at Parka & PI nerVato're the laat two days , was crow ed with enthusiastic spectators , and i were delighted. It will bo at the Boat Tea Store to-day and to-morrow. Cot and bring your frlendi. PEIlHONA.Ii. JUUH McGlurg , of Allegheny , FA. , arrlv yetterday . m , J. W. Chaffln , of tba lied Oak Express , v Ia the city ywterday , Mr . Jr 3 , Good will leave on an east bualneM trip d / after to-inotrow. J , M. Faltner and hia utphew , A. 1L I Hier(1eft Uw city yeterd y for Pblladelp via. Chicago , expecting to bo gone about f w eka. Tb0fii fiibof Mr , Palmer hope etucge of cllmato and roat from bualnoaa \ prove beneficial to hia health. He also p ota to vilt hia ton. who la attending Bcl at Highland Fall * , N.Y. , v'1 AX JNIICKE8T1NG EXUllllTIO wUlb giv 'to-4 T nd te-roorrow i e Bowton.lV * Store to practically di ngjl ift'thirt " .fy - I P fora'e Buk 'jp wdr j Hw iHnt'in th world , Ct . Plenty to * * ev < BOTHERED BY BURGLARS. The Gang Still Raiding the Fdnrth Warfl , Tlio Now Follco UnUorma do Not. Bcnro OCliom. When J. W. MoOftbo the letter carrier awoke yesterday morning , ho found that his homo on Eighth avenue had boon raided during the night by burglars and sneak thieves. The follows had as' on their vialts to other places , helped them selves to provisions , and had also ran sacked the house. Mr. McCabo's panta loons wore found in an out-houso where the thieves , by the light of a night-lamp , also stolen from the house , had gone through the pockets , getting about $7. They also took aomo small articles of jew elry. They evidently were bent on find ing Eomothing valuable in the house , as they opened a bod-lounge , and also 'took a spare bed all apart , opened trunks , and in fact searched everywhere for hidden treasure. The thieves had taken the provisions outside , and there had a feast , using McOabo's pocket knife as a carver to slice up the edibles , and kindly leaving it be hind them. The reidonco of W. A. Upton was also entered , but the thieves got no further than the kitchen , and after helping thorn- solves to provisions , loft the --property undisturbed. The number of burglaries in the Fourth ward within a few weeks , makei it evi dent that there should bo aomo police de tailed for the resident portion of the city. The present force looks well in uniform , but is detailed on Main and Broadway , and there ia not enough of a force to spare any for the residence { .arts. In view of the frequent meeting of al dermen and also officials at Pat Laoy'is saloon , the place is being fixed up. The Baptist sociable trill bo entertain ed at the rcsidenco of Mrs. Keith , No. 722 , Fourth street , this evening. COMMEHOIAIil COUNCIL BLorrs MAIUCBT. Wheat No. 2 nprlng , tCo ; No. 8 , 55o ; re jected , 50o ; good demand. Corn 1/oalera ore paying SOo for old com a ad GOc for n w. ' Oats In Rood demand at SOo. Hay 1 00@0 00 per ton ; COo per bale. Kyo 10@45c. Corn Meal 1 25 per 100 pounds. Wood Good supply ; prices at yards , G 00 ® 700. 700.Coal Delivered , hard , 11 CO per ton ; soft , 5 00 per ton Lard Ffttrbank's , wholesaling at OJo. Flour City Hour , 1 C0@3 3u. Brooms 2 05@3 00 per doz. LIVE STOCK. Cattle 8 50@4 00 ; calves , 5 50@7 60. HORB Local packers are buying now and therola a good demand for all grodoaj choice pocking , G 25 ; mixed , 5 23. PRODUCE AND PnUITS. Quotations by J. M. St. John & Co. ; com mission merchants , 038 Broadway. Butter Creamery , SBc ; chcico coin try rolls , in Rood demand , 20c. Eggs 124o POT dozen ; very scarce. Poultry .Ready Balejchlckons.drosdod , 12Jc ; live. Oc ; turkeys , dressed , loc ; lire , 12c ; ucks , dressed , 12 Jo ; live , 8c. Oranges 4 00@4 BO per box. Lemons 3 60@4 00 per box. Bananas 2 60@3 CO per bunch Vegetables -Potatoes , 4050 ; onions , 76oj cabbage , 4 cents per . .pound ; apples , ready aalo at 3 25@4 00 for prime stock. "Perfectly Ix > voly. " Even worse than a spirited bit of slang with a grain of sense to start it is this uni versally-used and scnstilcss phrase I It ia applied to anything and everything. It Bccms to stand instead of ideas , of scnti- uiout , of appreciation and of common sense. Go into the rooms of tbo young ladles in our colleges for instance , where you ex pect something better , and where some thing better should be beard. But listen 1 The first words that salute you arc. "You arc 'perfectly lovely' to como ; " and , 'Isn't the day just lovely ? " and , "Look at thcsi ferns nud bright leaves , on the wall. Arou'l they 'perfectly lovely1" With these young women , anything thai isn't perfectly "horrid1 * and r'awful , " ii "perlectly lovely,1' from a statue of Venui to coffee , jolly or a sausage , if it suits th < appetite. I took a young lady last spring with mi from Brooklyn to Central Park. Btia wa bright , agreeable , pretty and animated But her exclusive use of this phrase seem : d almost intolerable before we had eeei uilf the spring-time glory of that delight ul place. The phrase destroys 'conversation mor easily than a series of sickly puns. It 1 an extinguisher of ideas. It certainly mm eventually enfeeble the minds of those wb allow it to express for 'them all they fee Children catch it who cannot sneak plnii and pronounce a doll or plaything "perfl lubly. " Whenever I hear it , I alwayn want to o : claim , "Oil , girls , do stop ! Better take u the forcible language of yonr brothers thu weaken all you say by this rueuuit'gles ie wfMti.mif. fu niAtinn' ' ied d- dd Cities. d I lie Cities arc costly luxuries , and the l > ! gg < . the city the more expensive the luxur ; The assessed valuation of property in tl ug city of New York for the year 1825 > vi $101,100,040 , and the tax for that year wi $387,448. Iu 1850 the assessed value tit tt of property was $207,142,470 having doul led lu twenty-flvo years. T ) > o amount e rdul taxes had however , increased eight time ul being $3,230,085. lu 1875 the njwcj-scd va ulou notion Una risen to $883 013,545while tl total amount of taxation had reached tl me enormous sum of $32,307,744 having bet multiplied ono hundred time * iu flf years , while the Rtato tax chargeil again the city has risen from $50,680 iu 1825 18,012,380 In 1875. In 1880 the ussessi value of property was advanced to $04 ! ed 671,000 ; but the total tax was reduced $28,037,272 , duo to the reduction iu tl State tax levied on the city from $8.001 000 to $3,571/422 , the city tax reuiaiuii the same. Another great grievance und which the No\r \ York citizen * lalwr ai groan is the extravagance aud recklessue of the expenditure of the moneys nils by taxation , If wo may credit the stal mnuta of the journals of that inctropo bur nearly half the city funds are absolute tba squandered , worse than wasted , will ox- Speaking of farmers' horses , the Hath lOtl 01 Live Stock Journal eays the kind of ni inol needed by most fanners is one . . _ . ing from twelve hundred to fiflccn hu .c drud pounds , and fifteen and a half to si ' at tecu hands high , compact , vigorous , bar and docile. If this , beyond , it has fi em form aud style allied to good action , much the better , I The ladlea mutt eoonar or later ackno 'edg that 1'uzzonl'ii medicated uouiplox : paw Jer 1 > the only cotmetla uiada U t will i iujure the eklu. For § lo l > y all aruKgisU , SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Sped * ) adrertlMmento , noh M toil , Found , To toan , For Salt , To Rent , Want * , Board * Ing , to. , will be InMrted In thlt column at th low rat of TEN CENTS PBR LINK ( or the Brit Inwrtlon and FIVE CENTS FKH LINE ( or each nibeequeot n- Mrtlon. Leave advertisements at onroffloo , No , Petti Street , near Bro&dwav WANT8 , WANTEO-Alhn boy with pony to carry r < ( < > r DIE. 011 at Council Ululfi Du ofllcc. \TtTANTKU Every body m Council BluH * to takr VV TIIRDKIL Dollrered by carrier at only twenty oenU a vrcelc. f\M ) FAI'KKS For > & ! at II ollloo at 26 cenU \J a hundred. AOKNT3 Tadica and gentlemen can make flnt clam waffoi by Rolling the "Champion Busom "trecther and Ironing Iloird. " IlcUlli at Sl.OO. Any lady can do up k line thlrt without n nrlnklo nd glosi In as nlcnlya * the beat lanndrlc * can. Adclrou forpMtlculanO. B. B. & I. Co. , Dm oftlco , ( or one month. Railway Time Table. COUNCIL BLUFFS. The following ; are the llmon of the arrival and dc > pnrturo of trains by central standard time , at tlie lootl depots. Trains leave tranifer depot ten rnln- earlier and arrive ten minutes later. CHICAGO , tVaUNOIOK AilD QUIXCT. txiva. Chicago Eiprcw Dee : am 9:10 : a m Fast Mall. 7:00 p rr I1KBAS CITT , BT. JOS ARD OODKCIb ELUTrS. \OXt a m' ' Hill and EspreM , 7:05 p m 8:06 p m raclOo Express , 6:60 p m CntOAOO , MltWAUKXI AMD BT. PACT * f:45 : a m Mall and Express , 7:10 : p m 5:25 : p m Exprcwi , 0:40 : a m 0:16 : a m Express , 6t& : p in cnicAoo , ROCK HLAKD AND rAcmo. BM : pm AtUntlo Express , 0:40 : am 0:50 : a m Vty Express , 0:60 : p m 7:15 : am DcsMolnes Acxx-mmoditloi , 4:40 : pto At local depot only. "WABAan , BT. Louia ANDlrAcino. 0:5 : ! am Mall , 4:45ptn : 4:50pm : Cannon Ball , ll:15am : At Transfer only , CHICAGO and KoarmnaTaaH. 6 0 m Rxprcsn , 0:50 : pm Oiliam Faclfllo Express , 0:45 : am. aioox cm AMD ncino. m St. Paul Express , 9:00 : a m m Accommodation , 0:50 : p m tmiox rActnc. ir:59pm : Western Kxpreiw , BS9am : 1:44 : a m I'acIOo Kxprens , 4:3 : * p m 7:40 : a m Local Kxprcsd , B:54 : a m 12:14 : am Lincoln Expren , At Tramfer only. DCUUT TIUISS TO OU1IIA. Leave -04-lo-4i-llM : : : a. m. 1M-:2 : : : S4- 4:24-t : M:24-74 : and 11:04 : p , m 8u day , 8SI- : 10:24 : a. in. l:24-3 : < 4:247OI : : and 11:04 : p. m. Ar- v 80 mlnut befuro IcavlnK time. _ Grain & Provisions , BOOGE'S SIOUX CITY HAMS. J. Y. FULLER , Commission Merchant No. S3 Pearl Btroot Council muHi , Iowa. ROLLER SKATING CORNER PEARL ST , AND FIFTH A7B , OponlOCO& : . m. , 2COp. : m Bj7SOp. ; in. , > WMualo on Holiday , WcJueadsy and Friday cvo nlugs. ADMIRSION 25 CENTS. No objectionable o aractcrs will b admitted. H. H. MARTENS PKOMIIKTOR. W. R. VAUGHAN. Justice of the Peace , Urnana and Council Bluftr. Heal osute oolleo ion agoni OH FeU" > vor navlnm htnV. Mrs.H.J.HiltOD.M.D , , PEYSIOIAN & SUBGEON , 223 Middle Bro - lvr. . Council Blttfli. R , Rice M. D. ° ' otb > r tumors 'removed without thi knlle or drawing ol blood. CHRONIC DISEASES > , Over thirty ye r I practical eiporltnoa OfflM No 6 1'carl street , Council lilufla not. omen , n. M. rmir. t OFFICER & FUSE ? 3a BANKERS. 3 Council BluBi ! 185 ( Establisnea - - Dealerf In Foreign and omottlo Exchange an GASH TALKS ! Ab the well-known Establishmen OP J. P. FILBERT 200 Upper Broaaway , the tu PIONEER CASK Ot Council Bluflj. Notice our reduced Price Lit We give ed We alto oarrr a full line ol Uen'i , ladles' at Ch'lJreu' ' . One Hhocn and Men' Flue llooti at vei to low prloo * . Alto full line 01 Tinware and genrr Dierchabdue. Cell on ui and be convinced tba' yc ho canwiTe u-iiney Vv dealing with ui. Uaodi dolter | < Inn ) In anv part ul the UU. ug Iu * word , xr ani bound to ell and challenge I Uuj i4o oomjietltlua lu toll oountr. ler j , J' . Fiknr.ivr ud as to- ci. N. BOHUKZ. dy 11s Justice oftlie Peaci OFFIOB OVKU AHEUIOAN KX1-IIE83. COUNCIL BLUFFS , - 10 WJ m- * ' JAOOII BUI8. B. P. CADWEI ty SIMBJtOADWELL , " Attorneys-at-Law i OOUNCII. BLUFWI , IOWA „ Jonl Office , Ualn Street , Iloom * land BUWMfcl uotUabou' ; Block. WUlprtctloelu BUte Mi * di IMUtU LADIES ! WE ABE JiEOJEliVING SlME VUEY FINE Shoes Gentlemen DUE HNE BOOTS AND SHOES For Sprin Wear are arriving daily. Please call and see our New Stock. Z. T. LINDSEY & CO. . 412 Broadway , Council Bluffs , ) Tnw \ West Side Square , Clnrmdti IIOWA' MAYNE & PALMER , rSATCRS TS Hard and Soft Goal , AND WOOD , BULK AND BAIUIEI , TJME , LOUI8TO.LB AND I'OUTLAND CEMENT . , MtCHKJAN PtASTKR , HAIK Ho , B 9 Broadway. - . AND 8KWKB - PFPK. - cotrwon. BUTPPH. IOWA AH kinds of/ jr. sac. Engineering I ROOM 6 , NEW OPERA HOUSE , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , etc. , etc. V All Orders by Mall Promptly Attended To. GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES , Fine Mantels and Grates , LYMAN'S GASOLINE STOVES. Call and BOO them before buying , elsewhere. Stoves and Tinwaro. JOHN EPENETEE , ow on.BT SS"rAT ! : KNICKERBOCKER PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY ! 220 South Main Stredt , Countil Bluffs , Iowa. \Vo cuarantoo our ivo'rk as first-claw in over manner and style ( it low'pricas. Wo make n specialty of Grnupes , Families , and especially children , which wo take quicker than a wink. COME AND SEK US. _ _ _ _ -SCHMIDT & RILEY , Proprietors. WHY DON'T YOU OETSJ1IEOF FITCH BROTHERS' ' CUSTOM SHIRTS ? Perfect Fitting , Beat and Cheapest. Fine Linen CoMir * Mil Cuffs.- i No. 715 Fourth 'Street Council Bluffs , Iowa. UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER ! Metalic Caskets and Woodin Coffins of all Kinds. TELEGRAPH ORDERS PROMTLY ATTENDED TO. OPEN DAY AND NIGH 3NTo. 14 3ST. aVEAixL St. . Ooiixxoil D GRESTON HOUSE. -f EVERYTHING F1BSTCLASS. Noa. 217 md 210 R. TVIain St. . - - TOITNCTL WHOLESAIiK DBALEUS IN HATS , CAPS BUCKCrLGVES , 342 and 344 Broadway. COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA LI VETO EAT. tTOllVB. ' RESTAURANT AND CAFE , to Ed. Olison 1 401 Broadway , f Motla at all Hours . Chef il'eul ln f Council DlnlTi. 1 Parties a SpecUttT. SIGN , SCENERY AND FRESCO PAINTING A SPECIALTY , 17 North Main SU COUNCIL BLUFFS u j Merchant Tailoring. , REPAIRING NEATLY AND PROMPTLY DONE. 805 South Main Street. COUNCIL BLUFFS. WHOLESALE fntlprv Tiimpyc Qtnnlr Ftp ulllluiy llllllulb OllM Lib , , , , ; tfjTSpcclal attention to rrdcra my Mall. riOUNOTL BLUFFS , Fig leaves are out of style , so are goat and sboop skin ; shawls and blnnkota have gone by. This is not intended for poetry , but if you want a suit of clothes to look both neat and dressy , call on NORENE & LANDSTROM , Their Prices are Truly Reasonable { MRS. S. J. NOKRIS , omplete Assortment of the Latest Novelties in MILLINERY AND NOTIONS ' : : " 105 S Main Street - "cOUNCIl BlUFFS- Mixed Rags Wanted. The undersigned is paying the highest market price for Bags. ' S. GOLDSTEIN , " 640 Broadway , Council Blufis HARMAN KELLEY , 34 N. MAIN ST. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , DEALER IN ALL THE LATEST DESIGNS OP f ALL PAPER Al lip Interior Decorations. 13 S. Pearl Street and 20 N. Main Street , - COUNCIL BLUFFS. New Goods Now Open 9 H A RKNESS BRO 's. Spring Stock Complete ia all Departments. CARPETS ! CARPETS ! CARPETS ! . IN ALL GRADES. The Latest Styles , Choicest Patterns Of all kinds , Dimension and Color , Rugs , Mattings , Etc. TT T , T3 COUNGILBLUPFS - r > rM HarknessBros. ,