- L-\t * - _ - L. r [ Imported Beer IN BOTTLES , Erlnnger , Bnvnria Gnlmbnchor , Bnvano , Pilsner Bohemian. | Kaiser Bremen , DOMESTIC. Bud weiser St , Louis. Anhnusor . . St. Louis. Bo3i'3. . . .aa Mil'vnukop. Schlitz-Piisner Milwnukco. | jKrue'a Omnhn , Ale , Porter. Domestic aud Rhine Wine. ED. MAU1U5R Fflvimm ELEGYRIG BELT tno llfltiVAmrHrn'lhiitYen.'litlio KTrrlrlcliy Kii\ „ - uril ni throiiRli tlio kodj- , and canbu rccbargi.il la nn In- tUuit by the imtlcnt. SI.OOO Would Not Duv It. Dn. HORVB I wai tffl'ctod with rhcumatltm aid Soured by using a bolt. To nny ono afflicted with * that dlsoaro , 1 would taf , buy llorno'n Electric rielt , Any ono can confer with mo by writing c Ulog at my ttore , 1420 Douglas rtropt. Omaha , Neb. WILLIAM LYONS. MAIN OFFICE Oppoolte poatofflro , room 4 Fran- or block , t3TForralontC. F. Ooodman'a Drug Store 11CO Orders fiifcdC.o'.D. 266TH EDITION PRICE , $1.00 , BY MAIL POSTPAID. KNOW THYSELF , , A CHEAT MEDIOAIj WORK Exhausted VitalityNorvoug and Physical rremituro Doollno In Man , Eirorsof Youth , an untold missiles resulting from Indlocrctlons nr ox OC3JC9. A book for every min , youn ? , mlddle-njod and old. It contains 125 proscriptions fnrixll acnt and chronic ( Uaoaioi oichono ot which Is Inviluibl 80 found by the Author , who.io experjonao fo ; yeara Ii such taprobibly never betoro fell to ths H of any physic an SOD pages , baund In bo-.utlfc Frenchmualta moossodcoven , tntl Bllt.suaraniaod to bo a flnarwor * n every tonsa , mechinlra.1 , lit erary nnd professional , than any other vvoik poM thll country for $2.60 , or tlio money will tie refund In ovcr/lnstanco. Prloa only 31.03 by mall , pai paid , lllus'.rntlvo Birnplo C ocnto. Bond now. Oo modal awarded the author by the National ilcdlca Association , to tlio ofllcers of which be refers. ThU book should ho road by the young for Inetrao tlon , and ty the affllotod for relief. It will benefit all London Lancet. Thereto no member of goolcty to whom thb booV will not bo useful , whether youth , parentpiardlan ( , Instructoror olerRVman. Antonaut. Addreea tba Pcabody Medical Institute , or Dr. W. U. Parker , Ho. 1 BuWnch Street , IJoaton Maaa. , who may DO oonoultcd on all dlseuas reifairlnK skill and * expoilinse. Chronlo andobntlnatodlsoftsesthtt have n baffled the skill of all ether phya-nr ft | rlans a Bpocialty : Bach treated sncoces-nk fully without an tnstino allurej TlWCt JAS , H. PEABODY M , v , PHYSICIAN & BURGEON , Rosldenco , No. . 1107 Jones St. OIBco , No. 163 Farnam etreet Office hours 12 m. to l p. m. , an romZtofi p.m. TelojhonaforoOleoOT U-sHon James Medical Inslitnia Chartered by theStateof Illi- noU for thecxprcsspurpose of giving Immediate rellelln all chronic , urinary and private - ; vate diseases. Gonorrhcea , Gleet andSyphtlis In all their complicated forms , also all diseases of ths Skin and Blood promptly relieved and permanently cured by reme diestestedln Rforti/Yenra „ _ Special 1'racUce. Seminal Weakness. jRht Losses by Dreams , Pimples on the Face , Lost Manhood-jiojWft'c/yciircd.TAcro te no trpcrlntctttina- appropriate remedy 13 at once used In each case. Consultations , per sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med icines cent by Mail and Express. No marks on package to Indicate contents or sender. Address DR.JAMESNo.204WashInglonSI.Chcngolll ; T. 0. CARLISLE , DREHDEn OP rn MO. VALLEY IOWA. . , - - - . "Sood for Circulars. " A. F. GROSS. , flABINET WORK , BUCII AS COUNTERS , BARS , IOE BOXES , LIBRARIES , and ol klndi of oflico work a epcclaltv Ctll or ad dreg ) 1303 Jackson Street , Omabu , Neb. PLEULER&HIStiZ. PKACTJCAL Carpenters and Boiders Address 1214 South ISth Street. H. PHILLIPS , Haionoof the Unrest anil flnmt assortment o Spring and Summer Uoodg for Bultlcca a d T rouse IIIRI. All garm-Btignaiantecd tn flt and trmnv ! > i with the IluitTrlmmfiiifi. MY I'lllCUJ AKIILOWKi thtn auy Merchant Tailor In tbo city , ibci rarnam Street. U. P. BAKERY , 15U Wehster St. , Omaha , Nob. ( Successors to the old U , I' . Dal ery.KUli fit , ) ALT. KINDS OK BREAD , FANCY CAKES AND PIES Constantly on hand. Or.lora will ba prnmotly etti.il ded to. WAUNIilt 'llHO'S , apr-SS-m 1'ropihtori- , MASTER'S SALJS. "jn the Clr-ult Court of the United States for th District of ebrasla. John nerd , Trustee , ) m V In Chancery. Francis Hog ; , et al. , ) FOKEOLOSUIIK OF JIOniaAOE. I'tibllo notice I hireby given , tint In runiunc aud bylrtueof adecroain'.crtd Inthotbotecautv on the 7th day ol February , 1831 , J , Ulli fc lller bower , pcclal master In clunceiy (11 ( tald court , wil on the litb of April , 1581 , at the hour of 10 o'dnc In the forena-n of thu aaM oay. at thu north door tbo Ui.1 d Sutte Court House and I'oitoltlce build inar.tn the city of Omaha. Uouzlxi county. Uattan district of Wtrbraska , ee'l at auction thq fullOHlng de Krlhed property , to wit : OTjg * qua\ undivided one-third part of the cnua undivided oue-half of the aoathnest tiuarter 03 eco , JIou § ? .T n ' ' .i" to mllP | fl * " 6)rarite Wt Uen , (13) . 8 Id ( utoiest , If divided , Lelnc SOI aero tltoata In Doujlat oountr.Nebraika. ' ELU8 L , UIERBOWRK. W.J. _ O NNELT , . Solicitor * ! * ' ) ' - J1" ! * ' * ' . ' dJ < "ini < l to the 83th day of Apr ! 1884 , at 11 o clock a-in. , at si we place aa statw KLLI8 DR. THOMAS' Eclecfr c Oil ! WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD ! A Medicine with curative pro- nerties as iniuossilile to counter felt as the PYRAMIDS OF EGYPT and which is now having an en ormous sale throughout the Uni ted States and Camillas. sen AN TON , r.v. I.OWKM , , MA S Diiiltu the jmsl two wn bvlk aftllctcil can I h\\o u cil l > ot > lcs with IlronchltU and nti if Dr. Thomas' IMtctrlo ftffootl ; < m ot tha Ihroit 111 ( or rpraln * , Imiiso ) , I > r Thiuiiai' Kclcctrlo Oil ut * . burnt , and Illiou curcl ino-OIUir J Ilelo ntlc . It tltray * cure * . Mo , 23 EiSt.MorrlasackSt. -M. 1 , . Illllr , AW. Filth Vard , Nov. 0 , ls-3. ls3.ILIA ILIA DAVENPORT , IOWA. In ernes of Croup Thorn A * a romcJy torCit.urh V Kcloctrlo Oil ncvir Dr. Ill tntV IMoctdo Oil alU to euro. It cured nie .tindtntthotop. It enroll I ft \ cry bvl Ulcoatcd mo , anil t bcllovo nlll cnio ere Throit-U. 11. Hall , yrau EJw.S. How lev raysthlo llli. J W. 12th streoS. o ttrm " ( " 101 t a Lino" In connection ulththt \ U corpor tonainoofaRtD tread I 0 com oys an Idea of u t h t required by the toweling rub lie a Short Line , Quick Timi and tlio bout of tccommoda tlona all of which MO fuin- ted by the greatest railway la America. [ | HIOAGOlLWAUKEE ( | And St. Paul. tt owes nod operate * over 4CM tulles of orthcrn Illinois , Wisconsin , Minnesota , Iowa akota ; und as U main lines , branchta and connec CUB reach all the crcat business centres ot thi ortlnupt and Far West , It naturally answers tin OflcrlptlOD of Short Line , and llcst llou'.o between Chicago , Mlhvmikcc , St. Paul and Minneapolis. ChUngo , Milwaukee , La Croeao and Wlnnna. Chicago , Milwaukee , Aberdeen and Ellendft'.a Chicago , Milwaukee , Eau Claire and Stllhrutor * Chicago , Mllv aukco , Vi'ausau and llcrrlll. Chicago , Milwnukco , Boa\cr Dain and Oshliosh , Chicago , Milwaukee , Waukrnha and Ocouonuiwoa Chicago , Milwaukee , Madison and I'ratrlodu Chios Chicago , Milwaukee , Onatonna and Falrlh.valt. Clilcoga , Iklolt Jane3I'lo ' and Mineral Point. Chicago , Elgin , llockford and Dubuq'v ) , Chicago , Clinton , Hock Island wd. Ct-Jtr Rapids. Chicago , Council Bluffs ami Omaha. Chicago , Sioux City , Sioux Falls and Yauktnn ChlCASro , Milwaukee , Mitchell and ChimbcrUto. Rook Inland , Dubuque , fit I'aul and Minneapolis Dwouport , Calmar , St. Paul and MInneapoUa. Pullman Slocpera and the Finest DlnlnKdirs In orldaro run on the milnllncs olthuCHlCACO /IJLWAUKHE & ST. PAUL I3AII.WA1 nd utcry attention In pnU to pasacn cre by cuuru us employ oa of the company. . s. MEimirTi , A. v. n. fli-n'l ilaaagct. t-tti' ru"i. OEO ii. UC.AFFOKD WITH your - ? ork is done for all time to time to come. WE CHALLENGE ; o produce a more durn&le material for street pavement than the Sioux Falls Granite. OIRIDECRS | FOE ANY AMOUNT01.AIIOI. . - , OR I filled promptly. Samples sent tail estimates given upon application. WM.MOBAIN&CO. . Sioux Falls. Dakota. I1. WINDOW CAPS , FINALS , " ETC ane x.atfcx : tatx-o t , > f MIA NKU .ILA8KA . . H , MAHHUr-v - WHOLESALE & . RETAIL Millard K l Elrcc ! , OMAHA. - „ HUGH MoMATOS & 00 , 418 North 10th Street. WALL PAPER BUANC11E3 , MRS , MARTItf , ticrStniKRto With ft Thief Wlillo Crowd ol Mcn.Sl'niid t > y nml Alnko no Intcrfcrouco , Jlonlion w a made in of the cnptu'-o of n thief by Mr . Mftrtin , A reporter called on that lady nnd wan given nn explanation of the whole nfliiir. About 2 o'clock Wednesday ns Mrs Martin oamo around the conior of the louse In trhioh she and her husband ro ido she saw Von Bnlo\r sneaking 6 t of n open window with n valuable suit of lollies under his nrm. Finding that ho vna discovered ho asked if somebody ived thcro , nnd Mrs. Marliu , hoping to ain n niotncnt's time to think how to ct , said she would nsk the landlady. lo kept moving oiF and Mrs , Martin lien produced ft revolver from n dress > ockct nnd drew it on him. As she did o , the cylinder rod droppol out of the ovolvcr , rendering it useless and the lady ) ogau calling "Stop thief , " and gave pur- uit. Von Bulow dropped the clothing nd ran up the street and down the alloy rom Thirteenth street , whore the lady nht hold of hia arm , Ho struck horn n the face , ' whereupon she hit him with io revolver over the head. A crowd of dlo men gathered , but none had sense noiijh to help the lady until when she aught him again , and Von Bulow struck c her again , a blacksmith named Bennett amc up nnd seized him nnd took him to ail as related , Mrs. Martin says that she. died upon the crowd tf men assembled o help her with tlio follow but thnt riot ono would do so until Bennett came up , otwithstanding that the thief atruck her overal times in the fnce. Mrs. Martin stated that nho had al- rays handled n revolver nnd wns perfect- homo with one , and had not thu rod roppcd frcm the one she was endeavor- ug to use Wednesday , she would ave made it warm for the flj ing thief. ho lady said thai olio had dreamed three ights'in succession that the revolver was ning buck on her , and.it did. , Upon her arrival at the ja'l Wedn : tday fcoruoon she was offered n position on 10 police force by the city marshal. She ill not accept it , but the city should nt east present her wish n now revolver , id ono that will not miss fire when she ants to * use it. < STANDARD TIME. Olllclal Notice ol'itR Adoption on Uio Union Pacific Hoiul , Circulars , signed by Assistant General ilanagor Kimball and Qencral Supcrin- endent Nichoh , wore aont out Wedncs layto various parties interested , notifying horn that on Thursday , May 1st , 1884 , it 11:30 o'clock a. m. , present standard imo , which will bo 11 o'clock n. m. stan dard mountain ttino , and 12 o'clock noon , itaudard central time , upon the taking fTccfc of time sshedulo No. 39 , will be changed east of North Platte from "Oma ha Meridian Time , " to "Central , or 90th Standard Meridian , " which 'is twonty- 'our minutes faster than the standard icrotoforo in use , and west of North Platte to "Mountain , or lOoth Stan dard Moridi.in , " which is thirty-six minutes slower than the * standard hcroto- 'oro in uso. ' * In making the change from the old to .ho now standard , the following method will bo observed : At 11:25 : o'clock a.m. . on Thursday , May 1st , all trains and en gines then upon the road will stop at n clegruph station to receive the now time , which will bo sent at 11:30 a. m. , by the old time , which will bo 12 o'clock , noon , east of North Platte , and 11 o'clock nm. west of North Platte by the now time , which moment all watches and clocks will bo moved ahead at 12 o'clock , noon east of North 1'lutte , and back to 11 o'clock a. m. west of Norh ( Platto. The standard , central and mountain time wil : hcn bo in uiTcct. Trains thataro liable to bo on the roat Between stations at 1 :25 : a. m. , by the old time , will stop at the nearest telegraph - graph oflico and remain there until the lew time has boon received , nnd they receive ceivo orders to proceed. After the now imo has been sent , time echedulo No. 3 ! ) will bo in effect. Trains thoti on the road can only proceed aa directed by the dispatcher. , It will bo the duty of train dispatchers ko know tha1 ; all conductors and engi neers have the standard time leaving tor- initial stations until time sjhedulo No , 30 lias boon in effect forty-eight hourp. Some of the business houses in this city have already expressed their inten tion of adopting ntandard time on the first day of May , and shortly thereafter it will prcb ibly bo adopted pretty gener ally throughout the city , Free On this Friday evening , aa previously announced , llov. A. A , Lmbert , S. J. , vice president of Creightoii college , will commence u series of loutiircs on practical chemistry in the hbratnry of thu ctllego. Theao Icotnrefl nro especially intondud for men who dcfcire to advance thomnclroi in knowledge of this very important fciibj cl as also Ihocovtho may bj ab'u to dunvi ndvnntasto from it m their several pur BtiitB. They are especially commendec to professional gwitlumen , aud of couruo , will bo appreciated by thorn. There wil bo no charge for admission , nnd stirtioui young gentlemen will bo heartily wel corned and onnoura ed. The first lecture will take pluco on the evening nbovi mentioned , commencing at 7I0 : ! o'clocl : The AVertdliis Bolls , Wednesday eve at 8:30 : , at the rotldonci of Mr. I. W. Minor , Mias Ella Dunhait and Mr. Wm. S Iliggs were united ii marriago. Only a few of the intimat * frienda of the contracting parties wen present. As the bridal party onteroi the parlors , Mr. Ilavel R. Franco playei a brilliant march. Mien Dunham was at tended by her sister , Miss Anna , anc MLss EdHh'Vixn Aornnm , who wcro both very protlily nnd neatly attired , Tlio bride was dressed in cream brocadcc Bfttiu , trimmed with Spanish lace nnd \roro diamonds nnd natural ( lowers. The ceremony wns performed by Kov. Dcnn MilUpftugh. The presents were numerous nnd some or them very expensive. The happy oouplo luft to > dny for Salt Lake City nnd other points in the west , on n wedding tour , whither they nro followed by the beat wishes of n host of fricndr. ASut ] > ri o Party. A surprise party was tendered Hev. nnd Mrs. Mitchell , nt tlio parsonage of the A. M. K. church , Wednesday eve , led by Mrs. T. A. WnlK After doposiling tlio con tents of their biskota , which oonsistca ol ; oed things for the inner man , upon thu dini'ig room table , they enjoyed thorn * solves singing. Just ni thny were nbout to depart , Cul. Frank Sinms brought up Lho rear with ten ponndi of breakfast b.\ * eon which brought down the homo. Tlio iolionring named ladies and gentlemen tvoro present : Mrs , T. A. Wall , Mrs. Lnckcsmnn , Mm II. IiIcHsett , Mrs. J. Suflbtth , Mrs. 13. Morton , Mrs , Wnditlo , Mrn.M. Simnis , Mi&8 Clarn McCoy , Mine Lucy Lackcs- mau , Mis L-xuttca McDonnal , Mr. Smith RiidCol. _ Frank Simmi. Colo'rt ( ilriuts Cm1. Colo's circus car is in the city nnd the argo bills for the ahow will ba put up L'his is the main ndvert'Vmt ; car and is in cl'.argo of agent W. C. Boyd. Mr. Lewis E. Cook , general agent' of ho nhow hai arrived in this city. It ii expected that the work will bo complete - o > l in the city so m to enable the car to eave by to-night. A0jotmii.il Mot tlujr. The ndjournad meeting for forming a court of the Independent Order of For esters ill bo hold on Monday evening \pril 28th , at 7:30 : o'cloock , in Coimcl- y'u hall , corner of Sixteenth nnd Wobsior strocta All interested ore invited to nt- ond. By order of Committee. l''locldiK to the CItlcn. The tendency of populntiou to towns nm\ itics luus been niadu.tliu snlyuct of inudi itudy nml comment of Into years. It htu. jeuii ot'tcn deprecated as inimical to the ; eucrnl well'.iro of society , l-'riiitrgrowing mil gardening is to bo commended because of its independence , its healthfulnesa nml its almost invariable rcmuncratlveness. Very few farmers ever "fail in busness,1' ! while in mercantile pursuits ninety-five out of every hundred fail. Despite these startling llgures , there is u tendency , that verges upon a nitinia , to seek business nnd social life In cities and villages. There nrc many legitimate and natural reasons for this. Not all men nro adapted to furmiiifr aud kindred vocations. Men w ho have n natural genius for mechanism will succeed better as artisans than agriculturists. Men with the appetite for merchandise will not hardly bo content with the culture of the soil. And so with all callings nml profess ions : men should follow the line of busi ness for which they are naturally qualified. Social , educational , religious nml esthet ic re.isoas uU > o obtain. The advantages of the city , in all tla-ho requisitions , nro apparent , nnd not to bu denied. It is true that , in their enjoyment , we lose many advantages .that pertain to rural life ; ' ur , 'with ' n largo number of people , the attrac tions of city life outweigh all country at tractions. It is well that is should be BO. Tho'country without villages and cities Would bo n very desirable ono to emigrant from ; nnd the city withoutits ruiai'snr- loundiugs would indeed bo very helpless , as well as undesirable place of nbodc , Id fact , an impossibility. It is obviously ih the economy of nature that these two con ditions of society bhuuld always exist , JIbtcard Courant. Chinese Bcdo. There are two kinds of Chinese beds , md both are arranged for u complete shut ting in by means of hanging curtains aud tapestry. The expensive kind is like a sort' of cage , having ; a flat wooden roofj just the size of the bed proper , supported it n neight of about eight feet from the floor on four corner posts nnd two Intcr mod into ones. Then there la n sort of frieze or entablature work running around horizontally , nbovo and below , bo that 7hen you uro in bed you nre safely penned dn sort of cage nnd can nut tumble out. The carving on tbeho beds is sometime ) ] Very rich , nnd they cost much ; but Uie ordinary aud cheaper kind is made of twc frames of wood shaped something like the skeleton of nn old-fashioned "settle , " which are stood up on the floor , Aicing cneh other. A mnttic. " ) is placed on the pro jecting part of tlicso friinles , nnd n couple of slight sticks across the top ; then cur tains nnd hangings shut nil in , and make 14 , look ns pretty ns the taste and money of the owner are able. Intide , there is a cot ton quilt , Inid on the mnttress frame. The occupant of the bed lies on this having n little nil of stuff for the bend , uml for u ; overii % a very thick cotton quilt Recipes. Washington Cake. Ono cup of sugar , one-half cup of butter , one-half cup of sour milk , two eggs , one-half teaspoonful of siilcratns , one and onc-hnlf cup of flour , lemon to taste. DoughnulH. One Inrgo egg , four nnd one-half tablcspoonful'i melted butter or lard , ono eofl'ue cup sugar , one cup sweet milk , one teiisnoonful ginger , tno of cream tnrtar , one ofhoihv dlbsohed in the milk , Mix tlio cream tartar vtith flour enough to inulvO the douj-h just Bliff enough to han dle , fry in hot , lard , take out and lay on brown paper u moment , then in n dish nnd grate hujiar o\er them first on one side and then on the other ; -/lo / not allow them to cool before putting on the sugar. Green Ooosebenics for Torts. Fill very clean , dry , wide necked bottles with goose- bcirlcs picked thu wimc day , in dry weath er , nml just hcfmo they Imvunttnincdthch full sUe. Wiap n little hay round encli bottle , and Ml them up to their neck's in r boiler of cohl water , vhieh should be brought vciy unidniilly to boll ; n littlehnj niiiHt he put in the bottom of the boiler nnd the bottles fixed firmly. Let thofruii simmer gently until it nppcaru obrunkci nnd perfectbcnldcd ! , then take out tin bottles , and fi'l ' up as nuiny aa you cat quite full with tome of the cooked goose berries it is generally necessary to Bacri flee ono of the battles in doing thla , takiiij care not to break the fruit. Directly tb bottles nre full of gooseberries , pour boil ing water into the bottles up to the brimt else they will i ildcw. Tie bladder eve the topi immediately , nnd keep the bottle in n dry , cool place. When the gooscbei rica uro used , pour otf the greater part ol the water , and add the wane migur as fa [ { fresh fruit , of which they ought to hay I j the Bume flavor nnd nppenrnnce. Prepare tin thin way , gooseberries are neifcctl j vrhoUgouiv , and will keep uutll Uio frui 1' tome * ia ngain. KATIE tES AND \7ILUH1 OBEY , laollltlt brown brad * with famine curl * , Jlwl lip * ihultlngovcr pc rls , llare feet * lilt * nd net with dew , Two tjn bUck r.nd two cm blut t Uttle boy n < l nlf 1 w-re Uicy KullcLeo mid Wltllc Orcr. Tlirjwt re iwndln ; wlicre broolc , HciiilliiR like R tlirpticrd'n croolc , I'liuhnl ll ( livernnd ! thick rRiiks OfRrrvn wllloni frliiRtsI the banks Itftlf In thotifilil Mid Imlf In play- Katie Uc r.nit Willie CIrcr. TlirjImil checks llkeclirrrltsrul , lie uiu tullrr-mo't nhrod ; Blir.nltd nrmsllkernlhsortnoWt h\\uiiK n basket lo nnd fro , AaBliclultrrrd , Imlf In piny Chattering to Willie Orcy. " 1'rcttr Kixtlc , " Willie * ( ilJ , And llicrocivmcr < diuliorrr < l 'lliruiiRli llic bron iu * of hl < cliorlc , Mloya nrc KtroiiK nnd girls urouuL ; And I'll cnrry , no lull ) , Kntlc'sliMkot up the lilll. " Kntlonnv\ml n IftURli , "You ilmll rnrry only lint ft" Andtlicn loiulng Imck her curK "Iki ) B nrecuk \\clliuiKlrln , " Doj oil tliluk Hint Ivnllo gmwcil 1I U Die Isdom ulic cpri'swil f Men htc only buys Rro\\ Inll , llenrUilnn'tclintiKO mucli nHcrnll : And xvlicn , tone yi-nn from ttmlOny , Kntle lac uiul Wllllo drey Blood n Mn bo-lilo tlio brook , llcndliiR Ilko ix ulicphcrd's crook la It slrntiRO Hint \Vllllcxnlil , Wlillc nRAln n dn li of rod Urosioil tlio lirovMint'M of Ills cliffk- " 1 amMroiiRnndyininro weak , 1.1 fo M but n illi'pory steep , lliniKU Itli slmduHB cold nnd ilccjit" "Will you trust mo , Kntloilonr , Wall ; bMlilo me \ \ Itliout fonrr Mnylcrirry. Iflll , AII > our burilcin up the Mil T * ' A ml slieanw erect \\ltli ulmiKli , "A'o-but linlf. " - you limy carry Closf brsMcllic Itttlo brook , llciidlne Ilko nulicplierd's crook , \VasliliiR\\ltli llsslhtfliiuuls , litU'i\iiil early nt tlicBAnd * , Is llic nillnfe , u hero ( onlay , Katie \ lvrnllli Willie Qn-y , In thp porch Mio ill- , mid lot bulngin bimket tu nnd fro , Vastly ilinvrcnt from the ono TlmUhnvMing In yrnranfrono Thin Ii IIIIIK , nnd ilcep mul nrldo , Aud bus rockera on CotisuiniUloti. Physicinns uwil to hold thntu fnlnl issue must follow the Ibrnmtion of tubercles on ho luiiM. { So lout ; ns tubercular forum- Jens could bo . .nested , there wns hope of i patient's recovery ; but \vhcn theyo had ) l.iuted themselves in tlio lung-i , their growth was inevitnblo nml fntnl. Hut na- Airo ia wiser than pbysicinns , nnd teaches .hose who study her wny.sMUnnblole.ssons , nrcful dissection in leecut years has urolith to lif-lit ninny curious facts. Fore most nmoui ; these is the certainty thnt con sumption , in its tnbciculnr form , is often cured. A Berie of jiost-morlcm exnmimi- .ions , in nn Edinburgh hospital , disclosed the fact that tlic lungs of one-third of tba persons who died nftcr IJO years ofngo bore narks of tnbeicles whose piowlh hail beet checked , and in ninny cnscs the disease wholly cured. 1'nrt of the lungs have even Ijecn destroyed , nnd the cnvillcs filled by Lho contraction nnd ntllicmon of the walls , [ n Eonio cnses brous tissue had completely inclosed the parts disintegrated by the dis ease. If consumption is curable , ns these facts seem to indicate , scientific physicians will never rest till they have ascertained thu nnvit effective methods of treatment. Packing Kggs. Thesecret * of packing eggs for importa tion lies in solid packing with nu clastic inntei in ? between the Inyers. Be sure , es pecially in the summer season , that the cgga to bo shipped uio not only sound , but recently laid. The motion of the cars so muddles nil eggs not entirely fresh that they nppcar cloudy nml stnlc. nnd will soon spoil if they are not nlrcntly bad. Do not hold lots lifter they nro packed ; ship nt once while freih. A New York com mission inert-limit furnishes the following directions for packing eggs for shipment : Ubolong , stiff barrels. 1'nttttoor three inches thickness of long , soft buy or straw evenly over the bottom of the barrel , then fine-cut straw or wheat clmft-"cx.CT ( use oat or buckwheat cliafl'J to n depth of two or three incites , then u layer of eggs laid upon the miles evenly embedded in the packing , with the ends toward the barrel , bub fully nn inch from the staves. Cover this layer of er/ga with packing to the depth of one inch , rub well in between the eggs with the Imnil. Place about three inches of packing material over the last layer , nnd then iibout the same quantity of long tit raw or hay as nt the bottom , fill ing so high thnt the bend must bo pressed by a lever or other ineclumlcul power. This will hold the contents so firmly that they cannot shift in the barrel. In winter guard ngainst frost by using more packing material , leaving the eggs further removed * from the pneknges. Never pack in new oats , straw or clmfl' ; these will sweat and tot the eggs in n short time. Dry outs make good packing material , but are too expensive. Do not crowd too many eggs ih ono package. For nn'oullimry fiotir bar rel from Mxty-lho to twenty dozen nrc nuito mifllcicnt. Put , say , four nnd a half ilo/.cn in the first hiycr , nnd increase , bull , n dozen to the Inycr , up to six . * ud n Imlf ; do/en in the two middle Inyers , thende crease ngnln nt the snme rate. Count care fully mark the number on the barrel. In wnrm weather forward the packages by express. When only n smitll ( itmntity of eggs , nro sent , mid nt short distances , those may be packed in mill-board partitions , in egg in each square cell , thirty-six in n nycr , resting on cardboard sheets , one nbovo another , nml the whole contained in n hnndy-sized packing-cube. Or , with cure- ul packing in straw nml clinfi' , baskets nay lie Bused. When there In n sunk-lent limntlty to fill it , a barrel makes the best . # . Y. Woild , An End to Bono Bo rap In jr. Edward BhophorJ , of llarrlsburff , 111 , , * ayn : "IlnvlnR received/K > much benefit from l''lec < trio Bittern , I fool it my duty to lot uufferlufj humanity know It. Have had n ruunlnK sore on myca \ for eight yearn ; my doctois told me I would have to have the bouo ocrupcd or lop amputated. I wed , instead , three lx > tlloj ol Klcctrio Bittern nnd soyou boxes of Bueklou'i Arnica Halve , and my log Is now Bound nni well. Electric Blttora nro nold at fifty cent * iv bet ties , nnd liucklon's Arnica Halyo nt 25c. [ ici b6x by 0,11' , Goodman. All ImibcrH can't razor beard. A niiiii iludH lilnibclf In bad coinpanj When lie ia be.slilo hinibclf. leu cream in ha id to contain Irl'diliio ) nvcry young niitn sliotild bend u copy of tliia IKSUO to Ms girl , Genurally 8iicakinirout.lde of tlio cgii fraternity thvro in not a great deal ol clothiiig in a lawtmlt. Said Fitznoodlo , " Jly wlfo lnfary ! ) crasj over tlio Bering fashions. She'd &ol th' dcllriinn trimmiiiH. " Time is money and inoiicy is time , fo wlica you give twenty-live cc iiln to a couple lo of tramps It Is u qimiter to two. It ia now beliftvtd tluit the oleomargarine rino factorlcH juit hair in their gooilH , thu reiidcrinj ; it wore dinictilt of dctectloi than over , Ho liad been telling her stories of him self ttiul had done n great amount of brag King. When he had unlHhed nho kisset v him anil murmured. "Tiiia is a kiss for i ' blow. " ; > S 1'crpetuul motion is perhaps hniwBslbl J to obtain ; but you can approximate it l > ; ' putllnunboyonaclialrHt u fuuerat am 1 telling him to bo Btill , RICHARDS & CLARKE , W. A. CLARKE , Propriotora. Suporintcnden Omaha Iron Works U. P. RAILWAY , 17TH & 18TH STREETS v. MANUFACTURERS OP AND DEALERS IN WATER WHEELS , ROLLER MILLS , II ! and Grain Elevator Machinery MILL FURNISHINGS OF ALL KINDS , INCLUDING THE' Celebrated 'Anchor Brand Dufour Bolting Cloth STEAM POMPS , STEAM11 > VATER AND GAS PIPE. L7T ARCHITECTURAL AND BRIDGE IRON. o u fr * tV ta . . "We nro prepared to1 furnish pinna aiid estimates , and will contract fc'r the erection of Flouring Mills and Grain Elevators , or for changir g Flouring Mills , from Stone to the Roller System. 5SsT"E pecial attention given to furnishing Power Plants for any pur pose , nnd estimates made for same. General machinery repairs attended * to promptly. Address RICH&RDS & CLARKE. Om a , In the event of. a stroke o The winnings good fortune you can win are guaranteed by I 500,000 marks Government. You are invited to participate in the chancoa of winnin ; ; in the grand draw ing of prizes guaranteed by thu State of Hamburg , iu which' , 9 Millions 620,100 Marks Have to Be Won. In the course of these advantageous drawings , which contain according to the prospectus only 100COO tickets , the following prizeo will bo forthcom- jmg , viz : The highest prize wi'l he ev. 500,000 Marks. Premium of 300,000 Marks. 253 prizes of 2.000 Marks. 1 piizo of 200 000 Marks. G prizes of 1,500 Marks. 2 prizes of 100,000 Marks. 515 prizes of 1,000 Marks. 1 prize of 1)0,000 ) Marks. 103G prizes of 500 Marks. Iprizo of 80,000 Marks , Co prizes of 200 Marks. 2 prizes of 70,000 Marks. G3 prizes of 150 Marks. 1 przo of 00,000 Marks. 29020 prizjs of 145 Marks. 2 prix.es of 50,000 Marks. 3450 prizes of 124 Marks. 1 pnV.9 of 30,000 Marks. 00 prizes of 100 Marks. 5 prizes of 20,000 Marks. 3950 prizes of 04 Marks. 3 prizes of 15,000 Marks. 3050 prizes of (17 ( Marks. 20 prizes of 10,000 Marks. 3050 prizes of 40 Marks. CO prizes of 5,000 Marko. 3050 prizes of 20 Marks , 100 prizes of 3,000 Marks. in oil 59,500 prizes. Which will ho Sure won in 7 Drawings within the space of a few Months , The first prize drawing is otlicially fixed , and the priza is for A Whole Original Ticket only 1 Dollar 50 Ots. or 0 Marks. A Half Original Ticket only 75 Ota. or 3 Murks , A quartciOriginal Ticket only 8 Cto. or 1A Marks. \nd I will forward the so original tickets guaranteed by the state ( not prohib. ted promissory notes ) oven to the moat distant countries , in return for the imoutit forwarded prepaid. Every ticket holder will receive from mo gratis along with tlio original ) ticket the original prospectus provided with the arms of the atato and immediately after the drawing the oflicial list without any charge. The payment and forwarding of the sums won to those concerned will have my sppcial nnd prompt attention , and the most absolute secrecy. ( gj All ordera can bo sent by the medium of a Postofllco Order , or per registered letter with Bank Notec of the United States. TPluaso address the ardors'boforo th 17TH OF MAY on account of the approaching drawing of the prizes in all confidence directly SAMUSL HEOKSOHEE , Son * . , Banker and Exchange Agent at Hamburg , Germany. IACE FACTORY JA09 antl I All BoteP St. . < \ OMUIU. Bc titfkXU U * J UJ Ju A K'l- ' * Mv U DOtltoi la DDitaotlr filled with KlMi lioek. BM WcrknauhJv fm nte d. Office and FactoryS , W. Cor. 16th 'and CppiloAvtnue , OmnhaN k