r * v5HT' ! * l 5 , 1684 Vt - OMAHA DAILY BEE-PHIDAY , APRIL 25,1884. The Nebraska National Bank OP OMAHA , NEB. Paid Up CapltM . ISBO.OOO Bnrplu Fana , NOT. l , 1881 . is coo DtREcions. H. W. YATE3 , President , for many years Oftshlor of the First NRtlonnlBank of Omaha. A. E. TOU55ALIN , Vies Prostdont , Boston. W , V. MOUSE , of W. V. Mono & Co. JOIIN 8. COLLINS , of Q. U. & J , S. Col lins. J. M. WOOLWOIITH , Counsellor and Attor ney at Law. L. 8,11KEI ) , of Byton Hood ft Co. K. 1C HAYDKN , Assistant Cashier. T1IIS BANK opened for business April 27 , ITS DIRECTORS AND STOOKIIOLD EllS are among the loading buslnoaaof Oma ha , and Its business is conducted wltospocia 1 oforonco to the best and Increasing ! ! Interest of its mercantile patrons. COLLECTIONS receive special attention and charges lowoat obtainable hero or else- whore. INTEREST allowed on time deposits upon favorable terms and upon aciounta of banks and bankers. FOREIGN EXCHANGE Government Bonds and County and Clt yscourltloa bought And fold. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. FINANCIAL N w YOBK , April 24. | Money Easy at 2@2J per cent ; closed , of fered at H per cent. Prime Paper 4@5J per cant. Sterling Exchange Banket * ' bills firm at 1 87J ; demand , 4 891. Governments Weaker. Hallways Generally weak. Stocks The market , notwithstanding tlio weakness throughout the forenoon , had a firmer tone this afternoon and diminished the general decline , and though 27 out of 40 stocks ivcro traded In during the day , they closed lower than last night. The doclinea were small in all cases except Erie preferred , which showed a net decline of Western Union and a few others show gains of i to § per cont. Beading was raided on the report that the March statement would bo unfavorable. Union Pacific sold to seller at CO@Clc , a dif ference of 1J@2 per cent below prices in the Tegular way. COUPONS B'i ; 100J 4 Vi Coupons U2J II. S. now , t'r , 123 * Pacific 6 i of'95 129 BTOOKS AND BONDS. American Express . . 95 Burl. , Cedar Rapids & Northern . 69 Central Pacific . CG& Chicago & Alton . 13GJ do do pfd . 145 CM. , Burl. & Qulncy . 1211 Erie . 184 do pfd . 60 Tort Wavnot Chicago . 129 Hannibal & St. Joseph . . 33 } do do do pfd . " 88 * Illinois Central . 128i Ind. , Bloom , & Western . . 15j Konaas& Texas . 16 $ Lake Shore & Michigan So . 90 Michigan Central . 85 Mlaneanolis & St , Louis . 14 do " do do pfd . 2'J Missouri Pacific . 81 Narthern Pacific . : . 20 , do do pfd . , . 4fig Njrthwostorn . 113J do pfd . . . . . . . . . . 141 Now York Central . 1134 Ohio & Mississippi. I9i do do pfd 90 Peoria , Decatnr & E vans villa. . . 14i Rock Island 1191 , Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paid. 83/ / do Jo do pfd 112) ) ' St. Paul Minn. & Manitoba. . . St. Paul * Omaha do do pfd 94 | Texas Pacific 16 "Union Pacific 67j \Vabash , St. L. & Pacific 98j do do do pfd. . . . 10 ; Western Union Tel efrraph 65 ; Asked. t x. Div. GRAIN AMU f KOV18IONB. CHICAGO ritODUCB. CHICAGO , April 24. 11 a. m. The market showed steadier at the opening and prices were firm at about the closing prices of yester day. After 10:30 there was a rapid rise In values , attended by great excitement. May wheat rose to 00 cents for the first -time since the great decline in wheat began. June sold to 92J cents , July 033. The market Ja now easier at 89Jc for May , 91go for Juno , 02c for July. Com is steady at 52 jo for May , -5-JJo for Juno. June lard is ? 8 47 . Juno pork is 817 05. 1:10 p. m. The market closed very active and strong at best prices known in six weeks. Whe t-90Jo for May ; 92Jo for June ; 93io for July. Cora A shade easier ; 63Jo for May ; 54Jo for June ; 5GJo for July. Oats Higher ; 32Jc for May ; 33o for June And July. Bye 61c. Parley 74c. Flaxseed-81 C5@l 66. Wl ky-81 12. Pork May , 810 90 ; June , 817 05 ; July , 917 15. / Lard Lower ; May , $842JJune ; , 88 52 ? ; July , 88 62J.MILWAUKEE MILWAUKEE PEODDCK. MlLWACKKC. April. 24. Wheat Stronger r and active ; 91jo for cash and April ; 92o for May ; 94o for June. Corn- Stronger : 6Co. Oats Dull at 33c. Bye strong ; CSJc. Barley Higher ut Tic , PitoniA , April 24. Corn Active and higher ; now mixed , 40@49lc , new rejected , 4R@4S4e. Oats Activa and firm ; No. 2 wldte , 30@ SOjo. live-Firm and steady , No , 2 new , Cl. Whisky-Firm at 8112. NEW TOUK 1'ItODUCE , NBW YonK , April 24. Wheat S@gi high er ; markftt feveriab and somewhat ezciiod with active trade In options : No. 2 red for May. 8101J@1 OSZt Juao.gl OG108 : July , 81 lOJ@l H7Ji August. 81 OSJfel OOJ. Corn i@go higher but loss active ) mixed western , spot , 53@2c ( ! ; future , GOJ@C3U. Oats ifflie better ; western , SO@4G Pork Firm ) spot moss , SIC 50&1G C74. ' Lord Trifle better ; steam ndeied , CITT , CAprll 24. Wheat Dull and lower ; 8/J bid cash ; 8tj bid May 33@34 bid July , Oati Steady ; 32 bid cash. il April 24. Wheat Strong ; No. 2 , re 1,1.10. Corn Higher ; No. 2 , mixed , K9@00. OaU Steady ; No , 2 , mixed , 30. Rye Firmer ; No. 2 , Oj@68. Barley Scarce ; bO. Pork-Quiet and firm ; mess , 81700@1725 ] , Lord Utrongen 8 20. Bulk Meats Stronger. , Whisky-Steady , at 1.10. TO LIDO , TOLXDO , April 21. Wheat Strong and higher ; 2 rel , spot , April and.May , 1 00 , Corn Shade higher ; high mixed , new 55. No. 2 , spot 53@53J bid. Oats -Easier ; No , 2 spot and April 80 asked , UVKBFOOL. tilViBpoor , April 24. Wheat Steady firmer ; winter 7s 7d@8a 2d ; > prlog 7s W@7s 8d. 8d.Com Com Firm ; new , 6u 2d ; old , Ca SJd , BALTJUOEI , April 23. Wheat Higher No. 2 winter rod , spot , 1.0ij@l.05 ; May LOO. LOO.Corn Higher ; mixed , spot , 67@57i- i Firmer } western white , 42@I3 ; mixed ilyo Quiet at 68@70o. ' ' ky'-FlrtnUG. 7 hl - ; . BT. LOBia monCCS. 8r. Lome , April 24. Wheat Acttto opened lownr and advanced ; closed nt 1 lo , aWe veUordayV No. 2 rod , 1 10) : cash 1 OSJi@l03 | . May ; 1 OG @ 1 OOJ , cUiinir nt lOGJj Juno ; 00(2971 ( , cloifng at 9 < $ . Julyj No. 3 rod , 101 bid. Corn Higher and Inactive ; 48jl@r > 0 , cash ) 4fl ; May ; 49Jo. June ; M@61J , flosing at 60Jo. July , doting at outaldo quo"HIons. OAts-S'ow ' ; 3IJc , csh SJ c. May ; 34Jo. Juno. Kyo-fi9Jo bid Barley Ii5rf > 80o. Butter Unchanged. Eggs Unchinirod , Klaxsood Finn at SI GO. Hay Firm ; prairie , 10 00@12 00 ; timothy , 1300@1700. Bran Hlffhor ; 7G@80o. Corn Monl Lower ; 82 80. MVK srooic , ST. LOUW HVK STOCK , ST. Loots , April 24. Cattle Active ; firm mrtlcularly for light grades. Csmmon to liolco shipping , 5 Ou@G 25 ; corn-fed Texans , 5 2fi@5 76. Sheep Inferior to good , 3 75@5 5) ; choice to extra , 5 60fl 00. Hogs Actlvo and higher. Light to heavy , 5 400 10 : packing , B B0@5 75. Call Who \t-llt her ; 108 May ; 1 07i ® 1 07S Jtmo : 97i@973 July. Corn-Higher ; 48 j May ; 501 Juno ; 671 July. Oats Nothing done , KANSAS CITI L1VK STOCK. KANSAS CITT , April 24. The Livestock ndlcator reports : Cattle Dull , 5@10c lower ; natives , 5 40 ® 5 CO ; butchers' , 4 S0@5 25. Cows. 4 00@4 D ) Hngg Active ; strone ; lOo higher ; light to hey , 5 25(85 ( 85 ; mixed , 5 50@5 05. Sheep Steady , unchanged. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. CHIOAOO , April 21. Hogs-Eecolpto , 15.000 icail ; niurkot active and firm and 5a)10c ( high * er ; light , 85 10@5 90 ; rough packing , 5 45 (5f } > 80 ; heavy packing and shipping , 8 ? 85 @G20. Cattle Receipts 7,200 head ; market weak and lOo lower ; exports , 86 25@C CO ; good to choice , 85 90@0 20 ; common to fair. 85 20 ® 5 SO ; butchers , 83 00(05 ( 00 ; stockers and coders , 83 7S@560. TLonn ANDQIUIN. OHIOAQO , April 24. Rocdpts and ship- men ts of flour and grata for the past 24 hours iave boon aa follows ; Receipts. Bhlp'bi riour , bbls 12,000 20,000 Wheat , bushels 56,000 03,000 Corn , bushels hS.OOO 101,000 Oats , bushels 96.000 125,000 Ryebushols 2,000 15.000 Barley , bushels 15,000 18,000 Naw YOBK , April 24. Receipts and hlpments of flour and grain for the past 24 hours lave boon as follows ; Receipts Shlp'ts. Wheat,1 bushel 49,000 74,000 Cora , bushels 37,000 39,000 Oats , bushels 41,000 . . . . LIVB STOCK. OHIOAQO , April"24. Receipts and ship ments of live stock for the past 24 hours have loonaa follows ) Receipts. Shlp'ts. Cattle 7.700 3ogs 4,000 . . . . Sheen 4UOO . . . . KANSAS CITT , April 24. Receipts and hlpmonts of live stock for the past 24 hours lave been as follows : Receipts. Shlp'ts. Jattla. . , 1,750 . . . . Jogs 3,800 Jheep . . . . . . . . ST. Louis , April 24. Receipts and ship ments of llvo stock for the past 24 hours have jeen as follows ; Receipts. Bhlp'ts. Cattle 2,700 1,000 Hogs | 6,100 l.fiOO Sheep _ . _ . 400 1,700 OMiHA MAKttKTS. Wholesale Jfrloea , OrnoK or Tux OMAHA BH. I Thursday Evening , April 24.1 The. following prices ore charged retailers > y Jobbers , wholesalers and commission mer chants , with the exception of grain , which Is quoted at the prices furnished by the elevators and other local buyers : drain. WHEAT No. 2 , C7@C91o. BAIUKV-NO. 2 , 48@51c. RYE-NO. 3. 44c. CORN No. 2 , 37@3SJ. OATS-NO. 2 , 2B@30o. lave Stock. J STEEBS 1 50@5 25. WAT Cows 3 fiO4 ( 25 , Hoas 5 OOfflS 25. BBCKF 3 50@4 50. OALVXS 8 60 < s7 00. Floor nJ WIRTKB WttitAT Best quality , p'atont , at SS'ilgSSO. SKCOND OoAtm 2 75@3 25. SPBINO WBXAT Best quality , patent. 82-5@330. - SBOOND QOAUTT 2 50@3 25 , BHAN 70o per uwt OHOPPID FBED Pnr 100 Ibs. 900 , CORN MAL 100@110 per owt OudlJUUHU - 0(97t)0 ( Pit U > t. General Produce. APFLES Very lew in market. Qenltans , S < < 75 ; Bon Davis , 85 50 ; Willowtwlga , 85 00 ; Wlnosopa , 4 75. BEANS Receipts light and demand good , Sand picked nary , per bu , 82 50 ; medium , 2000225. BEESWAX In good demand. Choice blight per lb , 2da)28c ( ) ; common to good dark per lb. 20@25o BDTTKB Market quiet but steady. Choice country roll wanted. Fancy creamery , Itira Ibc ; choice roll , 18@20c ; choice solid packed , 14(5)15o ( ; fair to good , 12@15c ; inferior grades. 9@12c. OBANBEnniES None In market quotable Bell and cherry per bbl , 912 OU ; "Bell Bugles , " 814 00. CiDEit-"Ohio" per bbl , 87.00 ; "YorkStato" per bbl,88 00 ; peri hl , 8i 75 ; condensed per l , 85o. CUECSB Full cream , western , 13J ; Wiscon sin. @ 14o. OOOOANDTS Per 100 , $4 75@5 00. Kggs-Recelpts have been light for thej&st 'ow days , and prices advanced a cent. Soles to-day 18J. FOREIGN FIIDITH Mowlna oranges , per > ox , 85 00. Messina lemons , per box , * 3 75 @ 4 00. Bananai , per bunch , 83 00(3 ( 4 00. Figs , lb. , ICo. Dates , in ( rails , Tic ; aates , fard , In boxes , 14o. FUUIT BoTiBiis Apple butter , In 30 'lb palls , per lb , 7o. Plum butter , 7c. iiAUl Docks , Mallard , per doz , 2 00 ; teal , 81 50j mixed , 81 60(91 ( 75 ; geese , 83.0U@3 50 ; nine , 81.25. f HAT Baled , 815 00@20 00 per ton. Market bare. TELLT In 20 and 30 lb palls , 8@9o ; In 2 lb tins , per doz , 91 50 ; assorted tumblers , per Ati. f 1 20 : schooners , per dozen , 83 00 MAfLK SuoAH-Pure , In brinks , per lb , 16c ; Ohio , 13o ; small cakts , 12Ja OAT MKAL-Steel cut , per bhl , 80 25. ONI6.NS Consignments are coming In moro freely. Demand in small lots only. Cholos red Helling at 8200@250 per barrel ; yellow Danvon at 82 60@2 75 ; green onlonu , 20o per dozen ; Bennuda. 2 75 per crate. ONION SETS Bottom per bu , $3 GO ; tops , 82 50. PorooBN- good demand at 22i\oper \ lb. PODLTBT Scarce and high. Dressed Tur- kevi. per lb. , 17@18a Ofwwe , 13o. Chickens 14@15a Ducks , 14o. Chickens , live per doz , 85 00. Dacks , lire , per doz , 4 60 ; up ring chickens , per doz. , 8100@500 , accord ing to eire. POTATOES Demand for choice , well assort ed stock only ; mixed and frosted lots nol wanted at any price. Early Rose , per bu , 31 rg40c ; PeoUiblow , 45s ; Bulk receipts arc hard to dispose of and have to bo sacked here p Jls-itrawborry } rpbnrTjr , blackberry , per H > , 18o > poachw , cherries , plums , aprieoU , figs , per lb , 12o ; cranberry sauoo , per lb , So. Piiovisioss Ham , 13Soi b. bacon , lljc ; o. s. bacon , HJcj d. a. nidos lO o ; short lib ntdoo , lOic ; Miouldors. 8c ; ruoss pork , per bbl. ? 20.W ) . Dried beef , 15o. Lard , lOjo. VKnETAntKS-Spinach , per bbl. 81 CO ; now cabbage , California per lb. , 4oj lettuce , i > or doz. , COo ; rodlshes , per doz. , OOc ; sweet potatoes - toes , per lb , Co , turnips , per bu , f > 0o. boots , r bu , 76o : cucumbers , per doz. , 817" ; 1 if tlant per lb. 80. caiillflotver , per doz. , ? 3 00 ; Mparngus , per doz. , ? 1 00 : now carrots , per b. , So. California celery , 81 CO. Pies FEIT , TmrE , KTO. 1'lgs feet , 15 H kite. 8125 : pigs 40 lb qr bbl , 82 CO : pigs foot , 80 iG half bbl" 85 00 ; tripe , 16 lb kits , 81 25 ; trljx ) , 40 lb qr bbl , 82 50 ; tripe , 80 lb half bbl , a 00 ; pigs tongues , 15 lb kits , 82 CO ; plgt tongues , 40 lb qr bbl , 80 00. Lambs' tonpuos , 15 lb kits , 83 00 ; 40 lb qr bbl , 80 00. - Grocers tilst. OANNKD GOODS Oysters (8tandardper ( ) case 170@3 80 ; strawberries , 2 lb , ixir case , 2 00@ 210 ; raspberries. 2 lb , per cane , 2 90 ; Bortletl > oars , per case , 2 40 : wliortloborriM , per case , 3 10 ; WK pluois , 2 lb , per case , 2 90 ; grocn gages , 2 lb , per CASO , 2 DO ; plno apples , 2 11 > > or caso. 4 80@5 60. ROPE Sisal i inch and larger , 9&o & , B Inch Ocj | Inch , lOjc. CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs , 16s , 15o ; 8s , 15c : boxes 40 Ibs , 10 oz. , Gs , 15o. MATCHES Per caddie , 35o { round , eases , 0 55 ; square cases , 1 70 , SOOARS Powdered , 8Ja ; cat loaf , 81 o ; ranulatod , 7jos confoctlonors' A , 7&o & : Stand * ird extra 0 , Cjo ; extra 0 , Cgc ; medium yol- ow. C c ; dork yellow , c. CorrEEs Ordinary grades , 1212&o ; fair IS 7c : Arbucklo's roahtod , IBjc ; MoLaughllnV XXXS roantod , lUlo : notation Java , 16 } @ 18 c ; Clark's Aurora , lOic. RIOE Louisiana prune to choice , 7c ; fair SJcj Patma , 6c. FISH No. 1 mackerel , half brls. , 8 50 ; No. rnackorol , fits , 1 15 ; family mackerel , half brls. , 7 00 ; family mackerel , kits , 95c ; No. 1 white fish , half brls. , 8 75 ; No. 1 kits , 1 15. SIKDP Standard Com. , 80a , bnls ; Standard [ o , 4J gallon kegs 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 gallon kops 137. BODA In lb papers , 3 SO per case ; keg per lb , c. c.PIOKLES Medium. In barrels , 8 25 ; do n half barrels , 4 75 ; small. In barrels , 9 2A ; do n half barrels , 5 25 ; gherkins } In barrels , 10 25 ; io In half barrels. 5 75. TEAS Gunpowder , good , 45@55c ; choice GO } 75c ; good Imperial , 40@43c ; choice , CO@G5c ; oung Hyson , goodr 86@50c ; choice , uc@l 00 ; Japan , natural leaf , 35c ; Japan , choice , 60@75c ; Oolong , good , S5@40c ; Oolong , choice , 4055c ; Souchong , Rood. 85@40o ; holco , 35@45o. WOODENWAIUS Two hoop palls , 185 ; three hoop palls. 2 10. Tuba , No. 1 , 9 00 ; Pioneer neer washboards , 185 ; Double Crown 290 ; Wellbuckets. 3 85. SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , 3 45 ; Kirk's satinet , 3 GO ; Kirk's standard , 3 75 ; Kirk's , white Russian , 525 ; Kirk's outoca , 215 ; Kirk's Prairie Queen , (100 ( cokes , ) 40o ; Kirk's magnolia , doz. POTASH Pennsylvania cons , 4 cose , In case , 1 35 ; Babbitt , B ball 2 doz. incase , 1 90 ; Anchor > all , 2 doz. in case , 1 50. OANBT Mixed , 12@13c ; stick , lie ; twist tkkllic. VINEQAB NewYorkapplo 16o ; Ohio ap ple , 13c. SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 1 80 ; Ashton , In lacks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy CO , 5s , S SO. STABOH Pearl , 4jc ; ; Silver Gloss , 9c : Com Starch , 9c ; Excelsior Gloss. 7c ; Cora , 7JO. SPICES Pepper , 17o ; allspice , 15o ; clovoe , 25o ; cossiai 15& * LTE American , 3 40 ; Greenwich , 3 40 ; Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 00 ; Lewis' lye , 4 C5 ; Jewell lye , 2 75 Dnr Goods. BROWN SHEETINGS Atlantic A , 7ic ; Allan- ; ic P , Cc ; Atlantic LL ; 5\c \ ; Brunswick , 7jc ; Ueavor Dam LL , C o ; Lawrence LL. C o ; Paci fic H , 7f c ; Royal Standard , 8c ; Indian Head AJ So ; Wauchusett A , 7Jo. FINE BIIOWN SHEETINGS Argyle , 7ic ; Pop- peroll R , Oic ; Salisbury R. CJo. BLEACHED COTTONS -Ballon 4-4. OJc : Bal lon 7-8 , fijc ; Cumberland 4-4 , 8o"Davoll DD , 3c ; Falrmount , 4\c ; Fruit of the Loom 4-4 , 8c ; Glory of the West , 8Jc ; Golden Gato. 8Jc ; Hill 7 . 8c ; Hill 4-4 , 9c ; Lonsdale , 8ic ; New York Mills , llic ; Womsutta , lOc. DCCKS ( Colored ) Boston , 8 oz. , llc ; Boston - ton , 10 ez. , 14 Jc ; Boston , 9 oz. , 14c ; Fall River , 8Jc. DUCKS ( Gray ) West Point , 8 oz. , llo ; West Point , 10 oz. , 14c ; Boston Bear , 8 oz. , lie. lie.TICKINGS TICKINGS Amoskeag. 14c ; Continental Fancy , 9c ; Cordis , lOio ; Pearl River , 14c ; York , 12Jc ; Hamleton Awnings , 12&c. DENIMS Amoskeag , 14c ; Beaver' Creek AA. 12c ; Beaver Creek BB , lie ; Beaver .Creek CO. 10 ; Havrnakers 8cJaffreyD&T ; , 12 o ; JaffreyXXi , 12Jc ; Pearl River , 13o ; Warren AXA. ( brown ) , 12c ; Warren BB ( brown ) , lie ; Warroa CO brown ) , lOc. OAMBnics Fifth avenue glove finish , 5c ; Keystone glove finish , . CORSET JEANS Amory , 7jo ; Hancock , 8c ; Coarsayer , 81c ; Rockport , 7c. PIUNTS Allens,6Jc ; Amen can.CJo ; Arnolds , > c ; Cocheco , Cc ; Harmony , 4e ; Indigo , 8c ; Indigo 7-8 , lUc ; Indigo 4-4 , 12Jc ; cheap sale 4c ; Charter Oak , 4Jc PRINTS SHIIITINGS American , 5c ; Cocheco , 5c ; Gloucester,5oSouthb.-idge ; , 4lc ; Wavorlys , 4Sc ; Rosedalo , 4c. Persians , 9Jc. DBESS GOODS Atlantlo alp acca , 9o ; Per il ano coshmor , 23Jo ; Hamloton caahmere , .Bic ; Hamloton Fancus , lljcj Hamleton bro cades , loc ; Arlington brocade , IRo. LramDer. WHOLESALE , We quote lumber , lath and shingles' , on oars at Omaha at the following prices i JOIST AND SOANTUHO 18 ft , and tinder 22 00 ; 18 ft , 23 50. TIMBEBS 10 feat and under , 22 00. TIMBER AND JOIST 18 ft. 23 50 ; 20 ft , 23 CO ; 22 ft , 26 60 ; 24 ft , 26 CO. FENCING No. 1 , 4 and 6 In , . 24 00 ; No. 2 , 2200. SHEETING No , l(2d'commoa ( boards ) , 20 00 ; No. 2 , 18 00. STOCK BOARDS A , 45 00 ; B,40 00 ; 0 , 35 00. FLOORINO- . 1 , 40 00 ; No. 2 , 35 00 ; No. 3,2500 ' SIDING , clear 27 00 ; No , 2 , 25 00 ; No. S , 2000. CEILINO - | , 87 00 ; J. 25 00. SHINGLES , best 4 50 : standard , 3 50. LATH-S 25 per M. LIME Per barrel , 1 26 ; bulk per bushel , S5c ; cement , bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa plaster , bbl , 2 50 ; hair per bu. COo ; Turted felt , 100 Ibs , 3 50 ; straw loard , 3 60 , Faints , Olid and VarnUhcfl. OILS 110 carbon , per gallon , 13Jo ; 150 ° headlight , per gallon , 14ic ; 176 ° headlight , per gallon , 18o ; 150 ° water white , 17c ; Jin seed , raw , ; pr gallon.65c ; linseed , boiled , per gallon , oor. winter str'd , per gallon85c : No. 1 , 76cNo. ; 2 , 65o ; castor. kx C. per gal- Ion , 1 60 : No. 8 , 1 40 : sweet , per gallon 1 00 sperm W.B. , per gallon , 160 ; fish , W. B. , Mrgauon , 65c ; neatafoot extra , per gallon , 90c ; No. 1 , 75c ; lubricating , cero , per gallon , SOc ; summer , 16oj golden machine , No. 1 , per gal- Ion , 85c ; No. 2 , 28c ; sperm , signal , per gallon SOc ; turpentine , per gallon , 48cj naptha 74 ° per gallon , IGo. PAINTS m Ort White lead , Om ha P. P. 6c ; white lead. St. Louis , pure , 6ic ; Marseilles green 1 to B lb cans , 20o : French zlno , green oeal , 12c ; French zlno , red seal , lie ; French tlno , In varnish osst , 20o ; French zinc , in oil asat , 15c ; raw and burnt umber , 1 lb cans , lOc ; raw and burat Sienna , 10c ; Vandyke brown , ISc ; refined lampblack , 12c ; coach black , and Ivory black , ICe ; drop blaok , ICc ; Prussian blue. 80o ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; clirome green L. M. & D. . ICe ; blind and shutter green , L M. & D. , ICe ; Paris green , IBoi Indian red , ICe ; Venetian red. 9 Tuscan red , 22c ; Amerf. con VennllUon. L & P. , I8o ; chrome yellow L. M. , O. & D. O. , 18o ; yellow ochre , Oo , golden ochre , 16o , patent dryer , 8cj gralnlnf colors. light oak , dark oak , walnut , cMtnui and ash 15c , I > rr Palnu. White lead , 8c ; French zinc , lOcj Paris whiting , 2Jo ; whiting gilders , IJc ; wUtlng coml lie ; lampblack , Oonnontown , 14o lampblack , ordinary , lOc ; Prussian blue , 65c ultramarine , 18c ; Vandyke , brown , 80 ; umber burnt , 4o ; umber , raw , 4oj sienna , burnt , 4c sienna , ruv , 4o ; Paris green , genuine , 25o _ . _ I'fi rill trrAAn < v-i r mi-i-i O/T * l.A n A vm "KT T ! ! c > Venetian rod , American , IJci rod lead , 'Joj chroma yellow , gunnlne , 20cj chrome yel- ow , K. , 12o ; ochre , rochollo.Sojocliro , French , ! | o ) ociiro , AinoricAn , 2c : Winter' * mineral , IJcj lohlgh brown. 2Jcj Spanish brown , 2Jcj LHnco' mineral , So. l * , per gallon i Furnl lire , extra , (1 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , 81 ; coach , outft , 81 40 ; coach , No , 1 , $1 20 ; Daman extra , 81 76 ; Japan , 70oMphaltum ; , extra , 85ct ihellac , $3 CO ; hard oil finlih , 81 K > . | Heavy Ilnrclwnro Ijlut. Iron , rates , 2 60 ; plow stool special cast. Cc , crucible , 7o ; special or Gorman , * c : cost too do , 15@20 ; wagon tpokos , sot , 2 25ch3 00 ; liul x > r not , 1 ! 25 ; felloes sawed dry , 1 40 ; tonguot , inch , 70@SJ > c ; tales each , 76c ; square nuU jior I ) , 7@llc ! washers erlb.B@18c ; rhots , per b , lie ; cell cluvln , per It ) , ti@12oj mallonblo , 80 ron wedges , Go ; crowbars , Get harrow tooth lc ; spring tool , 7@8o ) Burden's horsolioos , 4 70 Jurdou'a muloshoos 6 70 WIRE In CAT loU , 60 per 100. NAILS Raton , 10 to CO , 2 90. SHOT Shot , 1 85 ; buck shot , 2 10 : oriental > owdor , kegs , 640 ; do. , half kegs , 3 43 ; do. , quarter kegs , 1 83 ; blasting , kegs , S 35 ; ( use , per 100 foot 50c. LJSAD Bar , 1 C6. COAD Cumberland blacksmith , 10 00 : Mor ris run Blosjburg , 1000 ; Whttohronst luim > ( 1 00 ; Whitobroast nut , 6 00 ; Iowa lump. 6 00 own nut , 6 00 ; Rock Spring , 7 00 ; Anthra ito , 11 25il 60 ; Canon City , 7 00 , per ton IJontticr. Oak * ole , S8c@42o ; hemlock solo 28c@S5c ; lomlock kin , 80o to 1 00 ; runner C5o to 60c ; icmtock calf , 85c to 100 ; hemlock upper , 22c > * lc : oak upper , 24c ; alligator , 4 00 to 6 60 ; calf kid , 82@35 : Grolson kid , 2 50 to 2 76 ; oak dp , 80o to 1 00 ; oik calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; French Up , 1 10 to 1 65 ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; MI- eta , 6 60 to 7 60 ; linings , tf 00 to 8 60 ; top- lings , 9 00 to 10 60 ; B. L. Morocco. SOo to 35c ; xibblo O. D. Morocco , & 5c ; slmon , 2 50 to 3 00. HARNESS No. 1 star oak , 87c ; No 5c : No. 1 Ohio oak , SOc ; Nn. 2 do , 3c ; No. MllwanVno SRo : No 2 do < 3o . No. 1 ritts oak har , S7c ; No. B Titta ; oak ir , 35c. Tobacco ! Pica TOHAOOO Climax , 60o ; Bullion 60o ; lonoahoo. 60c ; Star. 60o ; Ruddy , 46c ; llor- oy's , 40c : Black , 33@40c. FINK Ore Common , 20@SOc ; good , 46 ® Oc ; Rose Leaf , 70o ; Premium , G5c ; Diamond Jrown , 66c ; Sweet Blxtoen , 50a SMOKIKG O. S. , 22c ; Moonchaum , SOo ; Dur uun , 8 oz , , 65c ; Durham , 4 oz. . 57o ; Durhair oz. , 66c ; Seal of North Carolina , 8 oz. , 66c eel of North Carolina , 4 oz. . 67c ; Seal o orth Carolina , 2 oz. , COo ; O. K Durham , 4 z. , 28c ; O. K Pmham , 2 oz. , SOc ; Undo Sod , i's 25c ; Tom and Jerry , VSic , Xitqnor * . Aioonoir- proof alcohol , 2 2G per wine alien extra California spirits , 188 proof , 21 per proof gallon ; triple refined spirits. 87 proof , 1 25 per proof gallon ; ro-dlstlllod hl8kloslOO@150 ; fine Wrndod , 1 60@2 60 ; Kentucky bourbons , 200@700 ; Kentucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 00aj7 ( 00. BUANDIES Imported , 6 00@10 00 ; domestic 40@4 00. Gins Imported , 4 50@6 00 ; domestic , 1 40 @ 300. RUMS Imported , 4 50@fi 00 ; Now England , 00@4 00 ; domestic , 1 50@3 60. PEACH AND ATPLH BBANDT 1 76@4 00. OllAMrAQNKa Imported per case , 2800 ® 14 00 ; American , per cauo , 12 * X1C ) 00. Hldee. Steady ; 'groan butchers , GffiGlo ; croon altod 74@8c ; dry ( lint , 12@18 dry salt , 0@llc ; damaged hides , two-thlrda prfco , TALLOW 6@GJo . .BUKEP PiLTS Sc l 00. DENVKH MAUKET. Frxjim-100 lb , 175@2 50 ; patnnt , 100 Ibs , 2 75@3 00 ; Graham , 100 Ibs , 1 90@2 00 : rye , 00 Ibs , 233@2 60 ; buckwheat , 100 Ibs , 8 00 ® 350. 350.RUAIK RUAIK Wheat , 100 lb , 135@145 : corn. In acks of 100 Ibs , 1 12@114 : oats , 100 Ibs , 160 @ 1 65 ; barley , 100 llw , 130@1 40. HAY-Baled , 1C 00@19 00 ; straw , 7 00 ® 8 00. 00.BuTTKn BuTTKn Fancy , 37@39c ; dairy choice , 25 ® 2Co : cookirg , 5Jj8c. Baas-Fresh , lG@18c ; ranch , doz , 22 ® 23c. 23c.CIIKKBK Full cream , 16 ( lGc ; Limburger , 8c ; Swiss , imported , 32d. POULTHY Live chickens , doz , 6flO@G 25 ; ducks , G 00@G 25 ; turkeys , lb , 1314c ; dress ed geese , lb , lG17c. POTATOES Eastern , 100 Ibs , 4046c ; Gree- ey. 100 Ibs , 60@70c. VioETAnnH Onions , 100 Jl'B , 1 7Cffl2 25 ; cabb'ge , 100 11s , 160@2 00 : beets , 100 Ibs , 125@160 ; oelery , per dnz. G0@75c. FIIUITS Oranges , Mesrina , box , 4 60(35 ( 00 ; Valencia , case , 10 00@1100 ; lemon * , choice Mosslna. 6 00@5 60 ; pears , box , 3 253 60 ; apples , eastern , bhl , G 00@G 60 ; grapes , llola- Ba , regular , 7 00@7 50 : bananai , bunch , 6 00 @ 800 ; cranberries , B. & B. , bbl , 16 00 ® GO" " ) . MEATS Hams , lb , 14Jc ; bacnn , breakfint , 3S)13Jc ( ) ; l rd , in tierces , lb , lOJo ; dried beef , Go" ; dry salt sides , lOJo. Fisii-Mackerel , moss , kit 1 7 2 25 ; Cal- fornia salmon , half bbl , 10 60 : Holland her ring , ke * , 1 G0@l 73 ; trout , per lb. 17@18c. jrovcrls IVom Don Quixote. "Welcome that ill that comes alone. To bo lucky only wants it beginning. Nothing is cheaper than civil words. Bread is n relief for nil kinds of grief. Let us make hay while the mm Bliincs. Hell is said to be full of the ungrateful. A bad cloak often covers a good drinker. Money , you know , will liiduauay faults. "Where ono door is shut , another is opened. When God scuds His light , He sends it o nil. Great and mighty is the force of rejected r > ve. Make yourself l.oncy and the flies will at you. Alas I all music jars whcu the soul is out if tune. Better ahnino on the face than sorrow in ho heart , - .Some people go out for wool and come tome ehoru. -"ParU of the hu nan hodyenlarzcx iIotGlotKHliiniUtrongUionet eto tanliiterotiliiKadveit ! ement lonjf run In onr pa pur. In reply to InqulrUs.wo will eay that tlicro i 10 Idenco of Immliui ; about this un llio contrary ho adi ortlier * are very highly endorsed. I lit ores ted wrsoni njay ( { et nealou circulars flvlnif all pirtlcn r hy aldruM ng-Krh Modlail Co , I' . 0. b > x 613 , Uuffalo N. V. Toledo Kvonlar lllide. A.ir TmlOt ST , LOUIS PAPER WAREHOUSE , Graham Paper Co. , U7and19 North .Main 8t,8t tool * . WHOLESALE DEALEU8 IN ROOK , ) DA DCmOwiunNQ "VfS.f I. Mr CsrCOy iWUAmt KWVELOl'ES , OABD BOARD ADD PRINTER'S STOCK WCa h paid for Ran of a ) Weak Nervous Men Whooo deblllly. vxhuimluu and pr mature decny areciuwd bjciccuei , errorecf jouth , etc. en perfectreitorod ) to rotmit liciillh anr vlfforuu * raunlinotl liy THEJMARBTOW OIOLUS < nttomacli dmrring. TliUreitin ( UL of ? < vrvoin HelillUy and I'lo ilcul UeciivU ( talrormlir i'looe jful l > n uid o reu on ixrfMI uicni lsiic\viind illrt-ct metbodiandato * Ilinroiiultnraa. ' JAMES T , ORAIG , AND FLORIST. Flint , ipeclflcatloni and Ultimate * of ooat of Uv nj out new or rcmodelliiK old lawni , irradliir , sodJInir. etc. will bo furnl ) ie I on apiillcatloo. Urower and doiler m all klodi of Flowers , Hhrulii , OrnavenUI and Bliadu Tra s. Juit the thlnif for CemeUry or L\wn Decoration , Green ilouto ani Nurrorr { 3rd Street , near fort Omaha. Cu Flowers nod Flower. Ing 1'lants In l > ot * for ale at all leaions , and any Floral Designs or Bau'iucta made up ou the ahorteat notice. Or Jen t > r n < aU promptly attended to. Ad- drwu 1' . 0. IJox W5 Om h , Neb ; Railway Time Table. B. r. n n. , IIAIN LIKE. tUTB. Pacific Ktpran.lt.o5 p m Atlantic WMtorn Kirvrrm 8:00 pm 0. Mind faM..430pm O. Island Pan. 11:40am : Uoooln Ki.11.00 pm Unooln Kx U.tSptn DUMMY TTUINS-nRIDOK DIVISION. Leave Omaha : 7:10,8:00,6:00 : : , 10:00,11:00 : a : m.lt m ; 1KX ) , t 00 , 3-00,4:00 : , B-00 , 0 00,10:10 p. m. On Sun * ilajt ! 7:10 : , B-0 11:00 a. m ; IDO , 4-00,0 00 , 10.10 p. m. Artlre at transfer depot SO mlmitenhter ; Broad' way depotCouncil Bluffe , SO mlnutet later. I \o Council Dlufts , tlrotdtrar depot , 8-00 , 9:00 , IC.-oo , 11-00 a.m.1 is m.l:00 ; , J.-co , < tK > . 4oo.6oo : : , 0:40 : , ' . On - - . . - . . . 10'40p.m SumUj-s:8-OD.10.-00a. m.ll ; mS.OO ; , 6 00 , 0 40,10.40 p. m. Arrira Transfer tl pot , 10 min utes latrr. Loa\o OounoQ ntuffi Tranofor depot : B 5 , 9,75 , 10.S5,11:26 : a. m.12 ; talM ; , t.U , 35 , 4 U. f.U , oS : , 7:05,10.53 p. nu Arrlrt Omaha CO minutes later , LIAVI OHinA. tmiva oousnt , iLtrrn. Para No. I , . , ,75 : m Ta .No. > . . . 7S6am : No. 10. . . ( 45 pm No. IB. . . .11-45 am No. 4. , , tMpm : No 8..llJOaro : No. 8 8:60am : No. .St..7:16 pm N , 8 ,8.16aro No. 1. . . . 7S6pm No. 60.8.Mam | aMTTlie above ti Omaha Time. JTJT Standard time li S4 minutes fatter than looal time. U , ft M. IlAttnOAD TIME TABtRCKNT.J TIME. DXNTXR xsrRns. WMT tlOVSO , IA8T MISSOURI PACIFIO-STANDAUD TIME. DItrARI. ARRIVIL :00am 10.43 p m K. 0. , UT. JOE * 0. B.DSTANDARD TIUK. ttalldally 0.15am I Exr m , dallf Kiprern , dally 1 rxcopt JIoii- oiorpt Batur : I das 025am daji 7:45p : m | Itall , dally 7:15pin : 0. , St. P. M. ft O.-STANDARD T1MK. ( Depot 14th and Wclwtor St > . No 2mixed 7:45 : am No. 1 mixed , , . , B.SOpm Freight 2.60pm FrelRht ll43am ; Atlantic Kiti.,3,40i | ra AtUntlo Kxn. . . 0.15am AtlantloMaIl..7:45am : Atlantis Mall. . . 7-4pm L\oryday , ( Transfer Depot , Council Illufls. ) WADASHfc ST. LOUIS. ? * 7' 7S0am : I Arrl\o llMam : . . . .Z3:60 : ptu | Arrl o 4:20 : pru 0. , B ft Q II. It. STANDARD TIMK Hall * 9.15 a m I Kiiircea 0:26 : am EzprciM 4:60 : pm ( Mail * 7:16 pm All Trains Dally. 0. , U. 1 O f. R. R STANDAHD TllTK. llall1 7:60 : m | F.iprcea. " 10-00pra Kxprem 8-Wp m | Mall * 7U am Sunjaj-s exccptcd. 0. , If. & St. P.-8TANDARD TIUR. LIUVB. 1RBIV * . Mall * Ki . . . .B.-OOam I PadfloKi BMam : UlantloRx > . . . .8.60nm | llallttKx * 7:00pm Sundaji oxcepted. 0. * N. W. U. H.-8 TAN HARD TIMK. Uall * 7:60 a m I Kxi.rw * 10:00 am Expren 8:60pm : | Mall * . .7x6pm Sundavs exocptod. , ; 8. 0. ft P. R. R.-81'ANDARD TIME. Hall * B:00 : a m I Einroa * 10-00 am Expreca 8.00pm | Mall * 7:26 pm Sundari exoo ted. Opening ana Closing of K&lla. MDTI ora. cum * . a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. c at N. w. , o. , R. i. * p.o. a & Q. , St Paul & Sioux City. 11:00 : 0:00 D:40 : 8:16 a , M. & 3 P. a G & P. In Iowa 8.00 6:40 : Wabash Express . „ _ . 12.80 8:16 : Wabashlocal BOQ : 6:40 : K. C. , St Joo&0. 0:00 : BOO 5:40 : Ulssourl Padflo 6:40 : C.StP. H. 4O B.OO ( jiilon laelflc , ovoilaitC . . . . Union Pacific , Denver Kx. . . . 4-00 7:50 & Republican Valley. . . 1:36 : O &M. Exnrosa 7:00 7:40 : ' & M. ( or Plattumouth , S. a id , Ashland and Unooln. 11:00 : 7:80 : pen Buuclajs from 12 00 m. t < 1:00 : P m. _ O. K OOUTANT. PoetlOMtor Western Cornice-Works , ' IRON AND SLATE HOOFING. C. SPECHT , PROP , UllDougluSt. Omaha , Neb. UANOTAOTCIIEB OF Galvanized Iron Cornices A-fTDortncr Windows , FlnU > , Tin , Iron and BUto HiHillnR. Specht's I'nteut UeUllio Skvllght , litcnt idjustod Katchet Btr nd Drtwket hhehlni. I am the general agent far the above line cl goods. Iron Fen > Ing , Crrttlnci. Baluitmlca.V-randM , Iron Bank Railing ! , Wiiidow Illlnrir , Cellar Guards ; U jjcnunJ atjent for I'eerion & Hill's 1'atont InsMo BllniL THIS DELTorHcgcnra-o torli made exprcBily for the euro of derangements . of the generative orxani. Thrro U no mlitaVe about this Instrument , the con. tlnunus stream of ELEO < TUIOITY rrmeathnf through the parl must res tore them to Imalthy action Do not confound tnUwitb Eloctrla Belt * advf rtlstd to cure all Ills from hoad.to too. It la for the ONE ipeo- Iflo purpose. For circulars ( riving full Information , addrosi Checver Klectrlo Bolt Co. , 1031 Washington St. ChloaKOlll. GREAT t URLINGTOH ftoilTE- PEINCIPAL LI1TE 1'HOJI CHICAGO , FEOIlLi & ST. LOUIS , IIV WAY OV OUAHA AUD LINCOLN TO DENVER , Oil VIA EA1T3AS CITY AND ATOHIS01I to DENVEE iiinicctlni ; In Union I > 0K > ta nt KiiiiBusClly Oiimlniunil Donverwllli tliiouulitinliis lor And all points In Ilia Great West , ConncctliiK In ( Jrnntl Union IOM ] > I nt with tliruucli tmlim for NJ2W YOJIK , J1OS TON , And nil Kiuteru Oltlua. Atl'oorln with tlirouuh tmlns fur Jiicllaimn oils , Cincinnati , Columlma , iinil nil jxilnta In tliu Houth.Eiist. At Bt. J.ouU with throuul tiulnB for nil points South. Klc nnt Day Conchra , Parlor Curs , with Ho cllnlnt ; Olutlru ( aciitu fruc ) , Smoklim Cnrn will Huvolvlnt ; Uliulru , 1'iilliimn 1'alucu blvopln Cars and the ruinous a. J ) . &Q. Dlnlnu Citr run dully toiind from Chicago und Kunaiis Olt ) OlilcAKunnd Council Dliuts : Chicago nnd Di Molnun , UhlciiKo , fit. Josfjili , Atthlsnii inn Tupoka without clmiiKu. Only tluxniRli lln running tlieli own tnilna between Chlcui ; ( Lincoln nnd Denver , and Cliluuro. Kunuu Olty und Dunvur. TlnoiiKli cam liotwt-ui InalttnaolU ) and Council Illuirs , vlu 1'uorlii. OOINO IVOUTII AMI SOUTH. Solid Tr.ilns ut t Day Coiichca nni 1'ullnmn I'aluco SlooplnuCarauiortin dally t and from bt. J.ciiUj vin Hannibal ; Qnlnuy Kookuk , JIurlliiKton , Otdarlliilildaand Allici l.uatoht. 1'uul mid MlnniJipolUi I'urlor t'm with Iteclhilnu OlmlrB to und tiom flt. I.onl and 1'iorlu. Onlyonu tliiiniiuoffju-u bi'twcon St. I.ouUund Io .Moliia , Iowa , Lincoln , No- bnukn.nnd Denver , Colorado. It la also the only Through Line betwcou BT , LOUIS , UI1IHEAPOLIS and BT , PAUL It U known an the emit TIlliOlHill OA LINK of America , nuU In unlvui-Milly admit fed ! < > t > u the Finest Eaulppei Railroad In the World ft all classes of Travel , Tltrouuh TlcUeis vm ( Ins tlno tor ale at a U.K.coniHin ticketoniccainUjo Unilvdbtutct and Canada. T. J. I'OTTKK , PERCEVAL LOWELL , IEST.A.TED. Syndicate Hill Addition , lol 8100 , $10 casli , and $10 per month. BEDFORD & SOUER , Agent v lmftn Place , lota 8150 to $ .100. BfiDFOHD & SOUER , Agonto. Clnrk rUoo , loU ? 300 to $000. BEDFORD & SOUER , Agent * , 'ukcy it Koygor'aSub-DivInion , lofs $125 to $150. BEDFORD & SOUER , Agents. Iftwthorn Addition , lota S3fiO to SOfiO. BKDFORD & SOUER , Agonta. C 'rkwood Addition , loU 8100'to 8450. BEDFORD & SOUER , Agents. Ilanicom'a Addition , lots $ BOO to ? 050. BEDFORD & SOUER , AgonU. Syndicate Hill Addition BEDFORD & SOUER , One Hundred Dollars 'or ' n choice lot in Syndicate Hill Addition. This addition joins ttia iio Syndicate lands in south Omuhn , nnd will rapidly bu'ld up with com 'ortahle homos. Those lots nro beautiful and are near the stock yards md packing houses , aud will ho occupied M homes by the employes o licso works , and are undoubtedly the oest value for the price of any lots n the market. Several have boon sold and the price will soon bo ai- anced. Wo have the exclu ivo agency on this addition. Terms easy. GILMAN PLAGE1 This is n new addition on Leavonworth street in1 West OmaHc , . JL Vi < low price has b ( en put on them to start them. $150 to 8300 , On easy erms , Tne grading and improvements to be male on .Leavenworth St. , his springwill.inake thU very valuable property. * CLARK PLAGE. * This is a sub-division of the Mcgeath "property 'facmp ; Hancom * 'ark ' on the south. ( Jjod location , near street car , fine view and has oed growth of native timber. Thia is one of the finest additions'ia. ) raahu , and will soli rapidly. Price $300 to § 650. Ouo fourth 'ah , nlnnco ( n good time. First come , first serred. Thia is a spfendid op- ortunity for persons who intend building for a home. TUKEY&KEYSOR'S SUBDIVISIONs ! , . s a beautiful piece of ground lying one block south o Gilman place , West Omiilm. The first of these lots will be sold at $125 to 9150 , ani are a bargain. A nice sightly location , beautiful place for a home and plendid investment for a rich man or a-poor man. HAWTHORNE ' nW 4 This addition lies between Capitol avenue and Cass street , ten blocks ! rom the High School , ono mile from the postoffico , and is what is know * as iuside property. The city is built up far beyond this addition and the inest residences in the city are in this locality. The grade'on Davenport trcet has been established apd work commenced , and will be completed is soon' as the wtntlier permits. The contract has been let for building argo brick school IIOUFO on Douglas street , three blocks from this addi ion. We predict that these lots will more than double in value before August , as it is the most desirable part of Omaha and would have boon , built up years ago had it been placed on the market. Prices * S35O TO S65O Adjoining lots are beirg sold t t double the price wo ask'for these. KIRKWOOD. Wejhavo six' lots left in this addition' . which wo offer at a bargain. * r We have some improved and unimproved farms near [ Omaha , and aomo.well improved iarms in Sorpy county. Residence aud Residence Lots in all parts of the city , and On all the best streets in the business center. SSf Wo have for nalo lots in Shinn'u Addition , Parker's Addition. Nebon'a Adit. lion , Atmntrong's Addition , Lowe's Addition , . .Park Place Addition. Isaacs & 80- don's Addition , McCormick'a Addition , Bonscom Place , Redick'o Addition. Barr Oak Addition , Johnson's Addition , Reed's Addition , Kountte's Addition , 8jndk t Hill , Oilman Place , Olark Place , Tukoy & Kcyeor's sub-divuion , Hawthorne AMI- tion.JKirkwood Addition , Bojd'a Addition , Yates & Reed'o Addition , etc. , etc. BEDFORD & SOUER. Q213 South 14th Street , between Farnam and / ' $