Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 25, 1884, Page 2, Image 2

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    - 54MV - * * fC- ' - . * : -
rttotiOAntls Hastened to their GMTCS
Relying on toatimonUh written in vlr-
i glowing language of some miraculous
euros made by omo largely puffed up
tlootor or patent medicine has hastened
thousands to their graves ; believing in
their almost insane faith that the same
miracle will bo performed on them , and
that those testimonials make the cures ,
crhllo the BO called medicine is alt the
time hastening them to thotrgravos.Vo
have avoided publishing testimonials , as
they do not make the cures , although wo
o ! them , of the most wonderful cures ,
voluntarily sent us. It is our medicine ,
Hop Bitters , that makes the cures. It
has never failed and never can. Wo will
give reference to any one for any disease
atmiliar to their own if desired , or will re
fer to any neighbor , as tlioro is not a
neighborhood in the known world but
can show its cures by Hop Bitters.
A prominent physician of Plttsbnrg said to
ton , from which eho obtained permanent
health , She now laughs at the doctor foi his
jolco , but ho is not so well pleased with It , M
it cost hsm a good patlont.
The fee of doctors is an item that very
many persons are interested in. Wo believe -
liovo the schedule for visits in $3.00 ,
vrhich would tax a man confined to his
bed for a year , and in need of a daily vis
it , over $1.000 a year for medical atten
dance alone I And ono single bottle of
Hop bitters taken in time would nave the
. $1.000 and all the year's sickness.
"Oh. how I do wish my skin was M clear
and soft as yours , " said a lady tohor friend
"You cm easily make it BO , answered tlio
iriend. "How ? " inquired the first liuly. "By
using Hop Bitters that makes pure , rich bloot
and blooming health. It did It for mo as you
observe. "
"Is it possible that Mr. Godfrey is up
and at wort , and cured by so simple a
remedy ? "
"I aesuro you it is true that ho is en
tirely cured , and with nothing but Hop
Bitters , aud only ton days ago his doctors
gave him up and said ho must die , from
Kidney and Liver troubles 1'
Tlio kldno ) s act a
purifiers of the 1 > I jo
ant ) when their funo
tlons are Interfered
with through wtak
noes , they need ton.
ing , They become
healthfully notli o by
theme of Ifrntotter i
Stomach B I ttors ,
- . hen falling short of
| r I r o 11 o f from other
LJ 1 sources. Tnls superb
stlmu'atlog tonlo
Ir nlso 'proicnts Mid
treats fovcr and
ague , constipation ,
liver complalnr.riys
IK pepsin , rheumatism,1
and olhsr ailments
Use It with regular
Ity. For solo or 11
Druggists and Deal'
era generally.
. _ - . - . , DUrrltOtft , tftin u4 Aru * . L
ii ll lirt „ Omul. A hw Atvft Imptrt dtilclow font
tnt , d to til umntr drtokl Try It , a4
_ _ j. Ak TOOT fTK r ordrantitrot IfctpMlaft
frfTTT.nt'VT" * r o.D.auorattftONa.
32 XnVAUWAY. N. Y.
KRVOUS Debility
OF UAMLY VIGOR , Spermatorf
jhcea , eta , when all other remedies -
( dies fall. A. cure guaranteed.
< l 9I.M a bottle , largo bottle , foui
times the quantity , 15. By ex
press to any address. . Bold by
atldiugdtta. ENQLlSn MEDI.
OAti INSTITUTE , Proprietors , 718 Olive Street , St.
"I have sold Sir Artley Coopert Vital Restorative
or vean. Every customer speaks highly oi It I
aheettatlogl yondorso It as a remedy of true merit.
" 0. F QOODIUH , Druggist.
nvaha e > 1 1888 vtR-rnftii
Belgian Boyal mudU.B. Ilall Steamers
The Rhine , Germany , Italy , Holland and France
Storage Outward , 120 ; Prepaid from Antwerp , 123 ;
Jbourslon , $40 , including bedding , etc , Zd Cabin , $50 ;
-Bound Trip , $00 00 ; Excursion , $100 : Saloon from ( 0
46 180 ; Excursion i 10 to JIM.
JHTPeter Wright ft Sons , den , Agents , CS Bread
'OaldwelU Hamilton & Co. , Omaba. P. E. Olod
Mm & Co. , 203 M , 10th Street , Cmaha ; D. B. Kim
, OmahaAgvoU. y m&a eod-lv
BELT end otbtr EUEOTBia
re sent on 80 Dais' Trial TO
S ONLY. YOUNO Oil OLD , vho Bro suffer.
U from .NiEtous DKDIUTT. LOST VnAurr ,
VARua WKAKKBSB , and all tboso disease * of a
fwaamu. MATVBB. rcsuWn * 'from "ABCSU 1
Oran CAUSES. Speed/ relief and complete
.Matoratlon to nuLtu , Vtoou and MAKUOOD
- IIITKICD. Bend at once lor OliutraUd
Diet free. Address
f/TAUl BEIT CO. . Marshall. Mich.
Dtt. II. II.KAMI , ft Hi. f
DiuiKrauicnfrailnei ire.
vtti iccitli IOch
" " > < oonttmplialnj mirrUjo
thowlocure Nert oui
_ - , , , r.l Wukncu , etc. , lent wcurelj * * * J *
IbrM txm ( moper or | K > < UKt itamp * . ) Aodrrti Dr.
j. BchntMfc Cot. Bfoulw y ami I/ic i Ar. . SL l uliAlo.
' - OMAHA , NED.
g e AgenU for the World-Ronowned
Son , and Hallett & Ounston
'Piano * . Also manufacturers and
wholesale dealers in
ud Musical Merchandise. .
1 > rioM-
X. A. K1LLEY , M. D.
* -ARO-
0. A. WILSON , If. D , ,
JPhymeiani and Surgeons
"ntrartfmiT TinTliTi OfKKA KOOlKi
"Now go on with yonr HUulylnK , Jennie.
It'a useless ( o dhctiM tlio mutt'-J.
"nut , mother , KJoii't see "
"Of conrso you don't see , dear , but when
rour fatlicr hnu decided , he luisdcciiM , you
enow , Don't think nny more nbout it.
Jorae , I can't spnro you Imt flflecn min-
ilca more. You must help mo on Johnny's
lackot jnst the button-holes , my eyes nre
10 poor.
"Why don't you get Mlsa SlHchson to
jnko the button-holes ? "
"Don't nsk me. What did your father
sny ycslcnlny noon , ind ngniijustnt sup-
) ertimc ? If you will mnko them I can
; ct the jacket finished to-uight. Ho nmU
t ba < l enough. "
"Now , mother Mnylrcrry , it a too JiwlJ
Tom's BU ilia shabby , but I don't ' believe
that ho cares. One day more won't make
much difl'crcnceanyway ! and I will help
on the button-holes to-morrow afternoon ,
f Pmilio don't como for mo to practice
that duet with her. "
"No. no , dear. 'Never put off till lo-mor
row what can bo done to-day' Grandma1 ,
motto , you know. I wish you would beat
t in mind more than you do. There now
onmnsn't oa/another word keep your
Noughts on your .lesson. I shan't speak
itr fifteen minutes. "
"At this Jennie resumed her Rlmlying
br she was as desirous iw her mother wat
ibr her to l > o correct in recitations. She
ad ) > ccn dreading thin last review in his >
lory , which was to determine her rank in
holnr-hip. And her father was anxious
J.ut slio shbuld stand high at graduation
only three weeks hence. Ho had over
Snkcn pains to go over with her nil the bat
tles of our civil strugulo and the c\cuta of
' o Franco-Qcrman war , the dates were
such n trouble to her ; and taught her an old
method of his own for memorizing such
lliings accurately.
Him went oh patiently with the words
of the book. Hut 1 am sorry to say her
though IB wandered to Prudence whin's
new dress , and to n small package in her
pocket which she had not yet hud the
courage opportunityslio would havcx.ihl
show her mother ; yet , which she
* B this very evening if her louf-
r < hopes were to bo lulllllcd.
pencil was needed to mark the battle
the Wilderness for her memorizing
nethod , mid in , taking it from'hcr pocket
out came the package also. Her pink
checks took on ft deeper hue as she hastily
snatched at it before it fell to the iloor , nnt1
.hero was a confused droop of her cjuivfcr
ing eyelids before her mother's questioning
$ anco. , Not a word was said , but Mrs.
Uayberry extended her hand , and .Tcuuio
dared not Ignore the unspoken request.
"What does this menu , daughter ? Jor
dan & Marsh's shop bill black silk sam
ples ! " said Mrs. Mayberry , slowly , ns she
.infolded the little package.
"I wanted to know what it would cost ,
came the reluctant words , as thcgiiTs nerv
ous lingers turned and re-turned tlio pages
of her history. "Oilier girls , lots of them ,
"Do what ? "
"Send for samples. "
"Without consulting their parents ? I
icpo not , Jennie. How could you ? "
There was no answer , and the question
was repeated. Hut before she had time to
eply , Mr. Maybcrrynnd Tommy , who had
ieeu busy over an hour in tlio barn look-
ng after the comfort of the little heifer
nd Nan , her mother , aud seeing that Jinks ,
lie old roan , and Daisy , the pony , were all
ight , and everything , about the premisea
ling and orderly , came hurrying in.
Mr. Mayberry , quick to read faces , saw
liat something unpleasant was under con-
idcration. Presuming it was the same
ubjcct graduation and its expenses
which had been talke'd over at tea time , ho
said : "I've been thinking it all over , Jen
nie , I can't bear to have you feel unhap
py and dissatisfied , and instead of giving
money for hiring music that day and eve-
ing I'll let the class have the use of our
> iano , you and Prndenco Winn can play
veil enough for anybody who'll bo there ,
low do you like that ? * I'll take it to the
ehoplhouso , and back again , too. " ,
Jennie did not answer. She had not re-
ovored her confusion , and only n sickly
mlle showed that she understood his sug-
"A good idea don't you think somoth-
r ? " ho added , with a little chirrupy
augh , which Mrs. Mayberry answered with
mother but hers was forced and hollow.
Tommy saw the samples of silk , still in
is mother's hand. "Komcthing for my
ew jacket trimmings , is it1 he asked.
"Oh , no , Jennie , you might us well tell
'our fatlicr all about it , " was the response ,
n low sad tones. .
Jennie began to cry.
"Hi ! hi ! 'psaid her father , cheerily. "This
Tou't do for n seventeen-year-old young |
ady. What's up ? I don t see anything
o cry about. You're getting nervous , sis.
too much study I'm afraid. I shall be
; lad when yqn get through this terrible
aat't nn. Bnt you're coming out well-
hat's not the trouble , I Hope ? Let's run
over the battles again , so as to be sure of
them. " And ho took up the book she had
inshcd abide.
Mrs. Mnyberry laid Iho strips of silk
ipon the book. "What do you think of
Jioso ? " * Bho said , gently.
"Those ? " ' Jio asked. "Why , what arc
hey ? How came you by them ? "
"Is it bcs ( , for Joiinlo to ha\o a grodna *
ron suit like cither of them ? "
"Our Jennie ? Our Jittlo Jennie rigged
out like ? You're
a llfty-year-old joking ,
Jennie had ceased crying , and now look
ed up anxiously.
"Never was 1 more in earnest , John. "
"W ll. I don't pretend to know about
tticso things. lint you don't really want
t , do you , child ? Such n gloomy thing.
Why , you ought to have solnothiug bright
and cheerful then , it secmu to mo/ '
"It would bo very serviceable,1' said Jen
nie , meekly.
"Serviceable how ? " queried her father.
"Your mother's dresses are always scrvipe-
able , and they are not silk. And then look
at the cost of it ! Ten flfttcn dollars I
suppose. "
"More tlinn double that , " returned Mrs.
Uayberry ,
"That settles the question. No , it will
not bo serviceable for my daughter not
at that price. " ,
"llufc If I gfct the school at Staplcton ? ' '
asked Jeuuiu.
"Ohl It't Uiuio enough uo tallc auunt
dilk dresses when you' o money that you
don't know what to do with. If you do
* each you shan't begin for o cr a year. "
"More than half the gills In our class
Will have Bilks for graduation , Prudio says ,
and "
"I suppose she will ; she looks like that
kind of a girl. And , as usual , her father
ttolnK to borrow my , mowing machine
st summer , and the now plow in v- ,
must buy in April. No , no , daughter no
black llk for you yet. However lot mo
eee. I have it now ) Ono or my happy
thoughts just in the nick'of tiuio ' de
clare ! "
Ho drew ont his poekclbook , and from
its folds took hovtral Imnk-billa. "Mr.
Bhnpiuls paid Ibrhis hay this afternoon.
I'm right ghul to get the money -Jusv uow
was inlenijiiig'itjbr ' n certain purpo o , a
plan your mother niid Xanudo n while ago.
Bat I've clmut-Wmy mind within an hour ,
and , Jennie , if you'll wear the same dress
you have on now thU neat gray flannel ,
with the pretty pink neck-tic at thegrad-
nation , you shall have o\ cry cent ho paid
mo , to upeiid ua you choose/ '
Jennie looked troubled.
"I'll ' bo there to Bee , " lie added. "More-
Over and likewise , " he continued , merrily ,
"Tommy and I will get as many spruce
trees and as much evergreen to trim the
iduwl-roomM you will accept * AudiuotU-
erll lend all her plrtnt * , every flower-pot ,
I've no doubt. ' '
' "Certainly , with pleasure , " responded
Mrs. Mayberry.
"Thograduatlon , or commencement , ralh-
cr for then you will really begin your life
as a woman , " said Mr. May berry , "ought
to bo n joyful occasion , and yet a serious
and thoughtful one , ns you then lay aside
childish things and take the first step to
ward the sober realities of life. And I want
you to know , Jennie , that the first step
will have much to do In determining your
future course. Don't begin with show and
extravagance , then , oven if you that is
can afford it ; it would not bo right or bo-
coming. "
"Mlko Unvdy hasn't nny overcoat , father ,
because Mary's got to to have n now gown
to graduate In , " said Tommy.
"And Mrs. Draylon told mo n fortnight
ago thai Hannah had left the High School
on account of the expense of graduation , "
said Ills'mother. .
"Well , I suppose there nre others 'in the
same box , ' as Uncle Itusscl expressed it ,
Ho said to mo the other day that ho
shouldn't ' bo able to take up his note OB
soon ns ho expected , next month , his two
boy's school oxpcuscs nro so great this last
term. ' '
"All the girls are telling what they shall
wear , and I thought 1 expected " began
Jennie , in a trembling voice.
"Think of it over night , dear. Yon have
had good teachers , and you are fond of
them , I know , and are attached to "your
males. You have had many happy hours
in tlio old school-room , and will wish to
look back on the lastdays spentthcro with
pleasant memories. Spend the money it
is yours now in a way that will give yon
the most delightful recollection. "
"Now , please , let us drop tlio subject1
said her mother , laying the samples on her.
work-Blandand taking up Tommy's jacket ,
"Am I to'havo your help on the button
holes , dear ? " she added , quietly.
Jennie gave her a bright smile , gathered
up the bits of silk , went directly to the
stove and threw them in Iho fire.
"Hutloii-holcs , buttons anything you
say , " was her answer , as she sc.xtcd herself
on n stool at her , mother's side , that both
might sew at the same time.
"How about your battles ? Dates all
right ? " asked her father. ' % ctmo hcai
them. "
Iho recited them 'slowly and conuclly.
ending with a gay laugh , and saying : " 1
wrs determined to have them right. "
"And you have succeeded. Add anoth
er a victory for General Goodscnsc , at
Mayberry Point. What's the date1'
"Never mind. Graduation day we'll call
it , perhaps'and , having clasped her purse
with a vigorous snap , there was n tinkle
of its steel rings us she slipped it into her
pocket ; and then her skillful llngcis r.ln
rapidly through the mazes of button-hole
stitch. So Tommy's jacket was completed ,
aud ho was glad enough to have it readf
to wear the next day.
Graduation day was remarkably fair for
March. The school-room was crowded wjlh
the parents and friends of tliu pupils.
Everybody admired the decorations of the
evergreens and flowering plants , which Mr.
Mnyberry not only provided , but assisted
in arranging.
Not ono of the pupils passed more crefl-
itably through the exercises than Jennie
Maybcrry , and certainly not ouo looked
prettier than she in her modest gray dress ,
with n pink bow at her throat. More than
ono among the gentlemen visitors inquired
who that handsome girl in gray was "And
such cosy , charming manners , " added some ,
"And such a fine scholar , " said others.
The music only "Jennie Mayberry's
piano , and singing by the pupils" was liked
so well that persistent encore of the last
song brought its repetition ; during which
Mr. Mayberry , bearing a largo package ,
passed slowly up one of the crowded aisles
to tlio teachers' platform. When the sing
ing ceased , all eyes turned in expectation
towards him us ho care/\llly unfolded a
largo picture from its wrappings.
It was a fine engraving in a beautiful
frame. "My daughter's gift to the school
in memory of pleasant hours hero passed ,
laid Mr. Mayberry to the Principal.
A complete surprise was this , and every
body seemed astonished at the generous
gift. In a few words Mr. Maybcrry told
the story of its purchase. Then it was
hung on the wall back of the teachers'
And that is the way that the change in
the graduation exercises of the High School
at Mayberry Point was brought about ; and
why the pupils wear their everyday dresses ,
and furnish their own music , and make tlio
decorations themselves for that occasion.
The reason , too , that there is nbvoys such
n largo class to graduate ; and tlmt there is
less love of dress and finery among the
young people of the place ; and such good
boeks in its school library ; and so many
niso picturcs'ou thoHchool-roont walls ; and
those two Kogerrf groups in the corners.
A good name at homo is a tower of
strength abroad. Ton times as much
Hood's Saraaparilla used in Lowell aawcll
any other.
Fruits ( br Canning' . ,
Since Iho preservation of fruits by can
uing has become so general , it is desirable
to know which varieties are best adapted
to the purpose. As a rule , those whobc
taste is sweet or insipid nro not desirable ,
while those tlmt have n decided flavor nre
to bo preferred. Black cap raspberries
sweet cherries laud blueberries are among
the poorest small fruits for canning , as their
flavor is insipid when they are in their
best estate , aud is impaired by the opera
tion of heating. Strawberries , though most
delicious when fresh , become somewhat in
sipid when cooked. Ited raspberries are
excellent when canned , but they should , to
preserve their fliuor and aroma , ho put up
as soon as they are gathered. Blackberries
are inferior to red raspberries , but if can
ned shortly after they are picked they will
come out in very good condition and bo
well relished , lied and white currants
contain too many seeds to bo very desira
ble. It is bettor to extract their jnlco and
to convert it into jelly. All who relish
black currants when iresh will like them
after they ha\o been canned. They form
an excellentsauco withoutfurthcr cooking ,
and are in good condition to UBO in pics iynl
turts. Gooseberries , if gathered before their
skins become tough , nro excellent after
they nre canned. They are especially do-
nirnblo for eating during the spring , when
the appetite craves acid fruits. IJarly lllch *
mend cherries , all things considered , nro
tlio best of all the small fruits for canning.
If managed with vkill they will retain
the color , form , flavor and aroma they had
when freshly picked from the tree. Mnt > t
kinds of plums nro good , but owing to
their slzo and finnu sn of their llesh they
require moro cooking. Of tlio sweet fruits
there is none belter than pears. ven Ul °
inferior varieties are excellent when canned.
Tlio quince is admirably adapted for can
ning purposes , being almost tlio only kind
of fruit that is improved by cooking. Be
ing scarce and expensive , there is economy
jn putting them in the samojars that con
tain apples or pears of infeiior flavor. The
larger varieties of crab-apples form a val-
ituble addition to the stock of canned fruits
Glrla ought to bo able to talk well on
current topics books , new and old , all
that interests their brothers. Hut do they
Bhow themselves competent to carry on a
conversation that will stimulate and re. those they meet ? Good talkers never
fail to interest and ( o charm : but a young
woman whose ideas are only broad enough
to be expressed in thew'ords "awful , " "hor
rid , " and "perfectly lovely will hardly be
- < 1 as one of them. 1 ou/Va Companion.
There. Is no influence .in.tlio world BO TO-
Anlng as Unit of nature , uiid uouo ateuch
UtUecosl. "
'Doca Mlfttit Mriko Right ?
A communistic person identified with
the dangerous classes of the Comstock and
notorious for big disregard of truth and
contempt for vested rights , has just return
ed from a visit to San Francisco. This
morning lie endangered iho good name of
the Chronicle by entering its cditoral room.
The nihilist declared that ho had "n good
tiling on Stanford and Stove Gage , " but he
supposed the ClironHc , like the rest of the
corrupt and time-serving press , would bo
afraid to publish It ,
"Tell your story , " said the editor with
dignity , gazing Inquiringly nt the boot of
the socialist , which was resting upon the
cditoral table. The boot remained there ,
however , while the following ridiculous
larratlvo was delivered :
It's flue weather at the bay , and every
body who can afford U takes a spin occas
ionally out of the dust and heat. Last
Saturday Stanford and Gngo were walking
iloug Kcarny Street , and when they got to
the corner of linshHno Governor took off
bis hat , wiped his brow and remarked :
"Stove , it's too hot for anything. What
do you soy to a breath of friah air ? "
"Havo wo time ? ' ' inquired' Mr. Gage ,
pulling ont Ills watch K < > did the Gover
nor. who replied
"Xhcro isn't anything very pressing 'for
a couple of hours , I guess , and we may ns
well take n spin out lo the park. It isn't
worth while to have ont my horses. Let's
take a hack , and then wo can enjoy n walk
when wo get there. It'll bo bettor than
riding around the drives. "
So they got into n coupe and wcro driven
out to Golden Gate Park. At the entrance
the governor and Gngo alighted.
"What's the fare ? " asked the governor.
"On'y $15 , gtiv'nur. "
"What ! " yelled Stanford and Gngo in
the same breath.
"Fifteen dollars , " repeated cabby , MB-
buttoning his coat and spitting on Ifts
"But my good man , " protested thegovei-
nor , "such u charge is exorbitant. The law
confines you to n reasonable price for your
cervices , and you can be arrested and pun
ished for such n violation of the ordinance.1
' the law ! " . "
Hang growled cabby. "My
money bought and paid for this hack nn'
hosaes , nu' ns Guv'nor Stanford said in his
letter to the New York Chamber of Com
merce , 'the essence of ownership is control. ' "
"Hem I1' coughed the governor , looking
slyly nt Steve , who began to grin. "That's
all well enough when applied to my rail
roads , but but cr , now if you charge us
tiflpcu dollars to bring up to the park , what
on earth would you charge us to tuko us to
"Five dollars.1'
"Fromhoro ? *
"No ; from the city. "
"But , it's twice the distance ! "
"Yes , hut it's a compctitiic point. Fifteen
vo the park , five to the Cliff. No hoggin'
about it. Through rates to the Cliff , local
rates baritn the nark added i"st as you
fellers do when > 'ou charge $300 for draw
ing n carload of stuff from New York to
'Frisco , and make it $800 if you drop the
car at Elko , about 600 miles nearer New
York. "
It WOB Steve's turn to cough and the
governor's to grin.
"Well , said the governor with n sigh ,
"tako us to thoCliff.1'
At the Cliff House the governor and
Stephen drank their beer and smoked a
cigar , and listened to the barking of the
seals , and filled their lungs with the sea-
breeze. Suddenly Steve , clapped himself
on the leg aud cried out :
"By jove , governor ! I forgot that lot of
coal of Smith's that the sheriff is to sell at
tf o'clock. It's 2 now. If wemisa that , a
chance to save'at least a thousand dollars
will bo gone. "
"Good heavens ! " cried the governor
snatching out lis watch , "let's hurry back
at once. Driver ! Oh , driver ! "
"Here , sir , " fmswcrpd cabby , who had
been leaning over the _ balcony parapet
within car-shot , "here , sir.1
"Wo want to return to to.wn immediate
ly , " ciicd Mr. Gage.
"Ya-as. I s'pose sn , " said cabby , slowl ?
chewing a'stiuw , "but I'lv tnko my pay In
advance , if it's all the same to you gents. "
The governor growled somewhat between
liis teeth and tendered him ? o.
"Tnint enough , " said cabby contempt
"In heaven's name , how far will your
sxtoition go1' snorted the governor.
"How much more do you want1'
"Five hundred more,1' calmly replied
the hackman.
"Hey ? ' ' bhriekcd Steve aud the governor.
"Five hundred , nn' not a cent less , " re-
ilicd cabby.
"How sir cr damme , sir ! how do you
dare ask such n price for driving two gen
tlemen four or live miles1' spurted the
"I ba-so my charge on 'what the trajOiacilt
Zetir , ' same us the railroad doc ? , " replied
the hackmuu , with a 'grin. "If Inters is
scllin' in Los Augelos for filly cents n
bushel and nt $3 n bushel nt Tucson , you
acllcrs charge the poor devil of a rancher
$2.50 n bushel to haul his tutors to Tucson
" .nd gobble all the profit. Now , I ain't n
hoggish ns that. I hccicd Mr. Gngo say
if ho could get into town by I ! o'clock he
could make n thousand dollars. As there
ain't no other hack , here , I'm as good ns
monopoly for this wuust ns any blasted
railroad on earth ; but ain't so greedy. 1
don't want all you can make by usin' my
hpck. I'm williu' to get along with halj
With a dismal groan the Governor ami
Steve emptied their pockets and counted
ont tlio money.
"Now , see here1 said cabby , as ho closed
the door of the hack on his victims. "I've
done for wunst what you roosters day in
nu1 day out have been doln' for years , an'
made your millions by it. I happened to
bo able to give you a , small dose of yer
own medicine for wunst , an' I don't ' want
you to do no kickin. ' I know you kin
ecnd mo to jail for runniu' my business on
your principles , but if you jails ino I'll Imvo
to have your blood v/heu I get out , an' don't
you forget it. "
Hereupon tliohackm ° n elnppcd the door
to witli u bang , and climbing to his seat
drove nt n rattling pace to the place where
the sheriff was about to t-cll out poor Smith.
Smith was n coal dealer who didn't have
special rates.
When the nihlllit had finished this ab
surd mul llbeloua tale ho took his foot off
the cditoral desk , laughed hoarsely and de
parted for the nearest saloon.
Tha plory ot a man is Ins stronRtli. If you
nro w cakuncd down through extensive study.
or by eaily indiscretion , Allen's Brain Food
will permanently restore all lost vigor , and
strengthen all tlio iiHiscloa of Brain and Body ,
81 ; 0 for 85.All d
Andrew's UnzarBaTs : "uatlu'rcrt wastw
are very much worn. If the men would
gather the waists carefully and not squeeze
EO like the blazes , they would not bo worn
B- > much , Some men go to work gathcr-
'ng n waist just as they would go to work
vashiug sheep , or raking and binding.
They ought to gather n waist as though it
was eggs , done up in a funnel-shaped
* rown paper at a grocery. feck't Sun ,
Durkoe'a Salad Dressing Is composed of
the freshest , purest , and choicest condi
ments money trill buy. It surpasses any
that can bo made at home , ia cheaper ,
tavca labor and all anxiety.
Entomologists use nmtxturo of sour beer
aud molasses , spread on the trunks of trets
or on boards in the evening , to attract
moths. It baa been suggested that it
would bo a good way to destroy the moths
of worms destructive to fruH by polsonimy
tbe liauld
allied , /
Armlrsls br nr. A. Voelckcr , P. U. a , Con.
BuUInu chemist , Hovnl Agricultural Bocletr ,
England , shows only a trace of nitrates In
Iilockwcirs Hull Durham Tobaeca The neil
ot the aoldcn licit of North Carolina , In which
this tobacco Is grown , don't supply nitrates to
the leaf. That Is the secret of its delicious
mildness. Nothing so pure and luxurious for
Brooking. Don't forget the brand. Nonogcn-
uino without the trade-mark ot tno Bull. All
dealers nave lu
When feline concuU
Is warranted to weir longer , M
jthe form renter ; nm ( e\o belt1
Usfftctlon than Any other Corse ,
tlio market , or prleo palrt wll
§ nfiindul , The Indorsement * 01
Icairo's btst phytlelar-r , Rccof.
iimy c ch Pomct. ' 0 , tlmt HKltrn Jean , roitofi
, -l.ltl. A V your murclmntfortticzu.
* aTJiaonii.n , jonKi'H AVt , . .
M uiMturarsaiUlsiilJltiuiaoliihBl.clilciiro.
out on : to-
thrlt cs oil llorllcf a Food , " wrlto hundreds of
frratcful mothers. Mothers' milk contains no
from starch ) requires no cooking The best food In
health or ulcknws for INFANTS. The Ixwt diet for
DYSPEPTICS ami INVALIDS. HlRhly beneficial
touursIugmothcrHflRnUrink. Frlrc40andTc. All
drugtrlBta. Hookonthc trcatmeutnfchildrenfree.
"t tell ? re It to be KUprrlor to anything of tli
kluit furclnMrpQ " 7 > * imm0nf. if , Jt , , evt Tort ,
"Unbeslutlnffly pronounce It the best Food lu
the market. " 1C. Jf. Ilnrrttt , JJ / > .i Roifni ,
"dn the fcit . * *
or tuMtltnte * for mother milk.
11. a. FrHHM. 11. ! > . , Broollgii , , \ . r.
\VI11 lx > pent br mail on receipt of prlco In stamps.
IIOUI.ICK'S FOOI CO. , ItiicliiP , Win.
Dr , .Amelia Burroughs ,
1617 Dodge , St. . , - Omaha
The remedy being Injected directly'to the seat ot
the disease , requires no chance of diet or nauseous ,
mercurial or poisonous medicine * to bo taken Inter
nally. When uted as ft preventive by either sex , ills
impossible to contract any private disease ; but In the
ease of those already unfortunately afflicted we guar-
intee thiea boxes to cure , or wo will refund the mon
ey ; Price by mall , postage paid , $2. pet box 01 three
boxes for 95. '
Issued by all authorized agents. u
O F. Goodman , Druggttt Solo Agent , fur Omaha
eb m&o wly
HeaSfh is Wealth' '
UENI , a Ruarnntood enooifio for lljstoria , Uizzi.
noss. Convulsions , Fits , Nervous Neuralgia ,
HpadAcho , Nervous Frontrntion caused by the nee
ot alcohol or tobacco , Wakefulnoua , Jlentul Do-
rrcRsion , Bof toning of the Drain resulting in in-
P'nity and loading to misery , decay and death ,
I'rerrmturo Old ARC , llarrcnnees , LOBS of power
in either BOI , Involuntary Losses and tjnormnt-
crrlioca cqusod byovor-exortion ot the brain , eelf.
abuse or ovor-indulgonco. Knch box contains
ono month's treatment. $1.00 a box , or BIX boxet
for f5.00 , sent by mail prepaid on receipt ot price.
To euro any MUIO. With each order rocoivoa oyrn
for cz boxes , accompanied with M.OO , wo wu >
send the ptirclmwr our written guarantee to ro
tund the money if the treatment ( lees not euosl
a euro. Guurmitwe
O. F , GOODUANN , Druggist Agents for Omaha
Neb. t
His juit reccl > etl a full line o ! Imported Fancy Suit-
Ings anil rautalooiiS of the latent stj leu. Also
guarantees floe fittings ud fro trimmings ,
at Lowest Price. Also Cleaning Dicing
and Repairing. S. E. Corner ICth
and Laienport Streets
0. F. DAVIS & GO ,
Genera ! Dealer * In
H ve ( or nl 00,000 acres corclully selected landi
lu Rtstern Meuia ! u , at low prlos and on cuy ternu.
improvea turns for sale lu Douclas. Do,1ee , Colfax
piatt , Hurt , Cumlmr , Birpy , Wunmztou , ilenck
Blunders , and Butler Countloa.
Taxes P 1J In all wrts of tbs State ,
Mnney laanorl on ImproTod Urrnn.
Notary I'ublio alwaja In office. Correspondence
All kinds ofllroad , Fancy Calei and lies constantly
un hind ,
Offloa S10 Nortb Itth Street Hours 9 .lo 12 a. m
J to 6 ) ) . in. llcsldeoco South 17tb , near
Wholesale Clothiers !
Office and Yard , 6th and Douglas Sts , , OlliallS
Growers of Live Stock and Others.
Our Ground OH Cake.
It Is the host nd chonpoit toort lor itootc cf ny klml. One pound Is ecnil to three ponnils o ! corn
Wock tea with around Oil C ke la the KMI ua Winter , lnstc < J of runntnjr down , will tncroaso In woighl
and bo In . good nmrkotablo oon-Mlon In the sprin ? . IMIrymen , M .coll M others , who use It can toftlly to
its raorita. Try U nd JuJr f jr yourR lvce. Price { 25.00 per > -.i no charge for , sacks. Address
WOnw i MHRKKn " nnMnijjY Omaha Neb
Fine Havana , Key West and Domostio Cigars. All Standard Brands Tobaccos ,
Trial Mm Solicited. Satisfaclliin Guaranteed. 113 < * FARNAM ST. , OMAHA.
' 5
Union Pacific Depot ,
Hall's Safe and Lock Gomp'y
Our immense stock for the spring : of 1884 is now complete. By'3 '
visit to our store we can show you \ lie largest stock o nicely fitting
Our stock pf Furnishing Goods consists of the latest novelties in.
Gents' Neckwear ,
Gents' Fine Hosiery ,
Gents' .Fine Suspenders ,
Gents' Underwear in all Grades.
Collars and Cuffs in'all new shapes ,
Hemstitched Hdk'fs , Plain & Colored Borders.
Laundried and Unlaundried Shirts ,
Colored Shirts , Cheviot , Fecale and Penang.
Shireman Bros. & Go's '
1308 Farnam St. , between 18th and 14rth Sts. , Omaha , Neb
Heating and Baking
In only attained by uainj
Stoves and Ranges , *
Fci sale by
tT ufl
CD y - tf
9 4 ?