Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 18, 1884, Image 8

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    , t r - * ! * * *
Great Sale for Next Week1
COO dozen Childs' Sonmlosi imported
lloao will bo sold at Ifio , all Biros , 5 to
8J inches , never botoro oflorod lose
tlian 25 to 05o.
80 dozen Ladies' Pure Lialo lloao , Bril
liant fininh , nil colors , at 35oj a regular
75o Hoso. *
100 dozen Ladies' finest quality Colored
Balbriggan IIoso , in stripes nnd fancy
colors , closed out by ns in Europe , will
bo sold on this anlo for 35o a pair ;
would ordinarily cost 00 toGOcts n pair.
200 dozen Ladies' finest quality Spun
' Silk Hose at $1.00 a pair ; have never
sold in Omaha loaa than $2.00 ; nil
colors and black.
Great Sale of White Goods ,
10,000 ynrda White Pique nt 3o ,
worth G\c. \
5,000 yards Sheer Check Nainsook 8Jc ,
worth 20c.
At the auction sale of March 12th , in
Now York , wp purchased about $15,000
worth of India Lilians , Swisses , Check
Nainsooks , Victoria Lawn , &o.
100 pieces Check Nainsooks that Jiavo
always sold for 25 to 40c , positively the
best bargain over shown will bo closed in
ono lot at 15c.
GO pieces finest and best quality Chock
Nainsooks and Mulls , regular price has
always boon 37 to GOc , but wo can sell
thorn now for 25o.
80 pieces Sheer White India Linens at
15c , sold heretofore for 2Gc.
50 pieces India Linens at 20c , price
horoforo has boon 30c.
GO pieces beautiful quality India Linens
at 25c , exactly the same that sells for 35c.
28 pieces finest quality made in India
Linen at 37Jo , worth GOc.
100 pieces Victoria Lawns at lOc , regu
lar price 25c.
GO pieces Victoria Lawn nt 20o exactly ,
worth 30c.
25 pieces finest Sheer Victoria Lawn at
25c , never offered before less than 40o.
S. P.
The stock of a prominent Lyons Manufacturer offered
at retail for less than wholesale prices.
24 $1.25 24' '
Inches . $1.65 Inches
Wide $2.00 Wide ,
F ) V 24'Inches Wide , and the Best Black Silks Manufactured
ISTSoo that his brand is on all that you buy. i
Ladies who wish a fine Black Silk Dress for a com
paratively trifling sum of money will take advantage of
the above lot. ,
Satines , Lawns.
Our purchase of Lawns and Satines
IS'1- wore made 40 per cent uudor the market
value , and wo will open to-morrow
morning ;
250 pieces very best quality now Styles
Satines , that are worth 25o everywhere.
Some oak more , but for this sale our
price will bo 15o a yard.
1,300 yards of Linen Lawns , aamo
quality , that wo sold last year for SOo ,
will bo closed out on this sale for lOo ,
worth double.
2,500 yards now Styles , fine quality
Linen Lawns on this just aalo wo will
offer them for 15c , worth 25c.
3,000 yards Linen Lawns guaranteed
pure Linen , and a quality that has sold in
previous years for 35o to 4Do for this sale.
Wo will sell thorn at 25o.
Napkins ! Nankins ! ! .
160 dozen German Damask NapldnH
regular $1.76 per dozen goods ; wo will
close this lot out at $ L25.
75 dozen , full § double Satin Cream
Damask Napkins , usually sold at $2.50
dozen ; will close tkom out at $1,55 a
200 dozen extra heavy double Satin
JDunask $ and 8 Napkins that have al
ways sold for 83.00 and 83,50 will bo
closed out to-morrow for $2.00 a dozen.
80 dozen extra fine and heavy j and 6
double Damask Napkins will bo placed
ia one lot at 82.50 u dozen , worth last
* 3.DO and $4.00.
240 dozan soft finish Plain White and
Had Bordered Napkins , very heavy , that
we will eoll ftt 81.25 a dozen.
80 dozen of I and J size finest quality
German Satin Damask Napkins , usually
bit at 80-00 to 87.00 , will bo closed on
old sale for 84.50.
P. Horse & Co.
lace Department ,
For to-morrow wo will make a great
offering at
a dozen yards. A largo iot'of Lacca pur-
cluiacd at Bales in Now York , nnd that
have never sold under 10 cents a yard.
a dozen yards. Over eighty styles of
Linen and Cotton Lncos , that are to-day
worth $1.00 to § 1.25 a yard.
a dozen vardn , Magnificent styles of
Cotton Laces that have always retailed
for 25 cents a yard.
'Silk ' { Mb Laces ,
35 pieces Black All-silk Spanish Lace ,
2 1-2 to 3 inches wide , at lOc , per yard.
23 pieces Black All- silk Spanish Lace.
3 inohos wide , at 12 l-2c , per yard.
15 piocosBlackAll-Silk Spanish Guip
ure Lace , 3 inches wide , at 25cpcr yard.
10 pieces Black All-Silk Spanish Guipure -
uro Lace , extra finoquality,5 inches wide
of 35c , per yard.
8 pieces Black All-Silk Spanish Guipure -
uro Lace , oxtrn fine quality , G inches
wide , nt 40c , per yard.
Turkey Red Damasks.
1GO pieces , about 6,000 yards of very
best Turkey Rod Damasks , quality never
shown before less than GOc ; price for this
sale 34c.
1,200 yards best quality Gorman Linen
Wnrp Turkey Rod Damasks , usually sold
at $1.00 a yard , but our price for this
sale is GOc.
Pattern Table Cloths.
Wo bought a lot of about 1,600 cream
double damask fringe Pattern Cloths full
2 by 2J yards with rod Grecian borders-
will bo nold for $2.50 each , usual price
850 full Bleached Damask Cloths with
double Rod Grecian Borders , size 2 by
2 | yards at $2.75 each , worth $5.00. '
300 very finest Double Satin Damask
fringe cloths pure wliito magnificent Pat ;
torus , finest quality , sizo21by 2 " yards ,
will bo closed out at $2.50 each" , usual
price $5.00.
Bed Snreads ,
Wo secured especially for this trade
000 full 12-4 Ilonoy.Corab Bed Spreads
that have never sold tor loss than 05cts.
But wo bought these BO cheap that wo
will sell them for 55cts each.
Another lot of about COO Bates. Bridal
and Lewiston Honeycomb Spreads will
bo closed out at 85ola ; worth $1.25 to
COO Marseilles 12-4 and an extra fine
Marseilles nattorn.soft finish Honeycomb
8proadsatl,50j each never sold loss than
300 Marseilles 12-4 Bed Spreads that
have novar boon shown before less than
83.50 and $1.00 ; we propose to sell this
lot for 82,50.
100 of ourfinost Marseilles Spreads that
are worth $0.00 to $7.60 , wo will ohow
them for Thursday morning at 85.50.
S , P. Morse & Go ,
Black Dress Goods.
To continue the great rush in Black
Goods another week wo will offer to
morrow :
20 pieces Black Coahmoro at GOc , re
duced from 75c.
25 pea. Black Jersey Cord and Armuro
at GOc , reduced from $1.00.
50 pea. Black Cashmere at Due , never
offered before under $1.25.
20 nieces 40-inch very fine Albatross or
Nuns Veiling at
a yard , worth last season $1.00.
Grenadines ,
The greatest bargain wo have boon
boon able to secure for this important
Sale is :
50 pieces Finest Quality all Silk and
Wool Satin Rtripo and Black Check
Grenadine nt
90c A YARD.
Worth $2.00 to $3.00.
Embroideries ,
To simplify the sale of all our em
broideries , wo will make six prices and
the earliest customers will secure the best
In the 5c yard lot will bo nil embroid
eries , usually sold at 80 to lOo.
lOo a yard lot will bo all embroideries ,
between 12jo and 20c.
In the 20o a yard lot will bo all em
broideries , sold between 25o nnd 35c a
The 25c embroideries will * Lo goods
that wo alwrys sell at 30o to 45o.
COa embroideries will DO goods that wo
always soil at G5o to 75c.
75c ombroldorios will bo goods that wo
always sell at $1.00 to $1.25.
r rAND
The wonderful succcess of this sale has
induced us to continue it for to-day
and all those who have not already done so
ought not to fail to take
accruing to all , when such a magnificent
stock , amounting to upwards of
3OO , OO
is thrown , on the market at about 30 per
cent less than last year's prices.
S.P. M erse &
Wash Dress Goods.
25,000 yards very choicest styles now
Standard Calico.
Arnold ,
American , '
Coohoco , Very
Oriental , Best
Gloucester Prints
Clmmbray ,
Windsor ,
There are no bettor prinU made than
those , and wo will not substitute > sany inferior -
forior grades.
20 cases very best qualify INDIGO
BLUE Calico 7o yard , worth lOc. '
25 cases Iloavy Check Giughdma So
yard , worth Co.
24 cosos very choicest Ginghams ,
Apron Chocks and Dross Styles , com
prising the following makes ;
Lancaster ,
Renfrew ,
Amoskeat : , Choicest
York , Ginghams
Slatorvillo , Ojo.
Whites ,
20,000 yards Beat Scotch Ginghams ,
Apron OhocKB and Dross Plaids will bo
sold on this sale at 15o , usual SOo quality.
25,000 yards fast color printed lawns
at 3Jc , never offered before thin sale less
than Ojc ,
S. P. Morse & Co.
Glove Department.
300 dozen ladies' eight button length
Joraoy wriat gloves , juat opened up for
this sale at
25 Gents a Pail ,
_ 80 dozen , an assorted _ lot of BIX nnd
eight button finest quality Joraoy Halo
gloves , regular ? 5o and $1 qualities for
this sale at
50 Gents a Pair ,
00 dozen very finest qualities of lace
top and embroidered Lisle gloves in 8
10 button length Jersey wrists at
75 Gents a Pair ,
80 dozen of colored and black kid
gloves , a regular $1.50 glove , will bo of
fered to-day at our glove counter for
75 Cents a Pair
Worth , as stated , $1.25 to $1.50.
Black Brocade Velvets ,
Ono of Iho greatest Bargains secured
for this sale was ono lot assorted pat
15 pieces Brocade Silk Velvets that
sold early in the season for juat $5.00 a
yard , on this"salo wo will close them for
Ladies Sacking.
GO pieces Genuine Gilbert Suiting Flan
nels , full 50-inchoa wide , new mixtures
and solid colors , very desirable for Tailor
Made Suits. Our price on the sale , Ooo ;
worth $1.25.
Domestic Department ,
Open to-morrow morning 10 Bales
Brown Muslin
Worth Gi cents.
6 1-2 HOT ; 6 t-2
Worth 8 to 8Jo.
71-2 CTS 71-2
, worth 8& centB , |
5 CTS 5
worth JUKI sold always at 8Jc.
61-4 CTS-6 1.4
worth at wholesale , 8)c ) ,
5 Coses 8-4 Shooting , 20 cents.
5 Cases 0-4 Sheeting , 25 cents.
Utlca 10-4 Shooting , 30 cents
Wamsutta 10-4 Shooting , 30 centa.
These are 2 to 5 cents a yard loss
than wholesale prices.
S. P. Morse & Co.
Men's Furnishing Goods.
Wo are the only direct importers of
Men's Hosiery nnd Underwear west of
Chicago. On ono invoice of Men's Un-
derahirta and lloao wo paid to John
Campbell , Esq. , Collector of Customs ,
March 13th.
, , .
for duties , the largest over made at one
time at the port of Omaha. Wo Trill
open to-morrow morning.
GO doz. EnglishBalbnggcn Underwear ,
fine gauze silk front at 7Dc.
10 doz. French Balbriggan Undershirts
and Drawers , the saino quality that wo
sold last year for $1 25 , now offered at
French Bnlbriggan Undershirts and
Drawers at $1.50 usually sold at § 2.00.
Finest quality French Balbriggan Un
dershirts and Drawers at $1.90 , usually
sold last for $2.50.
MORLEY'S ' , NottinRham ;
BRETTLES1 , London ;
COUDERAT & CO. . Paris.
All direct from thcso makers to us.
Oriental Laces ,
Our stock of these goods _ is of our own
importation nnd has como in so Into that
wo will give the greatest portion of them
to our customers at less than wholesale
prices in Now York to-day.
50 pieces 4-inch Oriental Lace at lOc ,
worth 15c.
24 : pieces 5-inch wide Oriental Lace at
25c a yard worth 45c.
24 pieces G-inch wide Oriental Lace at
50c , worth 75c to $1.00. ;
Corset Department ,
100 dozen Fronoh Satino Corsets in
Pink , Blue , Cardinal , Cream , AVhito ,
Black , &c. , embroidered with colored
silk floss , will bo closed out at
75 Cents ,
100 dozen Tampico Corsets , usually
sold at $1.00 will bo closed out at
75 Cents ,
40 dozen finest French Satino Corsets ,
in all coloia , richly embroidered , corded
and with double side stools , a regular
$1.50 corset , will bo closed out nt ,
$1,00 ,
Ladies' Merino and Balbriggan
Monday wo will offer 200 dozen Ladies'
genuine 0. & G. Balbriggan vests at
85c Eaoh ,
Regular § 1.50 quality.
Kid Gloves ,
All our heretofore bargains sink toinslg-
nificanco compared to our present offer
ing. An importer's stock closed out and
more Kid Gloves of all sizes , colors , and
black , at
Never offered less than $1.25.
Blacks , in 3 , 4 and G button length , at
pi ices interesting to all consumers , and
much below cost cf manufacture.
S. P. Morse & Co.
Linen Department ,
and private families can save about 30
per cent by purchasing now from us. Wo
mention a few.
40 pieces heavy undressed Banuloy
loom Table Damask at 07Jo , worth 50c.
5 pieces fine Cream Damask 50c. This
is n small lot of our regular 85c Damaak.
28 pieces 08-inch Cream Barnsloy
Damaak at G5o a , yard , never shown in the
West less thnn$1.00.
30 pieces 08-inch heaviest quality Gor
man Bleached Damask , coat to import
about $1.00 to $1,25. Wo sell them on
this sale for 75c.
40 pieces , full 2 yards wide , Austrian
Bleached Damasks made without dressing
or Starch very heavy and Satin finish will
bo closed out on this sale for 95c , worth
$1.50. _
80 piccca of the finest quality double
Satin Table Damasks , full 2 yards wide ,
comprising a lot that wo purchased at
auction and forced sales ; the lowest coat
Wo will cloao thorn at ono price OH this
sale , viz. : $1.25. Many of them retail
for $2.75 to $3.00.
Wo closed out from the importers
about 1800 "Barvono"
yards patent Vel
veteens , regular $1.25 quality , nil now
colors , Garnets , Bro we a , Myrtles , etc. ,
and wo will close the lot out at 75c.
25 pieces of Woven Colored Brocade
Volvota , ( not stamped goods ) , full 25
inches wide in Myrtle , Brown , Garnet ,
etc. , never sold less than $2.50 a yard ;
wo will close them on this sale for $1.50.
200 Pieces Crash Towlings.
250 Pieces Bleached Crash
Worth 8Jo in Now York.
250 pieces best quality Twilled , Diced ,
and Diaper Unbleached and Bleached.
Also all Linen Chock Glass Towolings.
Amongat thoao ore goods vrorth 20c , not
a yard ever sold under 15c , but on this
sale wo will sell all of them for 12Jc.
300 pieces all Linen Crash Striped
Toweling , formerly sold at lOc ; on thia
aalo will bo sold for 7 cts.
90 pieces very finest and widest Broms-
ley Twilled and Huok Towolings , always
Bold at 25c ; will bo closed out on this sale
for W cts.
Velvets and Brocades.
40 Pieces 19-inch Silk Volvota in all
now and desirable shades and regular
$2.50 quality will bo closed on this sale *
for $1.50 a yard. J
40 pieces very best quality 19-inch - i
Dress Velvets , all now and desirable > \
shades , will bo closed out on this sale for
$2.00 a yard ; positively sold everywhere ' , &
for § 3.00. - *
20 pieces handsome , rich , Black Bra- *
cade Silk , very heavy and fully as Rood
as could bo bought last season for $2.50 , J
will bo closed on this aalo for § 1.05. * '
20 pieces very rich all Silk Black Bro *
cades in beautiful patterns , at $2.00 a
yard , reduced from $3.00 for this Bajp. -v"
15 pieces finest all silk Brocadesworth . <
from $3.00 to $4 50 a yard , will bo closed > I&A
on this sale at $2.50 a yard. " ' . . *
We have jusfc received from Belfast , Ireland , three manufacturers'
stocks , odd lots , of Ladies' , Gentlemen's and Children's Handkerchiefs ,
the accumulation of a season , of every style of handkerchief they have
mad" , containing 2,700 handkerchiefs , in an endless variety of Style ,
no three being alike. We shall mark them from I
10 Cents to 50 Cents Each Keal Value 20 Cents to
$1,50 , as follows :
Manufacturers' Odd Lots of Ladies' Colored Border Homestiched Hand
kerchiefs , full size , choice at 10 cents each. Half their value.
Manufacturer's Odd Lots of Gentlemen's All-Dinen Handkerchiefs , in
an assortment of iniatials and colored borders , choice at 12 and 26c
each. These goods are rea'ly worth double this price.
Manufacturers' Odd Lots of Ladies1 Hemstitched Colored and White and
Embroidered ; also Colored Initials in hemstich , choice at 15c each
Regular price 26c.
Manufacturers' Odd Lots of Children's all-linen Hemstiched handker
chiefs , with colored block work , a great variety of designs nnd colors ,
choice at 17c each. These goods are really worth 25 to JJ7ic.
Manufacturers' Odd Lots Ladies' Handkerchiefs , Iniaiial and Colored
Borders , embroidered , choice at 20c and 25c each. These qoods are
worth 37i and 60 cents.
Manufacturers' Odd Lots Ladies' Handkerchiefs , hemstiched and scal
loped , with fine white and colored embroidery , in an endless variety of
designs , choice at 60 cents each , worth from 76c lo 81.50.
Lace Curtains ,
We trill liavo a great sale of
100 pair Nottingham Cream Lace Cur
tains with pure edges. A regular $3.00
curtain , willbfc reduced to close out to
$1.05 a pair.
80 pairs Nottingham Curtains reduced
from $0.00 for this sale down to $4.00 a
05 pairs our finest Nottingham Cur
tains reduced from $12 to | $13 down to
$7.50 a pair.
Nuns Veiling.
40 pieces 40-inch finest quality Black
Nuns Veiling , or Albatross Cloth , that
has never sold in this quality and width
under $1.00 a vord | will bo closed out at
G5ota a yard.
12,000 yards of romnauts of Spring
Dress Goods carried from lost season will
bo put on a table at J original price , COo
Dress Goods 15c , 75o Dross Goods 250 to
SOo , $100 remnants DOe to 40c ,
S. P. Morse & Co ,
Silk Department ,
For years our Black Silks have been
famed for cheapness and durability ; wo
closed out in Now York last week
80 pieces choice quality black and
white Summer Silks that wo will offer or.
this sale at 37Ac , worth 50c. Our pat
rons will confer a favor on us by calling
to examine the very superior quality of
these Silks.
GO pieces changeable Summer Silks ,
Cheno Chocks , and beautiful effects in
Glace Silks will bo offered on this aalo for
50o ; Belling everywhere this season for
C5c to 75o.
CO pieces heavy gros grain Colored
Silks in Garnet , Myrtles , Bronze , etc. ,
all good colors , and will offer them at 75c.
These are good value at $1.25.
20 pieces all Silk Black llhadmca will
bo closed out on this sale at 87Ao ; never
offered before under $1.25 and worth
that to-day.
15 pieces extra all Silk double faced
Rhadmes Silk , full 25 inches wide , will
be closed at $1.25 ; worth , and never sold
under $1.75 ,
20 pieces finest quality all Slik Black
Mcrvilloux , a quality that wo havo-
always sold at $2,50 , will be closed out a
15 pieces very finest quality all Silk
twilled Surahs , beautiful for Skirts and
party dresses , all magnificent colors ,
Pinks , Blues , Greys , Pigeon Blue , Now
Browns , Corn Yellow , Cream , oto. ; never
sold under $1,50 , will bo cut down to
SI. 25.
50 pieces very finest quality checked
and Block Plaid all Silk washing twilled
Surah Silks , never seld under $1.50 to
$1,75 , will bo closed at $1.25.
S. P. Morse & Go.