OMAHA DAILY BEE-COUNCIL BLUFFS , Y APKIL 18 , 1884. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Priday Morning , April 18 , SUBSCRIPTION UATE3. ByCinlcr - - - - - - . . ' . . ! % . jcar No. 7 Pearl Street , Near Broadway. MINOR MENTION , Additional local on seventh page. Two ovorcoati and three vests -wore stolen from Kiel's hotel night before last. tf good weather continue ! the \nasonry work on the Oroston house will bo com- plotod. Ticknor & Mosnor luxo bought out Jim Gouldon's upper Kroadway meai market. The Knickorbockor to-day took n pic ; turo of the Crcston Jsouao with its nov addition. Regular ECotino ; of Fidelity council No 16G R. A. , this oroning. A full attend , anco is desired. All railroad tickets bought of D , W Bushnoll are gaarantood , nlso all robat orders given by him. A watch belonging to ono of the moi 'at irork on the now Masonic temple ha been sneaked by some thief. District Attorney Connor has boo elected -county attorney of Crawfor county , with a magnificent salary of $20 'a year. Jo Gilbert , at tfco transfer , is kapi over < ho arrival of No. 3. The not corner is a little maiden , whopromises i fill the house- with gloo. To-day is the last -clianco for wat < consumers to got advantage of the r ducod prices named in auothor oolumi The warning should bo heeded. N. A. Robtc , of the Star bakery , h ; sold out to James Craig , of Clarindi Mr. Robio will spend the summer at h old homo in Manchester , N. H. , and the seaside. The now uniforms of'tho police are o : actly like thoao of the Now York polic men , except that the latter wear a shiol instead of a star Some JSow York got tlomon hero Wednesday said itmado the feel homesick. H. A. Baird is as proud as a boy wi his first pair of rod-top boots. There h arrived nt his house a bouncing boy , ti ping the beam at Oi pounds , and with sound pair of lungs which ho alroai knows how to uso. Tbo boy is ono to 1 proud of. When the novor-to-bo-forgotton poli parade was made , tho'band ' , on stoppii in front of The Nonpareil oflico , tried follow orders and "play something appr priato , " so they commenced on a dirg The Nonpareil will never f orgivo the bo ; for this , and this accounts for the h shot they fire at tho'force. The committee of Odd Follows a pointed to roooivo proposals for sollir. ground on which to build a temple ha' received about twenty-five bids , sever of which > are so reasonable that it thought now the order will decide build at once. Plans for buildings a : to bo received , and the committee wi report to the order , recommending loc tion and plans at the same time. Last Friday night a young man nami Whipplo stole a horse from W. J. Sue ! who lives near MoPaul , Fremont cou ty. The young man rode the horse in Hillsdale the next day , where ho offer to sell it for $5 , Suspicion was at on Aroused , and a man after tolling him would take the horse telephoned t .sheriff to como down. The sheriff cai at once and arrested the follow , w acknowledged to having stolen the lion Ho was taken to jail at Glenwood , a : wo prosutno will bo transferred to Fi mont county for trial. Malvorn Load * A young follow. Wesley Quackenbos has boon arrested on the charge of li cony. Ho has boon living in a dug-o .about a mile and a half from Broadwa .and at his place the officers found a ha : < saw and two now hatchets belonging to carpenter named Bennett , and soi other articles. A box of sleeve buttoi collar buttons and trinkets were a found. On Quackonbosb's person v found a letter from his sister , who teaching school in Omaha , urging him adopt his right name and go to work Omaha at some honest employment , a offering to help him if ho would try he p himself. There are a few who delight to sni at mooting of the workinqmon. Si are generally the first to howl In time exciting strikes , or riots , "why don't I workiujjmon moot and reason togeth and , talk over their grievances in a a manner. " Yet when 'theso same woi ingmon do moot to talk ever those rn tors , thoio aamo fellows turn up the it or curl the lip. It is fortunate that si men have too little main power to ox much influence. The best they can d > to aggravate. All thoughtful citiz will approve meetings of the worki men , especially when meetings are h for the' peaceful purpose of fro9 disc ftiwi , and are carried on .in ao ordorl , manner as that hold the other uveni Tke official * and capitalist * should ulw gkdly accept the invitation cf the we ing clftMM "Come , Jot us reason togi r , " and it ( a a J'ght ' weight who can ( tush * mMtiug only a nqer. n ' M * _ _ _ _ . JL faO prise given this week at booting gallery oppoelte the opera he f tfc p0Mon making the bwt score DEM. POW-WOW. A Sunally Coiwcnlion at the Conrt House Yesterday , All Over the Elootion of Tkir- teen DologatoSi An Expression in Favor of Tildeii and Hondrioks , The Oily Shown Kfl Greed. The democratic county convention for the choosinR of thirteen delegates to attend - tend the utato convention at Burlington on the 24th inst. , was hold nt the cour house yesterday. Gul. Tain , of Avooa called the convention to order at K o'clock , and the call was road by the see rotary of the committee , J. J. FTainoy On motion nf G. A. Uolrr.os , E , A Babcock , of Avoca , vras clioson torn porary chairman. M. U. Qriflin was choaoa an lomporar ; secretary. Col , Tarn moved that a committee c three bo chosen to elect delegates to th state convention. u 11. Vauglian thought that < ho 01 gatiization of the convention should b perfected. Col" Tain' motion was laid 'on the tn " bio. J. J. Sh-aa , of Noola , moved that committee of thrco bo appointed on cr < dontiala. Air. Frainoy amended b making the number five. The motio thus attended was carried and Sylvcsh Dye , < rf Macedonia , Thomas Bowmai of thia city , O. A. Ilolmra , city , > IL ' Hurt , of Knox , and J. IT. Shea , of Nooli were appointed by 'tho ' chair us sue committoo. G. A. Holmes 'moved ' that a con mittoo bo appointed by the chair , on po raanont organization. Doclarod'Cixrripi On motion of W.-Il. Vaughan the motic was reconsidered. Mr. Yaughan the moved that a committee of three on pc man out organization bo selected by tl doloaatcs , and not by the chairman. The Mr.Vaughan moved to lay the whole mater tor on the table until the committee c credentials reported. Mr. Ware pbjoc xs od , as it was not in accordance with tl laws of conventions. J. J. Frainoy moved to adjourn till o'clock. No second. M. G. Griffin rose to a point of ordo that the motion , to lay on the table wi not debatable. c- The chair decided that as ho had allot od some discussion of the question , 1 would let the debate go OB. Mr. Ware aroao to4speak. . Dr. Cot called him to ordor. The chairman d in cidod ho was in ordor. Dr. Cook n pealed from the decision. Yaughan ai VVaro discussed the appeal some , whi calls for order were given , and llobc Porcival said thnt they were getting bad humor , and while ho liked to see tl democrats fighting , for like fighting ca they made more kittens , ho moved to a journ till 2 o'clock in the interests poaco. The motion was lost. The appeal from the decision of t ! COte chair waa then put. The appeal was st tainod by two-thirds of the Convontie Vaughan's motion to lay the matter to & permanent organization on the tal was then carried. Mr. Vaughan then moved that C < Tarn bo chosen as permanent chairnn and M. G. Griflin as permanent soot tary. Col. Turn declined .tc have 1 : name considered , as ho had , too bad cold. cold.G G , A. Holmes protested there was i consistency in this , for the same objc tion urged before still existed -that tl i committee on credentials hod not r ported. Dr. Ellis make a like objection , at moved to adjourn till 2 o'clock. T ) : o motion was amended till 1 o'clock. Tl motion was declared carried amid oonsi orablo excitement and an interchange sharp words , The convention reassembling at o'clock , J. J. Frainoy moved that Jud Ayloaworth bo declared the pormano chairman and M. Q. Grifliu pormano secretary. The chairman ruled it out to order until the committee should ropoi In the meantime Mr. Vaughanannounc to the convention that the Democrats c CO pooled to elect Judge Aylcsworth as t tie next judge of the district court. lie The committee on credentials roportc The only contest was in the Fourth wai no where Wells Cook and W. H. Wr lie claimed to bo delegates in place of I IB. Cook and Wm , Galvin. Tlio commit ! reported in favor of Wells Cook and Bl Waro. The report was accepted. o- Mr. Frainoy ranaweu his motion inn ir. ing Judge Ayloswprth permanent cha ir.h man and M. G. Qrillin permanent euci , tary.Mr. Mr. Grlflln named J. J. Shoa , ut Noola , chairman. y. Mr. Ouppy moved that the tomporc oiUoors bo made the permanent ollicc Ruled out of ordor. Judge Aylosworth withdraw his nan no but Mr. Vaughan insisted that ho shot is , stick , nhd wanted to have Mr. 81 Iso withdraw. Mr. Shoa thereupon wii drow. 'OS ' Judqo Aylosworth was elected by i is plantation as chairman , and Mr. Gril to in like manner as secretary. in In taking the chair Jude.o Ayloswoi spoke in favor of harmony. nd Vaughan moved that the convent ! to proceed to elect thirteen delegates ballot. Mr. Ouppy moved that a committee jor three bo appointed to recommend nan ich for delegates , said committee to cons of of W. II. Vau han , Robert Percival a Thomas Bowman. .ho Mr , Porcivnl advocated in doing an er , away with any connnitto and have t 1m convention vote on ono at time , ft k- Ouppy then withdraw his motion. kat Mr. Ware moved as an amendment at- Yauglum's motion that the delegates 380 elected ono at a tiuio. ich Frainoy moved to lay the nracndim ort on the table. Lost , ba vote of to 37. i is 37.Mr. . Percival moved that the deloga ins present bo empowered to cast a full vi ng. of the delegation. Ruled out of order , old Mr. Fraiiioy moved to amend thopoi Ing amendment by electing delegate * us- ballot instead of viva voco. f a Mr , Ware moved to lay this on i ngi table. Carried. Mr. Shea moved to amend by voti ays . by call of township. irk. Mr. Percival moved to amend still f > th. thor by giving the delegates the power ; ivo cast a full voto. Those amendments w accepted by Mr. Ware , and thii was tl carried , The original motion wat then carr the providing for the selection of the di uio gate * ono at a time by call of townshi in rt P rcival presented the name J. P. Oasady , Col. Tarn moved to elect by acclnmn- ion. Ruled out. Judge Casady was elected by ( > G to 2 , and it wan then made unanimous. Wells Cook then moved Robert Per- civnl. Vnughan moved W. A. Myn- stor. Robert Porcival and W. A. Mynslor were olcolcd by acclamation j then Mar- ihal Key was elected in the same man ner. ner.Prtfc Lncy moved W. 13. Cuppy , r' ( Avocn. Elected by acclamation. Frainoy moved J. I. Lutx. ncclamalion. Mr. moved Oiv \Vicldmm. . Carried. Mr. Walters mm'v. . II. Vaughan. Elected , Bowman feting against him. . Mr. Vaughal' . lcn nominated Thomas Bowman , bi't 0 iatcr declined to bo favored. Mr. , Cuppy liamcd Pat. Lacy. 'Elected. J. , J , Shoa was then clioseni G. A. llolmos named Wm. 'Brix. W. { R. Vaughan named Col. Koatloy in- stcivd. } Then a little flurry nrcso. Mr. Brh was declared elected. J. J. Framoy , S. D.PO , S. G. Under wood and others were called for in con1 fusion. jPhocounty "members slioutct for the city not to gobble everything Vaughan insisted that Frainoy's imini had bc n leconded end should bo votct on. Holmes wanted Underwood , Dyi and Kentloy should bo voted on at once f Mr. Grillin moved tn choose the otho ; twc-dologatos by ono ballot Holmes tried to talk and Vaughn calloc him to order attd n short round was indulged dulgod in. Mr. Frainoy then declined Lacy then named Perry Reel. Vuughi named Colonel Tnm. J. J. Shea nominated natod S. Dyo. There were r.rios oforder and general confusion. Grill'm called fo a vote on his motion. Mr. Shea movci to lay on the table. Lost. Mr. Grilliii's resolution was carried and ho named Underwood and Dye Vaughn named Colonel Tarn and Frai noy. Mr. Dye withdrew in favor c Colonel Koatky , and ho was elected b ; acclamation. Then another tumul broke out. There were a dozen on th floor at once , all straining their voices fo some pot candidate. Griflith dc nicd that hio resolution wo in force , and that the election must b for two at a time by call of township The chair decided the point well taken an that the election ofjCol.'Koatloy wasoutc order. The roll was then called on th election of the remaining two delegate ! This resulted in the election of Co Kcatloy and Mr. Underwood , an Co Tarn moved that each delegate bo on powered to select his own altornati Frainoy amended that the convontio elect thirteen alternates. Mr. Wai moved to lay the amendment on tl : is. table. Carried. The motion of Co Tarn was then carried. Mr. Fraiuey presented the followii : losolutioj ; Jtcaolvcd , That the delegates to tl Burlington convention nso all honorab 0- efforts to sccuro for the Ninth distri delegates to the national democratic coi vontion who will bo favorable to tl nomination of Tildon and Hondricks. J. J. Shea moved to lay the rcsolutic on the table Lost. The resolution w ; then carried. Put Lacy proposed to decline to son as a delegate if Mr. Reel or Mr. Dj would go in his place. Tlio convention then adjourned. tie The result of the day's squabble wi ISn. - to give from the city ten delegates ai n.of from the county three delegates. Tl of following are from the Bluffs : J. ] lo Casady , Robert Porcival , W. A. Myn tor. Marshal Key , J. I. Lutz , Owe Wickham , W. R. Vaughan , Pat Lac Win. Brix , Col. J. H. Keatloy. Fro the outside towns , W. B. Cuppy , 13 Avoca ; J. J. Shoa , of Noola , and S. ( Underwood , of Keg Crook. Foster , the florist , on Harrison strsi Council Blufls , has the largest stock we of the Mississippi. Send for catnlogu Now goods , now prices , which mu pleoso you if you will only stop and i quire of A. J. Mandol , 325 Broadway. BUILDINGBBIDGES , I'ho County Board Iicta Us Contra and liayn Out Bonio AVorlc to lit Begin on. nt of At the mooting of the county boai ad yesterday , the bond of the Irolandbridj adx x- company for the faithful performance lie the bridge contract awarded thorn on tl d. llth inst. , was filed and approved. Supervisor Graham was authorized build a tiostlo bridge near Burchard's TO Hardin township ; also n trestle on tl oo line of section 8 and 17 , Ilardin townshi [ oor. Supervisors Graham and Kirkwoi r.k. were empowered to build n bridge pe k. tioned for by Chusirmu nnd others on t ; ir- line of Norwalk and Hardin township ire - also power to build a trcstlo bridge no Mr. Hancock's ' , in Garner township , pr of viding the right of way cannot bo re Konably ho obtained on the south side Indian Crock. ry ra. Supervisor Jv irk wood was authoriz to build a ono hundred foot bridge 10 , Loveland , wiih approaches ; also pow lid to act on bridge between sections 30 ai Oft 31 , township li , raugo 42 , on Weston ai Noola roads ; also authority to constru a bridge across Pigeon crook , northed of the Paris mill. 1C- I'm Supervisor Underwood was authorizi to build an additional 40-foot conibin then tion bridge on the west end of the bridj on Niahnabotna river , near Griswold. on Supervisor Frum was given authori by to build ono 40-foct bridge in Layt ( township , and a like ono in Knox tow : of ship , near Avoca. ica The board then adjourned. The mot ist bors wont out last night to examine nd road near Avoca. Children taken quicker than n wink the Knickerbocker , 220 South Ma ho hor. street. [ r. SPECIAL NOTICES bent NOTJCK. Hpoclal udvcrtlMmenta , inch M Lo Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Kant , WnuU , lloa : > nt Ing , ute , , will bo Inxrted ID this column at the I 20 rate of TEN CENTS I'KH LINK lot the first luucrtl and FIVC CENTS I'KH LINK lor each tubsoquent tos Mrtloa. Lc vo adrertlMments at our office , No > to Pearl Street , near Ilroadwar WANTS. id. A live boy with pony to carry roi by WANTED C 1I at Council Blutfn Il otllco. \TTTANTKU-Every boily in Council Bluflt to tl .ho Yy TuillKB. DcllrcroJ by carrier at only twoi conu a cok. OLD I'AI'Cllg r'vr wlo at U * ctliou , at 6 cc a hundred. ar- A OKNT8 Ixullca uid gentlomeu can maka arto clatu wagei by willuiK Uie "Chaioplou HUB btrccther auil Ironing Hoard. * ItetaU * at II. era Any lady can do Una Una vhlrt without wria ion andfln | iliuiilablyMthabotlauudrtuican.Addr fori itlcular 0. U. 8. &LOu. , t B ctlloe , ( or ( , tno'ith. WANTKD-A Koodglrl at K. C. Houio , 1609 , tthttreet. Kun olhtrneedapily. | of "W NTED-A tltuatlon u book-keeper or t > I r nun on lewcrago or contract work Kefcrou Addr w J. U.glo th it aud Oth avc. LADIES ! WE APJjd KEQElVINa SUME VERT FINE For Sprin Wear are arriving daily. Please call and see our New Stock. Z. T. LINDSEY & CO. . 112 Broadway , Council Bluffs , ) TOW A West Side Saunro , Clnrmda i MAYNE & PALMER , DEALERS IN AND WOOD , BULK.'AND BAUUKI , LIME , LOUISVILLE AND PORTLAND CEMENT , inClHQAN PLASTER , DAII wo , B39 Broadway. - ' COTJNCK. BLTTPFB. IOWA , We Imvo the The latest nov- finest stock and cltiog for Spriug nil the Intest de Overcoats w d signs to select have jusb re from. ceived. See them NONE HUT TIIK LEADING BEST OP SKILLED HANDS EJII'LOYKD. Merchant Tailors 7 and 9 Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS All klnda of , X3C. Engineering Land Sur * I Cxi-Vil Ea3CLSTil3L03rS . < voylny.caitti calcul atcd , I ROOM 6 , NEW OPERA HOUSE , COUNCIL BLUFFS , MA , etc. , etc. All Orders by Mall Promptly Attended To. urtalns , in Lace , flic , Turcoman , Etc. Oil cloths , Mattings , Linoleums Et ihoicest Stock West of Chicago jomo and bo convinced that wo are headquarters for all goods in our lint hcapost place to buy House Furnishings in the City. ' OUNCIL BLUFFS , - IOWA Mail Orders Filled Promptly and with Care The only Hotel in this City on the European plan of "PAY ONLY FOR WHAT YOU GET. ' New Building New Furnishings. ALL MODERN IMPROVEMENTS CENTKALLY LOCATE ! Fine Sample Rooms-Elegant Restaurant , PETER BECHTELE , PROPRIETOR , Nos. 336 and 338 Broadway , - - - Council B WHOLESALE DEALEUS IN 342 and 344 Broadway. . COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA , KJ. O lison Mo Ii at all Hotira. Chct il'cuMnc 1'ixrtlcn a Specialty. SIGN , SCENERY AND FRESCO PAINTING A SPECIALTY , ITNorHiMninSK , COUNCIL BLUFFS REPAIRING NEATLY AND PROMPTLY DONE. 805 South Mftin Streor. - - COUNCIL BLUFFS. jtiTSpecUl attcnllon tn f rdcru my Mall. GOUjNuIll BJjTJFFSt 10 W A Fig leaves are out of style , so nro goat and sheep skin ; shawls and blankets have gone hy. This is not intended for poetry , but if you want a suit of clothes to look both neat and dressy , call on KOBENE & LANDSTROM , B E o 37 o li SL n't " 37 SL i I m Their Prices are Truly Eeasonable { < 4\ \ L , A. CASPEE , Tlio Largest and Moat Complete Green House In Western Iowa. Over84-,900 Feet o Glass in Use. The Greatest variety and the Choicest plantn. My collection of Plants and Mowers la now complete In every respect , and the public ro Invited to call and Inspecttho I was awarded the First Premium at the Council BlufTg District Fair in September , 18S3 , over all com petitors : atid bavo sln.o added many new anil choice varieties , and am prepared to furnish A new clagt * of plants that have heretofore been unattainable in this market , for which 1 make no extra charge. Cut flowers and floral designs furnished [ romptly , and on snort notice. 1 have just issued a now cat alogue tor 1R34 , which will bo cent free on application. Green Vegetables the Year Round. Horse llvllsh In bottles. 23 Plorce St. Council ! Bluffs Iowa. N. SCHUEZ. iop nf tlip luu Ul lllu OFFICE OVKH A11KUICAN EXPRESS. COUNCIL BLUFFS. - 1QWA. Grain & Provisions BOOGE'S SIOUX CITY HAMS. > J. Y. FULLER , Commission Merchant No. S3Pearl Street - Council Bluftd , Iowa. SILOAM MINERAL SPRINGS. We KUarnntco the euro of the following named ills- scaacs , or no iiay : Khoumatlam , Scrodila , Ulcers , . Catarrh , a'l Blood andeklndlaoarcs , DvuwpslftLlvor Complaint , Kidney anil Bladder Diseases. Omit , Neu ralgia and Asthma , These Springs are the favorite1' resort of the tired ami dobllltatad , and are the FEEULE LADItS BKST FU1END , ' Good hotel , livery and bathing accomodntlon bothf winter and summer. Locality highly picturesque' ' and healthy. Accessible by Wabash railway , a Evona , or C. , B. & Q. , at Albany. CorreFpnndcno solicited , HEV. U. II. THOMPSON. Manager. Albany , Slloam Springs , jOentry Co. , Mo. ANALYSIS. Specific Gra\1ty 1.002' Reaction.i Ncutra > Carbonlo Acid Has 20 in. twr gallon ) Carbonate Calcium 85,921 Grains- Carhonato Iron 7,041 ! ' , Sulphate Magnesia 3.2SB " Sulphate Calcium 1,148 " Chloride Sodium 7,200 Sillica 1,608 " Alumina . . . .0,016 Organloand Volatile matter and IDBS 1,469 " TotalsolidH per gallon j 07,174 " \VRIQIIT& MKIIRILL. Cbemlsta JACOB 'SIMS. E. P. CADWELL SIMS& CADWELL , Attorneys-at-Law , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA Office , llaln Street. Hooma 1 and Bhugait & Mo- Mahon'i ) Block. Will practice In State and e'er J oonrta St New Goods Now n to H in lie 10 is ; JM 1 A ar 'Wft" I fVSr/Pfc t M Sprini iji O'a uonipiets a- Je aof 3d at or id id ct at atd : d a- CARPETS ! CARPETS ! CARPETS ! IN ALL GRADES. M , The Latest Styles , Choicest Patterns Uy uu Of all kinds , Dimension and Color , Rugs , Mattings , Etc. amM. rat COUNCIL BLUFFS kit HarknessBros. . 9 re- rext