Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 18, 1884, Image 3

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    „ * - * * <
NKW YOBK , April \ ( t
Money Market o'xsy at li2 per
I'lltna Mercantile Paper l@f > l < l0t cant )
Sterling Exchange-Hsnkora' Mis w kor
at 4 87J ; demand , 4 8 ! ) .
Government * Lo.flr tot -IJ por. cents.
Stocks The result of to.d&y' trading
thawed n very weak fitock market up to 12
o'clock , though It Was omen list firmer In the
afternoon , as n result of n belief that it was
time for n general Improvement during the re
mainder of the week. Out of forty-five stocks
traded In to-day , thirty-one eloped lower than
yesterday , the most conspicuous declines be
ing Oregon Improvement , t per cent ; Domcr ,
1 | ; Wabash preferred , 2J ; common , Ijj. The
other declines \voro fractional , Ton stocks
showed n fraction higher than lust night.
4 Vi Coupon * 113 J
U.S. now , IV 123J
Pacllio 6 s of'05 UO
American Express %
BurL , Cedar Uapida & Northern G2
Central 1'oclllo 57
Chicago & Alton 130J
do do pfd 145
CM. , Burl. & Qulncy 123J
Erie 2iJ (
do pfd ' 55
Fort Wayne & Chicago 131J
Hannibal & St. Joseph 38J
do do do pfd * S85
Illinois Central 128
Ind , , Bloom. & Western 101
Kansaafc Texas Hi
Lake Shore & Michigan So ! )7jj )
Michigan Central 80
Mlnnoanolia " A , St. Louis 14 if
do do do pfd 2S
Missouri Pacific 801
Northern Padllc 223
do do pfd , 48f
Northwestern 111J
do pfd ll i
Now York Central Ill
Ohio & Mississippi 2lJ
do do pfd 90
Peoria , Decatur i ; Evnnavillo 14 }
, Rock Inland 20
I Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Pool Sr > \
A do Jo do pfd 113J
' St. Paul Minn. & Manitoba 93
St. Paul& Omaha
do do pfd
Texas Pacific
Union Pacific
AV abash , St. L. & Pacific
do do do pfd
Wwtorn U.llou Tolcgrapli
CIIIOAQO , April 17. Flour Quiet and iioinU
nally unchanged ; Southern Illinois and
Missouri winters , 5 G0@5 76 ; Michigan win
ters , 4 75@3 fiO ; low grade wntora. 2 25@3 GO ;
good to fancy spring extras 3 25@4 00 ; Min
nesota bakers , 4 20@5 00 ; rye ( lour , 3 OOgS SO.
Wheat llcgular wheat active and brisk ;
foreign advicaa quoted at a firm feeling ; by
noon prices hid advanced li(5)lc ( ) then became
unsettled and receded gJc. tluctuatod and
closed 16lio over yesterday ; cash , and
April.SlJc ; May , 858jic } ; Juno , 87387ic ;
July , 88Jc ; August. b'Jlc.
Corn Active and stronger , accompiniedby
ii a marked advance in prices ; opened a ehado
4 easier ; rallied steadily 1J@1 § , receded 4c and
closed l@lle over yoatorday ; cash and April ,
491J9ic ; ftfay , C0 501c ; Juno , 51i@52c ;
July , 53J@Wc.
Oats Opened weak , but grow firmer and
closed about io ever yesterday ; cash , 31ic ;
April , Slic ; May , 32Jc ; Juno , 32 c ; July ,
32ic ; year , 27ic.
Kyo Firmer at 57 < 2)571c. )
Barley Kinn at74@75c.
Flax Seed Scarce and firm at 1 6C.
Timothy- Quiet : fair to good , 1 181 20 ;
prime , 1 20J@1 21i : high grade , 1 24.
Mess Pork Active but irregular : closed
higher , cash.lG CO@1G G5 ; April , 1C GO ; May ,
1C G2J@1G 03 ; June. 1C 77i@lG SOJuly , 1C 874
@ 1G UO ; August , 1C 974@17 00.
Lard Fairly active and firmer : cash and
April , 8 25@8 27J ; May. 8 274@8 30 ; June ,
KS74@8 40 ; July , 847i@8 50 ; August , 8 57j
4. @ 8 GO.
1 Boxed Meats In fair demand and steady ;
shoulders , 703 ; short ribs , 8 17J ; short clear ,
Butter Steady nnd unchanged ; choice
' creamery , 29@30c ; fancy dairy , 25@2Gc ; rolls ,
J- KggH Unchanped at 13J@143.
i Whisky-1 17.
Cheese Steady ; hanl skims dull ; choice
* ' full croamf , fall made , ecarce ; former prices ;
, ' choice full cream cheddars , fall inado , 14
t44c ; now full cream cheddars , 13@13Jc ,
oice fiats , 14o)15c ( ) ; good part skim ched-
< lara and Hats , 7@9c.
Hides Mi iderato trade at former prlcen ;
green salt cured bull , 7c ; green salt , damaged ,
OJc ; green ealt cured , light , SJc ; heavy. So ;
'green salted calf , 13c ; dry salted , ll@12c.
Tallow Steady and unchanged ; No. 1 , GJc ;
cake , 7.
CALL RoAitn. Wheat Unchanged. Sales ,
1,000,000 bushtls.
Corn Baled , 40,000 bushela at Jo higher to
Jo lower.
Oate Sales , 50,000 bushela at Jo higher.
Pork Unchanged.
Lard Unchanged.
NEW YonK , April 17. Wheat Cash grades
advanced @lo and closed firm ; options upon- ,
od with a slight decline ; afterwards stronger
and reacted lj@lir , closing firm ; No. 2 Chicago
cage ; 9G@SGic ; ungraded red , 85c@l 03 ; No.
3 red , JGc ; No. 2 red , 1 01J@1 0/J.
Corn Spot lots Ktu'Jo hlgner ; options closed
steady : ungraded , 4G@GOc ; No. 2 , C8 @GOJc ;
May f > 7Ja
O iti AHxod wontorn , 32Jevhito ; , 40 i : .
KKKI Western freah , 15ailSlo. (
Pork-Steady ; old mem , 1075.
Lard I'lim : woitorn steam , spot , S CO ®
Butter Uull and lower at 28@38c.
Ncv ; ORLEANS , April 17. Com Quiet and
easier ; mixed , Gl@2c ( ! ; white , ( > Gc ,
Pork Dull and lower at 15 60.
Oats-Quiet and firm at 44@4Cc.
Com Meal Fair demand at 2 85(512 ( SO.
Lard Steady ; tierce , refined , 8874 ; keg
J M 4
Bulk Moats Fulr demand ; shoulders
packed lower.
Whiskey Firm and unchanged ; r.-e tarn
rectified , 1 lfi@l 20.
lUtriMOBE , April 17. Vhoat A sliado
ihigher ; cloning dull ; No. 2 winter red. npot
1 OlJ@l 01 ; May , 1 013@1 Olf.
Corn Higher ; mixed , spot , 60.c ; May , .10c
Oats Quiet and steady ; western white , 4 !
. @ 43c ; mixed , 39@41.
Kye Firm at 08(3700. (
Eggs Haw and dull at 12@13c.
Whisky -Unchanged at 1 19@1 194.
MILWADKKB , April 17 , Wheat SUuag
No. 2 , 87Ve : May , 88jc ; June , 89 0.
Corn iJull ; nonuln the market.
Oats Scarce but firm ; No , 2 , 32@32&3
Hyo-Scarce Uifc firm ; No. 1 , COOGlq.
Barley Firm ; No 2 , spring , 70J@71c.
TOLEDO , April 17. Wlieat Steady and
firm ; No. 8 rol , spot , 9J91 ( > o ; May , 94Jo.
Corn In good demand at full prlios ; No
2 , spot and April. Wja.
' 11 H Stwvdy und linn ; No. 2 , j > ot , May
ami June , 30.
Uvxaroor , Ajiril ' 7.-8teady ; winter , 7a
HdCi i ; JWDJT | 7n 7d@7n Od.
Coiu rirm ; new , 4s UJd ; old , KJ 14d.
rsoniA j-Jtoia'cr
PEOnrA , April 17. Corn Firm ; nowrnlxod
-17@474o ; now rejected , 4GJ@474c.
OaU-CJiilel ; No. 8 whlto. * > ( S3GJc.
Ryo-ateady ; new No. 2 , 67i@58c.
Whisky Firm.
ST. IXOIH. April 17. Wheat Slow
No. 2 red. 81 08V < ai09i for cashj 108J ®
10 ! 4 for May ; 03l 911o for July.
Cora-Hichor : 4 ; i@4Uio Jor cash ; 452 © nS
/or May ; 474 ® 17K for Junej 48J1@49o fo
Oats-Slow ; 34fo for cash ; SSJo ( or May ,
Kye Better at 67c.
Jterley-Quietj 70@85c.
5" ' . ot-tiulotj dairy , 5228a ; crownory ,
Lower fit 1U.
Fliuwowl Steady Rt SI GO.
Hay -Strong ami higher : prnlrio , S9 00 ®
12 00 ; timothy. $13 00 ® 17 00.
Bran Steady ; 72a at mill.
Corn Meal firm at 82 80.
Whisky-Steady nt $1 10.
ProvisionFirmer. .
CLOSINO BoAnn Wheat Quiet ; 31 09 for
May ; 81 03 j for Juno ; 51071 forJtily ; 99Jo
f or the > ear.
Corn Quiet atirijc ; June , 47jc ; July ,
Oats Slow ; 33jo bid for May ; 27c year.
KANSAS CITT , April 17. Whtwvt-lHghor ;
S2Jc for cash ; 82Jo bid for May ; S2 e bid
for July.
Corn-Illihor ? ; 39j@104o for cash ; 40gc for
May ; -13Jc for July.
Oats Higher ; nominal , 294o bid ,
OtvoiitUTi , April 17. Pork Hosier ; mow ,
Lard Dull ; ctirront mnko , 8 IffJ.
Bulk MoaU Dull nnd unchanged ; shoul
ders. G G2i ; short ribs , 8 374.
Whisky-Steady at 1 10.
CUIOAQO , April 17. The Drovers' Journal
rnDorta thii nttenioon us follows :
Hoes Dull and prices 10@15o lower : rough
packing , 540@580 : packing nnd Bhlpplng ,
C 80@G 20 ; light , 0 40@5 80 ; skips , 4 OOfrBO 01) ) .
Cattle Brisk nud steady ; exports , 010 ®
G80 ; good to cholco ghlplng | , fi DO'ff 0 ISO ;
common to medium , 5 4U@f ! i > 0 ; inferior to
fair cows , 3 00(814 ( 00 ; medium to good , 4 2 , " @
5 25 ; stockers , 1 00@5 00 : feeders , fi 00@5 GO ;
Sheep Slow , weak and 15@20o lower ; In
ferior to fair , 3 754 75 per cwt ; medium to
good , 5 0 ! ) ( 5 7o ; choice to ottra , 5 C0@5 GO.
corn-fed Texans , fi 00@5 90.
ST. Louis , April 17. Cattle Steady ;
prices well sustained ; } ; exports , G 30@G G5 ;
common to choice shipping , 5 00@G 25 ; food-
ore. 4 50fi 25.
Sheep Quiet nnd llttlo done : inferior to
good , 3 50 5 5 I ; rhoico to cxtrj , 5 CO@G 00.
Hogs Dull and lower ; light , 5 50@5 G5 ;
packiug , 5 C0@5 80 ; heavy , 5 75@G 10.
KANSAS Cur , April 17. The LIve Stock
Indicator reports :
Cattle Steady ; natives , 5 10@5 75 ; stack
ers and feeders , 4 405 00 ; cows , 3 C0@4 40.
Hogs Steady ; ranging at 5 10@5 75.
Sheep Quiet and unchanged ; natives , 2 85
@ 400.
OniOAQO , April 17. Kocoipta and ehlp-
ments of flour and grain for the past 24 hours
iavo been as follows :
. . . fiocelpls. Shlp'ts.
loiir , bblfl , . , , 10,000 23,000
Vheat , bushels 70,000 144,000
Corn , bushels 73,000 108,000
into , bushels -15,000 85,000
Lye , bushels 4,000 43,000
Inrloy , bushels 11,000 7,000
MEW YOBK , April 17. Receipts nnd
lipmontsof flour and grain for the past21 hours
inve been 03 follows :
Receipts Shlp'ts.
Vhoat , bushels 53,000 42,000
torn , bushels 17,000 8,000
Oata , bushela 18,000 . . . .
CHICAGO , April 17. Receipts id ship-
monta of live stock for tha past f i hours have
eon as follows :
Kocolpta. Shlp't" .
Oattla 7.200
Uogs 13,000
Shoan 3,800 . . . .
KANSAS CUT , April 17. Receipts and
hipmenta of lira stock for the past 24 hours
iavo been as follows :
Receipts. Shlp'ts.
3attlo lv > 00 . . . .
Hogs 4,500
Sheep 700
ST. LOOTS , April 17. Receipts and ship
ments of live stock for th < j past 24 hours have
) oen as follows :
Receipts. Shlp'ts.
Cattle 2,000 1.000
Hogs 4,500 2,900
Sheep 500 500
Wholesale frtces ,
Thursday Evening , IV-pri ! 17. (
The following prices ore charged retailers
iy Jobbers , wholesalers * nd commission mer
chants , with the exception of frraSa , which is
quoted at the prices furnished by the olovatoro
and other local buyers :
WREAT No. 2ir.5i@G7c.
BAHLBV-NO. 2 , 4854c ,
JlYE-No. 3. 42c.
CK irK No. 2 , 3TifJ13(5 ( l-8c.
OATH No. 2 , 2S@30c.
Ijtvo S ( clc.
SuiHiis 1 505r)25. ! !
VW Cows- 50S54 25.
Hooa fi onr H 2/i.
SHEKP 3 'C0lr ( fiO.
a 0 G0s : # 00.
Flouv and
WINTER WHEAT Boat qui&ty , p , tontV.i
' QuALiTr 2 753 25.
SrniHO WHKAT Best qiallty. p teat , '
SEOOND QOAMTV 2 50@325 ,
BBAK 70e per cwt. <
GiiOPPKn FEED Per 100 Ibe/flOc , >
CousMEAfc 100@1 lOperewt. /
SonEBHlNO 05@75o per cwt I
Gonofnl Produce. '
APPLES Veryrfew in mukot. Gonltauci
! 3 75 ; Bon Davis , 85 CO ; Wllk wtwtgs , 6500 ;
WiiHuar > Hi4 75.
BKAXB lloooipts light and demand gootf.
Hand picked navy , per bu , $ 50 ; medium ,
2 00(32 ( 25.
BxKHWAX-'In goo J demand. Cholco bt IfdU
per Ib , 28(2)28c ( ) ; ooicmou to good dark per Hi ,
HOTTER Market Billet but etsaily. Choice
country roll wanted. Fancy creamery , Siita
860 ; cholco roll , 16@Ko ; choice colin packed ,
M16c ; fair to good , ll@13c ; inferior cradoa ,
OUANUKHRIEH None In market quotable
Boll and cherry p r bbl , * UJ 00 ; "Bell
Bnclea , " 314 00.
{ fciElt "York State" per bbl , 18 00 ; parj
bbl , 84 76 ; condensed par gal , tBc.
CIIEMK Fall cream , wmtcrn , H'J ; Wiiicoii-
Bin. 13J@14c.
CoooANtrra Per 100 , Cl 75fi 00.
' 1'gKS Hecelpta heavy And the ftelln ? very
weak. Kaster Huppllea ka\o all been bought
and demand now dull.
FOIIEION FIIDIT.H Moidna oranges , per
box , 84 50. Megsina lomous , per box , S3 73
@ 4 00. Banana ) , per bunch , $3 00 ®
4 00. ] 'i > , Ib. , Ifia. DaUs , in iralU , 7ic ;
ciatftH , ford , In boxes , 14u ,
FUUIT Domsas Apple Imttor , In 30'1L
palls , per Ib , 7c. Plum buttflr , 74c.
OAMK Duck , Mnllard , per doz , 2 00 : teal ,
81 60 ; mixed , SI 5017S ( ; B0 o , ? 3.00@J 60j
ofpe , $1.25. ' t
HAT Baled , $10 ( XV&S12 00 per ton.
Jcu.V In 2J and SO Ib pslU , 6'Ja : In 2'Ib
thin , j > er doz , 81 50 ; oKnorted tumblers , par
x. 1 20 : BolioonerH , per dozen , Q3 00.
fiQrr.K KfOAtt Pure , In brl ki , per Ib , ICe ;
Ohio , 13c ; inall caktv , 12c.
OAT JMuAr. Steel cut , per bbi , SO 25.
ONIOKS Cdnelgnmonta are coinln ; In mote
freely. Demand In unoll luUi only. Cholos
red celling at 82 00ffl2 M per barrel ; yellow
DanverH ut 82 ( > 0@2 75 ; green ononn ! , 0) pei
do/en ; Bermuda. U 25 per barrel ,
QMOH SETU Bottom rwr bu , $3 CO ; tojw ,
SK ) .
POFCOUK- good demand at 2@2&c & per Ib.
PODWItt Scarce aud high , Draued Tur-
keyn , per Ih. , 17@18c. Gee e , l o. Chickeni ,
13@14c Ducki. 13gl4c. ( Chickeni , live pei
dor , 94 50. Duckf , Ike , per duz , 8400 © * CO ;
spring chtckan * , par doz. , 81 00@5 00 , accord'
ng to mo.
VPTATOM- Demand for cholco , well .wort-
1 stock unly ! inlxoil und fronted lr > t nnfc
vantod At anv iirlcc. K.uly lto < e , per lju , 3"i
( T40c ; VoaUiVlow , 4" c : Culorndocs nra
offcroii atGOSCjc. . Advices heavy nnd n de
cline looked for ,
1'KKSKHVCs ( In 20-lb pallsJ-Strnwbcrry ,
rnspborry , blacklrorry , per Ih , 18c ; pcnrhM ,
ehorrlM , plunn , nprlcots , figs , per 11) , I'-to ;
cianborry unucc , per Ib. Sr.
PUOVMIONS Ham , 13\o : b. bacon , lljc ;
c. s. bacon , lljc ; d , H , tides lOJc ; short rib
sides , IPJc : sliouldcri , 8Jc ; moss pork , per
bbl. 820 ( i < > . Dnnd beef. f6ic. Inrd. lOJc.
VKnr.TAlit.rsSiilnnch , t > cr bbl , 4 50 ; now
cabbagn , California per Ih. , 4c ; lettuce , per
lor. , GOc ; rodlnhes , per do ? . , GOcj HWoot | wtv
ocs , | > or Ib , ( ic , turnips , per bu , JXc. ) bcotn ,
wr bu , 7oc ; cucumbers , per doz , , $200 ; cindl-
lower , par doz. . ? ; ! 00 ; nfparnguii , per doz. ,
SI 00 ; now carrots , per Ib. , 80. Cullfornla calo
ry. 81 50.
Pies FEFT , Tntrr , KTO. Plgi fool , 15 Ib
kits. 81 25 : pigi 40 Ib qr bbl , 82 CO : piga foot ,
80 Ib half bbl , 85 00 ; tripe , IB Ih ktW , St 25 ;
tripe , 10 Ib qr bbl , 82 50 ; trlpo , 80 Ib half bbl ,
5 00 ; plgi tonguM , 15 Ib kits , 82 Mj plgo
tongues , 40 Ih qr bbl. 80 00. Lambs' tonjniw ,
5 Ib kits , 53 00 ; 40 Ib qr bbl , 80 00.
CANNED Goons Oysters (8tandftrdpor ( ) case ,
I 70@3 80 ; strawberries , 2 lt > , per cnso. 2 00 ®
2 10 ; raspberries , 2 lli , per case , 2 UO ; Bartlett
> enrs , per cnso , 2 40 ; wnortloborrlai , per case ,
110 ; egg plums , 2 Ib , per case , 2 1'O ; green
r.ngoa , 2 Ib , ] > or C.IRO , 2 00 ; pine applo-i , 2 Ib
ior cnno. 4 0ffl5 f)0.
ROPE Sisal 4 inch nnd larger , OJc , i inch ,
Oc ; i inch , 10e.
CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs , 1C ? , 15c ; Pa , 15c ;
joins 40 Ibi , in oz. . Gs , 15o ,
ArATOiica Per cnddlo , 35c ; round , CMOS ,
2 55 ; Bquaro canes , 1 70.
SCOAM Powdered , 8Jc ; cut loaf , 8Jc ;
rranulatod. Tic' coufectionorn' A , 74 c ; Stand-
ird extra 0 , Gjc ; oxtrn 0 , Cgc ; inodlum yol-
ow. Gjc ; dark yellow , c.
COFKEKS Ordinary ( Trades , 1212 Jc ; fair 13
i)134c ) ; good , lie ; prime , 1515Jc ; cholco.
C@I7c ; fancy green andyollowlJ@10icold ( ;
ONornmont Java , 20@2Gc ; Lovoring's roasted.
7c ; Arbucldo'o routed , Ifi c ; McLaugMin'c
XXXX roasted , lUlc ; rnltation Java , IGi
RICE Louisiana prime to choice. 7o ; fair1 !
c ; Patma , Gjc.
FISH Nix 1 mnckorol , half brK , 8 50 ; No.
. mackerel , Kits. 1 1C ; family mackerel , half
iris. , 7 00 ; family mackerel , klta , 95c ; No. 1
white fish , half brls. , 8 75 ; No. 1 kits , 1 15.
Srnup Standard Com. , SOc , hols ; Standard
to , 4 } gallon kegs 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 gallon
kern 137.
SODA In ft papers , 3 30 per case ; keg per Ib ,
PICKLES Medium. In bnrrels , 8 25 ; do
n half barrels , 4 75 ; small. In barrels , 9 25 ; do
n half barrels , C 25 ; gherkins ! In barrels , 10 25 ;
do in half barrels. 5 75.
TEAS Gunpowder , good , 45@55o ; cholco GO
.75c ; good Imperial , 40@43c ; choice , 60@G5c ;
foung Hyson , good , SC@50c ; choice ,
o5c@l 00 ; Japan , natural leaf. Snc ; Japan ,
choice , 60@7fic ; Oolong , good , 35@40c ; Oolong ,
choice , 40@55c ; Souchong , good , 35@lOo !
choice , 35@45e.
WooDENWAnfi Two hoop palls , 1 85 ;
hroo hoop pails , 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; Pioneer
neer washboard1) , 1 85 ; Double Crown 2 90 :
Vcllbnckots. 3 85.
SOAPS Kirk's Savon Impald , 3 45 ; Kirk's
atinet , 8 GO ; Kirk's etandnrd , 3 75 ; Kirk's
vhito Russian , 5 25 ; Kirk's outoca. 2 15 ;
Kirk's Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) 40o ; Kirk's
cfniolia. doe.
PoWPH Pennsylvania cans , 1 case , In cnso ,
3 35 ; Babbltt.8 ball 2 doz. incase , 1 fOj Anchor
Jail 2 doz. In case , 1 50.
UANDT Mixed , 12@13c ; "stck ! , lie ; twist
tick , lljc.
VINEQAH Now'XorSnpplo 16o ; Ohio np-
plo. 13c.
SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 1 80 ; Aahton , In
lacks , 3 50 ; bbli dairy GO , 5s , 3 SO.
STAHOH Pearl , 4 Jc ; Silver Gloss , 9n : Corn
Starch , 9c ; Excelsior Gloss. 7c ; Corn , 7JC.
SPICES Pepper , 17c ; nlhplco , 15o ; cloves ,
25c ; caBsia l oc.
LTK American , 3 40 ; Greenwich , 3 40 ;
Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 00 ; LovHa' lye ,
4 65 ; Jewell lye , 2 75
Drr Goods.
BHOWN SHEKTINOH Atlantic A , 74o ; Atlnn-
io P , Go ; Atlantic LL ; 55o ; Brunswick , 7Jc ;
Beaver Dam LL , Cc ; Lawrence LL , 5c ; Paci
fic H. 7Jc : Roynl Standard , 8c : Indian Head
A,7Jc ; Wauchusett A , 7ic.
FINE BROWN SHEETINGS Argyle , 7o ; Pop <
perell 11 , Go ; Salisbury R , So.
BLKACHcn COTTOSBBallon 4-4 , flic : Bal-
Ion Cumberland 48c Davoll DD
7-8 , fijc ; - , ; ,
3c ; Fnirmonnt , 4lcFrnitx ; > f the loom 4-4 ,
8c ; Glnry of the West , 8o ; Golden "Gate , 8Jc ;
Hill 7-S , EC ; Hill 4-4. Oc ; Lonsdale , 8Jc ; Now
York Mills , llfc : Wnmsotta , lOc ,
Docra ( Colored ) Boston , 8 or. , lljc ; Boston -
ton , 10 oz. , 14Jo ; Bouton , 9 v > z. , 14c ; Fall
River , Sic.
( BtWKS ' ( Gray ) West 'Point , 8 oz. , llo ;
West Point , ' 10 02. , 14 ; Boston Boar , 8 o/ . ,
TICKINGS Amoslroag , 14t ; Continental ?
Puney , 9 a ; Cordis , lOJc ; 'Pearl ' lllver , 14cj ;
* ork , 12ic ; Hamlolou Awnlcga , ISJc.
DKNIIIS Amoskoag , 14c ; Beaver Greet
A. I3c ; Beaver Creek BB , llo ;
Beaver "Creek CO , CO ; Haymakers ,
Sc ; Jeffrey D & T , ' 12Vc ; .Tii-Jroy XX& . 12 c ;
Pearl Itiver , l c ; Warren AX A ( browrti )
12c ; Warren Bit ( browrf ) , lie ; Warren OC
( brown ) , lOc.
OAVBUICS Fifth avenno glove finish , 'Ss ;
KovBtouo glove fintah , S c.
Conairr JKAVS Amory , 7ic ; Ha/wock / , 18o ;
Kearoayer , 81c ; Ilockpert , 7c.
'Ptf ' 1NTS Allonfl,5Jc ; t\.morican,52c ; ArndWa ,
Gc ; Cochoco , 6c ; Hap.-nony , 4e ; Indigo , -fie ;
Indfzo 7'8 , lllc ; Indigo 4-1,12je : cheap " -sale
4ic : Charter Oak , 4 * ? .
BiiNT8 SiniiTiNOfi Amorlcan , Be ; Cooh eo ,
5c31onco ; ter,5oScKzthbridgo , 41c ; Wuverlys ,
"Jc ; llosmlalIJc. .
ClKOHAMaAmorfrong staples , 8c : Kates
BUplefl , 8Jc ; Lrlnocstor staples , 8c ; I'lnnkot
plaids , lie ; lludsoc checlui , 8 > c ; Amoekoag
Pcroiana , Hjc.
DnESBG < KD8 Aftlantio alpaoca , OJc ; I'oi1-
siano caalmor , 2.-E.C ; Hamloton ,
K\Q \ ; Ilaial tou Ff.uctw , lljc ; Kiunlotou&ro-
oadra , 15c ; Arllngt jn brocade , Ific.
We qualo lumbtr , lath and shlnglei * otcr.ra
ot Omaha ut the following prices :
JOIST AMD SO/JJTUNO 16 ft. and -wide
22 00 ; 18 ft , 23 50.
TIMBEBH 10 fent nnd under , 2200.
TuiBKtt AND JOBT 18 ft , 23 50 ; 20 ft , 2ti30
22ft , 20 CO ; 21 ft , 20 CO.
FENCING No. 1 , 4 and 6 lu. , S4 00SNa ; 2
22 00.
SHEETING : No. l(2d"commou ( biarda,20 ) < X )
No. 2,18 00.
STOCK BoAiinx A , 45 00 ; B.40 00 ; 0 , 35 0
Ji'LooillNU Nc. 1,40 00 ; No. 2 , 35 00 ; 'Ku
SIDINO , clear 2700 ; No , 2 , 2S 0 ; 'No.f
OEIMKO-I , V ! 00 ; 3. 2500.
BHIMILKH , bert 4 CO ; standard , fl CO.
IiATH-3 25 | ) er M.
LIMB Per b.-urol , 1 25 ; bulk per bushel , S5c
cement , bbl , 2 2S ; lown plaster , bbl. Z CO ; harr
per bu. SOc ; Ttned felt , 100 Ibs , 3 SO ; straw
board , 3 50 ,
Paints. Oils and V rnl Ii M.
OILS 110 ° carbon , per Ballon , 13U ; 150 °
toodllght , per ralion , 14Jc ; 175 liasdllght
per gallon , 18c ; 150 ° water whlto , 17c ; lln
wed , raw , ; pr itllon.65c ; lliuood , boiled , po
rpllon , CSoLnrd , winter str'd , per gallon , 860
Ko. 1 , 75cNo. ; 2 , C5c ; castor , XXX , IK * gal
Ion , 1 CO : No , 8 , J 40 : sweet , psr gnllon 1 00
sperm W.B. , per gallon , ICO ; fish , W. B.
porgallon , OSo : nutafoot extra , per gallon , OOc
No. 1 , 75o ; lubrleating , lero , per gallon , tOc
Buitmor , 15o ; golden inncliino , No. 1 , per eal
Ion , 35c ; No. 2 , 23c ; epenn , Blgnal , per gallon
80e ; turpentine , per gallon , 48c ; naptha 74 °
pot ( ? allen , IGo.
PALNTH m OIL White load , Omuha P. P.
6e ; wiilto lead. St. LonU , pure , 6Jo ; Maruoillea
81600 , l * ? , C " > fSM ) > 20c : Froncli rlnc , green
Boal , l cFrenuh zinc , red seal , llo ; Froncl
line , In varnish aart , 20c ; French zinc. In ol
nast , ICe ; mw nnd burnt umlwr , 1 Ih cans , lOc
raw nnd turnt Sienna , lOo ; vnndyko brown
18e ; roiinftd lampblack , 12c ; coach black , nm
Ivory blnefc , ICc ; drop black , 16o ; Prussian
blue , SOc ; ultramorlno blue , 18c ; chrome green
L.M. &D. , ICc ; blind and shutter green , L
M. & D. , ICcj Pnrli green , 18c : Indian red
ICej Venetloo rod , 0 T > jec n red , 22c ; Amerl
em VennllUou , I. & P. , 18c ; chrome yellow
L. M. , O , & D. 0. , 18c ; yullow ochre , Oc ;
goldea oelire , ICa , patent dryer , So ; graining
color * . Ught oak , dork oak , walnut , ch taut
andnah 16c ,
Drr PmlntB.
! ' Vhlto load , 80 ; French rfup , Wo } FwU
whiting. Sic ; wlilUnff gllilor * , l c ;
oom'l IJcj lamjblvcK , Oonrmntown , Wcs
Imniiblftck , onllnxry , lOcj 1' Vine , OiV ;
uHi.\in > .rlnc118o > vnnilyko , brown , Sc ; umlxr
burnt , -lc ; umbor. rnw , > lc ; plcnnn , burnt , K- ;
Mcnnn , rk-r , lc ; 1'ftrU Rroon , genuine. 'H ; ;
lOc ; ro o | ilnic , 14ct Vonollivn rod , CooksonV ,
? i'o ; Venetian roil , Amorlcnu. IJc : roil lonil ,
7c ; pliromo yellow , gonutno , 20oj cliromo yellow -
low , K. , 12cochto , rocliollo , To ! ochre , Ki-oucli ,
"Jc ; ochre , Atnorlcnn , 2cj Winter's lulnrrixl ,
'JJo ; l Wh bro vn , 2Joj Spnulsh brown ,
1'ri AO'H mluornl , Sc.
Uarrols. ) > or f alloni 1'urnl
ttiro , extra , SI lOj furnltura , No. 1 , SI : couch ,
oxtrn , ? 1 40 : conch , J o. 1 , SI ZOjDnmnr ,
oxtrn , $1 75 ; < lnnnn , 70oj ixxphnltum , oxtrn , 85c ;
nhollw , S3 W ; hu-il oil finish , 01 TO. )
ItoAvr llnrl\vnro ( List.
Iron , rules , 2 50 ; plow tool epcclnl civil. Oo.
cnjciblo , 7cs upocliuor Gormnn , f'o ; c.iat too ;
ilo , 15@20j wiuon npikw , set , 2 Slka.l 00) ) hubs
ixw got , 1 ! iC ; fc'lpon unwoil dry , 110 ; tongue ) ,
each , 70@85c ; uslos onch , ? r > c ; nqunro nuts per
11) , 7@llc ! wiuhora crH.8@18c ; ri\ots , nor
Ib , lie ; cell clwtl' , i > or Ib , u@12c ; mnlloablo , So
Iron woilgos , Co : crowbars , Cc : harrow tooth
4o ; sprtiiR tool , 7@8cj llurilci\Bhon > choos,4 70
Bunion's muloshoo ? 5 70.
UAltnED WiitK In car lot * , Bo per 100.
NAILS Itntos , 10 to CO , 2 90.
SHOT Shot , 1 85j buck shot , 2 10 : oriental
powder , kegs , 040 ; do. , half VCR , 8IS ) do. ,
quarter kegs , 1 63 ; blasting , kegs , S STi ; fuec ,
IMJT 100 foot 50c.
LEAD 13or , 1 65.
COAL Uumborland blaclumtth , m 10 00 ; Mor
ris nm DlossburK , 10 00 ; Whltobronst lump ;
fi 00 ; Whttobronat nut , 5 00 ; lown lump , fi 00
Iowa nut , C > 00 ; Hock Hprltip , 7 00 ; Anthrn
clto , 11 25@il CO ; Cnnou City , 7 00 , per ton
Oalc dole , S8c@42c ; hemlock Riilo23c@S5c :
hJu lock Up , SOo to 1 00 ; ninnor Coo to SOc ;
hemlock cnlf , S5c to 100 ; hoinlock upper , 2'2c
to 2lc ; oak upper , 2-lc ; nlllKivtor , 4 00 to 0 CO ;
calf kid , 82@35 : Grolson kid , 5J CO to 2 75 ; oak
kip , SOo to 1 00 : oak calf , 1 20 to 1 80 ; French
kip , 1 10 to 1 55 : French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; r snots -
nets , C fX ) to 7 50 ; linings , 0 00 to 8 50 ; top.
pings , 9 00 to 10 50 ; B. L. Morocco , SOo to 8. > c ;
pebble 0. D. Morocco , SJc ; slmon. 2 50 to 3 00.
S No. 1 star oak , 87c ; No 2 tloj
. ? 5c ; No. 1 Ohio oak , SCc ; No. 2 do , 83c ; No.
I Milwaukee 35c : No 2 do 33o .
No. 1 Vitts oak bar , 37c ; No. B I'ltla oak
har , i5c. !
PLUO TODAOOO Climax , 50c : Bullion 50c ;
Uoraoshoo , COc ; k MU , COc ; Ituudy , 4Cc ; Her-
BoyV , 40c ; Black , 38@ lOc.
FINE Cor Common , 20@SOc ; good , 45@
GOc ; Rose Leaf , 70c ; Proniinm , G5o ; Diamond
Crown , 55c ; Sweet Sixteen , 50c.
SMOKING O. S. , 22c ; Meerschaum , 30cDtir ;
ham , 8 oz. , 55c ; Durham , 4 oz. . 57c ; Durharr
2 or . , 55c ; Seal of North Carolina , 8 oz , , 55c
Seal of North Carolina , 4 oz. , 57c ; Seal o
North Carolina , 2 oz. , COc ; 0.1C Durham , 4
oz. , 28c ; O. K Putnam , 2 oz. , SOc ; Uncle
JJod , i'g 25c ; Tom and Jerry , 23c.
AlCOVlOL 188 proof alcohol , 2 20 l > or wine
fulion extra California spirits , 188 proof ,
1 21 per proof gallon ; triple refined spirits ,
187 proof , 125 per proof gallon ; ro-diatlllod
whiskies 100@1 50 ; fine blended , 1 50@2 50 ;
Kentucky bourbons , 200@700 ; Kentucky
nnd Pennsylvania vyen , 2 007 00.
BRANDIES Imported , 000@10 00 : domestlo
" 40@4 00.
GIKB Imported , 4 BO@C 00 ; domestic , 1 40
@ 300.
HUMS Imported , 4 50@6 00 ; New England ,
2 00@4 00 ; domestic , 1 50@3 50.
PEACH AND ATPLE Br.ANor 175@100.
CllAMPAaSKS Imported per CMC , 2800 ©
J 00 ; AmQTicanpor case , 12 ( H1G ) 00.
Sts.dy ; Tgroen bntchorB , C@0io ; green
ilted7i@Ss ; dry flint , 12@inc ; drv uall ,
.0 ( < tllc ) ; damaged hlilos , two-thirds price.
SHEKP PZLTS 25c@l 00.
nmils lie , Hnms. Ulc ; breakfast bacon
I3@15ic ; Bmokod aides , 'JJi lOc ; colt Bldoa ,
iao per 100 pounds ; onions , per 100 pounds ,
? 1 50@2 00 ; turnips , per 100 Ib , G0@80o ; Col-
erode cabbage , now , per 100 , 85c@100 ;
ivo chickona , old , per doz , S4 00 ®
425 ; i prairie chiclcona per dor , ? 3 75@400 ;
oggc. , fresh , per doc , 32@35c ; batter , fair qual-
ty creamery , fin st per Ib , 38Q42 ; creamery ,
rood , per Ib , 28S4c ; Kannoa and Nebraska
isiry , per Ib , S7 45c ; coolunc , 12@15c ; choeM ,
'nil cream , per fb , lG@17o ; apples per Kil ,
ecstern , § 5 00@G CO ; grapes , per Ib ,
7 < s)10c ) ; California pears per Ib , 7@Mc ;
Moasiua lomuns , extra per ox , 87 00
@ 8 00 ; omngee , $12 Ot@13 00 ; Colorado
-Wheat , per 100 Ib , 81RO@1 88 ; flovuv fair
Duality , fiO 00@10 50 per barrel flour.
Graham , per 100 Ib $2 00@200 : flour ,
ryoipnrrHXlb ) , 52 60@270 ; flour , buotwhoat ,
per bbl , 310 00@10 "DO ; corn moo ! per
100 Ibs , $1 C5@l 85 ; corn , per 100 Ibs , $1 30 ®
1 35 ; com chop , per IOC Ibs , 51 30@1 C3 ; now
oatsper , 100 Ibs , 5135@145 ; oats , Nobroska ,
mlxcUtpor 100'Ib , 81 S @l 35 ; wheat , per 100
Ibn , 91 85@145barioy , per 100 Ibs , 51 50 ®
@ 175 ; mixed chop , per 100 Ibs , 51 SS ®
1 40 ; 'bran ' , per toi3 , S17 00@19 00 ; hay ,
per toe. $12 00@1G CO ; baled socon-J bottom ,
§ 10 00@12 00 ; baled upland , $1400@1700 ,
straw , per ton , $3 00@i ) 00.
5f 33 Frt J3OT T SwIj-"l'iirta of the hu
mui irldyoulargod crcloptdnndBtrotirlhoncd to
la MtlnttrcBllnt'othcr'.lasiiicnt lunt ; run In our Jin
I T In reply to Initr.lrka wo will ajithat thcru U
IKI inlJcnco of InmriHi'j about this On the contrary
the ctd\crtl cru are very highly cndannd. Iiitercatcc
iivrcnnn may ( jet iKUlod circular ) nlvlni ; nil pirtlcu
iar ly a-ldrcaslny Krjj lledlcil Ca.l' . 0. box filii
liudiN. . Y. ToIiJrfe Kionlui ; Dl.vlo. Apr 7mint
Until olflooa nro Kjialrcd from reauJt of flro , oin
with Dr. Parker , Koam fi. Crrllitoa ) { lilock 15tt
uid llotii iMi , utreotfl.
617 St. Charles St. , St , Louis , Mo
A RKGULAUOIlADUATEot two median ! college
xhuboen oimgtA longer In tbo treatment o
cimoHio , Niitvou , BKIN AND DLOOD
than oUxr phyelclaa In tit. Louis , as city papers ehov
aud all otd resident * know. Consultation free an
Invited. When It Is Itioonvenleut to visit the dlj'Ja
treatmcot , muJIdnM Ji bo aont by mat ! or exprm
everywhue. Curable cues ifu rant ed ; where aoub
cxlits It IsCrankly stated. Call or wilta.
Nervoui i'roatrttlon , Dobltlty , Mental and 1'hyilo *
Wfcakneu , Mercurial and other affections ot 'iliroul
and llouti , . Old Mores and Uloon.
ponta to rmrrlttiCB , Itriuuimtlmn , I'lim aimiui > i > '
amtlontofmaos from overworked brain. BIDUIIUAI
ffeolve ipocial atKjntl'in. ujuntneg ri ini
from Iroprudeooo , KKOumioK , lndulcenom ( pen
GrTTX3I > 33. marry , who may aa
whyetuao > , concequonoo * and care. Utlltd for S&c
poitagti or utarnrn o f-l > vl
GOD North Ifttli Street. Win
Qontioman'fl Block.
ChnkcCuU of ilttts a specialty. [ Onion > III IJD re
tchulby tclephow , Nu. 110.
\VM , H. nitlKSON.I'roprlitor.
All Vlnili of IJrcad , Fancy Cakes mil I'lei coiiitautl
wi hand.
Eailway Time Table.
1. 1 * . U P. , MAIN LINK.
< * IV1I.
! ' J l.xiM xli/6pm : Atlantic KiirvtoI3 | : tr
\V < trn Ktnrrw 8 00 pm
0. ltl nJPvn. . . . : Opni 0. Iilund I'lvw ? . lliWarn
Lincoln K\ . . . , tCDpin : Unjoin Et l.6Spra
Lf\ro OrontiM TlO : , STO.fliOO,10.00 , 11:00 : M > n.,18 m ;
iso , STO , 3-00,4oo : , 6:00 : , a no , 10.101\ . On Him-
di\n ! 7S10.8.-0 Ilo0a. : m : S.-oo , 4ooOPO : , 10:10 : p.
w. Arrive Hi tmtufcr dqwt M mlmi'.ei IMor ; UronV
flray depotCouncil llliiITii , 80 minutes Utor.
IXUMO Council Illult" , llroftdwfty depot , 8:00 : , 0ftO : ,
K.-OO , : ; 12 m.Ioo. ; : 2.00 , S-oo. 4:00,6:00,0:40 : : : ,
10:40 : tun On HumUyo ! 8:00.10.00a. : m.U mS.-00 ; ,
SMO , 0:40,10:40 : : ArrUoTrAnsIor Jci > ot , lomln-
I ) -o Council niu ( ! Transfer dcixit : 8S : , P5R ; ,
10.M , ll:2S : n.m.Jl ! inl:2R ; : , 2:25,3S : : , 4:85 : , R:5J,0.2S : ,
7:05,10:65 : p. in. Arrho Oniahiv 0 iiilinitcs Inter.
No. S. . . .7D5i\ni : I'.via. No. 0. . , 7:5S' : m
" No. 10 P:45pm : No. U. . . .11:45 : m
" No. 4.,5:50pm : " No n. .
" No. 8 8M : in " NO..BI. . ,7i16 pm
" N . 0 8:15 : ni 11 No. 1. . 7 85 1 > ui
" No. 60..8W ; m |
XflTTlio ivbovou Onmlia Tlmo.JTJ
BtiMhtanl time la 4 minutes ( aster than load
writ JUST WCM > .
MUMI. All Rim
Omaha. . . 7:30 : pm ( > :40 : nm 8:55 : pm 10.05 nm
Athlaiul. . . 0:24 : pm 11:11 : am 4:52 : pm 8:12 : nm
Lincoln , , , 10.50 am 12.54 inn fSM pm 2 : fi nm
( Veto . 11:50 : pm 1:54 : pm 2tl : pm 3:01 : nm
6:15 : am fi.oo i > m 11:55 : nm lor.o : pm
Hod Cloud , > 8.00 nm 6.55 pm 10.25 ' ) !
MrCook. . . 10.55 am 10-35 Jim 18:15 : pm 4:10 : pm
Akron. . . , 3:45 : pm SMnm : 12:50nm : ll(5pm : (
Uonu't. . , 7:25 pm S 33 am 0/25 pm 7:30 : am
:00am : 10.45pm
K. 0. . ST. JOB fc C. ll.-D.-STANlAlin T1UK.
Hull dully 0:16 : A m I Kiim" , ililly
Ki press , dally I rm'pt Mom
except Katur : I data 8:25nm :
tlaja 7:45p : m | Sfnll , dally. , . . ,7:15pm :
C. , St. 1 * . M. H 0. STANDAIU ) T1J1K.
( Depot lUh nnd Webster 8U.
No , 2 mixed 7:45 : a m No. 1 mix oil. . . . 5:30 : p m
Freight SWpm : Freight . ll45nm ;
Athntlo I'xn . .340pm ; Atlantic Kxp 0:16 : a m
AtlantloMall. , .7:4Knm : Athiitla Mai ? : co p m
Kvcry day. ( Trnnsfor Depot , Council UlulU. )
WA11A8H & 8T. LOUIS.
Loiuo.- . , . 7:50 : a in I Arrho 11:20 : am
W ll" D:15 : ft m I Eiprosa 025 : m
Kxprod * HWpru Mill- 7:15pm :
All Trains Dilly.
0. , IU I * 1MU 11. STANDAUD TIMK.
Hall1 7:60 : am I F.inrcea , " 10-OOpm
Giprcm 3-60pin I Mill' 7:25 : tu
Huiulaya oxccptcd.
C. , M. & St. P.-STANDAUD TTMn.
LKAVX. AimtVlt.
UftU&Ex" 8:00urn : troclfloKx 0:2A : m
AtlantloKi'.8Wpm : | UallftEx * 7:00pm :
Sundays cxccptcd.
0. & N.V. . n. 11-SrANDAnDlIMK.
U ll' 7:50 : a m I Einrcsi 10:00 : ft m
Kxprcr * 8:60 : p m | M U' 7t5pm
' ! iUDila\ exccpkd. " .iiii
ifl. C. & f. H. U.-STANDAUD TIME.
H ll" 0.00 a ml Kiiircss 10:00 : * m
Exproei 8:00pm : | Mall' 7:25pm :
Sundays oxco ted ,
Olicning and Oloelng Of MftU" .
IOUTI orlit. cujsi.
ft.m. p.m. ft.m. p.m.
' &N. W.,0.n.I.&P.,0.11.
& Q. , St Paul & Sioux City.11:00 : 0:00 : 6:10 : 8:15 :
, M.&S.P.S. 0. & I1. In Iowa 0:00 D:10 :
'abash Kxprcaa 12:30 8:16 :
'abash local 0:00 5:40 :
. C. , SLJon&C 9:00 : 0:00 : 5:40 : 8t : > 0
Isjaurl Paclflo I'M 6:40 :
, Ht.r. M. &o 6oo ; 7vo
nlon Pacificovcilnnfi . . . . 8:00 : llSfi :
nlon Pacific , Denver KX. . . . 4:00 7:80 :
& Itepubllctn Valley. . . , 1:30 11:35 :
AM. Kxprosa , , 7:00 1M
4.11 , ( or FbtUmouth , U.
o .U , Ashland and Lincoln. 11:00 : 7:30
pen Sunilaxs from 12:00 : m. t ! > 1:00 : p. m. (
C. K OOUTANT , roBtnmntor
till TJouglM St. Omaha , Neb.
Galvamzea Iron Cornices
Urrmor Window ) , Flnl&li , Tin. Iron ftnd SI te
ne , Bpeoht's pfttcnt MoUllla Skylight , Patent
d Ilatchot Bar ami Bracket Bholvlnr. I km
ral a/ent tor the above line or too.ii. ; Iron
Creutlnca , UolustraUoB , Veranda ) , Iron Ilaai
Window minds , Oellar Onardu : also ecnert
or onb U11I , at nt In ld Wind
THIS BKLTorneKoncra-
torU made exprcwly for
the euro of dcranfoincntg
of the genaratlvo oruann.
Th ro Is no mUtakc about
this liiitrumont , the con-
tlnuoua etrcam of KLF.C-
Till0 ITY normcatlnit
through the parts must tea-
tore them to nnalthy action
Do not confound tnls wit )
Kloctrio BultBad\rrtlscd ti
cure til. m f rein head to too. It Is for the ONE epeo-
flc pcrtioso. Tor circulars ( flying full Information
uMrosiChcmcr Eloctrlo Ilelt Co. , 103j Washington
St , Chicago 111.
11V WAV 1)1'
I" Union liolH ( | nt KiinHjsCity
Unialmunil Dunvorwltli tlnoiigli IniliiH lor
And nil jiolnts In Uio GieiU Wi t ,
iiiinil Union Depot nl CMatgi
ultli tliroiiKh tmlim for
Anil nil Eastern Cltlcn.
At I'i'.orlii with tliiouuh tmlns lor Indlitnai
ollH , OlnulnnnU , ColuinUiiB , mid nil jiolnlH I
tliotioiitli.Kiut. At hi. l.uuls with tlirmii ;
tmltiH fur nil jiolntH Houtli.
Kl jniitl > ny Conclicg , 1'iuloiCaiti , wltli Itu
clInliKCIiulitt ( Meuts lieu ) , SinolclimCiirtf wit
Ituvolvliii ; Olmlrw , J'lillinun I'nlucu Hlcciiln
L'ui-H mil tliu fuuioiiB U. II. & Q. Klnlnt , ' L'ni
nuidiiJIy touiKU'roin ClilviiKO mill Kansas ( Jll >
( IlllciiKO anil Council Illulla : C'lilciiKD mid la
Molnrv'lilctiKo , St. JoHL'jili , AU-lilMin tin
Tupuku wlUiout t'lmiiKn. Only tlnonuli lln
11111111115 tliclr onn tmlim Ui-lwion ClilaiKi
Mnooln iml Denver , unit ClilciiK" , ItiniMu
Oily unit Dciivor. Tlimnuli cttin liolwuoj
vll lllnlU , via I'lorlu.
Tiiitnu ( it Kle 'iiiit Jluy C'oiichfd nil
rullnmu I'HlucuSlei'iiIni ; Can * uio run dally i
niKl fioin bt. Loulu ; vlii Ilunnlbul ; Qnlnu )
Kuokllk , UmlliiKtoii , Cidiir IdiliHlHiliKl Alliei
l.untobi , 1'inil and .MIiinuaKillni ] I'nilorCnn
with llix'lliilnir Clmlm to mill fiuni Ht. Ion |
nnd 1'ooilu. only < in"flniiiKU of ruin | n > twi <
St. I.ouLmiinl lc Jlolneu , Iuu , Mneoln , NL
bnuikii , mid Dunvcr , Colonulii ,
It In ulHii tlio only Tluoii'li ( Mno litlwoon
UlHltnoiMl 113 111" Klimt TlIKOl'OII ' O.U
IINI1 ; or Anu'ilvn , anil U iiulvurully iidinlt
led to tiu tliu
Finest Equlppsd Hallroai Ja the World ft
all classes cf Travel.
Tlironu-li TleUbtH viu this tine ( or Halo ft i > i
It , ! , ' < ii | ) n tlda-tuiilcuoiuthoUnlioUht.itC !
tint Ciuiudu.
' '
For n cliqico lot iu Syiulicnto Hill Addition. This nidition joins
the Syndicate Imula in south Onmlm , nnd will rapidly build up with com.
forttiblo lioinos. Those lots nro bonutiEul and nro iiour the stock yards
nnd packing houses , nud will bo occupied in homes by the employes of
these works , nnd uro undoubtedly the oost value for the price oE any lota
iu the Innrkot. Several have been sold nnd the price will soon bo ai-
vunced. .i.Wo have the exclupivo ngoiicy on this addition. Ternis easy.
This is a now addition on Leavenworfch street in Weat Oinalm. A
low price hns b ? on put on them to start them. $150 to 8300 , On easy
terms , Tuo grading and improvements to ba made on "Leavenworth St. ,
this springwill.make this very valuable property.
This is a sub-division o the JMcgoath PpropertyJ ! facing Hnncorn
Park on the south. Gjod location , near street car , fine view nud has a
good growth of native timber. This is one f > the finest Additions m
Omaha , and will soh rapidly. Price $300 toG51) ) . One foartliaib
"dance on good time. First come , first served. This is a splendid op-
lortunity for persons who intend building for a home.
a a beautiful piece of ground lying one block south oEGilinan place ,
West Omnlm. The firstoE these lots willbosold at $12o to ei50 , aiid
ire a bargain. A nice sightly location , beautiful place.for a homo aud
plendid investment for a rich man or n poor man.
This addition lies between Capitol avenue and Cass street , ten blocks
from the High School , one mile from the postoffico. and is what is known
as inside property. The city is built up far beyond this addition nnd the
finest residences in the city are in this locality. The grade on Davenport
street has been established and work commenced , aud will bo completed
as soon as the weather permits. The contract hns been let for building
large brick school house on Douglas street , three blocks from this nddi
tion. Wo predict that tliese lots will more than double m value ba ore
August , as it is the most desirable part of Omaha and would have bson
built up years ago hud it been placed on the market. Prices
835O TO $ Q5O :
AdjoiningSlots are beingfrold at doubleSthe pricowe'aaskfor ; these.
Wohave six lots left inlthisJtdditionSwhichSwo oflerlat a' bargain. ]
We have some improved Tnnd uuimprovedl.farniBj near/Omaho.'and.
some well improved farms in Sarpy county.
nnd Residence Lots in all parts of the city , and
On nil the best slreetf.Jin | the business'center.
Q213 Bouth 14tb Street , batween Farnam land.Doviglas ]