OMAHA DAILY BEE -KftTDAY , APRJL 18 , 1881 riioufmmlfl Hastened to their Graves Relying on testimonials written in viv- i glowing language of some miraculous cures made by uomo largely puffed Uf doctor or patent medicine has hastened thouninds to their graves ; believing in ttuar almost insane faith that the eamo miracle will bo performed on them , nnd that thcso testimonials make the cures , whlle-th.s3jo : called medicine is all the timo'haatpning them to thoirgravos.Vo have ftvruded publishing testimonials , as thoyjlo notjnako the euros , although wo N THOUSANDS of them , of the most wonderful cures voluntarily sent us. It is our medicine , Hop Bitters , that makes the cures. I has never failed and never can. Wp wil give reference to any ono for any disease Btmiliar to their own if desired , or will refer for to any neighbor , as there is not a neighborhood in the known world but can ahovr its cures by Hop Bitters. A LOSINO JOKE. A prominent physician of FHMmrg Bald tea a lady tmtlant who was complaining of her continued 111 health , and nf his innbtlUy to euro her , jokingly until : "Try Hop Hitters ! ' The lady took It in oarnoflt nnd used the Hit torn , from which nho obtained porinnnon health. She now Iftiiglin at the doctor for his joke , but ho h not no well plenaod with it , rui ft cost lism a good patient. i , FEES OF DOCTORS. The fee of doctors is nn item that vor ; many persons are interested in. Wo believe liovo the schedule for visits in $3.00 which would tax n man confined to his bed for a year , and in need of a dally vis it , ever $1.000 a year for medical attendance dance alone 1 And ono single bottle ol 'Hop bitters taken in time would eave the $1.000 and all the year's sickness. A LADY'S WISH. "Oh. how I do wish my akin was aa clear and softas yours , " nald alndy tolior friend "You can anally malto it no , " mmvorod the frtond. "HowJ'MnquIrod tlio first lady. "My using Uop Bitters that makes pure , rich bloot and blooming health. It did U for mo as yoi observe. " GIVEN Ul1 11Y THE DOOTOIW. "Is it possible that Mr. Godfrey is ui nnd at worir , nnd cured by so simple n remedy ? " "I aesuro you it is true that ho is en tirely cured , and with nothing but Hop Bitters , aud only ton days ago hin doctors gave him up and said ho must die , from Kidney and Liver troubles ! ' BITTERS , At finllnt < mU A U * rl4. ur i I > ji | fMlft , . 4 Act . u < 1 fcll iUorJ.ti cC Ib. Dknut * Oninl A hw drop. Input d.llclou O.tof to ( Ixi f eUnFxiu ul U ill lunntt Jrtoki T > / II. * ft MuntchlU. Alk Trar rrowr ; . vr.Bl Bl BltOJLDirAT If. 3T. The klJneja nota purlflcraofthobljo and when tlicirfuno tlons arc lotcrforroc with through wiak notu , they need ton- ing. They bccomo healthfully ac'lvo by thotiio of Hosteller ' , Btonuch II It to re , w hen falllUK short ot _ . rollof from ether } ! sources. Tulgaupcrb tjllmulallnR t oiilo also prat cuts and nrrtsta { over and ague , constipation , liver complaint. < l ) s- porwla , rhtumattatn , and other aliments , Use U with regular- Ity. For ialo ay .11 UrufrgUU and Deal- era generally. GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. I OF MANLY VJaORSpormatort jjlicoa , eta. , when all other rome- j dies falL A tun guaranteed. li 81.BO a botllo , large bottle , foui times tha quantity , $6. By ex press to any address. Sold by . . . all druggists. KNOUSH MEDI- OAt. INSTITUTE , Proprietors , 718 Olive Street , St. fouta.Mo. - "I have sold Blr Antley Coopor'a Vital Restorative or vows , Every customer ipoaki highly ol It , I anbectutrnglyonrlonqltuiaromedy o < true malt " 0. F ooDiuif , Drug , ,1 , 8 .ria > > > 1 JfiRS vlR.oit.7 When you como to think of It , It Is not odd that literary ] x plo prefer pipe to a cigar. It la handler to nmoko when tlioy are writing1 , and ever BO much cleaner. And then It gives lacm the true cuonoo andflarorof tha tobacco. The meet fastidious smokers amontr all nations and all chuwos of men agree that the tobacco grown on1 tha Golden Tobacco Dolt of North Carolina la tha mod Idle , lous and refined In the world. Llgatcr than Turld&b , more fragrant than HnvMU , freer from nitrate * and nicotine than any other , It la jiut what the connolueu ? praltca and the habitual smoker demands. The very choicest tobacco Krovm on this Uelt Is bounlit by Dlack. well's Durham Tobacco Co. . and appear * In their celebrated Dull Durham Smoklnir Tobacco. It Is known tne world o > er. Get tha nouunowltuluU ! trade-mark , then you will be euro of having abao. lutcly pure tobacco. RED STAR LINE Belgian Boynl ana U B , Mall Btoamcra r it SAILING EVERY SATURDAY , BETWEEN NEW YORK AND ANTWERP , Thellhlne , Germany , Italy , lIMand anJ France BUeraeo Outward , (20 ; Prepaid Irom Antwerp , (2) ; Excunlon , IU , Including bedding , etc,2d Cabin , $ S0 ; Kxcurilon , 1100 ; Saloon from tiuto { 00 ; Excunlon tiutoieo. &TVoter Wright ic Bon , Gen , Agent * . M Dread- way N. Y. Oaldwelt. Hamilton & Co. , Omaha. P. K. olod. man ft Co. , 803 N. 10U Street , Cmaha ; D. E. Kim. ball , OmahiaAiren' . uxio ood-ly DR.HORHE'S ELECTRIC BELT _ Will euro NenrouincvL LumbagoUheumatUui , J'ar fly U , Jktunlirla. hUallca. K er l" . . " "d W r Dumb Ague. l'rolawu Uteri , etc. Only ( cUnilf. . . . . tn Ifcltln Anicrlix uatiiil tb Klutfrlcltjr d inu _ iietltm tbrougb Ilia body , tua can be nx-kanted Iu au lu > Ktttbt by Uit patient. f I.OOO Would Not Buv it. P * . HOMB I wa afflicted with theumatlim atd euted by utln ; a belt To ny one afflicted wltb IbatdUeaae , ) would aaf , buy Ilorno'f Electric Dull , jiaj one can confer with mo by writing " * - I wyrtore , HUM OFriCE-Oppodt * pottoOlca , room i iftoa- Kf fctlaa ' jvr r'nle ta V. aocdnuo'l Drug Btore , 11(9 ( wskUrM. , OBUB * . Ofdon filled 0. O. D , iff "SWEET AS A PEACH. " Thrilling Episode in the Life of Mrs , Emily Robertson , Anlccp on Picket Duty t'rosldciit Lincoln YleldB to a Child's Ap- pcnl Mercy That Came Too Iiato. On the 28th of March there died at Baltimore an old lady whoso romantio Ufa history portrays n sorioa of the sad dest nnd most dramatic events which could bo evolved from the brain of a ro mancer , and which also graphically illus * tratos the kind nature and noble heart ol Abraham Lincoln , sixteenth president oi the United States. In the earlier part of the year 18CU , just at the time when the great American civil conflict was at its vary height , this old lady , Mrs. Emily .Robertson , lived in Pittsburg wltli her only child , a sweat little girl aged five years. The husband and father was a private in the Northern army of the Potomao. Ono cpring morning that year the wires flashed torribl" news to this lady sitting in her quiet homo praying that God would spare her loved one anil the father of her child. The message was aignod by onu of his comrades and road : Your husband wns found sleeping whllo on picket duty lout night. Ho will bo Mint to morrow. Condition of affairs at this time in the army mich tint no nno can nave him but President Lincoln. HonKUT V. VAUfliisf. The first express train which loft Pitts- burg for Washington after that telegram had boon delivered bore a sad-faced , weep ing woman , accompanied by a rosy-chcck- od , laughing child , who could not imagine why "mamma" had started so soon on such n long journey. The next morning this lady's request to BOO Lincoln at the executive mansion mot with a perempt ory and emphatic refusal. The prcsidon ! would bo engaged with very importanl business all that day and slip could not see him until the next day. This was al ; the reply vouchsafed her to all her tears and earnest pleadings. Tn the supreme agony and importance of the moment the brokon-heartod mother forgot the pres ence of her child ; ceased to think of all else save the life she came to savo. Un noticed the little girl passed out of the open door of the apartment and strayed at will through the white house. The halls were thronged with rushing order lies and messengers. No ono paid any attention to the child until she accosted ono of the old colored hbuso servants , who was enjoying a quiet stolen nap in an ob scure , out of the way recess. "l WANT TO SEE LINCOL. " she could not spook plain she said to liim. Tno old negro .woko up ana look ed aghast with amazement. "Dar ho am honey , " ho replied , "in dot big room obor dar. But ehilo , you mustu t RO in dar , honey ; ho am inspoctin' matters an' am mighty busy. " Without another word the little girl pushed open the door of the room indicated by the aged darkoy ind entered. The president was engaged in grave and important consultation with a number of gentlemen , now dead , but whoso names will forever adorn the pages of American history. So deeply inter ested were the all that not ono of them noticed the bravo little maiden until she caught hold of the knees of the noarcst jontlomon present , and cried : "I want to see Ltncol. May I1' ? Then all eyes were turned upon the little girl ivith her face flushed , bright eyes and long , light ringlets , and Lincoln exclaimed - claimed : "Why , hello , little ono I Where did you como from ? What is your name ? " For a moment only the child was abashed , and timidly replied : "My name is 'Littlo Sweet as a Poach. " ' For a brief period ; ho interests and destinies of fifty mil- ions of people were forgotten. Every mo present laughed heartily oven in ho midst of their gloomy forebodings not only at the words of the answer , but at the accent and shy manner of the diminutive speaker. When nho prccoived ho mirth sho'had unintentionally created she cried : "That Is what papa always ailed mo before ho went with the boom- i-laddics , and mamma always tails mo hat since. Is you Mr. Lineal' ] " f'l am .ho earno man , " laughingly replied the ( resident. In a second sue was in his la } , ivith her arms aroui-d his nock and tears troaming down her cheeks. Then she old her story with a passionate outburst if childish eagerness. "Tho bad man lown stairs won't lot my mamma BOO you nd sho's down there tryin' lots of big oars and ft prayin" , but ho won't lot her um up. You can save mypapa , I know , ind you will , won't you , please , Mr. jjncol'f Please , please , please do , and I trill diva you a million tissos. Mamma vill tiss you , too , Mr. Lincol' . And I will dive you lots , and mamma says they wo worth just lots of dollars , and mamma ays you'vo dot a tind heart and can save ny pappa and will , too ; and she would > o right up hero , too , and try too , and isa you and bog you , too , if that n sty , aid ugly man would only lot hor. " And ho little girl woand her arms AUOUNl ) TUB rilKSIUKNl's NECK , cising him repeatedly and sobbing as if icr heart would break. A sad silence ell over the entire party , and there were oars on several faces. Lincoln rang a > ell , looked at his watch , and then said "Gentlemen I need ' gravely : , 'not , ak you to excuse mo for a few minutes. " Jo hastily wrote a few words on the first lioco of blank paper within his roach , ind handing it to the attendant who relied - lied to his summons , kindly caressed lie child upon his knee , and cheerily aid : "There , 'Littlo Sweet as a Poach , ' hat bad man down stairs cannot keep 'our ' mother from seeing 'Mr. Lincol' ' low. " In a few moments Mrs. llobort- > on was before the president , who still ro- ainod the little girl on his knee , She eon told , in a voice broken with emo- ion , her sad story , and showed Lincoln ho dispatch received by her in Pittsburg ho previous day. Soon all the neces sary facts were placed before the prusi- lent , and then , without a moment's hcsi- ution , ho wrote a telegram , and signed t with that wondrous signature , which lion possessed such potent power. "Quickl" ho exclaimed to an orderly as ho gave it to him , "havo that rushed .hrough at oncu. " Thou ho glanced at lifl watch ; it was cloven o'clock and the soldier was to bo shot promytly at twelve noon. "Madame , " ho gravely said to ; ho woman almost frantic with joy bo- : ere him while 'littl sweat as a peach , ' who at once comprehended the whole result , almost , notwithstanding : ho place and august company shouted with boisterous childish merri ment , "I have saved your husband. Wo iiavo fortunately un hour to spare , and ho will not bo shot. In pardoning him , I disnboy the dictates of my judgment ind comply with the promptings of my lieart , and the only reason that 1 do it is because 'Littlo Sweet as a Peach' hero begged me to do it. " And the command , cr-ln-chief of a million men kisied the I child tenderly , and dismissed both , The now exultant and joyful mother , with 'Littlo Sweet as a Pp ch , ' hastened fron the Executive Mansion to the nearest td pgraph office , where she sent the follow ing dispatch to her husband ; My darling , your Ufa ha * been unvod by our noble proxldont Thank God and him for liii great kindness and mercy. Little Sweet as t Pouch did It nil , Answer by dispatch , care ol this office , so I will fool positive you nro alive and safe. A TEiiniiiLK nu > w. After sending the above telegram , Airs. RoborUon began the seemingly long , im patient wait for the reply. She romaincc in the ofllco until tired of its surround ings , she went to the nearest candy slant on the street and purchased from the delighted - lighted Italian owner _ enough candies and cakes to keep "Littlo Sweet as a peach" sick for a whole month , Thoi she wandered aimlessly through the streets , varying matters occasionally by returning to the telegraph ollico and asking the clerk if ho had rncoivoci any reply for hor. At last , completely disheartened at the roomingly long delay , she sank down exhausted in a chair irj the ofllco , which had boon kindly placet at her disposal. She had been there only a few momenta when ho following ! tele gram wits placed in her hand : Your dlipatch to your husband just roeiv- od anil , under the clrcumntancci , I opened it I ntn very sorry to toll you that Lincoln's tel cgram came ( iftoon mfmitOH too Into. De layed In nome way. Your huib.incl in dead. Will send the remains wherever you request. IloiiEnr N. N. VAUOlltf. As the poor woman gazed at this terrible - riblo message , so shocked and over whelmed by its contents that she was scarcely conscious , another dispatch was handed her , containing earnest expressions sions of sympathy and regret for the un fortunate circumstances surrounding the case , from the general who had , in stric conformity with the stern mandates o modern war , superintended the execution of her husband. While "Little Sweet as a Poach"greatly alarmed at her mother's strange and altered demeanor , cried "Mamma , mamma , what is the matter has anything happened to papa ? " she fol to the floor utterly unconscious from the terribly unexpected shock. She was a once removed to a place of safety am kindly cared for by newly made friends but it was months before she had fully recovered from the fearful shock. "Littlo Sweet as a Peach" to-day is little no longer. She is is a tall , digni Cud , beautiful young woman , living in this city. She is happily married , will a "Ljftio Sweet as a Poach" of her own , who is almost an exact duplicate of whiv her mother was at her ago , and a younj son , who rejoices in the name of Abra ham Lincoln. Pure Blood , Many families ptido themselves on their noble blo ancestry ; bat hero , In this democratic country wo do not care so much about our ped- Igruo oa our health ; or , at least , that ought to bo the principal object of our nollcitudo. Wo cannot have good health without pure , rloJJ blood. When the blood is out of order , dis ease manifests itaolf In the skin and flesh , and in fact , In all ports of the body. To be re stored to hoalth.tako SCOVILL'3 SA.RSA- 1'ARILL-A or BLOOD k LIVER SYRUP. Physicians epoak Iu the highest terms of this medicine. fir. Kvorott , Cooper Plains , Stoubon Co. . N. Y , , mentions two coses of Scrofula and Erysipelas In which Scovlll's Snrsapaiilla or Blood and Liver Syntp affected a euro and says. ' ! think It ono of the best purifiers of the day. It has mot with perfect success in every case where I have used it. " Blio Changed Her Hair. Chicago News. In the case of Eleanor Cole against Frank P. Cole , for divorce , the attorneys argund long and loud in Judge Shopard'a court yesterday upon the question of ali mony during the pondoncy of the suit. Mr. Colo's lawyer iilod an affidavit in support of his position to pay for the plaintiff's board , in which ho says they wont to the Palmer house to board as soon oa they were married. At that time , ho claims , Eleanor created a great deal of uncomplimentary comment by wearing wigs and bangs of many striking colors ono day coming out in a running suit of crushed strawberry and a hair a la strawberry blonde to match , while again the predominating hues of her attire were orange , and orange bangs flu filly crowned her brow , and BO oa through the chro matic scaln. Ho remonstrated with her , but aho re torted that she would not changed the solor of her hair from the fancy hues aho jo much admired to Us natural color "for the King of Spain. " Ho packed his trunk to leave , and was about to go , when she relented and said ' 'aho would 30 arrange her wigs and bangs as to bo leas attractive in colors " Frankunpacked Ilia trunk. Ho complained bitterly that she would pay hit laundry bill , but often permitted his renovated linen to bo re turned to the Chinaman's basement rather than pay a dollar or so. The court concluded that aho ought to Iiavo $12 a week for board and pin money , saying : "If ho was fool enough to marry tier , ho ought to bo made to pay her board. " Compare the dose and quantity of Hood's Sarsiipivrilb and you have conclusive proof af its superior strength and cheapness. Iryit , Snored Like Her 'William. "Ono of the funniest incidents I over loticod , " said ho sleeping car conductor , "was a woman looking for her husband. She got on at Fort SVayno late in the light , and said her husband had tele graphed her ho would bo aboard and she ihould comate his section. I told her Ihoro was no man of that name on my car , but she wouldn't believe it. She ilainly intimated I was lying to her in order to ooll another section , but finally iho Bottled down and got in her berth. . \bout 2 o'clock in the morning I saw her ; ot out with only a shawl around her ihouldors , and tiptoa to the other oud of .ho . car , where she triad to climb into a icrtli occupied by a man who was doing i good deal of snoring. She stuck her toad in and says , 'William , is that you ? William1 ! The man grunted , when she lokod him ono in the ribs , and told him o lay over. But the man didn't lay over ho grabbed hold of her , and yelled "Thieves ! Conductor ! Porter ! There's a .hiof hero ! Porter ! ' Of course ho reused everybody in the car , and hoods were popped out of all the berths. There was .ho poor woman , in her night-dress , and Lhn man in the berths holding tight to her and yelling at the top of his voice. I in- arferod as quick as I could and told the uan I guessed if ho would ctliu himself 10 would find his wife instead of a thief " 'It's a lie , " ho shouted , lmy wife is n San Francisco. ' " 'Madam , ' I sayo , 'you have undoubt edly made a bad niistaka. What made you think that man was your husband ? ' bho was just ready to cry , but she man aged to say : "I I didn t think there was another man llviuu that could auato like my William ! " Tor seven years Aliens Brain Food has teed the aUouccat te t aa to Its luorlU In curing Nervounueaa , Nervous Debility and restoring loot power * to the Generative System , awl , la 110 iustanco has it over failed ; test It 91) ) G A LITERARY CURIOSITY Wort of a Society ol Specialists In Let ters , oCieiice , and the Arts , Spanish View of Modern Hlntory ntul OUill/ntlon. Now York E oriln ( ? 1'oit. Wo nro often amused at the erroneous ideas entertained by foreigners concern ing the geography , history , and customs of this country , as evinced by occasional extracts from European periodicals and correspondence , or ovou books ; these er rors are generally passed over with a smile , in the charitable belief that pos sibly writers had no opportunity for be ing bettor informed. The case is very diflerent , however , when such errors nro committed by waiters and compilers who should know bettor , or who at least should have availed themselves of ma terial which must have boon within their reach. Those reflections are suggested by an examination of a late edition of a Spanish work published in Madrid , " .Encyclopedi cal Dictionary of the Spanish Language , " two vols. 4to , with supplement pp. 2489 ; now edition , vol. I. , 1878 ; vol. II. , 1882 Judging from the list of names of the compilers , with their various literary ti tles , it would sooin that the information imparted should bo accurate , notwith standing the extent of the field it is in tended to cover that of a cyclopedia and dictionary combined ; but an examination of a few titles relating to the United States reveals a strange amount of error. Wo are told tlio United States com prise "twenty-six states , three territo ries , and five districts , ( thcso districts are not named ) with a population of 30,000- 000 , including 2.000,000 of slaves. " Florida , Arkansas and Michigan nro "Territories of the United States , " as is also "San Agustin do la Florida , " this last being "on the Atlantic coast between the Savannah and Ponsacola , " Vermont is bounded on the east by Connecticut ; Indiana has a population of 250,000 , whiln Illinois is credited with 12,000. Louisville , in the County of Kentucky , has a population of 4,000 ; Now Orleans has 40,000 , and Boston 03,000. Now York City , population 213,000 , is the Capital of the State ; "tho houses are well built , notable among them being the City-Hull. " Albany , with a population of 24,000 , is the Capital of Albany County. Pennsylvania "has a population of 1,500,000 , the greater portion being Gor man ; Gorman is the prevailing language of the state. " California is described as a "Peninsula on the west coast of Mexi co , " Now California being a country at the north of it , having for its capital Monterey , while under the title "San Francisco" wo are told that this city is the capital of the state of California. Alaska oolongs to Russia. On the Hudson river "floats a great steam battery , with a crew of 800 mon to defend the coast. " Queens county , state of Now York , has a population of 22,000 , and Kings county has 11,000 ; Brooklyn is not mentioned , although Flatbush is noticed as the sceneof a "bloody battle in' 1770 between the French and Ameri cans , " and "at Harlem , two and a half leagues north of New York , occurred in 1077 [ Hie ] a battle between the Ameri cans and English. " In Philadelphia is the United States bank building ; Morri son , rN. J. , has a printing-proas ; Nor wich , Vt. , has a celebrated institution under the name of the "Literary , Scien tific , and Military School of America. " Hartford , Conn. , has a ship-yard , and does a large business with the southern states and West Indies ; in Jersey City are "many largo factories of textile goods , and ono of tapestries. " Hill's Point is a "capo of the United States at the north of Hudson's Bay , about latitude 38 ° north , longitude 73'wMt , " and Hooper's Island is an "island of- the United States on the coast of the State of Dorchester. " Of the presidents of. the United States wo find named , in their appropriate alpha betical position , the hrst five ; and then occurs a hiatus till wo roach Xachary Tay lor , who is the last thus- named , though in a notice of Edward Livingston it is said that ho was secretary ot state during the presidency of Andrew Jackson. William Washington , "founder of the Republic of the United States , was the first President , and was reelected in 1703 ; lost some of his popularity by remaining uoutral when the Frenchi Revolution broke out , and resigned the command in 1707. " This much for geography and history , and wo will now present a few selections on general subjects. Boin'a- telegraph instrument is described , bub not a word concerning Prof. Morsti ; the construction of a submarine cable is explained , but vro do not luarn from the book that ono has ever boon laid ; under the heading "Hoo- sack" ( and also ' 'Mont Cenis"iwo find no allusion to n tunnel , nor of a canal under the titles of "Suez , " "Adonr" or "Port Said. " Photography is described as the "art of fixing pictures . . . on metal plates ; . . . it is also called dagiiorrootypy. " The telephone has apparently not yet reached Madrid , as wp do not find this word or its equivalent in the dictionary. "Aneroid" in defined aa"\vantinL' in air" ; yacht is "a name by which row-boats are known in England and' ' Holland , where they are much used , " and ) wo are told that "gold , whoa perfectly pure , is as white as lead. ' * Petroleum is found "OIL the coast of ; hi ) Caspian sea , in. Persia , Auvor no , Aragoii , otc. ; . . . it is used to preserve - serve timber , cordage , and canvas , and in nodicino ns an anti-spasmodic and vermi- ugo. " It is probably ocsumod to bo superfluous to say that there is some ) otroloum found in , Punasylvania , and. hat when refined , it may bo burned in a. amp , for the book gives m > hint of thcso acts. Among American writers wo find naruodi Deeper , Pee , Irving * David Rarasoy author of n "History oi the American . { .evolution" and of a "Lifo of Washing- on" ) , Bonjarniu Smith Burton ( "author of a work on Snakes" ) , Lucretia Muria Davidson ( Canadian poetess , who died at ho ago of 18 " ) , but no mention of Presr cott , Srurks , Bancroft , Bryant , flollock , jongfollow , Hawthorne , Lindloy Mur ray , Noah Webster , Audubon , Evorolt ; J. R Lowell andN. P. Willis fiad a plueo only as "authors of 'Notices c Lifo and Genius of Poo. " " Sir Walter Scott wrote the "Shep- icrdoss of Lauimormoor'1 and the "Puri- Ans of Scotland. " The Sponuh transla tion of Covenantors seems the moro in- eicu&able , inasmuch as in its appropriate [ > lace the English word "covenant" is inserted - sorted nmoiiK the Spanish ones with the definition , "League oJ the Scotch to maintain their religion , as it existed in 1680. " Wo find nnno of the noted names con nected with our late civil war or of these belonging to the modern history of Europe - rope , suoli ns Victor ! , Louis Napoleon , , William of GermanyLeo XIII , Puw JX , Maximilian. ThJer , Garibaldi , or oror Espartoro , Isabella or i'fonso. ' Judging from this work , which hat boon compiled at least , so itjta stated by a "Society ot Specialists in Letter ; , Science and the arts , " and revisednmonj others , br a "member of the academy ol history and professor of literature of the university of Madrid , " by an "inspector p.onenxl of schools , " and by an "engineer of mines , " wo cannot esteem very highly the present status of literature in the Spanish capital. n making the assertion that I'orzoni s Mod Icntod Complexion I'nwdcr is entirely frco from iiijurloiin or deadly pultons , vo do it up on the authority of a thorough chemical analy- Ms. It is ono of the oltlcit face | > owdera in the American market , anil is used in the families of fiomo of our moit prominent medical men , who have personally acknowledged to the proprietor that they not only consider it liann. less , but eiteeined It highly beneficial In o\cry resect , not only for the use of ladlon and chil dren , but for the "lord of creation" himself. Sold by all druggists. UAKONAIj HOUBUltlKS. 'jLlicftH in tlio Fur Wsnt by Oltl- /cim nml Aliens Uuildlnup a Feudal StAlu. Guizot , Hallam and other historiann who have written of the feudal system , says The San Francisco Chronicle , leave no doubt that the first Barons , Counts , Dukes , and many of the bishops , too , were little batter than successful high waymen , secure in their fortified castles from arrest and punishment for the crimes committed on their forays against the people indiscriminately. The most greedy of thcso medieval baronial robbers in the general collnpso of the R man Empire managed to make themselves sovereigns , founded dynasties , some of which still continue under the names of Princes , Grand Dukes , kings or emperors , as the Hapsburgs , the Guelphs or Wolfs , the Holionzollerns , and , lill a recent date , the Capets , of Franco , whoso original baronial ancestors were in morals not a whit superior to the mpro modern Claude Duvale , Jonathan Wildes and Jpaquin Mariettas of infamous memory. The main difference is that between success and failure , with the other ono that the baronial rohbors stole land while the other follows stole personal property. These laud thefts have of late years boon repeated in the United States , Canada and Australia , and with the asssistanco of legal machinery , on a larger scale than the beginnings of the old dukes , counts and barons. It took centuries of effort for the Hapsburg fellows to secure sovereignty over as much territory as three men and ono woman now pesaess in the name of the Central Pacific rail way incorporation , and , if we may credit common report , the cattle barons of Nebraska , Wyoming , Colorado , and Montana , whoso name is legion , have practically noizcd on moro land than the whole German empire contains , including Prussia. Most of them are operating "without the slightest color of right or law , " and many of thorn are unnaturalized foreigners , who respect the institutions of tins country only because of that neg lect in the administration of tholaw which tolerates such robberies. The medieval barons were supported in their lawless ness by an army of retainers knightn , squires , yeomen , and villains. These American land thieves substitute senators and congressmen for knights , governors , sherifFd , and state or territorial legisla tures for squires , and the ubiquitous cow boys for yeomen. With such an army of retainers they are secure in the possession of millions of acres , whether inclosed or not , and whoever , as settler under the laws of the country , presumes to dispute with the land thievoa is as summarily dealt wich as the honest men of the mid dle ages were by the baronial robbers. Angostura Bitters is a household word all over the world. For over CO years it has advertised itself by its merits. It is now advertised vortised to warn the public against counter feits. The genuine article id manufactured by Dr. J. G. B. Siepert & Sona. A Iiucky Dream. "Train 3ilk" In Cnlcago Herald. A greasy and odorous emigrant was Bleeping , peacefully on a Pennsylvania car. A slightly intoxicated and playful passen ger vras about to waken him , when the arakoman objected. "Don't disturb his dreams of father land , "said the manipulator of cir-lieatora ind red lanterns ; "lot him dream. I Iiavo a good deal of respect for a dream , as ono savnd my lifo onco. " "How was that ? " "Well , it was several years ago. I was on a freight then the 'Dutch local , ' it called , because vro carried passongoia. One night something was wrong and I wont back to signal the fust express that wasn't moro than five or six miles behind us. I sat dowa on the end of a tieand as I had been on duty a good many hours I be came drowsy and fell asleep. Tlieu I lind a dmm. I dreamed I was out flag ging n.passenger , when I wont to sleep nnd failed to signal her. She came rush ing down on mo , and to this day I can remember the terrible reality of that ilroain ; how I felt as It looked up and saw lior big.noso not twenty foot away ; , bow she roared and screamed , and swooped toward mo like a demon. Just aa it seemed the greet wheels were to pass over mo , I awoke in fearful agony and with .jreat d'ops of sweat on my face. It was. the awiullost dream II ever had , , but iu a second I looked up tno track , and I'll be darned it there wasn't No. 10s ! headlight ; roiviag bigger every second as shocumo toward mo. I reached for my lauiorn , and where do you. suppose 1 found it ? When I dropped asleep 1 had lopped down right in front of it , BO the engineer ot 1C. couldn't liaro aeon it atalU If it ludn't boon for that dream I'd a-boon nixid up with tha ballast in about thirty rcconds. and so it is but natural I should la-vo sorao respect for a dream. Lot that old emigrant abno , I toll you. " i'liu Fincht OIUco ButliUu in tlio World. Perhaps tha finest office building in the world is now being erected at Nassau and Liberty streets , Now York city. It a a mass about ISO foot square and hirtoon stories high. It contains nearly 200 ofllcemof from ono to hulf u dozen rooms , and. the tenants will bo favorsd mortals. The ofuvatora take * but ono ninuto to rise to the thirteenth atory , and .heir . irovoments. cannot bo felt when your eyes or slosed. From the six or icven ucper floor the whole of N * > w York and both rivers are iu view. Every of fice is. heated by steam , lighted by in candescent electric lights und furnished with hot and cold water. The top floor s fitted up as a complete hoto ) , contain- ng a larua ro tiuraut , where many of the 1,000 inhabitants ot the building will vako their meals , a reading and writing room , a complato library with a librarian , telegraph ollico , telephone , office , tele- [ ) hone exchange and a largo number of uodrooma for men detained down town all night tlio first building in the city in which this convenience has been offered. A busy man can llvo for mouths iu it without going outtido , The Largest Stock in Omaha and Mes the Lowest Prices DRAPERIES ANJD MIRRORS , Just received an assortment fai surpassing anything iu this murkot , coray/risincc the latest and moat toaty designs manufactured for this spring's trndo and covering a range of prices from the Cheapest to the moat Expensive. Parlor Goods j Draperies. Now ready for the inspection of cus-l Complete stock of nil the Intesft tomcrs , the newest novoltKs in 1 styles in Turcoman. Madras and Suits nnd Odd Pieces. I Lace Curtains , Etc. , Etc. Elegant Passenger Blovator to all Floors. CHARLES SHIVEKICK , 1200,1208 nnd 1210 Farnnm Street , - - - - OMA.HA , NEB " " "VST" . ( SUCCESSOR TO FOSTER & GRAY. ) LIME AND Office and Yard , 6th and Douglas Sts , , OiUBflfl . DEALERS IN ) fta jn 1 T 1 > B mis ana Look FBE AND BUKGLAE PEOOF X O 3 O ' THEL CARRIAGE FACTORY J409 and DodRc St. . i rsrafflar \ mm. WEB SPECIAL NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others. WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO It la the beat and cheapest lood lor stock ol any kind. One pound Is equal to three pounds of corn stock led with Ground Oil Cake In the Fall ana Winter , instead of running down , will Increaeo In weight and be In good marketable Ronr < , .tlon In the spring. Dairymen , M rfoll as others , who use It can tettlfy to ts merits. Try It and ] u'lf ( or yourselves. Price $25.00 p r r'.u : no charge ( or . sacks. Address rr r.oir ; rV Omuhn Neb PROPRIETOR ICO amlllOS Soutb Vtl Street , Omaha , Nebraska. "Correspondence Solicited" ' TEE NEW HOUSE OF GARiTEE Fine navanuKoy West and Domestic Oigarn. All Standard Brands Tobaccos. Trial Orders Solicited Satisfaction Guaranteed11 -OMAHA. 103 BRADY ST. , DAVENPORT , IOWA , U. S. A. Established. . 1878 Catarrh , Deafness , Lung and Nervous Diseases Speedily and Permanently Cured. l\itiontt Cured at Home. Write for "Tuc MEDICAVMI.SSIONAUY , " for the People , Free. Consultation and Correspondence Gratis. P. 0. Box 202. Telephone No. 220. HON. ED WARD-RUSSELL , Postmaster , Davenport , says : "Physician ol rwa ADUiiy ana Marked Success. " CONGRESSMAN MURPHY , Davenport , UH ; Aniionurablo M < in. Finn Success. Wonderful Cures. " Hoiirn. S * < > R AND TWO WHEEL OAKTS. 1819 and 1820 Urjraojr Btrott and 403 S. 1Mb BtrMl , \ ffM * v 1 % n. EM U llrutrated OaUloirue Junil lw-Ure uoon auullot i ' VS ITIcincl * lll6D CLA 1024 North Eighteenth Street , Omaha , on Street Cor Line. WHOLESALE AMD ULTAIT , Liilier Lie , Lai Doors , Iindsis , Qrndea and prices as ; oed nnd low as any in tlio city , Plenso.try IQQ ,