Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 17, 1884, Image 8

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Thursday Morningt April 17.
Notice to Advertisers.
IL a Smith , who has for the past year
filled the position of manager of the advertis
ing department of TUB BKK , has leased the
dty advertising of this i > i > or. oud will here f.
tor have complete control of that department ,
IJ. HosnwATKit ,
I'rcslilpnt BKK Publishing1 Co.
* The Wenther.
For the Upper Mississippi vnlloy
Tnir weather , wmda chitting to the east
and south , and a slight rise in the torn-
poraturo ,
For the Missouri valley : Fair weather
followed by local rains , southerly winds
and becoming variably with slight chang
ca in the temperature.
The mud la fast disappearing , and already
the dust has commenced to caper.
No arrests were mndo bytho pollcciTiio
night , henca business was decidedly light In
police court yesterday morning.
Samuel Willcox , traveling ] correspondent
of The Christian Hour , returned from n busi
ness trip up the Elkhorn \alloy.
The fast mall train on the Burlington
road now arrives at 0:30 : p. in. , about ono hour
ahead of the regular pasionfrtr ot proas.
Yesterday was moro llko spring weather
again , for which all are ululy thankful and
nincoroly wish that it may continue.
All over the city the sidewalks are being
repaired , or now ones being laid , and it will
add greatly to the comfort of pedestrian * .
In his annual message Mayor Ohaso states
that Omaha Is ono of the quietest cities in the
country. K ho luul reference to the nous
items ho hit the nail square on the head ,
Austin Doyle , chief of police at Chicago
telegraphs that ho has arrested an ox-convict
named John Lane , and recovered the goods
stolen at Camolot's etoro at Nebraska City last
The list of premiums offered by Omaha
business men for horticultural exhibits at the
state fair this fall amounts in monetary value
to $150 , and was secured by the untiring ener
gy of J. T. Allan.
A poltco call was turned in from the Occi
dental hotel about 1:30 : p m yesterday Two
Officers hurried to Iho place only to iind that
{ some fellow had taken some other fellow's hat
by mistake and had returned it.
Georgiaavonuo between thostroot railway
and Grant street is being graded and finished.
There is only ono vacant lot on that side of
the block , and ton more valuable residences
will bo erected near there this season.
Great heaps of mud , in many places a I
foot deep , Ho upon the paved streets , and in
its present half dried condition could bo easily
shoveled Into wagons and hauled away , thus
saving a great deal of Inconvenience to people
who are obliged to travel the o thoroughfares
Yesterday two hackmon hud a ifvoly
"set to" with Boft gloves at the depot , They
continued the sport for noirly half an hour ,
and when they finished their faces were swol
len and reddened by the taps they had re
The Now York Pollco News publishes a
picture of the waiters at the 1'axton hotel , in
this city , on roller skates. It was announced
thrown ono of the papers a few weeks ulnco ,
that the waiters would bo provided with
skates and would use them In the dining room.
Iho picture is a horrible looking thing when
compared with the beautiful dining hall at the
On Leavonworth street , between Eleventh
and Twelfth streets , is a house in which live
two women , who make themselves general
nuisances. They do not hosltato to do any
thing to attract the attention of men and rope
them into their place. They frequently stand
in the epon door and make disgraceful expos
ures of their persons. There h considerable
complaint from'pooplo ' in that vicinity and the
pollca should look Into the matter.
An ovcnrrown blackguard , ono of the nu-
jnorous crowd of street corner mashers infest
ing the city , followed a young lady between 7
and 8 o'clock Tuesday night from The Ilorald
office to the corner of Seventeenth and Loftv-
cnworth streets. Ho attempted to take her
IW h < followed. Jo
r .R ? , ese
She reachad tkodouFof htr homo
almost speechless with fright ) whllo the beast
ly ruffian disappeared through a neighboring
yard. Fortunately for him the darkness of
the night prevented pursuit , or ho would have
caroused a hickory club If not the contents of
a revolver. Some of these insulting loaforH
will gnt mashed , one of these days , so badly
that they will wish they had never boon born.
Hra. Emily Pnls-Alil Ilccetvcd a Uoynl
Kccoiitlon nt tlio Gorman ' 1'hcu
fjomo little time before the hour an-
.ttounced for the rising of the curtain Tues
day night nt the Stadb theater on the oc-
( iaslon of Mrs. Kmily Puls-Ahl'a benefit ,
JUlto a large gathortnc of our Gorman citi
zens had taken their Boats , and by the
titno the performance began every avail
able space waa occupied , numbers being
willing to stand during the entire repre
sentation , Mn. Puls-Ahl has long boon
A favorite among frequenters of Iho Gor
man theatre , and the warm reception she
received last night Is another proof of the
high estimation in which she is held.
The piece presented fms the well
known musical farce entittoa. "Tho Pos
tUlion from Muonchobotg , " and it wa
very ably performed. Of course , the
cwiter of attraction WM the fair beneficiary
ciary horaelf , who personated the role ol
v Fanny , and was greeted with enthusiast
pplauso in every scene in which she op
peared. Her persoulficatlpn of an Ku
glish lord was truly artistic and was Un
finest piooo of ftotmij witnessed on tin
' German itago for a long time. Dunn ,
the evening she also treated the audioue
to some exquisite vocal efforts , in whicl
bo amply showed that she pooseusos
wonderful range of voice and knows we !
' fcow to BW it to advantage.
The rest of the characters wore we !
UVen , waking a good porforuianc
HAHTMAN Anna Hartnwn , > lfe 0. 1
HrtM , April W , at 7 a. w. , we C3 year
yUMrtl April 17 , at 2 p , ffl. , from redden ,
Karib KM U * th * * * * * " " of tl
lowta irwaUjr moww
His Soil Relatirc ta Saloon LiceDscs
the Schools ,
The Hogular Monthly Oontribu-
tion Being Missed from the
Treasury ,
Humors that the Schools Would
Bo Closed Contradicted ,
Tlio IliilldlnB ot the Now IIouso on
Tlilrtcontli Street Abntuloncd.
The mandamus case of the stnto nut ol
the relation of Dlako against the mayor
of Omaha , the city clerk and Patrick Mur
phy , president of the common council , is
already making ita existence felt. Tins
case , as has boon stated before , was
brought in the district court of this
county to compel those defendants to act
in conformity with law in the matter of
issuing licenses for the sale of malt ,
spirituous and vinous liquors in this city.
Another object of this suit is to deter
mine thn legality of ono of the city
ordinances regulating the issuance of
licenses. This ordinance , it is claimed
by many Omaha lawyer ? , aa well as the
police judge , is in contravention of the
statute upon which it is founded. It has
boon thought by re jy that this suit was
instituted on the part of their rclator for
the purpose of
to close up their places of business , but
the attorney of Mr. Blake otatoa il has
boon brought , to learn just what the
righto of liquor venders In this city are.
Thus far this action has had a very depressing -
pressing and depleting effect upon the
treasury of the school district. Hereto
fore the proceeds from the sale of licenses
lias amounted to between $8,000 and $9-
000 per month. The running expenses
per month including only teacher s and
lanitors1 salaries amount to $7,000 in
; his school district. The report of the
Inancial condition of the district as road
at the last meeting of the board shows
lot much moro than enough to pay the
.ndobtodncss which will bo incurred dur
ing this month. The money paid for
.iconcoi which ordinarily has gone into
; ho treasury now lies
awaiting the decision of the district court
upon Mr. Blake's mandamus against the
city oflic'mla. Should the final determi
nation of this case lie postponed until the
Juno term of the court , the financial con
dition of the school district will bo some
what embarrassing. It waa roportcdyoa-
terday afternoon that the schools would
cloao at the end of this month , but upon
inquiry from Messrs. Oonnoyor and
Points it was found to bo untruo. The
schools , they say , will bo kept up for ton
months as heretofore , being runn on
credit for the two months if no money is
paid into the treasury. Tlio teachers being -
ing paid by the year , nothing would bo
gained by closing them.
at the end of this month , the state ap
portionment amounting to $17,000 would
be lost to the teachers' fund of this dis
During the school year just closed the
school board has used only $11,000 of
property tax to keep up the schools. The
balance of the $53,000 collected from the
years 1882 and 1883 has boon transferred
to the sinking fund , and used to pay
taxes on bonds. Should the case of Blake
against the city officials bo taken up on
error from the district to the supreme
court of the state , a longer continuing
embarrassment will bo felt.
The effect upon the school "board so far
has been to cause to it abandon the
building of the proposed school house on
Thirtieth and Douglas strooU. The
keeping in repair the several school
houses and yards will also bo foregone.
The case of the cchool district against
the city marshal to compel him to make
complaint against the wholesale doalois
is still statu quo. Mr. Wooltvorth , attor
ney for the real defendants has boon
civon time to an early dav in May to file
liis answer. It has been reported that in
ease the wholesale dealers are defeated
that they will put in bars in their places
of business and sell by retail also.
nuoklou'a Avniou Salvo.
The Rroatest medical wonder of the world ,
WnrrautoJ to speedily cure Burns , Cuts , Ul
cers , Halt llhoum , Fever Sores , Cancers , Files ,
Ohlllblnlns , Corns. Totter , Chapped hands.
m < \ nil skin eruption , garanteod to cure ID
avery Instance , or money refunded. 20 cents
per box.
A. M. 13 , Sunday School
The following programme will bo ren
dered at the entertainment of the Colorci
Methodist Sunday School , on this ,
Thursday , evening. Great care has
boon taken in the rehearsals , and the oc
casion will doubtless prove a most enjoy
able ono to all who attend :
Oponlnpt Chorus , "Brightly Gleams 0-jj
"Woloomo , " address-Mr. D. O. Penr.y.
Waiting , Bong-Mrs. J. W. Johnap.n.
The Village Blacksmith , roolUUor.Id
Ball."Scatter the Scodduotc d cht > , rua Misi
Annie Lytlo nnd Ktijieno Hall.
"Fairies and the Qu'jen , " itolofrue Jos *
Merrlam. Ktnma Mur.r yM5t Vie Bell , Nunnli
Ohllds , Mattlo Johrjacm ' Hotta Anderson , Idi
Bell. Beisle Boll ,
"Bubos In Vno Voids , " sonir FronUli
"Good KlgUt , " recitation Wllllo Wyllu.
"Llttld Sparrow , " tone Gertie and Bonnie
"fja'jlnu at tto'Cross , " tableau Mlao Aiiul
1'eelc a Boo , eng Ilotta Henderson.
Swlnging'on the Gate , " retlUtlou Gertl
Bell."Oh ! fu Be Over Yonder , " tele am
"A Message , " reclUtloa Mis * Mattl
' 81eoi.log Beauty , " tableau Mia * AnnI
Kills , with snug. "GooclNlKUt , Little Noll.
" Spirit Hoar ' " solo-
"Sweet , Uf 1'rayor , -
Mrn. Canto Jett.
"Don't Count Your Chickens ISetora The
Hatch , " dialogue Miss Anule hytlo , Ida u
'tSiiftono ' Bell ,
"Hear Dem Bells , ' song Kugene Bell.
Ilcnaons fbr kottliif ; tiio Coiitrno.
The board of public works give ath
reason for thn letting of the curbin/ con
ract on Farnam street o Murphy * Oo ,
that that firm already had tho/ontrac
for paving the street , and co/ld put I
w the guttering and curbing f the sam
Ue I time , without any clash , whi" would b
ed likely to take place wore th/10 two con
! tractors on the job. It won the sum
Tk _ . . . .
principle that Melquist , the contractor
for curbing on Ninth street awi/jricd / hid
contract to the contractor for paving , ns
suggested by the board. This is what
the board say in regard to Fox's claim ,
that partialtyl had been shown in letting
the contract on Farnam street to Murphy
& Oo. when his bid was at the same figure -
uro as theirs.
It ia moro economical to buy Durkeo's
Salad dressing than it is to make a dross-
ing. Besides this , it is made of bettor
materials than you can buy at the stores.
Everybody hkcs it. Try it.
Tom porary Troubles With Clio Paiton
Jloiino Wnltcrs.
Tho. uncertainty of hotel waiters is
growing to bo as proverbial as the certainty
tainty of death and taxes , and. those who
doubt it can call at the Paxton for proof.
The proprietors have been annoyed
several times by strikca among their
colored help , and lightening struck. them
again last night just at the hour when
supper was ready , when fifteen of the
dining room boys marched out in a body.
In a few momenta their places wore filled
by men picked un on the outside , and
the trouble waa tided over.
It appears that on Sunday last ono of
the waitora was discharged for broach of
discipline and the solid fifteen quit work
and wont out. The proprietors had a
Lalk with them and arijuttort matters no
; hat they returned to their places. Yes
terday Ohauncy , the head-waiter , who
expected to go away in a few days , was
discharged , and then followed the eve-
ling oxodus. This time they will not bo
akon back , and a telegram has boon sent
-o St. .Too for a now force , pending the
arrival of which the temporary corps will
do go jd work. It ia not true that the
Touolo growing out of the necessity of
serving meals on roller skates , though it
night bo from the atrocious cut of the
nauguration of serving meals on roller
skates at the Paxton , in a recent illus-
.rated paper , was the hair that broke the
camel's vertebrae.
General Thnyor la in the city.
Hon. J. Lt. Webster has returned from
Dr. 1 * . "Schwonk and Mr. Moore , of Nor.
ork , are in the city.
Mr. G. r. Butkott , editor of the Milted
Ozon , called at THE licit oifico yesterday .
H. W. Breckonrldgo wont to boa Moines
ast evening to attoml to some important legal
Mr. Daniel Goettel , of Oil City , Pa , ia In
.ho city vieltlnR and Is iho guest of George
H. Hoggs.
0. J. Greene started for Washington last
ONcutag , where ho has business of a legal na
me. His wife accompanied him.
Frank Bandhauer , tlopot passenger ngent
'or ' the Union PacIBc railroad , returned yoi-
tordny morning from a trip through the state.
T. J. Potter , general manager of the C. , B.
fc Q. , and George W. Holdrrdgo , assistant
jonoral mnnngcr of the B , & M. , toturnod
: rom Uanvirby special car yesterday Mr ,
Potter loft for the east the In afternoon.
G.V. . Flint , Blair. Is a guest of the Mil-
James G. Smith. Fremont , Is at the Mil-
W. Meyer and 12. L. Trickey , Lincoln , are
ruests of the Paxton ,
S. P. Parker , Pierce , Is at the Paxton.
Hon. Church Howe , Auburn , Is .registered
at the Paxton.
lion , Tom Majors , Peru , has quarters at
iho Pnxton.
M. F. Frantz , Friend , is stopping at the
fox ton.
Kobort Ityan , Lincoln , is a guest of the
[ 'nxton.
E. A. Benson and H. H. Mattock , Davon-
> ort , registered yesterday at the Paxton.
P. D. Smith , St. Edwards , Is at the Pox-
ion ,
gJohn M. Randolph , of North Loup , Is at
ho Metropolitan.
Thomas Kelly , of Lincoln , is registered at
ho Metropolitan ,
Henry KlrkbrWo , of McCoot , is at the
P , Caspy , of Fremont , Nob. , is at the
John B , Ilnnck , of Tokamah , Is at the
B , A Johnson and J T. Mendonhall , of
Mow York , are at the Metropolitan ,
J , 0 , DIobt , of Coihr llapiils , ! . , is regis
tered at the Metropolitan
0 , A. Woosloy , of Lincoln , Is at the Mat-
ropolltan ,
Mr. John Kerr , well knoWn In this city , h
| u t returned from an extensive trip uft the
Padfio coast. lie also visited British Colum
bia , Washington Territory and Oregon. Mr.
Kerr was for sor-jo thno connected with M
llelhnan & Co. , and only left them to make
his western , trip On account of a severe domes
tic beroTemont. Mr. Kerr enjoyed his west-
Mu * ' , rtkvels very much , but soys his heart wan
' " . Omaha. The numerous friends thwt Mr.
\\itr has made for himself during his residence
n UiN city will bo glad to learn that ho hai
accepted a position with M. Hollmau & Co ,
ill former employers ,
These Are Solid Facts.
The best blood purifier and Astern ruffulatoi
ever placed within the reaCn of sulferlnf
liumanlty , truly U Electric Dlttorp. Inactiv
ity of the Mver , Illllousness , Jaundice , Con
ntipatlon , Weak Kidneys , or any dUoaso o
the urluary organs , or whoever requires an op
pettier , tonto or mild stltnuUnt , will ahvay ,
iind Klootrio Bitters the b ( t and only cortaii
euro known. They act urely nd quickly
every bottle Tuarnntee * to plvo entire satis
faction or money refunded. Sold at tiftj
cents a bottle by O * ' Goodman ,
Jack P nly the champion mlddli
weight/'Ugiliit of Colorado wont out ti
the ' 'oad homo of Sain Gardner lac
nfcftt to go iuto training for the cominj
will between himself and James Fell
tie will reduce his present weight , whicl
is 178 pounds , to ICO , Fell has no
boon hoard from since the arrival o
Hanloy. Ho Is thought to be in low
somewhere ,
Yesterday the members of the Job
II , Thuraton lloao , company went ir.t
active training for their comin
contests. The warm weather porruitto
them to don their running suita for th
first time this nesson. They will prat
tics for a short time on the base bal
grounds on St , Mary's avenue. It is in
tended now by them to go to DesMoinc *
la. , in Juno and compote for the free
for-nll.prize of 8800.
The Deatb ot Mrs , John A , McSbane
Last Evening ,
A NolloVoinnn mid n Demoted Wll'o
arid Mntlicr.
Thcro is a touching and beautiful be
lief , which solaces the heart of muny a
wife and mother , that thoao who in
dying bestow Wo upon another nnt
leave , a sad consolation to the borcavct
ones , a little ono ouch as the Saviour
says , only , can enter the kingdom of
linavon , outer that kingdom straightway
themselves. This is at least ono com
forting thought to the many who are to
day called upon to mourn the loss of
Mrs. Mary McShano , wife of lion.
John A. McShano , of this city , who
died at 4:35 : yesterday at the family resi
dence , on Farnam and Twenty-sixth
Mrs. McShano had boon ill for about
ken days , and during th&t time had the
loving care of those who , with all the
skill that physicians could command and
tcndorncss that anxiety to save ono so
lear to them could nllord , were unable
jo avert the hand of Death. The end
came and brought the deepest sorrow to
The deceased was the daughtorof Geo.
3. and Margaret Lee , of this city ,
llr. Lee being ono ofour , best known and
nest highly respected citizens wlioro ho
las resided for the past thirteen years.
tilio was born in Bloomington , Illinois ,
and lived there until the removal of her
laronts to Omaha , whore on the 25th of
April 1870 , she was united in marriage
x > John A. McShano , at the cathedral ot
31. Philomona , to which parish she bo-
ongcd at the time of her death. She
vas only twenty-seven years of ago.
3osidoa her parents , the deceased had
; wo brothers in the west , ono of whom ,
Ambrose Lee , is agent for the Union Pa-
: ifio at Waterloo , and the other , John
Lee , an engineer on the Oregon Short
inc. The latter was in the city at the
itno of his sister's death and the former
arrived last night in response to a sum-
nons by telegraph.
The union with her husband was a
moat happy ono and many will resall the
iwcot faced and amiable woman , who mot
icr with her husband at Lincoln , when
10 was there attending the legislature.
Choir married lifo was blessed by three
jcautiful little children. The first two
were boyo , Edward Lee , now about five
rears of ago and John Augustin , who
ivod to the ago of three years and four
months , his death having occurred by a
strange coincidence , on December
15th , exactly four months before the day
lis mother died. The third is a boauti-
: ul girl baby , born a week ago Saturday
The death of the youngest son was a
sovpro blow to hia mother and ono from
which she never recovered. The child
waa attacked by that dread disease ,
scarlet fever , and lived but five days af
terward. From that day to her last , the
mother mourned as only those who lose
a dear OHO can toll. In fact the
mock BO worked upon her nervous sys
tem that her strength in the last trying
ordeal was not auflicient to enable her to
rally , as she might otherwise have done.
Mrs. McShano was a faithful adherent
to the Catholic faith , and she drew many
to ita protecting fold. It scorns that God
gave her a upeclal rt jard for this , inas
much as the right revoreud bishop and the
parochial clergy , brought to her the con
solations ofjtho church she served so well.
In her religious lifo she was n mold , and
a good Catholic be
many to-day , imo
such through the influence of her exau * .
At homo she was the idol of her hus
band , the excellent wife the devoted
mother. _ Among those with whom she
mingled in stcioty , she was respected as a
lady whoso character was marked by a
high souse of the honor of Christian
womonhood. Her loss will bo keenly
felt by all and the sympathy of every
heart will go out to the husband who
homo is robbed of its most priceless jew
The time has not yet boon fixed upon
for the funeral but will bo duly announc
ed. Interment will take place at the
Holy Sepulohor , in the family vault.
Don't Forget
The great closing out sale of Pianos ,
Organs , and Music Goods at Prescott'fl ,
1009 Farnam street. Bo sure and call.
Yesterday for the Creditors of PicrOj
& Bradford by the Conu
ty Judge.
A tiK'idond of forty-fivtt cents was de-
ilarod yesterday by CoMnty Judge Mc-
alkich. for the creaitors of Piorcy &
} r&dford , on their stock of goods as-
iigucd to Shorrfi Miller a couple of
months ago. The stock of goods , not in
cluding accounts amounting $2,002
and $373 cash in the bank , was appraised
at 60,883. It sold for $ G,7G4. ( if this
amount $1,147 , consisting of costs , expenses
penses and labor claims will bo paid ii
lull. The amount of general creditors
S1OOO. Given
Ii&Iumoriiuyliijurtuiiaaulictaiiccacuii , . bo f t
In Andraws * Pearl UaUlngPovnler. Ii 1
lively PURE. U li > K ciulortcil , and testimonial
rcceh cdTrom euch chemists aaS. Dana llay , llos
ton : Jl. Delufuiiultu- ChlcAgoi end Giutavm
UoUc , JlllwaiiLeo. Noreraold lu bulk.
bt , ' msbs ; 231 K.
claims allowed is $10,897. The Urgest
creditor of the firm is the Richardson-
Dnvnton Company , of Chicago , whoso
claim is $3,410.
The $3,000 of uncollcctcd acounU
will make anothtr dividend of about ! 13 }
per cent , which , with the 45 per con
declared yesterday , will make 78J per
cent , or nearly 80 cents on the dollar.
INESS DIKECTOIIY Jto bo issued in July
1884 , price $4. fiO. J. M. WOLI-E , publisher
lishor , 120 S. l-ilh St. , Omaha.
Tlio St. BCary's A\cnuo Soucr Con
trnot lid to Hugh Mur-
pliy & Co.
At the meeting of the board of public
works last evening to Jlpt the contract for
constructing the St. Mary's nvcnuo
sewer , all the members were present.
The total amount of cost for the con
struction of the sewer as bid by the vari
ous contractors is as follows ;
Hugh Murphy & Co JZC.fifiO 25
A. U , Hoof 20.7390H
J. 0. Corby & Co 31,010 22
' . II. McOawloy & Co 31fiG3 11 !
Dunham & Poor 31.701 35
G. M Hitchcock 31,88575
Thos Huckloy & Co 20.28S 30
J. 13. lllley & Co 37,015 B5
Mo Hugh & Mo G avook 34,102 00
Hugh Murphy & Co. being the lowest
liddois the contract was lot to thorn
"ho work is to bo completed by Soptem-
> cr 1st , If not , the contract rccitf a they
hall forfeit $10 per day for each day
hereafter that it remains unfinished.
The bond was fixed at $5,000. The
Soard then adjourned
Mrs. Mary A. Dailoy , of Tunkhannock , Pa. .
vna afflicted for six years with Asthma and
Bronchitis , during which time the best physl-
lans could give no relief. Her lifo was do-
paired of , until in lost October nho procured
i Bottle of Dr. King's Now Discovery , when
mmcdiato relief was felt , and by continuing
ts use for a short time she was completely
urod , gaining in flesh 50 .pounds , in a few
tfroi Trial Bottles of this certain cure of all
Throat and Lung Dlstasos at C. F. Good-
< -n a Drug Store. Latvo Bottles $1.00.
AVntor "Works to bo Built During the
Comlnfj Season.
Yeitorday several gentlemen , among
whom were Wm. Paxton , P. E. Ilor , J.
il. Woolworth and Thos. Swobo , drove
out to South Omaha to examine several
prings which were located upon the
and owned by the South Omaha Land
yndtcato. These gentlemen in looking
at those springs have in view the orec-
ion of waterworks for South Omaha.
) no or two of the gentlemen named have
ookcd at the springs before and are of
.ho opinion that they will furnish a great
sufficiency of water for all timo. Esti-
nates will bo made and measurements
taken aud if it is decided that sufficient
water can be obtained from that source ,
a stand pipe and reservoir will bo erected
and engines and pumps put in and set at
Tork. The water thus pumped will not
10 alone for the slaughter and packing
louses to bo erected , but for all South
) maha.
Clears out rats , mice , roaches , flies ,
anta , bedbugs , skunks , chipmunks ,
jophors. Inc. Druggists
AV. O. T . Notice.
Owing to the increase ol members of
; ho Union , and of business in the lunch
and reading room , the mooting of the
Woman's Christian Temperance Union
ivlM bo hold at the residence of Mrs.
arattun , northwest corner of Seventeenth
and Davtraport streets , Thursday , April
17th , at 2:30 : p m. By order of the
president ; L. G. Clurlton , secretary.
Thli piwdoi never rat at , A nurvcl of pun
Btrinih and wholeeonuatM v Moro conomical thai
th odlniry kinds , and cancel ba > oM In comnetltloi
vritn Iho multitude of low * * tt , ihoit wclijl t mum 01
wdeia. Bold only In cana , itoyal Dak
tarspeclals will Fosuivelynot bo inserted
unless paid in advance ,
WANTKD-OlrUlwo want 15 glrli for general
house uork , to apply at once 10 Cannon Bio'a
and Co. Opponlta 1 * . 0 , No charge. 741 U
\TrjANTED-A Oermao dining room kilo en girl.
V Ifcaae and Hoppe , 41g B. ISth St. , between
lUrney and Ilonrard. (06 U
TED-A Brasclaaalaundioito co to Santa-
WAN New Mexico. Wagers per month. Ap
ply at the Cou-ni. oSA-tf
IANTKDA Hi HI c'ata ' barbtr. Oood Maitta paid.
W KD. OAIN3 , Kearney , K < t ) . 553-13) )
Frst-chMwoman cook ; h ghefctwagcs
paid to flisiclau help , Addjc 11. U
Wright , Central Cliy _ ou e , Ccntol City , Neb ,
ANTKD-A dlnlDg room girl at the Occ-dontal.
632 tf
"ANTED A ulte i f S or I roiiui , tultab'e lor
W 1 gat hotue kcojini ; by a fitully of tw . Addieu
"S" llej ottlco 610-Kp
\1TANTKD-I1 ard and room by a jounj lad > .
T V I'rl ta famllr preferred Aduresa "Jio u" cure
of II. o office.
- buy , a So' ro-inuln. f jr c h.
W Call at.C. WUrutt , SCfl riouth lOtn bt Orf 1S |
W/NiED-r rtaer , e lady er gentleman ,
with II 0 In builneu uuweiUklUhtd. laa 500
pcrctnt. AadieWK. U/'aionceIJteol&ce.
AmoJIum al tl aafe , Call at once ,
WAN1EU . 683-10
Infants and Children
WlUiont Morphine or Nnrootlntv ,
\Vliat ( rlrca our Children roir cheeki ,
WJiotcurea their fevers , nmki-s them sleep
'TU ( 'HMorliu
Wlicn Bablci fret , and cry by turni.
What cures tholr colic , kills their worms ,
f Hut CnMorm.
What quickly cures Constipation ,
Sour Stomach , Colds , InillgoMlon :
lint Cnnlnrln.
Farewell then to Morphine Syrups ,
Castor Oil and Paregoric , and
Contour Linimont. Annb
noluto euro for Rliomuntlsta ,
Sprains , Bums , Galls , &o. , anil an
Instantaneous Pnin-rollovcr.
\\7 ANir.U-DrcssnwVcr to rcnttlirco [ 3 ] rooms
T > on first ll"or In connection vtth mil Incry store ,
n Aurori , llnmtltrn Co Net ) . Flr t clws opcnlnp.
\ih1rcis Mrs O. U. Williams , Aurora , Nob. (178 ( 17
WANTED Qroil lioiKO for first cluss tenant ,
small IvnIU , lictucon 16th mid 22cl street ? , anil
3t. Marv'saxvnuuitnd ConnstiKts.
076 Sit l'OTTFHfcCOIlU,1815Farn mSt.
TXTANTKD 10,000 jardsot rnp carrot to wca\o at
VV C. N , Now comb 8 , ICthanuCumlng. 037-lOp
TTT'ANTEtl 8,000 jards of dirt , at or neurone
TI block west of the Convent on St. Mary's uvo-
ESl-t of Stuelo , Johnson & .UO.
FOIl BALUNnar hl h ( chool , well built house ,
lull lot coat front , ? 0 ( CO.
On Butt Hticct , good housi and barn. Excellent lo
cation $7,500.
On II' , I'lrntant avenue , south front , largo new
house , full lot , (0,000.
On California aitccr , good house , ba'ti , lot 33x132 ,
? 3BOO.
On Daonport street , near ICtli , house and lot 41
feet , $4,600.
On Uth street , cast front , 8 room houie , good or
der , t3 BOO.
On Diucnpott street , near 12th , good nine room
hens * and bam , $6,200.
On l-'arrmm street , near 18th Good 10 room house ,
lot 22x132. $4,600.
On Farium street , good 7 room house , lot 20x132 ,
? 4BOO. ' A1IES ,
095 tf Farnam Street
TT OIl SALE 12 ( rrapo vines 8 years old. C Iust bo
Jf rcmo\cd teen from N , W. cor. 18th and Chicago
streets. 703-16 $
The southwest corner lot of llth and
P clflo , with tno ono story brick bul dings aid
ouo framu bul'dlng on it , Hli all modern Improve
ments. Inquire at the clothing store of George II.
Peterson , W4 South 10th street. CSS-lm
FOR SALE Fresh milk con. Inquire at 1910 Far
nam street. 690 tf
FOR SALE A side spring open * buegj , cheap ;
nearly new. Inquire ut U. LjjIIatden's IHIry ,
north Liid 20th etrcct. 682-18 $
FOR SALE My dnellinsr , No , 2COS Douglai. Fine
nclhborhood,7 | rooms nod lurco ctrncntcd cellar ,
city water , 2nobirrel cistern , barn , chicken house ,
etc W. J.Vl LSIIANS , City JIllls. 6J9 tf
FOR SALE A corner lot noir 23d and Farnam ,
at a bargain luqulreof GUI. U Thompson , S
W. currier IHh and IIarno > Etreels. cG.-lm
FOR SALE Tlirto fine counters , show cases and
eliciting , at 1'rcecott's JIu-Io Store , 150J Vaniun
Bt cct. ( lanes and organs cheap. 659-21
FOR SALE Ten gord will and fixtures of the
Crcighton House. Will ecll the dining room and
Kitchen furnl ure separately or any pait of either.
Will exchange for lands , luts or any saloibb com
modity , or will take secured notes ou long timo. In
quire at Crcliihton House. 665 tf
FOR SALE Twenty acres of the Qriflen farm , 35
miles fropi the I'ostolllco , and only tno blocks
from Pratt'fi tub division. Will bo sold in 2 } , 6 or
10 acre lots Inquire Omaha Carpet Co , 1511
Douglas street. 672 tf
FOR SALE Four toorned house with laree him
rnd fonleries , and two lots , just outiido city
limits , (1800. Aluo lots from $250 up. Apply M. B.
Powell's Drug Store , 13th and Jackson. 054-19p
FOR SALE Confectionery and clcrar stocks , res
taurants , hotel ] , precedes , furniture stocks. A
new soda fountain for $100. Tluco partners wanted.
Agency , 217 N. 16th St , B32-l'Jp
SALE Nive lots in Hauscom 1'lsco and
Hlmebaugh Flace , $175 to $ S50on monthly pay <
inents. liarkcr A. Jlane , N. E. Cor. Farnam anil
13th bts. 655 tf
FOR SALE Hag catpet at C. N. New comb's , ICth
and Cumuig. 635-19p
TO HILL linN-Qroat bargain Good grlat mill
excellent water power , Kith 80 acres of land , al
county leat enl mill In the county. In best wlieal
section of Nebraska , worth $ XU. Must bo sold 1)3
forfl Juno let.ill take $3,000 c sh. Apply to Nortl
Loup Banking Co , Nortli Loup , Nub. 630-10
TOH BALE 2 fine lots In Klrkwooil and Hanscon
1 ? I'llco , at a great bargain , at Irey & . Motter'n.
643 tf
"l OK SALB House 7 rooms full lot ifth and L *
JT cnwurh. l'i ice W 600 cheap. IREV & . MOP-
TEIt , S. W. corner 15th and Farnam. 02041
"I7AOII SALE Fine new 2 ftory houio 10 rooms
r1 barn fnilt trees cto , near St cirs. Price $5OCO
sflondld bargain. IRbV i , MOTTEIl. 6il tl
TTT'ORPALi : Three aero Iot < , on Lcnver.woith St
X 21 miles from 1' . ( ) , $1,000 for a'l , n rare bargain
RY A. J101TEK , S. W. carter 16th iiid Farnam.
IIouso 6 rooms on California St. nca
10th IREY & MOTTER , 1601 Farnam. 023 tf
T7VOR SIJfc Corner lot in Armstroni's add. nea
car linn , 81 200. McC'AGUK , opp. 1 > . 0. 249 tf
FOn SALE A good co tago and l t fronting 01
two trcctso car line Mu-tbe u'ld. price
. . JOHN L. McCAGUE. opposite 1'ost olllcc.
FORfJALK News btand , good location 5 : fi J3tl
St. , betneen Jaci-soii and Howard 690 16 }
FOR BALB-82,300 for full lot on 18th St , Ii
ICountzo's 3d addition. I'OTTIUI k COIil ! . 1M
Farnam tit. 610 tf
f OIt SALE Farm U miles from city , ncarRuo
Stock jardi. Inquire at lire. Mojcr , over
der'a Drug store , ICth aud Webitor. 872
Vi OR SALE -Nlco cottage on 1'arkavonuo , 0 or
JT rooms , full lot , and a bargain at (3,600. IRC'
iMOTTtll. 024 tf
T7\OIi BALK Full corner lot vrltli nice house of
X1 roous , on Georgia av cnue3,800. . 825 tf
SALB C'hilcolotliiJ I Rcdicka addltloi
East front. A bargain. IREY & HOTTKK.
' SALE-At Dargaln , one ( pan good horsi
weight about ten hundred apiece , good for heav
work , alto a go d hcavv double harness , price or
hundred aud ineoty-fUe dollars , alao two elnglt ) w |
ou rne platform spring ,
Due halt patent > ] ir ng agon good for erpreuln
or any other light work In good rur nlng order prit
forty and tlilrtjHie dollars AUo one ret ot Mac !
nnltli tools to bo sold chrap , onlj Tlilrty-tlve dollar
J KKND13 , 711 Kouth 13th btreet.
SAI.i-lota : at (376 to J400 In Arlington , Ii
IpOK 1 city limitd.noar Sam UTS etrcot , $ 76 to10
683 tt AMK3 , Farnam strict.
6ALE-LOU at fjflt to 100 In Arlington. 1
FOR city limits , nuar &aundcrs > trtctt37A to 4t
tet-tf AMLS , Farnam street.
B iLE too cautlful lota In Walnut Hill a.
tpoil 1 fium SliM to f70i. It will piy partlf I
look at this property b fore bujlng eliev here. 10
' 1K11 iCOUIJ , IMS nuuarn street. 618 tf
SALE Very desirable residence for KBIE
FOR , ono blccic olt bt lliry'i avenue , 10 bloc !
from postultioo Ixio.tlon flue , < 3M . Kasy terra
I'OTl til i COUII , Hlfil'Mrnam stro t. 621-tf
BALK OooJ house , 6 rooms aud lot , intend
_ location In Shlnn'a Add. , $1,700 .monthly pa
ui-n's. IuEY&.MOvreilti. W. comer Uth an
r'urnam. 137 tt
OR SALE Bargains In Improved and unlmpio
Ii 1 d property in VM additions. Call aud 100. r ) '
I Kit 4 COUU. 1615 FVrnau Itieet. 610 tf
17 SALE Bargains la Iota for residence or f pe
POH in W.limt 11111 , U-nekeii . K tier a i
i'c Cuiulug adaltlona. 1'OTlElt k CODU , 15
Furoain Btreet ) 6iO-tf
l , M > liaALE-IoU t 376to 100 In Arlingtou.L
Jf tlda ilty limit * , Dear Bauadera itreett376 tofK
CSS-tf AMES , fainaui ktrett
FOR SAt.R-tol one , bloik V , f hlnn's Sd addition ,
A No , 1 0 loom hoi tr , larva bi TU , on * of th fln *
eit cottages In Omaha Thills A J o. 1 b > gain for at
nun who vtnts & hone. K * y terms. IKHY Ac
MOTTUt , a W. cor. 16ti and F in.\m , 491-tt
FOR SALR Tro largo lot * In linnr ivctncnt tdl.
18Gxl321cct. I'llco Sl,7tO. HcCAHUK.Orixi'lto
I' . 0. 2 Stf
" ? 01l \Lri-3 beautiful cre lots on L nvcnworth
1 St. , or will exchange for house and lot. IIIKY
& UOTThlt. 4 8 tf
I poll SAt.n-CJood 2 story hou o and lot In K. V.
1 Smith's addition , near St. r.xrs 0 rooms ; well
ristcrn , barn bearing fruit trcm , ctj , $2,400 , a
SllcntUdbargaln. IIIK.V & MOill.R. 4-D-tt
SALE Lots In Dcnlco addition.
17 lots ut $5on each.
in S525
It 9560
4 corners at 8000 cacn.
1 " ' JiDO "
Yon can pet ono of tho'e dos'tablo ' lots now anil
make n choice ono week from to day , the number
for tale will bo less as the aciU Ity lu thin add , Ig
my marked.
ho other Addition presents DO fine A > iewof the
cllywlthoutilanrjor of Kraditur. The iliMnijro
11 perfect Call nt i ( lieu for plst. McOAQUE ,
opposite Post Mflce. S la agent. 441-tf
JOIl SAI.K fottago 7 rooms i lot , water-works In
hoimo etc. , alt new 82,700 \ ci ) easy terms. 1I1K.V
& MOT1CII , M W. cor. 16th nnd Foinam. * 4 > tfB
JilOll SAI.fc , Lota actJ7i ti > * .IW III Aili.imon , In-
sldo city llmlti , ncnrBaundersstrpet375 tot405.
KIMf AMKPannni
17\OR \ BA i-l : > u ot the mojt doslrablo lota In
JL1 Lo've's 1st. add. , flno vlsv , prlco $79 ? . south
and c st frontage , fenced. A bargain. lIcOAOUES
opposite P. O 433 tt
FOR S VLE-Luta at $375 to $1(0 In Arlli gton , In-
sldo city limits , ntar Saundtrsstroct , $3 fi tojtoo.
007-rf AMFS. Karnnin nt'rot.
FOR SALE f.61 . acres improved land , nil within U
miles of tbo Union Stock } ard < . Lands nt a bar-
gain. POTTER i COUlt , 1615 Tainam street.
452 tf
S' MI-IS lots In Plalnvlcwatlfi to 20 rcr
centbeloir tbo prlco at which surniundin ) ; lo a
o held. P.Ico will be put up no n tf not told ,
454-U P011KR & UOntl , IMS Tarnam Street.
iOR SALE 0 lots In Shi nil's 2il addition at a bar--
Fi gain.
Two cheapest lot * In Klrkirood for3' da)8.
454 tt POrrnil & conn. 1615 Farnam St.
OU SALh A patent lie-box uuitaUlo lor liilto tr
1 or boarding house at U. 1' . U. 11. Ucat market
821 North lOtli St 935-lm
FOIl SAI.n-Ixits nt $375 to $4 0 In Arlington , In-
side city limit ) , near Saundcn' 8trccti75 t 8100.
AMES , Farnam street ,
IpOIl SALE Corner lot In city , largo bouio near
1 cirllno. East front , good , 7,000. HcCCU1E ,
opposlio P. 0. 345-tf
TOIl SALE Ileautlful corner north and cost front
17 In Shlnn's addition with good cottage. Ptlce ,
$2,200. ItcCAQUU opposite P. 0. 444-tt
FOR SALE IIouso and part Int on corner , In
Shlnn's addition , ono block from St. car. 1'rlco
J2.0CO. HcCAQUE. 413-tf
F > OR SALE Property lu the following additions :
Armstrong's IIouso and lot , $1,250.
boyil's Three blocks.
Burr Oak Two lots.
Capitol Fine lot , $3,000.
Ca | Itol House and lot , 17,000.
Capitol Hill House and lot , $4.200.
Ucniso- Lots of lots , S300 toSCSC.
D > vlglit & , Lj man's Thrco 'ots.
Elizabeth Place IIouso aud lot.
Hariscom Haco About T6 properties.
Her bach's Second IIouso an 1 lot , $2,000.
Hirtiran'n Homo and lot , 32,110.
II mcbatigh" Place Secralacant lots and ono
Hawthorne Plenty of lots.
Improvement A bargain.
Johnson's Fine pro , crty , JIO.OO'N '
Kountzo & Hutu's -Homo and ot.
Kouutro 1'ourtb Sou ethlnf Kod. .
Lowe's First ! je\crnl propcrlles.
McCandlUli I lace IIouso and lot.
Ntlsj > 's Several lots.
Vark Placo-Good pr.erty.
Plaiuvlcn Several lots
H. E Rogers Hno lot , ? 750houEO ; and lot , tl.WC.
KcdlcksFourfiro properties.
Rcdlek's Second House end lot 82,500.
HaRan's Good lot , $100
Shinn's Sirtcmi desuable hone .
Sblmi's Second Ba'giins.
Smith's. E. V.- Two or three choipliomc * .
Shall First-House and lot , $2nOO.
West Omaha Oi o liloci.
West Curulng Forty lots.
A number ofJIIouses and Lots In the old city proper ,
which are very desirable as business and residence
Lands in various counties Inthottate from $1.00 to
{ 125 per acre.
A'l persons making Inquiry will be treated In a
courteous and considerate nianner when cjllnRat
the office , and non reside't * and persons ucablo t
cill are requested to correspond.
Special attention Is paid to th p'ailnc of loans ,
and the buying , selling and negotlat ou of securities.
Convuvanclng will receive ca'cful attention
You are invltcdto call. Remember the pltco.
Coo tf Opposite Postcillce.
TTIOR SALE-Lot * at $378 to S4"0 In Arllrgton In-
JD side dty limits , near Saundersstreot , 375 to t 0.
574 tf AMES , Funam street.
Property , I atnofferlng five aero lots In Bon-
ACRE , ono quarter mile /roin / syndicate , purchafo
at from 9UO tr * 200 per acre. This 1s very desirable
property. McCAGCE , Sol * Agent. 442-t
, Small stock of Drugs and Druggists' Fixtures
A for sale in the live town of Waterloo , Nebraska-
Kood opening fora physician. Addrces JB. 8IL-
Eh , Ellihcrn Station , hob. 7S9-tf
SALE Lots at ? 37D to S400 In Arlington. In-
FOR city limits , near Saunderektroet37b to 8400.
SCO tf AMKS , Faruam street.
! EKD CORN FOR SKLK 1000 hushe'8 of good
5 I nund old rorn. Apply to Dr. Chamber ! Voter-
nary Surgeon , Omaha. G3 tf
TjiOR SALE AT A BARGAIN Half n block near St.
Jj Slary's avenue , only flvo blocks from C-ur
Houso. Beautiful resident lota or suitable for ten
ant bouses. Will sub-divide. Address 10MKISS
024 Farnam street 769 tf
BALE euxll
FOB Hi thU office. tf
SALE A first-class Vooo & f on Piano , at a
FOR . Inquire Edliolm & IJrickeon e. 624 tf
S * LE-Lot at $375 to 6100 In Arlington , In-
FOR city llmlts.near Saunde-s struct37B to 3KO.
B7Utf AM hS , Farnam atrcet.
SALE Two open rccond hand bugglea aa
FOR de.lvery wagon , cheap , at 131 ? Uarucy 8t.
CSS-tf 18 South 16th at.
TTUDR BALK Lotsnt376to 400 m Arlington In-
J ? elde city limits near , baunderbBtrei.t1t376 to J400.
673 tf AMES , Farnam ttreet.
IOUSALE-A small Monler , B hman 6 Co. , flre
F proof sat , , aimoet now , at tlila offlLC. "
SALE Ono of the finest rosWenco ltos In tno
FOH , two ecrca ot giouud , e at front on South
13th St. This la ell worth looking at. P. lea W.OOO
McUAQUK , oppo lt j Peat offlco , glJt-tl
BALE -Hou o and lot In HanBcom place ana
FOIl from car line. Prlco li.SUO. MsOAaUE ,
opposite P. 0.
SALE-LoU at J376 to $100 In Arlington. In.
Fdll city limlu , near Haundeia strtet , 376 to ftfO.
,71 , tf ASIKi , farnara ( treat
SALE-Ouo of the flneit realdcnco sites on
FOH bill , witn large wo'l built frame liouto ,
View uuexcellcd. Trice $ , WW. McCAOUK , oppo-
alte P. O. 293 tf
1/lOH SALK une Voie and Sona piano at a barf -
f train. Innulto at Ednolm aud hrickson'H music
atore , on 1Mb bt.
SALE Lota at $375 to 8TO In Arlington , ln
FOH city llmlta , niar Sauuderaitreet,93r& to SlOO ,
672 tf AMU3,1'aruara street.
TT10U SALC-TwoioU In Shlnn'a Itt addition not
JL1 o > or2blockifrom launder 8t. . 87Sand 11,050-
each. A bargain. IllEY i. MOTrEU , 8. W. corner
16th and farnam. IBS tt
) OH STOLEN Ilel cow. brrken hero
"II. " branded on rlcbi thigh. Kcturn to 916 8.
Uthttrcet , and be rewarded. 701-16 }
o. e. DAtia & co. ,
REJinvAL ) and tlortgago Lo nahu\o fcmoie
to No IMS Kirnaratttett. up kUir , room U , on
doorcattot tbelr form r location , where they roiy
be found until conn Ivtiou ut their now building.
CHEAl' AlKj Jt 1000 j anil of earth given
aw a > , witli a premium , ; thi mrlti-we-t oor.
of Boeuteuutli aud Lu veu > ort4. t t to kdiool.
ALWT. AU8 Tenth atienl. batwwn Kuuun and Bar-
at ] , will , wicn toe aid tit iroaroUn iptil'ji , otuliiloi
an ) ono giasoa 01 IB put and prttui , uJ thn
min rouditlon In tn > lutuia. U > > u ajid > hOM >
wile oid r. yeiloct w.Uslio'Jo irmraoteit.