Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 15, 1884, Page 2, Image 2

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sipsmte Epllopsv.
Spasm * , Convul
sions , falling
Dunce ,
Urn , Opium Eat
ing Syphiltitt
Scrofula , King *
XWJ , Ugly Blood
) ( HERV E Diseases , fli/fpfp *
sia , Nervousness ,
A'mwa n'caXncH , llraln Worry , JttooA Sxr- ,
Biliousness , CostUfnea , Nervous rrofitrntlon ,
manea Trouble * anilJrrrjjutaritla. $1.CO.
Hnmplo Tcmlmnnlnl- " .
"Samaritan NenlneIs dolne wonder * . "
Dr. J. O. MrUmoln , Alexander City , Ala.
"I fed It JUT dntr to recommend It. "
lr. 1) . F. MiiiRlilln. Cl jde , Kansas.
'Rearedwhere physicians failed. "
KCT..T. A. Edlc , Bearer , Pa.
9f ( JorrcspcrniTcnco freely nnmrcrcd. tU >
I or tcitlmonlalt and circulars ccnd lump.
Th Of.S.A. Richmond Med. Co. , St. Jotcph , Mo ,
KolilbyiillDrrmoliits. ( ! J )
I < or < l , Stoutcnburtf , and Co. , Agents , Chicago , III ,
It win-anted to car lontrrr , fll
, th form nralrr , and plro belt * '
'satisfaction ' than ny other Corac
In the market , or price paid will
no refunded. The Indorsement * 01
Chlcafrp'a brit physician. ,
Mnjr ( inch Comet. Price. ftr t Hdpcn Jean , l o Uec
repaid , 91.noARC yourmerrhantrorthem.
_ IM ? uiKfturbrs ,
Imported Beer
s *
' -1 Erlnugor , Bhvario.
Gulmbacher , Bavaria.
Pilsner Bohemian.
Kaiser . Bremen.
Budweiscr St. Louis.
Anhauser St. Louis.
Bess a Mjl'vaukcp.
Schlitz-J'ilsner Milwaukee.
Krue's Omaha.
Ale , Porter. Dimestic and Rhine
Wine. ED. MA.U11BR
K-14 Forunm
Will cure Nerromnrin ,
nly l , Neuralgia , Hclntlca.
Kldni-y , Hplno nnd Liver
illfAM'tiOoutAsthma .Heart
Ulitrafe. PjMwpnla , Conl-
iMllon. Krvulpvlai , Catonrt.
rile * . Kpllri r. Imnotrncj ,
DumhAKiiV. Vrol p ni Utorl.rtc. Only nrlentlnc Kleo
trlnikliln America Hint wndutheKleefrlcltr and m K-
nctlini tliroiiKli 111" bed ; , and can bo recharged In an In-
etwilty the patient.
SI.OOO Would Not Bu It.
DR. HonHB I was a lotcd with rhoumitlnn'an'
oared by ailng a belt. To any one afflicted with
that dlsoaso , I would r , buy Home's Electrlo Bolt
Any ono can confer with mo by writing or calling
ab my store , 1420 Douglas street. Omaha Men.
MAIN OFFICE Opposite poitotuco , room 1 Fren-
icr block.
OTfoi rate at 0. F. | Goodman's ] Dnijftoro.lll
ream St. , Omaha. |
Orr ) r. flllwl O O O
266TH EDITION , PRICE $1.00 ,
' Exhausted Vitality , Nervous and Fhyiloal
Premature Decline In Man , Kirorsot Youth , an
cntold miseries resulting from Indiscretions or ex
couea , A book ( or every man , young , mlddlo-aged
and old. It contains 126 proiorlptlons lor all aoul
and ohronlo diseases each ono of which Is luvatuabl
, Bo ( ound by the Author , whoso oxperlonca ( or
yean It inch na probably caver before ( ell to the lo
ol any physio an 800 pages , bound lu bcautlta
French muslin omjoMoil covers , full gilt.guaranteed
to bo a fltier vote n every sense , mecnantoal , Ut-
: erary and professional , than any other work sold In
, this country lor B2.60 , or the money will be refunded
IQ every Instance. Price only 11.00 by mall , post-
. pild. Illustrative sample 5 osnta. Send cow. Gold
j. medal awarded the author by the national Hedlca
Asaootatlon , to the offloen ot which he refers.
This book should bo read by the young lor Inatrno
tlonandbytha afflicted tot relief. It will benefit
ML London Lancet.
- There Is no member ol society to whom this book
will an bo useful , whether youth , parent , guardian ,
Instructor Or clergyman. Argonaut.
- Address the Foabody Medical Institute , or Dr. W.
JI. I'fllkcr , No. 4 Culflnch Street , Boston Mass. , who
may De consulted on U diseases requiring nklll and
axpotlenoo. Oaronloandobetlnatedlseasesthat have
baffled the skill of all otliorpbys-nrel clan *
a unenlaHyi Buoh treated BUoocss-ntHl-'ully
Without an InsUno allure , TUyCCJ C
'mm. '
UIBa 1 fmetmm
. ( AITE'
fJLEOTIlO-VOLTAIO HELT nnd otucrs . .w.s..i
il ArruaNCM are sent on UU l > ajs' T TO
EN ONI.V , YOUNQ Oil OLD , who are Buffer-
a from Nunvoua UEBILITT. tear VrraUTr.
visTiKO Wr.iKKissis , nnil nil thoio dlseasca of
rcii OHiINXTUUK , resulting from AEOBM nca
Oniia OAUSKS. Bpooily relief and rompleto
tStoratlon to niiLiii , VIOOH and MAKUOOD
uuliUNTEKD. Bend ai onoo for Illustrated
Pamphlet f ree. Adores *
VO t/TAIO Mariiiiall. Mich.
| Stove Repair Works ,
FurnUh nopulrs lor nl Stores made In tlo
B lfflsr i irfwwBtfffSTOsrJr5u ! <
I" S. H , ATWOOD ,
Eltittamoutli , Nel
BEiiDcn or TnoMuouiRiD AXD man O ADI
leifoBD m Km mil
tWTToung atoek lor al . Oorrespondtnoe aollnlM
M n >
CERCTfll.l > oaMku ,
OfcUllb I Ol.
ikUIIVfMiulual WMkiuM. wc.i KII weurtlr < al < Tdiwn.y uf puilazt lUuiM. ) Ad > < rtu IM
J , tCLuIlilc. Cur. llroiJ * > r tuU Lurw AT , 61. l/uuliUo
snssiss i B&
' -B5 , iSSl ;
Where the Women of Paris and London
Buck the Ficlde Tiger ,
A * GnrfToottH Ortinblliift Pnlncc
by n AVoinan tor
AVomon Only.
Now York World.
A World cable dispatch roconUy re
ferred to the high play at the various
clubs in London and Paris and incident
ally mentioned the fact that a Russian
nobleman loat in ono sitting 80,000. In
an issue of a western paper some weeks
ago the propriety of the country was
startled by n detailed description of a
gambling house engineered and patron
ized by females. Since then the exist
ence of such institutions in various other
cities ha3 been made known. The most
prominent and noteworthy of thorn all ,
however , has boon overlooked.
It is is located in a cosy , quiet-looking
old mansion of tlio stately and monumental
mental typo and within two blocks of the
Brovoort house. To all outward appear
ances the place is only ono of the many
residences of ariatocratio elegance _ which
line the stroot. All the windows
are heavily curtained and a face is seldom
soon thoro. Evnn at night it is rarely
lighted in the front. So quietly and un
obtrusively has the business of the estab
lishment boon carried on that , although
it has boon in existence for several
months , ita real character has never boon
suspected. The proprietress of the house
was originally the friend of the proprietor
of ono of the _ most famous gambling
houses in this city- She quarreled witli
and loft him. Finding herself cast on
her own resources and owner of a valu
able collection of jewels , she determined
to profit by her experience. She hired
a furnished house , the same in which
she now carries on her trade , and after
instructing two or throe of her intimate
acquaintances in the mystery of dealing
and manipulating cards , began work with
their assistance.
The place was extensively advertised
aa a "Ladies' Clubhouse , " and soon be
came quite popular , the more no as no
men were admitted , lloulotto and faro ,
aa well as occasional games of rouge-et-
noir , were at first dealt , but the gaming
soon resolved itself into faro alone.
Heavy playing lias taken place in this
house. One lady is known to have carried
off over § 5,000 as a result of a day's
lucky play. Another female won upon
three days in succession $4,800. The
bank was so low at ono time that the
proprietress contemplated closing , and
would have done BO but for the appear
ance of a Oroolo gamostross , fresh from
Now Orleans , who lost over $8,000 in
money and jewels at a sitting , and so re
plenished the nearly empty coffers. For
the past few months the "bank" is said
to have enjoyed an unexampled run of
luck , scarcely over losing.
For obvious reasons the games are all
confined to daylight. In order to obtain
admission it is necessary to have either a
card from the proprietress or an intro
duction from a frequenter. Regular
habitues have latch-keys which admit
them into the passage between the outer
and inner doors , both of which are al
ways kept closed. The inner door is
guarded by a pretty young girl whoso
orders are to admit no stranger unpro
vided with the proper credentials. The
postoflioo box of the proprietress is daily
tilled with applications
No gentleman , it is said , hits boon ad
mitted except into the basement , whore
groceries , wines , etc. , are delivered. The
servants , of whom there are several , are
all females , as are also all the dealers ,
caso-koepora and attaches. The house
to well-known millionaire
originally belonged a -
lionaire , a former agent of one of the
great trans-Atlantic steamship lines , from
whom its present owner rented it. Since
then she has purchased the building out
right. It is furnished in the moot luxu
rious style throughout , nothing that
taste could suggest or money procure be
ing absent.
The gambling ia carried on in a back
drawing-room on the second tloor. In
the first drawing-room an elegant lunch
is always laid , with the most elegant and
costly wines. The upper- floors are devoted -
voted to the use of the attaches of the
establishment , who all resrd * on the
promises. The propiiotnnso- a woman
Torging on middle ager of a-oommanding
figure and very handsome. Shadresaoo
in blaok , is famous among.- all her ac
quaintances for her love of' pearls , , which
are the only jewels she is known < to wear
and of which she in reported to hvro
the most magnificent oollootiou- the
Ono complete Bob in particular Ibo-
longed to the Kmproca Eiigonio , and iho
gemwhich onoo quosnod it in t/ho draw
ing room of an empress now preside over
the fortunes of a gameof faroi Oiv of
the dealers ia also a famous character.
She is comparatively a young woraan ,
who fiomo years ago enjoyed the favos of
no lou a person than "Jim" * Iflsk , jr. ,
iu whoso grand opera hoijso she V gan
life osia ballot girl. Iti her siroles iho is
known as "Diamond Jonnio/"on actonnt
of her weakness for those precious min
erals. The rest of the oziocutivo corps
are all1 inoro or IOM equivocally faraouo
and attractive , aiwl are said to bo a skill ,
ful and ) oool in all the traito and tiicka of
their trade as a veteran gwiblor. .
Thn housekeeping is cuitho * isoat ex
travagant scale and is chiefly cevvod by
two prominent Fulton Market , dealers
and a wine merchant vrlto supplies the
principal club w All ol thes * dealers
ailirm that the consumption ot the finer
quality of their wares for cxcoods that
nf many of Ute clubs where rualo Now
York finds Bitch luxurious eorJort.
Pure lllood ,
Many fumlStu pi Ida thflsrwolvw on tholr no.
bio ancestry ) but hero. In UiU democratic
country wo do not care so.umchubout our pedIgree
Igroo na OUT health ; or , atloust , that ought tc
bo the principal object ef our solicitude. VJ <
cannot have good health without pure , rii > !
blood. When the blsod li out of order , tia
case inanlfaatiJ itaolf la. the ekln and ilcah , ant
In fact , in all parts of the body. To bo-ro
stored to health , taVftRCOVIIJS HARJA.
Physicians speak lu the highest terms ol till
medicine. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Dr. Kverett , Cooper I'lalnu , Stoulou. CD.
N. Y. , mentions two cases of Bcrofuln ani
Kry lpelos In which Scovlll's SursaiHilLU o
lllood and Live * By nip effected & euro oni
tavs , ' 'I think It ouo of the beat jurlfitw c
the day. It ha met with perfect auccaw li
every cue where I have mod It. "
The lal > y Wouhl'tVlk.
N w York Bua.
A young Gorman woman of ample prc
portion , and with flowing robes and
small baby , boarded a Third avenue ol <
vatod train at the Grand Btroofiotatlo
last evening. She selected a place wik
two vacant scats on each side , and , i
eitting , covered with her dross the lo
wooded partitions Boparating tha seat
Then tried to make the baby Ho down thor
her aide with its head iu her ) ao. N <
succ-eding ou ono aide , alio tried tl
other , but each time the smill of the
baby's back met the hidden partition ,
and it couldn't ' bo made to fit. The baby
resisted the ondcaror and raised a noisy
lamentation. The mother , after many
oflbrts , concluded that ita porvrsonoss
was not to bo subdued , and snatched it
into her lap wilh the remark :
"Veil , von you can't keep dot back-
pone straight , 1 tink it's potter you sit
up. "
Then aho looked around to see why all
the pasjongcra wore laughing.
Itmlritctlvo Heading.
Some of the testimonials from different people
ple relative to T/tomni' t.clKtHc OU , nnd
the relief It has given them when distressed
with headache , earache , and toochacho are an
Interesting rending an you will find. Thin be
ing n stnndnrd inodlcino , Is sold everywhere
oiuti AND
An Old CJontlcinnn , n Pollconimt nnd
n Cnnilutoor Very AtiKry ,
N.w York Tlmci.
A very pretty girl , attired in a long
eoal dolman and carrying an alligator okin
bag with initials in silver nn the outside ,
stood at Yosoy street and Broadway yes
terday afternoon , waiting for a Sixth
avenue car. A youth of about twenty-
ono or twenty-two years was also await
ing the car , and ho occaoionally glanced
at the pretty girl , who turned indignant
ly away from him. When the car stop
ped the youth stood at the back stop to
assist the maiden to enter , but she
wheeled about when she noticed his gal
lant intention and wont in by the front
door. The youth smiled languidly , en
tered the car , and sat down opposite the
pretty girl , at the front window , Where
upon she angrily turned and looked out
at the horaos.
The conductor observed this panto-
time , and regarded the youth with a
acrowl. When ho began to collect fares
at the front end the young lady got put
her purse , while the youth was feeling
in his pocket , and paid her transporta
tion feo. The youth handed the conduc
tor a dime , without noticing that the
pretty qirl had paid , and said , "Two. "
The conductor handed him back five
cents with an ugly glance , and the girl
looked harder at the horses than - , over ,
whereas the youth smiled with a aroat
deal of amusement An old gentleman
got into the car and sat down near the
girl , and the conductor kept his eyes
upon the youth. Other passengers en
tered , and a policeman stood on the plat
form with > theconductor. .
Presently the old gentleman noticed
that the youth kept his eyes on the pretty
ty girl , and smiled whenever she dared
to turn her glance away from the window
and that her eyoa fairly blazed with angoras
as she turned from him. The conductor
spoke to policeman , and policeman ,
conductor , old < gentleman and all the rest
of the passengers- began to glare at the
youth. The old' gentleman was the first
to interfere. .
"What do you' mean , anr , " ho aaid , "by
annoying this-young lady in that outrageous
* '
ous manner )
The youth' stopped' smiling and aaid
softly , "If it1 isn't too much trouble , I'd
bo very much'obligod ifl yon'd mind your
own business. "
"You young' puppy , , " * roared the old
gentleman , "lill aeo to you , I'll see to
you ! I'll BOO if 'young ; Indies are to bo
publicly insulted by such ruStana as you
are. I'll make an example of you. "
"Oh , don't , please , don't ' do anything , "
said the pretty < Bitlf imploringly. "Please
don't make a scone.- ' "
"My dear young lady , ' " said the old
gentleman , gallantly , , "you. shall not bo
embarrassed , 1 1 assure- you , , but I have
daughters myself , andiit'ioiaduty I owe
to the public to make an > example of this
scamp. Conductor 1" '
The conductor advanned very willingly
into the car , followed' byvtho pdiuoman ,
and all the passengers gazed at the
youth , who only amilod more broadly than
over."Put this little puppjjrv offl 4fae car , "
said the old gontlemannto- n conduct -
t *
The conductor rang' tlfo bolt and said
to the youth ; * "Gomot'.nowl : gifroff the
"What for ? " asked tfco-youth. .
"For mashln1 , " replied theconduc
tor. ' 'Oorr.o nowl atautv.or llll * row yer
off ! "
"If you touch mo , " " saidSio - youth
verv ' nuiotW , "I'll break your thick.
hoa'd. "
The policeman had/ ' boon ! anxiouily
awaiting h : * opportunity and' now saw
his chance. .
"Well yon won't break myrhcad"ho
remarked , taking out Ilia duty and1 elbow
ing the conductor , thould Roiailoman and
thooxcitod oasongors ieido , wbilo acrowt 1
collected In the atroot and' ' looked in th' ' 3
car wiudown.
"Stopl Btopt" BcroamodthaproUygitl ,
throwing herself between th > youth an d
the ofllcorv "Ah t plooso do 'l hurt hir a j
o'a my brother. "
"What ! . " ehoutod thopoJtcomaa in a
ono of intense disgiat.
What ! . ' * echoed the coniSaetor , Iho. old
oatlorauu , Uio drivwv and > bho root o the
Yo3f sho's my sister , ; * " asserted tlio
outh , scaling hire olf'boaklb-h r. "Arid
ou'r > r all a pack o ! iuf oraall idiots , " lie
, ddod ,
lidont beliovovUj" tAo- old gentleman -
man , said after a * broathleis pause.
What were you treating each other in
thaiiruanucr for II you are lurothoz ; and
"Sho's n little mod beoausb I wouldn't
: ao-hor to tho. . circus this aftaraooa ,
; ht'tt all , " roplUxl tho-jauih.
"Anil I'm llsaawfully tkshamWl of-ib ,
.00 , " aaid the pretty ( jirlh bogiurang. tc
toy , "And I think yau'io an awfall *
ttupid old thius < to iaalu > such a fices ,
iho added , paauouatdlt' , . to the old ppn-
"PorhBps , ' sugRO ted Iho ba.thc
Conductor , who , widlLthapoliwiuaa , , still
; azed speocUeasly inon thorn , "perhaps ,
s you've B toupcd. about u dozen iAra-bo <
Jiuad you , i&you elnulO ring Uiat boll and
s4rt the pvocoBsiwi , the funeral may gel
up to Eleventh abtt t in thocoiuao of the
afternoon. ' "
The coducto h utterly crushed , rang
the boll. The policeman lookodi foolish ,
Thu old ) gpntwman seemed hopelosalj
cast doMia , and the other passongora hav <
not coiuod' yet to congratulatotlUonaolvoi
that they did not get an opportunity t <
take cart La the controversy , ,
O K.
BpxrUnburg , B. 0 Match 13 , 1884.
Yyur inost valuable meJlolu * ( SwinrV SHE
cifto ) ha dona UIOBO suich peed Ut 1. foe
like sajlnjr thia for th > beiMfitof
uufler like I did. I WM jwlsoned
OAK. and eaw not well d y for six
until 1 u ed Swirr' * Brwawo. In tha tl
years I med almost every klna ol medicine
but none hid the dial rod effect. After tuln
ilx bottles of Swm'rt Bl'BCirip I m restore
to iKirfott hoaUh.-trI/t ( not a liffiiv/ that avfi
jwfiou ItfU Youw Truly.
D AVll ) NK81HTT.
Treatise on Blood nd Sklu Cl eMoainklle
free Tins Bwirr BrEcmo Co. , Driver 8 , Atlw
Harried at Sixty and Mnrflerefl Four
Years Later ,
UlflAiipolntincnt In IJOTC , Followed by
n lilfool
OAMnninoR , Bid. , April 12. Four
years ago Misa Colin Bush , who had been
noted for nearly thirty years as n recluse
and was the owner of nn estate vnfocd at
several thousand dollars , situated' nonr
William's Barge , married a nahool
teacher named Murphy. The old woman
was then about CO years of ago , and
Murphy was credited with having mar
ried her for her monoj. After living ta
gothor three months Murphy suddenly
disappeared and was not seen again untTl
several days ago , and then only for a
flhort time. Yesterday afternoon Miss
Bush , as she was called since her hus
band loft her , was found in n thicket
murdorcd. Her throat wag cat from oar
to ear , and her skull had been1 beaten in
with an ax.
ax.A UKtU.U.HK AMI ) Klein-
Her house is situated in a dense clump
of woods almost inaccessible to pedes
trians nnd she has been the soto inhabi
tant of it ainco girlhood , oxcopfr during
the brief period of her married lifen Shu
very seldom loft her secluded place and
worked the farm herself. It was not un
usual to ace her ploughing , and aa she
drew all her money from bank years- ago ,
it was generally accepted that she
waa very rich. She was nsvor
knownto spend n cent of money ,
subsisting wholly from corn broad
and bacon , the product of her farm. In
the neighborhood she was regarded w n
witch , and it was certain that she had
concealed about the place all the money
which had como to her from her oarotit *
along with the farm. The precise amount
of this nionoy cannot now bo ascertained *
as tho'murdero ? , whoH b suspected , waa <
Murphy , ransacked the building from
top to bottom , , leaving open bureaus ,
trunks and other receptacles in search of
the valuables.
Murphy , the musing husband , was a
roma'kably good' ' Matured man , as all remember -
member , and this fact leads many to
doubt hit guilt. While teaching school
ho proved to bo thoroughly educated , but
watrnndbnbtodly remarkably laay. When
ho learned of Miss Bush'sweahh ho com
menced to pay her attentions and fur-
nishod-th' ' noighboro-inito a'scmaation by
marrying the old lady despite her
sixtyijpari : Not' long , after the marriage
Murphy resigned his position a school
teacher and commenced1 to load ! a llfo of
idlenewu This-onraged'thb hard-working
woman , whb insisted 'that ' ho should work
besido-her in the Cold. Ho declined ,
and after lovoral wcoW'oquabbling , dur
ing whicl Murphy discovered that he
could not' hopp to gob any oft Ilia * wife 'a
money ) to disappeared. About two
years ago it was-loarnodUhat ho had' been
seen in tv-Ddlawaro town joat beyond ihe
Prom-tie time her husband disappear
ed the od ! woman , if possible booamo
oven more austere inb r life. She never
omployad > help of i nnyland'to'aaoypand '
pack hcs'graim which aiio had previously
planted snd cultivated. Nearly all' ' ihe
produco-of her place fCie sold , and aa she
never becght any thingu6 latterly beoacno
a mystery as to how she couldi sustain
life. EBrtyyears ago she must have had
$50,003l - Aa she < kopt.TjO"bankM ( > 3uat ,
the money was undoubtedly concealed
about 4ht > house pricn to the murder.
State Attorney Hinsy went to the place
to-day and took chargs of the ef&cts , but
a rigorous , search f ailoito givean ji al w
to the murderer.
The murder was-diEcov.erod'by o.lobor-
or of aa adjoining faim , .whoy : ti. passing
tihrou hi'tho ' woodsyp6torday , zftornson ,
rioticed < that Miss -Rush was. net working
in the. Cold. Ho.-Huspoctodith&i ; aho was
fill , as. she had novoa-beforo.bean known
to be idle. Ho wont to thohouso - and
.saw that it hsd boon , robbedl Tho-neigh-
bars found tho. . body , after , an hour's
"Cdlia Buscli , ' . ' old ) ady of this , "was * beautiful girl forty-
ivo years ago , whon. she was about 20
oars. * of age. She was , educated in a
irivato school in Wilmington , Do ! . , and
lie WAR engaged < to a man. named Morley ,
when she came homo , afto7 graduating ,
ilorloy was a ssiall ) delicate man. , ugly
as oin , but evidently , a gonUcman. OeL'a '
vai-crazy over him , and when ho jilted
105 ono day for aochoolmo/to , a Wilralng-
on girl who waa vlaUJng ho ? , she
) ctamj virtually , insane. In fact ,
[ think she did low her rpasoi
: hroujh grief , aaeho - was deliriovu
'oruaoro than three vraa-xa with kyphoic
haror just after-Mbrlby loft her. When
ha ) married Murphy , , five yea ago , 1
hink she was crazy , aooho several time ;
asked mo if I did neb think he looked
ike her girlhood's Jo vpv. Anyway , fron
ho time Morley disappeared , she bo
; arao misanthropic , , and when her parent )
lied suddcnlyiofi small-pox , throe monthi
ator , she ahut horaelf up from the world ,
md commenced loading the lifo whicl
las made her famous hereabouts for si
uany yearn1"
Murphy's" , whereabouts are unknown
TellH tlio Trudi , .
"This rncdlelno I con hlghljr recommend
JlurJoek J2tioJUIiliir. < iua the boa * blood tmrl
leru wo iwvo over uiod. " Choilea A. Hurt
IS Court at. , Buffalo , N.Y.
A' .
FtollDhirIoiiUnra ! ] ct IlusiilnK Into ih
Cuu'ur d'Aloiwii ,
A gentleman writing /rom Eagle Cit ;
undar , dnto of March 2Ctl says there &ii
now aboui 4000 men in the mines aa.
: hr v are pouring it ia a perfect streuc
neb only ay tUytimo , hut UD to 12 and
o'dtiok ab night. Idany of them are B
waak a&d tired ou reaching camp.ihn
tiuy ox barely ub2o to walk. 1,4 vri
oat ba KIOTO than a. few weeks uniil th
populaiion of the gulch will bo fuDy 20 ,
800.It ia the wildcat stampede , ho says , the
ha over saw. This was especially the cos
at Uio time when ho went into cami
Many of Uio aUmporlers were jo anxiou
to get to the jjulch that they would ne
Uko time to lay in a Buulcionk amount c
nrub to carey them over the trail , takin
it for granted that plenty could b
bought aloug the way. Thus it ws
that ina.y were compelled to go all th
way from. Trout creek to the mines
diauuicoof about 85 miles without a bit
to eaA and loaded down with their blav
kola and prospecting outfit. This vr
several wceka ago , but more recentl
\uuch \ Btations. have been opened aloti
the w y.
The most intorestiiia feature of Ui
stampede at the time he went into tli
mines wns the wild excitement
provnilcd nraong tlio majority of the men.
Mnuy of thorn wore of the pilgrim class
and could not tell n placer mine from n
cabbage patch , Conoenuontly th y were
easily imposed upon by the old-time
stampcdcrs , who told thorn the most
glowing talcs in rcgord to the richness of
the mines nhead of them. They were alee
informed that hundreds of men were
pouring into the gulch dniant' 'hat
according to all reports the rich mines
would Boon bo all tnkon. There was a
poTtoptiblo quickening of apeed on
tlio part of the eastern oloruent every
lima tlicoo or similar stories ware circu
lated. .
For" llio first third of the way bora the
railroai ) the pftgrirrtt would pat'i their
outfits i'Mact , Then they would/ / hear
( and awallnw ) sorao of the exciting tales ,
and inighS bo seer * to secretly thiow away
a part ot' their load1. . By the time they
reached ths aummft , . they Ttould not bv7o
anything Irit their blankois and a litilo
grub loft. Then th y wouJd pull out for
the gold field * with Tonuwet ) rigor. Bu4
when they pet'half ' way doirn the slope ;
the actual ataajpedo would Icgin.Grub
and blankets would bo tossed to ono side
and the hurraing throng wonld picsa
onward like n lat'of'wiM'mon ' ' each otr.'v- '
ir.jf to roach thc-goldcn goal'lint. '
maotkhavo been the dlmppoir.trauht on
ror.ohing Eagle fiky to 2nd tlixtno min-
' being donethat none hod boon
done since wintar- sot ra > and that the
ehining troaauro , if rit existed iitraij , was
buriid beneath ikcp ; ' btsnks o9 snow ,
which-would not disappear untiriaummor
stampoie-left the trnFJin iho
condition , in many icspecti , . of thellno
of robuat of a deforced nrmyj.blfcokets ,
prpvisiono- , tools , slocistuul almost every
thing cPiv | > ortablo nninro required ! in anew
now carap. wcru strowaolong , ' botter' kel-
ter , on both sides of thro truilv The > late
corners , however , piofittod by it and
were umblod to fit thowsolvcn- with ,
almost anything they wanted -while gaing
into the mines , without the axpona * ol
buying or.thelabor of carrying ;
Vlill for tlio Shore- .
Lot ua Mi pull out of the sen ol aickzeas
pad dospondenay , and get onto a rock foumln-
Uon of RCt > d , ; 8t MK hoaltiii. llwJnfo UXxxi
liittcr * nro thiithbg to pull 5or. They aro-anai
bl the most-renowned health restoratives ever
stanufactund. . '
l ICE , .
&j > iotlilnp ; Now BoJilttd-i tliw Bus
Vurc Whisky TnltlnB * ho
"ithco'of lirandr <
New "Sbrk Sun says : On am ic -
boi of a sample room partitioned otftfcoxn
a wholesale liquor atoro was a block of ice
as clear as crystal , except a flaw in the
center , r-allapod , frosty , and dasdiaag
"Something now , " the bar-tender ex
plained , Bnosking off a chunk witb his
pick and breaking it into pieces , in a tum-
'bler , preparatory to mixing a. cooktail.
'DiHtilled-woSer ice. "
"Eapocially.for cocktails ? "
"Not exactly. Any one ca > .havo it in
h is water if ho wants it , or even lemon-
ie. "
"Is the ordinary goodness of a cocktail
iproved by frozen distilled water ? '
"That's aooording to tastaa. If any
n o wants to have filtny waterifor mixing
tiii i liquor with he's welcome to it , but I
0 n't want any in mine. It stands to
01 won that even the best Ilookland lake
Cortland lake ice must have impuri-
la 3 , although it is said that by the freez-
ng of the vrator the impurities are pro-
lip itatedi. Common sense ought to tell
, nj 'body that unless the now ice is gath-
ire d before impurities are sifted over it
'roi n the air or spread over it by surface
wat er from the banks it ca&ootbe por-
oct ly pure. Any physician will tell you
thai ; it is better in summer to keep a bot-
lo iof watermen ice than to keep a water
itaher. You don't have to mis impuri-
iea. then xome in the water and some in
ho ioo. Water around here ia txad
inotigh aayw y. Coming downtoraix-
ng "with lini era , if you have Rood liquor
ou should'hare good water ; Of source ,
if yC'U an-not particular about/your licjvwr
' .ho water dosm't make much difforenco.
omo foriy rou stuff will till'ihe taote of
'ast riven water. Distilled -nater by
tself is ratlor flat to the taato. It app-
lose a daohioE seltzer might puk an edge
n it , bui thai is carrying tho.inising too
'ar. For cooling a cocktail , a-Swittv. Ciui
tour , a milk punch , and the like , thisko
s uiuloultodiy the best , nnd.d oea-nona-
lon why it-should not como into-oommon
use in basrsooma. It doosn/t test much
more than < ordinary ice.
"By the way , speaking * off having
.hings pico , do you know that-many jJiy-
liciana hnv taken a decided stnad ; agfiinst
brandy for medicinal cur ] > osoaj They
iay thaiitho stud sold an.brandy ia go
reatly adulterated thaOit ia.harmloM to
pationta-and thar. it is almost impossibln
to buy in any ordinary , liquor atoro a
bottle of i pure brand/ . . And th j are
right , tuo. A man who , knowo hinisolf
doesn't' diink brandy. . Itiwill > buan him
out in- kiss than no. time , Ai little of
good brandy , and I nioau.b } thnfc pure
brandy , , is good , but you'll ' Sn&veiry little
of it. Wo have brandy , that is.pxre , and
nu have some that iiy s.goodia&.any deal
er's , , biit those phjflioiana , thai 1 spoke
of are recommending whioky in , place
of brandy. I think wo < iualo.iii.tihi3 coun
try tlio beat whiskymt tha. woId. The
priacipal thing ia lo keep it bag enough.
It ia. cheap , and if < anybody wants tin
puvo article ho can > by ooking. The
whisky that goee.over ihia-bar every day
irj uAiuifactured in the hnn made , sou ;
nuuih , fire-copper vay , being single and
doubted in copper stilla-oveg open wocc
firt'B. It ia diutillo'liJroia the most carefully -
fully aolected aorn , ay.O ) , aoxl barley nidi ,
In Uio proce&ecf f ermoutation no chemica
be foreign yo t or.otliup . iteleterious Duh
[ BtaucuB are omploy.odv aa. is the case ir
the mauu&tctura ol some .vliis
kies that ; wOL Varn a a an'i
throat , but a portion ef the boor ofi the
previous distillation , ia used for that-put. "
poao. Tli * proco33.oE distillation fc.muol
elowor than ihut of iha other whiakjos
but the .result obtainird is in every roapss
superior. By iho slowneaa of fermenta
tion tha Ronoralion of fusil oil , w&c )
rondora the cliaapt-st whisky so mjujctdu
to health , in-aluioit entirely obviated. Bj
the unproved atilla and manner of distil
latiya all deleterious substances ova sejia
ratsd from tha spirit. For _ regulavtirinl
I should poofor whiiky to any licjisor tha
Jhavo oT.e tasted. "
"Do won drink much behind tin
bar ? "
"As a general rule , not much. I havi
known bor-tonders whs do iu know tin
taste of liquor , but they are rare birds
A Uur-touder that dunks too much eooi
lias to pay for his drinks ia front of thi
bar. It isn't uecouary for a bar-tondo
to experiment wift mixed drinks by taat
iii all of them. If ho knows the ingra
dionta of a mixed driuk , and keeps ki
eyes open , ho will sooii harn to ruit th
regular drinkvrs , and in time the yarti
oular drinkbrv , who wnut just so > umcl
for hot drink , or so much bitters , and s
much of this and that for cock.iai ) . Ii
fact , if I do say it myself a lK
not BO bad as ho is painted , "
The Largest Stock in Omaha and Mes the Lowest Prices
Just received an assortment far surpassing nnytln ng in thin market , comprising
the latest and moat tnaty doniqna manufactured for this spring's trade and covering
ft rnngo of prices from the Cheapest to the most Expensive.
Parlor Goods Draperies.
Now ready for the mspectiou of cus Complete stock o nil the latest
tomers , the newest novelti's in sidles in Tare oninn. Mndrns and
Suits and1 Odd Pieces. Imcu CurU ins , Etc. , Etc.
Passenger Elevator to aL1. Floors.
120C , 1208 and 1210 Fnratim Street , - - - - OMAHA , NEB >
Office and Yard , 6th and Douglas Sts , ,
131B and 1820 Earnoy Btreot 'and'403 B. 181hB ; reel , \
llastraUd iml Iren uoon at > pll it < ni > . '
Growers of Bive Stock and Others.
Our Ground Oil Cake.
It lathe best and cheapest food tormtoaic of any klad. One pound la equal to three pounds of corn ,
took lea withrOraund Oil Cake la the Fall ana tVlccor , uwwid of rinnlnR down , will Inctoaeo In weight-
and be In good markotabla nobd-tlon In tne epnn . Diucyraen , M rfoll a others , who use It can teHlfy to-
U merits. Try It and ju4c { or yoorwilveii. Prloe $2B.OU per . K i ; DO charge ( or eocks. . Address
wnnnv. , ii)8RnnVIMT.AJJY Ora h Neh
lCO nil 103 South 14th StreetOmftliov ; Nebraska. "Correspondence SAlidtcd.
FitiivHavarm , Hey \Vcsbanil Domestic Cigars. AllStandard ) Brands Tobaccos.
Trial Ortfers Solicited : Satisfaction Guaranteed , \ ° 7
103. BRADY ST. , DAV3SNPORT , IOWA , D. S > A. Eatabliahod 1878 Catarrh ,
Deafness , Lung aud Nervous Diseases Speedily and Pormnnontfy Cured. PationU
Ourod at Homo. Write for "Tun BlEDiOAiiTMcoaioNAiiv , " fcntho People , Free ,
Onnoultation and Oorrespondonco Gratis. P. O. Box _ 92. Tolo'ihono No. 26.
. HON. E.'DvVA\llD' RUSSELL , Poatmastor , Davenport , says : "Physician ol
Kea ADtiu/ aim Marked Suocoaa. " OONGRSSSMAN MIS11PHY , Davenport ,
p it < m ; An mnuiraMn MAH. Fine Succoaa. Wonderful Onren. " Hour * . R * B
IA09and l4lliDodficSt , . OMAHA. NEB
Itt2t "North Eighteenth Street , Oranlm , ou Street Car Line
Time Tpth Unnro Wi
LTimhPP I LllllG , Lalll , UUUlo. nfl
Orftdss nud prices as joe < l nnd low as any in the city. Please try IT