Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1884, Page 7, Image 7

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    4tMt W V * * * R - V-
im\ \ i Jliitfii i hiffit l yjAMliiiifcAiiiiiimiliittr ' ll
' ' WfTOM fwiwpWiP' '
Hallway Time Table ,
The following are the times of the arrival ntl do-
pirturo of trains by central standard time , kt the
local depot * . Trulni leave transfer depot ten roln.
earlier toil arrive ten minutes later.
fi:40 : p m Chicago KxproM 9.40 ft in
0:46 : a m F.u Hall. 7:00 : p IT
10:10 : a m Mull and Express , 0:13 : p m
8:24 : p m racing Express , 6SS : p m
r.-.Z ! , p m Express , 0:40 : a m
& .4S a m Express , 0.65 p m
6.SO p ra Atltntic Express , 0:40 : n m
B.WIam Day Express , 0:50pm
7lfiam : 'Dcs Ifolnes Acoommodatlon , 4:40 : pm
At local depot only ,
n AH ASH , BT , u > um ASDtrACin
0:55 : K m Mall , 4:45 : p m
4:50 : pm Cannon Hall , 11:16 : am
At Transfer only.
CIIICAOO and KoiunwrsTitRX.
6:30 m Expresn , 0.50 p m
0:45 : a min I'aclfllo Express , 0.45am
mm sionx CUT AND rActric.
m 8t Paul Exprou , 0:00 : & m
in Accommodation , 0:50 : p m
17:69 : p m Western Express , SK > a m
1:44 : am 1'actfla K > prci , 4:31 : p in
7:43 : n m Local ExpreBi , 0.54am
12:14 : am Lincoln Kxprcsi ,
At Tran for only.
Leave S:24-B.24-10-21-11:21 : : a. m. 1:54-3:21-3.31- : :
4:24-6:24-0:21-7:24 : : : : and 11:04 : p , m Surday , Sil- :
10:21 : a. m. l:24-3 : : 4-5:2t-7oi : : ami 11:04 : p. in. Ar-
live Hi ) minutes bcturo Icxvlni ; time.
Consumers ot Water I
City Waterworks Oom'y
KcqucHi of tlio City Council ,
ter a 30 dtya * extension ai evidenced by resolution
puucd March IS , 13 U , hereby aim iiincei that It
will put In service pipes t > the curb ot the street
on the line of its nnliu , ( ora'l ' partio * who Ucslr.i
oonnoctiona made with thu street malnn , and who
will make oppiloitlon therefor to the company before
fore tb9 expiration of said 30 day * ' extension ,
APRIL 18 , 1884 ,
At tbo following prices , payable In advance :
Ono half Inch Sen Ice Pipe . (325
Five clshth Inch STV Ice IMpn . 0 (0
Three quarter inch Sen led Pipe . 10 76
Seven-eight Inch Service flpo . 13 25
Ono Inch Sen Ice 1'ipo . 15 00
Thcso prices Includa the cost of npcnlnir and
closing the street , tapping tlio stroH \\atcr main ,
furnishing and putting In extra etron lead service
pipe , furnishing and putting In euro stop , stop box
and cover complete , nml making all nccumry con
nections bstnocn the street nat'r mi In and the
curb ot the street , which nra about one-hall tno
cost to the cnnsu rcr ot doing the lame u ork.
In view of the contcmplvtd pavln ; of certain
street * In the city , partlo are recommended to make
application Immediately , at the olllca of the com-
piny ,
26 Pearl Street ,
In order to stvo the necessity and avoid the In-
croa < ed expense of brcakln ; up fho ttrcct after pav
ing has been done.
# TTAttRY BiniJlNniNK ,
Chief Engineer.
* _
At the well-known Establishment
1 ?
ki 209 Upper Broaaway , the
Of Council Bluflj. Notice our rcducoa Price List
We gio
1C poundi Ettra O Sugar for . Slot
11 pounds Granulated Silirar . 1 ( K
25 poundi Choice Oatmeal . . 1 0 <
25 pounds Navy Deans . 1 0 (
20 pounds B t Hulk SHrch . 1'0 (
12 pounds Carolina Rico . 1 0 (
12 pounds Choice tniti'9 . 101
2S bars Bnllalo Soip . IOC
Extra Lake Trout , per pound . W
Choice Mluco Meat p-r pound . 10
1 dozen Mackerel . 11
Colorado Flour , U'lntor , per c t . 2 9f
10 pounds Qlnccr Si api . 1 CC
40 pounds h mlof . ICC
6 gallon lie' 8311111 . 1 7C
White Fish , per kit . BC
Mackerel , nor kit . 8'
Uatcsjper pound . 1C
All grades , according to quality , 15o to 80o ixsi
Wo also carry a full line of Mon'n , Ijullcs' am
Cn'ldren's flue Shtx-n nml Men'- Fine Boots at ten
low price * , alaot full line oi Tinware and gonoia
inercliandleo. Call on 119 and bo convinced tba < yet
cansito iiiunoy Vdoalini ; with ui. Goods JelUercc
free In anv part of the city.
Iu . . word , we arfl bound to cell and challenge a
laudttiJo comix-tltlon In this cuuntv.
J. 1' . riLBERT1
209 upper llroid * ay.
- ! \
Open 10:00 : . in. , 2COn.m and 730j ; > . in. ,
Monday , \\tiducsday and f rlJay c\o
No objtictlonablocharactcruwill be admitted ,
"Tho wicked shall bo turned into hell
and the nations that forgot God. Ant
the snmo Hhiill drink of the wino of UK
wrath of God , which 8 poured out with
out inicturo into the cup of indignation
and ho shall ho toriuontcd with fire ane
brimstone in the pruaonuo of the holj
angels and i' > the proBonco ot tbo Lamb ,
E. Rice M. D.
ntTfri'TJDQ or other tumors removed without Uu
UzlHutinO , Knlfo or drawing ot Mood.
Over thirty yeacairai.tcr.l ) ! ( iiperlenoe Office No
n Pearl vtr 't , Uuuuril
ll tloii Irmi
Justice of tlie Peace ,
Uaiaim ana Counoil Hlutlr.
Itcal xctta rollocion itfnOHFu'bv
OlOf n.ltllL" | < btnlr ,
Mrs HJ Hilton M.fl
, , , , . ,
323 . Council BluQ .
Tooa. orrioiB , n. ii. rcur.
Council Bluff * . . U.
Established - -
Dealuila FotelKn ind oaeitlo Eichine ki
HOOK Stcuriti
They Beautify the Altars and the
Pulpits ,
Appropriate Sermons nud Services
at All tlio Olmrohes.
Tlio Children's Htiuro In tin ; Day.
Tlio clouds above and the mud boncnth
made tlio dawning of Enstor Sunday very
unpropitious for any very gront obsotv-
nnco of the day , but despite tlio gloominess -
ness of the exterior , the interiors of the
churches were blooming indeed , and the
[ > owa well filled with worahippcra and
ioUmers. No Easter Sunday for years
lias boon HO generally observed by the
churches , ( 'specially as regards lloral decorations -
orations , as yesterday , and this WAS the
inoro noticeable bccnuso there is not this
pear the usual abundauco of ilowors from
wliich to draw the desired adornments
'or pulpits and alters. The attempt to
make the interior of the churches thus
jnautiful attracted more than usual nt-
iontiouto the fact that Council Blulla ,
while it has has strong and wealthy
church organizations , has not a single
church building which ia really worthy oi
such n city , and yesterday's attempt to
Beautify could not butrovivo the oft aakod
luestion and send it homo with peculiar
force , why do not someof thcso strong
churches proceed with the erection of
buildings which are in keeping with tlio
size and financial standing of the city ?
Easer is especially observed by the
ritualistic churches , and St. Paul's > vas
filled yesterday. The floral decorations
were many and beautiful. The inarblo
: ont was nearly hidden by a profusion of
roses and vines , there baing one hundred
ami twenty roses ot various colors , this
decoration being the especial work of
ilrs. J. N. Baldwin , who sent to Chicago
'or the flowers. A largo cross of calla
ilics , immortelles , white roses and other
lowers , all snowy white , stood above the
iltar. It was arranged by Mr. Caspar ,
; ho florist , and was the tribute of Air.
Frank Pusoy. There was in front of
.ho cahncol rail n pyramid of foliage plants
and plants in blossom , while roses of cut
flowers , clambering vines , stands of
plants , and other adornments made the
whole effect very pleasing. Little baskets
of flowers hung from the arches of the
doors and the chandeliers. The cut
flowers were all Caspar's and were very
tastily arranged.
The choir consisted of Mr. and Mrs.
Marshall Troy nor , Mrs. N. O. Ward , and
Mr.Vm. . Troynor , and the following
was the order of music :
1 Voluntary Organ
2 faster anthem Christ Our 1'n sever
3 Glorias Jackson nud LUnks
4 To Deum Laudutnus Lyon
5 Jubilate Dee Jnclcaou
0 llvmu
7 Olfertory Sola
"The llcsuirection1 Holdou.
8 Hymn
Ituv. Mr. Mackay , the rector , preached
an appropriate und excellent sermon , in
which ho gave the story of the resurrec
tion , and its application to practical life.
In the afternoon a children's service
wao hold in which enrols were sunn ,
Easter cards distributed and other inter
esting features presented , the moat novel
of which was the "jug-breaking.1 The
children of tha Sunday school have baon
gathering in little jucs , made for the
purpose , their Easter offerings , and the
breaking of thcso jugB and the giving of
the money therein contained , Bennett to
delight them greatly , and certainly inter
ested all who were present , young and
There were masses at the Catholic
church yesterday at (5 o'clock , 8 o'clock ,
and ' . ) o'clock , and high mass at 10:30
The church was beautifully decorated
and excellent music was provided by a
choir consisting of the Misses Garner ,
Auivorda , and Dohany and Messrs Ed.
Becker , Etigono Inuoldshy , and J. A.
Murphy , while Miss Amelia Paschcl pre
sided at the organ. Rev. Father Bun-
non , ot Darlington , Wis. , an old friend
and classmate of Rev. Father McMcn-
omy , preached an excellent sermon , after
which came the benediction of the most
holy sacrament.
Broadway M. E , church was quite
elaborately decorated. Festoons wore
extended from dragonod corners of the
church , crossing the center chandelier.
Upon the walla appeared a number of
largo framed pictures , mostly landscapes ,
while on the wall back of the pulpit wore
three mottoa , the central ono being "Tell
His Disciplea That Ho Is Risen , " on out
side of which appeared "All Hail , " or
the other "Peace Bo Unto You. Jusl
below the central motto or tezt , was huiijj
a beautiful picture representing n , maiden
about to pick up a cross of flowers , wliik
Christ appealing to her oflorshor anothoi
cross , There were stands of flowers and
plants , bouquetsoto , in profusion , Among
the adornments appeared n largo and
beautiful Kastor caid a passion flowoi
lying upon a cross. It was received the
other day from Omaha , directed to "The
Members of Broadway M. K. Oliurch , "
Rev. J. / . Armstrong , the pastor ,
preached an Kastor acrmou from the toxl
which appeared above him on the wall ,
"Toll His Disciples That Ho la Risen. '
The disfourao was historical largely in it :
character , and ho formed the history ol
nations of the world into a pyramid witli
Chrint OB the apex. All events before
C'hriet'n coming to his mind pointed to
wards Him , and all since referred back tc
Last evening the Sunday school hold n
service which wua both entertaining and
novfi ] , it being on "tfjg-bcatiiij. ; " Tin
children had been accumulating tlieiranv
ing * in cg J. und the breaking of thust
and contributing the money to the Hun
duy school , wai accompanied by nveil
service niid recitation of passage * of scrip
turo. An intarnsting address was aUi
given by the pastor ,
The altar and pulpit of the Congrcga
tional church yesterday were transformed
into almost a uuinmor bower , blooming
with beauty. A cross of white llowers ,
with border ef green , was placed upor
tlio organ. la front of the pulpit ap
neared another snowy white cross and t
heart below it. Upon the coimnuuior
table were vases containing calla-lilios
while on each itclo of the pulpit were
stands of potted plants , many of thorn in
bloom , and this floral display extended
from ono atdo of the church clear to the
other. The ushers were button-holo
bouquoto , and flowers abounded every
The pastor , Rev. Cyrus Ilnmlin , gave
ono of his best sermons , wliich is saying
much. His thomowas , the resurrection ,
and ho dwelt upon the inner life being
the proat essential rather than the exter
nal body. Ho throw out some very in
teresting suggestions as to the probable
characteristics of the spiritual body , which
would bo the body of the resurrection.
was also ducorated , though not s pro
fusely as Bomo of the others. There
were about the base of the pulpit and
edge of the platform a largo number of
plants in bloom , and bouquets of cut
.lowers . woio placed in conspicuous places.
Tlio pastor , Rev. J. 0. Lemon , took an
his text 1st Cor. 15 : 1-4. Ho dwelt
upon the theme of the resurrection , and
spoke especially concerning Easter day.
Ho showed that it was a modification of
n heathen festival , and that while the
Puritans went to ono extreme in utterly
disregarding the day , there should bo
caution used against { { oing to the other
extreme and making too much r > f the day
Ho found "E.istor" mentioned but once
in the Bible , and there it was n mistrans
lation , the passover being referred to.
The exact date of the resurrection could
not bo determined. Ho was glad to
speak upon E.istor and its lessons , be
cause the thoughts of the people wcro
more or less upon that subject , but ho
cautioned his hearonj not to lay too much
stress upon the mere observance of days.
was almost packed. There was not an
empty neat. The announcement that the
Rev. Dr. Ololand , now of Kookuk , waste
to occupy the pulpit , was ono of the
reasons for so largo a congregation. For
many years ho was the pastor of thin
church , and not only do the church fok
feel strongly attached to him , but the
citizens generally , among whom
do lived so long have great
respect and admiration for him. The
church was beautifully dooratod. The
platform was almost covered with ire
stands filled with plants in bloom , while
there was a great abundance of cut
flowers in various designs. On the wall
above the pulpit appeared "Christ is
Risen , " A beautiful floral star was sus
pended at ono side of the pulpit. In
trent of the pulpit was a largo cross
made of calla lilies. Upon the organ
rested a white sickle. These decorations
were arranged under the direction of
Miss Julia Officer. Excellent music was
provided , the choir consisting of Misses
Baldwin , ) Ybitnoy , Joalin , and Messrs.
Wylio , Parsons , Judd , Stubba and Cook ,
with Mr. .Tudaon as organist. Rev. Dr.
Cluland preached a very interesting and
thoughtful service from the text : "Con
sider the lilies , how they grow. "
II , liuerdorf loft Saturday for a three
months' trip to Kuropo and a visit to his old
homo in Germany.
lira. T. A. Clark loavea to-day over tlio
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. I'uul for a visit tc
to Wibconain friends , intending to atop at
Milwaukee , Slioboygan Falls and otliei
Miss Nellie Larimer , of Omaha , is isitinf
her friend Miss Mollie Kico.
J. C. Bixby has gone to Chicago oil a bus ! ,
ness trip.
Kov. J. 0.1.omen returned Saturday from
Glonwood , wheio ho has boon dollvorinp f
uoursa of lectures , and workincr up the inter'
cstn of the Homo of tlio Fiiondlees. Ho tint
week goes to Atlantic on a timllar mission ,
and will doubtless bo heaitily welcomed there
and hin addresses given the attention thoj
Professor George S. Houghton , ofTubci
college , spent Sunday in the city. Ho has
occupied a chair in that college for twelve
yoara or inoro , and ! H considered ono of the
boct professors of mathematics in thu weet.
K. A. Kin ; ; , of Ida Grove , was at tlio Ogden
Harry Hunter , of Cedar Itapids , upon !
Easter at tlio Ogdon.
C , O. Johnson , of Chicago , is at tin
Fred H. l'eaoy , of Sioux City , was at tin
liechtolo yesterday.
A. Kalian , of Murray , Iowa , was a Sunda ;
guest at Bcchtelo'a.
C. S. Sherman , of Missouri Valley , was a
the Pacific yesterday.
! ) . C. Anderson , of Shelby , was at the Pa
cifio ywtenlay.
It. C. llowoll , who Mime time since left hi
position at the transfer * nd went to C Aid well
Iduhf > , to work for the U. P. , has returned.
I Ion I KHIUIO TrnnttlCTH.
The following deeddwore filed for record
cord in the recorder's office , Apr !
12 , reported for THE UKK by P. J. Mo
Mahon , real cstato agent :
E. 0. Cole to W. T. Cole , part out-lo
3 , Jackson'a add § 800.
Hannah Whittaker to Juntus Whicta
kor , uu } BO | , 12 , 7C , -ri80. .
N. P. Dodge , trustee , et al. to Inflo
pendent School District , lots n , U , 7 , 8
U , and 10 , block 0 , Park adu § 3,000.
W. Siedohopf to M. Clattorbuck , lol
1 , block 1C , Stutaraan'a 2d add 70.
Caroline E. Rand to Mary A. Barbel
ot al. . c\ " \ , swj , 12 , and noj 13 , 75 , J2-
§ 1,000.
Samuel B. Lewis to John 0. Lewis
sol , aejh , and part of tie ] , soj 7 , 7-1 , 43-
Bickel Ilarcourt to Mary Bass , n.1. , aoi
10 , 74 , a 81,000.
Brigham Gruybill to E , L. Shugart
lots 1 and 2 , block 0 , Underwood 8100 ,
0. , R. I. & . P. R. U. Co. to Elizi
Mauck , nej , nej 18 , 74 , 41 8400.
Fremont Benjamin to Christian Peter
non , lot 0 , block 23 , Avoca § 280.
0 , D. Watts to 0. F. Pratt ot al. , aoj-
80J 8 , 70 , 44 8350.
Total sales , § 11,085.
Tlio Kafct Jfull.
A change is now made in the runuiii (
of the fast mail from Chicago to Cuunci
Bluffd , the change to go into effect to
day. Heretofore the fust train luivinj
Chicago at 3 a. ru , , overtook the rcgul.i
train , which loaves' Chicago four hour
earlier , the regular train taking on tlt <
fast nmil at Ottumvra. By the notr ar
raiigoment the faJ > t mail train wi'l ' star
as before , but will run clear through t <
Council Blulfr , arriving here in tlio evening
ing , as before.
There wan a row at the K 0. ( tree
last night , on lower Main Btreot , ii
which Wiu. Gibson , the proprietor , hi
bartender , and John and Jainoa Dove
ney were participant * . Policeman flnr
ley quieted the affair , and marched thi
Dcvonoy brothers to police hoiidquftrten ,
ono of them having his face quito sovoro-
y cul < _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Democratic Doings.
The democrats hold tho'r ' primaries
Saturday evening and the following were
chosen delegates to the county conven
tion to bo hold on the 17 th inst. :
FIIIST WAUD. Frank Ouanolla , Jcsso
Walters , J. B. Lewis , P. Lncoy , George
Uolmcs , C.-Oeiso ,
Sr.coNi ) WAUD. Thomas Bowman , Wil-
, iam Brix , William Lacy , John Temple-
ion , George Graves , William Grouowog ,
W. R , VaiiRhan.
Tiiiui ) WAUD. M. G. Griffin , Goort-o
Blaxaim , John Green , Oliver Lower , P.
FOUUTH WAUD. W. 0. James , W. H.
Ware , Wells Cook , J. J. Frainuy , James
Madden , 0. P. Wickham , J. J. Luu , E.
E. Aylesworlh , C. R. Mitchell.
Opening ,
Despite the disagreeable weather a
argo nunibor of ladies attended the mil-
inery opo'ting at Bliss' Saturday. The
display is not only very creditable to that
establishment , and is in keeping with its
woll'Oarncd reputation of being always at
.ho front , but is also ono creditable to
any city. All the latest and prettiest
styles of bonnota and hats , and many
lovollicH too many to enumerate but
all interesting , especially to tlio ladies ,
were displayed in n vuiy tasty manner.
As fast as other now styles appoir in
Sow York they will bo received at Bliss' ,
and the regular summer opening will oc
cur in about three weeks.
Wheat No. 2 spring , G.'c ; No. 3 , C5c ; ro-
octod , OOc ; Rood domain ) .
Corn Loalors nro paying 30o for old corn
and fiOc for new.
Oats In good demand at 30c.
Hny I 006 00 per ton ; COc per balo.
Kyo I0@ nc.
Corn Mail 1 Uf. per 100 pounds.
Wood Good supply ; prices at yards , C 00@
700.Coal Delivered , hard , 11 50 per ton ; eoft ,
1 00 per ton
Lard Falrbank's , wholoiallng at .We.
Flour-City Hour , I CO ® ! ! 30.
Brooms 2 Qr @ 3 00 per doz.
Cattle 3 50@4 00 ; calvon , 5 C0@7 50.
HojfB Local packois ore buying now and
, hora Is a good demand for all grades ; choice
packing , G 25 : mixed , fi 25.
Quotation ? by .T , M. St. John & Co. , com
mission merchants , 538 Broadway.
Butter Creamery , 35c ; ck"ico country rolls ,
u irood demand , 0c.
Kggs 12Jo per dozen.
Poultry lloady HalocliickonBdreisoil ; , 124cj
Ivo , ic ) ; turkeys , clnnsod , 15o ; liyo , IL'c ;
ucks , dressed , 1-ic ; live , He.
OraugBH I 00 ® I 25 per box.
Lemons 3 00@4 00 per box.
Bananas 2 50@3 GO per bunch
Vegetables Potatoes , 40@50 ; onions , Tiiuj
cabbage , none in the market ; apples , roaily
sale at 3 L'5@4 00 for prime stock.
" 'Tis a sot ot ioaturps , n complexion
Tlio tlncturo of a skin that I admire , "
In using Poaronl's coniploxion powder ,
Vairebt charms vouill ncnuiro
The Y. M. 0. A. will moot this evening.
All members are requested to bo present.
The annual election of officers will take
place. _ _
A BurJIiiKlSii XcRro's Search In u
Dissecting Uaoin.
Elijah Wilson , a brawny negro six foot
high and a resident of the horror stricken
own of Burlington , N. J. , shuttled up
the two flights of stairs loading to the
dissecting room of the Jefferson Medi
cal college on Saturday , and , bursting
into the retreat of the cadaver-carving
medical students , startled thorn with a
cry of terror.
"My Godl" ho gasped , rolling his eyes
in an agony of fear and clinging help
lessly t6 the knob of the half closed door
"My Godl is dis d' place wha" doy cuts
up d' cullud chillen don steals from d'
pee ah black folks ? "
The half dozen students in the room
looked at each other in consternation.
"Is ho a lunatic ? " some one asked.
In a moment the stranger had recov
ered suflioiontly to speak intelligibly.
"Dis is a dissectin' room , ain't it ? " ho
inquired , still glancing nervously at tht
silent airay of subjects that graced the
double line of tables. "An1 yo' follows
am d' medical stujonts ? " ho demanded ,
striding across the floor to where the
group of youthful demonstrators stood ,
amused and puzzled , brandishing thoii
scalpels over a quartered cadaver.
"What does my friend want to know ? '
mildly and insinuatingly ventured an
embryo doctor , picking up the crown
of a skull and twirling it between his fin-
The negio leaned against the table , ant
in advertoutly touching the trunk of f
subject , drew buck with renewed terror ,
Presently ho explained , speaking nervously -
ly but volubly :
"I'm 'pointed a committee , I am , tc
see what dts yar ubductiu' buaincet
means. "
Then , seeing the numsonu'nt on the
faces of hia huurera , ho exclaimed more
vehemently :
"I'm from Burlington , I am , an' I'm
gwino to sue if d' faculty of d' ' college :
uun't put a stop to U' utujents comin
down our way artor d' clullon. I'm
gwino to look rouu' dis place , " ho added <
dod , "an * if dah's anything 'upicious , bj
golly , duro'll bo trublo Bomowlm' . "
The uncovering of the body of a col
ored man made the belligerent visitor ,
"Wha wha whar yo' git tliatl" lit
A kindly student volunteered the information
mation that the deceased colored mat :
had bequeathed his body to the collogt
because of his desire to promote eciontilii
"Yo' ain't got no chillon down hyar ] '
ho naked suspiciously.
Assured to the contrary the visitor tjrov
calmer and explained that the oxcitameul
in Burlington ever the attempted ubduo
tion of Lewis Htill and the ROES boys bj
a gang of supposed medical students 01
collegu agents had become aoourioua that
at the suggestion of several leading col
ored citizunH , ho hud conio to Philadolphii
und by going through the dissecting
rooms mid \vuitiiic upon the faculties o
the several colleges uud medical schools
ho hoped to nuke BOIUO arrangement bj
which the body tmutchera could bo pru
vented from visiting the town , Ho w > u
ussurrud by thotituUonts that any uttomp
to 8uo the professors or other Icadiii ]
medical lights on Saturday would hi
futile , anil thu colored visitor finally departed
parted , with , the intention , ho uaid , o
returning homo until to-day , when In
would begin his round of iuvcstitution ; ii
earnest. Ilia duparturo was tlio BUJIIU
tor a roar of laughter ,
"Tlicro'a no doubt that the colorei
> ooplo of Burlington nchntlly bcliovo
.huso ehikhtculiUjj stories , " eai'd n young
iliysicmn , who had bonn an interesting
istouer ; "my folks live in Burlington ,
and thuy write mo thM no such cxcito-
iniiit was over known up there as at pro-
soiit exists among the negroes of the
lorth end of the town. "
The con vernation driftccUnlo ft discus-
eioii ot some of the mysterious methods
ascribed to medical colleges. An oc-
MMonnl interpolation of "Got off my
icadl" or "I'm going to trade my log
'or Miller's arm , varied the conversa
Uno student told , amid ehouta of
"Chestnut , chestnut , " how a criminal
mngod and tftkon to n dissecting-room ,
\r.ia found to bo altvo when the scalpel
cut him. Another had soon babies smug-
into the vat-room b the score and
slipped away to distant colleges , and still
another know of caaos in Cincinnati and
other western citioa where within half A
lay from the .time of giving an order
or a subject a fresh , almost warm
: .idavnr would bo delivered to the col-
etjo usually taken from a class of poo-
iltt among whom a disappearance would
> o liKuly to pass unnoticed , Some fear-
ul jams were spun.
"You never hoard Forbes toll about
ho tuicak-thief ciught up huro stealing
an ' 85 man watch , did youf" asked thu
nan whnjiad addressed the Burlingtoiiian
vivisnonoN Tnuuoiis.
"They caught him trying to hide the
wntch under it 'cad.1 In aminutu u dozen
ollovrs had him disrobed , bound and
trotchcd out on a table. His qualities
is a subject for dissection were lingering-
y discussed , und the culprit was told to
iroparo himself for the other Torld. The
> pporlunity , they said , of proving certain
lucstioiis only to bu soU od by vn iaoc-
tion was ono not to bo neglected The
irisonor writhed and shrieked with hor-
or , Ho thought his hot hour had conio.
L'ho fellows looked awfully in earnest ,
ou know , and ho believed they actually
ntonded to carve him up. Ho swore and
lellowed , and once when ho touched an
inn on the table by hia aide ho nearly
vent into convulsions. Ono man sug-
; astod that the subject bo kept alive us
eng as possible , and that , to ensure a
successful study of the veins , hia skin
ihould bo removed from the entire body ,
) cginning at the feet.
"Tho lines of the first incisions woio
marked with a pencil and the chosen
iporabirs took their positions , the knives
n their hands. The rest gathered around
vitli interested faces. The badly-fright-
onod thief had become quiet from oz-
laustion. " The narrator paused a moment
as ho skillfully raised a cordon of mus
cles and separated them ono by ono from
.ho . ligaments.
"And what then ? " asked an anxious
"What then ? Why , the boys thought
hat was enough of ono kind of fun , so
took him , naked as ho was , and
loused him in the picklp-tub. Then , after
lirocting himtoattiro himself in his shirt ,
hey led him down to the back street and
ot him loose. What became of him is a
mystery. "
The students wiped off their forceps
and scalpels , laid cloths dampened with
vlcohol across the faces of the dead , drew
up tnn canvas covers that protect the
subjects in quiet hours from the sunlight ,
and loft the room ono by one , laughing
and speculating on the promised return
of the "committoo of one from Burling
ton. "
Great ICiiKlnocrliiK "Work ,
Ono , of the wonders of marine engineer
ing is the ship canal th tough the 1 < inland
say from ht. Petersburg to Oronstadt , in
Russia. The bay between the two citiei
s shallow that formerly only vessels ol
very light draft could conio to St. Peters
3urg , and in consequence an enormoui
amount of litorago was necessary , tlu
cost of whicn , some § 5,000,000 annually
jocoming altogether too burdensome foi
; ho St. Petersburg trade. Sirico the
completion of the canal mentioned , tht
argest vessel employed in the Baltu
trade can reach St. Petersburg. The
canal is seventeen miles long , and it
formed by two enormous breakwater !
running parallel to each other 2"5 feel
apatt. BotvTooon thorn a channel of the
uniform depth of 22 foot luo been
dredged. About half way between the
two cities thn canal is widened to a har
bor of refuge about ono milo square , alsc
formed by breakwaters. The lat
ter are almost entirely con
structed of cribs filled _ will :
stone , which were generally sunk in winter -
tor time when the bay was frozen ovoi
solid. The cribs as much as thren fool
thick , and sunk through holes cut in the
ice. This work was by no means free
from danger , for frequently the watoi
would sudd only rise through the hole
made and flood the camp ( f the laborers ,
who had then to worK standing knee
deep in cold wator. _ At otliei
times a sudden snow utonn , in which i
was impossible to stand erect , woulc
force the laborers to win the const , crawl
ing a distance oi three miles or mon
over the ico. To complete the canal , r
was necessary to sink about 12,000OOC
cubic foot of rock and BtoncB , while t <
while to deepen Urn channel 230,000,00 (
cubio feet of earth had to bo removed
Of course Buch an undertaking was possible
siblo only in Russia , and at the time whoi
her population wan atill largely made u |
of 8i > rfn , whom labor could bo had for tin
cost of board and clothing.
Fifteenn Ball Pool , Carom
llALtS , CI1KCKH , 1.10.
18 Bouth 8d Btreot.8t. Irtills , 411 Delawtro Btroel
Kixnom City , Mo. , 1821 Doiinhs St. , Omih * , Neb.
flirScnd furCat&loguei and 1'rlco Lints.
_ _ _ tt ) H
In April , May nd Juno , 1WI. I'AbSAfli : TIOKLTI
by ad ATt.AM'10 HrKASIIIKS. Hpwlal facilltloii fo
ocurinir GOOD iiKiuiii louumrIIUKKW fo
tnvcl'nlu iUIUl'K : , bv a'l rdutea , at reduced rales
COOK'H EXUUIUI JNI8T , * ith laaja mid full par
UouUn. bymalllOctntH. A-'ilitM '
'IHOa. 0 )1K * hOK , ' ,1 Utovl ay , W. Y.
Illl. II. II. K AUK , ff tlit
ti , imt t c r.l.l > ir < l Iellj < | i > Ulr lf. 1W | .llui (
In the blond Is apt to show Itfclf In the spring , and
tiittma thnuld by all meingba aralitrd In throwing It
tff , Snllt's Specific does thli cltccthcly. Ul
purely tcgctablc , non poisonous tcmcdywhlch helps
tntuiotn torroall the pjlton or taint out through
ho porci of the skin.
Mr. Hoboit A , Hauler , of Dloknon , Tenn. , writes ,
undci tUto March 10 1S34 ! "Ihad child and 'ever
followed by rhcmnHim , for three jcars , so that !
UAnnot able toatttn.l to my business : bad 1n d al
most omy kin lot medicine , and found no relict ,
A tilcnd recommended Swift's Spcclfl.0. itrl'd ono
tiottlo ind my health begun to hiproto. 1 continued
until I had tskcn lx buttles , and It Imi lot ma on
my feet , astound ami n ell useier. I rocominend It
to all similarly Illlcttd. "
I.tttcri from twenty ttiroo (23) ( ) of the leading retail
ilruimUU o Atlanta , t\yt iirdcrdato of Mirch24tb ,
1R > < I : " \Vo sell inoro of bnlft's Hpcclflo than any
other one icniedy , and tlireo to ten times as much as
any other blood mejlclno.eiclllltci all clwcn ,
and many of the hist famllloi uio it as a cencral
health tonic ,
OurtrcAtlso on Blooil and Skin Diseases milled
tree M | 'i > iiwAiits.
N Y. Omno. IROW.aM St. . bctnecn nth an'l Ti'li fcn
* ,
ipPMANLY VlaOH,8pcrmatorr
, etc. , when Ml other rcmo
fall. A curt guaranteed.
. l.M ft bottle , l rgo liollln , foul
tliucn tha quntlty. } 5. Uy ox.
prcfs to any luldrots. Sold b )
"drngKliits. KNOL18H MKDI.
, , , . , ,
.IN8T1TUTK , rroirlclor | , 718 OHva Btroot , St.
'oul , Mo.
"Iha\osoldSlrAstloyOooi ) r' Vital Hestoratm
orvisw. Kvrry customer speaks hlnhly ol It. 1
aniiotiitatlngljondorto Itasn remedy of true mo It
"It K OOMUN , Drue " '
' " - - -
'iwnhn rt *
A Qooil iVrticlo sold on 13us
inoss Pi injuries.
In uao upon the houses of tha
best mon in Omaha , who unhusi-
. . . tntingly recommend it. Endorsed
14 ] by reliable sciontiliu mon in other
places. Manufactured from the
. . best conpor this metal has eight
I times the conductive power of iron
" - \ having a double ncroll so ar
ranged that it convoys water from
the roof to n reservoir placed in
the ground below the roach of
frost. It is pronounced by good
authorities thobestrodovor brought
buforo the public. Thu Adarrmrod
la manufactured and for sale by
15tli and Jackson bts.
IOMAIIA , - - - NEB ,
Send for eight page circular ,
jigiving description of rod and roc-
ommondatioim by the best men ii :
the country.
( DKVUI11E. ) " " UITKII. )
TLl.aruo-VOLTAIO ni-.LT nnd other Kncomt (
111 AlTIUNCr.H urn noiit mi U ) Daja' Trial TC
flUN ONLY , YOUNQ OR OLD , who nro Buffer
IIIK from NEitvoua DKUILITT , LOST Vrriutv
\V iBTiiaVKAKsrs3E3. . niul all tnoso dlspnsra ot r
1'KiuiosAt , NATUIIB , resulting fiom ABUBCH an (
OTIIEII CAUHIIU. Hpoody relief nnil comtileti
nutoratlon to HEALTH , Vnion nnd HANIIOOI
uuAnAhTitro. Ktntl nt ouco for niuitratcc
1'amphlrt frc'O. Adnrcsi
VOI.TAIU HKIjT CO. . lllnrnhnll. Mich ,
fa warranted fo wenr Innffcr. i !
, the fonn ncftl rMul rlvo li lt <
'fatlBfiirtlon ' ( Imti uny other Corw
n thu , or | > rlco pnM
Erlnrujer , Bavurin
Cnhaliuclier , Bnvariu
Pilsner lioliuminn
Ivuiser Bremen
Budwoiflor Sfc. Louis
Anhnusor St. Louif
Bes j s Mibvnukef
Sclilit'/-Pilsnor Milwuulroc
If ruc'fl ' Oi inhr
Ale. Porter. Domestic and Itliin
' 5 ! 14 Fjirini m
Will euro Ss'tnmifcm- *
I.iiinb.ifo.Hliourimti u.l'j
nl > lv , J t iirMtflii , HilHtln
Klilmy , Hplnu tin I MM
IM | -ti4(1iiilAtt ( llf-ai
tin- , > \ i rH.jislii , *
pull ii. 1 1 > > l | > i > la , Culm i
rllci' ' . ICjilli i > ny , Jinpdl
On jib A uw , VioliipmiK rterl/rlf * " < ) niykclcittll ohit
i mill I tin .Mm-itniMiM M ndt ilmKUi frlclty uml nm
tuiUni lliiouirh tlM'LudjttiiuliAiiburtcJiai Ml iuoui
( taut by Dm imtltiit.
JI.OOOVoultl Not Bu" It.
DR. Ifor.Nit I UOSA Ictod with rlioumitli'u'ari' '
cured by utlng a l > elt. To any ono aflllrtcd wit
Ihit dlioise , t would V , buy Ilorno'j Kloctrln Doll
Any onu can t/wfor wllli mo by writing or I'flUln
it my etorv , 142U Uouglai trn > t. Oinaha Nob.
MAIN OFFICE Oppoelto | x > stolllco , room 4 t'tet
ic.r black ,
riTI'orraloatC. rjUoo.ltnin'a
ninm fit. , Oinnlm.
> r Oil * . ) II / )
Chicago , St. . Paul , Minneapolis am
Tbo now extension of tlila line from Wnliuflcld u
through Concuid and ColcrldKo
lleachci thu butt iiurtlon of the Htuto , b'iKjcliI ei
ciirtlon ra'nt for Und legkorj over thin line t
Wayn , NorfolU and Hartlugtun , and via lilalr to a !
principal or < thu
Tr ln over tht 0. . Bt. V. M. b 0. Hallway t a iv
nifton. Hloux Ut1'ouca , liiitlnftou , Wajno an
Norfolk ,
Oorcvxxoot a.t 331 vil-
for Kromout , Oakdao , Kellgh , and through to Vul
ClltillV ,
fffVot ratoi ami all Information call on
K I ) WIinHKY , Ucncr&l Afeut ,
fttrtv : t BulldiiKi Car , 10th and traruam tilt ,
Ulnahk , Hit
CVTiuket ci'i na CD urixl at depot , comer 14t
ot Wormy Voinu otili MIUIBIU. . < v < * .it. i
con' ' ' - - ' " - - Ao.
patul Manhood , Debility ,
r JlilU Elooilo , Cradle1
bO < lltott HMM. Cutultr Ylio.
20iC7 ! , t , Vnlttt
W4JI lt tf
Heeili ! is Wealth' '
] ) B Ii.Vui r'n NKnvK AND Hn..iM TnitAT.
, n Rimrantenl pppcltio for llyetcrin , Dizii-
( ! oiiTOl ion , Kitd , Norrons NcurnlRia ,
elio , Nervous Prontrntlon cnuscd by the n o
nfnlrohol ortol > acco , Wakrfnlno'B , Mental Do-
rrcsnmn , 9of toning ot thn llrnin rcBUltinR in in *
Anlty nnd londinu to misery , docny nntl dratb.
'rematuro Old Airo , llarrcnnrcn , Lowt ot powoc
n nthor nor , Involuntary Iiosscn ana Hnormnt *
orrhcrn cnneptl by ovor-oxortlon ot the brain , nolN
huro or OTor-lndnlRonco. linch box contnlnn
> nn mnnth'n trontmpnt. $1.Xn box.oraixbnios
urri.Unontbymal ! prcpnUlon receipt of price ,
iv K , IA AXTEI : six
'o euro nny rasa. With each onlor rpcolvoa ny n
cr pis boxps. nccompnniwl with i.C , wo will
oml thoinirclineercmrvrilton BunraBtoo to ro.
und tlio money if tlio trpntruontdoosuototfoc *
A euro , ( lunrnntixvi inniipa onurror
" 0. r , GOODMANN , DrugKlst ARcnts for Omaha ,
The remeilybolnc Injected directly to tlio scat of
ho ilincMo , requires no change of diet or naiuooua ,
ncrcutIM or pnlionoiui modlcincn to bo taken Inter-
ntlly. When mod aj n ) irorentl\o by either BOX , Itta
tupoulblo to onntract any prlvAta dlB iu0but ; In the
iwo of the o nlreaily unfortunatvly ftHllotcd wo Ruat-
ntco tlitco boxes to euro , or no will refund the mod'
y. 1'rlco by null , iXHtago paid , $2. per box or thioo
> oxra fur 8-5.
( auod by all nnthorlied agcntt. u
Or EelixJueBrim&Co ,
SOLE pnopniETOits
U F. Qoodinao , Druggltt Solo ARcnt , for Omaha
b. mJio wly
Solo Agonta for the World-Renowned
Decker & Son , nnd Unllott & Ounston
Pianoa. Also manufacturers and
wholesale dealers in
Organs and Musical Merchandise ,
iiTScnJ for rrlcca.
266TH EDITION , PRICE $1,00.
Exhnuftod VlWIty ervoua and Ptiy
Premature Decline In Miui , Eiroraof Youth , an
untold mlsorics rraultlng from Indlacrctlnna or ox
COBBCQ. A book for every man , young , middle. aged
and old. It contains 125 proscrlptlonn ( or all acat
nnil chronic illiisiscs oich ono of which la liivaluabl
So found by the Author , whoso cxpcrlcuco for
ycara la cv.cli r.H probably never before foil to the la
of any phjnlcan 00 pages , bound In bcautlfil
French muslin amooasodcovera , full Bllt.suarnntood
to bo a finer worx n every eonso , inecnanlcal , literary -
orary ami professional , than any other work raid In
thto country for E2.GO , or the money will bo refunded
In every Instance. Prloe only f 1.00 by mall , posb-
puld. IllustratlvoBampIo Soonts. Send now. Oed !
modal auardod the author by the National Medlca
Aiunehtlon , to the onion rs of which he refers.
Thla book ohould be read bv the yonn for Ins true
lion , and by the afflicted for relief. It will bonoflt
Ul. London Lancet.
There Ii no member of society to whom this book
* lll not bo useful , whether youth , parent , guardian ,
Icetructnror olergnum. . Argonaut.
Addieesthol'oabody Medical Institute , or Dr. W.
IT. I'nikor , No. 4 Uulflnch Street , Boston Mans. , who
may no nnnultod on all dkeaaca roqulrlnR skill and
sipotlciiM. Olirnnlonudobstlnatedlaoaeoiithat haio
balKed tlia oklll of all other phyo- r R B dans
specialty , tsuch treated fully
au In.Unc ullura.
Uollnii | Boyal and XT S. Mail Steamers
Tla Ithlne , Germany , Italy , If'Mund and France
Btoeiago OutwardJO ; I'riipa'd ' from Antwerp , (29 ;
Excursion , $10 , Inoludlngbedjlngetc , 2d Cabin , * M ;
hx urulon , 81CMJ Ualoou from ? 5oto { 00 ; Excursion
4110 to $100.
UTPotcr'rl0'bt & Bans , Cen , Agents. CS Broad
way N. Y.
Oald cl > . Hamilton Oc , , Omaha. P. K. Olod-
man t Co , u3 N 18tb Htroot , Cm.ilia ; I ) . E. Kim-
bull , Oir.ahiiArcnU. m > i uo < l-ly
Nebraska Cornice
Ssron Fencing ! VJ
S , Balustrades , Verandas , Offlcoond Back
lnmii Window and Cellar Guards , Eta.
Notioo to Cattle Moa
ItO Head of Btueru"Tlireo Years Old.
200 ' Two < <
201 " " Hclfen , Two "
1DO ' Steere , One
Via " Hclfem. Ono "
The ahova doncrlbcil cattlaareall well IroJ Iowa
cittlo. ttrilht and smooth. These cattla will bo
told In lots to lult imccliwors , and at reasonable
prlocu. 1'or furtbur i > articularn , call on oroddread
M , II'ATKJif ,
Wa erly. lltcmirOo. , Iowa.
1' , S. Also you-JK traJoJ bulla. iu7-Jmo-3tw
Have established thouuelvot In Omaha to t'tumct
n geuonl br.ikeragu and buaiucsi. Wu will buy nil
h eao ( cpoddat w holasala or retail , uij guaranUu
perfect satisfaction In prices , as wocaa buy cheaper
than y ur olvcii. You can sea the adiautoje of Iviv-
u jour goxuU bought by ono who will work ( or
.our Intercut and not truttto a mercbuil wbo ba
ouicthlng ho in inxlou * to bo rid of. Wo uUlo-'to
prompt "toutlou to selling on ) thin ; ; wjtiuitoil
n , and gooKi coui'puwl to un will Lo carefully
ooLedto. Oorrc poiid nossoUdUd. uf.\
firltelcrenoes Ooikba Katloutl IUn > , llcCasua
jro'a Bauk. Addrcm 111 8. 16th St.