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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1884)
OMAHA DAILY BEE-COUNCIL BFULFS , MONDAY , APiUL 14 , 1884. THE DAILV BEE. dOUNCIL BLUFFS , Monday Morning , Anril 14 , sucsctttrrioN RATKS. - - - - - - - SO "cnts per week - l0.oo ptr ye r OFF1CBM No. 7 Pearl Btroot , Near Broadway. MINOK MENTION , See the Eautor display nt Bliss' . Additional local on seventh pago. Special sales of linen handkerchiefs to doy nt Bliss' . Buck Scott was nrrcotod Saturday night for being drunk. The Council Bluffs presbytery moot nt Clarinda on the 17th. Sapp & Pusoy's law offices have been very handsomely decorated. The board of supervisors ndjouruod Saturday noon to moot ngnln next Thurs day. Patsy Morrisoy , of Omaha , was arrest ed hero Saturday night for disturbing the pcaco. The annual election of officers for the vestry of St. Paul's church occurs thin evening. . J. J. Bliss will display to-day the best assortment of handkerchief over soon in the city. The Presbyterians nro to have a social at the residence of L. 0. Baldwin tomorrow row evening. . Permit to wed was on Saturday grant , cd to Thomas J. Wnlkor and Ida Allen , both of this city. The now uniforms for the police nro now expected to bo ready 5 > y the middle or latter part of this week. Paul Gills has filed an information charging Samuel Jenkins with obtaining board under false pretenses. Concert nnd ball nt the rink this evening - ing , under the nuspicos of the ladies of the Gorman Lutheran church. To-morrov evening there will bo nt the rink the third contest for the modnl to bo awarded the fastest mile skater. James Fitzgerald now wears the modal for good scholarship nt St. Joseph's academy during the past two weeks. L. MeDormott , on n charge of cruelty to animals , appeared before Justice Shurz yesterday , and his case was continued to the 17th. Judge Aylosworth is making some great improvements in his rbsidonco , but bad weather interferes greatly with all such work. Chris Hanson now wears his hair short. Ho tried to kindle n fire with kerosene and got n singe. His face , hands and arms wore nlso scorched. Mr. George Perks , the Upper Broad way grocorymnn , now moves into the house recently occupied by Mr. James Browatcr , who has gene to Kansas .City. The Carson Criterion nominates Col. Sapp , of this city , for the gubernatorial chair of Dakota. Dakota might do vrorso , but lonn isn't anxious to aparo the colonel. Considerable excitement was caused on Broadway yesterday by a mad dog , who was corralled in Bokny'o livery barn until Officer O'Brien came. Ho speedily dis > patched him with hia little gun. Miss Rohso , the artist , h&n had her time kepU fully occupied occupied paint , ing Easter eggs , nnd other souvenirs ap propriate to the season. Some of them wore little gems of art. H. S. Gallagher has commenced suit .against the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul company claiming $2,000 damnqos for n mare which fell into on unpro- tooted well on the railway company's land. land.Mr. Mr. 0' F. Norris , of this city , who wont to Juniata , Nob. , about six months ago for his health , died in that place on I the 8th inat. , consumption being the cause. Ho was the husband of Mrs. 8. J. Norris , of this city. I The water works company have 170 1 applicants for water , nnd will begin 1 putting in norvico pipes this wook. These 1 "who have not applied should do so ' promptly , as the 18th , the date not in ' the notice found in another column , will Bon bo hero. Justice Abbott on Saturday married 1 an Omaha couple , who quietly cftmo over | to this side unbeknown to their friends t and being wet at the transfer by the jus ' tice , wore speedily marribd and proceed' ' ' cd home again. They were Chris Jen ' een and Mary A. Burns. Prof. Houghton , of the Tabor college , and L. 0 , Davis , of the Avocn uchools , I wore hero Saturday , to arrange for thn meeting of the Southern Iowa Teachers' association , they being members of the executive committee. The association 1.1 to moot hero Juno SO , and hold a three dajn1 session. I The largest straw hat. over shown in Council Bluffs is at Blits' millinery store. It is only about fifteen foot in circum , ference a baby hat. It attracts much attention from those who drop in there ) and is certainly a curiosity. Several have spoken for it to wear at the next mas querade , but tbero is hardly a hall largo enough to allow the wearer to siring i around with it. Two colllna were found Saturday in the bluff back of the Qgden house , -by the men who are excavating thoro. One was A metallic case , and contained the body of a child , and was pretty well preserved , ugh that place ha not been uuod as a couiotory for about twenty years * The cofiln was taken to Morgan's undertaking establishment. The other coflln was al most wholly destroyed by timo. All railroad tickets bought of D. W. Bushnoll are guaranteed , nlso all rebate orders given by him. City Woighmnstor Galvin expects to commence weighing on the city scales to day. The city council has informally de cided to reduce the city's portion of the receipts to ten per cent instead of taking fifteen percent , and to ohargo other pub lic Bcalos a Hconso of $50 a year , so as to encourage the use of the regular city scales. The city attorney has boon in structed to prepare nn ordinance to that effect. Burglars or snonk thieves made n raid Friday night on the residence of John Mulgroon , No. 108 Ninth street , at the corner of First avenue. They entered the kitchen by a window , find finding the door leading irom there into the dining room securely locked , were unable to go further. They contented themselves with eating pies and cakes , nnd when they loft carried off two overcoats , ono belonging to Mr. Mulgreon and ono belonging to liis James A. Summers has commenced suit against the Wabash railway company on account of an accident which befell him nt Ponoy Crook , nnd for which ho claims $5,000 damages. It nppoara that while crossing the railway track in n buggy drawn by a pair of mules a train struck them , killing the mules , smashing the buggy , and injuring him quite seri ously. Ho claims that there was no signal given of any approaching train. To-night willprobablyshow whothortho city council has the cheek to change chiefs of the fire department , in the face of n petition signed by nearly all the business men , nnd all the insurance mon , nnd in view of the fact that there is no cause for a chnnqo except to gratify uomo political promises and reward politicians. It seems hardly possible that the aldnr- mnnio fathers will put themselves on record as treating such an important position - sition as a moro chroma to bo given some pot , but still they may. The weather has not boon very favor- able for calling attention to nummor resorts - sorts , but still the little pamphlet just issued for 1884 by "tho Albert Leo route" is worthy of attention at nny sea son. It is a little beauty typographically , is pleasingly illustrated , and contains a great amount of interesting information about the summer resorts of Iowa and Minnesota , reached by this route , which is composed of the Chicago it Rock Island , Burlington & Cedar Rapids , nnd Minneapolis & St. Louis railways. Before fore planning a summer trip you should secure a copy nnd peruse it. The Young Men's Shoting club is to have n side hunt on the < 21st. The club is to bo divided into two parties , and the ono returning with the smallest bag of game will bo expected to spend a feast for nil concerned , Ono party is to bo under command of M. F. Rohrer , and consists of W. D. Hardin , Oscar Koclino , Bert Evans , G. W. Thompson , N. 0. Phillips , James Bowman , A. Goibort , F. P. Jones , Dave Stubbs , F. S. JPusoy , Gus.Borshoim and Bert \Voodbury. The other party has George H. Fergu son for captain , nnd consists of J. T. Oliver , W. S. Keolino , W. F. Oliver , George Brown , Bert Sargent , J. F. Brodbeck , P. J. MoMahon , Joe Kintz , Mark Duryoo , Charles F. Stuart , and Richard Ryan. There was trouble at Maso Wise's liv ery stable yesterday , oven if It was Eai- cor , Wiao has boon annoyed by n small boy named Malzan , who has boon throw ing bricks at the barn , and otherwise act ing mischievously. Wise notified the pa rents , and as the annoyance wasn't slop ped took the boy in hand himself. The boy's father wont over to see him about it , and the two had a lively session. Of ficer O'Brien ' wont down to the barn to arrest Wise , but ho wouldn't go along. Afterwards ho sent up to police head quarters , security for his nppearanco this morning to answer to the charge of dis turbing the peace. A like charge was lodged against Iho boy's ' father. Prof. Boardsloy's availing writing school closed Saturday night with inter esting exercises. A committee consisting of Superintendent MoNaughton , of the public schools ; Prof. Poulson , ono of the now business college faculty , and Ed Mott , of the board of education , examined - inod the specimens of penmanship , and 'awarded first prize , Webster's Unabridged - bridged Dictionary , to Andrew Michel- son ; the second prize , u Sponcorian Com- pendSutu of Penmanship , to Miss llsntio Lyon , nnd third prize , an elegant epeci- mon of Prof. Boardaley's own work , to Eddie Fairman. Prof. Poulson made the presentation in a happy manner , and then the school was nerved with fruits land candies , making a joyous finish. Prof. Beardsloy and Prof. Poulson will soon npon u commercial school in Shu- gnrt'o block , the uppur floor of which is now being prepared for that purpose. Personal The gentleman , who , on Saturday morning called near Bayliis park and made an offer on the household goods need not return for thorn as they were purchased by Mr. A.J. _ Maudol , I who guvo a much higher price fvr them. ( n.ot FoUor. the florist , on Harrison street , Cuncll Bluifc , has the largest stock west of iho Mississippi. Send for catalogue. I > | B rgains in all kinds of household I goods , both new and second-hand at A. J. Maudel's , 3 < 5 Broadway , Ye torday"atoruoon ? four men were in- jured nt the transfer , while at work hand ling freight Foreman Morgan O'Brien 1 was quiet seriously squeezed and bruised , [ and three others wera slightly injured , The accident vras caused by two cars bo- ing switched on to the track vrhoro the men were at work , and colliding witlt an ( ether car. RAILWAY TAXATION. An Important Decision in Regard to Assessments in Terminal Cities , Council HIiilTs .Should Insist on Us The showing of facts nnd figures by TUB BIK in regard to the taxation of railways in Council Bluffa has opened the eyes of many who wore before ignorant of the real condition of nffniro. Ono citizen remarked to Tun BEE man that it was no use , however , "thoro daren't anybody hero try to tax railway property ns it ought to bo , for if they did they wouldn't got elected ngain , nnd they know it. " That may bo , but the people nro entitled to the facts nnd then if they prefer to lie down nnd keep quiet , that is their own Ipok-out. In connection with this showing of facts there comes the nowa of nn important decision delivered in Toledo , Ohio , last Thursday by the district court , which hits the point pretty snugly , nnd is of such interest ns to merit attention , the Ohio law being similar fo that of lown , nnd the portion of Toledo , the case is similar to that of Council Bluffs. The case wns the Wnbash , St. Louis & Pacific Railway company vs. Kelsey , treasurer of Lucas county. An appraisal of the main track on the usual milengo basts had boon made in 1881 , to which had 'noon added to the duplicate in this city the assessed value of the company's valu able terminable property located hero. The company paid this tax under pretest - test , claiming that nil the property should bo apportioned among nil the counties through which the road posses. Tito court , after citing the laws relating to the assessment and collection of taxes on railway property in cities and tcwns , said : "There is great ndvnntago to a railroad in passing through or having a terminus at a largo city or in other populous places whore it acquires n largo portion of its business , and where of necessity its prop erty must bo valuable , and wo cannot see why ! it should not pay the same rate of taxes * on such property that private per sons do , while there is justice in the manner of taxinc the rolling stock , as it has no permanent location , but is mova ble , passing from one pluco to another , in this case both within and without this state. Sec. 2 of Art. 12 of our constitu tion provides that taxation shall bo by a uniform rule , and Soc. 4 of Art. 13 pro vides that the property of corporations now existing , or hereafter created" , shall bi subjected to taxation the satno as the property of individuals , but the plaintiff in error proposes that a part of the as sessed value of its property in Toledo shall by a legal sleight of hand bo trans ported , to Fsomo rural district where it shall bo subject to a much less degree of taxation than property of equal value belonging , to individuals and situated in Toledo. Tsi "Wo hold , first , that the rolling stock should bo apportioned to each county , city , village and township through which the road runs in proportion that the length | of such road in such county , city , village jj and township bears to the entire length thereof in all the counties through which it runs. Second , the fixed prop erty , including the road-bed , should be apportioned ] tn each county , city , village township through which the road runs in the same proportion that the value in each boars to the total value in all. Third , the value of the company's mon eys : and credits should bo apportioned to each county , city , village and township through which the road runs in the same proportion as the fixed property. In this case the plaintiff in error should find no fault , for its road-bod was apportioned in the same manner as the rolling-stock was , to which it was not entitled. The judgment below is affirmed. " The case will bo carried up to the supreme court. IflK How That 1'liuio Stands Travelling on the Briny Deep. Nothing could moro effectually prove the scientific construction and exception al material of the NEW HARDMAN UPRIGHT than the subjoined testimon ials from the representatives of two of the most widely known English steam ship lines running between Now York and Liverpool : "GUION LINE" OF STEAMSHIPS. LtVEUFOOI. , VIA qUKKNSTOWN. No. 29 Broadway , New York , "I January 20th , 1883./ Mnssus. HAiinstAN , DDWUNO & PKCK. DKAH Sins : The "Hardman" Pianos on our line are giving the most unquali fied satisfaction to our passengers and ourselves , and wo congratulate you sin cerely upon producing suon an excellent and artistic instrument , upon which the changing temperature seems to have no effect , ' Respectfully , "GUION " LINE. NATIONAL LINE OF STEAMSHIPS. No 09 Broadway , Now York , ) February 2d , 1883. / MESSUS. HAIIDMAN , DOWLINO it PECK. QBNTLEMEN : Your pianos on the ntoamers of our line are giving great sat- iafitction , and I am free to say that / have never seen any other piano ivlth- stand the constantly changing tempera ture of our ocean. I cannot roccom- mend them too highly. Very truly yours , ANTONIO S , LAOK , Manager. J. MUKI.LKU. General Western Agent , Council Bluffs , Iowa. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. BpocUl ftdrortlMiuonU , inch M Lott , Found , To Loan , For Silt , To Rent , WtnU , Board. In ; , eta , will bo lusortod In thli column tt the low rata of TEN CENTS 1'K.R LINE ( or the flnt Insertion ind flVK CENTS 1'KU LINE lor each subsequent n. tcrtlon. Leave ulvertlteuwnU t our office , No. I'eirl Street , near Broadway WANTB. \17ANTEU A lltxboy with pony to carry rout YV I r l ) u. Ctll at Council Ululfn Dm utflcc. VXTANTKU-Kvvrybooyin Council Blutla to tike W Tu Bu. Dcilvtred by carrier nt only twenty cents k vreek. , Cy < l > 1'AI'EUS-Kor uU at U Office , at 25 Cvutt tt huudrvii. AGENTS Tjxdle < and gcptlouion ) can uako flnt AUI.41 waifot by lellluir the "Clumiilou Hoooui Htrccther aud Ironlu lloirJ. " lUtalli at * 1.M , Any l dy cauaouuft tSuo ihtrt uititout wrinkle aiidglmtliMiilorlyuthobotlaundriMcaii.Addreiw for | > i < tluulan 0. U. B. k I. Co. , Ui otno , lor one ino'llh. - T OST A imall jiocktt bluV coatklnlDirtwo Jjp j able to X. A. liullei. Klndor will IM re ard cd lyrcturuliu ; itmo to fcoom 9 , v r U'l iilvck. I I BBBRHHHMI PRHKi Hi f L HHMI HBBHHHBH HI H B WE ARE RECEIVING SOME VERY FINE For Sprin Wear are arriving daily. Please call and see our New Stock. Z. T. LINDSEY < CO. , 412 Brondwny , Council Bluffs , ) TrmrA West Side Saunre , Clnrmdn IIOWA < MAYNE & PALMER , DKAtKRS IK AND WOOD , AND BAUUKL IJHE , LOUISVILLE AND PORTLAND CKMr.NT , ItlOIIlOAN PLABTKn , HAm AND SKWXU PIPE. Ho. 639 Broadway. - - COTJNOH. BLPTP8. IOWA. Wo have the The latesb nov finest stock and elties for Spring all the latest designs Overcoats w e signs to select have just ro- from. ceivert. See them NONE nur T/in BEST OF SKILLED LEADINO HANDS EMPLOYED. Merchant Tailors 7 and 9 Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS. All lilnda of / 3T. 33C. Engineering I Land Bur-1 SfS ROOM 6 , m OPERA HOUSE , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , etc. , etc. All Orders by Mall Promptly Attended To. urtalns , In lace , ilk , Turcoman , Etc. Oil cloths , Mattlncs , Linoleums Etc | hoicest Stock West of Chicago. omo and bo convinced that wo are [ headquarters for all goods in our lirto. hoapoat jilaco to buy House Furnishings in the City. OUNCIL BLUFFS , - - - - - - IOWA. Mail Orders Filled Promptly and wikh Care The only Hotel in this City on the Eurcpoan plan of "PAY ONLY FOE WHAT YOU GET. " New Building New Furnishings. ALL MpDERN IMPROVEMENTS CENTRALLY LOCATED. Fine Sample Rooms Elegant Restaurant. PETEE BECHTELE , PROPRIETOR , Nos. 336 and 338 Broadway , - - - Council B WHOLESALE DKALKRS IN 342 and 344 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , L1VKTO EM. EAT TO L1VB. * o Tla.0 3T = ixt > l ± o. Kd. O.luon ' 1 404 llroadway , ( Mcila Kt nil Hours. lii-f d'rnl'tne I Council 1 Piutlcnii Specialty. SIGN , SCENERY AND FRESCO PAINTING A SPECIALTY , 17 Nortli Mnin RN , COUNCIL BLUFFS REPAIRING NEATLY AND PROMPTLY DONE. 805 Smith Main Street , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS. WHOLESALE Hardware , Cutlery , Timer's Stout Etc , / irSpccli > l ntlcriMcm to onlcm inv Mall. POTTE ! OIL BLUFFS. IOWA. ESTON H -EVERYTHINO riHSTCLASS.- Nos. S17nnd 219 S. Main St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS L. A. CASPER , The Largest and Most Complete Green House In Western Iowa. Over24-,900 Feeb of Glass in Use. The Greatest variety find the Choicest plant * . Jly collection of rianta and * lowers Is now complete in every rc'pcct , and the public < > ro Invited to call and Inspect the B.imo. I wo * awnrdcd the First Premium at the Council niutls District fair In Scptcmher. 1S83 , i.vcr all com petitors : andj fcavo sin o added many new and choice virlo'les , und om prepared to furnish ft now class ot plants that have hcref.for * been unattainable In thin market , for which I rcaku no extra chargo. Cut flowers and floral designs furnished I romptly , ami on snort notice. 1 have Just Issued a new cat alogue for 1831 , wh'ch will bootnt freoon application. Green Vegetables the Year Round. Horse Radish In bottles. 23 Plorco St. Counclll Bluffslowa. N. SCHURZ. Justice oflie Peace , OFFICE OVER AMERICAN KXPRESS. COUNCIL BLUFFS. - IOWA.- JOR SAtK BY J. Y. FULLER , Commission Merchant No. 0.3Pearl Street OKA \V'o cuamntco the euro of the following named tils- ( oases , or no pay : Rheumatism , Scrofula , Ulcers , Catarrh , a'I Blood andtklndiscatcs , Drtpcpala , Liver Complaint , Kidney and Bladder Diseases. Clout , Neu ralgia and Asthma , Tlics.i Springs are the favorite resort of the tired an.l dohllltatad , and are the FEEIJLE LAUIHS BEST FRIEND , Oood hotel , livery and bathing accnmodatlon both winter and Bummer. Locality highly plcturcsquo and healthy. Accessible by Wabaeh railway , EvonaorC. , B. & Q.t at Albany. Cormi onacnc solicited , ItEV. M. JI. TIIOJU'SON. Manager. Albany , Slloura Springs , jGentry Co. , Mo. ANALYSIS. Specific Gravity 1.005 Reaction Ncutra Carbonic Acid fas ! 'JO in. per gallon Carbonate Calcium 3" > , ri21 O rains Carbonate Iron 7,041 Sulphate Magnesia 3.2E0 Sulphate Calclnm 1,148 Chloride Sodium 7,200 Sillica 1,668 Alumina . . . .0,018 Organlcand Volatile matter and loss . . . .1,459 Total scllds per gallon 67,174 WmaiiT& MERRILL. Chemists JACOB SIMS. E. P. CADWELt SIMS&.CADWELL , Attorneys-at-Law , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA Office , Main Street , Rooms 1 and Shugart & Mo- Mahon'i Block. Will practice In Btata and wler l ooiii ta New . .m in all as * * 3 CARPETS ! CARPETS ! CARPETS ! ' tit IN ALL GRADES. The Latest Styles , Choicest Patterns Of all kinds , Dimension and Color , Rugs , Mattings , Etc. COUNCIL BLUFFS