Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1884, Page 5, Image 5

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Dr , Thomas' Eclcctric Oil
Rheumatism and Neuralgia.
Dr. Thomas' Eclcctric Oil
A Cold or a Hoarseness.
Dr. Thomas' Eclcctric Oil
Asthma nnd Diphtheria.
Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil
Croup and Affections of the Throat.
K. M. A. Ball. _
On thia Monday evening the Emmot
Monument association will hold ita fif
teenth annual ball at Falconer's now hall
on Douglaa street , between 15th and 10th
streets. As on all previous occasions this
ball is anxiously looked for by the patri
otic sons and daughters of oppressed but
unconquered Ireland as the ploasantcst
event in the year. It ia Iho annual re
union of these who have never given up
the hope that Ireland would yet bo a
The committee of arrangements have
rented the dining hall right over the ball
room vhero refreshments will bo served
from 10 o'clock until 2 o'clock , so that no
ono will have to go out to got aupper.
The comniitteoa in charge are aa follows :
Michael Leo , I1. L. Hughes ,
P. J. Tigho , 1' . J. Barrett ,
Bernard McCaffrey , Kdward Qulnn.
J. F. Price , M. P. O'Brien ,
Andrew Murphy ,
W. II. McDavitt , J. A. Ilannon.
D. C. Shelly , ] > . C. Iloahy ,
Michael Wholan.
John Keagan , 1Morinrty. .
SUITS.Tho aubacription price of the
Jiural Nebraska haa been reduced to
OTIC dollar per year.
The Rural ia a twenty pnijo farm and
family journal now in its 15th year , and
should bo in thu hands of all who are in
terested aa above.
ACEMTS WANTED. Wo pay a larger
Crtah commission to agents than any other
paper published. Addreoa
H. S. SMITH & Co. , Publishers ,
aat&nion mormtw Omaha , Nob.
Glee Club Concert.
The following is the programme of the
Glee Club concert , which takes place on
Tuesday evening.
1. "Comrades in Amis" Adam
Glee Club.
2. Quartet "In Absence" Buck
Messrs. Brockenridge. Wilkins , Deiiel and
3. Aria " 0 den Fatale , " ( Don CarlosVordi )
Miss Dora Hcnninges.
. ( a. "Oft When Night , " Do Call
* ' I b. "i'rsiso to the Soldier" . . . .Boioldien
Glee Club.
5. Song "Home of My Heart , " ( Lur-
line ) Wallace
Mr. W. B. WilkiiiB.
" Violet" Mo/art
G. Song-"The /
Miss Dora Honninges.
7. "Annie Laurie , " ( by request ) Buck
Glee Club.
8. Duet-When Lifo is Brightest" .1'iiisuti
Messrs. Jay Northup ami I'1. S. .Smith.
9. Song "ThoSkipppi" Indo
. Mr. . K. , S. Huff.
' .yl r. " \
, ( n. 'CalmSon"
„ Ilubinstein
t b. "Happy Voyage" j
Glee Club.
11. Ballad -"You and 1" . . . . . Diebl
Miss Dora Hermfnges.
. " " MendelHolm
12. Chorus"VintigoSoug"
Glee Club.
Thousands bay So.
Mr. T. W. Atkins , Giraid , Kan. , writes :
never hesitate to roTomraend your Elec
tric Bitters to my customers , they give entire
aatisfiictionand me rapid sellers. " Electric
Bitters are the purest and best medicine
known and w ill positively euro Kidney and
J lver complaints. Purify the blood and reg-
ul.ito tlio bowels. No family can afford to bo
without them. They w ill eave hundreds of
dollars in doctor's bills every your. Sold , nt
EO cents n bottlp liv O. F. Goodman.
Change < > ' ' Tiino.
On Sunday , April 13th , the B. & M.
railway put a now time card into ef
fect , making the departure of weat-bound
and oast-bound trains a littlp earlier , as
will be neon by the following figures ,
taken from their now nchedule : Califor
nia express loavca at 7:50 : a. in , ; Kansas
City oxpreaa ( with through coach for Chicago
cage ) , 8:15 : a. m. ; Chicago express , 4:50 :
p. m. ; Denver express , 0:10 : p. .11. ; Cen
tral sUndard time.
The moat important change announced
by the Burlington , however , is that the
faat mail train will bo run through to the
Missouri river. At preaont thia train
runa to Ottum\va only , where it catchoa
up with the train leaving Chicago nt 10
p. m. , and is there attached to thia train.
The buaineas on the 10 p. m. train ia in-
croaaing ST rapidly that it ia n longer
able to take along the fait mail from Ot-
tumwa nnd therefore the Burlington is
compelledtorunthefaatmail train through
to Council Bluffn.
Absolutely Pure.
Ihlipiwutji nvftii mr vi , A marvel ul piro
Dtrtofb Aud wholeoniDicv Uuftt coaomlcAl tliftu
th oSluiry klndi.knd u < ial boaold la competition
wlla tb inultltuJe ol low wot. ihort wclul t ulum or
phtfphlit powdcrj. SpH
Monday Morning , April 14t
Notice to AilvcrtlRcra.
II. S. Smith , who IIM for the past yon
filled the | x > sltlon of mnnix or ot the luhortls
Ing dopnttmont of TUB UKR , has lonsod tin
city luhorttatng of tliis paper , nnd will horonf
tor hn\o complete control of that ( loptrtmont
1'rosldont DKK rubllshlnf Co ,
Tlio "Wenthor.
For the Upper Mississippi valley
Partly cloudy weather , oc-t to south
winds , becoming variable.
For the Missouri valley : Partly cloudy
weather , light rains , slight fall in temper
ature in southern portion ; alight changes
in northern portion ; winds shifting to
westerly ; higher barometer.
The weluhora on the railway mnll ncnico
In this division , covering the U. I1 , and the
D. & M. ratlwny mid branches , some thirty
men , nil told , will start out for duty to-day ,
A disordnrly woman wns very so\croly
joaton by her "friend" on lower Eleventh
street last ovcning. It is thought ho used n
revolver o\cr horhcnil , Ho was arrested and
ken to jail.
The Kaster concert o ? the Snnvtog\Union
Sunday scliool will bn deferred until Sunday
o\eniiiK. April "Oth. owing to the inclemency
if the weather nnd the Itnp.tuiblo stata of
nnny of the suburban roads ,
The regular monthly mooting of the
lo.ird of trade will bo hold this evening , nt
\lrich the commlttoo on market honso will bo
irosont. The board of directors wilt moot nt
1:30 : p. in. , Thoj. Cilbsorj , Soi.rotiry.
Jn'k Hnnloy of Colorado , wcll-kno\vn
n Omaha , arrived here on Saturday night.
It ia understood his object hero is to fight
Tnmes Fell of Itich Hill , Mo. , with bare
cnucklca. Fell will nrrho In the city to-day ,
ioth mou will go into actho training , The
ight will probably come otT In about three
On Saturday evening last n meeting to
nqulro Into the foes to bo pnid the attorneys
ngogod in the case p alnst the wholciulo
icjuor dealers of this city In the supreme
ourt waa held by the school board. Several
f the monitors having the matter in charge
vero not preiont. The board ndjon-ned
vithout transacting any business.
In the districtlcourt on Saturday the nr-
rumontaon the JBlako Injunction case were not
icard as come of the counsel were not roady.
'ho demurrer In the case of the Omaha Book
ompany against Connnllvaa sustained. The
lotition of Aunlo C. Jleredith for an In June-
Ion to restrain the collection of the tax for
jradlng in front of her property on Nineteenth
treotwas not granted.
OnFarnara street , o\er saloon number
nine rooms a follow who geta up
about 8 o'clock in the morning , nnd
iroceods to dress himself in front of the win
dow , before which are no blinds or curtains ,
t bus become decidedly annoying to people
n the opposite nida of the street , who cannot
mt BOO the performance , and they desire that
I be stopped ,
Mr. D. W. Carpenter , ono ot the founders
f The Herald , nnd too ell known to Ne-
iraska people to need any particular idcntfi-
ation , Is in receipt of a telegram from Colo-
ada Springs , announcing the sudden death of
lis eldest sou , William 1' . Carpenter , after n
hort illness. William was born in Council
BlufTs twonty-six years ngo , nnd his oirly days
voro passed in this immediate ) locality , grow-
ng up heio almost to manhood , and making
uny friends who now share his father' * ) sor-
ow. Heine : of n solf-rollant , adventurous die-
> osition , young Carpenter made his way to
lie mountains of the Centennial state , and
vas rapidly becoming ono of its most honored
nd prosperous citizens , when claimed by
.o.ith. Six. wpok ago ho wna happily marled -
led , and looked forward to many years of
loinostio comfort. Notice of the funeral corc-
nonies will ho given liBroafter.
T. ] J. Warden , Burlington , is at the Metro
J. D. Crane , of Hustings , is nt the Metro-
( olitan.
W. C. Chambers , of Sioux City , is nt the
Metropolitan ,
.T. E , Taylor , ot Kansas City , is rogistoied
at the Metropolitan.
Wm. Koonig Kraamer ot St. Louln , repre
senting the Missouri Glass Company , is nt
, ho Metropolitan ,
J , H. Wlmrtou , Trenton , nnd A , A. Morris ,
Little Falls , N. Y. , pro stopping at the
Metropolitan ,
W. J. Barton , Chicago , general agent for
, ho Volcoof Masoneiy , lain the city stop
ping at the Metropolitan.
lion , ] I. ( J. Ilalbert , ex-stato Bountor , nnil
IH brother , ox-Mayor Kalhert , of BInglinm
ton , Now York , are In the city and nt the
L'axton , on their way north.
Mrs , W. F. Ilallstflad , wlfoof ( Jfmoral
Superintendent Hulls toad , of the Delaware ,
Lackawana & Western railway , nnd a party
of friends from Scranton , ! . , mo at the I'
ton ,
Miss Georgio .Slilpmun Wins tliu Second
end Tlnio nt tlio
The third contest for iho gold watcl
occurred last evening nt th i roller
akating rink. MiBios Liczio Cantioldaiu
Georgia Slnpman appeared upon the
floor , accompanied by Mcfard. John
Hitchcock and C. W. \ an Cott. The
U. P. band gave a grand march , and t
ita iiiqiirin muaio the graceful skatorn
diejilaycd the best okating wo have line
thia winter. A good deal of ontliueiatir
was exhibited during the contest , and n
in ( close Messrs , Ilouboudour.tnd Dan iola
collected and counted the ballots , whicl
resulted in Mi B.I Shipman receiving 10J
and Mies Canfield 71 The noit oontes
will occur next Tlinrsday ovnning.
Pol Ice Court.
In police court Saturday morning thor
were three casoa for dmturbanco nf the
peace. They were each fined & am
costs. Two of them paid and thu thin
ono was Bent over the hill.
Clara Mason waa taxed $10 and cost
for creating a disturbance Friday night
Jaraoa Wilcor , arrested for being a
auepicimn character , v , us Jicld penduij
Belle Sanford was arrested Friday
for disturbing the peaco. the pleadoc
not cuilty and was held for trial.
Howtlicl851sAnniycrsary\yasCclc ( \
lirateil in Omaha ,
The Magnificent Mozart's ' Twelfth
Mass at St , Philomona's. '
Ttio Services , Incidents nnil Flora
Orimmoiitntlnn nt Trinity
ATTJli : CAT Iir.DHAl , .
The result of the announcement in TUB
Bnr. of Saturday of the intended and un
uaual grand coromonica nt St. Phil
omoim'a on Easier , had the effect yeator
day at high mass of crowding the edifice
in ovcty sent , while ninny rcmainci
standing in the aisles and vestibule , run
scores nero unable to sccuro admittance
nt. all. The congregation embraced , in
addition to nn enlarged attendance ul
church niciubcrs , quito a number of per
sons of other denomnu.fiona , and from
the "I" nonrino PatrisiJ\ > the "Ita
missa eat" of the celebrant , and the
" oloison" to the " '
"Kyrio "Kegina Cooli'
of the choir , there was the most devout
attention on the part of the members , aa
well as the numt rapt interest on the part
of visitors. The sacrament of the ma-B
a not always understood by others then
the faithful of the mother church , but it
would bo a blind observer indeed who ,
mid the pomp and ceremonies of yester
day's service nt the cathedral , could not
discover that nil was but the various
atepa that led to the completion of the
work of
ho carrying out of the command , "Do
his in commemoration of mo , " the
changing of the broad find wino into the
body and blood , supplemented nt the
various stages by prayers and invocations
mudod down through misty ngoa by the
nthora of the church , while the ell'oct of
11 is to bring forcibly to mind the pas-
ion , the resurrection , and the ascension
f the Savior. High masa ia always moro
mprossive than low mass , probably bo-
cauao of the accompaniment of music ,
nd the grand pontiQcinl high moss
lands still a grade higher than the ordi
nary high mass. But it is safe to say no
uch grand high main ever celebrated in
Omaha equalled in grandeur that of yea-
orday. As has been announced , lit.
lev. Bishop O'Connor waa celebrant ;
lev. Father Madden , deacon ; Rov.
father O'Connor , sub-deacon , and Rov.
father Kelly in waiting on the Bishop.
t is only on extraordinary occasions that
ho Bishop olliciates at high muss , and
his of itself was quito an item of inter
est with Catholics.
was delivered by Rov. Father Madden ,
nd wai brief but excellent ; of course ,
ppropriato to the day nnd occasion. It
onsisted of a relation of the events im
mediately preceding and up to the reaur-
ection of Christ , when the stone was
oiled away from the mouth of the
epulchro and the Savior found to have
arisen. Ho argued against the attempts
nit forth by anti-Christians to show that
wai no miracle in this , but that
ho stone had been removed by the dis-
iplea and the body of Christ stole"
nd secreted Ho then reverted to the
ifo of Christ ; how from the cradle
> f Bethlehem to the cross of Golgotha , it
md been almost one ui/onding pain suf-
erings for the love of mankind and
irged his hearers to roll the stone away
rom the sepulchres of vice and iniquity
i which they had slept , and arise into
ho now lifo brought to them by the glo-
ious feast of Easter.
At the conclusion of the service , the
Mahop announced that ho had been om-
toworcd to administer the papal bonodic-
ion , to nil his people , and likewise a
ilonary indulgence to all who had , or who
would within the Easter octavo , make
confession and receive communion.
While ho would do this , ho asked nil to
> ray for the Holy Father , that ho might
) o delivoiod from the anti-Christian nnd
anti-social elements that wore now com-
lassing Italy , which the papacy had rc-
loomcd and made the center of crviliza-
ion. Rev. Father Kelley then road , in
jatin and in English , the letter from the
[ > opo , bestowing on Bishop O'Connor , the
vicar-apostolic of Nebraska , iho power
to grant the blessing , and nil the faithful
received it kneeling. It was a most im
ireasivo scene.
TUB oiiom.
A chronicle of the services would bo
nit half complete without rcforenco to
: ho choir. For the occasion , Mr. G. F.
Mayer presided at the organ , and all wore
under the direction of Prof. S. Ifofman ,
who supplemented the usual choir wit )
: iia orchestra. The novelty of stringed
and wind instruments wns a pleasing in
novation , and for Kastor , and the joyous
character of the music , it Boomed inosi
appropriate The programme , as pub
hsliod in THIS Bui ; of Saturday , was car
ried out without change , and in a manno
very flattering to the various participants
who had , under the pxcjllont charge o :
Mits Arnold , been doing faithful drill fo :
Bomo wcoku past. The entire programmi
deserves mention in detail , but thoru cat
hero bo only referred to , Mr. J. G
Bell's good work in the baas eolo in tin
Kyrio , Miss McNamarn'a sweat soprano
iu the Gloria , the duet "Quo Tollis , " by
Messrs. Blair and Murphy , Mr. Murphy'
too brief solo "Voni Creutor , " Mr. Blair'
"Et Incarnatua" and "GrucifisuH ; " tin
"Benodictua" giving Mrs. O. McCaffrey
and Mru.Dr.Coir < naiiafiiiochanco ; nnd tin
modest and unostentatious uolo in "Uoni
Nobis , " by Miss Maggie Swift. Proba
lily the uom of the morning wns th
"Sancta Maria" interpolated at the Odor
tory. It carao at the most irnpresuiv
portion of the service. The righ
reverend celebrant waa engage *
in offering the If oat ; on eitho
nido were deacon and sub-deacon
the acolytes stood around ; the incone
rose in cloud * reflecting the rays from th
stained glass windows behind the altar
there waa an impressive silence , and th
first words wore Eung. In this , excel
lent opportunity was given for the f'eej '
contralto of Mra. Jiirum Ilobmaon nm
the full round soprano of Miua Arnold
and the /singing caused un unusual turnini
of heads among the lees dmrout i'l attend
anco. This waa Mia Robinson' * tire
public oinging in Omaha , nmi made lie
many admirers. At the conclusion o
the mass , and as the congregation du
penodtho choir and hern it may b
aaid the chorus did excellent work reii
dorod magnificently the "RcginnCooli"-
"Joy to thco , O rjuoon of heaven ,
For tlio Lord hnthrtton Indeed , "
At the Trinity , the great festival o
Easter WAS celebrated with bccomln
dignity. To accommodate nil communi
cnnU with n sermon , holy communion
wns celebrated twice yesterday , at 8 n ,
m. nnd 11 n , m.
The cathedral had boon very boauli
fully nnd twtoly decorated on Saturday
by the mombora of the Trinity Guild
The drapciy over the bishop's throne w
looped back with immortelles , with
on n cross of palm leaves against the
black. The litany desk had on the fald
stool n crosa of ivy , with n wroalh of ro
tea surmounted by a crown of hyacinth
smilax und scarlet geraniums on iho desk
portion. Tlio Hcntonco , llllo ia Risen1
n ecclesiastical character ? , appeared on
the front of thu pulpit desk. TJieto were
also two memorial crosses on the altar.
3n the rc-tnblo were vases filled with
iliea nnd ferns. A memorial cf
white flowers was on the altar
: rosg. The credence waa ornamented
> y n single bunch of goranimna nnd
onia. The font wna filled with smilax
nnd cut ilowcra and surmounted by n
> lant of palm. At 1:1)0 : ) o'clock p. m.J |
if the day took placo. An nblo and
earned aormon win delivered by Rov.
frank Millapaugh , denn of the Catho-
Iral. His text wna the 4th verso of the
id chapter ot St. Paul's epistle to the
Coloanans : When Christ who is our life
hall appear then shall ye also appear
witli Him in glory.
On account of the largo number of
ommunicnnts the aormon wna not doliv-
rcd until nftornoon. Dcapito the bad
veather the church waa lilted. The
offering son ice for the Nebraakn mission
work wag then hold. The odbringa
mounted to § 551. At : J:30 : the
icld their carol service. The church waa
lied with children. Easter eggs were
istributod among them. Their good
inging waa duo wholly to the zcitlous
fforta of Professor Butler , the cathedral
irganist. An offering of $35 was mndo
> y the children.
lie musical service waa hold. The
hurch waa filled to its seating capacity ,
'ho singing waa excellent , and many
irniscs were bestowed upon the choir ,
'his musical service in the future will bo
cpcatod once every month , the anthem
aking the place of the sermon. There
corns to bo an increasing proficiency in
bo excellency of the singors.
The programme aa prepared by the (
can was very punctiliously carried out.
? ho offering services alone added § 580
o the treasury of the Nebraska mission
\Vlclo Awnko Druggists.
0. F. Goodman ia alwnya uhvo In his bust
ess nnd spares no pains to nocuro the bast of
very article In his lino. Ho has upcurod the
? ency for the celebrated Dr. King's Now
Discovery for Consumption. The only cor-
aln euro known for Consumption , Coughs ,
olds , Hoarseness , Asthma. Hay JTovor Jron .
jitls , or nnynffoctiou of throat nnd limes ,
old on a positive guarantee. Trial bottles
roo. llenilar size & 1
lev. Dr. McCosli in the City to Form
an Alumni Association ,
On Saturday last Rov. Dr. James Mc-
osh , president of the college of Now
orsoy at Princeton , arrived in this city. [
) r. McCosh cornea to Omaha to visit the
lumni of his colleges in Iowa and No-
) raskaand form thorn into an association.
[ o came direct hero from Chicago , where
10 formed a like association of the foator-
ona of his institution , numbering twenty-
oven. It ia expected that the ono to bo
armed hero will bo nearly as largo as the
no in Chicago. In Council Bluffs
nd Omaha alone there are six
rnduaton of Princeton college , being
lev. W. J. Harsha , paator of the Sec-
nd Presbyterian church ; 0. M. DOB
alots , professor of English language and
itcraturo in Bellevue college ; Rov.
'homaa C. Hall , pastor of the South-
vest Presbyterian church ; Rov. Francis
Maynoy , pastor of the North Prosby-
orian church ; Lee P. Funkhousor , clerk
n the Pacific Express compnny'u oflico ;
\V. H. Scott , clor ) ; in the U. P. head-
| iurtern , nnd Rov. A. K. Bates of
Council Bluffs
Another object nf lna visit is to np-
loint nn OKamming committee , compoacd
if alumni , to examine applicant ) ) for ad-
nission into the college course of his
nstitution. Yesterday ] Jr. McCosch filled
Rav. Uarsha's pulpit in the Proaby ter
tian church , Au excellent and nblo ner-
mon vras preachud on the text found in
[ lovolations fith chuptur nnd Cth verse :
And I behold , nnd lo , in the midst of the
throne and of the beauts and in the midst
of the elders stood a Lamb as it had been
slain , haying BOVOII homo nnd eleven
oycs , which are the tioven spirits of God
sent forth into all the earth.
Thin evening at 0 o'clock n compli
montury dinner will bo given in honor of
Dr. McCosh by the Princeton alumni
Thoi-o will bo responses to toasts , after
which an address will be delivered by
their former president.
Dr. McCosh will leayo to-morrow fo :
St. Louis , where his mission in the BUIIH
as hero. Fr' > m that place ho will go ti
Louisville and Lexington , nnd thence
Buclclcu's Arnica balvo.
The gioutoftt modlcal wonder of the world
Warranted to upeodlly cure Uariu , Cuts , Ul >
can , Halt Itlmum , Fever Horea. C'uncors. 1'llos ,
( } hlllblaluBl Corns. Totter , Chuppcd ImuiU.
an'l oil iikln eniptloii , garantot > < f to cure In
very lURtmico , or money rofimdod. 2S
per IKIX.
Tlio KwtMlluli Library.
At iho lost general meeting of the
Swedieh Library Association the following -
ing oflijcrs wore elected : E. Al. Stonberg ,
president ; A. Nomnan , vice president ;
Frederick Northvrull , eceretary ; Chaa.
Johnson , financial secretary ; B. J. Burg-
titrom , treasurer.
The society is reported as being in n
very flourishing condition. A number of
new books have been added and the
library now contains about five hundred
volume * . The inomborahip is constantly
increasing und now numbers nearly two
hundred. This is certainly very gratify
ing to the management.
IlEDDiHa'H llusslalinfve uiooU with wonder
fill nucceiia In ull ciuca of uliln disease. Try it
A High-IIaiiflefl Onlragu Pernelratcd i
the TMrd Ward ,
Jolid Sahlor at His Old Trick ;
Again ,
cttiK ChcrwlicliiiliiKly DclVntod It
Knocks Over tlio Table , SontlorH
tlioUnllota nnd CotintR
Himself In.
At the primaries on Saturday ovonin
last considerable activity nnd earnestness
was shown. At sovornl voting place
during the two hours the polls wore open
the judges nnd clorka were kept cent
t ntly busy.
In the First wnrd , although two tickets
wore in the Hold , only a skirmish took
placo. In the Second only ono tickcl
wns out. Not much interest was mani
fested hero.
In the third there were two tickets in
the field. Ono won headed by L. W.
Hill , the other oy John 11. Sahler. Leo
Holaloy and John II. Snhlor were chosen
judges nnd ono Clark na clerk. Promptly
nt 7 o'clock the polls were cloaod. As
soon as this WHS done Walter Dennett ,
of the second ward , by magical moan ? ,
obtained ndmittanco to the rooms where
the polls were being hold. The list na
kept by the clerk containing the names
of the voters waa handed to him. Ob
jection being made to his prcsonco in the
room , lip disappeared , and the poll Hat
with him , The ballot box waa then
opened and the , votes poured onto the
table. Tim judgpa nnd clerk then pro
ceeded to _ aupar.Uo the ballots. The
straight ticket headed by Snhlor wns
placed in ono pile , that headed by Hill
in another and those teratchcd in a third
Considerable time before their work waa
completed Sahler began to nmko insinun-
tionsthat | ho would not sign the credential ? !
for two candidates whoso names were on
the Hill ticket in case that ticket should
receive n majority of the votes cait.
When the ticket * were nearly separated
Sahlor expressed his apprehensions that
the "big ticket , " moaning the Hill ticket ,
was elected. After the work of sopnra
tiou had boon completed the piles showed
that the Hill ticket had boon elected by
R vote of considerably moro than two to
one. It was then proposed to go to
counting them. Sahlor objected. Ho
repeated several times that ho would not
count them. Helsley then said ho would
count them himself. Sahlor again ob
jected. After some bickering Holsloy
began to count the votes. Ho had not
proceeded very far with the work when
Sahler reached across the table , snatched
the ballots , and scattered them on the
leer , saying G d d n you , I will show
JTOU you can't count thorn. At the same
Lime ho kicknd the table , near
ly overturning it. This dastardly
trick waa apparently countenanced by
several candidates on the Schlor ticket ,
md in the room nt the time. When this
lad boon done , Holsloy nnd the cnndi-
intison the Hill ticket , in the room nt
ho time , left the polling plnco. Salilvr
md his confreres then held n couclnvo
.o determine the [ course to bo pursued.
[ t ia reported that Sahler and Clark have
linco issued credentials to nil candidates
apon the Sahler ticket.
In the Fourth ward three tickets wore
in the field. A largo vote was polled ,
uid n lively light ensued. Ia the Fifth
Ward n fight wns made on ono candidate ,
who waa defeated. In the Sixth ward
two tickets were out. Several candidates
ju both were elected.
The following is the result in town
irocincts , and the country onca so far as
lioard from :
First Ward E. M. Stonberg , A. J.
[ lobon , John Chmtophcrson , Josiah
Kent , Thomas Pioronott , John Roaicky ,
3. A. Haarmnn.
Second Ward W. J. Council , M. 0.
uloanoy , John F. Bohm , S. J. Larson , I.
S. Haacall. L , Becker , 0. Specht.
Third Ward L. W. Hill , I. Brown ,
J. J. Points , 0. S. Iliggina , Simoon
Bloom , Fred Wirth , John Frank.
Fourth Ward D. N. Miller , GM. .
Hitchcock , T. K. Sudborough , N. A.
Kuhn , A. 0. Troup , W. J. Broatch , E. D.
Fifth Ward Joseph Redman , John
McDonald , J. ThomaaCummings , Henry
Bolln , George King , James Young , John
Sixth Ward M. Ittner , A. N. Koar ,
Joe Rowloa , P. Peterson , R. E. Allen ,
E. W. Lane , H. Campbell.
West Omaha William F. Hoins ,
Charles J. Ryan , and I. N. Pierce ,
Douglaa Frank 0. Crawford , Joel A.
Grinin and - . Waterloo W. F.
Clark , George Johnson nnd - Clark.
Clears out rats , mice , roaches , flioi ,
an to , bedbugs , skunks , chipmunku ,
"ophora. IPo ,
A Xiuulicr of CtmiiKCH NccoHNary ut
tlio Central Olllco on Account
of Now
Tlio wires from the west part of the
city to the central telephone oflico now
run directly over the ground upon which
stood the wooden building of Peter Coos
Mr. GOOH has toin down the woodci
building and purposes to erect a three
story brick upon the site mid will a
place another story upon the Ooos hotel
This necessitates the removal of the telephone
phone wiren. A sixty foot polo will b
erected in front of Haacall's building , ani
the virus , ono hundred and twenty in
number , will bo transferred to thia polo
The two largopnlcs uponFifteunth'atrool
upon which are strung ono hundred atv
forty wirca each , will have to bo move
out about eight feet on a line with th
curbing , This will bo quite a job aa th
poles are cry largo and henry and ar
sot about ton feet in the ground. Thi
work will require the nuilding of uover.i
now standards upon the roof of the central
tral atfttion and carpenter is now a
work thereon. The work will bo ro ar
ranged as to interfere very little , if anj
with thu oubacribots ,
llourd oraviulo JMeelliif , ' .
The rugular monthly meeting of tli
Board will bo held on Monday ovemnj.
April 15 The Board "f Hireotora wi
riicot at 'I \ p. m. T io.s Oiiiao.v , See ,
A Mvtl > 'I'liiitu
Between 12 nudl o'oloait Saturday n
occurred in fruit of the Emmot houeo between
twoon a nun n d Jlls wl > "l regard t
their chU. ! The police were called b
for Infants and Children.
CaqforlapromotoqDIrrcqUon What RlTtw onr Children TOCT chpelc * ,
nnd overcomes Flatulency , CoiiBtipa- > Vhnt cures Uiclr foron , tnikra them sloop t
tion , Spur Stomach , Diarrhoea , and
l-ovcriBbnces. It insures health nnd JVhcn Kililri fret nnd cry bjr turns ,
What cures Uiclr colic , kills their wormn ,
uutural Bleep , without inoriihinc. lint ContoTl
\ Vflinl qulcltlr citron ConotlpaUon , " *
" Boiir Stomach , Colds , IndlGOStlon ,
CAstorlft In no well iXJ pfc < \ to Children Uiixt Itnt Cftntnrla.
I tvcommciul It M Mirtrrlor lo nny pn-scripUon
known to mo. " U A. ARCIIKB , M. D ! , rnroircll then to MorpMno Byrups ,
. BJ rorUand Avo. - . Cnstor Oil nnd PnreBoriC , nndHnll
* , llrooWj-n , N. Y. Hnll Can tori B |
CENTAUR LINIMENT nn absolute euro for Ithouma-
tlsin , Sprains , Burns , Galls , &c. TlioiuostPoworflilnmlPono-
tratinj ; Palit-rcllovliiff and Healing Remedy luiowu to man.
o'ophono and a crowd of ono hundred or
nero gathered , but before the olllcora
could arrive the follow Imd mndo i oed
it's cicApo.
o\ei'\l liniioi'tniit Cunt niclKir |
Street Iiiiironu | > nR Iiut.
At the meeting of the board of public
orks. on Saturday evening , all the mem-
) era were present. The bida for paving ,
urbing and guttering certain strcota In
10 city were opened.
Uid [ s > erofiratopcnodforcurbingonFar-
am street , and curbing and guttering on
toward and the cross streets intorvcn-
ig , and alto on St. Mary's uvonue.
Vm. Mack , llugh Murphy & Co. , J. E ,
{ iloy it Co. , James Pox and Uronnr.n A ;
ones were the bidders.
The contract for curbing Farnani street
as lot to llugh Murphy & Co.
The contract for curbing and guttering
in other streets was let to Brounan A :
Uids were opened for paving St , Mary's
vcnuo between Seventeenth and
'wentiothvijh Sioux Falls grunito on a
and foundation. J. E. Itiloy & Co. and
Vm. Mack vroro the bidders , The con-
ract was lot to lliloy ifc Co. for paring
n sand foundation at § 2.)8pur ! ) \ square
ard. Mr. Croightou voteof no , on the
round that ho did not consider sand
lone aa a tit foundation , natwithstand-
ig the opinions of Mr. Kountza or any
liter , because the city is obliged
o maintain thia pavement after it ia laid ,
nd Moaara. linker and Wilaon agreed
vith him on thia proposition , but voted
or the bid on a sand foundation , because
uch a foundation waa what had been
etitioned for.
Bida were opened for paving the al-
oya in blocks 'J and 10 , with Sioux Falls
,0110. J. E. lliley & Co. and Wm.
Tack were the bidders. The contract
as let to lliloy it Co. for paring on
roken stone and -sand at § 3.48Jper
Tlio assignment , by B. Melqucat &
o. , of their contract for curbing nnd
uttering Ninth street , to J. E. lliloy t
o. , was confirmed by the board.
The meeting then adjourned.
The finest mayouaiao resainc ; for all
inds of salads , cold meats , raw tcma-
103 , pickled salmon , cabbage , etc. , ia
Durkoo'a Salad Dressing. It is , besides ,
icro economical than homo-raado ,
cavid'H Specially Coinpuny ntlloytl's
Opera JIoiiHo Saturday N
A decidedly "top heavy" house greet
d Leavitt's specialty company upon
loir appearance at Boyd's opera house
aturday. Colllcctivoly speaking the
ompany is a good ono , Thcro nro two
r three acts presented that could bo
iapcnacd with without any very soiious
os3 to the patrons of the company.
'Tho Workingman'B Strike" la well
igh , if not quito , worn out ,
t myMifioA one vihy such good Irish
hnracter nrtista CH "Iho Four Sham-
ocka" uhould hnn on to such a piico of
rash. Next it might bo advicablo * o of-
cr "Dutch" Daly a ijuiet pointer on his
ict. Hia concertina playing is vcrj' line
ndccd , but his German stump speech an-
vors too strongly of a varisty dive tj bo
lalatablo to the "rotlnod .iiidioncc.t wo
Iraw ovorywhiTo. " Wai"rnttn , in his
viro walking net , ia the strongest feature
jf the show. Ho 13 * by long odds the
Incst performer in hia line over bo-
bro an Omaha audience. The three
jolhins , in their bicycle riding nnd
balancing , called for a double
cnooro. MIPS LoUie Elliott did a very
( leasing ( skipping rope dance , Andy and
Annie Hiighci appeared in the eamo old
act that they put on before the war ( oi
1812) ) , Harrington nnd Johnson nro a
; oed team of artists and actually got oi !
lomothing new. Thu performance cloaoc
with a farce , "All Fool's D.iy , " with Dan
Mason as ' 'Bumper , " that , though sea-
eonod somewhat highly , proved funny.
An irjectod 'J'rninpllioWrooKerol'tlii
DAYTOK , O , April 13. Michaels , nr
rested hero Friday on suspicion of being
the wrecker of tlio Panhandle express
last Thursday night , waa identified by
Conductor I'icrson , who had oliargo o
the wrecked train , ns a tramp ho liad pu
off only n fnw daya before. Tlio mcau
tircment of his fuot iilao corresponds witl
the track * in the mud about the too
house. To-day Michuels admits that lie
is a tramp nnd thut he H B in the vicinity
of the wreck on Thursday , but claims innocence
noconco , Then ) is a atrory feeling ngains
him , but so far the evidence is merely
circumstantial ,
Tlio 1'ai Iu Dynamiters ,
On learning of the arrest of Patrick
Fitzgerald , tlio hivinciulos of this city
concluded that the puperj found on tin
prisoner could not implicate any Irish
man in Paris. Tlioy Bay Daly ia not nn
emissary ot O'Donovan Knsja. The dy
namiters of Paris profcsa to not know
- n. . .
ICnuland In tlio Tiiiiiii ( | I'lo ,
LONDON , April IJ ! , G rain illo haa ro
reived petitions from the Chambers o
commcroo of Hong Kong aud fthangha
against the threatened French acizuro o
Dhuaan for indemnity. Granville ad-
Msod the French minister at London of
iMigland'n intention ta ndhcro to the
Anglo-Chino o treaty of 18-10 , accuring
Dhusan ngainst occupnlion. The porto
laving dcc'dcd ' to put a now tariff into
ixocution Juno Cth , ths Oovornmonts of
: ilnglaiid , Franco , Germany , llussia , Bol-
; ium and the United States have in-
ormcd the Pforto they will not consent
o the abolition of their commercial
rights under capitulations.
Tlio SrmBinoillo Stnloon-OloHlnK a
MI.VNEAI-OMS , April 111. Mayor Pilla-
) tiry yesterday issui'd an order closing nil
ho saloons on Sunday. To-day it haa
locn impossible for habitues to find an
ntranco either at the front or rear.
FillutiHtorH Attacked In Ouln.
MAIIUID , April 13. Official dispatch
rom Cuba reports n bund of 42 insurgents
mdor Duran , who intended joining Aquo-
ro , were attacked by troopa and 33 men
) cnth of nn Insnno Man AVlio lla < l
Ituuti Kept in Solitary ( online-
nient Ilnlf a Cciittiry.
HUNTINGDON , Pa. , April 10. Daniel
lawn , the insane mnu who has boon
> copt in solitary confinement by his brotli-
ira ainco 1823 , died in Juninta township ,
ix miles from this city , yostorday. Ho
wna 84 years old. The maniac wan ono
f iivo or six brothers , who , when young
men , worked together on their fathor'o
arm. Hia malady ia said to have been
: auEed by drinking from a stream while
ver-hcatcd in the harvest-field. Ho
raa immediately confined by hia biothera
md was ever aitorwnrd totally excluded
'rom the world. But once in the subse-
liicnt sixty years did he regain hia free
dom , and that waa nbout fifty years ago ,
when ho succeeded in escaping from the
louse. He was EOOU captured and ro-
, urncd to hia imprisonment. The room
n which ho was kept wna of amnll dimen
sions , with but ono window , and to prevent -
vent him from rcachingtlio latter he waa
chained in un opposite corner. A steve
was placed m a small opening in thu par-
.ition , with iho front facing into the nail ,
10 that fires could bo mudo without 011-
uriug the room. Four of tlio brothers
loaidos Daniel remained unmarried and
ived together , accumulating money and
vropertj , which they hold in common.
Two of them turvived , and are the own-
> rs ot 1)00 ) acres in the tmvnuhip.
A Tl hr Sojucozu.
A dude entered n car of a train from a
uburb this morning , and , after vainly
ouking around for a vacant neat , spied
ono partly occupied by an elderly female
vhoso weight might have bocn estimated
at about 347 Ibs. net.
"Seat takon1' ? ho inquired.
"Nno , " she replied , dubiously , glanc-
ng at the few inches that wore loft va
Ho looked at the "Jumbo , " and after
a minute's deliberation , sat down , or
ntlhir squeezed into the aperture.
In a few momenta the conductor yelled -
od : "Next-ntop-Brund-Htreot-etutfAn-pas-
remainseated untilthe
era- ploaaoremain - - - -
Liuin-comeB'to-a-full stop ! "
When the train did tome to a full stop
the dude nlti'inpted to rim * , but in vain !
Thao was no use in irjing. Ho was
wedged as tight as a bung in a beer-keg.
Then uho tried , but without success.
"Shovo OVIT a little. " BUggested his
dudeehit ) , \
She bl'ovcd , and ho gave ono cciirul-
ivo lenp , ni'd chot out of tbo neat like in
cork out of n. chnmpiigne hottlo. \
The female meekly followed him out
of the car , muttering something about
"ought to know bettor than to do such a\
thing , " He \
A tingle tloDo of Sanford's Radical Cure In *
tfantl ) rcllovtatliu moi > t violent fneczlnj- Head
ColJa , clcarutlic liead at by niajflc , btopn watery ills-
cliarRW Iroin the Nuno and ryu , jireicnti Itlngloc
In tha Iiwl , Cures Nervous Htadache and
Chltta utid Tovcr , Ia Chronla Catarrh It
olranvct Ilio nasal IUSUKUS of foul mucui , restore
lie mniaml mnolf , tutti and licarlu when tlfccteJ ,
tree * Die head , throat and bronchial tubes ot oHon-
ilvo nutter , s eetain nd imriOoitho broatb , stoni
nnd rrcetu tlio piogrcas ot Catarrh to-
Ono trattlo lUdlcal Cure , onu box CaUrrhal Sol.
\tnt imd fianlord's Inhaler , all In ono package , of al
< lriiel t for 41. Aek fur MAXTORU'S KiDiciL CDKB.
I'OTTIR D"L'U ASO ClIKlllOJkL CO. , U03t011
Colllnn1 Voltal Flu trio Plaster
Instantly a0 cu the Nervoui
V BysUra and banishes 1'nta A
i > croct Kloctrlo lottery cn > n >
Wncdwltri a 1'orouj Waster Jot
13 TUB CKV 25 cent ! It tmiimluteii i-Mn ,
TltalJica Weak and Wora Ou-
UUl'E VnU , ttrcn-'tbun Tired Mutv
Icj , jiiercat isoaoo.onJ dota more In one-halo
line thau vv other plutcr lu thu woilJ. buM
111 North Uth Street
t , &