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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1884)
OMAHA DAILY BEE MONDAY. APEIL U 188-1. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. FINANCIAL NKW YonK , April 12. Money Market closed i\t 2 t > cr cout. Prlino Mercantile l' per I@5J per cent , Sterling Exchnnpo Mnnkore' bill ? , atoiily nt 4 8" ; domnnil , i 90. Uovornmonti I'irm. llnlhvsy Boiuls Strong ; slock ? weak greater part of the day. The nnnouncoinont Unit coal companies 1m. 1 nftrood upon suspension of milling , nnd reports that Krto had made cuts on coal rAte * , \voro used agaliut the market , ns was nlao the rumor that the Wabash com. pauy intended to make n now Isauo of bonds This rumor waa denied , but Wnbash stocks novortholesa broke from It to 10 J for common , and from 23jj to 20 for preferred , The decline In the remainder of the list was 4 to 1J per cent. In closlug doallnga there was n recov ery of i to i per cent. OUOFONS S's 101 S'sU. llSt1 U. S. new , l'i 1233 Pacific ( > B of'03 Brooica ASD BONDS. Amorlcau Kxpropa 9(5 ( Burl. , Oodar Ruplds & Northern ( > 0 Central Paultio 578 Chicago & Alton 130 } do do pfd ,145 Chi. , Burl. fcQulncy 12-1 Erlo 21 do pfd Fort Wayne & Chicago Hannibal k St. Joseph 38 J do do do pfd * S8J Illinois Central 120 Ind.p Bloom. & Western Kansas & T xai Lake Shore & Michigan So as Michigan Control 88 Minneapolis , t St. Louis 15 do do do pfd 31 Missouri Pacific 85V Northern Pautic 22J do do pfd 17 Northwo ? tut n 115 do pfd 142 Now York Central 114 Ohio & Mississippi v 20J do do pfd1. 00 Peoria , Decatur tvansvillo If Rock Inland 120 Chicago , Milwaukee t St. Paul 85 , do .Jo do pfd 113 St. Paul Minn. & Manitoba OlH St. Pftul& Omaha 303 do do pfd 913 Toros Pncifin 18 Union Pacifio 70 Wabash , St. L.&Pacifio II do do do pfd 20 Wii toiu Uiiloii Teiogvaph 088 * Asked. GKA.1N A.NO niOVISIONS. CIIIOAQC PRODUCK. CHICAGO , April 12. Flour Qulot and prices unchanged ; Son thorn Illinois nud Miss"1' ' ! ! winters , 5 5nJ5 75 ; Michigan winters , 1 76s ( 5 50 ; low B" do winUf. 223@350 ; good to fancy spring extras 325@100 ; Minnesota bak r . 1 2 < Vfff > 00 ; ryp Hour , 3 OOK3 30. Wl.oat ISigular wuuat npanod IJj lower , rallied Jc , fluctuated and v > il.enod toward the close , nud cloned 2jc uuder Thursday'd ] ) rices : trading largely locil ; 79Jo for April ; 2iofor May ; S'g@852c for Juno ; 8GJi > 8BJc for July ; 87c : } for August ; Is'o. 2 spring , 79i@ S2c. S2c.Corn Corn Quiet nnd lower and prices ranged l@lo uuder Thursday's closing ; l."j@47So for rash ; 15e for April ; 49jo for May ; 50jc for Juno ; 52jc for July ; G34o for August ; re jected. 4' ' * ' * . Oats Quiet , but moderately firm : 27J@28c for cash nnd April ; 31 c for filay3lg@32c ; for June31Jc ; for July ; 38Jo for Au just ; 27Jc for the Tear. Kye-Stoady at C2i@53c. Barley Higher at 08@70c. Flax .Seed-1 63 Pork Quiet and easier ; 17 35@17 fiO for cash ; 17 3U@17 3) for April , 17 374@17 40 for May ; 17 5lra > 17 52i for Juno ; 17 C0@17 C2i tor July ; 17 7il@17 75 for August. Lard Quiet and lower ; 8 45@8 CO for caih and April ; 8 47J8 50 for May ; 8 57J@8 00 for June ; 8 O'iCaS 70 for July ; 8 75s8 ( 77V for August. Boxed Meats In fair demand and easy ; xhoulders , 7 03 ; short ribs , 8 45 ; short clear , 9 05. Butter Unchanged ; choice creamery , 2J @ 30o ; dairy , 2C@27c ; rolls , common to choice , 10S 20c. Eggslie. . Whhkv-1 17. Timothy Seed Dull and weak ; prime , 1 22 @ 1 23 ; common , 1 15. . Cheese Choice full creams , steady ; skims , weak und outHldo prices of the first of the week difficult to obtain. Hides Unchanged ; green salt cured bull , 7c ; peon salt , damaged , GJc ; green salt cured , light , 8Jc ; heavy 8c ; green salted calf , 13c ; dry salted , ll@12c. Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 , CJc ; cake , 7. MILWAUKEX. MILWAHKEB , April 12 Wheat Weak ; No. 2 , 86 cj April. 83 ] c ; May , 77g ; Juno , 89jc. Corn Scarce anil nominal ; uono offered. Oatj Firmer ; No. 2 , 32@32jc. llyo Inactive ; No. 2 , 57i@t > 8c. Bailev Higher ; No 2 , spring , cash and April , 05 : ; May. 07ic. HALTIMOOE. BALTIMORK. April 12. Wheat Higher , but quiet ; No. 2 winter , red , spot , 1 01 @ 1 08J ; May , 1 OU1 0- . Corn Steady , but dull ; mixed , spot , 52@ C3c ; May. f)3t@53Jc. Oats Firm and hi good domain ! ; wextorn white , ' ] 042o , mixed , 38@40o. llyo-CJuiet at 07@G9o. Tjgg J ewer and ( iiiiot at 152. Whisky -Unchanged at 1 1U@1 IDJ. NUW OiaSAKB. NKW OntKANB , April 12 , Corn Dull and lower ; mixed , ( WcJPs. Oats Dull aud easier ; jirinio.He ; choice , Hi@5c. Corn Meal Good demand and firm ; 2 00. Oats Quiet ; prime , -14c. Pork Higher , but scarce nt 18 00. Laid Higher ; tierce , refined , 900 ; keg , 950. 950.WhUkey Unchanged. Bran Dull at 72Jc. NKW YORK. NKW YORK. April 12. Wheat-Spot lots i@lc higher , clnBiug weaker ; options declined l@ljc at the outset , afterward * rallied Jlc ( , closing heavy at li@21c below Thursday's figures ; No. 2 Chicago , 95@9IU delivered ; ungraded rnd.83@831c ; No. 4 red. 8lc ; No. 3 red , 95@95.lo ; No. 2 red , 1 01@1 02Jc ; May JtUJc. JtUJc.Corn Spot lots JOJc lower , options cllned lSilgc ( , closirg at bottom rates ; un. Kraded. 4C@57io ; No. 3 , GG@50.o } ; No. 2 , fi01@57c , old ; No. 2 , 07Jo. Oats-l@14o higher ; mixed [ western , 30 ® 37o ; white western , 40@45o. Kirtrs Western fresh , dull and lower at ir.10io. Pork -Steady and lu fair demand ; now moss. 17 00. Lard Weak : prime ateam , 8 75@8 80 ; May , 8 G7@8 70. Butter Dull and Weak. CheeseQuiet. . TOLEDO. TOLEDO , April 12. Wheat Firm ; No. 2ral , cash , 93Jc ; May , 93jjo asked Corn Active and not quutably higher ; No. 2 cash , 49 | e ; May , 4l > 8o. IJ IH Firm and unchanged ; No. 2 , cash , 30 ; May , 35Jc. MVBBPOOL. LJV BKOL , April 12. Wheat Steady , new western winter , 7s 10d ; new No , 2 spring , 7 0cl. Corn-Old mired , firm at 5s ; new mixed , ( steady , 4s lOJd.BP. BP. I.OUIS PRODUCE , ST. LOUIB. April 12-Wheat-Unsettled No.2redS108J for cash ; 810SJ@1 08 for May ; 1 01@l OJJ for June ; 9/2 < B93 < jn for July ; closing at Inside imotatlon ; No , 3 red 9Se. 9Se.Corn Lower , but firmer at the close : 45S@ 4Glo for cash : 45@l58o , closing at 15Jo foi Mav : 4C9@-lGJc , closing at 4GJo for June ; 48. @ 48c , closiog at 48Jo for July. Oaw-FIrmer but slow ; 34JO for cash ; 83Jo for May. Kye-074fi8olld. B rloy-70@85o. Butter --Unchanged. KgK Lower at 12Jo. 1'lftx Seed Nomliml. Hny ITnclmnRodj tiralrlo , $10 00@11 fiO tlinotliy , Sl.T 00@10 00. llrnn 74o. Corn Mortl-I Uglier r t $ . ! " 0. KANSAS CUT rilODUOK. KANSAS CITT , April V ' . WhnatSlrnniror ! 82o bid for uuli ; 8 : > lo bid for May ; SL'io 1,1,1 fur Juno. Corn Virmcr ; 3SJ@39o for cixsh ; 39-llo for ,1 lino. Oats Dull ; nominal , 20o llil. aTt , April I'.1. Pork Quiet ; moss , 17 21(5)17 ( ) BO. Lixnl Qnlct but firm : current innko , S 40 , ] 5ulk JMonta I'lrm ; shoiildors , 7 OOj short rlbi. 8 45. \Vhliky-Stoiuly \ nt 1 15. LilVK STOCK. OI110AQO UVR STOCK. CitiOAao , April 12. The Drovorii1 JonrnM rnoortn tlil nltemoon iw folio ws : Ifoifs Strong nutl nctlvo nncl jiricos lOa lilulior : roiiRli packing , 5 C > 0@fl 15 : pncklnennd Miming. 0 1C@(5 ( 50 ; light , 5 BOfgO 25 ; nkls | , 3 7C@5 00. Cattle Steady ; export ? , 040t > 75 ; Rood to choice sliinpitiK , G 00@G 30 ; common to mcdlnm , 5 10@ ( ! 00 ; Inferior tn fair cows , 2 75 @J 00 ; medium to good , -1 00@5 00 ; stockora , 3"7r @ 4 75 ; foe loreI 80@5 10. Sheep Active and firmer ; inferior to fnlr , 3 "f > @ 5 00 per cu t ; medium to choice , 5 00 © 5 GO. HT. LOUIS I.1VK STOCK. ST. Louis , April 12. Cnttlo Supply \orv Jght ; usual Saturday dullness ; small rotixll trade , but nt full prices ; exports , G 25@ < > 75 ; common to choice shipping steers , 5 00@G 25 ; 'eedore , 4 75@5 25 ; corn fed Texans , 5 00 ® 6 75. Sheep Quiet ; only a trndo nt previous iricoa ; In furl or to good , 3 50@5 5 ; choice to oxtri. 5 50@(1 ( 10. IIog < - Qulot ; light , 570@580 ; packing- , 5 75@G 10 ; hnavy , G 00@G 30. KANSAS OITV LIVE STOCK. KANSAS CITV , April 12. The Livestock indicator reports : Cattle Steady ; natives , 5 30@G 00 ; stockers - ors nnd fondera 40@5 00 ; cowa , 3 C0@4 40. Hogs Firmer nud 5c higher , ranging nt 5 ! )7i@G ) 30. Sheep Quiet nnd unchanged ; native * , 3 75. TRAFFIC. VLOUn AND QBAIN. CniOAOO , April 12. Roccipti nnd shlp- raenta of flour and grain for the past 24 hours mvo been as follows : Receipts Bhtp'ts. Flour , bhls 10,000 33,000 Wheat , bushels 17G.OOO 309,000 3orn , bushels 109,000 177,000 Oats , bushels 100,000 195,000 Rye , bushels 3,000 138,000 Barley , bushels 20,000 31,000 NEW YOBK , April 12. Rocolpti nnd hlpmontsof Hour nnd grain f or tha peat 24 hours mve boon oa follows : Receipts Rhlp'te. Whoit , bnshels 119,000 318,000 < JJru , bushels 21,000 73,000 Oats , bushels 39.000 . . . . LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO , April 12. Receipts nnd ship ments of li\o stock for tha past 24 hours have x > an as follows : Receipts. Shlp'ts. Cattle 1,300 Hogs 4,200 Sheap 1,100 . . . . KANSAS Cur , April 12. Racelpt ? nnd hipments of hvo etock for the past 21 hours mve been ns follows : Receipts. Bhlp'ts. Oattlo 1,400 Hogs 2,100 . . . . 3heop 103 . . . . ST. LODIH , April 12. Receipts nnd sliip- monts of live stock for the post 24 hours have teen ns follows : Receipts. Bhlp'ts. Cattle G.OOa 3,100 Hogs 3'jno 4,700 Sheep bOO 000 THE BRITISH GRA.IN MARKET. LONDON , April 12. The Mark Lane Ex- > ress , in its review of the British grain trade , ays : "For the past week the condition of the wnoat crop has not changed. Trade in breadstufTs is do- > ressed. Wheat and flour declined Is ; foreign vheat oil ittands n further decline of Is on inest and ls@2son Amerizan grades. Mai/a las fallen Is and birloy Gd. Ontn have risen jr. Pour cargoes of wheat arrived withdrawn - drawn ; four remained unsold. Cargoes on loesage or for shipment are much neglected. " OMAHA MARKETS. Wholesale 1'rkcoB. OmoE or Tun OMAHA BBE. \ Saturday Evening , April 12. | The following prices are charged retailers ly Jobbers , wholoBaloru nnd commlsaion merchants - chants , with the exception of irrMn , which in luotod at the prlcoa furnished by the elevators and other local buyers : Grant. WHEAT-GO. ' 2 , BAULEY-NO. 2. 47@B2c. ItVE-No. 3. 43c. CoiiN-No. 2 , 323@34ic. OATH No. 2 , 24@27c. Iiivo Stock. TfATCows I 7 < 5@525 , Hoaa 5 00@5 26. SHKEP 3 508)4 ) DO , OAI.VES 0 C0@7 00. Floor And BItllBtnflB. WINTEB WH.KAT Best quality , patent , at 8 2r.f5J3 40. SECOND Q.nAUTT 2 753 26. HruiNO WHEAT Best quality , patoat , 8.25@3 40. SEOOND QnAUTT 2 503 2B , BBAN 70o per uwt. CHOPPED I'KED Per 100 Ibs. OOc , COIIN MEAL 1 00@1 10 per owt. SCIIEENINQ < 35@7Co per owt General Produce. APPLES Very low In market. Genltans , S3 75 ; Bon Davis , ? 5 50 ; Willowtwlgs , 85 00 ; Winoanps , 4 75. BEANS Receipts light and demand good. Hand picked navy , per bu , $2 50 ; medium , 200@225. BKKHWAX In good demand. Cliolco hi Ight per Ib , 2C@28o ; common to good dark per Hi , 20@25c. BDTTKB Market ( pilot but stoadv. Choice country roll wanted. Jtanoy creamery , S3Coj 85u ; choice roll , 16@18c ; choice solid packed , 1415c ; fair to good , ll@13c ; inferior grades , G@8o. OnANBBnniKS Nonn in market quotable Bell and cherry per bbl , 812 00 ; "Bell Bugle * , " § 14 00. ClDEH-"York State" perbbl.8800 ; peri bbl , $1 75 ; condensed per gal , 85o. CHEESE Full cream , western , 13 } ; Wiscon sin. 13i@14c. CoooANtrra Per 100 , 84 75@5 00 , Kg < ru , HocolpU heavy and the fool In ? very weak. Hosier supplies ha\o all boon bought and demand now dull , Saloj wore made at lVl@13o ; offerings of 12@12ic not accepted , but liable to bo by Monday. FOIIEION ritniTti Moulna oranges , pnr box , 81 60. Messina lemoim , per bor , 83 76 © 400. Bananas , per bunch , S3 00 ® 4 00. Kigf , 11) . , IGo , Dates , In trails , 7Jo ; oateg , fard , in boxes , 14 o. KliUIT BoTfKKS Apple butter , In 30 Ib pails , per Ib , 7c. Plum buttar , 7ic. GAMEDucks. . Mallard , pordoz , 2 00 ; teal , 81 50 ; mixed , 81 50(3,1 ( 76 ; geese , $3.00@3 CO , inipe , $1.25. f UAI Baled , 810 00@12 00 per ton. JELLT lu 20 and SO Ib pails , B@'Jo ; lu 2'lb tins , per doz , 81 51 ; assorted tumblore , per < iyi , ( I 20 : ochooners , per dozen , 83 00. MAFI.K SuaAH-Pure , In bricks , p r Ib , ICc : Ohio , 13e ; mnall cakw , 12Jc. OAT MEAL-Bteel cut , \ > er bbl , SO 25. ONIONS ConiilgnmenU are coming in more freely. Demand In mnall lots only. Choljj rod Belling at $200@2CO per barrel ; yellow Dftnvow t $2 C0@2 7i" > ; green onions , 0j po doron. ONION Stna Bottom per bu , $3 51 ; lo | , S2 50. 1'orcoiiN- good demand nt 2@2jopnr Ib PouLTliT Scarce and high. Dressed Tut knys. peril ) . , 17ffll8o. ( ( Joo'o , 13o. Chickens 13@14c. Diu-k * . 13 140. Chlckon , ll\o per doz , ? I 50. Ducks , live , jror doz , S J 00)4 50 spring chickens , per dor. , Si 005 00 , accord Illg to M70. VOTATOM Demand for clinlco , well nssi > rt- oil stock only : mixed nnd fronted lota not wanted nt nny price. 1'arly Rose , per bu , 35 ( dllOc ; I'oachblow , 50ai55c ( ; Colorndoca nro olforoa nt GO G3c. A h Ices heavy and n do- cllno looked for. PHKSKUVSS ( In 20-lb pnlls ) Strawberry , raspberry , blackberry , \or \ Ib , ISc ; poor-lira , chcrricn , plums , npricoU , figs , per Ib , 12o ; cranbciry wxuco , par Ib , He , PiiOVIsiONH llnm , 131o ; b. bacon , lljc ; c. K. bacon , lljc ; d. s. eldo.i lOJc ; short rib Mdo , lOJc ; dhouldorfi , Sic ; tiu s pork , per bbl. 820 UO. Dried beef. 15Je. Lnrd. lOJc. VKOETAIII.KS Siilnnch , per bbl , 4 50 ; now cabbage , California per Ib. , 4c ; lettuce , per dor , Wc ; rodlshos , per dor. , GOc ; sweet jota- iocs , per Ib , Gc , turnips , per bu , 50c. boots , tor nit , 7oc ; cucumbers , per doz. , S200 ; cnuli * lower , per doz. , ? 3 00 ; niparngus , per doz. , SI GO ; now carrots , per Ib , , 3c , California celery ry , SI 50. Pioa KEPT , IiurK , Jlro. Plg foot , 15 Ib kite , SI 25 : pigs 40 Ib qr bbl , S2 50 : pigs foot , BO Ib half bhl , S5 00 ; tripe , 15 Ib icits , 81 25 ; trlpo , 40 Ib qr bbl , S2 50 : tripe , 80 Ib half bbl , > 5 00 ; pigs tonguca , 15 Ib kits , S2 60 ; plgn tongtios , 40 Ib qr bbl , SO 00. Lambs' toupuos , 15 Ib kits , S3 00 ; 40 Ib qr bbl , SG 00. FIIKSII OrsTERa Selects , 40c etindards , t5c ; mediums , 25c. Orocora Ijlst , CANNED Goons Oysters ( Standardpor ) case , 3 70(0)8 ( ) SO ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per , 2 00 ® 2 10 ; raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 00 ; Bnrtlott tears , per case , 2 40 ; wnortloborrlos , per cose , 1 10 ; egg plums , 2 Ib , per cnso , 2 UO ; green gages , 2 Ib , per case , 2 00 ; pine npplos , 2 Ib tor caso. 4 S0@5 50. ROPE Sisal j inch and larger , 9c , J inch , lOc ; J inch , lOJc. OANDLKS lioxos , 40 Ibi , IGs , 15c ; 8s , 15c ; > exes 40 Ibs , 10 ot. , Ga , loo. MATCHES Per caddlo , 35c ; round , casoi , 2 55 ; square coses , 1 70. SDQARS Powdered , Sjfc ; cnt loaf , 8Jo ; ; ranulatod , 7 o : confoctlonors" A , 7Jc ; Stand- ird extra O , Cjc ; extra O , Ggc ; medium yol- ow , GJc ; dark yellow , c. COFKEE8 Ordinary grades , 12@12Jc ; fair 13 E&13Jc ; good , 14c ; prime , 15@15Jc ; choice. G@17c ; fancy green nndyollow,10@lGJcold ; icivemmont Java , 20@2Cc ; Lo\oring'8 roasted , 7cj Arbucklo's roahtod , IHJc ; McLaughlinV XXXX roasted , lliic ; mltatlon Java , 1GJ RICH Louisiana prime to choice , 7o ; folrj GJc ; Patmn , Gfc. FISH Ni ) . 1 mackerel , half brln. , 8 50 ; No , . mackerel , Kits , 1 15 ; family intvckarel , half brls. , 7 00 ; family mackerel , kite , 93c ; No , 1 vhlte fish , half ) , iU. , 8 75 ; No. 1 kits , 1 15. Svnup Standard Com. , 80c , bols ; Standard lo , 4A gallon kcfra 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 gallon kcs 137. SODA In Ib papers , 3 30 per case ; lieg per Ib , "Jo. PICKLES Medium. In barrels , 8 25 ; do u half barrels , 4 75 ; small. In brmols , 0 2 ; do a half barrels , 5 25 ; gherlunsiin barrels , 10 25 ; io In half barrels. 5 75. TEAS Gunpowder , good , 45@55c ; cholco GO ® 75c ; good Imperial , 40@43c ; cholco , GO@G5c ; fouug Hyson , good , 3G@50c ; choice , > 5c@f 00 ; Japan , natural loaf , 35c ; Ja ) > an , hoico , G0@75c ; Oolong , good , 35@40c ; Oolong , hoico , 40@55c ; Souchong , good , 85@40c ; choice , 35@15c. WOODENWAHE Two hoop palls , 1 85 ; hree hoop palla. 2 10. Tuba , No. 1 , 9 00 ; Pio- icor washboards , 1 85 ; Double Crown 2 90 ; Wollbuckets , 3 85. SOAPS ICirk'H Savon Imperial , 3 45 ; Kirk's atinot , 3 60 ; Kirk's standard , 3 75 ; Kirk's whl to Russian , 5 25 ; Kirk's outoca , 2 15 ; Kirk's Proirio Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) 40c ; Kirk's magnolia , doz. POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 case , in case , 3 35 ; Babbitt.R ball 2 doz. in case , 1 90 ; Anchor tall , 2 doz. in case , 1 50. CANDY Mixed , 12@13cl ; stick , lie ; twist tick , lljc. VINEOAB Now York apple 16o ; Ohio apple - plo , 13c. SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 1 80 ; Ashton , In sacks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy GO , 5s , 3 30. STABOH Pearl , 4Jc ; Silver Gloss , 9o : Com Starch , 9c ; Excelsior Gloss , 7c ; Corn , "Jc. SPICES Pepper , 17c ; allspice , IBo ; cloves , 25c ; cassia Inc. LYE American , 3 40 ; Greenwich , 8 40 ; Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 00 ; Lewis' lye , 4 65 ; Jewell lye , 2 75 Dry Goods. BROWN SJIKKTINOB Atlantic A , 7jo ; Allan- ic P , Gc ; Atlantic LL ; 5Jc ; Brunswick , 7ic ; Joaver Dam LL , 6c ; Lawrence LL , 5\c ; Pacl- fie II. 7Jc : Royal Standard , 8c ; Indian Head A.MO ; Waucnusott A , 7ic. FINE BROWN SHKETINOS Argyle , 74c ; Pop- peroll R , G.c | ; Salisbury R , 5c. BLKACHED COTTONS -Ballon 4-4 , CJc ; Bal- on 7-8 , Bjc ; Cumberiond 4-4. 80 ; Davoll DD , 8Jc ; Falrmount , 4Jc ; Fruit of the Loom 4-4 , Me ; Glory of the West , 8Jc ; Golden Gate , SJc ; Hill 7-8 , 8c ; Hill 4-4. 9c ; Lonsdalo , 8ic ; Now York Mills , lljc : Wamsutta , lOc. DUCKS ( Colored ) Boston , 8 oz. , lljc ; Boson - ; on , 10 ez. , 14Jc ; Boston , 9 oz. , 14c ; Fall River , 8Jc. DUCKS ( Gray ) West Point , 8 oz. , lie ; West Point , 10 oz. , 14c ; Boston Boar , 8 or. . , lie. lie.TICKINOS Amoskoag. 14c ; Continental Fancy , 9e ; Cordis , 10c ; 1'earl River , 14c ; York , 1240 ; Hamloton Awnings , 12Jc. DKNIMH Amoakeag , lie ; Beaver Creek AA. 12c ; Beaver Creek BB , lie ; leaver Crook CO , 10 ; Haymakers , 8c ; Jaffroy D & T , 12 o ; Jaffrey XXX. 12 o ; Pearl River , 13o ; Warrou AXA ( brown ) . :2c : ; Warren BB ( brown ) , He ; Warren CO brown ) , lOc. CASHIIHCS Fifth avenue glove finl&h , 5c ; ICoystono glove finish , 5 c. CoiiSBT JEANS Amory , 7 c ; Hancoolt , 8c ; ICearsayer , 84c ; Rockport , 7c. PHINTS Ailen8,6Jc ; Amorican,5Jc ; Arnolds , ic ; Cochoco , ( ic ; Harmony , 4o ; Indigo , 8c ; Indigo 7-8 , HJc ; Indlco 4-1 , 12&c & ; cheap sale IJc ; Charter Oak , 4iu. PlllNTsSlllHTiNai American. Be ; Cochoco , 5c ; Glouco8tor,5oSouthbridge ; , 4Ic ; Wnvorlys , 4Jc : Rosodalo , ijc. GINGHAMS -Amoakeag staples , 8jc : Bates etaples , 8jc ; Lancaster' staples , 8c ; Plnnkot ilalds , 9c ; Hudson checks , 8Jc ; AmonkoaR iorelans , Die. DIIEHS GOODS Atlantic alpacca , 9Jo ; Per- ulano cashmor , 2d c ; Hamloton caslunoro , I51c ; Humleton Fancun , HJc ; Hamloton brocades - cades , 15c ; Arlington brocade , 18c. * 3S5TieiC > T r.A.Ij-"I > art9 of the rur nan liody onlarxcU , dot uloped DniJttrunKthenixl , etc , 9 an intciuatlnK mheitlsumont Ion ) ; run In onr r > cr. In rcjily to InquirliB wo will eay that there U 10 e\ldtnco ol linrabu - about this On the contrary the a < lt trtUora are very highly vndoruod. Intonated iiernonN muy get eealeu circular * Rlvlnir all lurtlcu lare by aldrcuslntf Erls Medicul C'o , I * . O. IKJX (13 , llutUfo N. Y. Toledo K > enln | { Hliulo. Apr 7mlOt . S , H ATWOOD , Plattsmouth Neb , - - - - iui4D aor TUORorjaiURio AKD man OBADI HEREFOBD AUD JEBSEY CAHLE AMD DUKOO OR J1RBBT RID IWIM1 ttTVoam utonV lor ala. Oorreipooilenra Bollolt WeakNervousMen \VtiOM ) tlebllliy. jcliuii tluu uiiit | trematur decuy Href aiuoil byexctMeii. vrromof youth , etc. . are perfectly reitoreil ( o it > lni > t liriillli > n4 , IIPW mill Ulrrt't inelbniliandab * uiui iliiironirlinr . Hi'ilul 'Irentlw trt * . ' OMAHA Stove Repair Works , 1'urnUli Itcpalra for nl gtovei made In tbo UNITED STATES AND CANADA btovci repaired und remounted equal to now. Tclo phone No. 11. U. 11. E ATO M , 1VO | > , UUIIK rou ruKrui Inj' I rt * ll until / /r\I4\ ( inj > i % l > iuKiuulrm | > UUnrD rrl > gr * F IB K F r 55 'i ' ' i > " " " ' " " " * JBuUldBtO 3 Ntrinui IMilmy.MiiiliMlViiliur , i i , ( ' 'iir-ly MOU-U tnM ' itott inuun vl IKUUM iUinM I Ail.lrfM llr ( The use ot the term " Hb.TI Un " In connection with th corporate name ot a greatrptd , com cyn an Idf ot utt w tiki rc < ) irlrMl by the trHlnir i > tib- He Hhntt Linn , Quick Tin I Mul the best of accoiumoda _ . . . , _ _ tloim all ol which ar furn > lihed by the Krcatcit railway lu America. OFIOAGO , MILWAUKEE And St. Paul. It owns and operates over 4,500 rullooof Northern Illinois , Wlwonrin , Minnesota , Iowa Dakota ; and M t < main hne * , branches ami conneg. lions reach nil the ercot huilncM ccntrcn of th Northwest ami Fir wc t , It naturalannwen ) tht description nf Short Mnp , arul Itr t Itouto between Chlcfo ( , Milwaukee , St. lauland Mlnnnvpolla. ChlcftKiMilwaukee , Iw Kimta and Wlnpna. Chicago , Mllnaukcr , Al rrlcen and HJ nilnln Chicago , Milwaukee , Kan anlro and Stlllwater Chicago , Mllnaukro , Waunau and Merrill. ChloAK ° i Mllnaukco , Ilea\cr Dam and OshkMh. Chicago , tlllnaukcc , WMikntlia mid Ocrtnonionoo. ChlCAgo , Mllnaukuo , Madloon and rraUlodn Chlen. Chlotgo , Milwaukee , Onatonnn and Fftlrlhftull. ( Hilcago , Dclott Janclo | | and Mineral Point. Chicago , Klgln , llockfonl and Dulmiiuo. Chicago , Clinton , HocV Island and CotUr lupldi. Chicago , Council UlulTii and Oniahx Chicago , Sioux City , Sioux FftlU anil Tankton Chlcaco , Milwaukee , Mitchell andChambvtlaln. Hook Island , Dnliiiqno , Bt. Paul and Mlmiropoll * Ua\onport , Calmar , St. 1'aul and Minneapolis. rnllnwn Sleepers and the Flnrat DlntnirCars In world are run on the mainlines otthoCHICAQO MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RAILWAY and o\cry attentlou la paid to ( laaseuRcra by rouitt oua cmploj cs ol the coniKVny. | A. v. n. Qen'l Mnnagcr. Ocn' Pain. . .C xitfw , OKO It. llfcAFFOUD , a * WITH n ! id year work is done for all time to time to come. WE CHALLENGE o produce a more durable material for street pavement than the Falls Granite. OIRIDIEIIRS IFOtt ANY AMOUNTjOtf -OR MACADAM ! illed promptly. Samples sent and estimates given upon application. WM.MOBAIN & co. . Sioux Falls. Dakota DISEASES OP THE T. ARMSTRONG , M. D. , Until olllccs are repaired from result of fire , oil ) with lr. I'arkor , Itoom C , Orelchton lilock Ifth ST , LOUIS PAPER WAREHOUSE , Graham Paper Co. , 217 and 213 North Main St. , St. Louis. WHOIESALK Dl'JVLEltS IN nooK , i WAITING NEWS , 'lwuAi'i'iNo KttVKWfKt , CAItD BOAUD AMD WINTER'S STOCK JH CaiU paid ( or Ilaga of all x1. UANUFACTURKH OP GALVANIZED IRON , CORNICES. WINDOW CAPS , FINIALS/miJ. a ie xatii aix-o t , i XAHA . Nlll.HAflKA. ! MANHOOD RESTORED. A victim ol early Imprudence , causing nerroui Ccblllty , prem&turo decay , etc. . hivlnu iriou m rtln every known remedy , lias ( Uncovered n clmplo moanii of tolf-curu , which liu will mind 1'IUCU to U19 Jcllowuirerern. . AddrrM. AIL UUUVKH.4JUbatluiuHt.Keir Yurie I QURE \VhcuTtKyiuru i ur iiia mean allmoandih ii luve thuni rnurn 3 ln. I mu.n arid. * cat care. I li v > i de < ( .o ut I'lTK. KflLKftt orKALLlNOHICKNeaSitlUolnugi uiij. IwirrMinf cmcdr to euro the wont cnBui. ) li ui olheri t f I tilled u no roitan far nut now receiving car * . pnn for a treutlitt and a I'rf * Uottl * of ray I iwtuwijr. Ulve Kxprti * anil 1'oit Onice. It C ' i > uiuiifi > r tiUI iiiI willrur * > . _ . Jjdruli Jr. 11.0 1KHIT ltd Penrl Bt. DR. WHITTIER i 617 St. Charles St. , St , Louis , Mo. \ HKOULAU OIlADUATBol two medical collegei 2ha * been encaged longer ID the treatment ot CHRONIC , HKUVOUS , BKIN ANI ) ULOOD DlieUM than other phynlclan In Bt. LOUII , at city papera ihow and all old ruslJeiiU know , Coniultatlou free and Invited. When It U Inconvenient to visit the cUy'Joi treatment , medicine * can be acnt by mall or exureu everywhere. Curable eaten guarantccxl ; where doubt exUta It U frankly ( tatcd. Call or write. Hervoml'roetraUon. Debility , Mental and Phvilca VYeuknem , Mercurial and other aflectlopi ol Throal om Moutli , Old" Bore and Uloert , Impcdl tnenta to mirrliso , U i > j'i ' iutl ia , I'ilo * . Upeolal ai tentlon to caaeg Ifom ovurivorked brain. UUUO1UAI * CAHKa reoulve pocla > attention. Ulxaaei > Iroru Imprudence , Kxcongot , lndulgouc 4 | > eruanent 1 ly cured. ! . G-TTIX3I3. uurry.whottaynd { hy , auuxii , ooamiqutooo * and cure. Uilled for Sic or ittupa , tu Railway Time Table , II. 1' K H.MAW UNR - 'VI 1 .V , Pv-lltj Rrpri .1J:04 : i m I AtUMlA IIir.tr7.-M a tr Wentcra Kxniww 8 00 pm I WoiUtnUtpreis. SSOp rn 0. l9lAtrirata.ltOpm : : 10. ! * lvvl Pa * . HW : m Lincoln r1x..l'Mp m [ ttnooln Kt 185 p to DUMMY1 TflAlNS 11U1DOK MV13ION. t/CAre Oinatm : 7:10 , Sflo , 0-00 , IO.TO , Jl.tW a : ni.,1 J in ! 1K > 0 , S 00 , S.W , 4-00 , S.OO , 6:00.10.10 : n m. On Sun' < lnn : 7:10,0.-O : 11:00 : n. m00 ; , 4 on , S-oo , 10:10 : p. m. Arrh e at tramlar depot SO mlnntowMter ; Ilroi ' nay depotCouncil ItlulTi , SO minutes later. Ia\o Council Hind * , Drovlwiy dtlwt , 8:00 , 0.00 , 10.-00,11:00 : a.m. : 12 m.lWI ; , I.w , 8 W,4:0i : , & 100,8.40 , 10.40 n.m On Sundaja ; RmiO.OO a. m.j M m ; 3 00 , 5-00 , 0.40,10:10 : p. in. Arrlt e Transfer doiiot , 10 mln- ute Utcr. U-a\o Council DlnlTs Trannlcr ileixit : 8 : ! : , 0,21 , i:2& : , ll:2S a.m.IS ; ml:2A ; : , 2:25,34:2.1 : : , R : , 8:2S : , 7:06,10.5.S : p. m. Atrl o Om.Mn 20 mlnulotila r. LKXTR OMAIIl. t AV COUNCIt. BIOTTS. P M No. 2. , . .7f.S : m r M.No. 0 , . . , " : SD' m " No. 10 6'45tira " No. is..llw : ra Nit. t 860pm " No s..il3Rm : " No. 8 8W : m " No.'St. , .715 ! | im " tt . e 8.ift m " No. 1. . . 785jtu " No. 60. . .O.W m | Tlmo.jrjr Btandanl tlruo la SI minutes tauter than local time , 11. A M. 11A1UIOA1) TIME TAHU : CKNT.1T1MK. IRX\Kll KXI'RIUU. noes n , IIAHT I MUVK. Omiklia. . . . 7:80 : imi 8:40am : tK : pm 10.US am isnlaiul. . . 0:24 pm Itillnm 4i2pm : ! 8:12 : am .Incolit , . 1060 nm 12:64 : pm ISM pm ! ! : fi am 'rotd 11'iOpm : 164 ! pm Vit : pm 3.01 am 6:15 : nm G'OO | < m llMnm : lnr : > opm toil Cloud. 8 00 am O.RS pm 10:2.1 : am 8:25 : pm IrCook..10.54 am 1035pm B:15 : pm 4io : pm Iron . . . . 3:4& : pm SVi : am lSMnm : ilrfipm : > cn\cr. . . . 7:28 : pm 33'uvm 0:25 : pm 7:30 : nm MISSOUUt 1'ACIFIO-STANBAHU TIMB. PKi'Axr. AitnuK. :00 a m I 0.4' , p in K. O. , 8T , JOR ft 0. 0.- n.-STANDAHI > TIMIi Ull dally 0.16 a in Kn < riw , dally Ksprosn , ilnlly rxccpt Jlon- oiccpt Satur : , ita(9. 0.21am 7:46 : p in | Mall , dally 7il6pm 0. , St. P. M. A 0. STAffUAIU ) TIMK. ( Depot 14th anil Webster Std. No. Smlxtd..7:4'lnm : No. 1 inliiM. . . . 6:30 : n m l'reljht ( 2:50 pin Fn > lRht ll45am ; AthntloKAii , ,340pm ; Atlantic Kxp. . . 0:15 : am AtlintloMall . . .7:4Sam : Atlantic Mall. . . 7:00 p m K\oryday , ( TratiBfcr Depot , Council lllurta. ) WA11A3II&ST. LOUIS. , . . . . 7:60nm : I Arrl\o ll:20niu : , . . ' - . . ,3.50pm | Arrive 4:20put : C. , 11 t ( J H. H.-8TANDAUD TIMK Mall" , . , . . n.16 a in I Kxpromi 0:25 : am ICvvrw 4:50pm : Mall' 7:15 nm All Trains Dally. C. , It. 1 A V. R. 1U-STANDAHD TIMK. Mall * 7COntu : | Kxprces. " looopm Kxpresn S:60pmMall' | 7:24a in Sundaja executed. 0. , M. A , St. I'-STANUAUD TIMH. LU\\rt MIM\K. Uall&l-U' . . . ,9fl3ara I PftdOo lit 0:20 : am Mlftntlo Ex" . . . .8:50 : p ui I Mall & Kx * 7:00 p m "Sundays exccptod , 0. & N. W. 11. K.-srANOABDTIMK. Mall * T:60n : m I Kxiirctk 10.00km EiurorH n.6flp rn | Mall" 7X6pm * SuniU\s e\ceptwl. : S. 0. & P. It. It. STANDAUD TIMI1 Mall * B.OOnml Kxprc lO.onam Cxprcos 6.00pm | Mall * 7:25pm Sundavs oxco ted. oponlns aud cioalng or Mallr , . Boura orn-j. cuosi. a.m. p.m. p.m. &Q.istWul ! ft Sioux'Ul'ty 'lltOO 8:00 : MO 8:15 : a.M.&S.P.S. O. &P. lnlo a 0:00 : 5:40 : Wabuh Lxprcai 12RO : B:16 : Wabanh local 8.00 6:40 : K. C. , St. Joe & 0. 0.00 D:00 : 5:40 : 0tO : Missouri Pftdno 7 0 6:40 : , Str. M. &O . 5.00 7fJ : Inlon Paclllc , ovoihnd , . . . 8.00 ll : D nlon PiclOo , Uomer r.i. . . . 4:00 : 7SO : . & llopubllcan Ynlloy . . . 1 :30 : II : S5 , &M. KxprcB . 7:00 7:40 : &M. { or I'lattamouth , S. o ; J , AsliUndandLlncoln.ll:00 : 7:30 : pen tjundajn train 12.00 m. to 1:00 : p. IP. 0. 1C COUTANT , Poitmastcr IRON AND DLATK IIOOFINQ , C. SPEGHT , PROP , mi Dougiu fit. Omthi , Neb , MANUFACTUllER OF Galvanized Iron Cornices IJorracr Wlnclono , FInlala , Tin , Iron &nd Slfctt Dff. Speoht'a patent McUIIIo Skjllrht , Patent J Katcnot Bar and Uraokot iJbelvlnr. I am ral aircnt lor the nDovo line 01 gooiit. Iroo Crcatlnns , UaluitroUoj , Vorandaa , Iron liani Window Ullnds , Cellar Ouariln : al i ccnot * araonft III1I nt-iit InMil * Kiln , ) THIS lir.L tor Is made expressly ( or the euro ol derangements ol the guncratlvo organi , Th'ru Is no m ! lat < o about this Instrument , the con tinuous utroatn ot ELKC- TllIOITV liorracatlnif tliroUKlitho ] mrta must run. tore them to healthy action lo not confound tnlg with iicctrlo : Ilcltn advertised to : uro all Ilia from head to too. Jt Is for the ONI2 BIICO- Ho tmrpOHo. For circulars uhlnK lull Intormatlon , ddrtmsChce\er Electric Belt Co. , 103 Wathlngton t. , Chicago III. G&OX3STO7V3ESST1. . PEINCIPAL LINE I'UOM CHICAGO , PE011IA & ST. LOUIS , II V WAV Ol' OMAHA AND 1IHCOL1I TO DE1TVE3 , Oil VIA KANSAS CITY AND ATOHIS01I ts DENVER Connect IHK In Union ) ( | its nl . Oiimliu und Donvui with tliiuiiili tiitliiH tin And nil tialiits In the Uiuat West. In ( iinncl Union Doput vlth through tnilnu for NJ2 W YO 11 K , 110 , S' TON , And nil iii ; iorn . Atl'cotla with tliiiiiiKh tnilim lor Iiiillanui ) ollH , llnclnnutlOoliiinUu ) , and nil | K > lntu It thi. SouthKiist. . At hi. J.ouU with tnilna fur all polntM Hoiitli , Kk'ttnnt Diiy Couchi * , J'uilor ( 'iiintitlilto. . clluliiK Clmlra ( HuutH IKC ) , Sinoklii Curti wltli Huvolvlni ; Uhuli-H , I'lilliiuiu I'uliico Hluonl CurH niul tlio fiunoiiM U , It , & tj. Dlnlnx t' 'uu run ilully touiidfroiiiClilciiKO iiiul KmiHua Olty UlilciiKOiuid Council lllnllM : Olilciii ( > nntl Do MolniiH , Uhlcuh'o , ht. Jobojili , Atchlsou IIIK TojieUu withoiit Lmii'u. ) Only tluoiiRh lint tmlns b 'twi-un running tlielr ( i n I'lncoln niul Denver , und phUnjjo , Jvunmu City und Denver. Through cui liutwuoii InllixniiMlU ( | und Council lllnllH , via I'oorlu. OOINd I\OUTII AND hOUTll. Solid Ti-ulnu of ii : ( ! init Day Cuauhcn ixni I'nlliimu I'lilHeuSluuiiliiirL'aiHiiioiiiiKlully u null fioin HI. Louis ; vlii lluiinlbal ; tjiiliicy Kcakulc , Jlmllnuton , rftliu-llunliUuiid Alliw Luitobt. 1'iuil und Miiiiu-nixilla ; 1'nilorC'aii with Htcllnlnt ; ChnliK to nnd liuin Ht. I.out nud I'tuiilu. Only oiio chmiBU of raw bc'twi't'i St. l.onUunil Don Jlolniis , lown , Lincoln , No Immlui , mid J > env r. Colorado. It la also tlio only Through I.lno btuwccn BT. LOTJI3 , MINNEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL His KnOHil UK tlio Kiunt VIIIIOUUH OAI I.lNi ; of Ainvilcii , niul In unlvuit > iilly iiUiuU ii'il tu Mi till ? Finest Eaulppsd Hallroal In ths V7crld fa all dusos of travel. Tlironali Tlei ! H viu tins line tor ttulo atti It. It. ( onpon tlikotuillcciilutuoUiiuuubtutu nut t'an.ida. I1. J. I'OTrKlI. I'KIZPEVAI. LOM'KI.U , VI * tt ition BEDFO One Hundred Dollars For n choice lot in Syndicate Tlill Addition. This addition joins tlio ho Syndicnto lunds in south Oinnhn , and will rapidly build up with com- 'ortnblc homos. Thcso lots ave bcnutiEul and are near the stock yarda mil packing houses , aud will be occupied n * homes by the employes of heso Avorlts , and are undoubtedly the uest value for the price o any lots n the market. Several have boon sold and Hio price will soon bo ad- anced. Wo have the oxchmvo agency on this addition. Terms easy. This is n new addition on Louvonworth street in West Omaha. A ow price has been put on them to start them. $150 to 8300 , On easy erms , Tne grading and improvements to bo made on JLeavenworth St. , ; his spring , will make this very valuable property. This is a sub-division o the HMegeath property facing Han'com's ? ark on the south. Gjod location , near street car , line view'and has a coed growth of native timber. _ This is one of the finest { additions in ) maha , and will soli rapidly. Price $300 to § ( > 50. One fourth I'ash. ) alanco on good time. First come , first served. This is a splendid op portunity for persons who intend building for a home. EYSOR' Is n beautiful piece of ground lying one block south of Oilman place , in West Omnlm. The first of these lots will bo sold at § 125 to 8160 , and are a bargain. A nice sightly location , beautiful place for a home nnd n splendid investment for a rich man or a poor man. HAWT This addition lies between Capitol avenue and Cass street , ten blocks ! rom the High School , one mile from the postoffice. and is what is known is inside property. The city is built up far beyond this addition and the inest residences in the city are in this locality. The grade ou Davenport street has been established and work commenced , and will bo completed as soon as the weather permits. The contract has been lot for building n "argo brick school house on Douglas street , three blocks from this addi tion. Wo predict that these lots will more than double in value before August , as it is the most dosira"ble part of Omaha nnd would have been juilt up years ago had it been placed on the market. Prices EBQE2H--u. - - S35O TO $65Oi Adjoining lots are beirigfsoldnt double the price we ask for these. Wejhavo six lots left iutlii ndditionwhichgwo [ ofier [ J f Wo linve Porno improved 'and unimproved [ forms near ; Oraaharnnd some well impiovcd lorme in &uipy county. Residence and Residence Lots in all parts of the city , and On all the best streets in the business center. 213 South 14th Street , between Farnam and Doviglas