Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1884, Page 2, Image 2

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    OMAHA DAILY [ DAY , APRIL U , 1884 ,
Thousands Hiutonoil to tfcoir Graves.
Relying on testlmoninlr written in viv
id Blowing languageof Homo miraculous
cures nude by some largely puffed up
doctor or patent medicine has hastened
thousands to their gravesj behoving in
their almost inwino faith that the smno
mirnclo will bo performed on them , nnd
that these testimonials niftko the cures ,
whllo the so called medicine is nil the
time hastening them to thoirgravos. Wo
have nvoidod publishing testimonials , vs
they do not make the cures , although 'wo
of them , of the most wonderful euros ,
voluntarily sent us. It is our medicine ,
Hop Bitters , that makes the euros. It
has never failed and never can. Wo will
give reference to any ono for any disease
similiar to their own if desired , or will re
fer to any neighbor , as there is not n
neighborhood in the known wend but
can show its cures by Hop Bitters.
A prominent physician of PHUburg said to
n lady patient who was complaining of her
continued ill honllli. and of Ills Inab Ity to
euro her , jokingly caid : "Try Hop nittors"
The lady took it In earnest and used the lilt-
torn , from which she obtained permanent
health , She now laughs nt the doctor for his
joke , but ho is not so .well pleased with it , as
It cost hsm a good pttiont.
rcns or DOOTOits.
The fee of doctors is an item that very
many persons are interested in. Wo believe -
liovo the schedule for visits in § 3.00 ,
which would tax a man confined to his
bed for n year , and in need of a dally vis
it , over $1.000 a year for medical atten
dance nlonol And ono single bottle of
Hop bittora taken in time would uavo the
§ 1.000 and nil tlio year's sickness.
"Oh. how I do wish my skin was a-j clear
and soft nt yours , " said nlady tohor friend.
"You can oasliv make it so , " answered the
friond. "How ? " Inquired the first lady. " 15y
using Hop Bittern that makcn tmro , rlcji blood
and blooming health. It did it for mo as you
observe. "
mvr.N ui * IIY Tin : DOCTOIIS.
"Is it possible that Mr. Godfrey is up
and at work , and cured by so simple a
remedy ? "
"I assure you it is true that ho is en
tirely cured , and with nothing but Hop
Bitters , aud only ton days ago his doctors
gave him up nnd said ho must die , from
Kidney and Liver troubles ! "
Aa nMlbat . . , ef.iaulilt . . * . . flkm.rtovvMdenrO . . _ . *
Aol wcvld. eur.1 ptI * . DUrrbv F m wd Antf. fcn
rnal. A few drop , loirftrl ft . .f.iloutomr I
u4 l til Mmm.1 ifrinll Try It. tivl
ik jo > I" " " " ' "a1.t * Uwi * " ! *
61 UUOAltll'AT. If. JT.
The kldncjs act a
purifiers oftlio bloo
* nd when their f 1110
lions are Intcrforrcc.
with through wtok
nous , tliov need ton-
lug ; . They become
licalthtullv acllvo by
thouioof Hosteller .
Htomach Bitters ,
ulioa falling abort of
roll of from other
sources. TnlsBiipcrb
stimulating tonlo
also pro * cuts and
I prints fovir and
nffuo , constipation ,
N liver comnlalnt.ibs
pepsla , rheumatlBm ,
and othnr ailments
UsoUwlth regular
ity. For sale oy 11
Drug-gists and Deal-
ota generally.
Inuao33)oira. Each number the tpoclal pre
scription of nu omlnent pliyslclnn. Tha only
Blmnlc , Hnfoand Sure Uodtcliici for the ) ) oplo
CUBES. rnici.
1. I'cvcru , CongestionInnatnatlon * . . . . ,
2. Wormi , Worm terer. Worm Colic , . . .
H. Crying Colic , orlcetlilnRof Infaula .23
. lllnrrlien ot Children or Adult"
n. OvDcntarv , ( Irlplne , Illlllou Collu , , .
< ! . Cliolnra Mnrbii . Vomiting
7. Cough' , Culil. llronchltln
H. IVcuralcU. Toothncho. ncpachn 2ri
O. llendnclici. blclc lleadnclicn , Vtrtlga , 'J5
If ) . ly poiila , lllllloiis htonmch 2.1
II. Hiimrr 'J nr I'nlllflll I'rrlod UA
la. Wliltoi , tool'rofii o I'crlodi .un
1.1 , Croup , Cough , Dinicult llronlhlliK , . . . H5
14. Hull ithnmn , rrjslpela , 1 runllons ,
1O. llheimmllini , llhoumatlo 1'nln I2H
1 Ii , Kover nnd Actir , Chill , Fever , Agues .no
17 , IMIct. lltlnil or lllceillim .no
III , I'nlnrrli. ncuto or chronic : Inlliirnza
SiV. WTioopTni < ! < "iahrvlolpntcoiigh , M .no
21. ( innoral llcbtlltv , Physical
J7. Kidney IH rn.e nil
2 . NerroiM llcbllltv < 1 < > '
: it > . Urinnry AVinhnrim.VttliiRthabed.nO
32. Dlienionllhollonrt . . . , . 1'alnliatlon. . . . . . l.OO
' ' '
bold by drugglnu. or sent by tha Ciuo.orMn-
trio Vlnf , fron of rlmrKO. on receipt of prlca
Hondforllr.lliiiiinliruVH'nniikoi , Illromu c ,
Aadr u. llniiinlirovH' > ilnmvnpnthln Mca
- - Jll ! Knliori Strrat , liew Yorii.
Vuoii you coma to think of It , It la not
Odd that literary people- prefer plpo to a
cigar. It Is liandlor to Binoio tvhcn Uiey
are writing , and over BO much cleaner.
And then It irivea ( hem the true etucnco
and flavor of the tobacco.
The snoot fastldlouH emokcrs unonfr all
nations and all clauos of men agree that
, uo tobacco grown on the Qolilcn Tobacco
Belt of North Carolina Is the men -Idle ,
iotu and refined In the world. L'.gCtcr
than TurkUli , more f ranraut than lUvsnv
freer from nitrates and nicotine than uy
other , it is Just what the connoisseur
l > raUtos and the habitual emoker demands.
The very choicest tobacco grown
on this licit Is bought by Ulack.
well'n Durham Tobacco Co. and
appears in their celebrated Bull
DurhamBmoklnifTobacco. Ills
known the world over.
QetUie genuine , wlthUnll
trade-mark , then you will
bo sure of having abso
lutely run tobacco.
Chartered by theStateof 1111-
nola for thecxpieus purpose
of cIvlnElmmedlato rellctln
all chronic , urinary nnd rUa
yate dlieaies , Qononhcea ,
Olcet andSy phills in all their
complicated forms , alto at1 '
dUcoEcs of tha Bklu and
EJood promptly relieved and
permanently cured by rcmc-
dics.tcjtcdlnaiVr/yreiir *
bjteclal 1'ractIce. Bemlnal
* ht Leases by Dreams , Pimplea on
< n 7'i.ct".r't > i - > ' The appropriate remedy
W at once uted In each cate. Consultation * , per.
inmal or by letter , cacredly conndcntlal. Mod. :
iclnes cent by Mall and Expreu. No marks d.on
ptckaze to Indicate contcnto or tender. Address
BBJAMCS.No. 2q4Washlnglon Sl.ClilwflO.llit
jLfJUMJcfJ. . tu
The Japanese Wrestler Wins AnotherT
Victory at Cleveland ,
Though Ho Butted Like a Bam and
Sorntohod Like a Girl ,
Prof , Donaldson Knocks Out an
Opponent at Brainard ,
But Eofusos the Honor of a Bout
With Duplosois ,
Pennsylvania Prize Fight
Broken Up by Polioo ,
Mrs. John Jj. Sullivan Gives Illrth >
Jolin 1i , } Jr.
CLEVELAND , Ohio , April 12. Matsada
Sarakichi and Andre Ohristol wrestled a
mixed match to-nght ! at the city armory.
Thrro was a largo attendance. Prof.
Joseph Donoly seconded Sarakichi and
Duncan lloss seconded Ohristol , who was
"tho unknown" that Ross matched
against Sarakichi after the match last
Tuesday. The first bout ; Japanese style ,
was won by the Jap in ton seconds ,
Ohristol going to the floor on all fours
after two collisions. Sarakichi hutting
him about the nock. Thu second bout ,
catch-as-catch-can , was won by Ohristol
in four minutes , by n log and n half Nelson -
son lock , after a lively nnd interesting
struggle. The third bout , Japanese
style , was won in thirty seconds by the
Jap , who hutted like n battering ram ,
and slipped and scratched like a fighting
school girl , much to Ohristol'a. The
fourth bout was won by Ohristol in six
minutes , after an exceedingly brisk and
interesting contest by a body lock. The
final bout was determined by lot for the
Japanese style , nnd was won by the Jap
in fifteen seconds.
MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. , Aprtyl2. Some
time since Prof. Donaldson , of this city ,
offered to knock out in four rounds any
man in the northwest. Three candidates
for the honor mot and selected ono
named Booohor , of Brainard. To-night
the men mot in market hall , which was
filled. Two rounds were fought , Donald-
sou tunning the match. An effort was
made to bring nbout a mooting between
Donaldson and Duplesois , but Donald-
son claimed ho had performed his part
and refused to fight two mon in ono
BtUTALO , April 12. A prize fight for n
purse of § 500 took place between Thoa.
Dougherty , of Erie , Pa. , and Tonawanda ,
Pa. Seven rounds were fought in forty-
minutes when of " " dispersed
ono , a cry "polico"
persed the crowd.
BOSTON , April 12. The wife of John
L. Sullivan , the famous knocker-out ,
gave birth to-day to a bouncing boy.
Ho is named John L. Sullivan , Jr.
Hood's Sars.ipjiruni gives an appetite
and imparts now lifo and energy to all the
functions of thobody. Try a bottle nnd
rcalizo it.
Who JniprlsoiiH and Abuses n Young
Girl While Getting a Divorce.
SGRANTON , Pa. , April 12. Dr. W. S.
Madden was arrested to-day , charged
with imprisoning , chaining and abusing
a young woman during seven weeks.
She to-day escaped and exposed the
matter to the polico. The young woman
is Sadie Olonahan , of Lowistown , Pa.
Madden says ho was getting n divorce
from his wife and alleges that Sadie was
wailing for him , but becoming tired of
waiting , tried to got away , and ho pre
vented her by chaining her to a bed
IIoisl'oril'H Acltl PlioHjinnto'
In Debility From Overwork.
Dr. G. W. COLLINS , Tipton , Ind. ,
says : "I used it in nervous debility
brought on by overwork in warm weather ,
with good results. "
Tlio DIsNatltlixctloii tu Mexico Grow
ing into llol > clllon.
GALVEHTON , April 12. A News Laredo
special says : For several days rumors
have been rife of a threatening revolu
tion throughout Mexico , which nro about
assuming a tangible shape to erupt the
atato of the quiet prevailing for the past
four years. The causes are Inrjjo mon
eyed concessions to American railroads ,
the action of the government ou the
nickel question in ordering the base coin
funded , nnd the repudiating of certifi
cates of deposit on the return of the
ninkols ; the passage of the stamp act re
quiring a twelve cent stamp on all arti
cles offoro'l for sale , notwithstanding the
previous exorbitant custom house tax ;
failure to pay the soldiers of the regular
army , resulting in the demoralization of
the troops lit Monterey and throwing
down their arms nnd deserting in squads ,
because they are starving in the garri
sons ; together with charges of cor
ruption openly brought against
the prnsidont , who is now worth
81,000,000 nltocothoi ; ho was poor when
ho wont into olllco four years go. Gen.
Trovino , the idol of Northern , Mexico ,
was waited upon at Laredo to-night by a
delegation of leading citizen * of Monterey -
roy , on his return from Europe , after a
thrao months' absence. A _ political bar
gain was made between him nnd Presi
dent Diaz , the present candidate for the
presidency at the approaching Juno elec
tion The significance placed on his pro.
matura return at n critical moment it
that while ho will not countenance < i revolution
elution , ho is prepared to enter thu field
as a candidate for the presidency.
MEXICO , April 12. * Many of the largest -
est houses in every line of business Sro
again open , It is expected that tlioao
still holding nut will open on Monday.
It is understood that when the merchants
nil conform to the government , it will
modify thu stamp tax. Confidence is being -
ing manifested in business circles.
NEW YOHK , April 12. The directors
of tha Wdbaslt road hold a meeting this
afternoon for the purpoio of devising a
plan to pool all the business on ft cash
basis similar to that of the northwestern
roads , and a op the existing competition.
The meeting adjourned until Monday.
N , Pa. | April 12. Ihn first
train over the Pennsylvania company a
nnw road entered Norristown to-ony.
communication having boon established
between this place and Spnngvillo , at
which point the Pennsylvania line has
formed switch connection with the Rsad-
inffroad. . , ,
L m.n ROCK , April 12. To-day Judge
Caldwell , of the federal court , decided
the case of P. K. Dow and other trustees
vs. the Memphis & Little Rock railroad ,
and appointed n receiver for that road.
CHIOAOO , April 12. The east-bound
shipments for the past week exceed 07-
000 tons , the largest in the history of the
A Ferlfcut Medicine.
March 19 , 1883.
Ono week ago , while engaged in my
duties as Assistant Postmaster , I was
taken with \iolontpainor _ kink in my
back ; it was so painful 1 could hardly
breathe , and I ached all over my body.
I immediately sent for an ALLCOCK'S
Pouous PLASTEII and applied it ever the
spat of pain ; in twenty minutes I was en
tirely relieved and cured. I hnvo used
Allcock'8 Plasters in my family for over
twenty years , nnd have found them won
derfully ofibctivo in curing coughs , colds
and pulmonary difficulties. They nro a
perfect medicine chest ; they euro without
the slightest pain qr inconvenience , never
leaving a mnrk on the skin.
1'rcsidcnt of the Village of Sing Siny
' " " " " " „ ,
Jff. Y.
When purchasing a Porous Plaster , bo
sure to got "Allcock's. " All other so-
called Porous Plasters are imitations.
Now Olitir CH Af aliiKt Illtn.
BOSTON , April 12. Wm. A. Paine ,
secretary of the committed of the share
holders of the Pacific bank , said this af
ternoon that on Tuesday last a series of
charges against Comptroller Knox was
forwarded to the house committee on
banking and currency in Washington ,
which is now investigating the affairs of
the bank. These charges are fourteen in
number , and contain entirely now cwi-
dcnco , implicating Comptroller Knox.
At the time of the previous hearing be
fore the house committee on banking and
currency , wo had been too much
hurried , owing to the death of Ives
and the change in our counsel , to
put these latter charges in proper form ,
so wo delayed their presentation un
til now , in order to make them complete -
plete in every detail , both as regards the
allegations and the ovidcnco supporting
thorn. I am not at liberty to state what
these charges are , because Knox is to ap
pear before the house committee on Tues
day next , when the charges will bo form *
ally presented. They are very damaging
to Knox and abundantly supported by
incontestable proof. The first of the
charges refers to another prominent bank
in Boston with which also Comptroller
Knox was identified. " A prominent
shareholder of the latter bank who
owned § 200,000 worth of stock in the
Pacific bank has declared that if the
house committee on banking and cur
rency does not proceed in the matter as
would seem just and proper from the
serious nature of the charges presented ,
ho will at pnco institute criminal pro *
cccdings against Comptroller Knox.
In another column will bo found the an
nouncement of Messrs. THOS. COOK & SON ,
' .tourist Agents , 201 Broadway , Now York ,
relative to the very complete arrangements
they have made for tours in Burops tha
coining Spring and Summer. "Cook's Excur
sionist , " containing maps and full particular * ,
will bo inallod to any address on receipt of 10
The Ohio Scott Law.
COLU.MIIUS , April 12. The legislature
passed a bill to-day repealing McCon-
nollsvillo or local option feature of the
Scott liquor tax law and amending the
sainu so as to provide for the semi-annual
payment of the tax. The legislature will
adjourn on Monday morning.
"Mono sana iticorporo sano.1 "A Bound
inliul in a Buuntl body" in the traclo mark of
Allen's Brain Food , and wo ans'iro our readers
that , if ( limntislieil with cither weakness or
Brain or bodily powers , this remedy will per
imuiently btretiKthun both. $1. At drug
Charles B. 1'inluynon , aged 17 , found'gullty
of murdering hU grandmother , haligod liliiisolf
Saturday at Portland , Orciron , In the coriidor
of the jail.
The Now York weekly bank Rtatmnont la
as follows : Deposits , increase , 938,000 : ! ; ru-
nerve ? , dscroaco , ? 087,000. Thn banks now
hold 93,017,000 in oxceas of tha legal roriulio-
ments ,
The Savings hank at Mineral Point , Wis. ,
closed there Saturday. ABSOU $100,000 , liabil
ities not positively known , but very largo.
The county funds are deposited In thn bank ,
J. If , Gundry has been appointed assignee.
Thn Grand Army of the Bopublla post of
New Yorlc h a made further arrangements for
the thoattical entortnlmnont on the 30th Inst. ,
for the benotlt of u fund to build a homo for
disabled ex-confederate soldiers at .Richmond ,
The ealo of tha Butler county , KIIIHIH ,
corn contribution to the Hood snderorj , took
pluco ou 'change at Cincinnati Saturday ,
1'ricos ranged from two t j throa cents nbo\
the market rates , and tha aggregate realized
was about $7,000 ,
The value of the exports of broadntufT . . fur
March , 1884 , waa SIO.-158.450. n0-alnst § 17-
811,88. ! for iboeamo inontli of last yaarj for
the nlno months cmiod March 31 , 1R81 , It waa
. . . . nirainBt SlG'.iOT.O'.iS for tlio
same poitod ol last > oar.
The United States cllapatch boat "Dolphin. "
built at Itoach'g varcl , was fuicreasfully
launched Saturday afternoon at Clioator , 1'a.
A largo nuiubor of JIOIBOUH were proton > ,
among tbeni Secret try Chandler aud Admiral
Mtillaney , and other ollkers of the navy.
Wooding and 1'uryor'n fine colt " 1'arou-
clalo , " ono of tlio fiu or I ton in thn Doiby and
tlireo-yoar-old ctakou at tlio coming spring
meeting hero , ran away ut J.oulsUllo ] Satur
day , Injuring himself badly agaluit a fence ,
Ho fell un hU jockey and the buy \uw fatally
Dr. Bridge , of Pennsylvania , atate veterinary -
ary surgeon , liaa dlicuvcrod pleurn-pnomiioiitn
In n herd of cattle belonging to Goo , llughoi ,
of Willlaton townnliip , Chester county , near
the faun of 1 11 J.owls , whoso c.ittlo ha\e boon
miamitlno'l ' for BOIIIO time. One cow wa <
killed anil the rent quarantltmd ,
A reduction of otio-hnlf cent ixir bushel ling
been tccfl'jted by onn tlious.nul lulncrf oin-
ployed by thu Now York und Cloxoland ( ! aa
aud I oal oompauy , They nill now receive
less than ban been paid for throa year * , The
o | cratora cliliu a reduction necessary on au-
count of tha Introduction of natural gas.
The grand jury at Ft. NVayuo was last woolc
luatructed to in\08tlgato Sunday base ball
lilnylng , hlch hag reeu indulged in by the
Ft. Wayuo Ii so ball dub , of the Northwnt-
ern league , also liaing Ramps advertised for
Sunday during thu BOMOII. Tha crand jury
failed to return the Indictment , and the Hun-
day playing will bo continued.
It wan decided at the cabinet mooting last
Friday toluve exhibits undo from the variout
dejiartimntji of the goveruinout at the world's j
Inchiftttlal anil cotton cenlonnlal ochlbitlon ,
which otratin In Now Orleans next Dccomlicr ,
and to-clay tna president Issued an executive
order similar to tha ono IsMiod by Grant In
the cnno of thd centennial exhibition ,
A statement prnparcd by the poatofllco do-
partmont iJiows that while the revenue for the
imarter ended March 31nt won IHM than the
corronpondlnp period of the procedlncr yearn ,
the lesuo of two cent stamps oxcoodccl by 27
per cent , the combined issue of two and three
cent etainps for that quarter. The letmoof
postal cards hnfl fallen off about 13,000,000
pieces elnca the Inauguration of the two cent
Connecticut U flooded \vlth pauper emi
grant * forced out of Caitlo Garden by the
gonta of stoamthlp linos. A Rang of mon
ere recently at the depot In Now Haven ,
lace uninhabitable by vllo odors
ml the filth of their persons. They finally
font on an early tram to Merldon , whom
hey were sent out of town by they author- !
, los. Another motoly crowd of Germans
wcro ticketed to Mcrlclon n day or two ago.
The tax-payers are indignant ever the pros
ccts of tramps swarming over the stato.
Now York banks bold $3,017,000 in excess
f legal requirements.
1'dward Smith , American consul at
ein , died of appoploxy , Friday oonlng. .
The Messrs. Ghislin. bankers of Chartorlo
' , nd Antwerp failed. Liabilities , 10,000,000
The grand jury of Fort Wayne , Ind. , re-
'used to indict localbanoball clubs for playing
n Sunday.
The carload of corn cent to Cincinnati from
Butler county , Kai. , Hold for S7.0UO. The
irocoedg go to the flood sufferers.
The -1st district of Pennsylvania will none :
t double-headed dolcffitlnn to the ropubllcin
latioiml convention ono for Blaine , the other
nfc : the field.
fcfc Mrs. Anna Schoclc , manager of the "Homo
fcw Kriondlosn Children" at Lttgrango , 111 , ,
, vas convicted of rruelty to the orphan out-
Cl a ts. Soutonco waa deferred.
The United States dispatch boat Dolphin
wax Rticcossfully launched from Boach'u yard :
wV < Chester , 1'a. Secretary Chandler , Admlrn
iVllhams and other naval oilicors wore present.
Gen. Badoau. connnl general at Havana , dot
illnos to give his roasotia for resigning , The
niprcRsion prevails that his re-ignation IB in
lotno way connected with the Aqucro o\pedl
William A. 1'aino , Bocrotary of the shareholders -
holders committee of the 1'ucifio bink of Bos
on , says serious charges have bcon filed with
, ho hotifo commlttoo on banking nnd currency
troller Knox.
The Third Illinois District convention no-
octod Congressman Goo. Ii , Davis and John
{ . Wheeler ai delegates to the republican na-
ional convention , with Charles II , Plant/ and
V. , T. Snail as alternate * ) . No instructioiiH.
Baby's Petition.
Mo h rcttlcss , ilnjs are fleeting ,
Jhllilrcn bloom , but dla In teething ;
VarntiiK take , all friends and mothers , the prccloua glrli anil brothers ;
lonil the homo IKo of Victoria , .
Children nine , all had CAHfOim :
fa sleepless nights , by baby equalling ,
Jko larks they rise tn cailv morning.
CiRAKI ) ISI.A.M ) .
A largo firstclasn hotel loads in the list ol
town wants.
The Grand Island public schools now oa
: upy five ecparato und distinct buildings , ono
if ton largo rooms.
There were C5,3Gi acres homesteaded and
1,712 acres timber claimed in the district
er\od by the Grand Isl.ind land ollice during
, ho month of March. The cash business ot
, ho oflico for the month was 533,000.
Contractor dishing , who has the construe
Jon of the B. & M. grade from Aurora to
Grand Island , states the work is progreasluc
apldly and that the line would bo completed
jy the ICth of May , providing no further ob
taclo should interfere.
The Democrat pronounces for the "old
, lckot" and the bar'l.
Gage county furnishes prisoners in its
: ounty jail with tobacco.
Beatrice , with other metropolitan business ,
liax established a district messenger service.
Another batch of 100,000 young ttout hss
eon shipped to the northorii atro.ims.
Misa Mary Knox has gene to Utah to Infuse
resbyterian lore into the merry wives of
Monnondom. blip will deliver some hard
ICnox against the pillars of polygamy.
It is now called "Lanluun's holo. "
George Tuttle baa boon hold in Lincoln in
8300 bonds to answer a charge of perjury.
Tuttle's strong swearing was done in justice
court ,
Frank Pepperollf of Pawnee countv , was
brought hero on the charge of Helling boor at
t picnic without government license. Ho
iva bailed inS200 to appear at the no\t term
if the United Statea court.
Two or three boys were arrested lost Mon
day far breaking into a feed store nnd at
tempting to get some apples and possibly
other articles. The boya were required to
U e bail in the sum of $100 each , which they
Aurora has decided to build a 810,000
Carpenters and bricklayers are busy
AVost Point.
A uiro fence factory , will soon begin opera
tiocin at Auburn.
The ladles hall of Doano College , Crete
will cost § 20,000.
Nlobrara takes no stock in wheels of for
tune , and all gamesters lingering there are in
Ono real ostnto agency in Kearney soli
$13,000 wotth of real estate in the lout twenty
days of March.
The SewardCoal Co.vlll begin digging fo :
tha coveted vein In the northwestern part o
thu county the coining week.
A ping of robbers in mask ontnroi
McCook tlio other night and socuied S7" > in
cash and considerable dry goods.
PJattsmouthers falluil to , respond liberally
to the guarrntcu test for Tom Keene am
Kate Claxton , and the dates liavo been can
The Schuvlor dratnatio club In billed t (
i.lay "Ton lights iu n Uar Hoom , " In Nortl
itond , Pretty t.dl bender , that , for an mill
liceuso town.
Hydrophobia la remarked among cattle Ii
Otjo county , the rcHtilt of dog bites. Sovora
cons have boon killed. The symptoms nr
The jowalry store of Ales. Cahnolot , !
Nebraska City , waa roLbed of 31.000 worth o
goods in broad daylight , \\hllo the proprlcto
waa at supper.
The trains ou the Salem k Nomaha brand
of the U. & M. hat discontinued on accouu
of the bad stnto of the roadhod. The road wa
built during the froozlnir weather.
Knglnoeraaro investigating the ronto of th
proposed Nttawaka , Woodlewn & Northwest
ern road , a Kansas corporation whlJi ha
lixod ui > on Pawuoo City aa ita northoru tornv
ntia.Harry Holilon wa n npaco bender on Th
Alnaworth NOWH who.liilo'a ] > outln { ; fo
"c-jpy" managed to rlllea mall uackot flv
registered lotturu. Undo Sum will give hli
a "Bit. "
Sirs. JamM Jolmaon , of Urowiu Ilia , ii
Here and sick woman , the result of curelossi
playing with u Held lire. Her back und ou
eiilo and hip were badly buruod. It war
narrow escape from cremation.
The West Point Creamery Company has no
cetitod Madieoii'n bonus to put up anil operat
a firit-closx creamery thoro. Wf.rkulllcon
meiica Immudiatcly , and tha building u ill b
completed by tlio ITith of May.
A horse thief w as captured near Piurco th
other < day , after a Iholv chso Ho had tw
horeea which bo wan trjlng to run elf lnt' ' > th
nerttiwent Ono wai suppmed toba\eboo
ntulcii in Marshall county , Iowa.
Jank McCaul , of Itulo , It n treachcrou
Italian to fool with. Ho aneaUed up beliiu
BUI Wilson while tha latter was working In
looping ( Kwture , and felled him to the trrount
with a Clew In the head. Wilson waa uucou
scions for hour * , but finally recovered. Me-
Caul skipped out. The row originated In a
tongue lathing.
In Humming up the improvements of Fair ,
! old , thin far dining tlio spring. Tlio Ilorald
ndg that sixteen now residences have boon
omplotod , as many moro enlarged anil 1m-
, ) roved , and probably not loss than sixteen
moro under contract.
A Fall City small boy put a IMitod match
n tlio pocket of another lad , There won a
ackogo of powder In the pocket. It wont off.
0 did tlio lx > y. HU clothes caught fire and
jft a number of Intorottlng blisters like the
roduct of an old tlnio whaling.
Fools and puns never part till death como .
1 nhocking tragedy , the result of carelessly
landlln ? a revolver , occurred four miles from
Jlair on Friday , thn 28th tilt. Harvey
'rcnch , a young man of 10. that bin httlo
irother through the body , death following in a
ew bourn.
Beatrice ) Is about the ftatno distance from
) maha ai Pawnco City Is , vet you on got a
round trip ticket between those two points for
S5.40. It will coit just 85.20 to get a round
.rip between hero and Lincoln , just half the
distance. Competition explains the low rato.
JPawnoo Press.
Fairflold 1 * talking of a college. About one
fear ago n committee wax nppolnto cl bv the
: hurdies olNebraska | and Kfltisus , of thoChrK-
, lan denomination , to coo what could bo done
award * the establishment of a college undo :
, ho patronage of that church , somewhere ,
jlthor In Nebraska or Kansas. This commit-
, eo Is now seeking a location and are reported
'avorablo to Farliold. A nito worth $3,000 ia
ir t requisite.
Out at Ihnorick , Madison county , a crowc !
if boys drained a keg of boor and felt quite
oily and in fiehtlng trim. Chan. McCallum
and Cha.i. Willmoro warmed up ever thu
nerlts of n horse rnco , and to cm-
ph'wlzo the arguumont , Willmoro
cut a milo track across McJallnrn's bow els ,
which made him "wilt like water. " It waa
.ho work of an assaisin nrmod with a jnuk <
kulfo. McCallutn died Inst Tuesday. Will-
moro was jailed at Madison. Ho ia piid to bo
entirely | satisfied with his work and expects to
cnmo out all right , vvlth verdict of justifiable
liomlcldo. "
The Stella Trihuno figures a murderous eon.
sation out of the discovery of a hutiiun sk lo
t on in the trunk of n , tree near St. Dcrolu n
'ow weeks OKO. "Somo sixteen yoara ago n
well dressed man applied to Henry Mullett ,
who lives on thu Missouri opposite the
3t Deroin ferry for a night's lodging. Mr.
Mullett boln ? unable to keep him , lot him
cross the rlvor that nlclit. Ho was taken
icrons the river In a skill by two men who
Ivod I in St. Deroin from where ho wanted to
continue hia jouruoy to Trues and pay over
ho money which honad with him for certain
j ; ror , ta of land ho had previously bargained for.
Shortly after tl.o two follows whoso characters
wore questionable left for parts unknown. A f ow
( laya ] ago mon were engaged in sawing down a
lollow elm tree near St. Doroin. When the
, rco fell , they to their horror found they had
lawod through a skeleton. The quoation now
a , is this the remains of the man who was
.akon acroBs the river sixteen years ago and
103 . not been hoard from slnco , and where are
.ho two follows who took thia man across the
river ? "
Is Your Blood Pure ?
Now thia is an important quoation , for with
out pure and wholesome blood there can bo no
perfect health , and without rood health lifo ia
i mere burden and a wosto. For impure
blood the bos * medicine known Is SCOVILL'S
; USYKUPmay bo bo implicitly relied on
when every thine else fails. Take it in tbo
Spring time ospociallyfor the impure secretions
of the blood incident to that season of the year ;
md take it at all times for Cancer , Scrofula ,
Liver complaints , Weakness , Boils , Tumors ,
swellings , Skin Diseases , Malaria and the
.housand ilia that como from impure blood.
Talking about the Liver , wo presume ill
; emper is moro often caused by a diaorderod
iver than anything eho. To in euro a cheer-
ul disposition take RCOVILL'S BLOOD
\ND LlViil : SYIIUP which will remove
.ho prlmo cause ( and restore the miud to its
uiturnl equilibrium.
Not Proud of Her Country men.
Carson ( Ncv. ) Appeal.
Sam Jones , of Gold Hill , who dearly
eves a joke , has a domestic in his house
who is a countrywoman of Sullivan. The
other morning hoand Evan Williams were
lating breakfast , when , by a preconcerted
igreoment , they began a dialogue some-
hing like this , Sain leading oil' :
"Curious , ain't ' it , that Sullivan took
water from that Dutchman ? "
"Yes , indeed ; I was astonished. Ho
ecmcd perfectly cowed. "
'Well , I don't blame him. Hano is a
) ig man and strong as a bull , and I guess
10 can lick any two mon in the world ,
Colin included. "
"Phat's that , Mister Jones ? " broke in
ho domestic , who had been hovering
about the table ; "a Dutchman lick John
ullivan ! Are yez crazy or dreaming ,
Mister Jones ? "
'It's a fact , " said Williams. "Hans
Hoyer , foreman of the No 2 crosscut ,
Crown Point , deposited § 500 forfeit to
moot Sullivan , and when ho saw our man
: io weakened and lot the money slide. "
The domestic dropped a china plato on
; ho floor , and stood speechless.
"Ho breaks all his rock with his fist , "
jroVo in Sam , "and runs the steam drill
by hand. Wo pay him § 12 a day just for
the steam ho saos. . Sullivan happened
to como in when ho was making birdsoye
porphyry with his fist , and I'm blamed ii
iio didn't turn rmlo as a ghost. "
"Mr. Jones , if Mr. Evan Williams says
this I'd bolavo him , but as you say so it
wouldn't go. There must bo some mis-
thako about his boin * a Dutchman. "
"Ho is a Dutchman , " said Williams ,
gravely , "or else I don't know a Dutch
man when I sco him , "
"Thin , gintlomon. " replied the domes
tic , drawing herself up n couple of inches
higher , "all 1'vo ' got to say is that John
L. Sullivan's no Irishman , and don't
spake of him as ono in my prisenco. "
Angostura Hitters , the world renowned
appeti/or and Invlgorator. Used now over
tlio vvholo civilized world. Try It , butbowaro
of Imitations. Auk your grocer or druggist fo
the genuine article , prepared by Dr , J. CJ. B
Slegert & Sons
Front Chicago.
Atlanta Comtltutlon.
"May I have this seat ? " she asked of
the genteel looking drummer whoso bag
gage was occupying it.
"I don't know , ma'am , " ho answered
politely. "It belongs to the railroad ,
you know ; but I'Jl see the conductor ,
und may bo IIP can give it to you. "
She grow purple and said :
"You don't understand moan , can I
take it ? "
"Well , Idon'tknowthatoithor. You so
it is fastened very firmly to the car floor
and would bo troublesome to get up
however , I'll have a carpenter to comi
on board at the next station and ask hi
advice. "
"I don't want to take the old thing , '
she howled. "Is this your traps on it1 ?
"No'm , " blandly answeiod the drum
nior ; "thoy belong to the firm I travo
for , "
"Well , can J sit down h re , " she final
ly screamed , after shifting from ono fee
to the other.
"I don't know
, madam , you are the
best judga of your muscular powers.
"Whero did you travel from ? " she
' 'Ohicagi , " ho replied.
"Tlmt settles it , " she said meekly
"will you please move your valises anc
permit mo to occupy a small portion o
this seat ? "
"Certainly , " ho replied , "why didn' '
you say that at first ? "
The train sped on , while he sat count
ing up his expanses , and she wondering
if Chicago cheek had any equal under th <
For Nervous and i'ayfical Debility , reai
"The SJonca of Life ; or , Self-Preservatlon. '
Warranted aa itdrerttsod , or money returned
The Largest Stock in Omaha * and Wakes the Lowest Prices
Furniture !
Just received an assortment far surpassing anything in this market , comprising
.ho latest and most tasty designs manufactured for this spring's trade and covering
a range of prices from the Cheapest to the most Expensive.
Parlor Goods Draperies.
Now ready for the inspection o cus Complete stock of nil the latest
tomers , the newest noveltir a in styles in Turconmn , Mndrns and
Suits aud Odd Pieces. Lncu Curtains , Etc. . , Etc.
Elegant Passenger Elevator to all Floors.
1206,1208 and 1210 Farnam Street , - - - - OMAHA , NEB' '
1819 and 1320 Harnoy Street and 403 B. 13 h'0treet , \ f\i. t . Rl _ B.
llastratod CaUlocuo furulshoil free upon appllcafon. . ' % J > III C 11 Cl 111 6IJ
: D
Office and Yard , 6th and Douglas Sts , , OlT13l3 ! Not ) .
afe and Lock Oomp'y
Growers of Live Stock and Others.
It Is the beat and cheapest rood tor Btoctc r-t any kind. Ono pound L > equal to three pounds of corn
stock tea with Ground OH Cake tu tlio Fall ana rftstor , Instead o ! muni riff down , will Increase In weight
and be In good marketable c < , i .tlon In tno spring. Dairymen , ft rfoll as others , who use It can testify to
its merits Trr It and lurJ i Jjr younwlvea. Price (25.00 fit f'.ii : rtuonarge for sacks. Address
woo v * I.JNHKPTI Tr MT * JJY Omaha Kob.
1CQ anil 103 South Utli Street , Omaha , Nebraska. "Corrcsponilcucc Solicited. "
Fine Havanu , Key West and Domestic Cigars. All Standard Brands Tobaccos.
Trial Orders Soiieitcfl , Satisfaction Gnarantecfl , { "rAENAH BTMAHA -
I02t- North Eighteenth Street , Oranha , on Street Car Line.
HS. 7" . X > 3:2 : O3 r ,
'o Wijifinw ? ; lp ? |
It JLJUHlj JJUUJLMj I ? ill 11U " Wj JLJlUi
Grades nnd prices as good and low us any in. the city. Flense try me.
103 BEADY ST. , DAVENPORT , IOWA , U. S. A. Established 1878 Catarrh ,
Deafness , Lung and Nervous Diseases Speedily and Permanently Cured. Putiontt
Cured at Homo. "Write for "Tuu MEDIOAL-MISSIONAHV , " for the People , Free.
lonsultation and Correspondence Gratia. P. O , Lox ii)2. ! Telephone No. 220.
HON. \VAP.DIIUSSELL , Postmaster , Davenport , saya : "Physician ol
ixoa ADliliy ana Marked Success. " CONGRESSMAN MURPHY , Davenport ,
ir < w ! "An feonorahln Sl n. Fine Bucoosa.7nndorfnl Cures. " Unnri. ft < n B
1409 and MlliDodRoSt. , { } OK AHA. NEB