THE DAILY BRE-TUESDAY , APJRIL 8 , )884. ) t Aj > pllc llon ol Fronk Htftn lor Permit to cell Llqunt M Druggist , NOTICE. Xotlra It hereby Riven tli&t Tr nV Kocora did tjpon Hie fflh d y of M rcf > , A. I ) . 1NS , flle hl appli cation to the'MM or and City Council ofOm ri , lor permit to roll Malt , fplrltuoin ml Vinous Llquori , . nrl ch ml < 0 rurnoses only , t cor. nth Mid DonglM M. , Id Ward , Omih.vt'cb , from the llth day of April , 1831 , to tlin llth of Anil ) 18S.1. IMhcro bo no oblcotlun , remorutranea or protcn fllcd ntthln two week ! from March 27th A. V. 1&3I , Ui JJ permit will be panted. WANK nOOEflS , Applicant , J.J.UC.JEWETT , 40T-n 1 wM City Clerk. _ MatUrof App'lcatlon of Jacob Kautmann lor t.lquor License. NOTICE. Notice It hereby git en tlmt jAcob Kntifmannn did upon the 2' til dAy ol Miuth. A. I ) . 1834. fll his application to the major and city council of Omaha , for llconw to sell malt , niilrltuou * and > lnous liquors M No ( illN. 1Mb Street , th ard , Omaha , JieK , from the llth day of April , 1831 , to the llth day ol July , 18S4. II there bo no objection , rcmonrtranco or protest fllcd within twowcoks from Mirchtfth , A. 1) . 1834 , the said llceiwo will bo in-anted. JACOI ) KAUFMANN , Applicant J. J. K C. JSWKTT , 423-2w.ltewkt UtyClotk.l | _ Matter ol Applloxtl n of Pam'l Ito.tty lor Liquor Llccnue. NOTICE. Notlco Is hereby Riven that Pamuel Rcattv did upon the 27th day of March A. LI. 1684. nio lilt ap plication to tlio maynr and city council of Omaha , for Hccnsu to cell malt , spirituous and vinous liquors. ntNn.SU f. 12th fitro t , 3rd ward , Onialia , Neb. , from the llth day ot April , 1831 , ta.the llth day of July , 11)34. If Micro bo no objection , rcnionslranco or protect fllcd within two wookn from March J7th , A. 0. 1831 the said Ilccnto will bo granted. M vin'b DEATTV , Appll-ant. 4312t. . ] ) . J. J. L. C. JKWKTT , city Clerk. Ifattor of Application of ml h & Oablor for Uqaor 1.1 cento. N011CB. Notlco Is hereby gl\en that Smith > i Oablcr did upon the 27th day \tarch A. I > . 1S3I , file their appll- cation to the inaj or anil rlty council ot OmthA for llocnso tonclt malt , spirituous and tlnoin liquors at Ha.ttrt llainoi Hint , 3d ward , Onialia , Neb. , from tha llth day of April 1884 , to the llth day of July , 18S4 , If thcro bo no objection , , relnon * Blranco or prnto < it filoJ within two wcokn from March Sfth , A. IX.183I , the naul llcenxo will \a \ granted. ( MINI & ( i.Ul 1 \ipll'-ants. | . 448 i't-lcwkp J. J. L. 0. JUVKTT , City Cltrk. Matter o Application of I'atrlck u'Diy for Liquor LI. cense. NOTICK. Notice Is lierebv gl\en that Patrick O'Dav did upon the 30th day ct Mar h A L ) . 1811 , Illo his application to tnoM > > orand City ouniil of Omaha , fur license to veil lUIt , yplrituous and Vlnoua liquors at llth St. , Int. Farnam and llarnoy , .Id ward , ilnalii , Neb. from the 14th da ) of April 831 , to the ,4th dayofJul ) , If8l. . If thcr. ' bo no objoctlon remorstranro or protest Bled within two weeks from March SOth A. I ) ltf-4 , the slid license will bo L'mnticl 1'ATIIICK O'DAY , Applicant. 4lT-2t.lcwkl J. J. L. C. JEWKTT , City Cltrk. Matter of Application of Jos. Falconer for Liquor License. NOTICE. Notlco Is hereby git en that James Falconer did uikn the 27th day of Mar.hA.D. 1831 , fllo his appli cation to the major and city council of Omaha for 1 cense to sell malt , spirituous and vinous liquors at Ho. 113 8. Fifteenth street , Third Ward , Omaha , Neb. , from the llth day ot April , 1834 , to tha llth day ol July 1834. 11 there bo no monstrance or protest filed within two weeks from Ilarch2ith , A. I ) . 1831 , the said license will bo grant ed. JAUKB FALCUNUII , Applicant. 4SD 2t lewkS J. J. L. 0. JEWETT. fit ) Clerk. Matter of Application of McNamara and Duncan for Liquor Liconsu. NOTICE Notice s hereby gien that UcNamara and Duncan dlcapon | h * 2Uh da ) of March A. I.18S4fllotho an. plication to tno major and city council or Omaha , tor llcensi to sell malt , sprltuousnndUnousllquoniatNo ! 21lind2l8H.14thstreet.Srd ward , Omaha Nebraska , from tha llth day of April , 1834 , to tha llth day Julylt84. If there be no objection , remonstrance or protcat filed within two weeks from March 27tli , A. D. 1834 , the Baldllccnuo will bo granted McNAUARA t DUNCAN , Applicant. 10Q.low.2w } J. J. L. Q. JKWKTT. City Clerk. Matter of Application of P. II. Toblnior Liquor License. NOTICE. Notlco Is hereby Riven that 1 * . nTouln did npon the 27th day of Marcn A , D. 1831 , file hl appli cation to the Major and City Council ol Omaha , for license to sell malt spirituous and Vinous liquors , ( it No. 1124 cor. 12th an0 feteo .Street 6th ward , Omaha. Neb. , from the llth day Jot Aurll 1831. to the llth daynfJuy IBSi. I If there bo no objection , rcinfcnutrnncu or protest fllcd wlthlntwo weeks from MarASUIi A 1) . lbS4tlic SSQgtewk'J. . J. L. C. JEWETr , SSQgtewk' City Clerk. Matter ot Application ol I * . Ilumsdy & Co. , to Liquor License. KOT1CK. Notlco Is hereby git en , that P. Rumsey & Co. , dl < upontbe2lth day ofllanhA. 0. 1884 , file their appll cation to the major and city council of Omaha , fo lloenso to sell malt , spirituous and vlnoua liquors a Cozzens House , 8 , Bth Street Ud ward , Omaha , Neb from the llth day of Apr.l 1894 , to the llth day o May , 18S4. If thcro bo n objection , rcmonstranco or nrotcsl flled within two weeks fromtjaroh th , A. D. 18 1 the said lloensu will be Kranted P. UU1ISKV & CO. , Applicant * . S5l-2t-lewk ( J. J. L. 0. JKWK IT , _ Clty Clerk. Matter of Application of Ed. O'Connor for Llquoi License. NOTICE Notice Is hereby idven that Fd. O'Connor did upon the 27th day of March A. D. 1881 , flle his application to the Mayor and City Oouuo I of Oman , fur License to sell Malt , Spirituous an Vinous LI1 quors at N. W corner 16th and Farnam 8t , 4tl : wa < d , Or.iiha , Nvb. , from the lltu da ) of April , 1884 , to the llth day ot July , Uil. If there bo no iibjectlon , rotnonatranct ) or protest filed within two weeks from March 27th A. U1884 , the said license will bo Kranted. ED. O'UONNOn , ApDllcant. 160 Itlottkp J. J. L. 0. JKWSIT , City Ulork. Matter of Application ol Peter Gooj or Llquoi Llocnso. NOT1CB. Notice Is hereby given that Feter Gooi did upon the ! A.D. 1831 , flle hla applies tlon to the major and city council ot Omaha , for ll < c nso to sell malt , spirituous and vinous liquor * at No 1510 an 1151S K nam stroil , Uhuard , Omaha , Nebraska , from the llth day at April 183 * , to the llth day of July 1831. II thtru ho no objection , rcmonstrancu or protet filed within two weeks from March 27th , A. TVi 188 * , the Bald license Kill be Kranted. ili itn r > OS , AdpUrant , 280-St-lewk A J. I * C. JEWE1T. City Clerk. Matter ol application ol Ohas. Bauer lor Liquor LI cense. NOTICE. Notlco Is hereby given that Chan fousr did upoi the Hth day ofltarchA.1) 1W1 file his an llcaUoi toth Mav r and City I ouni.ll of Omaha , lor llccnsi .ocell malt , spirituous and vlnounllquois , it No , 61 S llth . , 1st ward , Omaha. Neb , Irom the lit ) da/of Apr 1,1881 , to Die llth day ot July , 1831. If thorn bo noo"Joctl n , rom mitmncu or urotwl filed 27th , A. D , 1834 the uUl llieuio will i o uraatoj OifAS. UUKtl , Applicant. 821 ! k twk | J. J , L. C. JEWKTT , Cliy Clerk. Matter of Application of MoNntnaro uud Duu cun , for Liquor LIcoiiBo , NOTIOK. Notice is hereby pit en that JlcVamara andPunca did upon the 2 Hb day ot 11 irch A. I ) . 18S4 nie thelrapii v4tlon to the Mavor and City Council ol Omaha , fo -llceme to cell limit , spirituous and vinous Llcmorn , a H.IW. cor. 'Btii aid JacluoiiHt. . ya ward , Omahi ifeb. , Irom the llth day of April , 1831 , to the lit dar ot Julv , 1831. If there be no objection , remonttranco or protw filed within tvt o weeks Irom March Zf til A. 1 > . | 1B31 tli eold Uccruo Hill be granted. A | > pllcant 81f > OBk | . J.J. L. a Jfc-Winr. City Cleric. "UatUr ol Application ot C. f. Flora for LIquo Lloeuea. NOTICE. Notlco U hereby klven tliat 0. F. Flora , did uno tba rm day of Mare A.U. 1411. nio his appllcatlo to the mayor and city council of Omaha for licence t Mil malt , * ( > lrltuous and vinous Ilquorn at NO. II N. Utb ttreet , Th'rd ' ward , Omatia , Neb , from th llth day of April m . to tha llth day July ot 18Si If then lie no objection , remonttrance or uroUu filed within two woeki from March Z7th , A. & IMi the said lloeute will b yranted. U. . riflKA. Applicants. 7 < -iew | "J.i L. U JKWJUT , City Clerl UatUr of Application of Bno. [ a. Drtudl lor Liqui License. NOTICE. Kbttfl * U br by plrea that J. 0. Brandt did upo tit ST7 < h day of M ob , * A. P. 1E3 < , file till a ] ulleatloutofba muyor and city council otOiuahi lor llcerwa to sell malt , spirituous and vinous lquoi | tNo. HlUiSIJ" . lOihKt , I'tward. Omaha. t > 'el IrowtlHilUbiayol April , H , , fo tee UMi tb vUW * | HC * W Uwrtt be no .otJwUon , ' ; or prat * MwltMBtwowiMtki ' , A PL < JOHN O. Jl > " "c " 't W .t k jr. 41 Mfkttcr of AppllcMlon of I ) . I . McQucktn fet Llruor Licence. NOTIC13. Notlco l lcroby Rl\cn thfttD. L. McGncMn did upon tha ' . ' 7th ilny nf Atixrch A. D. 1881 file hi * Application to tlio Mn } or nml City Council uf Omnhn , for llconro to neil Mnlt. Hpirltuous nnd Vihoiin Liquors , nt No. 314 S. Tuntli Htreot Third wixnl. ( Jmnlii , Noknukn , from the llth day nf April 1881 , to the llth day of > lulr 1881. If thcro bo no objection , romon < strnnco or protect filed vlthlu two \vcckn from March 27th , A. D.18S4. tliOKildllcooiiowillba RTixntcd. D. TJ. JlcOUOKIN , Atipllcant. § -2Uowkt .T. J. I * C. Jowfitt , City Clerk. Mutter of Application of Thomiui Uugutd for Liquor JJconne. NOTICK. Notlca Is hereby Riven that Thnnvu Dnjuld did upon the 27th day of March , A. U. ISSt , flle hit application to the Major and City Council nf Omaha , for licenie to sell malt. Splrltout ami vinous liquors , at N. W , cor 10 hand Buit street , ( th nard , Om.ihix Neb. , from tha l th day ot April , 1831 , to the llth day ol July 1834. It thrro bo no objection , remonstrance or protest fll.d wllhln tHowrckn frnm March 27th A. 1) . 1884 the tald licence will bo granted , THOMAS DUOUII ) Applicant. SUi It I c | J. J. L. 0. JKWrTTT , City Clerk. Mutter of Application ot J. D. St. 0 , Illllli lor permit to sell Liquor as a druggist , NOTICE. Notice l.i hereby R\en | that J. D. Kt. 0. Hllllsdld tiiwn the 27th flay ot M.rch , A. 1) . 1834 , nio hi * ap plication to the nia > or and city council of Omaha , for jiorultto fell malt , nplrltunuu and\lnous liquors as a Drucp lit for ma'lcmal , unchanlcal and chemical purposes only , at No. 1614 IoOro | strict , 4th ward , Omaha. Neb. , from the llth ilay of April , 1834 , to the llth day nf April , 1SSS. If them lw no objection , rcmomtranco or proteit filed within twoweokn from \Urch28th A. P. 1834 , the said will 1 urantcd. J. 1) 8t. O. niLLIS.AnpIlcant. 315-21 lew J. J. L. U. Jrwrrr , City n.crk. Matter of Application ot R\end I.jkko , for Lliuor | Lice110. NOTICH Notlco Is hereby thoii that Hvend Lykke , did ujion the Will day of March A. I ) . , 1881 , file Ins application to the niiuor anil city council ot Omahn , forllccnna to soil malt , spMtuounandilnoui liquors , at tiaOlS 8. fltli street , lit ward , Oinahn , Nvb , frnm the llth daj of Apr.l , 1884 , tothollth ilayufJ Ij l&Sl. If tlicro lw no objection rcmomtranco or protest fllcd within tuowioks Irom .Ma-ch 27th , A. 1) ) . 1884 , the Bilil llcenio will be irranlcd. 8VBSI ) LYKKK , Applicant. 380 St-lcAk" J. J. L. C. JEWITH' , City Ckrk. Matter of . Application of nilley and Dillon for Llijuor License. ' NOTICE. Notlco la hereby Riven that UHley and Dillon did upon the 27th day of March. AD 1834 , fllo thelrappllcatlon to the major and rlty council of Omaha , forllocmoto Bfll malt , splrltoui and > lnous liquors , at No. 1310 Doughs street , 3d want , Omaha , Nebraska , from the llth day of April , 1K34 , to the llth day uf July , 1834. If thcro bo no objection , remonstrance or protest filid within two week * from March mil , A. U. 1884 , the mid llconso will bo irrantcd. , HILLliT & DILLON , Applicants. J.J.IU C. JKVfKI , . C'ork , S05-2t-lewj. City Mattcrot Application of doo. W. Parr for permit to sell Liquor as a Druggist. NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that Gco. W. 1'nrr did upon the 27th Jay of March A. D. 1884 , file III * application to the major and city council of Omaha for pern It to tell malt , spirituous and vinous liquors as a drug gist , for medicinal mechanical and chemical tmruo- scs only , at 18 iO 3l. Miry'H ( avenue , Hail ward Omaha , Neb , from the llth day ol April , 1831 , to the llth day o ! April 1835. If thcro bo no objection , remonstrance or mutest filed within two weeks Irom March 27A. I ) . 1884tho said license will be granted. QUO W. I'Aim , Applicant. 351-2tlow | J. .J. L. C. jKWirrr , City ricrk Matter ol Application ot Hans Thollgoard tor Liquor License. NOTICE. Notice Is hereby Rh en that HansTheltgaard did up on the 27th day ot March , A. I ) . 1831 , nio his ap plication to the mayor and city council ol Omah , for license to ncll malt , spirituous and vinous Honors atB. E. cor.Uth and L < a\enworth St. 1st Ward.Oma- ha , Neb. , from the llth day ot April , 1834 to the llth day ot July , 1881. If there bo no objection , remonstrance or protest flled within two weeks from March 27th , A. D. 1881 , the said license will bo granted. HANS Tiir.ILOAAUD , Applicant. 3)3 2t-lowkt J. J. L. 0. JKWE1T , City Cleik. Matter ot Application of It. P. Rowley and Co , for permit to loll Liquor as Dru4frlsta. _ Notice li hereby given that II. P. Rowley and Co , did upon the 28th day ol March , A. D 1884 , flle their app Icatlon to the Mayor and City Council of Omaha for permit to sell Malt. Spirituous , and Vmout Li quor * , as a Druggist * , for medicinal , mechanical , and rnt mica ] purposes only , at Toll s Dlock , Haunden St. 6th ward. Omaha. Neb , from the llth day ot April , 68ll , JioUtbdiyolAprllWo , If there Im no objootlon , remonttra < lc > , or protest flled wl hln two weeks from March , itt til A 1) . 1884 , the said uermlt will bo vranted. II P. 110WLEY & 00. , illcant. 2t wkt i. J. L O.JEWETT.UIillcant. . J. E. RILEY & CQ.- AND- Loan Brokers ! a iitooK , 6rr. rosTorFicr. ) Loans Negotiated. " Houses B ted , Titles Perfected tVnd Spop ; ' < il attention given to convoy inu and nil legal instruments. REAL ESTATE LIST : RmUli's Addition , dlotf. . . . . Prlco 8300 to 8.VX rar > l''ioo , 16 lots . 1'rlco * 3JB to td C Ok..kinu 1'Iace , 10 lit . I'lloo (200 to ( IOC -might ie I ] nan's add I ! ) lots . I'rlcoSl ttofSm x.wo'a Addition 10 lot . I'rlco 81M to 3 hion'd addition , Slot ) . 1'r'co ' rcaionablu , /IIAN OOU VLACE I iniinuAiioiirLACi : . LoU InM'LAlNVIBWAlil ) . "andSotheri /KAlltAM , LoUon JCUMINO , VAnd almoi t o > cry HU In city 100 ACRE LOTS for snlo CHFAP Kl V TEUMU OX AMi rilOl'ERTY. S4O.OOO To Loan on Real Estate , J. E. RILEY & CO. , Ofpoiltt rcwtonioe. Dr. . Amelia Burroughs , OFFICE AN1 > KE3IDMNOK 167 St - Omaha Dodga , , , TKLErilOHKNa.Ui. McOAETHY & BUEKE UNDERTAKERS ! BIB 14TH 8TBKBT , BET. FAUNAM AND DOUGLAS. JAB. BECKETT , M , D. Physician & Surgeon , ( LATE OK NEW YOIIK CITY. ) XSTOra aad llcjldenoo HM North ISt ttrtel in. o | CUrk. rOtfioa Uours 3 to 10 a. m , 1 to 8 p. m and i to F.SOHEUEEMANNM D BKOULAK QB11UA Homoopathio Phy loian ersciAjusT or The experience In the treatment of Cancer with Swift's 8ieclflo(8. | ( 8 8. ) would com to warrant us n Mylng that It will cure this mucn dreaded scourge. ersoni aflUctod ar Invited to orrespond mlthu * . I bellovo Swift's 8 eclfl > hasna > ed my life. I livl Irtuallly lost the use of the up ] > cr part ot rr.y body nd my arms irom tha jioltonout effects of a large can'er en my neck , Irom which I dud sufferd for 2D ears. 8.8,8 has relieved moot all lorrneis , and he pol < on It Ulng forced out ol my sitcm. I will oonbowcIL W. It. Iloninot , Davliboro , Co. Two montln sgo my attention WM called to the o' o of a woman aflllctcd with a cancer on her shout * or at least five Inches In c'rcumference ' an ( fry , pain * til , and xtvlnir the patient no rest day or night lor Ix month * . I obtained a supply of Uwlft's Specific or for hor. Rhe has taken five bottle , and tha u cer s entirely healed up , only n > ery small scab rcmiln- ng and her health Is b tt r than for flvo ) cars pact ; turns to be neifcctly cured. Itnv. JwHEt CiurnrM , , Columbu * , Oa. I havi > seen remarkable results from use ol Swift t Hpecifloonacancrr A young man hero his been lilt' ted five yeara with the most angry looking tat. ng ranters I over saw and was I otrlj dead Thr fli st inttto IT ado n wonderful change , and alter five'tot- tics were taken , ho U nearly or quite well. H U truly wonderful. M. F. CRCMLKT , U , D. , Oglethorpe , Oa. Our treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed roe w iipiiutiit8. T1IK SWIFT SPECIFIC CO Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Oa. N T , Office , 16lW.23d St. . between 6th and 7th Avn The use of the term " Hhoi Lino" In connection wlththi SHORT corporate name of a greatroad convejs an Idea ol ust what I ill F" required by the traveling rub I I Kl En " ° k Bhort Llne'ulck ' " " " m I IT and the best ol accommoda Ibs I V KUiB tlons-cUl ol which are ltun < Ished by the greatest railway In America. CHICAGO , HfllLWATTKEE And St. Paul. It owns and operates over 4,600 miles ol forthcm Illinois , Wlsconilu , Minnesota , Iowa > akota ; and as ts main lines , branches and connee Ions reach all the ( treat business centres ol thi Northwest and Far West , It naturally answers thi cscrlptlon ot Short Line , and Dest Route between Chicago , Milwaukee , St. Paul and Minneapolis. Chicago , Milwaukee , La Croeeo and Wlnona. Chicago , Milwaukee , Aberdeen and Qlondala Chicago , Milwaukee , Eau Claire and Stlllwatcr Chicago , Milwaukee , Wausau and Merrill. Chicago , Milwaukee , Beaver Dam and Oshkosh. Chicago , Milwaukee , Wauknsha and Oconomowoo. Chicago , Milwaukee , Madison and Pralrledu Chlen Chicago , Milwaukee , Owatonna and Falrlbault. Chicago , Bololt JanosvPle and Mineral Point. Chicago , Elgin , llocklord and Dubuquo. Chicago , Cllnton.Ilock Island and Cedar Rapid * . Chicago , Council Bluffs and Omaha. Chicago , Sioux City , Sioux Falls and Yank ton Chicago , Milwaukee , Mitchell and Chamberlain. Hook Island , Dubuque , St. Paul and Minneapolis. Davenport , Calmar , St. Paul and Minneapolis. Pullman Sleepers and the Finest Dining Cars In world are run on the mainlinesoftheCHICAGO MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RAILWAY and every attention Is paid to passengers by court * us employes ol the company. S. A. MElUUlu , A. T. XL OAHPEXTEn , Oenl Manager. Uen * Pan. Agent .i.r. iMK. . OEO H. DCAFFORD , ALONG THK LINE OF THE ] ! hlcap , Si , Paul , Minneapolis and OMAHA RAILWAY. The new extension ol this line from Wakedeld up JEAUTIFUL VALLEY of the OAN through Concord and Coleridge TO 3EC-A.nLaI3XrC3-'IlO3Sr , Roaches the best portion of the State. Special ex- union ra'ns tor land toekera over this line to Vayna , Norfolk and Harttngton , and tla Blair to all rinclpal po'/.ts ' on the SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC RAILROAD Trilns over tht a , St. P. M. it O. Railway to COT ngton , Sioux City , Ponca , Haitlngton , Wayne and Norfolk , Ooxi.xa.oo1 ; t-t DBln-lr 'or Fremont , Oakd .o , Ncllgh , knd. through to Val entine. tyFot rates and all lnforraatlor n * * * x F. B wuiTWEjcaCll r/r sa ! Btraac t Building ; , 0or M M tfdtt BRUNS'1 ' 1 llXi KA.CUDJV- i.J& Fifteenn Ball Pool , Carom , AND AU. OTHER GAMING TABLES. TEN PDi HALLS , CHECKS. ETC. 18 South Sd Btrcat.'SL Louis , 411 Dolawsra Street Kansas City , Mo. , 1821 Douglas St. . Omaha , Neb. HENRY HORNBERGER , Agent. /OTSond for Catalogues and Prlco Lists. Nebraska Cornice AND MANUKAOTUHEIUJ OK GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES FINIALS , WINDOW CAPS , TIN , IRON AND SLATE ROOFINB , PATENT MFTTAUO BKYKQUT , Iron F e n/c Ins ; ] Crestlnini , Balustrades , Verandas , Offlooand Ban ) It&lllnji , Window and Cellar Guards , Etc. OOa 0. ANOCtti STUKET , LINCOLN NEB. Notice to Cattle Men 900 CATTLE FOR SALE. 140 Head of Stetrs Three Yours Old. 200 Two SOi " " Heifers , Two ' 1M " r-teors , Ona 20 " " Hellers. One Tha above desotitud cattle are all well broO Iowa cattle , straight and smooth. These cittlo will be sold In lots to tult uurchuers , and tt reasonable rrlocs. For furtbur vartlvulan , call oooraddiesi . M , K. PATTOa * , Warerly , BrepirCo , Inwa. I * . 8 , Also jrounsfiratloil hiillA.ulJmeStw HA UFACTUHEU , or GALVANIZED IRON , ' CORNICES , WINDOW CAPS , ETC. * , -a JLO aiatix Mtroet , W.nA v.- . , NKIl.ll SKA. IMPORTANT TO- BRO'S & CO , , Uare ettabluhed themtolvesln Omaha to t'aosarl a general br ikerige and busliiMs. We will bur a ) Iwetaof aoojt t wholtsala or retail , and truarantri p rl c satlrfact on 'n prices , ai we can buy chraptt : than y < urtelv > i. You can ve I tb advantage ot h v a your go.1 * ho'iirbt by one who will work t > .our Interest and unitrait to a inorehant who lia ooiethlnc Ki Is anxious to b rid of. XV * will a' prompt 'M utloti to aollhiK autthhir | eutruite. us , and took ! corn'unod to us will M carefull * eked to. Oorroiwadena * * allclt d. li. " jartefcnaots-Oanha Nation * ! Dank , UoCagu > ra's IJa t Adlrcw It ) a. Uta bt. MARRYING THE FREAKS. Deforaeil Manto \Viyes-MilliB \ Christine's ' InfalnatioDS , Mcrconnry 1'coplo Who Seek Tliclr Mnton AinonKtho JlonstrosUics of tlio Bldo Slums tind IMiiscnnm , Chicago Ntws. W. 0. Coup , the veteran showman and manager , sat in the oiFico of the Ohicngo inuaouin yesterday , toying with his gold oyo-glnss , and humming the notes of n song ho did not know. Then ho picked up a copy of The Daily Nowa and read an account of the marriage of Jennie Saunders , the twenty-toed woman , to Louis St. Glair , late advance agent of the Buffalo Bill Wild West combination. "Those marriages of freaks always disgust mo , " ho caul , throwing the paper down. 'Tvo soon a number of them in my time. I BCD that n bill has just been in troduced in the Massachusetts legislature which prohibits the public exhibition ol monstrositior ; it ia to bo hoped it will become - come a law. I do not believe in plac ing anything before the public except that which tends to educate and olova'to , and that which affords genuine amuso- mont. You would like to hear about Homo of the marriages of monstrosi ties. Well , lot mo sco what I can remem ber : "In the words of the Eong in the comic opera , 'years ago * when John O'Brien , the well-known circus man , was in the high- tide of prosperity , among the attractions in the retinue of side-shows following his tent there was a freak known as Wultei Stewart. This human monstrosity was without logs or hands , but ho had short , stubby arms , and it was considered an interesting sight to BOO him shave himself by the use of these half-formed limbs. Although repulsive in other respects , it is said that Stewart possessed average intelligence. One season O'Brien was accompanied on his tour by a charming and beautiful young daughter. Kitty was her name , and she was the idol of her name , and she was the idol of her amuse ment-loving parent. Ho was worth at least 8240,000 at that time , and ho lavished every attention upon his beloved child. Kitty had her own will in almost everything. She got acquainted with the side-show monstrosity , Walter Stewart , and day after day went surreptitiously to converse with him. At length , before the father had the slightest inkling of the course affairs had taken , his daughter had become strangely infatuated with and secretly married the deformed creature. O'Brien , in hit > anger , cast her completely off , and never spoke to either of the two afterword. But Kitty clung stoutly to her choice , ministering to his wants , accompanying him in shows and mu seums , and to all appearances loving him. ' John Bat- 'Perhaps you remember - torshy , the skeleton manNo ? Well , John was long a great cd for side-shows and museums , and , fc/ the way , I think ho is still living. J * wounderful how long these skeloi"ns do I've. Battorsby was married "me twenty years ago to 'Hannah , ' U' ° fat woman of Maine , after which tlW always made engagements and tro 0 together. Hannah was the big o < > t fat woman I ever saw , too. She , , -oJghod upward of 500 , and there was over 400 pounds difference between the ight of husband and wife. The union , iove , was blessed with several chil- . Speaking of skeletons , there's W. fapraguo , the 40-pound specimen baa been soon hero lately. Sprague baa bean married twice , though it doesn't seem possible that such a creature of bone * ) could survive two such ordeals. By hill first marriage several children rflr bora , but for some cause the mother U him. Then ho sought and found an- er consort ia the person of his present i'oii a woman who will tip the . 250 ktjt&Q very least. Sprague ( iit-.cs\ alary of $100 a week , and no fonut ah had her heart' set as much on iV as on ; ho skeleton. She hat ? got bcvond the boundz of freakish youth , beyond the idu > l noliona of a husband that iirla , ueuallj ontorr * : , ! at 10. She now lives at ca o l\id dra-irss well. What mgro cpuW a woma nsk ? A 2oed story is told of SpMJ j wUu n H'hibitlon in Now York sorno tuio t o , Ho und his wife wore 01 copying ajipartiucnta near the museum. One nK.rir.iig'ho carried to the manager in a state of'great excite ment. \ ' "I have boon ro'jhodl1 ho screamed. " 'How ? " said the manager. ' , "VVhy , some time during the night my wife was awakened by cold , 'and said'tho window must bo hois ted , assho was almost freezing , and she hugged up close to mete to kenp warm ' " 'To you1 ? interrupted the managerj 'close to you a pack of honest' " 'Yes. that's what I nuid. Sure enough [ found the window had been left open > y burglars and they had stolen my mo. noy from under my pillow. ' "William Thompson , a steamsdip en- lincer , became intnc atod with Ann E jcak , a woman without arms , and mar- iod her some ton years ago. They sub- icqiiontly wont to Australia together , and , I am told , made a good deal of nonoy. She has been seen with all iho > ii { snows in this country time and again Choy have a very fine boy , and , although ho mother has no arms for hugging , she : an oronhot , kuit , sow , and write with ler toes as well as most ladies can with heir hands. And then there was Mme. Myers , the boarded lady you have soon tort She became the Ay if a of Amos RIy era of Otseffo , N , Y. , seven or eight years aso , and they have traveled together with ill tlio shows since at different times To seems at careful and proud of her aa of a babe. * * 'Dj you know it ia astonishing how women cot 'stuck' on athletes , and circus Aiders ? Yes , and I might add , on prize , ightors and mala opera singers. POD pi a ued tn toll mo in the old museum there n Mew York that there waa no ixttraotio % to fascinating to women as snakes , and hat ton women for every man would stand and gaza for hours at tha reptiles. I suppose it is because the Bnako has i > eon so long associated with man's histo ry * But to return to the subject of women ooing charmed by athletes , I'll give one icainut the men. Don't you remember that balloon marriage of two of my people ple at Oincinnatil In 1875 , a short time bofora Prof. Donaldson made his fatal trip from Chicago , ho took up Charley lton , my assistant treasurer , and a pretty hypodromo rider and chariot driver whom Oolton made his bride high up m the air. I went up with them and we had a gay time. Over 50,000 people aw us sUrton the eventful voyage. Poor Uoualdsoul it was the last wedding ho over witnessed , ' ? tJ'10rV ar8 "K0 * brought cloven na- / ] ( ° * f ' niy sh ow One ulu Charley , ' black as the act , fcV rather lion features , .dlomo ana ocoraplished iirff l i . young dy Of BrooUyu , but eho sooa dcsoried him , Charley used to ttll me that n man in his country could ha\c just as many wives as ho ) ml cattle to pay for them , and that their idral of beauty in woman was obesity , and to this end the female Zulus wore fed on milk through long-necked gouido. A Good Talker On tha stiRO or pMform , In society or nt home , rntifct not only uossoss bruins but a rtsir , strong voice. Catarrh , or a so\oro cold , h ai * rnodt certain to Injure the voice. lint those compUInU may bo complotolycradlcUocl with ft few applications of 7 hotnat' J.cttctric fit , uu- rhnlcd in its specialties. KDISON'H EWOTKIO SI1AKIC HUNT A (3rc t Invcntor'H Kun In Florida How tlio Flslicrtiinu Got tlio Current. ST. AUOUSTINE , Flo. , Mnrch 28. Mr. Thoma * A. Edison , the gre t inventor , is at present oujoyinga vacation in Florida , tie is accompanied by Mrs. Edison , a superb blonde , who has but lately recov ered from severe illness , but who is now thoroughly restored The pair have been cnjoyinc themselves in the jolliest man ner imaginable. Those who had looked to find in the inventor a sort of Dr. Faustus all wrinkles and solemnity ' have boon agreeably disappointed. Of course , when Mr. Edison gets a cjmpv thotio listener ho is not unlikely ( o fasten the grapplers of his keen intellect on electric nnd mechanical problems , but you cannot stir his pride at this moment with such matters. To tickle his vanity you must ask himifho overgoes tishmg. Then you will hear how ho caught the great St. Augustine "demon shark. " For years past ono particular shark of enormous size has defied the fishermen of St. Augustine , oaten up their bait and frequently their catch. It was oven rumored that ho had consumed several little negro children and ono tough , old rum-soaked sailor. For several days after the lattar feat the shark waa said to have acted in the most drunk und dis- ordoily manner. Those stories , told on the piazza of the Magnolia hotel , fired Mr. Edison. "I'll ' fix him , " said Mr. Edison quiet ly.For For a couple of days little was seen of the electrician. Ho paid repeated visits to the homo of a local scientist on Bay street. Then ho hired the yacht Magnolia for a fishing excursion. At 10 o clock in the morning the party ho had invited , led by _ Mrs. Edison , and otherwise consisting of Mr. and Mm. Henry 0. Reimor , of Newark. N. J. , and ox-Mayor Lang , were handed on board by Captain Whitney. At 10:15 : a. m. Mr. Edison came along with a swinging gait. A colored boy , carrying what proved to bo the most extraordinary fishing-tackle over seen , was at his heels. Mr. Iltimor thought the basket contained champagne , and praised Mr. Edison's thoughtfulness. Ho laughed , but said nothing , and sat on the lid of the box. The yacht ran down to the fishing ground off the light house , whoso curious spiral coloring suggested jokes about a corkscrew to Mr. llaimer. Lines for bass wore thrown out amid the usual hopes and jests , and Mrs. Edison with a little shriek of surprise and pleas ure promptly hauled out a good-sized baas. Black fish and bass were caught for some time by all the party except Mr. Edison ; then there waa a stop. 1 'aptain Whitney scratched hia head and said : ' 'It must bo that dog-gono demon shark again. " "What's that ? " said Mr. Edison , with liis hand to his ear. "Demon shark eatin' the fish , " said the captain. "Edison jumped up. His moment had : omo. Opening the basket , ha began aauling out a long gutta-percha line a regular insulated telegraph wire. There was no hook visible , but it was'evidently imbedded in a huge chunk of something red that looked like meat , yet was not. A powerful olectrio battery remained in the basket. "What'a that ? " said the captain. ' You wait and see. " Overboard went bait and line and Edi son lit a cigar. In a minute the line or wire gave a jerk that a most knocked the inventor over. "Lot him run ; it's the 'demon , ' " said the captain. "You lot him run , " said Edison"whilo I turn this handle. " The captain grabbed the line , and the inventor worked like an organ-grinder at the. electric crank. Never waa seen such a rumpus in the water. The grca.1 shark came to the surface - face nd jutrped clean out of the water ; watcrj'thtm hu wriggled , curled , switched , plunged , tumbled , jerked and snapped. HB could not tell what was the matter Vith him. He was the most astonished snarkisinco-tha.worjd began. "Ii he getting the current ? " said the inventor calmly. 'Gettin'it ! 'r yelled the captain , "he's gottiu * h L Goahl he's nearly pulled ray arms out."v \ ' The Inventor smiled and kept turning. A new idea occurred to the shark : he would " ouud. " Down he went and * he Captain let him run. In a minute ho rose and the captain began hauling in. All at once the latter began to ernit the most fiendish yells , while ho dancid and cavorted like a fiend. v "Is ho gettiur ; the current ? " saidvtho calm inventor. v H 11 I'm Kottin' it Lotupl Letup ? For God'aeako I" shriek ed the captain. "AIovo your hands an inch ; guess you've scraped off aoino insulator , " said r diapn. with the interested air of a sur geon at a clinic. ' In fifteen minutes the shark came to the surface , and saying with his rolling eyes as well as a stiark can1 siy it : "I knock under , " turned over and died. Ho was too big to haul aboard , so the dnmon shark waa towed to the duck. There was greit excitement in the town. The monster , fifteen feet in length and weighing 700 pounds , was taken to Dr. Vedder'a museum , whcro it s labelled ; _ " " " * " i THE DEMON SHAKE , OAUOUT nvT. A EDISON , WITII EtKOTHiq BAIT. M > , Edison presented the curious olec trio tithing tackle to Captain Whitney. Ho leaver for Magnolia this evening. Gaptain'Whitriey has so far refueod all ofTarito go on an cloctrio shark hunt. He Bftysrv "Fbritho bhark it's all very well , but when ilrcomes to gittin1 the current into the fwjjferraan well , words nint the thing to de ribo it.1' ' Evidence of tlio Best iCIncl. lllchard T. Jloblnscm U a drugjUt living In lliciiie , Wl * . Hera la hat h buy , : "Auflct- ed with Uryuel h I waa unabia to nrtlcuUte n word distUctly fur fully two months. A lib eral M > pllc tlimof IfAonwi' Idcclrb OUconi- pUstcly cured " nt. Ain Cleaned to reeom- THE CHEAPEST PLAGE UT OMAHA TO BUY TONE'S , One of the Best and largest Stocks in the United States to select from. tfO STAIRS TO CLIMB , ELEQANT PASSENGER ELEVATOR I.UCHARDS & CLAitKE , VV. A. OLAKKB , Proprietora. Suporiutonrlne 17. P. EAIluWAY 17TH & 18TH STREETS MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN . WATER WHEELS , ROLLER MILLS , ill and Grain Elevator Machinery MILL FURNISHINGS OF ALL KINDS , INCLUDING THE Celebrated 'Anchor ' Brand Dufour Bolting Cloth STEAM PUMPS , STEAM' WATER AND'GAS PIPE. BEASS GOODS AMD PIPE FITTINGS , ARCHITECTURAL AND BRIDGE IRON. } OWe OI We ave propareri to f'urnisii plans autl estimates , and will contfiiCt for the erection of : Flouring Mills and Grain Elevators , or for changing Flouring Mills , fremStoue to the Roller System. BSJl pedal attention given to fiirnisoing Power I'lants for nny pur pose , and estimates made for same. General mnchin y repairs attenfled' . to promptly. Address KICHA.HDS & CLARKE. Om lia. JST > - with , an Absolute . o feeing the Finest and , Most Perffeot fejids of fcheiy kind , LAWGE & FQITIGK , 318-320 ! l. 13th St , , near Farnam. llanufaotored 7 the MKhlsrtn Bwve Co. , Detroit and Chicago. " UiNMKSAL ' EANGfET' THE BET IN THE WORLD. SOLD BY -DEAIEU IN- HARDTOE , JM iMOTES _ , _ TOOLS , IMPLEMENTS , . 2-407 Cuiuing gtreet , - - . OMAHA , NEB