Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 08, 1884, Image 7

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    'THE DA1L" * BEE-OMAHA. TUESDAY , APHIL 8,1884 ,
Tuesday Morning , April 8
Nollco to Advertisers.
U , S. Smith , who has for the past year
filled the position of manager ot the ndvortls *
ing department of Tine BKK , h.ii loosed the
city nilverthing of this paper , wul will hereaf
ter have complete control ot that department.
President Bur Publishing Co.
The "Weather.
For the Upper Mississippi Valley :
Light local rain or snow ; partly cloudy ;
fllightly colder weather ; north to west
winds ; higher barometer. '
For the Missouri Valley : Light rains
or enow , followed by fair weather , north
erly winds , and nearly stationary tem
Thorn U n service at 11 n. m. nml 6. n. in.
every day this Holy week nt Trinity Cathe
Curbing nnd guttering was commenced on
Twelfth street , batwoon Fa main nud Hnrnoy
yoitorday morning.
Sovan persons charged with bolng drunk
nud disorderly , nnd seven others in scorch of
n plnco to alcop , lodged in the city jnll last
DonnU Fltzoatrlek has boon awarded the
contract for putting the heating apparatus in
the now court houso. The contract rrlco is
Owing to nlwrock on the Milwaukee the
through Denver sleeping car did not nrrivo
Sunday night in time to bo taVon out on No.
1. It west west yesterday on No. 3.
Mr. G T. Anderson will give a nodal
hop at Clark's hall , Wednesday evening ,
April 10. A fmo time is anticipated , nnd no
disreputable characters will bo allowed admit-
County Superintendent Brunnor yesterday
issued his first certificate of the first grade.
The holder is James II. Fars now n teacher
in school district No. 1C in McArdoo pro-
On a muddy day it Is nmuslng to stand
in the depot nnd wotch people como in nnd
clean their feet upon the stove and floor , nnd
ono cannot but wonder if that is the way they
do at homo.
The Northwestern Electric Light com
pany have made arrangements for putting in
the storage system for storing electricity , nnd
when this is placed in working order electric
light will bo found as handy as gas.
A complaint against Jan expressman forever
over charge was iilod in the police court last
evening. The complainant claims ho was
charged seventy-five cents for hauling 81
worth of coal n few blocks.
The water main on Thirteenth street , be
tween Jones and Loavonworth , burstod lost
night. The waterworks company was noti
fied , but was unable to stop the leak , owing
to the darkness and wont of help.
kr The directors of the Nebraska Overland
? - Telephone company hold a mooting yester
day. They elected S. U. Johnson , presl
dent ; I. S. Hascall , MOO president ; J. I ,
Voodor , secretary , and John L. MeCaguo ,
G. W. Holdrodge , assistant general man
agerof the B. & M. , nnd Thomas Miller , general
oral freight agent , left Omaha yesterday ir
Mr. Holdrodge's privntocarfor AtchlsonKa ?
It ii reported they e-ono have there to moel
General Manager T. J. Potter.
The case of the State against Manning
the agricultural implement man , chnrgot
with obtaining money under false pretenses
\ came -up for hearing in the police court yestor
1 day. No appearance was made against bin
by the complainant. The case was dis
Articles of incorporation cf the Third Congregational
grogational society of Omaha were filed h
the county clork'o office yesterday. Thi
president of the society is Mr. A. N. Fer
guson ; treasurer , W. F. Sears ; clerir , W. R
Bosard ; trustees , William Morrison , J. B
Evans and James Trail.
Jens J. Helm , of Elba , Howard county
was brought before United States comtnla
sioner Anderson yesterday. Ho was chargoi
with Belling liquor without license. Ho watvoi
examination. His bail was fixed nt $300 b ;
the commissioner. Helm justified nnd wa
released on his own recognizance.
The ladles of the First Congrcgationo
church hold tholr Easter bazar in the parlors o
the church , on Thursday evening. A buslnei
meeting to complete preparations is called fo
Tuesday , nt 3 p. in. AJ1 ladles interested n
ho now church building enterprise nio urgoi
to bo presout. '
The stockholders of the Commercial Nn
tional bank mot yesterday in room 109 of th
Millard hotel. Their articles of incorpora
: tlon were drawn up. The authorized capita
utockof their banking institution is Si ,000 ,
000. The paid up stock is 8250,000. The o
tides will ba filed with the county clerk tc
% m us > FAY & Co. , formerly of Minneapolis
Minn. , have opened n wholesale confer
tionory , cigar and fruit business , nt 121
Farnam street. a2.1m
Ninth Street.
The contract for curbing and guttorin
Ninth street , let by the city to B. Mel
qulst & Co. , has boon transferred to J
fl : . E , Riley &Co. The latter have also th
4Ki contract for paving this street , givin
them all the stone work to bo done upo
it. The contract of the city with 1
Melquist & Co. did not require them t
complete the curbing nna guttering b <
fore August nest : As it now is , th
curbing and guttering will begin at onci
So soon as f his is doiio the work of pai
ing will begins
Wide Awake Druggists.
0. F. Goodman is always alive in Ids bus
ness nnd spares no pains to secure the best (
every article In his line. Ho has secured tl
agency for the celebrated Dr. King * Ne
Uiscovory for Consumption. The only ce
tain cure known for Consumption , Cough
Colda. Hoawenees. Asthma , liny Vevor.lJroi
chltls , oranyulfecllou of throat and lung
Sold on a poBitiva tmarantoo. Triul bottli
free. Itcyular site 81
Mllltury Orders.
Major George B , Dandy , quorterma
ter U , S. A. , chief quartermaster of tt
department , will proceed to Fort MI
Pherson , Nebraska , and Kookuk , lowi
and inspect the national cemeteries i
those places ; on completion thereof vri
return to his station.
The travel directed uiiecensary for U
jpublic service.
--n -
The Board of Edncation Meets and
Reorganizes ,
Mr , Long ElootecT President , and
Oonnoyor Sooretary ,
The ProccciUnRi of Unst NlcJit'a
The regular meeting of the board of
ducation was hold last evening , and waa
Uondod by Messrs. Long , Points , Con-
ioyor , Copcland , Livosoy , Gibbon and
The journal of the preceding mooting
was road and approved.
The announcement being made that
Icssra. Long , Points and Connoyer had
won , upon the ofllcial canvass of the
oto of the recent city election , declared
looted by the city council , the board
rococdcd to organize , the newly elected
members presenting their qualifications.
The ballotwas first taken for president ,
ud resulted :
' . . K. LOUR J
. J. 1'olnts 1
Ulank 1
For vice president the ballot stood :
. J. 1'olnts G
V. K. Copolaml 1
) r. Farkor 1
Mr. Points declined to servo as vice
resident on account of the arduous du-
tea connected with the ollico , but the
oard subsequently refused to accept his
The board next proceeded to elect a
ocrotnry , and Mr. Connoyor received the
majority of the votes and was declared
"uly elected.
A recess of five minutes was taken ,
rhon President Long announced the foi-
Owing standing committees :
Finance Hall , Points and Long.
Claims Gibson , Livcsoy and Spccht.
Teachers and Text Books Points ,
'arkorcnd ' Connoyer.
Buildings and Property Co/moyor ,
livosoy and Hall.
Rules , Forms and Printing Parker ,
lall and Cop eland.
Supplies Copeland , Gibson and
Mr. Gibbon odorod a resolution to op-
oint Messrs. John Rush , Gcorgo I. Gil-
ert and Superintendent James as the
xamining committee for the board.
Some question arose as to the advisa-
rility of the appointment otSuporintcnd-
nt James , aa ho already had his hands
all , and the resolution was finally laid
vor until the next meeting.
The report of the Hon. Truman Buck ,
ity treasurer , showed :
ialanco from lost month 832.GGO 11
? nx collected in February 2.1C9 77
iscellaneous 35
Total S34.854 88
Van-ants issued in March 817,011 53
Transferred to sinking fund 8'jG 02
Balance 10,317 33
Total $34,854 88
The request of Laura TV. Morris for
, ho use of one of the public school rooms
'or a summer school was not acted upon.
The bill of E. W. Siraoral for fees and
sosta in the mandamus case brought by
; ho board , amounting to $113.40 , was
> resented , and also the bill of H. D.
stabrock for $112.25 in same case , and
.here was quite a discussion as to whether
layment should bo allowed , as the pro
gress made in the courts was not report
ed. It appeared that the board .had
agreed to allow $200 foes in any event
and $1,000 in case the suit was won foi
, ho city. Laid on table.
The bill of Geo. W. Doano for services
n mandamus case of the Board vs. Win ,
F. Hoina , county treasurer , amounting
; o $150.90 , was referred to the commit'
; ee on claims , to report at the next meet
Dr. Parker moved that Judge Lake be
retained as associate counsel in the case ,
with Messrs. Simoral and Estabrook , but
.ho whole matter was referred over to t
special mooting to bo held on Saturday
On claims Pay roll of teachers am
janitors , etc. , for Jttorch , § 9,786.74 , wat
adopted and -warrants ordered to b <
The secretary reported the result oi
the school census just taken.
The report of the committee on claims
to allow the janitor of the South schoo
§ 15 for rent was adopted.
It was moved ana adopted that th <
teachers employed in the night school be
notified that their services were no longei
needed , as the attendance does not now
warrant the keeping up of the uchoo
A special committee reported in the
matter of the purchase of tclioo
site that they had investigated
the matter , and thought the most ad van
tageous lots were three , located on the
oouthwost corner of 20th and Dodge ,
whichcouldbe purchased for3,300. Twc
other sites wore mentioned , one on 27tl :
and Farnam , for which $4,800 is asked ,
and the other , on 30th nnd Farnum , or
which the price fixed is $3,500. , It wai
reported that difficulty was mot with ir
finding a good site , centrally located , ant
that while the foundation for a building
at the first named point would cost considerable
siderablo , there would be the expense oi
n cut or fill at either of the other namei
Mr. Points moved that the three loti
on 2Cth and Dodge bo purchased nt i
cost not exceeding $3,300 , and that thi
president and secretary bo authorized tx
draw warrants for tint amount. Re
By Parker : To make improvement
about the grounds of the lieavonwortl
and Jackson , "West and Dodge , and Loni
schools. This includes fencing and grad
ing. Adopted.
By Parker : To/purchase / 125 feet o
hose each for tho.iLong and Loavonwort ]
street schools. Adopted. ,
By CopelandTo / purchase $15 o
music books for the use of teachers undo
the supervision ! of the teacher of music
Adopted. |
By Livesey : fo repair the brick gutte
on the east sidq of the Central school.
The question' as to the legal right o
tha board to clango the site of the pro
posed now ecaool building from tha
voted for at the lost election , whicl
proved unsatisfactory for such purpose
was discussed it considerable length am
loft to be settle on Saturday evening.
Ask xiB Something Easy.
B KFALO , N , y , , April 5,1884.
To the Editor of THE BBS.
I was a Locbport , and through th
works of .ho Holly Manufacturing Co
yesterday. In the course of my visit , the
IroaoHtvr told mo Uiat they "dropped"
535,000 in Omaha , during their effort
* nd failure < o introduce their works in
1879-80. Query : Did all that money
go lor hotel bills of agonta , and in jun
keting tripa to examine their system in
other cities , or did some of it drop into
the pockota of members of the Omaha
city council J AtniEt ) CLARK.
Huoklon's Arnica Unlvo.
The Rnwtcst modlcnl wonder of the worlil ,
Warranted to speedily cure Bums , Cuts. Ul
cers , Salt Rhoutn , Ftncr Soros. Cancer * , Flics ,
( Jhillblaitu , Corns. Totter , Ckamied hands.
nrt Ml ekln oruiitlon , garimtooil to euro In
Tory InRtiuco , or money refunded. 25 ; cents
* rw
ThclAnmml Kcitort oIMho City 1'liy.
wlcliin , Dr. 1 * . K.
OMAHA , April 1 , 1884.
To his Manor , Champion S. Chate , .Vnuor /
the City n/ Omaha ;
111 submitting to your honor my annual
report ascity physliauIfcol that wo.havo
great cauno for congratulation at the cs-
capo of the hand of pestilence and the
visitation of contagious and infectious
diseases in nn epidemic form during the
pasl year , whilst there Jins boon a Inr o
numbot of cases of mcasols , scarlet fever
nnd diphtWia. yet the number of deaths
rom these diseases have boon compara-
ivoly small , ana they -wore not confined
o any particular locality , but appeared
poradically in different parts .of the city.
The total number of doatha occurring durino
ho post yonr wnro six hundred nnd four (004) ( ) ,
makinjj our annual death raU 1C ' . ' 8 per cent.
estimating our population nt 1 ,000.vhlch IH
a very low death rote , placing our city ainoni ?
ho healthiest in the world.
The greatest mortality occurred in July , the
number of deaths were 89 , CO of whom were
indcrGyoara of ngo and40cf them died of
olora infnntum. Twonty-ono o ! them were
rom the l irst ward , 113 from the Second , nnd
8 from the Sixth ward. The leas * number of
oaths occurred in the month of M y , viz : 29.
The monthly mortality w.ii as follows : In
Vpril , 52 ; May , 20 ; Juno. 33 ; July , 89 ; A -
; ust , 47 ; September , 48 ; October , 45 ; Novom-
> or , 52 ; December , 52 ; January , 1884 , G2 ;
'obruary , C2 ; March , 43.
Soxoa Male. 325 ; females , 279.
Condition Single , 402 ; married , 125 ; un-
lasseil. 47.
In First ward , 149 ; Second ward , 157 ; Third
ward , 40 ; Fourth ward , 4J ; Fifth ward , 57 ;
Sixth ward , 100 ; hospitals , 51.
Color White , 580 ; colored , 18.
Ages Under 1 year , 177 ; between 1 and 2
oars , 51 ; 2 and 3 years , 25 ; 3 nnd 4 years , 2o ;
nnd 5 years , 18. Total under 5 years , 29(1. (
from 5 to 10 years , 20 ; 10 to 15 years , 10 ; 15
o 20 years , 9 ; 20 to 25 years , 38 ; 25 to SO
oars , 35 ; 30 to 35 years , 27 ; 35 to 40 years ,
> C ; 40 to 45 years , 20 ; 45 to 50 years , 23 ; 50 to
5 years , 13 ; 55 to CO years , 1C ; CO t < jG3 years ,
5 ; C5 to 70 years , 5 ; over 70 years , 22 ,
Cause' of death were : Accidents , 20 ; alco-
loliam , 8 ; apoplexy , 7 ; asphyxia , 4 , nptlm , 2 ;
nprocn , 1 ; annsarca , 1 ; angina pcctoris , 1 ;
Bronchitis , 5 ; Bri ht's disease , 2 ; burn 1 ;
-erobo epiunl fever , 13 ; cancer , 7 ; con\uUions ,
rf ; congestion of the lungs , 15 ; cnrditls , 1 ;
congestion of the brain , 8 ; cirrhosis , 1 ; cause
of death not given , 1 ; dlphthoila , 43 |
llarrhrcal diseases , G8 ; dysentery 5 | drowning ,
! ; dropsy , 1 ; enteritis and gastritis , 10 ; am-
mllsrn , I ; enlarged protrato 1gunshot ; wound ,
. { general dabllity , 2 ; heart disease , 11 ; hy.
Irocophalus , 5 ; hopatetls , 4 ; Imrmontotls. 2
tip disoaao , 2 ; inanotion , 2 ; lupus , 1 ; lenobei
aboess , 1 ; lightning , 1 ; locomoter ntaxia , 1
membranous croup , 8 ; marasmus , 11 ; inanin
; atia , 11 ; molaona , 1 ; meaecls , 1 ; malignanl
; umor , 1 ; natural causes nnd nervous prostra
tlon , 1 ; old ngo , 10 ; oodonoa of glottis , 1
ovarian dropsy , 1 ; puerperal diseases , 11 ; jper
otonitos , 0 ; premature birth , 3 ; paralyeis 9
[ inouinouia. 42 ; phthisis pulmonalis , Gl ; per
carditis , 1 ; perpura harmoraglca rheu
niatism , 4 ; miituro of intestines , 1
surgical operations , 2 ; softening of the brain , 1
suicide 5 ; small pox , 3 ; scarlet fever , 23 ; nun
stroke , 2 ; sere leg , 1 ; etanatitis , 1 ; starvation
1 ; eoptlcoinla , 3 ; still born , 42 ; typhoid fever
20 ; tumor , 1 ; feUnuo , 1 ; uterine hemorrhage , 1
unknown , 7 ; violence 1. Total , 604.
Births. She number of births reported dur
Ing the year were 948 , of which there wer
moles , 485 ; temales * 4C3. White. 935 ; colored
13 ; still born. 52. Some of our physicians am
midwives still neglect to regularly report the !
births , notwithstanding I have notltied thor
to do so. Did all report as required to do. ou
birth reports , no doubt , would have considei
ably exceeded one thousand during the lug
year.Nuisances. . A largo cumber of nuisance
have been reported , mostly on private prop
prty , the owners of which , after due notice
ive generally had them removed or abated
Streets and Alloys. The streets and alloy
of the city during tha last year were kept in
much better condition than heretofore , yetnc
by any moans as they ahould bo kept. T
this end n public scavenger should bo nppolnl
ed and properly paid , to rcmovo nil offals an
garbage from our streets und alleys , and a ;
property owners , where they can do so , shoul
bo compelled to connect with sewers , so oa t
abate the unhealthy privy vaults , in the mo3
populous ports of the city.
The small-pox hospital has been plastero
and put into a comfortabloViondition , so tha
in case the disease should make its appoai
anco in the city the patients can bo moio com
fortnbly cared for.
With an extension of our sewerage , th
paving of our streets , and the enforcement c
-anitary lawn , all of which should bo done
will add greatly to the comfort of our cltUom
protect the health of the city , and tond'to re
duce our ( loath rate still moro , so thafwo ca
of n truth say that Omaha is the ucalthioa
city of its fll/a in America.
All of which Is respectfully submitted ,
City Physician.
Clears out rats , mice , roaches , dice
ants , bedbugs , skunks , chipmunks
gophers. 15c. Druccists
W. O. T. U. Co ( Too KOOIIIH.
The day long prayed for has arrive
when cofloo and reading , rooms undo
the auspices of the W. 0. T. U. could b
established. The citizens of Omaha ar
cordially invited to visit them Tuosda
evening , April 8 , when they give a rocoj
tion at 8 o'clock , for which a very entoi
taining programme has been arranged
Donations of books , pictures , grocoriei
etc. , thankfully received. Wo wish t
acknowledge the following : St. Mary1
Avenue Congregational church , cliaira , '
I. ; Burns , dishes , 85 ; J. T. Boll , casl
312.00 ; G. W. Eastman , mirror , $0 ; C
E. Moody , dishes , $3 ; friends , cast :
$2.43 ; Mrs. Goblo , 1 ham , 100 Ibs flout
llov. E. B. Graham , § 5 ; Mrs. Mau !
cash , 81 ; 0. E. Reynolds , SI j Mr. Moyeji
painting. MUH. L. G , CHAUI.TO.V ,
Secretary ,
r >
Tim Went her. /
Sunday was one of the most dis
agreeable days of the entire scasoi , Ear
ly in the morning a cold , utoody nin so
in and continued until about ! 5 o'clotV it
the afternoon , when it began to snoirim
the snowstorm continued for two o | mori
houra. People were generally itirrriaet
yesterday morning to find the nmd fr i
and the thermometer lower than for s v
oral weeku. By 9 o'clock however -
ever , the sun had peeped fiom behim
the clouds long enough to convert thi
road a and crosswalks into in ocean o
mud , Although heavy owrcoata ftl
very comfortable all day Ion/ / .
GoDnoyer , Points and Long Declared
Elected Members of the
. School Board , ?
Their Majorities Doing Nearly
Fifteen Hundred ,
The Olllclnl Count Tor Ahlcrincn In
tlio Vni-lniis AVnrds.
The members of the old * city council
convened hst evening to canvass the
votes of Itho last city election nnd declare
ho result , lloll call found members
Vndorson , Dunham , Iloscall , Kaufman ,
Alurphy , llcdfiold and Baker present ,
Mr. llcdfiold stiKgostod that the vote for
nombors of the school board bo conntcil
first as that body was in waiting to learn
the result , for the purpose of rcorganiza-
ion. It was so ordered by the chairman.
In accordance witho the provisions oi
octiou 11 , chapter 18 of the general city
rdinanccs , Messrs. D. Kennlston nnd R.
) . Si Burke , two disinterested electors ,
rcro appointed to count the vote. The
allowing is the result of the vote for the
members of the board of education :
Wards-lst 2d 3d 4th Cth Cth Total
Jonnoyor 591 612 328 3T.B 422 233 2441
* oinU..r)88 400 830 307 420 ! M7 2J38
Mag. . . . 089 490 326 377 421 23(5 ( 2131
ionnott. 50 189 171 CO o42 230 042
lloom. . . 53 183 172 85 23'J SOS } 120
O'Urion . 5'J SU'J 173 02 230 203 015
Connoyor's majority over his highest
ompotitor being 1,496 votes ; Points ,
,493 ; Long's , 1,480. The three candi-
ates just mentioned were declared duly
1 jctod by the chair.
The official count on the sewer bonds
was 2,324 votes for and GG against.
The following is the ofjicial result of
lie count for alderman in the various
wards :
First ward Duncan 348 ; Thrano 377 ;
'hrano'a majority 29.
Second ward Bohm 483 ; Mahoney
40 ; Bohni's majority 237.
Third ward Ford 244 ; O'Conuoll 108 ;
IcGuckin 218 ; Borthold 75 ; Ford's plu-
ality 20.
Fourth ward Bochol 391.
Fifth ward -Loodor 391 ; Whalon 3GG ;
jcodor's majority 25.
Sisth ward Furay 282 ; Wlnspcar 218 ;
Turay's majority G4.
Messrs. Thrano , Bohm , Ford , Bochol ,
jcodor and Furay were then by the pros-
dent declared elected from their several
Mr. Rodfiold then stated that the
shiirman of the board of public woiks
ladjngaged Diniel Konniston as in-
ipectoiof the curbing and guttering just
begun , and wished to know the senti
ment of tin council upon the matter. It
was opposed \ > y no one.
The council tt n adjourned.
William McCartney , nt the
Motroplitaii ,
0. L. Burke , Grand Island , is Btuxn ; , , Q |
the Jrotropolitan. Nv
F. W. Cromwall , of Aurora , Nob. , is nt ,
K. W. McClure , Lincoln , is nt the Metro
politan. (
J. 0. Brown , Oreighton , Nob. , w nt tl
Metropolitan. \
W. 0. Oaloy , Croighton , Nob. , is nt th
E. B. Stewart nnd wife , Wayne , Nob. , ar
stopping nt the Metropolitan.
Hnverly's Maslodon minstrels are stopple
at the Metropolitan.
H. 0. Molloo , Lincoln , and Alien Crov i
Tokamah , ore guojta of the Paxtou.
O. M. Curtis , of Ashland , and V'/Abrn
hamson , ot Minden , are at the 1'axf.m.
F. S. Potvln , the contractor ar < l builder , o
Lincoln , is registered at the IV ton.
n. 0. Wright , of Schuylo' , Is nt the Pax
ton. i
A , Henry , of Columbv * , is stopping at thi
Paxton. /
John II. Koo , of Ifearnoy , is registered n
the Paxton.
A. G , Booson/of Lincoln , rogldtercd yoatcr
day at the Paxton.
Hon. J./L. ICaloy nnd J C. Glllman , o
Ued Cloud , nro nt the Paxton.
V. T. Price , < jf Albion , Is Btopping nt tl
Lee Kstcllo , ono of Ulalr'n prominent attoi
nays , and wife nro guests of the Millard ,
K. D. Walsh , of Fremont , is stopping at th
W. II. 15. Stout , of Lincoln , is at the Mil
lard. ,
D. M. Collins , of St. Paul , U at the Mil
W. N. Wcdder , of Lincoln , is Btopping n
the Millard. s
There was not as largo a grist to grim
in police court this morning as is custo
mary on Monday morning. The bai
weather of yesterday put a damper upoi
the usual Sunday hilarity.
Frank Casey was arrested by ofllco
taiiccucttii bo
received Iruuiccch chttmlslaasH' , I > a7jalia
touj M. Wcltttoiiiataft of ClilcaBOi ft(1
c. Mlhfunteo.ffe oldlnbulfc
Sftturday night bccauso ho snii
d n on Twelfth ntrcot. CnBoy wns
discharged liy the judge this morning.
A printer who had "been run in for
being drunk ami disorderly was also dis
On Saturday night ofllcor MMzt ar-
roalcd n colored woman named Cl m , for elenling $10 from a man bv
the nnmo of August Bulk. Bu.k
itnd a companion wcro out
for some fun and all cf
a Biiddcn Bulk discovered that hit
cash wan short $10. _ The woman
happeuod to bo coming along at that time
and arrested her. Bulk claimed
that she took the money from iusido a
pocket book without taking the purao
from hia pocket , and slip had to unfasten
two claapa to do it. It ia n very improb
able story , as there were aovrral $20 gold
pieces in the _ purao which aho would
have taken hi iiroforonco. The judge
hold her awaiting invcatigation ,
During the past year , In the city of
London , 21) ) persons have boon artoatod
and charged with being suaplcioiis
charnctcra. In London tlioro in a police
force numbering botrcocu 10,000 and Ifi-
030. London and its police force is loft
away back in thoahado by ono of Omaha'a
police oiliccra , In ono month Oflicor
Slatza arrcated 30 peraons and ch recd
thorn withboingauspicioua characters. The
great troublu with Afatza is that ho user
no judgment and cannot make hia chargon
liold. The judge discharges his prieoncro
almost aa fuat as they are brought before
Mrs. Lo.\lt lluruhnin hiia roturnoj from
the oust , tiho waa accompanied ou her icturn
[ 13Minn Mary Abbot , n Uostou lady , who w 11
bo the guest of Mrs. IJurnlmni for 8Q\eral
Absolutely Pure.
Thin powder never va et , A tnnncl of pure
r-.LRh \tholoomon i Moro than
h calrmy kinds , and c ru oi bo sold In competition
wltu tbcmultltudo ot low M S. ( hart ve\id \ t Mum It
ihivohnto v > wden. Hold only In cans. Kojal Bik
ini 1'owdcr Co.
' . lucrntUu employment for three oucrget-
low ell read persons. Call from Oto lOa. tn , ,
1010 Faruam Ht. 492.7p
girl at Wllklo'a Paper
0"1111 < tllttrect-
'AlCrEr8 cla < ljr , rB nt with milliner }
and willing to make hermit ircnera'ly uiefnl In
ther brandies. Must be thoroughly competent and
satisfied to Rhe business f-cr attention. Nonoothei
need apply. References required. Addrcai H D
TllEADWKLL.Jforthllentl.Scb. 403.7
W'ANTED Good , ( toidy manwhothoroiiBhlymT
deritaudsthocaru of tones , carriage * , llov r
yard and furnace. Best ref ieucus required. Bplon-
did place and good wages to the right man. u. W ,
corner luth and Ch'caga street * .
ANlED A good cook can get steady employ
inent .in n mull family by calling on Mrs ,
frank V. Jloorcu , No , 309 21th st rot , 2,1 dooi
south ol 1'iirnam. 478 tf
WANTKD A competent ulrl for general hoiue.
work. Must bd a gooit conk. Nouo other ncotJ
470-tf N. W. cor. 18th and Loa\ciiworth Ma.
WANTED-QIrl for geucrl house wor1 ? , 1510
llnrnoy St. .l.,5 Kp
WANTKD-100 U-llcd to work at liQir , w * l
to 810. per utuk Call up Btaira Crounmj Hil
bclwrcii Uodteand Capltcl aye 43J11) )
- neat comn.tunt ( ilrl for general
WANTKD-A ( . Apply tu lira. Sim'l Rtoi , ( IT
ouith ao. . , and Leaenj rth. 420-8
WAvrruo 100 teams , 100 men for R. H. work
H.'jUANNWEIUIR. 807 llth St. 43t- |
r\7"ANtlJD A jlrl for gcnoial houn nork. Ap
T T ply lnmcdlaUly at 2CO ( California St. 424 1 5
rl * one competen
totakochatto. Apply 1 lanttrs lioune , cornci
Dodiro and 10th , 434 e , ,
rANTKU-Glil In mall family. Inquire at 0 , J ,
Oinan find Oo , 211 S. 18th rit. 8j < If
TAT-ANTED-Hutton liolo hands at the Omabn
_ > hhlrt Factory , 1207 Farnam Ht tOO-tf
W/'ANTKD Qood salesman for general Btore.
I NO.IO but flr.t clauj nted apply. Acldrtss ,
with rchrotro , U. Kohn , Seward Neb. 81)3-7 )
WANTED Old to do general house work 2010
IHirtHt. 422.7
WANTEI-At Yankton , D. T. Immediately. A
IlittcJasac < at or | ianta linker , who will find
Bloadj enipyijnient. Apply to F. lIKIbTltIK , Yank-
' 3138
\UEEN PRQTEOTOR-Unprooodentcdlnducementi
f. offered ladj agents for thi * new rubberundergar
-JTit for la-ilts. '
- Addrota with BtampsjAdlcs' Un
dergarment Co.,9.outh H y St. , Chlcajco , " .821-lul
WNTED-Oooi cook to , < piily At once at CIO 8 ,
I4thitro t. , SCO-311
WANTKD-ralrl for KOMurol hrmiuitorlc lu small
family. Inqujrs U > 1U ( Douglas rtreet , JWO tl
WANTEDi-A-'flrit ftai ftuntlo cook und flttt-
dies dining loom girl both talklw Oerman and
EnglUh , at KUfopean Hotel , loili t 201-tf
WANTKD-KxperUncci ) ( 'lrl for itcueial hoit .
work. Apply at 107 Buuth 14th 6U H'Ml
WANTED Llnluir room girl at the Kinmct home ,
llth , betuien llarnoj and Firnun , < S-4 !
NTEU-A girl , 1511 California utroet.
803 tf
WANTEU-nirlsluo want IS girl * for general
house work , to apply at onou lu Cannon llro'i
mil Co. Oupotlto P , O. No chicgo. 741-tl
WAN TKD-A Oi-rmiin dining room klta ui glr ) ,
llcsso and Ileppo , 418 8. 13th St. , botwccc
Hartley ml Ilovard. 60G-tf
' Eli Fa rent a homo of 4 to u rooms In ecu
WAN'l iiat ot City.uuw or by lit nt\MayAddrv \ i
Dr. U , , lice olllce. v c 470-12 |
I wjiu ton'iita d\v Illng' housu of (
WANTED In a central locality , ie r uticcl
can. Address ' 'J , M , L. " Hee ollloo. ' 4l-7i |
AM Kit - Pcrmaneit board lor man aiiq | | u Ii
W pilvato fa Hy with pleaunt surroundings. Lei
i atlou botu ( .en C > sn antl lUrn-y , and 14th Mill $2ii ( ]
tlruiin. Uincrlbo room ardaio \ \ wanted pel uionlh.
llefervno . No bnardlng lioutu HCm | need apiily ,
Addrex "Smith , " 122" DouuUs ttrte * . 409 b |
iuiun.lia | vlibUMi and lut lu flnjlth't
WAMlhlJ , liual'a ' C. It. SCHALIUU Hc J
EsUto Agent , UHUid Jlotd Omaha4000
for Infants and Children.
nn o\oix-oniL'8 1 < Iniulciioy , Constipation -
tion , Sour Stomach , Diarrhoea , nnd
FovorfelinoBa. It Insures lioaltli nnd
nuturul olocp , without niorplilne.
, ' . w . i iff
" CAstorlft In no well ftilnptod lodhlMrrn that
trpcommcnJ It nsBUpcrlor to nny proscription
known to > no. " II. A. Ar.cuicii , M. 1) . ,
, , . , , -x PJ Pprtl ua A\c. , llrooklyn , N. Y ,
Whfit ( ? lvos our Children rtwy difcTr/i / , '
What euros Uiclr fovcrs , nmtra them frtocp I
'Tin Cnntorlm
" *
When Inblei fret nnd cry liy turtw ,
Whftt cures Uiclr colic , kills tlielr vrortiK , 4
Hilt CftHtoTllt.
Wlmt nulcXlr euros Constlpntlon ,
Sour Stoui.icli , Colds , Indigestion ,
Hut CnMorlsu ,
Knrowolt then to ? Iorphlno Syrups ,
Coater Oil aud 1'arctrorlo , nndUnit
Unit Cftntorltil
CENTAUR LINIMENT nu ubsnlitto euro for Khoumn-
tism , SpraiiiH , UuriiH , Gulls , Vc. ; The most Powerful nnd Pene
trating 1'nln-rcliovlng nml Ilciillnj ? licmcdy known to man.
: i > -itHinKl\o.-so ] uniHiliiitry , 1111
Knntm St. S = : 309-71
\VANTr.O Topurchvo. C. 11. Hcli ll r hM ap.
11 plloatloii from ( xrtoln | > > rtloa In lm > ln ' im j > .
crty to.itIfiit t ? 30OOU , Ute , Office Mllltrtl
Hotel , ( 'rtrthl. 401.8
\\TANTKn Tn pirctm o. tou nmllot at lot ,
> V ottt ( S4tli St. 0. IU SCHAI.l.KU , llcml Us
tate . \Ko t , Omaha. 451-0.3
\\fANTii-3OCO : ) anls ot Jilt , ( it or mar ono
T V block vest ol the Couunt on Ht , Mar ) ' ave
nue. R. K JOHNSON ,
681-t ol Btoolo , Johnson fcl'o.
- oo.l homo bet. 10th n.l SSilon Ht.
Marj'a a\o. and Qua BU AJiliiwiA , U I'ottcr
UUI'nrntmSt. 307-n }
\rANTKD Bixtns anil outhouses , topulut by contract -
> tract , ODIH ! work Kiiarantcoil. Anil ) ' ( or
ttviiinto Wm. lj itt , loutitddo 1'lcrco RU , tuiuth
houiucftUid. . 371-78
WANIKD A tow vctsou , to Irani book keeping.
Will w ait on t all pay until tltuatloim arc lur
J. D. B111TM , 1510 WougUn. 800"
FOB BBNT BonBea and Lots.
10K UKNT I'our new ( uinll'icd rooms , \vltl
Fi bath , 1020 Kurt tlrcot , 480-0
HEN I With buanl , Ur ; o trent room will
ifiOlt 1 window , gts and I > t < room. A few tabli
Ix-ardcra nocoinmodated , 1718 Dodge fctrcct. 4S5-1S ]
UKVr 1 ho third Btory cf four bed room
FOll basement of three rooms. In noute ISIS Chi
cnno ttrcot , to man and wife , ( Mltlu lit children ) "li
ulllboard a family of thtvo. Apply at once 181
Chlca o btrcut or 1111 Furnaui stfeit.
HI T Good lmprol farm In Dough
IrAOll 1 . JiAMXW BUOS. , J17 8. ltl St.
FOK linNT Single furntshud room , 1017 Chlcai |
ctrott 474-tl
A Ken f room Cottaco fur ront. Complete ontfl
XX cf new furultura ( Induing pUno ) for Bile at i
hargan. Hiilundtd chai co for anyone going to house
keeping , Inquire Slli Chicago Mt. 3170
, 'OU IinNT Ilooiui , furnl'hed or unfurniilicil
F southwest corner Ifith tuid Webster. 477-Sp
FOll HUNT Furnlshoi parlor and bsdrooui ultl
closet , ( Uitablo for t o ecntlenun. Apply 400 K
14.h street. 4SU-7p
UKNT IHirnlshod front room , 041 S. IStli ,
bet. I euworth anil Jones Sts. 4CO-3I
G10R IinNT Lirgo south front room , nl.'cly fur
nlshcd. 482-tt
FOH HKNT Two new eight room houses ic dj
for ccupancy May 1st. Inquire Mrs. K Itoddls
24th St. buwccn la\cnport and Chicago. 449-llp
FOR IlENT In private family , furnished room
with heard. Table hoarders accommodated , 18H
nport street. 32(1-10 ( }
F H HENT Nicely furnished room at 1717Chlca
go , near 18th Street. 423-0 $
FOl \ IlENT Store room i 3 Farnun St. , b ;
I OR 1UJNT-018 north 17th Street. Addrcaa l.o
F 712 , CltT. 355-7 *
IOR RENT One H 11U and Ia\Is Pbiio. In.
F ( | ulrc at K < lholm and KrlckHOn'a. 421-10
> URNlSlir.D rooms 103 N. 18th.
Ii I 278-08
F OR IlENT Uufurnlshcd room * 1(21 Capitol ave
- OK 'IKNT Furnishedrooas. 1318 Jacliuon St.
oeo-7 *
wiaiO Dodge Rt.
RiNT-Furnl hod room S W. corner lot
1 and Kart.ara. 4 270-tf
FOR RENT--Third Moor of building No , 1211 Far.
nani dt. 247-tfj
FOR RENT A nicely furntthod parlor cait cxpo > <
lire with or without bmrd , llncit locatiai lu Hie
city , N. W. corner 18th and I'arnatn Bin. 153 tt
OR KENT 1st class 0 room cottage. H. T.
I'oteiao , , , s. E. cojn 1Btl , nml jjough [ , .
JPLrt ) itr iT lujln farm. Also bilck jard. T
JP Murray. o .tf
F'll KENTlabed ruoti 1017 Dodifu tro ; :
R RKN1' Furnlitied rooio , 1017 lJo.l u gcrcet
rpOR J'.K.NT ilooins In Nebraska Nitlona Iit.l
J ? IJnlWini. Mouti dcelrillo ofDcca In the elf
Supplied with hydraulic cle-aicr and heated 1
steam. Apply at Bank. 620-11
T710R IlENT Furnished rooms on the noitfaw. .
JL1 cor. Itlh audCnpltoIavcniie , formerly CreltrMni
House. la H
T7M7RNISUED room boatul 22 N. 10th.
-T B7R-tf
FOR BALK OWN ! houw. B rooms and lot.splonilli :
location In Hlilnn'a Add. , 91,700.monthly par
montH. IHKY&MOlTKlt , H.V. . oorair loth iml
Farnam. 197-tf
poll SAtih-SlwautlfuUcroloU on Leavcimorth
I 1 St. , or will exchange for house and lot. IHKY
& HOTTER. 4"8-tf
T7IOR 8ALE-Uts In Hawthornu addition. Tills
JL' addition Ii onouf the mont detlrahlo looitiom In
the city. Fine natural trees on almost every lot
TJilrty.nlx of ihcuolutuhavo already been sold and
the addition bldi fair to bo cntlnly o'd bvloro
the Impiovcuients which are In conttinplallon are
oonimmucd. IMicunurtEt , 1) to ba graued through
and beyond thin addlthn , and parties bUlug now ,
will reap the oil i an to that n 111 take place. 4U3-U
null UAI.H-Ix > t ohe , block V , bhinn'n 3i addition ,
V A No , 1 0 room houue , laro Larn ono of the tin.
e t cot lanes In Omaha. This In A No. 1 bargain for a
man who ttunU a home. Kaoy terms , 1IIEY &
MOTT1-II , S. W. cor. inth and Farnam. 401-tt
OR HALE Uood 2 ttory liouto and lot In E. V.
hmllh' adilltlontiearHt. ram II rooms ; uoll
cistern , barn , biarlng fruit trees , cto , (2,400 , a
BiWuidliarealn. IlilSV ftMOlTEtt , It4 8-tf
FOR HALK Oottago 7toomi ( i lot , waterworks In
houue etc. , all nuw tiJQO tery cany terms , HIEY
&MOTlKUb. W. cor. Ulh and Foi nara. 100 tt
HALE Ono Columlila Dlcyclo at lew than one
FOIl the llrst cunt. Cell at hhootlog Oaller ) , lu t.
llth and 12th btroet , on Farimn. 404 Oi
TTIOIl BAUJ-Urlck at OJ8 N. I3lh St. , or 15th Bt. ,
JJ South ol llmlcvuo road , 4W-llp
FTEIl the Iniprovcmonts are made , cill nt the
A1 olllce lor pl t and parllcuun. 1KCAOUK , op.
potiteP.O. < H-
A IU1KIAIN Twenty acreiof the ( Irllton farm ,
iSt nilltisrom po.tolllco , and only twu llocn
fiomP att'miibdUiion. ; WUI be laid In X ) , Cor 10
aero l.ti. Innulru oaialuCarptt Co. , 1 1 Woua as
Btrcet. 91" _
SALE-At a bargain , a , first dam bu luosl
' opening with ntwd cUin toik ol $1,010 to
{ 0Wu of geiaral MerchandUe , at South Iui ! l.Vth.
U. U , DAY.
10 SALE-l eight foot ihow case , f pply 1 o J.
F Q. Fountain , Jr , groctr ltl ) ! UoJgo 8u 425-7
TOU BAU : Two ol the moit deihttblo lot In
A' Lowo'n 1st. add. , flue > ! . price 7nO. oulli
I and east frontage , fenced. A birgalu. UcCAQUK ,
'ou' . 0. 3.U
' ? OU BAt.i : Half Inlcrot th a nrtt elm billiard
J hall. For full p n leuhrt addrois C. L. Hcrmatk
lattsmouth N'eb. 437-llp -
flOIl SAI.V.-UiLi In Dcnlto addition.
1 17 lotRatt.lOOcaOi.
4 " corncriftt ? 000 ear n.
You can Ret ono ol tlie o ilo ltablo loU now ami-
m ko a choice ono \\ook from to iKv , the number '
for tnloill bo leBSasttiu tcihlty lu this aild. ll
Mnotlior nlJltlou prcn-nUfo flnonicwcl ( ho
ctlyuKlioutilanitcr of RraJliiR. Tim Jialn c
lajicrtcct Call at i Iflco ( or | ilaL ilcCAQUE ,
Kt olllce. S Icaytnt. 411-tf
IjlOll 8AI.K Mswn utanil , Kfml locMUra 61S H. IStlv
L Bt , , between Jackson anil llouaril. 33-01
7 < OllSAT.i-rifllaCTci : i3iiiro > c < llaii.l , all within U
J mile * ol the Union Hti'clnttls. . Lands at a bar-
Rain. 1'OnEU & C01U1 , IBIS Kuinam itrect.
452 tf
FOll 8 Li : 12 lot * In PlalnxtcwatlSto SO per
cent below the pilco at which surrounding lots-
are held. Pilco will bo putiip sivm If not told.
453-tt 1'OtTkll & fUUD , 1(15 Kariani Street
FOll 8ALE-0 loU In Shlnn' . UJ addition at a bar *
Two chcapcit lotf tn Kirk wood fnr 31 days.
454-tt I'OITGU & conil , 1D15 Farnam St
iiHJK HALE Corner lot In ctt > , largo house near-
1 car lino. East front , good , 7COO. McCAQUE ,
opposite 1 * . 0. 3t5 tt
FOR SAI.i : Ileautlful corner north and ci t front-
In Shlnn'a addition with fftoil cottaRc. Price. .
fJ.COO. McCAQUK opposite 1 > . O. 444 UV
FOH BALE IIouso and part Irt on cnrccr , In-
Shlnn'n tddlilon , one blotlt from St car. 1'rlco
(2.0CO. .McCAUUK. 4IS-K
A CUB Property , I nT > oTi.rinp ( flro aero lota In Boa *
Ho d , one ijuarter inllo from FJ nillcato ,
at from $110 tr flOl per ncro. Thli h very desirable
property. McCAULE , Hoh Agent. 412-t
IMJH SALK Nlco 0 room coita.u , uir window ,
' Hrchscll , cistern , full lot , Si miles from P. O ; .
$1,000 $209 down and $15 per iiiontb. UAUKKIl i-
JtAYNll 4.0-tf
ljMH BALK Lotxln llancoom 1'lacu on Monthly
U imjmenU. IIAKKKIl & MAYNli 40l-tf
I OllSAI.KNlco 4 rccm cottrpo full lot soutli 12th"C
I1 St81,000 8 00 down balance $10 nor moath. '
BAIlKiii : JTAYNr. 402-tt '
HALE 2 ncrca with Brick hmiso south ICth
Ft . $ ) ,2CO , leash bllanro to suit. DAUKEll & .
MAYNB. 403 tf
FOR SAL.I : 0 lots In llaln\io\v ftontmir on Saun-
dcra street J150 and I76 cadi. BAltKEfl & .
FOll SALE A meat tnarV ct In fctromsburj , ' , Nob. ,
pipulatlon 800 , only hudno' " lionsa of the kind
In ttio the idacc. Itcason for Billing U change of bus
iness. 1'or particulars uilto
314-fl OllUEN BROS. , Stromsburg , Nob.
AHnmll stock of Drugs and DrujfnaU' Fixture *
( or calo In the live town of Wa'.erloo , NebnukA *
Rood opening fora iihjBlcUn. Addrcia JI ) . SII > >
Ell. ElkhornBUtlon.beb. 789-1 !
Oll SAI.U-A tldoJaQJJUffKy almost new , A.
JL * * ' " " * '
W3BE3M'- ( | |
FHt SALE Hmall job ofllco wltli 33 fonts of typo
all In good order , small lot ot stationery at J. W.
1'IKK , U > 4 N. 16th btrcet S04-75
F IOR SALE A now soda fountain cheap , Fm-
ploymcntAuunt 217N. ICtliSt. 357-SJ
1011 : OR TRADE-Froth mllchcow * at Hne-
ry lical corner 10th and Dodge St.
CERD CORN FOR SiLE 100D bushe's of good"
k ? simnJ old corn. Apply to Dr. Chambers Voter-
nary Surgeon , Omaha , 03 tf '
FOR SALE A patent Ice-box fintaMo for butcher
or hoarding house at U. P. R. K. ileat market
021 North 10th St. 035-lm
tOR SALE AT A BARQAIN-IMf block near St.
JL1 Jlary'n avenue , only Ilvo biockn from Ccurti
Houso. Beauilful resident lota or nultablo for ten
antliouws. Will sub-dhiJo. Address TOM KINS
OZJ Farn m utrcct. 789-tf 1
FOll QALB Ola niWBOaporn lu brira and
quantltlca at thli otici. tf
"JT'OR SALE A flrst-disii Voio A Coil Piano , at a
X1 bargain. Inquire EdUolm t Erlcksou't. C2Hf
FOR ilALK OR TItADi : A oed ( pan of tanlei
tnrnou and wagou. Apply to Aiex O. Charltoa
Bros. OSO-tf
FOR BALK Farm 8 inllcs from city. Inquireanil
lire. Mojcr , over Rouder'i Iru ) > r itoro , 111 anil
Wcbstor. 872-tt
FOR SALI2 Two open secoiid-hind
ono dolltury wagon , cheap , tt 131V Uarncy S3. *
T OU HALE Two portable oclluf , lOhnteooow
JP Apply t 1) . 1-lTZJ'ATlUOK
183-tf SIP Bouth 1Mb fit.
-A mall llofht , Ukhtuan &Co. , flro
proof uai , , mout new , t.t thla ciEco. U
FOR HALF -Ono of lhe"flne c-i iCsnc tltcj In tno
city , two ocren of g.ouud , u H $ frmTt on South
13lli St. 'Hill U well v rth lookliigat. P.lcow uw
WeCAUUE , oppoiltu Pc t olllce. 2S.t ( |
I poll HtLi : Corner ot la Aricstrone'a add. noa
1 cur line , glHK ) . McCAQUE , upji. p. O. 240-tf
lOll HALE A good coltijo ai.d lut fronting once
nntw ° 'trcotj" > u oar line , llu.tbo sfld. prlco
< OK HALi ; .Hoil'u and lot In Huritcom place ont
block from car lino. 1'rlce 9lfUa. JIcCAQUE.
nppniillo 1' . o. al.j ( ' e ?
* .
ITKJKSALi : T o large loti In Irppremcnt add. "ty *
JP 180xl3ifcct. 1'rlco J1.7W. JIcOAUUl.oppo ito
' ' ° - l ! , tf
FOIlHALE-Oiiooflho Illicit residence sites on r' l
Capitol hill , tt'itn lireo wo'l built frame homo
View unexcelled. 1'rlco 8 < JWa. JliOAQUK , oppo - < ! <
site P.O. 203-tf
FOR SALE One Vo > o and Buna piano at a
gain. Inijulie at Eduolm and trlckson'o muaie
toro , ou 10th bt 2JO tf
FOR SALE Two lota lu Shlon'n 1st addition not
over 2 blocks from Haundof St.6876 and 91.060
ach. A bargain , IREY &HOnElt , B. W. corner
Cth and > , 10S-tf
LOST A red IsUhor poo'ict loiyit containing
noun and pip < r * of value only to the ouuer.
tinder will Icaioot llgoulllco and be ranarded.
JfOP }
9Diin Vard cirth to be tlvori away \\lthapie--
ZrUUU ii lum , Cimpbell aud Chatlos tit * . tCOjdi.
onl'arkWIIdoaNe , Jji iqulteJ. 1'blppi lloe , ISl'J 8.
6th Sc.
P\Utr CIIEAP-AbuatlOOOyardtcf earth given
U away , withapiemlum , at the north-Host oor.
I Sfvonteonth and Loivcunurtb , next to school.
. BCHRODEIt , the magnetlo hcalor hu return
edandli healing t'-oi-lckftt 10(1 Uavenpoit
St. , b.tweea 10 ill aud 17th St. 7t0.1moJ
ALlhT , MS Tenth stio t. bclwoou Faruwn and L' v.
uty , wui , wita IDS old ol guaralau cplrtU. obtiictnjv
lot ) ono glance ol to put and prcicnl. tad tb <
vrula ooudltlon la tM ruiuie. ti-YAt i > 4
lutlt cidr , Peifoct latlUtetlo