f HE DAILY B E"TUESb .Y , 8 , 1834i DAILY BEE , COUNCIL BLUFFS , Tuesday Morning. April 8 iN HATES. 1)y Hail . . J10W pir yc r OFFICE : No. 7 Pearl Otroot , Near Broadway. MINOR MENTION , Sco J. lloitor's spring goods. Additional local on seventh page. The county board of supervisors mot yesterday , and will got right down to business to-day. All railroad tickoU bought of D. W. Bushnoll arc guaranteed , also all rebate orders given by htm. The electric light company has contracted - tractod for a Wcstinghouso engine , nnd expects to bo in full running order within thirty days. The rain proved a disappointment to the paving contractors yesterday , for they expected to commence hauling the atone to commence work with. The only horse which tried to move o buggy along Broadway yesterday got dis couraged and laid down by the Saving ! bank , and would not got up-until un. harnossod. The Council Bluffi Insurance comp&nj has added nororal rooms to its headquarters tors , about doubling its office capacity , nnd its business seems increasing in i like proportion. The gamblers and prostitutes are nov invited to call at city headquarters one ' of the Insl pay over the city's share month's profit , in consideration of the fact that the city has lot the places rur without any intorforonco. The town trustees will probably nol decide for a day or two who shall bo con ntoble in place of Tom Sinner resinned , The county board is to act on the rosig' ' nation first , and then notify the towr clerk , who then calls a mooting , and al this takes time. Lois Woisbrookor , the distiuguishoc lecturer and authoress , will looturo thii ( Tuesday ) evening in Spiritual hall , Shu gart & Bono's block , at 7:30 : o'clock , Entrance on Main and Pearl street , stain two door south of poatoffico. The sub l jcct may bo selected by the audience. Lcavo to try wedlock -was yoatordaj given to John McGill and Emma Mack < land , both of this city ; James A. Hay ward and Minnie Kelley , both of Under wood ; John Oloson , of Orcaton , am Anna Shakson , of Council Bluff * . A change has boon made in the polici force by which Officers O'Brien and Mot calfo now go on day duty , the former' ) beat being on Broadway and the lattor'i on Main street. Officer Brooks now goei on nights and takes the First ward , and Oflicor Mono Middle Broadway. It is to bo hoped that the move for t clock for the tower of the Masonic temple will not be allowed to slumber. A little lift on the part ef enterprising citizen ! will put the clock in place , with illuml nated dials , showing the time by night at well as by day to any ono in any part ol thg compass. Tu&K was a largo nnd , of course , hap py gathering of friends at the residenci of Mr. J. 0. McDonnell , on Bontoi utreot Saturday evening , nt the woddlnj of Mr. Nelson Coy to Miss Lena Murr both of this city. ROY. J. Fisk porformoi the ceremony , after which a foaat wa spread , in which the practical skill of th Tmdo was demonstrated , it being propnro' ' l > y her own hands. Merry-making , etc , iopt the guests entertained happily unt : Into hour. The free public library is changing it quarters , but not making a very "fat movo. The now quarters are the room which have boon occupied by Dra. Har chett & West and the rooms in the reoi making in nil much larger quarter , an affording the additional room needed b ; the growth of the library. Dr. Harichet and Dr. West will take the rooms whic ' Lave been occupied by the library , an will prove very commodious and convor ient for those gentlemen nnd their man patients. The suit of Thomas' Nelson agains John Rodpath was oa trial before Jut tico Schurz and a jury yesterday an drew a largo number ot laboring men a witnesses and interested listeners. Thi uit is for wages claimed to bo duo b Redpath , who sublet a city contract c W. A. Moore for filling streets. In thl ewe an attempt U being made to prov that Mr. Moore guaranteed the paymcr of the men , and Mr. Moore himself i erving ai hii own attorney , and shov ing that ho ia fully aa capable as man who ara in steady practice. Withoi reference to tha merits of this partlouli oawf the fact that many laboring me and teamsters have been defrauded < their just earning * by city contracts has led TUB BEE to urge the council I take some action by which these wl take city contracts may bo compelled I pay ( be laborers , It is not enough fi the city official to say , as they have 0aii that the Wrkingraon must look out f < tiaemselvM , t The system which permi those haying city contracts to ignore tl lainu of thee who have done the wor ) k * Lai one indeed. . .1 ; i " i A literary ml Boclnl , A eeting for young men will bo ho ! .at the rooms of the Y. H. 0. A. , No. J Jjorth Vain street , at 8 o'clock p. m. t -d y. Young men are invited to bo prc BE. BE.A programme of musical and literal K reum hu bem prepared , and there ' * prowotof iU bwiig well carried ou NIPPED IN OLA. An Egress Employe Amstcfl for Stefc Money Packages , ADoamster Charges $100 for Five Bushels of Oorn. Oilier Gleanings l-'rom tlio Court * . The arrest of OKO of Neola's citizens , Oharloa F. Jones , has caused quito n little flurry in that town , and drew n number of H colons to this city yesterday to see what was going to bo done with tlio young men. The charge made against him was that of tlio larceny of money packagoa from the United States Express company. Jones has lUed in Noola for years , nnd has boon employed as driver for the company , tramforring the express from ono depot to another. Ho has always boon considered very careful - ful and honest , but of late it has been discovered that money packages have boon missing , ono disappearing on the 4th of February , ono on the ICth , and ono on the 21ot. The packages were traced , nnd it was learned that they had been given him by ono agent to take across to the other agent , and the latter failed to recover them. The amount in the missing packages was 805.00. This led to the arrest of the young man , who was brought to this city by Oflicor Morse. IIo had little to say about the charge beyond the firm denial of all crookedness and the assertion thai ho had delivered all packages given him , and that if any wore missing they must have boon lost or appropriated by eonio ono oloo. A num ber of Noola citizens appeared also , and expressed their confidence in him by furnishing the necessary bail , 400 , for his appearance next Tuesday before Jua- tico Vaughan. DEAR CORN. The man arrested Sunday tinder the name of K. T. Gricgs , but whoso real name appears to bo lan Kildaro , was be fore Judge Aylosworth yesterday on a charge of stealing five bushels of corn from a K. 0. car. Ho pleaded guilty but offered as extenuating circumstances that ho had no work , and no money with which to buy food for his team. If helot lot the horses go hungry ho was liable to bo fined for cruelly to animals , and so ho yielded to temptation and took the corn. The judge intimated that the charge ought to have boon made moro serious than moro larceny , as it was entering a car , and the law in such cases made the penalty a heavy one , and so fined him $10C and costs , and in default of payment thirty days in jail , hinting that the pris oner ought to congratulate himself on not being put into the penitentiary. The man's family is to bo pitied , his wife hav ing just given birth to a child , . and they having no moans or provision. Ic is claimed , though , that the man has boon pilfering cars before , and the railways are determined to do aomothing to atop their losses. OTHER MATTEBH. ' The two mutes arrested for pilfering at Eisoman'a store wore released yesterday , Mr. Eisomau declining to prosecute the boya.Tho The cases of W. H. Beck and J. Kil- fether for assaulting Henry Spotmar wore called yesterday , but continued until next Friday. Book claims thai neither ho nor Kiifethor assaulted Spot- man. Ho says that ho had a little trouble over an old feud with another man , and that this man gave him a slight blow , whereat ho was going for him , when Spotman grabbed him ( Beck ) and choked him , and thereupon a general row broke out , chairs being thrown and spittoons cossod about , there being toner or twelve mon in the office who engaged in it , while ho aud Kiifethor hurried out and away without taking any further part In the melee ot striking a blow. Such is Beck's state ment , and ho insists that it was some other fellow who struck Spotman. Justice Schurz yesterday discharged Mary Gonway , who was arrested for mak < ing threats towards Thomas Holder , anc hold her husband. Thomas Gonway , ir bonds to keep the peace. Two other cases grow out of the trial o : the Conway caso. It is alleged that whili the witnesses in the case were oxcludec from the room during the trial , two o : them , John Pondcgrast and Jamei Brown , listened at the door , and thui heard some of the evidence , and on beinj called to the stand themselves , awori they had heard none of the oyidcnoe , They have been arrested for perjury anc gave $50 bonds each to appear in couri to-day. 0. H\ Mason , who was recently ar rested for getting drunk , and dancinj around his wife with a butcher-knife and who was then lot down easy bocaus ( of his penitence and promise of reform was before the bar yesterday for boiuj drunk , and got off again with the usua fine. t All tlio latest novelties in Spring Hat can bo soon at L. 0. Arbuthnot's. A HAED HABDWABE MAN Ho Collects a liaro A mount of Mono ; From Ono of Ills Old Customer * \Vltliout Authority. 1 B , Grahl , whoso place of business U 01 * upper Broadway , haa dealt with a Cincin nati firm for aomo years , and has been ii y the habit of paying his bill to ono ot it travelling mon who has visited this eit ; at intervals for several yearn. It has booi about ten months since ho was hero before fore , but not having learned that ho wa uo longer in the employ of the house , Mi Grahl nod no suspicion when ho nppeare here Friday last anc1 collected of him th amount duo , about $350. Sunday lughl however , ho received a telegram from th house saying that the mtm was not in thei employ and tolling him not to pay an money to him. The telegram came to late , the money and the man both bavin gone. 10 OLDS' ' WAGON WOBKS , A. Uranvli HOUBO Added to tlio Kutoi prlso of Ouunuil liluffd. The Olds' Wagon Works , of Foi Wayne , Indiana , have just completed a : rangeinonts for carrying a largo atock ( their celebrated wagons in Council Bluff For the present their office will bo wit Bhugart , Write & Wiea , They will I represented by Mr. Frank Lawrence * B general ngont , and nil corrcspondonco should bo nddrcaacd to the "Olds' Wngon Works , Council BlufTs , Iowa , " or Fort Wayne , Intl. This popular wagon hna made for itself such a reputation in the wesb that the company have bocu com- polM to tnko thin ftlcp , Jrt order that ihoif numerous rUnloluora may bo accom modated at onO * . Mr. FinnU Cartwright , the Bupcnn- tondont ut the works , has boon in Ooun- oil Willis for several dnys completing these arrangements. Olds' now ranks among the lending wagons. The demand is steadily incrensing.and Mr. Cartwright was shrewd enough to BOO that Council Blufld is to bo the great distributing point for the great west , and hence the ar rangement just completed. Mr. Cart wright loft Sunday morning for Denver. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY , /L / NMuBr of SnEgestions from the Mayor on Various Matters , Tlio Dolngx of tlio The city council mot in regular session last evening. The minutes wcro read and a largo number of bills allowed. Mayor Vaughan pulled out his little memorandum book on which ho dots down from time to time matters attract ing his attention , and with this as n re minder made a number of suggestions tc the council. Ho wanted the council tc provide a suitable oflico for the mayor , at contomiilatcd by the code , and that roomi bo provided in connection therewith foi the different committees to moot in , and that telephone and other conveniences be providod. Ho also suggested that the city could issue legally $50,000 to § ( iO,00 ( of additional bonds , and that the finance committee shall investigate the oamo , at ho believed it would be wise to isauo said bonde , making them at fl'vo potf c6nt. irl < tercst , and use the proceeds to build n market house and appropriate city oflices , and in taking up other bonds now draw ing aovon and eight per cent , interest. A city pouud is also needed , with build- Inga , fences , etc. , that the ordinance ought to bo enforced in regard to stock and dogs. Among other matters towhich , attention - tion was called waa the need of a hydranl corner of Market street and tvvonuo E the desire of citizens for a sidownlt grade from Oakland avenue to Markel street onavonuo E on iho north side ; the need of a lamp post corner of Markel street and avenue E ; the need of a rail ing to the bridge over the Pettibom ditch ; the desire of Mr. Tipton and Mr Mackin to have their alloys opened ; thai the street leading into the southwest pan of the city , opposite Mr. Catlin's real donee , was in a dangerous condition , anc also that parties who had done street fill ing wcro daily called on for informatior as to what they could do with the tickets the contractors failing to pay them foi their work. The muyor recommendec that as a bond had been taken by thi city , the attorney look into the mattoi and see if justice might not bo done thi workinpmon and teamsters. All the members were present oicep Alderman MoMahon. 0. R. Scott appeared poared for the Oakland avenue property owners , and the city clerk was ordered t < advertise for bida for filling side steeti and low lota as ordered by the couaci some time ago. The petitions for widening sidowalki on North Main street was granted. The petition of W. 11. Vaughan hose compa ny to bo recognized as a volunteer com pany by the city , was referred. The petition tition for S. Cobalt to bo appointed policeman licoman at Bayliss' park , was referred , Also ono for John Darbcn. Three 01 four petitions were presented by William Englo , asking for damages to his proper' 7 , oy Vfiaaftn of change of grade , anc ilso on account of railroad track running n front of his property. Referred. Complaint was made that very pool meals were being furnished the prisoner ! n the city jail , and the committee wai nstruotcd to investigate and make a nov contract. A communication was received from thi Jnion Pacific that as soon as the weathei permitted it would fix the track on Unioi ivenuo BO as to run the ferry cara up ti Boadway , and asking that the counc'l JTO sclnd its resolution threatening to com nonce suit against the company for fail .ng so to do. This resolution was ro Bcindod. The chief of police reported thirty-on ir rests botwobn March 18 lh and date The city treasurer's report showed SIC , 718 on hand. The city clerk's roper showed the receipts of his office fo March to have boon $043. The special committee reported agains putting in a hydrant on North Mail street. Concurred in. The council is to meet Thursday evening ing as a board of cqalizition. Foster , the florist , on Harrison strso Cuncil BlulFd , has the largest stock woe of the Mississippi. Send for catalogue PEllSONAIj. * Justlco Rllow Clark , of Noola , and Joli O'Coner , tlio hotel man , were in the Blufl yesterday , Ira 8. Corpron , who haa bocu connect * with the Urowstor house , of Vreeport , lii taken the poaltlon of clerk at tha Ogden , an entered actively upon his duties. He Is exi * rloucod in hotel matters and will doabtlai fill the portion well. A. Summons , of Cedar ttaplds , was i the Ogden yesterday. Al. Kosonbaum , of New York , WM amor yesterday'B arrlvalunt the Ogden , John RadcliO , of Chicago , la a guett of U Ogden. K , W. Powell , of St. Lonls , reached tl Ogden yesterday. L. Hall , of Uod Oak , was at the 1'acICo ye torday. W. D. Cromo , of Woodbine , dined at tl Pacific yeatoriUy. Wlllard Dauf.ell , of Missouri Vlley , WM the city y wtoriay ] , and tarrlod ut tha Paclti Andy Jackson has left for Cheyenne to i tend the meeting of cattle mon there. W. J. Michaels left lajst evening for Lou vllle , and expects to bring 'hla wife back wl him. him.Mr. Mr. Will Stull of Lincoln , Neb. , upout Su day In tba Uluff * , greotlug hla old frlen here. Ho was formerly with Burnham , 'J'l lejs & Co. of this city. At the roller skating rink -laet'evenii John Kponetor won the gold modal f the second time , making the railo four minutes. " "w - " " " " 1' " ' ' " ' ' " * - i p fjittaiir i-i T m i 11 i i _ _ _ _ _ Aj-OLi > lJiilo ! WE ARE JJEUETiflNGSUMil VKRY FiN For Sprin Wear are arriving daily. Please call and see our New Stock. Z. T. LINDSEY & CO. . 412 Brondwny , Council Bluffs , ) Trvw A . IOWA. West Side Square , Clarmdn , \ MAYNE & PALMER , DR4UCH3IN Hard and AND WOOD. BUtK 'AND BAIIREI , UUE , tOUISVltLK AND PORTLAND OEMKNT , MICHIGAN PIASTER , HAIB AND SEWKll FIl'K. Ho. B3B Broadway. OOPNOIL BLPFFfl. IOWA. Wo have the Tlio latest nov finest stock nnd elties for Spring all the latest de Overcoats w e signs to select have just re from. ceived. See them NONE BUT TUB LEADING BEST OP SKILLED HANDS EMPLOYED , Merchant Tailors and 9 Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS. All kinds o ! / jr. DEC. Snglneerinff I anil Sur-1 calculated lunntitloal , I ROOM 6 , W OPERA HOUSE , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , etc. , etc. \ All Orders by Mall Promptly Attended To. iADY , ORGUTT & FRENCH urtalns , Lace , tilt , Turcoman , Etc. Stock west of Chicago. Gil Cloths , Mattings , Linoleums , Etc. omo and bo convinced thai wo are headquarters for all goods in our line , hoapest place to buy House Furniehinga in the City. OUNC1L BLUFFS , IOWA. Mail Orders Filled Promptly nnd wikh Care. The only Hotel in this City on the Eurpo.\n plan of fcPAY ONLY FOR WHAT YOU GET. " Now Building New Furnishings. ALL MODERN IMPROVEMENTS CENTKALLY LOCATED. Fine Sample Rooms Elegant Restaurant. PETER BECHTELE , PROPRIETOR , Nos. 336 and 338 Broadway- - - - CircJ ; ) lu HARMAN KELLEY , 34 N , MAIN ST. , COUNCIL BLUFFS. DEALER IN ALL THE LATEST DESIGNS OF ML PAPER Interior Decorations. 13 S. Pearl Street nnd 20 N. Alain Street , - COUNCIL BLUFFS. Merchant Tailoring , REPAIRING NEATLY AND PROMPTLY DONE. 805 South Main Street , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS. WHY DON'T YOU GET SOME OF FITCH BROTHERS' ' CUSTOM SHIRTS ? Perfect Fitting , Best and Cheapest. Fine Linen ColUn and CoBe. No. 715 Fourth Street Council Bluffs , Iowa. 13. 33UT UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMERl Metalic Caskets and Woodin Coffins of all Kinds. TELEGRAPH ORDERS PROMTLY ATTENDED TO. OPEN DAY AND NIGH . _ JXTo. JL-aU TVT. 3Molaa. ft. , qota.xi.oll W.R. VAUGHAN. Justice o ! the Peace. Omaha and Council Bluff * . Real osttte colleo Ion igtnt Ottr aaving * banV. rnoa. omcu , u. v. ruoir , OFFICER & PUSEY BANKERS. COODOU Bluffii . . la. Established - - 1858 Fnreljro anil omertlo Exchange t Uo J R , Rice M. D. ( lAUPPDQ or other tumon r mov d UUl\UDUU , knlieordrewlnjrolUood. i n CHIC DISEASES ROLLER SEATING CORNER PEARL ST , AND FIFTH AVK , Open lore ; a. in. , ti"0 p. m mt 7SO ; p. m. , Mon c. y , W dne d v and Friday o cnliK * exclusively the ly'mplo Club. un Monday , Wednesday and Friday o > e ADMISSION M CENTS , No objectionable characters w be admitted. H II. MAHTE.VS , . I'KOPIIIKTOR THE DOOM OF THE UNSAVED ! "The wicked ahall bo turned into hell , and the nations that forget God , And the aarau shall drink of the vrino of the wrath ef God , which s poured out with out mixture into the cup of indignation , and ho shall bo tormented with lire ant "brimstone in the presence of the holj engels and i > > the presence ot tbe Lamb , BIBLE. WHOLESALE DKALEttS IN to Ed. Olmon 1 401 Uroadnay , Jtcila ntnllltrur * . Chcl il'cuWno f Council Bluffs. rartlcsftSpoclnlty. SIGN , SCENERY AND FRESCO PAINTING A SPECIALTY , 17 North Main St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS . GALLAGHER. Gr O O 3 3EI. X Now atoro , Fresh Goods , tow Trices ami Pollto Attondunt ? . Do ° r east of Metropolitan Hotel , WHOLESALE ry Timer's Stock , , § A < TSpeclal ttlciillon to orders my Mall. OQUNQTL BLUFFS/ / TO VA ! 3VTOEC3NT. FIHSTCLASS. Nos. 217 and 219 S. Main St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS. L. A. CASPER , The Largest and Most Complete Green House In Western Ion a. Over 24,900 Feet of Glass in Use. The Greatest variety end the Choicest plant * . Hy collection of Plants nnd I1 low era Is now complete In e\ery ro'icct , and the public troimltcd to call and lopped the same. I was awarded the First Premium nt tr-o Council Bluds District tnlr in September. 18S3 , \er all com petitors : anojiiiuo sin o addfd many new and choice virlo'lcd , and ain prepared to furnish n new class of plants that ImolitrcHoro been unattainable In thU market , for nhlch I male no extra chargo. Cut lion era and floral designs f urnUbcd r romptly , and on auort notlco 1hn\oju't Issued a nuw cat alogue for 1831 , which will bo tent free on application. Green Vegetables the Year llounil. Ilorao lladUh In bottles. 23 Plorco St. Counclll BlufTslowa. N. SCHURZ. Wee oftle Peace. OFFICE OVEU AMERICAN EXPRESS. COUNCIL BLUFFS , - IOWA. FOR SALE BY J. Y. FULLER , Commission Merchant Nnj O.SPcfrl Street - . COUNCIL HUHTS IOWA SPECIAL NOTICE TO Consumers of Water 1 THE COUNCIL BLUFFS City "Waterworks Com'y AT THE Request of tlio City Council , 'or a SO iHys' exttnslon a ? ovMonccd by resjol'itlon } i8i l March 18 , 1SU , hereby ami unco ) tint It vlll put lu servloo jilpja t > the carb ol the street on the line i f Its malti' , for a'l partial who clojlru omnectlona nnJo with the street mains , anduho will mftko app loitlon therefor to the o itnjmny be tore thi cxpiratloa o ( laid 3J dayj' extension , APRIL 18 , 1884 , At tbe follow In ' prices , payab'o In advance : One half Inch Service Flpo tS 21 Five-eighth Inch S rvlcel'Ipn 0 K Three-quarter Inch Serv Ice Pipe ,10 71 Seven eight Inch nc'vlco 1'lfo 13 21 One Inch Service I'lpe . . . . . .16 ( X Those prices Include the cost of opening tnc cloilip the ttrect , tipping the street Mater main , fiirui'hmt ; and putting lu extra etrong load service pipe , furnishing and putting In our > step , stop lioj and cover complete , and making all necessary con ncctlons bstwecn the etreot nat r ra < tn and th < oirl ) n ( the street , wh'ch re about one-half tnt cost to the eon u cr ot dolnu the name work. In view of the conteiuplVtd pavin ; of cortalr etrecti In the city parties are recommended to maki pphcatlon Immediately , at the office of the com pauy , i. 26 Pearl Street , In order to Btre the necessity and avoid the In croft'cd expense of broaklu f up ( he itreet alter pav Inz hia been done. HARIIV BIHKINBINK , Chief Euclneer. GASH TALKS ! At the well-known Establishmeu OP P. FILBERT J. . , 209 Upper Broaaway , the PIONEER GASH GH1L-CK O33H-ST Of Council lllufla. Notice our reduced Trice LM We gnu 16poundnKitraflSugar for , , , . . , . , . , , , , $1 0 11 poundi Granulated Sutrar , . . . , 1 u as pound * Cholco Ontmeal 10 i6 ! pounds Navy Ik\ui * 1 c 21 pounds ! ! BtlluU Starch . . . . . , , . . , , , , 1 0 ISlioundtfarollnalUce , , . . , , , . , . 1 o IS poundj Ouoico irunib , , , , , , 1 o i 5 tare lliiflaloSoip , . . , , 1 o Extra LakeTr ut , perpiund , , , o Choice Mine * Meat , p < r pound , . , . 1 1 dozen Mackerel , 1 Colorado Klour , Winter , per cwt. . . 2 9 10 | ound Olnucr Hi up * , , , , 1 c 40poundsli uibf , . . , . , , , , , . . . , , , , 1 C ft ttallon l.cj Hy.uu , , . , , . , . 1 e White Htb.uer kit , , f Mackerel , per kit , E T. T. T All eradca , according to quality , ICe to EOo pt pouud We alio carry a full line of Men's , ladles' an Cn'Jdnm' ' * fine Bhoenand Men' Kino Uootj at m law price * . AUo full llae 01 Tiuwaro and gone i inerchtidtae. Call on us and be convlncod Ilia jo caUBMeiuouey Vi Ueallne with us. Qoodn ddhejc life lu any pait of the illy. lu it Mortl , waarH bound to tell and challenge * Uudad * oompetltloa In Uil couutv. J , 1' . KILPKRT 2C9 uppiir Uroudior. Wo irua'antco the euro of the following named dls- flcasca , or no pay : Ithcumatlam , Sere luln , Ulcers , Catarrh , a 1 Blood and kin discni es , Dy. pepsla , Liver Complaint , Kidney and Bladder Dltcascs. Gout , Neu ralgia and Asthma , Thca- Springs are the favorite resort of the tired an.l dchllltatad , and are the FEEBLE LADII S BEST FHIEND , Ocod hotel , liver ) and bathing a < comochtlon uoth winter and summer. Locality highly picturesque and healthy Accessible by Wab < sb rallnny , a Evona , or C. , B. & Q. , nt Albanj. Corrcnonutno solicited , 11EV. H. JI. 'THOMPSON. Manager. Albany. Slloam Springa , iQcntry Co. , IIo. ANALYSIS. Specific Qrarlty. 1.002 Reaction Neutra Ca'bonlo Acid ( > ts 26 In. per gallon Carbonate Calcium. . . , 35,821 Uralni Carbonate Iron , 7.C41 Sulphate Mat i cola 3'frfl Sulphate C'alcl'im . . .1,140 Chloride Sodium 7,200 Billica i 1,668 Alumina . . . ,0,018 Organtoand Volatile matter and loss . . . .1,459 Total scllda per gallon 67,174 WmauT & HKIUIILL. Chemists JACOB SIMS. E. P. CADWELL SIMS& CADWELL , Attorn6ys-ai-Law , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA Offlco , Main Street , Rooms 1 and Bhugart 6 Uo- Mahon'i ) Block. Will practice In State and edml oourUi M 3 " H S 5 S rt Railway Time Table. COUNCIL BLUFFS. The following are tbe times of the arrival and do- narturo of tcaina by central etandard time , at the locAl dcpats. Trains Icavd transfer depot ten mJu- earller and arrive ton minutes later. cmcAoo , Buaunaros AHD qcixor. LBiVH. 1RJUVB. CUD p m Chicago Exprcn 0:10 : a m 0:15 u m FASI Mall. 7:00 p KAifllfl CITT , 8T , JOB AKD OOlTKCIIi ELOTB. 10:10 : ft ra llo.ll and Kxi > rcM , 0:45 : p ru 8:2S : p m 1'actflo Exprvu , 6S6 : p m CnlCAOO , tUlWADRXI AMD ST. rAUk 5:25 : p m Expreeu , D:40 : a m 5:44 : ft m Kxfteta , O'M p m CHICAGO , BOOK ISLAND AMD rACmO , ESOpm : Athntlc Kxpiuee , 0:10am : 11:60 : a m Day Cxprcva , 0:60 : p m 7:15 : a ui * D 3lIoluiB Aotxturnodatlon , 4:10 : pm At local depot only , WABASH , 6T , LOUIS AKD'.FAcmC D : C a m Mall , 1:15 : p m 1:60 : pm Cannon dall. 11:15 : am A I l'i iisf jr only , CUICAOO and HORTUWUTXUH , 6 : 0 ra Kxprcan , 0:60 : pm 0:15 : a to radflloKxiirMit 9:15 : am tom WODX cm AKP rAcino. m gt Paul Express , 00 am m Accommodation , nio.x rAcmc. 17:50 p m Wcatern lixpieeo , 8:39 am 1:11 : a in 1'acltio Kiprern , 4:34 : pm 7:19 a ra Local Exjirciii , 0:64 : am 12:11 a in Lincoln Kxprvss , . . . . . . . * At Trail lur only. KUMVir TKAIilB TOOMAUA. Le ve-Sl-8:24-lo-2 : : .Uzi a. at. 11-5Z1 : : | . 4:21-5:21-6:24-7 : : : 4 anil 11:04 : p , m tiui d y , iU- : 10-M a m. li43iri : : : l-7ut and 11 1 p. uL Ar * mo M minute beturu leatlng tlina Mrs , H , J , Hilton , H , D , PHYSICIAN & SURUEON , S22 SUdcUo Bro -l-i7 , Council Blufla ,