\l\ \ * THE DAILY BEjjJ-f > MAHA , TUESDAY , APPJL 8 , 188v. BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. WHA7 IS IT ? A strictly vegetable preparation , composed - posed of n choice nnd skillful combina tion of Nature's best remedies , Thu discoverer does not claim it n euro for all the ills , but boldly warrants it cures every form of dicoaso arising from n tor pid liver , impure blood , disordered kidney - noy * , and whore there is n broken down condition of the system , requiring a prompt and permanent tonic , it never fails to restore the sufferer. Such is BD11DOOK BLOOD BITTERS. Sold by all druggists , who are authorized by iho manufacturers to refund the price to nuy purchaser who is not benefited by their use. Price , $1,00. FOSTER , MIPHURN & CO. , Props. , Buffalo , N. Y. jvu. THE OOCD BrFrais OF THE IIEST THERMAL 81'11INO3 MAY UK OBTAINED BY TAKING Tarrant's Seltzer Aperient TO1 HOT WATER. " CURBS nvsmrsn , CONSTIPATION , AND CORRECTS m- aKOCLAKiTiKg Aiusisa FIIOM UISOBIIHRKP HTOMACII , U\IIIIURIIO XU irlHlNVAIUAIIIK IX 1U1KI MATISW , OR ANY CONDITION OY TUX SlSTfll W1IKHB At. mCBSS Of ACID IS MAMrbSTltn. . . T LECrno-VOLTAIO BELT nndotherEmornia ft ArrUANCKS nro sent on SOTJays' Trial TO MEN ONLY , \OUNO on OLD , who nro suffer- fnjt from NERVOUS DEEILITT. LOST YITAUTT , WISTIKO WEAKNESSES , nnd all these diseases of a rnnsoNit. NATOUI. resulting from ABUSES nod Ornzn CAUSES , speedy relief nnd complete restoration to nnjatn , VIOOB ana MAKHOOD UuAnAitTBito. Bend at once for Illustrated Pamphlet free. Address TOLTAIO nr.l.V CO. . Mumhall. Mich. Ji QS IMPROVED SOFT ELASTIC SECTION , 1s warranted to wear longer , nt lithe form neater , and Rive atisfaction than any other Con. . ; n the market , or prlco paid vrll , t > e rpftmdfd Theiiidorsementsoi - Chicago's best phyclclai ! : , accopi o nT cue * ! rnrret. Prire. n t f-iiteen Jean , . 91 * > fL Aste your juert-hant lorthcia. = . o. . . erf uiuMun.r8llOAUi > UaadalpliSc..CIilcacol tb tzx x xJOHN * JOHN H. F. LEHMA.'NN' . IN BOTTLES. Bavaria. Culmbachor , Bavaria Pilsner Bohemian. Kaiser Bremen. DOMESTIC. Budweiser St. Louis. Anhauser --St. Louis. Best s. . . . Mil'vaukef. Schlifcz-Pilsner Milwaukee. Krue's Omaha. Ale , Porter , Domestic and Rhine Wine. ED. MAURER. WOODBRTDGE BEOS , , cr OMAHA , NEB. A A Solo Agenta for the World-Renowned Decker & Son , and Hallott & Cuuston Pianos. Also manufacturers nnd wholesale dealers in Organs and Musical Merchandise. . 5TSend for Trices. in ! . DR.HOHNiS ELEGTRIG BELT Will euro hcnousnera , IllicuinaUmi , 1'nr nlUl . .Nruiulirla , hUallca Kldiuy , hplne iiiul I.lver ill , lasia , Clone. Aftlinm.lleorl IHl' la , Conn mtli n Fr fiHlni1. Cntanh , 'lln Iiniptenn , nnmi.jflrni 1 inlnnmiii mill. itr. Only ncleimflcl Ice- l trTllelfin Xlnnl netUm tlirouuli Hi" body , and can bu reUmrgnl lu no In- etuntb/tliupatltnt. SI.OOO Would Not Bu It. DR. HOBHB-I wu a Ictedwlth rhiumitls-n an nirod by using a belt To any rmn alHIcted with that dljoiso , I would y , buy Home s Kloctrlo Bolt Any ono can confer with me by writing nr cMlluK ' " - - ' - ' - at my store , Ii20 DOURIM utrer' . MAIN OFFICE Opposite postolHco , room 4 Fren . Druz store , 11 roam St. , Omaha. o o a h i Chartered by theSUteof Illl- Inola ( OP thccxpreupurpoce Wet Blvlnelmmedtate rellclln tall chronicurinary nnd prl- ' Ivato diseases. Gonorrhoea , ITaieet undSyphilli In all their : ' complicated forms , also ol > dlieates of the Skin and Blood promptly relieved and permanentlycured by reme- k die9tcitedlna.FV > rf/Fenr ! * _ _ - . . u epeclaU'raftlee. Seminal Weaknets. NiehTLoasea by Dreamt , Plrnplee on theFaceLostManhoodl > Hliw/i/ciir l.n : rely 4fnoexpertmeuUnij > The appropriate remedy at once used In each case. Consultations , per- eonal or by letter , nacredly confidential. Med- iclnea cent by Mall and Express. No marks on package to indicate contents or sender , Address PRJAMES.NO. 204Washlnnlon StMC Ir * OMAHA Stove Eepair Works , Purnlah Reptlrs for all Slovet made In tv UNITED STATES AND CANADA ' Stove i repaired and rcmounto 1 H"al to new. Te'e ' phone No. 43. U M. KTO.V , Proji. A llookvt utullSOU p > | tct ituiiieroui rn ravines i ro- u l < ireiitl vluch fuutvitiilut } uffn trrli o ' kuuw. llumlmli of nmiT _ . . . . . . .iKiwiocun vnuui tir ( iiKurr ir | > -n o tuiuji ) AMIITM lir ) NJIMC i ir I uij Ul.uieiAv.bt. l/Jllr,51u LU * mil DH. 'r > v TAIT TOBIN'S TAKING OFF. A Fatal Fracas in a Saloan in Bine Hill , Webster Connty , Hill Cox Mnntrra Ills llrollior-ln-Imw With nllllllnrrt Clio. LINCOLN , April 7. William Cox , who killed his brother-in-law , Tail Tobiu , in Blue Hill , Webster county , last week , has just boon brought to the penitentiary for safe keeping nt his own request , on ho feared violence at the hands of his neigh bors. Although there is much excite ment in Blue Hill and vicinity , there was no likelihood of any overt net being being - ing committed , for the good people of the locality named are law-loving and law obeying. THK FACTi OF TUB CASE are thogo : The deceased Tobin was ono of the most highly respected farmers in the vicinity of Blue Hill. It seems his father is unfortuatloly adictcd to the intemperate - temperate ueo of liquor. Toblu blamed his brother-in-law Cox , for inducirg the senior Tobin to got on n spree lately , nnd as a consequence sumo words passed between them. On Saturday , March 30th , Tobin entered n billiard room in Blue Hill whore Cox was engaged in playing. Some hot words passed between the parties when a man in the employ of Cox attempted to assault Tobin. The latter , who was a powerful young man , gave the would-be Sullivan deserved at tention by repelling his attack with a knock down argument. Thou Cox swung his cue and struck Tobin A TKIUtlPIO 11LOW back of the head folliug him to the floor. Ho was carried out to temporary quarters for treatment , and as the injury was doomed very slight the friends of both parties thought but little of it and some congratulated themselves that Tobin would bo soon around ngain on time to fully re pay Cox for his assault. Unfortunately the blow was a fatal ono and Tobin died on Wednesday. When this bccamo known there was much excitement and Cox was imme diately arrested. Ho remarked to those around , "I suppose the boys will got a rope ready now , " and ho at once re quested to bo taken to Red Cloud. This was done by Sheriff J. W. Warren , of Webster county , but Cox thought that even Rod Cloud WAS HOT SECURE ENOUGH for him , so ho beggee * to bo taken to Lincoln. This was agreed to , and as the prisoner did not desire to pass by Blue Hill on the main Denver line of the B. & M. ho was brought to the penitentiary hero. hero.Mr. Mr. Tobin's funeral on Friday was the largest over held In Webster county Business was entirely suspended and nearly all the citizens followed the re mains to the grave. The saloon in which the affray took place , and in which Cox , in all probability , pro cured stimulants enough to fire up his baser passions , was draped in mourning and kept its dnors closed during the hour of the fun- oral. This was considered by many of the citizens of Blue Hill as a display o sympathy entirely out of place and uncall ed for. ONE OP THE SADDEST FEATURES of all was the presence of Mrs. Cox , wife of the prisoner , who was completely overcome como by grief , her load of sorrow being double , as she hai to mourn the killing of her brother by the hands of her husband whoso future freedom is now HO imperiled by his unfortunate act. The parties t this homicide were young men and pli citizens of Webster county , Tobin being especially well liked and Cox somewha ' more generally. Thousands Say So. Mr. T. W. AtklnH , Glrard , Kan. , writes "I never hasitato to raTommend your Eloo trio Bitters to my customers , they rive entire satisfaction and ere rapid sollors.r Electric Bitters are tha purest and best median known and will positively euro Kidney am Liver complaints. Punfy the blood nnd regulate - ulato the bowels. No family can afford to b without them. They will save hundreds dollars in doctor's bills e\ory year. Sold 50 cents a bottle by C. V. Goodman , THE SOHOOL CENSUS , Omaha's Population OB Uctermlncc liom Iho Kcpitrt of the Enum erators Appointed liytho School Hoard. . The censua takers , appointed aovora weeks ago by the board of education ; o take the school census of the Omah la school diatrict' have completed their la bore. Their reports were yeatorday give to the secretary of the school boarc The result shows a wonderful increaa of the school population of this diatri over that of 1833. The following ia th school consua of the years 1881 and 188 cf the various wards in the city : JKARH. 188' * . 1884. 4.B8 First lr , > 00 1,888 Second 1,052 2,180 Third 002 Oil Fourth 1,102 I,3i9 Fifth 2,009 2,122 faixth 1,100 1,800 , Total 8,021 10,307 The gain of the last year in numbers ia 11.440 1 The per cent of gain 'ia 7.17. From the report of the ci-naus takers , a . oloao approximation of Omaha's popula- I tion might ! o nlitainnil . In 1880 the population of Omaha , as taken by the numerators of thu cuuaus. ordered taken jy an act of congrefs , was 30,018. The chool consua of the same year was 7,381. ifultiplying the ochool population of 881 by the ratio 4 } , obtained by rtivid- ng the former number by the latter ; jives 44,310 as the number of people low in this city. This is a very fair cal culation and closely approximates the actual population. HAVEELY'S ' MASTODONS , They Were GroetPd "With a Paclccd House at Hojd's Opera HOUBO . Thia excellent combination opened I i two nights' engagement at Boyd' * open IIOUBO to ono of the , if net the , largcs ; audiences ever assembled in that theatre ; The performance opened with the usua "bo seated , gentlemen"will the ticm e\er como when a minstrel show will bo opened in any other way ? the firat per closing with a very amusing sketch onti tied "Jay Gould'a Yacht 'Atlanta. ' THE DEB man went praporod to hoar the lame old gags in this first part and waa agreeably surprised to hear now ones and no vulgarity. Paul Yornon followed the first part in hia wonderful female im personations. Mr. Vcrnon'n "mako-up" is very fine indocd , butjhia voice is someQ whit on the shady side. The original big four , Messrs. Smith , Waldron , Oronin and Martin , do n very funny act that ia bnbbling oyor with comical antica and Judicious aituations. The operatic effort of Messrs. Wood , Campbell , Bishop and Harley , was not received aa favorably as were the efforts of the old time favorites , Schoolcraft and Coo . This brace of eccentric comedians nro too well-known to require particular mention. Billy Richardson's stump speech was very amusing and elicited round after round of applause. _ The entertainment closed with an aboriginal operetta , by Gorman , the "Pn'nccss of Madagascar , " with J. Carroll Johnson aa "King Montefakor , " "Lallah Taffy , prime minister , " Luke Schoolcrnft , Paul Vernon as the ' 'Princess , " and ether characters by the balance ot the com. pany. The dressing of thia feature of the proarammo was very hno , particu larly that of Paul Vernon being tlio most olcgant in hia line over seen on the boards of the "Boyd. " Altogether the programme presented by Hovorly's Mas todons is ngrooably free from the vul garity and coarse jokcn so common to minstrel shows. When the curtain wont up not a vacant scat was to bo found in the houao. The four dollar opera did not affect the re ceipts to any alarming oxtont.J With the condiments generally attaina ble it ia not poasiblo to produce a mayo- uaiao dressing for aalada that will com pare with Durkoo's Salad Dressing. Buy a bottlu and bo convinced. CotiRliB nml Colds. Thono who are nuf- fcriiiK from Coughs , CoUlu , Sere Throat , otc. ( dhnuld try UHOWN'B BllONCHlAL TllOCHKS. Sold only in loxei. THE D/VNVlJjtit : DEVII/miY. TESTIMONY BEFORE TUB COMMITTEE. WASHINGTON , April 5. The Danville committee to-day examined Eustaco Gib son , congressman from Woat Arirginio Ho said that up to the time of the riot the democrats had confident hopes of carrying the county. The people became very much excited by the news of the riot , and would thereafter hold no inter course with the democratic loaders. The news solidified the colored vote. On the morning of election day ho wont very early to the polling place , whore ho ex pected to moot two colored democrats. Voters came early , and about 130 colored men formed in line on the side of the road and shook their tickets , saying : "these are colored men's tickets. " This was done with the intention of intimi dating the democratic workers. THE COLOU LINE at the polling place waa entirely drawn by colored men. The news of the riot was very damaging to the democrats Congressman George D. Wiae , of Vir ginia , took the witness chair. Referring to the tcatimony of John S. Wise , ho remarked : I consider my case stronger now than when wo started. Ho ( Maasoy ) has not proved anything. I have proved some 700 perjuriia and forgeries for his benefit. The witness said ho _ wa ac quainted with the men thus assailed , and they were men who otood as high as any man in Virginia , and no man ever ques tioned their word. Whoever called them perjurers and forgorera were delinquent taxpayers. The cnalitioniatn selected a second man as collector of delinquent taxes , who opened his office in the United States custom house at Richmond and placed guards at the door. None were allowed to pass Jn who were un accompanied by guards. STREAMS OP COLORED MEN wore guided in there by these attendants. It was discovered on the day of the election that the second collector had given no bond. The reason of thia was that ono dollar had been made to servo the purpoao of paying the tax for 400 colored men. When the colored man entered , a dollar woo handed him , when it was paid to an officer. It was then carried back to the doorkeeper to bo handed to the next colored man. The coalitionists arrested the election officials at certain white precincts and kept the polls closed during a portit n of the day , when many democrats wished to vote. The witnusa took the names of between 200 and 300 democratic voters at two precincts who were thua prevented from voting. THE Cut Hates In Cotton Various Track Matters. NEW YORK , April 5. Commissioner Fink to-day issued the following : "In accordance with the demand for a reduc tion of tariff rates on cotton to a basis of the lowest cut rates , notice is hereby given that , taking effect Monday , April 7th , the rate on uncompressed cotton to Now York from pointa named , will bo aa follows : Memphis , 40 cents ; St. Louis and Hannibal , 3G emits ; Eaat St. Louia and Eaot Hannibal , 32 coats ; Cairo , 34 cents ; Evanavillct , 33 conta ; Louisville , , JnftorsonviUti and Now Albany , 32 centaj Cincinnati , 30 cents. Sioux CITY , Ia. , April 5. J. S. Whoolorand Herman Haupt , directors of the Dakota and Great Southern rail road , were m the city to day. They > eay that at a mooting of all the board held in Chicago this week , 80,300,000 of first mortgage bonds were placed , and that thn funds thus provided will bo used in grading uighty.jiiuo miles 0of road , extending from the crossing of the Fargo Southern , a branch of the North ern Pacific , to Bristol , a point on the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul ro.id. NEwYoiiK , April D. A number of railroads have asked the stock exchange to liet further amounts of their bonds , issued aa pay for completed road , at a rate of $25,000 per milo. Now York Corruption NKW YOUK , April 0.At the state , senate inquiry to-day into the manag- inent of public works , John Devlin , con tractor , testified that ho had boon innv ployed by the Western Union Telogropl , company to lay pneumatic tubea lorof Broadway. Ho had to pay a bribe of $500 before he could get a permit fron a the department and was embarrassed and finally ousted from his work bocausi t of Ilia refusal to submit to further bleed . ing by parties connected with the publi works department. Klro. WKHT POINT. Ga , April 0. The bloc from Dorden & Kennedy's corner to the .corner of Gilmore and Montgomer - ! streets wa burned to.night , Log : " § 200,000j insurance , § 100,000. KILLED AT A PRIZE FIGHT , Baltic Between Two llnman Brutes ! D Maryland , Olio of the Contestants Slain in the Fifty-Third Hound , T\\o Otticia Murdered , mul Sot oral Injured TholUot in Dctnll , Pirrsittmo , PA. , April 5. A special to the Dispatch , from Cumberland , Md. , Buys : At nn curly hour this morning n prize fight came oil'at Hyndman , 1'ft. The ring was pitched on the Maryland state lino. The fight was under tlio British prizo-ring rules. It was the most vicious that your correspondent over wit nessed. The whole thing wound up in a melee in which two men were killed , nnd several probably fatally hurt. The light hud boon arranged n short time ouly. It was expected that it would coino oil at Everett , a town in Bedford County. The party came to Huntingdon nnd or- gani/Asd , and when they came to Everett , they discovered that the police of several towns wore watching for them , nnd that two companies of the State National Guards wore on band. They chartered a train of coal cars from the railroad Com pany , and started south over the Lpdford division of the Pennsylvania llailroad , reaching Hyndmau nt 3 a. m. Two men were shot in n files on the train , but neither were badly hurt. When they left the cars n largo crowd gathered about the station , and the shooting bccamo lively. It is not learned , however , that anybody was hurt outaido of n few lloah wounds. T11K. KIGHTEllH , The prize fighters were n local Hungar ian miner , named Nickvost , who was for merly a St. Louis sport , and a man who had boon entered as nn unknown , Sulli van barred , but it was given out on the cars that it was Kihain , a Boston pugil ist. There is a largo amount of doubt about this , however. Loading sports men from the east and west declared ho was an impostor. Arthur Chambers told him so , and was knocked down for his trouble. Then there was moro shooting and ono man , a bystander , got a bad hole through his body , and one of the gang got his ear clipped as nicely as a negro might have done it with a razor. IN TUB 11INO. The ring was pitched at 4 o'clock , and simultaneously the pair jumped over the ropco. The crowd immediately rushed up and broke the ring down. 1'or a time it seemed there would bo a riot , but prca cntly the trouble was suppressed. Bil Montgomery , a sport from Huntingdon , whv was the rofnreo , came to the centre Arthur Chambers was thn umpirojfoi Nickvest. It is not possible to RIVO an adequate description of the rounds. Suf Ceo to say that first one had the advau tage , and then the other , that _ thor wore fifty-throe rounds , and that in th last ono the Hungarian fell and struck his head upon a stone that had been thrown for his benefit. A shot was then fired. Whether that killed him or not ho was found dead after the melee which followed. Two other men were killed , three fatal ly wounded , and a great many badly hurt. THK BATTLE. Round il Nickveot appeared to bt frightened from the first. A tremor wae seen to pas savor him , and many expected pected him to fall down. Ho fired up however , after getting a terrible blonr _ 01 his right eye , and in a very short tim had Kihain down in his corner. Afto this ho got down to his work and sharoi all the honors with the other. Round 2 This was about the livolics sight of the occasion. Nickvest off by giving his opponent a torribl blow in the stomach , which made * him wilt. Arthur Chambers , Nickvcst's um pire , called foul. This sot him an Montgomery at war. They called eac other all the hard names in the diction' ' ary , or out of it , and then proceeded have a prize fight of their own. Th crowd pushed them into the ring , whop they fought two rounds , and at the em of that time , Montgomery nppoarei very much in the shape of a woll-drcssci beef. Ho was carried away on a stretcher or nnd a now referee appointed. The third and fourth rounds wen o much the aamo as the first nnd secom except loss vigorous. Round 5 This time Nickvost came the front with n spirit of determination Ho rattled his blows in as fast as tin teeth of n thrashing cylinder go round nnd it was not very long before Kihaii looked ubout as much like mince men as Montgomery. Ho dropped very sud denly , and the referee did not call time for the next round. A big appeal was inndu nnd the crowd began to throw stones at them. This was the end of the bad behavior until the fight was over. Nothing important occurred until after the twenty-fifth round. Round 25 Both men by this time were very much chewed up. All the hair was out of the head of the Hungarian and the crowd only laughed at the object of pity. About this time Kihain recuived a blow on the eye which laid it on his cheek. Ho was groomed , and his eye was pasted in with mucilage , after which a patch was put over it. The referee got oven for the former decision by not calling time for nearly fifteen minutes , the crowd finally throwing him into the ring. So it wont on for fifly-throo rounds , when by a iinal blow the Hungarian was laid out completely. There were cries of "Foul , foul I" and the referee and umpires jumped in and drew their guns. A 1UOT. A horrible riot began , nnd when the field was loft the Hungarian lay with > all through the top of hi * head , Another ether man was down , shot through the ; )0ly three men evidently dead , , Ild talf the rest of the crowd were in a BO- liouo condition , , , Olilof niiKiuonr MclvUlo'u Hello. Ilenry 0. Ellis. Have you aeon Mol [ - villo'n Siberian rolio from Now York ? met Lieutenant Schuelzo in the paynmt tur'a cflico , No. 29 liroadway , on February ary 4 , 1882 , just na ho wan starting iruto join Ilarbur in London , to go to the Lon : for the bodies of DoLonj , ' and hia aaaoc atca. I cave him u bottle of brandy , an , a bottle of whisky for bin own use , and battle of whisky for my old shipmate an friend , Qoorgo Molvillu. After he and Harbor left IrkuUk on Monday , Mure 20 , 1 watched thu Tribuuo closely , for knew it wan giving the best inlorwatu on the Jeanette mutter , until I obaorvi that SchuitiQ and llurbor had n MttlvilU between Irkututk and Yakuts without toeing him. , j I was in Florida for my health wh I Schuotzo and Ilarbur returned on t Frisia , February 20. Judge of my snr- iiiriao when 1 received this nolo from Mclvillo n fcrr ! nya ago : "I am in re ceipt of the bottle of whisky you sent tome mo to yiborm by Schuotzo , who , true to liis ( runt , dcltrored the bottle with the original whfaky to mo nboard the Friain upon hia rolurn homo. " Schuotzo car ried that bottle 0,000 miles by sen , over 11,000 miles on the alcdgp journals , and about 4,500 miles by rail , in order to give it to Melville. AVay Down lu ICtfyr I'M Imntl. An EvjxnsviHo drummer was travelling in a buggy over in Southern Illinois , and atoppod nt n cabin in the woods nnd ask ed for a drink of wntor. A gourd waa handed him , nnd aa ho ate d at thu well the tall , angular , rawboned woman of the houao asked : "Stranger , if it's any o1 my business , who might you bo , nnyhow ? " "I am n llooaior , mndam , " the tourist replied. "llooaior , eh ) Oh , yea ; ono o' thorn fellers that peddles eockn. Well , wo don't want none. I iniulo dad n pa'r outon hia old gray wool shirt. 1'vo got n pn'r o' raythor good ones yet , nnd Sal's ' 11 tote her through till noxtbnr'foot time if she darna up the heels. Like to bar gain with you , but money's money , now. adays , an' wo kin worry through with w'at hose wo'vo got. Wrat's that ? Plug tobackor ? Wish you'd gimmo 'bout half n pipeful of it. " How He Docs It. rittaburff Chronlclo-Tolcgrnpli. Sharp clerk There is a beautiful piece of goods , miss. It will make up very handaomo , nnd I am euro will boo mu cither you or your aistor. Lady purchaser , blushing Why ahem so it ia. Yea , I think I cnn trust to your judgment. Suppose- you cut mo off twenty yards. n Aa they are leaving the store Why , mamma , why didn't you toll him I waa your Lndy Huah. Do bo still , Maud. You chatter so continually. Shnrp clerk to man at lace counter Did you BOO mo work her ? Twenty per cent on that ; it's that stuff left over from laat opring. U. II. McLMu , representing Van Ingen & Co. , of Now York , Is In tbo city , the guest of 1'rauk J. Kango. DISEASES OF THE EYE & EAR J , T. ARMSTRONG , M. D. , Until ofllccs are repaired from result of fire , offi with Dr. Purlcor. Uoosi , Cre hton Itlook 1Mb WITB I id your work is done for all time to time to como. WE CHALLENGE to produce a moro durable material for street pavement than the Sioux Falls Granite. OiRIDIEIR'S FOIl ANY AMOUNT.OF 1 OR AC AD AM ! filled promptly. Samples sent and estimates given upon application. WM.MOBAIN &co. . Sioux FnUR.D ikottt DR. WHITTIER ! 617 St. Charles St , , St.'Louis , Mo A KKaOtAHaHADUATEoltwomoaioalcolIogei JV. has been enuaijed longer In the treatment olin uiiiiunivi , rtiii * uuo . BKfN AND DL001) Dl oa ct than other phynldan In Bt. Louit.McltypaperBihnv and all old ronldenU know. Coniultatlon free and Invited. When It li Inconvenient to visit the dtyjot treatment , raedlolnct can bo gent by ruall or pit j i 01 cry whore. OiiraMocH'C ! ! guaranteed jwhoie doubt a exlaU it It IraiiUly itUted. Call or write. < Nervous Prostration , Uablllty. Mental and rhyilet WoalmuM.MorciirUUnirotlier infection ol lliroat and Mouth. Old Borc and Uleari. Itnpedl _ - menti to marriage , UnpinnuM" . j'lle < rt irnat \ \ < ntlonto ca e from overworked brain. HUltUlCAU OASKa reoulve Bpieial atmnllon. llnca e > Irom ImpruJonoe , Etcomof. iPduUemxiiUJora auoiit- ly cured. - 4oy . r- , . m"J Db - viliy.cauJoi , consequence * nd om . Milled lor c to or Umpe * " - " " IT E , ' . ! b. KQul t 7 9 llutn . iiow otr.1 llttaxlwutriu / tut * . -.itquid.If d pftlnltiklf. > i r Uitlioo. t ( fn ui .mln.Qt lilt tlc I in nAa , 4drcu I. SCHMBLING & BELSCI1NEU . . . ! | CU Soutti lath , between Jackton mJ Jones Bta , "en < All Job \VoiK lu Kooilinf , OultvrlnEtc. . , prowpt' thuj REAL ESTATE irton fun-Broom hotmlotM H2 nnvr I'uk-tl * . 1 i > o. 607 , (3,300. AMh3 , mnam 8U 77V"1 SAM 5 room hotn oswt front , lot WUlW.nnvt JL1 lVrk vo No. 400 , 82.WO. AStRS , ftnumbil IJVm KAt.ii 8 room ) rmooUtiro lot on Turk TO. Nrt JL1 210. , < XO. AMF.H , F.un m8l. I OR MI. * 6 loom cottAff rlot en Pnrk are. 1 A11KH , ftrnam Ht. I7Vm HAIII Acr loti no mlrmtea dtlro from nnr JL1 olll.o Small monthly 1 * ) merits. AMK3 , 1'nr- nam St. " 17V > R XALI Srldiiilli ) aero loti Rrightflnl Hyilo J1 rrk. $160 to 8175 ivn aero , culcst ) poulblo terms. AUKS , F nam St. "TCoR PAt , Th hum'domcut houro and lot In 0ml JL1 b lor $ ( ICOO. AStl-H , Tnriiim St. TTViR gAl Ixits In tbolifivutltnl rultlltlon at Oak. JL' him lot * 00x121 to nllev , ono fourth awh , b&lanc * long time only. IIO to C > M > . AMhS , Faiuam St. "IpOR DAI x Well Imllt 8 room hoime , 0"il 1x\rn en JU lUrn r , Onlj $1,000 AMKS , I'trimm St. TTtaR BALK KIcRiuit aero lots In PrMt'n suit lilvlnlon J1 Ihonraront am ! cliolcojt cro property In tlio market. I'rltx ) J5CO to ? 000 an wro AMKBrmam StTTVrn TTVrn AL Very ilctlrntilo lot on Colmrn Hi , In JL1 Itarkalonr I'Uce onlv 1000 to } 000 a lot on easy crms. AMKiJ , Farntiu St. FOR HAt.R-IIcii'c'.i and loti In Ml ttcslrablo | iart < 3 ol to nil on ca * > terms. AMKS , FntimmHt. Fn RALX r > room housa inuth Omi\h , lotBOxU ? No. SCO , price * 2loa AMES , Faraam ht. M.n Oo < xl IIOIKO on Iflthitrcot near Iocn - Fen worth , No 801 llimly location. 1'rlflo ijJ.600. AMKS , Fur immHt. dAt.n Thrco homes nn 10th St. . ncai IJVm 1 . 314. lion t well. J5.W.O. AHT-H , Farnam Street. TjVm < LK On Jackson St , near 10th , 5 r.iom house JL1 nml barn In treed repair , no better offer. No. 430 , $3,7'V. AMKS , Fcmam St. FOR BAI.X In KounUo 4th addition , 0 room houia well located , renia JJS. No. 430 , prlco $2,800 , AMl'.d , Fnrnam Uticet. "ITVOR HALS Lots on Saundera Bt. , the handsomest JL1 bed ) nt Unit In that location. Oak Chatham , tMO to WOO per lot , SO per cent cult. AMES , Far nam Bt. TpouBALK-For enJoln llrlRhton , aero lots on tha J1 casloH terms ever offered. Now ui the time to uy. AS1K6 , FunUm St. "TJiOR BALK Eloant ; rosldonco lot In Rcdlok'i add. X1 Splendid location , on easy pryincnts. AUE3 , Farnara Ht. fJlOR BALK The best residence In Ilanscom Flaco ( JL1 market prices. AMKS , Faroam St. " | 7toR AI.II Choice lota on Cumlng itroet rapidly In JL1 creasing property and oith every cent asked. AMES , Farnam Bt. . AL Lots In Wallnut Hill on term ) to suit al FOR. Lujers , no aronelllnic these lota on contract o\cry f'ay and can gu o j ou first clou bargains. AMES 1'atnam bt. I POR KALI McOraddy't Bub division on Ctnnlng St ' Loti 6M1W , now la the time to buy this prupor ty before the oJvanca In prices. AUE3 , Frnam St TT OH SAL15 On monthly pajmenti , Rood f > room JL1 hoviBUslorNo. 476. } 2,250 AUKS. Farnam St FR HAM Now hoitfio , 0 rooms jiocxl otllar , clsten Qrst ell's location near Park avn . ( or house an 2 lots. 13,600 ( or hou o and ceo lot ( No. 403) ) 112 fW This l > a bar ln AMES , Farnam St. TT > OR RALR Shlnn'a addition , 7 room homo , pn I1 tuics A.C Hard and iio't ' water , 2 lots , goo bMu&c. Mo. 471. Vrloo $ ,003. AMKS , Farnam Street. SAI H-Lots In all cleslrahlo locations atmarke FOR and eany tetms. AMCS , Faraam St. T7V > R BALK Lots In Oak Hust Oak Chatham , Claren JP ilon , Arllnffton , 1'ialnvpw , oil cast terms an prices , now It the ti c o to buy. AMES , FrrnamSt. | ? on HALK Very pretty residence , Rood bain , laig f lot upltiidld la-Atton near can , only 11,600. AMHS , Farnam Street. On Farnam St.,6mlnu'os walk from FOKHALH . Modern Imuroromonts No. 603 ? r,600. AMES. Farnam St. TTViR SALR The bc t equipped and most complete ! i1 finished residence on 1'arnarn St , m t orer mlnu'cs walk from Pott olllce and un < xcollod In a polnUaaadcilrablareBldenco. 1'rleo , 1.0uOO. AMES Farnam St. BALK Aero lota two and hal ( aero loti. Bus- FOR ' on prices and terms to suit tha buyci AMHS , Farnam Bt I1LB On Harnry street , otand two house FOR now about 1C per cent on the Invostmen Can be bought ( or $1,000. AMKS' Farnara itreet. flOT RALE Ou Farnam street , 0 room cottagi . cplemlld location Wi 1 rrnt readily. No. 847 $4.000. AMHa , Farnam street. SALE On Jackson street , well located fc FOU prospective busmen projierty. Now rents fc $37 per mon'h. House and lot No. 44J. Cash pa ] inent 82 , fi 0 to $3,000 , balance 10 to IBjcars atspc cent. 1'rlco only (10,000 AMfcfl , Farnuni Strut FOU SALE Near denot , good 0 room house an barn. No 48J $3,4X1. AMtS , Earnaiu Btrec TTlOR SAtx The finest acre loti you ever saw on tl : JL' oisleet powilblo tonnsonly 30 minutes drliofro ; our olDco. AMES , Farjani Bt. FOR HALH ft rm 209 acres , lioneo birn , irmnary , tlmlior , will cut 1000 cords , bearing fruit 180 ociei broVo 39 ahros In tkn th } and clover. No. 401 per acre , $10. AMES , Karnam St TjVU DAUi Lot * In rlalu view near Fair prounds the JL1 mo.it populir ailnltlon ever nail In Ouiaha. Very easy terms. AMES , Furnum ht. T7 OR BALK Farm 100 acroi , good hiilldlngii. and fine JU orthard. No. 8a2 , per acrn $33. AMES. Far- nam St. ITIOR NALR Lflta In Oik Chatham ( touslcy tract JL1 beautiful ground and on orient tarws Imaxlna bio only. 8MU to 5000 ptr lot. AilUi , FomaiiiBt. TT'OR MALI1 Kami 80 aorM all broken , riinnhgWAter ± 1 WiJ fruit tree i , I > o. 4i'J , per aero 5. AilE , rarnamHi. TTIORHAI.HFarm 100 noroJ. 12. ) broken , 2 houses. JU good bitlldlngd , w.od mill and tanltgo > id orchard and tlmbor. No. 420 , porooio$50. AklKSFaruam Street. 7OR ( HALHAero lots Brighton and Hjilo 1'ark , two JL1 IM naiidiomo loca Ions as > ou uvortaw , per lot $160 to $176. AMES , Farnam tit 1MF oiUAt-x-AflnolUtcMslrabla hou its and lots F to meet all wtnLfl. A SUCH , Kama 11 Bt. oR HALK-Acrohts In Outo Il'llllant $ if 0 au acr . JU IhUadJI I m h\i iiv-t ready talion ljiou o < will noon bo built on uoycral Utu puichaserj In It. AMI.il , Farm in Ht. , . . . . 17011 HAI.IIFlrit clans business property. AMUS , 1 } Fa nuni BL : ) BALK -Farm the most ooraplttolr appointed iVH 1 a.re farm In lou la < oem ty 74 mlles fr ir. Omaha now will built himso , h m , C0x40 new , an other bam 81x29 , a wtll * new pumps , 2 1 cie * corn. 16 aero , pasture , 401)uuuir ) traji n trees ami stnalland largo fruit | i ahundinco , ev ijthlug new and In per- Itct repair. No. 400. Irloj 3t0l. AVlLS , tariiam btn ALKAery com lele list rf chnlro Improv n irms In Duuijla * mid 8 rpy Countlis. AML 1 arnaui St - | OUR\t.r.-In el nn > addition , 2 huiiew , Broom JL1 Kwltulla cUtem da. , kepir-tciy , ojih , li1/ " * M ll lr , * * t vvi n i - - | - f w cb.toKolhtr. .Nu. iJj. AllfcH , Fnriiauitt. 10TS IN V ilii'ifc II Oalc Chatham , Pliiinview , Ilvdo Park , Brighton , Goto Hrilliuute , - Redick'fl Addition , OukhurBt , ( Hanscom Pratt'a Sub-Division , Iluwvor'd Sub-Division , ClarondoD , Isabel I , Arlington , B.yvie\v ) , Gni'ly's ' Sub-divisiot Etc. , Etc. , Etc. , Etc. Etc.S , ' 1507 Farnam St , THE ; MERGHAIITS Axithorizod Cnnital. - $1,000,000 tnnid-up Cnpitat , - - 100,000 gur > - > lua Fund , - - - 70,000. BANKING OFFIOK I N. W. Cor , Farnam ana 13th S onrooms : FaiHit Mtrxrnr , rre < l nt I Sm b KV Ttanta , V-p UICT. D. WOOD , CMhttf. I LUTUIR DUM , A O nmBorons : Friuik Murphy , Oarnvnl K. nogon , Ben. B. Wood , Ch tlrt a lloudtl , Alt. D. J ernes , Luther Prttu. Truni&ct k Oononl Cinklnx Business. All who hnvennyB nklnt ( burineM U trangxct u InTWoJ to ull. No nutter how luva or grain the tr n ctlon , < t will rc lvo our carefta attention , nd we prcntM k hv&i conrtcous troatmoat. PAiipitrtlcuUr uttcntlcn to buslnws for purttea rn UliiK outildo the city. F.xh ng on all tha prla. cli > i\l cltlci eft he United SMr t TtrylowMt r to . Bank ! nJ Bonken roceirod on furor * . Imee Certificate of Dcpoelt boartn 6 per con I Bnyt dnd celli Foreign JUchungo , County , City d Ooi Ooi'UNITED 'UNITED STATES OF OMAHA. S , W Cor , Farnam and 12th Sts , Capital , - - $100,000.00 O. W. HAMILTON , Proa't. 8.8OALDWEE.L , V.Proo't. M. T. BARLOW. Cashier. DIRECTORS : S. S. OALDTTELL , B. P. SMITH , 0. W. HAMILTON , M. T. BARLOW , 0. WILL HAMravw. Accounts solicited ttna Hopt aub > | oct to sight chock. Oortlfloatooof Dopoolt'loauod pny able In 3,0 and 12 months , bonrlng Interest , or on domnncl without In- torost. Advances madoto cuatomoroon npprovodooourltlonat rrsnrUot rote of Intoroat. The Interests of Ouotomors are olosoly guarded and every-facility compatible with prlnplptos of sound bnnklng.frooly oxtondod. Draw sight draftn on Engtond.Sro- land , Scotland , and all parts of Ku- ropo. Sad European Passatflckoio Promptly Maae. United States Depository OF OMAHA Cor. 13th and Farnam ts. The Oldest Banking , Establishment I in Omaha , SUCCESSORS TO KOUNTZH 183a. Organized ao a National Bank In OAPITAIj . . - g 2OOOOU BunriiUaANB PROFITS . $ IBOOOO omoua DUUOTOJU tmuAM Eommi , President. Jontj A. CiununTON , Vloo President A OOBTU8 KODirn ,3d Vlco Fiosldent. A , J. Vorn.no . y. n. DiVIB , Oanlilet. W H. UB04UI1B , Aaa'stact Cashier. Transact * a genera banking business. Irenes that certificates boarln ntcrcnt. Draws drafti en Sea Frauclaoo and principal cities In the United btotei Also London , Dublin. KdlnburKb anJ the princio * lain * nf ih * OMAHA SAVINGS BANK ! Cor. 13th and Douglas Sta , Capital Stock , - r8150,000 Liability of Stockholders , 300,000 Fiye Per Cent Interest Paid OH Deposits LOANS MADE ON REAL ESTATE OJEQLooarei cto OOix-oo-toarat JAliraE.nOYD Preshcnt. L M.UKNNEVr Vice Pro Idcut. W. A. IViXTON Maiiaiclnj Director. JOI1NK WILUtlll , C hlcr. CHAS P. UANDK.RSON , TIIOS , L. KIJ1DAEL , j. w. aANNtrrr. MAX MKXEII , IIENKY I'UNDT. E. L. Hl'jNK. J3R. AIWA BENSON , AND CHILDREN. Offlco 210 North 10th Street , lloaldenco Soutli 17th ud Centre street * H , K , BUBKET PUHEHnL DIRECTOR ftHO EMBALMEB 111 North 10th Street Omaha DEEXEL & MAUL , ( SDCOKSBOIIS TO JOHN Q. JACOBS ) UNDERTAKERS. at the ol I ttand 11 f arntm street. Orders grapluoltcltcd anriprouigitlv uttu ted to. ' ( > Attachments Warranted S Year * . BOLD ON EASY PAYMENTS , E. U LOVEJOY ,