OMAHA DAILY BE0-TUESDAY APRIL 8 , 1884. FINANCE 'AND COMMERCE. VINANCIAIU , April 7. Money ° 15iwy nt H@2 \ > or cent ; cloiod > 5fereJ , , 1J pec cent Mercantile Pftpcr J@5i per cant , Dills Firm nt 4 87 $ } demand , Wovormronts-Stronf , Uillwif lomh"Str na [ nml higher. Stock * Opened lower ami In the first fifteen 1nlnuto 1 > mlno doeKned J to S par cent , tlio Like Shore nnd VC-estorn Union boliig the great Mt sufferers. At the first cill there wns r an irnprovnd feeling on the i opart that novcrnl ot the most prominent rnllrond ctplUltitx had held n conference and resolved to support prices nt , or nlxrot , Saturday's figures. Fol- 'lowing thii VM a sharp demand ( or Union { pacific , which roao fr m 70i to 71J , the transactions - actions on the way up Icing enormous , amounting In the nftcrrcgato to 01,000 shares. The rlso In Union IVIlio led to purchase * in the general list nnd there was n general ml- vanco. In the Afternoon , uuilor naloj to re- nllzo prods , prices reacted J to § per cent , hut in closing dealings there woa n rally of | to i per cailt. The rise in Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy to 125J Saturday , la explained hy the report tlmt the company intondi to in- crenao Iholr stock 10 per emit nud oflor the xama to subtcrlbars o ( record April 1 ! ) , nt the rate ot ton shares at parfot each 100 sharci of Btock hold. Compared with Saturday's clog. Ing prices nra J@l per cent higher for St. 1'aul preferred. Northern Pacific preferred , und'Omaha ' , nnd J1 per cent lower for CliU cage , Burlington k Qulncy , Central Pacific , Northwestern , St. Paul , Wnbnsh preferred , nnd Western Union. uooroNs 2 00 4J's Coupons VTa 'Pacific 6's of ' 95 Ji9 STOCKS Amorleiu Express . 97 Burl. , Cedar Uapida & Northern . 82 Control PaulHo . . . . firtj Ohlciviro & Alton . 1304 do do pfd . . . 145 1 Ohl , Burl. & Qulncy . „ , . 124 lErfo . 21. do pfd . . . . . . . * ,58 'Sort Wnyno& Chicago . 1281 Hannibal & St. Joseph . . . 38 * do do do pfd . * 88J IlllnoU Central . 12SJ Ind. , Bloom. Ac Western. 17 IConsa ? & Texas. . . . . . . . . . 201 Lake Shore & Michigan So. . . 201m Michigan Central 89 * Mlanoanolis k St. Louis 15J do " 'Uo do pfd. 3li Missouri Pacific 85V Northern Pacilic eel do do pfd 48 N jrthwoatoru do pfd 142J Now York Central HI ' Ooio & Mississippi 21 } y ' do do pfd 90 / Peoria , Decatur k Kvauavillo. 15 } ' 'Rock ' Inland 110 St. Pan & Mllwttukoa 8G ; lo Jo do pfd. . . . 113 St. Paul Minn. & MuuiUiba. 95J St. Paul k Omaha 30 * do do pfd OOJ Texns Pacific 19J Union Pacifio 71 * \ \ abash , St. L. & Pacific It do tlo do nfd. . 23J Wn'trn Uiilon Telegraph. . . . C8J Asked. GRAIN ANJ > l-ttoVISIONS. CUIOAOO PHODDOK. CHICAGO , April r7. Matters on 'Chango v/oro ( badly unsettled at the opening this morning , prices gouarally breaking eharply at the start but recovering slightly after the first quirtor hour. May wheai. opened at SOJc , toso to 8Uc , fell off to 81 jo , recovered to Sljc , and is now 'Slid. Jlay corn opened at 49jc , sold down to 49c , roao to 50c , and is now 49 c. Oats are quoted at 39Jc for Jltvy. May pork opened at SIC 20 , sold off to $16 00 nud is now SU > 05. Lard opened at $8 40 for May , nnd is now quotable at S8 37 11 n. jn. The markets continue wildly excited - cited and fluctuations are nuick and lapiu un der the influence -of wildly contradictory ors. May wheat finally touched SOc at 10 oclc , rebounded i@gc , fell back apain to SOc ami then rallied sharply to 81c , fell off to Sfljc and is now about 81c. The fluctuations , however , are of such a changing nature that to give the actual run of the market is impossi ble. The figures for May option have varied l@lo within five minutes of trading. May pork fell off to 315 CO and has now rallied to S15 85. May lard Is 8810. . May corn is 50c. NOON. The air of uncnrtaiuty on 'Change continues very gro'it. Values of wheat , corn. and provisions continue up and down in rapid uuicujsinn , butiwithin possibly a narrower rariRO than earlier in the day. May wheat sold up to 81Je , down to 80Jc nnd is now 81Jc : Juno. 8i.o : : .fuly , 8 1 Re. May corn sold dowu to 4 0 ami ia no r J3c ; 5 c for Juno , 5Mo for.luly. Oftts are 3jfo'for ( ) May. Pork is S ' 11 00 for May. 1-ard is S8 35 for May. Tlio failure of A. 0. { Knopf WAS announced this miming ; t ! . in. The closing sales generally were a ehauo under the best price * of to-day , hut us a rule higher than yesterday and moderately strong. ClIlCAao , April 7. Flour Dull nnd prices about nominal ; 8 < > uthnrn Illinois and Missouri winters , 5 D0@5 In ; Michigan winters 75 ® 5 f > 0 ; low grade winters. 2 25 3 50 : good to fancy Hpring1 extras , S25@100 : Minnesoti bnlcHre , 4 2l @ 5 OOj ryn llmir , 3 O0'a3 ; SO. "Wheat Ileffulnr who-t trroatly unfettled , and fueling very nervous. Tlie lnwost prices this yenrwa * reached , May selling downti 7UJo. but recovarHd towanl tlio close , and tin market closol higher than Saturday aceoin- n.inieil by a firmer fooling ; 77ic for April ; oiiiffiSHcforMivy ; 8tic8Uo ? for .Tune ; 85J ® 85J _ > for July ; No. 2 Bpring , 77i80jo. Corn Groit'y ' unsettled ; opened t'Slo lower , eaued elf Jo more , rallied jj , declined Z@Uo. rallied lj@2o nnd closed about tbo sama ns Saturday ; 45g4a for oish ; 45Jo for April : 50jjo for May ; M51jo | for Juno ; fiSjo for July ; rejected , 40i'i5'i7o. ' OatiActive : declined jlo early but rallied nnd closed l@Jo und r S turd y ; 2G299o for cash ; 20go lor April ; 31Jo for May ; for Juno : 3oo for July. Rya Lower at 60@51c. Barlov 1'lrm nt < J5i@COo. Flax Soed-il 4. Timothy Firmer ; prime , ' ! ? .4@1 26 ; choice , 11 28 ; common to fair , 1 18@1 22. I'ork Mnss pork active nnd irregular ; da- .cllned W70c ) early but willed 40Ca-Mo and closed Btaady ; 1C O. (51fl ID for ciish ; 10 Oi ) 46 05 for Ajiril ; 10 10 16 lj for May ; 1C 22 raiO 25 fo- June ; 1C 33@lliBi J for July ; 10 4 i@10 50 for August. Lurd Fairly ftctivo and easier early but .closed tirrnr : H 35 for c8h nnd April ; 8 374 © ,840 for Aay ; 8 474 'a 8 50 for June ; 865 ® 8 574 for July ; 8 05for August , Jtoxed Moits Quiet and a nbado easier ; plioulders. 7 0) ; short ribs , 8 20 ; short clear , 895. Butter Kasy ; creamery. 2i@30o ; dairy , 20 27c. WtiUkv-l 17. OALL ROAIIO.Wheat J@Jo higher. Salon 1,000.000 tiiislwln. Corn34o higher. Ralm , fiC9,000 liushelc Oats UBviiau < ed to Je lower. Sales , 30 , . i'lirk ' 'J' fie higher. Sa' a. 8,000 bbln. Lar < l Unchanged to 2U higher. Mains 1,750 tierces. KANSAS CITT PRODUOC. KANSAS OITT , Mo , April -Wheat Low er 78@7 lo for cah | 7UJo for Miy. ' Com Lower ; Mo for cosh ; 3i c for April S9c for May , ' Oats Dull ; nominul , 29a bid. i. April 7. Pork Dull ; mce 1660. IWd Dull ; currnnt uuk < > , 8 25 , Dulk Mejti Dull ; ihoulders. CJc ; short rlbH 8ic. Whisky-Quiet at 1 15. ST. LOUIH raouycE. ST. J/JVis , Af ril 7 , Whe t-Opsned low- Or , Advanced sllrhUy ( then dt llnod , ronclod and closcil belter tixcopt fw June , which WM lo lower ; No. tnd. SIOIJ bid ; 1 051 00 for M y : ODJcPr-l 01 for .luno ; 90i@9D4o , cliw ne at ontPltlc ligtire.i. Corn AcV\va nnd opened lower , then ad vnncod , Int closed lower than Saturday ; 4IJ ( Sir ) ofor cash ; April.t IJ , I lie : Moy , 4 8@ > 45 o ; Juno , 4Ja40ic ( ) ( ; July , 44143 ° i closing nt outside ligurri. Oata Cash hlghnr ; options Mowf3. > o for c.vih ; 31Jo for April } 32@3J c for May. Kyo-Mo bid. Barloy-70@85c. lluttor Unchangod. Kpgs T.owor at ISJo. Pfox Scod $ l 00. Hay-rralrlo , S10 00@11 00 ; tmothy,912 ! 00 © 111 00. Com Mont Firm nt IS2.CO. llrnn Quiet nt 77c. CLOSING UOAUII Wlioat-'Irrcgijlnr ; Mny ilghtr ; 1 ObJ Jor May ; 1 OOJ fur Juno ; Ul o or July ; 9Jto bid for August ; EOjj fur the year. year.Corn Higher : 15o for April ; 45Jo for May ; 47o for June ; 48Jofor July } 42o bid for the yoar. yoar.OnU Klrmor ; slow } 3.'c hid for April ; 32 | or May ; 2fiio for the year. NEW UULKAN8. NKW OntEANS , Ajiril 7. Com Fair de mand ; mixed , Cl@G5c. Oats Quiet nt45c. Com Meal Source and hold at 3 25 , Pork Soarco nnd firm at 18 00. Lard Quiet ; tierce , refined , 8 75 : keg , 9 25. Whiskey Steady nud unchanged , M1LWAUKKK. MILWADKEB , April 7. Wheat Firm ; No. J , 84Jo : April , 8 c ; May ; t801o ; June 880 ; Inly ttSJc. Corn Firmer ; No. 2 , 51 o. Oatj Steady ; No. 2 , K2c. Hye Kasler ; No. 1 at COo. Harley Stronger nnd fairly nctlvo ; No. 2 pring , cash , nnd April , C3c. 1IALTIUO11K. OHK , April 7. Wheat \V cstorn ens. or nnd closing quiet ; No. 2 winter , cash , ' , )7i ) @ 9Sc ; April , 93c asked ; May , fl8i9J. Corn Kosior , more nctlvo ; mixed , spot , 61J @ 52c ; Mny 5'J ; Juno 5 1 } . Oats Quiet nud steady ; western white. 40 @ 12c ; mixed 33 ® lOc. llyo Quiet nud steady nt C7@09c. Kgga-Quiot nt I8c. NEW ion * . NEW YonK , April 7. Wheat Cash 1 @ljo lower ; options declined l@ljo nt outset , afterwards recovered this nnd advanced Jo , closing weak , g@j5 under best figures ; No. 2 Chicago , 93c ; ungraded red , 76@107 ; No. 3 cd. 91@91Jc ; No. 2 red , 9G@93J. Corn Cashl@lja and options l@ljolowor ; afterwards recovered this and advanced J@Sc , closing with loss stiongti ) ; ungraded , 43@45lo ; No. 3 , 51c , No. 2 55@57c ; old No. 2 , 50 ; May closed nt 55jfa)57c ) , Oats i@cl lower ; mixed western , 83@35o. vhito western , 39@42c. Eugs Western fresh dull nnd lower nt 1'ork Dull nnd drooping ; old mess , 1C 37i @ 10 50. Lard Lower : western steam , caih , 8 GO ® 877JMay ; , 857@805. IJutter .Dull and unchanged at 8@35c. TOLBDO , TOLEDO , April 7. Whoat-Qulet firm ; No. 2 rel , cash , 8J@0.'c ; May , 90c. Corn Quiet firm ; high mixed , 52c ; No. 2 , cash , 48c : May. 50o. < ) HIS Dull } No. 2 , cash , April and Mny , ic. LIVERPOOL. LilvunpooL. April 7. Wheat Dull , heavy nnd lowerl winter , 7s 10d@8s 2d ; spring , 7s 8d 7 lOd. Corn Dull and unchanged now 4s I'id. ' old , 5s Id. Hl'OCK. CHICAQO LIVESTOCK. ClUOAao , April 7. The Drovers' Journal rnnorte thii afternoon us follows : Hogs Market sluggish nnd C@10o lower ; rough packing , 540&595 ; packing and ship ping , 0 00@(5 ( AO ; light , 5 405 93 ; skips , Cattle Brisk and firm ; exports , G 20@C GDj ; oodto choice shipping , 5 70@G 15 ; common ; o medium , 5 15@5 GO ; inferior to fair cows , 240@4 00 ; medium to good , 4 25 ® i 80 ; stackers , 3 50@4 50 ; feelers , 475@540 ; corn fed Texans , 5 Q05 70. Sheep ActUe and firm ; inferior to fair , KANSAS Crar , April 7. C. itlo Shade lighor ; native , 5 15ai ( ( 00 ; stackers and feed- n 4 25@5 00 ; cowa , 3 GOlS-l 50. Iloga Steady at 5 50@0 05. Sheep Steady ; natives , 4 20. TUAIWIC. rLODB AND UBAIN. UUIOAOO , April 7. I'eceipta and ehlp- mcnta of Sour and grain for the past 24 hours mve been na follows : Receipts. Shlp'ti. Flour , bbla 2U.OOO 19,000 Yhoat , bushels 05,000 191,000 Corn , bu6hol.H M.OOO 74,000 Oats , bushnls 120,000 131,000 .lyo , bushels 15,000 fi9,000 Barley , buohola 22,000 1G.OOO NEW YOBE , April 7. Eocelpta nud hlpmcntsof flour nud grain fur the past 24 hours lave boon aa follows : Receipts Bhlp'ts. Wheat , busholfl 109,009 45,0'10 ' Joni , bushels Cl.OfO 31,000 Oatn , bushels 35,000 . . . . LIVE BTOOS. OiliOAQO , April 7. Itocolpta and ship- nenU of live ctook for tha past 24 honrs havp men oa follow * * : Receipt. Ship'tfl. Oattlo 0,700 Hogs 10,000 . . . . Sheep ,700 . . . . ANSAS CITY , April 7. lleoelpta and shipments of live stock for the post 21 bourn i vo been as follows : Receipt * . Bhlp'ts. Cattle ,1,100 Hogs 2,300 Sheep 2GOO . . . . ST. Loom , April 7 , Receipts and ship ments of live stock for the past 21 hours hare icon as follows : Receipts. Bhlp'tn. Oattlo 1.40J2,300 Hogs 3GOO , a,900 Sheep 250 TUB BRITISH GRAIN MARKET. LONDON , April 7 , The Mark Lane press , in its weekly review of the British grain trade , sayn : "The outlook for the wheat crop la > ery good. The trada in wheat elf the strand It deproaseJ. Flour it lower. Maize la easier , especially for now mixed American , liarloy la dull and in favor of buyers. Oats advanced 3d. Trade in carpoe * off the coosl is fjow. Four cargoes have arrived , One was gold ami throe were withdrawn. Quotations of cargooi on passigo , or shlpmnnt , declloei Od@l . Hole * of KnglUh wooatfor the week , IS.liil qa&rteri ) , at 37n 7-1 per quarter , agiilnsi 57,733quartern , at 4ia , for the corrasjioiidiug week laat yoar. " LOVnON FJ.VANOIAL 1IAUK1.T. LONDON , April 7 < Coniol'i far money 102 6.1C ; coiwuls for account. 102 7-10. U. H 4'J , W > ) . St. P.tul. 8S. IlllnoU Central 131) ) . I'unusylvaui Central. 01 . NuwYurk Ooatral , 11GJ. - n.ltKETH. Wlioloaalo I'rlooa. Omen or THE OMAHA BE > . I Monday Kvenlng , April 7.1 Th toll'nving price * us charged retailers hy Jobbers , wholesalers ixnd comtntsilon mer chants , with the exception of tfrnin , which Is quoted At tha prlcoi ( urnisho.l by tin ) olcvAtorn and othar local hujxiv : Grain. WnrAT No. 2 , llARLET No. 2. 42@4Su. RtE-No. 3 , 42 c. COBS No. 2 , SKSlUMc OATU--NO. 2. 2I5J2G/4 Tilru Slock. KAT StRKns I 25 5 00 VAT Cowfl-3 00'34 00. SllEKl1 3 MM I 50 , CALVES < 5 50ig7 00. Flour nnd MUlntnflH. WiNTEn WHEAT Host quality , pntont , t 32 340. HPOOND OnALtrv 2 75$3 ( 25. HrntNa WHEAT Host quality , patent , 3 25@3 40. SEOOND QDALITT 2 50@3 2G , BHAN 70o per cwt. OuorrEi ) FEEI > Per 100 Ibs. 90o , COIIN MEAL 1 001 10 per cwt. SCREKNINO C5@7Co per cwt General I'milnco. ArrLM Very iew In raarkot. ( lenitnnn , 53 75 ; Ben Davis , $5 M ; Wlllowtwlgs , 55 0 < > . BEANO liocoipti light nnd demand good. Eland picked navy , per bu , $2 50 ; niivllum , 2 00@2 25. BKKSWAK In good demand. Choice blighter > or Ib , 26 ( )28c ) ; common to good dark per lb , HCTTKH Market ( julot : n light docllno Is totablo , Choice country roll wnntod. fancy creamery , S3rf)8 ( ) : > o ; choice toll , lG@18c ; choice solid packed , H'Sloc ; fair to good , 11 @ 13c ; inferior grades , G@8c. CiuNiiKimiES None In market quotable Boll and cherry per bbl , 812 Ot > ; "Bell } iuhw"Sl400. ClDEli-"York State" per bbl , 58 00 ; porj ; bl , St 75 ; condensed per gal , 85c. CHEEBR Full cream , western , 13J ; Wiscon- in. 13i@14c. COCOANDTB Per 100 , ? 4 7i"@B 00. Koca Advices nro heavy und n wonk feei ng prevails nt 14c , FoiiEtoN FIIUITS Moistna oranges , pore > oS3 75@4 00. Messina lomonn , per box , S3 754 00. Bananas , per bunch , S3 00 ® 00. Figs , lb. , ICa. Dates , in frails , 74c ; latos , fnrd , in boxes , 14t > . FIIUIT BDTTKIW Apple butter , in 30 lb tails , per lb , 7c. Plum buttnr , 7ic. GAME Ducks , Mnllord , per doz , 2 25 ; teal , SI 50 ; mixed , SJ 00@2 25 ; geese , S1.50 ; snipe , M.25. HAT Baled , SO OOfflS 00 per ton. JKI.LT In 20 and 80 lb paiN , 8@9o ; In 2 lb ins , per doz , SI 51) ) ; assorted tumblnrs , per iloz. SI 20 : nchoonors , per dozen , S3 00. MArr.K SUOAU Pure , In bricks , per lb , ICc ; ) hio , 13c ; email cakes , 12Jc. OAT MEAL Stool cut , per bbl. SG 25. UNIONS Market bare and demand good it 6575o per bu. ; green onions , per doz. , lunches , 40c. ONION SETS Bottom per bu , S3 50 : tops , < S2 50. PorconN- good demand at 2@2i3por lb. PODLTiir Scarce and high Droisod Tur- ceys. per lb. , 17@18c. Oewn , 13e. Chickens , 3@14c. Ducks , 13tl4o. ( Chickens , live per doz , S4 50. Ducks , live , per doz , $4 00. POTATOES Demand for choice , well assort ed stock only : mixed nnd frosted lots not vuntcd at any price. Early Hose , per bu , 35 c40c ; IVftchulow , 50@65c ; Coloradoes nro offoroa at GO@G5c. PEKSEBVES ( In 20-lb palls ) Strawberry , raspberry , blackberry , per lb , ISc ; pewhns , cherricB , plums , apricots , figs , per lb , 12o ; cranberry sauce , per lb , 8c. PltovisiONS llam , ISJc ; b. bacon , 11 Jc ; c. 8. bacon , 11 Jc ; d. a. Rldoa lOJc ; Bhort rib sides , inic ; shoulders , 8Jc : mesa pork , per bbl. S20 oO. Dried beef. Ifilo. Lard. lOic. VEOETABLKS Spinach , per bbl , 4 50 ; now cabbage , California per lb. , 4c ; lettuce , per doz. , OOc ; rodtshos , per doz. , GOc ; sweet puta- oos. per lb , fie , turnips , per bu , 50c. boots , ior bu , 75c ; cucumbers , per doz. , S2 00 ; cauli- lower , per doz. , ? 3 00 ; afparagiw , per doz. , SI 00 ; now carrots , per lb. , 3c. Pies FEBT , TIIIFB , ETC. rigs .feet , 15 lb kit * , 81 25 ; piga 40 lb qr bbl , 82 50 ; pigs foot , 80 lb half bbl , S5 00 ; tripe , 15 lb kits , SI 25 ; tripe , 40 lb qr bbl , 82 50 ; tripe , 80 lb half bbl , $5 $ 00 ; piga tongues , 15 lb kita , $2 50 ; pigs angnes , 40 lb qr bbl , $6 00. Lambs' tomrues , 15 lb kits , S3 00 ; 40 lb qr bbl , SG 00. FBESH OYSTERS Selects , 40c standards , 35c ; mediums , 25c. Grocers List. GANfntD GOODS Oysters ( Btandardpor ) case , 3 70@3 89strawberries ; , 2 tb , per case , 2 00@ 2 10 ; raspberries , 2 lb , per case , 2 90 ; Bartlett pears , per case , 2 40 ; whortloborrion , par case , 3 10 ; egg plum EI , 2 lb , per case , 2 90 ; green gages , 2 lb , per CASO , 2 00 ; pine apples , 2 lb per cose. 4 80(35 ( 60. ROPE Sisal 4 inch and larger , 9Jc , j ) inch , lOc : | inch , lO e. CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs , 16s , IBc ; 8s , 15c ; boxes 40 Ibs , 10 oz. . Ca , 16o. MATCHES Per caddie , S5c ; round , canoe , 2 65 ; square casoa , 1 70. 8DOAR3 Powdered , * 8c ; cut loaf , 8jje ; granulated , 7Jo ; confectionuw1 A , 7Jc ; Stand- an ! extra O , 6Jc ; extra C , C a ; medium yel low , 04 c ; dark yellow , c. COKKBEB Ordinary grades , 12@12Jc ; fair 18 @ 13ic ; good , 14c ; prime , 15inl5Jc ( ; choice , 10@17c ; fancy green andyollow,16@lGJcola ; government Java , 2l2Cc ) ; Lovoring's roasted. 17c ; Arbucklo'a roafcted , If'io ; McLaughlin' ? XX XX roasted , lojc : mitation Java , 16J © 180 RICE Louisiana pritno to choice , 7c ; fair CJc ; Patma , CJc. FlBH Na 1 mackerel , half brK , 850 ; No. 1 mackerel , < ctn ! , 115 ; family mackerel , half brls. , 700 ; family mackerel , kits , 9Dc ; No , 1 wlilte fish , hnlf brla. , 8 75 ; No. 1 klta. 115. Svnor Str.ndurd Com. , 30c , bolsj Standard do , 4J gallon kegs 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 gallon kecs 1 37. SODA In lb papers , 3 30 per case ; koe per lb , 2ic. PIOKT.KS Medium. In barrels , 8 25 ; do in half barrels , 4 15 ; small , tn barrels , 0 2i ; do in half barrels , fi 25 ; rthorkins in barrels , 10 25 ; du in half barrels. 6 75 , TKAU Gunpowder , good , 4555c ; choice 60 < 575c ! ; good Imperial , 10@13o ; choice , COifC ( ( Young Ilyson , good , Si@50c ( ; clioioo , G ! > G@100 ; .Tapan , natural loaf , 35c ; Japau , choice , 60@75c ; Oolong , good , 35-IOc ; Onlong , choice , 40@55c ; Bouchong , good , 8540c ; choice , 35@45c. WOODEWWAUB Two Loop pails , 185 ; three hoop naila. 210. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; Pioneer neer washboards , 185 ; Double Crown 12 DO ; Wollbuckets. 3 85. SOAPB Kirk's Savon Imperial , 3 45 ; Klrk'fl satinet , 3 GO ; Kirk'a standard , 375 ; Kirk'a white RuBsian , 525 ; ICirk's eutoca , 215 ; Kirk's Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) 40cj Kirk's magnolia , doz. POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 caao , in case , 3 35 ; Uabbltts ball 2 doz. In case , 1-90 ; Anchor > all , 2 doz. in case , 150. CANDT Mixed , 12@18c ; l tlck , He ; twist i , . VINEOAB New "Yorkapple IGo ; Olalo ap ple , 13c. SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 180 } Ashton , In socks , 3 50 ; bbls d&lry 00 , 5 , 8 30. STARCH Pearl , 4Jc ; Silver Gloea , 9c : Com Starch , 9c ; Kxcelslor Gloss. 7o ; Corn , 7Jo , 8rJOE8 Popper , 17e ; ( illspioo , 15c } dovoi , 2" > o ; cassia loo. LTD American , 8 40 ; Greenwich , 8 40 ; Western , 2 75 } North Star , 2 00 ; Lowla' lye , 4 05 ; Jewell lye , 2 75 Dry Good * . BUOWN SIHEKTINCS Atlantto A , 7ic ; Atlan- tlo P , Oo ; Atlantic LL ; 5ic ; Brunswick , 7io ; Reaver Dam LL , GB ; Lawrence I L , 5lc ; Paci. fie II , 7o : Royal Standard , 8c ; Indian Head A , 71c } Wauclnwott A , 7Jc. FINK BHOWN SIIEETJKOH Argyle , 71c ; Pep- perell R. Oic ; SMInbury R. 5Jc. BI.KACIIKD COTTONB Ballon 4-4 , GJc ; Bal lon 7-8 , Jc ; Cumberland 4-4. 80 ; Davoll DD 8Jc ; Fnlrmoiint , 4lc ; Fruit of the I/x n 4-4 Vc ; Glory of the West. SicGolden ; Gnto , 8Jc Hill 7-8. 80 ; Hill 4-4. c ; Lon dale , 8Jo ; Now York Mills , llic : Wumsutta , 14Je. DOCKS ( Colored ) -Boston , 8 oz. , 11 Jc ; Boston - ton , 10 z. , lljcj Boston. 9 oz. , 14c ; Fal River , 8Jc. DUCKH ( Gray ) We t Point , 8 oz. , lie West Point , 11 oz. , 14c ; Boston Boar , 8 or lie. TICKING-Amoskeag , 141c ; Contlnenta Fuacy , 9o ; Cordia , 10n ; 1'oarl River , 14o York , 12Jo ; Hamletoa Awninga , 12io. DENISIH Amo koag , He ; Beaver Creel AA. 12c ; Beaver Creek BB , lie Bonver Crwk CO , 10 ; Ilnvmakera , 8e ; Jnffroy D & T , 12Jo ; Jeffrey XXX , 12tfo } Pearl River , 13o ; Warren AXA ( brown ) . 12cj Warren BB ( brown ) , lie ; Warren CO ( brown ) , lOc , _ Fifth ftvonuo glove finish , Gc ; Keystone glovn finish , 5o , OortHKT JKANS Aworjr , 7io ; Hnncocb , Res KnuMver , fijc ! Rockport. 7c. PIIINTSAllons.rUcj'a ; Arnold * . Re ; Oncheico , Oc ; llurrnouv , 4li Indigo , 80 ; ludlgo 7-8 , lljcj Indigo 4-1,12ic ; chonp nalo IJc. PmNTHSiiinmo1) American , 6c ! Cochcco , fie ; Uloiic'Mtor , 6cSouUibrIdgo , \Va\orlys ; , 4Jo ; Rosedalo , 4Jc. ( ItS'dilAMHAinoskeog italics , 840 : Hatoi staple * , 8jc ; Lancaster stnploa , So ; I'lnnkot plnld , fc : Hudson chocks , "Jo ; Amoskong ror lon , ( 'Jo. ' DiiifM Ooona Atlantic nlpnccn , Pje ; Per- slnuo caahmor , 2.ljc ; llamloton eashuicrfl , Ifijc ; Hamloton Fnncu , HJo ; Itamloton bro. ciulo.1 , 15c ; Arlington brocade , 18c. Ijtimncr. \VHOLK8ALE. Wo quote lumber , lath nnd shingles' , on o.\rs at Omahft nt the following prices : JOIST AND SCANTLING 16 ft , and tuidor 22 00 ; 18 ft , 23 60. TiMBnna 10 foot nnd nnilcr , 22 00. TIUBKH AND .loiST 18 ft , 23 50 ; 20 ft , 23 CO ; 22ft , 20 CO ; 21 ft , 20 HO. FENCING No. 1 , 4 nnd C In. , 21 00 ; No. 2 , 22 00 SHKETINO No. 1 (2d'commou ( boards ) , 20 00 ; No. 2,18 00. STOCK BoAiim-A , 45 00 ; 11,40 00 ; 0 , 35 00. FLOOUI.VU No. 1 , 40 00 ; No. 2 , 33 00 ; No. 3 , VflOO SIDING , clear 27 00 ; No. 2 , 25 00 ; No. 8 , 2000. OKIUNO-J , 3700(3,2500. ( HniNni.Kfl , boat t 50 ; standard , 3 50. LATII 3 25 per M. Lnits Per barrel , 125bulk ; per bushel , 35c ; cotuont , bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa plaster , bbl , 2 50 ; hair nor In. . 50c ; Tarred felt , 100 Ibs , 3 50 ; strnw board , 3 50. P&inte.OlIn and Vnrnlnlics. OlLfl 110 ° carbon , per gallon , IRJc ; 150 ° headlight , per gallon , lljc ; 175 ° headlight , per gallon , 18c ; 150 ° water white , 17c ; lln cod , raw , ; pr gallo .55c ; llnsood , boiled , per gallon , GSoLaru , winter str'd , per gallon , 85c : No. 1 , 76cNo ; , 2 , G5c ; castor , XXX , per gal Ion , 1 00s No. 3 , 1 40 ; sweet , per gallon 1 00 sperm W.U. , per gallon , 1 COj fish. W , B. , porgallon , C5c : noatsfoot extra , per gallon , 90c ; No. 1 , 75c ; lubricating , zero , per gallon , 30c ; summer , 15o ; golden machine , No , 1 , per gal lon , 35o ; No. 2 , 28c ; sperm , signal , per gallon , 80c ; turpentine , per gallon , 48c ; naptha 74 ° , per gallon , Gc. PAINTS IN OIL White load , Omaha P. P. Cc ; white load , St. Louis , pure , ( He ; Marseilles green 1 to 5 lu cans , 20c ; French zinc , green ncal , 12c ; Frouch zinc , rod seal , lie ; French zinc , lu varnish nest , 20c : French zinc. In oil nsst , ICc ; raw nnd burnt umber , 1 lb cans , lOc ; raw nnd burnt Sienna , lOc ; vandvko brown. 13c ; rotinod lampblack , 12c ; oooch black , and Ivory black , IGc ; drop black , IGc ; Prussian blue , SOc ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrome green L. M. & D. . IGc ; blind and shutter green , L M. & D. , IGc ; Paris green , 18c ; Indian rod , 15o ; Venetian rod , 9c ; Tuscan rod , 22c ; Ameri can Vonnilllon. I. k P. , 18c ; chrome yellow L. M. , O. & D. O. , 18o ; yellow ocliro , Do ; golden ocbro , IGc , patent dryer , 80 ; graining colors , light oak , dark oak , walnut , CUP > tnut and ash ] 15c. Tonaccoa Ptna TOBACCO--Climax , COc ; Bullion 50c ; Iloraaahoo , 50c : Star , 50c ; Ruddy , 45c ; Ilor- say's , 40o ; Black , 38@40c. FINB Cor Common , 20@30c ; good , 45 ® GOs ; Rose Leaf , 70c ; Proiulum , 05c ; Diamond Crown , 55c ; Sweet SIxtcon , 47c. SMOKING O. S. , 22c ; Moornchaum , SOc ; Dur ham , 8 oz , , 55c ; Durham , 4 oz. , 57c ; Durban * 2oz. , 55c : Seal of North Carolina , 8 oz. , B5c Seal of North Carolina , 4 oz. , 57c ; Seal o North Carolina , 2 oz. . GOc ; O. K Durham , 4 oz. , 28c ; O. K Pnrhain , 2 oz. , 80c ; Uncle Nod , J's 2ric ; Tom and Jerry , % ! c. lrr I'alntB. Wliito lead , 80 ; French zinc , lOc ; Paris wmtlng , 2ie ; whiting gilders , Ijc ; whiting com'l IJc ; lampblack , Germantown , 14c ; lampblack , ordinary , lOc ; Prussian blue , 55c ; ultramarine , 18c ; Vandyke , brown , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umbor. raw. 4c ; sienna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , n-'V , 4c ; Paris green , genuine. 25c ; Paris green , common , 20c ; chrome green , N.Y. , 20c ; chrome green , K. , 12c ; vormlllion , Kng , , 70c ; vermiUlon , American , 18c : Indian rod , lOc ; rose pink , 14c ; Venetian rod , Cookson's , 29c ; Venetian rod , American , IJc ; red load , 7jc ; chrome yellow , genuine , 1'Oc ; chrome yel low , K. , 12e : ochre , rochollo.Itc ; ocliro , French , 2c ; ochre , American , 2c ; Winter's mineral , 2jc ; lohigh brown. 2Jc ; Spanish brown , 2Jc ; Princo's mineral , 3c. VABNISHKB Barrels , per gallon : Fnrnl ture , extra , 3110 ; furniture , No. 1 , SI ; coach , extra , 81 40 : coach , No. 1 , SI 20Damar ; , extra , 81 75 ; Japan , 70c ; ospholtum , extra , 85c ; shellac , $3 50 ; hard oil finieli , 8150.1 Hoavr Hsrdvraro IiUt. Iron , rates , 2 50 ; plow stool special cast , Co , crucible , 7c ; special or Gorman , r > c ; cost too ; do , 15@20 ; wagon sp-jkos , sot , 2 25@S 00 ; hubs per set , 125 ; felloes sawed dry , 140 ; tongues , each , 70@85o ; axles ouch , 75c ; square nuta per lb , 7@lle ; washers er lb , 8@18c ; rivets , per tb , lie ; coil chain , per lb , G@12c ; malleable , 60 iron wedgeD , Gc ; crowbars , Gc ; harrow tooth 4c ; spring tool , 7@8c ; Burden's horsohoos , 4 70 Burden's muloshooa C 70 BABBED WIBE In car lot ? , So per 100 , NAILS Rates , 10 to GO , 2 90. SHOT Shot , 185 ; buck shot , 2 10 ; oriental lewder , kegs , G 40 ; do. , half kegs , 3 48 ; do. , quarter kegs , 188 ; blasting , kctfr , 8 35 ; [ use , ior 100 feet 50c. LEAD Bar , 105 , COAI < Cumberland blacksmith , 10 00 ; Mor ris run BloRsburg , 10 00 ; Whltobreaat lump ; i 00 ; Whltebreaat nut , D 00 ; Iowa lump , 5 00 owa nut. 5 00 ; Rock Spring , 7 00 ; Ant Urn cite , 1125@ll 50 ; Canon City , 7 00 , par ton Iicatlier , Oak nolo , 38c@4o ; homlook Bolo28c@35c ; 10. lock kip , 80o to 1 00 ; ruunor G5o to 80c ; icmlock calf , 85c to 100 ; hemlock upper , 22o to 21c ; oak upper , 24o ; alligator , 4 00 to 5 60 ; calf kid , 32@35 : Groison kid , 2 50 to 2 75 ; oak kip , 80o to 1 ( X ) ; oak calf , 1 20 to 130 ; French kip , 110 to 1 55 ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 03 ; ros- iots , 5 50 to 7 50 ; linings , li 00 to 8 60 ; top. lings , 9 00 to 10 60 ; B. L. Morocco , 30o to SSc ; lebblo O. D. Morocco , SJc ; otraon , 2 50 to S 00. HAKNESB No. 1 star oak , 37o ; No 2 - ' - ' 15o : No , 1 Ohio oak , 3Co ; No. 2 do , 83o ; No. I I Iw nk l 85o : No 2 do R3r . No. 1 Pitts oak har , 87c ; No. U Pitts oak bar , 35c. lilqnors. ALCOHOL 188 proof , 2 20 per witio gallon extra California spirits , 188 proof , 121 per iroof gallon ; triple refined spirits , 187 proof , L 25 tier proof gallon ; re-distilled whiskies L 0001 50 ; fine blomlod , 1 50@2 CO : Ken tucky Imurbons , 200700 ; Kontncky nnd Pennsylvania ryes , 2 00@7 00. BnAfDlEfl Imported , 6 00@1G 00 ; doineatlo 1 40a)4 ( ) 00. GINS Imported , 4 50@G ( X ) ; domestic , 140 @ 300. RUMS Imported , 4 f > 0fl 00 ; NowKngland , 2 W&l 00 ; dome Uc , 160@3 50. I'EACII AND APPLE BllANDY 1 75@4 00. CHAJIPAOXES Imported per case , 28 00 ® 34 00 ; Amorlcan.tper case , 12 rx > @ 10 00 , Hides. Steady ; croon butcher * , G@Gio ; gro < u salted 74@ 3 ; dry Hint , 12@13c : drv Halt , lOSHlc ; uatnocwl Idcs , two-thirds prico. TALLOW C@61ol SHKEP PXLTS toc@l 00. mtu Icoy ei.luruetl , ile < ulajitil kncUtrciugllioncd , etc , ti an Interut'lng nuvertlwinent lone run In nnr p * IXT. In re | > ) y ui l"qulrlrswa will nay that them I no Idence of liumbuK ahuut this On tlio ctmtt y .haaJvtrllierdftrjvfry lilghly oudotwxl. Inlerontet ir oiflmay ] i-uttcal lclrculard lvlni { nU jnrtlm ra liy a1drci 1nf ( Erin Medical to ! , I' . O. kix 613 ItulUfo N. Y. Toledo Kvunlnn Illvld. Ar.r 7ri1n , 9 CUBE UTS ! Wlicn 11 i urn I ur nui maun until to nap ibuni M fttluoaadintnuiroiljtfiurvturn RgAtn. I uwMf. &rui Ml care. I littro ni > d tin dUeuao at KIT ! ! , tn " > LLIK'OHICKN 34llielougi udf. Iw > n _ lt It cure the wont cuei. U < ci > ui othtra I h no re nn for m > l now rKtlrliii ; cor . ( ur a IruatUa nJ a Frto Uottlu c ( nir li IT. Ol o Liptem tnil rixt omco. ' - or irlil , nil I wlllruio > . , . . DUFHENE& MENDELSOHN. II * rUKUOVEDTO OJIA1U NATIONAL , MA JIUJLDINQ , Railway Time Table , V. V. n II. , MAIN MNK Athntio . r'es'trn Knpnwi 8'CO ptn WcntornKtprcM. 8v : ! . lilamll'AM , . . . < :30p : u n. Inbml I'nw. 11:43 : n m r.x , . . . . 12:30pu : Lincoln Ex lltpm : lltltlOE DIVISION. : 7:10,8:00,9:00 : : : , lowliso ; tn.ism ; o , i , 8:00 : , : oo , 8:00,0.00,10:10p. : : in , On Sun- < iai : 7:10,9:0 : : lloo : , tn : S:0o : , 4oo : , , 10:10 : n. m , Arrho KttinmfcrdcpotSOmlnntti * Inter ; Ilto iVy ; \y dpiint , Council lllnll * , 30 minutes Inter. UA\C Council ninth , llroAilwny ilrpot , 0:00 : , D.OO , 10:00,11:00 : n.m. ; 12 ra.jl.-oo , See : , 3 olooSoo,0:40 : : : , 10:401 : > .in OnSun > l ) sK:00,10.00 : : a. m.t ! inS.MI ; , 5:00,6:40,10:40 : : : p.m. AttUoTransfer dtKit | , lomln- utcft Utcr. t < r&fo Council HluBt Tnntfcr ttcpol ! 85 : , 0Jt ; , 10C5llis ; : ; * .m.2 ; mlIS ; : , 5:25,3W : : , 4:55 : , Kf,6ZS : : , 7Ct , 10f)5n. : in. Atrho Omalift 0 nilniituUtcr , L1AVHOUAIU. t.HAVH CODHClt. klCTn. PiM No. 3. . , ,7:6&Km : I'MS. No. P. . . 7S6' : tn No. 10 6:45 : pm No. 16..11:45 : m No. 4.,8:00ittn : No 8..llo : n.i No. R 8wi : m No.dt,7:15 : pm Xo. 1. . . 7 IS pro No. t0..fl:50 : m | XCTlio lo\cl ) Omaha Tlmo.jrr KUiul.irJ tlmo U S4 minutes futcr local time. U. & M. UAIUIOAD TIMn TAllhK-CKNT.JTIMK. OUNt > . main. . . , 7:3o : iiin p:40 : m B:5r : > pm 10:05 : am hlaiul. . . D : ! pm 11:11 : nn > 4M : tun 8:12 : kin liicohi. . . 10:50 : am 12:51 rm ISM inn ! ! : t > 5 m Inle , , llWpm : lf4pm : Sill | 'in 8:01 : MM iMtlllRI , , filA : am tia : ( jini ll:5r : , am lnr : > o tun In ) Cloud , 8:00 : am CM : jitn 10:2 , ' , > n 8:2) : Mil -Cook. . . , lO-SA pm 10:1 : ) nu 4:10 : pm krun. . . , 3:45 : pm 3'fiam : U.tiO am enter , . , . 7Upm SSSnni 0:25 : I'm 7:30 : am MIS30UIU 1'ACIKIO-STANDAUU TIMH ARRIVK. 00am | (115pm K. o. , at , JOK * c. n. n.-8TANiAin > TIME. Alldally . U:15ft : m I Kiinw , daily itprcn , dally I rxwpt lion- Satur : I dnC < . B:2Si\m : 7:45 : p in | Mall , dally . 7:15 : pm C. , St. T. M. & O , STAN lA III ) TIME. ( Depot 14th and Webster St . o. S mined 7:45 : am No. 1 mixed , . . , 6:30pm : height. . . . . . . . ! : M p in Krclftlit ll46am ; ll iitlor.M.S40pm ; Atlantic Kxii. . . UilBam tlmitlo Mall. . . . 7:45 : am Allan tlo Mall. . . 70pni : Every day. ( Tinnttcr Depot , Council lllut ( . ) WA11AS1I&8T. LOUIS. ea\o. . . . " . ' . 7:60 : a m I Arrho 11:20 : am Mm o.- ; . . ,3:60 : p m | Arrho 4 : 0pm C. , 11 4l Q U. 1U-8TANDAHD T11IK Jill" 0 15 a ui I Kjiiroto Pi5am : nrr 4:50ptu : Mall' 7:15 : p til All Trains Dully. U. , U. I < & 1' . K. II STANDARD TIM 1C. ill' 7t)0am : ) | Kxproga. * * 1000pm sprew 8:60 : p tu | Mall' 7:26 am "Sumlajs oxccptcd. 0. , M. & St. P.-STANDAUD TIME. LUAVM ARUU R. allAEx * . . . .8:00 : am iraolflaKx 0:20 : am tlanttoKx > . . . .3:60pm : IlIall&Ei * 7COptn : Sundays oxcoptod. 0. ft N. W. It. It. SFANOABD TIHK. all1 7:50am : I Exprw * . . . . . . . . 10.00am intern 8:60 : pin | Mill" 7i5pm : 'Sunda\aoxceptuil. ij3 iS. 0. & P. R. R.-STANDAIID TIME. .M' 9:00 : a in I Kinrcoa 10:00 : am xprem 0.00pm I Mail * 7:25pm : Sundays oxco ted. Opening and closing of Slalln. Bonn onx. cicsi. a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. ' 4N.W.,0.n.I.&P.O.Il. , & O. , St. Paul & Sioux City. 11:00 : 0:00 : (1:40 ( : B116 , M.&S.I'.S O. &P. In Iowa 0.00 6:40 Valuuh Kxprcua _ . 12.84 0:15 Vabauh local 0:00 : 6:40 : .0. , stJoo&o 0:00 : 0:00 : 6:40 : 0t : > o Issourl Pacino 7SO 6:40 : , StP. 11. &O B.OO 7fO n Ion Pacific , o\oilinc : . . . . SAO I1SD : nlon raclllc , Denver Ex. . . . 4:00 : 7EO : . & Ucpubllcan Valloy. . . 1:3011:35 : l.&M. Exprosa 7:00 : 7:10 : 1. & M. lor Plattaraouth , S. ml , Ashland andl.lncoln. 11:00 : 7:3 0 co open SundajB from 12:00 : m. to 1:00 : p. tn. O , K COUTANT , I'oiitmiistor IRON AND SIATK KOOFINO. G. SPEGHT , PEOP. 1111 DougUs St. Omaha , Nob. BANUPAOTUBKBOf Galvanized Iron Cornices tfOotaai Vf Indowf , Flolali , Tin , Iron and SUte last Spout 'a patent Motalllo Skylight , Patent stolllitjut liar and Bracket Ubolvlnr. I am onrilajjiit tor the above line or foodt. Iron n ; Oroiitui a , llaluitrades , Voranrtas , Iron bank f B.VHl-v Ullndg , Cellar Oiiardn : also Kcnerk o'lM ft Hill t nt in M WH " 1 THIS BKLTor Regencra tor la made exprosaly for tlio euro of derangements of tlio generative orK i > . ' Th re U no inl-laVo about this instrument , the con tinuous utroain of KLKC- THIOITY tiO'rncatlnff tliruUKh the parts munt re . tore them to iinaltliy action Do not confound t"ls with . .p. . . „ . , „ . Kkctrlo Ik'ltnaiUertletil to irn nil ills from tu too. It la for the ONU | ico- oiiurp-KO. Forclirultra Riving full information , address Chccvcr Klcotrio Dolt Co. , 103 Wuhlngton t. , Chicago III. PRINCIPAL LINE rrtoM CIIICAGOjPEOIlIA &ST.LOU1S , IIV WAV OH OMAHA A1TD LINCOLN TO DE1IVEE , Oil VIA : AWSAS CITY AND ATOHISON to DENVER Coiiiii'etlnn In Union UoiMits nt KHIIKIH City , Umuliuunil Dunvcrwlth tluouglitniliw lor And nil Jolnt9 In the Great West. Coiincotliii , ' In ( inuul Union loM | > t nt Chicago with tliroiiKli tnilim lur NKW YOKK , JiOSTON , And nil ICautui-n Oltlux. Atl'oorli with tlnunili trains tor ludlannp. ollH , Uliiclnniitl , Coluiiibiis , niul nil points lu tlio tiontli.Knut , At Ht. J.oula with through tmliiH for nil pointH Houtli. Ulegnnt Day Co.ichea , I'm lor Cnrx , with He. cltnliiK Clnilra ( seiUa tiroHinokliiK ) Curu with Ituvolvlnu Oliuli-H , I'ullumn 1'ulacu Kluiiplnu ( Jura uiicl the funiotis O. It. AQ. DlnltiK i.'iira nui dally touiul from Olilc go und Knnsiia City , OlilcnKoand Council llliilln ; OlilcaKo nncl Den Molnus , Ulilciigo , HU Josupli , Att'lilwiii nnd Topeku without clmngit. Only tliroiiKli Hue uilinlng thulr own tiiilus between Ulilcnuo , Lincoln nnd Denver , uitri ( Jlilcuxo , Kuntiiia City uud Denver. Tlnx > ii'li ; , ciuti lietwuun Indluunpollfi und Council Illuirs , via 1'coilu , OOINO JVOKTIf AND SOUTH. Solid Trillin * of Klcwmt Day Couches und I'lilliium I'ulucoSleeping' Caia uro run daily u nnd fiom ht. Lonla ; vm llannlbiil ; Qiilney Kookuk , lUullncton , Cedar Itnpldaniul AllH'H I.ejitoSt , 1'uul mid Mlnncapolla ; 1'nrlorCurs with ItcclliiliiK Clmlra to and fiom Ht. f.oul > nnd I'eorla. Only cine cliuiiRO of rain bi-twnun Pt. I.oulaiind DcuMolnca , lowu , Lincoln , No bruHlm , und Denver , Colorado. U la also the only Through Line between BT , LOUIS , MINNEAPOLIS and BT. PAUL It la known as the Krent TIIUOUUII OAI LINK of America , and la unlvvrsully udinlt "Ml to bo thu Finest Equipped Railroad la the World fa all el&eees of Travel. TliroiiL'h Tickets via this Una ior ealo atui U. K. coupon ticket offlcca lu tlio UnitedState IlldCiinada. T. J. I'OTTKIt , PEHOEVAL LOWBLL. -J'lil.Uta.Mln tr. BEDFORD & SOUER. Per n choice lot in Syndicate Hill Addition. Tina addition joins tlio the Syndicate lauds in south Omnlm , and will rapidly bii'ld up with com fortable homos. These lots nro beautiful nhd nro near the stock yarda and packing houses , and will bo occupied iw homes by the employes of these works , and are undoubtedly the west value for the price of any lota in the market. Several have boon sold and the price will soon bo ad vanced. Wo have the exclusive ngouey on this addition. Terms easy. OILMAN PLAGE This is a now addition on Loavomvortli street in West Omaha. A low price hits bten put on them to start them. $150 to $300 , On easy 'terms , Tue grading and improvements to bn made on JLeavenworth St. . thin spring , will make this very valuable property. This is a sub-division of the Megonth property facing HnneomTs Jark on'the south. Ghod location , near street car , fine view nnd has a oed growth of native timbe.r. This is one of the finest additions in ) mahu , and will soli rapidly. Price $800 to $050. One fourth 'ash ahmcu n good time. First come , first servt d. This is a splendid op- ortunity for persons who intend building for iijhome. s a beautiful piece of ground lying one block south of Oilman place , in West Omaha. The iirstof these lots will bo sold at $125 to 8160 , and ire a bargain. A nice sightly location , beautiful place for a home nnd a plcndid investment for a rich man or a poor man. HAWTHO This addition lies between Capitol avenue and Cass street , ten blocks : rom the High School , one mile from the postoffice , and is what is known inside property. The city is built up far beyond this addition and the nest residences'in Uip city are in this locality. The grade on Davenport treet has been established arid work commenced , and will be completed is soon as the weather permits. The contract has been let for builcing a urge brick school IIOURO on Douglas street , three blocks from this uddi- ; iou. Wo predict that these lots will more than double m value before August , as it is the most desirable part of Omaha and would have been uilt up years ago had it been placed on the market. Prices S35O TO S85O Adjoining lots are beiDgsoldnt [ doublejthe price wo ask for these. We have six lots left in.tluVaddition'which"we [ offer atji ' " " " We&lmvo & BoiiK'liniprovfdjrniitl unimproved forms nearj Omnha und some well improved Jurnis in Snrpy county. HIO1VCES. . . Residence and Residence Lois in all parts of the city , and On"all the best streets infithe business center. Q213 South 14th Street , betweengFarnanf . ' ' in