Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1884, Image 1

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The Steamer Daniel Slcininann Sinfcs
Off Samliro ,
Only Nine Persons Known to bo
Saved Out of 140 ,
The Captain and Five of the
Grew the Lucky Ones ,
Twenty Passengers for Now York
and Seventy for Other Points ,
The Eough Sea Prevents Aid
Being Sent ,
The FOR Also no Thick Hint Help "Wan
an IinpoHsllilllty.
BOSTON , April 4. It is reported Itoro
that the steamer Daniel Stionmann , from
Antwerp , March 21 , for Now York via
Halifax , was lout oil' tlio latter port , to
gether with 130 lives.
HALIFAX , April 4. The steamer Dan
iel Stoinmann , from Antwerp for this
port , is reported sunk off Sambro , about
twenty miloa from this port. She struck
during last iiight and only nine are so far
reported to have reached laud , out of 140
on board.
Intelligence so fur from the wrecked
steamer are very meagre. It is said the
captain and five of the crow are the only
persons saved. The ship had 90 passen
gers , and 34 of crew. Twenty passengers
wora to land here all Germans , and 70
for Now York. She is supposed to have
struck on the "Sister ; , " oil Sambro , last
night , and shortly after sunk. The moats
are now visible from the shore. Intelli
gence did not reach herd until this after
noon. Considerable of the cargo was for
hero , the balance for New JYork. The
ownen have gone to the wreck.
NEW YORK , April 4. At the ofliee of
consignees , Funch , Edge & Co. , regard
ing the 1cm oLthest earner , Daniel Stein
mann , itwaalcarncdlho steamer generally
cirricd a few cabin passengers and freight
The cargo would probably reach 2,000
tons , 400 tons for Halifax , the balance
for Now York. They considered Captain
Schoonhavon a very careful , painstaking
man. The Daniel Steinmann was built at
Antwerp in 1875. She waa 177 feet long ,
34 feet beam , and 25 feet depth hold.
Her gross tonogo wan 1,780 tons. Her
name was formally "Tho Khedive. " She
has been running in the White Cross line
since 1878. At ono time she was consid
ered a very "lucky" veisel , but during
the last two years , aho has mot with var
ious mishaps.
Three passengers from the steamer
Stoinmann were saved with the captain
and Gvo of the crow , whoso names were
not ascertained. They ere on Sambro
Light island , the only communication
with which is by signals in rough
weather. To-night the weather is thick
and rainy , and it is uncertain if any fur-
tner particulars can bo hod. Reporters
left hero for Sambro by land , but the
hi\ds are bad. The very latest regard-
nig the wrecked steamer is that of a
crow of thirty-nino and the captain and
uiucty passengers ,
the captain , five of the cvew , and three
passengers. Tlicao are still on Sambrc
island. Owing to a heavy sea the sur
vivors are not likely to reach , the main
land until noon to-morrow. No particu
lars can therefore bo learned in regard
to the disaster at present. The government -
mont steamer Ncwficld loft this city
this afternoon for the wreck. The fog
is so thick that it ia impossible to rej.oli
the fatal spot. The captain thought it
imprudent to go nearer the wreck thar.
five miles. Ho will wake another oiforl
to-morrow to reach iho spot where the
steamer was lost. Steam tugs sent oul
by tan miles. A wrecking schooner w ill
divers will leave in the morning to recover >
cover bodies and that poitiou of the crov ,
that can bo saved. It is believed the
yoBscl sunk on White Horse shoal , with
in a short distance of Sambro island ,
The exceeding roughness of thn sea wai
. , the probable cause of the rapid breaking
I r up of the wrecked vessel The captaii
' ' " of the Stnimnann , having only boon ii
thw port throe times , was probably una
ware of thu-dangorouB coast around Sam
tro , or of tho'TShvful peril ho was in un
til ton late to avouT4jjp uie.astor.
Tuga which Icf/TJielfr for the acono o
the wreck have returned without beiiij
ublo to roach the neighborhood of tin
fitciimcr , owing to the rough BOO. An
other attempt will bo made in the morn
ing to roach tlin wreck if the weatho
moderates. The Stoinmann hod fiv
bulklioads. Her engines were 132 her *
power ,
MONTREAL , Can. , April 4. The nigh
express from Toronto to Montreal ran ol
iho trarknear Wiles'station this morning
The driver wo a killed and the firernai
fatally injured. Four pilsengeM wer
slightly injured.
The following is u list of the injured
I , . D. SWHKT , Springfield , Mats.
J. GIM'KUT. Chit-afro.
M. GONKl'JUJTT , Montreal.
It. OOJU. Mm troal.
F. NICOM.ll. QuMxjo.
, T. CHRISTIAN , Montreal.
.T. W. TKKhKIl. 75iocU IIl9.
KliNKST COr/MX , Quebec.
STKl'HHNSON , St. John. . , N. U.
Mil. OIIATTKTOtf , ba aga master.
Mt ! MoUJl.LAN , rnail agent.
All had morn or iosi novero cuts p.t )
bruieea , but it ii supposed none of th
above were fatally hurt.
PHILADELPHIA , April 4 A cable dif
patch announces the loss of the bar
'Alba ' , from Oupun Hagen for Irigtut t
load Virsolito for thU port. It it prf
sumod many minura were on board en
AJJjstepyHilll Unravelled.
Sr. Louis , April 4. The mystery BUI
rounding the death of the lady foun
in the Laclcde hotel yesterday hai IK
yet been cleared up. A post mortem l <
day revealed the fact that ulte died froi
morphine poisoning , but nothing to
; iow her identity has yet boon discov
LONDON , April 4. The cabinet , after
thorough discussion , decided against
ormally establishing a protectorate over
The following particulars have boon
earned concerning n plot to blow up
tlount Joy prison : The invinciblcs in
10 prison wore engaged in a clandestine
orrcspondcnco with conspirators outside ,
jottorn were found in James Mullott's
ell which disclosed the plot. The prison
warden was to bo bribnd with money
rom O'Donovnn llossa's fund to convoy
.ho . infernal machine into the prison. One
otter contained an order for the murder
E Patrick Dalanoy , ono of the Phoenix
'ark conspirators , by throwing him over
10 balcony as ho should leave the prison
ftor mass.
Delaney still remains at Mount joy ,
or safety. Many wardens have been
The recent sudden removal of convict
rish invinciblcs from Irish to English
irisons is attributed to the discovery of
i conspiracy to destroy Mount Joy
maon by the use of djnamito.
PANAMA , March 25. Otalona , presi-
out of Columbia , declares the deficit
rcatcd by the past three administrations
mounts to $11,000,000 , and the internal
nd foreign debts to § 20,305,000.
YOKOUOMA , April 4. The Jnpaneeo
ovornmont has authorized the establish
ment of tea guilds , to which all producers
: id dealers must belong , for the purpose
f pret onting the adulteration of teas.
SHANGHAI , April 4. In a riot near
antbn , March 7th , 3,000 Chinese do-
, ared against the present dynasty , and
omanded a re-catablijhinont of Ming , or
uro Chincso dynasty.
LONDON , April 4. The landing of the
omams of the Duke of Albany at Ports-
louth was attended vrith much pomp
nd ceremony. The Prinoo of Wales ,
Jrown Prince Frederick William , of
'russia , Prince Christian , Duke of Dam-
iridgo and Marquis of Lorno escorted the
iody to Windsor , where it was received
t the station by the queen and Princess.
Christian and Beatrice.
The dean of Windsor awaited the pro-
csaion at the entrance of Memorial
hapcl. The chapel waa heavily draped
n black , relieved by wreaths of flowers ,
"loldicra deposited the coffin in the mid-
lo chapel. After 'a short religious ser
vice royal personages withdrew. At the
econd funeral Borneo later , only the
ueon , the Duchess of Albany and the
.can of Windsor were present.
LONNO , April 4. The Pall Mall Ga
zette aaN : "Egyptian affairs are fast
driftingy into anarchy , and through
anarchy to annexation or war , and possi-
> ly both. England must undertake the
administration of Egypt. " The Gazette
irgos the government to assist General
Gordon to establish at Khartoum an in-
lependont state under hia sovereignty.
'Toll him , " it says , "England no longer
lonsidera Soudan a part of the Ottoman
AMSTERDAM , April 4. The cotton yarn
actory nt Hiyersum has burned. ' One
> eraon waa killed and several wounded.
< ivo hundred people are thrown out of
OOVEUNOU uoAuur's i-osmoN.
CINCINNATI , March 4 Gov , Hoadley ,
n a letter of thanks to Sheriff Hawkins ,
expresses approval of hia coarse and con
luct , but makes remark thut it was per-
laps not proper to oxprcso * n opinion in
idvunre of the investigation which is tc
bo nmdo. No provisions , however , havi
ret been made for an investigatisn ol
: ho methods oraployol in defending the
court house and jail , but in an open lotto )
x > Judge Matthews who tried Borner ,
uibliflhed to-djy , which L. C. Campbell ,
: ho lending lawyer for Bernor's dcfcns ? ,
aaks for an investigation by Judge Mat-
; ! iow , aided by Judge Avery and Judge
[ force ,
ias sent a dispatch to Colonel Hunt , com
nanding the first rejirnont , to bo read tc
; ho command , in which ho aaya : "I derive
rive great plo. uro in congratulating you
upon your gallant and patriotic sorvici
directly and most judiciously renderec
under the moot trying circumstances ii
the defense of the court houao and jail'
The military guard hat been almoa
wholly withdrawn from the court hnusi
and jail surroundinga. The Sevontuentl
regiment is to remain indefinitely am
it is supposed will bo kept at least unti
nftor the election next Monday. Tin
First regioiont of this city talks oj dis
In a number of inatanoos members hav
buon discharged booiusu workmen threaten
on to leave if militiamen are permitted t
como back to work. Persecution fo
obedience to orders tends to discourpg
men from longer holding connection wit !
the military companies.
The JUTeut. oftlio Illut.
CINCINNATI , April 4. First nentencin
of prisoners since the riot took place tc
day in Judge Johnson's court. Bell
Osborn , colored , convicted of ohootin
with intent to kill , received seven yearn
She begged most pitcoualy when th
eentonco was announced and th
judgej began to say as thi
was u woman ho would modify th
sentence , when the prosecutor interpose
a vigorous protest , Baying this woma
had been before the criminal courts agai
mid again and Bomethmg must ho done t
relieve the courts if for no other purposi
The Judge permitted the sentence t
remain ,
Tlio Iinst Niut ItltcH.
_ NKW YORK , April 4. Tha funeral ROI
vices over the remains of the late Mr
Oswald Ottonderfer tool : place to.doj
Tlioy were nttonded by the oflioors pf ii
Eleventh regiment. Carl Schura delii
cred an address. Amonc ; tboso preser
were ex-Gov. Famuel J. Tildoo , Chii
Justice Daly , Ool. Iliehard M. Hoe an
other prominent citizens.
t ;
The Chicago Market DUPE to Most
Unexpected Points ,
A Sharp Doolmo Reported in All
A Frightful Break in Moats , Ow
ing to Liverpool Advioosi
A Scene of Fioroo Bewilderment
in the Trading Pit ,
Oorn and Oats Active and Un"
settled by Whoati
Cattle nnil TA'hont Undergo no Pnr-
Special DUpatch to Tns BUB.
CUICAOO , April 4. The opening on
'change to-day was marked by the sumo
phenomenal excitement that has been
the rule for the last week or two. But
from noon up to the close , at 1 o'clock ,
matters hovered on the edge of n panic.
The tension could hardly have boon
greater , and to add to the confusion and
uproar n sharp decline in values was ex
tended to all , compelling brokers to ex
orcise rare Generalship in tilling orders
nnd in saving thcnr "short" customers
from a general wrooV.
in wheat , occasioned by rumors of a grain
panic in London and n lack of confidence
m the stability of n number of largo Chicago
cage commission houses to stand the
strain , continued in a downward tenden
cy of prices. When May wheat had
touched 8lAc the tremor which had seized
the bull crowd subsided in a measure and
prices reacted lo , May closing on 'change
at 82c. ? When the regular board had
adjourned there followed a prolific call
ing for margins , and as far as could bo
learned , were generally responded to ,
and while the names of fioino old and
responsible firms were \ cry freely used as
up to late in the afternoon there appear-
cd to bo no warrant for it. On call board
the afternoon thcro was a still great-
r stiffening of prices , which served to
xcato a somewhat bettor feeling. Great
ntorcst at the ppnning was tendered in
ie provision pit , and prices of pork and
ard fell off rapidly from the start. Pork
"eclined 50 to CO cents per barrel in the
rat half hour , but after that it rallied
5 to 30 cents , but fell off again during
ho closing scare in wheat , but recovered
May pork ranged § 10 05 to § 10 45 , closed
, t SIC 15 to SIC 17J ; J uno ranged § 10 10
bo § 10 55 , cloned at § 10 25 ; July ranged
SIC 20 to ? 1C G21 , closed at SIC .
SIC 35. On call board the sales were
12,000 barrels , and prices advancing lOc
o 15c.
Lard followed closely in the course of
ork , opening 5c to lOc lower , declining
15c itc 20o. additional , and after several
ralliefi cljWVi nt very nearly inside ,
figures ! Moil tt 3f > td & 8 5fi , cloned at
§ 8 35 to 88 SYA1 ! Juno , 88 45 lo § 8 C2i.
: losed at § 8 47A to § 8 50 ; July , S8 52i
: o § 8 70 , closed'at § 8 55 to § 8 57A. OiJ
call the eales were 5,350 tierces at 2lc tc
ro higher.
There was an early broik in wheat
f J to Ic from the closiug yesterday ,
attended with Bomo exu'.Vment , oftoi
which the market recovered in a measure ,
and from that on until noon trading wat
of a very quiet , listteM character.
Shortly after the noon hour , offering !
were largely increased , asd with little 01
no support prices broke ou" in a vorj
quick fashion. The seuuo in the trading
pit was
and the excitement could hardly ha\ i
been ut n higher pitch. The current wti
stemmed after May options had touchei
Slic , and from that point recovery wiv
steady. On call ttalea were 2,200,001
bushels , May advanoedto 83jo | , June-ti
i c , and July to 80Jc , the latter oxliib
ting a most marked advance.
The corn market was very active r.m
unsettled , and.affected very perceptibl
Ky the iluctuxtion iu other marktita
opened ft shade won tor , declined to Ac
ml I ied ? to Ic. then became weak , cic
olining J to jjc , oiid linr.lly closing 3 tog
under ycdtoiduy. April close at 48s ; in
call eiilea were 800,000 bushels , July ad
vancing gc. O&t unsettled und lower.
Ciittlo under only fair receipts un
oed demand from all classes ; buuiueu
was jictivo nnd pricen a slmdo firmer o
ihe best fat cattle , while other doscrij :
tion undorvront
There were one or two export orden
and the stock that suited this demin
sold quick at bettor prices than for sotn
time past. There were a few loadi ; i
corn foil Texana that made 85 00 t
5 50 ; 1,350 to 1,500 Ibn. wcport grade
sold nt ? 5 95 to § C BU ; good to chok
shipping , 1,200 to 1,850 lbs.,8550t
T CO ; common to mediutn. 1,000 tn 1,20
Ibs , 55 00 to $5 CO ,
In the sheep market ICC Nebraska !
averaging , J20 Iba . sold at $5 70 , and42
Nebraska- ) , averaging 200 Ibi. , nt § 5 71
The announcement that Ilobort Line
Worn , the senior member of the hi-uv
ram firm of Ilobort Lindblom A ; Co
liad ordered all his deals closed out , uti
further added BO the .otciteineut , and h
failure was taken for granted.Vhc
the time canio for the flottlomwit on t !
bpird of trade clearing housp , howovo
Jih niiu-giiis , together with those of nether
other lirms ubout whom were rumori
were put up promptly. It is said ho pai
into the clearing house to-dny 8SQOOI
Lindblom himaelf says ho lias not failc
and that ho simply draws out now iu o ;
dor to gut a few mouth * of much nocdc
rest. His statement ia corroborated L
the fact that he was trading on ea
hoard hi a cairn and unruflled way afu
the regular board closed , TJiero are vi
rioua opinions among board of trad
operators upon the question. Some a
sert that
ihistrtulce in older lo avert a failun
while othorn scout the idea , anyiurr that
Lindhlom has not only dona u heavy
business with the ndvnntnge.i of n private
wire to Now York , but n paying busi
ness ns well. IIo hns just moved into
nd the common belief to-night is ho has
enough to kcop the Inrtlor well stocked
It is understood that Lindblom'a Now
York partners , Miller & Williams , oho
withdraw , nnd thai Iho busincB.i Is lo be
lurnod over to Vnn Mirk & Co. Though
has been no heavy within the past week
this grain hns boon BO generally nnd
widely held thnt nobody has been badly
cau-ht , The hoaviosl loser ia eaid to bo
a prominent packer , who ia nblo to aland it
and hiivoBOinomillionsla't. Ho h reported
to have hold about eight million bushels
at nn average of ' 00 cents , and to have
resold a hrgo part of it at a loss of ten
rents. It is said by a prominent dealer ,
thai bottom hns boon reached. Wheat
cnn bo delivered in Liverpool for 01) ) cents ,
a price unparalleled in the history of the
British grain trade.
MIMVAUKKK , April 4. The board of
trade waa n scene of great excitement all
day , owing to the continued panic. The
oldest apoculators and alaliaticiaus have
their prophecies disproved nnd are so lost
iu their reckonings that fear hns seized
them , nnd they find safety only in flight
avoiding the market altogether. Siuco
yesterday dealers have been moro cau
tious than over , and Iho day's warning
undoubtedly put many on their guard
against disaster. The lowest figure for
May wheat was 81c ; Juno , 85 c. In
tlio afternoon prices voroa trifle stronger ,
recovering A to jo , May closing at 8i o
and Juno at 83 } . Lard ntid pork are not
dealt in on tlio board , and only cash
corn and oats , speculation confining itself
to wheat and barley. Business men ad
mit the situation ia very grave , as largo
loan companies are not no disposed to
advance money to farmers when they
know il costs farmers moro to raise wheat
than Iho price it ia now Belling at. Thn
lowoct figure that May wheat touched
during April , 1883 , waa § 1 04 , and the
highest § L 43(1. ( To-morrow ia looked
forward with great anxiety.
A. Destructive Conllnfji'ntion
In tlio Turpentine Woods cf
North Cnrolltin.
RALKIOH , N. 0. , April 4. For lhrcc >
ays and nighta Iho most deatruclivo
res over known have boon devastating
lie southern border of the elate , oxtond-
ng into six or seven counties. Vaat for-
sts of long leaf pine were attacked ,
'hose ' form the chiuf eourco of limber
upply. High winds fanned Iho flames
ute fury and hundreds of thousands of
rocs were burned. Some of Iho largest
urpontino orchards in the atato were
jurncd and many farm houses were do-
troyed. People are bravely fighting the
ire. A number of towns narrowly
scapod destruction. At Mcnly , on the
laleigh & Augusta railway , a number of
louses were burned. Largo storea ,
umber and railroad sills ou the
ino were bnrnod , und a dozen
urpentinp distilleries ruined. The
ountry in great atrotohea ia a black-
inod'Wildornosa. The extent of tho.dia-
.stor ia not yet known or fully realized ,
klany families are homeless. The fire
wept for fifty miles in ono direction and
hirty in another , few places , it ia re-
> ortod , escaping. The fire waa caused
> y the burning of brush , and the high
wiuda drove the sparks into the turpen-
, ino woods. The fire extended far into
South Carolina on Iho line of Ihe Char-
olio , Columbia & Augusta railroad ,
drains have boon running through mile :
of firo. Two dwellings and eight or tor
tarns wore burned in that district. Sc
dr as known no lives lost.
St. Paul KnllromlTnrlir.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , April 4. A moolinj
of Iho SI. Paul committee of the North
western Traftic Association waa hold yes
terday afternoon io arrange details UK
5x rites f-c local .points on lines of tin
association. Alloads in the assooixiioi
were represented by two orthreo ofticiila
The mcottiiy was 'harmonious. The com
Mt'O nJeo agreed upon n number o
upecml rebate rates. The matter of per
coutagea ia iu 'the hands of Arbitrator
Boguu , who ia to make an exhnustivi
examination of the several roodu , thoi
terminal facilitio-s , etc. Upon this invest !
gntion mil depend the award of porcenl
ugisaof now pool. The folio wing tariff wa
iuwwd ; Onbuoinosa between St. Paul
Minneapolis or Minnwota transfer am
Ckicigo , Milwaukee , Joliet , Soiieca
Pnorid , St.Louie , Hannibal , Quinoy an
teeinaipi ) ! river points U4 far north n
New Bozton , 1st class (10 ( cuntn , il 'cla < j
45 , 3rd Alnan 3D. 4th clans 25 , 5th chit
20 , chi6t.A.25cla8aB20. . elw 0 18J
ekes D 15 ; wk-eat and flour " 0 centi
other grun 1W eonta ; horaea and mule
SCO ; cattle or "hogs § 00.
The muiioror ot Auxcria rocdvo-1
rok'rt wife , * vtn ) threw hernulf nt the oiniitror
faet auiliicploreiliMiu to epuro her husWul
lifu. 'Ilia < nui > oror proinlaed to oauoklor tl
opltoal , wbleh tantaniount to
S1OO. Given
Ifaliimor UMylujurluniKiiljMuiiL : icun bo Ami
In Androws1 1'oarl flaking Powclor. Is ix
'Jycly PUKE. 15ci K t i > aor uil , cuilutalmonli
; i. - led I rom cuoh cliumhtsna tl. Jlanii Jin ) rt , Ik
ton : M. DulafouUliu1 , uf Chlcnuo ; nuil Uiutuv
Jio-lc , Mllwuiilteo. Kc\crMlil ! in bulk.
j : Water !
Aether Effort to be Made to Bring Up
the Tariff Bill ,
The House Oomiuittoo Report
Against Postal Tolographi
Murray , of Utah , Explains the
Charges Against Him ,
An Adverse Report on the Ques
tion of Female Suffrage ,
The Educational Bill Still Excit
ing Congress ,
Various Political Hellenics nnd 1'ro-
.loots Outlined
Special Dispatch to Tlio ll&K.
CinoAoo , April 4. A suit was brought
in the United States circuit court
Wednesday by District Attorney Tuthill
against Theodore Slimming. It was for
$2,000 , nnd cited that the action was en
tered for the United States to secure
money paid to Slimming while acting 03
quartermaster of the Thirty.first Iowa
volunteers and assistant quartermaster pt
the Second brigade , Firut division , Fif
teenth army corps. The charge was also
made in the suit of $500 ( or , as was
rather indefinitely specified in the lan
guage of the action ) "to money had nnd
received by him" ( Slimming ) .
Thcro was something peculiar in the
tiling of the suit
had elapsed since the time when tlio net
is alleged to have boon committed.
Slimming is an employe of the postoflico ,
1 oing superintendent of the north divis-
m. Ho is a Gouniui , and is n caudi-
ale for stale Ireaauror. II is undpr-
lood certain interests identified with
hose of Logan's lieutenants are anxious
hat John 0. Smith , now treasurer , shall
> o nominated for lieutenant governor.
\s Cook county cannot have a liouten-
, nt governorship and the ollico of trcas-
Tor , too , it is sa'd thai Stimming's can-
idccy ia frowned ui on by this interest ,
hich is favorable to David T. Littler.
; is further said llinl cffocla have boon
made lo
nit that his friends have refused to por-
nit il. The explanation of the suit now
3 that every effort having failed , it
: ias boon brought ogainal Slimming. .
logular 1'ross UiapatiHos.
WXSHINOTON , April 4. The members
f the ways and moans committee say an
jffr.rt will bo made next week to resume
xmsidoration of Iho tariff bill.
The house committee on postoflico ano
< est roads , by a vote of 8 to 2 , have
idopted the following :
Jlcsolved , That it is the sense of this
lommittoo that it ia inexpedient for the
government either to constiuctn postal
olcgraph or purchase any existing line
t telegraph. liingham and Pcclo voted
, n thu negative.
The bills authorizing the postmaster
oneral to contract wilh n postal tele
graph company or olhor companies vil
bo considered Tuesday nexl.
Gov. Murray , of Utah , appeared be
fore Springer's committee to-day to an
uwec charges made agaiint him by Hop
rcsentalivo White , of Kentucky ; Hour ;
Diven , on ox-dopuly marshal , nnd G. K
Chase. These cliargta were , in sub
stwico , ihat Gov. Murray , while Unitc <
States marshal of the diatriet of Ken
tacky , collected illogcl feea , made illegu
chargeo for guards end for transportc
tionof prisoners , lie said iu his an
ewer to-day : "Every accusation her
attempted to bo nmdo is eight years old
iKvery ono of them I denounced , un
disproved at the time , openly uud public
fly , BO far ou they in uny rm
roilectod upon me. Upon my dmoovor
of the > ehargoof du&oucsty and my floubl
Brining nn to some hargou made by hii
mid another deputy in accountsagninat tli
( jovurnuient , I iicmediatoly , in J87C , d <
[ jositud in the troooury moiioy enough t
oocuro the govwiuneiit in every itei
about vrhich I f.'elt any uncertainty.
Murray refers to the official report of tl :
district attorney 3 conclusive dnfamo ft
bun against ovotyohargo. ILo atatai tin
ho solicited Attorney Uenornl Taft'for n
investigation at the timo. Th.fl a&ncrtpi
"There wore no accusations eguiint liin
and could bu noiio. " Conliauing , Mu
r y uayn : "Durinc my lorm a govorni
of Utali , George- § , > Cannon , < ho in or UK
ruler , Baid hero ia Washington to ox-Go
Woodonoof myirodocesapnijllmthuCtk [ ( !
non ) had taken tlK scalp of every obju
tiotnxbln governor ot Utah , und Jioproimac
'toi.avo Hi urrnyV Murray doilnrue tiie :
ia uot n word by Vt'hito , or Ly any 01
who prekmas to have any portion
knowledge , to prove nny fact which wi
over tondiLo support , one of tliwo nocus
tions. Ho dpcluree tlio roporte intoitd <
todainago Eiim wttvo first eUftad ' ' }
well Itnowa corre ) icrilont , A. M , 'Gil '
ion , whom Murray ichargcs io nplojv
by the Mormon church. Muriaycliar.n
U'rizoBrthu gpcoch made by Coii | { xji.aiiK
John ID. Wkito , of Slontucky , on tl
floor ut ho haiiBo in January J t , UH
"coarse , brutal attack iuno , siicli as i
wlio 4ms a oluim to bono
gentlomaft could over bo jiiutiC J in niol
in" , excepl from porsoaul knowledffo t
moat oouviaciii ! ! cvidoiKX ! . "
lllufurrin < ! lo White , Murray nays : "II
itiu ppi-eon with wlwin no iiiitleinau ct.
liavo any relation , nnd wholly devoid <
mural 8o > wlili ] y and irwponsiblopnrsor
ally , morully w inlelkctually ; where Jii
rtul nutuns IB known , hi * pralco hi an ii
jury , ftbuao I > y liim nn honor , fiovrnw
Murray tlun outcrud into a deUiled ca
planatum of tliu chur ifl made aKains
him , giving his account of thn allege
illegal foes and extia charges for guard
t aud tianaportnuon. Jlis counsel filed
request that the tcnlimony of Hoproson-
tntivo Wliile , Iho btntomont of Divon ,
which contained the charges made ngaintt
him , bo expunged from Iho record.
Murray will bo examined by the committee -
too to-morrow. Ho han naked tlml Justice -
tico Ilrtrlnu nnd Speaker Carlisle bo
celled to testify in his hohnlf.
General W. 0. Wickham , member of
the Virginia senate , was examined by the
D.\nvillo committee to-day.
The house committee on poslofllcos
nnd postronds reported favorably the bill
to nincnd Ihe postal laws , which waa in
tended to prevent the establishment of
private postofilccs.
lloproscntntiva Maybury waa instructed
by the house committee judiciary to-day
lo projmro an ndverso roporl ou Iho joint
resolution proposing n coustituttonal
nmondmonl lo confer right of suffrage
ou women.
I'OSTAIi Tl'.I.ElinAl'lI.
The sonnto committco on postoflicos
nnd pont-roads ngrood to report favorably
on Iho bill to provide for the establish
ment of n postal telegraph ayslom. This
actiou was agreed upon by a vote of 4 to
y. _ Senator Hill , chairman of the com
mittco , will report the bill Monday , so na
to secure n good place on the calendar ,
but the report to accompany the bill will
not bo submitted until late in Iho day.
Commodore Clnrk II. Wolln , rear ad
miral. Postmasters : Carrie G. Col-
burn , Wyoming Ills , j Nicholai Morphor ,
South Evnnnton , Ills. ; Goo. W , Harper ,
llobinson , Ills.
WASHINGTON , April 4. Mr. Logan
( rep. , III. ) presented a potilion from Iho
Chicago board of Irado prolosting against
cho further coinage of silver dollars : also
from the Chicago Trades L'ibor assembly ,
protecting against the repeal of the pres
ent patent laws.
Mr. Jonas ( dom. , La. ) submitted a
joint rcsolulion , which was referred to
Iho committee on improvement of the
Mio issippi , making an appropriation of
§ 100,000 for the protection of _ the exist
ing lovcca of the lower Mississippi.
The education bill was then taken up ,
and Mr. Bayard ( dom. , Del. ) addressed
the onnto. Ho drew n pic-
iuro of the condition of the
south at the oloso of the war ; deprecated
the course of the republican party in as
suming governmental control in that
soclioii , and closed with an amendment
against the constitutionally of Iho bill.
Mr. Gibson ( dom. , La. ) referred lo Iho
.occssity of a general education in Iho
outh in order that tlio whiles might
, ave no occasion to fear a perversion of
taxing power if Iho negroes got con-
rol iu these states , and closed with n
onstitutional argument in favor of the
ill.Mr. . Morgan ( rep. , Mo , ) spoke against
10 bill.
Mr. Butler ( dom. S. 0. ) will propose
ho following amendment to the bill ,
rhon in order :
The money to bo provided for in this
.ill shall bo raised by n direct tax , to be
ovied annually upon each of the states ,
vhich shall bo apportioned among the
ovcrol elalos according lo Ihoir respect
Adjourned till to-morrow.
Mr. Aadorson ( rep. , Kus. ) , from thi
commitloo on public lands , roporled i
411 to provide for the adjustment p !
land grants , made by congress to aid ii
; ho construction of railways within tin
jtato of Kansas. Placed on Iho calendar
The morning hour was dispensed will
nnd Iho houoo wont into commitloo of In
whole on Iho Indian appropriation bill
The consideration of Iho bill having bcoi
concluded , the ooinmitleo rose and Iho bil
passed. The house wont into commitlo
of the whole on the private calendar.
The committee remained in session
eng time on Iho bill for Iho relief of coi
lain noldiers charged with desertion , hi
no final action was taken.
Mr. Cook piesontcd lo Iho hout
through Iho polition box , a , pnpur signc
by about fifty citizens of Anoca , lowi
which can hardly bo called a potitioi
sinoo it opcno with the words , "Wo , tli
undersigned , uovoroign citizens , horoh
respectfully command you , our aor
nuts , " etc. , and demands the passage <
a bill for the construction of n donl
track street railway from Now York I
San Prancisco , and declaring that m
another dollar should bo lent to nation
bunks or rqatitercd on canals.
ItcccRs till 7:30 : this ovonning. SOEB'U
'for consideration of pension bills.
of the Imillct , ' Ucllof Cor
Uttto Convention.
Bpcclul DIapaUAito Tine UIIE.
ST. PAUL , Hob. , April 4. The Ladi
illelief Corps .is tale Convention , mot nt
J'aul to-duy. Miss Sibloy.of TolodoOh
arrivoa yesterday. Thu court house w
crowded laat night io hear the talent
young lady cpoak. In the early ovoni
ako received a Boronido from Ilia corn
bend , and after the evoning'n unturtai
nwnt wnn 0)30 ) treated to u vocal t orenu
bf xi > rnn of our best oingora , The eitirc
of 6t i'aul liuvo done uviiryihing iu th
powur to imtorUun the viuitora , Thu i
But ! of thn convmition leaves St. Pt
running over with jutriotiam nnd rcspc
to < the (1. ( A. II , boys , und the Womuu
Jtc/iof Corjin.
fj. " . Laviv , April 4 A circular Ii
lioeu ieuned by thu western cyndicato
barbed wire maufaoturora , repreeenti
flfjvuu companieB , notifyiug dtnhua th
they ivill aseuino nil roMpotmlbility in t ;
prooauition byVoahburii \ it Mocn ma
ufaotwing coiapany for alleged infring
irient of pnteuts and proceedings gro' '
iuj , ' out of the rcsiatunce oftho dunmu
TJn > Wi-HkV rutluroa ,
Yonic , April 4 Failures for tl
pa t week 212 , ugaiiut 01 the previoi
NKW Yonif , April 4. The Oalhol
has boon informed thut thu ho
father haa HO far , imnimneed no dcchU
a ? to tinnpjjoituineiit , of ft now nrc ]
5 -
bishop. The Philadelphia Koviow nlso
learns lha' n now Eptocopal eco has boon
created in Now Hampshire , with a cathe
dral in Manchester , to which the holy
father has just appointed as first bishop
Rev. Denis M. IJradlov , recently rector
of St. Joseph's church of that cily.
BOSTON , April 4. The Chicago , Bur
lington A Quincy and Union Pacific con
ference \viw in ecssiou two hours to-day.
At the cloeo it was announced that noth
ing had boon accomplished , and that the
chairman would call another meeting
next week. It is denied Iho Chicago ,
Burlington & Quinoy road gave an ulti
matum that the triparlito agreement
must bo broken up.
PrnKUiELi'iiiA , April 4. Referring to
the agitation about nn increase in cnst-
bouud grain freight rates , Iho Pennsyl
vania railroad officers say that the com
pany will not take the initiative , or make
nny rcqueal of Iho commission lo order
nn advance. They say Iho responsibility
for present lower titles resla with thoao
who cut the 'established tariff.
DEH MOINEH , April 4 News has just
been made public hero to-night that A
broadaugo | ! ( railroad is to bobuiltfromDes
Moincs to St. Joseph , Mo. , this year. It
is to bo built by a combination of the
Now York syndicate of II. T. Wilson &
Co. and B. L. Harding , of Dos Moinoa.
the latter being presidenl of Iho compa
ny. Wilson & Co. wore builders and are
owners of Iho diagonal road built last
year from Dee Moines to Warcrlpo. They
have consolidated this line with Ear-
ding's DCS Moines , Osceola & Southern
road , which will bo kept a narrow gauge
extended to Kancavillo , Mo. The same
combination , Wilson and Harding , will
build the now road to St Joe , and prob
ably to Kansas City. The iron nnd all
other material have boon bought , and the
work of construction will bo commenced
at once. The distance is 185 miles , and
the roulo will bo by the way of Winteraol ,
Afton , flit. Ayr , Iowa and Marysvillo ,
Mo , , or by n louto leaving Winterant to
the 0-wt and crossing the C. , B. & Q. R. '
R at Murray. The 0. , M. & St. Paul
has made n trackage arrangement
the diagonal branch of Uiis system into
Dca Moines , and nlso nn ugrcomont by
which it can run through carp to St. Juo
and Jtansas City. The road is to bo com
pleted nnd in operation by November 1st.
Tlio I ( it tic Hoiith American Nation
TnlkH Up to
.Johnny Hull.
PANAMA , March 27. The Peruvian
minister of foreign affairs , replying to
the protest of England ngniuat the clause
in the treaty of peace between Chili and
Peru coding the nitrate and guano beds
to Chili , which England claimed waa
guaranteed in payment of the Peruvian
debt , eaya in substance that Peru when
negotiating the treaty acted in virtue of
the right aho posseased for self-govern
ment , a right acknowledged from the
moment of her independence by all na
tions , nnd aho cannot consent to-duy to
foreign interference -without wounding
her rights aa a aovorcign and independent
atato and wilhout abdicating or jeopard
izing UIOBO .prerogatives which aho had
always respected in other nations , so
that aho hoa not consulted nor docs aha
consider herself obliged to consult with
the dcbta originated from loans effected
wilh privalo parlioa regarding whoso na
tionality the government never thought
proper to inquire , aa thcao dobta have
never r.saumcd an international character.
Although they may now bo partly held
in EngliBh handa , yet at any time they
may bo transferred to persona of another
nationality. Peru owoa nothing to Eng
land aa a government or elate , and conao-
qucnlly Iho loans referred to cannot bo
made n nubjoct of diplomatic influence.
It ia n matter of public notoriety that for
four yoara past the mortgaged property
haa not been in possession of Peru , yet
durhiij that time cargoes of nitrate and
guano from the property has been aold in
foreign porta wilhout a proteat , nlchoir . ( ] ,
Pern sought to embargo thoao car goco- ,
abroad. If oflor Iho war Peru Vound.
liiiraolf obliged lo Bdcrifico prope , ty con
stituting a mortgage , aho _ h ,3 B0 pro-
ceededfor her own preHerya''ioni which is
f Iho firal and moat itnpora''lvo duly of the
The l > ; tltli Rccoril.
April 4 Win. Proctor ,
eonior member of the firm of Proctor &
Gr.mbjo , soap and candle manufacturer ,
dice' , this morning in his 83d yoaia. The '
h4iiioo cf which ho wui a member , found
ed in 1837 , was one of the most success
ful in the country.
Alfred W Burnett , humorist and cari-
cnturiat , died ihia morning at his resi
dence in this city of apoplexy , aged 00.
Ho waa well known nil over the country ,
A Broken Keck.
MEMPIIIK , Tenn. , Arptl 4. Henry '
Rose , colored , waa hung to-day noon at
Osceoln , Ark , , ninety miles above hero1
for uneasainnting Dompucy Taylor , a
IB prominent colored roan , u year ugo. A -
nt largo crowd witnessed the execution.
11 Thu condemned man ronfeeacd hia guilt '
11lo on the ccalltild nnd udviaed the crowd to ' ' * ?
lib take wcriiing by his fate. Hia nock waa
ir broken by the fall.
ul u The otilltini' miner * at J'itUburg , I'A , , lu\e
rcwnnoil wnrlc at retliioail wagea.
I > ocs not get mil of llaclf | It requires careful , per.
distent attention nna n IT inc./ that wUl naslat nature
to tlirow off Uio cauMi nn.l tone up Oio dlscatlto
orcaas OU tliey pertonu Ibolr dullea wllUneljr , tin ,
UojworUi , ot AmLcrat , N. II. , utter tryinc nuny
" uro CUIVB" wltliout Until t , fouiil tint
JIoocl's tSarsaparllla
Ut the neil on the h a iuiil restored hr to health.
A monir iho agonlu txperieuccJ Ly Uio dr pepuo , ara
ilUtreMboforeorBftorcatli.e.louof Appetite , trrtga.
nrlty of tno bowels , wlna tr ca and pala In UK
( touucli , heartburn , our iU > macli , 4c. , cemlnff
mental depawtun , ucn oui Irritability ana eleeplesa-
neu. ItyounroilUxourneciltocfsoodcbotraiiJUT
Hood' * SanaparUJx U lias cured tiuad < diU will
tura you If j-ou etve It a faacluuico. .
WPJJB , c. I. Hunt ) , t Co.
t'OiulwiU'ii 1 . ' uadod '
wan | H.'r ta try Hood'i
raiUU < irmyyUvKim Ku Lci1 tAuUEt
tUiiwlionanJ debUlly for ecCjrol . ' ev w
itnclcrea lifrfreUs. 'SjJJsJl *
r hniltli coiui"i > *