JHE ? DAILY , MARCH 29 , 'ML Railway Time Table. COUNCIL BLUFFS. The following nro the times of the arrival and do- ptrturo of trains by central standard time , kt the loci ] depots. Trains leave transfer depot ten rnln < earlier and arrive ten minutes later. CHICAGO , BURUKarot AND Qtiiiicr , LIUVS. ARRITR. f'.topm Chicago Express S.ioam B.45 a m Kasl Mall. 7.00 p rr KANSAS nTT. BT. JOK AND COCXCII , BLOTS. 10 10 a tn Ittll and Express , 6 45 p m 8:25pm : Pacific Express , 6:35 : pm CHICAGO , MH.WADKKX AXD 8T. PAtH * E 15 p m 0.40 a m 3.45 a m KiprtM , 0 tS p m CniCAOO , ROCK ISLAKD AXD PACIFIC. if 30 p ro Atltntla Express. 0 40 a m 9 Mam Day Express OMpm 7:16 : a in * Do Molnrs Acxxmniodatlou , 4:40 : p m At IOCA ! depot enl ) . TABASII , ST. LOUIS AMD'rACIIIC , 0 65 a m Mall , 4:45 : pm 4 60 p ta Ouinon Ball , 11:15 : atn At l rantftronly , cmcAoo and NOBTIIWMIKH.H. E 30 m * Express , 6 M ) p m O.J5 a m Paclfllo Impress , 0.45 am RIOUX CITT AND rAClHO. ' m St. Paul Express , O'OOnm m Accommoilatlon , 0.60 p m BHIOX rAcino. 17:69 : p m Western Express , 839am l'4i a m 1'aclflo Exprora , 4 34 p in 7:49 : a m Local Express , 0.64 am 12.14 a m Lincoln Kxpronn , AtTrnn for only. DCUtlT TRAINS TO OMAHA. Leave 8:24-9.24-10-24-11:21 : : a. m. 1:24-2.24-3.31- : -4:24-8 : 24-0.24-7:24 and 11 04 p , m Surday , 8:24- : 10.24am. l:24-3 : : < 4-5:24-7 : 01 ami 11:04 : ) > . m. At- live ta minutes bcfure leaving tlmo. Mrs HJ Hilton M. D. , , , , . . , PHYSICIAN & SUKGEON , 323 Mlriaia Brn 1v. . Onunntl Blnfla. SPECIAL NOTICE TO 'Consumers ' of Water I THE COUNCIL BLUFFS City "Waterworks Com'y AT THE Request of tlio City Council , ( or a 30 dtys' extension as evidenced by resolution pia > cd March 18,1814 , hereby annmncoi that It will put In ser\Ice pipes ti the curb of the street on the line < f Its maim , for a'l pattloi who desire connections nude with the street mains , and who will unko npp Icitlon therefor to the ciinpany bo forottn expiration of Bald 39 da\i' extension , APRIL 18 , 1884 , At tbo following prices , paable In advance : One half Inch Scnlco Pipe $3 25 Five eighth luchS'rvlcol'Ipn 0 10 Three-quarter Inch Service Pipe 10 76 Seven eight Inch Senlco 1'lpo 13 J6 One Inch Service Pipe 16 CO These 'prices Include the cost of opcnlne and closing the street , tapping the strost water main , furnishing and putting in extra strong lead service pipe , furmnhing and putting In curl stop , stop box and cot er complete , and making all necessary con nections between the street water mtin and the curb of the street , which are about one half tno cost to the oonsuvcr of doing the tame work. Inlew of the contemplated paving of certain streets In the city , partloi are recommended to make application Immediately , at the office of the com pany , ( . 26 Pearl Street , In order to save the necessity and avoid the In- croa cd expense of breaking up the street after pav ing has been done. TTAIUIY BinKINDINE , Chief Engineer. COBNEB PEARL St. AND FIFTH AYE , Open 10:00 a. m. , 2.00 p. m and 7,30 p. m. , lion- . c.ay , Wednesday and Friday e > enlr.gs exclusively the lyOmpto Club. /HTMusIo / on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. ADMISSION , S5 CENTS. No objectionable characters will be admitted. CHAPMAN & MARTENS , PROPRIETORS N. SCHUEZ. Justice of tiio Peace. OFFICE OVER AMERICAN LXPKESS. COUNCIL BLUFFS , - IOWA , THOO. OFFICXU , n. v. ru&ir. OFFICER & PUSEY BANKERS. Council Bluffs la. Esiabfishea - - 1856 Dealers In Foreign and omcstlo Exchange an THE DOOM OF THE UNSAVED ! "The wicked shall be turned into hell , and the nations that forget God. And the same shall drink of the vrino of the wrath of God , which is poured out without - out mixture into the cup of indignation , and ho shall bo tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angola and in the presence ot the Lamb. BIBLE. R. Rice-M. D. or other tumora removed without the knlfo or drawing of Hood. CHRONIC DISEASES " * * * Over thirty years | practical experience Office No 5 Pearl street , Council Bluffa liTConcultatlon freo. W. R. VAUGHAN. Justice of the Peace. Omaha and Oonuoil Bluttr. Real cattle colleo ion agcni OH 'Over eavlnim hanVr. DR.HORNE'S ELECTRIC BELT Will euro Nervouineri , MiinlmfnUieiini | H in , J'ar n'VfU ' , fifuralgld , hclatlca - - < tp i Kidney , Niln | ) inu I Iver BEfi riil UI > ea nOuut.Alitlilnollart C/ltUU' ' tlltt-Afu , l ) > iiilMla. Colil &i | > atluii Krv f | < Wctarih , -TT- ' II" . ! "plfe ! i niT..iiniivt | < .nc1 DumbAinie. rrulni iu Ulrrl.rUOnly wlentlnchlto iria II U 111 Anwrlc * lint M ml the Klrcfrli Ity and Innf. nrtl.ni tliroiiKh IlinUjiljr.iuiiliuubertcbartcixllniuilir ! ( UU lor till ) jmtdnt. i i.ooo wouidiNotau : it. " Da. non I WMB loted with rhsumitlira and cured by tiling a belt. To any one aftlloteU with that dltuue , 1 would y , buy Horne'n Electric Belt Any one can confer with me by writing or calling. at my store , 1120 Douglas ttreet. Omaha Neb. WILI.IA1I LYONS. MAIN OmCK Opposite psatoffloo , room i Fren- zer block. t3T tot nle at 0. F.J aoodmaoMDrug ; store , 111 xoam tit. , Omaha. O U OPIUM MORPHINE HABIT PI * . II It. KANE , of tbf Ilom * uowcfltfiiftlUiav POTASH I Jt V A * AhsP AJt PotaHum Is one of the strorgcst of the minerals used In medicine , ami JIM produced much suffering In the world Taken fora long time and In large doses , it dries up the gMirla JulfM , Implies 'igostlon , the atomacli rcufse < food , ana the pvlent ilicllncs In health and weight. Person * with llloot ] or Skin Dlsoa cs should be cnrctul how they take thcso mineral poison * , as In most Instances the ciTect of them Is to almost prominently Inip.Mr the conntl- tullon. 1o take the place of thiso poisons we offer joit a Mfe , sure , prompt and permanent relief from ) our trouble * . bwlft's Specific ! Is entirely a > cgcta. clc preparation , and It U easy to convince you of Its merit. I hare cured permanently tllood Taint In the third Melioration by the use ol Swift's Specific after I had must signal ! ) filled with Mctcury and Potash. F. A. TOOMKR , M. 1) . , Perry , Gv A young man requests mo to thank you tor hlscuro ol Illood Poison by the use ct ) our Specific alter all other treatment had failed. Jos JACOBS , Druggltt , Athens , ( la. Our troatbwi on Illood and Skin Diseases mailed free o MIUIIIUUIIS. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. Drawer 3 , Atlwta , Qa. N V. Offlro. 15SW.2M St. . between Oth and 7th Am Theme of the term " Hhoi SHORT Lino" In connection with thi : corporate name of a great toad , conv cys an Idea ot ust hat I ft B M required by the traveling imb- I I IU fia lle a shot Une > Q"lck Tim < | D W r and the best ol accommoda tlons all ol which are turn * ( shod by the greatest ratlnay In America. CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE And St. Paul. It owns and operates over 4,500 miles ot Northern Illinois , Wisconsin , Minnesota , Iowa Dakota ; and as ts main lines , branches and conneo tlons reach all the great business centres ot thi Northwest and Far West , It naturally answers thi description of Short L'.no , and Best Houto between Chicago , Milwaukee , St. Paul and Minneapolis. ChlcagoMllwaukce , La Crosse and Wlnonv Chicago , Milwaukee , Aberdeen and KHendalt Chicago , MUwaukco , Eau Clalro and Stlllwator f Chicago , Milwaukee , Wausau and Merrill. Chicago , Milwaukee , Beaver Dam and Oshkosh. Chicago , Milwaukee , Wauknaha and Oconomovvoo Chicago , Milwaukee , Madison and Pralrlodu Chlen Chicago , MIlwnuKco , Onatonna and Falrlbault. Clilcago , Dclolt Janesv I'lo ' and Mineral Point. Chicago , Elgin , Itockford and Dubuqua. Chicago , Clinton , Hock Island and Cedar Rapids. Chicago , Council Bluffs and Omaha. Chicago , Sioux City , Sioux Falls and Tankton Chicago , Milwaukee , Mitchell and Chamberlain. Rook Island , Dubuque , St. Paul and Minneapolis Davenport , Calmar , St. Paul and Minneapolis. Pullman Sleepers and the Finest Dining Cars In world are run on the mainlines of the CHICAGO MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RAILWAY and every attention Is paid to passengers by courts ous employes ot the company. 3. S. MEHRrtt , A. V. H. OAKPE.7KR , Orn'l Manager , Uen * Pass. Agent. .J.r. .iilS. QGO H. ntAFFOHD , Qa Nebraska Cornice -AND- MANUFAOTURERS OF GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES FINIALS , WINDOW CAPS , TIN , IRON AND SLATE ROOFING , PATENT METALIO SKYLIGHT , Iron Fencing ! Crestlnzs , Balustrades , Verandas , Office and Bank Railings , Window and Collar Guards , Eta OOtt. 0. ANDCth STREET , LINCOLN NEB. OAIRGR. U or DR. FELIX Lt BRUN'f I PREVENTIVE AND CURE. FOR EITHER SEX , Tbo remedy being Injected directly to the Boat ol the disease , requires no change ol diet or nauseous , mercurial or poisonous medicine * to be taken Inter nally. When used as a pro vent ho by cither Bex , ttts impossible ta contract any private disease ; but In the case of those already unfortunately afflicted wo guar antee throe boxes to cure , or we will refund the mon ey. Price by mall , postage paid , 82. per box or three boxes for $5. $5.WRITTEN WRITTEN GUARANTEES Issued by all authorized agents. DrFelixLeBrun&Co SOLE PROPRIETORS 0 F. Goodman , Druggbt Solo Agent , for Omaha Neb mi.e wly Health is Wealth ! ln li C. WEST'S NFIIVK ASD HKAIN THEAT KNI , n guaranteed Bjiocilio for Hystorm , Iizzi. noes. Convulsions , i'it , Norvoua Neuralgia , lleauacho , Norroua Prosl ration caused by the nee of alcohol or tobacco , Wfiknfulncsa , Mental Do- prosBiou , Boftoning of the Dram nimHing in in- sunity and lending to miser } , decay and death , Premature Old Ago , Ilnrrcnnces , LOPS of power in either BOX , Involuntary Losses and Bnormat- crrhcca caused byovor-oiortiou of the brain , self. abuBO or ovor-indulgonco. 1 jjch box contains ono month's treatment. $1.00 a box , or six bnzoe for $5.00 , Bent by mail prepaid on receipt of prico. \VK GIJAKAXTEE SIX BOXES To euro nny aso. With each order roooivoa ny us for BIX boxes , accompanied with MAX ) , wo wul send tlio i > iircliuBcr our written guarantee to re fund the money if the treatment dooa not effect a euro , ( iuanmtoos inwiouonLyrw O. F , OOODMANN , Druggist Agents , for Omaha , Nth Thl DFLTor neponera. tor l iniidvni Miy for the cunof cUrangemt-ntf of the KineratlvitorKuni There Is no inUtatu about thlH Instniment , thn rnn- tlntioUH f > trtaiil nf M.FO- TltlOITV , rAlM-a tlifouali ( he imriA rntint ruturo Ilit-m tn liejitW mlluii lu not fMinlotiM llm wltli Hi-ctrli ; lu-'M ' mltertliuMj tn run * All Hl rromhcaillotiwi It In for ih.iviu viiiui tliuONRtixflnu punv or iinul.irnKivnit { lull InfonnmionucldnuiClu - -"i JMt ( n . li * Wuhlnirian ft. , rl < < - " " V. V.MANUFACTURER MANUFACTURER OF GALVANIZED IRON , CORNICES WINDOW CAPS , FINALSETC. . aio xatix fiitxroot , MJLHA , . NKBRABKA ALONQ THE LINE OF T1IK | Chicago. . St. . Paul , Minneapolis and OMAHA RAILWAY. The new extension of thU line from WakeBeld up the BEAUTIFUL VALLEY of the QAN through Concord and Coleridge Reachu the best portion ol the Btate , Special ex cursion ra'oa ( or Und teekeri over this line to Wayna , Norfolk and Hartlngton , and via Illair to all principal points on the SIOUX OITY & PAOIFIO RAILROAD Triloi over tht 0. . St. I * . M. & O. Railway tn Cor ngton. Sioux Uty , Ponca , UaitlnKton , Wayne and Norfolk , CJo2a.a3.oot * vt 331ra.lx * For Fiemoot , Oakdi.e , NelUb , and through to Val entine. tSTVot rates and all Information call on F. B. W1I11NKV , General Acent , Btraaz I BulUlcK , Cor. 10th nnd Farnara Bti , Omaha , Neb. t TUKit rn DO secured it Ucpst , comer Iltb Di COUNCIL KJIFFS. ADDITIONAL LOCAL NB > VS. A OOON HUNT , Items for ( lie Itcnilcro nf The Itcc. COON HAI-IDS , la. , March 20. On liwt Suturxlny Perry Wright post , Q. A. H. , of Ur's place , with their friends , gnthorod around the camp Tire nndato bnkcd bonus nnd hnrd-tnck. In the evening a full programmo was given , comprising addresses , music , tableaux and camp sconos. The ontortaiumont was a success in every particular , nnd will enable the post to uniform , that being - ing the object of the entertainment. Mr. M. D. Daily has gene out of the implement business in this plnco , having disposed of his stock to Kridlor it Tay lor. A man of Mr , Daily's energy will not long remain out of business. T. J. Chittendcn has ruturncd from Wisconsin. Wo have not learned whether or no ho will again go into busi ness this plnco. A public library association has boon fonnod and subscriptions are coming in rapidly , so wo may hope to have a libiary soon. soon.On Tuesday evening there was given in Cook's hall , n musical cantata by our homo talent nnd as usual every body wont , expecting to bo bored , but camd homo in ecstacy and over what was uni- vorsnly termed a fine performance. It was a diflicult cantata , but the music and acting was suchjas won repeated applause. Wo do not wish to encourage amateur theatricals , but if wo soil n good thing , wo like to say so. And now the young man whu cannot hit the side of n summer hotel , thinks that all ho lacks is adoublo-barrollodshot- gun and n pair of waders to bo n modern Ninirod. Wo have some such man in our town nnd six of them wont together to hunt ducks the other day ; they wore gene all day , caught out in a heavy rain , wnlkcd homo after night , nnd the only ono who got a shot was Ed Dale , and ho missed the duck , and nccidontly killed n fragrant animal well known in thcso part. They came homo and said they had lost all the game in Willow Crook. MORE ANON. Hoods SarBaparllla Is designed to inept the wants of those who need a medicine to build thorn up , give them an appetite , purify their blood and oil up the machinery of their bodies. No other article takes hold of the system and hits exactly the spot like Hood's Sarsaparilla. It works like magic , reach ing every part of the human body through the blood , giving to all renewed lifo and energy. $1 a bottle ; six for $5. To 1'aronts , The rector of St. Paul's church will deliver a special lecture to parents to morrow morning at 10:45 : o'clock on "Tho Degeneracy of Our Youth and its Cause. " All interested in this subject are invited to attend. The evening lecture will be on John "Wesley. "Over tlio Hills to the Poor House , " A parson with impaired or imi > o\orishod blood is on the road to physical bankruptcy , llnnlocl ISlood Jlliters strengthen and enrich the circulation , repair the tissue , and build up the entire system. IOWA NEWS. & Lemurs has 3,592 population. The damage from high water at Hock- ford is placed at $25,000. There wore several indictments against saloon men in Delaware county. Street graders in Sioux City find frozen ground four foot in thickness in places , The city marshal's salary in Dexter has been reduced from $20 to $15 a month. There are tivonty-sovon bald-headed men out of a total of fifty in the state senate. Hon. Wm. Halo , governor of Wyom ing territory , has been at homo in Glon- wood. His health continues very poor The bogus b'ond scheme was used to confidence ' 'a gentleman from Freoport" out of $800 at Dubuque the other oven ing.One One of the indictments returned Una week by the Woodbury courty , grand jury is against John Chambers for stealing his son's team. The Davenport Trotting aataociation will have $4,000 in purses this year. Tlio date of the first trot"of the season has been fixed for July 15,10 , 17 and 18. Dubuque , on the first of .April , at the city election , will vote on. a proposition to issue 875,000 in bonds to pay off the present floating indebtedness of the city. Bishop Honnessy , of Dubuque , who has boon reported very ill and likely to die , was well enough to preach a vigor ous sermon in tHe Catholic cathedral in that city last Sunday afternoon in opposition ' tion to the Bills bill. II. 0. Kellogg has his valedictory in the last issue of the Cherokee Free Press. Ho took tlio editorship temporarily , pending the finding of a man , and is now succeeded by 8. L. Wilson , late of the Manning Monitor. Kellogg proved him self equal to fho situation. S. P. Adams , Esq. , of Dubuque , is in receipt of a letter announcing the death of his client , Mr. Justus Stocking , who recently obtained a judg ment against that city. Mr. Stocking was about 89 years of ago , and leaves no family to in herit his largo fortune. A. W , Dunwator , a young Englishman , died of pneumonia on Saturday last at Captain Moroton's place near LeMars , Ho recently returned from England. Ho belonged to a very wealthy family , and had a largo income on his own account , though not yet of ago. Detective J. G. Shattuck , alleged to bo now of Chicago , who has been en gaged in deep detective work in Dela ware county , has sued the Western Union Telegraph company for $2,000 for "exposing to the public view a telegram addressed to J. Q. Shattuck. " The Burlington Hawkeye puts a touch of irony to the following item : "About $205 has boon raised by the soliciting committo in aid of the new railway from Burlington to Muscatino. It has boon incorrectly stated that the full amount asked , $300 , had been nearly secured. " Throat HIHCUBOH commence with a Cough. Cold , or Bore Throat , "ilrvwn'i J front hW Tro-kef glvo limiiodlato relief , iVW only in { wci. i'tlco 2 AVImt Tlicy Hit In IIio Spring. In the spring tha gooditlfoV fancy lurni to thoughts of cleanttiK home , In the rpHiiR tlio dainty maiden dlgRcth prcons and entoUi KOUJO ; In the opriiu ; the young man thinkotlivoiih I hn.l n llttlo wife ! But ho ccontcth not the troubles Hint must married life , Chicago Sun , IN A BALLOON , ' Translated from the Trench of Joicph Montost , Loud acclamations loapud from a thou sand throats. The balloon had just started. Like a falcon , the oycs of which the hunter has suddenly uncovered , it lied straight up into the imiro space , berne away with lightning speed. Now the honds of the two aeronauts could barely bo distinguished at the edge of the car. Loaning over the slight osier side , they watched diminish and fade from second to second away below "thorn the forms and dimensions of terrestrial objects. What was that > ague white and gray heap , streaked in every direction by black lines/ / Was it Nnplos ? Yes , Naples that they had just quitted n city reduced to the proportions of a boo-hivol But to the tight , to the loft , before , behind , what a marvelous horizon ! Vesuvius was there sleeping its alarming sloop ; then , further away , the jagged line of the Apennines , nnd on the other side , as far as eye could roach , the sea , the vast blue sea , spark ling in the broad sunlight. Suddenly , amid the profound silence of tlio azure apace , n woman's voice resound ed , clear as the tinkling of crystal. 'Oliver , " snid she , "your handl" "Hero it is , Leal" answered n man's voice. . "Thank you , " said the woman , who straigtoncd herself up , closing her eye with a shiver. The man raised his head ana glanced at his companion , who , very pale , had seated herself upon a light bamboo stool. "What is the matter with you ? " ho asked , "I was nfraidl" said sho. "I felt diz- zincss seizing upon mo. But it is over , added she , passing her ddicato gloved hand across her eyes. "Do you regret your vhim ? " "No ; certainly not. But a first experi ment may unstring the nerves. Oh , I will inure myself to it ; rest easy on that score ! " The man , standing erect , contemplated her. She was charming thus in her close-fitting tourist costume , with the jaunty masculine hat coquettishly placed upon her golden hair , fastened at the nape of her nock , and the dull pallor that increased the brightness of her black eyes. eyes.Tho young woman also contemplated her companion , whoso visage that had a musing expression and a manly tout en semble was enframed by a thick and close ly-cut blonde beard. As she saw ho was frowning she _ said to him in her turn in her musical voicp : "And you , Oliver ? Why have you that gloomy air ? " Ho did not answer the question , but , leaning n trifle over the edge of the car , said : "Wo are ascending too rapidly. " And seizing a rope that hung within roach of his hand , ho gave it a pull. Almost instantaneously the young woman felt the balloon slacken its speed , then stop , and finally move in the opposite direc tion. tion."Aro "Aro wo descending for good ? " shb asked. "No , " replied Oliver. "Presently wo shall ascend , again. " . "When ? " "When I wish. I have only to close the valve that controls the gas. Do you see this rope I hold in my hand ? It regulates our course. " "And if it should break ? " "Itwill not break ; it is strong. But if , by a sort of miracle , it should happen so disappear , we would bo lost ! " "How ? " "Tho balloon is sufficiently charged with hydrogen to carry us to the regions where the air cannot bo breathed. Wo would bo asphyxiated. " "Hapily it would take two miracles , it seems to mo , for the rope is double , is it not ? " "It appears to bo double now , but in reality there is only a single ropo. Lean over the edge of the car a little. Do you see that ring up there ? The rope passes through it , and its two ends I hold in my hand. They are tied together , but a cut from a knife will suflico to separate thorn. See ! Now the two ends are freo. I have but to pull ono ot thorn when thn rope will slip through the ring and fall at ray feot. and wo are off for the grand voyage ! " Ho had suited the action to the word. The rope had fallen at his foot Ho coiled it about his arm and hurled it into space. The young woman had arisen , tremb ling , with a frightened look. "Oliver , " cried she , "what have you done ? Are you out of your senses ? " The young man looked her full in tlio face , and said , ill a very calm tone : " 1 am not out of my senses. " "Then , what do you want ? " 'I want what is going to happen. I dp- sire that wo shall die together , hero , in the broad heavens , far from that earth I have cursed since you there appeared tome mo such as you are , since the mud of which it is formed bespattered the idol my superstition adored in you ! " The young woman stared at him in amazement and terror. "Oh do not protest ! " exclaimed Oliver. "Every feint is useless. In a word I will convince you of what 1 say. For two days past I have known you were deceiv ing mo ; that you wore listening to another suitor. Yes , a fool , n fop , that Count Moreno , who followed us _ from Venice ; whom wo found in Milan , in Florence , in Homo ; whom you jcaunod mo to receive as a traveling companion ; to whom I have daily extended my hand , imbecile that I am , nnd who must have had many a hearty laugh with .you at my innocent confidence. Yes , f know all this ! How did I discover it ? You care very little , no doubt. IChow that I had followed you , that 1 have acted the spy upon you. The confession does not humiliate mo in the least. It was imperative for mo to know , and I do know with such certainty that I cannot doubt ; with such certainty that 1 fool my eyes burned by the fiery points of the evidence ! " "And it is you who have done this , you , nobilitv' , purity , the ideal oven for yea wore fcll that to mo and you know it and more , if possible ; a sort of divinity before whom knelt my respectful and submissive love ! for I loved you thus , to the point of sacrificing everything to the absolute worship I had vowed to you , everything ! But what need have I to repeat all this to you ? Do you not know ' it as well as I ? Since wo left New York , six months ago , have I not been devoted to you , have I not bocn constantly the submisiivo elavo of your will , of your caprices ? " You wished to wait , you oaiu , until the period of mourning for your dead husband had expired before bestow ing upon mo your hand in mnrringo. And what hns boon the result ? You have deter mined to break our engagement , to cast mo off nnd become the wife of an Italian nobleman ! "Your role has boon diflicult to play , but you have filled it like n consummate actress I you , for whom love was but poetic aspirations , ethereal dreams , soar ings into the azure simcoj you , whoso 'siren voice , with its vibrating melodies , sang to mo the delights of an infinite ecstasy , of an ideal ( light into the blue heavens like the ( light of the swallows nncHho eagles ! Yl , your dream is realized , nnd you nro goinj to live it out until it kills you ! You are caught in the trap of your own whim , for it was you who yesterday took the notion of buying this balloon from the aeronaut who was going to ascend in it and of departing in it with mo. Seasonable caprice , wns it not , to worthily finish the Neapolitan carnival ( U was my vengeance yon pllorcd met I seized it. And now it is to another vcngoanco 1 deliver you , to that of the azure space jeered nt by your pootio falsehoods , to that of the heavens mocked by your sacrilegious , ronyl "Ah ! they avenge themselves cruelly , those impassible judges ! Do you know what punishment they will inflict upon you ! Ono day n couple of adventurers uf the air , too ra h , made the experiment , They wore found in their car , rigid nnd cold , their visages swollen , the blood hav ing flowed from their oars , their oycs nnd thtiir mouths ! Such is the end that awaits you. Soon a rod foam will heighten the carmine of your lips and red drops will hang like coral pendants from your deli cate oars , while your beautiful eyes will weep tears of blood ! " The young woman had straightened herself up , seized upon by n convulsive trembling. "You will not do that , Oliver ! " she cried. "It is too horrible ! I do not want to dip that frightful donth ! " Oliver had crossed his arms upon his breast , "If I wished to prevent it 1 could not do so now , " said ho. She sprang upon him nnd torp from him the knito that ho yet hold ' in his hand. "But with this , " cried she , "I can cut open the balloon ! " She raised her eyes to tlio round bulk of the aerostat "Try , " said Oliver coldly. She grasped the ropes , put ono foot on the edge of the car , and strove to roiso herself by the strength of her wrists. But dizziness overcame her and she fell back wards , breathless. The knife , escaping from her hand , went whirling through the air. She remained a moment as if anni hilated. "See , " said Oliver in a mocking veico , "tho scorching southern sun is heating the balloon and dilating the gas. Wo are making very rapid headway. " Ho looked upward , contemplating the azure heavens with an osctntic air. Suddenly , while ho was speaking , the young woman uttered an exclamation of joy , and a flash of hope illuminated her visage. Slowly , quietly , she put her hand in the pocket of nor dross , drew from it an object that she concealed , then abrupt ly raised her arm and two explosions re sounded. "You have reckoned without your host ! " cried she , with a laugh of tri umph. "A true American woman never travels without her revolver , and she is rightl" Out through and through by the two balls the aerostat was already beginning to descend. Oliver loaned over the edge of the car. car."So bo it ! " said ho. "Wo nro over the opou sea. Blue for blue ; wo shall still die in the azure ! " The balloon was visibly collapsing. Its speed became terrible. Oliver himself , choking , closed his eyes , and amid the si lence ot the empty heavens the aerostat pursued its dizzy descent. * * * # * * NAVI.KH , February 28 , 1884. Mv DEAR OUVKU : 1 sent to inquire about you this morning. They informed mo that you were hotter. I am delighted to hoar it. I also am hotter. You cer tainly will learn this with pleasure. I have given a few bank-notes to the fish erman who picked us up and took us ashore in his boat both in a swoon , as it appears. Hero is a poor follow who can say , without speaking metaphorically , that fortune foil down to him from the heavens ! Traveling in your company. my friend , is decidedly too dangerous. I begin to believe that ono day or another you would bring mo bad luck. Excuse this superstition , hatched in my brain in this classic land of the Jcttatura , and permit mo for the future to pursue alone my journey in the country of romdnco. My dear assassin , 1 am , without too much animosity , yours , LEA. The People Many people are astonished when they dis cover the wldo circulation of Tlwmu' hclcctric Oil. There Id hardly a drug house In the country that does not have this remedy upon its nhelvos. The public have found ft In a good thing and stick to it. Frank W. Gould , administrator of Melville - villo Madden , sued the Chicago , Burling ton nnd Quinoy for $20,000 for the careless - loss killing of Madden , a looomotivo en gineer in the employ of tbo company , and running between Burlington and Ottumwa. The jury gave the plaintiff a verdict of $5,000. _ _ Durkoo's Salad Dressing is composed of the freshest , purest and choicest con diments money will buy. It surpasses any that can bo made at homo , is cheaper , saves labor and all anxiety. The Iowa trotting circuit holds four meetings this year , giving $21,000 in purses. The first mooting will bo hold at Cedar Raoid , Juno 10 , 11 , 12 and 13 ; then Marshalltown , Juno 17 , 18 , 19 and 20 ; Council Bluift , Jane 24 , 25 , 20 and 27 ; DOS Monies , July 1 , 2 , 3 and 4. Each ploco gives $0,000 in purses. Samaritan Nervine is the great specific for general debility , and for ladies m change of lifo. Mr. James Murphy , of Cuba , Fulton Co. , Ill , says : "Samaritan Nervine cured my daughter's epilepsy. " At Druggists - gists , $1.50. As the through train wns leaving the Sioux City depot forSt. Paul on Tues day midnight , A. II. Stafford discovered that hispockot had boon picked of a wal let containing $175 in money and four tickets , worth to him about $00 more. Mr. Stafford had sold all his earthly pps- soesions to take himself and family of iivo toPorloy , Wis. Has Confidence. "In ono cmo i > oruonaly ! known to me the BUOCOM of Murdoch Jll'uJ lliUtrt was almost in credible. Ono lady described them aa worth hundrcJtoJJoUari. I myself have the groat- O.t oouHdenco In them. " V , 8 , Scratch , Drug. g'st ' , lluthvuti , Out , , THE CHEAPEST PLACE IN OMAHA D Bljf EE DEWEY & STONE'S , Quo of the Best and'larg est Stocks iu ° tlio United States to st'lect from. NO STAIRS TO CLIMB , ELEGANT PASSENGER ELEVATOE , mtf DEALERS IN Hall's Safe and Lock Comp'y FIKE AND BUBGLARPKOOF RICHAllDS & CLARKE , W. A. CLARKE , Proprietors. Suporintendne Omaha Iron Works U. P. RAILWAY 17TH & 18TH STREETS MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN Steam Engines , Boilers WATER WHEELS. ROLLER MILLS , Mill and Grain Elevator Machinery MILL FURNISHINGS OF ALL KINDS , INCLUDING THE Celebrated 'Anchor ' Brand Dufour Bolting Cloth STEAM PUMPS , STEAM1 WATER AND1GAS PIPE. BRASS GOODS AND PIPE FITTINGS , ARCHITECTURAL AND BRIDGE IRON. fcj fcjO "We are preptired to furnish plans nnd estimates , nnd will contract for the erection of Flouring Mills nnd Grain Elevators , or for changing Flouring Mills , fremStono to the Roller System. B32r"JKpecinl ! attention given to furnishing Power I'lonts for uny pur pose , nnd estimates iniido for samo. General machin iy repairs attended to promptly. Ad'lrofw RICH&BDS & OLAEKE. Omil > a , Important Public Sale ! IMPORTED AND Aberdeen Galloway Angus Cattle. 30 BULLS AND 15 COWS , FROM 1 TO 3 YEARS OLD , AT MAOE WISE S STABLES IN Council Bluffs , Iowa , Thursday , April 3/84. Commencing at 1 o'clock p. in. All t ) > above animal * re piro brad , and registered ta herd books . ol Qr st llrluln. All the llulli are ruiriv for ImmoilMotei vice , and tliaoou * In call , or . cell by tide. TKUMS-OABU , OH TilHEli MuNUIa' JJANKAI1LK NOTES. wm20-mo m29-ap 2&3. FllED. M. "WOODS , Auctioneer. SUODIS PAPER WAREHOUSE , Graham Paper Co. . S17 and III North Ualn flt.Bt. toula. WHOLESALE DKALEUS IN nooKrf ICftADE'Dfi J"1 , i , OABD BOARD AUD POINTER'S STOG& $ Sir Path ild lot 1'fRi ot all X box No , 1 will cor * any CUM In ( our day * ot IBM No , 2 will cure thi ooet obstinate CAM no rnatUr ot bow long standing. ' " " Allan's Soluble Medicated Bought No nauaecn * done * ct luboli , copabU , or oil otaa- dalwood , tnittu " * . . * lu to produce dy ptp1 * br destroybiK tua ooutlugsol the stomach. Plo * l. I Bold by a I drugtuts , o cull 4 on leoelpt ol pU * I Jfof tuhhcr QarUculan Had lot dmiUr. Kiuilw.CL - - , O Joon JUiMt , N w VMk. 1 * * * - * * / . *